okay you're all right I'll go ahead and call our citizens investigative board the city of North Miami citizens investigative board meeting to order Monday June 24th at 6:05 p.m. if we could uh stand for the Pledge of Allegiance all right pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right uh board members we have come to the conclusion of our service on this board and I'll just like to go ahead and open it up for anyone that may have any comments would like to say anything well well first let's acknowledge who's here and who's not we Andre is excused the RAB why is excused and so present is our honorable chairperson Randy Grace I skipped the step yes our vice our vice chairman Kevin cyer our secretary was Gwen Pierre okay and we have present Mara Miss oh mer I'm sorry I get that wrong every single time yeah you do ah and we do have quum to put and we have Quorum the secretary has confirmed thank you now you may proceed now I'll go ahead and open the floor up for anyone that may have any concerns or any statements that they would like to make this evening any board members left to right right to left no well I'll tell you I I had a very good time on this I I had a very intelligent qualified motivated board the trainings were good always there could be more training and unfortunately for those of us that have to work for a living you can't make every kind of training opportunity but it it's been good and certainly Dr Harris has provided outstanding leadership and I think our board did what they were asked to do and I am confident that from an historical spec perspective we did the right things at the right time I'll go ahead and jump up go ahead thank you so very much I would like to take this opportunity to thank um the mayor the city ccil not Miami officials who had to put this together I also would like to thank the the chief of the m not Miami Police as well as um uh uh her design or delegate who are is with with us today we would like to to I would like to thank all the residents of North Miami for responding for contributing for collaborating with the CIB as well as uh all the other members for not only their collaboration but also for their dedication I would like to thank you Dr a haris you are an excellent executive director as well as our um secretary who unfortunately is not there so shout out to every single one of you for giving us the opportunity to serve you uh from I mean far or near and we look forward to continue to serve in one capacity or in other based on the experience that we gain the training that we had the opportunity to attend I think they won't go into waste we will find some other ways to serve to use whatever we learned thank you again I would like to just piggy back on um she said um I'm just grateful that I was able to be a part of this board for the short period of time I learned quite a bit I'm happy to know that the city of North car's Police Department is um doing what it's supposed to do and it's a shining example of how other police departments can be in the city in the in the State of Florida and in the surrounding areas and I'm just grateful for the having the opportunity to meet all of you wonderful people and I hope to see you again somewhere at some point in time in the community it's not if it's just running into you in the neighborhood or wherever I appreciate all of the the things that I was taught and the opportunities that were given to me um grateful that for the again as I said for the short time that I was here for the welcome that I received so thank you to all of you and um not goodbye see you later yes this was an amazing experience to be able to serve on the board with you all acting as chair for this board uh this is my first time actually being on the board serving in the city of North Miami uh so I'd like to thank the mayor and Council for believing in the value and the work of this board and its value to the citizens of North Miami doc Harris for you and your staff's leadership on this board um I believe that it really took us and where we needed to go we had all of the right training that we needed of course the city of North Miami Police Department uh invaluable support and uh I recommend it for anyone obviously not serving on this board anymore but definitely service to the city of North Miami uh it's it's an incredible opportunity and uh something I won't soon forget and uh have any other I would go ahead and and again second the thanks and congratulations to the mayor and city council for their wisdom in creating this board and our police department has been nothing but positive and exemplary in their conduct toward this particular board from Chief JGA to our current chief Gau The Vibes have been very supportive yes and uh for those of us that did the citizens Police Academy I did all six sessions of it uh we we've had so many positive insights on the challenges that face law enforcement it's a it's a very unique ation not everybody is is cut out for and our department has very very fine officers and the department works hard in training and we recognize that and I I think we need to congratulate our city council for their wisdom and our police officers for their loyalty and commitment so I would be if I may I would be REM Miss if I didn't thank our attorney lawyers who accompanied us whenever we needed them for uh for some legal issues and ethical issues thank you sure any other comments uh doc Harris I'll open up the floor for you so um again good evening um it is a distinct honor and pleasure to um have had the opportunity to serve um as the first and the last one of one only of one to serve as a citizen investigation board executive director um but I'll be remiss um you know by God's grace and mercy I thank our our mayor and city council for setting the policy in place to establish this operation uh mayor I I truly appreciate him and believing in this this work and leading the charge around this initiative he apologizes he was unable to be here this evening um but he definitely uh sends his congratulations and thanking you all for your service um that being said I also want to thank our team that we had um from our Contracting from our investigator to our legal counsel to our administrative staff um I really appreciate and hold hold wholeheartedly appreciate our city Administration um our city Administration um as this operation serves out of the office of the city manager really appreciate the city manager's office for allowing and believing and providing the resources um to provide the start uh and that being the case that inial initial start with the fire um up under us to get it up and going I mean literally from going to pick up printers and so and and desk and stuff like that the police department I really appreciate our Police Department um who has really um really embraced this work as a true collaboration um you know from their policies that have been in place to um community outreach and engagement um to making sure that you all were well equipped and informed to understanding um the work that they do and appreciation of the work and I thank you all for having an open mind um to understand the importance that this was just to create a system and structure for us to be the best city for our for our police department and the best city for our residents and to keep everyone here safe um in the city of North Miami we have I think set a best practice of a best standard of how this work is really supposed to be done so thank you all for that and with that being said we have um I'm just going to read um everyone's um uh token of a special recognition on behalf of a Greatful recognition that this award is presented to the esteemed members of the city of North Miami citizens investigative board and appreciation of your dedication service unwavering commitment tireless effort and promoting Justice and transparency within our community your exceptional contributions have significantly enhanced the trust between the citizens and our City's governance thank you for your most invaluable service serving on the citizens investigation board January 24th 2024 which is today and this is being presented to each and every one of you for serving on this board so if you don't mind you can come down and I'll hand these to you if you don't mind we real quick before we come down doc Harris we have one for you as well one for me yes we want to recognize you as well it says the city of North Miami citizen investigative board recognizes Dr Philip C Harris we acknowledge your leadership as executive director and celebrate your contribution to this board January 1st 2022 through June 30th 2024 we appreciate it thank you appreciate that bring my camera down for the CU that will follow than in do Facebook post only Instagram year you you CA you know come on [Music] is a abely different here the meeting is not yeah call this meet go ahead and end it and then we're good to do with them now all right sounds good thank you so much for the recognition and uh once again board members it's been a pleasure serving with each and every one of you and uh there are no other comments or concerns may I have a motion to adjourn so moved okay it's already moved moved and all in favor this meeting is adjourned at 6:22