everyone it's approximately 7:48 um welcome to the north Miami Sunshine meeting Madam Secretary roll call please thank you chairman at 5:47 p.m. chairman Des here board member Timothy here board member Charles present Vice chair ese Irvin board member Galvin here chairman you have a quum to proceed thank you so much we'll stand for pledge of allegiance and then we're going into action of discussion I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all thank you thank you item for discussion and action and we have one item for discussion and approval process of the north Miami allocation of the affordable housing unit within the C project calendar year of 2024 Madame executive director you have the floor you want agenda item one discussion and approval of the process for allocating North Miami CRA affordable housing units in North Miami CRA funded projects for calendar year 2024 nmc staff is requesting that the nmc board authorize a process for the allocation of nmc affordable housing units in nmc funded developments for calendar year 20 24 as background we have listed the list of affordable housing units that will be available in nmc projects that are expected to come online in this calendar year 2024 the first project is Gardens residences which is located at 11.95 Northeast 126 Street North Miami Florida 33161 the nmc investment in that project was $8 million of infrastructure Grant dollars plus 50% Tiff through the life of the nmc not to exceed $7 million we have the the project has a total number of 384 units of which 38 units will be set aside for um the nmc to allocate 80% of Ami residents in those units the expected availability is June of 2024 the occupancy criteria for this project are listed on your staff memo and the second project is residences at Nomi which is located at 950 Northeast 124 Street North Miami Florida 33161 nmc's investment was $8 million of infrastructure Grant dollar notif um incentive the total number of units in that project is 175 units we the nmc has 40 units for which 10 of those are allocated for 60% to 80% of Ami and 30% no 30 units are at 80% to 120% of Ami that project is also expected to come online in the summer of 2024 real quick question is this the one for seniors 55 and that is correct okay and the third project that is listed is Griffin Park Estates which is located at 475 Northeast 125th Street North Miami Florida 33161 the nmc's total investment was $1 1.61 7287 infrastructure funding there was no Tiff allocation for this project there's a total of 28 units of those 28 units five units are set aside for 70% of Ami throughout the life of the CRA again this project is also expected to come online summer of 2024 and out of the that the Griffin Park estate out of the five units um there's no well there's 20 28 total from from the five do we have any there's no requirement yet so we don't have any requirements for the project two or three as of yet the only um requirements that we have right now are for the from the first two the first two or just the first one just the first and I would caution board members um as we discuss with the attorney um earlier there there might be some strategy stuff that individual members um we may want to talk about in terms of some of the criteria that we have here so we don't want to put you know I think the executive director will will talk to some of us for example not all of them have the same criteria so we don't so we we want to make sure that we have the best thing for our you know for our book um dealing with some developers the first one which is the the garden residents they have some stuff that I think seriously that we we agreed that we should talk to the developer in terms of what they could do some of the so we don't want to call some of these out if people did not know they're like oh if he's asking that then let me just go ahead and and put this in and this and this and that because some this is really really crazy and um mayor to your point um because some of them have already started Leasing and people have already started acquiring about the units um knowing that previous elected officials have publicized that the city of North Miami has an affordable units it has kind of created a a media storm especially for me because most of them are in my district so people automatically assume that um hey I need to be on a list or something you know they're confusing old housing and Social Services processes with this one and so forth so I think there's a lot of confusion going on yeah but I think what we as a board should um should I guess consider talk about the process and yeah because I've had had I've had discussions with several developers um about their process um to your to your point about the criteria there's nothing that we can stipulate in our infrastructure agreements about the criteria it is basically their criteria that our residents would have to meet is that correct at this juncture no because those are all these are all executed agreements moving forward if we wanted to while we're crafting new agreements to new developers maybe that is something we could consider but at this juncture with executed Grant agreements these are all projects that are about to see about to come up yeah so we're not making any changes to any of these agreements tonight I mean no yeah not not staff is simply looking for direction as to the process that the board would want to see and also provide different um some additional information for instance I have included in your packet legal support for having a local preference for North Miami CR residents North Miami city of Miami city of North Miami residents as well if that was a vout that the board wanted to take you have legal support for doing so but again staff just wants to know what is the process by which you want to allocate the current set of units Mr chairman I'm sorry are you looking for us to make new procedures for the the existing three projects that you just presented to us tonight in a sense what we're looking for is right now we are tasked by our agreements to provide so for instance with the first project there's 38 units that are so the CRA under that agreement is responsible for providing those 38 residents so staff is looking for a direction from the board on how to how would the board like us to process what what process would you like to do moving and then this was a process that will you know moving forward yes this the process we will go for all the future developments coming up we would just like to have a process that's in place that we can just move forward with this is where I keep getting confused are you looking for us to set procedures for these 38 units in the first project Etc yes yes okay and then because the other one those procedures will be different because they seniors they 55 and up so it may not so the AG the criteria will be different on here it is that second you're going to have to explain to me what the heck we're doing here tonight what's up so tonight what staff is looking for and I hope I'm projecting loudly enough is Direction on so by the way by which we will provide the names to each developer for who gets to have those units the developer will have their own vetting process however the CRA under the agreement has the initial responsibility of providing who who should be Ed for those units so there are many ways we can come up with those names staff would like the board to direct staff on how what process that could be that could be a lottery any suggestion right so there are many ways we could do a waiting list we could do a lottery staff would recommend doing a lottery because it's very transparent it is you know that's not something people can necessarily argue with it's a fair it's a pretty fair and transparent process is a process that we currently use to select our residential rehabilitation grantees it's aess we're familiar with so it would not be a deviation but again staff on its own doesn't want to make that chice 38 units at I'm just using the first one sorry Gardens that you're up front so I'm just using the of the 38 units that are at the gardens that we need to provide names for correct we have we have full claim to those 38 there's no like previous draw down on that number that we okay so okay if I may um because this was this um we've had this this conversation at length of as well I've had this conversation at length with um North Miami CRA staff um we've seen several processes in the city of North Miami there was once upon a time that it was first come first Ser first qualifi first qualified with housing and social services and that's when we had the line of people waiting outside sleeping because they wanted to be one of those first serve first come first qualify um and from then we switched on to the process of Lottery a lottery which made it more easier which made it more open and it just kind of created a free-for all I think for me that would probably be my best my suggestion but the only thing that I would um add and I think that's what she brought forward is the local preference we want to make sure that we're giving our North Miami residents you know whether we put a a year cap or twoyear cap how long have you how long do you have to be a resident in York Miami to qualify for this additional bonus pull so that you qualify and it's not just someone coming from Miami Gardens to say hey a lottery for those within the a lottery but you get preference if you're a North an existing North Miami resident over the last year year or two years looking for us to set that parameter is that is that are you looking for us to set that parameter one year two years correct yes all of it we would like to know if you'd like us to do a lot well direct us to do a lottery if you would like to say for nmc residents you would have to prove that you were a resident in the boundaries for however many years that entire process is what we're looking for tonight so that we can initiate that process moving forward we do CRA boundaries one year City boundaries two years if that is the boards will absolutely so would that would that mean that they have to be a um a city resident for two year then the c one year right that's just off the top of my head you know for instance most of my district does not live in the CRA so I always to think of it that way if somebody who lives on right by Johnson and Wales or I don't know whatever that's not in the CRA they can still get a preference on this but not outweighing the preference of those who are already so to be clear you would say that if you are living in the C for one year but you are living in the city of North Miami for two years that would have equal footing yes that would be that that would have that would I'm asking the question that's not what he said would or would not no no no that preference would go to the people who live in the CRA got it okay for a year but then rather than then open it up to all of then you'd have a secondary preference people who live in the city and then well I have a question then because I think we will satisfy Scott's point and your point Madame executive director if we say if you live in the city with within two years and then one year preferably within the CRA that that's solves everything so then we're not woring about anybody from anywhere else coming in cuz it's 2 years period and then whatever the pool maybe two years I'm sorry two years in two years as a resident nor Miami inth Miami you eligible to to you know to go in and then the preference will be you know a one-year CRA preference um within the boundary of the C would you do this based on a scale like how would how are you or is it just we could we could do that now so just for a point of clarity um let me do it the opposite way let's say we have a resident who lived within the CRA boundaries for one year but that's the entire time they've been in the city of North Miami they've not been in city of North Miami two years that would still um suffice no okay so you would still have to I'm cool with it I'm cool with it sufficing okay okay I'm just looking to I get people who live in the CRA get preference do they have to it's only 38 they don't have to Chairman chairman 556 the vice chair Vice chair estimate Irvin is present okay thank you uh Mr chair I if I may go ahead sir if I may quickly uh that that was my um question to you uh uh Madame director so for uh U people to qualify for this units do they have to leave in the sh boundary this is the what the board is going give me give me one just give me one second uh what I'm trying to um see in here if that is not a factor so we can just set it as two years North Miami residence for 2 years yeah you understand that's what I'm that's what I'm heading you can mhm again tonight really is whatever the board wants people be within the C anyhow exactly majority will be do residence of the city of North Miami for years that fix the councilwoman said and I think that's appoint somebody from outside who comes in from another city I won't name what city but it's a housing crisis out there and it's unfair if we're not giving a a a front and at least to our residents somebody who's been renting for two years I think they should be you know should be eligible to enter okay the the the raffle and and I have another question so um those units will they be um rental or yeah all of these projects are rental units rental units correct okay so yeah I'm probably splitting here I'm sorry because 38 38 spots 15 spots that's going to fill up so fast but even if you say 20 and 10 city and then to be safe and 20 with it I think I would be I would be okay with it it doesn't as long as they two years it could it could be we could say 20 C within CRA and 10 whatever that might be yeah I I think I I would be complicating it I don't mean comp yeah yeah yeah I'm just you know because so much of district one is not in I didn't want people to think well I live excluded maybe we'll come up with a number for within uh um out of the 38 maybe we say 10 units for outside or or do we want to be I think I think we should just not complicate and just stay north Miami resident and just give everybody a fair shot that's well that's true to yeah and I think that's kind of the best way the one thing that I wanted to point out um or I wanted to ask um Madam Ado Emanuel um do we have the pricing as of yet because as we're looking at at Miami day County's Ami it is very very high so with AMI units the pricing is done through the income limit and rent limits so I do believe we have handouts that we can provide M okay so do you need a motion from us on the lottery process or are you okay with no no no we're going to I'm going to ask for board action we're not doing a resolution tonight but I would like to have board action on it um okay so we could just vote sure if Madame clerk is clear on how to phrase the action so just so I'm clear it's a North M resident pool we said two years mhm yes and it's going to be a lottery yes and that is that the only thing that you're going to be requiring for I guess your pre-screening of these 38 applicants that so our screening will be that they meet the Ami qualification just by income and that they are actual know that you're asking for their preference that they are residents of city of North Miami once we have done that level of vetting we will do the lottery based on that and we provide names to the developers in that order okay okay and and I think the the conversation all of us should be having with the developers some of the requirements at this I don't think nobody in North Miami would be eligible but we need to look at that moving down in the future because they are very that is something that I've always kind of caution us about about the 80 the the Ami um because when we're saying 80 to 120 I know we're calling it Workforce I know we're calling it affordable but it's not affordable for North Miami because our Ami in in North Miami is way lower than Miami day County and they're held to the Miami day County Ami standard and and I know that this this this is you know Gardens residency not to pick on you guys but they were the first ones and you page one yeah you're on page one you're the first one that's Leasing and you know you're kind of the first one that you know we're here having to create guidelines for but some things that came up in my meeting with a developer was that they're only able to provide one bedroom in studios and I thought that it was going to be a mixture because we have a lot of families in North Miami and so that was the issue that came up there also some other concern but I think part of our strategy we we could possibly have those meetings um because there there's one other red red flag on on here and I don't know two time income well I don't want to name them some other stuff and then um we could name the number um I think you know well it's it's a separate um item by itself number two so those things we don't want to put it on record but it's it's on the document that I think we could we could work with with the developer and see what we could do because at this at this point it doesn't matter who we have those are not a lot of the pools of the folks and we need to be careful if we saying we helping our our residents or we want people to come in and and kind I have a question so in in reference to what board member Timothy just mentioned about the units what is the allocation and and yeah what's the allocation right now we've been informed by the developer that we will be doing the 38 units on Studios and ones our agreement does not have a mix with this particular agreement other agreements does have a mix of the unit mixes that we have so so going forward we should ask that twos and threes what they have can we can we have a mix I mean can we ask I mean so there's nothing that says that we don't have it either right corre so there's just no conversation correct so while we're having this conversation can we have a mix because if we so the so the point to my colleagues is that the whole point of fighting for affordable housing is to actually help our families and I'm not saying that we can't help single families but we know the needs we know that you know one one that's not really helping that's not helping that's not getting to what what we're the the our gold so I want to know you know if we can have this if there can be some conversation and negotiation with the developer to talk about you know more than just one one that's not this is you you you know I I think you understand what I mean I I so I you know this is we're learning you know as we go in and I know in the you know we that we have made sure that we've um in others cases because I know when I talk to a developer typically like okay how many are set aside how many are threes I even because I noticed a lot of developers are not necessarily doing um three twos so I'm like look in North Miami we have large families here so I encourage that so what I'm saying is can we have is it something that we can go back and negotiate and and have some more than one one in studio that's not going to help our people yes Vice chair I I think um prior to you coming in that's one of the things that we were talking about um as a group there are some meetings that we probably need to have I'm referring to this no well I don't think we could do that without us it's something that we have to talk about it with the developer we correct correct we can do it now in public yeah yeah and I know I had the conversation with a developer and you know they did say maybe moving forward in the year or two they might make some available but I think as in the process before you guys do what is it the Declaration um some yes yeah in that process we're able to maybe fine-tune it and ensure that that's where we you know say that this is what the city needs moving forward to the life of the CRA which is what 2044 that is correct okay yeah so there there are some things in here no matter what we do how many we have that is so troubling Troublesome to at least like I did not and we got to make sure moving forward that we do not have those things if we giving that amount of money away that because I don't think you you'll have that many people in North Miami that we trying to help to meet the first one based on the requirements from the first one from the Ami qualification just the first just just to confirm are we Miami Beach Kindle or we're the second one Miami Flor L West Beach cuz we're at 80% right because there's one that's that starts at 9903 93 and the other one that's at 1445 which one are we no no no I understand I understand the question I think this is all of it right so if you we' have to go to the cumulative at the bottom median 74 hold on hold on so we don't start at 9:03 or we start at 25:30 I thought we were Miami dated for lot West Palm Beach yeah that's for our studio and then it goes to 154 158 48 for one bedroom so I'm trying to see where Miami to Miami beach kindo but I think it's like South Miami dat and then the other one is like Northern Miami Dade but so in or I'm so from what I'm reading here a studio would be 1445 and a one bedroom will be 1548 M that's the county yes yes that is for the county that's for us that's I know well the problem would be like she mentioned our medium income is so low compared to our medium income is so low compared to the county how how how do we work that out unfortunately we the the Ami this is at 80% Ami the studio rent would be 1445 and then the one bedroom rent will be 1548 we this is the table that we do abide by H if I may uh Mr chair yes sir yeah uh I think to that point we need to uh go back and revisit those numbers because if we are talking about helping now with this um kind of money I don't know exactly who trying to help with a with a studio that doesn't make any sense so they're all going to ask for more money if we want to help this is I understand the concern I do want to make sure that we are clear that these Pro what's before the board tonight are for the projects that have already been executed these Grant Agreements are done they're no longer in negotiation these projects are about to se in a few months so these are it's I'm not sure how to affect and then again the rental prices are what are stated from Florida Housing Finance Corporation we are literally just going byy a table regarding Ami units now what the market rates may be they're definitely not these prices um so there is not much control that the nmc will have as far as the rents are just what are stated on this table for any just going by the Ami category we have to go to very low as a as a followup questions um um criterias who are set them up each project has their own criteria of how they want what criteria they want their tenants to meet but who the project owners okay so that's from the developer that's correct okay that's what I wanted to qu question for you um do we get our numbers based on the census or where do we get our um medium income numbers is it we rely on what is published from HUD yes and they do it countywide and so that was something that came up in the lgrs they they they requested for the city to Define affordable housing and at that time I tried to encourage Derek cook to use um our North Miami Ami but we were told by the state that we couldn't oh so that was a ldr that would have been a time in the ldr where we could have defined affordable housing in in the city of North Miami but they stated that we can we have to use the Cy's definition yes which is a big discrepancy because now you know it's 74,000 when we're in the 30,000 in North Miami yeah I think we're 49 are we at 40 something go ahead so it for simplifying tonight I see that we've sort of like gone off on a little bit of a path is it is it sufficient to say we're going to establish a lottery for selection of these units at these three projects um that we're going to give preference to North Miami residents and CRA residents or I guess C residents Miami and and Bar I apologize for not knowing your last name after that's legal it's legal that we do that Miss Weissman I'm sorry my last name is Riceberg thank Weisberg sorry um for the record I'm sitting in for Steven zelkowitz the CRA board attorney I'm Barbara Riceberg um so your question is is it legal to have a prence legal to give preference to North Miami CRA residents and City residents in the process of us awarding yes that that is permiss there's nothing to prevent you from doing that okay so my suggestion you know knowing that this we've got a lot of information for future projects and there are going to be a lot of projects that come to us still yet for tonight we can say we're going to establish a lottery yes and we're going to give preference to North Miami CRA residents and City residents in that order for the X number of units who the residents at least two years I did have one question this is for the board yeah did you guys want to also include North Mi employees in part of the just in case that you don't meet the 38 but yeah but maybe not give you know oh then it'll be harder because I was going to say maybe they can get like one point instead of two points but then it's not a point system it's a lottery right it's a lottery so so so do I need to make that a motion you need that motion or direct yes we we would like to take Direction okay I'll make a motion that we establish a lottery gives reference to North Miami CRA residents and City residents in that order with residence of two years two years okay we I think we um yeah to make it easy we just going to uh go with the uh Mi North Miami city res for two years no no no I what I I'm sorry I want to clarify I actually I hope if if I I prefer personally the one year resident in CRA and then the two years outside of the CRA boundaries well that that's what we saying right that that would be allow me to restate it tell me if you don't okay yeah I you don't understand so here's my here's my motion that we establish a lottery and that preference I don't know what the cumulative number of units is right here it's 38 we with the first one it's approximately 100 83 83 thank you so we establish a lottery for the 83 units that preference for those 83 be given to CRA residents for one year of the last year and if there are still leftover numbers another level of preference be given to City residents the the for two years the complication becomes if somebody moving from the C within a year then we saying we we they are qualified based on somebody who had live outside of North Mar for two years then they'll get the the preference so what your point was better what councilwoman Timothy was stating two years period because majority of the people would be um would be residents anyhow so two years resid nor Miami right you see what I'm saying so you so what so the will of the board is two years as you're M resid two years qualify you qualify for to enter the lottery yeah because most looking at this I don't think nobody from nocia thing going to qualify for the first 38 that's just my that we got to deal there there's my motion yes is it clear yes yes it's clear in it's second I second it I thought I I have a motion made by board member Galvin as stated the motion was seconded by board member Des all in favor I any oos the motion carries with a 5 Z vote and and um we please do what you can um Miss Emanuel to meet with the resident the gardens residents I know I have a meeting I know he's here we have a meeting with him and all board members who are concerned about this please meet with them privately um on some of these requirement at least for our 38 units because this is already going off the click understood I would like to make some other announcements regarding this process so we do have a dedicated email for anybody who wants to send in information or applications it is nmc living at North miami.gov yeah we're going to do a whole Campa we will I just want to put it on the record yeah we'll MC a living North miami.gov we do have a form that will go live on March 4th on the nmc website and we do have paper applications that are going to be ail ailable at our office which is the address is 735 Northeast 125th Street North Miami man we got a um coordinate where we put it out there in the pr thing the radio so people would not because people don't watch the meeting so we got to just make sure I just wanted to put this on the record and make sure that you know to apprise you that we do have these systems in place to be able to handle applications okay we good so motion to adour oh is it are you having public comments nobody here for public comments comments nothing here public comments open yes they coming okay good I'm hungry e baba um you guys have already voted um I'd like to point out to you do I have to put my address yes um 13350 Northeast third quote I want to point out to you that you advertised that there would be public comments on this on the letter that was sent out but there was no public comments before you voted it turns out um my understanding is that you said anybody in North Miami correct that was the final decision okay I have no problem with that that's actually what I was going to prefer that you do and here is why um the annex area of North Miami none of them qu are qualified CRA areas and that is really not fair especially for my area that was annexed by force without a vote we don't get anything and we have a 250% increase in taxes and we none of our whole money all all money goes to a c but we don't qualify for anything now I do understand that the people in my area own our homes but we do have people who are renting in that area or we have elderly parents or other things that would like to probably go out on their own and live in the area and it would be good if they can be able to rent and move into some of these um affordable housing without it being called CRA so that's the reason I'm really happy that you decided not to make it mandatory CRA and I'd like you to consider that as you think of other things in the future thank you thank you public hearing is open on the item again public hearing is closed I'd like to I'm sorry before we adjourn um I'd like to um you know thank the resident for her comment and want to let her her know publicly that I have been working so just for people that are watching this the third Court was annexed in 2015 it was unincorporated date and then it became the city of North Miami and I have been working and and with the c Administration and trying to um include the donut holes that are near the cras that are that are near the C to include them so that is something it's in the works it's it's the process is that we have to do a a a needs of necess uh a finding of necessity a finding of a necess and so that that takes time and so that is that is in the work I mean that wasn't announced publicly but since it's brought up I just want to make sure that I've I've been having those conversation with our CRA Administration um because in my district in particular there are a little areas that are in are in I would say a blighted um situation that needs the the that needs the presence of the CRA but that still has to go to the process to be included so just wanted to put that on record thank you thank thank you so much may I hear a motion to adjourn so move second thank you see you guys at 7even I have a motion made by board member Galvin to adjourn seconded by board member Charles all in favor any opposed motion carries with a 5 Z vote the time is now 6:23 p.m. it's