hi um I've been out all day so I have made it home I don't have my mind me my phone I'm like okay I'm going to rely on my memory and you guys okay it's the screen's not on okay okay thank you oh thank you all right we can just checking to make sure that the screens are on thank you all right good evening everyone my name is Maria Tien um chairwoman for the com uh foreign Commission of the city of North Miami uh at this time we would like to call the meeting to order at uh 7:17 p.m. please let us rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allei to the flag of the United States of America unto the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all you may be seated all right we'll start with the roll call um Dr Naomi BL present Dr Magda de Merit Dr Magda de Merit is excuse um was G present Nori Glickman Pleasant and Dr furma present Emmanuela FMA okay and Maria Tian is here all right so uh do you have any amendments to the agenda no okay hearing none can I get a motion to adopt the agenda so move second okay all in favor I okay we have uh accept the agenda as presented uh the the minutes for the last meeting we had would be table because as you know um Miss Aira who's been wonderful to us like a breath of fresh air is no longer with us some what I was told that she has transitioned to uh new Endeavors so um while we wait for the transition the city um will give us someone new so we're just waiting for that individual to be announced um Madame vice mayor um Mary um estimate Irvin did notify me um that we would be getting someone soon in the metime time for me to reach out to miss Kya filipo who was uh very instrumental this afternoon in making sure that we we continue with the process and continue with our meeting and so I wanted to say thank you to miss uh Kata filipo for um reaching out and and staying in touch with me today all right we have a special guest uh this evening I want to First apologize to our guests for waiting for good 15 minutes um before we start uh we wanted to make sure we had our beautiful Commissioners with us here this evening with Korum and we're happy that they're here made it safely because it was traffic and so I just want to say thank you to all the Commissioners for being here and to welcome Mrs S Ela she's one of the Commissioners for Miami day commission for women we have been waiting for this visit for quite some time and so uh without further Ado we'd like to invite you to the podium to uh introduce yourself and say a few words good evening uh thank you Madame chair board members thank you for the um warm welcome uh it it feels so good to be back home I used to be a resident of city of North Miami and for 20 years ago more than 20 years ago I used to serve on the uh Park and Recreation uh board so it feels so good to be back home great um like Madame chair said I'm mar el and um I'm a member of my County commission for women and I was appointed by commissioner maren Bas District 2 so it's a pleasure for me to be here tonight um on behalf of Miami de County commission for women we are proposing to have a joint meeting on Wednesday March 20th 2024 next month in honor of women history month and we would like to have uh your collaboration to have a joint meeting in the great city of North Miami at 700 p.m. I believe on yes and uh we also proposing to have a reception uh following the formal meeting and as you know this year's theme is women who advocate for Equity diversity and inclusion so this is our theme and we'll we'll work around the them any question for me well um I just want to say we're super excited to hear this great news that the Miami dead County commission for women would like to uh have this joint meeting to my recollection our vice chairwoman did uh make that request uh some time ago and uh we did participate in some of their meetings as well and they were super excited to see us uh Rose gamier I remember we attended the meeting and um uh Miss uh Nina right yes yes she's our director yes yes she was super excited to have us uh collaborate so um you can you repeat the date for me please March uh Wednesday March 20th M at 7 p.m. okay 700 p.m. and right here in our chamber yes all right so for everyone who's watching us we're super excited to have um this invitation from Miami dead County uh commission for women to have a joint meeting here at our chamber and so I'm going to stop here and ask the Commissioners if they have any questions for me Miss hello good evening Miss El it's a pleasure for you for us to have you here I just have a quick question as far as the agenda um is concerned since it's going to be a joint meeting how many minutes do you believe that the Miami day commission for women will need in order to conduct your business so we make sure that on the agenda we do our part we give you an opportunity to do your part and then we conclude at the end we we we can formalized that with Nina our director but usually our meeting doesn't go past one hour excellent but I I'm sure if we do a joint meeting it will we won't need one hour but I don't want to speak for all of them we'll formalize it with Nina when she has the agenda okay excellent so I would propose since you're here and you're having the conversation with us that we can communicate to her that we will allow you guys to conduct your minute your business for 30 minutes and then we will conduct our business for 30 minutes how does that Yes sounds good okay all right and we will also finalize the reception with with I was just about to follow up with the reception that's what I was thinking um we are going so we are supposed to have a um a woman's social for the month of March with it being women's history month so I think that this is the great opportunity for us to combine the women's social with the reception with Miami Dade County commission for women and so the re we would have the meeting in the chambers and then for one hour we would be in the lobby uh having the reception so we would invite the in all of the women in the city to attain up to take part in in the meeting here in the chambers and then one hour outside is that's how does is that how everyone sees it I just don't that's my that was my question how um you you guys going want the the reception to be we have the meeting inside so how are we going to have the reception hours before the meeting or after the meeting or while we are doing the meeting no so the meeting will happen just as we normally do here is something that you guys already voted on since we it was not a vote okay go ahead all right so um at our last meeting it was on our agenda that um we would collaborate with the Miami dead County um Commission because this is this was nothing new right yeah and we were just waiting for the opportunity for a date and so now that they've solidified the date and it is our meeting and so we just need to make sure we uh check with the city to make sure there's no conflict if there's no anything going on because sometimes you know we plan our meeting and if the city has something uh that's already pre-planned um we want to make sure that the lobby will be available to us and so all those things would be checking to make sure that there's no conflict But to answer your question um Madam commissioner font yes um we had already discussed that we would have a collaboration okay great so who's GNA um take your char did I did already appoint okay her to do it a vice CH to work with the commission okay good and and and and you know just having conversation okay for that may I ask a question Madam chair um I don't know I miss something because our meeting is always the Third Tuesday of the month right at the last meeting we did state that because the commission requested the 20th that we would change our meeting for that day day in order to ensure that we do this collaboration and the city okay with it we that's what we said we have we communicated it to miss Akira at that time so it is possible that prior to her leaving she already had that conversation or maybe she didn't at this time Madame chairwoman will go back and so solidify that and you brought a very good point so let me ask you this would the commission consider since this is our day on Tuesday would they consider having it on the 19th I will uh we have a meeting next week so I will bring it to the board yeah I think it would make sense yes because it's our location we already have it free we know it's our meeting time and it is right but remember they already they came to us and gave us the date and we already agreed to the date okay but no but the the problem is if the date it's already booked by someone else this is why at the last last meeting we ask all of this conversation happened at the last meeting we gave directive to our liaison to confirm the date because that's the date that they requested remember this meeting was supposed to happen since last year this is not something new as Madame chairwoman just stated we are just now getting to the point of actually doing it but this actualization yeah this this has been in conversation let's said if the city has something at the same time so can we do it since they requested that day can we do it somewhere else or what is the plan B that would be another conversation I think that what we can do is in order to not delay this any further uh we can ask Madam chairwoman to please confirm this before 12:00 noon tomorrow so that if there is a concern we can relay that to uh the commission for women I honestly I think at this point we should keep the 20th unless the city cannot because we've already given our word that we agree to it no we agree that we're going to keep it but in case we need wait my mic yeah so they so this is this room is already what time is their meeting so I will board board of adjustments who is the thank you so if you check with them I will they can have their meeting a little bit early I will um can you confirm with us if prior to theard of adjustments is there another meeting mhm so that means that the room is the chamber is available from 5 so that means that if it's possible if they can move their meeting from 5:30 to 6:30 and we start at 7 I just want to ask so as I'm having the convers excellent I just want to ask as I'm having the conversations with them at least we can negotiate what is possible thank you thank you so much yeah we could do that okay any other questions uh regarding um this item no I think that um let me she has what about the like for the reception what how you already plan what type of we have not discussed it that yet okay good we have not discussed it so um obviously we want to create an event bright link so we can see how many women actually register and then we can speak to the commission for women and working together on what type of appetizers and drinks that we want to offer and what the cost would be so just to let the just to let everyone know that um I I was in communication with um uh Miss Nina today uh for the my did County Commission uh Miss Nina Ro she did um request for our logo which uh I did send it to her um I guess they're probably going to do like maybe a fly so I did send the the logo to her as requested via email and via text so um and she texted me this afternoon at 1:32 uh she wanted to connect briefly and of course telling us miss would be here and wanted to confirm that we're going to co-host the U the meeting uh next month um March 20th she put here at 6 p.m. um that's what she texted me so I'm not sure if she sent me an email and I copied what was on the email at seven so we can um we just need to clarify whether it's six whether it's uh six or um or seven so yeah so we'll we'll go by the conversation with the board of adjustments and then we'll communicate it to Madame chairwoman and she can re um send them an email yes right thank you so um so I don't need to do anything tomorrow no only thing you need to do tomorrow by noon is is communicate to our new le new liaison that we are looking to host the meeting on the 20th and if that's okay in the meantime I am going to reach out to the board of adjustments to ask them two questions number one whether or not they are having a meeting if they are are they willing to move their meeting one hour early so that we can be here at 7:00 you don't think um that they're going to tell me that there's a meeting and that we need to communicate with the adjustment person no no we just want to let them know that we're having this conversation so that they're in the loop that this conversation is going on all right so since I was told that it would take it would let us know when we're going to have a new replacement for Miss bias who's who's right now our communication is with Kya filipo okay I'll reach out to Kata tomorrow okay all right so I think any other questions for Miss hwa no I just we can't wait for the day yes thank you so much for having me and I we look forward to either the 20 for the 19th thank you of course the 19th would be ideal CU we already have the space all right so um thank you very much Miss Elan and commissioner Elan we appreciate you and thank you for your patience thank you and uh feel free to stay with us or if you have to leave we do understand I I did notice that you had a guest with you yes um did you want my daughter is Hi how are you hello Isabelle welcome all right okay so feel free to stay or feel free to leave if you have to um but we will continue with our agenda thank you for being here you all right we appreciate you all right um so um under new discussions we the last meeting we did go over um the different subcommittees and we also looked at our budget we allocated what was what committee and we decided on um the activities that we're going to do for the year and so um I put here committee report I wanted to know has anyone um done any pre-planning for any of this what we discussed last time um I know you ask us to put on the agenda um about the health and wellness yes conference I put that on item four so let's just hold the rest for now you want to go with that and then I'll come back to violence you want to go to gr well let me go in order all right so Community engagement and social media uh I think what we said that we really want to com uh engage the community not only use our social media outreach um we have um a fa a Facebook account I believe Aira is going to work on the Instagram and U we do I don't remember if we had a LinkedIn but I will check on that um because I don't recall we had that nor Twitter or Tik Tok so I'm not sure we can check on that um for advocacy and policy um the last time we we discussed um that we would try to collaborate with the city of North Miami in terms of um their um violence prevention was there a committee I believe a test don't they have like a oversight that we said that we would see when their meeting would be um for advocacy and policy no violence and prevention um that would be the board that I believe that Madame was is a part of the uh oversight board are you referring to CIB or city of North Miami okay so what the with the over the CIB is an oversight board and so it focuses on violence prevention and safety no no not that focused per no because we I think we said if when they have their meeting uh we can see if we can jointly collaborate just to offer support um so I don't know where we are with that we can let me know if they're having any meetings uh we are supposed to have our meeting the CIB meeting on February 26 so I strongly recommend that we reach out to the uh to the executive director Dr haris to see how uh either he can come for a presentation introduction or how we can collaborate in that sense but I'm not in a position to uh to talk about it right so um typically um per I don't know about everyone but I think it's always good for uh any of these uh um board you know to do a presentation for us so we know what services that they offer to the community so we can share or we can go to their meeting and learn more so what do you all think about that I think that it will be nice we go to their meetings and then we learn after that we invite them to come to ours okay um especially uh I meet with the North Miami Beach Chamber of um women commission they really want us to go to their meetings so they can they going to come to our meeting okay I think it's a great opportunity to Madame chair to invite them on March 20th so they can be part of of that um of this woman celebration absolutely and I think um we need to invite all commission for women for women I know Sunny Isle has one and anybody else that we can think of and of course this would be open to the public um especially the women in the city of North Miami um all right so um I I can't recall what we discuss on the advocacy policy do you recall M VI chair I believe we stated that for advocacy policy and Community engagement that we did want to identify a woman within the city of North Miami who is already working in these two sectors who would like to volunteer and uh provide services in this area if I'm not mistaken yeah since we don't have the minutes with us um I I I I don't recall exactly but um I would like for us to um table this particular item for further discussion unless we can uh absolutely sure that's what we had discussed because um as I stated before our uh minutes are not here today um for due to unforeseen C circumstances but we will get that together all right so we're going to move on to item um health and wellness conference that was requested by uh commissioner furma um thank you madam chair yes for the health and wellness conference me and Dr dearit was sat down and then we selected a date it was June let me let me make sure that I texted her the information um June I think it's between the 1 or the third week of June so we have to decide which day that we going to um select I already have uh my my um I have two sponsors M for that meeting and we want to know where if we're going to host that meeting at um Scott gin or on JCC and um that preim uh that's all let me uh look for the my note to remind me what me and Dr de mared we discussed it um we had that meeting when we was in Washington and talking about the fair what everybody was celebrating um and we want your output on selecting the date and the subject yes I remember and the subject you want to be discussed during that um meeting there's one thing that we cannot take away we want the sport guy again we want the yes the finance the fitness the fitness and the and the finance Finance the finance L she was very good last year and then the rest we will bring the healthcare provid provider to conduct the meeting um to to like you know provide a all other like subject that we we we will discuss that day we would like to know how much like the budget you all going to decide that going to be a side for that um for the the conference the date was between um June 7th or June the 4th 14 because I think June 14th or the 7th one of the two it's Father's Day so a Father's Day weekend we don't want to play with that so we want to know which one which dat will be best if you want a Saturday or you want on a Friday to have uh the the conference which date 14th or the 7th June um where do you plan on having the conference um that's it's up to you with selected JCC or the Scot Galvin Center so together we will finalize with location yeah I think I think the Scott gallin was very nice um it was it was very uh cuz JCC tends to be so huge okay unless you plan on having a huge crowd I think um the Scott Gavin will be more suitable uh for that the other thing I wanted to uh I remember I was assigned to assist with this so let me know if you need me um because I'm sure you're going to put me to do something um but and looking at the time you mentioned third week in June the second the first and the second I know you had mentioned it third week before so it's the second and the first the the first and the second yes all right so it has to be on the Friday right no that's H it's to discuss so which if you want to do it on a Saturday or on a Friday so if it's on a Friday we pick we're going to choose um between 8 to 15 or one or the 1 it's up to how did we do it last year are we doing one day or several days it's one day one day so on a Friday last time only one day it was a one day it was a Friday Friday was Friday so it's either going to be the Friday the 7th or the 14th that's what the 14th yeah but we want everybody to be able to make it because you know last year we didn't have everybody and you know it was dran and Dr um um we all four was you but miss was was um she was honorable to be there because she was at work and then we would love to have her with us and Dr the Merit the Merit yes because we choose the date if we um she's going to make that date available so for her to be with us I think for me if we choose a date tonight the 7th or the 14th is fine for me okay yeah I don't have all my calendars with me here but um I have noted the dates so I will my do my due diligence to make sure that we um stay in yeah okay we this time M second it okay so the date you she said same here oh same here okay so with this we want to know how the our budget for that and the subject would be medical Behavior finance and Sport mental yes Behavior it's mental Behavior Health yes Behavior Health beh medical Behavior finance and Sport I like all four areas all four yeah I think it's great yeah mhm all right um I don't think we need to make a motion or anything do we need to make a motion on the date or we good I think we good because we had already we already know we were going to have this conf we can do on on the 8th on a Saturday no we did that yeah okay so Emmanuela we just want to confirm that it is 100% sponsored by the two individuals there's no no okay no um we can you give us some clarification yes I will so that before we go to the clarification um Nori said that the seven or the 14 is not good for her she prefills a Saturday so um the e the ninth or not the eth or the 15th okay either way it's good for me too um I'm not available on the eth you not so the 15 so the 15th 15 is the next day is the Father Day oh Saturday 16 yeah I'm not available you're not Avail on the eth no how's how's everybody for the 15th 15th is a day before the Father Day would that be okay to everyone unless we move it to the end oh you're not available on those dates it has no no no no I was going to say maybe on the end the or the 1 or June 1st oh the June 1st sounds good it's the first day of uh lgbtq Prime month the first day oh okay that's a day to celebrate I guess yeah we can have it we can have it on the first if if it's if everybody's okay with it Saturday yeah Saturday yeah mhm I mean we can consider June 1st can we do we want to vote on it so we can just nail it in and say that's the date okay that would be nice and your sponsors will be okay with that yes okay I will um um communicate with her and tomorrow morning and let her know the DAT because she requested it um to days ago and then I will um go back and let you know the outcome all right do you want to entertain a motion for the June 1st I can make a motion because I choose that is June 1st we choose that for the day for the health and wellness conference second okay any more discussion on that uh the only thing okay the budget for the for the conference M so how much how much money we I know we have a we don't have a big budget but we have something how much money you want to put aside for this event I know the breakfast and lunch will be covered um but we would love to give you know certificate or a little something to the to the presenter so how much money you want to put aside so for us to work with for the decor and then a photography because last year mjd covers all that yeah I I think you can go back and do a budget with your committee and then let us know because we already allocated uh at the last meeting funding for um Trina to these items okay um I have my notes I can double check to see how much we allocated for that okay yeah okay um so it is 7:52 um I wanted to know back to um the uh so we already we already talked about item C and we've already discussed um the event that we're going to do at the last meeting and so um any report on the um education parental care oh um Madam chair I do not have any reports only the suggestion that these are these are are sections that we should quickly Engage The Women in the city to identify those that want to serve on our on on our committee alongside the commission and fulfill these these Services if you will because the only way we're going to actually be able to actively do these things is if we bring women from the city into our meetings and for them to start taking part and advocating for themselves and their family and the things that they believe that they need okay I put a note on that all right are there any other items the business expo um that is the biggest that's that's us right yes that's me and um that's everybody well you have the lead so tell us do you have any plans yet yeah we were proposing the day any day that anyone to allow us to have the event probably just one day um the Expo for the business expo yeah I think uh did you have a did you have a month in mind um I'm thinking of either um April because we don't have anything on April yet mhm unless unless something I miss April is okay then we can have it um April May and April very busy month but we can look at the dates did you have a date in mind or you need to look at venue first the first did you want to look at the venue first to see when where do where do you want to have it uh we're going to invite some business uh uh uh entrepreneur to come and have a platform and where where um in the in the multi-purpose room in the um Scot C Center oh okay okay yes what no because all our event we do it there so we thank you um The JO no no no Scott gin Center we thank you um a council councilman Scott Garin and the other board members to know for this great initiative because we have three events so far all three how you we going over there is very Co so that is not open so that's why we can use that the other thing too is uh if any of the uh councilmen wants to collaborate with the commission for women they can reach out um you know we do want to put out a shout out to all of all of them who are watching us uh uh Mr Mayor um Dr Alex De the vice mayor and uh councilman's fronts Pier Charles anyone Timothy anyone all of the council um men and women who are watching us who wants to collaborate with the commission on these um uh activities would be you know would be welcome of course and we did say for the month of March that we're going to collaborate with the vice mayor on her initiative do you recall that she usually have a lunch in oh yeah that's right yeah remember we said yeah okay so we just need to follow up on that um to see how we can U make it bring to fruition do I have to make a motion to approve for the day for business uh expo well you just said it April you didn't pick a date April 6 the first week of April 6 you said yeah April 6th is a Saturday okay is that uh that's that has nothing to do with Easter is it weekend yeah or not the first week no it's Easter is it's not Easter yes not yet Monday Easter Monday so that means that's the Easter weekend we cannot have that on Easter okay so we have the second on the 13 then I'm not available okay so we have it on the 20th we have to when is Easter the first day is she said now when is Easter the um April first it's Easter Monday so when is no when is Easter March 31st so April 20th so March if March 31st is Easter SE the 7th is fine April no no no I know but I'm saying if Easter falls on in the month of March mhm you sure the date is which is March 31st first then if she wants to have it April 7th that's fine that's fine yes I don't you are you looking at the right information everyone um March 2024 Easter is on the 31st Sunday the 31st Sunday okay so then the six would be okay all right so you have to double check to see if um locations are available yeah we have to do all that yes all right we do on the six yeah yeah you can make a motion for the for that date yeah would like to make a motion for April 6 to have our woman in business the business expo event um is for that uh day April April 6 yes uh Saturday uh we probably have it from noon uh to the before the evening for a few hours okay all right all these yeah and can we get a second second all right 12 to 3:00 what time did you say I think uh 12 to 4 12 I mean do we need 4our expose maybe she may have some speakers that do you need you need four hours hours is kind of long on Saturday okay three will be best yeah I think 3 hours you know it's more than enough 12 to three yeah 12 to three oh we getting the can I go back Madame chair to can we finish the motion there is a motion on the floor oh we're having discussion on it 12 to3 okay yeah all right all in favor say I I okay any name okay uh they all we we okay with the date for a six we approve that okay all right um can I have okay um the time for June 1st M how long do you want the conference to be I think you had it from 10 to 3 10 to yeah 10 to 4 last 10 to three 10 to three I have a this okay 10 to three um so 9 we will have breakfast and then 10 the first Speaker yeah your registration yeah okay okay all right um I think we've covered all of our items now we have public hearings uh we have nobody uh in the chamber so those of you watching who are tuning in uh this is the uh city4 uh women board meeting uh Tuesday February 20th we are adjourning if we can get before we adjourn can we just um have a discussion on what was done so far if anything thing from the last meeting in reference to our initiative to sponsor the program for the wom in business yeah unfortunately we did not get a report back from the city from our leaz on Miss bias is not here to respond to that so we have to follow up on that yeah okay can you we're going to have to follow up Madam chair when you follow up tomorrow with Kata Can you miss philipo can you add that to if we have to start from scratch what what do we need to do if you can ask her what the directive would be so that we can move with that thank you uh it was the the the propose proposal mhm okay all right thank you okay any anything you wanna you would like to discuss at this point we can get a motion to adjourn at 8:02 p.m. I just want to thank you the board very much to giving me for the for the Chinese New Year event uh most of you came and uh we enjoying the party very much and thank you for all your support thank you and congratulations on a beautiful event we saw that we also want to congratulate you because you receive a beautiful Proclamation from the city of North Miami Beach right yes thank you so much all right um we have a few congratulations that are coming up and uh just to um on the uh we don't have anything to to add but just wanted to invite everyone to the power and influence luncheon March 22nd at the builtmore and uh it is uh via even bright also you can go to GI foundation.org to get your tickets and and um we're looking forward to seeing everyone any other announcements as announcement I took the liberty and I'm taking the opportunity as well as women to uh make sure that we attend the N me Festival because it is for a great cause it is to help all the less fortunate people in the city with their utility uh bills so if you can attend please uh get your ticket and uh be there absolutely um I remember getting I did purchase my ticket a while back um since we are making other announcements uh just to um let everybody know um we want to invite everyone to the know me evening of honors that will be held um Friday February 23rd at 7:30 p.m. um I believe registration I think is sold out uh if I'm not mistaken but it will be happening at the joelison center where they'll be honoring several individuals including your choman here um we want to congratulate all the honores uh for the 2024 um know me evening of honors and we also have um other activities going on in the city so please look at the calendar of events and for our next meeting I want us to pay attention to the calendar for the month of May because there are a lot of um community events that will be taking place and may we can discuss that in March if there are no other items I'd like for us to get a motion I'm a motion to ajin the meeting okay second it's been motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m. um so all in favor say I okay meeting adjourned at 8:05 thank you