e e e e [Music] e e e e e feel this e oh this is one get him in get him out okay good evening everybody I wanted to welcome you to the city of North Miami Beach City commission meeting of Thursday June 27th 2024 um first is a roll call Madam clerk commissioner shanov here commissioner Jean here commissioner Joseph commissioner Smith commissioner smuckler present vice mayor flm here mayor Evan Piper here Mr Mayor K has been established thank you all right thank you um next uh for the invocation I'd like to call on Pastor Greg Williams Holy Family Missionary Baptist Church and a few other duties praise the Lord good evening ladies and gentlemen mayor and commission manager residents friends God bless you let us go be before the Lord in prayer Eternal God our Father we thank you for this day for this is the day that you have made we come to rejoice and to be glad in it you said in your word if my people who are called by my name shall humble them themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked Ways then we shall hear from heaven father God we know that thou art is in heaven but you're also down here on Earth we know that you are our alha and that you are Omega you our beginning and Lord you are our end you are Hope For Tomorrow you are peace in the time of War you are Joy when there is sorrow father God we come and ask that you would please forgive forgive us for all of our shortcomings and our sins and failures for you said in your word that we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and with that God we want to say thank you we want to thank you for your Amazing Grace we want to thank you for God for always being there for us and not leaving us and God we want to thank you for this mayor and commission we want to thank you for this manager and his staff and all the employ and father God the residents of this great City we thank you oh God for waking us up this morning and starting us on our way and we thank you oh God for always being by our side father God we ask that you would bless this mayor and commission we ask that you would bless this manager and his staff and all of the employees of the city and bless all these residents and father a special blessing for the police office offices that God and watch over our city and we ask you that you keep us all God in your perfect will we thank you oh God for you being God and you being God all by yourself father God please God continue to walk with us bring civility into this room bring Unity into this room bring Tranquility in this room and father God we'll be so very careful to continue to give you the honor the praise and the glory in the sweet de Majestic name of our Lord and savior and everyone that loved the Lord said amen amen amen amen and amen again God bless you and have a good evening all right thank you Pastor Williams um at this time I'd like to have a moment of silence for the recent passing of um two city employees Commander John fom of the north M Beach police department and Jean Francis from the public works department so if we can have a moment of silence okay thank you um next I'd like to do the Pledge of Allegiance if everybody could please stand I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and for all okay thank you okay um next is request for withdrawals deferments and additions to the agenda Madam clerk under the Quasi judicial category the foll items will be deferred to the July 16th City commission meeting and they are as follows item 10.2 resolution number r224 d70 titled new North site plan item 10.3 resolution number r224 71 title new North alley vacation and item 10.4 ordinance 20241 titled do North development agreement first reading those will be deferred to the July 16th commission meeting for the request of commissioner Smith a discussion item titled Fair child project will be added as discussion item 15.6 for the request of commissioner Smith an item titled Direction and resolution will be added as discussion item 15.7 uh those are the only ones that were brought to my attention can you repeat the the last two sure so the last two will be discussion item they'll be titled Fairchild project and that will be item 15 .6 the next one will be titled Direction and resolution and that will be item 15.7 okay um so I need a motion and a second to um for the motion thank you second second okay all in favor say I I any opposed okay passes unanimously okay um next we're on to presentations and discussions um want to start with 5.1 legislative updates from Senator Jason pizo Florida state senator District 37 welcome thank you thank you everybody good evening say on we're on good to be here some uh Jason pizo one6 formerly 16433 Northeast 31st Avenue but no longer little a little further down the street um folks it's a little sentimental uh we follow each other I think all on social media but what who you first met is a small 9-year-old boy moving into Eastern Shores uh my son jack yesterday enlisted uh and was sworn into the United States Marine Corps so it's a little sentimental coming through the yeah I'm uh sure to thank him for his service mom and I are very nervous but very proud at the same time so uh I just want to go over a few things uh we have a great working relationship with your city manager uh and great communication evidence last September after April storms mostly in our Broward section of our district uh that's all crazy flooding and then again a couple weeks ago we convened the the division of Emergency Management director Kevin Guthrie along with the incoming Senate President all Britain um and a number of us met uh in Hollywood 24 cities came um and there was a lot of money and programs and procedures that were uh that were left on the table that a lot of our cities are now uh able to take take advantage of which is a good thing going forward the storms are coming the flooding is going to continue um and my focus has been ever since I set up on that day when I had a cup of coffee on the Water Utilities Board in commission was uh infrastructure uh the 5,374 septic tanks we still have in the city we need to convert those um and we need to increase sanitary expansion as well and capacity uh pump stations so um we should expect uh our district which encompasses 20 cities 57 5,000 constituents the City of Hollywood is even worse off with 15,44 septic tanks but it long lasts it's not a partisan issue both sides of the aisle firmly uh agree we convened a new senate committee called resiliency chaired by the incoming Senate President and I'm the vice chair uh we need billions of dollars uh to come down here if if we're going to have what the mayor I think coined nicely as a legacy interest u in our community my kids want to continue to live here when they're older um and I think for too long and for really for an entire generation we've been worrying about today and and what can you do for me now and not the future so uh you should expect a lot more support the governor vetoed a bunch of things uh this year I know you guys got one thing funded and a couple of vetoed even the big one on the traffic calming there are uh hundreds of millions of dollars now available through D he came down here right after the last storm did a press conference in Hollywood he vetoed uh you recall four years ago of6 OR7 million in my projects and then came in over the top at 66.5 million for the same so we should expect multiples uh in return just a different kind of application process which I think in noris the city benefits be to the benefit of the city because you don't have to hope that your funding request got in at the state level makes it through session finally gets funded on the on the last list and and then sit there and pray and call Pastor Williams and ask him to pray even harder that it doesn't get vetoed by the governor because that's typically what happens he vetoed nearly a billion dollars in projects so uh a couple things I just want to go over though uh on the ballot folks to all of you uh a number of issues are going to be on the ballot one of them is by near unanimous consent uh that we all voted to uh put on the ballot um to allow for an escalator in your homestead exemption uh tied to inflation so if inflation pops 10% not the Schoolboard portion because Tabitha would get angry at me but uh there's an inflation index that's attaches to your the value of your home on your homestead exemption going forward that obviously any ballot measure that's on a November ballot needs 60% or more in order to pass um you guys have been spared I'm not the form six I don't know if you saw with the with the court hearing we seeing a lot of nodding heads a number of our legis our local elected officials actually resigned over the issue with some concerns but for the time being it seems to be okay my safe Florida home has expanded a lot more money uh available for mitigation and hardening projects for people's homes and a new pilot program this year of $30 million for Condominiums up to $175,000 per Association up to $1,500 per unit uh available on the condo pilot project and I'm urging everyone to sign up for it does require unanimous consent by all the owners in order to participate but who wouldn't because obviously you guys are hearing about a lot of special assessments that are coming to condos um the condo the the principal chunk of the condo bill that passed this year 1021 is a bill that I spoke to this uh commission about years ago because I filed it 6 years ago when I did interest rates weren't north of 7% and labor materials were a lot less and it wasn't comp pounded by The Perfect Storm of high property insurance rates as well it took 98 people dying in my old District of Surfside for people to start paying attention to condo issues and years of deferred maintenance uh for an entire generation association fees were artificially suppressed so boards got reelected they didn't want to give sticker shock they did that with property insurance the scope of coverage they did that with structural issues and it may appear to be a tough love measure and we get a lot of angry emails every day but I will not compromise the safety and integrity of of my constituents uh to be able to enjoy the lowest cost provider you know for an entire generation uh but we do a number of town halls we've done 15 already they usually number three to 600 people show up and we'll stay as long as we have to to talk through each and everything one sort of popular misconception is is is this idea I actually heard it tonight walking in from a couple of people when we say fully funding reserves that does not mean that beginning January 1 2026 when those reserves have to be starting to be collected from your 25 budget that does not mean that you have to have 100 cents on the dollar for the replacement of that component that's considered structural if you have a roof come January 1st 2026 that has 10 years of useful life remaining you just have to go ahead and budget to collect 10% of that if you're not getting any kind of return on on on your money 10% of that one tenth of it every year until until the end of its useful life not the million dollars a day one that's been a popular sort of confusion or misconception as well um one of the bills that I I am very proud of and I know it's a good one because my kids hate it uh but our law enforcement Community have not had the tools necessary to fight Street takeovers and uh this racing if you don't know what it is it's the ones where kids are doing crazy Donuts hanging out the window trying to slap the back of the car we had a mother of four decapitated in Miami Gardens we have a number of kids who have had near death injuries and law enforcement has not been able uh we have not given them the tools to be able to make arrests to seize Vehicles until now the governor signed my bill into law a couple weeks ago and now just off Instagram posts where these kids are being idiots uh we can go ahead and seize Vehicles we can take their license for four years uh fines up to $4,000 it really gives them the teeth necessary to do it and I know Miami day Police Department especially who came up to Tallahassee and helping supported that bill uh is really excited I don't know if you know what these are but and I got stuck in one in Liberty City one night they'll take over an entire fourpoint intersection they have cars racing First Responders fire and and law enforcement cannot get to anybody especially if they're injured and it's absolute chaos and they happen all over the place from Jacksonville down to Key West uh but we're looking really to to hammer down on those um Liv local is had its second permutation that's a a monitor that we've given to a bill to encourage affordable housing five years ago we passed uh HB 7031 the house version of uh president Tom Lee's bill which encouraged municipalities and counties to go ahead and require developers to include affordable housing components in their development with a density bonus very few took advantage of it especially the city of Miami just kept collecting money and not actually requiring anything to be built from the affordable housing perspective this uh has an incentive but this year's Bill cleaned up a lot of concern that I know that single family detached communities had especially which is single family home single family home 60 foot 60 story highrise and Living in Sunny Isles that was a concern because it said anything within one mile that it enjoys a particular density and a particular height gets basically gets the gets to enjoy the same kind of uh of of of situation in place like Sunny Isles even parts of North Miami Beach you can go a th000 feet and all of a sudden it's a WI change and a wild difference so it's no more than 150% of the height of any uh of any neighboring community of single family homes where they're 25 or more contiguous so that basically is you know I keep neighborhoods in my mind of my 20 cities when when this is passing so that should be helpful and it should be find itself where development should be incentivized in the appropriate uh in the appropriate area for it as far as physical transition between uh between properties and let me just uh couple other things there are a number of bills that we killed um successfully the metric for that is whether or not the league of cities like you know says that and representative now City attorney Geller will tell you if they give you like a friend of legue of C if they give you a defender of home rule that means you killed the most bills so they gave me that award this year which which means that I'm trying to protect the uh well it just means I'm trying to protect from further preemption by the state uh a bill of huge concern and it's a huge concern and I use the example of living uh on Northeast 31st Avenue when a gun was pulled on us by one Airbnb and a guy was sitting on my boat in the backyard asking me why he had to move one night when the kids are out back uh I use that example uh I did on the senate floor that no one wants to call an 850 or an 800 number up in Tallahasse at 2 o'clock in the morning on a Friday to resolve a dispute that's happening in a single family neighborhood because no one's going to show up and no one's going to be able to attend to it we laid out our record on the floor the house Speaker actually put an exception in for his own County that the his County of Flagler would not be subject and would be accepted from this authorization this this control uh which I found to be at the very least quick sotic so I expect the governor to actually veto this that Bill maybe as soon as tomorrow um but that means that we have to draft something sort of in response and come up with ideas what to do through the league of cities and then um a couple other bills we killed but you should expect next year so I want city manager City attorney to start contemplating this the sovereign immunity caps which have typically been historically at 200,000 uh individual 300,000 comb bed uh you know for total incident you should expect those are going to go up they haven't gone up for a long time uh but you should expect that those are also going to go up property tax relief from the majority party may look like something from maybe a 3 to 2% cap going forward as well in the future um and then obviously we really need to we spent a lot of time talking about taking of bears being able to shoot bears in your neighborhood and other weird stuff and now you can buy a 15 L bottle of wine at a restaurant if that if that suits your fancy but we did very little on property insurance now I've expressed to many of you individually and collectively it's just easier for these companies to go up to Tallahassee and give one or two people $100,000 pack check and not have to face constituents on these issues and people sort of forget when they drive 474 miles up there why they were in that place in the first time and and and what responsibility and Duty they owe uh to their constituents so at long last I think the the trains left the station on that one and you should you should expect to see some um some bit of relief for our constituents you're hearing about oh there's new companies that are coming into Florida but none of them are writing condo and none of them are writing anyone that's in a flood zone basically at this point so um happy to take any questions a couple thousand bills 3,000 bills filed 180 go to effect July 1st about 60 go to effect October 1st but happy to take any questions because I'm the one that reads all of them good I just want to thank senator pizo for always thinking about North Miami Beach and remembering that he did grow up here thank you I have Commission Smith commissioner don't let the gr fool you I haven't grown up yet um I want to thank him for always answering his phone calls that is something in government we're not used to and we really appreciate it I have a question senator pizo in reference to getting rid of the septic tanks and turning everything over in the money that's coming will the connection be included because I saw that somebody they were required to connect and it was $10,000 per household right so uh years past the through the D at the state D level Department of Environmental Protection they use federal dollars and act as an escrow and dispersing agent for What's called the small community wastewater treatment program it was available to cities municipalities but it capped the population and also capped the Ami so the Goldilocks uh scenario was elportal qualified biscan Park uh population was okay but they were $37 over their Ami and I expressed to the D to know at the time that it was ridiculous to have those caps because the the viability and vibrancy of neighborhoods are are as dependent on one another it works out to about $36,000 a house to remove the tank put in select fill and do the tie in um and historically people have said standing alone the number is just exorbitant for for Miami date alone to rip up repair and replace which mind you would just be complying with the consent decree from the EPA when they got sued by the EPA years ago uh would be upwards of$ three and a. half billion dollars just to to replace rip up repair and replace pipes not including pump stations and then also to take septic tanks 101,000 of them in Miami day not everywhere has the Pine Crest houses are so far apart um but here's the here's the reality of it North b beach has a lot yes you have 5,374 in 20 in it's too many in 2024 to be anywhere near within a mile or two of waterways is absolutely unacceptable um it's just this is the 21st century and in Sunny Isles where I live which looks like Dubai at this point those people are still flushing their toilets into pipes that are 65y old I mean we look we look like Miami Instagram models we're really pretty on the outside but our organs are shot um and so here here's the thing um city manager can probably you know give you give you a guesstimate on North Miami Beach alone but even if the price tag is $65 billion dollars to the mayor's Point again earlier about a legacy interest if we actually want to be here next year if we want to be here 10 years from now 6 and a half billion dollar is di Minimus compared to the1 trillion dollar of market value that we risk losing uh because of poor infrastructure the roadways storm water sanitary all all of those things and so that's the question really to be asked in elportal we had 87 homes that qualified for the program they were set to go online and what held it up candidly was we needed a a 25 by 45 foot stretch of property to put the pump station on to service those 87 homes to take them off septic and put them online and the Horus man Middle School principal basically held the project hostage because he wanted $188,000 in school supplies and annual rent for that property annual rent so I I what long last after 13 months of hold up I said I would pay it personally just let's get going because you risk losing the 87 homes in places like elportal the water table it's not folks it's not just about like flooding it's about the water table perking up within six Ines of their Drainage Field which means drainage fields of septic tanks are going into the aquafer which is what you pull from your tab so that's where that's where but the question really holistically in a macro sense broadly has to be asked do do any of us really care about 5 15 and 50 years from now some of us do and it's unpopular and expensive so one one follow-up question as a state senator your best rec recommendation now that we're doing the budget should we put the majority away for infrastructure and take off the bandage of looking beautiful on the outside but being broken on the inside should we gear our budget towards that more than perhaps some other issues you should not do so until you're assured of the commitment from from Tallahassee that that they'll meet you halfway or two-thirds of the way yet and so um we it was a very big deal to get the incoming Senate President to to preside over a committee when the governor just this year vetoed the mention of climate change much like Rick Scott had in the past but for the incoming Senate President Ben Albritton to sit down and say folks climate change is real and we got to do something about it it was a huge step I even said it I was like I can we just repeat what you just said um if God willing if I'm reelected this November I'm the incoming Senate minority leader uh and that's where you basically sit down and you come up with a plan with with the majority leadership who's who's the president and to come down to what's the plan I envisioned something pretty simple this is 2024 going into 2025 we should not have 5,374 septic tanks in North Miami Beach we should not have 15,000 in the city of Hollywood when an hour of rain leaves 8 in of standing water and God knows where it's going so we're either going to have a metric which is a uniform Statewide standard as to proximity to to open waterways to low-lying areas whether it's elevation or what have you nothing more sophisticated than what FEMA uses for maps and basically say that you should no longer any new house built should no longer uh go on septic the city of golden Beach folks I'm sorry I apologize I'll be done in like 10 seconds the city of golden Beach which you know is a fully built out community of nice single family homes and a very nice desirable Community uh with a beautiful new City Hall built like a bunker the county was going to require them to put six septic tanks on six new on six new homes because they said they were out of capacity and then we raised a stink and no pun intended and then all of a sudden now they have capacity for it but um yeah it's expensive and here's commissioner you're you'll appreciate this because you're not this way but a lot of people don't want to campaign and don't want to have real honest conversations about really expensive unpleasant things right if you can get a million dollars in funding for a new park you can put a name on it with a bench and flags and it's pretty and you have a ribbon cutting no one's going to get together and celebrate the fact that pipes they can't see have been replaced but their kids will thank them years later and destroy our water anyone else good okay all right Senator thank you so much thank you so much appreciate it okay okay next presentation by Mami Dade County Public Schools Tabitha Gino Chief intergovernmental Affairs and family and Community engagement and Barbara a men disable hopefully I got that pronounced properly assistant superintendent of intergovernmental Affairs and family and Community engagement and Renee Mantia assistant superintendent postsecondary Career and Technical education welcome good afternoon Mr Mayor vice mayor members of the commission my name is elette Rodriguez Diaz I'm the administrative director with the office of intergovernmental Affairs and family and Community engagement our offices are located at 1450 Northeast 2 Avenue my Suite is 776 Miami Florida 33132 thank you for giving us some time on your agenda today I'm here on behalf of Miss Tabitha feno she's our chief of intergovermental Affairs I'm here with some of our colleagues representing family and Community engagement parent Parent Academy and postsecondary career in technical education we're here this evening just to thank the city for always being a strong partner to Miami dat County public schools in support of our schools our students and our families you each have a packet and within this packet we are providing to you some information about the schools in North Miami Beach you'll find information regarding student enrollment for each of your schools as well as historical performance grades dated back to 1999 the state has not yet released the current school grades but as soon as they do we'll make sure to get that information to you and you'll also have the historical graduation rates inside your packet you will also see a long map and within that map you will notice that although you have five Miami dat County public schools within your jurisdiction there are currently five 5,318 schoolage children who reside here in North Miami Beach and they attend nearly 163 different Miami Dade County Public Schools so we're thrilled to have them we're thrilled that they're enjoying Choice options in our schools and truly taking advantage of all of the great programming that mdcps has to offer in addition in your packet you'll also notice volunteer information mentoring internship providers um as well as alumni 305 which are great ways that our community and families can get involved with their child's schools and we know that North Miami Beach is blossoming with new businesses and Commercial spaces and that's wonderful to see we would love to engage with the city to partner us with some of those businesses to provide internship opportunities to some of our students those businesses if they're looking to add a great addition to their team they'll have the opportunity to interview the students and possibly become an internship provider and if the council will permit I would like to bring up our assistant superintendent for family and Community engagement miss marbar m Zaba who will talk a little bit about the reenvisioning of Parent Academy she's really spearheaded um that task and then I would like to bring up our assistant superintendent for post secondary to talk to you a little bit about Career Technical education thank you thank you good evening Mr Mayor Mr vice mayor and commission members thank you for having us on behalf of our chief of contal Affairs Miss Tabitha facino we're here for you today to talk to you a little bit about the parent Academy The Parent Academy has been reimagined it has been around since 2006 but it has been reimagined to better service the community and our students and our parents and grandparents within your packet you should have received a card we have branded The Parent Academy Division and we have three hubs located and the address is located here in the on your pamphlet with a QR code which will directly take you to the different type of courses and workshops for parents during the regular school year we have webinars at 10:00 a.m. and 600 p.m. in three different languages English Spanish and Haitian Creo not only do we have the webinars for parents to view at those important hours 10: a.m. if they don't work or 6 p.m after work we also have the watch parties at school sites and in our location are hubs the plan is to expand the hubs county line to County Line to better service the parents I can tell you that this year alone in 10 months we have had 11,000 parents go through our Parent Academy and complete a course or more these courses range from 20 minutes to 30 40 minutes and then we have a discussion live discussion with the parents and the grandparents and I say grandparents and caregivers we also work closely with very important right foster parents adopted parents grandparents any Guardian that is in need of assistance we work with them if you look at the flyer that I have provided you because I just spoke about the webinars that are during the year but this summer we have a special summer session for parents we call it the parent Summer Academy for parents it will be July 16th 17th and 18th the 16th will be in English the 17th in Haitian Creo and the 18th will be in Spanish and if you look at the different hours parents can go ahead and with your phone your iPhone any type of phone you can register using the QR code some of the important topics that you may see autism we need to take care of our students in special education and our parents that may have questions we also have important workshops such as transition to kindergarten it's you know a little bit scary when you have your little one going to kindergarten the first time these workshops help the parent navigate the system and better help Advocate their children as they go through our educational process and education system and work collectively with the principals and the teachers and the counselors and we also partner with over 40 different non-for-profit partners and organizations one of them that we're partnering this summer we've already had one session is the fedfed organization we have financial planning for parents we have it at our locations three times during the summer and the services will be for the parents we will have the workshops again in English Spanish and Haitian Creo our own website if you go to our website which you will find on the card that I gave you translate to eight different languages including German French Russian we have the resources we ask you to please share with your community we're always available for you if you have any questions you have my information but it's really important to help our parents to become advoc for their children and be the link to the success of their students and our students so we thank you for your time thank you good evening Mr Mayor Miss vice mayor Commissioners it is a pleasure to be here uh it was so good to hear the senator speak about his son who is now a marine God bless him I spent eight years in the military in the United States Army down for up in Fort Stewart what an honor and a pleasure it was that so it always moves me so when I hear of a veteran I have to speak of of the experience that far beyond anything but anyway to why I'm here uh let me first bring breting greetings from our superintendent of schools Dr Jose dois my Deputy superintendent of schools Dr John Pace I work with all of our technical colleges we have seven fully accredited colleges from County Line Road as Dr gallon one of our board members says all the time from County road to Florida City we have seven fully accredited technical colleges the closest one here is Miami Lakes Technical College this year we've serviced over 51,000 residents of Miami dat County um the closest adult center that we have to this location is at North Miami Beach Senior High School during the evening we have about 700 students that take GED classes ESO classes High School completion classes and we just rolled out something called I I integrated education training and what that allows us to do is to be able while a student is learning the language or getting their GED they're learning a trade right now in North Miami Beach we have photomy EKG and basic healthcare worker at Miami Lakes Tech again the closest Technical College to your location we have 23 programs ranging from practical nursing to welding to automotic technicians diesel technicians Etc I can be here all night speaking about the stuff that I love doing um we are here to serve the city of North Miami Beach anytime you'd like to invite us out if you'd like to visit one of our technical colleges or one of our adult centers the doors open thank you so much for your time thank you anything else for wrap up or you're all good okay thank you for the partnership thank you so much for coming thank you for coming questions oh there any questions I have a no have question you have one yes thank you well first of all thank you so much for all the hard work that you guys are doing um and you know as a product of the miam day County Public Schools I really appreciate all of your hard work I I um a question came to mind about uh the transition between high school and postsecondary education and um you know we all understand the importance of either technical uh experience or education and um you know the traditional College route um but and and what impact it has on really the outcomes in our communities you know from Health Care to um you know having the retirement and all sorts of socioeconomic impacts um is there any connection between um high school and post-secondary education when it comes when it comes to the counseling of the students so in essence once they are completed with their High School career um is there any link between their for their previous school and their uh first year in in in college or their first year in a non-traditional uh environment to assure that they're properly transitioning absolutely so two sides to your question in terms of the college transitioning to the college all of our high schools have cap advisors that plan starting in the junior year for students to transition out of high school into a college or university if they're choosing where they're accepted the other side which is my world in terms of the technical education we start instructing students as early as the 10th grade they're duly enrolled in our programs as well as the high school we have approximately I want to say about 1,700 kids that are currently dual enrolled our dual enrollment programs continue to increase and it's funny because because the world is kind of changing this whole world of trade and technical skills have really been elevated the need for plumbers electricians trades people mechanics there's such a gap in that world and our superintendent has put a lot of emphasis there for those kids who are not ready to go to the College of the university and they want to go straight to work they can come to our technical colleges where they can get a career in a year to two years and the reason I as the reason I asked that question is I'm assuming year one is really probably the toughest year for a lot of students out of high school and the relationship that I can recall in high school was was totally different you your your your your counselors or cap advisers or even principles it's on a first name basis right and they know a lot of what's going on with the student but as soon as they graduate they go into a world probably filled with you know tens of thousands of other students and they are um sometimes lost in that system um and and so that's where that concern about the link is do are we tracking those students once they leave High School to see what their trajectory is or what the numbers are how many people Pro progress through those technical programs or through uh the post-secondary education programs um you know because the work begins with you but it it it continues afterwards right so that's That's the basis of the question and I I completely missed that question altogether so let me let me speak to that to that question if they enter one of our technical colleges absolutely we can track them because we have their high school ID number and they transitions to a post-sec ID number so 100% I can tell you any of the students that come into our technical colleges that transition we're very but once they leave those Data Systems don't connect so outside of having relationships with their counselors and their cap advisers I can tell you as a former principal of two different institutions those kids stay connected they stay connected but is there a programmatic way to follow those students no because the data systems are separate and then fura comes into play where they they have all kind of privacy so unless students engage we don't necessarily re-engage them good point good point thank you my pleasure I had one quick question thank you so much for your presence and your presentation I know that North miy Beach Senior High is under construction through a bond um program do you have any updates as it relates to the completion of that particular project and also we were waiting to hear back from the school board in reference to a partnership with since the the school's um gym is going to be under construction our city manager has been in touch with um the principal and we're kind of waiting to hear back but I know the school board is kind of figuring out some of those technical issues so I wanted to kind of hear if you guys had any updates on those I don't have updates but I can touch base with our facilities and design office and get back to you sure you know it's very interesting listening to you I was speaking to one of our staff in reference to Bringing programs to the city getting a grant that we can bring in a program and maybe teach somebody to be an electrician or to be a plumber or what have you but there is programs currently where you can go to high school and get your college first um years of college and get that degree so not everybody can finish high school and have the funds and have a year without bringing money into their family to go to technical school are they thinking about incorporating in the high school years just train some of the high school students to be electricians or to be uh a plumber are they thinking about starting it in the high school years not only will it engage the high school children but they'll finish high school requirement and have go right to work so yes the the answer is yes um and that's what I was speaking to with dual enrollment where students are enrolled in the High School a high school and then they travel to the technical college to receive instruction during the day or in some cases we have programs from the technical colleges that push into the high school so the classes actually take place at the school site so yes absolutely and you provide the transport ation if needed Transportation absolutely is free of charge all uh students that are dual enrolled do not pay for books do not pay for tools do not pay for uniforms it's all statutory the statute uh pays for everything for a dual enroll students whether it's an academic student who may be enrolled at let's say Miami day college or if it's a student that's enrolled in one of our technical colleges tuition is free of charge and by the way since I have your attention right the most inexpensive tuition is for technical colleges is here in the State of Florida it is $256 per clock hour if you did a program for example with George T Baker which is about two years you got both of your licenses airframe and power plant that program will cost you about cost you about $6,000 right if they start a high school it'll cost them $3,000 by the time they graduate they want to do that second program and our technical colleges do not do any kind of student loans we do pel Bright Futures uh prepaid veterans benefits a pleth of Career Source South Florida so students that come to our school for the most part they receive additional dollars for cost of living and we do not do any kind of student loans the most affordable education and by the way an automotive mechanic today when they graduate from one of our schools if they don't do the apprenticeship route and we have a lot of of apprenticeship programs but that particular mechanic can start start working at a good dealership about 880,000 to 885,000 a year within two years they're making six figures leaving our schools with no debt whatsoever thank you so much you're welcome one one more followup because this is this is a very important uh presentation you spoke about uh mechanics making upwards of six figures within two years after leaving um the the Biden administration's program um well a lot of people call you know the Biden program right or the Biden plan I I believe there's upwards of um 150,000 specifically to the Haitian community that have come on that program um and if you total all communities that have benefited from that program we're talking hundreds of thousands of people that are looking for opportunities to um become professionals or they may be professionals in their own country um but now that they're here in America they're finding it difficult to assimilate what is the school board doing to uh uh assist those people who may have technical skills or other skill sets that really just need to assimilate and integrate into this Society but the only way they can do it obviously is through some form of Education L they be relegated to cash only jobs and very minimum wage so one are the things uh programs that I spoke to IET the integrated education training there's a plethora about 16 different programs one of them is Automotive where while that individual is learning the language they're concurrently enrolled in a program of study so in the past we've had to wait for a student to let's say learn the language and then enter the program but now through this new uh methology um uh through this new method right through this new new model of being co co-enrolled the individual can right away learn while they're learning the language that they upskill themselves now that only I'm sorry go ahead go ahead no go ahead is that only for that particular uh trade or is that happening across multiple trades that happens across multiple trades I think that's a GameChanger because that's the notion is learn the language first or a lot of people what they're doing is they're going to Miami day College signing up for English courses right and you know in all honesty a lot of times you know a good portion of those people um don't complete the English course uh but if if if they're and they have those numbers I don't I'm just talking about what I've seen and the conversations that I've had because a lot of them are looking for ways to make an income because a lot of them have families still in Haiti right or in another country uh and so that is always their most important thing is to make sure that they generate income and so to balance the learning of the English language with a career is to me a game game Cher that I think you know if we can get some specific information I don't know if it's included in here but if we can get some specific information about that we can from a city perspective start putting that out um I happen to meet a family in Miami in in North Miami Beach where the gentleman is actually a mechanic and is very good at what he does but he's having a hard time uh assimilating into into the community so he know he knows what he needs to know but he doesn't have that certificate that says that he qualifies to fix someone's car so that's something that I would definitely like more information on for our residents 100% And you have that the telephone number is there 305 558 8000 that sounds like a very general number is that and that and that is a very general number but they have a lot of specific information okay okay so if we can get your contact I'll be more I I'll give I'll walk up and give you my my business G in one second um the other piece I think is really important piece there's there's a program called savis that goes through a DCF it's federally funded and work as works his way down uh even uh and the majority of those students in Miami day County at this time are Haitian uh individuals and through that program based on their paroi status those individuals qualify for free tuition for their Technical Training as well as the language acquisition and the books and the and Equipment Etc so it's perfect timing and and uh even though we serve that population population well we'll always continue to strive have to serve better thank you so much for all you guys my pleasure all right yeah thank you technical education is uh certainly huge and I'm a little fun fact when I was attending North May Beach Senior High School just a couple years ago I was also dual enrolled at Mommy Lake's technical education center diesel mechanics so um he's a business owner right yeah so um thank you so much for coming thank you and mechanic mechanic yep okay um next presentation um thank you for your service so it's going to be 5.3 the fiscal year 2024 second quarter budget presentation Jon stort budget administrator [Music] all right good evening mayor commission City attorney Madame City Clerk and uh City manager's office I'm Sharon Stewart I'm here tonight to present the second quarterly budget presentation okay the disclaimer here is that this report is presented on the cash basis of accounting which means that the um revenues are recognized as they are received and the expenses are you know becomes actual ones they're expens in our general ledger account this is UN audited which means that this has not gone through our annual um Financial audit process so the numbers that you see presented here are not going to be written in stone methodology okay the annual budget is divided into four equal quarters um basically just to kind of keep it on the same platform um there's certain exceptions though that are made here in this financial report um when we realize that there could be some changes to when the actual cash flow is actually received in the city okay so the prior year carry forward if there's any um is represented here at 50% of the annual adopted budget um the payment pensions um in terms of what's budgeted is actually paid in the beginning of the year um the only exception to this was the $2 million that was um uh budgeted for the police pension that was actually paid in the second quarter so all our pension payments are actually 100% paid um as budgeted for this um report here okay overall um at this time the city does have a net favorable um variance in terms in terms of the expenditures and the um actuals um primarily um the budgeted revenues are you know trending a little higher than we budgeted and also the expend expenditures rather are trending lower than actual um budget um the the funds that are actually come contributing to this variance the favorable variance are like the general fund um we're at $6.5 million uh variance and that does not necessarily mean that we'll have that at the end of the year it's just again the revenues are received a little higher than what we're recorded and for our expenses at on this at this quarter um CRA has uh 3.9 million favorable balance and again it's the same thing their expenditures have not come online so therefore it's going to represent here that they're actually doing better than you know than maybe you'll see at the end of the year maybe once their expenses are actually online same thing here with the sewer funds 2.4 million um um and the storm water for 84 as well as the bill and permit fund is at $152,000 variance at this quarter okay so this chart here represents the general fund revenues um at this adopted you know fiscal year 24 we have what 67.2 million in general fund budgeted adopted revenues um the quarter second quarter budget um shows that that we're at 35 mil and our actual and the other column shows that we're at 36.5 so you can see right now we're at about 104% of the budgeted revenues um simply because we are collecting higher um revenues and budgeted and also because of our ADV valorum taxes which is generally received at about 85% um in the first and second quarter so this um chart here now it's basically representing um the diagram that was just presented in the other slide where it's just showing you um the revenues you know based on on a chart so you can see where the adval revenues are um as well as what the budgeted actuals is and um that's just you know represented to show you exactly how we're trending in each category and again it's just uh a chart part of the slide that was presented before okay so this would be the general fund expenditures by functions so um again the adopted budget here is 67.2 the second quarter a budget um is 38.9 and our actuals is at 33.9 so we're trending about like 87% below um what we're we're budgeted so this this is the reason why you're seeing that we're having a favorable variance um in the general fund expenditure side and the below we will see how we budget for the um expenses in the general fund which you can see where the salaries and the personal related cost are they're at $35 U million and right now our actuals is at 14 mil well 14.8 mil so we're doing very well as far as that's concerned and as I mentioned before for the pension is paid at 100% this is just for the general fund portion you can see that we're budgeted at 10.5 and we have expense the 10.5 in um the second Court as what I mentioned um previously um operating expenses are doing good the only aspect is that we have some Capital expenditures that primarily were budgeted in the fiscal year of 23 where the purchase order was rolled into 24 so that's why you're seeing the variance there of that 2 you know $2.8 million but um on a whole though because we're doing well in other expense category it's um not shown that we're doing um relatively bad because we're making up for it with having less um expenditures in the general fund and having more revenues so um again that this would be just the uh the chart of what I just presented before that you could just see it in a chart form at so it's the same information just presented a little differently here so this shows you the general fund expenditure by class for the second quarter and it's showing what the um salaries and related benefits are the pension operating expenses and and capital um and you know you can see what the adopted budget is and and the quarter budget so primarily again um the pension you can see that is paid at 100% And and you know the other expenses are are pretty much you know um captured here where you can see the salary cost that's a little hard for me to see there right now but the salary and related cost um where you can look at it as what we're budgeted it shows the blue and the what the green bar graph shows basically or the cylinder graph it shows that um that's those are what the actuals are um so this one now repres presents the um all fund Revenue analysis so it captures general fund the CRA um storm water water fund the sewer fund all of the funds that the that the city actually budget for in the fiscal year um so this just shows you again um how we budget you know for for the year for the quarter and what's actually um collected as of um March 31st 2024 and this is a similar to the Chart before this shows the the expenditures um by the funds and again it captures it um just in just how we budget for it in in the each fund Itself by the general fund the CRA the transit um water fund sewer um building and so forth uh so uh this slides now shows the salaries and related cost for the entire city as per how it's budgeted um and again it follows the same format it's going to show you what the actual budget is um for the court and and what the um expenditures as of March 31st is and we're doing you know relatively well over all categories so are there any questions any questions thank no okay thank you questions thank you thank you I just like to make sure Mr Mayor that the public understands that these are just what we can estimate until reality comes in right so what shows here is how we budget and what the actuals are as of March 31st so it's not providing you with the projections it's just stating that you know as of March 31st this is what we've expensed per our budget so again it's not showing you at the end of the year you'll end up having this huge saving especially in the general fund of 5.3 mil um it just states that as of now certain expenses have not come online so therefore um we're just trending a little bit lower um with expense than than budgeted thank you you're welcome all right thank you all right it's a public comment and Madam clerk good evening everyone the mayor and commissioners of the city of North Beach has opened a meeting for public comment at this time there is a 3 minute time limit for each speaker speaker you'll be called to the podium at that time please state your name or the name of the organization which you are representing the mayor and commissioners of the city of North R Beach recognizes the importance of Civility the city of North R Beach request that all in attendance to exercise civility at all times and our first sign speaker is about you we are Hughes and then Gail Cunningham well excuse me Leslie Sardinia thank you later good evening mayor and commissioners of this beautiful North Miami Beach Community a city my name is re Hughes I reside at 3335 Northwest 18th Street Miami Gardens Florida 33056 on June 24th you all were sent an email asking for your support of consent item 9.6 the city of North Miami Beach has a water storage tank which has not been maintained in the city of Miami Gardens located at 17820 and 17830 Northwest 29th Court Miami Gardens Florida the community of Myrtle Grove of which I reside this water storage tank is a major eyesore to our city and Community when walking visiting the park parents dropping off and picking up their children it has a negative impact on our biggest Investments our homes I along with others in the city have been in communication with the city of Miami Gardens public works director and the city of North Miami Beach director North Miami Beach water since August of 2022 to have a resolution on the consent item for the maintenance of this tank is a plus for homeowners in plain view of this tank the residents of the city of Miami Gardens and community of Myrtle Grove ask for your full support in favor of this item 9.6 thank you for your listening ears and for hearing the concerns of the taxpayers residents and homeowners within the city of Miami Gardens thank you thank you for coming thank you thank you for coming all this way thank you lesie Sardinia um good evening everyone mayor Commissioners and uh thank you for your service thank you for your Auto Service as a resident for more than 22 years paying taxes for 22 years asking for certain ordinances to be in place which they were thank you to Commissioners from the past and to commissioner philis Smith for that one ordinance is against the pet stores that helps the domestic animals another ordinance is against traveling circuses and Wildlife shows which is helps the wildlife speaking up against the homes um that were going to be floating in our Lake in the environmental nightmare I was vice chair of the sof for fine human Humane Society of Greater Miami and also serve as their animal animal education department and we go to mainly inner city schools to talk them about being responsible pet owners now I'm with the hsus Humane Society of United States as a state Council volunteer that works with them to address all the issues that affect our Wildlife farm animals domestic animals marine life trying to pass or stop bills amendments that would harm them House Bill 87 regarding the Bears that passed that was a horrible thing we're going to see the bears go on the endangered list now because of that hunting it was really a hunting in Bill anyway back in 1966 the Animal Welfare act which is a federal law was passed that reads in part the AWA is a regulatory law that seeks to control who may possess or sell certain animals and the living conditions under which the animals must be kept including they must have food clean water and shelter so brings the reason why I'm here today on June 12th the day of that horrible storm that uh the mayor U miom day declared state of emergency a neighbor had his small Frenchie um there are actually two smaller ones as well um all day in the storm as we know Frenchies they have a hard time breathing these are man-made dogs which is also another thing that man has done they are of a smash face and that's something we created um this is the same dog weeks back that was running loose in our neighborhood in our WhatsApp group The Neighbors posted a picture of this poor dog animal this poor animal out in the storm with no shelter I have learned that this dog rarely is allowed inside that means rain cold heat storm the owners do not feel the need to protect this dog from the elements which is against the law this is going to be and is a horrible seconds in a horrible summer and H hurricane season we need to have some sort of city initiative PSA that reminds our residents of the dangers the heat can bring upon the youth elderly and pets the best place for all of them is inside out of the Heat and rain I just can I have one more second please okay one second okay if there are children El elderly or animals in distress or anyone for that matter because it's going to be that kind of Summer police should have the right to enter the property to save who or whatever needs saving please I humbly ask that you come up with some way to get the word out that people need to be responsible parents children and pet owners and protect those that cannot protect themselves during this hurricane season okay thank you thank you I want to ask questions i' would like to ask our Police Department do we have the right when if a neighbor sees that do we currently have the right to go in and protect that animal or do we as a a body have to prepare something so that you will have the teeth to do exactly what she's asking of you this was a horrible thing to where an animal was left in that storm with no protection so if somebody sees that do you have the right to go in and and take the dog at least and put it in temporary shelter if it's if the if the animals being harmed there are Flor estate statues that protect animals from cruelty and give us the right to enter the property and rescue that animal so I would like through the manager if I could Mr manager if you'll get with him and see if that covers besides of besides of abuse to a dog but the care of a dog if that covers that and if not if you want to help us prepare something here that we make sure our animals we typically because of um resources um and various trainings and qualifications and certifications that that our staff typically does not have um anything with regards to animal cruelty throughout the county is handled by Miami date County themselves they have an entire Division and we work with them on a regular basis recently there was a property that had almost like 11 dogs that were escaping um and causing Havoc within the the community and we worked with Miami day animal um services to be able to remove those um dogs from the neighborhood and get them the the treatment and the care that they needed so we would be partnering with the county for that but that would take a lot of time that's why that would take a lot of time when you see a cruelty like she just described because it happened to go the pictures went around how that dog was so abused and so scared and I happen to have a dog even with us in an emergency situation commissioner yes as as mayor um major panil mentioned we would be able to go into the property and and recover that and work with the county services in in the aspect of which you're asking if we're seeing beyond that um care for the animal and and and any other anything beyond an emergency situation we would be partnering with the county it takes a long time because remember the German Shepherd on the Sunray homes that the mail they couldn't deliver mail on that block it took over 6 weeks takes a long time well we we'll delve into this a little more and thank you so much thank you Mr Mayor all right thank you okay next speaker Gail Cunningham good evening my name is Gale Cunningham 1 19001 Northwest 14th Avenue Road Miami Gardens Florida 33169 I'm here in support of consent agenda item 9.6 about 2 and A2 years ago a few of us were visiting mle Grove Park when we looked to the East and we saw the water storage tank and the condition that it was in and knowing that everyone in that Community was looking at that uh it obviously was not maintained on a regular basis and unfortunately it was putting the community in a position where their homes were being devalue because you're seeing this if you come through the community not only the residents but people within the city they're coming through and you're seeing something negative right next door to a Park where kids are all the time and they're swimming and they're playing and they're doing soccer but then they look to the East and there unfortunately was an eyesore so I'm in support of Cent agenda item nine and also I appreciate you North Miami Beach and your public uh Works director along with Miami Gardens Public Work Director who just retired and he's very happy and I wanted to make sure that you were aware that we are grateful and we want your support in actually approving this item because we realize after I read it that if this can start now and it could be done on a regular basis that those children and the community members and the residents and the parents when they look to the East and they realize that's a water tower and water is something that all of our bodies need that they will look at that Tower and realize there something there there nutrients are there and it's being well-kept so please please we thank you that it's on the consent agenda and we ask your support and approving it thank you thank you thank you for coming all this way thank you former commissioner Barbara Kramer good evening Barbara Kramer we were very fortunate to have Senator pizo come before us tonight especially since the majority of our residents are not his constituents however I would like to know where our other representatives are we have yet to have some elected officials visit our city and introduce themselves to the commission during a meeting at least um much less come here and give us a presentation this absence is both insulting and Unbecoming of residents who govern us speaking of Unbecoming the documentary Unbecoming a full documentary left much to be desired the majority of Commissioners here brought in the worst city manager we've ever had leading to a tortured Workforce watching that documentary made me wish I had taken similar action from a commissioner's point of view we need more individuals like Carl Anderson to shine a light on the shortcomings of government for me this position wasn't a career but it was for him after 17 years of exemplary Service as acknowledged by the city upon his retirement it is disgraceful how the city treated an NMB officer like him the city forced him into retirement just as it has driven many others to resign before him due to this toxic working environment shame on many of you for letting this happen thank you Miss lenu and then David Zen lindu Reef Club North Miami Beach uh I had been good evening everyone I've been visiting some residents and uh I found out from residents in the Allen Park area that the aqua Bow Park the lake uh the lights are out and late at night there's a lot of uh teens and youngsters doing drugs and whatnot and it's kind of become a center for for some bad things that may happen the residents don't feel safe so I'd like to ask the commission to assign or the city manager to help what we could to see what we could do for that area like bring the light put the lights on or you know have some police p control at night thank you so much thank [Music] you David zapen founder of 30k for back pay also zapen for NMB the where to begin one of the reasons I founded this charity to encourage basic income is I worked for a couple of years in a in unarmed security and I had the honor of working alongside uh a Navy veteran and I studied security alongside an army veteran who clearly never picked up any formal skills along their service me I'm one of the gray Nomads in theory at least semi-retired but still scrounging for gigs where my experience and education works against me and it's not just me I'm sure I can point out a uh karate instructor who's driving a truck these days because that's how we roll so while I I am thrilled with the uh presentation we just got uh you know there's a flip side there are certain Fields where having experience knowledge works against you and there's encouragements to rotate them out and bring in someone new and cheap that all that knowledge just walks away gets laid off or otherwise discouraged out um this is going to be a difficult summer for me and my father some of you met I'm G to have to come up with some kind of fundraising activity anyone needs a professional Whistler because apparently that's all I'm good for I'm a little old to uh apply to the FBI and the the system for trying to get uh you know teachers of a usual background into the system I missed the cut off for that again this isn't just about me there are gray nomad back in the 90s at least we try to discuss the plight of the overeducated note I'm wearing a t-shirt from fiu's master of Finance program where they refus to finance me based on my grades in history or was it calculus and organic chemistry notice how those things don't match up but this is this is how a lot of the private sector Works based on rules of thumb that don't always go anywhere so yes let's protect each other from the heat remember air conditioning is not a right according to the Supreme Court voting is not a right so let's protect our make sure make sure that you have recent current voting cards thank you um excuse me manager I believe um I just wanted to say for the record I believe you told me that in July congresswoman Wilson was coming to speak um she is currently scheduled to be here um for a presentation for the July meeting okay and I I think that um and you may not know this yet but in August I think um Senator Jones is coming so we are getting the different okay okay thank you all right next speaker Irene pellinger and then Jan kley hi good evening I'm Irene pillinger um so I was thinking is there one place in our city where every resident can go and feel not only welcome but that there's something being offered that they are interested in or a service they can take advantage of it's our library our library strives to inspire educate and help each and every one of us grow through books speakers concerts films art exhibits and a variety of educational entrepreneurial and cultural programs that deliver access success and well-being to our entire Community the North Miami Beach Public Library should be made a priority in the upcoming budget with the goal of having this gem available and open as it once was 7 days a week which would allow all residents access separately our city has some wonderful events services and classes but residents just don't know about them I've said it before bring back a condensed version of the Cityline newsletter that is delivered snail mail to every residents do not add last minute events like the food truck event advertised today that is happening tomorrow how is that even planned with no communication if we had a printed newsletter everybody would know what was happening in the upcoming quarter and have a moratorium on events evaluate consolidate plan and Comm communicate and again move the rule about attending a commission meetings to be under the ethics section so we don't see the city held hostage by three Commissioners ever again angry Commissioners should show up and do their job not sabotage the city three Commissioners voted this down please put it back on the agenda for another try thank you thank you don't stop me yet good evening in the back it was a couple back there I'm going to put the card here for the officer the debit card I guess fell out of the purse oh that was from hi Gardens the person name is on the back of it but I don't want to call it out I have their phone number yeah they live in h Garden okay good evening Janice kley mayor Commissioners resident staff you probably see me at some meeting there no school so there's no Girl Scouts um I did have a three page speech but I'm I'm going to make it short I just would like to make a suggestion when we have a longtime employee who have worked for the city for years um I know that the person was recognized by um beautification um and public works but I want to recognize Mr barington Barkley an employee that work at the motor pool for 29 years and would have been 30 years in August but because of the environment he resigned from the city so in the future if you could recognize employees with long years of service to show that this this is the city that people care to recognize employees for a longtime service and hopefully no one will have to leave because of the environment so you all still have me for a while thank you thank you Hubert dub and then Mr Terrence [Music] Kuli good evening mayor and commission first of all I have to thank everyone because some of you might be in the front of the TV to watch the debate between President Joe Biden and former president Trump speaker your name please I'm sorry your name please my name oh I'm sorry my name is H du in not Miami Beach 530 33162 so has the electrical instructor so I would like to congratulate the city not Miami Beach for the presentation of North Miami Beach have a program to come to not Miami Beach to protect our charger because it might be good for the future because when you have a people coming out to the school and then now you have a some skill he might be to continue to get his life better and then continue the education because the program I heard that when I came right here is not only the SLE but it give a way people can better get the life and then to continue if they want to get a career has electrical or whatever Plum being or mechanical thank you thank you good evening everybody teren camon Zuli Sunray West area of North Miami Beach couple things that I've been noticing here um last week the week before we had those major storms that came through and our areas are still having a lot of issues storm drain especially along 174th Street West of 20 uh east of 22nd Avenue towards the thing totally underwater people were trying to drive through there cars are basically getting water over their hoods we need to find a way to get that area to drain better if we can these Alleyways in the Sunray West area area the drains along the streets are constantly being inundated with the tree leaves the everything that's falling from these trees especially the palm trees um when I was on the beautification and chairman of beautification we constantly had every year a team from the beautification team go down every street and cut back the palm trees these palm trees have not been cut in over five years I know due to budget cuts but that's something that we need to look at doing especially in the Sunray West area because there's a lot of flooding that occurred all over the place but here in North Miami Beach we seem to have good very good drainage but not over these past couple years um one thing it's political season it's people are already putting out their signs for election uh we're not doing it yet in the city because ours isn't until November but I am finding along biscane Boulevard along our major highways candidates for the mayor of the county candidates for school board are violating our codes we're not allowed to hang signs on these fenes and I'm not seeing any enforcement being done they need to be contacted to either remove them or we need to remove them and charge them that is against our city code and is creating a lot of bad looks over here on 171st in biscan where they sell the Christmas trees and fireworks four or five candidates have it along biscane Boulevard going Southbound from 163rd Street you'll see them on the right side they're on fences it's violation of our city code being on the city code board I know the viol I know the codes and I cannot be rep repeating excuse me reporting this it's an Ethics violation personally to specific candidate that's why I'm saying in general when I see this here uh finally and I have about 14 seconds Coastal is not following their schedules I've had bulk pickup happened last month before it occurred they did not pick up on the day they occurred even though I asked about it he was going to be back the next day and then our regular pickups are not happening as well and we just need to do something about it thank you thank you one more somebody left something here I'll take it good evening everyone my name is mabarak aan I should not be doing this but I have to do it because um there's a track record up here you know public record public comments and people get up and they walk out and they leave or they just twiddle and dwiddle so um okay so what we heard tonight um there was a I'm going to mention a third employee without naming their names but our Public Utilities director also seems to have been forced out uh she's leaving I hope she does not leave but she's leaving I heard a police officer being forced out he's he's left um Miss CLI came came here and she said that another um worker diligent worker is being forced what is going on the good people leaving and and what okay that needs to be looked into um yes and there is a lot of um leader Representatives we go out and we vote for them and they don't come back as Commission former commissioner Barbara krer said don't come back and give an account a report they just hold their noses up in the air and they walk about that is not good only Senator Jason pizo so far former um State um State Rep Geller and I think maybe a couple others but the new fresh braid that we have here currently they're absent uh we heard about the the um the counts tonight I have not heard about the 6.5 million delinquent billing how we are going to go about it I heard that the um $8 million deficit that we had for the police we took $2 million and we give them in the pensions but we're not hearing anything about the $6.5 million in delinquent billing which um that um pu Public Utilities director she was very much for it in collecting but there's nothing we hire PR guy we want to hire him for like almost a half a million but we are not hiring anybody to collect these fees also we are not hiring the required workers for the water plant it seems as though like we want it to fail the only thing that is failing around here would be the politicians and some of the upper edland staff and [Music] um the speakers came here tonight from Miami Gardens and they talked about the water tower over there why did we hire Jacobs far why did we share out $38 million from our own reserves our own reserves what did they do with that money I told yall to do um an audit on the $38 million being spent in 2017 2018 2019 we there's nothing you guys have to work you have to work for your seat some of you coming up there for November you really have to work for this I'm going to look be looking at you for the next few months and see if you're actually working and if you really deserve to be staying in office again for the next four more years thank you very much for having me thank you mayor that was the last sign speaker okay um all right so um public comment is over so next is announcements and and Mr manager good evening uh Senator pizo sent me a text and asked me to let you all know he mentioned that the vacation rental bill was expected to be vetoed uh after he finished speaking it was vetoed so he asked me to let you all know uh tomorrow's national food truck day from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. right out here in front of City Hall we'll have five food trucks for people to come out and enjoy on the 4th of July we will dedicate the newly named Kevin R Sims Aquatic Center right behind City Hall join us for stars and splashes starting at 11:30 a.m. the mobile diaper bank will distribute Diapers at the NMB library on July 24th from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Farm share will distribute food at ulita Park on July 24th from 9:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. if you or your family need assistance Farm share provides free food come help I'm sorry till 12: not 2 oh okay um lastly I'd like to introduce Jennifer torna uh she is North Miami Beach's new Communications manager she joins us from wdna radio and has hit the ground running since starting with the city on Monday I've had the opportunity to work with her over the last few days she's impressed me and gotten off to an excellent start and I'm sure she'll prove to be a fantastic addition to team NMB so thank you okay thank you and welcome say hi welcome Jennifer hi I'm excited to be here and if you see me around say hello introduce yourself I'm very nice welcome thank you Mr manager could we also add the monthly things like tomorrow is the senior's luncheon they do have to register but they just call and that Mount Si usually they usually sponsor it so there is no charge it's tomorrow at 11:00 if they want to come there but that's monthly and we I think we should be announcing that thank you so much okay all right thank you our next city commission reports Madam clerk commissioner shof good evening everybody um I apologize for missing the pre-conference I never do that but I did have gum surgery and have stitches in my mouth and didn't want to be reading proclamations so I apologize to all especially the phom family uh condolences to the phom family um it's a tragic loss that we lost John definite definitely a strong strong voice in our community and we will miss him very very much um I wish everybody a happy summer happy 4th of July um my those of you who don't know how to swim get out there and learn please thank you commissioner Jean thank you so much I had a certificate that I wanted to read it was it's from the North Miami Beach Little League they wanted to um thank us for their support uh for our support during their season in recognition of your continued support and general it the city of North M Beach Little League is forever grateful for your contributions to our league and community and also all of the players signed a base and so they presented it to us a couple weeks ago um I also wanted to thank our team for all the flood mitigation um Mr manager I don't know if you can speak to some of the drainage um proactivity that your team is doing to keep a storm ready also um wanted to thank thank Mii dat school board for recognizing me um this past week and um as we get ready for election season I do want to remind all residents that there is an August primary so please exercise your civic duty to vote um June was um is Caribbean heritage month so for all of you who hail from the Caribbean happy um Caribbean heritage month and I also wanted to ask the police department if they can provide us uh a schedule of all pack meetings so that we can better prepare I know often times there's pack meetings happening in the community and we're not really aware of the schedule of of the pack meeting so that um we have adequate time to to show up and um also I wanted to mention um to the city manager thank you for all the hard work that you you and your team been have been doing and I know you celebrated one year with the city so far so I want to thank you for all the great work and your team did a great job of leading while you you away so I hope you had a good time and I want to thank all the residents for being here today thank you for your presence commissioner Joseph thank you madam clerk uh just wishing everyone a happy fourth stay safe um learn how to swim that's always important um especially the little ones and to stay hydrated and be safe thank you commissioner Smith thank you so much um I want to First thank David Scott and um marleene monin and friendly for covering while the manager was gone we had quite a few crisis uh as we none of us know what's going to tomorrow is going to bring and everything was handled and your city was well taken care of um I did want to say thank you to the family of John Fone for coming tonight it's very soon but I thought we should do that presentation while the family was intact and so they could all come and be a part of it um I also want to tell you when everybody says to learn how to swim for you and the ones you love at the chamber luncheon quite interesting I stood up and that's been my saying every place I go learn how to swim and make sure those that you know and love learn how to swim and a nurse stood up four or five speakers after after me that her next door neighbor came running over with the baby cuz she was a nurse to do something they found her in the pool and she's in Jo de magio Hospital still in critical condition it's a real thing and there's no reason for anybody in this area not to know how to swim somebody asked me about one of my listings How deep the pool was because years ago it could be 9 ft and they changed that law can no it can't be deeper than 6t I don't know if that agent wants a deep pool or a shallow pool but I do know the owner wrote me back it's 5 foot because I almost drowned in the pool so when we redid it we made it 5 ft so this is real please everybody please learn how to swim uh just the flooding in your front yard this could have really been a disaster for somebody caught in a car especially electric car that they couldn't open the door and the other thing I want to say that we want to remember for the summer always be safe pay attention to these wonderful events how disappointing the last few events people haven't been coming they haven't been attending it is so disappointing and it's so heartening because it's the events are so good so maybe North mummy Beach maybe the public are just a vented out they had enough I don't know but I'm going to suggest when we can have an opportunity that we consolidate some of these and consolidate the spending to spend $115,000 on an event and have less than 15 people from our city maybe less than 10 if we would have given everybody $1,000 we'd still be in the black and the event was amazing amazing so I ask you to pay attention I didn't know about tomorrow having the food trucks but now I do I didn't know a thing but pay attention try to participate and if you don't want to participate please voice it voice it so I can get some support up here to change it thank you all very much and have a safe summer learn how to swim that's right commissioner smuckler good evening everyone um first of all I want to make sure um that not only does everyone have a safe 4th of July but I want to recognize John fom because he was born on the 4th of July and want to wish him a happy birthday in heaven to my good friend forever um also want to congratulate the manager he is um this Saturday he will be the new president of the Managers Association um as always I want to thank the PD for uh taking care of our our residents our families our our neighbors our our businesses our our visitors and last thing so um and and this is to the the manager's office we I we received I'm assuming we all received it uh an email on Monday and an email today about requested event cost analysis and I find it very odd that it's just for a Black History Month event juneth event and Haiti uh Rhythm of the heart event I hope there's not a pattern here uh so C can you please tell me who's making this request um commissioner uh various Commissioners on the dis ask for details of the of those specific events um so we've compiled it we'll be gathering that type of information for all events moving forward but those were specific events that were requested okay so I think it's a great idea we should do it for all of EV for every person individually and as a um individually and as a on on the different boards whenever we or committees when we have events I just found it very strange that it was for juneth Haiti Rhythm of the heart and black history month events so I'm not sure if someone was trying to Signal me out because those are the Committees that I'm on and also for Farm share which is something that I brought here so I'm not sure if somebody was trying to signal me out or if someone had a problem with the fact that it's for black history in juneth on rhythm of I think the intent and and the request is just because those are the most recent events well no because black history was in February so I'm just thinking either someone has a problem with certain events or someone was um signaling out certain events or or or if if they have a problem with my events it's let's I'll say right now let's cancel all events let's keep Monster uh the Halloween let's keep snowfest and let's keep back to school a book bag event because those three events are for the children and let's cancel everything for one year you know what we can do with that money we can have the library open seven days a week or you know we can and the pool and the pool where the children you know what else we can do maybe we can hire another police officer but you want us start looking at the numbers you want to start picking at the numbers wonderful let's do that pick at it and say you know what let's have the events are for the children for the seniors because we most of us here either you don't you're not even coming to the events pretty much everybody here I think a handful is coming to the events so what are we doing just wasting money for no reason let's let's put the money let's put our mouth where whatever that thing goes any where the mouth is right and let's put let's spend the money wisely let's put do a moratorium let's just take care of our kids and our seniors and and let's take care of our library let's take care of the pool let's take care of police officers so right now this person right here you can do all the public records requests I don't care I'm more than happy because I hope you look at these numbers and I hope you see what it's costing which by the way I try to get sponsorship and all that stuff but let's do it let's let's do a moratory on everything else let's let's if we really want to help our city Let's help our city that's it okay and it would be nice if somebody agreed with me right now and said yeah let's do it I agree free swim lessons would yeah we do have free free swim lessons and we have low cost too that I made sure of that vice mayor floron uh thank you so much Madam clerk um thank you everyone for being here this evening um I want to wish everyone a happy 4th of July Independence Day um and um you know be safe enjoy your time with your family and um celebrate uh Freedom um also I want to um congratulate commissioner uh Jean for receiving a proclamation at at um the school board um also I wanted to um talk about the um designation that I also just received from the uh Florida Pension Plan trustees Association as a certified Pension Plan trustee um and so you know it's so important for me because uh of the pension board that I sit on that we um make right decisions for our employees and for especially our police and fire uh First Responders and so after several courses and exams that you have to take and and go through three levels of of examinations I was able to successfully complete that uh coursework and so um that's a uh source of Pride for for myself and I'm glad to bring that um information and expertise to our uh board here in North Miami Beach so wanted to highlight that um also one of the things that I picked up which was so interesting is that you know some sometimes we we um we may find synonymity in certain words or find certain words to be synonymous and then we don't look at really the um the the specificity of of those words and there was a retired colonel from the US US Army that mentioned the differences between management and Leadership right and um with respect to our manager because this is definitely not specific to you um it it's it's it's really about this whole team and when I'm talking about this whole team I'm talking about elected officials uh um our Charter employees and our Charter officers as well as anybody in a in a position of influence and a position to make decisions for our residents that there is a difference between management and Leadership and one of the things that he mentioned was to a certain degree managers manage the status quo and leaders come up with new ideas is leaders come up with new ways of doing things they are in essence Founders to a certain degree of strategy founders of of new ways of doing things and really take their organizations into the next chapter right and so for the past five and a half years that I've been on here we've had several we've had several different managers several people sit on this Des several um uh City Clerks and City attorneys and you know city is still I believe from my seat in a position where we have so much more potential than we're act than we're um than is being um it's so much more potential energy than kinetic energy right and so that's a capsule form of of a statement but I I I hope that we can you know with with our manager getting a leadership position in the Managers Association and a new City attorney and um with with some shifts that are happening with uh within certain departments that we can really use these these um as opportunities really to take our city to the next level um you know and and um I see our colleague from North Bay Village who's here uh who is who has a message about affordable housing and and you know things that we need to do to really get our cities up to par and our County up to par as far as affordable housing you know that's leadership you know it's not managing the status quo it's saying here's what we need to do to get to the next level and and I just challenge all of us that are on the dis all of us that are you know in leadership positions as a city to not just manage the status quo and keep the doors open because that's being a placeholder but if we really want to be leaders every day we got to come up with new ideas and new ways of doing things and um and I really hope that we can we can do that in the next uh coming months um and as we go into an election season whatever happens up here that you know that can also lead to more change and advancing of our city into a new phase of um of advancement so thank you so much appreciate you guys let's have a great meeting hopefully we can we're going to miss the debate cuz I know there's been people talking about this debate on that no don't forget Fortuna was sworn in and second vice president ah congratulations yes commissioner eight League of cities yes so which means she's the she's the next president be the next president'll she'll be the next president no in in two years in two years years will be the next president so I think commissioner uh uh we're going to miss this debate that you were referencing in your email unless unless any unless people just rush home uh but well they they can no we're not going to motion to a journ but anyways that's it for my comments they can all leave if they want to weekend they can so thank so much Mr Mayor if I may have a a moment of personal privilege I um I actually would like to um I don't know if this would be making a motion or just make Direction um but I I need support from my Commissioners and and I want to say I'm a little bit hypocritical because we are having Hispanic heritage and we've already booked people so I want to say maybe beginning October 1st that we do have a moratorium on events uh except consider the events for the children and the events for the seniors so that we cut down events and we can keep the library open more hours the pool and possibly even hire another police officer and I'm I'm making that motion I'll second it and for discussion even though it's in the middle of your reports I have a fury about this in me that I want the attorney and the manager to make sure we're doing this correctly unfortunately this time I found out that a direction that was given by a majority of the Commissioners was not followed because we don't have it in writing as a resolution when I found that out and I recognized how important that is that is not a simple thing that I'm hearing that is something very serious that if the majority of this Commission in discussion give direction to the manager there's no way that the manager made a mistake by not following it because we don't have it in writing as a resolution that said I wanted us to take a vote tonight on any direction we give that we give the attorney with a vote that we give the attorney the direction to write the resolution the next day and bring it before us not a month later not a month later we're going to either have to have special meetings or if the attorney thinks that you can go because it was a direction now it's a resolution and get each one of us assign it however it has to be done but to find out that a direction that was given which is a very significant direction in the middle of an election season we didn't have the teeth to follow it then we have to make an adjustment up here we have to make an adjustment I believe uh commissioner you have stated before that we should have a moratorium on all these events I believe the events all of them requ were requested how much did it cost but those were events that people didn't show up those were advents there was no attendance including the commission Commissioners is not showing up as well I was there no no not you I saw you new dress every time I saw you I'm paying attention you if if seven Commissioners don't show up to events what what are they well it's because I want to thank commissioner Joseph for teaching us about June juneth that was years and years ago and really we were the first before I think it even became a Federal holiday and he's the one that taught us about that and you don't understand the importance when I was talking about the when I was talk and all this is very important I know it's we've got a big agenda but this is extremely important to make sure what the majority of us once done gets done but when I was talking to the attorney and I thanked him again and again for enlighting me was the fact that if how disheartening it is that it's so important to all of us but especially minorities and no one came it's very and and yet I'm reminded that there's things that come up for all of us in our life life there are things that come up in our life and as the attorney told me it's not who shows up it's the opportunity for the residents to come to something special but I'm feeling this is my feeling I I I go back to my own personal life when you get to go to the theater and you're so excited and you can't wait to come home and eat in a hurry get dressed run to the theater and then the next year your husband's so happy he gets you season tickets and you know what by the fourth or fifth play you say the theater again the theater again tonight hurry to eat dinner again tonight so I'm wondering if that's what's happening with these events in our city it either is communication with a brand new on board with so much background and so much education or it's the simple fact that the residents and that's what it's geared for have had enough well come to snowfest okay I have little kids I'll dress them in a costume I'll come to Halloween but every week twice a week four times a month they're just evented out and what's really hurt hurting as a commissioner is that we have to fill we have to fix our potholes we have to fix our Pooles we have to clean the city we have to cut the street let me let me just tell tell you not just cut the trees and not finish our potholes but the library and the pool what are we doing to for our residents okay so I'm very passionate about this we have a motion out there so we have a talking about the motion we have a motion it it was motion and seconded right so this is discussion motion and second this is this is sort of discussion even though it's kind of going yeah because we were in we were in uh we were in commission uh reports and you didn't even give yours I didn't even give mine I know that's why I am extremely generous too commissioner smuckler even though she'll never admit that anyway hey IED you your your appr salad okay but if we're in discussion Mr Mayor is it okay by okay um I just want to say one thing before and then you can report okay no no no I can do my report afterwards it's okay it's not going to be that exciting okay so um I wanted to ask the manager um we're working on an event protocol correct right and do you know when that is going to be um when we should expect to see something on that we had final um hope final um changes uh being made um that we received we've updated that we'll take it back to the sponsor to ensure that um they are um they're okay with that and then we would bring that to the commission okay okay so we're thinking in the next next meeting we'll have it or I'm I'm hoping for the next meeting okay all right so so the the moror that we're speaking about now is is until we have a protocol in place is that what we're saying sure to to commissioner Smoker's point right um I think given the fact that we're going to have this protocol and that they have these events planned look I'm for the commissioner status woman I I I I appreciate what the I'm sorry commission say sorry Mr Kazan apologies um but I also want us to have the same type let's stick to the protocol we have this thing pending I understand this is a hot button issue I understand how passionate people can be when it comes to certain events and and the fact that they're just tring to program this is not about the um cost benefit but just the aspect of really serving serving our community people just I do it a certain way Commissioners do a certain way they have they have these great or um clubs I mean not clubs but committees that work really hard to program and I think that you know I respect that you know I I truly do um but I also I also understand that we have to have a protocol and and you guys are working on it I I know commissioner smuckler is very passionate on this issue and I and I've always like I said I've always supported the programing of having never had an issue and um I just want us to be in a in a very streamlined um we should take a very streamlined approach to this as the mayor pointed out given the fact that we have this particular um protocol coming up next month and then having a really robust robust discussion on the issue as opposed to doing it ad hoc and and doing with with a lot of passion and I look I I I respect um commissioner U Smith's uh um standpoint as well I just I just know that this is coming up and we should really take a more nuanced approach to it coming uh because it's going to affect a lot of things it's going to affect um committees it's going to affect different uh um um um programs that are coming up and I just want us to have a very nuanced approach to it that's all yeah and also the other thing as well is that if there happens to be an event that's fully sponsored then should we have really have a moratorium against a freebie if you will you know so well if it's fully sponsored we're not wasting taxpayers money or taking away from the library the police department the Pooles or anything else so if it's if everything is fully sponsored yay so you're amending the motion no I'm not amending the motion if something is fully sponsored we're not spending taxpayers dollars but a moratorium on events is a moratorium on events okay on a moratorium spend ending our money if somebody wants to fully sponsor an event we'd be really stupid to say no so okay but so we have to but we have to we have to write it correctly if we're doing it so I think the attorney will agree um yes um yes to commissioner Joseph's Point um and and I believe you asked the question as well we do have you know uh a work that's already being done from the manager's office to kind of figure out what those events are yeah that we're going to keep and what those events are that we can put a moratorium on um in addition to that think that we all should you know be uh part of that conversation prior to it coming up here um uh so I think that's important and number two as far as events that are fully sponsored those are the types of things that would be iterated in the legislation right so voting right now is not the best thing to do I think we should wait for a resolution that's already being prepared and worked on and then we can have that full discussion and then have something that as commissioners Smith mentioned has some teeth right yeah um so it's already in the works cuz we've had this conversation over and over and over again we have it over and over and over again and and everything's still happening well I don't know why I well well that's the manager hopefully now sooner than later will come up with what we asked them to because we have had this discussion and made that request um but as far as events I'm the these these every event has its own uh energy and its own marketing and everything like that I've seen events under the same title attract a thousand people and attract less than 50 people right so if we're talking juneth you know the first or 2 juneth that we had here the uh theater you couldn't put people into theater there were school buses and colleges and and and Greek uh uh uh Greek uh associations and fraternities and sororities and I mean I you had a section for the kids and families were here and I mean you name it um it you know it was represented here in North Miami Beach there was no place to put people for that event right and so then we have what we had last week or two weeks ago and you have less than 50 people I mean you know weather and weather played a and WEA played a ro it was supposed to be canceled right so if you get a flyer that says or something on social media that says it's cancelled everyone now is looking for the next the next thing that's why we're doing a protocol so we we we have to look at these events for what they are it's not that people aren't coming to events it's how we're marketing who we're marketing to EV every event doesn't have the same audience and yes for for those who think that we have too many they may actually be right I felt like we had less this year than we did last year but it's still an issue so I'm hoping to see what the manager comes up with thank you thanks and and one other thing regarding um your motion um how about Library events is that also including more term on Library events also so we just want to be clear if we're doing this um exactly what we're doing you know well the the library has their own budget so um for their events I I don't mean to interrupt okay so then Library events aren't included either no but I want to just inter interject the library has requirements to have certain benefits or their funding will be taken away from National so they do have requirements for certain events I think it's better we if we till next month and look at the protocol before we start maybe even causing some damage if you will so um I would ask the motion makeer if she would withdraw her motion and the second withdrawals rather than take a vote May I comment on it yes of course so um thank you so much Mr Mayor what I wanted to say is um we should have we shouldn't have a all or none I do support the moratorium and I think it would be something that should affect all City departments not just the commission if we're going to do something of that nature because now you're picking and choosing like you said each department has its own budget so now you're overseeing the manager's perview as it relates to the Departments and how they function but I do think the moratorium is is a great idea but also when you talk about being selective to okay are we cutting down food drives are are yes seniors is no teens is yes you know so I think we need to be very absolute in how we move forward but I do support it um but I think us being very selective on what we choose is is for further discussion Mr Mayor another idea that I had was each one of the boards get a certain dollar amount and how they spend it let's say 25,000 for multiculture and how they spend it and that would be in the budget in October it's just another thought this month while we're waiting for that so that there could possibly still be events but you're going to combine some of the events we've always talked about and I just want to say without spending any more time on it but we've always talked about one event multiculture where everybody has a booth the bangadesh have a booth the Haitians have a booth the Irish have a booth although somebody told me today today don't include the IR as a pure joke but you know that's another idea it just we have to do something we have to do something so so if we're in agreement that maybe this takes a little bit more thought um then can whoever make the motion in second withdraw them and then my only concern is that if we don't do this before uh the budget then it's going to be in the budget and then we're just going to spend the money it's coming up next month so if it's coming up next month I will withdraw it but if it's not if we don't hear it next month then I'm bringing it back and I'm not going to withdraw at that point under any circumstances okay all right so um he has to he has to pull who is the second commission yeah no I I'll keep it if she's keeping it no she she's withdrawing you going todraw withraw okay all right so that takes care of that so I guess we're back to I know the intention of the board which is to have the discussion otherwise I'll just bring it back right before the mayor speaks next month I'll bring it back again and uh and then I really won't withdraw it it it gave mayor plenty of time to build up right I I I need a great introduction what whenever I speak okay so um yeah I I think that that that's probably the uh has been receiv yeah I think that's the best way to go about it we know what we got going on there and uh we'll go from there all right are you gonna give a report I I need to be I need to be recognized mayor Piper okay wow all right mine will be quick um of course condolences to the phom family um I uh obviously regarding the events there is um validity to what you're saying and I think we've sort of addressed that and got everybody's attention on that um um also with my other hat is the president of the North May Beach Chamber of Commerce um being the uh business support engine of our city I encourage um business owners or those who are interested in business to um get out and attend some events look into the chamber and um and the events that we have are really a lot of fun as a matter of fact last night we had an event over at the um at the Trump International hotel and it was a karaoke event and food and it was um really really good so keep that in mind and look into that um I know the city manager stepped out I wanted to congratulate the city manager on um and and and I think you know it's it's it's sort of big that his peers are the ones that are recognizing him as being a leader and even though we may not always agree with everything that the city manager does and what have you I do believe that um we we are lucky to have a manager with the um the the the proper attitude that we have right now in our city so um thank you for that thank you man and um last but not least uh happy 4th of July to everybody and most importantly please be safe because it can be a dangerous Hol if you start playing with fireworks the wrong way so um with that being said I'm done with that take care of your dogs your death yes approve the minut it's 9.2 okay so second all right so let's um let's go on with the consent agenda um we need a motion a second to introduce the consent agenda I make a motion second okay um City attorney thank you Mr Mayor um following items are the consent agenda item 9.1 City commission conference meeting minutes of May 21st 2024 item 9.2 regular City commission meeting minutes of May 21st 2024 item 9.3 resolution number r224 65 approved change order with dri pumps Inc uh sponsored by the water director a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing a change order to the contract with dright pumps Inc for pump repairs increasing the contract amount by $25,000 authorizing the city manager or designated to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for scriveners errors providing for severability and providing an effective date for an effective date excuse me item 9.3 if my thick fingers will let me turn the page thank okay I'm sorry item 9.4 that was 9.3 excuse me item 9.4 resolution number R 2024 66 approved change order with AC schulties for water well repair services sponsored by the water director a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing a change order to the contract with AC schulties of Florida Inc for water supply Wells and well pump maintenance and repair services increasing the contract amount by $45,000 authorizing the city manager designated to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for sceners errors providing for severability and providing for an effective date item 9.5 resolution number r224 d67 approv piggyback with doof Creations LLC sponsored by the CIO a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving a piggyback contract between the city and doof Creations LLC for the lease to own purchase of network infrastructure equipment and warranty in an annual budgeted amount of $140,000 authorizing the city manager designate to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for scriveners errors providing for severability and providing for an effective date resolution number R 202468 approved piggyback contract with Razorback LLC sponsored by the water director a resolution of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving a piggyback contract between the city and Razer back LLC for the purchase of water storage tank maintenance services in an annual budgeted amount of $251,000 authorizing I'm sorry here authorizing the city manager or designated to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for scrier errors providing for severability and providing for an effective date that concludes the um consent agenda Mr Mayor move to approve okay so I need a motion a second okay and um all in favor say I I any opposed okay passes unanimous okay we're on to quasa judicial um so I guess what we have left today is um we need well first of all we need a motion a second to introduce 10.1 motion okay second thank you okay and um City attorney thank you mayor item 10 point res resolution number r224 d69 at home wall sign variance sponsored by the community development director resolution of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving or denying a variance from section 24-1 [Music] 147.120 Mis gain Boulevard providing for findings fact confirming expiration and limitation of approval providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date okay um Madam clerk Jennings closure good evening everyone if you plan on um well actually excuse me pursuing to resolution r95 d24 the subject matter of any ex party Communications together with the identity of the person group or entity making the communication shall be disclosed and made part of the record on file with the city prior to final action to the matter I received the uh Jennings disclosure forms from commissioner Daniel aan and they'll be in the city clerk's office if you wish to see it so let's start with commissioner shernoff don't have one no one no okay commissioner Joseph I've had no contact on on this matter and I can make a decision based on the evidence presented to me this evening commissioner Smith I spoke to the city manager and I can make a decision based on what I hear tonight can I to the best of my knowledge thank you commissioner smokler so I spoke to the city manager about it I think I may have briefly touched on it with TC and to the TC ter yeah to the best of my uh to the I I don't think I spoke to anybody else and I can make a decision here based on the information I hear tonight thank you vice mayor floron I have not spoken to anyone regarding this matter and can make my decision based on the information that I have received this evening thank you thank you mayor Piper yeah I have not spoken to anybody and can um make a decision based on tonight's information thank you okay all right thank you m CL um also can you swear in the speakers was that so everyone hi uh if you plan on giving testimony item please stand and raise your right hand do you solemnly swear that the testimony you're about to provide shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God your answer is yes I thank you um when you're speaking please just reate that you were sworn in before you speak so he's going to speak first okay um all right Mr ring thank you mayor Commissioners uh sta request that the applicant for first in this instance uh tonight we have the at home World Time variant uh representing um uh uh the folks uh the applicant uh I'm really sorry I'm going to butcher your last name but if you want to introduce yourself instead uh Jennifer uh Ren sorry you can use yourself that would be great yes uh my name is patience schaer I was sworn in um 9061 woodlark Paris Buon Beach Florida 3347 mhone thank 33472 uh Jennifer renberger is my boss that's all that's the name you were say um are you ready for me to speak or do you have uh have the applicant can present first are you represen the applicant uh we do have your PowerPoint ready if you want to use that but you don't have to you want could you okay it's up um good evening my name is patient Schaefer I'm with go permit um go permit on behalf of at home respectfully requests approval of one illuminated wall sign on the west elevation proposed wall sign is 7 ft High by 33.25 ft in length for a total of 231.50 um we are seeking relief from code section 24-14 7.1 permanent sides allowed um the number of wall signs specifically all of the requirements of that section will be met there are currently two signs for this tenant one Monument sign located on the south entrance to the property one wall sign on the Southwest elevation of the building the previous tenant of this excessively large and uniquely designed building was Costco the west elevation is the Frontage that fa is biscane Boulevard and is 315 ft long while the entrance was designed on the southwest corner which is where the current main identification sign is so these two signs are over 300 ft apart they are not close to each other um the building is set back from biscane Boulevard so much so that there is new construction that is now in front of the building and has further limited our visibility from biscane Boulevard the existing Monument sign is located to capture the attention of the Northbound drivers at this time there is no signage informing the southbound drivers of the business until they pass the main entrance into biscane Commons which requires them to pass the full location and make a u-turn at Northeast 143rd Street granting the variance will not confer any special privileges to the applicant as the building location has challenges literal interpretation enforcement of the code would deprive the applicant of Rights and this request is the minimum variance that will make reasonable use of this building granting the variance will not be injured to the area fact it will benefit the community to have visible signage to Aid and locating the business and will help to aeve unnecessary traffic congestion we respectfully request approval as proposed and I'm here to answer any questions you may have okay um we good anything else Mr ring or that's it for the presentation can we bypass any can we just go straight into an approval no we we have to do public comment first I have do public comment okay Madam clerk if you wish to speak on this item please come forward you have three minutes to do so please keep your comment Jing to this topic thank you good evening Terrence Kem Zuli Sunray West um my only concern about this sign after speaking with um commissioner smuckler I did a little more research uh the sign is actually understandable why you want it however there is a lot of landscaping of palm trees that are very high that will be blocking that and my concern is through any removal of these trees as for our Landscaping issues in the city um right now currently that street that is between at home and the public shopping center will be finally opened up in the next year and a half to go all the way into so Li so there will be people going by there that will see that the store is there so um at home does need a little more signage because that store should be doing a lot better than they are I do uh I do approve of this but I want to make sure that the Landscaping will not be harmed or removed to allow more visibility because where this sign is going to be at palm trees are already up higher than the actual building that is in front of the new the new building in front of the at home that was added on in the past two years thank you okay any other speakers okay let the oh we do have onear isan I do not know how big the sign is I could hardly see it on the description there I just hope that it is um hurricane proof and um it's I think it's a a good family business it's not one of the most one of those deplorable businesses that you guys are accustomed to passing without a hitch so I just don't think tonight you would give this a problem you know the businesses I'm talking about you you were exempt you just came on thank you but um and you as well too um Mr chof but you're accustomed to passing those deplorable businesses without even asking a question I will see how you will perform tonight thank you very much for having me okay thank you anybody else okay let the record reflect no one else came forward and then public comment is now closed um anything from the Commissioners on this item yes I make a motion to approve second M okay I think commissioner CH wanted to say something in regards to the point that was brought up mayor I'm sorry but just on a point of order so that we are always clear it is proper to have the motion and second to bring the item forth before the Commissioners speak so the procedure you were following is correct it certainly does not interfere with any member speaking on the motion but you should have the motion on the floor which is what you did so the commissioners can speak to the motion okay okay all right so um so we have our motion Mr turnoff in regards to the comment that was made are you affecting any trees no we are not touching any Landscaping you're not and then again palms grow up so it's only a skinny thing that would be blocking the sign not the leaves anymore if that was the case um uh I don't have a problem with what put before us I think they need help definitely okay Mr Smith thank you I just want to know Mr Yang is I asked the manager are there hours in other words is this because it's a neon sign that's going to be lighted is it going to turn off at a certain hour turn on at a certain hour I mean it's not going to be running all night is it how theer to the applicant on the hour that operation for this uh in term of Illumination um I'm not sure if they exact hours of operation but it will be um turned off when the business is closed should we add that to the ordinance prior to the resolution prior to voting that at a certain time it's going to be turned off that at the discretion of the uh of the commission um uh because the conditions required under the variant I would refer to the City attorney on that yes yes um commissioner you can add whatever you you want to add but you don't need to specify an hour you could simply say with the understanding that it will be turned off when the business closes for the evening which may vary from time to time it might be open later on a weekend I don't know what I like that idea very much is that is that something that all businesses but everybody else has their signs on as long as they want them on yeah and all those other ones that say open they they stay it say open but they're closed but that this is quite a large sign and I my question to the manager when him and I discussed this was what's the what's the look that we want the city to have do we want that without saying it here that they and I like very much what the attorney said because during the holidays you may stay open till midnight or you may stay open 24 hours but do we want to have signs like this and start now giving permission where there was no permission for a sign start to give signs and let it look more like um you know this open what's the word not Honky Tonk but what to look white District I I mean I don't know I don't I just I prefer I prefer to add that language that we that because it's a second sign but but but it is it is our business district of the city if it's a tasteful if it's a tasteful sign everybody else has their signs on as long as they want this this particular business they're coming here for a special variant so it's not like it's going to be if anybody else wants to do something that's beyond the normal um ordinance they're going to have to come for a special variance this particular business has a huge investment in our city no I understand all that and there and and it doesn't take a business genius to realize that there's a struggle going on because of the lack of visibility because it it is a store that should I approve 100% of us having this I I think we should try to do everything we can to to support them the floor so so then m n can we come back in the future if we see not just this business but other businesses uh are keeping their signs open uh you know 247 uh commissioner if you wish to apply uh such a rule Citywide you would have to go in and ask staff to present to you your option on uh amendment to your court of ordinances uh for that and in your consideration uh if you do change the ru you could apply that such a rule Citywide but you can't be retroactive they be grandfathered in that is generally correct sign can have a little bit of a different approach because sign can fall under ammonization rules uh that haven't adopted in other cities as well so really would have to be something that we have to narrowly tailor in conjunction with the city Attorney office before presenting to you as an I see I don't have the support for that and I am definitely in favor of the sign because I don't think that especially how big this building is it's not going to be next to each other the only thing that I worry is that the even though it's the business Community commercial Community I I just don't want us to turn into a commercial community that in instead of being something where everybody comes to visit somebody sees it as something you know more blatant uh mayor if I might commissioner there's also you know you're presuming something but there's a significant cost if you keep that sign burning all night when people aren't necessarily well let's hope they have enough business that they the cost becomes maybe they will but there's a a real thought that perhaps the business chooses not to do that and you can see what happens and still come back and can address it and even if they did I just wanted to add um even if they did keep it on that that Corridor where this sign is going to be located is is a little darker than uh the remaining part of the uh biscane Commons and that particular side of um of biscan so as far as safety is concerned you know I I believe they would be doing us a favor if they' left it on because you know after that is pretty much a dark alley and I think for Public Safety it's probably a good uh thing to leave it on but I'm I'm in support of this um okay anyone else or all right all in favor say I I opposed is it roll call oh R okay just that was just a test okay oh and also I wanted to add um you know uh Kazan kind of gave you and Jay um a pass you were on here before and Jay was on here for 20 years so yeah you know um yeah cuz on he's talking about recent history well so roll call okay roll call please commissioner shov yes commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph yes commissioner Smith yes commissioner smuckler yes vice mayor floran yes mayor Piper yes motion passes 70 okay Mr may can I good luck can I have a moment of personal sure like in regards the that Corridor has been a weird thing given the fact that the spot type of um like parts of North Miami being INB the jurisdiction and that's something that I don't if we if we do come up with an ordance and and commissioner Smith comes back we have to take into consideration that we could be putting our own jurisdiction at a detriment give to the to to another another business that's in the other side of them like literally just a few feet a few feet away so I just want us to be cognizant of that spot jurisdiction I don't know if we're ever going to fix that because it looks I mean if you don't know you you can be next to the Starbucks and right next door it's it's n&b but the it's north Miami a few feet over so it's just kind of a a weird Corridor manager that goes with with the squaring off of our boundaries at some point in time biscan Boulevard is a mess yeah but they're not going to want to give i' I'd like to see those cities give up their their property to us um okay or us to them yeah I'm sure that North Mar like to give us solia yeah we'll take it but you know the record the shopping center that's cut in half half of it's north Miami and half of it North Miami that's the one that's the one by Starbucks yeah get tonight okay all right let's uh let's move forward 102 is deferred 103 is deferred 104 is deferred so we're on to 105 need a motion in second to introduce 105 I'll move second it okay and uh Mr attorney thank you mayor uh resolution number r224 d72 howl Nation special limited conditional use request um the brought by the commity community development director a resolution of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving or denying a special limited conditional use for the renovation of a pet supply store and boutique Dog Hotel located at 16385 biscan bouard cu1 providing for findings of fact confirming expiration limitation of approval providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date okay Madam cleric Jennings please resolution r95 d24 the subject matter of any ex party Communications together with the identity of the person group or entity making the communication shall be disclosed and may part of the record on file with the city prior to final action we'll start with commissioner shernoff no have had no contact but can make my decision based on what is presented tonight by right I have commissioner Jean on file commissioner Joseph no I have no contact on this particular matter and I can make a decision based on the information presented to the to the best of my knowledge I have no contact or or with anyone regarding this particular matter but I can make a decision based on information U presented to me this evening thank you commissioner Smith I spoke to the city manager and I spoke to a former resident of this building who can you make a decision oh when I can make a decision based on what I hear tonight commissioner smuckler I spoke to the city manager about this and I can make a decision based on the information I hear tonight vice mayor flon I have not spoken to anyone about this matter and I can make my decision based on the information I hear this evening thank you thank you mayor Piper um I have not spoken anybody and I can make my decision based on this evening's information thank you okay thank you and um I guess our speakers are all sworn in yes yes no for the last one you each time we should swear you in oh you need a new swearing in every time okay if you plan on providing testimony please stand and raise your right hand do you solemnly swear Mr Kaz your hands up right do you Solly swear the testimony you're about to provide shall we the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God and your answer is i s yes okay thank you okay Mr ring thank you mayor commissioner tonight Bo evening a special conditional use request for H Nation at uh 16385 B Boulevard um this was uh recommended for approval by the plan Zing board at its last meeting 570 at this time uh we will request that the applicant be between uh uh present first followed by staff at the discretion of the commission okay good evening everyone Mr Mayor vice mayor Commissioners my name is Eduardo Macha thank you for having me here I'm the owner and founder of H Nation um and ideally we're asking for special limited conditional use to be able to become at the first Dog Hotel in North Miami Beach and so I'm going to start I apologize if I started this is my first like meeting or hearing like this so relax take it easy we're friendly thank you okay so our mission is to become the first Dog Hotel in North Miami Beach and uh we want to provide excellent care to uh dogs all around the area focusing specifically in North Miami Beach Aventura and Sony is and our vision is then to become the first choice of pet parents that are looking for a specific place to entrust their beloved pets to us H the services that we have been providing in the past have been dog walking Services dog taxi dog grooming and we're this petition is for us to be able to do the boarding for dogs as well as daycare and I'm here here to address any questions concerns or worries that you guys might have uh regarding safety noise and any type of ideas that you might have um I'm going to go over the safety measures but I want to explain them to you while showing you the blueprints of the place so that's the place so if you could see at the North or at the top side of the of the blueprint um that's the main main entrance which is on the street level then on the left side there's going to be a retail area which is going to be a pet supply store and also Refreshments for for people drinks snacks stuff like that and then on the right side on the top there's going to be a reception with a playground where dogs are going to be able to play around the entire day and then when you see at the bottom there's a corner there's like the left corner of the bottom that's the space designated for a dog Hotel and then on the right there's the grooming space we've already built the place from scratch we're just waiting permission to operate as a dog hotel and um in terms of safety we took the necessary measures to provide a threo solution which is similar to the twodo safety at the dog parks where you cannot open enter the dog park or exit the do dog park without Closing one and opening another door that's for safety both to prevent Scapes from dogs and also to prevent uh dogs that might cause any harm to the to the public or escape and get lost or anything like that and then we we have a 10 security cameras installed in the place with Smart Systems smart AI recognition system they recognize depend we can select all the hours and say say from this hours if somebody if a human comes in should an alarm should uh sound or anything like that and um then in terms of noise I wanted to go over and and rest assured that there's the place is built with impact windows so by code they are soundproof and there's no noise coming out of the place or into the place place and uh then all the walls are concrete walls and if you see to the right of the blueprint the curve that's a water fountain from the harbor which is where the the commercial unit is located and then I wanted to show you and in here as you can see where the heart is that's where the Dog Hotel would be which is below a tennis a tennis court a basketball court and eight floors of parking garage so it's not straight under any residential units it's actually three more than 500 ft away from any of the residential units in the place and I wanted to show you like there's the water canals over there then you have the harbor at the top right corner where's the residential units then you see the tennis courts which is the parking space of the the harbor then you have Nomi residence which is on the left top of the of the of the image and if you see where the heart is there's there's going to be to the left there's a new development which is going to be exactly the same as Nami 360 units and if you see all this those three uh properties their parking spaces are kind of in that Center where below of the Harbor's parking space that's where the Dog Hotel is is and that's the space we're renting and in terms of the noise there's no way uh like the parking garage and the tennis courts create way more noise than any dock could ever create also at the top like you cannot see it from there but there's the gral part Park in the north and that usually gets 100 to 200 dogs a day and that like they are out in the open and that creates way more noise than anything inside our space which is confined and we've tested and we put loudspeakers in with very high music and you cannot hear it from the outside at any given time also if I we go back to the to blueprints on the bottom you see the wall at the at the very end right next to that it's the receiving area from from the harbor so it's not any residential unit and it's way too far from any type of residential unit and then here I wanted to show you the the yellow squares is where any residential units are and the red square is where the Doug Hotel would be so as you see the new development of the left they are also planning on having their parking garage right in front of where our commercial unit is then you have the parking gar garage of the harbor with the tennis courts and everything and then also to the top left and diagonally it's the nomies parking garage which it's all it's also eight floors high and it also the residential units in the yellow they are all with uh impact windows so again no no unit is going to be worrying or calling for any noise complaints whatsoever ER also the below is the grenal substation which is there's no residence there and also the bottom left of that it would be Dean's gold which is probably more concerning than anything um then uh I just wanted to show you guys some numbers at the harbor which is a 420 or 425 units of a building usually like a year it has no more than 285 people living the full year and out of those 285 uh units that are occupied for the full year and not from people coming in back and forth from for vacation there's 170 some dogs just in the harbor so there's there's a a big pet loving community and then in Nomi with with less than 40% occupancy they have more than 55 dogs now and they are planning projecting once they fill out to be to have more than 180 dogs as well and also the new building is going to have it's going to be probably the same as NAMI so we're we'll have more than 500 dogs within that area and 500 families that might need our our services that's why we started this in first in the first place because there's a big need of the residents of this three buildings to to be able to leave their dogs anywhere at and at a place that they actually can trust to to leave their their beloved dogs and um for Community impact if you guys allowed for for the Dog Hotel we're forecasting to have more than 15 employees and talking to the planning and board and Zoning Board we discuss about providing those jobs to people from North Miami Beach from a schools and colleges that graduate and leave in North Miami Beach so that's something we are open to and also we believe that uh by allowing Dog Hotel a dog hotel to operate in North Miami Beach it will bring more residents family ented residents that are pet owners and would want to invest more in real estate in the area and um this is our team that's me I'm the founder then then our Doug groomer is going to be Adriana Mata which is my mother-in-law and she has been grooming dogs for a little over two years now and she she's uh certified by a school of groomings here and then my other business partner is Alejandra suadi which he um was uh um I apologist I an air mechanic like airplane mechanic and he didn't like the job whatsoever he loved dogs and he decided to walk dogs for more than two years now and we the three of us we came together and decided to open this because there we saw that there's a need also we all live in in the harbor and and we saw the need for the hardware residents to be able to leave the dogs somewhere safe and that's why we started this in the first place always good to have the motherinlaw yeah I make a motion to approve thank you so much okay so now let's um that's what I was just getting to okay all right so so just but I do want to clarify one thing um you had mentioned that we happen to have a motion already but in this particular case but I I I just want to clarify the protocol um is the motion supposed to happen prior to um commissioner speaking prior to public comment where should this motion EXA because in the past we've done it differently so I just you know if we're doing it wrong we just need in my opinion I'm not always right just usually but in my opinion the proper protocol is as you've been doing you have a motion to bring it to the floor in a second you then bring the item to the floor you hear the presentation from Step you hear the presentation from the applicant then you open the public hearing when you close the public hearing it's proper for a member of the commission to move to approve or deny or whatever the motion is could be a motion to defer what if they don't know yet somebody makes needs to bring the item to the floor you do that by having a motion and a second which brings it to the floor and whatever that motion it could be a motion to defer but once the motion is made and seconded you then open it to the commission for discussion everybody can say whatever they want as long as you deem that appropriate if they have a question for the applicant or someone they can ask that when you're satisfied as the share that there's been sufficient discussion or someone makes a motion that to move the question so that to end debate then you call for the vote that's the prop in my opinion the proper problem okay so the last time you didn't do anything wrong is just that I believe someone may have called something it just happened to have worked out okay and now we also have a motion that just happened to work out even though really the motion should come after the public so that might have been a little premature so let's have public comment first and um and we'll redo that motion to make sure we do everything and mayor it's not fatal if you have some little minor change just try to keep you moving and moving quickly and by doing the same thing over and over people get used to it and you move more quickly that's that's all it's no tragedy if you somebody makes the motion and then you have some public comment watch okay public comment Madam Clerk any okay please come forward you have three minutes speak only on the item that is before the commission were you SW no I'm not [Music] SW yes I [Music] swear oh okay hello good evening mayor and Commissioners my name is wendley mesor um OG Grove 970 noreast 155 um it's actually um funny I think life Go full circle um I was driving to Windwood for the past couple of um couple of weeks I'm doing a summer program over there and I saw a dog Hotel on 26 Street I don't know if it's directly related to this one but I was wondering how come we don't have one one of those in off Miami Beach and if I'm not mistaken I think that would be the only hotel we have in off Miami Beach right I don't think we have any hotels yeah I know we have one of them by Jackson Hospital but I don't think that's part of a so I think this would be a good Initiative for pet owners I never been inside of a Dog Hotel before but I've been inside of a hotel I would love to see that enough Beach especially if it would help the resident and I think it would bring Revenue to the city so I do vote that we approve this which I think you guys had already brought up already but I think it's a great initiative thank you thank you anybody else want to come speak yes some SW David zapen through the C for back pay uh I'm just curious um about what percentage of North Mii Beach and thereabouts have dog friendly uh homes I mean how many of the houses are rented out by their owners to you know with rules against dogs which fair or not tend to be you know feared as destructive um and I hope that you know also how many of our residents can afford a dog compared to other pets I guess considering the extra attention money that's needed and uh hoping and I'm hoping that um you know someone someone brought up you know the question of a human Hotel I guess the old Howard Johnson's I know it's had other names like the roadwi roadway in I hope as I've said before I hope that for our human population you know maybe the old um affer to Optical can be turned into a bunk house for sadly our you know unhoused population because in some cases we're treating our animals like children and our children like animals I wish I was exaggerating but when you've been a substitute teacher for a dozen years you see things and they're not always pretty and uh also has uh anyone factored in the new apartment complex uh on 58th and Dixie they say it's north Miami I always have to scratch my head you know um will that be adding the clientele for dogs where will that be a dogf free zone so I thank the speaker for the cogent presentation um I just want to make sure that you know there's a demand for his Supply and that we're not just chasing a bubble of of opportunity that vanishes as soon as we grab it you know catching the bubble just as it bursts so good luck I'm sure everyone's doing their best thank you thank you KZ I thought you wanted to go home to the debate I think he's a pet lover I have a DVR oh okay I'll record it myar isan okay the gentleman did say that he did a study on the the noise put in some speakers yada yada yada whatever um did any did the city do an independent study ever because I heard this is the first hotel of of a dog Dog Hotel have we done any independent studies because I had Liv right next door to a dog barked whole night cried whole night I couldn't sleep and we having a lot of um people just around there in that neighborhood uh didn't you have to like send out a a notice informing those residents that you'd be having um like how you had to postpone totico tonight because I don't think they had informed their residents within 500 ft I'm not too sure but a business like this where you're going to be having a yapping animal all night long if possible um I do not know what chapperon they would be having to calm the dog or if they would be given medicating the dogs or or what but um all of these things need to be found out properly uh it it's going to be our first I I commend the the young man for going into business with his mother-in-law quite quite a a brave step and um and it's a young young young set of people uh we must encourage um the the younger generation of today in of discouraging them this is a a good family business I love dogs when I was growing up love dogs and um I know some people like when they about to leave they want to go on vacation they can always run down there if the price is right to put her dog up there for a week or two or whatever but um looks like a good business but just the noise problem I would have concerns with thank you very much for having me thank you [Music] um good evening Terence Cam and Zuli after hearing some of the comments here uh just needed to put in my two cents I'm a dog lover I've got two at home um he's going to be in the perfect position over there and he's very close to grenolds park I'm not sure if he's is going to be using that as part of his uh activities but he's very close to it um there are others that are not in the city that are very well known in the area wo Brothers used to be down on 109th they're now at 135th right outside our city limits uh there's another one who one of the founders of wake up n&b owns on 151st Street I'm just not drawing her name right away um this is a business that is needed uh a lot of vets actually do boarding I don't know if any of the Vets inside our city are doing it but my vet does boarding and that's Dr Cooper at Sky Animal Hospital which is not in our city right now it's a no just unincorporated so I plead that you do pass and allow this business to be there um it sounds like he's doing a lot of things and I'm not sure if he has other locations already in another area but he sounds very strong of what he's doing and very um how would you say gungho so I ask that you do approve this thank you okay thank you anybody else want to speak on this let the record show that no one came forward and public comment is closed um we have our motion and second right and um any any other comments yeah well first of all thank you so much for coming uh coming out and you know seeing our city as a place that you want to start your own business uh I will say that Douglas is very happy that you are coming to this community that's my dog chocolate Labrador America's number one dog W and I'm not even talking about other Labradors he Douglas is America's number one dog I'll disagree you know but um but um you know this this concept is so important because I I um uh heard uh Mr culi talk about uh vets that do boarding and you know I I have an experience where I had my dog at a vet that did boarding just for the the day time and and his um demeanor coming from that experience versus an experience like yours is completely different I don't know anyone else's experience but I'm just saying that a dog Hotel you know would would probably their um areas where the dogs are probably be much larger maybe they'd get more exercise and more you know time to play and different things like that that um that helps them out and you know um helps with their experience so I'm really I'm really excited about this but what I wanted to know is exactly uh where it says pet hotel what are the sizes of those I I don't want to call them kennels but what are the sizes of um those rooms the hotel rooms yeah the hotel rooms so basically uh the smallest one is 4x4 ft mhm which I put my 125b Italian mastiff inside and he fits comfortably and then we also have two more rooms which are 4x6 6 ft which you could actually board a lion there and and have no problem obviously we're not planning on boarding any Lions but H also to to your comment um I wanted to say that we're going to have one person TW like different people but there's going to be 247 surveillance of the dogs so they're not going to be left alone any time and at night someone would be sleeping with them in a in a Murphy bed that it's already bought and in the place and um the dogs during the day they will all be out of their rooms playing in the playground all together obviously if there's any dog that doesn't get along with another one we will separate them and rotate them between the rooms and the playground and we would be walking the dogs that are bored four times a day which is what I do to my dog which is every six hours H just because I did a bunch of research on my dog when when I first got him and read that you should take them out at least every 6 hours because it's the healthiest especially for male dogs for the prostate okay in addition to that um also Mr culi mentioned um gr's park I think it was you that mentioned x uh will you be utilizing grenolds Park um to to um to walk your dogs um and in that case is there anything that we should know permitting wise or anything like that when a business uses that kind of a park space and then the last question is uh par um pick up and drop offs I don't know if you mentioned that in your presentation but um what are you doing to mitigate any possible uh traffic concerns for pickup and drop off that's it in in terms of car crash or something no no in terms of um cars backing up are you are you expecting to have that as an issue or where where where's the drop off are you expecting the most of your clients to be residents of the building we're according to the numbers I I I ran and I I got a consultant for for for this around 70% of our customers should be within those three buildings the two existing buildings and the new one which is going to be within an hour an hour a year a year and a half and then the others yes there's going to be we we also offer dog taxi so we pick up and drop off the dogs and the our commercial unit has five five parking spaces where we can allow the customers to come into the harbor because our commercial unit pays HOA at the harbor so we have the five parking spaces and security just tells them where to park and we pick the dog either right on the parking space or they come into our facility and we receive the dog okay so the pick up and drop off is mitigated through the taxi service that you have yes and well and also the parking space places that people park there and that's inside of the harbor so they would wouldn't be blocking any streets M and then for the walking the harbor has like a loop which is like a public Loop and it has to remain open during morning till Sunday Sun sown because I think it's has something to do with nature and it's like a like a it's like a nature walk that everybody should should be able to access so we are walking the dogs four times that they through that walk through that Loop which is I think it's 4 miles and then what we were planning for the dog park for grinols was schedule once or twice a week doggy day camps where we would take the dogs to grenolds and set up like a play date and and okay so so grenolds is not a significant part of your business plan not at all we would later on after we have everything figured out the hotel the dayer The Grooming and we we fill out that business we will obviously look into ways to attract more money and that would be one one of the ideas but it's later on in the future and if Allowed by any laws or or prohibited by any laws okay thank you so much all right commissioner Trump I think it's a great idea my question is what's the maximum number of pets you can have or dogs you can have at one time what I'm asking is for for 17 dogs maximum to stay overnight and seven dogs to to stay during the daycare so if we have 17 dogs and seven dogs during the dayare it would be 24 dogs at a maximum time and then when you have all the dogs whether they're big whether they're small you know Mastiff is a big dog Chihuahua is a tiny dog well those two depending on the dogs can't play together so you got to separate them where are they all going to play there is a there's a like a universal playground for all the dogs to be all the time outside in that playground playing however we're going to We cannot put 24 dogs playing at the same time we have to separate small and bigger so we have a rotation system which with that space is inside your wall is what you're saying what sorry it's inside your wall yes it's in the playground area I don't know caned Eddie can we put the presentation again sorry so yeah it's inside our and also it's AC controlled so they can play all summer all winter everything and and not have a heat stroke which a lot of dogs die due to heat Strokes here in Florida uh okay so here you see the big Square which is the Dog Hotel area the the one in the bottom to the left right M and then above that it's a playground you see that there's there's a square on the top that has the twodo system for safety and then all that space is for dogs to play and the space is big enough to be able to fit 15 dogs playing at the same time however we have a rotational system which is no more than 10 dogs at a time at the playground while the others are resting in the rooms and then the ones that are resting in the rooms they rotate to the outside and then the ones that are on the playground will go to the rooms and to be able to have the big dogs to play with the big dogs and the small dogs to play with the small dogs or if there's a there's an aggressive dog or not aggressive towards people or anything but it's just a dog that it that doesn't want to play with any other dog and there's plenty of those we would put all of the dogs in the room and let that dog play out for a few M like for 20 30 minutes and then come go back to his room walk them and and the rotation system is based all around the walks so around the four walks there's morning breakfast the first walk they come they come in they play in the playground for an hour and a half and then we have to give them time to rest because some dogs never know when to stop and they they can have heart attacks and they it it's a big thing in dog hotels so what we do is after an hour and a half of play time we put them in the rooms and the ones that were in the rooms would come for an hour and a half of play time and then after that hour and a half and another hour and a half it's 3 hours and then it's the next time for the walk so we start the cycle all over again thank you okay any else so um first of all I just want to say for someone who is nervous you did an amazing job you really did a great presentation and we've had we've had attorneys and lobbyists come up here and you're on top with them so you did an amazing job thank you so much um Eddie um I'm assuming you we notices were sent to the harbor and to the Nomi residents yes ma'am and no and nobody came back with any Community Development had not received any comments okay so that's good that's a good thing good luck thank you so much you're welcome oh and I have the cutest dog by the way okay and her name is Yuka Yuka Yuka and she's adorable my dog is a he so he's the handsomest well Jay's dog is no no no mine's PR Canario that's gorgeous yeah oh wow wow I love PR mine is aor mine's a brat a what mine's a brat very spoiled mine's a brat a brat I couldn't even talk to the manager she decided to train herself that when I get on the phone she'll just bark and until I give her another treat wow mine's a bean po so um my questions I'm not familiar I'm very excited about this and speaking to the woman that lived there prior to for two years you're right there's a lot of dogs number one um number two uh it's very difficult to get an appointment for a groomer you you're going to be open 7 days a week cuz you're boarding s days a week are your is the grooming going to be open seven days a week at first no because it's my mother-in-law H and she wants to do Monday through Friday however I think we're not going to be able to oh that's not going to be enough groomers it's not going to be no no no we have space for three uh tables for three groomers at a time however we're starting with her which is she's she's a partner and then as need comes we will have and we already have the people that will be hired for I see that the quality from the picture what I can see and the money you're putting into this I mean I can't imagine it wouldn't be very successful I appreciate you bringing it into North R Beach I ask that we have a ribbon cutting a grand opening when it when you're ready I'm the liaison for economic and I think that that's important to for for your business and also City to see my question that I'm not familiar with your business there's 17 possibilities I did ccle the 17 to ask you does somebody stay overnight yes yes and that would be Alejandra SI which is my business partner he's a young kid 22 years old very workaholic and he he's going to be staying overnight sleeping there so I'm an extreme dog lover animals in particular I mean I have to walk my neighbor's fish when she goes away so um I'm an extreme animal lover and just to see the money and the quality that you're projecting to us I'm very excited and I extremely successful and maybe even open another one in North May beach down the road amen I you the best Mr something you wanted to say yeah yes sir mayor um I may be wrong on this but it was brought to my attention that there's something the commission passed before I came that says there's like a 10-minute limit on the discussing items and if that's the case we're way over it is that accurate um I I I don't know if that's referencing quasi judicial per person per person 10 minutes per per person per person yeah per person we can't say Over Midnight yeah right per person so right Max minutes no matter what it so I have per person but twice and twice I think it was five five no I think it was 10 and 10 oh no it was it was just 10 I think we had a second 10 a second I think so mayor I will research that meeting let me find out so what you're saying has nothing to do with your dog and I wish you so I call the question way so what you're saying is I can talk more about my dog for minutes we're calling question you can talk about your dog to your heart's content commissioner but not necessarily and not here we need to move on all right listen hang on one second call the question Mr attorney one thing when you're researching that the 10 minutes that we're talking about if a commissioner is questioning um well staff or an applicant or whoever it may be does it does the 10 minutes only count when the commissioner is speaking yes but not when they're being answered or is it for the whole interaction my my answer would be that that is a prime example of why when you look to adopt a policy you need to be really clear and specific what you're adopting because the more things are vague or unstated the more confusion will be caused so with deference to this gentleman I don't want to interrupt his presentation it's extremely important to him but I'm just saying you have a very long agenda and I will research the issue so we don't have confusion about it in the future and the answer to your question is it depends on How It Was Written how it was passed and voted on and how clear it is as you pointed out earlier in the meeting we want to be sure that what we have are clear items when a policy is being adopted so everybody knows what the rules are and we're not making it up as we go with that I apologize for interrupting okay are we ready for a roll call Vote Yes okay motion by commissioner smuckler seconded by some commissioner shernoff we go with commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph commissioner Smith with such happiness yes commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shernoff yes vice mayor flon D yes oh let's go that means let's go I know yes yes all right congratulations thank you so much one more um not for you Mr attorney um and Madam clerk um so I had a request from a commissioner about moving an item is that something that um yes mayor it's always within the jurisdiction of the commission to move it's technically it's a motion to amend the agenda but frankly if a commissioner just says I want to move something up it's not lost on anybody what's meant you can certainly accept that and if it's the will of the commission the rules are meant to assist assist you in getting things done not prevent you from getting things done totally the request was to move um 15.1 to like now right I'll do one more first because I gotta use the oh okay okay it's move 15.1 until commissioner turnoff comes back from the restroom okay okay all right so let's uh let's move on every week let's move on with legislation and thank you very much we need a motion in a second to introduce 11 .1 did we move something out of order not yet well we're going to soon you got the motion we need a second second okay perfect um Mr attorney yes yes sir item 15.1 no no no no we're on 111 right now I'm sorry 11.1 15.1 stuck in the braak item 11.1 ordinance number 20247 this is second reading on the Hanford kit of Parts uh brought by the Community Development director an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida amending the city of North Miami Beach code by amending chapter 24 entitled zoning and Land Development Article Five entitled zoning use districts section 24- 58.1 entitled fulford mixed juuse Town Center District MTC to establish reference to the NMB Hanford Boulevard public streetcape kit of Parts providing for uh codification providing severability conflicts and providing for an effective date okay thank you second reading mayor all right thank you m commissioner really briefly uh this is in regard to the hand for credit part that as uh the board uh the Commission in its capacity as the board member the CRA had commissioned and and brought forward and adopted however for staff to be able to bring this Vision that the uh the mayor commission has adopted we need to codify this into the code what this uh ordinance change does it allows staff to not make it as a suggestion to Future applicant coming in but actually make it a request that they would have to comply with the future Tye plan uh applications okay thank you um all right Madam clerk public comment please step forward if You' like to speak on this item you have 3 minutes to do so okay let the record reflect no oh let's see legislation 11.1 you know you always wait until I'm about ready to close the comment then you jump up he likes to keep us in suspense I'll be very short is he or isn't he marar isan I do not know what the gentleman explained there just now maybe he did talk to you all one andone and you really understood this maybe I call one of you tomorrow and you could explain this in depth I have no idea what he says what he said on this here what is it that he says what is it what is this anyone anybody could explain to me what he just said I know that I know I know most of you do not understand but you just vote oh yes oh I can explain it but we're in public comment we don't okay I I know that you talk to people before when they're standing here so I I would love to hear understand what he just said thank you very much for having me okay thank you anybody else let the record reflect no one else came forward and public comment is closed okay so I think this would be the point that we would need the motion correct okay motion motion and second anyone second thank you okay did you have something you want to say Mr Ring you had something you want to say before we no okay all right all right so any uh comment from Commissioners this is about the streetcape and about what we've been discussing to make Hamford Boulevard more beautiful and more consistent that's what this is is about and to bring it to the vision that whoever decided to make those blocks closed what their Vision was to make it come to something fruition streetscapes Landscaping Etc that's what this is about okay cool question my my question last time was about the time frame of this particular project and you said when it was approved that the work would start is there a timeline of start and finish uh commissioner uh what this does is it establishes um the street gate regulation for this um in terms of the regulation come into play as with all other ordinances there's a dirty day time period before it takes effect um and afterwards in terms of actual construction right now uh we are taking the approach of having the applicant who are coming in uh uh at they provide for plan to include that part of the site plan in the future if the commission so directs then staff would uh have to look at the budget and bring the before the Commission in order to implement aspects of the uh hord Boulevard uh and so forth because initially the CRA was looking into the design and we had Chosen and also the Gateway signs were was also a conversation as well so from what you're saying we would be waiting on on a a particular developer of sorts to come forth and then decide okay they have to adhere to the design that was already approved versus US investing in the current infrastructure right the um the the the M direct approach it yes uh um we normally would wait for developer come in other cities have provided a direction if their C funding for example provide for it and that's separate than our city budget of course uh uh where they want to advance initiative further uh or ahead of what would normally be uh a schedule based on incoming development thank you welcome okay any other com NOP okay good so we have a motion I don't know if it's a motion to approve I'm assuming it is no okay then we need a roll call commissioner Joseph yes commissioner Smith yes commissioner smuckler no yes or no yes commission sherov yes commissioner Jean yes vice mayor floron yes mayor Piper yes passes 70 okay thank you so I just had a question for the attorney why why does it say draft on a second reading when nothing was changed I don't know it shouldn't be say draft that's probably cleric or my guess okay so it won't it may have been something that came from my office and my okay uh that my uh assistant uh regularly applies or it could have been from someplace else but we'll do yours now not a draft thank you that's incorrect thank you item 151 mayor 151 I don't think we need a motion introduce that one it's a discussion item it's a discussion and possible action yep so 15.1 uh city clerk's contract renewal for discussion and possible action um brought by the city court okay Madam clerk yes uh I'd like to thank you all for allowing me to serve as a city clerk for the last few years um I'm seeking your approval to retain me as your city clerk there was an email sent with the proposal I'm more than happy to discuss that with you all okay um any discussion on this at all oh okay um the only only thing that I would ask I see we have our HR Director here um is there anything HR wise that comes into play on this or this is something that just is straight okay perfect all right so um she's one of our officers that we yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know I make a motion to approve thank you second okay um so all in favor say I I I any oppos okay passes unanimously okay congratulations clerk thank you very much I really appreciate it okay now we're back the regular order of business all right we're back to 112 item 112 we need a motion and second to 112 me a second second second thank you okay Mr attorney ordinance number 202 24-8 second reading to increase the number of parks and beautification commission members sponsored by commissioner chernoff an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida amending the code of ordinances of the city of North Miami Beach Florida section 2-54 parks and beautification commission by doubling the size of the commission providing for codification conflicts gers errors severability and providing for an effective date motion to approve second okay and mayor this um item is brought before you uh at the request of the commissioner uh who Express an interest in having more people available to be able to participate and to do the work of the city but the item specifies that the Quorum is not going to be affected so it will not have a problem for the uh commission the committee to get a quorum and in fact it should be easier more people to count towards it this is simply to allow additional people to pitch in and try to help accomplish the purposes for which this committee exists got it okay thank you um Madame clerk public comment I hurt myself sorry you have three minutes yes thank you my name is wendley me um I wanted to say um thank you for approving the city cler um ever since I've been involved in City I seen the great work she have done so thank you for that it's too much to go into but um as I said about the beautification board um I'm not an expert on beautification but I do um support that we approve to up the members of the beautification board and it's actually one of the board I Look to be a part of hopefully Mr shaa you consider me to be one of your Appo bring the application thank thank you um yes I do think this um o side of nor Miami Beach does need some beautification there's a lot of trash initiative in the area I don't know if that's part of the beautification board if this is a question and answer session for me um if Mr shanov could answer that for me is it like do you do trash Initiative for the beautification board do they clean up that certain area of North Miami Beach weit we're responsible for the whole North North Miami Beach so we do we get Public Works to help us in certain areas when it needed you're being timed oh yes yes I got time thank you yes so I would love to see that initiative take off so it's it's a good board so I would definitely support that we approve the to of the members and consider me as one of them thank you thank you thank you okay anyone else want to speak yeah that's a good idea I think we have another perspective board member [Laughter] here my my board is in the front or box there mbar isan yes um thank you guys for extending Andre's um contract for whatever it is I I've been asking for years for you to give the city clerk more power more power in a sense that it should not be politicized we are having an election coming up and people out of the city would come to live in the city just before the election take place and and take part in our elections and and she should have the power to like you know contact the rightful authority to actually investigate like how we did the investigation of one of our members there investigate these people if they actually living in the city that kind of power in terms of this beautification I do not know how much it's working because I see a lot of um places around us in a deplorable condition deplorable condition and um it's not taken care of I I do not know if code is working I I see the recycle bins uh uh whole week out in the roadside nobody's pick picking up the the gentleman he complained that Coastal is not doing their rightful pickups on the particular days I I see it in in my own area um one time I had um David Scott he he he was up and about and that and he says oh give them 24 hours before we find them so you have a beautific ation board you increase it in size but if you do not have a backup system for deification to function you could even increase it to 150 people on the board it's not going to work you can't just get code that works in a politicized way where you know you fall out with one of you and then they come and they look at my yard and give me 50 citations or something like that and that is the only way they would work because in my area flaming height or Grove you know those places um east east and Western sunr East Sunray West you go there and you want to know what why why is the trash why is the bulk trash out when it's not supposed to be it's beautification right it's not only just on Parks you should be taking a whole look on the entire city not just Parks when you hear about a beautification board you would say listen incompass the whole city and we we you drive around there and you see the bul crash out when it's not supposed to be out I know my in my area some people put out the ball trash two weeks ahead what is the beautifications going to do about that nothing but the Cod could do something and I hope it's not falling on De ears because time I know time is going to be November come for some of people as well too this year November thank you okay um thank you very much anyone else want to speak on this come on up if you want to speak have you have you been sworn in no it's not required oh oh oh okay not this yeah is she on Comm I don't know everyone good even bring the mic down my name is junice Gaston I've been living in North Miami Beach for the past 39 years wow and where I live it always in peace but actually is a little bit for beautification that you're talking it's like the neighbor some of them they don't care it's like they build up thing like bar Wheels big Chuck wheel to send away and some law enforcement it's like when they friends with them and they leave notes on your side when you try you know to clean up your side and cut off a tree needs to be trim to be beautiful but when you left it over like wild all over and I clean it I make my Gardener clean it up since next week they're going to pick up the trash and I've get a note on my door telling me that that plot of tree be a part of the trees needs to be removed immediately because they interfere I don't know with what I put it in front of my house not on the street but I know if favor is him because the the person in case they are friend with him that's why I'm here tonight when is when is your bulk pickup uh next week so so maybe that's why they did it you're I'm not sure but you're supposed to put it out what is it 48 48 hours two days up to two days yeah up to days they pick it up Monday like the Monday coming uhhuh so the go you took it last you did it last week no no no no yesterday you know um that was a question I had Mr manager I know it's public speaking but your Gardener comes and cuts down your tree or cuts down gets it ready for Hurricane and he comes a week before bu pick up what are you supposed to do about that you have to coordinate it yeah you got to coordinate it yeah I did that yeah and also they put a big tree in front of my house that the city who planted it I was not [Music] there on the swell and uh it's never trim the city never came to trim it it's like the front is them the tree can you write down her address what was your address 16165 they they'll they'll get with her before she leaves night okay okay well someone will look at go look at the tree yeah my favorite okay um any other speakers okay let the record reflect no one else came forward public comment is closed much for listening to me thank you any comment from Commissioners no okay motions on the floor we need a roll call please commissioner Smith yes commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shanov yes commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph vice mayor Flore yes mayor Piper yes it passes 70 thank you all thank you all right we need a motion second to introduce 113 motion second is that good um Mr attorney item 113 ordinance number 20 24-9 second reading establishing chapter 10B entitled North Miami Beach school zone dangerous intersection safety regulations brought by the uh chief of police an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida amending the code of ordinances of the city of North Miami Beach Florida uh by I'm sorry 2008 by creating a new chapter 10B entitled North Miami Beach school zone dangerous intersection safety regulations declaring intent making findings regarding relevant traffic data and evidence warranting additional enforcement procedures and design feel better designation of school's own speed detection system locations which constitute a heightened safety risk authorizing placement and installation of a school's own speed detection system designating a local hearing officer providing for implementation of the dangerous intersection safety regulations by the city manager providing for codification conflict scriveners error severability and providing for an effective date motion to approve okay is the police department here to speak good evening mayor and commission Senor manager uh we are here for the second reading of the ordinance to pass the school's own camera camera system for Speed in a school zone any questions I'm here to answer it any questions what was the name of the vendor there are two vendors under consideration it's ver mobility and ultimate and how does The Selection process will Ono for those vendors the selection process is is still ongoing the award is my understanding will be next month and we have interviewed both uh companies and I working with the procamera director shice George to come to a selection I have a question the education woman said that we have six public schools in North L Beach will all six of them be covered it's going to be the three Public Schools it's going to be grenolds fulford and Sable Palm the El will we expand we could look at expanding to the charter schools in the future but for right now it's just for the public schools our high school and the middle school is covered by the Miami dat school system which has already passed by Miami day County with a different vendor to put in their school speed zone cameras cuz they're not technically in North Miami Beach correct no they're in the county but she but the woman said we have six public schools in North H Beach that's what she said said yeah that she gave us a little chart if you look at package but but in the meantime they're just we're just addressing three for now that's correct that school that used to be the last chance School South of 1633 that high school yes the Charter School charter school thank you you're welcome Chris all right any other questions no okay no um Madam clerk we need public comment please come forward if you wish to speak on this item come on bar isan I stayed away publicly um purposefully from the debate so that I can talk on these topics very important to me I um and if the people at home does not understand these cameras are going to be going up and if they go over the limit let's say if it's 30 m per hour and you go over or the 2 m hour you'll get a ticket of $100 it's not just during the time when the bulbs are flashing yellow it's consistently whole day an hour before the school starts and I think it's like an hour after the school's finished half an hour I think that this half an hour sir this should be explained because many of these thingss that I walked away from I know that it was going to go till 12: midnight and I I I can't take it I mean I'm getting older but body can't take it at when you're not getting paid either so to me like if you do not put up enough warning signs that this year is surveillance cameras is going to you know like how you have it with the red light cameras is it's like a GAA and 60% of that $100 coming back to the city to me it's like a conflict of interest that you really want to catch people going over the speed limit by a mile 2 m per hour is it is there like a a thing where okay if you go over 5 mil per hour the 30 or is it like I was going coming down 15th Avenue the other day and we all cruising nobody's speeding and I looked at my speedometer it was 32 mph and that speed limit was 30 mil per hour so there everybody could have gotten a ticket everybody and there's no like regular intervals that this is his speed limit I've I've been counting in some other cities you have um these speed limit signs every you know few L lamp poles like like I think I came down 57th Avenue today every few lamp Poes there's a 45 miles per hour you come down 12th Avenue where I live 10 blocks I think there are like three speed limit signs like two of them falling down almost nobody's there to prop it up I do not know the beautification we talked about if if if it's going to enhance that but uh to me like this is a g your I got your moment is not otherwise you would have had cops on 12th Avenue we then normally speed and and I think it was you who told me like a couple years ago that you guys would have implemented something there for traffic caling time traffic coming all right thank you it just doesn't work out this is a problem thank you your your speeding ticket for going 32 and a 30 is waiting in the back of the room for you commissioner Joseph I want to agree with Mr cassan he is getting old um oh I I'll wait for um okay there's another y all right next speaker speaking of guys who speed speed s you have no idea David zapen 30k for back pay yes I am concerned that this will be a speed trap situation basically taxing the poor to subsidize the less poor um I hope some of that money will go towards real time you know speed signs actually showing you you are going you know you're going 31 and it blinks and warns you otherwise a lot of people a lot of parents will be you know looking for their kids and such and not looking at the signs and of course drivers too busy looking at their GPS same problem um and you know having these I just hope that there's still enough crossing guards um preferably Union working for the county if not the city but I suspect this is another form of automation that continues to uh put what had been you know honorable work you know downsizing it in the style of the Lites back in the day or you know automating people out of business like artificial intelligence threatens to do even to Once skilled writers like myself and so yeah I'm I'm sure this is happening and that's great I just want to make sure you're looking at both the equation the same people that tell youngsters learn to balance a checkbook almost never had to learn how to balance a chemical equation or an accounting ledger so yes let's do what's best to protect the children the staffers you know someone who's been hit by a van I don't recommend it but I'm a professional I don't want that to happen to anyone else so yes let's uh take care of everyone involved with the schools but let's get it right please not just a cash grab as my predecessor Fierce thank you okay thank you very much any other speakers let the record reflect no one else came forward public comment is closed and commissioner Joseph um I just had a couple of questions um just to clarify um some of the comments that some of the you know speakers came up and stated on the record yes um the the speed cameras will be operated a half hour half hour before a half hour after that is correct a half an hour before the school zone starts and a half an hour afterwards so basically 7:30 to 4: and and the reason I say this is because like if you're picking up your kids um you know this is just for me I the primary focus for me is safety for kids and putting some type of deterent from people speeding through cuz I see that I don't live too far from 15th half so to me this is is worth it this is not I don't see this as a a a tax but more of a deterrent um and also I mean I the other question I wanted to um see if um would it be possible to ask the vendor to put one of those because I know in other neighbors you see the digital sign just for like during off hours to say like hey um please slow down uh as you're driving through this through the school zone or through the through that particular area that that thorir that says you know this is the speed you're going please toow down is that is that even possible making that request can they could put the trailer a they could put the trailer out there you know the statute is specific as to where you can have these speed detection zones reference to schools they can do other kinds of things to address the issue that you're talking about that or not but the statute on where no no I I get the statute I get what we're voting for I'm about the speed TR yeah I'm just asking if there's any so if we can add an additional measure of showing like um on on that same uh right away on that same thoroughfare uh like a a Giger counter saying you're going the speed well let me let me let me suggest we have that portable TR we have the portable trailers that show the speed maybe maybe when it's first put into place for a little bit of time it could be there to get people to you know get acclimated to what's going on no no I get that and I don't want I don't want to have um uh look I'm trying to find a balancing act uh in regards to the residence that live in St West because it's is going to affect a lot of people especially you know them getting acclimated it should be more acclimated cuz you know we know when the school when the school start when when school time starts also how we're going to handle the holidays um is it going to be Auto is it going to be is it still going to be operating during the summer breaks when school's not in session that type of thing no no it won not okay I just want to clarify I just want to put that on record but still I would like to see if there's a outside of this particular ordinance having um not just a mobile um type of thing that could be moved or what have you but something espec especially in that that specific thare because there's really no traffic coming people can sometimes race through there saying hey you're going this amount please slow down because I've seen in other um cities that they have this particular measure but it's not it's constant stays there like on the beach they have it on certain areas like on Pine Tree Drive you see them you're going down there they now they have like these these bumps these traffic coming bumps but they still have these one sign that says please slow down you're going this speed yes I believe you're referring to the permanent solar speed sign that will tell you how fast going and yes we can look into putting that up actually uh commissioner Joseph um you guys have data on this already we do commissioner you you have data on this so um because we've had this conversation um as a result of um by the Burger King what's what Avenue is that is that Northwest Northwest uh Burger King um the Burger King that's on the west side across um from the McDonald's you know what I'm talking about by Starbucks Starbucks yeah it's around is that Northwest or no I think it's Northeast it's Northeast noreast Yeah by Starbucks so there was a there was a speed hump that we put over there as a result of a lot of the accidents that were happening and I remember we started having that conversation about the permanent solar powered uh uh speedometers and you guys have the figures you you have the cost and everything already this is probably a year ago so I think there certain areas look um especially near the canal we've been having a lot of issues ues with when people would go Shas or what have you people are speeding through um using that as a way to cut into 15th Avenue because they didn't want to go down 83rd to get to 15th Avenue something like that really does you know put put people on on notice um you know and I just think that we should add that more in our community I don't think we have that anywhere besides the fact that we have the mobile one and I think we do need to implement that especially and this will be a good probably a good place to test it out or put it out initially in a pilot program that 15 15th Avenue Corridor and see if the one if depending on how you know you have these vendors coming in maybe they you can put them at uh ask him hey which one of you guys would be able to Pony up to put this on there to I guess determine which one would be the best vendor to go forward on absolutely commissioner we'll look into that we'll go back and look at our study and uh through the manager's office we'll submit a proposal okay uh as far as I'm sorry any other questions oh I'm you have a question yes so um I don't mind doing like a warning like you mention but maybe for 2 weeks or something because look if they're speeding they're speeding they shouldn't be speeding it's a school zone no no the way the statue opers it opers like for those hours but I'm just saying like this will stay constant meaning that as you're like 6 o' or 7 o'clock or 11 o'clock at night if you're driving down 15th AV sometimes people just go straight well so those solar things I I love it I think we should put it in different parts of the city maybe it's something if we could somehow I I know we have to cut but the budget but maybe if we can put it into our budget and and put it throughout really the throughout the city maybe the top 10 spots where there's the most accidents or the most speeding or something I I would love something like that for um absolutely commissioner I'll give with the Traffic Unit and we'll get stud let me see Kazan um little kids dying or um giving tickets to people I think I'm going to I take the kids the the yeah I I'll give the tickets and there's a 11 mph grace period so if they're if they're going 11 miles over the speed limit in a school zone come on you know that is correct 11 miles hour is where that civility civility you're genuine um all right Comm Smith thank you you know I I I agree that the speeding whether it be 15th Avenue or 67th or 172nd out here I think the speeding is something we really have to control a little more but we do need speed bumps I walk every day and you know what it's the people that live there that speed to their house and you're not going to be able to correct it by having somebody there 24/7 the only way we're going to be able to correct it is to slow them down cuz they're not going to do it they even my neighbors that I talk to they yes me yeah don't worry we will don't worry we will until my back is turned and then they're run speeding down so we really need to have some kind of program going with speed bumps I've talked to the manager about this it especially where I am it's a dead end and that means to them it's a racetrack it's a racetrack and and it's not just the children there's a lot of elderly people that walk now you'd be surprised I see the same people every time I walk and you know they're very vulnerable they don't hear we really have to have a program for that Mr manager okay I had a quick question Mr Mayor um for the school board when they passed their ordinance was there any uh Public Notices sent out to Neighborhood to neighborhoods yes Comm do that and are we doing the same we will be doing the same it's a 30-day warning notice that goes out that's per of State Statute and as well they standard across the board through the state so every jurisdiction has to do when they adopt their Speed Zone Program okay so people will get we will and they will work with us on a community outreach and they will help us out through our public affairs office and putting out on social media that this is coming and your first 30 days is a warning then after 30 days the uh the initiative starts with the utc's thank you I think we have a motion Mr Mayor we have a motion we have a motion so let's call the question if no one other the questions then just call the question um all right roll call please commissioner smugler yes commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph commissioner Smith yes Vice May FL vice mayor floran yes mayor Piper yes it passes 60 okay all right we need a motion and second introduce 114 motion okay we got the motion in two seconds um and um Mr attorney item 114 ordinance number 20245 this is an ordinance on the first reading approving the change of candidate qualifying dates and runoff election dates sponsored by the city CL an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North L Beach Florida amending section 4.1 of the city Charter to change the runoff election date and amending section 4.3 of the city Charter to change the qualifying registration period for City commission elections running for codification running for conflicts scers error separability and providing for an effective date mayor and Commissioners VI mayor vice mayor Commissioners this ordinance uh was uh a couple of items that were originally requested by the Miami day County elections Department however we have made one significant change since this was first discussed there was some strong feelings expressed that it was not proper to change the basic structure of our elections during the middle of an election cycle accordingly we provide in this ordinance that the runoff date would be changed from 2 weeks to 4 weeks but not during this cycle be change effective the next cycle the technical effed date is January of 20125 and the only relevance of that because that the cycle actually doesn't come up until 2026 but by changing it effective January 2025 if for some reason special election was mandated then the new runoff periods would apply for the special election as well however the other portion oh thank you madam clerk I appreciate that the other portion of it changing the qualifying dates takes effect immediately because um the supervisor's office needs that change made now they don't really have quite enough time after our qualifying was scheduled to end to be sure that they address the Uh current cycle they need to get these names a little sooner so briefly this changes both the qualifying date is moved back about I think it's about 8 days earlier not a a significant change but to accommodate the division the the supervisor's office and in the future after this election cycle in 2024 is completed for future elections runoffs would would be moved from 2 weeks to 4 weeks to allow the uh the supervisor's office time to prepare conduct the elections properly which is what we want them to do and also to uh provide a little more time for the candidates to proceed that's the the summary of the ordinance um it's an ordinance for first reading provided that it's approved tonight and on second reading we will get the change done in time so that people will know of the new qualification dates and that we can accommodate the supervisor if there are any questions I'm happy to answer them all right Madam Madam Madam clerk we need public comment please step forward if you wish to speak on this item oh my she said that but that's not what our word is okay myar isan you know this country is an evolving country and every time you bring something up you oh we could make it better we can make it better we can make it better and we always keep we used to hold our elections in in May and a few people show up to vote and then we bring it to November and you had like about two three times yes um commissioner Michael Joseph I'd like your attention as well instead of doodling on your phone I do I know I know whatever yes and now we have it in November and we have a tremendous amount of you know turnout we should not only stick on on what is up here as I said earlier a lot of people taking part in n&b elections they they don't live in the City but then they come in commissioner CH G chov when he was councilman he he had to go to court for one uh councilwoman bet Spiegel she had to go to court for another one and and there were a few that came in that we did not have to go to court for because they did not make it at the finals but I'm telling you again we need to strengthen these laws here you have one law here that that needs um you know you bring forward there are more things to make our city better just don't wait for it to happen these things Sprout ideas you know you bring up something and it's sprout in iday expand on the ID I heard earlier that you know you you make a proposal here tonight but if you don't pass it in a resolution the city manager anybody don't have to do it you know how many of these things that we passed and the city manager didn't do it like the had Hunter I'm not going to stray from the topic but what I'm telling you okay we we learn as we go along Mr Geller is sharing his his valued um input into this and only now you're learning oh you have to put it in a resolution everything has to be in a resolution now when when when you get an approval up there it has to now come back in a resolution I really have nothing much to say about this actual point here but what I'm just telling you it just triggered um uh another idea of making City enemy better making City enemy better thank you very much for having me and and Mr Mayor when someone comes up and speak about an item they're supposed to speak about that item if they're not speaking about that item well we're supposed to speak about the items that we're talking about there of course um okay any other anyone else want to come up and speak on this topic okay let the record reflect no one came forward public hearing is closed anything else from the Commissioners the mo do we have a motion yes and a second okay perfect and um all right any other any other the Commissioners anything it's first reading yeah first reading okay so we're good still yep we need a roll call commissioner John yes commissioner Joseph commissioner Smith yes commissioner smuckler yes fa F vice mayor floron yes mayor Piper yes I'm I'm looking at the uh agenda sir it passes 6 thank you civility Madam clerk yes all right Motion in second to introduce 115 motion okay and a second second okay Mr attorney item5 ordinance number 20241 first reading Rapid Transit Zone comprehensive plan text Amendment sir thank you very much sirc um item 115 ordinance number 202 24-11 first reading Rapid Transit Zone comprehensive plan text Amendment brought by the community development director an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida amending the future land use element text amending policies 1.2.7 1.6.3 1.8.2 1.8.5 and 1.8.6 to set minimum standards over all development within the rapid transit Zone rtz by adopting a local ordinance with its own policies satisfying the minimum floor area ratio F requirements of the County's rtz or ordinance as well as procedures for review and approval of new development within the rtz providing for certified copies of this ordinance and comprehensive plan to the Florida land planning agency Florida Department of Commerce and all other units of local government or governmental agencies as required under chapter 163 part two Florida Statutes providing for adoption pursuant to section 163318 for Florida Statutes providing for inclusion in the city of North Miami Beach Comprehensive plan providing for repeal of repeal of conflicts severability and for an effective date the development director thank you Mr in thank you mayor commissioner to for this evening it's regarding the rapid transit Zone uh as you may be aware the county uh when it adopted the Smart Plan also uh moved Along on that to create a set of standards that the city also now must follow um uh in regard to what the county is uh requesting uh to uh provide for a review of appropriate changes to City engaged uh kimley horn at this time I'd like to turn it over to our consultant from kimley Horn uh Ally thank you so much good evening okay great the presentation's up I timed myself I'm hoping this will be less than 10 minutes for you all because I'm sure uh the brevity will be appreciated uh so as Eddie mentioned um I'm Ally Palmer and with kimley horn I'm mangie planner practice Builder with the firm um and tonight we're going to be presenting on behalf of City Planning staff the rtz ordinance to amend the city's comprehensive plan so just a quick agenda to kind of show you what we're going to go through talk about the rtz a little bit as well as the proposed boundaries the complant text that we'll be amending and then we'll talk about some next steps so what is the rtz as some of you may recall the county passed their rtz ordinance um supportive of their compant policies and state statute to encourage and um attract Transit ridership and to establish a more Compact and efficient Urban form along existing and proposed Transit corridors and within the urban center designations which some of you may be familiar with the urban centers also part of the county Vision Direct growth into mixed use centers that are walkable and connected by transit they also hope that these areas will increase employment opportunities for residents in those areas and um reduce commutes if not eliminate commutes is the idea of course the rtz ordinance um the County's rtz ordinances requires Incorporated jurisdiction such as the city to adopt zoning consistent with the rtz if they have land within a half mile of the smart corridors the city of North Miami Beach of course has land within the Northeast Corridor and is therefore required to amend the city code to include the RT Z rtz zoning regulations for property within these areas where development or Redevelopment may occur in a streamlined process okay so what um are the rtz regulations that the county uh has codified the rtz identifies three zones we're going to call them um the first zone is any land that's within a fourth of mile of the corridor this particular Zone allows for up to 60 dwelling units per the acre and a 1 to 2.0 F floor area ratio uh the second zone is the area within the fourth to half a mile area of the corridor which allows up to 36 dwelling units per the acre and a 1 to 1 .5 F and then the third zone is the community urban center which allows up to 125 dwelling units per acre with a 1.5 F in the core and a 0.5 at the edge these are the maximums that the county allows that's not necessarily what the city has to um approve as part of their ordinances and so the graphic on the screen right now um shows you the the large orange centers are those Urban centers in between the the um the corridor Pathways in within the overall Corridor so where is the rtz in North Miami Beach you may ask um on the map in front of you the Blue Area indicates the overall rtz boundary which is that half mile swath on both sides of the corridor so how will the uh rtz impact the city so many Parcels of land within the half mile Corridor will have the ability to develop or redevelop with these new regulations and I say many because it's not going to be all Parcels within this area there's some exclusions that we'll talk about in just a minute so um the parcels that will be able to develop uh redevelop within these areas will allow will be allowed to go up to a what we are proposing is a 1.0 f as well as densities between 36 dwelling units to the acre to 125 depending on where they are in those three zones right now the city's comprehensive plan in the future land use element does not uh recognize floor area ratio right now the city's comp plan recognizes intensities through density um and other mechanisms so that is one of the things that we're addressing with this update to the comprehensive plan in addition to introducing the rtz in general in the land use element so let's talk about densities fer minuted in the city as mentioned um although many Parcels will be able to redevelop under the new rtz regulations there are many that will be excluded consistent with the County's rtz ordinance we conducted an analysis that ensured that Parcels proposed to be included in the city's rtz will not lose any development rights the parcels in the purple up on the screen are within the mixed use land use and Zoning districts and so these are the parts that have the um basket of Rights entitlements per the land use policies as well as the zoning districts so these Parcels will actually be excluded from um these regulations because they already have land use policies associated with them um other excluded areas in consistent with the County's rtz ordinance include Parcels with land use or zoning such as Community facilities conservation land use single family and plan Planned unit developments so after you take all those exclusions out you end up with what you see on the screen today in the purple uh areas those Parcels remaining are indicated um on the screen and those are the ones that will actually have the rtz regulations impacting those Parcels oh is it I guess it does look a little pink up there sorry on my computer it looked more purple pink or purple lilac thank you very much so these Parcels include land uses such as Business Industrial and low to high residential these oh I guess we got rid of those right okay there we go sorry about that yep West E uh yes at the south end is that where you're or at the North End are you oh the North End you're talking about North End is that it right Mr Nick can you just confirm that that is what the commissioner okay thank you yes Adrian confirmed thank you okay so um as mentioned tonight um the city is proposing to amend the comprehensive plan specifically the future land use element and before you on the screen is the first policy to be amended in the flu which is policy 1.2.7 where the rtz ordinance is going to be first introduced the policy goes to discuss the intent of the RTC consistent with the County's ordinance to provide for the design intent protections when adjacent to single family landscape buffers fences or walls defining building typologies and lot standards and encouraging off- street parking reductions for the use of Transit policy 1.63 which is on the board now um is proposed to be amended to ensure the exclusion of those mixed use land jues that we discussed just before and then finally policy 1.82 is where the prescriptive language has been added to the appropriate future land use designations that we discussed earlier um that will include those new densities but most importantly those FS that don't exist in the comp plan right now and then the land uses that will be affected by that language are listed there which is residential low density residential medium residential high business and Industrial policy 1.82 also introduces the urban center Zone that we discussed earlier and all the allowances that would be available in that area as this par particular designation will overlay other land use designations since it's related directly to the location of your proposed uh future Rapid Transit St and then policy 1.85 and point uh 1.86 both of these policies are similar to the previous one where they just recognize once again that the mixed use land jues are excluded so that those basket of Rights entitlements remain with the parcels that have them today that is just a image of your future Landes map and I believe that concludes um um I just noticed these dates have not been updated so my apologies but I can uh assure you that I can give you the schedule verbally so um after this evening if you all do decide to recommend approval of the um or approve excuse me the first reading and transmittal of the comprehensive plan text Amendment we will then transmit it to the state to Florida Department of Commerce as the uh City attorney had mentioned they will uh review this through their expedited review process process which is about 30 days we hope um and so once we hear back from them we will then prepare the uh Amendment for second reading which would be your adoption hearing and then the code updates will follow at some point after that process has taken place okay thank Youk you I had a question yep um what is the ca for us to do this particular study as it as what was presented to us tonight um do you remember the cost of our contract um Adrian actually is the contract manager he can probably answer that question better than I can good evening Adrian dekowski with kimley horn I believe it was around $50,000 and so with approval there will be another um series of work as well that's associated with this 50k or is it additional work yeah that would be additional work yes and also my next question was um in layman's terms for residents that may be watching watching or watching a recap um can you explain what impact this will have based on the on the on the County's ordinance sure absolutely um bottom line is Lands that are within the smart Corridor which is a Transit Corridor that the county has identified Parcels that are not part of the exclusion list will be able to develop or redevelop with additional uh housing units and or um addition floor area ratio which essentially will allow for taller and larger buildings I'm Sor yes the intent is to have more density near the transit stations so that folks will start using Transit instead of driving which will hopefully reduce commutes and will also increase employment opportunities within those corridors so that residents can live and work and walk and ride bikes and all those sorts of things instead of driving everywhere follow-up question this my last question so I know the County's been talking about this for quite some time is there actual talks of when they'll implement this particular Corridor as it relates to the transit changes Yes actually I had to have a call with the county a couple weeks ago because the County's in the a process of preparing a new start Grant as you may be aware commissioner the new start Grant is a federal application for money because to build a rail Corridor of this size and magnitude it cost quite a bit of money part of that discussion in the county with us providing information including the study that we did not have compile from staff standpoint to provide to them and say this is what um we currently qualify for and to deliver those details that the county needed in order to process the application so I have a question if we pass this tonight will you go back to the county and make sure we have a stop from the transit in North M I wish I had that sort of power but uh we will be found compliant um the I believe Mr n has talked to the County Planning department and they said that if this uh action goes through tonight that we will be found compliant with their deadline that is actually July 31st I believe but because we are having to go to the state with this amendment they um they sort of checked off that box for us because we're we're presenting this to you a very interesting conversation because this when we wanted to get bright Line station here there's so many regulations because of how far the train has to have in order to be able to stop we could not have a second one when aventur got the bid right line now rapid transit's coming through and it's going to stop in 151st Street next to the university but it's going to go through 163rd Street I heard every seven minutes I don't know what the outcome's going to be but the unfortunately now if and I understand the purpose of this is so that people won't be in their cars but most of those cars go to Sunny Isles they go to Aventura they're not stopping in North Miami Beach they don't live in North Miami Beach and yet the impact is going to be so tremendous it's amazing to me Mr Ang of all these years how the county can now control what we and what a municipality can do with with our regulations on construction that's just because that's you know like home rule says that you get to take care of your own City but now we're not being able to take care of our own City because we're under the umbrella of the county and I I just think it's going to be such an effect on I mean I don't know that we have a choice because it's the county I don't know if we can say no but what I do know is if we all say yes we need to have train station stop here commissioner um one of the reasons why St is moving forward to put this before you is because as part of the adoption proess what a rapid trans Zone the county had really stated if you do not comply we will put put in regulation for you so the answer if we do not comply they're going to do it anyway and it may be a higher density than may maybe what you want so right now what's presented before you is the minimum required that doesn't sound like a threat I'm just saying live local right I mean I get it we have to codify and do all of that but with but with live local in essence they could uh increase density anywhere along this map anyways right I just wanted to make sure well they could they could do more they could do more what's stopping them if it's just the railroad what's stopping the thing is is that I understand there's nothing greater as much as the aggravation we get any kind of development that comes through us the aggravation is transportation and you know what I called and complained tonight to one driving here because you're sitting in a right turn only for 15 minutes because everybody's blocking it to try to get into the Zone that's three blocks down but and I'm asking the county for more for more signage that will start further back so that the people could at least have teeth to give them tickets the police officers but we have to really be responsible with what we're doing because what you're saying is those highrises that are going to be next to the transit are going to block residential and and because we have a lot of Condominiums and and apartment buildings next to the transit that are just maybe outside that blue line but their swimming pool will be will be now dark instead of having sun on it because there's going to be a building I'm just saying just saying so one of the policy uh part of the 1.82 policy that we added was to ensure that there were design guidelines in place and so that is definitely something that you could use um from a policy perspective to implement code restrictions on those types of things okay anything else we good okay well first of all we need public comment Madam clerk if You' like to step um speak on this item please step forward the mayor commissioner asks is that you please exercise civility you have three minutes civility thank you David zapen 30k for back pay uh my rule of thumb is rapid transit equals rapid death uh I was driving back from the Aventure Hospital area and almost got trapped on the tracks because the the arms you know basically fell on me without warning the warning was them falling now I'm here cuz well I cheat but uh I just want to make sure that there are safety protocols to prevent this sort of thing from happening from to anyone else you know uh I get it get people out of their cars lovely um let's increase the density and I'm curious who's going to afford what will it be will this be so-call Workforce will be more middle class I know ideally we blend it well where will we put the P door which is the usual workaround with these things uh so I I realize this is happening the county gives us a little Choice um and traffic will be into 1603 Street will be blocked as the train is stopping around 1501 and I'm sure back when I was a student at FIU North in the early '90s I would have loved such a train that's great I just want to know you know who's being served and who's getting hurt will it be the the fancy car lots in and near FIU North uh you know how will this affect us will will these new housing densities compete with the current projects going on in and around again who are the winners losers how do we balance the new equation of this density and yes certain swimming pools will be darkened certain views will be ruined it's still Jim de fiti joke I my view from my condo is being in Bickle is being ruined by the taller condo going up this is not a new problem here in South Florida uh jobs I'm curious what jobs if we're using fewer drivers whether actual cabs Uber freebie and and the like especially as self-driving cars become more stand standardized normalized yes this is going to happen I just want to make sure we know who is subsidizing whom are we just going to be making life easier for our neighbors and Adventura who of course got the train station and we don't uh usually you go from a work Zone to a play area the you know the the downtown to the suburb that's oldfashioned but you know it's just like my problem with the bright line of what problem is being solved yes I know get us out of our cars absolutely time uh good luck with the math it's to be on my skill thank you um anyone else [Music] can I good evening everyone mabar aan I heard the study we paid $50,000 for it that this is not the first study that um we did pay a lot of money and it really did not work out for us like for the the um parking for the multi story residents we were told back then that uh people would not leave their building they would do everything within their building so you give a parking of one parking lot per a three-bedroom wake up this is Florida this is Miami this is a city of action this is a hub of activities H I'm speaking to the Commissioners please how many of us would dung our cars actually how many of you would dung your cars and use the transit you're telling everybody else that's true that's true you finish [Music] okay that's the kind of respect that you show to Residents I'm showing you you dun your cars do it do it for a month tell us I think commissioner Smith you said every seven minutes they're going to fly by a train we're not rich like England and those places we're Florida England is smaller than Florida they probably can afford that because of their economy we can't afford trains passing by here every 7 minutes and you have to be waiting at the traffic light if you you said 15 minutes to take a right turn multiply that by even more it's it's impossible people when they come to these who live in these places they know they have to depend on a car hardly as soon as people become economically um you know enhanced they stop using the motor the the public transportation and they go towards their vehicle that is why over 180,000 cars come down every day on the on the um 163r 167 aveny over 180,000 so so with this with this farfetched thing oh you know we're going to drop our vehicles and and use the transit and if you don't do that you know we we going to like a threat a threat came from dat County if you do not pass this tonight they threatening you whatever they want to Annex us and and we go back to date County so you know stop the bullion stop the bullion and and come up with factual things time thank you very much for having me thank you anyone else want to come and speak on this item here motion to approve okay okay we got the motion very good public comments closed by the way and um otherwise if there's no other comment then um comment can we move the question Mr Mayor yes we can roll call please commissioner Johan yes commissioner Joseph commissioner Smith I don't think we have a choice yes commissioner smuckler I agree with commissioner Smith I don't think we have a choice yes vice mayor flon yes mayor Piper yes it passes 60 okay um all right before we move on to the next one just um just a little um heads up we have an hour and 15 minutes left so we need to try to practice brevity if we want to get through this a little Mr Mayor um uh to that point if we can uh adjourn the meeting after our item 11.8 um we don't have anything else pretty much except discussion items that would be good okay well let's get to that point first we can 116 mayor mayor and vice mayor just point um we have colal here um that was um requested to be here to discuss the concerns on recycling is that on the oh commission commissioner Smith's item yep 15.2 um if we can just at least take that discussion up um item after 11.8 I'd appreciate it all right I mean I don't have an issue with that if we have time what was my item let's um let's do what we can let's keep moving on I say that we continue until we can yeah yeah yeah let's keep 116 a motion and second 116 hello oh a motion okay thank you item 116 mayor resolution number r224 d73 to approve Award of it- 24-16 DSG Bunch Park water main replacement project uh from the water director a resolution to the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing the award of invitation to bid number it B-24 d016 DSG Bunch Park watermain replacement project authorizing the city manager or designated to execute an agreement with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder Southern underground Industries Inc in an estimated amount not to exceed 3,191 524 authorizing the city manager or designated to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution and subject to the budget appropriation and availability of funds and providing for an effective date thank you Madame director good evening everyone so this is one of the projects that is included in our 5year $106 million CIP that has already been approved we also have grants from the Department of Economic Opportunity now called Florida commerce so this project specifically is to replace some of the old uh water mains in the area of bunch Park in Miami Gardens and we're replacing some of the 2in pipes with uh four six and eight I had a presentation but sorry I it didn't make it so it's a a good project we're trying to do this 1950s a lot of failures so this is for resiliency and fire flow so and I would appreciate if you guys approve the item okay motion to approve second okay public comment please please come forward if you wish to speak and please um keep it right on this subject if at all possible thank you mayor good evening everyone mabarak aan good evening Mr kaban I'm a very fluid person um thank you very much Miss Suarez just a little note um you know Miss Suarez brought the plant I think she's been there for almost three years and we never won an award of that best Tas in water until when she came the previous year it was second best and last year it was the best tasting water so you should cherish the leaders that you have somebody who care for this our water plant she holds it dearly to her heart and she works really hard we're talking about water so Miami Gardens with here if if it um satisfy the the best bidder and you all the tees crossed and the I dots why not thank you very much for having me thank you anyone else want to speak on this item um okay let the record reflect no one else came forward public comment is closed we do cherish you and we do appreciate our great water I do think we're winning water Awards back 20 years ago or so also that is correct just to correct the record for Mr Kazan who likes to have correct Records 2012 2012 2012 was the last 201 the last okay all right anyway um so anything from the Commissioners thank you so you know I'm a little concerned as um Senator pizo thank him again for coming in spending time in North May beach and explaining what's going on but not just Miami Gardens the city's pipes are old we're in the process of doing Eastern Shores now do we have a plan besides this voting on this and besides Eastern Shores to eventually go to Every old rather than repair and Patch we are going to change it do we have that plan in place so that is correct so this is part of the systemwide project so there is a few projects that have been and going already as part of this 5year CIP like with every Capital Improvement project it goes 5 years that's what you plan for but you have a project of 30 years that you need to start doing that replacement so we're gearing up to start thinking about those next five years of improvements that we need to do due to the Cross increase a lot of these projects were budgeted before covid so now that we need to look we need to look at what those F next five years look like so we do have to prioritize changing some of the older pipe replacing some of the 2-in pipe that we have in our system because for fire flows is not good it's not enough capacity so we're looking at that right now so the next point that needs to be done is probably we're going to have to upgrade uh update our master plan but there's still a lot of projects in our 2017 master plan that we still have to do work on and how long will it take to really change the whole city is that a 30-year project is that something that's so far in the F Future No so you you do 30 years planning but you usually do your it's a planning Horizon but you do your Replacements every five years so that's the point where we are in replacing some of these assets so one of the new construction that we were voting on or were were going to vote on it I don't know where I read it one of the requirements is that when they put their pipe they also put the conduit for cable for underground electric for whatever it was so can we go to these municipalities that are outside our city and have them participate financially with a piece while they put their conduit in our hole that our men build dig for the for the pipe so we already have a company that has won the bid that's going to dig for the pipe but can we go to those municipalities and ask them to put down conduit at the same time so it all depends if there's other utilities that are going to do any work at that time so we can do that type of coordination if like as an example when we went to do Eastern Shores we we asked Miami dat Water and Sewer if they needed to do any replacement of the sewer and they said right now they didn't have any plans for it so we do try to do the coordination with other municipalities when we know that's going to happen we've done it even with our uh public works when there is a project that needs to be done we put things together if there's drainage that needs to be replaced or if there's streets the bike lanes that were done at 31st uh 35th Street so those are part of the planning that we do when about just to put it on the record and I thank the manager because he taught me again that I said why whenever we're plan we're asking a new developer or a new developer a new project his requirement is to put that conduit while the while the sewer is being placed or while the water pipes are being placed why couldn't we do that in eastern Shores and he astutely said because you talked about it two years ago you were promised it two years ago but nothing was put in a plan in motion to make it happen so we're back to the same thing that we discuss it but no plan comes out so therefore it doesn't get done we think we discuss it we think we give a majority that says go for it and we think it's getting done but when it reality comes say two years later why isn't it being done that's the reality so this to me was a very important few minutes to take because we are not getting the conduit in eastern Shores we are not getting what was promised to me two years ago three it must have been 3 years ago now when I was here before because they said they're going to do it they said not to worry except we didn't put it in writing and that's what we have to pay attention to and that's why if they're and again the manager astutely pointed out it's different when it's new construction and you have the control than it is when we're going in with old pipes on old property that has already been developed correct but if we can if we can partner with any of them we should try so most of the developers when they're doing new construction they would do that so as an example we do have some construction where the developers will install the piping so we have Elda Farms as an example they're going to be um lining one of the force Mains from Velda farms and that's going to be a donation to us so that was part of our CIP project and now um the developer is taking care of that portion so we do have donations from uh some of the projects they do provide some of that I thought you meant um other utilities no other utilities as well yeah because well there's a ying and a Yang for underground electric because when the storms come that's a ying and a Yang but also underground you you you know when a hurricane comes underground you totally can be a very good Plus all right commissioner John wanted to talk so let me let her get going thank you so much Mr may I had a couple questions for you of course um pertaining to this project and 9.6 from from the consent agenda when do you see these projects actually beginning so this one we hope that once we have this approval we're going to have to go through uh the process of negotiating the contract having signed but usually we've been getting into Construction in in three four months depending also on the permitting all right and I know the last time I think you did a water report about black and V and the different phases that we were at I don't know if there's a hope to eventually give us an update on some of those projects like Corona thear and the other ones as well but I think I would love to see if we can get some kind of update on the phases of these water projects and I think that was the last thing I had y so I I know you are all receiving what we provide to the puc report that usually has uh the CIP plan there as to where we are in the schedules but I would be more than happy to tell you a little bit more even take you to see some of the projects we're recently starting the Operation Center project we also got all of the permits for Oita River so there's a few projects that are ongoing right now discussion okay all right all Commissioners are good so um I guess we can we have our MO motion and second so um Madame clerk um huh yeah yes oh yeah just okay all in favor say I I I any opposed passes unanimously thank you last question um you guys are you GNA have to do the mayor are you guys going have to update your whiffy alone given the fact of you said that a lot of these projects were planned back before covid and is is is the terms going to have to be updated so we're we're we don't have to update the terms on the weia loan so we're uh sticking to what we have right now what we're going to look and see if we can get some additional funding okay we would have to go and reapply for another weia loan based on some of those projects okay thank you okay thank you okay we need a motion and second for 11.7 so move second second Perfect all right item 11.7 resolution number 202 24- 74 n MB versus Miami Gardens proposed settlement agreement brought by the City attorney me a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of south of North Miami Beach Florida approving the settlement agreement between the city and class apptive City of Miami Gardens authorizing the city manager or designity to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for scrier errors providing for severability and providing for an effective date uh mayor vice mayor and Commissioners um we've had the opportunity to talk with each of you about this settlement agreement uh one of the Commissioners came to me tonight and said could we take the word Fair out of the proposed resolution and I said we could do anything but it does have to go to a judge and if we take that out it might make it more difficult to get the judge to approve the settlement agreement clearly no one on this day likes this I know every one of you is not thrilled to do this and I was asked by a different commissioner to point out that there was no one on this deis who voted to allow this to go forward I want to make that I I want to make that very clear right I want to make that very clear for each one of us up here because this right here is not our fault right right and I'm a little bit this this right here I understand what we have to do to do what's best for our community as well as given the fact that where the the case is currently uh I understand Miami Garden standpoint I understand our city standpoint but we're the ones because of a of a of a of a massive failure of four people of four people is going to cost this city $10 million almost 9 million but all the attorney fees all with the attorney fees and the timing and mind you this is because this is the best case scenario because if you had the triple damages to it it could be upwards to $30 million right and let me say the only commissioner here that was even around then voted against it to that commissioner for having the the foresight to vote against what the mistake was nonetheless this commission is the one that's now responsible for moving forward and let me say the attorney the outside Council handling it John shuin is someone well known to me he's a very capable lawyer he's negotiated this down as far as we could and because there is a treble damages element yeah the fact is if we went further with this and we lost we could bankrupt this city in a way that no one wants to see this is unpleasant but it's like taking medicine that tastes bad but makes you better uh I don't love it either but I recommend it to you and again I want to emphasize the point that commissioner Joseph made no one on this day supported this mistake and the only commissioner who was around fought it and and should have been listened to commissioner Smith if I may say thank you commissioner Smith and Council as well as well other Commissioners at the time were who's on this day certainly former mayor spel was one of those also well and I think that part of it was was not only the decision you're talking about but as well as let's just say the fine print because I think that basically the reason why they've got anything is due to the fine print and the interpretation here here's the thing to Mr Mayor if you and I'm not defending her no no if you go back to the tape you had the union say no you had FBI investigations on this issue president screaming up like I'm literally reading the Miami Harold article saying this was a massive mistake a massive mistake and because of four former individuals that were on this dance to who have been arrested with with that said mayor I believe I have to tell you Mr attorney it's my firm belief that that decision was made way before the commission meeting started mhm and the sad part was when I brought up some very serious problems on the way driving here to that meeting that night I was told now now before the meeting you are going to bring up that a repair wasn't made and I my answer was you are so sure that it's passing that you didn't fix the plant with minor things so you know unfortunately that's why it's so important to watch what's going on here from the community so you can see really what is going on and who's honorable and who's doing the right thing and I think we know we learned from our mistakes but we really focus on the future so we can get ahead but but no no but if you don't if you don't understand what happened in the past how are you going to be able to understand how to move and and understand even when we try to bring it back the same people that voted to to sell it out fought it tooth and nail saying we're going to we're going to kill people mhm literally said that we were going to kill people correct me if I'm wrong the world is going to end yes the world is going to end we're going to kill people by bringing the water plant back mhm and and mayor that's the presentation time to open it to who's left okay public comment please Madam clerk public comment is open wow thank you for having me again mbarak isan you know you ask me just know what board I I sit on and if I I want I could come on the board and my board is right in the audience I've been here when the water plant was being outsourced before it was being outsourced after it was being outsourced that board there I mean one time I think I got put out from the board but that's another story and you blame four people this city have 42,000 people from back then I did not see except for commissioner Smith I did not see most of you up there never even came excuse me never even I said most of you well never even came and voiced your opinion at the podium wrote a letter against it never matter of fact one individual took an endorsement from four of those people I'm not going to call the individual name as well either but the individual know her know himself he took four endorsements from those people don't throw them onto the bus only probably go on the bus as well with them because this here is not I mean I hear about the appeals I'm not hearing the City appealing anything I hearing about secrecy going on I heard transparency but secrecy can you people tell us how much money we are actually publicly how much money we're going to be giv out $9 million sir I'm out of order to do answer it's paid in crunches it's paid one in the next fiscal year and the balance in the following fiscal year I'm out of order and answer you're that's the answer okay 9 million this is the first time I am hearing it 9 million I heard 10 million before isn't it on here it's in the reso sir it is in the reso it's not it's on the online agenda yeah it's disclosed in the reso N9 million is a cap by the way yeah I'm not seeing it here yeah I mean this is what not in the title but it is in the resolution is available through the cork sure yes and we have to carry the burden of the expansion of the $3 million why is that City not putting in some of money as well too didn't the lawyer explain that I heard one the lawyer at FIU he says oh you should have given a chance for us to buy the water plant there Miami Gardens Miami Gardens only came into fruition around um 2003 if I'm correct they were non-existent we bought this plant since 1947 48 and we built that plant as a little child coming up to what it is today and for people not to shark the responsibilities of of not wanting to pay their share of the capital Improvement of this plant and for us taxpayers our taxes is going to go up because if somebody's not paying then others got to pay as well to be fair they was price gouging as well those poor people over there in Miami Gardens when they had to be paying at $1050 or something every month when they had the bill so maybe we can take the money out from that $10.50 that we were charging them extra when we used to be charging at at $10.50 for every three months we had to be paying it every month they had to be paying it every month so all right thank you what goes wrong comes wrong thank you very much for having me all right thank you anyone else encour not a speaker yeah I tell you some words of wisdom thank you Mr cassan David zapen founder of 30k for back pay well here I am back at the scene of the crime yes once upon my first time here the only opponents to the Jacobs deal the ch2m deal was commissioner Smith and commissioner Spiegel and my question then was what ADV advanced technology did the private sector have that was not available here there was a TV show Scorpion based on uh you know hyper Geniuses and so I asked what the team scorpion level technology wasn't play I'm still curious I'm afraid I wasn't much of a chemistry major back at FIU it's why you become a history major woohoo so yes here we are again on the question of private versus Public Safety versus expedience I mean do we all need to watch the you know the I and play enemy of the people I I I don't know if we've left the world of of logos for Mythos of facts for the drama of fiction both of which can lead to truth in different ways I so I hope it was worth it um the decisions made back then uh yes we we have Excell tasting water I'm glad to hear it so that our water is safe and that's glad but work still needs to be done from you know Eastern Shores on and would it be nice if we could you know divert some of that flood water we experienced back on the 12th and the at least gray water usage I you know I hope we have enough pumps to consider that because you know that storm on the 12th its formal name was invest 90l you know sort of the modern version of the infamous no-name story of October 2000 um and a AAR will tell you all about it so these are problems that we will continue to face in hurricane season oh did I mention I used to be an Earth space science teacher at least on paper these problems will come up and yes we will need our water and sewage people to deal with it locally and of course uh on the outskirts there will be problems that will affect us uh 149th Street on well around 9th Avenue was effectively a lake I don't recommend you driving through driving through knee high water it's very ugly and expensive so water clean waterers our gold especially as saltwater intrusion is a continuing threat thank you thank you anybody else want to speak on this item oh let the record reflect no one else came forward I'm um okay we have our motion I want to speak okay go ahead and speak okay so first of all I wish that we can charge the four of them 200 $2.5 million each and make them pay for it the city the city attorney that approved that deal that went back that that said that was a good deal the management that was tied to that at the time saying that was a good deal because who because at the end of the day we're cleaning up a massive mess and it's $10 million where are we going to get that money and commissioner Smith thank you so much for voting against it back then in 2017 and I want you to know that I called Beth Spiegel yesterday and I also thanked her for for doing that in 2017 and um commissioner uh mayor Piper and commissioner Jean you were not on the commission at that time but we brought it back okay you were there we bought it back I took me two years to bring it back two years of fighting we did it we did it but I I just want to say I'm I'm I just decided to Google um and I found an article uh about it and um I just wanted to read something CU it's just crazy that that that this even happened hold on um the vote which passed 42 came at the end of a 10 specially called meeting during which protesters cheered mayor George vjo and police were called upon several times to remove people from the audience opponents of The Proposal warned that a private company shouldn't be trusted with the Public's water supply and there's more and there's more and um the proposal had been controversial union members Democratic Party leaders and environmental justice activists have ripped the city for considering the privatization of its utility so residents were coming residents were protesting the union was here um different organizations were here and yes Kazan I don't know where you are but I was here I I I called I I I don't know if I send emails but he commissioner Joseph says he did as well so please like seriously I'm so happy that the day that we brought it it was a zoom meeting it was and my husband literally like got up walked out of the house disappeared and he was so happy that I it wasn't just me but yes I voted to bring it back that he showed up with sushi and he hates Sushi he showed up for with sushi for me as a as a as a like congratulations because that was a great moment in n&b when we bought back the water plant and for those who said that it was going to fail that was what three years ago three years ago they said that it was going to fail you had you had the P mayor saying oh look at these dirty pipes so we're going to be we're making a horrible mistake and no it hasn't failed we have done amazing we have an amazing director we have an amazing manager we have amazing staff we have great employees there we're not failing we're not going to fail and the world is not going to end thank you okay thank you so just to give a little bit of history on this because my whole being wants me to vote no although my attorney has scared me to death so for the working for the residents with the fear but we have had meetings I've been elected now almost two years and we have had more meetings about this um we call them shade meetings you don't like the word shade meetings but we have had more meetings about this and every time we come and we hear with a bargain I think the attorney's giving us a bargain at 450 an hour and there are two of them and you just hear in your head cha-ching cha-ching cha-ching how the money's adding up to try to do something anything to not to make this go away and make it go away without such a bitter taste in your mouth that whole process of us having an a plant that went to an F plant and I was on planning utility I was on the utilities at the time and I went to every meeting as the liaison and at that time we were told that there was only two companies that could come and even test this and see what's wrong and they were both in California because they're the only companies that would do the inspections without asking to do for the worker repair which it turned out isn't true any company anywhere could have done the inspection just writing in their contract that they will not bid for the repairs so all down the line that's what it was and two years of hard work and hard research just to say whatever it costs us we have to get our water plant for us we have to take care of the most valuable thing any municipality could own the value isn't a million isn't 100 million that value that water plant is a billion people have come to me and said if you sell the water plant nobody will have a water bill for the next four generations you protect yourself and all the family that's coming after you that's our commodity that we could never liquidate never liquidate and here there's a Jeopardy that the bitter pill could actually choke us if we don't swallow it now it could get caught in our throat and cause us to have real serious damage so again sometimes you bring reasonability to the deis sometimes I've brought it when it came to codifying I brought 10 copies of a Year's worth of research when we had them codified for 7 years and you still don't get the support of the majority the only thing I can do is do my best to help the public do my best to make the right decision and do my best to educate you so if you're at home listening or if you watch this in the future please get your neighbors and your friends to get involved this is one of the key elements where we have to understand that things can go horribly wrong even though we know it so I again it's a very it's a very big no that I'll have to make a yes and and I just want to say I don't remember who we were talking with commissioner Smith but it was very recently commissioner Smith got off the de and went to the podium to talk about this absolutely as a resident and I went to the podium to talk about it because guess what when you're in the commission you have to live in North Miami Beach and guess what it affects my family too so I have to say to you thank you Mr Mayor thank you my fellow commissioner for giving me again more time but even though I kept it under my four or five minutes I I just feel that this is important for the public to know and you should also know that there's a possibility the whole 9 million will not be spent it's a slight possibility is true it's a slight possibility but I'll put it on record because they have to distribute it to certain people and the certain people they have to advertise it at their expense then they have to distribute the re refund to the people and if the people do not come forth within a certain number of years the money re what's left comes to us in two years if there's money left over we get it back I didn't know it was two or three but there it is so I don't want to put that out because it could be the maximum but there is a little if you want to look for a little glimmer of hope look on the last page a half sentence and you can see a little glimmer of hope thank you all thank you anyone else uh thank you Mr Mayor um just um to to be on the record about the importance of what we're doing here I I think that um everyone here is is um has kind of fought tooth and nail on this particular item um I remember in 2018 when I was running for office along with some of my colleagues that ran into 2018 as well um bringing this water plant back to North Miami Beach was the conversation right absolutely it all about that's what we ran on it was all about the water utility and it was two things bringing it back and also changing that bilding cycle from every single month yes to every um back to quarterly and so we delivered on that promise did um and I think it's a it's a sense of Pride that we kept our word to our residents and also to all of the 180,000 plus people that we serve through NMB water um but I do want to make a point that it could have been worse we as a city years ago put ourselves in a position obviously not anyone here on this de where we could have had more exposure to more municipalities coming at us the way Miami Gardens did right and through the hard work of this team um and our attorneys we've managed to keep this between us and Miami Gardens and not expose ourselves even further to financial um catastrophe and so while the number is a high number just know it could have been way more than what we're seeing here and so kudos to all of my colleagues um for working hard on this item um and kudos to our attorney and previous attorneys as well because we have to give them credit um that have worked on this item and also our team um at shuin and bass that has been working on this and our management team um this is going back to Miami Gardens or is it everything's already been agreed upon on their end right my understanding is they approved it Tuesday night Tuesday night they were waiting on us and I do want to give another shout out as you just did to John schubin um they C could certainly have charged a lot more money not just the hourly rate they held off held off held off and got the court to delay the filing of our brief which was due with no further extensions and commissioner Joseph will tell you when they say that they mean it but Mr shuin went back to them and said this case is on the verge of settling please Appel at court don't make us waste time and money filing an unnecessary brief which is a lot of time and a lot of money and it worked and the appeals court went along if we hadn't got this in under the wire we'd be paying him a lot more money and kudos to him for his ethics in in keeping his fees down to get us across the finish line here as you were just saying commissioner and thank you uh attorney mayor thank you attorney Geller um you know so this is really us um doing right by the people of Miami Gardens um it's a good great step in the right direction uh it's a tough pill to swallow as commissioner Smith said but um but we have to um and um I trust that this is going to make our relationship with that municipality and others a whole lot better and vice mayor if I might sorry to interrupt no problem but I would be remiss if I did not shout out the manager for steps that he is taking to further improve our relationship with the city of Miami Gardens which will stand Us in good stead moving forward so Kudos Mr manager for that as well so from from from the county all the way to Miami Gardens and to Tallahassee I know they're watching um and they've all been involved in this conversation and so it's important that we do this tonight because this will mean a lot for the um success continued success of our water utility because there's a lot on in Tallahassee that affects us and uh We've managed to go over a couple of hurdles this past legislative session but I think we're going to need all hands- on deck and a collaborative effort with all of these different parties the County city of Miami Gardens our State Rep our state senator to really make sure that our water utility remains um the the the prize um utility uh of Miami day County so I look forward to supporting This and like I said it's a good step in the right direction it could have been worse and so we actually did something that is going to prevent further damage and I'm looking forward to supporting this so that we can move forward thank you all right we all good I have one question um from the financial um responsibility standpoint can you speak to how these funds are going to affect our you know what's the methodology that you're planning to use to distribute those funds commissioner um as of right now uh we would have to budget that during our our general fund budget um as that comes in we are currently in communication with financial institutions who were waiting for this to occur um and having a finalized settlement before they would offer um any type of terms or opportunity to finance that over 5 10 or 20 years uh so we are looking to bring that annual cost down um as much as possible and spread it out um out over multiple years um and again with the hopes that if they don't use um the entire Mount some of that money would come back to to North Miami Beach um but that's where we are right now with it as soon as we have those details from the financial institutions we would bring that immediately to you um part of the settlement was asked to go in October so that we would have time to try to uh negotiate that with the financial institutions so the followup question would be um the effect on our residents I know there's like a rate study that's in the works and my hope is that the end result is not impact to our customer base as it relates to city of North Miami Beach residents and seeing increases in their bills so I don't know if you can speak to that now because I think that's an important conversation that we also need to put in context sure commissioner the rate study is across all um customers for North Miami Beach water um usage um over the past few years we have used arpa money to offset any type of increases um on on the rate um I believe if Andrea is in the back um we were talking about this um it has actually been um several years um since we have um adjusted our rates um correct me if I'm wrong however the settlement doesn't affect our customers it affects the city of North Miami Beach the search charges that are collected on um non-n North Miami Beach customers goes straight into the general fund um not something I would have set up um from the beginning um but it goes into our general fund um to a tune of $12 million uh Miami Gardens is about $4 million a year um so the the rates continue to be um the same um they are um all rates um that are collected are pledged to the CIP and the loans and the debt that um the water department has um which is upgrading used to not only operate repair but also upgrade um all the um projects that we do throughout the system uh the search charge is not um part of that it goes straight into our general fund so I want I wanted to say that you know there there has been conversation that legislation will be passed to um try to put a halt to the sech charge from the Miami Garden side so though we're taking alteristic approach to saying okay this is you know the end of one chapter but we do want to prepare ourselves for whatever chapter is next as it relates to that so hopefully you can have dialogue with each of us on your plan with that um yes commissioner we we are actively engaging with the county and Miami Gardens um to see if there's any other ways um to further our relationship with them we ultimately know what the uh request from Miami Gardens is um which is to eliminate the search charge uh to their um constituents um from our perspective we have a right um and by Statute we're allowed to um do a sear charge um but there's always more than one way to skin a cat and so um currently we're we're looking and we're talking to them with regards to a true partnership in which they are able to contribute um into that partnership that is essentially is is an offset of the search charge while still um being able to um to look financially for the city uh we have been talking about this um for for about a year is slowly starting to reinvest um search charge monies into the infrastructure um even though we're coming up towards the end of a 5-year Gap as we heard from um director Suarez um increases in inflation ever since covid has gone up over 30% almost 40% if I'm not mistaken um and so the the more that we're able to put into that aging system not only the water tanks not only the the um the the pipes um but the filtration systems those are are going up we have uh we now have a federal mandate to mitigate um forever chemicals in in there which we are working towards and we are part of a litigation um against those companies as well uh we have expansion we have other um um goals that we have in the city being able to move those monies back into that area will only prolong and enhance the service that we're able to provide so I would suggest that we have some sort of water forum especially if you are looking to implement fees we have a theater you know we have ways that we can communicate but I think people need to open for to be able to understand what the city is planning to do next and with that said I want to make a motion to approve um one I'll second that but like I just want to just to just say one last thing um I I'm I'm fine with the the fact of what Miami Gardians had to do to because they were protecting their residents and you know our our main responsibility is for the people in North miam Beach that's it that's who elected us that's who got put us up here to be stewards and I'm taking my attorney hat on this and and really seeing it from like what is the the best case scenario and there's been and Joe can can speak to this um sometimes you just got to pick the worst of the best option I mean the best of the worst options sorry the best of the worst options and to me and to to for me and what commissioner um floron pointed out this it could have been a lot worse but at the end of the day it should have never been it should never gotten this far it shouldn't have never happened to begin with but because of where we are and to do what's right for our residents not anybody else because they're the ones that put us up here and elected us to make sure that we're not doing something that contraproductive to their interest because it's their interest we're looking out for nobody else so I'm not looking to make make any friends with anybody I'm just trying to look out for the residents that that's where the money is going to come from from their pockets so that's I wanted to say that and I'm I'm it should have never happened all right on that note all in favor say I I any opposed passes unanimously thank you but i' say I huh yes we need a motion in second to introduce 118 okay we need a second oh second okay item 118 resolution number r 202 24- 75 to amend resolution number R 223-4527 3-45 authorizing City staff to enter into a Second Amendment to the license agreement with the Florida inter with Florida International University for the purpose of operating a transfer station providing city manager and City attorney with the authority to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution and providing for an effective date we have an agreement with FIU they allow us to use uh little portion of land there as a place to put debris in the event of some kind of a a hurricane or some other catastrophe um they did didn't approve what we passed we have a signed Second Amendment there is a candidly kind of an embarrassing mistake that was made in the original resolution it's obviously just an oversight but it's just not right and they looked at it and said no this ain't right so we're just fixing it it's it's nothing new it's not the agreement is identical to what was signed and negotiated there's just a mistake in the way the resolution was drafted and this corrects that mistake nothing more nothing less approve second okay Madam clerk public comment please come forward if you wish to speak on this item you have to so go ahead okay um let let the recli no one came forward public comments closed anything from Commissioners move the item mayor please okay all right right yep all in favor say I I any opposed passes unanimous commissioner if if I may I I know we still got a little bit of time and and you all do want to go but if we can do 15.2 which is recycling which was a topic uh commissioner Joseph that you also wanted to to address uh when we spoke um Coastal is here they have a very fast presentation um if if we may thank you Mr manager because there were some residents that were confus and I know that commissioner Smith brought this up that they saw um the one trash uh they thought a trash U truck was putting Recycling and trash at the same time not knowing that the the truck is outfitted to do um to be able to do that without um mixing of the two so if you can clarify that well well first good morning um good morning almost almost almost um good evening my name is Eileen damason with Coastal Waste and Recycling and with me I bring Dale we we weord wford sorry I like to call him wford who's her assistant district manager who could explain also the process now before we even go to that subject we have addressed it twice um in our within ourselves and what we've done currently for the last two weeks is basically put two trucks out there so and my my biggest concern was Highland Village that that's the place where we have very uh it was very challenging because of the streets and narrow of the streets and the houses all together so we were trying different things and finally we have decided U that we do we're going we're using we have been using a TR two trucks going there at the same time so they can see there's a different truck we also and the reason I this little had a presentation here was to also introduce the the option of the the um the split body which we had parked outside and if anybody saw it and how there is a possibility of getting the recycling and the garbage in together now that we have both trucks I feel that's a little bit better right now but we always have that second option of the split truck and so I Dale if if I mean does that more or less answer we did have some we we didn't have the split truck on the street so that was confusing there were there were a lot of residents um from Highland Village that said that they they saw garbage trucks picking up recycling they they were very upset about that right I know they expressed that to commissioner Smith as well from what I was told and um they take recycling very seriously over there well what was happening is that we were using the Dale why didn't you go for it let me just let Dale do it go to the m Dale wford not weord um so what was the question again um that there were residents were were saying that they s the same truck picking up the garbage uh the garbage and the recycling at the same time so what we did to make sure that that doesn't happen again is we put two of the same type of truck which is a rearload truck uh we put one going down the street pretty much at the same time one picking up recycle and one picking up trash and the other option that we want to present to you guys is a split body um which would just put one truck and both Commodities would go on that truck is split so the bigger side is for MSW which is solid trash and recycle is the smaller component but they would both go to uh on the same truck and they would be dumped at different places if that's the option we chose to use thank you and commissioner Smith I I may be speaking for you and I apologize but you also had a question for Coastal which was once the recycling is pick up where does it go especially now that the um um facility in Dural um had burned down incinerator had had burned down and um is recycling um for for the cost perspective what are other cities doing or if they're addressing did I kind of summarize what you're you're feeling there as well I want to say you're close just to be polite I'm always in the ballpark um first place explain to me about they can pick up both I don't I didn't see the truck I don't know what so if you have in your recycling a bicycle in the a tricycle and you have a tree limb in your recycling you can dump it in the truck and it's okay it'll go no we should not be picking those items up and I know that we've told the the drivers repeatedly what not to you know so then I'm assuming in my head which I have no idea if I'm right that what you're saying is that when the truck picks up the garbage there's a truck that has a has a wallall in the middle and the garbage you go here and the recycle well my problem is very um very strong in the fact that again I walk and I see baseball bats and I see toys and the recycle that are not okay so the manager and I have gone around and around with this because unfortunately being in the business that I'm in I know that you can print in 24 hours if you want to pay for it I also know that we were promised that there would be something on top of those trash cans and on top of those recycling that will tell them what they can and cannot put in that can and now it's two months 3 months later and I'm still seeing garbage would um pull equipment in the recycle so my question goes to the manager if you see this in four out of 10 G uh recycle bins then why maybe it's not cost effective for us at all to have recycle either we have to educate the public which again when I get the answer that some are still going to not do it but where is the where's the print that's going to stay rain or shine on top of each garbage can what can go in it and what can't go in it because unfortunately in my mind walking the streets and as commissioner Joseph has so Ely pointed out we're here to protect the public and as I said to the manager we should every single day get up and have our goal be to make a better City for North Miami Beach so if that's the case then we have to consider that either the education isn't working or that we haven't educated enough or we should maybe discontinuing the Good Feeling the hug the teddy bear and put the money instead back into fixing the potholes so commissioner um to to provide you with the answer with regards to to the stickers um we went out got various quotes when we took a look at the quotes they were all over the place different sizes different materials there was no consistency we had to go back out um and and get that once we were able to um identify the appropriate type of material and size um we went through did the design um had to go through a few different rounds um to be able to make sure that it had what it needed and it me what the um printer needed we should have those stickers um early next week in which case we'll be coordinating with um Coastal uh because they've promised to help us um post um stick them um onto the recycling um as well on that they will have a um not only a dos and don'ts on the recyc but there's also a QR code and the map with the dates of what section of the city gets recycled on on the other work well I can only say to you my question that goes in my mind is while we were getting the right size and the right materials and not putting that out as one of the requirements while you were doing that how much money did it cost us that we paid for recycling that was no good that tainted the whole truck that was no good that's what goes through my mind because I'm a numbers person I I understand Comm you know and I also want to say again with the Q code is the idea that I had today um thanks to my daughter which is uh to put the Q code on every single one of our trucks and employee cars and everything and it says join North Miami Beach because the best thing about about communication is then people will know they'll know what events are coming they'll know how to do their garbage Etc and how does communication work it works by Word of Mouth it works by getting out the word so again I heard you today very clearly that before we can tape it and I appreciate you educating me that before we can put the Q code we have to know exactly what the social media is going to be when they go to the Q code what what are they going to get at the end when they put their phone up to it and become a part of that and for me because I understand none of it I appreciate you're teaching me about about that so they're working I believe our commission is our management is working on the end result of the social where the Q Cod goes but again for Coastal I have to tell you something uh from from a standpoint of a commissioner it's very disheartening to know that you're trying so hard and you have changed so much to accommodate us it's been remarkable from the time I came to what it is now and I'm very appreciative but I still feel like we have a ways to go with this whole garbage I think we have a ways to go and that's why we put out to the manager to please bring back some meat that we could make decisions to bring the garbage back in house I'm still waiting for real the meat of that because not to hurt Coastal or any company but to have the residents be content the residents to try to be happy about what they have as a service that's the goal and if the goal is to continue the service being Coastal then every time you come here and help us straighten it out I'm very appreciative very appreciative I mean I had a call today no secret because I spoke to the manager and I spoke to them I had a call on my walk that the back Alleyway the whole way on his street is being destroyed by Co I don't know if it's true I don't want to I turn it over to management let them check it out and the only thing I can tell you is I know how hard you're working and I know how hard you're trying but as as well as you working I'm still getting the phone calls and I'm still seeing the the toy in the in the recycle uh regarding the the Alleyways and I can let D address that that is an issue that we've been having those Alleyways are not kept and our trucks are having difficulties going through them our truck are being destroyed I I don't know I know that we've probably I mean are we we've had you know cameras was it I think uh what was it the equipment a lot of the equipment basically scratched you know torn out of the truck those Alleyways I've seen Alleyways Mr management is the alleyway a responsibility of the owner of the home or is a responsibility of the city to make the alleyway so that the co won't have that problem who's responsibility the Alleyways are very restricted in the size and to be completely hon everybody want to know how important this is right now or no just that apparently he has something legal we have a legal you're done with this item if you're deferring the others I need 90 seconds before you to put okay well okay let's just hear let's just hear what the answer is and we are getting close to 12 so just keep that in mind yeah if if the damage is being done by a service that the city is doing it's the city's responsibility to go in and to fix if it's a paved um alleyway the pavement and so forth again is is um our responsibility to maintain um I would not recommend that we continue to do that uh but that is a um a tradition and a a a practice that has been in NMB since forever in a day it is it is more um efficient and effective to just have everything in the front of the property where the roadways are larger and gives more space height-wise and less issues for a truck to go down the roadway than it is to go down an Alleyway besides that issue of front or back which we've had both ying and yang on that because people are worried about their driveways their sety tanks they're worried about etc etc but if it's the if it's the resident's responsibility to make sure the back of that Alleyway is clear for transportation then are we finding them is Code Enforcement behind it so that we don't have after all how can she perform if she can't get through not she there's a lot of illegal dumping that goes on in those alleys also there's a lot of illegal dumping but yeah it's not really just the property owners that are dumping out there and that also doesn't help because I've seen illegal dumping that goes almost straight to that very narrow alley and it's not just the the the street per se that you're that we're driving on it's also the foilage and the overgrown things that are happening in that alley I don't know how those trucks get down those Alle we barely do regular car a lot of horsepower we barely do but on another the other issue I wanted to to also refer back in the recycling the current we have yet to have a truck return uh turned away so whatever we've been doing has been um uh uh not contaminating the whole load and I do have a couple of numbers I mean we have increased basically from uh March at 72 tons that we did in April which was the first time that we did it weekly at 117 May at 135 and June as of today which means before today's pickup since Tuesday we're at 115 so we have increased Recycling and we have not yet been turned out uh turned away so our recycling is it's it's more or less working I agree with you though the the there's a lot of uh but it's not just North Mii Beach it's everybody so in other words if it if the driver sees there's Garb there's recycle that they can't use they don't pick it up if it's very apparent they don't pick it up and do they leave a note do they leave a not because some cities first time they leave a note the second time they find them yeah that's what myid county is doing right now and I and we can get on the same page as myid day County which is a big yellow slip that will put on the cart that would say this is not going to be picked up and how do we Implement that Mr manager we have one minute how do we Implement what dat Count's doing is that through resolution or ordinance if we want to find people that are putting repeatedly putting trash in their recycle um we would we would definitely need an ordinance but then it's the enforceability of it um we're not going to have enough people to be able to to go and check everybody's trash or recycling before pickup but the same thing as anything else if you don't have it in place you don't have an ability to even reinforce it because you have no teeth just like anything we do for the police department that's something a bigger conversation maybe we could have and we can put our heads together and come up with something all right let's keep moving along cuz we're running out of time okay are we good are we good here can we I'm here for service you have phone numbers great appreciated Mr attorney can we extend the the meeting mayor if I might I understood earlier I think I would ask that if we're not going to do the other discussion items can there be a motion to defer items 153 to 157 to the next meeting so we can actually finish the agenda is it can you have a motion to defer those items second okay so okay all in favor I any opposed and I I okay I can't speak for the manager and what he needs to report I need 90 seconds before we're done but he's up first um most of the reports are already on your backup um I do have some others um but due to time go ahead Mr attorney okay I have two items I just want to put on the record I about 90 second number one the form six litigation as you probably know but I want the record to reflect the judge entered an injunction in the form six litigation and uh thank you commissioner smuckler and and commission I think commissioner Smith was uh supportive of that I think you all were generally the city participated uh the injunction was entered and when you do your financial disclosure coming up with the assistance of our clerk you can do form one you don't have to do form six yeah online only on one but form one and the other thing I have to clarify and maybe I shouldn't have waited but commissioner Smith mostly adequately correctly reflected my conversation with her but I have to correct one little thing yes talking about things and nodding your head is not a policy it does take a vote but the um as Was Heard earlier not everything must be done by resolution that's a little more than what I said no I wanted to exaggerate I said it's okay but I said everything has to have a vote there has to be a motion there has to be a vote and something should be in writing but if you're adopting a policy or you're deciding to reschedule or something you can do that by motion it doesn't have to be a full reso but must have a vote moved and voted on and it needs to be in writing uh or put in writing so there is no confusion because we cannot have confusion over what was done we must be clear thank you very much and mayor uh we've finished the agenda and we're committed to trying to help finish every agenda even though we had to defers some discussion items thank you thank you Mr manager you want a couple minutes no sir no I have a question for the manager um Mr manager so last month we um and I'm only saying that because he just I looked at him and it reminded me last month we um we paid for or we agreed to pay for um public communicators for May and June that's so that's it we have nothing now in July well we have a new communication our Communications manager will um try to maintain as best as she can as she's catching up until we bring you back a proposal in July and what about like videos and all that is she going to be doing that to the best of our ability okay okay so we're not going to extend it to to July then no there's no item for that really right now so public well I mean we could extend it if we wanted to it doesn't have to be an item I'm just asking but if nobody wants to extend it then we'll be without definitely not extending okay you don't have a quum anymore yeah no quum anymore so all right all right so U motion to adjourn whoever's left motion we don't have a we don't have a quum we can't leave all in favor say I oh here we go all right there was your quum okay committed to get your agendas finished hey everyone this is even without a vote because e