meeting it's not the CIA council meeting absolutely it's too early the the time change um we going to have roll call by Madame clerk followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by Major Britney holes of the North Miami Police Department and one of my favorite Pastor is here I don't say oh yeah yes Pastor Joel Dean Waker from the way of Holiness Outreach Ministry we'll do the invocation and we'll take it from there Roo good evening mayor uh and Council and staff uh mayor desme here vice mayor es Irvin councilman Galvin here councilwoman Timothy councilman France Charles pres mayor you have a quorum thank you um the invocation well the pledge by Major Britney Hall evening please place your right hand over your heart I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all if you don't REM mind remain standing please if you can let us pray hallu tonight father we come in humble submission to you we thank you Father that we we are able to celebrate National Women's month as part of this great meeting we celebrate wh National women history month to remind everyone of the achievements of women throughout the years in our cultural and society and why it's important to study them and their important moments in history we honor their achievements and contribution that women of all backgrounds have made throughout the history of the United States both by remembering those who paved the way in the struggle for gender equity in the United States and by recognizing the history makers and barriers Breakers now father you said in your word in all your ways to acknowledge you and you would direct our path we pray that North Miami city council will always acknowledge you because they need your guidance your wisdom your knowledge and quick understanding my prayer is that everything will be done decently and in order strengthen every council member and participant with your peace let them always work collectively for the people peace and prosperity of North Miami we decree every discussion will be meaningful I pray for every leader in this great City the mayor of the city council and all others in Authority that they would Rule justly and with Godly wisdom it is in your name father I pray amen amen you may be thank you so much Pastor Whitaker and Madame manager any addition deletion or Amendment to the agenda yes sir um we need to pull items d as in David um and items f and g and defer all three of them to the March 26th meeting you say d g you got it St d as in David f as in Frank G as in golf golf so March 26 okay Mar 26 got it awesome Mr attorney is your journey set yes May the agenda set you may proceed thank you so much we'll have special well wait wait wait wait wait can we do the um City well okay let's just do um special recognition and then we'll follow by City announcement and then appointments fell we ready yeah time yeah good evening everyone um welcome again to our regular North Miami council meeting tonight it is indeed I stand here as a proud Pioneer a proud North Miami senior high school graduate as well as councilman Scott Galvin to honor some of the athletes in um who has contributed a lot in the north Miami Community as well as the entire South Florida so I'm honored to recognize four outstanding female athlete from North Miami senior high school today as we hear and we talked about women's History Month it's so fitting this um recognition and of course they are here accompanied by our favorite coach I do I see coach Ray coach Ray is is coach Ray coach we got to say thank you to you and everything that you do at um North Miami senior and we have the friends and family of those who are supported so these are some of the great athlete who showcase today for women history the four students are J Jer Hayes she is being recognized jador jador Hayes I'm sorry if I'm pronouncing the the name wrong please come up she is Rec being recognized in the area of basketball she was voted as the itg um next Florida female athlete of the month for the month of February which came as a result of her oncore play during the previous month of January 2024 she is known as one of the top basketball player in North Miami and as well as in in entire South Florida Miss Hayes please come forward followed by follow Miss Hayes is Maya bethl okay Maya bethl she is 145 PB division winner in p third consecutive win in the state of [Applause] Florida [Applause] that's how I would have I want to look 145 just like that the next one is um Isis s who is 1202 pound champion in addition to being the Greater Miami athlete conference gmca she is also a district runner up and a original [Applause] champion [Applause] and last but not least we have Lin High who is a GMAC champion and a regional runner [Applause] up and the coaches conratulations thank you again and continue doing making North Miami shine thank you and Miss Chester she was there oh my God she was there when I was attending North Miami senior so thank you for all that you do thank you [Applause] guys Savannah is oh is it Beverly tonight okay Beverly We City announcement followed by appointments we have one for the prox and Rec commission you ready all right good evening mayor council staff North Miami neighbors and guests my name is Beverly Graham and I am presenting the following announcements on behalf of the city of North Miami are you concerned about speeding and cut through traffic in your neighborhood do you want to make sure your streets are safer for pedestrians cyclists and children the north city of North Miami is conducting a comprehensive study to identify and address operational issues related to cut through and speeding traffic in our city please take a few minutes to share your comments and suggestions by scanning the QR code or visiting our website every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. until April 10th AARP will have Representatives at the North Miami Public Library offering free tax preparation for low and moderate income tax payers to schedule an appointment call the north Miami public library at 305 891-5535 the Museum of Contemporary Arts is hosting a conversations at Mocha City girls black armor and Aesthetics focused on the significance of fashion as a form of Storytelling self-expression and self-preservation the conversation will be held on Wednesday March 13th 2024 to learn more and to register visit ww. mochan have you heard C councilwoman Cassandra Timothy's random act of kindness initiative has been extended more than 600 seniors in North Miami need your kindness donations are accepted until Friday March 15th 2024 at the following three locations North Miami city hall the North Miami Police Department and the north Miami Public Library the city of North Miami alongside the South South Florida chapter of the association Society for public administration and sa law would like to Cally invite you to join us Sunday March 23rd 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. for the women's her story she made it brunch partake in a brunch that celebrates women County Mayors and their contributions to South Florida brunch will be held at the Scott Galvin Community Center and seating is limited reserve your spot by scanning the QR code or visit ww. pthe brunch. vice mayor vice mayor Mary ese Irvin invites you to the annual women empowered Network luncheon celebrate the achievements of women with inspiring Keynotes networking and refreshments March 28th 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. to register please visit vice mayor 2024 Wen lunch. join us at the annual women's History Month reception hosted by vice mayor Mary ese Irvin councilwoman Cassandra Timothy and elected city clerk Vanessa Joseph March 26 2024 beginning at 6: p.m. right before council meeting let's honor the incredible achievements and contributions of women throughout history and within our North Miami Community welcoming spring with open arms join us at the Clyde W Judson Community Center March 29th 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. for a funfield event hosted by District 2 councilwoman Cassandra Timothy and District 4 councilman prer France Charles let's make memories together with face painting bounce houses snacks giveaways and arts and crafts for the kids North Miami Public Library presents a monthly Garden gardening Workshop led by garyan BOS University of Florida Master Garder these workshops are free and open to the public and take place every first Sunday on of the month District 2 councilwoman Timothy alongside our Parks and Recreation Department invites you out for movies on the lawn family and friends are welcome to join the councilwoman as we watch Disney Pixar's Elemental Friday on Elemental on Friday March 22nd 2024 at Alfred bade Park calling all students ages 10 through 18 the north Miami public library is hosting a teachers planning day field trip to Top Golf Friday March 22nd 2024 registration for this field trip must be completed in person at the library and space is limited calling all Community Champions get ready to roll up your sleeves and make a splash at our March mango cleanup join us for a morning of fun friendship and environmental stewardship at Good Neighbor stormw water park see you bright and early releas Saturday March 23rd from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at 9:01 Northeast 144th Street North Miami Florida 33161 are you an undergraduate or graduate student seeking a paid internship the city of North Miami invite you to apply to our new College internship program applications for the 2024 summer term are now open until April 1st 2024 don't miss this opportunity to hone your career skills while gaining valuable insights into Municipal operations parents and Guardians are you looking for a spring break camp for your child between the ages of 6 and 14 look no further our Parks and Recreations departments 2024 spring camp begins Monday March 25th to Friday March 29th to register your student please visit the parks and recck administration building located at 1600 Northeast 126 Street North Miami Florida 33181 we do have a few more announcements that were not provided on the screen but that is okay so I'm going give you the update our annual spring Hunt is back and better than ever the annual egg hunt takes place March 30th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for kids ages 12 and under tickets are now on sale you can visit 2024 spring EG hunt. to register and then to stay up to date with no news and events log on to North Miami's website at ww. northiam click on connect with Nomi on the homepage to sign up for the city's newsletters also follow us on Facebook and Instagram at North Miami and on Twitter at Nomi news this concludes the city's announcements thank you so much to the communication department and now Madame clerk um let's go into appointments appoint box and Recreation a resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida Claudia pimo to the north Miami Parks and Recreation Commission and ACC courance second okay we trying to get out of here okay all in favor I all oppose item passes 03 three Z excuse me thank you and then now we going into consent agenda um once you then I have a a quick question go ahead unless a member of the city council wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda tabs a through b constitute the consent agenda these resolutions are and items are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion these items will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions adopted unanimously by the following motion that the consent agenda compris of tabs a through b thank you so much um approval second I have one quick um question Council I just wanted to be added as a sponsor for item tab B again that's item tab B that's all in favor okay I have a motion by councilman Galvin seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I all opposed item passes 30 Z Thank You tab D was REM C okay tab c a proposed resolution of the mayor and city council the city of North Miami Florida authorized ing the city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement between the city of North Miami and Exxon Enterprise Inc as a soul Source manufacturer or taser conducted electronic weapons cew body warn camera BWC and video management storage Services currently used by the North Miami Police Department in accordance with the section 7-430 4 $85 for a term of 5 years providing for an effective date and all other purposes tap C thank you so much Mr EST you got a short presentation certainly Mr Mayor good evening honorable mayor council members Alberto EST purchasing director uh so the purpose of this item is to request your authority to enter into an agreement with axon Enterprise as the so manufacturer and supplier of taser electronic weapons and body War cameras and video management Storage Solutions which are currently used by our North Miami Police Department the contract is a proposed 5-year term uh which will bundle all three of these services for uh cost not to exceed 1,596 485 uh this offers an opportunity to replace our older models and also our body warn cameras with their next Generation teser 10 models uh which should facilitate in deescalate confrontation when never deployed by our officers uh once again as I mentioned axent is the sole manufacturer and supplier of these taser brand uh products so if you have any questions I'll be glad to take them also present here supporting this item is our Police Department chief chief CA as well as a representative from axon uh Mr Brandon room so if you have any questions we'll be glad to take sure I have a a few questions but we'll open it up for public um comments see none coming one no okay public hearing is closed real quick I I I heard you say this is the only company that offers this type of Technology um is that correct well that offers these products the okay these products so this is for the next five years or for the next that's correct and so as this out to bid or this was the only one that um or this is a continuation of this this is a continuation of the same equipment that our officers currently have yeah I I mean I'm okay with that but my only concern is that if we had it for f um you you're giving initially $1.5 million away for the next five years and have not even give anybody else an opportunity to that's my only um concern with that I don't have a problem with the it but the process I'll I'll defer to the police chief all Al to comment uh but from my understanding in terms of these type of equipment particularly the taser uh electronic weapons uh there's not too many other options out there in the marketplace in fact I believe just about every other agency in day County uh these are the particular equipment that they are using no no no I I I don't have a a problem I don't even know the company we we all know that we need it it's the process and I've seen I've seen more and more of these are coming up before us where either we did not put it out to bid or did not look if we did this was the only one that that submitted that I understand but when we doing this and and you're just picking back for the next five years that's the the the the the the concern that I have because this is not the only one that this has been you know coming coming on and off but this is that's the concern so no other company so we just went with this one because we had it before or what's the methodology mayor and councel Sharice SCA chief of police North Miami through the manager um it is my understanding that this is a soul Source request they're the only ones that provide the service so they're the only ones who can reply or respond okay um okay I I don't maybe I'm not understanding what I'm trying to get at so they are the only person in America that could do these that that sell these type of services is that what I'm hearing from my understand understanding again Mr Mayor um this type of equipment specifically this product right T A brand yes it's only manufactured by axon um again just about every other agency in the county this is what they're using uh in fact this is what our officers and our department is currently using can I ask if we could um because I don't want to vote against the item if we could pull it um and we could um have a little more conversation I'm not feeling com comfortable in terms of that tonight or if we just want to go for it with the vote because I mean I I feel comfortable simply because from what they just told us that this is the only organization that provides this equipment and it's specialized it's probably it is inclusive of the body warn cameras taser as well as storage okay I'm not okay go ahead um staff I'm good move forward did second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to move the item seconded by councilman Galvin all in favor I I all oppos nay thank you item passes 21 oh failed excuse me 21 it passes passes 21 thank you Mr Kazo yep next item tab e tab e a propos a resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing change order number three to the ex existing Professional Services agreement between the city of North Miami and RJ bayar and Company Inc for additional professional Engineering Services for the biscan canal pedestrian bridge replacement project in an amount to not to exceed $ 77,78 pursuant to request for qualification number 08 8-17-18 excuse me-18 continuing professional architectural and Engineering Services providing for an effective date and all other purposes thank you T thank you thank you um Stephanie item is open tab e for public discussion public hearing is open on Tab e see none coming public hearing is closed members of the council move approval second I have a motion made by councilman Galvin to move the item on t t e seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I all opposed item passes 30 tab H yes quasi judicial yes we already halfway through the agenda so that's good it's moving okay a propos is the city clerk going to be here tonight or you're representing city clerk I'm representing oh that means we're 3/4 away through the [Music] okay a proposed quasi judicial the people I love yes we know is Frank Walland here tonight no he's not tab h a proposed quasi judicial resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida approving the site plan for 379 unit mixed use 10 10 story apartment building with 7,300 56 Square ft or retail space surface parking containing 697 parking spaces on one parcel of real property located at 1850 Northeast 123rd Street identified with Miami Dade County folio number 06- 2228 01- 027 and totaling approximately 4.13 acres in accordance with Article 2 Division 7 section 2-71 and article 3 division 2 Section 3204 through Section 3-26 and article 3 division 3 section 3-32 of the city of North Miami code of ordinance chapter 29 entitled development regulations providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab H thank you so much um I'm sorry we know we have deie presentation any cards um Step anybody need to be swor yeah anyone need yeah um so yeah you could do it now your mic anyone that's uh will be speaking on the side if you can please stand so that I can swear you in thank you please raise your hands right hands do you all swear or firm to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you good evening Mr Mayor and councel um tonight's item is site plan approval for L um this is this project was formerly known as Causeway Village and it has a request for site plan approval the Project's located at 1850 Northeast 12 3D Street as the title indicated it's a little over it's a vacant lot that's a little over four acres in size um and it's Zone uh c2b in commercial office on the future land use map uh with that under ctbe has a wide variety of uses including retail and restaurant and the height is limited to 55 however it's also within the Northeast 123rd uh plan Corridor development District that with the cup they can um obtain up to 125 dwelling units per acre and a height of 110 ft it does require on that Corridor mix use and of course mix juuse is three or more uses one of which must be residential uh as the title indicated it's a 10 story 379 unit apartment building it does have an integrated parking garage so it's a combination of 697 parking spaces spread between the park parking garage and the surface parking lot it is certified Green build uh they are going to do 25% over the minimum requirement for storm water retention uh 100% Florida native vegetation a lot of great um enhanced storm water retention items such as the BIOS swells and it will include public art you all approved a conditional use permit for this development at this size at 379 units uh on 11212 22 under reso 2022 r202 so now this is the last piece before they head over to building permit for you to review and approve their site plan it went to DRC and on March 4th DRC uh approved it with certain conditions as is required along all of our major quarters they will have to install a 10-ft wide sidewalk along 123rd and 6ot wide sidewalk along Northeast 18th uh as you can see we have lead certification all the utilities have to be undergrounded um we do have that public art component that they will have to come back and um work with the city to get their public art uh approved and installed and they have to get a building permit within 18 months of your approval assuming you make approval tonight uh and uh ultimately they'll have to obtain a CU and a BTR now the applicant is here they do have a brief uh presentation and uh they are here to answer any questions for you good evening mayor Hi how are you and council members we're going to make this brief good we Echo Miss Love's presentation okay and at this time the developer Causeway Village now known as llama Zone we have Representatives here Mr Irwin Tober Miss Laura Laura Tober and also the Architects present uh George rosello on behalf of um bear and font um we request that the city council approves the site plan as presented so that we may commence development of this beautiful project you all are very familiar with this project it's been before you a few times and it's been enhanced a few times and you've approved it and we thank you oh thank you that was brief okay um since we didn't have no one coming to talk in support or oppose um councel approval second okay I moved approval sorry my mic was off yes we I seconded it I think in councilman we have a motion made by councilman Galvin on Tab age to move the item seconded by V mayor Des um I'm going to do vote roll call vote councilman Charles yes councilman Galvin yes mayor Des yes item passes 31 three sorry 3 Z thank you're welcome and good luck how you doing good thank you thank you so much this is going um tab I tab I I'm going to read the um this disclosure here that was for both items please be advised that the following items on the agenda are Quasi judicial in nature if you wish to speak in favor or object to or comment on the item please complete a public speaker's card indicating the agenda item number on which you would like to comment you must be sworn before addressing the city council and you may be subject to cross-examination if you refuse to submit to cross examination the city council will not consider your comments in its final deliberation please also disclose any expart communication you may have had with any members of the city council City members must do the same okay so tab I thank you so much um real brief on what what's the item before we do the no I did not read the resolution yet so tab I a proposed quasi judicial resolution of the mayor and the city council of the city of North Miami Florida approving a site plan for 12 3 Nomi a proposed mixed use development consisting of a 12 unit four-story apartment building with 434 foot of retail space on real property located at 12315 Northeast 4th Avenue identified with Miami day County folio number 06223 0- 03601 0 and totaling approximately 20 acres in accordance with the Article 2 Division 7 section 2 701 and article 3 of the city of North Miami code of ordinance chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab I thank you so much um partake communication I I don't even know which item so I haven't I haven't talked to anybody I don't think um which item this is the uh 120 yeah I I I know we spoken but not in the last six months or so over a year over a year okay gin I'll be honest I have no recollection that doesn't mean that I didn't speak with you and I apologize there's so much development happening in this city right now that it's really hard to keep up with and developers please stop calling your projects know me anything yeah same here um um I don't even remember speaking um with anyone about this project you ready Mr yes ma'am all right you know I keep mine shorten yes I like that we like okay okay there we go at least wait wait wait sorry this this project actually came before you for a cup in July of 2023 and they had met with you prior to your to the cup so you haven't seen this in a while but it's been working through the system it's a a a small lot it's a little bit less than a quarter acre it's located at 12315 Northeast 4th Avenue and um it's Zone C3 and uh Central Business commercial on the future land use map and there you can have a maximum of up to 150 ft uh with the uh future land use category it's also within the Arts and overlay district and again this is another one that's in the planned Corridor District but it's for the Northeast 16th Avenue and it required a conditional use permit that allowed the the project to move forward of up to 100 dwelling units per acre and a height of 110 ft however this is a nice little small scale project now I know you'll recall this um because it's a four-story 12 unit apartment building um the unit mix is a one live work unit uh three one-bedroom uh three two bedroom three 2 and a half bedroom and the and then two three bedroom units uh it does have 16 covered parking spaces which we're happy about uh because that will actually reduce the urban heat island effect and once again it has the enhanced storm water requirements public art and Native vegetation and as I said the cup was approved in July of 2023 so the Dr oops I went too I went too far but never mind went too far I think it's trying to tell me just hush up uh I can't get backwards my apologies get my last slide all right uh DRC approved this uh in January the end of January 131 um again certain conditions including a new sidewalk along Northeast 4th Avenue uh once again all utilities must be Underground do have public art and they have to apply for a building permit within 18 months of site plan approval so with that that is the end of U my presentation the applicant um is here and is available to answer any questions you may have more for approval second hang on a second you don't need to say anything is that it councilman Charles move for approval and we have a motion on the floor made by councilman Galvin to move the Charles to move the item seconded by councilman Galvin um mayor how do you vote Yes councilman Charles how do you vote Yes councilman galin how do you vote item passes 30 thank you very much thank you all right discussion discussion discussion about the appointments to the Miami day County um League of cities um it's board members they request that I which we do every year select a member from Among Us I've served before I think everyone here and there's some who does not have interest in serving so councilman Charles you you up are you up to the challenge yes sir awesome I move approval of councilman Charles second it okay so councilman Galvin you moved to appoint appoint yes and seconded by mayor yes okay all in favor I all oppos item passes 30 thank you and now Citizen for oh God this is good Scott I'm getting scared I'm what somebody no that citizen F this is the time come on now hi either one either yes my name isal fov 9280 Southwest 167 terrrace B Bay word I got to be here in North Miami a few times and I got to say this you guys one of the most amazing police departments I ever met and they have do such a great job I'm talking about three ships I'm very amazed and I know it starts with the police chief and I'm thankful that you guys do such an amazing job and I appreciate you guys thank you thank you thank for coming all the way up here I mean to just drop some good we don't get that too often it's usually what we're not doing good so thank you so much we appreciate it so much and we're going to keep Council um briefing real real real brief speaking of people saying negative things I want to make sure under my Council report I announced that the N neighbors are having their uh potluck event on Saturday the 23rd of March so um it's open to the public and um yeah hope everybody go to Sun kiss Center between 1 and six for noi neighbors yes I'll be it on the 20 20 23rd 23rd okay and speaking of and I'm sorry I'm jump speaking of the 23rd um under [Music] our public announcements we mentioned something that was a hstory event that's happening on the 23rd I don't have that on my calendar at all oh yeah the the the women made it can we repeat that again it's the 23rd the 23rd at the galin center El a.m. to 2 p.m. as that's aspa South floridaa the south Florida I'm confused can we rewind can somebody tell me what that is it's the American Society for public administration organization and they're hosting a a brunch to honor we have four female County Mayors I thought I saw that mayor Cava will be there okay so when mayor Cava is going to be at the Galvin Center I like to like know that okay okay but we have the mayor from Monroe Palm Beach um and Miami day Miami dat and Broward they're four female County Mayors okay apparently so we're honoring all four of them what time is that 11: till 2 11: to 2 okay thank we staff will be putting it on everybody's calendar absolutely yes councilman you have more nope you sure somebody here yeah I'll be I'll be brief to uh mayor since um have a very um short agenda take about 15 20 minutes for my closing remarks um very short as we um getting closer and um closer to uh to the testing uh Miami did um County Public School testing calendars it is important for us to remind all of the students from uh the city of North Miami not only we have our library which is open for um toing but also the D4 um defa smart toing program at um Sun Community Center they need to check that out open to the um to our residents from um uh 4 to7 Tuesday through Thursday so please it is um completely free of charge and um you know it cost about $40 uh an hour for tutor so that is a service that they need to take advantage of as we are going to helping student um to get ready for the algebra one test which is the one that they need for graduation that is is a graduation requirement uh fast sat act and um all all the test just not only math but also in Reading um special shout out to all our women in here and our uh March uh women history month and also the women International Day that passed last week and as I always said it you know um I was raised by my mom a single mom and every day to me is U women's history day because they are the one who just responsible for life and everything there after I just want to say thank you to you all you all beautiful keep up the good work that you're doing thank you and that is my report thank you so much councilman Charles and I'm going keep it real brief um as you all been watching what's been happening um in Haiti in our Beloved Country of Haiti the term all and um the Prime Minister resign the FKS so our prayers and thoughts are with our families and those who are stuck on the island and we are praying for you know for a swift um transition um in in into Haiti this past week I attended the 42 B bananza series of environmental activities that designed to celebrate our Bame Bay and raise our community awareness of environmental issues facing south Florida so they are planning which I heard from the announcement a countywide um cleanup day which is April 13th um but we will have a Citywide cleanup on that same day cleaning our biscan Bay sure more detail is definitely forthcoming I also attended um the last two days the the C40 um City Summit is happening um on Miami Beach and over 20 other Mayors from across the country they CA they came in we had a opening reception with mayor Cava and other Mayors this conference is to provide enlightening Insight on you know green green economy as we chy to work the workforce they will focus on housing solution all dealing with the environment in green friendly and lastly on March 14th I'm sorry we already did this one the last the black Mayors um Association have been invited to speak on um tourism and cultural activities and stuff happening in a great City this is taking place um in next week in Colombia other than that that's basically it um we want to wish everyone um a happy women history month and we will have a celebration of that in our next council meeting on the 26th Madame manager Mr attorney no report me like that no report mayor Anisha no report no report Stephanie for move to Jour you got to let Scott do it this is a record holding before 8:00 we have 15 more minutes oh second all in favor I all oppose meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m right y'all I know right I'd like to move that the ladies not come to any more meetings so we can go so fast I'm going to be more dangerous at this m