J June 25th 2024 um my mayor Alex do we gonna call rooll Madam clerk followed by the Pledge of Allegiance by our major Kesley Brook of the North Miami Police Department in by invocation by Anita Porter of the first glorious Church of love and then we'll have order of business followed by special a couple of special presentation mayor Des here vice mayor May Irvin present councilman Galvin here councilwoman Timothy here I'm virtually thank you councilman Charles present Mary of aor to proceed thank you if you can all join me rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing for an invocation loving gracious God we thank you in the name of Jesus for this meeting and we ask God that you send your wisdom to all these your elected leaders your officials the residents of this city God we ask that you give them wisdom so that they can judge equitably amongst all the residents of this city we thank you and we bless you in Jesus name amen amen thank you so much Pastor Madame manager do we have any um additions um amendments or deletion to the agenda we do on item seven that item is being pulled then um agenda items k m r and s k you say n or M Ms and Mary Mary okay RNs however need to be addressed because these are Quasi judicial got it okay okay got it m you got it I don't got it what are we doing so my understanding is one of the council members is asking that those be pulled so that has to be voted on oh okay which items I'm sorry Mr Mayor which items and why are they being asked to be deferred I think the item the first one is this um you said the number seven which is the planning so we not make an appointment no got it okay that's the first one the second one you said tab k k as think kite who's is it the applicant or is it us that's um I'm asking Mr Mayor to um sure what okay so that's that that one regarding the the security firm to when to the next meeting or in where are we Vice man until further notice inde definitely for now doesn't mean that it can't come on the 9th I just want to because the problem is when we keep pushing them we have like a lengthy um agenda just like this one which is fine we moving this one but I think you say two more so which one well there are three more M as in yes Mary okay nor miam chart okay that's the m and then which one R understand mayor that uh tab m is on the um the charter amendments so if that's pulled from tonight's meeting then then you're basically not going to have any Charter amendments because this is an ordinance we only have two meetings left so pulling it tonight means that it doesn't it just won't go forward won't go forward I'll I'll certainly support that because I was going to just vote against this I didn't think there's been enough time of discussion I don't even know where this came from like for major major Charter changes come out of the blue and just be tossed onto an agenda I I agree yeah I agree as well okay then let's take it all all right I'll be me four I I was under the impression these were items that we talked about I know at least for over two years some of them at least some of the some of the items if you want to leave it on I leave it on I'm going to vote no because nobody's talked to me about any of it nobody Charter board nobody nobody I saw on the agenda and I'm like just so you know nobody has talked to me either do you want to discuss these when we get to the items or you want to do them let's leave M on the agenda and I'll just vote no okay okay no i' like no I I want to clean up the agenda so we know what we're doing so Jeff if if the consensus is that they don't they don't need it because I'm hearing that they didn't get briefed by by well the reason I was saying if you want to it's one thing to take something off the agenda but if you're going to have a discussion about you're actually voting on it and you're not allowing public comment that's what I'm saying if if you want to we not I don't think we voting I think we want what I'm saying so if it's you're taking it off you're just taking it off but you're going to have comments about why you're taking it off then you're having a discussion for the Public's edification as well as Council I think we are owed an explanation about why somebody wants to and that's why I said do you want to talk about it when the item comes up because I can explain how we got here but that's not really proper If all we're doing is is discussing what the agenda is right now okay okay can we move into a discussion item Jeff you can do that also so it's not something that we vote on per se but just have a discuss that could be right at the endend okay that I would not throw this down at the end we're not getting out of here till midnight as it is so if it's 1:30 in the morning we're starting to talk about Charter amendments I don't think anybody's got have I think the consensus that I'm getting here is that everyone is ready to table this so I think we can have discussion another time leave it okay so that's M but there's also a companion item to the to that one is which one there's no compan there's no companion you just have two other companion RS RNs they're not companions okay they not they're not companions no they're two separate C so it would be super helpful if staff when they're making the recommendation to move items explains what's going on CU you just was like km RS that's the point that's why I said doing not Madam vice mayor with all absolute due respect to your desires to move all of these items I'd like to just leave them on the agenda and let's have at it anybody who's there in the audience get ready it's even going to be a longer night right so no my my motion is to to remove all of these items so that we have a clean agenda and then we just move forward that's my but I have questions as to why we're moving stuff so I'm hearing from staff that if I'm going to vote to just move it off I can't ask any questions but I want to ask questions no no wait not about the items but why we want to move them so we moving councilman we want to move them because I'm having dental surgery at 8:00 a.m. and because of that I want to get out of here as early as POS oh we got wor no no Vice may I M is off which other item what else do we have that was n as in NY is being requested but that's being requested by the a because I know there was one doing the briefing so NY is gone what about oh that's the compl so we cannot because that was already first okay the Quai judicial P that that remains that remains the next one is R so what about q q remains okay R what are we doing with r I'm asking it for it to be tabled um until when until further notice so now the issue becomes there's no it's an item in my district I I'm not saying I don't want to say until the nth let me talk to Administration let me talk to the app so can we continue all of these to the next agenda and then by the next agenda if you know you don't want them there then you communicate that to staff so this was deferred from the last meeting so does this um who's the applicant are you the you represent the applican oh so mayor and and Council just wanted to address one specific item item Q patri Assan yes patri Assan of holl night with offices at 701 brco Avenue thank you for the reminder councilman the item Q at the last meeting uh councilman galin had had requested that it be uh deferred indefinitely no this wasn't that one this is the other that's a block to the east it's a different one 17th my apologies yes you can disregard I charge by the hour to your firm don't do that sir next thing public record request okay so again are we good with and and I just want to make sure that the clerk has it so what are we doing with r the request I don't know I'm asking to have it tabled so until can miss love this is the applicant here so may may I may I Mr Mr Mayor if we're going to continue an item we continue it to a specific date if we're going to table an item it is tabled indefinitely so I think if we would provide clarification as to whether we want to continue it to the next agenda or table it because table means you may never come back again it's been tabled I want to say that it's been tabled but I'm not saying I'm never coming back to it I don't have a specific date so you go ahead Sergio Pinos 261 if we're going to open it up to the to the developer we're going to have to just hear this item and open it to everybody just one point clar I'm sorry I'm sorry councilman but if we're going to open this to you we need to be prepared to open it to everybody which defeats the purpose of continuing the item so councilman one second let me find out from vice mayor um so it is in my district if I I would be permitted to please have this table until I can speak to the ADV can we do it for the next one no I'm not I'm not saying that because I need to have a conversation that's the only issue that I have with that because okay so I can we can have this item and I can just vote no because I have some concerns it's with the flood they're asking for extra units there are conversations that I'd like to have okay which is which is which is fair but RNs on tonight's agenda this is she saying R is R is R and S are companion items comp comp items they're not R is one cup in one District s is a different Cup in a different district and mayor just just a point of clarification just understand that these are um tab R and S A Quai judicial they're also applied for by uh the applicant so at some point we have to hear it um and I and I don't know if that's what the gentleman's about to say but at some point we have to hear this because you know they're applying for these application and this has been indication that they're not be heard is that the indication that you're getting well no but I think that's what he's the attorney is's about to say is that a couple of times that I plan on hearing it I just don't have a date that's the only thing that I said I stated that clearly several times I'm Sergio Pino's uh 261 Mr Mr attorney Mr I'm ready to vote no on these items tonight as well leave them on the AGA thank you thank you yes got it we trying we trying to fix it yes okay so here we go Madame clerk we are deferring um mayor I'm sorry if I may I'm sorry my my yeah oh you you have another one um go ahead go ahead um Council no I Know Tab Tab S was in my district um what was the last update on that one was it we didn't touch it yet we are okay like I'm okay with the deferral I um I didn't hear why but if you wanted to clarify no I was waiting for you do you want to um something with s well I know it's in my district and it was being requested by another um by the vice mayor um out of respect for her she needed more time to meet with the applicate and so forth I'm okay with that okay so both that's what I was going to ex if if we could move both we can table it to the next meeting you got so tabling Mr Mr attorney I'm sorry please correct me if I'm incorrect in my understanding tabling means it's put away on a shelf it's put on a table it's forgotten about until sometime it's re it may never come back it may come back one week but if But continuing an item is continuing it to a date to a DAT date certain yes so if we're continuing any of these items i' just like us to say k continued to next week M continued to next that would be preferable just especially on these quad editional because again they have to have noticed I mean there's there's requirements for these items to even make it here so I'm cool if you want to look the fewer things we talk about between me now and November 8th I'm thrilled but I just want us to have Clarity whether or not we want to bring it back on July 9th our next meeting or whenever in the future yeah that that's my that was my only um take on it um I don't mind with it but we have to know when you know fair to them when the item will be heard or whenever whenever the cas is so so I'd like to continue so you want me to address this so for tab R I'd like to continue with to our September our first September meeting possible AUST when is um councilwoman is September okay with you also or you good for the next one I'm fine well I I thought she said for R correct yes saying for your item are you they're separate they're separate what I'm saying I'm asking her if she's okay with your yours moving okay so next one could be hers and we could move hers for next um for the next meeting so ju the next meeting July but our moved until when September sep September September 10th September 10th there September 10th orth two September meeting September the first one this is a lengthy agenda and it's going to be so may I ask for clarification s is moved to July 9th yes thank you and then R is moved to September the first September meeting correct thank you and I'm going to restate all of this in one motion if I'm allowed to but what about K M and N are we continuing them so k um um K table to September continue to September mted K to September 10th m m tabled indefinitely yes and N is a Nancy was pulled by the applicant okay so if I might Mr Mayor I'll make a motion wait wait wait let me see what if the clerk has it what do you have Madame clerk the first clarification I need is whether we're also pulling tab p in conjunction with n no I don't think no P separate so I have a motion to table tab m indefinitely is there a second second all in favor I any opposed motion carries with a 5- z vote I have a motion to continue tabs k&r to the first regular council meeting in September is there a second second for September the 10th because we'll also have budget meetings that month I don't want anybody saying well that's yeah the first regular council meeting is September the 10th right all in favor any opposed motion carries with a 5- z vote and I have a motion sorry which item was that that was tabs K andr okay got it and then a motion to continue Tab S to the first regular council meeting in July July 9th is there a second second all in favor I any opposed the motion carries with a 5- z vote thank you for your patience with me everybody okay now all right huh you want to do that Mr attorney so so for everyone who for anyone who's here who signed the uh the cards for uh Tab S is not going to be heard tonight so that's at the end of the meeting we just don't want you to wait till the end of meeting here for it but it's not going to be heard tonight awesome lot of us that are here yeah that's the 136 that's the Northeast 4th Avenue okay got it perfect okay um Mr attorney is this is the agenda Set uh yes mayor and one thing I just have to mention just to put on the record uh councilwoman uh Timothy is attending um remotely um I've already given her an opinion that as long as we have Quorum in the building that she can under her circumstances appear um electronically yeah we see her and your agenda is set your agenda is set you may proceed sir thank you so much okay we do have a long night um and we are going to just go ahead and get started we'll wait for everyone to exit the awesome thank you no July 9th yeah two weeks in two weeks it's like next week it's going by so fast it's like oh my God it's like the next day you know what it's not going by fast tonight's meeting and in two hours is going to go by fast it's going to be 10:00 930 okay again we are here on other notes as we are waiting I think we good okay so special presentation um we going to we're going to have July is Parks and Recreation we're going to have a special um Proclamation recognizing Parks and Rec and we we have a very very special special special presentation for our public works but that's going to be done by our city manager and we have a special very very dedication to our one and only but we're going to wait and have Vice mayor estimate Irving do the all all the honory of this one and then we have a certificate also by um that's going to recognize the north Miami youth Council so guys let's go down and let's this I'll be down momentarily is Christine here okay come on up one of my favorite yeah the entire pox team in the house one of my favorite apartment which is where it all started with Parks I started actually in the city of North Miami when I was 16 working at parks and W while I was at North Miami senior high school and I started working as an intern and remain with the city for a couple years until I was finished with college so this is a proclamation in honor of of course June as we all know is um July I'm sorry sorry um is Parks and Recreation month in the great city of North Miami and this is the National Parks and Recreation month so whereas it's a couple of whereas I'm not going to read all of the whereas which I know Scott is already saying it's going to be a long meeting so we're going to make it shorter so whereas parks recreation is an integral part of the community throughout the country including of course here at home in the city of North Miami and whereas PX Recreation promotes healthy and wellness improving the physical and mental health of people nearby and whereas Parkson Recreation increases Community economics Prosperity through increased um property values expansion of local tax base and whereas Parks and Recreation is the fundamental to the environment well-being of a community and whereas Park and Recreation is essential in adopting in adopting infrastructure that make our community more resilient and make our community face natural disaster even more climate change resilient and whereas parks are natural resources in our um ecosystem and Beauty for our community and provide places for our children and adult to connect with nature and reconnect with outdoors and whereas the US House of Representative has designated July as Parks and Recreation month and where as the city of North Miami recognizes the benefit that deres from Parx Andre and its resources now therefore in consideration of the for of the forthgoing I mayor Alex D vice mayor Mary EST Irving councilman Scott Galvin councilwoman Cassandra Timothy councilman Pier France Charles on behalf of the residents I do hereby Proclaim Tuesday June 25th 2024 to be National Parks and Recreation month in the great city of North Miami and do hereby all of us to proclaim a few words yes what we know yes thank you um so this year's theme is uh who we are so it falls a lot into not just for us as parks and wreck professionals but for you guys as well in the community um a lot of things happen within our parks and you guys are intrical parts of that um so along with all the wear asses that were here we truly enjoy serving the community of North Miami um both the residents visitors to make sure that you guys have a good time when you do come to our to our centers to our facilities and to the city [Applause] the funny thing is I've been here for 10 years I've yet to see any of these pictures every every every other Tuesday and now this is is this is this is one of our this is one of our favorite um definitely one of one of my favorite um special recognition as elected official we do take um pride in giving out um proclamations but this is a special very very special special special one and I'm going to call my VI vice mayor to come and do the honor of um presenting this special special Proclamation which we are very very honored to have the one and only the personality of the year in the house with us I call her Miss Miami um the come on vice mayor as we are honoring her own day in the great city of North Miami super Sandy yes good evening everyone and thank you so much for being here this is vice mayor Mary EST Irvin and it's a pleasure for me to be the one to read into our record the proclamation that we're um we're giving today to no other than super Cindy so if you were in the last council meeting we give it to our counterpart and today we're giving it to you but um Cindy super Cindy Dorset dors right du um whereas super Cindy was born and raised in North Miami and attended Ben Franklin and St James school and continued to impact her community positively with her father still residing in the house she was raised on 129th Street and 8th Avenue whereas Cindy an acclaimed radio host and media personality has been a dynamic force in South Florida she is known for her electrifying presence charismatic nature steadfast principle commitment to the community and service and whereas um super Cindy the queen of Miami radio brightens the Airways of 99 Jam weekday morning on the pack Jam Morning Show and whereas she's has an entrepreneural Spirit Led Led her to launch the Cindy media in 2016 a versatile Enterprise encompassing music TV film digital um media sector um and whereas Cindy accolades include joining the record Academy class of 2022 Grammy member being named Miami new time best radio personality of the Year receiving a key to the city of North Miami Beach in 2022 and whereas Cindy was most recently honored with Proclamation from Miami Gardens by by um mayor Rodney but we're doing it today right so now therefore um mayor Alex zume of the city of North Miami alongside with vice mayor Mary EST Irving councilman Scott Galvin councilwoman Cassandra Timothy councilman Pierre French Charles do whereby proclaimed January 25th 2004 as super Cindy day 20 2024 excuse me years I'm so sorry 2024 as super Cindy day in the city of North Miami and urge all residents to join in recognizing and celebrating super Cindy come on up thank you so much yes um I was here a few weeks ago at the last meeting because I had tried to get DJ lucky C the north Miami monster a key a proclamation and it happened and I had no idea that a week or two later you guys were going to call me but like um vice mayor just said I grew up in North Miami Ben Franklin St James and and just I mean at this point I have four keys this is my fourth key Miami Dade Miami Gardens north Miami beach but this one just feels different because this is where I was born and raised my dad still lives in the same house like they said and North Miami is in my blood so I just appreciate everyone who has supported me throughout the years on the radio station 99 jams I resigned two weeks ago so I'm no longer on the radio but I am definitely dedicated to my nonprofit super friends and my new talk show that I'm launching you're going to be seeing me a lot you probably might get sick of me but please don't I love you guys and thank you so much North Miami I truly love you thank you and thank you to my family my sister Denise my brother-in-law Ro my cousin Marjorie my cameraman Isaac my brother and just thank you Chief gals since you were at another District we handed out turkeys together and that's how I met you and we have been in the Community together so now that you're in North Miami it continues I love you [Applause] my video and not and now not but not least we are going to honor our North Miami youth Council just you all right and we're going to have vice mayor again and she spearhead this effort to come up in honor these young leaders thank you so much Mr Mayor I mean this is you know this is one of my greatest joy um a couple of years ago mayor and Council um passed an ordinance and if we can get some silence so again um a couple of years ago mayor mayor and Council passed an ordinance to have our youth Council um in the city of North Miami so I want to again thank my colleague again for that support um and and we this is I believe our second class that has um already F termed out or finished um their their their tenure here um with our youth Council so I'm just very exced exited today so um again good evening everyone I am honored to recognize the distinguished member of our North Miami youth Council the north Miami youth Council offers young emerging leaders the opportunity to gain insight into local operation their goal is to advocate for the Youth in our city striving to enhance youth relationship relations activities and programs with North Miami tonight we honor the members of the dedicate of their dedication and service so Joshua Johnson was appointed by mayor mayor Alex zum Cari shamat was appointed by councilman Galvin Haley Rudman was appointed by Council um councilman Galvin Esty cortier um appointed by Council woman Timothy Angelina FL was appointed by vice mayor um U Marlene Apollo was appointed by councilman Charles uh we have um Azara Charles fil philant was appointed by Vanessa Mark clerk um Vanessa Joseph Hillary Stacy alinat was appointed by our um city attorney Jeff Kazo and um Justin CER was appointed by the city manager I would like to extend a special recognition to the four of these members who have completed their terms and serve an impressive two conservative years on the youth Council they sustained commitment their sustainment and commitment is truly commendable so we'll start with Angelina um FL Fier if you can come up Service uh was um Hillary ala by Jeff Kazo Mr attorney if you would [Applause] come certificate me and Mr attorney back her thank you um Cari sharmont by councilman Galvin is Carly here and and Justin cier thank you so much for your service EST CA thank [Applause] you and that's it okay and do they have a medal oh no okay and so and these are our young people they're doing amazing things um they're getting to learn a lot you should watch their meetings they meet on every third Tuesday of the month and they sometimes run their meeting better than us um and they do they do you know um and um so I'm just very proud of you I I I know that in the future we're going to see you doing great things and maybe we'll see you up here but thank you for your service thank you what you've done what you've contributed to the youth um Council and continue to strive for the Stars oh she this is a bad pH out of I know it's so hry so much you know before we get started with um with with announcement I do have a special is that is that me getting the feedback I think because we have the online okay now it's gone I wanted to make a special presentation um Chief if you have the folks from Cops who are here I just want to say thank you so much we are delighted to welcome the members we have the cops folks who are here with us um which is CS the collaborating reform initiative to our great City Mr M Mel is he here we want to say thank you to you and your entire team um please stand up and and be recognized you are here guys on behalf of the entire city council and our residents we want to say thank you to you you the incredible work that you guys are doing to help us you know appr shape we are grateful for the support in the amazing work that you guys are doing conducting um you know the the organization assessment for the north B Police Department we are truly truly honored and so grateful that you guys are here thank you so much for helping us out thank you um guys I think we are ready for the regular me we are announcements good evening mayor council staff North Mii neighbors and guests my name is Savannah Dre Smith and I'm presenting the following announcements on behalf of the city of North Miami tonight's announcements are long so I'll try to be fast the north Miami Public Library presents a monthly gardening Workshop led by jedon botles University of Florida Master Garder these workshops are free and open to the public and take place every first Saturday of the month the North Police Department cordially invites you to the swearing in ceremony taking place at the Scott galin Community Center on Wednesday June 26th at 1:00 p.m. the Bree swep Pump Station public information meeting is scheduled to take place on Thursday June 27th at 6:30 p.m. right here in the council chambers of North Miami city hall share feedback ask questions and understand the community benefits and impact of the upcoming project your opinion matters please submit your comments to the city of North Miami Miami at housing northiam fl.gov or in writing to the housing and Social Services director Mrs Albert Brazil at 1230 Northeast 8th Avenue North Miami Florida 33161 the north Miami public library and Friends of the north Miami Public Library present 2024 literary lunch and learn book talk series the series is scheduled to take place every third Friday of the month at 12 p.m. for more information please contact the library at 305 89155 5 enjoy funfilled days of indoor and outdoor activities swimming and arts and crafts at the 20124 kids summer camp the camp hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. for more information please call 305 895 9840 adventure begins at your library children's programming occurs every Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. from June 11th until July 12th at the North Miami Public Library curious about how you could seal or expend your Miami date arrest join the North Miami Police Department and office of State Attorney Katherine Fernandez rundo at the Joe celestian Center on Thursday June 27th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. to get your questions answered your government issue identification is required this month's Jazz at mocha will take place on Friday June 28th featuring sambia seating starts at 700 p.m. with a concert beginning at 8: join councilman Galvin in celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion on Saturday June 29th at the lunar Star Cafe 775 Northeast 125th Street let's come together in this app location to Mark the anniversary of the lgbtq uprising in New York this event is free and open to the public calling all mini makers the July mocha mini makers is inspired by Emanuel Matthew and is scheduled for July 2nd 2024 from 2: to 4 p.m. participants will be able to get an Insider experience into the Museum's exhibition Manuel Matthew World discovered under other Skies Independence Day celebration by the bay come one come all on Thursday July 4th 2024 to the FIU biscane Bay Campus for fireworks food trucks karaoke and more Sunday stories summer is here everyone can participate in this colorful Workshop taking place July 7th from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. join mocha as we celebrate Summer by reading summer is here by Renee Watson illustrated by beia Jackson then we'll create our own magical bubble paintings the north Miami public library and Miami dat fire rescue present Health Emergency Life protection training course or help this course will take place on Tuesday July 9th 2024 beginning at 3 p.m. please call the north Miami public library at 305 891-5555 to register the north Miami public library and molding Messengers presents family fund day and book fair join us for a funfield day on Saturday July 13th 2024 where the winners of the 2024 summer reading challenge will be announced with special guest appearances by Bluey Spider-Man and Stitch councilman Pier F Charles would like to cordially invite you to the grand opening of The District 4 satellite office taking place Saturday July 13th 2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 13753 Northwest 7th Avenue North Miami Florida 33168 this event will provide free food music bounce houses and resources it's that time of year again the 14th annual backpack and school supply donation Drive donations will be collected until Monday July 29th examples of supplies needed are backpacks pencils and pencil cases happening Saturday July 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. is the district for food distribution this walkthrough presented by the city of North Miami and mjd wellness will take place at the Joe celestian Center 25 Northwest 135th Street for more information please call 30575 2781 attention all teenagers between the ages of 15 to 18 the north Miami youth council is now accepting applications for the 2024 2025 year apply online at www.north miami.gov youth Council please submit by Wednesday August 21st 2024 by 5:00 p.m. to stay up to date with noi news and events log on to North Miami's website at www.north miami.gov click on connect with Nomi on the homepage to sign up for the city's newsletters also follow us on Facebook and Instagram at North MFL and on Twitter at Nomi news this concludes the city announcements thank you so much um are thank you madam clerk consent agenda consent agenda unless a member of the city council wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda tabs a through F constitute the consent agenda these resolutions and items are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion these items will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions adopted unanimously by the following motion that the consent agenda comprised of tabs a through F be adopted move approval second I have a motion made by councilman galin to approve the consent agenda tabs a through F the motion was seconded by vice mayor EST Irvin all in favor I any opposed the motion carries with a 5-0 vote tab g a proposed resolution of the mayor and city council the city of North Miami Florida approving fiscal year 2024 2025 annual action plan under the Community Development block grant cdbg and home investment Partnerships program home programs providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab G thank you so much Madam Clerk tab G is any presentation before we open it up yes mayor and councel I do believe that our director of Housing and Social Services is present to make her presentation good evening mayor and council members Albert Bazil housing and Social Services director Lun there we go uh this is the time of the year again uh Mr Mayor thank you for sharing with me the letter of the allocation that we received from hard yeah I thought it was more the way they made it sound like but you say it's the same amount for the past it's actually less oh Jesus are you serious sorry oh my god um as required by hard um every year um we prepare our fiveyear consolidate plan but for each of those five years we need to come to you and present our actual annual action plan for the fiscal year um for the allocation that we receive for that period uh just a quick uh refresher for you you uh back in 2020 uh we conducted uh our annual we drafted our 5year Consolidated plan and it's a requirement for all hot green tea we receive cdbg and home um programs uh funding uh the city is required to prepare a 5year Consolidated plan uh fiscal year 2020 2024 actually this is the last year so next year I'm coming back to you for a new consolid plan that will cover 2025 2029 the consolate plan include uh all the community needs priority that was surveyed at that time back in 2020 and that you approve and was forwarded to H for approval uh through the five years uh we come to you uh with all uh the project that the city allocate the money to but all of them are related are in compliance with all the need and priorities identif IFI during that consed plan the annual plan as indicated this is year five of um our consoled plan we receive uh Community Development block grant cdbg home investment partnership home for every year of the consolidate plan H required that we prepare an annual action plan the annual action plan identifies strategic projects and output for the use of the annual H allocation project included in this annual action uh annual action plan are implemented in line with the needs priorities and goals of the city as identified in the consed plan if at any time we want to change anything in the Consol plan at the I think at this point we all aware that we need to do an amendment to the consoled plan cdbg and home funds as required as suggested by hard must or may be leveraged by private investment State local funds County funds and City General funds if any the the past 5 years consoled plan 2020 2024 priorities uh in the order that I have on the screen what comes on top was Economic Development on occupy Rehabilitation affordable rental housing building increased Public Services improving public facilities and homeless prevention that was the order that uh those needs and prity CES back in 202024 uh we cannot come here and make a decision this is how we're going to uh allocate the money it is a requirement that we have a citizen participation strategy you uh we have a citizen participation plan that uh the council approved years ago uh it is required that we conduct public Workshop where we inform the public uh how we're going to allocate the money or what we're going to do with the money that happened back in April 24th in this ccil Chambers uh the city the housing and Social Services Department along with the services our consultant uh sent out survey to our partner to CD department and we made we had some consultation with agency to find out where we at um in our needs in our priority especially coming out of uh covid uh the annual action plan was then take to the planning committee who recommended approval to city council as required Again by hod we had to have a 30 days commenting period we we just closed last week on June 8 the 18th and this process was open to everybody and accommodate accommodated PE uh people with disability uh for fiscal year 2024 2025 uh you have on the board what we will be receiving from hard uh under home we will going to receive 289,000 plus and under cdbg we're going to receive 779 plus and in all of them I think the sever heat is in home where it's a minus 60,000 as opposed to cdbg it's only 10,000 this is the fifth year of the plan actual appropriation uh from hard will is in the next page uh as recommended by the department um um presented to the Planning Commission you have the numbers in front of you we can always come back um to it after that and at this point this conclude my presentation and I'm open for question if any okay so so this is just a presentation in terms of um you just want us to vote on it not necessarily nothing in terms of from the public this is just this meeting it's all it's a second required public hearing per hard we need to have two public hearing the Planning Commission is considered as the first one where the public can come and give their opinion so the second one is this one but you are the final approver so would this had to be on this or this had to be under report do we need to vote on this or we do right okay so probably hearing is open on the item public hearing is open on Tab G public hearing is open on the item see n coming public hearing is closed move for approval sec I have a question go ahead yeah yeah I have a few questions I I know this is a presentation on the um action plan and everything um there are like one of them I don't I don't see it in here so I don't know uh if I can talk about it which is is the um uh the first time home bio program so it is not there um and um since we are you know re revising the action plan um do you have any recommendation into to what should be done so that we can at least start having people qualify for the first time home bio program because I know because of the bracket that they have now you cannot find any house end of Miami at that price and then basically the program is sitting in here and then we really I don't know if I'm from from last time we talked about it not too many of our resident um can take advantage of it that is correct uh councilman um actually you right uh I didn't have any set aside uh for the first time home buyer the nothing has changed from last year the set asides that we have under the home program as well as the state program are still sitting here and normally we have SE between seven to 8 years to spend that money at any point of time if we cannot spend those allocation I'm going to have to come back to you and request permission to reallocate them that's the first part of the question so I didn't allocate because we have close to 282,000 set aside sitting here to be spent so now what are we doing to facilitate um I need to comment Cil women Cassandra we've been trying to push it at the library at I think once every month we have a home buyer class to educate the people how to apply how to get U prepared to to for their purchase if so desired but as you mentioned uh the price are so high in enough enough Miami what will be what will work best for our resident is for them to shift their the desire to condo which is cheaper town home but when it come to home home uh we go all the way to 400,000 plus now in term of prices but they still cannot find a home in that bracket and also are they qualified to receive the money under this program so what we are doing it's really continuing to educate them but it's one thing to educate them the second one is are they qualified can they purchase this home thank you and um thank you very much um um director for that um clarification well needed my other point is that one thing that we are seeing going into our city is homelessness uh we have a lot of folks sleeping in our Parks uh almost um every corner even just the uh mocha uh see them sometime late at night so do into that revised plan do we have anything that would better address because um because we I know we we don't have uh the answer is almost we don't have units available so any effort that we doing in this regard to see if we can um have um alleviate that one first go ahead go ahead first of all I need to uh kind of Rectify what you just said we not revising we have a new plan a new fiveyear PL coming next year thank you so what are we doing to better assess the needs of the community I'm going to need your help I'm going to need the help of the community because we have to go back to the drawing board we have to send out survey we have to go do radio advertisement Workshop to really assess the needs and the priorities because as you stand right now in 2020 homelessness was not a priority it came out like the last one on our list yes we we um um councilman we were we experienced some of it that came into the office but we work with s we were able to directly I mean with social service where I mean I think it was maybe three or four families that so and a lot of it was not in in our area but I think some of the issues because of kasmia um the folks that are near the park that they go into Griffin Park that's there but they you know they're not necessarily um residents so that's one of the things that I think our county has been have done a phenomenal job in terms of other County when you look at the the the rate of homelessness obviously it's a it's a it's a it's a problem in the entire country because of of rent price but Miami dat has done a tremendous job I mean when you go everywhere when you other big cities we've got we have gotten it right and even in the State of Florida the looking at the model that we've used um because when the folks come here especially in North Miami we do have a special relationship with those folks especially with Kasia and and those folks so if they are and we work very well with the police department with with with so we would you know make sure that we kind of transition them there and and you know if it's something that's longer we'll get them to our social service um departments and you know housing probably would step in if it's a longer longer term um but yeah we the the the little the other issues that we had was folks were sleeping in it was in cars but it was neighbors like their family I I will add to that conselman uh what we did we just hire and assistant to the housing um and Social Services Department one of the mission now it's really since the just mentioned how oh they just cut our help it's going to go it's going to continue they're going to continue to cut it so what we're trying to do right now is to go out there so we got some other grants those grants that we are presenting tonight those are formul grants so they come to us I will not say we don't have to apply but it's based on our population our level of poverty and so forth report so now what we are doing right now and are trying to push big on that one it's to go out there and there are money out there but we need to have someone who knows the system who are used with the Continuum of Care with homeless chess where those grants are and apply for them no um just um just point of clarification I'm not saying this just to criticize it is something that we see and while we working on a 5year plan we need to address it because as a city we need to work 5 years 10 years from now we need to look at it the trend is not going down due to inflation it is going up that's why I wanted to ask you that question so that at least we have an idea of where we're moving and what we're doing so that was basically my entire point of uh asking the second question to that I'll say thank you very much and thank you for your presentation thank you mayor yes sir while we're talking about homelessness I just want and I'm I'm very appreciative that you're looking and talking about this item it's not just one of homelessness that sometimes you're probably aware of this is uh an issue of poverty in my district specifically on 135th Street in biscan Boulevard uh I get a lot of complaints about homeless people soliciting and asking for money at the Starbucks and in that Plaza in there and at the corner of biscane and 135th happen to know uh several of the guys they're not homeless they actually live in the trailer park in North Miami Beach uh and or other apartment facilities nearby so they give the appearance of being homeless they are poor they are dirty um but in their case they can't be run off because they're homeless and thank you to nmpd I know they have to respond to that shopping plaza a lot Keystone Shopping Plaza on homeless issues uh sometimes they're not homeless they actually have homes and live in the area um they're just poor I agree to piggy back to what you said consum man we have a new category of homeless that we not even aware because they're they're not talking they're not seeing anything they are sleeping in their cars they are sleeping on other people couch they are taking their shower at you know so those are new things that we didn't have in 2020 those are new stuff uh with Co that is coming out so we need as as they coming as we are gathering the data we are trying to see how we can do what we can do to assist if I if I may add one layer to that uh Mr Mayor is that uh the amount of people that we have come in to the Biden quote unquote Biden program also that is U something that we need to watch over because it's creating some problem a lot of them they just D them in here they have no place to go they going soliciting and everything so those are things that we need to uh work and plan in as we working on this so that's the reason why I just want to add it so that at least we we look at at a border uh Spectrum we are all well mayor I just a question yes go ahead oh me okay um Madame Bazil for the Emergency elderly repairs I know you have $80,000 um allocated for that one was that increase is that enough um do we normally typically use 80,000 fore the emergency Elder repairs It's never enough cons woman uh the this 80,000 can only assist I will say 10 nine people with an average of $9,000 um the only thing that you can do here is to get some uh from the RAB that's the only area because you have your 20% for program Administration you have your set aside for public services if really we want to really assist the elderly increase the number uh from 9 to whatever you guys desire the only area the only place you can go and get some more funding will be in the housing Rehabilitation I don't know D if you can put the screen let me ask you this Ahad and my last question was does does our allocation trigger for the aack to meet do one know it's cdbg and home the ship is separate okay the on the on the same line of question I I know that part of the allocations um many many years ago um Marie and I we had went to to DC to HUD um and I guess the following year I think this was the last year before the Obama Administration went um it it kind of made an impact so we may need to do something similar um hopefully but with the the the emergency fund that you have is it possible you could include or set up a fund for H um fire hous it or that type of emergency that we had okay it's not eligible under H so why how can we or how can we set up something similar to that you know where I'm coming from with that so that's going to be in the upcoming budget if you want give instruction to get something from the general fund and Lord knows okay all right so okay thank you thank you that is something that we have to seriously look at there's a um especially with a a couple of the seniors um couple years ago we had this issue you know a resident and we had them you know they a fire hazard and you would assume everyone you know hey it's a fire we feel bad for them and we say you know hey call your insurance well a lot of these older people in our community they paid off their homes and they cannot afford insurance and and so a couple of times we had to the city had to end up coming in and in in in really doing some work people don't know the work that we do here but we we we had to do some stuff and and that those money would never never I know people like to talk about yeah they party they do all this but they never and they don't know the the amount of work in fact we have a case right now we don't even know where the money is coming from and this is their only home this is the only home these folks had and I think when you went and did the assessment I was hoping I was praying that Albert would come back and say maybe this was a $10,000 repair I think I think it's probably everything is damaged uh even the structure oh jeez Jesus so we just praying and we don't know and so you know we we just have to be mindful of that okay thank you so much um I think it's been moved I have a motion made by I think it's I think I opened and I closed it right yes I have a motion made by mayor Des to approve the item at tab G the motion was seconded by councilman Gavin all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5 Z vote Thank You tab h a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida selecting Forerunner Industries Inc as the vendor to provide a flood plane management software platform waving competitive bidding in accordance with section 7-1 120 capital B of the north Miami code of ordinances further authorizing the inm city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement between the city of North Miami and the selected vendor in an amount not to exceed $175,900 for a 5-year term providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab H thank you so much um Mr Str you have a presentation for us well just briefly uh good evening Mr mayor council members Alberto EST purchasing director uh so the purpose of the item before you is to request your Authority uh to enter into an agreement with the firm Forerunner Industries Incorporated uh they will provide the city with a flood plane management software platform um the purpose of this flop plane management software platform is to comply with the guidelines and requirements that are established by the national flood insurance program and also to participate in the community rating system which the city of North Miami participates and such a program would benefit greatly the city would benefit greatly from having flood insurance premium rates discounted to Residents and also to businesses uh throughout our community uh that's essentially what's before you it's a five-year license term with this company with Forerunner um this contract is being recommended by the development services department uh Miss Debbie Love is Here in support of this item and also we have a representative from Forerunner Miss sopia clavel who is sitting in the audience in the event that you have any questions so that's staff's recommendation before you thank you so much sir um the item is open for discussion to the public see none close sure thank you so much for your presentation this is a bid waiver yes it is and what's the reason for the bid well uh perhaps I'll I'll let U Miss de love speak to that uh it's a recommendation from their department and I believe the recommendation has to do with uh these are very sort of specialized Services there are not too many firms that uh actually participate and are able to provide this and in fact Forerunner is also um partnering with the state of Florida's Department of Emergency Management Services and they provide similar Services state but I'll allow Miss debie love to maybe expand on them sure thank you good evening mayor and Council for the record Dei love development service Services we explored various software tools because there's only three on the market that essentially the first two doesn't do what we really need to do it provides a tool for mapping the flood plane to go to see what your flood zone is what we needed is a tool that's more expansive tool and this is the only company that does this it's a I don't know how many of you recall all of the damage that happened in Lee County during the last hurricane um part of the problem that came out they could not no longer um participate in the nfip program because they failed in maintaining their proper um protocols they didn't keep the tracking um done which is really a critical piece of this so This tool we explored all the the three tools that are available this is the only tool that does what we actually needed to do just wanted to understand that thank you mayor I had a couple of questions as well with this one go ahead Vice go ahead Comm um since it's flood pay management is this one for the public or for staff um Miss love you mentioned um they can see what flood zone that they're in that's a part of it but it's primarily for staff usage so that we can make sure that things are track we use it to tr substantial improvements we provide information to the public from this tool um so we do have a uh an oper we do have a dashboard but this is usually used just the way that we're buying it is for staff to be able to utilize it to make sure we stay in compliance okay yeah just especially with the flood event that we just had this past couple of days yes ma'am want to make sure that we do share that information as we're doing our flood paint Outreach for our CRS rating system in the city yes ma'am and thank you for asking that question question it's really important we do have that link to um the FEMA um mapping system where you can go directly there as a member of the public and view your flood zone as well and we do have staff that are available to answer any of those type of questions as well what's our rating system right now I'm sorry I believe we are at a six and we are definitely trying to get down lower the lower you go we get a 20% discount currently so we're striving to reduce that even further by doing different activities um throughout the year including things like this piece of software so okay thank you may I miss so I just wanted so this will buy the software lower what is what are the next step to lower the rating it's a lot of different activities we track um all these the and we are coming up with new activities that are allowed under this uh so the more activities we undertake uh documentation this particular tool is really really important for substantial Improvement tracking that is where Lee County failed and many of the communities are buying this software because of that that's a critical piece that's a that's actually points for the CRS program uh so that's one purpose for that but primarily it really is we do everything manually and we need to automate and make it more efficient and quicker to get these determinations that answer everybody's questions I I believe so councilwoman you good yes I'm good thank you Vice May I'm I'm fine move forward second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item of tab H the motion was seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin all in favor any opposed the item passes with a - vote on page 307 tab I a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the interim city manager to issue purchase orders to Allied Universal Corporation for a one-year term in the aggregate amount not to exceed $16,500 for the purchase and delivery of liquid sodium hypochloride for the Winson Water Treatment Plant utilizing Peace River Minnesota Regional water supply Authority's contract providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab I thank you so much um tab I before we open it to the public Jeff any discussion no okay public hearing is open on the item public hear is closed on the item are you here for that item sir I apologize no problem I am late and no problem sir talking about water and so and I I want to talk about so I was Wai for is a forum yes it's at the end it's a long meeting yes sir this item defin have to do with the sewer okay you can talk about it you have two minutes yes sir two minutes okay go ahead this has to do with the water I know Water and Sewer uh castus mcnight president for mcnight auto repair Corp dealer and auto repair facility I'm also I believe a essential worker authorized by the president of the United States of America uh to secure and stabilize US economy um and the last flash PL that came through I was on North Miami Avenue a customer who called me with breakdown and um my truck was floating you know it's a every duty truck uh it was floating in the water and and this is a nor Miami Avenue um my thing is that uh I would like the city with the water and seore Department to establish uh the flood area of these the the flood zone in this area and um have those citizen put drain field on their property drain on their property uh 6 in 6 in 6 in tied into a 6 in with a peach wrap and tap into the sewer if the sewer cannot maintain that capacity I am requesting that City er er uh drill you know 15 ft in diameter go 5 miles down into the Earth you know you know to create a Olden system um for water and um and uh and and the the the the drain field for the um you know for the that tap into the SW this must only be so not septic you know only so and um uh into the into the into the soore and um and it don't require electricity so if you have a hurricane it it flow for citizen who can afford to buy a sprinkler pump inch and a half Inlet and outlet they can put a float switch on it and pump into the seore you know of course it must be properly filtered you know and I think that will eliminate some of the flash blood okay you know and and that's all I thank you so much thank you so much for appreciate it he came here Jeff to give you some good advice so thank you thank you Mr mcnight we appreciate that on the topic public hearing is closed on the items move for approval second I have a motion made by mayor Des to approve the item at top ey the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I oppos the item passes with a with a 5-0 vote tab j a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing a Second Amendment to the Professional Services agreement between the city of North Miami and Acom Technical Services Inc for additional professional Engineering Services for the completion of on call hydraulic modeling services for the assessment of the impact of plan developments on the existing sewer system in an amount not to exceed 95,9 185 pursuant to request for qualific if ation number 08-17-18 continuing professional architectural and Engineering Services for an effective date and all other purposes tab J Thank You tab J um anything we good okay seems like we're good I mean it's self explanatory you're right it's it's a request to approve an amendment ass contract public hearing is open I know that's it's closed approval second I have a motion made by councilman Galvin to approve the item at tab J the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote Thank You tab l a proposed second reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending the city's 2015 comprehensive plan by adopting the 2022 evaluation and Appraisal review you parenthesis ear based comprehensive plan amendments providing for transmittal repeal conflict separability correction of scribers errors codification and for an effective date tab o good evening again for the record de love development services I just want to say woohoo we are getting ready to do the second reading of our comprehensive woohoo it's very exciting um our consultant here is to give you a little brief um update on the changes that uh came back from the state and the minor changes that uh we're making tonight one good thing is they had absolutely no objections they just had some comments and had us address things from the other agencies and may I introduce as you probably remember Sylvia Vargas with Calvin gardano Miss Vargas it's all yours thank you hey Sylvia if you can real brief yes yes sir it is very awesome we that we like that well thank you for allowing me to be here again for this a momentous occasion um as uh Miss love mentioned there were no objections this time we had about uh you three comments from Florida commer and a few comments from the other agencies here and there but um um we have addressed every single one of them uh there's a text that you probably received together with this item that highlights those changes in the different elements where they have been uh addressed and there's only several elements that are affected not the entire plan but um we uh received a still a comment about clarifying the language with respect to our uh Workforce and affordable housing policies that were already in the plan in the previous version of it uh we had received what was an objection and this time the comment is similar but it's just a comment so uh we did talk to the staff uh at Florida Commerce and uh asked for clarification as to what exactly they were looking for and they give it to us and hopefully this time we we we get it so uh I'm I'm not going to go through this um in detail um unless you have any particular question for me um just to say that um you know we're happy to be here at the end so that we actually can move uh towards our next steps I'm just going to skip over these um if you do uh adopt the plan tonight with these uh changes we will transmit to the state um this uh adopted uh comprehensive plan um and um our next steps are going to be to finalize our sort of designer version of the document which is the one that is going to go on the website uh as well as doing our um Spanish and Haitian Creo translations so that they all are there available for the public to read um and um and then uh we're going to throw ourselves into uh amending your ldrs to make sure that they are consistent with the the new policies that you're adopting so uh thank you and that's it thank you so very much public hearing is open it is on item move approval withdraw my motion I know I have one um for you Mr um Miss love I think that might be for you or for Sylvia um what was one of the comment that came back from Derm I know is it two comments that they sent or was it one yeah let's uh go back I I didn't want to spend too much time but there were um a couple of comments and um they actually were more editorial than anything else there were two policies that we have in um in the infrastructure element uh particularly in the natural groundwater acfa recharge area where they asked us to to um consolidate the two policies into one and they even provided us the language that they wanted so that was a simple change and then the second one was to um add some language into one of our other policies uh specifically to say that we are following the county flood criteria uh which of course you know we have to do anyway it just wasn't explicit enough so that's what we did and they didn't mention nothing about our overlay District or any okay no nothing okay well thank you the last one and I know you miss love you will be um doing a special presentation to us regarding live local act you will dive into that more deeper yes sir that'll be on the July 9th the July meeting thank you so much Miss and I just want to just want to ask with respect to that that that is the one change that we made in this version that was not asked by them we added some language about okay thank you so very much um councilman I I'll second your motion no I put my motion back in order to move approval okay I have a motion made by councilman Galvin to approve the item at tab L the motion was seconded by mayor desl May vice mayor estate Irvin how do you vote Yes councilwoman Timothy how do you vote Yes councilman Galvin how do you vote Yes mayor Des how do you vote yes councilman Charles how do you vote Yes motion carries with a 5 Z vote thank you next item tab o a proposed first reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida adopting amendments to Volume 1 goals objectives and policies of the city of North Miami 2016 comprehensive plan in accordance with the requirements of Section 1 163 3184 parentheses 3 Florida Statutes 2023 in chapter 29 article 3 division 11 section 3-102 parentheses capital A and sections 3- 1105 through 3-110 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances specifically by amending the future land use element at policy 1.2.1 and policy 1.2 one. 3 to establish a height bonus for the bore Zone providing for an adoption hearing and subsequent transmittal of the proposed amendments to the state land planning Agency for a determination of completeness providing for repeal conflict severability and an effective date this item was deferred from the June 11th council meeting the companion item for this is tab B P I'm sorry the companion for this is tab P okay so it's o n p yes sir please be advised that the following item on the agenda is qua judicial in nature if you wish to speak in favor of object to or comment on an item please complete a public speaker card indicating the agenda item number on which you would like to comment you must be sworn before addressing the city council and you may be subject to cross- examination if you refuse to submit to cross- examination the city council will not consider your comments and its final deliberations please also disclose any expart Communications you may have had with any members of the city council City Council Members must do the same this goad second one right go ahead read it and then we'll do the disclosure okay if you plan to speak on the item at tab P please raise your hand stand and raise your hand it's a beast one not as good if you're speaking on the item at tab P do you swear or affirm that the testim that the testimony that you are about to give in today's proceedings are the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth if so say aloud I do thank you also while I read the item please be sure to pick up a public speaker card if you haven't already completed one they're beautifully designed and at the front yeah they're they're they're gorgeous yes take one and uh frame them please on your walls and your offices tap p a proposed first reading quasi judicial ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida providing for text amendments at chapter 29 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances entitled Land Development regulations at Article 4 entitled zoning designation specifically at section 4-23 implementing a height bonus in the bz district for a total height of up to 238 ft 10 in through the conditional use permit process in accordance with Section 166.010 3 parentheses C Florida Statutes 2023 in sections 3-102 3-1 004 3-15 through 3-17 and section 3302 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances further authorizing the inrm city manager to do all things necessary to effectuate the zoning map Amendment providing for repeal conflict severability codification and for an effective date this item was deferred from the June 11th council meeting well no actually I just I just wanted to point out mayor um as you recall these items they were open for um public hearing at the last meeting you all were deliberating and then you tabled it and we said at the last meeting um that it would not be uh open to public ComEd again um I've since heard from the uh attorneys I think they may have a request that they're going to U make to open it up again so if you don't mind allowing them to speak thank you uh City Attorney Patrick Assan of Holland tonight with offices at 7: on Brickle Avenue um mayor members of the council at the last hearing uh we were told to have another community meeting uh to engage with the community and tell them about the height that we were seeking in order to engage and see what the perspectives were uh we are happy to say that we had a very productive community meeting um uh recently and that at that community meeting we had several additional folks who um wanted to come out um in support of this item and talk about the support of the uh additional height that we're seeking we think it would be helpful to the council in your deliberations to to hear from some of these members who uh live within the neighborhood who are supportive of the item um because it's directly addressing the council's request that we have another community meeting so if it if the council is willing to indulge us just for just for only folks who did not speak the last time um to come up and speak uh uh we think it would be great for the council to hear it okay I mean I'm okay with that ADV I know I'm okay with that okay thank you they they they they they raised their hand they stunned up right those folks oh okay good very good Mr Mayor mayor I like to disclose that's what I was gonna do um but you go first go ahead um I have met with um Pedro gassant um and I I did meet with um I think was it ww I believe um and I know that they had a community meeting last night um thank you R by Lane for hosting that community meeting and ensuring that the residents voices were heard in District Two thank you okay and I spoke I think today I met with um W4 and and Mr anner and and I think Alexandria I think was in the meeting um vice mayor right I had exper communication with Pedro goon um councilman nothing okay all righty then and Gavin is not here um we good miss love um good brief I guess you could do a brief over over you and then we'll open it up for the comments once again for the record Debbie Love development services um both of these items are companion items they consist of a comprehensive plan text Amendment as well as a Land Development text Amendment um it is really affecting three Parcels of land as you maybe recall uh that uh currently it's designed as a 115 ft maximum height uh this doesn't change the underlying 115 ft uh because that's as a right but if the proposal is to allow through a conditional use permit the ability to go to a maximum of the 200 uh plus feet there so we did continue it um and as you can see uh as I said it's 15 as a right we would be looking at modifying both the comprehensive plan uh and part of this is the requirement that as the as a condition of the conditional use permit to even be able to come forward there certain criteria that that it that conditional use permit must include uh including access to biscane Bay or a um some sort of contribution to the local park to enhance access to the view the bay and a community benefits package and I'm sure Mr gassant um has spoke eloquently before uh in last meeting and he'd be more than happy to touch on any other uh of their proposal so we're waiting for you if you decide to pass this tonight it would come back for second reading and then after that it becomes effective 31 days um after adoption that by Florida statute again it's the text amendment to our ldrs uh we have to do the same thing we have to create the language in the ldrs to allow this to occur through a conditional use permit um so Planning Commission recommended approval 70 for both of these items and uh it actually goes into effect the same time the comp plan would that's as quick as an overview as I can give you without um taking too much time okay thank you um I think you have mentioned there's some folks that wanted to speak we have a mic um please let's go at it first what people are oh I am not allowed to speak let me ask the c m you are I'm saying I am allowed to speak yeah yeah yeah yeah only the people that are already that I think the request from them is the people who did not speak the last time I submitted a card so I just confirm I am not being allowed to speak today you speak the last time I did speak the last time so I'm not allowed to speak even though I submitted a card thank you got it anyone else Pedro anyone else go once come on have you spoke um Rabbi come on up we going we going going going my name is Jory Lang I live at 2290 Northeast 121st Street directly directly in front of this proposed project so as I said last night at the meeting at the synagogue from a purely selfish perspective this affects me completely in every way and my synagogue is right down the block and it affects us completely I have been looking at the different aspects of this project and again from a personal perspective one of the proposals for this presents a building that looks like a wall that's a horrible thing again selfishly to look at I don't want to wake up leave my house and look at a wall it looks like a prison there is a project that I saw that represents Two Towers the flat straight wall one makes me feel claustrophobic the one with the towers allows the Sun and everything to come in it's two towers it looks very pretty but there's an opening which allows us to look still into the water to look forward not to feel like we're looking at a wall I don't want to do that also from a financial perspective in doing as much research from a very novice perspective the monies that would come in from the taxes I think will be very beneficial I think it could also be Ben beneficial to the synagogue the fact that they're trying to build this building you know there are a number of different religious groups in this community there are only two Jewish institutions and the reality is the community from a Jewish perspective is not as strong as it was the hope again to be extremely redundant from a selfish perspective I'm hoping that if this building is able to go up which can only go my wife wife should get one of those I you well thank you very much thank you goodbye the best part was coming thank you Rabbi um anyone else um in trouble tonight yes yes you please sign up a card Rabbi you have to sign a card you didn't I did you did I don't see it I it's not up here but um and Mara wrote it Marsha Mara didn't give it oh my God and anyone with money by the way um any of the directors that's why Mara's in the back she is your Bulldog for money I mean and she will get it I mean she probably don't that but she [Music] will oh good okay so let me let me just so that I don't hey is this the other how you doing this wait a minute you're not even here too are you here go ahead go ahead hi my name is uh ab lipshitz and I live on 11855 Northeast 19th Drive and the Sho um the synagogue I have is on biscan and 126 so um I I want to share just I'm not uh I'm not politically savvy so I'm going to just talk from my heart we know I uh I I'm going to take that as a compliment there my dear friend it's a compliment so I'm going to share from what I think is the bigger perspective change is uncomfortable but without change we don't get to grow and we've got to get Beyond just our personal looking out the backyard and having a view of Peter Pan coming from Neverland we've got to have a bigger understanding of that this community is standing right now at a real Crossroads of going from a semi Mom and Pop Shop to a real real fundamental city in the United States of America and for that to happen things have to change the way we look at things have to change what we see has to change and I really I've sat with both Mr Wallace I've sat with other people and I think that this is exactly what we're looking for in changing the dynamics of the city the financials of the city and how people stop worrying about just themselves and their views and a bigger message to the entire city I also believe like Rabbi Lang said that from the Dynamics of the two Jewish organizations I've already have people who have come here from Monroe from Montreal because they feel that there's an opportunity for the city to grow in its paradigm and they're looking to get involved they're looking to bring their money here they're looking to bring family here friends here and build a community is that me being over yeah okay wow that is a very difficult sound for a rabbi but I will thank you Rabbi um now we're gonna have Vanessa Vanessa D I don't want to mess up the last name so bad I think yeah Vanessa D um did Vanessa Vanessa I think you were here the last time right is Vanessa here okay Vanessa is not here okay and then next is Maxa forest maxo forest going once going twice maxo G I know is maxo maxo Forest ma maxo Forest this is Vanessa DM Max of forest is the is the last one okay the next one is Dr oie um P oh okay she's coming hey how you doing you spoke doctor the last time no okay go ahead I'm sorry I'm just gonna ask any everybody if you did speak the last time just don't you know go ahead I'm sorry doc yes go ahead one second we're going to restart the time for you fail to restart the time please okay there we go there we go I I support uh the maximum height I support your name and address for the record 12,000 North Bay Shore Drive Apartment 110 I support uh the maximum maximum height I support increasing and uh improving our neighborhood thank you thank you so much ma'am okay Andreas you can you already spoke Judith stranger sorry if I pronounce it wrong hi I'm Judy Stringer I live in my Orca Towers my mother bought there in 1970 so I call it home even though I left and now I'm back and I believe that a lot of the people in mayorca are concerned about blocking our view and even if you approve the lower height it's still going to block The View by allowing the maximum height and being able to put affluent Neighbors in there who will contribute to to our amenities in the whole neighborhood which has to be done otherwise they're not going to spend $3 million for an apartment unless they know that the neighborhood is appropriate for their lifestyle so I would hope that uh in negotiations if the height variance is allowed for The Two Towers which makes it beautiful that there could be something worked out between the developer and the city that whatever money goes into the city would would be used in our neighborhood to create sidewalks improve our park and uh of course the flooding situation uh I don't believe that the affluent people that would buy these excuse me these units would be full-time with children two car families and create a much bigger traffic problem which we already have all over the city um I think that the higher uh building will allow these people that we want in our community who will want the amenities that we want I have more time but I do agree with Rabbi Lang he could give it to one of the rabbis that no but I agree with my neighbors that are looking at it as progress to enhance our neighborhood because if we just get a concrete structure there that's not going to give us the amenities we want for the sidewalks in the park and even security then I I think we should get the height that we need thank you so much Gloria l Gloria good evening my name is Gloria loreny and I live at mayorca tow 11 1930 North Pure Drive well um as a happy resident in the area I want progress I want something to look nice in the neighborhood I want uh I don't want that wall that was presented with the lower and if uh that's the case then the the the high is accepted I also wanted to know what are they offering to our neighborhood how how are they contribute to our neighborhood instead of having our neighborhood looking uh with or Liv in our neighborhood with lots of issues and how is the city going to compromise to our community who's going to be enforcing and how is the how is are those funds that are going to be be uh given or provide going to be used in favor our uh Community I as a part of my uh of this uh beautiful neighborhood I just wanted to continue living in the area and I want an area that is growing by growing with uh Beauty instead of decreasing and make our properties decrease in value I also don't want that wall that is being presented I want a building and a a very reputable uh developer that is is not going to present us uh with more density and more issues than we have and if that's the case uh is the city going to be able to oversee uh the way that they're going to uh uh in other words is the city going to overseas uh whatever they going to do and promise to our neighborhood is going to be fulfilled and uh we just want Improvement we don't want any uh more uh issues in the neighborhood we don't want those uh vacant lads being there forever we don't want more problems H that we are facing right now at the park that Park is a beautiful area even though it's beautiful we have no choice we have no choice but not to go because uh is always full of homeless and people doing drugs so is that part going to be improved is that going to be a part of a uh the city the on neighborhood yes awesome thank you thank you so much Deborah Davies I think you spoke the last time right yes you did okay I think you did because I know you don't play you you on top of it I believe that you did but she did or can we you think can can we can we allow her the opportunity to speak so that take one well you have two so you could compromise with us and take one if I could one second that would be unfair because there's a gentleman that that she did speak and there is a gentleman that spoke last time so if we allow her we need to allow him so that would be do you remember I spoke yes I don't remember you do yes okay oh okay then then we if we let her speak which I don't have a problem then you will have to speak also okay that's fine you can speak it's up to you Miss Miss Davey yeah it's up to you I don't huh to us Mr Mayor I withdraw my request that Miss Davies approach the microphone I was under the impression that perhaps you did not speak if you didn't remember I don't remember but if there is any chance that while this discussion is ongoing if anybody can go back and look at the tape and verify a yes or a no I I'm willing to open that back up but I I get it we're not trying to have everybody get I'm not trying to like right we got it we understand anyway and I I know Mr Patel I know you spoke yeah okay and Lisa I don't think Le Lisa um Lisa e I don't think Lisa spoke I don't think I've seen and I think this is the last one Lisa is the last person on the I anyone else submitted any cards that's it go ahead ma'am hi I'm planning on doing this um let me just say that I moved to North Miami a couple years ago and I lived across the street from the surf address yes sorry no your name and address oh Lisa Iker I live on my Orca Towers 11930 North Bayshore Drive okay so we lived in Surfside I saw the Towers go down it was right across the street from me I moved to North Miami because I like thought it was quiet and I'm not opposed to anything not being built I think that it would be nice to have change but I think restrictions is important I mean we're talking about homeless people and then we're building unaffordable condos this is North Miami you know like my kids were born and raised here they can't afford to live here so why do we keep building more and more expensive things and we don't have homes for people who live here that's what I'm what I was thinking and I don't think they should go any higher than what the rules are I like I mean the flooding is terrible it's a big issue traffic will be bad and these people are going to be coming from homes and they have a home in South America a home in Europe a home in Miami that's not our community these are like you know people who are coming for vacation we have this other Home across the way they have this huge yacht they do these parties they're like from a a Mexican tequila company or something like they don't respect our land and they don't respect our community so that's just what I wanted to say thank you thank you so much Miss um Miss Lisa E I like the Lisa e um so mayor yes a couple of things uh so first I want to say that we have uh Deborah Davy Deborah Davy's listed as having submitted a public speaker card for the last meeting but no confirmation that she actually spoke at the last meeting so that's being checked MH and then um the other thing is that I think you all should have received several emails in opposition with opposition to this and some that we also in favor of so excuse me yes we received them so that'll be also reflected in the record and we have printed copies in case you want them any member of the the council wants them thank you so very much Madame clerk um I thought that was councilwoman Timothy that was saying it was you um I believe Mr Gant do you have any Roberto anything you want to I'll be very very brief uh I spoke about this the last time the the only the only item that I think is important with respect to what was brought up new is that the potential development this text Amendment provides the opportunity for a project to come back that's all it does and what it will do is give an opportunity to bring back the best project that provides for the most tax able revenues and the most Community benefits what is being Tethered to the language that has been offered and that staff has reviewed and has diligently uh reviewed as I might add is that it's going to ensure that there are certain criteria that has to be met even before the item comes back before this Council given the fact that we've had this meeting with the community we would be respectfully asking this Council to allow us to go to the state we believe that the community meeting demonstrated last night that there was uh overwhelming support for the maximum height because of issues relating to uh flooding that exists in the area by having a taller building more square footage there's the opportunity to have more luxurious units that can help to accommodate and pay for some of the existing issues that exist within the city so we think that it's a positive opportunity but again it's just an opportunity as part of this process tonight it's simply seeking the ability of uh to come back before you with the best possible project that can address some of these concerns we again uh appreciate your time in your Indulgence and are looking forward to uh the deliberations and any questions or comments that you may have thank you so much thank you so much Mr Gant just turned it off thank you so much um Mr Gant we'll start with the um District commissioner um and then we'll take it off from there councilwoman have the floor thank you mayor um and thank you to everyone who spoke um and I did attend the the community meeting last night virtually someone mentioned Surfside and I believe yesterday made it three years since the Surfside situation happened and I was watching the news this week and I saw in Aventura um another condo was being assessed each Resident $220,000 was the assessment for each condo unit owner because of what happened in Sur side and law that changed that required them to fill their reserves and all that stuff so I'm so I'm extremely sensitive to the residents at Mariners Bay who are being assessed you know this issue I met with Laura met with their attorney met with some of the residents Adam and you know like my heart hurts for them um but it I'm kind of at a crossroad because yes as much as we want to assist what as much as I would want to help out Marin's Bay I'm also sensitive to the residents in that immediate area as well who um who are not in favor of the 238 ft um I don't think anyone would want 238 ft in front of their single family home um and you know there's some who does one and there's some who doesn't um mayor I know you met you profer the 169 with major Tower I thought that was very fair um but I also understand from the developers point of view that they're putting forth a more Community benefit package a more extensive Community benefit package that will assist with flooding and speed bumps and you know what the community would like to see um so it's kind of one of those things where you know I'm at AC Cross Road right because this is in my district um it affects the residents the ones who live there and the ones in the surrounding area and I do realize this is water firm property water firm property in Miami day county is going for Millions right so we're probably one of the last City with you know affordable um land that's left to develop throughout Miami day County you know North Miami Beach is going on adventur is going up City Miami is all the way up um and we're you know we're toying with the idea so I will leave it to the council to deliberate I know this is one that requires a super majority vote um but at this juncture I am I'm still assessing because it's definitely something that I'm extremely sensitive no no not at not not at this juncture the transmitt was only a majority vote majority and then only at the adoption at this time what is that Thunder that was th that mean we got to go right that's oh whoa that is God [Laughter] voting God he loves it he loves it okay thank you so much um council member we just do have to um speed it up um honestly you know I I met with the developers um today um I think I'm at a crossroad as well um same as you um council member I was hoping that I would get something because I think it's the the harder part about this I I think people um when we are up here the decision makers there's two side to it and someone like me who believe in in in you know doing the the the you know listening to the residents and but also fair in terms of um doing things that's responsible for the developer I people know I I have absolutely no no issue with development as long as it's a smart development but at the end of the day I'm always going to be with the residents that's just how I am and that's how I govern um I it I felt and and I'm going be straight up and honest it took me a lot to and I had no business and I'm G say it out there to even get into this fight at the initial be beginning to even get the community to get where we got and I feel I felt like the the the developer did don't even appreciate that part like the residents even making that um concession that that it it feels like okay it's it's 169 or we should be at 2:30 whatever that day it's you you have to understand this is hard these folks some of them they and and and I do understand it's a bedroom community they've been here since 1950 they did some of them we went to a similar issue just couple of blocks down the and in in Mr Gan and I'm going say this you were up here you were with this and the same Council people the same Community we know it's hard it's not easy I personally and I've said it it could be 500 feet I would love to see it and I think all of us as policy makers but we are torn because you got your community one segment and the segment who comes out and say it's usually not the segment that we represent up here and a lot of us who sit here represent are not the people who come here and speak I'm I'm I'm just going to say that and I'm glad that the Madame clerk mentioned it because there are people who who emailed us and say hey you know what I'm I'm in support or I'm not in support you know but I I do feel like they have made a big move to move from where they were to 169 now what I said if anything else could go beyond that I'm I don't have any issues with it if you if you guys went out there the community said they're okay with with moving up to I honestly after we I had a meeting with them earlier today I did check with some other folks with the 238 they told me no that was not what was on the on the plan in terms of the community could could that was a much lower number so I said okay then there there's some issues there because you know I'm someone um you know you come in it's black and white with me and you know it's you know there was one number that I I was hearing I was not you know supporting anything I didn't I was going to support anything but once I started hearing from residents and talking to them that even we need to know something if we're going to go out there present it to the folks my commitment to them is what was that 169 that's where I am tonight that's where if anything else needs to change beyond that I have not had any other communication with the residents except they've been emailing been back and forth that is that if the council wants to go any higher they want to entertain the 230 I don't have any any any any issue with it and I'm being as honest as I could be but it is hard and I do understand the commissioner issue because we do have some people who does not you know does not support it and we have our brothers and sisters who we need to help out and we do know it's hard for us to try to get to get them out so I think if we could get a number that could work for everyone but you know that could work for the developer um we could you know how we we work things out with the community but I don't know if we if we any closer thank you thank you Mr Mayor a question for staff so I don't know if this would go through the manager or this love um if we approve if we approve this text Amendment tonight or I get well if we turn it down it's done if we approve the text Amendment this evening is this the last time we talk about this project okay again once again for the record debie love development services you're not talking about a specific project you're talking about an change to the comprehensive plan that's right and the ldrs to allow you allow me to rephrase my question counselor there is we all know that the the Guerilla is the Continuum project on North Bayshore if we approve this text Amendment this evening will there ever a bite at the Apple for this city council to talk about the project continum as I as I started to say it's a making a a change to the code to require a conditional use permit so they have to come back for before you with a conditional use permit application with the project that's one hearing they have to they have to go to Planning Commission have to go to City Council to see you then they come back to you with with a site plan approval so they're going to have three more public hearings after and are all those public hearings one reading or would they theoretically be multiple readings no it's one time okay Planning Commission once you once for the conditional use permit the when when let's say we're to pass this evening when would it come back before this city council which part sir the first part the second second reading I'm I'm okay I'm I'm looking at all of this stuff that I do between now and November through a very unique lens I leave office on that second Tuesday of November will we hear from the developer again before then for second reading it will go to the state we have to submit it to the state 10 days if you pass it tonight we have to T send it to the state within 10 days they have approximately 30 days to make any comments then comes back to us assuming they have no comments on it we do second reading it goes back to them and then the cup we're talking what we're talking about tonight is not the Continuum as you just stated we're talking about the text Amendment so text Amendment first reading tonight second reading at some point right I'm talking about the Continuum when do we hear from them that's up to them to submit the conditional use permit application I cannot give you a time frame because that is not up to us it is up to the development team to produce the application and all the plans and all the studies that have to be done and then it would come before Planning Commission on you so theoretically let's say they wanted and I'm about to ask I'm I'm soft balling I'm telegraphing the question I'm about to ask the developer but theoretically they could bring it back to us as soon as July August well no it needs 30 days so August theoretically they could bring this back to us in August September technically they could bring you a conditional use permit at your second reading so you would if you approve second reading on the text amendments if we approve first reading well tonight if you approve first reading tonight when it come back in September something like that we anticipate coming back from the state what would happen then is they could theoretically at second reading submit their cup application at the same time so you're saying the state's not even going to give it back to us till September no it coming back before you because of your availability so we're estimating we meet in August so we probably will not I can't guarantee that we would have the comments or anything back from the state so the likelihood is the state hands it back back sometime leading into September correct sir that's anticipate the earliest that they could bring it back to us would be September probably your f i I am going to give you the estimate conservatively of your first meeting potentially your first meeting in September okay Mr Mayor if I might be allowed to ask Mr gassant Mr gassant I do you have the intent to bring this back to us in September October so it's It's Our intention to bring this back as soon as possible as Debbie had noted there's a 10-day period I'm a bit more optimistic than Debbie so there's a 10-day period from the date that this is heard for it to be sent to the state the state has the state reviewing agencies have 30 days to review it assuming that this is before them in July theoretically it could come back in August if there's a late meeting in August before this Council it is Our intention to move uh as fast as we can on this given the situation with Mariners we're in Partnership we're trying to to move this forward as as soon as possible so it would be our intent for the second reading of this to come back as soon as possible on item yeah the the go ahead um I mean I I can weigh in with I'll weigh in with my opinion right now this is a flawed project you've got issues with neighbors you've got issues with the street and the W widening you've got issues with potential flooding that said because I'm on my way out the door I'm willing to give the lead leash to go forward tonight we have an election happening in the city I'm now talking to candidates who are in the room um and I actually only see one this should be an object of heavy discussion in this community there should be neighborhood homeowner groups calling candidates together and asking where they stand on these oc2 now um there should be people calling candidates and asking where they St and on this issue this is bigger than my little bit of time I have left in office there are things that must be addressed in this project I'm willing to allow the time since it's going to come back one two or three more times and maybe I have another bite at this apple um I think it's a flawed project but I think it has a ton of potential not just from the revenue that could come off of it um I think the park amenities North Bay Shore Park um there's a there's an opportunity to negotiate an absolutely revamped North Bayshore Park knock out all that parking that's there at the uh west side of of the of the park knock it all out expand the actual footprint of the park take that Boardwalk that's out there and expand it further I think there's some discussions to be had here um so my vote tonight in favor would only be so that those discussions could continue to be had I may or may not be still sitting in this seat when it comes back sounds like tonight I might be but if the ca the chance is I'm not again the community needs to have some serious discussion with candidates who are running I know there's one person who will not be on this city council five months from now it's me so there needs to be a serious discussion about what this city wants to do with develop M because too often we're having this same discussion over and over with each project I mean you could erase the word Continuum and put in uh the White House in whatever that name was I've already forgotten um but we're having the same discussion over and over the community needs to decide what it wants to do what it wants to see in the city and it needs to elect people who are going to do what they want them to do um so despite the concerns that I have I do see good potential here I'm willing to vote in favor of moving it Forward tonight thank you councilman well with that being hold on yeah with that being said and I think council member mentioned um something the only the biggest issue that I have tonight is not necessarily based on on on the project but it's what the project is asking and I think that's what we talked about last time this is asking us to change our comp plan in our ldr um in the midst of all that and I know people like to say well if another developer comes in and want to build something that's 210 story you just have to vote it down I'm like well no why would we put it open it for you and then we vot it down for them so I think as policy makers we we we have to be that's what the smart um thing comes in um in terms of development and I and I think that's where the councilwoman is tonight I don't know and and I'm and I'm still not comfortable with doing giving 238 stories there's no evidence um from any of the community folks that I talk to that support that height of 230 fet um you know story in terms of of of that so that that's always been my my issue I I do think councilman Gavin is right but I think once we bypass all that if we were to go down the the the route and and get to a point where we eventually did with the with with the other projects that we've done in the past where we got a an opportunity to negotiate where we get to community you know package and benefit I think there there's absolutely opportunities and and I mentioned that to to the folks that I met at Maya Tower I said listen you guys going to have to give some you know some things you cannot these developers they didn't make money and I I do know that we want some stuff some infrastructure stuff if we want them to pay if we want um the stuff that we talking about the the the North Bay show um in fact I was talking about maybe doing a boardwalk a public Boardwalk so all of these things but yet we cannot even talk about that until we even get to to you know to to the actual project and I think tonight although we we like to say we we don't want to really focus on it but the the the the meat of the thing here and I think vice mayor last time mentioned it is height is what number is because at the end of the day we still here talking about the number obviously the 169 that I proposed that I think the the council member of The District in the majority of the email that I that we got people were constituents were citing the compromise that we had had from the last meeting so it's a little bit hard for for us to kind of say okay we had that but we didn't have any question with you although we said there was a meeting that was help people say they okay with that that was good again I do not mind if it's 300 sorry but we need to make sure that at least a good majority of the folks are okay with 300 story which we just we do not have vice mayor and I think councilman unless you want to go first or vice mayor oh thank you um thank you mayor and um so just uh a brief recap what we're doing tonight we are not approving a project so we basically setting the turnone let's say if tomorrow we dream to be like aventur because I'm looking at aventur they go High by the Sea nor Miami Beach they do the same thing city of Miami they do the same thing and then we decide that we want to do the same thing these will allow us to do just that am I right uh Mr Gasson so this would certainly allow the council to review projects that seek to have a height of 238 ft if they meet certain requirements so yes if we have if it has a community benefit package if it meets what uh the council would like to see absolutely thank you and um and also I'll just go in the word of uh uh one of our Rabbi he said that and I quote changes are uncomfortable and without change we cannot go and I do believe this is exactly where we at and going back to uh what um councilman gvin just said the project your project coming up after this has a lot of potential and help us to change the area make it nicer to the resident and to everybody in the city of North Miami this is basically the way to move forward um I do believe this is my uh personal opinion as a councilman and it is not in my district I do respect that uh there are places that are in the middle of north south east and west we go 180 ft we we can go up 200 ft and this project looking at it part of what we're doing tonight is just facing facing the Bas in it just right there so we have the bigest the biggest neighbor that we have is the and this is the face of the City so see if we can bring something that has a potential to change our city I do believe it is something that we that is worth for us to take a look at it and move on and this is what we have now but later on we can you know adjust and make sure that everything is fall in life but for now I do believe we should be willing to uh um I let me speak for myself let me take that we out I am willing to support what we what we have in here and then go on so that we have the choice we can move on and then make it happen and this is where I'm at um I am willing to um you are you are okay with um I am Ming the compl the the heights yes okay that's fine um vice mayor thank you so much Mr Mayor I have a question for Mr attorney if we vote this um ordinance as is it comes back to the state um can we can we at second reading alter make any changes um let me be more specific let's just say we vote this as is and second reading we want to change the height is there anything else that we'd have to do just um to either increase or decrease B based on all the discussion about how the height is the most important part of this um uh this ordinance what I I believe my opinion would be is that that would be a substantial change that would require us to have another first reading you'd have to start all over again if you changed it on second reading so and I'm not in the business of disagreeing with your City attorney I I agree with your City attorney a great deal um and I think your City attorney is amazing I think your City attorney uh is extremely competent but the only reason the only reason I'm going to disagree with the city attorney in this specific instance is because we we've had the same scenario in M day County where we've had so long as it's within the envelope of what we're doing and it's or it's less you can go back but if you're seeking more then you can't do that because the substantial change would not allow you to go back to the state agencies because they're saying look we looked at 238 you can't come back with 239 or 240 um but you can come back with 220 217 you can come back with something else so I I I say this with a a lot of pain in the sense that I'm not in the habit of disagreeing with with Jeff I actually don't disagree what what but the number in my head was the 168 that you've been talking about 169 I mean so no that's why I ask my yeah if you it's a whole different thing no what why no but I that's my question was as written let me I guess let me make sure that that's why I said yes if it is as is because it's not down yet the numbers are being talked about but what is being printed is 238 that's why my question was if it you know if it's submitted as is on second reading could we to the state right or pass tonight and go to the state and come back could we at second reading decrease it let me be more specific you could but again I I think the the answer of whether or not's a substantial change or not depends on what what you're changing exactly and again when I answered the question the only numbers I've been hearing all night is 168 and 238 so that's a that's a huge change um yeah I think those are the two I I think those are the two Vision where we are for I think for the city is so for clarity for clarity Mr attorney you would agree that if let me give an an example that if it is pass as written and on second reading it went down to 200 that that would not be a substantial change that that would make a difference but then again and I I I've stayed out of this but here's the thing what Mr kassan is saying is correct even if you approv 238 whatever the number is 250 tonight it doesn't mean that that's what the project will be so it doesn't even make any difference what you approve it to now or if you change it then at at the end of the day it's the project so all he's doing is creating a framework so that for the project so that if he comes back with a project and it's 238 but you all feel you want to make it 230 or 168 at that point you can do it at that point right I understand but the the the the discussion from the community and the Das with what you're saying is still about the number so that's why I'm asking those specific questions but no I I get it I just I just don't want to create the idea that what we're approving tonight approves a project of 238 that's not what's happening because the the the framework that they are putting forth is they are setting the developer has put in an application to our city which is a process that legally they they could do where they are amending our complaint which is the I guess you you could say the the the real thing of of our city um and I think most of the residents in Keystone and S suusi that's those are the the the things that they are upset about is the comp plan and and what we do to go to comp plan so they have essentially gone and said we want to increase and they tried they they we they well let's leave that alone um in terms of that but they where we are right now there's nowhere in the city except we have um the solar Mia project and then you you have other parts in the in the city that the height they get in terms of that there are some that are um some height that are grandfathered in but in terms of that specific height we don't know what's what's what they're going to what they're going to propose but they are saying within our plan so anyone could come in and and put in a proposal within not necessarily them but that I think that's the that's the question that's the little thing we I have another may I continue also um is it is there consideration to make sure that in whatever plan that comes that in the community community benefit package that a bayw walk um is is considered a a full circle Baywalk that the community can benefit from the the water View and Etc is that is that is that something you're willing to put on record so vice mayor I think we're willing to look at all options as part of the process what I will say is that um as councilman Galvin alluded to just to take a point is that at the park which would allow all community members to attend and if we were able to enhance that there's an existing beautiful um Bridge here but but yes all all options are on the table we have to bring it back before you we are happy to look at all of those options and discuss uh whether those opportunities exist um I think that that's really as we go back through the process because what what we'll be doing as we go through the project is developing a community benefits package having I anticipate at least 10 Community meetings and engaging with the council engaging with the Planning Commission and talking about all the variety of changes and benefits that we would like to do so it's certainly an option that we would be happy to discuss correct but I just want to make sure that um any support that is requested of me that the Community benefits in somehow and that is a strong view um that at least if you're you know if there's height that's being put that they have an opportunity to look at mother nature in a in a in a very decent and beautiful way absolutely V mayor yeah um um make a motion to approve both uh to O and sorry I just have one or two more questions sorry um yeah um for Miss love through the manager I know mentioned tonight if this goes forward will this automatically change the bz will not or this is just to I just want to clarify oh yes also have to ask about the bz also yes sir uh it does not change the height of the bz what it does is it allows a adds a footnote that says if you meet these conditions through a conditional use permit you may be able to qualify for up to 238 it doesn't not say a guarantee 238 in any fashion it's up to 238 at your discretion ultimately through the conditional use permit okay and my second question um thank you Galvin and I know I think um Council Galvin and vice mayor esate Irvin alluded to as well the park um everyone who knows me if a developer is coming I always say meet the community talk to the community create a community benefit package to see if the community want to um to want to engage and one thing that I did hear from residents is ensuring that um that the needs in that area are being addressed I know White House is able to put some side for a North Bayard Park to enhance the park and that is something that I'm sure if this item passes um we they'll make sure to include it to ensure that hey that the residents and their concerns are being heard um the roads the flooding um and you know park access a dog park enhancing the this in part that is at that center it's just one thing that I wanted to make sure that it's conveyed to the developer if this item passes um to ensure that those residents voices are heard thank you so much um thank you thank you councilwoman I think this question not not necessarily for Jeff but for not from his love but for Jeff Mr Kazo would the restricted Covenant on the White House have any impact on this or maybe you love no this has no impact on the pro thank you mayor yes I just wanted to confirm that Deborah Davies did not speak on the item okay at neither the June 11th or May 28th council meeting okay thank you so much for that okay so we do all you an apology and then we'll all right um point of personal privilege allow Miss Davies two minutes she did not speak I would not try to no we got it we got it appreciate it right because you know where I [Laughter] live okay Deborah Davies 1165 Northeast 127th Street um with all due respect I am opposed to raising the permitted height on this development to 238 ft does anyone believe that this will be a one-off situation once you approve this developers will be lining up to build 200t buildings all along the bay in Sans suusi and then in other parts of the city as with other high-rise developments in single family neighborhoods it is complete fiction that they have no adverse impacts as the ldrs require as I think you know I and my neighbors are living through this adverse impacts as we speak in my home on Northeast 127th directly across the street from the gardens residence and we have not even begun to experience the full adverse Inca in impacts of this development which will become clearer once it is open for for business and that is quote unquote only nine stories high while you are looking at tonight is 20 stories I just also want to add that we actually were flooding because of the gardens residence a lot more than we ever have um because these new developments are three and four feet above the um the already existing neighborhood what about flooding which is already a problem on North Bay Shore Drive one for which the infrastructure is already inadequate people moov to North Miami because they don't want to live in Brickle in high-rise buildings that routinely severely flood during storms which we just experienced why not instead think about protecting Sans sui and the rest of North Miami from the impacts of the climate crisis and sea level rise with new infrastructure that protects us all and will make the city livable for future Generations North Miami needs real Progressive urban planning that will include good lowcost housing for all who need it while improving the quality of life for all of us this is our chance to make North Miami a place where people want to come and live instead of a place where developers come to make their fortunes at our expense thank you very much thank you m Dy thank you thank you should iate my motion yes go ahead um just make a moot I made a motion to approve both um items o NP second tab o I have a motion made by uh councilman Charles to approve the item at tab o the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin councilman Charles how do you vote Yes vice mayor EST May irin how do you vote Yes mayor Des how do you vote no councilman Galvin how do you vote Yes councilwoman Timothy how do you vote no the motion carries with a 32 vote tap I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tap the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin councilman galin how do you vote Yes councilwoman Timothy how do you vote no mayor desay how do you vote no vice mayor astim May Iran how do you vote Yes councilman Charles how do you vote Yes the the motion carries with a three2 vote thank you mayor thank you council members tab Q is also quasi judicial in nature so if you wish to speak in favor of object to or comment on this item please complete a public speaker card indicating that you'd like to speak on agenda item Q you must be sworn before addressing the city council and you may be subject to cross- examination if you refuse to submit to cross-examination the city council will not consider your comments in its final deliberation please also disclose any expart Communications you may have had with members of the city council City Council Members must do the same if you plan to speak on the item at tab Q please City attorney is blocking my face I'm so sad for you all that are Mr Mayor sir and so they're beautifully designed cards at the entrance so please grab one and put tab Q on it Madam clerk one second so I just going back to the last item I was out of the room in the restroom I did not disclose I want to disclose now that I had spoken with the uh the proposed Continuum developers and I had spoken with several uh members of the public on the item so I didn't get a chance to say that on the record for the last items that we approved got it thank you so much go Madam if you plan to speak on the item at tap Q please stand up and raise your right hand again just one last time if you plan to speak on the item at tap Q stand up and raise your right hand all right do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you are about to give in today's proceedings is the truth the whole truth or nothing but the truth I do I do thank you tap q a proposed quasi judicial resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida approving the vacation abandonment and sale of a portion of City owned roadway located at Northeast 123rd Terrace between Northeast 17th Avenue and bis Gan Boulevard further authorizing the inim city manager to negotiate the sale of said section of public land and to take all necessary steps to effectuate same providing for an effective date and all other purposes this item was deferred from the June 11 council meeting Mr Mayor would you like the briefly re refresher yes please real brief uh this request as uh stated in the title that the Madame clerk read it's a vacation of a portion of Northeast 123rd Terrace the subject property is a little over 14,000 square feet it's a portion of the the roadway that uh dead ends currently um before you go into bis Gane Boulevard um the adjacent properties around it are owned by the applicant who is uh seeking um to obtain that piece of the roadway that's currently only used for or generally speaking for parking for the gas station and the that the mechanic shop there uh we do we are currently utilizing it as part of another development but that will be worked through um in a Cooperative manner as this project moves forward uh Planning Commission did recommend approval for it yeah now I think I okay I'm sorry um this was the the the last one that we ask to move yeah I yeah I didn't I didn't need a presentation for that one but okay okay sir um again uh as you can see on this picture you'll see the actual section of the 123rd Terrace that uh involves the request it's between 17th and bcan and um they do have an idea of a project that they would want to talk to you a little bit about for the purpose for this but the today's is the abandonment uh we are required um by the uh the code and our Charter to obtain two independent appraisals uh and the while you can't sell it for less than 90% you certainly can request either the full value or some other number that you're going to ask for but no less than 90% they did come in very very similar um it's a 1,77 and 1,700 so it would be a a minimum of 90% of the highest valuation which would be $ 1. 1593 million be 100 let's let's leave out that 90% think hope we don't start asking for 120 and I was even thinking about uh I was even thinking about the 2 million okay sir um there are conditions to any abandon after payment by the applicant before we will convey the property through a city deed and we'll be working with the city attorney's office on that um they also have to provide uh easements that are may or may not be required by the utility companies based upon their application it seems like their FPL needs an easement and the city may need some sort of easement as they're going through the development but we will definitely have that as part of the condition and then they will have to unify all three Parcels of land that they plan to redevelop into a single project and that is 45 days after you all approve it assuming you approve it tonight within 45 days of the adoption that means we have to get the money from them quickly and then get them a city so it's pretty tight timeline to get everything done uh and recorded So as to recap next steps thank you collect the money issue the city deed and then they have to record it within 45 days including a unification of those properties with that that's the end of my presentation the applicant is here uh with a with a a little presentation of their own I it's late yes real brief because we're on a good we're on a good thing here we talking about money so you don't want to make it good evening Chris Collins with Urban Design office is at 696 Northeast 125th Street North Miami I've presented this two times in the past I'm in complete agreement with um staff's recommend and available for any questions or comments you may have love it thank you so much we good councilman May yeah sure um what is what do you intend on doing there the uh the applicant or the property owner owns the property to the north and to the south of the road that we're seeking to vacate the intention is to De to demolish the existing buildings that are there today and come in with a new mixed use development um we haven't initiated design of those plans yet um we need to obtain the road first but the intent is to fall in compliance with the transit overlay District Council councilwoman any any question thank you mayor um I did meet with the applicant um um I think hyam is the the owner of the the the property that I already mentioned and um they talked about a development piece that would come to that corner um I think you know they haven't they haven't shown me the project as of yet but I think using that area for a development would be beneficial to the area and to the city so I'm in support of the item but I will say that there is two appraisals I would rather us go with the higher yes we said that no we said 100% yes 100% we were trying to do 101 but legally we can't yeah and I think councilman you had a question no no no um um just Mo with the first one so um move for public hearing public hearing I thought we did public hearing open public hearing open I thought we did en close it are we are talking public hearing is close on the item second the motion for the full 100% of 1, 770,000 I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tab Q the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin mayor doesn't may how do you vote Yes councilman galin how do you vote Yes vice mayor estimate Irvin how do you vote Yes councilman Timothy how do you vote Yes councilman Charles how do you vote Yes the motion carries with a - Z vote thank you very much thank you sir what else um that concludes the items the whole agenda you're saying q r was move yeah R and S yeah they both moov right so we done John we done I just have quick Council report and I never have a council report go ahead congratulations to the Florida Panthers for for winning the Stanley Cup um I know Dave Bernie is a Super Fan he's literally at like every game um I will be at the parade on Sunday not because I'm like the world's biggest Panthers fan although I am a Panthers fan and a Heat fan a Marlin's fan um and certainly a dolphins fan a longsuffering dolphins fan but it now becomes apparent to me as I get older and that dolphin Championship keeps becoming more and more elusive that I better celebrate these Panthers so I will be there on A1A on Sunday to celebrate um I want to thank the staff of the north Miami public library for a couple of the West Africa celebration events they've helped me do just recently uh we did an event a couple of weeks ago celebrating West African authors so if you want to pick up some books by uh either diaspora authors living in the states or West African authors living abroad you can check them out at our North Miami Public Library you can pick up some of the smaller ones at the little libraries at the six different little Library locations um and then today we did a really fun kids can cook event where they made jolof rice what andite me yeah and it was quite quite tasty um made made with some healthy um healthy ingredients um so the library really helped pull everything together and make it seamless it was the today's Dr off again was for kids so it was for little ones what that mean Scott it wasn't for I know you did that you know we got you we got and um on uh Labor Day weekend September 1 I think it's that Sunday we're going to be having a taste of West Africa event at the Galvin Center where it's going to have different uh restaurants and dishes from different uh Caribbean Nations different West African and other East African nations uh from the United States of course and uh uh commissioner Marlin Bastian has insisted that we have a J Rice competition between the different countries uh so we're working on that but that's on Sunday September the 1st and you can check out information on all of those events on my website Scott gal.com I encourage and welcome the city of North Mii to share it on theirs as well so that's all I've got for a report tonight thank you councilman um councilwoman Timothy hi mayor and Council as you know I am attending virtually now because I have a little one at home that I'm feing right now I thought she would be awake to you know show you all but um District to our office is still open um I will be attending meetings virtually until she's you know ready for the outside world because she is so tiny um but um Chanel is available and I'm available virtually for the next couple of weeks um we will be doing our summer popups um you know summertime is here last year we did popup at the parks the year before we did field trip so my office is is explor what we're exploring right now what we're going to be doing this summer um the north L Public Library the Lucia Gonzalez top lot will be opening soon so we'll be celebrating that at the end of the Su summer um and that is it for me in District 2 awesome thank you so much councilman OB me yes sir oh my God thank you uh mayor and um uh first I would like to invite everybody to the grand opening of our District 4 satellite office is set for Saturday July 133 from um 12 to 4: and um the office will provide resources for our District 4 in North Miami resident to U receive assistant directly as opposed as coming to here and um trying to answer any questions and then um more information will be forthcoming I just want to say congratulation to our new staff commanders and our North Miami Police Department uh you can count on me I'll be present today uh I mean tomorrow uh at the swearing and uh make sure that we have some good food maybe some haian rice I will enjoy it um happy 4th of July to um all our residents and um just want to say um thank you to our um city Administration uh police parks and uh and um Public Works everybody who got involved uh when we uh got tested um that floting basically uh was trying to test our resilience and we did answer uh with force and that give us an opportunity also to better plan for uh whatever is coming ahead God forbid so we um get the work done and um I know we are going to be ready for whatever is coming uh on a side note I just have a big complaint about waste so um to the city Administration um I need some answer this is sad this is not our North Miami wo has done it Time After Time After Time again and now it is more frequent they don't pick up I don't know if it's exactly on the west side on District 4 or everywhere in the city this has become a problem this we need to address it to the highest level and we need answer and that has to stop I am tired of getting yelling at a yesterday Resident was very very upset and she was right because again this is a service that we are providing to our resident and the service is not free so they need to get their act together and I'm asking please to have a meeting with them and know exactly because I am tired of hearing that excuse we have a Chu down we have two chugs down that's that's your business you need to come in here get the job done I am tired of seeing trash can can pile up on my street and every other Street uh for the entire day and residents are waiting the next day uh and I believe today it was like about 4:00 there was still um areas in the in the district that was not being picked up this is unacceptable we need to address it and The Time Is Now I need some answer because we cannot let that happen and then just stay silent about it this is unacceptable thank you we will be in the process of scheduling that meeting councilman thank you very much thank you and again um good evening everyone um I'm I'm happy to report that there's action going on in bree swept um so if you live especially if you live around the area um you know there there's construction there's activity going so I'm very hopeful that we will indeed have our functioning Park on schedule for September so I just want to thank um public works I just want to also thank public works for and the city Administration for dealing with what we had was was a hard um time last week when this city had to declare a state of emergency not only did our city have to do it um the county did it and the state did it um and you know I can say that my District was one of the district that was that was hit the hardest so um first of all I'm glad to know that I think all of our residents were safe but um again um Madam manager and City Administration we really even though I want to say that um on record as well that we hadn't seen anything like this in about 20 to 30 years and residents did say that but I also know that we have a a flooding issue and this was a wakeup call and we I am looking forward to seeing what you know I I'm asking that we have an infrastructure study done um and you know within the next 90 days or or what whatever time as quickly as possible let me just say that um we need that what are the plans um you know I don't want to give any Illusions to anyone that while I'm asking that this is is going to be a quick fix for tomorrow but we need to start seeing a plan we've had flooding issues you you know that I'm also happy to report on third Court where I was so worried that they were able to sustain this flood surprisingly enough but then we have the third court on the other side on the North side that things were bad and we share that that area with the county so I know that we have to make sure that we are in we have Synergy with them in our plan so I I I I really would like a report um some you know some some some report of of what we're going to do what we intend to do what are the short-term plans what are the long-term plans um the studies for the infrastructure that is um extremely important again I want to thank all of you though of Staff um you know um you John Kia Communications um public works again for your hard work but it doesn't stop here we have to keep pushing I mean this was a wakeup call like we've heard um this hurricane season we're hearing knock on wood hopefully it doesn't really come through that it's going to to be bad so if we were hit by this flood in this fashion we really need to do everything that we can um to have our city prepare and our residents prepared for this shock so thank you that concludes my report and and happy 4th of July everyone thank thank thank you vice mayor um I just have a couple of brief announcement um today we launched a partnership between Goya food and the Nomi food pantry which was very very um well ATT Ed by residents and member of the media and member of our Nomi golden senior silver program um this partnership is open will open up new opportunities for us and it will allow us to serve more people than the current 750 people that are registered through the pantry and without the partnership and we want to thank Redwood for helping us um this has been at least six months in the in the making um just working the logistic with Goya we were very very very very very very very thankful um and we want to thank the city departments for helping obviously um social service and housing um of course um parks and W um in the different Department Services Department as well as communication for the work that they do um last night was the last night of the CIB the north Miami um citizen investigation board um which we said um a couple years ago but it went into sun um Sunset um last night as you know House Bill HB um 601 which was passed in this last um cycle by the Florida legislature and which was P which was um signed into law by the governor which actually dis dismantled um any type of investigation board um by any groups um in in in in in Florida they kind of left some little stuff but they really went on um and groups throughout the entire um State they you know cry advocacy group but you know obviously Tallahasse they went in they they were to do the bidding of the Republican Governor so they do what they have to do um so again I want to thank the the service and um the members of the CIB board and um the commitment that they did of course Dr Philip C Harris the executive director of the CIB thank you than you so much Dr Phillip um chair Randy GCE Kevin cidre Rose Michelle um grandier the secretary of the board Roba Elaine that was here um Marsha messic and Andre um Dominic Pierre who served this was an initiative that we created in 2020 as we saw the public trust and confident in law enforcement and you know throughout the entire um you know Nation but the intent of the mayor I'm sorry I was a board member too yes they they gave me the the new list that's true you were one of the board members of of the of of of this um very very important board um which was you know was for trust public trust and which we have and which we always said in you know I remember when we passed this we had a good meeting with you know our former Chief um JGA and that that was one of the things that we talked we PRI ourselves so much with the men and women of the north P Police Department we knew that whatever type of um thing that we had this had nothing to do with with um our men and women but it was an important step for our residents for the folks that um needed to have that piece of um legislation and I want to thank the members um that really supported in and the out the outcry from the community lastly on a sad note um we lost a member of our of our North Miami family um very very dear friend and related it's with heavy heart um announcing the passing of Mr Frank um coobo um the husband of our dear dear beloved um resident um participated in library bought um everything um CRA um you just name it um Blanca coobo um the funeral will be this um this Thursday and please keep Blanc they've been together for 60 years this um Fourth of July they always um go with me I always pick them up and get to the 4th of July together so Frank won't be with us this year um the service is on is on Thursday and she loved the north Miami they love the north Miami Foundation they ask no flowers in in low flowers please send donation to the north Miami um foundation in honor of Frank um again that's basically it thank you thank you all and last note with this this was a bad um flood that happened I mean we we saw it it was something the entire State um experienced um but I do want to thank Administration and especially um public work for the work that we did all of our Pump Station were working perfectly they you know in terms of what we experienced however some of the and and this happens a lot with us um a lot of the media kind of gave us some some coverage that we didn't really deserve but we don't really know we we were in the news for for that typee of of coverage until it was too late but it happens because our name is north in Miami just like the guy that came here the gentlemen say everything with North Miami the North Miami Avenue should be us um anything any anything that happens and you could just read it I think it's it's more mindful of us being policy makers anything on the radio anything that that happens in the north date area it used be worse when Miami Gardens wasn't in a city but when Miami Gardens became a city so they kind of kind of say Miami Gardens but before if it happens right above or right below Golden Glades North Miami North Miami North Miami so a lot of the flooding actually it wasn't really in our city and I was very very pleased because we were out Wednesday it was there there was no comparison Wednesday was bad for everybody everybody in the state everybody um in in South in South Florida it was bad both everywhere Thursday surprisingly Keystone the folks they were texting they were so so happy thankful and I check with third Court things were moving we had a little thing with Su but that's a whole different issue there were some the issues that we we had which was in in District 3 the 143rd 142nd and 141st they were addressed by 2: p.m. on Thursday afternoon and those guys they worked they worked tirelessly um the entire night clockwise to make sure that the water went down um in in in in in in response to that however we had some nothing because 144th is outside of North Miami but well yeah 144th is outside of our area so no no no I'm saying the the 144 in in 16th Avenue where we were and it's funny because part of the street is North Miami unless you really really know and I told the people because the lady was like I don't even know I PID my water in North Miami I said I no ma'am you're not in North Miami and she said how would I know I said well even some elected officials they were like I don't know you know if it's Miami if it's Miami dat I told him the best way just look at the garbage can and that's what she was like oh my God yeah I said yes so that was part of the county and because the the the issue was it was severe and that caused us to get some of the some of the water that that was on 144 that came but we were able to resolve that and we were able to we were helping them out but again national news everything was like North Miami North Miami and of course we couldn't go and say well it's the count is not really us we just kind of went out there and did what we do but yes we we we do have to I think all of us this was a lesson learned um hurricane season I know we got the kids coming we just have to be ready and we are in a coastal city we just have to get ready and do what we do thank thank you so much Miss Madame clerk any report yes so certainly my most sincere condolences to the uh Cobo family I also want to express my thanks and gratitude to the public works department for their great response and even helping to facilitate assistance for folks who lived outside of the city but called the office for help and to that end for folks who were affected by the flooding Miami dat County has launched a flood damage survey so you can call 311 for more information or go to the County website to actually take the survey and it's important that folks actually participate in the survey because there's an opportunity to for them to determine what resources they can bundle together for the future and but that does not remove the responsibility to contact your insurance company if you have damage that needs to go through your insurance car carrier um speaking of weather related items it is lightning safety awareness week and do with this what you will but the research says that the vast majority of victims each year are typically male I don't know why there's also we know that on August 20th the primary election is taking place and the deadline to register to vote or change your party affiliation is July 22nd and the deadline to request a vote by mail ballot is August 8th and finally the great philosopher Kendrick Lamar once said that every now and then um you have to you have to make an appearance and remind them who you are and I think that it's important you know to uh you know maybe pop up somewhere like Canada but if maybe you want to take a vacation to the tropics wherever you want to go overseas the city clerk's office is here to help you obtain your passport so feel free to uh make an appearance in our office show us who you really are with your little passport pictures and get a passport with us thank you so much they not like us okay next I don't know what that was but yes is it time to go Adam does the City attorney have a report was it that was your report okay Dr um as close to one as we can get uh so we do have a report from the interim City manager's office first of all we want to extend much gratitude towards Denny's Corporation because they were able to go ahead and donate some food to families in our community who needed that during our crisis and who were in shelter so we definitely appreciate that donation but next we want to also really recognize all of our staff but in particular our public works department who worked around the clock and I kid you not I mean Around the Clock not only in the streets not only Fielding calls not only protecting our buildings and again all staff really showed up for us for the city in this crisis but I really do want to recognize public works for a wonderful job done and um just a heart thank you that concludes our report Nikki we must say huge shout out to Nikki she really she really took it down and we have to say lastly the county the county was phenomenal mayor Cava the entire team the EOC they were they were phenomenal we we have to say our two Commissioners right Red Cross red yeah Red Cross well came in through the county and our two Commissioners commissioner basan and commissioner Mickey Steinberg phenomenal thank you thank you thank you and our congresswoman Shevon called our state folks so everybody everyone they thought it was us but but we're good we have friends thank you right I have a motion I have a motion to a journ made by councilman Charles oh councilwoman you did that you're not here citizens for because Bill is here bill is not spoken yet the council did her report I know has done no no no but I'm saying it's the citizens form bill go ahead Claudia Claudia Paso 13504 Northeast 23rd Place I want to give a big shout out to Public's work you guys did an excellent job luckily I was not affected this time with the flooding but I went Friday to get sandbags I was in my car it was hot I was wearing t-shirt flipflops but the gentlemen there they were so nice they were polite they were in good spirits they came up they got my license and they're smiling and I'm like I'm in my car I'm hot I'm sweating I'm in a bad mood I want to get the S so I just want to say public work you know you guys are great and I was with them for half an hour imagine them in the rain and oh yeah so whoever's watching this like I know normally they give the police department like free lunch I hope Chef Creole gives public words team free lunch cuz those gentlemen deserve it I don't know if there's ladies in that group but they definitely deserve it and I'm a little bit upset because I heard how we have a women's um board who advocate for the wom we have a youth group that advocates for the Youth but I personally feel we have nobody that advocates for the residents because honestly I do feel that you guys favor developers are favoring the 1% you have North Miami is big and you guys want to create these tall buildings even though you saw we have flooding issues if we spend all the energy time and resource to fix the infrastructure instead of having meetings after meeting about letting somebody create a tall building their vein project I don't know I'm at home and I'm like we're having another meeting about this I'm like really be happy with 196 whatever the mayor proposed why you I mean we just saw flooding so again I'll please consider the entire you know it's what a democracy don't consider the 1% the entire city like it just gets me mad when I see um third Court they're just sending me video saying they were not that well that they had a lot of water and I'm like yeah so it's not like oh thankfully the water receded no third Court it took a long time and again this is it's not a wakeup call you guys been knowing that we get flooding you know the infrastructure so it's not a wakeup call this is like finally in your face is like look what the resent has been telling you for the longest time so it's not a wakeup call good evening everyone William prevel 11 1950 oh 11 1930 North bastro Drive um hopefully everybody saw in this month's biscane times the lovely article what's not up with North Miami um it's a good read for everybody I wanted to thank you for uh tonight's vote on passing it that there was a voice of reason of what we should be doing here in the city and that is we are really losing the forest through the trees the issue is not about height the issue is about how sustainable is it because if you get a larger product it's more sustainable it's more energy efficient it's more economic providing it provides more jobs it will last longer it will look better aesthetically everything is better not just worrying about a few inches here or there some of us have been here 12 times to the building all of us have been to the building tonight some a 100 times some a thousand times who here can tell me the height of this building that you've seen a thousand times within one foot can you do it for your life of you for the life of me I can't do it I can't say within within one or two feet what the height of this building is and I'm a damn professional architect for 50 years and I don't know for the same way have we ever gone to a high building and you go downtown somebody you see a great building that's up oh it's the Armani it's the museum Tower it's something else it's these wonderful towers and we go up and it's wow look at the features look at the amenities look how nice this is have any of us ever gone up to those buildings and said you know that 800 foot building that's wonderful but you know you know what that needs 13 foot five and a quarter inches less it doesn't happen you just go damn that's a good project you know what does happen is that people ignore the mediocrity when there's something up there with it's 10 20 50 floors when it's mediocre when it's really underwhelming then you turn away that's why it doesn't upset us because we just turn away so thank you for supporting height and quality thank you for the quality move to adjourn thank you T the motion was made by councilman Gavin to adjourn seconded by councilman Charles all in favor any opposed the motion carries with a 5 vote the time is now 10:08 p.m. good night everyone