##VIDEO ID:eeuO3ZTIKd0## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e that's charger test okay for it [Music] Ricardo Ricardo no presentation no no presentation mayor you know what I am I'm coming with it I need two new ones yeah okay thank you all right yeah going to go okay ready let's do it okay good evening welcome to the city of North Miami Beach commission meeting of Tuesday September 17th 2024 um sorry for the little bit of the late start today uh we want to start with a roll call and Madam clerk commissioner shanov here commissioner floron here commissioner Jean here commissioner Joseph commissioner smuckler present vice mayor philis Smith present mayor Evan Piper here you have Quorum okay thank you all right next um is our invitation I want to call upon the esteemed Rabbi Allan litwack of Temple sin evening good evening everyone is his mic on CH there we go there you go uh thank you for the honor of uh providing this invocation source of all being we hear the message that has come down through the generations justice justice shall you pursue source of all Freedom we hear the historic charge Proclaim Liberty throughout the land may all who are here today be inspired through our individual and Collective religious and Civic Traditions to love and uphold our precious democracy let every citizen take responsibility for the rights and the freedoms we cherish Let each of us be an advocate for justice an activist for Liberty and a defender of dignity we pray for courage and conscience as our leaders Champion the values that make our city and our nation a Beacon of Hope and a hate even for the persecuted we pray for all who serve our city and county with selfless devotion in peace and in war from fields of battle to clinics and classrooms from government to the Grassroots all those whose Noble deeds and sacrifice benefit our city and our world we ask that our leaders show restraint and respect in their deliberations so that all who come before them have the understanding that their voices have been heard and their efforts are not in vain May the actions of this body reflect compassion for all people within our borders May our Ci's Vision leaders and officials embody the vision of our nation's Founders to form a more perfect union establish justice ensure domestic tranquility provide for the common defense promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity ity we are grateful for the rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness that our Founders ascribe to a power beyond themselves we pray that their wisdom and moral strength will come down through the generations so that those who stand on their shoulders may continue to be guardians of these rights for our citizens now and forever amen amen amen thank you Rabbi thank you Rabbi okay um next Pledge of Allegiance would everybody please rise I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with libery and justice for all okay um next uh requests for withdrawals deferments and additions to the agenda Madam clerk item 5.1 fiscal year 20 23 audit presentation that item will be deferred to a future meeting for the request of the city manager Mario Diaz there will be an added item to the agenda this is for the proposal for bank loan issuance for the settlement agreement in the case of City of Miami Gardens versus city of North Miami Beach this is to be heard before the consent agenda um Mario Diaz manager did send out an email to all of you regarding this and you'll have printed uh doc shortly for the request of commissioner Joseph item 15.3 under discussion titled communication Consulting Services discussion and possible action that is to be withdrawn those are the only changes that have been brought to my attention Okay I need a motion I question the removal of 15.3 okay explain mik mik on the reason I'm making a is because when I spoke just because what we discussed last time there had to be like a uh a plan attached to it by our commun our communications director and it wasn't attached to it it's nothing has been presented it's the same thing that we had last time and it was the discussion was that we have a plan correct I don't know if anybody remembers that but that's what I remember and I just that's it's not attached at all it's just the same thing from last time and we discussed that there had to be some type of plan associated with this particular uh item and it never was attached that's the only reason I was bringing up so so the problem is that if I may that's the only reason yeah so first of all the problem is that we need to figure this out so that it is in the budget for starting October 1st but the other problem is and in my case and I said this last time that um I had to pay extra for um for the back to school event and now I had to pay extra for the dollar n&b event if I'm going to have to keep on paying extra for every event then um what's the point of you know we're wasting money we're wasting money every time I have to pay extra for all these events and it was a few thousand dollars each time which could have been put into this already so I don't I don't want to prolong it any longer we need to decide this okay um if anybody wants yeah I'll allow discussion okay as possible please but yeah you know honestly um with respect to the previous vendor that we had um public communicators and also with respect to our our staff and our um our Communications a manager I I I just think this continuing to bring this up in this manner when you're getting resistance based on more information that has been requested and has been needed is not fair to them it's not fair to us I think that we really need to just do the work just do the work I mean it may be it may very well be possible that we all agree on who should in fact be the person that gets this contract but it's beyond that it's about the scope it's about what we plan to do Communications wise with this city and it's about branding it's it's just quite a bit that's surrounding this one conversation and while I hear um and understand commissioner Smucker's Point um you know if we're paying 1,400 or 1,200 I don't know what the cost is for a video while I understand that this is a sixf fig um contract so we need to make sure that we're all you know well versed and well aware of what the plan is before we approve um this kind of money so I I just wanted to say that because with respect to the public communicators group whose representative is here this is not about you know anything else for me but having a plan that I requested months ago as to what we're going to do communication wise in North Mi excuse me for a moment but um Mr manager I was under the impression that we did a procurement we put it out for for bid it had specifics of what was included and not included is that true or or is that line bills are um that's not that's not the um with respect to what you're asking that's not what the point I'm making I I I know oh okay you're asking something else thank you I'm not talking about vendors I'm not talking I'm just talking about you know it's something that we know we have for it's something that I thought that we did the right way we put a procurement out there and I just want to know where this process is not moving in the right direction right um mayor the procurement um and the scope of service allows for all encompassing of what a Communications Department for a municipality um our size would look like um regardless of what the plan is the communications manager is working on that plan um it's quite extensive um she's presented a draft in which I've had several comments on and she's been working on uh but again the department is only one person and we still have quite a bit of items and and issues that we do on a day-to-day basis so it is taking longer than what we would like before we can get you um the the plan in the meantime we still have communication needs um what I'm seeking is Direction whether we move forward with a consultant whether we don't move forward with a consultant whether we just budget it whatever the case may be I just need direction so that we can move forward um in any way the commission would like for us to address it okay so question is is that um in your professional opinion the communications um piece of our organization are we operating at a deficit right now in your opinion sir um I've I have a degree in Communications I've done Communications since I've left I've managed not only as a team but entire departments with budgets greater than $2 million I've had award-winning campaigns advertisement campaigns um I've mitigated crisises I know Communications I've managed it and the people we do not have the resources for what we are requesting to be coming out of this city with one person period we need either a hybrid model which is what I'm recommended where we have someone internal handling a lot of the Visionary and management of communication structure with a consultant that can help provide the content that is pushed out as well as provide the resources when we need additional help whether it's crisis management or branding or for a 100-year anniversary or Centennial of what that's going to look like in in um for 2026 those are big tasks that that would come before us um if not if we want to do all this in house which is totally feasible um regardless we're looking at a department of about anywhere and I've said this before anywhere between five to eight people right and that is typical of what you look for a city this size with the amount of um information that we're trying to push out and that the commission is asked to push out as well okay you got it so and and and actually if we let this move forward as a discussion item um that doesn't mean anything until we're done discussing it and voting on it or whatever it as we decide to do with it we can modify it we we vote on this already yeah no we we we held it to this meeting for the backup but we asked yeah for but we made a specific request the backup yeah which which is not here that's the question I have no problem have I have no problem having a discussion to F to to flesh this out but we request which we're doing right now so you might as well just continue I mean well but the thing is that we never we never we didn't have like we made a request to have the backup she has I would have even appreciated the draft but there was there's nothing here it's the same thing from last time that's the only thing I was asking and it's a six and it is a sixf figure amount close to what half a million dollars so I'm going like that's all I was asking for because we had residents come in here less than two months ago saying why are we giving another consultant a large contract that that really doesn't make a lot of sense to him because there was no backup towards it yes it went out to bid but still there's no plan there's nothing to really justify it yeah we went through a process but the uh in regards to what the work entails it's something we can I can say I can I fully understand or or I can explain my to the community that came up here and droves and a and a consensus I haven't seen in a long time saying goes wrong that's all it was wrong they they came up here I'm not saying that I'm not saying any particular vendor is wrong I just wanted a plan which we agreed upon that's all to have some draft thank you commissioner Smith I I just want to say that I think plans have to be changed anyway constantly uh we had something come up this month with somebody that after many years years decided to sue the city that that could that was on the television that needed a professional Communicator to give our side and let North lne Beach come out in a good light I don't think that something like this with the holidays coming up with one person trying to communicate for the city on in every aspect will survice I think what we can do is a lot of flexibility when we discuss it when we vote on it with what how much we're going to spend how long we're going to take it for but I think we need something through the holidays and I think this is something that has been delayed and and things came up in the city and one person was here to handle them I don't think it behooves us to put six people employees into service for this because why we are just starting to take our city off the ground and we're not at that stage where we need that caliber I learned something new tonight that you're in Communications which makes me very happy so that you can be the guiding to make our city look good which is what we're all been trying to do and we need professionals to help us okay all right yeah and then we then we need to keep moving on this because we're we're already behind and we got to figure something here thank you Mr Mayor um and I appreciate the fact that the manager mentioned his background in Communications I I believe it's probably going on maybe over 6 months since the first iteration of um of a um proposal came before us and during that meeting the conversation was very specific that we needed a plan a Communications plan where are we going and how does that specific contract fit into that plan it's been six months we still haven't gotten that the last meeting um well no what we did get actually was a um solicitation versus a plan right so now we get a solicitation that has line items on what specific Services cost but we still don't have the plan we brought on a manager in the interim we brought on a manager and like I said I have confidence in that manager I see her efforts and what she's trying to do but there's still no plan and so you know what we're going to approve 3300 and some thousand with without a plan or are we going to give the manager perhaps if it's that serious and he says he needs it are we going to give him a little leeway for the next 60 days to do something in the interim while that plan is solidified because I'd like to see it well that's certainly an option now the question really is is this something we want to continue flushing out right now or do we want to keep this and do it with our discussion items well we're already discussing it now I'm F I'm fine I'm fine I'm keeping it for for a discussion later on I have no issue like I just said I there was not a plan attached to it what we discussed what we voted upon but why do we have to bring it up again we're already talking about it so so so so commissioner Flan's um thing about go ahead and giving a giving the manager discretion to negotiate and execute some sort of agreement even on interim basis until the other is done I I trust I'll Trust the manager's judgment and him making the the yeah the reason I bring that up is the manager has a threshold he's already surpassed that threshold in relation to one specific company that did come up to us before or I'll leave it up to the manager if we want to give him an additional 50,000 for the next 60 days or for the next 90 days to um supplement what we have uh through our Communications manager then we can do that and give him 90 days to come up with a solid plan that's all that's all we're asking I don't see why everybody can't focus on what our Communications plan looks like put up um a synopsis together and bring it to us or give me the dra what direction okay all right so Mr manager so what would be the number that you would need so that you can execute this on the short-term basis let's just say 60 or 90 days say 90 days to play it safe days stops but but you're asking him to you're asking him to do something that he's put in our hands to do so you're turt well well not really we're we're giving him the ability as an expert to which he said he is an expert right so we have we have a dou so the question I think someone should make a motion to give the manager before before he does that the communication department has a budget does it not that budget has not been exhausted for this fiscal year has it it hasn't because you've used your authority to to to circumvent the procurement process in essence right so the budget the the department still has a line item with the remaining budget that was not used right well that's two weeks so the department um for communication does have budget in there okay that's what I'm saying the communication Department still has a budget that has not been allocated for the entire year that hasn't been exhausted for the entire year meaning if $400,000 or between two and $300,000 was allocated for this fiscal year we haven't exhausted that so what what we've been doing because that wasn't the original intent we had um employees and we had various other line items that we have been trying to to use in there the the time in which we were out of um paying for the employees we used that re or that expenditure line item to pay for the consultant um when we needed the consultant I went into the pool of community of um vendors that we had and and I selected a vendor and I used my threshold um I just want to make sure for the record I didn't circumvent uh the process but we did use under my authority without having to bring a contract in front of the commission um for those services but you are correct commissioner there is still Revenue within the Communications Department to to be able to um right and so that's my thing if we have a budget that we're going to be approving soon and we have a department that has almost half a million dollars in the fiscal year and it hasn't exhausted the complete line item why are we then voting already for for a line item that hasn't been exhausted well well the money is there he need he needs the approval to he needs the approval to spend it the department head the department head has the authority to allocate those line that those dollars how they see fit I I'm not sure the manager might be able to respond I don't think that I don't think that that department has the ability to just level the manager I think I think um you know I I think that um commissioner joh point is well taken um so let's be very specific with our motion right um so the motion that I'm going to make is to give the manager leverage to um up to $50,000 for the next 60 days0 days okay to um for supplemental um uh assistance and help for the communications department and that um this item not come back to us without a complete um a complete proposal of what our communic uh efforts are going to look like moving forward even if it's a draft I will take that no no I mean 60 days is a long time okay well is that enough time to come up with or 175,000 for 90 days this is this is my motion this is my motion my motion is very specific 60 days because they've already had time 60 days max 50,000 from the budget of communications and this particular item whether or not you're ready in 60 days that's up to you but this particular item won't come back up here unless we have a full workup of what our Communications efforts PR crisis communication communication branding those types of things ready within that 60 days or not this item can't come back without that that's my motion second second all right I have a question on that motion what What's the $50,000 going to be spent for the same thing it was spent for whatever is needed in regards to the the procurement of communications well the reason manager sees fit right the manager has the manager has previous experience with this because he did choose from a certain uh list of vendors for us to have a consultant before and that was at $25,000 a month correct Mr manager no more no less than that less than that it was 125 12 it's been such a long that I don't have the uh what's what was the number 125 less than 125 right um I think at the the end the extension in May or June was for 125 but prior to that it was higher but okay but okay but the point is the cont the amount what you're requesting now is 300,000 that was that's what was discuss that's the contract right year is three well the the lowest bid is 27 per month which is 324 for the entire fiscal year all right so let's let's let's I understand your motion get we can yes we can make that work um and bring it back um correct So within your contract your lowest was about 27 right a month I'm giving I'm saying give you 25 a month for the next two months and giving you discretion which motion we have a second um all right so um Madam clerk is this NE this can be just a um Voice vote Yes okay a Voice vote fine all in favor say I to have a clear I will make it again okay just for those for the audience for residents that are listening as well the discussion item that was before us was a minimum of $27,000 a month for communications Consulting is that correct Mr manager what happened yes okay so $27,000 a month was the minimum the motion that I'm making is that we give the manager $25,000 for the next 60 days each month which is a total of 50,000 that's below what the request was or the lowest bid was in uh the discussion are we clear on that okay so that's the reason why $225,000 number is being used so a total of 50,000 for 60 days that's the first part part of the motion second part of the motion is that this discussion item cannot return without a full workup and Communications plan for the city of North Miami Beach we've already made on the record certain requests and certain things we'd like to see I assume uh that the manager will also contact us and talk to us about what we would like to see and um speak with residents Etc before he comes up with a full workup and then once he's done with that he can bring it back for a full discussion um with full information okay it's at his discretion what company he uses he has a pool to choose from he has a pool to choose from so that's my motion I'd like to amend it I'd like to make the amount 27,000 because that's the lowest one of the bids that we got so at least make it 54,000 so that if he has to talk to the three people that are out there they can use that number I think I mean um uh commissioner I think we're it's four grand difference I don't I don't but all I'm saying is it's eight grand different it's eight grand so but like I think we could do more no it's a total of $4,000 cuz 27 month I think 50 is is sufficient given the time for that I think the motion's here so I don't know if we and it's also the manager's threshold that's the reason why I use, keeping towards that that's all all right so all right so we have a motion we have a second um clerk you're clear on the motion yes I am attorney you're happy with the motion well there was a request for an amendment that I for a lack of a second but there is someone who wanted to amend it well I'll second it you have to well you I would have to accept the amendment I would have to accept the amendment right that's my motion you don't have to oh well okay all right it can be accepted we have a a common usage a parlament that's called so-called friendly Amendment right really provided in Roberts but remember Roberts is supposed to be a help not a hindrance to the commission getting its business done that's why you're having this discussion item in the middle of deciding how you're setting your agenda because you're talking about it and it's most efficient to just do that and not interrupt the commission gotcha so you follow Roberts there's a thing that we the convention is is it a friendly Amendment if it's accepted by everybody there's no need to a vote if not it needs a second it's discussed you vote on it and either the amendment passes or fails and then you consider the original item if it the amendment fails or you consider it as amended if the amendment passes okay all right so so so now we have the amend everything that we everything that was said before except now the amounts changing to 54,000 that would be the motion that's the amendment that's the amend and the motion Okay so um let's we're going to vote on the amended motion see if it passes and then all right I I'll I'll I'll accept the I'll accept the the uh Amendment okay let's make it a friendly Amendment let's make it a friendly Amendment Qui has to be accepted by both the Mover and the second I all right I I accept all right all right I love when we're I love when we're friendly all in favor say I clear you're going to do is vote on the excuse me you don't have to vote on the amendment it's accepted what you're going to be voting on is the motion item the motion correct okay so the motion is amended all in favor say I I any opposed passes unanimously um um Point um Mr maner can you depending on who you choose from that pool uh I don't know how big the pool is just uh can you just provide us information as you as a as a running type of like uh who you're choosing just so we can be edified and keep U the community ed uh educated on who's being chosen when is being Chosen and amount being chosen as you make your make your decisions thank you be clear now that you've disposed of that item in an efficient fashion um you now return to setting the agenda except that issue is now resolved cor right we need we we need to a motion second to approve the amended agenda that discussion item which was an amendment is really now a mood point so um so basically it's just going to be with the other make the motion you second okay all in favor say I I any opposed passes unanimously okay great um and on presentations and discussions that's going to be deferred so um public comment Madam clerk good evening everyone the mayor and commissioners of the city of North R beach has opened a meeting for public comment at this time there is a 3 minute time limit for each speaker speaker when you're called to the podium please state your name or the name of the organization which you are representing and our first sign speaker is Rose Coran and then Trisha Harris nice shirts where PR each of us is getting two minutes they're not getting on my two minutes okay good evening um everyone my name is wco yoland we're presenting Niche radio we on 1510 Northeast 162nd Street in notth Miami Beach Florida 33162 um the reason I'm here today is because I've been in the Comm Co commissioner status of women for the past five years and um we have many events that we present to the community and most of the time whenever there's a situation for women we go around and try to help them move forward with that situation heal walk this is something that is closer to all of us because either me or anyone around me you either have someone who had a heart attack or it's about to have one so uh Health work is different than any other walk that we have in the city and then that's the reason why we want to continue with health work if you guys can pinch here and there in your budget for us to be able to have the opportunity to continue with that this is an event that's not 100% not Miami Beach because we have to look for people outside to help us out because the price we know the price is huge and then we usually look for other people to be a part of it so I have some consideration because the way the budget what I'm hearing uh what I'm reading about the way the budget is going it look like that they're going to eliminate the Multicultural committeee with events I don't see any events we can do anymore because they took away all our events and then now is the commissioner status of women I don't see any event that we're going to do because they're talking about taking away half work and also uh back to school which we do for the people in North Miami Beach so I will advise you guys go ahead review it analyze it don't just Coss out an event that's been there for more than 10 years in the community just because you're saying the budget doesn't work when you have a budget and then if it's doesn't work uh like I do every day in the station you look and see the most important things that been there for a long time 15 seconds and uh things that can be adjusted you adjust thing you don't remove things because the B you don't have any money to present to the setup let's share the money together okay thank you and uh next speaker good evening mayor and Commissioners my name is kley and a longtime resident of the city of North Miami Beach a member of the commission of status of women um Multicultural committee we the city of North Miami Beach have had quite a few events that a lot of people and the city different well diverse come to and one of them is the heart health walk it doesn't matter people who are um in wheelchair small kids people come with their uh pets on their cats their dogs and their Ducks so they show up at these events with um their pets it is very important uh like rose just mentioned a few minutes ago a heart attack is a minute away you never know to encourage people to go out there and take a step whether it's early in the morning I usually uh walk the canal around 5 6:00 in the morning with a couple of people in the neighborhood and it's important to them this morning while we were walking people were talking about that cancelling the heart health walk is canceling the Heart of the City of North Miami Beach we cannot allow this to happen we must find funding for it and also if we are a community a people that care a city that cares we cannot allow some of the events that we put together for our community the diverse Community for it to go away we have to find a way to Bullet uh um back balance this budget properly in order for everyone to feel that they are a members of this community thank you hey thank you next speaker good evening my name is Trisha Harris I live at 2251 Northeast 136 Street I've been a resident of North Miami Beach for approximately 60 plus years and in all of my years I've always been after the children and their education because they're the ones that are going to support us when we get older than I am now um and I'm really hoping that you guys can find a way to make the budget especially for the back to school that Commission of status of women take care of because if we don't make sure that our kids have a future and have the school supplies for the education what will tomorrow bring and it's on you guys's backup there so I really appreciate you guys and have a good evening Mr May thank you may have a point of privilege please sure I I know we don't go back and forth um I know ladies um I'm going to address your your um your your um concern and thank you Miss uh um thank you Rose and also thank you Trish for your for your comments um it was it's my understanding that when it comes to events there there's events that the city does through C uh Commission on status of women uh through uh certain committees that are City events and there was a concern previously because everyone was saying we don't want events we don't want events was specifically to Commissioners doing additional events on top of those events that you guys produce um the conversation that I know I've had with the manager is if it's something that you guys produce and if it's something that's within the contingency of a commissioner that's something that should be able to be done but we can cut all the extra stuff um and so while you guys with respect you guys can have a seat you don't have to stand it's okay I appreciate you guys um um so but I want the manager with my point of privilege to address this concern because this event specifically is probably is one of the biggest events we have heart health walk um you know it's one that I look forward to every year North Mii Beach High School different vendors a Mackin group has been part of this or I mean if you walk down the canal we have um uh metal artwork and things of that sort that has been put there as a result of the heartwalk um you know mile markers the whole is heartwalk that's what it is so can you speak to that Mr manager because um that wasn't my impression but um if they did a deeper dive and saw something that we did not see we need to address that and address it immediately yeah and let's try of do it with some expedience see right it's either yes or no and if it's if they removed it um then they need to put it back that's just it's just that simple so Mr manager can you speak to that sure um based on the conversation that the Comm was having on uh putting a moratorium on events except for snowf Fist and Monster Bash um as explained at the first budget hearing um that is what we proposed the commission at the first budget hearing has asked that we look at several events of be putting that back and that proposal uh will be brought to you next week on Tuesday um with how those events would be funded okay so this would be a discussion that will be beating right I just want to make sure that this is heard this is a flagship event for the city of North Miami Beach period This is a flagship event for the city of North Miami Beach when mishon field before the renovations of mcon mishcon field that was what you know that was one of the most vibrant events that was brought to I think the manager heard you I know it's a point of privilege it's a point of privilege mayor all right it's a point of privilege so I just want to make my point clear that when it comes back that we're looking at Multicultural csw and other committees that have a budget for these events and um we we leave those budgets intact thank you okay remembering less is more okay next speaker please Karen Harold hi good evening mayor commissioner City attorney and stff in the microphone please better much better my name is Karen Harold I live in North Miami Beach and good evening mayor Commissioners City attorney city clerk city manager and staff it's a pleasure to be here thank you for your service I know it's not easy um I wanted to mention the growth in the neighborhood where I live of young single um of young families with young children has skyrocketed I mean thank god um we now I've seen three school buses going on 10th Avenue I live on 179 Terrace and for many years you might have heard me talk about there's no stop sign between 172 177 and Miami Gardens and cars and buses and everything else just speed through there um we've tried different things from the police department to slow it down it works for maybe a few days and that's it before covid I was in touch with Miami Dade and they were going to do I don't know put something in the street maybe but I lost the information nothing ever happened from that there's no speed bumps there's nothing what I'm requesting is if you could put some children at play I was told on my block alone we have 45 kids okay 10th Avenue they walk back and forth they're very careful but those cars are it's not it's it's not 163rd it's not Miami Gardens so I would like to request in that area to have some children that play maybe two between 177th and you know closer to Miami Gardens um and the other thing I wanted to mention was on the canal um the hand sanitizers if you maybe could put some where the doggy waste stations are which I noticed they're with the equipment you have the equipment you have the doggy waist station you have equipment some hand sanitizers not only is it good for people using the equipment but when you clean up after your dog what you want to encourage that you know you want to be able to clean your hands okay what was the intersection again for the um that you mentioned hand sanitizer know the the intersection oh 177th Miami Gardens on 10th Avenue okay Mr attorney thank you mayor I I oh ma'am um this may be the only time in history I comment on a resident's comment but from a legal perspective I just want the record to show that children at play is not it may be helpful and I hope so but it is not a traffic control measure that is enforcable by the police department so if they're you may want to add children at play and that's the commission's discretion or the manager but um I just want to point that is not a traffic control measure that the police can enforce stop signs uh speed bumps um narrowing of streets there are a number of things that can be done that have some binding effect that's what she's asking for she's asking for stop signs so we can have some right the speed bus would be perfect but I was told it's Miami days children only governs people with conscience and there are we're in somewhat short supply I just wanted to point that out whatever the commission does you want to talk to the PD about something that would have some mandatory effect to protect and children it play might help but it's not right in in addition I was just told it's Miami day 10th Avenue and so you guys can't do anything that's what I was informed of years ago but if you can do something perfect but at least children are play for the people who have children of their own they might say oh yeah there's children around you know what I'm saying anything thank you okay thank you yes on that count um at least uh Mr manager through our staff on that particular because also right here in this corner the man ons four stop signs on that count Mr manager could you have staff and our letterhead requests make requests when you hear this to the county from the city thank you okay all right um next speaker please Ruth Hogan good evening mayor and Commissioners my name is Ruth Ogen I live in Sunway East and I'm here on behalf of wake up NMB I would like to invite the North Miami Beach residents to the wakeup NMB candidate meet and greet co-hosted with the Eastern Shores Property Owners Association to meet and interact with the candidates running in the November 5th North Miami Beach city election this is your chance to ask questions and hear directly from those who aim to represent you and shape our community's future the date is Tuesday October 8th 2024 the doors open at 6: p.m. and the event begins at 6:30 p.m. sharp at the McDonald Center I we hope to see you there okay thank you all right next speaker good evening good evening everyone Commissioners and mayor staff residents at home um my name is linso I am from The Reef Club and I have uh a little comment about the events I think that um we had been calling for a moratorium the question is like if we call a moratorium and then we keep giving exceptions right then it's not fair to the ones that have got excluded so I think that if we look at it as let's say we set a budget one lump suum and any events that happen maybe we could all help find sponsors in the city we have a lot of businesses here that can support like the heart health walk was also supported by the Mackin so maybe we can look for sponsors in that sense and therefore we can keep a lot of the major events that we really love and that really bring the community together number two uh we lost our I'm on the puc commission which is the Public Utilities Commission we lost our director of water and I remember commissioner Smith mentioned that we were going to get a head hunter to fulfill a lot of the seats that we have other contract rors fulfilling it and we have um you know people who are not some seats that are some positions that are not fulfilled and I haven't heard about a head hunter yet and I think it's been several months now since uh she made that request um as the chairwoman of the Redevelopment Advisory Board uh the budget is also coming up for approval I assume and there is an attorney fee for $14,500 a month and that is going on for 12 months a total of 174,000 for the CRA I get that that is not part of the manager's budget because the CRA budget is separate but I think that um we have also $50,000 for legal services so I am checking in to see if you can actually find a way to reduce that amount so that we can keep more for the development of our community and then finally since everybody's talking about since I'm talking about budget I also want to talk about I would like to see code enfor encen get more money we don't have enough code enforcers a lot of our residents are very upset the law-abiding ones seeing their G other their neighbors garbage cans out there seeing trash piled in front of their homes and there's no code to enforce that I think that we should put some budget into that and finally in my last 30 seconds we're talking about traffic I heard from a resident who lives on Northeast 6 court that there is a curve on the street and usually people speed through that curve and then drift and slammed into the neor into the residents cars and she said she lost two cars already so if you can um also bring that to the police attention and maybe we can get some traffic calming in that area thank you thank you next speaker please good evening everyone my name is mbarak aan I listen to the discussions just now about hiring a PR a lot of enthusiasm but for a year now I've been talking about the underst Staffing of the water plant no enthusiasm M the phis Smith commissioner did say about the Head Hunter last budget which ended in September it's been a year now no movements from the city manager it seems as though the tail is wagging the dog when you give the city manager instructions he does his own thing and you know the last month Sharin Jones senator Chevron Jones came here and he said he asked for or we asked for $1.2 million for our city and we got $120,000 you do not get money when your behavior is how you perform up there people do not give a city money like that you have to behave yourselves all this PR stuff to me it's like putting lipstick on a pig you can do all your antics up there walk off the stage break chorum run away pretend whatever and then you got a PR person you could even spend $3 million but your behavior is what people looking at people all over Florida is saying that they tune in on North Miami Beach and they got a good laugh you're PR no matter who you hire is going to help you at about 2015 2014 2016 the management at that time hired PR from then to now I think we had about four or five people removed from the DS up there PR didn't help them get your act together you you you promised the three of you promised philis Smith um Fortuna and Jay when you were running you would shove the event I heard events tonight is getting more time than than the relevant topics if I have to wait for one a once a year to get a walk I would drop down dead I walk every morning at least half hour um half a mile I I don't listen man you guys need to be serious this this is a serious time we're going to be changing the days up there we may maybe keep most of you but this year is not impressive eight months the city manager said that he was going to take for the sanitation to bring back in house this is the eth month he said it on January the 16th I don't think there's a willingness to bring back the sanitation the water plant and the sanitation is what brings in the most money in this city you having an outside vendor doing the sanitation guess what you're pouring money out not bringing it in and when you bring the revenues in you can get as much events as you want but crippling the revenues flowing in that is a problem thank you very much for having me thank you um next speaker David Sabin the hard hat equipped with the hard hat if you want to reduce one minute off the clock that's fine to offset his time David zapen proprietor of zapen tech.com someone has to sell sell watches since no one wants uh systems analysis uh wow so back in the 40s both my grandmothers sent off their loved ones to war not all of them came back my those grandmothers live to see the time of covid well into their '90s so I just want to make sure everyone is clear that um you know hatred based on you know based on who you are instead of what you do that is unacceptable and you know the police the armed guards and others will prevent mischief and let the record show I am wearing the hard hat in case I'm needed to walk the Beat Around those controversial bars to stay open at 600 to protect the children so they can get to school at 7 or 8 and I'm wearing the red shirt on behalf of all the workers that are discarded if not killed not based on incompetence but based on people getting caught up on the narrative oh I'm going to build a charity yeah based on Stolen wages or unpaid overtime so as we countd down to the November election let's try not to get too caught up in our foms and our you know ethnic and immigrant identities whether we're waving a Haitian flag or Ukrainian flag okay let's try to be fellow Americans and yes I also get nervous when I see public funds sent off to private companies without oversight no no bid contracts tend to end badly thank you for your time thank you is kept next speaker all right let the record reflect no one else came forward and um public comment is closed um next uh announcements U Mr manager can you hear me okay good evening I'm going to be giving you a list of Citywide events Thursday September 19th this Thursday Farm share drive-through food distribution at Victory pool family Aquatic Center starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at noon next Monday September 23rd we have our FIU town hall meeting here at the commission Chambers from 6: to 8: following Tuesday September 24th Social Security educational seminar at the McDonald center from 10: to 12 Thursday September 26 senior luncheon at the McDonald Center 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Wednesday October 2nd Community Zumba ulita Park Community Center Saturday October 5th domestic violence awareness 5K run and walk at the senator Gwen Margolis Amphitheater starts at 8 and then Saturday October 25th we have our Monster Mash bash here at City Hall from 5: to 8:00 p.m. yeah okay thank you so much okay next is um City commission reports um Madam Clerk and also if we can try to keep our reports as much to the point and as quick as possible Stephen we have a huge agenda so it would be greatly appreciated um commissioner shernoff good evening everybody I'd like to wish all of our Jewish residents uh Lanova October 2nd Begins the Jewish New Year holiday so wish everybody a happy and healthy one okay um something I want to bring to everybody at attention especially the candidates okay there's a lot of signs that are being put on properties without permission and I would appreciate that the count the candidates control their workers who are inadvertently doing that but I know that there's a lot of it going on and I don't want to keep calling out code enforcement and have code enforcemen have to go to pick up signs from anybody but please curtail your workers I'd appreciate that for residents that have a sign put in their yard that they didn't ask for and they wake up in the morning take it and throw it away You're it's your right don't be afraid of the sign being in your yard that you can't do anything go ahead and destroy it if you want call the candidate up and let them pick it up whatever you want to do but please you have the right it's your property thank you everybody have a good night commissioner Flor Mo thank you madam clerk um L Tova also to uh our Jewish Community um and um happy holidays um you know I wanted to take the time out to address a concern that has been um the topic of discussion over over the past couple of weeks in our uh country um comments that were made about the Haitian community and um some of the disparaging diminishing comments that were made in reference to hardworking people who are looking for opportunity um in the United States of America um I think these comments are despicable comments they are demeaning comments the Haitian Community Haitian immigr ANS have come to this country to make it a better place um especially when we speak of Springfield Ohio have contributed to the economy have started businesses um have really revived that community and have been contributing to the landscape and the fabric of what is The Melting Pot of the United States of America I think that this is our opportunity each and every one of us to stand together and band together um in support of one another um as just citizens of this World We Are One um and we are supposed to support one another um no matter how you feel about immigration policy no matter how you feel about politics in the United States at this time no one Community should be targeted um no one Community should be dehumanized um and the Xeno phobic comments should be reprimanded by each and every person that stands for common good and decency and so to all of us that are here my colleagues I ask that in your respective spaces and in your on your respective pull pit that you denounce any negative comments directed at not only the Haitian Community but any other community that is here to just defend their abilities and opportunity to to earn a living and to contribute to the United States of America making a motion so um up to my not to cut you off but if you want to I I'll second a motion if you want to make a motion as a well I believe that um we can definitely um you know you know say in our respective positions how we feel um we have um together done a resolution and um I can we can ask our city attorney to do to do a resolution um uh in light of those comments I want to give him time to be able to craft a resolution that speaks specifically to this issue and to um other communities that are also being marginalized um during this time so um Mr attorney um if you can look into that and have that ready for the next meeting but we all like I said need to stand need to stand together um we've done it before yeah we have as a commission and we can do it again yeah the city of North Miami Beach its residents and this commission should stand against any xenophobic comets racism and any divisive comments especially at this time against the Haitian Community thank you thank you commissioner Jean thank you so much Madame Clerk and I Echo those sentiments as well you know um the United States is a place where people come to live the American dream and when we look at the city of North maram reach is so reflective of so many different communities so um the fact that we govern with decency and in order we want to make sure that no group is is identified or targeted because all of us up here represent different groups and I believe that we all stand in Sol solidarity with the statements that my colleague has made with that being said I also want to remind each and every one of you that today is National voters registration day so if you have someone that has not registered to vote um encourage them to do so I believe the deadline to register is October the 7th but please make it your duty to encourage someone else to Reg register to vote because our vote is our voice and when we vote uh it speaks loudly um also want to send a kudos to the police department for a successful Teen Summit which highlighted gun violence and educated Our Youth and teens on the the benefits of knowing how to interact and react with certain situations we've seen across the nation how um gun violence has affected and taken many young lives um so we want to definitely um send kudos to our Police Department who does a very Vigilant work in keeping us safe um Mr manager also want to highlight the lean program still waiting to get some updates in reference to how we're doing with recovery and as well to our um Jewish Community happy holidays and please um stay safe as you celebrate and and last but not least I hope the meeting is expeditious Mr Mayor so thank you all for being here tonight and um let's have a great meeting commissioner Joseph I'll be quick um so because I want to push the theme forward I Echo everyone's sentiments that uh um spoken out this uh this evening um happy holidays uh as well as um you know us standing together against xenophobia and to had some a little bit of levity for tomorrow is National Hamburger Day so um please look for great um coupons uh that are out there I'm I'm I'm really looking forward to going to my favorite eery uh my kids is um Burgery so just letting you guys know don't lose out in those opportunities thank you commissioner smuckler Burger I think it's disappearing I know Fred rockers is really good okay so I would like to take this opportunity to ask my fellow Commissioners a question we will not there's no way that we will not be finishing this meeting before 12 and I'm going to assume that no one's going to try to go past 12 even though I would um so we are normally scheduled for second meeting September 26 and I would like to get a commitment from all of you to be there September 26th for a second commission meeting so we can finish this agenda that we really need to finish because there's stuff in there that's just been there months and months and months when I did the agenda review with the manager the other day he was pretty much well it's everything you've heard before and I've been hearing most of this for month so can I get a commitment from my fellow Commissioners to have a second meeting this month I'll second that I'm here I'm I'm already signed up for a um a continuing education for um the pension board um I I I have the budget I mean our budget is the budget sign sorry yeah I I have I have a conflict as well but I am going to be here for the budget because the budget's 24th yeah no the budget is 25th 25th 25th oh that's Wednesday but the 22nd it's kind of rough for me because theber no the 26 I mean the the 26 is is pretty rough for me because as you all know you know we're leading up to there's a lot of things that happen right before the the holidays I have to be um my firm handles so we it's going to be a very busy time as you and that's why well I mean it's a busy time no I know I know I know I know it is but I I just U for me I can't make that commitment off bat right now that's what I'm saying so we're not going to get a second meeting once again I mean Mo most of the stuff it's here is discussion items um okay with well with a particular with commissioner Smith yeah I mean if we can make a commitment to brevity here um maybe we can make some decent Headway here tonight um all right um commiss um commissioner marleene Bastian will be here for our October meeting to give us an update I want to thank um the library staff our PD and our parks and wreck for um helping to make the dalm concert amazing even though it got rained on but it was still amazing and how amazing was it to have a Latin Grammy nominee here not only perform for us not only perform for us but here um to give her the proclamation also um well I guess since we're not meeting I want to take this opportunity to wish my um friends and Neighbors in North Miami Beach a happy rashes Shana and a a good young Kipper I want to also remind everybody even though it's a few weeks away and October 26th at 10:00 a.m. we're going to be uh doing a celebration for breast cancer awareness and also um I want to thank as always the police the North May Beach Police Department for taking care of our our residents our businesses our friends our neighbors and my family and our staff employees and I do stand with my Haitian friends so thank you vice mayor Phyllis Smith thank you very much um I also made a note that it's National register voters day my daughter gave up her day to help people register children that are eligible in the high school and um it's important that we all speak our voice I always say for those people that don't vote they elected me too cuz they sat at home and didn't let their voice be heard so make sure that you vote um in reference to the Haitian Community I had the pleasure on my own dime we paid our $22,000 for the flight in the hotel to go to Haiti and I will tell you what you don't understand is the deprivation and it's not limited to the Haitian Community we are voting on a change in the budget for $200,000 for extra police during the time when everybody was spewing hat hat towards the Jews which they're continuing to do and during all the holidays and during the services we have to have extra police force hatred doesn't belong in our society and it certainly doesn't belong in North Mii Beach so yes I stand be with you and I'm proud to be an honorary Haitian I tell you if you knock on their door they'll invite you in to eat and the food is delicious um uh SP Heritage day was exceptional even though there was a lot of rain which my mother always said may she rests in peace that that means there'd be a lot of food on your plate so I don't know why there had to be so much food on mine but okay um I want to also mention to everybody that Co is rampid my next door neighbor is my doctor the increase is crazy please protect yourself especially in a crowd where a mask it is rampant um I also want to mention that another car was stolen um where is your fob where is your car key now that you just push a button guess what don't take your car key out of your car walk through the garage and put it on your kitchen counter cuz it still works you have to take it away put it in a bedroom you're better off next to your master bedroom because it'll alarm and that'll make you get up and go to your car please please when I hear this I have to spend that extra minute and remind you that the it was during the day the woman had her key in her hand but she was too close to the car during the day with little children at home so I'm very very much um in favor of everybody 100% making sure that they pay attention to that too as far as gun violence it was an excellent excellent program I hope people that were there took it back thank our Police Department thank those that came from the county but especially thank those that came from mental health the schools now have counselors and you know what if another student sees somebody see it say something and Mr manager will you please make sure our schools have the device that saved hundreds of kids because the teachers had an emergency button on them on their call around their neck that if they heard gun violence they pushed it and that's what made the police come very quickly and save hundreds of kids so please make sure our schools in our district have those I appreciate it even the ones that are in the county because those are our children going to the schools um I just want to thank everybody for coming tonight and going to listen to a long tedious meeting I just have to take one more second and say sometimes when you're a commissioner it's it's not easy there is no right answer there's a ying and the Yang so as we get through this commission meeting please understand that yes we study it and yes we hope what done right I hear you I hear you about the health walk it means me most to me I love it I enjoy it I walk it every year but we said we're going to cut the budget so we have budgets we all have a budget we all get to have some discretionary money maybe again we can pull our discretionary money and keep our word about the events for one year in a montori monor still have the health walk still have give back to the children but we do it from our discretionary money and with that I thank everybody be safe remember your mask remember your fob and mostly remember to take care of those around you with good mental health thank you mayor Evan Vier thank you uh in the spirit of um practicing what I preach and uh preaching brevity at the moment just a few quick things um for our business community and also residents who are interested in being involved as well the north M Beach Chamber of Commerce is having their monthly lunch at the Little Havana Cuban restaurant this coming Thursday the 19th and then um next week we're having a evening networking event at Lexus of North Miami that would be on the 26 so um I encourage business um Community people as well as residents to come on out and check it out um I also want to um Echo the comments of everybody um you know and I strongly denounce um any comments that are disparaging to the to Haitian Americans and immigrants and I want to end with um happy upcoming Jew Jewish holidays L TOA thank you yes happy Jewish holidays to all okay um next we are going to do our added item and um so it's going to be proposal for bank loan issuance for the settlement agreement in the case of City of Miami Gardens versus S North Miami Beach and um I need a motion a second to introduce the item I'll make the motion second okay the attorney's going to read the title huh the attorney will read the title he a resolution I was just trying to help him a little look at resolution number 2024 106 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida authorizing and providing the issuance of a taxable special obligation bond series 2024 settlement in an amount not to exceed 9.2 million million for the purpose of funding the project and paying costs of issuance providing that the series 2024 Bond shall be a limited obligation of the city payable from non-ad revenues budgeted a appropriating and deposited as provided herein providing for the rights Securities and remedies for the owner of the series 2024 Bond authorizing certain officials of the issuer to execute such series 2024 Bond and all necessary documents on behalf of the issuer and to take all actions required in connection with the sale issuance and delivery of such series 2024 Bond making certain covenants and agreements in connection therewith repealing all resolutions in Conflict here with providing for severability cause and providing for an effective date okay Mr manager um mayor vice mayor commission thank you um Sophia Taylor our interm CFO is is ready to present the item um if you can just go over quickly um the item good evening mayor commissioner and I do have here with me Sophia T and have also with me jelinda heren she's our bond Council I'm sorry okay Sophia Taylor is that okay Sophia P Taylor finance department um may we brought this item before you for approval we're issuing a loan um to cover um settlement for the Miami Gardens versus city of North Miami Beach litigation we issued the bond because we found that that would be in the best interest of the city we did not want to erode the city's reserves to pay the settlements so we issue the funds and Miss Heron is here to give you the details of it our interest rate our funding terms everything that's involved Miss Haron is going to explain to you and to answer your specific questions Jolinda yes good afternoon I'm Jolinda Haring with the law firm of Bryant Miller Olive and we do serve as the city's Bond Council in this transac action um so as you heard this is for the funding of the settlement agreement um the interest rate on this currently if we sign the rate lock agreement tonight would be 4.90% and we are borrowing $9,200 th000 um and it will be for 10 years move to approve second okay second all right we yeah we need public comment first so don't okay um so I guess we're good with all that for right now um all right Madam clerk we need public comment if You' like to speak on this item please come forward exactly we do we don't need public Bar isaz on 4 point how much percent 4 point how much 4.9 yes .9% yes um when this plant was being outsourced you would have thought the residents would have come out in drobes matter of fact I didn't see anyone of you up there except for commissioner Smith she was totally against it at that time she was a council woman and that is the perils excuse me gentlemen thank you that is the perils we have to go through and we keep Outsourcing things 9.2 million dollar is not chump change and um we're going to suffer Outsourcing actually cost us more they said that we would have saved 56 and A5 million we did not sa $ 56.5 million we lost more than 56.5 million in the first year we squandered the $38 million we had in reserves in the first year I told you guys to have a state audit on that who approved a 35% consultancy fee for that $38 million giveaway to Jacobs because that is what they said 35% the charge when normally you would be paying like 15% they got 35% who approved that the city manager here was not there at that time there was another city manager they all got fired the attorney got fired several people from up in the day as there they got removed um the city fell apart no matter how much PR worked it did not work bad behavior um it was atrocious it was a bad time for us I did not see commissioner Fortuna smuckler coming speaking up in favor of keeping the water plant uh so you can do your gimmicks whatever um no I was I I know I know wasn't raising my hand yeah I I know and um Michael Joseph n McKenzie florman you guys were not here um Mr J chernov he made the water plant he helped pass the the bond and we had a beautiful water plant I do not know how you can hire somebody a noid contractor for for for a huge amount of money for him to come and say that it rant a failure it never rant a failure what ran the failure were the politicians and those staff that helped to Outsource it that is what failure thank you very much for having me hey thank you um any other speakers David zapen of zapen tech.com here we are again my first time at the deas on this subject uh here's a c benefit question how much would it have cost to Simply install a gray water filter system on every roof rather than have to do this centralized system and as far as I could tell no bid this is me taking off my you know security guard hard hat putting on my Earth space science teacher hat I maybe this is absolutely necessary maybe all their Engineers are worth every penny maybe they have the Scorpion level technology I asked about my first time at the deis of hyper Geniuses me I never passed calculus maybe they know something I don't okay it's just frustrating we have all this flood water trapping our cars even if not always in the city limit uh but we can't make do with our own gray water to sidestep these $9 million projects so I I just hope you guys and your experts know something that we don't because this is very frustrating and I I hope we don't have to go through this again anytime soon um I realize election is around the corner and stuff has to get done especially if we want to avoid more midnight I don't know nightmare sessions but know please there has to be a way to convert all the flood water we get soaked with during Hurricane Season that's technically June to November but we know better and to capture that water and offset the need for these controversial projects thank you okay any other speakers hi again um I'm not as well vered at all the way Kazan is he I just so appreciate him as being a part of the community what Karen Harold anyway I just want to say over the years since I've been involved I hear so much so many problems when things are outsourced when Consultants are hired we end up having problems we end up spending so much money when everything is doled out of a city and I just would like for all of you to put the attention of the treasures and the assets we have and stop giving them away that end up costing us more money okay thank you any more speakers okay any other speakers okay let the record reflect no one to approve Mr Mayor yes well we haven't discussed it I can make a motion oh okay yeah if there's if there's you know is anyone to Second it or second you got a second okay now you can have discussion all right vice mayor thank you um I thank Mr manager for taking this time to explain this to me today uh we just now got it so I haven't had a chance to read all this but I do want to put on record a couple questions a couple statements that I had it it's interesting about the water plant the water plant when there were four votes up here we're supposed to save us 6 million to 7 million a year instead you're looking at the $9 million it's costing us plus we lost our 38 million was it that's what he said for the reserve the thing that i' like to put on record is this is a 10-year loan but it's a five-year payback was it five years how many years did they have to so in in the settlement um they someone can make a claim uh for I think it's um years two two or three years I think it's three years so I just want to make sure there's no prepayment penalty that if we settle everything in the three years or whatever the length of time was in the agreement that it is six years commissioner right so the the terms um and the email that I sent um and and I'll read it for the record uh for prepayment it's subject to the notification requirement described in the facility documents the facility parentheses the city May pre prepaid in whole lower in part without premium or penalty if the paid on or after the optional Redemption date which is November 1st 2030 any prepayment on the date other than on or after the option optional Redemption date is subject to the um breakage cost payable by the borrower which is the city if the city wishes to prepay the loan before the optional Redemption um date the city will pay a higher interest rate of up to 5 4% of the remaining principle of the loan so wait now now that is a prepayment penalty because the 30th is six years away mhm so and the agreement was for three years so the difference up to 1 more per is that on the loan that we didn't use the rest of the loan we didn't use we have to pay whatever whatever the principle is remaining mhm that's big money too that's big money well we don't know what's going to be remaining that's an unknown thing well yeah you can advertise it out and see exactly what will be remaining how can you do that cuz we what's remaining we don't know how much are they going to knock on the door to collect right we don't know on the agreement how much they have to come and and ask for the money we we don't know our Full Exposure at this point so and may say something okay so at the time the loan closes we get the 9.2 million there's an amortization schedule that allows us to pay the loan over time so we'll know at any given time what our principal balance is so it's going to be a set payment annually or by annual payment however we will know at the time that the city decides okay we have enough money to repay the loan then we'll know at that time water principle balances and what that effective interest rate is and correct me if I'm wrong and um um our bond council could also um clarify we received the entire 9.2 at closing of this that stays in our bank account um and which is also a um interest bearing account correct so we are gaining interest on that 9.2 million that sits in our account the first payment is 25 million due in October of this year that'll make up for the difference of the 1% that we're going to have to have a penalty well we would have instead of being no prepayment payment penalty it's going to be a little greater I don't I we don't have a choice no you don't I mean you're just we're just giving the the facts you're giving us the facts right okay any other comment or a check I just um I just wanted to ask a couple questions just for the ification of um our residents um on terms are fixed interest rate or are we talk fixed interest rate yes but are we talking about compounded and um um compounded annually is that what we're talking about no it is fixed it's amortized the mic I'm sorry interest rate is fixed 4.9 and that's will be an interest rate if we continue to pay through the 10 years if we dis up to 6 years if we decide to prepay before the sixy year period October 1 uh 30 2030 we do have to pay a high interest rate on that balance but until if we continue to pay as schedule is fixed throughout the life of loan I appreciate your response the question I'm asking though is whether this is a simple interest loan or whether this is a compound interest loan and if it is a compound interest loan are you compounding every six months every 12 months that's what I want to know simple simp it's simple it's simple interest okay um secondly um you know like commissioner um was saying commissioner Smith we we do have no choice so I I just want to put on the record that we can either go into our reserves pull out $9 million and pay it right or we can spread over this liability that we have over 10 years so this is in fact the smartest way way to approach this payment is to leverage by taking out this this loan I do like the fact that we're talking about the interest that we're going to get by putting um putting the money into our our own interest bearing accounts obviously the first 2 and a half million will only have that for less than 30 days so I don't know what we're going to earn on that but um really what we need to be looking at is the seven the 7 million um that we'll have for at least what um when is the second payment the second payment is due um October 2025 October so after at least one year we know that that 7 million is going to be earning interest and then we can compare that um to the interest that we're paying on the debt and see what the difference is um I think that's something that we we should have on on paper what the difference is what the real dollar amount differences between what we're earning versus what we're paying on interest so that our residents can see whether or not this is a cost neutral opportunity for uh for us thank you well one quick request Mr manager would you bring us back after the first six months to see what kind of money they were ask people came to retrieve money because we're definitely having a penalty it's a three-year program and and we have we're borrowing the money for six years so we know we're having a penalty in 3 years but hopefully the penalty there won't be that much money they did come and knock on the door and collect what they wanted to collect well either way we maybe they won't come and knock on the door and we'll get the money back too so commissioner I'll have to see what the settlement agreement um States about the reporting from the um from the party we're not overseeing that their attorneys are and they have certain um guidelines that they got to be able to meet on those reportings so we'll find out what that is and and provide that to you and as anytime we do get any type of report uh from the class action we'll forward that to you that would be appreciated thank you okay any other comment no okay we have the mo oh yeah sorry um no I'll be quick um uh Mr Kazan brought up a good point of why why we never did our own internal investigation actually figure out what happened back then I don't want to Bel labor this why I want to approve this item moving forward but I would like to have a discussion later on um about accountability and uh you know have a an outline uh a synopsis of how we got here why we got here so if someone would ever look back and why we're doing what we're doing that they could look online see the see the whole process while we got here and be edified and knowing that we're doing the right thing now just just putting it out there but I do approve this measure okay okay right and uh and I I I agree that you know it's really the best move after reviewing everything that um that we do it this way all right so we have our motion we have our second um this will be a Voice vote all in favor say I I I any opposed okay passes unanimously thank you all right now on to consent agenda um we need a motion and second introduce second got second great thank thank you and um Mr attorney consent agenda time yes sir the consent sorry the consent agenda um first we have the minutes from the pre-budget workshop of July 9th 2024 we have the commission conference meeting minutes of August 27th 2024 and the regular commission meeting minutes of August 27 2024 those are 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 resolution number r224 d96 approve annual software agreement with Central Square Technologies Inc and presenter Ricardo Castillo CIO are we do you want the entire titles read I'm sorry Mr Mayor do you want the titles of each red yes resolution of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing the purchase of the computerated dispatch and police records management system from Central Square Technologies for the city of North Miami Beach Police Department authorizing the city manager or designate to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution uh providing for conflicts providing for scriven or errors providing for severability and subject to the budget appropriation and availability of funds and providing for an effective date 9.5 resolution number 202499 approving a piggyback contract with insitu form Technologies LLC for trenchless rehabilitation and maintenance of pipeline infrastructure Services uh Pedro Melo interim NMB water director a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving a piggyback contract between the city and in situ form Technologies LLC for the purpose of trench trenchless Rehabilitation and maintenance of pipeline infrastructure services in a budgeted amount of $227,000 authorizing the city manager designated to do all things necessary to effectuate the resolution providing for conflicts providing for scriven or errors providing for severability and providing for an effective date 9.5 resolution number 2024 100 multiple vendor change order for the purchase of body armor and Ballistic resistant products Nelson kamacho acting chief of police a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing a change order to the contract between the city and multiple vendors for the purchase of body armor and Ballistic resistant products increasing the contract amount by $300,000 authorizing the city manager designate to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for scrier errors providing for severability and subject to the budget budget appropriation and availability of funds and providing for an effective date 9.7 resolution number 2024 D 101 calling for the city of North Miami Beach general election and Dre Bard MMC city clerk a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach calling for a general election to be held on November 5th 2024 for the purpose of electing persons to fill Four City commission seats group 135 and 7 providing for a runoff election required excuse me a runoff election if required to be held on November 19 2024 providing for conduct of set elections by the Miami Dade County elections Department providing for vote providing that voting precincts for set election shall be those as established M by Miami D County providing for notice of set elections providing for the forms of ballot and providing for payment uh for conducting elections to Miami day County providing for severability providing for implementation and providing for an elect uh elect and effective date that concludes the uh consent agenda okay we need a motion and second second okay and um I need a Voice vote all in favor say I I any opposed okay um passes unanimously with the with the with the absence of um commissioner florand and commissioner voted yes oh he voted yes okay so just with the absence of commissioner Joseph okay Madam clerk you got that yes I do perfect okay we still need the vote of commissioner Joseph okay when he comes back we'll need his vote okay yeah you're GNA get to his vote when he comes okay all right great just for the record mayor it's a privilege for someone who was off the day to be able to cast their vote but they are not required to do so if you're off the day is when the item comes up okay that's not what they told us at ethics class yeah well they get it wrong sometimes I think well how do we know it's not you getting it wrong it's possible oh okay it it it's happened before it could happen again but um my understanding of the law is you know if you have a conflict being off the deis doesn't mean you don't have to declare your conflict but you're permitted to be off the deis if you have some reason that you need to be and you're not compelled to cast the vote when you come back unless like I said if you have to declare conflict that's that's different okay but not only did they say it but then I actually asked the question to be I gave a scenario and they they said that that's what it was when you come back you were required to vote Yes and who put that on that was at the ethics class that commissioner chernoff commissioner Smith and myself were at at the Florida League of cities okay by Randy Randy I will inquire further when I speak to the Miami D Commission on ethics but I believe there's an attorney general's opinion on that I believe that uh it was from the Florida League well I understand that the Florida League put it on and I have great respect for the Florida League I've participated and been a speaker at some of their things but I don't believe the law is that you are required to cast the vote when you return if you're off the days however since you specifically asked that question commissioner I when I speak to the Coe which I have some pending matter with anyway I will try to see if they can give us a clarification on that item as well because what you guys were told by the league is contrary to my understanding of the law but as you say it's possible that it's my understanding that's not correct move to introduce resolution number r 10.1 resolution number r224 d102 worldclass properties request for four variances and site plan approval um a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving or denying a variance from section 24-48 uh subsection D subsection 2 to allow a minimum lot area of 6,525 square ft in Li of the required 15,000 square ft um approving or denying a variance from section 24-48 subsection D subsection 4 to allow for an interior side setback of 6 feet 6 in where 20 ft is required approving or denying a variance from section 24-48 subsection D subsection 4 to wave the 30ft corner setback to permit a 27t setback approving or denying a variance some section 2448 uh D3 to allow for a minimum lot width of 63 ft where 100 ft is required approving or denying the site plan application for the construction of a three-story three unit uh building consisting of two bedrooms and a loft each located at, 1400 Northeast 171st Street providing for findings of fact confirming expiration and limitation of approval providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date okay thank you um Madam clerk Jennings please Jennings disclosure form was received by commissioner uh Daniel aan so we'll start off with commissioner shernoff so puring to resolution r95 the subject matter of any ex party communication together with the identity of the person group or entity making the communic shall be disclosed made part of the record on file with the city prior to final action so commissioner shof I don't believe I spoke with anybody and I could make my decision on what I hear tonight commissioner flon I have not spoken to anyone uh referencing this matter I can make my decision based on the information I received tonight commissioner Joseph to the best of my knowledge I have not spoken to anyone about this particular item and I can make a decision based on the information presented to me to the best amount of knowledge thank you commissioner smuckler 1400 171 I spoke to the manager about it and I can make my decision based on the information I hear tonight vice mayor philis Smith I spoke to the manager Mr ning I believe Mr Scott was in the room but I didn't speak to him and another one of our employees but I didn't speak to them I spoke to these two you can make a decision based and I make the decision based on and I'm anxious to hear about tonight actually thank you mayor Piper um I have not spoken to anybody on this item and I can make my decision based on the information presented this evening thank you okay thank you all right um and Madam clerk we need to SAR in the speakers if you plan on providing testimony on this item please raise your right hand do you sol me swear that the testimony you're about to provide shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God and your response is I yes thank you okay Mr thank you mayor commissioner uh pleased commission that will present first followed by the applicant uh on this one and once it's up I'll speak presentation thank you the item for you this evening is uh requesting approval for a project Al world class properties uh it repres the application is represented by Mr Caesar Metra uh for the property owner World Class Property Investment LLC uh locate um the property in question folio 07208 6- 0620 what actually really uh uh looking for is um a three floor apartment and what is currently a RM 23 residential midrise multif family Zone what this RM 23 um mean RM 23 means is a multif family residential that allows up to 23 Acres uh dwelling units per acre um however the property uh is currently uh a vacant um it does have um a doning that's consistent with the future land use uh that will allow for three storage reunit residential build building the request for for site plan approval is for these three stories or three units um these units going to have two bedroom two bathrooms uh and a LW for each unit uh complemented by nine parking spaces for those three units so an average of uh three parking spaces per unit it went to the planning zoning board um uh uh um uh back couple months ago and the item v approval Rel variant but for of 5 uh to recommend for approval for the um City commission uh right there outlined in red at the actual property location we know for the record that um in RM 23 with uh multif family you're looking at multi stories and the surrounding buildings are either duplexes or you look to the south of the property it is a multif family uh unit right now the property in question um this Ty plan had actually been uh in the background they've been working on it for several years now to date back to when I was last the director and now coming back for for us again and um part of it is because this site being one of the last remaining vacant parles in the area it's very difficult to uh develop under the way that we have regulated it uh the uh the area for R23 being multif family it normally required a much bigger lot uh size and that's where all these dimensional aspect for variances come into play um with all these variances uh the commission choose not to grant them uh um the D will remain uh vacant uh unless assembled into a larger parcel this uh you know we mentioned that uh there three unit we didn't mention that it about 1,120 ft for each one naturally during the course of the St plan review we viewed everything up per our regular criteria from natural environment down to landscaping and lighting uh we know that you know the Landscaping is consistent with the code uh um as you know the you know the trees and and other aspects uh around the property or uh um actually would enhance it based off of uh not only code required but actually above what is you see in the neighborhood right now at the variances um first variance requested is minum Lota lot area variants uh the applicant is seing a non-use variant to allow for a lot area of 6,525 uh square feet normally 15,000 square ft is uh is the requirement for the minimum size to build um variant number two it's interior size step back variant uh normally uh 20 ft is required for three story building and the applicant is seing Seeking a variant to allow for interior side set back of 6 ft6 Ines the thir variant at the corner side setback variant uh the setback of 30 ft is normally what's required and the applicant is uh requesting a non-use variant to permit the allowance of a corner side set back of 27 ft and the fourth variant is a lot with variance normally in this District you would require 100 ft however the applicant seeking non to allow for a lot with the sck to three feet uh we do have one condition that applicant did to is that because of where the uh location configuration the site that proposed loading including tra pickup uh for this site to be limited to non- peak hours um which would uh peak hour to the Jason Street Network between 700 and 9:00 a.m. and 4 and 600 p.m. this because the location right along 15th Avenue the option for the commission evening are to move for approval of the side plan of varant the move of denial uh with that we're going to turn it over to the applicant uh and then uh Mr Nick before you continue can you just highlight real quick the variances uh yes uh we can go back to those uh me one second commissioner uh going back to the variant this there are four variances the first variant had to do with the lot area uh they're requesting uh a variant from 15,000 to 6,000 525 [Music] ft uh for the second variant commission I know you're writing I'm trying to speak slowly to give you a little bit more time uh uh um the interior stb back variant uh the applicant is requesting a variance down to 6 and a half ft or uh um whereas normally 20 ft is [Music] required for the thir variant at the corner side that back variant the appin is requesting 27 ft uh at the variant when normally 30 ft is required and the fourth variant the lot with variance uh that applicant is seeking they're seeking a variance down to 63 ft when normally the uh lot with uh minimum at 100 ft uh you're welcome commissioner um I should note to the Comm that these uh various variances are related normally when you have a lot size type of variance like you see what you're seeing here naturally some sort of dimension on one of the other sides it's going to be a little bit off so that's why there are multiple variant but they are linked in nature because of the nature of the lot Dimensions all right uh could be right there all right and then we can get Comm the master good evening Caesar Master with offices at 8105 Northwest 155th Street Miami Lakes Florida uh good evening mayor vice mayor Commissioners it's a pleasure to be here um it sounds like a lot right now I know four variances and site plan approval but let me explain to you um what what's going on here I'm representing Work World worldclass Properties and the lot is, 1400 Northeast 171st Street we're asking for four variances and sight plan approval for three floor three living units I'll show you that uh this is consistent with the comprehensive plan and it meets the criteria as set forth in the Land Development code we're going to have have nine parking spaces and the four variances are lot area interior setback Corner setback and lot width this District RM 23 uh was developed for a well planned environmentally compatible high density multif family residential use you'll see that this complies with the purpose and the intent of RM 23 District it is a permitted use use and it is a permitted density that we're asking you for this is the lot right here it is the southeast corner lot at Northeast 14th Avenue in Northeast 171st Street I went back in the county records aerial photographs to see it's a vacant lot now what had happened in the past and I can tell you that as far as the Aerials go back to 1999 this has been a vacant lot since then my client purchased it in 2020 with the idea of redeveloping it um to the east all the little buildings that you see uh to the right are all multifam twostory buildings behind it are multif family buildings to the West uh the left on the bottom side is a three-story multif family buildings and everything south of of our building for the next couple of blocks are all multif family and a lot of them are three-story buildings this is the lot that we're talking about again the one to the left on the bottom there that you see the parking is a thre story multif family building wanted to give you an idea of what the block looks like um on the left side that is our lot that you see there in front of it right next to it is a two-story multif family building the picture on the right is again the lot is on the right the the grass that you see there and across the street you see the multif family buildings that are there uh before coming here today I took a drive and the building that's direct directly to the north of our Lots has 12 units uh on that corner and it looks like it's a very similar size lot again this is another photograph showing you the multif family buildings that are located there this is just uh photographs of the buildings that are located on that same block facing our vacant lot and this is uh the vacant lot and the first the photograph on the left is showing you at eastbound down the block and of course our vacant lot is there on the right side the picture on the right is uh looking South the bacon lot is on the left it shows you the uh three-story building there on the right side this is the alleys uh located to the south of our vacant lot these are the buildings to the east in the photograph on the right that's our vacant lot directly on the right and you see across the street the three-story multif family bu building as I told you what we have there presently is a vacant lot that's been vacant since 1999 the zoning is RM 23 which is residential midrise multif family high density our units are 23 per acre so the density would allow for the three units that we're asking for the proposal is a three-story building with three living units each unit will have two bedroom two bath and is and a loft and will be approximately one 1,120 Square ft each the variances that we're requesting the first one is minimum lot size 15,000 square ft we have 6,200 I mean 6,525 squ ft side setback required is 20 ft we're providing 6.6 third is side corner setback required is 30 ft we're providing 27 and the minimum lot width is 100 ft we are providing 63 this photograph is to show you uh an overhead um picture of our lot you see on the picture on the left the empty lot and then if you notice the next three buildings over each one of those is a lot so I want you to understand that it would be practically impossible to develop this lot with 100 foot wide lot when the lot is only 65 and all the adjacent lots are also very thin as you can see there the arrow just points to the three-story building that's located directly across the street so our proposal um is compatible and it will protect the stability and appearance of the community uh your code does not require any hardship for a non-us variance and it also provides for the suitable site for development of well planned environmentally compatible high density multifam residential use the next photograph addresses the issue of the uh side setback uh we're providing nine parking spaces and as you can see the vacant lot the buildings that already exist next two hours have very similar setback as the one that we're providing uh in between the walkways there's only 7 ft and in between the buildings there's 15 ft so we're providing almost 7 ft plus whatever the neighbor has so these setbacks are going to be very very similar to what already exists in their neighborhood we're not doing anything out of out of proportion to what's already there this is the area that is your rm2 three zoning there so all of these lots that are located within here in order to come before you for development and not request the variants would be impossible because a lot of them are not 100 ft wide this is a little closer um of what we're talking about and our lot is there in the middle the empty lot and as you can see the Lots next to us are all thin actually thinner than the one that we have so on the only way that this lot could get developed without these variances would be to actually buy up some of the neighboring Lots which are not for sale so that's why we're here uh before you asking for this now so this is the building that we're proposing these are the renderings as you can see it's a modern design with architectural accents uh we believe it'll be an improvement to what's located in the neighborhood now uh we'll obviously be providing uh more housing units which we know all of South Florida uh needs and this is just different views of the uh of the building from different sites so uh as as Edward told you uh we received the unanimous vote at the Planning and Zoning Board and staff recommended approval for all of the variances and the site plan so we would respectfully request a vote of approval and we'd be happy to answer any questions that you may have okay thank you um next would be Madam clerk um public comment the floor is now open for public hearing speakers please keep your comments pertaining to this item thank you go ahead go ahead David zapen proprietor of zapen tech.com uh so I'm sure all these variances are very sane and very sober my concern is you know who's going to live there I know with other projects we there's been at least the hope of say a three-bedroom apartment and one is a home office well that was cute for about a minute like we were promised in the 90s about working from home let's watch an old Walter kronite video on the subject well we're at it I'm just concerned that of how many of these apartments will be you know improperly sublet through Airbnb and rival Services um uh while we as usual compete with other projects whether in actual Aventura or in unincorporated dat and once again if I had won the big money you know I would have been tempted to just return to the scene of the crime and live in the fabulous facilities uh around newly built around FIU North where I started way back in 1989 you know with all six credits of college in hand woohoo so as usual my question is you know who is living in these facilities with a steady paycheck in a world where the minimum wage is a joke in part because the gig economy and the Tipping economy encourages you know having turning the old 40h Hour Work Week Into the Now 60 80 if not 100h hour work week one hopes among multiple adults but one knows that it's too often you know just one maybe two you know living a life they can't enjoy so I'm sure the architecture is in is in order I'm curious about the for lack of a better phrase organizational psychology of you know will this be a a stable residency or will we have the turnover that is plaguing other parts of North Miami Beach thank you okay thank you hi Karen Harold um I would just like to make sure that you consider that stop sign that's on 171 that the person going west that they have clear view of people going north on 14th and I know by my daughters when I stop the same configuration of her street somebody has a cherry Bush that's right to the sidewalk but you have to OU up so much to see a car and by the time you're up there if that car is coming fast there's nowhere you can go so I would just like to make sure that if you're at that stop sign how much of a view with the setback being so close how much of a view of an uncoming car will that person be able to see thank you can we have that answered now I want to hear the answer to that a as staff said before these plans we've been going back and forth for a couple of years already on this and one of the things that we had to change in the plans was making sure we had your required visibility triangle to enter exit the driveways and the position of the of the building and that that was changed to the satisfaction of of staff that was a major hold of over the time uh configuring the parking lot at well the entrance and erass to the site on multiple sides okay so they won't have to edge up like Miss Harold is concerned about the right the the placement of all stop signs if uh for for the record had been reviewed by uh both City uh civil engineering staff as well as consultant cross review in the peer review uh and both have found them to be compliant with the standards that out in mutcd with is the governing you know regulation for distance and placement and all that stuff all right thank you next sign speaker Francisco Ortiz good evening um I I saw that you got a rendering speaker uh a rendering of the uh say your name Francis cortis uh they have a rendering of the uh building but I I I didn't see any footprint so we can compare the footprint of the building that have been proposed with the other ones that are in similar lots for the clarification so we can like a a areal view that we they actually are building an structure that is similar to the other ones in terms of the footprint that's so I would like to see and for the clarification for you guys to see they are talking exactly the same kind of structure I understand what he said yeah there was an aerial shot that showed the lot I don't know if they can go back to it that showed the comparison from the show his footprint show there there's none that have the footprints superimposed over the lot there is the site plan that's been uh filed with the city that shows exactly where everything is and I think he put it up when when the U you put the Landscaping one that shows the footprint all right um for the commissioner if I could direct you to sheet A-1 I'll see if I can pull up the uh item on on the PowerPoint but A-1 if you look in the upper leftand corner of the sheet provided to you there not only the footprint but it also has the footprint of the existing two-story building to the left of it and your diagram um to be the first architectural sheet [Music] he's just asking the where the building will place on the lot that's all is it going to be closer to the street closer to the next door that's all he wants to know all right so um if I could direct uh you to what you see here oh it's not up sorry there it is there it is we did do zoom in portion of it but if we direct you to page A1 you be able to see um that the uh uh um the setback to for the 6 and A2 ft um was actually contemplated with daff and discussion with the applicant in order to push the building back close like more away from the roadway if that makes sense because if you look at it if we had uh gotten through and and had your regular 20 ft yes the building would have fit but you would have to make major changes including uh where that entrance is um uh the parking lot Not only would that have eliminated parking spaces but the remaining one or two parking spaces that would have remained you would have had less clearance room to to actually just pull in and out and so that uh 6 and 1/2 ft and with the placement is actually a safer out uh footprint then it would have been otherwise okay um next speaker [Music] ma bar is on and I did take the oath uh I'm I've been coming to these meetings for the last two years uh this project and the lrha project compared to the others that you passed is like a breath of fresh air I heard two bedrooms three three parking lots per unit you have three units two bedrooms each you have nine parking spots and for those who might be you know like afraid of the traffic 671 163r right now takes over 200,000 Vehicles a day so having nine more added it I don't see it's going to break the back um I I just would give my approvals to this but I would be remiss the other item that we had before about that $9 million I just want to say that it even took off the time date stamp from off the videos that is how it had gotten at that time that is how we keep losing money this year I think it's going to bring back bringing a lot of revenues or some revenues and I I think this this this year would sell out even faster than those um 29 and 32 story high-rise buildings that you put up with inadequate parking uh three bedrooms one parking spot Highland Village over where um it was passed I think in 2015 to 2017 Highland Highland Apartments in high land Village that was like one apartment one parking lot it matters not if you had three bedrooms in a unit so I do not see we have a lot of items here to pass tonight to listen to to go through I don't think you should take more than 10 minutes on this here please manage your time because I don't want us to be passing $8 million in in 2 minutes like how you did two meetings ago without any explanation that coming up with the roof that you spending $8 million for roof roof repairs like to have some explanation on that and thank you very much for having me thank you no photos for any other speakers yeah okay but the record reflect that no one's come forward and public comment is closed any very very brief commissioner comments I just have a question for Mr n did any of the neighbors respond to the notification because I see that they all look like they're 6 feet apart but he really is cutting it down from 20 six did any neighbor object we do not have any uh written comments uh uh you know as you know commissioner we we we put out like hey we did not have I think this project is amazing long time overdue I'm sorry it took you four years this is what we want to happen in North Miami Beach with vacant property and the opportunities for investors to come into North Miami Beach thank you very much right thank you commission turnoff beautiful property thank you for adding three units to our affordable housing we need it more than anything in our community it's wonderful the only question is what would happen if you made this building just a little smaller to not have all three variances I know that the side variance you're going to need but the you know the big one of the lot you can't take away but the other variance we I can tell you that when we started there was a number of additional variances and we've gone back and forth and back and forth and this is the best um that that we could do taking into account the the the size of the units the amount of the units um this is is the best that that the developer and The Architects could come up with all right well I appreciate the the effort that you did put together with the city and how much you've worked with the city and got gotten to where we are today and it is a beautiful building I just wish you good luck in building it thank you okay anyone else okay um I I wanted to say that I definitely uh like the schematics of uh the building and in addition to that I mean we've we've had you know scenarios where variances were merited and I believe that this is one of them um and you know since the 10 minutes is tiing I'm going to say that I'm in favor of this thank you commissioner Joseph you good okay all right I think this is the type of project that we need and um with that being said motion to approve thank you thank you roll call please commissioner shernoff yes commissioner flon yes commissioner Jaan yes commissioner Joseph yes commissioner smuckler yes vice mayor Smith with pleasure yes mayor Piper yes the item passes 70 thank you good night okay thank you all right we need a motion introduce resolution number r224 d103 all right second second that's second okay all right um Mr attorney I get we need you to read the title a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving or denying a variance from section 24- 41 D3 to allow an interior side setback of 4 feet for an aluminum shade structure where 25 ft is required approving or denying a variance from section 24- 41 D3 to allow a rear setback of 0t or 8 ft is required located at 3380 Northeast 170th Street providing for findings of fact confirming expiration and limitation of approval providing for conflicts and providing for an effective date okay thank you um Madam clerk Jennings disclosure please yes per resolution number r95 d24 the subject matter of any ex party communication together with the identity of the person group or entity making the communication shall be disclosed made part of the record on file with the city prior to final action on the matter disclosure form will received from commissioner Jean so commissioner shov is off the disc uh commissioner flon I've have not spoken to anyone on this matter I can make my decision based on the information I received this evening commissioner Joseph I've not spoken to anyone on this matter I can make a decision based on the information presented to me this evening thank you to the best my knowledge commissioner smuckler this is for 202 24-13 yes okay um I've spoke to the manager and I can make my decision based on what I hear tonight vice mayor Smith I spoke to the manager I spoke to Mr ning I spoke to the attorney Again David Scott and the other employe was in the office but I didn't speak to them and I can make my decision based on what I hear tonight mayor Piper yep I have not spoken to anybody on this and I can make my decision based on the information information presented tonight thank you okay thank you all right um and Madam clerk to swen speakers if you plan on providing testimony on this item please raise your right hand do you sol me swear that the testimony you're about to provide shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God and your responses yesk I do okay Mr ring thank you mayor commissioner for you this evening at variant request uh located at 3380 North East 170th Street um the uh applicate uh at Al karta uh rep um uh who representing the property owner uh Jacob Ohan toio number 07 d221 0-1-1 1510 it is an rs1 uh single family residential over in the eastn short uh neighborhood so a little history behind this is that um the owner had put up a um a structure attached to the house of the roof without a permit uh subsequently um during code enforcement we uh realized that that was uh that that was the case um in which case the um the applicant had come to the building department to pull an after theack permit uh during the review after that permit while the building department did find that uh uh um druu the structure was down and so forth planning zoning uh a staff objected uh to uh approval about bring this to Commission because uh Not only was after the fact but because of the variance that would be required uh in order for this to have been approved in the first place hence the item was brought through Trad and through uh pdb and for you this uh evening uh the request before you is again a variant for a aod approval uh for 20x 14 shade structure built in 2023 located uh at uh the address 3380 Northeast 17th Street comping and Bing board heard this um uh previously and voted 7 zero to recommend uh approval to the uh City commission the subject property is located uh where the uh gry hour is uh noted again in the East jur neighborhood and the current St plan you'll see where the variant is required but uh we got the structure where that uh little red uh um uh rectangle is in the uh South uh East portion of the property uh and More in further detail variant number one uh it's asking for a rear step back variant of uh 25 where 25 ft is normally required uh they're acting to allow for 4 ft from the rear uh right uh which is the canal actually and uh the variance number two is interior side step back where 8T is required and they're asking for a a zert uh uh uh um requirement uh before do this evening the um the commission vote for uh approval of the variances or or move of denial uh staff note that uh we had certain conditions uh during the review which uh we would recommend as part of any uh approval consideration including the fact that because of where it is it is eatment access so if at some point it's needed for uh a future uh eatment the applicant would be required to relocate the structure we also know that uh if the commission deemed that the applicant should not be granted the variances the applicant will be required to tear down that structure and with that uh we would excuse me one second let me give my Jennings for the clerk to make her happy okay I did speak with alter gamble because I was at the planning and zoning and saw this heard there okay so but I will make my decision based on what I hear tonight thank you okay um anything any presentation on from the applicant good evening everyone uh none it was uh very simple variance uh well presented by the zoning department just to note that like um Mr strong said we've been going back and forth uh on this and uh I did have similar uh instances where these shade structures were approved in the past and Eastern Shores but not on their uh commission it was under administrative process which I'm glad you're going to take a look at again today okay I think he's representing the applicant yeah he hasn't moved to Eastern Shores yet yeah he's not do there soon okay I know I know who he is I thought maybe he did move to E working on it he didn't change his last name either to oh um okay um Madam clerk public comment good evening if You' like to speak on this item please come forward only one minute of course he does we have a lot of things to cover you want get through just one minute just one minute mabarak aan just make sure not only this property but the one before that we just passed everything is hurricane proof um with this shed as well let's make sure that is structurally sung for Hurricane and not blowing over to the neighbor across the bay or something like that they have to be County specifications in order I'm just saying my I I have another 30 seconds for my one minute but I I'll finish now we have a a a lot on the agenda thank you any other speakers more comments [Laughter] Dave's gonna be even quicker than Kazan look at this otherwise he's have to otherwise he has to wear his hard hat the rest of the meeting all right go ahead don't threaten me with a good time David zapen of zapen tech.com so yes uh obviously hurricane proof is an issue after all we have to wor about tropical storms at 37 M hour and hurricane winds at 74 mph let's try not to repeat oh I don't know the hores of was it 212 M an hour during Andrew maybe that was a rumor uh I'm always glad to see shade I'm curious whether uh shall we put it politely transients will be attracted or is it already a gated off um because I've seen other areas where Gates have had we put off put up to uh block out shaded area well we need public shade um if we want to get people out of out of their cars and houses and actually interact outside uh I mean sure we still have a ton of humidity but you know anything that they'll keep down the heat a few degrees will be welcome as the temperatures continue to increase and Records the monthly records per year continue to shatter so I'll put my hat back on thank you thank you very much all right any other speakers let the record reflect no one's come forward public comment is closed um anything from the Commissioners commissioner chov vice mayor Smith next forever for the owner of the home thank you for coming back he's been to many of our meetings waiting to get this port a shed or whatever structure that is a shade structure in his backyard of a house a beautiful house that the owner bought and wants to have a you know shade area for South Florida Sun can anybody blame them um you know it's a it's an no-brainer as far as I'm concerned and thank you for coming forward and I'll be voting yes thank you so is it a percolo or it has this solid roof I rodee by today and I thought it was a Pergo with no Sol roof the sun coming through well technically it would considered part of roof because of how it's attached to the house but you know at you know from the standpoint of you just looking at it it's really not that much different than a Pergola but no what this is very important because where's if it's a solid roof where's the rain going to go when you have zero lot line remember we can't dump the rain in the neighbor's yard so is it a solid roof or is it a Pergo there is a drainage on top of it uh uh that essentially renderers the same way as the pergola uh defer to the applicant to explain further but uh in our review of it it yeah legally we had to De it at a roof like structure because of how it attached to the side of the house from a but in terms of actually how it functions it's not like a roof in that regard okay but I was going to ask that if we could I spoke to the attorney if we could make one of the make sure that they didn't put add a pitch roof to go into the neighbor's water and he said yes I could add it but if it's a pergalo we want to make sure that it does not I mean I did the neighbor write a letter that they're accepting a zero lot line uh there were nothing uh received in my offer either for or against did we reach out uh they required to and yet they would done and it would advertise properly ma'am because that's the only concern I had when and I Road pass so are there gutters on are there gutters along the roof right yes so I want to address both um the public common concerns and this hering um approved by the county it was uh we have calculations on file that we submitted with the building department the anchoring is proper and then done uh I believe if I'm not mistaken it was already approved by building and and yes it does have gutters uh and it does not it's not there it's not inclined uh in such a manner that it would uh project water into the neighbor's property cuz we have a regulation on that so that's you know it's hard to understand because as a real estate agent and I'm sure as the builder that built it he knew that there was setbacks I mean there setbacks on houses we know we don't build to the to the line I I came in after those were made after there was a violation issued and um so I can't speak to what they're you know what they were thinking at the time but in uh somewhat defense of them if you notice that that there's a 25 setback from the rear but the whole entire yard is only 20 feet so if you would have moved it um and you do have it's not zero lot line to the neighbor if I'm not mistaken this is four 4 feet so it's from the rear which is leads to the canal no it's 4T from the rear but zero lot line from the side I went today it was it's right abing to the side but SEC attorney yes excuse me mayor but um I just want to clarify commissioner Smith did ask me about this earlier her question specifically was whether or not a condition could be added as to whether it would ever be roofed or whether a condition could be added that would indicate that it would not be draining onto the neighboring property and just to clarify I told commissioner Smith that unless there was some pretty good reason that I'm not aware of that an additional condition to that effect could be added by the commission if the concern is to make sure that it's not draining onto the neighboring property so that is if if the owner would object to that I would like to add that because even if the people that live next door don't mind now you know year from now you could sell and that could be a I I would like to add that if they don't object I mean I'm I'm excited the house is beautiful the the addition is beautiful I have no objection the only question I have is is that because I remember we had that on 29th Avenue somebody was making the water make actually everything was making like a Swale that was so bad between the houses and I want to make sure that doesn't happen here very valid concern yes and I believe the owner would mind that condition if it's not already in place then I'll make sure that no okay let's May for the record then I would ask if if Mr Ang would help to word the condition specifically um then uh at the commissioner's request if the representative would accept that on the record then that condition can be added Mr an can you provide us some help in exactly what the language should be as far as draining onto the neighboring property right I would uh suggest that the commission proposed a condition specifically as follows that the applicant uh agree to uh maintain uh and not alter the structure in such a way that would result in uh drainage uh onto a neighboring property is that acceptable to you very much so and this is a brand new and it's only a year old it's not like it's an old thing so I'm sure they they I didn't you couldn't see from the road and I wasn't going to walk in the house and to see in the yard to see if they had the gutter and and Sir for the record can you accept that on behalf of the owner yes thank you all right so we'll need a motion to approve with that additional additional condition okay which we can do anytime unless anyone's got anything else to say motion yeah something yeah okay okay um so uh good to see you um and uh thank you for bringing this matter before us uh and speaking on the administrative River process because I recall that something that you know I uh did work on um Circa 2018 I believe it was so um you know the fact that it didn't address this specific issue you know is the reason why we have to look at it again because something like this perhaps should be handled on the staff level and not have to belabor the point and come here so I am looking forward to supporting this item thank you thank you your support commission and we go back to my constant complain that why is the little people here for um this project when If This Were happening with a big time development and we just got administrative waivers and that was it so but thank you it's beautiful that's the street I walk my dog every night on okay um all right that we can make that motion anytime now I make the motion second sorry I make the motion with the addition that Mr n is going to clarify the conditions of record in the staff report and the additional condition that the commission has just both right what was when the original staff report plus the additional condition that there will not be drainage on the neighbor's yard however second we need a roll call please commissioner floron yes commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shernoff yes vice mayor Smith with pleasure yes mayor Piper yes the item passes 70 okay thank you thank you very much thank you all okay we need a motion second introduce 10.3 motion to introduce you're sleeping on the job second okay all right um Mr attorney ordinance number 20 24-12 request for zoning map Amendment an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving or denying the resoning application to allow for an amendment in the zoning code map from rm- 23 residential midrise multif family high density District to B-1 limited business district for partials located at 1 731 and 17051 Northeast 20th Avenue providing for the repeal of all ordinances or parts of ordinances in Conflict therewith providing for severability COD codification and for an effective date okay um second all right Madam clerk Jennings disclosure please for resolution r95 d24 the subject matter of any exp party communication together with the identity of the person group or entity making the communication shall be disclosed and made part on record on file with the city prior to final action on the matter jenning's disclosure forms have been received from was received from commissioner Daniel aan we'll start with commissioner shernoff I believe I've spoken with turn your speaker on with Mr in I believe I spoke with the city manager and I would have no problem judging it on what I hear tonight commission Flor one I haven't spoken anyone on this item but I can make my decision based on the information I received this evening commissioner Joseph I have not spoken to anyone on the sign him and I can to the best of my knowledge and I can make a decision based on information presented to me this evening thank you Miss smuckler I guess I spoke to the manager about this and I can make my um decision decision based on the information I hear tonight thank you vice mayor Smith I spoke to the city manager and I will definitely base my decision on what I hear tonight mayor Piper okay I've not spoken to anybody and I'll make my decision based on the information presented tonight perfect okay thank you and um meet to S on the speakers please Madam clerk okay if you plan on providing testimony please raise your right hand do you Solly swear that the testimony you're about to be provide shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so hope you got and your answer is yes I do thank you okay thank you Mr R thank you mayor commissioner before you this evening I will note first that it is a roning request uh for two properties located at 17031 Northeast uh 2 Avenue 107 51 Northeast uh 20th Avenue the folio num are 0722 096 0503 and 07229 006 0502 you'll find that in your pocket it says first reading because roning actually require two reading so this will come back before you again uh if you uh uh move to approve for uh a first reading uh note that the property is right here it's right behind City Hall and the Jason to our government uh Center here um uh which is Zone uh for for for civic to the um North and the South right there our our residential office the proposed zoning from the applicant is B1 limited business district um it actually changes uh the zoning from uh RM 23 which is not consistent with your future land use designation to one that is actually consistent with your future land use designation the reason why uh the applicant is going for B1 instead of uh r with residential office is because the code is written in such a way that with an R residential office in order to carry out their operation after this uh uh uh after any resoning uh that may be approved will occur they would then have to run through the entire process again to get a conditional use in order to run a business whereas by uh applying for a B1 uh a limited business um they will be able to operate uh with the resoning once it's complete uh so that's a key distinction uh between an R designation in your zoning versus the B1 designation in your zoning it's a matter of conditional use for uh uh even the home office versus um versus having just residential there the item went before the rep commission tonight um not the re zoning I had gone to the planning zoning board uh the doning planning board recommended uh recommend to the uh commission uh for approval by a 70 vote you'll see what uh I mentioned before you'll see that those two properties there are RM 23 um again it's about uh um bringing it into consistency with your future land use map um next to the CF uh government stand right behind here um you see right here that's where the inconsistency is so while you do have a you know potential residential here that's where the um Office business is lining the government stand it was intended to be in your comprehensive plan uh you'll see here that the property photo the existing properties there are certain errors to consideration here uh uh when because resoning we do have to run them uh we have to review whether or not uh within the code if act certain requirement we have to take off during the review process whether the proposed change be consistent the goals objectives and policy the city comprehensive plan because you bring something that is non-compliant from a doning standpoint with your comprehensive plan that that is would be compliant with your adop the comprehensive plan it would be consistent uh the propos change because they're not changing the building and it would still be business is compatible the established neighbor Hood behind uh especially since behind City Hall um it do not spot zoning in the fact that in order for spot zoning to occur there needs to be inconsistency with your future land use map in which case you're bringing it from being inconsistent to being consistent so that uh cleared that question uh in the review uh process um the appro change does not alter the population density pattern uh because you're actually changing uh other than by reducing it because you're changing it from a uh from a residential uh uh 23 dring units per acre to a business uh um uh the pro change would correct logically drawn existing youth District boundaries again the consistency question and uh the last when we reviewed whether Proto change would accommodate change or changeing condition you have a business owner who is trying to come in and uh run something that's a very low impact business and uh um so that is the K condition uh to consider the option before the commission this evening are to either to move for approval for the resoning or move of denial uh again for the record uh it would have to come back for a second reading okay anything from you at this point or no I think he say it all and I just really want to move my office from Aventura to nor Miami okay my name is Lina Paro my address is 170 31 and 5120 Avenue okay all right thank you um and Madam clerk public comment if You' like to speak on this item please come forward okay let the record reflect no one came forward and public comment is closed and uh any from the Commissioners commissioner Smith one minute I was actually here when we took it from office and made it into so they were going to build townhouse is there I am thrilled it's a perfect location for somebody to come I'm happy to vote Yes okay anyone else okay otherwise uh we need a motion a second to approve Mo okay motion you got the second and um we need a roll call please commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph yes commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shernoff yes commissioner lmon yes vice mayor Smith with pleasure yes mayor Piper yes the item passes 70 okay thank you what kind of business is it it's a title company Title Company yeah Title Company okay ordinance number 20232 second reading Okay you Okay made the motion we need a second second okay great and um Mr attorney um ordinance number [Music] 2023-24 by amending the code of ordinances of the city of North Miami Beach by amending chapter 24 entitled zoning and Land Development Article 15 other development review procedures section 24-72 site plan review to the lead subsection K entitled limited administrative Authority for site plan Amendment and create a new subsection 24-1 as you want by the way we'll be here till midnight okay don't tell us to go to B okay Mr in yes sir uh that presented before that uh in the interest time uh we're going to know for the record uh uh two B uh two aspect first is that from scen uh first and second reading we did uh on uh uh after discussion with uh the commission uh reduced the uh proposed of percentage within this uh uh the proposed ordinance and then the other aspect is that we uh uh tighten the um the definition of what is a major or what is a minor modification by adding condition that restricted it further and provide guidelines for staff um in response to several questions that I've received from Commissioners um just so that everyone had the same information um in terms of what other cities uh and the county have done the county does use the 10% and threshold uh um that being said that good in any direction that the commission will provide for us uh um because when we look at other cities like for example Dural within their code uh Dural doesn't actually have a set percentage uh and defer to their um a director whereas the county had a 10% aspect so you see that there's a kind of a a range uh staff is just seeking better direction from the commission on how best to proceed at this point based on your policy preference okay all right um Madam clerk public comment we have one coming up okay thank you three minutes uh yes uh Scott Greenwald um and be place um as I explained to you all last meeting um as a developer we feel that this is an important um amendment to be able to get projects built in the city this gives the staff the ability to make minor changes that allow projects to get built after they go through an extensive process um being approved which can take over a year here as you get further along in the process and conditions change there's small parts of the project that need to be adjusted to adapt to Market to conditions to adapt to new FEMA rules and this um ordinance covers those aspects it gives a limited amount of uh change for certain specified items so it's not a blanket you can change or add you can't add units you can't make the bu building bigger so there are restrictions on this but it allows a developer to move forward with a project where whereas he could have to go back and do another six or nine month process processing those small changes in addition it gives a single family residents um that same opportunity for small changes that they're going to make so they could do that administratively and the constraints of what can be done are pretty well defined in the ordinance and the percentage which started out at 25% um which gave a a wide range of change has been reduced to 10% which is more in line with the other municipalities and I um appreciate you all considering this thank you thank you um any other speakers alter gardi thank you um again good evening alter gambari I want to voice my strong support for this ordinance it's good all around uh some of these variant processes take a lot of staff's time for something like fences sheds minor setbacks it's also very costly for the clients and also I you know your your agenda I'm sure you have better things to look at and more important things in the city than somebody shed but most importantly it helps the the the owners of the properties the ones that can't uh necessarily go through the entire process it's very cost effective and like the previous speaker said it's not an you know in card blanch it's it's limit it's limited in scope so I would hope that you consider uh passing this and thank you um commissioner floron because I know you did work on this in 2018 so I appreciate all of you have a good night thank you any other speakers okay let the record reflect no one came forward public comment is uh closed and any comment from Commissioners I have a comment um Mr Mayor the question I had for the manager last time was will there be any sort of reporting that you'll provide to us if there are any changes that we need to know is there or what would be the best way for us to find out if there are changes to any major I know it's only a 10% um but is there any kind of reporting that you'll receive we will receive uh um commissioner we can definitely make that available um even as part of the um an agenda item even at planning and zoning level um that would list any type of administrative um waivers that are conducted and that can um be part of your meeting minutes and and reports on a monthly basis anything else thank you I spent a lot of time on this thank you Mr ning thank you manager I spent an awful lot of time in this this is one of the yings and yangs I'm supporting this because I think it is important for the developers I'm supporting it because I spent a lot of time with the gentleman that came up that had his own development delay delay delay delayed over minor changes but this is only good is we have honorable people that make those decisions so that's the only problem with this it is a good answer to developers it's a good answer to the building department so they don't have to go back to try it and go back and go back is a good answer for the budget but it becomes so as Commissioners who's ever up here has to watch it and see does it need to ever be changed back that's all that's why I've had such a difficult time with this and I thank you for your patience and um I wanted to put that on record because everything has a A plus and minus and this has a minus if we don't pay attention all right thank you anyone else um well I I I think what commissioner is saying um is is very important and I Echo those sentiments I think that we're we're we're making we're facilitating a process making it easier but at the same time empowering people within um Community Development so it's important that we have reporting on a consistent basis um you know to to let us know what's being approved and um and and have a uh a policy where we will continuously you know get those reports um which I know you've spoken to already but we we just want to make sure that and if it helped commissioner if I could direct you to page seven of nine right um under subsection F2 that was actually one of my additions right uh there because I felt that that like yourself I felt that that was important um so it said that the community development director to F notification of all administrative approval to the city manager or city manager designate and from there the city manager can obviously report that to the commission but it's actually if you approved it it's actually codified that that reporting had to C take place from the community development director up the chain um and as the you know primary staff uh point of contact between commission uh and the rest of Staff the city manager will be obled to your direction reported to him but he doesn't have to accept it it's still one person that makes the decision and and just for the record I did reach out to many municipalities sent them all an email I heard back from about five uh one said that 5% is fine one said I wouldn't go over 5% some said 10 and one actually gives full comp blanch to the one to the um Planning and Zoning but you know what what somebody has to go through in our city sometimes is so lengthly that for something minor it's it could be a very wonderful thing for our city so hopefully it will especially to the homeowners that um could be easily spending $5 or $10,000 for something simple that um they don't it's much more than that it's much more than5 or $110,000 it can go up to 50,000 so that's another thing that we need to consider with and for something simple something easy so yes and I make a motion to do we make a motion on this do we have a motion okay make all right so okay we got the motion we got the second we need a roll call please commissioner Joseph commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shernoff yes commissioner floron yes commissioner Jean yes vice mayor Smith yes mayor Piper yes the item passes 70 okay thank you all right we need a motion in second to introduce 112 number 20243 second okay um Mr attorney ordinance number uh item 11-2 ordinance number 20 24-13 first reading text Amendment for multif family parking regulations Edward Ang interim community development director an ordinance of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida amending chapter 24 of the city code entitled zoning and Land Development by specifically amending Article Five entitled zoning use districts to modify the residential category minimum and maximum requirements from section 24- 58.1 fulford mixed use Town Center District table muc5 minimum and maximum parking requirements by use section 24- 58.2 mixed juice employment center District table mu/ ec-5 minimum and maximum parking requirements by use section 24- 58.3 mixed juuse Neighborhood Center District table mu/ nc-5 minimum and maximum parking requirements by use section 24- 58.4 Arch Creek mixed juice carer hang on one second here um sorry Arch ju mixed crease mixed use Carter District table mu- C mu/ C-5 minimum and maximum parking requirements by use section 24- 58.5 Southern mixed juice Waterfront District table mu SL swf D5 minimum and maximum parking requirements by use section 24- 58.6 Northern mixed juice Waterfront District table mu/ NW W F-5 minimum and maximum parking requirements by use section 24- 58.7 Eastern mixed use Waterfront District table muw F-5 minimum and maximum parking requirements by use section 24- 58.8 International Boulevard District mui is that an i or one I think it's IB part three design standards table mu/ ib-2 minimum and maximum parking requirements by use and to amand article 9 section 24- 93 entitled parking lot design standards to create subsection l l multif family tandem parking and subsection M valet parking and subsection n fee based parking and amend amend article 9 section SE 24- 95 entitled minimum space requirements to clarify and increase parking space requirements providing for conflict severability and codification and providing for an effective date okay thank you uh Mr ring uh man do you want me to begin or do will you okay thank you commissioner for uh putting on the agenda this evening and um you know that's something that uh staff has put forward before and we are e to enter in discussion with you to get better Direction you know this this first reading um and this is a result of something that was um a study that was uh done uh by uh Calvin jono our consultant back uh when I first started I believe my first day on the job involved a public Workshop in a torrential delude which uh where some people's cars floated on the way back uh um but it's been a it's been a long time coming and we're happy to have that discussion with you what you see for this is you this evening on the ordinance um are a certain aspect of looking at raising the uh parking requirement for any project coming forward in the future that is multif family or mixed use in nature and you know that uh within the code that it specifically Target those uh Youth tabl and uh raed that were requirment it does this uh on the basis of the recommendation we received that um were the uh based off of actual count that we did in the field and observations as well as anecdotal evidence uh um in which case we uh um looked at it and there are some critical aspects there one is for each of the bedroom types raising the amount of parking for space but that's not the only thing that uh we are recommending from staff standpoint based on a recommendation provided to us we also have um uh uh in there um for example instead of having a guest parking space for every 20 units uh a guest parking space for every 10 units what that does is that increases the amount of guest parking that is uh uh going to be required at part of the parking count we also uh are recommending doing away with what you see in the minimum Max system by eliminating the maximum parking and that way we have a little bit more leway as staff to negotiate during the site plan review process to see what we can uh we can push uh additional you you'll see that uh there's these additional aspect of subjection LM uh and and you might be thinking about what those all about right um the first uh important portion there for subsection L that we don't actually have thetive uh code aspect to regulate tandem parking and when you were able to put the tandem parking in you can alter the you can ask for alterations in the design and obviously that will have to go to hand inand with valet parking but because tandem parking worked a little differently spatially in terms of iwi uh needs changes the spatial requirement for actually developing parking on a site right so when you have that argument coming before you we staff often do where we're like well they could break a project because they not paid or they have to go a level higher and the commission might not prove that that kind of take some wind out of that argument to allow that to better negotiate for you on behalf of the city of course you know ever you know folks know tandem parking right you got two cars behind each other how did that work operationally many times when we have those uh uh uh come before us we asked uh that the applicant have a valet plan this codifies the need for that and how that might uh uh go forward within a St plan approval to empower staff to look at that further on your behalf before it come to you for St plan approval and lastly this is the interesting one that I actually uh put forward uh uh and made the consultant do a couple more rounds on and we found a very interesting thing that makes a lot of sense when you think about it from a practical lay person standpoint when we went out and looked at all the parking spaces we know that our parking on our street are currently free but in some cases uh such as uh you know in some of these developments when we looked inside at the guest parking guess what they had they had fee parking inside so average person you and I just going down on the street what would we do well if I have a free parking space why would I go and park inside and pay money when I have a free parking space outside so what happens then well what happens then is the parking on the street uh will fill up first before that pay parking needs goes in what we're trying to do now uh with that portion subsection and and close that Loop by uh restricting of the fee base parking inside the building in such a way that if it's within a certain distance uh uh from free parking on the street you can't charge for it and that's important because then that changes the dynamic right so instead of saying oh well I'm not going to park in that building uh uh because it's pay parking I'm going to take up the space on the street now you got a little bit of chance to get that equilibrium back and so you get some of that parking space uh allocated back on the street or from a practical use standpoint and so that's where that subsection comes in uh just thinking about how normal people will go around so it's you know based on realism right yeah um we're happy to discuss I know the manager has uh sent around a item and I'll defer to the maner at this point thank you uh Mr ning um Commissioners we took an opportunity to kind of lay out all the the changes and the staff recommendation um and what those differences were uh and we sent you all an email um so that you all can consider and kind of see it more on a chart on a side by side um essentially what the staff recommendation is doing is um tying the amount of parking spaces to the bedrooms within the multif family um Eastern Shores is a little bit different where there's a higher threshold um for that and in some of our conversations overall many of you felt comfortable with having um following the mindset that the Eastern Shores regulations had so for example um on a two-bedroom um unit it would be one bedroom uh one parking space per bedroom plus one right um so a two-bedroom unit would have three parking spaces um in eastern Shores anything over the two-bedroom is um is capped at three spaces um in the other multif family um throughout the the area um we capped it at four spaces um for each four bedroom unit um or larger um you can follow the same um thought process of Eastern Shores if you like which is essentially one per bedroom um plus one um additional uh space which would be five for a four bedroom um including of the one um guest space per 10 units uh for the building um and the various other changes um many of you thought that that was um a good increase if we were looking to increase parking requirements overall to ensure that there's um proper parking um and and some of you were not um fully committed you wanted to have this um discussion here as to how to to kind of move that forward because you had other questions or or wanted to hear your colleagues thought process on it um so that's basically where where we are okay um first I guess first Madam clerk can we get public comment if you wish to speak on this item please come forward I'll sign in a second good evening Matt amster with the law Burke Albert Al Fernandez par and tapenz off at 200 South bcan Boulevard in Miami I'm here today um not really to talk about the uh the new parking requirements but to talk about a project in specific to um tell you that this will have significant impact they've been in the system for quite a long time um this is the project that's at grenolds Park the 4 acre vacant parcel uh that's on West Dixie Highway at 174th Street uh a number of you may remember that this came back came here to expand the mixed use District uh to add this property to that and at the same time increase the basket of Rights by 500 units and a project concept plan was developed at the time there was a a lot of discussion we work closely with the city to um change the mixed use District to create the ability for that project to be built there because it was next to the park there was a lot of back and forth and uh a concept plan was developed which reduced Heights significantly there were transitions in Heights away from the park large setbacks and so basically the envelope of the building was already created for this project that was completed uh in they started in 2018 they finished it in uh January of 2021 and the pandemic did cause some delay but they are now here in the process they've already developed a full sight plan package we've had a pre-application meeting in fact I even met with Mr ing today to further discuss the project we're on the verge of submitting for our Trad and uh our project follows all of the rules and regulations that have been in effect all this time like all the other mixed use projects we have the commensurate uh good ratio of parking uh but if we had to adhere to this after all the time and money and investment spent to get to this point we would have to substantially redesign the project and I fear that actually it would kill the project to uh 100% comply with what's proposed in the ordinance today so I'm simply like other projects have come through based on where we are in the pipeline the amount of effort time and money spent to get to this point we would just seek to uh work with staff to uh be grandfathered from this change and allow this project in the works since 2019 uh to move forward thank you thank you mayor mayor and commission if I may um to um to the speaker's point and and I apologize to the commission the commission did ask to see a list of um um properties that we had in the pipeline um I just um identified that earlier today um I apologize that that list was not forwarded to the commission I'm having staff um print that out um with all the calls and everything I was trying to get today I did not forward that email to you all but we have approximately and I can read them out one two three four five six seven eight n 10 11 we have about 11 or 12 properties um that are within the what we consider the the pipeline um and and I'll just read them um while staff is still printing them out so it's uh 170 bis Gan Boulevard 175 and what 170 bis G Boulevard okay um 17450 biscan Boulevard 317 Northeast 168 Street 17400 West Dixie Highway um the Aurora final plat which is 175 through 17071 West Dixie Highway Citadel final plat the Feldman Warehouse 1981 great year Northeast 153rd Street um it's a unava um property which is 16051 noreast and I'm sorry 16051 and 15985 West Dixie Highway Uptown Harbor ohanyan variants which was approved today office of n&b which was approved today and world class properties which was approved today those are all the projects that we currently have in and those would be under the old standards that is that the proposal uh yes uh mayor we only count in the pipeline that they formally permitted for Trad I will know for the record that of the list that the manager has put forward uh only uh Uptown Harbor and univ are considered a mixed use project that would apply here uh in addition because Uptown Harbor has specific regulations governed by a development agreement any changes here uh they are grandfathered in uh uh uh specifically um past that we do not have other applications you heard some the other ones like Felman Warehouse which is a warehouse and therefore industrial no residences so that doesn't fall under what we are just cing the deing right okay um all right so I think we're still in the middle of public comment if I recall correctly I don't think we ever close that yet and um and then Mr Kazan when he's done tripping over himself I think wants to say a couple things very briefly okay M aan uh over 25 years I've been living in this city and I've engaged myself in commission meetings when there were council meeting from since over 22 years and the first time I supported this project highrises was when the Marina Grand came up in between 2005 to 2007 at least one commissioner up here carried us to court she she was on the lawsuit didn't want us to build lame excuses were like the the Shadow from the building would cast a a a shadow over at Eastern Shores that would make it so dark and all this nonsensical um things we heard and the the reason why we were allowing the high rises it was the anticipated increased cost in running this city the police pensions the employees pensions everything would be increasing in and the property taxes would not be enough it would not be enough and so we we started granting um these highrises and if you look at the marina grant that is now the marina Palms I think it has adequate parking we planned we approved we the residents they came to us and when they when they proved that by 2010 they would be having five extra schools around in the city we relented yep you have enough schooling you have enough parks and all of these things and the buildings that you're putting up today inadequate parking that would not attract the the the the customers the the residents that you anticipate those would be failed projects I remembered um last year we had a budget April 12th Mr ni said that he came in April 11th and he had about six projects in in in in the pipe uh that was when he discussed it maybe like a week after Mr hamster said he had like 12 so far from then to now I think Mr Hamer passed maybe over over a half a dozen projects now he's coming up with another 12 or or something these guys do not live in this city they would not wear your jerseys when comes time for elections to vote they really don't care if these projects fail and the project will the projects will fail I would not be moving into these um you know three bedrooms with one 1.5 parking where my wife and children are going to park and and and and and and they have their their vehicles and so forth the lobbyist and so forth they just don't care I'm telling you could you could grandfather it whatever I am going to vote November and I'm going to be checking I'm going to be checking and we probably might have a a manager change as well too sorry it's not a thread it's a pledge thank you okay thank you okay anybody else um for public comment let the record reflect that no one came forward public comment is now now closed any commission comments Mr joh um to the man through through the mayor Mr manager are you um proposing that the 12 or so projects in the pipeline also get grandfather in is that part of the tonight's uh approval um commissioner I I would refer to to both um Mr ning and and our legal council but from my understanding if they have put in a project under the current code um you can't retroactively go back and ask them to to change it um I know that there's essentially some restrictions on that um that's my understanding so these would fall under the existing code us doing anything leaving it as this so um whether the code remains as it is in our code right now or you vote to change the parking and increase the the required number of spaces any project that's in the application process asking is the new the new ordinance we're going to grandfather the 12 that's there is that in there right as I said uh commissioner maybe maybe the um legal counsel can can better explain it any applicant that's already in the system moving forward stays within the active code right now we can't retroactive ask them to change that's my understanding Mr attorney sorry once someone has applied however that term is defined and there is some wiggle room as to how that term is defined once someone has applied there's not an ability to say you have to comply with something that didn't exist when you applied the question of when you've applied though is a little less clear is someone who has had a meeting with Mr Ang presented something to him been scheduled for Trad been to Trad have they paid yeah money but you know have they been to Trad and Trad said come back um there's not quite a bright line for that but I think the better interpretation is if you've put something into Trad you've paid an application fee as the commissioner points out you're probably covered the question you may have is when you hear of somebody that's been working with the city for three or four or five years if for some reason they were held up as we held heard one of these uh projects that was approved earlier is somebody who's been working with the city trying to comply with the city but may not have submitted their formal application because they're revising do you want to try to extend grandfathering to them and come up with some other definition to indicate what is a sufficient level of contact that somebody should be covered by grandfathering that's less clear under the existing case law and you have more um this process there is a due process isue if you've been if the city has said to you don't put your application in until you fix this you've got a at least a colorable argument I'm not saying that's necessarily a winner but the point is you have more discretion as to how you're going to handle those you have considerably less discretion for somebody who's been to applied to Trad put in an application paid their money and is working their way through the process everybody on this on the list that was just received should be good I mean I assuming that you know I understand what the manager meant by the people on the list if those are all people who've paid an application fee and they've been they put an application in I would say the answer is probably yes the question is do you want to extend that umbrella a little further if you have somebody as we heard earlier who said we've been working on this for years but we didn't have a formal application because the city said fix all these things first um they may have a colorable claim that's not to say they would win these things aren't necessarily how many of them are there who would who who would the claim be hereby would that be sort of a commission issue or that would be a court issue or potentially both both I mean it depends on how the commission chooses to Define you if you say and of course people are grandfathered in so you don't require them to sue us to protect their rights which I would urge but how exactly where you draw the line and how you define what it means to have applied or or been working with the city or be grandfathered you have more discretion as to some of those gray area projects than you do c can we identify those gray area projects I to go refer back to if I can if I can finish my if I can finish my question so for instance the first person on the on the list here 170 bis G it says applicant pulled initial tra application followed with application applicant on a28 so I'm assuming this is something new right since there's no date per se on these yes Al so commissioner uh to add to a layer to what Mr Geller is saying um when appli and come in and they provide an escrow they have to provide an escrow to go to Trad uh because that's where the cross recovery CR goes in they go to Trad sometimes they have to come back for round two or round three based on the comment or how good their application is uh um I actually have to keep a time frame after that for their next contact and resubmission the code provides that I can deem a application withdrawn after 180 days so I stick to that although um uh so what that means is that everything that you see on there has some active contact with sta that we understand that it's rolling along and the reason why we hold to the 180 day the staff is so that that someone can't draw it out and draw it out and then we change the rules and then there's no way for us to go back and say hey you've been drawing this out unnecessarily and what that does is that it pre the list presents to you because we adhere to this process within Community Development are all active in in a very specific way I hope that helped you with your I think what's disappointing here is that uh many of the Commissioners have asked for this particular item to be resolved months ago and so of course we want to encourage development and individuals to get their applications in and go through the grueling process right so they can provide better quality of life for North Mar Beach residence but at the same time you know it's it's interesting right because we've been asking this for months and then you know the when I'm looking at the statuses I'm wondering how many of them kind of snuck in right for you know so I don't know it's one of those things that we want to be fair we want we don't want to be in a legal predicament where you know we're left liable to for changing the rules up but how does that make sense when we've been asking this for almost a year we um based on what we've seen we have no one to try to sneak it in just be uh this this time around just because people are looking at this like well it's been to the commission several times before we don't know what's up so we actually do have applications such at B which was approved several years ago but their Council spoke to me and they're like you know we we don't know what's going on we're just going to wait till you actually resolve it at the commission and say one way or the other before we even apply so that's you know obviously there's always going to be both ways with that commissioner and that's a really great question you're bringing up but in terms of our actual experience right now staff has not encountered any oh we're going to try to sneak this in right now we've been getting also the opposite that also might be because they can use it as a backdrop because of the high interest rate that the federal government has right now the FED having right now uh which has been delaying some of the applications uh because of financial viability thank you so so I didn't really exactly hear the answer as to what projects are those gray area projects right now the gray area project uh um the only one that would apply uh on the list that the manager uh noted would be 17 uh 4550 and um univ and uh Uptown Harbor but Uptown Harbor has an own development agreement so out of the 12 that he read off only about two Thea are mixed use project the others are for example um 170th uh shops that's all commercial so there's nothing apply there Felman Warehouse is commercial industrial though yeah again same deal so Uptown Harbor is not a great area one it's not a great area you have a dirtyy year develop agreement is pretty set in stone on that one mayor and just to further answer your question excuse me for interrupting but I'll certainly get with Mr Ang as well as the manager and staff to determine if there are other gray area projects not on that list and again let me point to there was one we approved tonight that you approved tonight three no but there's one in particular that you approved tonight that was commented has been working on this since 2019 I'm not sure when their actual application went in but if we have somebody that for the long term has been working with the city and hasn't made a formal application but they've been doing what the staff has requested we'll I'll work with staff to see if there are some others that are so-called gray area that might not get the automatic protection because they haven't filed a formal application and paid their fee but in the interest of fairness you want at least to have it called to your attention and then you can make a decision collectively as to how you want to go forward so for the second for the second reading we would have that information so that we would try to make that available to you I would hope well before second reading yeah Community Development will work on that list for the mayor commission for their determination that's the second reading and I'll be happy to cooperate on that with Mr Joseph than um city are you gonna could you possibly have to I guess fix the whole um gray era have a a line of clear and like a standard of clear and convincing in like information that would subject you to that great area as yes sir so like I mean what levels like depending on what that level is it could say just to because they say I got an email or whatever is that clear and convincing like or I have phone calls or that type of stuff like but you could put language that said something like uh and this shall include any applicant who can establish by clear and convincing evidence that they have a substantial record over time of working with and cooperating with City staff but may not have filed a formal application and would that be done administratively will that have to come no that would have to be part of the ordinance no but the determination the determination could be done administratively but that's that's see that's we need to know the number we need to know the number for that well that's why I said because that's like that's a catch off because maybe they won't be able to find I mean there there could be applicants that going back years that say I have these emails or I got this um um call or or this text message from this C- person saying hey you shouldn't do this right now just it would have to be something in my opinion and again whether who had the final approval typically that would be administrative but I mean it could be a commission decision if that's what you prefer but it would have to be something on the order of don't file your application until you fix this problem it would have to be something where there was actually an interest by the applicant in getting it filed and whether it's the it might not be Mr Ang might be his predecessor it might be two people back who was ever in that position but if someone said you know well you're not going to get approved by Trad unless you resolve this uh setback issue or this or something that you would have to have something again your clear and convincing standard is probably appropriate and that would be something that the commission could determine how you not who gets in but you could determine what the language would be and what you considered to be a sufficient showing that somebody was actually actively working with and cooperating with the city true you'd have to have some kind of guidelines to ex qualifies and who doesn't and you'd have to set what the guideline is the issue is that that gray ER aspect are we I I I think the proper as you pointed out is clear and convincing but who make who would be able to be the ultimate um person to make that determination would it be done administratively or would that have to be come before us it's hard that's that's a hard that's a yeah both both the standard itself and who makes the decision the decision as to that is your decision right now you could determine how it would function what the language would be and what who makes the decision but the the guidelines the vice mayor say have to be decided by you as the commission and it has to be decided prior to we can't all of a sudden have a project come and then go back and look and back and look I agree there's guidelines here you don't qualify you do qualify is that something that we're asking before second reading right yes we're going to work together to get it to you hopefully well before second all right so can I call the question on this no I have a couple questions you have a second you have second reading also but I already oh whatever you already said it okay I I second oh you second okay so we have a motion we have a second I I have a you call for public question okay as long as it's quick it'll be two fast questions does our theater qualify for three seats per 10 spaces number one you can tell me during the first and second reading I want to know if our theater qualifies and number two four four parking places plus one for a developer there's developers here there's people represent developers sometimes a four bedroom only because I sell real estate that's because they need the bedrooms for the two children and the housekeeper the bedroom for the two children and the office are we really going to require an Eastern Shores that if you have a four bedroom apartments you get five you have to have five bedrooms let's just think about it between first and second well it's four spaces for each four bedroom plus one in eastern Shores he just said yeah um commissioner just for clarification you ask about the theater um I apologize if if I'm missing I think this impacts residential no no here it says that the places of public assembly one space for each three seats and principal assembly area of 10 spaces for each thousand square foot can can you of GFA whichever is what page are you looking at ma'am oh they're going to kill me I only had a minute I'm going to be in trouble page three page three the top section places of public assembly on the left I just wanted to right we're not we're not recommending any changes to that only what you see in blue I just want to know if our they are qualified that's all whatever the existing code says it's grandfathered in anyway I just wonder it's not a it doesn't affect a theater ma'am this is only residential multif family just by by the SEC if you see an is just address it between now and the it's not a residential places of public assembly is not a residential I think the code is just like kind of at I know I just wanted to be qualifi yeah I think that to be clarified um between first and second absolutely okay all right we have the motion we have the second and we need a roll call commissioner smuckler yes commissioner shernoff yes commissioner floron yes commissioner Jean yes commissioner Joseph yes commission vice mayor Smith between first and second yes mayor Piper yes passes 70 okay thank you all right we need a motion second move to introduce resolution number 2000 r224 d80 second 11.3 Mr attorney 11.3 resolution number r224 d80 American Rescue plan act arpa reallocations R monast the chief of staff a resolution of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach forward authorizing the reallocation of American Rescue plan act area state and local fiscal recovery funds slurf from tranch one and tranch two authorizing the city manager to make additional allocations in an amount not to exceed $250,000 and further authorizing the city manager to establish programs and guidelines as needed to ensure the timely dis bement of Grant funds providing for an effective date and all other purposes uh Mr Mayor if I may on this item yep uh thank you so we are also um as part of uh arpa we are also looking at the Weare program right yes so ex um my my request would be if we can include the discussion about um high water usage onetime forgiveness policy uh modifications along with this uh conversation if we can pair those two together um so that we can be able to address that that major issue um that would that would be my request okay so that but that's really sort of a separate issue on its own um well the the funding is being considered here in this conversation right so the Weare program is actually part of this conversation as well no I get that that's my concern is is that if the as long as the funds are in place wouldn't the um disposition thereof be a different conversation maybe the manager would know better so with the with the with um with this uh 15.6 what it's addressing is the uh the the guidelines as far as the threshold and all that it's really a short conversation um we we we need to up the um the um um the qualifying um income levels yeah right that's something needs to Happ and so that's all I'm asking is that we take that up and and use the I believe Mr manager the Florida guidelines for uh income um when it comes to this particular program that's it that's all I'm asking okay is that is that okay that's and that's one of the reasons why that money has never been usedc or hasn't been used as much because such the the the qualifications are so behind the times right so if you can add that to your presentation since that's been that's it's okay with everyone up here just as a as an addendum so that we can get that um cuz I was hoping we can reach discussion but just in case we don't you know want to make sure that's taken care of thank you good evening mayor commission marene monam Chief of Staff as stated on the record this item before you um actually comes to you again uh we've had conversation about reallocating funds from the American Rescue plan act uh for the sake of time I'm not going to go word for word on the presentation um especially since we had the conversation before um just another just one key thing I want to mention uh really quick uh reminder that we have to obligate the funds by December 31st and expend all the funds by September 30th of 2026 so between phase one and phase two or trunch one and trunch two we've completed quite a few projects um this slide here just lists those projects and uh before you is a document that indicates availability uh between phase one and phase two projects um so if you could take a look at that uh document that's um in front of you what I'd like to do is first uh discuss phase one um because at minimum what we'll need to do is at least uh prove uh reallocating projects that are completed those line items are on column number four for phase one and they're in green that indicates either the projects are completed or uh staff is requesting that we reallocate it to fund a different project um that amount uh without the singer building sale and adding funds to uh the accounts that are overexpanded which are in red that amount would be $431,500 n317 2455 and that's a phase alone so if I can um get the commission at least first to confirm that the requests for reallocating on phase one can be pulled from the lines that are identified or if there are any accounts in Phase One or projects on phase one that you would want to make any changes to that we can do those before we proceed with phase two you asking for a separate vote um or just some feedback just to know that I can proceed so that we don't have to go Motion proce motion or it's taken care of done deal oh proceed okay yes all right and then for phase two which is your second and third page you have additional lines um one column which is indicated changes that'll identify where we're requesting to add funds and where to remove funds from so anything in is where we would like to add funds to um I want to note for mortgage and rent assistance that was depleted as of about a week but we did collect a few applications that can be uh awarded funds and so that would be at your discretion to decide if you want to allocate the funds just to close that out in phase two yes and then for all the other lines especially those in red we're asking to pull funds from so that we can fund either some of staff's other requests what you'll see as well as your requests that you've made um regarding reallocating funds quick question for you yes mortgage assistance so you're not looking to to replenish that in any way right is that so we do have another item on the agenda um which is the coastal contract that would allow for some funds to continue that program but through arpa we're requesting that we close it out thank you okay so in terms of commission requests the last conversation that we had there were several um items that you wanted us to take a look into to determine what the costs would be and so um as the slide shows the request for portable mising fans um 16 65th Street Paving new park signs uh spruce up of the basketball court that's behind PD um an increase in Ro home rehab uh funds increase in beautification for Washington Park and Highland Village um the marine Vessel for PD the facade Grant or Hammer um which speaks to some of the things that commissioner sherov was speaking about uh as well as the food distribution increase uh public arts in parks and economic development programming so that would bring us to 1,412 th000 $335 um that would just be based on what we discussed together and what I have within the uh phase two includes the Bearcat for $380,000 uh which is something that the commission had presented as well so with that I am proposing that you guys consider what we requesting to allocate based on the Excel and and then if you have any other changes we're open to hearing them now mayor commission part of part of these allocations especially with the additional request um which was um made during one of the budget workshops if I'm not mistaken yes um for um reallocation of arpa um is also contingent on the commission's will to move forward with a um selling the the singer property to the CRA uh that's what we're allocating um within that to to reach the the thresh level of 1.9 million um going into phase two then reallocating and then um the new um arpa allocations or increases um the last page from the budget Workshop of 1.4 that's how that's um being reallocated so I just wanted to make sure that you all were aware of that okay all right so for now um mam cleric public comment uh second portion of the of the okay all right you want to talk about that first if you don't if you don't mind all right go ahead and then we'll do public comment okay so um Madame uh chief of staff and Mr manager um the discussion about the uh we her a share was the amount um and also the threshold for uh qualifying for um for assistance and Mr manager I don't have the document with me that um talks about what the yeah so levels should essentially um the Weare to share uh program um used the at the time I think it was the 20 outdated currently outdated amounts of what um what someone would qualify um they're approximately between and and the item that that um commissioner floron is is um looking at um or referring to is the Florida lowincome um home energy or or water assistance program um that's uh federally funded they have minimum thresholds for a family of one for example um or maximum threshold they can't make more in a family of one of 30,500 family of two is 40,000 family of three is 49,000 family of fours 58 and and so forth ours are anywhere between um 12 to to almost $20,000 off of the current so the request from commissioner floron when we were speaking is can we make the the Weare program um update the um ensure that not only are we updating the thresholds to what they currently are but that an annual basis um that that is monitored and updated with whatever the the new guidelines would be based on inflation or anything like that um the other aspect of it is right now this is a program that is based on hardship and so the recommendation for the High um for the high water um usage was a one-time forgiveness policy we've had in some cases where um when someone has gone on they've received the same uh bill for x amount of months or years even and then suddenly there's a increase of two three four times the amount of what they normally pay but they can't find the leak we don't see a leak um and then it goes back down somehow uh it's almost like if it's a glitch in the system um a lot of times they don't qualify um for the financial hardship so what we did is we we were looking at various other policies uh we found one um policy in naturally the state of Texas that we felt was um encompassing of what the request was with regards to the high water uh for residential customers to be able to to ask for that onetime forgiveness and we put several parameters of what would be allowed before someone would so um they can't have any non-payment or collection actions um they would have to be up to date on other billing um and and so forth and it's laid out in in the discussion item um in the criteria which is in the background there so that was a request from commissioner uh floron with regards to updating the maximum annual income uh to meet current and future levels um as determined by um the federal government as well as um allowing for a one-time forgiveness of a residential um high water bill wasn't there a Max that we also were discussing I believe the what was the max amount um uh Madam Chief of Staff I think we we were saying that um if I recall correctly that currently it's a maximum of how much $1,000,000 right so um we were also discussing doubling that amount um i000 no one's the money's not moving it's not it's not going the money is not moving so so so nobody needed it no no no no no no well first of all it's the requirements which we're addressing yeah right because when you're looking at the numbers um literally for a household of two your maximum income could be $2,365 no we're talking about aren't we talking about the maximum amount they get for one water bill is that what what you're talking about one water bill would go over so if they had applied for the Weare program and got approved they would receive a maximum of $11,000 based on the current parameters of the program for the water but it's only for the water they have to have the threshold there's a lot of things tied to it it's not just this is for someone in need not someone in need this is not no I understand that but but does their water bill go over $1,000 depending on the depending on the circumstances yes that one time forgiveness they they we've seen water issues where the weak no he just said they have be caught up they can't be delinquent so that M maner can you clarify yeah clarify so so right now um for a high water usage a one-time forgiveness policy okay we would look at any type of account in which has um no interruptions of service um due to non-payment or collections of actions um and it's a forgiveness depending on um what the average um that they've had over the past 12 months the We Care Program is when they are in a financial hardship and depending on their household size and what's the maximum income um so they're they're essentially two different programs we're asking to provide more flexibility not only for the Weare program for financial hardship um right now again for example a one household um a household with one person for We Care the maximum income that they're allowed to receive um to qualify is 18735 under the new guidelines or the updated guidelines it's 30588 no I understood so that is that is the the update on the on the Weare the arpa funding goes into right the arpa funding goes into um funding that um because most people do not qualify under um because of the house old size and the amount of money that they gotten the program hasn't really been used it's been used I think at a 11% 11% of what could have so a lot of people have been turned down but on the one time forgiveness do do do you have a maximum right now currently as it stands um so forgiveness will be granted based on the merits of each case and availability of donated funds if funds are not available n&b water will work with a customer on a payment plan when funds become available n&b water will provide funds on a first come first Su basis and will be added to the payment plan the maximum forgiveness amount will be determined by the allocated donated funds forgiveness only includes eligible accounts for the high water usage period and forgiveness does not cover late fees or other charges so it's really going to be able to depend on how much is is rate because we're we continue to have the golf tournament and so forth so if we only have $5,000 we can't give someone $5,000 but at this but at this particular juncture what I'm referencing is those funds are still coming from the Weare allotment correct even for that one time forgiveness they can with with your request because all of that goes into one pot am I am I correct mhm okay so whether it's the uh financial hardship or whether it's the onetime forgiveness it's all coming from one pot okay and so when you have certain uh customers who like the manager said you can't detect where the leak is or there was an issue with billing or perhaps in certain scenarios where customers haven't received a bill in um a year and then all of a sudden they get a $3,000 bill or a $4,000 Bill to give him the ability to work with those customers I think it's important that we have a number that he can do maximum and so that's where that request is coming from currently right now it's at $300 for the financial hardship but no but the money is not moving because of the threshold a two a twers household $225,000 that is that's that what do you mean when a customer hasn't received a bill in a year well I mean um there's been scenarios that the um Chief of Staff can speak to where there's been issues between the um the the meters and Etc and they're not being read and certain things like that so there have been those types of issues or like the manager said you can't detect where the leak is coming from etc etc I I do have one question the the standard that you guys are are setting is that is it is it as specific to our community as it can be from a locality standpoint because I don't want us to be just a day County um because because of averages um be lowering having it too lower because of if I mean depending on where you are what it cost here in North May beach might be a little bit more than what it costs other aspects other parts of the of the County so I want to know how how pinpoint are these um new requirements going to be to just what our area we're we're basing it off of the house code um limits that is what's uh provided by by the state of Florida and the federal government we're not pinpointing it down to specifically NMB oh okay if someone hasn't gotten the water bill in a year then they haven't got gotten the garbage bill either or the bill may be incorrect I mean you guys are looking at me the commission point I think it's a matter of estimated bills that that are incorrect but would not be pay bill we don't figure out who caused the leak we should erir on the side of the resident City should now unfortunately Cod requires that um any any water that's recorded through a meter must be paid that amount has to be paid and that's what backs our our bonds and our loans for yeah that's that's something we can't really um mitigate on I mean the Ed the education that I've gotten on this is that at times there are meters that are not communicating um corre in addition to that so there's a minimum that is buil right but it doesn't reflect actual it's an estimate but it doesn't reflect actual usage that's true right so the bill will dictate whether it's an estimated amount um based on minimum consumption in past history or if it's an actual read um correct and and so by the time sometimes the water um utility gets wind of the issue with the meter reading it may in fact be 6 months or a year and then that Resident at that point is surprised with a bill for the entire year when they probably thought they were making their payments on time has there been a delay has there been a delay I think that wait wait guys guys listen guys I think that we're getting a little off topic here yeah we're we're really getting a little off topic do you have a motion do you have a motion so the motion is the motion is um and and I appreciate the mayor for allowing us to discuss this the motion is number one the household size and the maximum household income is is not it's not good it's not working um and so with the manager uh making the um point about the Florida repeat that again Mr manager what's the full title Florida Florida standard it's the lowincome household water assistance program right for us to go by those rates right that's number one uh number two currently it's at $300 um maximum so we would move it to $600 okay and for there to be some clarity um when it as it relates to the um onetime forgiveness because right now that is it's ambiguous so any scenario can be you know um approved or not approved based on what the water utility director or whoever makes a decision on so we need to have a specific maximum that we can um and what is that we can utilize which is what I'm recommending is $2,000 second okay there have a motion we have a second okay it is public comment it's a public comment next all right Madam cler yeah yeah we're kind of doing this backward so Madam clerk can we H get public comment please on this if you like to speak on this item please come forward M Baran since you put up the threatening notice that any Electronics left unattended could be seiz I have to walk with my stuff yes your city manager so he did it I'm going to remember it for in time okay what I understand here is that Federal govern government tells us not to discriminate against sex against race against religion but here they're discriminating against income who gets Inc listen this pandemic was supposed to help those that were affected I knew people who had workshops and they had to close the workshops and they couldn't make their their their payments in in rent they they got put out and you should not be targeting only the poor people should get money from this Mr city manager I'm talking I'd like to have your attention please I can hear you sir we having two this La this last week at the Pu Public Utilities Commission meeting $2.2 million the residents of North Miami Beach owes to the water plant about 200,000 inactive and two 2 million active and these people can't pay their water bills it says something with this here it's very discriminating and um a guy owes 2,000 my neighbor my next door neighbor nine months they did not get a water bill whoops all of a sudden a red notice came nine months even though they were supposed to be notified after 2 weeks according to the workers but because they're under staff the water plant is under staffed and that is why they can't keep up and and you you could increase you you should not be limited by the an an income I heard what uh 30 homes got uh $25,000 to do their roof and their Windows who are those 30 people why discriminate I know people who supposed to be off but they're not but but they're being discriminated because of that income people have um child support people have medical bills you ever consider that a lot of people go into bankruptcy no matter how they think they were wealthy medical bills suffering them and here we are oh 25 two people for $25,000 that's nonsense man you know help the people we have a lot of money left back in the arpa and also this arpa funding as I said you should not be getting rid of that um that singer building we should be keeping that singer building it should be a priz possession and you give you you we're going to just hand this money away and boof it gone but the singer building it's gone too we don't we don't owe anything and I talked about a park over at Eastern Shores long over wait it's time we're welcome to have you I know some people time is going to be up in November as well thank you very much and to to to Mr mcb's Point that's the reason why we're addressing this because the current guidelines don't work and so we're increasing the maximum household income so that we can address exactly those concerns and help more people to receive um to receive funding yeah this definitely helps that situation some extent so um anybody else for public comment let the record reflect no one else came forward public comment is closed and we've got a motion we've got a a motion with those with the with the comments that I made mot okay and are we clear on what those comments are yes wa okay question yeah we had a motion to do the whole plan and that's where the conversation came from so are we adding this as the addendum to the plan correct that was okay okay well we're voting all right so we're we're we're we're having a non-hostile agreement or whatever you called it a friendly agreement friendly Amendment friendly Amendment without objection you can add it to the main motion okay all right so then we're all good with that we're friendly and now we're going to vote right do we have to vote do we vote are we voting on the entire phase one and two or are we just voting on the amendment no the the amendment was accepted without objection unless there's an objection if there's no objection the amendment is accepted so you're voting on the entire thing with the additional stipulation provided in the amendment it's everything that Marlene presented to us so the question also was about the singer building so if we're approving this that means we're approving the sale purchase the purchase that's a separate agenda item I think isn't it no isn't it all together it's all yeah we don't so it would be it would be the sale on your end the CRA would be purchased so the sale is something that we're voting on right now if we're if we're voting right now correct but we selling it to the we're selling it to the C right I just want to be clear that we're we're voting that item as well within this right yes okay I have more questions before we move to a vote um the first question that I had is about the the VOR and sweeper that's case too can you can you explain what that is it's a vacuum truck yeah to clean out drains and sewers and a sweeper to sweep the street up did I do okay yeah okay okay okay we need them in eastern Shores that's the whole entire city right yes Citywide we don't have one now right we do have we have one truck we have hi commission mayor Commissioners yes we we ordered the vac truck which is for storm water system uh currently we have two that are passor lifetime one is in the shop and one is operational um also passes lifetime the street sweepers we have two one is in the shop right now the other one is working uh partially working uh so this would allow us the purchase of a full new street sweeper and we'll pay for the lease of a vac truck for the stone water system and those VOR trucks are critical when there's flooding going on or impending storms correct so we don't want to mess around with that thank you the windows and doors program that you have in Phase One n 23,000 um are have have people applied for those yet is that program still open or is it closed so it takes a little while to draw the funds down but everything has been um expended so it's technically zero there so on that last sheet that you have um we are proposing um based on your feedback previously to increase that to 500,000 so an additional about 20 or 25 or so can apply and how does that compare to the home rehab that you have in Phase 2 for the 418 so that actually is already accounted for as well we have a group of 28 folks that are pending um to be serviced so technically that's zero as well yes okay uhoh and also I know there was a mention that there was $111,000 spent on on a consultant to make sure that all of these items were approved I mean were within the constraints of what was approved before how was that audit how did that come that is correct so um they're in the process of review uh it I honestly don't think it'll come up to the 11 because a lot of the projects that we do have they're completed and we know based on reporting that we're okay to do that um it would probably be half of that amount and within the next month we'll probably have this item before you just to clean up the remaining expenditures that need to be made why not consider the mortgage and rental assistance program and it was one of the few programs that was um successful and used up why not make an allocation for for that to be an available for our residents if it's at the will of the commission we're definitely open to it but um the other item on the agenda has I want to say at least 60,000 for the next 5 years every year um for that purpose as well so we figured if not here then perhaps through there the turkey distribution um is that coming out of this fiscal is that allocated for this fiscal year yes it would be allocated for this fiscal year and the next and that that is part of that is part of the food distribution um item oh the food distribution I thought it covered the monthly distributions that we have every month no not not just that but it'll include turkey as well oh so part of it is the turkeys and part of it is the the monthly food drive all right thank you that that's all my questions we already have a uh we got we have a motion we have a second now we're good commissioner John you're good if you're good we're good okay we need as amended um we need a Voice vote all in favor say I hi any opposed okay passes unanimously okay we need a motion second ruce 11 point you got the second someone second okay thank you so much Mr attorney item 11.4 resolution number r202 24-87 to approve RFP d24 d015 KC design supply and install holiday lighting and Decor Andrew pokin Parks and Recreation director resolution the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing the award of request for proposals number RFP D 24-15 dkc design supply and install holiday lighting and Decor authorizing the city manager or designate to execute an agreement with the highest rank firm authorizing the city manager designated to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution and subject to the budget appropriation availability of funds and providing for an effective date May mayor um in in lie of time um staff is ready with a presentation for for all of these events um but I think it might be pertinent for us to just do an introduction um this was a consent agenda item last month uh that was pulled uh we can answer any questions and and hopes to kind of move um this along because we do have various budget items that need to be heard and decided on tonight okay all right sounds good so um what is the um what's the cost involvement on on the ,000 a year good evening mayor commission the annual cost is $80,000 8,000 a 5e program this is the holiday lighting yeah and this lighting is throughout like the city or just one Corridor like it's been th this was you this was um commissioner joh you can I didn't want to cut you off no I was just wonder because um I've always noticed that it's just one part of the city not um you know I never understood why you guys just did 19th but never did 171st down from West Dixie like all the way up because I would I just why do you just tell does anybody know exactly what streets will be covered let's just do it that way it tells you City Hall in the theater Police Department building parks and recreation building which is centered which is centered around snowfest right the area centered around s i I will say that this past year we need to do more we need to do more um you know and some people may say okay well you know what this is you know um this is not as important as other things or events may not be as important as other things but during the holiday season our residents look forward to seeing you know Lighting on 19th half and I it's like I drive to um uh North Miami to go through uh their Enchanted um forest forest Enchanted Lane not Forest Enchanted Lane you're talking Enchanted Lane right because it's it's something that really brings out the holiday spirit right so for me this is important you guys probably got like 10 calls from me last year because literally every tree that went off the lights went off I was making a call like hey this tree on this you know Street or whatever so there andy you you you know I'm sorry that's your responsibility again this year by the way right I will I will but I just want to make sure that it's it's good that you know that that we like commissioner Joseph is mentioning that we do a little bit more this year um and we do it right as in years past um because like I said there were some issues with some of the lights this past um holiday season thank you one quick comment one thing that I think gets lost and when we do these types of um I want to say performative but like these aspects of really highlighting our city um really getting um type of Engagement by residents is that you want to attract people to come here right and and and events do that they just do if you don't have any events we're just a country club that's restricted to us which makes no sense and it makes people feel that there is real investment in their taxpayer dollars when they feel like their places where people want to be and so you know I know we have these talks about events or whatever but it's not just us using um City resources um just to have a good time it's also attracting other people to our city increasing the value of our city in doing so and I think that gets lost in the whole you know um um discussion in that regard I'm just but this item is really more for the holiday lighting yeah yeah but I'm but it like I said people as commissioner flormont pointed out people say oh it this could be uh could be seen as a ways side I don't think it is because I think that if other cities are doing they're doing it for a reason and as commissioner Flor might point out he goes there just for that right right and we're not going crazy or super OV excessive right anything like that so you know I think that it makes sense I just want to point out this is one of the resolutions we have where we're taking the bid that's not the lowest bid so I want people to understand when they say why do you do this why are you doing that the whole thing with this holiday and I spoke with the manager I thank him again for explaining it wasn't just the cost it's the design what does that company give us what's the other company giving us in quality of their lighting and what they're giving us so to that extent I don't think when we're talking about having no money for the last six months and we have no money that we should expand the program maybe next year maybe the following year but this is a year of trying to catch up could we try to just catch up I think it's beautiful everybody comments I never want to do away with it but I think to expand it this year doesn't make sense okay um we need to do public comment let's do that in the meantime Madam clerk if you wish to speak on this item please step forward Mr Kazan my electronic stuff hope you guys doing snitch it not you guys the other people um mbarak aan I remember back in 2016 when the city manager then Anna when she was here the budget was $75,000 I think she went over by another 30 she almost got fired for it um so you have to stick with the budget 80,000 that is it I I as a kid growing up uh multi-religious excuse me um Commissioners I can listen show please I can hear stop your CH chatting and um with all difference um you're allowed to say anything you want but with all difference sir you don't have the right to direct the people sitting on the day as what to do you're here to make your comments but that's they're they're human beings as well sir they've been sitting here for hours they're violating the Sunshine Law did you tell them that so we do not know what they were I've been doing this for 22 years SE people up here whispering and and and their colleagues said listen I want to know what you guys are saying I remember commissioner Smith was talking with um commissioner Joseph and commissioner thing what what you guys were discussing Mr Kazan for the record no for the record Commissioners Mr Kazan is correct on that I trust that none of you if you're whispering to each other are talking business I trust you're saying I'm tired and wish we could get out of here but for the record I will say Mr gazan is correct that you certainly are not privileged to discuss business with that said sir please thank you very much um um to the attorney I'm certainly not going to discuss business when when this is I'm certainly not going to first I'm not going to violate Sunshine no doubt but I'm not stupid enough to do it when the speaker is right here in front I have no doubt about that commissioner comment because the gentleman's comment on that can never be said too many times but I trust that no commissioner is doing that it's his privilege to speak it's not his privilege to try to tell you that you can't lean over to somebody and go I'm tired I wish we were done okay all right Mr gazam continue I wish I had my camera roll in here man I would it be on YouTube next tomorrow um yes $80,000 budget we should not be spending more than five minutes on this here we are going back and forth 10 minutes 50 minutes and then the8 $8 million you come 2 minutes to 12 and then we have to run home please show your wisdom thank you very much for having me thank you okay anybody else for public comment okay let direct record reflect no one came forward public comment is closed make a motion Mr Mr Mayor uh just so I can be sure um I know my commissioner made a motion um but this will extend yeah um the distance of 19th because I know last year we didn't do the medians all the way to 183rd um this year we're doing that right yes the medians it will go from 183rd to um 163rd the medians and roundabouts right and one of the highlights with the uh vendor that we selected is that he has a maintenance program and plan that he will get alerts when lights are out so you don't have to have that job I don't have to do that okay it's a thankless job by the way no and it doesn't pay we'll keep we'll keep them right we'll keep them staffed thank you okay all right all right good we have the motion approved we have a second okay and we need a voice foot all in favor say I I I any opposed passes unanimously thank you introdu move to introduce resolution number r 2024993650 s Sam zamona Public Works director a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing a change order to the contract with country bills loan maintenance Inc increasing the contract amount by $300,000 the city manager designated to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for sceners errors providing for severability subject to the budget appropriation and availability of funds and providing for an effective date mayor um again um staff is obviously ready to do a full presentation but but um in lie of time essentially what this item is doing is increasing the capacity of the contract um we've been using country bill um for the past two years three years three years um and there's been various projects that have come up um that has reduced the overall capacity within the contract and so what we're asking is to we're not asking for a budget increase uh but we're asking that the the cap of the contract be increased so that between the rest of this year and next year's budget uh we have enough um capacity within the contract to continue doing the work okay all right um sounds good let's let's get public comment out of the way real quick Madam clerk you're skipping okay so let the record reflect no one came forward for public comment and public comment is closed vice mayor Smith you're up okay real quick I want to say two things um when they came forth with their first bid nobody thought they could do it as inex expensive as they did not only did they do it inexpensively they did it very well that's number one number two is I spoke to the manager just to clarify for to be on the record it's up to 600,000 when they ask for extras take remove for instance at the amphitheater when they had to cut all the roots when they had that was not part of their contract now we'll have money to pay for when there's extras up to to 300 maybe it'll only be 100 maybe it'll be 150 number three is this contract expires in 2 months I would like to make a motion to amend this resolution to right now extend it the two years um that we have the ability to do all right we have a motion and a second exended for the two years excuse me I'm sorry vice mayor are you sure it's a two-year extension it's not two oneyear extension it's two one-year extensions okay so then I'm making the motion to extend it for the onee thank you okay then that was something else it was two years all right my memory is good but not at 11 o' all in favor say I I oppos passes unanimously thank you thank you move to introduce resolution number r224 d94 okay attorney 116 resolution number R22 24-9 4 approved contract renewal Garland DBS Inc Sam Zona Public Works director resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing a 5-year contract renewal with Garland ddbs Inc for roofing supplies Services waterproofing and related products and services in a total budgeted amount of $8 million authorizing the city manager designated to do all things necessary to effectuate the resolution providing for conflicts providing for scen or erors providing for severability sub to the budget appropriation and availability funds and providing for an effective date mayor yes uh thank you very much um similar contract as the one that we just passed this is a renewing of a piggyback contract that we did through the national Cooperative purchasing Alliance um our contract is over with this is the company that we do task authorizations for um for individual projects for improvements in the city uh so we're asking to renew the contract with a upper limiting amount of $8 million this um this number will be budgeted throughout this year in the next 5 years depending on what's allocated and a individual project task order would be issued um for a certain amount depending on the the needs of the building it's it's not guaranteed $8 million up pay as you go it's a pay as you go right okay all right um let's do Madame clerk public comment am I right perect perfect any speakers for this item sure thank you good evening everyone once again mabarak aan I was looking at this $8 million um roof in relation to the roof what work that the people did before do we have um time dat pictures of what they did or and and what is anticipated you know $8 million is a lot you can build a building for $8 million and um I just I I just hope that you you keep a track on exactly what they're doing I know when we had to be redoing our roofs you know the the inspector he comes he does not want to walk with his own ladder you have to provide a ladder there then he he C he climbs up he looks around and so forth and and it going by layer by layer do we actually have that sort of um checks and balances even though it's our own building um you know we we have to get we have to get our own inspection or is the county have to do this or something of the sort I I just I just hoping that you know we're not just um putting a pig in a barrel and and throwing it in a river and and and forget about this the $8 million is a lot because we have to pay Miami Gardens $9 million and is our roof leaking actually for us to say that we have to get these repairs did any one of you take a little inspection or or saw a video or something and you saw the roof really cracked up and and and and blistered and you know and it really needs this kind of work you know so I just want you guys to do your homework really well and not get these contractors poking our eyes out thank you very much for having thank you mayor if I may I'm sorry I because I want I want the record in in your backup you have a summary of the background for 24 25 26 27 28 that goes all of the properties the roof sections wall sections um we when we move forward with a project we also go and we have to attain permits for our own facilities in which Florida building code um has to be met so our building inspectors have to go out and verify that information as well um it's not just the room I know many of your offices every time it rains gets completely flooded out and we have dampness and other things that are taken care of um in our conference room as well uh we have constant leaks coming through through the roof as well as even the clerk's office um it's not just the roof itself but any any type of leakage um and even a wall we're getting leaks through the walls basically and through Windows as well so um I just want to make sure that you all are aware um and that you have that as part of your backup as well yeah okay let me just get public comment done first here anybody else want to speak on this item let the record reflect no one came forward public comment is closed commissioner John do you want to say something yes what's the funding source for this I missed it we have some arpa funds that are funding this year's and next year's uh they have to be spent by next year so arpa and is any of this refundable by FEMA or anything disaster only after a storm when the when the governor declares a a actual Federal um incident is when we're able to file for reimbursement but it has to be specifically caed by the storm or none of these damages were like when when is the parameters for example of this what is this wear and tear is this it's it's mainly wear and tear you have certain roofs and and buildings that um are only have a life expect expectancy of one year um and it's just the the city hasn't um been putting enough into the repair and replacement of all of the facilities that that we oversee and we maintain um and now we have certain um buildings that are in desperate need of of more repair so what's the total on this the contract upper upper limiting amount is $8 million over five years so why are we using ARA funds the 700 the SE the 800 so we're using ARA funds explain to me the the the would be multiple funding sources um right now we have availability to use arpa funds to be able to make um certain repairs um that we can to to the buildings and so we've taken advantage of that opportunity to do that other funding uh Source would have to come from essentially our general fund whether that's bonded out or if it just comes um from direct from year year overy year and it's one vendor that's going to be doing the work or multiple vendors we for this contract that it's in front of you as for Garland is one one vendor thank you commissioner we are looking into some grant opportunities for flood uh mitigation grants um through FEMA so those are being explored and if there's opportunity for that we would be able to take advantage that's my ask because why would we use you know this money in arpa when I'm sure there there state and federal funding for this particular allocation it's such a small amount in the arpa but that amount could be used for something else so I want us to revisit that um cuz I need I think it needs to be Revisited yes commissioner we we're constantly looking into resiliency grants which pay for the hardening of facilities government facilities okay any other all right we need a motion ready to make a motion for for clarification I I do want to make a motion but I I just want to make sure that commissioner on point is well taken um and that if we do have grants for year one that we we it's not for year one so we don't have grants for year one we don't have any grants secured and um the money that arpa is funding um goes to um current needed um projects right now um through Garland uh to assess the um to finish repairs that is already underway at the library um police department and here at City Hall so it's not it's not funding to to wait in year three or four it's current projects that are are immediately needed now okay got so I want to piggy back on that when you have state allocations I had a conversation with our federal lobby as recently we're we're leaving so much on the table so when you mentioned that we have to use arpa funds year one the concern is that we're not even doing our due diligence to make sure that federal funds state funds are actually being sought after so to your point that we have to use arpa funds to pay for year one I would disagree commissioner um as as mentioned during the the budget workshops one of the things that we're doing is we're reorganizing the way that the city has in the past um sought after and looked and applied for Grants um in the past each department was responsible for applying for its own own grants which made no sense and we almost lost a potential Federal grant for traffic caling um as part of this budget one of the things that we're doing I'm sorry almost we kept it uh and so one of the things that we've done is um we've already begun the um reorganization of how that works creating a task force and a grant manager um to be able to constantly go after and be looking at state and federal funds because you're absolutely right I think the city is leaving too much on the table per se um but we're we're having to do that in a systematic way that the city can be sustainable in not only going after and applying and we just created a pool of grant writers that we can tap into so that we can we can use that um um for for various grants uh but also ensure that every Department including Finance is aware of what we've been applying and what we've needed to be able to do to go after those grants I I would just like to add um two things one is you know the $8 million is put aside in case we need it if we don't need it we're not going to use it of course but I do want to point out because I had to get the buckets staff to get Buckets as I was trying to go the restroom up on the fourth floor a lawsuit if somebody got hurt would cost us a lot more so we need to make sure we maintain we need to make sure we maintain we need to make sure we maintain I'm talking sidewalks everything that that's a priority I I mean it's a lot of money but we have no choice cuz we have a lot of buildings okay motion someone approve second okay um all in favor say I I any opposed passes unanimously thanks a lot so I want to int um make a motion and I'm glad we're moving uh pretty we're almost done with our legislation huh we're almost done with legislation let's keep it going man no but because SL down now man yeah we're almost done all right can do this I'm excited I'm excited the coach is saying go go all right so I want to introduce uh number 11 uh resolution number 2224 d95 I'll second it 11.7 resolution number R 202495 approve the award of request for proposal number rf-4 d020 DSG conveyance of city-owned property for construction of an affordable home Mario Diaz city manager resolution of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving and authorizing the award of request for proposal number rfp-tagged authorizing the city manager designated to execute an agreement with XXX authorizing the city manager designated to do all things necessary to effectuate this resolution providing for conflicts providing for scriveners errors providing for severability and providing for an effective date okay Mr maner thank you again staff is is ready um and and willing on presentation and answer questions essentially what this item um was it was brought to to my attention that um about two years ago now or just a little over two years ago um the commission had um requested that a vacant lot which is on 173rd Street and it's a triangle um kind of block and 174th Drive near um just north of um the Jackson North Campus um it's a vacant lot can't really use that for for much more of of anything uh the commission had wanted to convey that property over to a builder that would build an a aable housing um and sell it um at a affordable housing rate um during that time there was some confusion um during the um procurement um and the um although the commission um voted to to approve the bidder was not um did not meet the the requirements we rebid um and we've received two bids one is from palmal homes of Miami who has done a lot of work with the county recently I think they even did a new building for like 1 70 180 units uh for Workforce or affordable housing um and then um we have um so they meet the the requirements and the property would move over to convenience where they would build it and then um sell it at a rate of um for affordable housing Sharice I think I kind of Cliff noted it but is there anything of importance that we need to identify and and mention if we can take off the the presentation from the screen please at the moment um no you kind of summed it up um the sale or rental of the home will be uh in in accordance with the HUD affordable home guidelines so it's guaranteed that someone um of a certain income will be able to purchase and or rent this property the city gets nothing out of it no just the Builder is going to be the one profiting at the end of yes and for x amount of years right yeah um well once the property is sold to the homeowner then they own it and of course they'll then pay the taxes and yes okay all but hang on yes guys one one one second listen one second the only question I had was wait wait wait hang on can we please do um public comment first just to get that out of the way so we don't get into a discussion forget about it to clarify um something because I think it's a it's a valid point before public comment mayor if I may um the the vendor also pays for the construction and all the material of the home as well yeah um everything oh right okay yeah um and then of course there's going to be taxes that come out of it afterwards I suspect so yes yeah okay all right Madam clerk public comment Please Mr Kazan is coming forward all right you're part of this team man quick mabarak is on I'll take six minutes sorry okay okay so um earlier I heard that um the the item before where commissioner Jaa was asking about um funding for you know we can get funding for the roof what about this um supposedly lowcost income home can't we get like maybe Habitat for Humanity or something like that to chip in the the labor and and we don't have to because I looked in the fine writing and I think the minimum thing like here is 285,000 285,000 you're going to take to Bild this and that mortgage payment should be almost like $33,000 a month which lowincome family could be able to afford $3,000 a month uh you were talking about the the water guidance uh who would be allow owed to have monies from the arpa funding and you you wanted to raise a threshold is that going to be going with this year too that they can only work for like $30,000 a month a year before uh they get this housing are we going to do it by a lottery are we going to be do it by a friend a family or something of the sort to me I I think this thing um it it it it needs it needs more you you could get these things done much cheaper than this $285,000 that I saw in the agenda and why didn't they is it $285,000 hello am I to answer during public comment answering whole whole day whole whole night we've been answering back and forth if you could tell them yes uh the lowest palal homes offered $285,000 to build the city is not paying this at all this is what the vendor is paying in labor material supply and permitting fees thank you very much thank you so my point is who could afford a $285,000 home lowincome I'm talking about low income family I'm not talking about middle and high I'm talking about low-income family that is my point and maybe there are other entities that you chiping some money from the arpa funding or something and and they chiping the Free Labor and the design and so forth uh we get it much cheaper I'm just saying and how much bedrooms this here is going to be um how much families is it going to be a duplex is it going to be you know a single family home what is the point making a $285,000 home claiming that this going to be affordable 15 seconds claiming that it's going to be affordable which we know it's not affordable to the to a low income family thank you very much for having all right thank you much anybody else want to speak on this but the you're not public let the record reflect no one else came forward well she's you know not in this case not at this moment um unless you want to run over there real quick and then come back here I've done it okay I know you have all right anyway um public comment is closed and um vice mayor Smith I just have one question can we request that it be a disabled North Ramy Beach vet a vet from the service can we request that's who gets the house very good I'm not certain but we can definitely discuss that along the because the HUD is federal guidelines and maybe you know that can be a part of it um you know they would still be under the uh under the the threshold I'm sure that would make me so happy if that could be part of the requirement to have the house well I you make that a requirement I I don't want to that might be discriminative discriminative then you also have to make no no don't don't go I think she going to ask let her ask but let's leave it at that yeah I'll leave it at that you don't want to go there I didn't tell her to do it I just said it would make me happy you want me to say it wouldn't make me happy when it would make me Happ you also anything else done there you good no motion no no I have I have I'm sorry question and comment also then you would have to make the house ADA Compliant that that would be another problem and another complication if we're going to try to do it that way Mr I think we're getting into Waters we don't want to get into Mr Mayor I'm not finished oh I'm sorry go ahead it's okay so I I just I think I misunderstood something so I just so obviously we're not going to make money off of the house is the Builder going to make money off of the house probably why is he doing it no no no no no no hold on let me explain I did one for a duplex that the county gave the client the house for free but the client had to put $20 and something, into it and he has to rent it for 30 years to affordable housing so there's a qu quo for it and that's what this is the same kind of pro program we're giving them the land he's going to go and build the project and then sell it to somebody at a reasonable money but we'll get an affordable housing we'll get a so forth but what is considered reasonable I mean let's say it cost him 200,000 to build how do we know he's not going to sell it for 800,000 guelin the less that he could build it for better for him but on the other hand he can only sell it at a certain rate their guidelines that actually you went first rer refusal on that house is that the problem well we're going to use the HUD guidelines right the HUD guidelines correct so that's what it is so he could make some money off based off the income um of the the community he's not doing it for free there developer fee that's paid to the developer whether it's one unit or a multif family there is developers fee they have to submit a sources and uses they have to show where the money's coming from how much they're going to spend and then they're based on their expenditures they're permitted to make a certain rate of return which is prescribed in the regulations that govern affordable housing and they're not permitted to exceed that rate of return uh based on how much money they actually put in and they're they actually have to specify exactly how much their fee is going to be for doing this and they're not allowed to get anything other so when the person buys the house they're buying it from the Builder or from us Builder the Builder from the Builder Okay so we're deing it we're donating the land we're donating the land to the Builder we're deeding it to the Builder well by by donating the land it means that the cost of turn getting the house to be TurnKey is considerably lower because the Builder doesn't have to purchase a parcel of land so it reduces the amount of money that has to be put into it for the house to be whether it's rented or sold and that really kind of further limits how much the developer can make because he's not having to invest the money to purchase the L so so if the builder takes his time building it or takes his time selling it are we there restrictions are we still going to get property taxes on that from him I I'm not certain of the answer to that yeah when's the when the conveyance happens right oh sorry when the conveyance happens I I think to her Point um is it they at that point they start paying taxes on it or you would think you would think right I mean you given up the property at that point I'm not certain of the answer there would be an assessed value there is an assessed value the answer is yes I think sh knows know not 100% on when the taxes are paid I can definitely find that out however um there is a there's a time frame in which they're supposed to build and sell and if they cannot sell they have to rent still to someone um along those HUD guidelines right when we con we're getting we're getting a little granular on this it we're ready so we're also there are some things that are exempt um and with the new Homestead and it goes up and up I don't I'm I'm just not certain on that particular but definitely it has to occur in accordance with a fixed schedule they can't just take their sweet time with it and before it's built the amount of tax is going to be we require them to most likely not sell it but to rent it at an x amount of rate that's affordable housing and require for a 30-year period that they have to hold before they can sell it they sell it during that time I don't think I don't think that's a negotiated deal here and we can't negotiate it now because they can sell it now but when do we convey the land deed to um we have up to a year to convey it but of course we want to convey it be a little you know expedient in in doing that but we have up to a year to convey the property so right now the property is ready to convey we just want to make sure get our checks and balances as well procurement is um does have to I don't want to say assist but um be involved in the selling and the renting because it has to be along the HUD guidelines so it's we're not just leaving them to their own devices we do have to to be involved a bit ready for the motion um yes I I just want to say look this this this has been a fiveyear four-year conversation with this particular topic this is our real chance to do something about Workforce affordable housing let let's let's make it happen motion okay all right all in favor say I I any opposed passes unanimously 11.8 resolution number R 202 24-104 okay Mr okay so now on this one um I guess the attorney needs to read the you ready okay 11.8 resolution number R22 24-104 transfer of the Public Services Administration PSA building from the water utility Enterprise fund to the building services Enterprise fund Sophia tayor Finance director a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving transfer of PSA building from Water Utility Fund to building fund Department providing for conflicts providing for sceners errors providing for severability and providing for an effective date mayor yes thank you sir um so just just a quick again we're ready for a presentation and to answer questions but um in if so desired but I'll give the cliff notes and I think that's been working for us um essentially what this does is at one point the PSA was under the um various departments um it's currently funded through the water uh fund or n&b water um what this action will do will allow the building department to take over that quote unquote ownership of the PSA building um they are um we we did um an assessment of the property uh the property's valued at about $11 million uh we're transferring 7 that 7 million is to um the initial investment into the property as well as um helping for additional funding on the water side um that would be needed within their their budget um this also allows for building to continue to expand their services within the footprint of the PSA building uh we've talked about all the digitalization we've talked about the storage um we have currently we have a a floor um we're redoing the floors but there's additional um um services that building also needs to be able to do uh so by having this under the building department it allows us to use the building funds that we've received to be able to move those projects forward okay all right sounds good um let's do public comment Madam clerk okay anybody want to come forward for a public comment let the record reflect no one came forward public comment is closed and um any commissioner comment on this at all if not we'll do the mo someone make a motion okay second second okay all in favor say I I any opposed passes unanimously thank you move to introduce resolution number R 20124 D105 okay second you need a second need a second somebody a second second second Okay 11.9 resolution number R 2024 105 fiscal year 2024 budget amendment Sophia Taylor inter Finance director resolution of the mayor and City Commission in the city of North Miami Beach Florida approving a budget amendment to the annual budget for fiscal year October 1st 2023 to September 30th 2024 for various funds providing for conflicts providing for sceners errors providing for severability and providing for an effective date okay um thank you um mayor this is um with the of the year uh fiscal year coming in and closing out there are several items that we have that we do on a yearly basis um to to close out um on those uh we we talk about overtime um for like Police Department that was briefly mentioned during one of the reports and and some of the issues that we've had this year for protecting the community um it's not just that we also have other additional overtime whether it is uh for events or um or court or um needing uh people to stay over for investigations or anything like that um we have other improvements in in park um and Rex we also recognizing the carryover funds from uh fiscal year 23 um part of our commitment in Washington Park for example was to move some of those carryovers in a total amount that we reported earlier um we had set about 2.8 or 2.4 2.5 but we're at 3.8 but staff is recommending a 3.8 allocation um from that Revenue into there um as well as other um items um that's a cliff notes but um um Sophia if if you can kind of just go over in case there's anything I think that that is valid that we should be able to talk about because this is I want to make sure that the commission's aware okay and for some of these items for example at the Washington Park in previous years these amounts were budgeted but not encumbered so it's just a mechanism to bring the funds from the previous fiscal year over so we can budget it in a line item for spending and it's the same for the parks Improvement those are funds that were budgeted in FY 23 there is no PL to roll the funds over so now we need to assign them to a line item for expenditure and we need to do that so it's a palal the 58,000 for P that was approved in FY 23 but there was no purchase orders so there these are not new amounts these are not the only new amount we have is at 250,000 that will bring our legal budget through to the end of the fiscal year if they've been you know unplanned expenditures in the legal budget litigations that came up throughout the year so we do need additional funding of 250 to be able to pay invoices throughout the end of the fiscal year here and then we have a $35,000 grant for the earu um program that was previously approved by the city commission however we did not assign an expenditure line item budget and this is just to fund the line item as well as the logt those funds the revenues received from the county we did not have a line item budget so this is to establish an expenditure line item budget for that as well okay all right um mam clerk let's do a public comment um yes M isan um last year we had the assistant city manager Alan Cohan he was saying that um and I do not know if it's included in here CIP funding we approve for one year and none of the CIP is being done Capital Improvement projects for those at home Capital Improvement projects CIP none of those projects are done and we moved it into the next year and commissioner Daniel jaw was saying something about having quartly reports so we can keep a check on these projects going forward not one budget you pass it and then the next budget you realize nothing was done like for instance the Washington Park nothing was done actually there and to be honest I think the city manager said nothing was going to be done because things still were you know way way behind way behind um but I hope that we could turn some shovel over at Washington Park pretty soon instead of just because this has been kicking down the can you know like from since 2018 to last year the gentleman Mr Coen says we passed $23 million so so what did we do with the $23 million just like there's a resolution keep kicking the can down the road kicking the can down the road and filling up holes um where the money was not belonging to and and we're not utilizing the money's pass at budgets for the actual CIP projects that it was approved for so this this resolution kind of remind me of that and and we need instead of like quarterly reports we need bonly reports every two months we should be having an update of the Capital Improvements how far it's gone where it is at or it's just like looks good on paper but actually it's not done thank you very much for having me thank you any anybody else here to speak um let the record reflect no one came forward public comments closed move to approve um commissioner John had something to say first I had a quick question to the manager about the um police overtime um in in past years we've received like reports about crime and um Trends within North Miami Beach I'm not sure if that's something that you can provide to us I know there's been an uptick and [Music] um break in and and such and different things in different areas of the city since we're paying more for police overtime is there us is there a way for us to get a gauge of where we are with crime and it's in the police rep um section right we can you can ask them move it up it's there commissioner it's we provide you a monthly report of all the uh uh police uh crime statistics and what's going on within the city on a monthly basis um as well as highlight additional highlights on on the weekly reports as well um and to um the residents um comments um in your report on the agenda as well we have the uh template for the CIP project this is currently what's in the system we're still populating this based on what the budget would look like but you have a draft of the CIP report that will be on your monthly uh basis that you can look through as well as well as the capital um um update for water that's on there um as well um and the four weeklys that that I provide um as as well and uh to to make sure that the record is clear because it's it's very important that that we make sure that we're factual I have never said that Washington Park nothing's going to happen there and we'll kick the can down the road and I believe as a matter of fact a couple weeks ago I said that we're anticipating a groundbreaking um for the first part of the Washington Park which is the force Main and the pump station um at the end of October uh so we are moving forward we have stayed on time and we are moving that project forward it's important to the committee it's uh to the commission it's important to the community and it's important to me as well thank you Mr manager one more question sorry for taking up no worries going off on the rant any any progress with the um while we're on the topic of CIP any progress with the bathroom first floor so part of that um we have um getting um additional quotes as to what it would look like we have three available options that have been brought to um David had to leave um ill but he has that option and we were also looking um there's arpa allocations in there for that uh so we are also looking for that to be able to to um bring those um options forward so that we can move that um forward as to what level of you have the um quick level which was discussed at the first um um budget hearing and so we are preparing that and and we'll give you that update next week when David's here do you have an update to the to the manager um Mr yes commissioner the lobby project will include the restrooms uh restrooms upgrades as well as the lobby floor and the walls and the ceiling improvements lighting improvements as the manager mentioned there's three budget options we will be bringing um the arpa uh amendments um and option one is the 250 just run off for simply 255,000 will be the lowest budget option the next available budget plan option is the 550,000 uh which would be similar to the first option but with a higher um material for the flooring and it would also include the flooring entrance for the theater as has been requested and then the third option will be to complete not just the lobby flooring the the restrooms the entrance to the theater then entire wall ceilings but also the interior office space improvements for Madame clerk's office and the customer service office thank you so much you're welcome okay any other comment third option if not we need a motion in a second so moved so moved second okay all in favor say I any opposed all right passes unanimously next I want to give a moment to the City attorney just very quickly time sensitive just to place on the record the manager uh HR director and I made very substantial progress with our Union negotiations with the police Union and at this time I'd like to request an executive session with the city commission so we can discuss that confidentially and see if we can come to uh well let's just see if we can continue the substantial progress um we'll ask the clerk to schedule it I just need to place on the record the request for the executive session maybe it can be done in conjunction with the second budget hearing um m Mr attorney I'm glad you you you brought you brought that up with the clerk getting um you know getting a time for that um I looked at my calendar um actually I am available on Wednesday afternoon um so I just wanted to put that on the record I am available Wednesday afternoon for if we were deciding to have no no no not tomorrow Wednesday um next week Wednesday so prior to when the second hearing isor we might as well do it then since we're here for the second budget hearing we can if if everybody agrees we can just show up for the shade meeting um half hour hour half how much time do you need I don't Mr manager I I I think it's uh fairly simple and we can probably do it within half an hour but discussion if depending on the questions and all that you have and and when does when does the the second budget hearing six second budget hearing is the 25th no at what time 6:00 right 6 p.m. so at 5:00 we got done early we can or if you did it at 5:30 mayor and if it carries over a few minutes you can always start there's nothing that says you can't start the budget hearing five is everyone okay with 5:00 5 o'clock is fine with me okay I look I just wanted to correct we did that mayor excuse me for interrupting commissioner but if we did that you would end up with your whole commission sitting around here for probably 30 minutes because you can't start budget earlier oh yeah you're right when it's announced but we could be on time if you did it if you call I'm just saying if you called it at 5:30 you would you would almost surely fit 5 or 10 minutes over all right 55 55 the reason I corrected the record on my availability is I know we have a lot of discussion items that I believe should actually be workshopped um and so well if it if it is Wednesday I'm available Wednesday afternoon uh so if you if that means anything you know let me know let's just go to the second to the Mr attorney were you going to bring up what you weren't here because you were sick were you going to bring up about making the dates for next year's it's on the agenda if we get to it I just but in case we do or don't Madam Madam vice mayor I had to put that on the record so that we can have the executive set the mayor to move it ahead of the discussion items and I do have a discussion item and if you want to turn to me before you finish all the others I'm prepared to do that but I specifically ask the mayor because if we adjourned and I didn't place this on the record it would interfere with our ability to conclude Union negotiations okay but those dates that commissioner vice mayor Smith is talking about is not on the agenda no they're not I mean they're just discussion no he I thought that was your attorney's report and at your attorney's report you're going to do it she's saying would be a portion of my attorney's report if we get to it but I'm not unilaterally deciding to jump all your other discussion items I ask the mayor though to please be sure to recognize me for what I said promised would be less than 60 seconds to just place on the record we need an executive okay Don let's move got it I Mr manager um before we jump into these discussion items which will likely bring us to our time threshold is there anything that on your manager's report that you need to share with us of significance any be highlights updates that water we we can spend a lot of time on the reports but I think the written report is there um and if you have any question we can just have that individually um if You' like okay perfect okay so then let's um I would just like to mention that that report has been in our on in our agenda books or on your line every month we just haven't had a chance to get to the manager so if you wanted those reports if if you want to go through those reports now so we could clear them out or Co and Coastal so we can co co is not here no there's a contractual obligation donation review yeah but they're not here here too oh okay no yeah um so from the report standpoint those change every month um and those will always stay on there as a background it's just an update um the discussion items um you know we've got 20 minutes um I don't think any one of these is a 20-minute conversation but um for Coastal um waste and recycling of Florida um per the contract they provide us a certain amount of Revenue per per year um that goes into the City and we're seeking direction as to how to use those funds because we don't have it um I'm sorry Marlene 6,000 you just speak it to the right sure yeah um if you guys would like to hear the coastal item ahead of the others um So based on the agreement Coastal provides $110,000 um which we would need some direction from the commission to to allocate for programming so 60,000 goes towards City scholarships and Community initiatives and then 50,000 would go towards emergency utilities and rental assistance programs um though those are sort of specific we just wanted to make sure that the commission um directs us um even more specifically so that we can allocate the funds appropriately well we have a couple of projects um that we cut out of the budget budget so one if I may one of the things that uh was a recent conversation is uh creating a scholarship fund for the late uh John fom perhaps that could be the opportunity to use the scholarship funds to create that uh that fund so if the commission would indulge me yes for the would you want to do for the full 60,000 don't don't we have an allocation what was the arpa allocation that you have for scholarship and so for phase one there's a balance of $57,000 um 25 is pending um for students that are are residents and FIU students and then for phase two there's Workforce training that is now at 7 25,000 so my recommendation would be to Champion more of the of to use the arpa for the scholarship and to um rental assistance and Mortgage Assistance that that be more of the focus for the for the um for the an emergency um funds for the um through the coastal allocation this is like recurring right so so based based on how it's written 60 goes towards scholarships and Community initiatives do we want to extend the definition of community initiatives to rental assistance so it's 110 annually that goes to mortgage and rent you follow you're you're talking about the agreement that we currently have States this so if we wanted to change the agreement would we need to then refer back to Coastal to agree to it I mean what is I mean they're going always give that amount of money is the turn is the is the terms that we're deciding exactly yeah the amount the amount is not changing um they're they give 110,000 um and that 110 is split between 60 for scholarships and 50 for um emergency utilities and and rental assistance so uh we could ask coil just to amend their contract um to ensure I'm sorry to um if we wanted to increase one of those or or not but um this is a re occurring year-over-year and we do have last year's allocation as well so um um because we didn't have the direction or authorization last year's was 110 um that hasn't been used so that's 60 and 50 and then this year's 110 as well so um being able to get direction and a vote from the commission we can we can move these programs forward so so I have a Qui uh before you guys divy up I just I just how did that happen that it was never utilized so when when we looked at potentially using those funds um and we um were in conversation with uh Finance there was no direct vote from the commission saying this is how you are supposed to be using these funds it was just a line item within the contract so that's when we started putting this together so that we can bring this over to the to the commission and and this and just so a question how long is this contract for what's the remaining amoney uh total I think is seven years and there's um how many left I think it's it's a total of five and it's three more years and then they have extensions that can be used for total question are we doing anything for cleanup um for example litter do we have anything in the budget right now that that speaks to community cleanups throughout the the community yes ma'am we have it as part of the beautification um program and the CRA as one of their line items is also bringing in another um firm along the CRA to do um I think it's nightly cleanups um and then we also talked about um putting in for planting and the SES and up upgrading that was one of the um projects that yourself and commissioner floron requested that we identify areas of the city that we can invest to upgrade the swes do tree plantings and do a a full beautification so all of that is coming together and staff is is also looking at updating code uh to be able to um look at the long term of how we can ensure that the swes and all that area is is maintained in Highland Village in Washington Park with thin roads that you're going to make strips or something with the edge of the cord pavement with regards to traffic coming but I'm just talking about beautification not traffic cing beautification of and clean up of like where the um Port asalt finishes make it even Edge so that at least they have a little bit more of a cleanup in in this area I'm going to make I'm going to ask if you can consider the senior the senior program to get an allocation since it's a community um what was the term that was initiatives Community initiative the senior program if there's like the things that we've been speaking about the library my two things too I back back the library the seniors and and anything that's Wellness related that we can um allocate and also the fourth thing I would suggest is the rental assistance emergency rental assistance as well second and I'd like to what assistance rental assistant assistant how did we come to the I was waiting to speak because I definitely want if there's money for Left for seniors because they' we really all the lunches are based on sponsorship so we really need money there as well as of course the library but how did we decide to give some scholarships North R Beach residents absolutely but the FIU Stu Fu FIU students how did we determine that if they don't live in North they have no they have to live in Beach 5050 just to share um additional information that particular um partnership is forthcoming um but it would allow for us to stretch our dollar further so for 25,000 that we give f is going to give they're going to match it twice so they they'll give 50,000 the only concern I have sorry Commission on Vice if I can interrupt the the program never went online and that was something that I want to put on record that that's true in Phase One there was a landing page that it created that residents could actually apply the funds have not been used because there hasn't been um a method for residents actually apply so I I've spoken to the man about it they said that October 1st they may be looking for that but that's one of the reasons why the application was not fully used because there was never a way for residents to actually apply for these scholarships so I wanted to put that on the record yeah why was that so the demand for the program is there um prior to my arrival it was um being overson by the previous administration someone was dedicated to that we would have to identify someone to be able to to proc process those applications but that's not an issue but why didn't it happen a week ago a month ago two months ago I'm just asking if the money's there and the need is there and the people there were the hold up yeah we would just need to identify a staff person to process the applications because school started September 1st we would like to have identify it maybe help somebody go to school that never thought of going and I would like to see if if possible maybe if we can use some money for the um School back to school school supplies so I again we're we're essentially looking at $110,000 a year and and we recurring reoccurring but we've kind of cut this up into six different pies um and so but that's 220,000 so yeah because of the money that was not used wasn't wasn't used so from on a yearly basis like what scholarship funding currently we it's allocated at 60,000 do we want to keep it at 60 or do you want to reduce that amount I I do have a thought um and this was brought up um before when we did have uh someone from the county I think this is when um commissioner Steinberg was bringing this up and I'm not I'm just I just want to know how how my colleagues feel about this I I I'm all for FIU and th% I'm a panther PA's up um but is there can we would there be appetite bifurcating a little bit for you know using it for technical schools at all or no we don't have a technical school no I'm just saying like this scholarship commissioner to your point I think um using these funds for that scholarship I don't think we need a restriction for FIU um the reason why it was tied to fi because of the match no which which is a which is a which is a major plus I'm just saying like if let's say the um so it can it be used for that there are sorry just wanted to remind you conversation we did have we shared that we're looking at Workforce Development programs um so to your point there was um a offer or proposal to provide web development that we're going to implement we're also looking at hbac um and other options so that the community does have not just uh traditional education but also the the training options as well great okay I would like to also make sure as long as we're taking the 110,000 turn into a million 2 I would like to give it to some after school children that need after school program and their family can't afford it or summer camp and their kids the family can't afford it I would like to so what why don't we do this instead um why don't um I'll send an email to each of you and you can each give me um what what you believe that the funds can be used for with a certain allocation and then we can come back with a formal resolution uh that would spell that out for you all to vote because we can we can the needs for the community are many 110,000 isn't going to solve that um but we want to have 220,000 at this a yearly basis on a basis we're talking about 220 I mean technically we're talking about 550,000 over five years um so the why don't we do that and bring that back as a resolution um that way you can all kind of put a little bit of thought behind what those allocations could um so that we can make that memorialize that is that okay and and I would like for you to tell us what is not funded at all that has a need because some of the funds to increase them even though the fund is there I'd like to take some that have need and there is nothing that that we start with that in my anyway in my seat so but I need to know I need to know what thank you okay so I think we're we're good to no I I just said I just want to reiterate once again that these items should be workshopped cuz there's so much to talk about we have workshops people don't come well you have my commitment for the 25th if if you want to have one um we're already having an executive we have an executive session and a budget and a budget meeting yeah all right so I'm I want to make the motion oh we don't need a motion anymore do we no no it's going to just come back as as a resolution okay thank you okay so we're done with that so we we have nine minutes left City Event so um motion that well no I almost feel second I look I I want to talk about City events as much as we can because I want to make this very very clear uh on if I can because it's the next one on engine okay as I pointed out um we this was brought uh when we're talking about the tree lighting events attract people to our community they they they they see the buying in in that um our our reinvestment and really creating an attracting Community that's what these events do heart c walk um a lot of these events attract a lot of people that normally wouldn't come to North Mar but because we make it a family Orient oriented type of event kids show up I seen them like and and I just don't want us to take a this broad stroke and just cutting events left and right now I understand some PE people might have run on that but the they you know the these events affect people they you know and and I I've you know I've seen the value of people that look forward to these events coming up every year especially when they've been going on for how long has our health walk been around like 10 12 years 12 years 12 years and so um I just like when it comes to these certain events especially when it comes to committees that you have people that are giving up their time um which they could be doing something completely different I think we should do you know have a little bit more duty of care in that and not saying just so we can just say we did it because it was a campaign promise um but I'm not saying I'm not I'm not denying that there's people that have a a you know uh uh some type of um Credence in that I just I just think that when we you know we have to be very nuanced and careful and and really you know trying to take away something that we've invested in for 12 years so that I I just wanted to make that clear because that's a that's a the hardel walk is a prime example of that I I'd like to say that an event is not just an event you have to have the the P the staff preparing the tables preparing the tents you have to have the staff cleaning up you have to have extra police police you have to hire whatever the event costs do we get $115,000 discretionary money how much do we get discretionary somewhere in that Realm I believe it's uh thir 13,000 in contingency per per commission I'm looking at Sophia for validation might be 135 maybe right 13,000 contingency for each of the commission seats yes so every event is important there's not I mean to some people the heartwalk is the most important thing they look forward to to some people the you know the other event whether it's the bike through 305 that's what they look forward to but we been up here for one year discussing how we have no money and this year we're going to cut down on the vents we've gone over this and over this and over this if the decision is not to do that between us we have plenty of money to do the two events and that's what the discretionary money this year could be used for but to say to the City again because the event is very important the heartwalk the event is very important the backpacks but then maen forine might do that's very important there could be something that the Haitian Community needs that's very important there's something that you know whatever it is it is important to that person so I I just I understand I understand how important it is but do we want to delay Washington Park cuz we need a spend the money no no where's the money wait wait wait but but you can't see we're not comparing properly you have to find a place to get the moneyy hey not we have 110,000 we just found out we just found out we had 110 wanted to add something we're going use that for the heartwalk and use it for the backpacks then we're not going to use it to give scholarships to FIU we have four minutes and I promise are we really us 30 seconds of the time 30 seconds you got it and this is why the correlation between the communication plan the city's communication plan and the events go together because as a commission we're the ones that in addition to the residents speak to what the city is known for so if and that's why I see the communication plan that events all those things work together because if someone sensibly cuts the hard Health walk for something that's been happening for 10 years I would say that the the the good thing would be to say okay let's allocate $1,000 for it but see if they American Red Cross or someone else can sponsor it right instead of cutting the event totally out of the budget because now you're still picking and choosing which ones are important which ones are not and that's where you know any management team that's looking at these events need to know which events are tied to The Branding of the city and the and the and the brand of the city so I think as you review Mr manager that has to be some of the priorities because some of the things are are together with the brand of the city and if been cut out of the budget I found the onus on you as well to see what can supplement it outside of our contingency be at a partnership with some of the Community Partners that we already have relationships with yeah and and commission um to to that point um as I indicated earlier that will be brought back to you at the second budget meeting and we've we're making those adjustments and and I wasn't plan I from from my standpoint I don't think it's appropriate for for me to recommend changing the mayor and commission budget um that are directly tied to your offices I think those are conversations that you all have um so any changes that you asked me to make in the first um budget hearing I'm making within um the the various allocations that we have in in departments or where we can make those cuts the item um that comes before you um during the discussion is at at the request of commissioner Smith to identify a policy um that will would that staff and everybody would follow um not only for City events but how the rentals of our facilities are what type of events when can we do fee waivers or discounts on on events we have a minute and a half by the way I understand mayor um and so that is the document that is in front of you as well as an overall calendar of what type of events the city does um but the calendar doesn't go into the rental uh CU we do get quite a bit of rental um facilities that come in so um when we either do the workshop or at the next commission meeting whenever you want um I think it is a a good policy um that you all should consider so that we can um move forward with and may I add something quickly um I also wanted to be part of the policy if if this can be done um and I'll give you an example in my cases I'm the the Le on to the heart health walk and basically I'm just a liaison I just sit there and I listen my committee does all the planning my committee does it all along with parks and recck of course and my involvement is just to be there and report back and and try to get extra money through donations not through contributions so I I don't think it should be us involved I think if it's if we have committees the Committees should be planning these events some of them showed up today right and they I did not tell them to come they came they wanted the hard Health walk they made the initiative to come they wore their red shirts they did what they wanted to do but um I think it's for us to sit back and let the Committees do it because that's the that's the point of having the committee motion to the Committees I'm still talking on in favor she has 30 seconds finished thank you so and I get extra 30 seconds cuz he interrupted um so I think it should be the the Committees that make these decisions and not us it's that's why we have the Committees otherwise what's the point of having the Committees if if we're going to be doing all the decisions it's for the the Committees to do to discuss and to bring back to us where we bring it back to you right on time right on time midnight all right we're adjourned yes