good afternoon the day is March 11 2024 and the time is 5:23 p.m. my name is Angelina flim and I am the youth Council mayor city clerk can you check for quum mayor Angelina Floy here councilwoman estacy cier here councilwoman Marlene Alon here city manager Justin CER here City attorney Hillary as here do we have koram yes we do okay um we can now continue with our Pledge of Allegiance um presented to us by a special guest evening would you stand for me for the Pledge of Allegiance um One Moment In a Moment of prayer Lord God we want to thank you for this uh collection of young folks our leaders of tomorrow and we want to ask that you bless them with wisdom and courage to move forward in their Endeavors in the name of Jesus Amen thank you I can also do a dance I me I mean that'll go under special presentation good luck you thank you um do we have any special presentations no we do not okay so we can continue with the agenda all right we are moving straight into tab a and it is the approval of minutes do I have a motion second all right it's carried counc woman Al one second councilwoman CER second okay this scary we are moving on to tab B it is voting on installing street lights in dark areas and it is sponsored by councilwoman Marlene Alo so for this so for this item I'd actually like to table it to next meeting because I don't have all the information gathered for it yet but I do want to talk about well we'll talk about it later but but I want to talk about I'd rather talk about my next item instead since it relates to our our budget um I actually would like to to deny your request to table it um because we actually did talk about it I'm not sure if you remembered um in our last meeting we just didn't officially vote on it um and if we vote on it that means we can still discuss the item afterwards and new information can still be provided um as long as we still agree to to still have um the lights get done and and partner with I I believe in our last meeting we were told that it is done through cold or one of those departments so I mean if everyone's still um in the same view and still you know then we can just vote on it yeah um do we have any um comments or additions from any of the members okay so um I would actually like to motion to vote on um passing the street lights because we did discuss it in our last meeting just never officially voted on it can I get a second second second okay it is carried count Al yes count in CER yes it is carried we are moving on to tab C which states reviewing bylaw and it is sponsored by vice mayor Angelina FL okay um I actually did meet with um our city clerk and she was telling me about um bylaws being the things that we can actually change um during our meetings so anything that doesn't um go against what is in our actual ordinance we can change so that could either be our name or um how often we have our meeting dates um and then it it'll just be up to us what things we want to add and ratify because after review um from what we were provided we do not actually have any written form of bylaws so um the first thing I would definitely like to talk about is um the dates that we would like to have our meetings and um um vote to have this open as a discussion so that we can continue having the discussion and then when we um find the respectful items I believe we would just get in touch with our city manager um and then we will come back another day and then vote on what we would like to pass unless we are clear on um ones we currently want to pass right now um but seeing as we don't have a EAS on it's a little difficult to know what exactly is eligible to go through so as meeting dates we can't exactly say we're going to have this uh change at an additional meeting day without knowing what days are actually available stuff like that so if we just want to discuss and then come back again and vote on it or if we want to vote on continuing the discussion outside of here um I definitely would like for all of us to maybe have um a collective or individual meeting with the city clerk as well as hopefully the attorney as well um I'm not sure as far as ratification how that would go um um but I also am proposing that we possibly bring up a change in the ordinance that is the youth Council to the actual sitting Council um reason is because we are only allowed to serve two terms on the council um to um which is all one term years so if you start in 10th Grade by 11th grade you're pretty much done sorry okay um as I was saying so by senior year you won't be able to be on the council um and seeing as how it's a little harder for youth Council due to staff changes and how um the um the actual Staffing of the the city affects our Council I would say um if we could propose to them them to have um like that limit just extended throughout like the grades and stuff instead of just a 2-year term or at least that they have a former member or someone who actually knows about the youth Council um attending the meetings and actually helping so that despite there being any staffing changes or anything like that there'll always be a seasoned man member on the youth Council so it's not just starting from fresh um I was thinking of I was um I like what you brought up but I was thinking of more like of us having like kind of like a summit or something like a training where we like help the new people that are coming on the board and my sister will be here next year so she already knows what's going on but like having like a foundation where we explain to them what we did um we make to watch the video it's like kind of like a training so they know what to expect on the council yeah cuz so at the beginning of the year we're actually supposed to have an um orientation um this year it was a little different where we actually had it combined in with the meeting I'm not sure if you guys remember when the city clerk came in and we went review over what's in our binder that was supposed to be a more private um orientation where we just set all together and get that done um but I believe what could happen and what we can see if we can push for next year is that we keep that same um orientation but still have it in a more personal group cuz it's not an official meeting and then have them invite youth council members us like the former members if we're you know available see when we are available to actually come in and answer questions and discuss with the new members so that we can keep it going you know because I know I don't think they would like to sit and watch all our old meetings you know so if we we can at least have them come in and actually explain to them what the council is um because I do know it's a little more difficult to actually get each um council member here um and then also having whoever the Le is on is at the time or staff member handling it um maybe schedule a meeting for each member to meet with their um their the person that appointed them you know not just seeing them when we have the the first swearing in ceremony but actually having that interaction and learning from them as as youth counselors mooved forward um I'm not sure um cuz from what I remember like last year some of the members did not have never even met their council person or I'm not sure if um our attorney has ever met the official City attorney so if we can have someone set that up and I'm just giving examples someone set that up so that it can actually happen you know actually learning what needs to be done instead of just moving out you know practicing stuff like that yeah I totally agree because we have to um you know help them do oh thank you help them you know do the agenda and stuff and give them the format of it all you know um and it's not only the agenda like I feel like we should have like something where we have like a one1 with one of them so like as a former city manager next year whoever becomes the new city manager I'll have like a zoom meeting or something where I go through each thing on the agenda and I talk about like how which one or four and you'll also have a meeting with the city clerk where you tell them how to read things off the agenda and I feel like it'll make it way easier especially for some of us that might not be able to make it um to the town hall so like we could have a zoom meeting instead oh yes definitely um yeah that can be something that we um officially add onto our um in our bylaws um our Although our bylaws are just um essentially meant for our term um the new youth council members can vote bless you um the youth council members can also vote on what they would like to keep as well so if we add that into our bylaws then they would essentially start off unless um if possible if we could have um the official Council um make changes to their ordinance which requires any new members to have a meeting with either former youth council members and or other official council person who appointed them so that we can actually um learn and and grow in the S of government and not just you know attend the have our meetings and then do nothing afterwards or that that's all we know you know you know so having that connection and um is essential for our growth and if we if any of you or us or I would like to even continue in the position um in the future yeah I also wanted to bring up the days I would like us to meet a little bit more like more than once a month because right now I'm looking at it or next meeting is in April and after April it's May which is our last meeting so um maybe meeting a little bit more frequently will be better um I would yes definitely which is what I was saying too um but the problem is that we don't have someone here in our meetings or we don't have someone working from a city Point actually handling what we need to be done so um all our meetings the date that we currently have is essentially booked for the entire time we are on the council you know but we don't have any other dates today we were able to get our meeting a little out outside of schedule because it is every third Tuesday um so we would actually have to go through the city's calendar and find a DAT that that's able to stick um which should be something in our bylaws because I believe that is something we can change cuz it's not in our official ordinance or at least the one we have in our binder I've read through it multiple times the amount of days is entirely up to us so if we can have um discuss with the city manager or whoever's leading us then we can have that that change um what sorry what was the um second part you said um I just said to meet frequently like I want us to be able to meet more cuz like I talked about like April is right next month and then after April it's May which is our last meeting yeah I also wanted to address that as well um after meeting with um city clerk um I did find out that our recess is something that we actually have to vote on um last year we didn't vote on it um what the city council does is they try to keep it um I believe with the county or the state so when they go in recess the same time that we go in recess but being on recess does not mean we're essentially done with the council because we're still sworden and members it just means that the city manager and city clerk City attorney um can do and vote and pass things outside of having the meetings and then we come back and essentially review everything that the city manager city clerk has done throughout the time so we can actually push back when we want to go into recess it's entirely up to us to decide when we want to finish I just know it'll be a little harder if the council and themselves go on recess and we're still in session because the the people working might not like fit well into their schedule so yes I'd also like to meet more frequently I feel like our meetings are just too um far apart from one another and I was wondering if there's a day of the week like everyone else like knows they'd be available cuz I know some of us have work or like extra extracurriculars so I was wondering if there's any weekdays that are completely off limits to any of you um we can review this after the meeting and we can um find dates where you know everyone is available yeah definitely I would say if we can have um a meeting or something like that with maybe a city clerk not an official meeting because since we would already vote on the item um and then we could just go pull up our calendar see what day is consistently works for us and then maybe put that in our bylaws so when the new Council comes in that we can that they can have a base of where to start I propose a motion to table tab B on reviewing bylaws you mean a a motion to vote on discussing and reviewing bylaws yeah okay um second the motion to review bylaws and discuss later on Council Al I also second the motion counc CER yes yes yes it it's it's cared moving on to tab D is a discussion on youth Council Summit and it is sponsored by vice mayor Angel Floy May um yes so I brought this Idol um this item up as our mayor for the Youth Council um because we did have a summit last year and I was hoping we can have it again this year um and the date that I currently am thinking is um Friday May 17th um to potentially have it um I'm not sure um how that will work we can always talk about having a different day I'm just like having trying to see if we can have a specific um at least something tangible and schedule so that we can then move it move it later on it's not you know a permanent date um but it'll be their same youth Council Summit um maybe we can try to see if we can invite former members and then actual youth councils across Florida and I guess in the US if they're willing to you know fly out to come to this um and then also going into the schools and promoting it um we do well that'll come up a little bit we do need to raise funds for it um and but this is something we would have to plan with um Arison and City manager's office because um we have to obviously not be in conflict with their calendar and and we do need a good amount of time to get it done so yeah if you guys have any questions yeah I was going to say last year I remember when we had this um it was kind of hard because it was during AP testing in May 17 I'm not really sure but I think I won't be available that day which I know that's fun but like um I don't think that day I think that day is a little too far considering like especially if we want to invite um other people people around the world or other youth because um the month of May is the month of testing for most schools so maybe like having it a little bit earlier or even later since we have to vote when we want to take or break so like if we end up voting for a break somewhere around like June or something maybe we should have it around that time considering that summertime for most people um so um last year our Summit was um actually in the afternoon um so whereas the normal school time it wouldn't it wouldn't actually officially conflict with the timing because testing would usually be in the morning before school ends um so and that's also a Friday Friday night um so then the weekend follows right after I'm not sure as far as SAT schedule and stuff with the Saturdays in the morning I know that it's something concurring but I don't believe it goes out that far um the reason I also wanted to have that time is for um promotion reasons um I know that week and the the week after like the week after is my last week of school so some schools will be preparing to close and maybe having finals throughout the week but I mean if we can cuz it's in the afternoon I believe it'll work um but we do need that time to Al raise funds and also promote a little bit and um the reason I didn't really want to push it out too far into June is because the later we push it out the the less it seems as something um priority that we need to work on um but it'll also be harder to get youth all the way in June because then it'll be summertime a lot of people are traveling and stuff out of town and then by June we won't able to be go we won't able to won't be able to go into schools because schools will be closed so we won't be able to actually get youth so um I I figured it would work to have it during the school year and also more in the weekend um if we we could maybe do a Saturday I'm not sure how that works out um because this the Saturday the 18th is actually Asian Flag Day so it's a it's a little harder um so if we could have it like maybe pick that day for now just so we could work off it it's not permanent you know um cuz it's it's also in the afternoon we could choose another day it's just something at least by then because school's going to close no not 18th 17th that Friday before because I I know even the city has their Haitian Flag Day celebration um so it's it's very it's something you know if you want to attend it's very fun um yeah so if we could just have a date in place or like a set time so I'm saying around that time to have the meeting um we so it'll give us enough time for a promotional so we can have flyer out and then school will still be in session so we can go into the schools promote you know whenever we're available I go to online school so I have the flexibility of actually doing that or you know going out to the library so that we can actually get more Youth and have it a bigger event um with it also being far out we need to book where we want to have it um last year we had it in the Scott Galvin Community Center um we can choose another place this year um if that doesn't work and also we need to reach out to speakers and stuff for this event so it'll give enough time for us to get those people and those funds but not push it too far out to where we kind of miss out on on a few opportunities that the timing might give us so any other questions no um opening the floor for public comments seeing none hearing none um I would like motion to vote on continuing our discussion about having the youth council meeting um including everything as far as budgeting um the date and planning um planning it outside of our current schedule meetings can I get a second I second okay how do we councilen Alon yes councilwoman cier yes this Carrie we are moving on to tab e and it is a discussion on creating safer streets removing extra space to prevent accidents and it is sponsored by city manager Justine CER yeah so I wanted to bring this up because I go to school by so Mia and um every time I go to school there when I'm driving or when my parents are driving me um there's like an extra Lane in the middle of 151st Street which a lot of people use to make un like wrongful turns because it's not a line it's just like a little like place in case you get lost but a lot of people use it as a turning thing which can confuse people and can cause accident and what I'll like to do is probably create like a street like creating a route exactly like removing that space because it's technically illegal for you to like turn there so I wanted to bring this up because it bothers me and I feel like it's going to cause a lot of accident considering how people are turning and it's just very chaotic does anybody have any questions um um I actually have a few um I believe this is something um you would probably have to bring we could vote on and probably bring up to the actual Council um because we're moving or having any um bigger or official bigger or official changes um requires a lot of budgeting requires actually having the people and you know the funds to do so um and then we also have to to meet with code and um and see the official regulations as far as the street um um and and also making sure that territory also does not fall out of our our limits um so your item is on a much bigger scale um I mean we could vote on passing it and then you could um put something together maybe um so you can actually present it to the the council and then we could you know support you and be there um because I'm not like we can vote on it but I'm not as far as the capability and the real realism of it actually happening I do know it's a little it's a little harder so yeah I just I'm just worried about the safety because like the turn is very illegal like people go over that line specifically and turn while you're trying to turn as well which they could like literally hit you there's multiple there has been multiple occasion where I'm almost hit myself while I'm turning because the car is making a wrongful turn from somewhere that's not supposed to be even like a lane for a car um can I ask I do know it is Northeast 151st Street you said right yes 151st solia solia um is it like right in front of solia is it for Sol way so when you're coming from Costco um you're leaving Costco to your left and you're going straight you're going to see a noreast 151st Street light so you could turn right to go to Alonzo and Tracy morning which is the school that I go to and when this like in the middle I think like it's supposed to be a ramp where where people get lost but I I feel like it's very illegal to be there where you go straight or oh turn to the right so I I see what you're saying there's a there's a lane to turn left and there's a lane to turn right yeah and then there's a middle Lane there's a middle Lane which is which is nothing um I believe that's also put there maybe I'm not sure because if you know there's a street that goes straight actually um and I know workers do go that way um I could be why that's there I'm not sure why it's there actually which is a great question because it doesn't have any um any signs um but do you mean that people actually use the Middle Lane to do um to turn to the right while another course turning if they feel like you're too slore so it's like a double turn lane yeah they kind of turn it into a double turn lane which could create potential ACC accidents okay yeah cuz if it's if it's supposed to be used as either going straight or turn light um I I would say the the thing that they would probably have to do is actually put the signs on the ground you know I'm not sure if you know like when you're about to get off the highway or something where it has an arrow going forward and going to the right um so that and then also both turning signals where it's like okay both lanes are turning right um especially as a driver I mean I'm not sure how many people know this um but you if you do you know you're supposed to turn into the lane that you're coming from so if someone is turning from that Middle Lane to the right they should be going into that outer Lane the same way you should be turning into the inner Lane as well so if they want to if that might be something that'll probably pass a little better if you bring up to them to actually just have um that verbiage on the ground and also having the light to say okay you can either go forward or turn um and also indicating that to drivers on the road that it is a turning lane um having maybe a sign that also says um right turn from um the people on the right only when the light is red um those are something that is probably more available on a you know to do than actually cutting off the lane because that goes into the median maybe having to move and then a lot of constructural uh opponents that may not follow as as well with the council thank you um sorry so what so what council meeting would you plan to um bring that up to them because i' be happy to come for your support but I don't know thank you um so I'll look in the date to see when is our next um council meeting and then I'll reach out to you to know if you're available and if anyone else wants to support me on they yeah um what you could also do is you are city manager so um maybe bring it up to city manager to have it at added as an item or at least a special presentation to the next meeting I believe their meetings are on the 3rd and 4th Tuesday of each month at I think 700 p.m. I'm don't not sure if the accuracy second and 4th okay thank you D yeah second and fourth Tuesday of of each month so they do meet twice a month um and then you could just have it um added to I believe the fourth one is the next one coming up cuz we're on the the the next meeting is tomorrow I think so you bring that up to them and then whether how it rolls and how it passes you would just let us know um so that we can you know actually bring that up to them and maybe have a schedule of meeting with code for you to see if that's something actually able to be done because that's a that's a more City and constructional issue rather than um just a fully Council if that if that makes sense so do we do we would we like to vote and okay um opening the floor to public comment seeing and hearing none um I motion to vote on um supporting Justine and bringing um bringing the street um fix of one Northeast 151st Street um soling mea um proposal up to the council um at their fourth meeting I believe or whenever um after meeting with the manager um do I have a second so we can vote second okay councilwoman Alon yes councilwoman cotier yes it is carried we're moving on to Tab S it is a discussion of encouraging and empowering High School seniors to exercise their right to vote as the youth and it is brought up by city manager Justine cottier yes so with the upcoming election I want to make sure that we prioritize and bring awareness how important it is to vote and um so we could hold like a certain Summit or a certain um review on how to vote on a ballot and how it goes and how to register that's one of my plan cuz I want to see more votes and I I want to make sure that our youth in the city knows how to vote um does anybody have any questions um this isn't something we are voting on right or is it it just something you're bringing up or yeah so I was thinking maybe um we should find a way to encourage and empower High School seniors to to vote okay um so I I don't think it's a voting item um but something we could just talk about because it's it's not something that'll officially make any changes um but what I would say is I'm not sure if you know but the city manager actually handles our voting and um they um over they watch the voting process happen happen um so I would encourage you to do is actually set you know also get in touch with our actual city clerk which is you know aarya um and schedule a meeting um with the city clerk's office um cuz they do I know they do do a lot of promotionals I think they even have videos going out explaining voting and stuff um so you can schedule and actually um reach out to principles um of the schools and stuff to have sessions about teaching um them how to vote and you know actually coming out maybe we we got to be like hey we'll give you well there's most of them are seniors so little it'll be a little hard to convince them to do it cuz you can't really just give them like community service hours because it's pretty much past the point um well I was thinking maybe like a street like certain things like such as pizza or sodas or snacks yeah so encourage them to vote I'm sorry yeah no no no no worries my bad um yeah that will just be something that after seeing the city clerk that that you guys can discuss on um to actually happen um since it's not like an official change I don't think we we actually need to vote on it um it's just something like and a great item that you brought up to point um because a lot of kids this year um are eligible to vote in our city so I don't know maybe going through a list of the schools and then you know having that session with them you know we're moving on to tab G it is a discussion on creating a newsletter to raise awareness for our city initiatives and spread the word about the youth Council this is brought up by city manager Justine CER so with this item I want us to be able to let um people know as the youth Council what we're doing around for our community so having a newsletter sending them every month with um here's what our last meeting was about here's the items that some of our Council brought up and to let them know what we're doing and bring awareness so does anybody have any questions I just want to add on to that actually because I was thinking the same thing because um I'm actually subscribed to like the council's emails so I get the emails from the mayor I get the emails from the counsil people um when they send out their weekly newslet or you know their monthly some of them actually mail um so but to actually have that done we need to have someone in the position to do that um so I guess we would have to see with r leaon if that's additional work if they would be willing to take it or if maybe we could just bring it up to Communications and have that be something that they do and we can have a meeting where we send out you know and it'll it'll just go through the same system so that that we don't actually need to fre find more people for it it'll just do the same chain that it's actually available that's that's actually a great um thing like if we can get done and actually have it on the official web page and and I think it'll also help with engagement for sure because we don't really have anyone at our meetings so yeah what I was really thinking is um for us to one of us to take the task of creating the news letter and we checked it on with our Le on where we send it over to them and they made grammatical changes if that's possible so we're able to send it out every month because it'll bring more awareness I have one question so like would we be re rotating between making a newsletter like every like every month or so or would it be the same person making the newsletter I think I was thinking more of a re returning thing where everyone gets to have a turn um with the task so it doesn't it's not to specific person um what I would say and propose that we could do also is that have each member send like have someone specific you know controlling it like how you how you do agenda and have each member send what they would like to have on it and then just essentially just put it all together and then they could also add what they want um I'm not sure if our city clerk would like to take this test I'm just saying it because okay yeah because since since our city clerk already handles our minutes and our notes for the meeting it'll be much easier because they are she already has everything available yeah I was thinking the same thing but um I didn't want to add another task okay thank you okay yeah that's that's that's a great idea um to actually yeah so it'll be after every meeting not the same day or anything but it's just a recap of what we talked about during our meetings and the items we brought up what's the next step and when is our next meeting um yeah that sounds great I was actually looking at the YouTube channel also before um and I realized that our city clerk actually does um a video which is which is called um long meeting short where they kind of she kind of just goes over everything that went in the meeting um I'm not sure if later on in the future if we ever want to do something like that where it's like a cute little video um and then we could talk with it and N me TV to actually okay I'm getting a yes from dunia um to actually have that done and we could just do a little video and then put it out and it essentially could just be the same things we have on the newsletter um so I was also thinking of like a Instagram post cuz our Instagram page is pretty dead so doing like a little thing of what like the same thing for the newsletter but instead it's through um our Instagram where we have like each item and what it was and what is our next mean so it'll just be per slide instead of like a whole thing a whole paragraph it'll just be per slide and just like hey see you at our next meeting blah blah blah here's what we talked about yeah that's actually cuz um what happened is social media tends to be managed by whoever's working for the council per the council person so I know for example um vice mayor social media was handled by her leis on um Cassandra councilwoman Cassandra Timothy is handled by Chanel her Le leaz on her Aid um and seeing um with the many changes going on with our Council maybe we can have a more public um account um not saying that our our password would be out there to the world I just mean um that since we already have an um you know a city clerk doing our new newsletter and stuff that that is something that we have access to and so it's it's forever instilled in the council rather than based off of whoever's working because then we lose the account each time the person is changed because they're the ones who make it and base it off you know have it actually linked to our youth Council email um so any any one of us can go in and and post something um so that we're able to you know be accountable for our Instagram and also not rely on others who are who may not be able to actually do it when when we want to do it so so yeah thank you okay um motion to vote on a few things um having um the discussion of our social media and Instagram and actually putting um making it more available to us um so that we can actually control it um um voting on having the um long meeting short video with the N me TV as well as the original item um having the newsletter go out as well um after each meeting through you know not specifically that day but you know throughout the week in that each of us would actually take the initiative to take what we had and send it to our city clerk that'll also you know lessen the load on them a little little bit um if you have any items um um to put on there and it'll also work well with promoting for our Summit as well so we can add like flyers and anything we need to it so can I get a second and then a vote I second okay mayor Angelina flurry May yes councilwoman Al poon yes Council cotier yes it is Carrie okay we are moving on to tab H it's a discussion of Council meetings held more than once per month so I brought this item up already and um while Angelina was talking about it that's something that we have to talk to our L on about which is not possible right now cuz we don't have any L on so um yeah yeah you guys could tell about this item um actually um I move to actually take to move this from the table because um and actually just remove it as an item essentially because we already have it um and then through the notes of our city clerk and manager you guys can meet up on um publishing a updated agenda without this item on it since we already discussed it under bylaws technically so um any motion um second to motion to remove the item from the table I second okay mayor Angelina Flor May yes councilwoman cier yes councilen are poon yes it is carried we are moving on to tab I it is a discussion of hiring sat tutors for juniors instead of scholarships and is brought up by city mayor Justine cotier city manager um thank you um so considering there's a lot of scholarship opportunities available um a lot of us have a lot of scholarship opportunities open and we're not getting a lot of applicants or there's a lot of essay requirements instead um I was thinking more of us having sat tutors very practical sat tutors being there every sat Saturday at a library um to teach to help and to teach um kids taking the SAT and to show them every path or other thing considering the SAT is also digital for the upcoming years so instead of like having scholarship cuz having a good SAT score also makes you more available for scholarships than just giving scholarships alone does anybody have any questions um yes I do um speaking um under the fact that you said scholarship is this actually an amendment to one of the the previous item that you had in our last meeting to to have scholarships yes it is okay so we are discussing to amend um having a scholarship and instead have S tutors um the scholarship that I asked for last during our last board meeting was to help first generation and also kids that came here through um the Biden or Asylum Seekers um it's not the same thing as the Juniors because some of them comes as seniors not Juniors so they will have the opportunity to have sat tutors um so I think I still want to go with the other scholarship and um with this item as well so you would like to um add it as an addition to to the item previous previously pass okay okay um I think it it'll be good to actually have that component um um but I do have a few questions um you did say hiring sat tutors so I believe this is a paid opportunity that you would like to provide um I was thinking that because I know a lot of like there's kids that have good SAT scores and there's also resources online but um having a tutor someone that's that's their specific feel helps the student higher and also helps them put them in the right path so that's that's why I said a SAT student instead of um having our own youth helping out other students okay um I believe that it's something that would have to be brought up to library and as well as our mayor council a neighbor Council um people um so that maybe they want to partner with you or partner with us so that they can sponsor that that payment um or maybe we can see with maybe CR if they have a grant or something like that so that we can get the funding to actually put this out um because I know budget is extremely tight so um yeah we can vote to have it um continue discussion um and then I would say take note of CRA um council members and um the library because we wouldn't be needing that location and then Outreach as well someone needs to be be over Outreach um so essentially getting I'm not sure how the budget would look like I mean it'll depend on after reaching out to those people to see what can actually happen in that sense cuz my plan was um originally to volunteer um but considering sat um tutors are a little bit um expensive so I wanted to like for us to have the best tutors a aailable for our students and to invest in their futures um we might have to pay a little just to get the extra help yeah which is understandable um I know there's also a lot of tutoring programs um readily available um I would also say um if that's not something many um students are available to do to actually look into the FIU ETS program I'm actually part of that program um and they have um I'm not sure if some of you remember but last year um we did have someone from FIU come in and explain to us about the ETS program um and they have it throughout the year it is I believe every other Saturday at um on canvas fi canas bis Gan on bis Gan um which free you just applied as long as you're eligible for it it and which is um income based I believe um then you could you could essentially go in and and get the free tutoring and they give you the College Board book they give you the Blue Book they give you all that stuff so and they provide lunch so if that if that's not something we could do with the library and stuff maybe we can see you know if we can take like a partnership or something like that um having the book is very essential but having the book is not really enforcing your students to go through the book and doing the SAT practices and having a sat's tutor year will actually go through them Page by page on what to do it could be a group um thing where they work like a math teacher where it's like a classroom each um Saturday it's a different subject and they just go through it one by one it doesn't have to be many tutors it could be one um depending on how many students are attending which they'll need to pre-register for yeah that's understandable I was just giving the example um from the etss program they actually do have like um separated by grade level and they actually make you go and take practice SAT exams and all that stuff um so I was saying maybe we can you know take a little info from that um and then the the problem is it's not having it it's the budget and the resources to actually do it so as long as we could get that then it it should be you know a breeze thank you do I would like to bring up a motion to continue this discussion second mayor Angelina FL yes councilwoman cier yes councilwoman Alon yes it is carried we are moving on to tab J it is a discussion of fundraising through a car wash and it is brought up by councilwoman marene Alon so regarding any fundraiser ideas I I'd propose that we host a car wash um specifically in Griffin Park cuz I know cuz I was there a couple months ago for winter wonderland I think and I know the park is very spacious and we would have enough space for a car queue and to and Tents to store all of our supplies like hoses soap um Rags towels and it's one of it's a cheap it's more of a cheaper fundraiser idea aside like besides from I don't know a bake sale I was thinking of a bake sale but I figured that a car wash would be cheaper and anything else oh also for um for fees since it's an amateur Car Wash we would keep the prices like pretty simple like maybe around $10 so it it'll incite more people to come and see and oh I was also wondering if we should do just if we do move forward with the fundraising idea I was wondering if we should um take just cash or cash and zel since having both of those like having both of those payment options like it we would have a more more we would have a bigger customer base and people wouldn't be limited by oh not having cash um and I think it'd be a good fundraising idea to boost our funds since we don't have much right now um do you have like a date set on this or like an idea of what day would you want to do this I wasn't thinking a specific date I was thinking like late April is we um because that would give us a good amount of time to plan since that's like a month and a like a week or two away yeah oh yeah um so I think late April is a good day considering that we're also going to have our Summit so we could raise money for a summit as well and something else I wanted to bring up is I think cell might not be available for us yeah I don't think so maybe having something like a square um if you guys don't know about the square thing where you bring your card and you just tap it through I think something like that will be more efficient and more like includable so yeah um yeah I actually want to pay you back off of that idea especially having a lot of experience with um City events um I actually think that the Griffin is a great idea for location seeing that it it's on it's in between two busy streets um 125th and I believe Griffin boulev I'm not sure yeah Griffin um and we can also have you know we have to have police there to actually control the flow of traffic we can have maybe someone on each end so 125th and also you know with signs and stuff you know with the price of the um the the the car wash um and then have seeing as they have the um the Griffin Community Center um then we also have that source of water and that we that we would need for it as well so I think the location is a great idea um to piggy back off of the the zel item I don't think zel will be available we can see if they do have a square and if not I would say maybe we can have um an it on event right so that they would just come in and actually just register the same way and they could pay through there where they would just put in card information um and then yeah it'll just go through and have it open through the whole day instead of like shutting off on a event day and then if people don't want their car wash and they want to donate they could also do that as well you know as much as I think the even prodct is a great idea I have to bring awareness that a lot of people don't know about the Eventbrite website or may not be aware someone might not might just be going by and just see the car wash sign and interested without even knowing about the even bright so I think maybe we should try having the square and if that's not available then we have to go to even bright no I mean like not like we could promote it and also have like they I mean saying to have it as a a collection of money and registration just a form so that we can we're able to get the money and go into our account um because it's like directly linked instead of like I mean like um because on Eventbrite our our events fall under the city of North Miami's account um so we don't need to like hey if you registered on a eventbr you know they just come in and then if the form of that they have is not available then they could just register through there and just send the money not as like like an official like you guys have to register or something like that it's an open Event you know through the cards that are passing and it'll be incredibly hard to know if someone already registered I'm just saying in the case that we do it have the event Pride we can also just share like QR code and stuff like that for people who want to register from anywhere you know thank you um is Cash app not available if we want wanted to do that um I think cash app falls on the same basis of zel so we would need that number in that linked account and stuff like that and the city has their own regulations as far as you know those mobile apps like I mean you know Tik Tok is banned so I don't know about cash app so um if we can have you know someone um leaon or someone in who knows how to get that done if they can be there as well I mean we could just team them up with I'm not sure but open this leave this open for discussion so that we can continue and find the right things um I would say we should probably try and choose a tentative date um I was thinking maybe we can have it on like a Saturday or something because that's when the roles are the busiest oh yikes I think Sunday's a little difficult uh and I mean unless you guys want to do it we can discuss this okay after okay yeah we'll just open open it up for discussion and then see the date you know and then maybe um also we not we're not exactly sure how many cars we would get so maybe we can reach out um and promote to the library and stuff like that so that we can get volunteers so it's not just us washing those cars yeah not only the library I think we should also promote it on our Instagram page as well yeah I'm just saying cuz like that's where I know like they got mad kid they have a lot of children there um you know so it'll it'll be a great idea to be like hey you know if you want to come in and then help us Car Wash um would we be able to give community service to the kids who volunteer for the car wash yeah I think so and then maybe we can speak with like any of our sponsors or something like that um so the people that are over the age of community service hours or past that we can maybe have a funding like an actual payment form for them based Bas off like how many people and stuff like that yeah but um but then we would have to like maybe have a limit or a regulation as far as how many people we would have if it's not just volunteering I feel like we should just open it up as volunteering and if that doesn't go well then we can we can lead into the payment option um cuz you know money's tight for everyone so I was going to say the same thing I was going to say that I think that we should have more volunteer than just having a hiring process maybe having snack as a reward and Community Service as the students are like able to get community service but if you're not a snack idea will be better and yeah um I I think we should actually just have food and stuff available at the center you know it would also help with the people that are coming through to have like tables and stuff in this the center so they could just chill out and eat and whatever while we wash their cars instead of sit there and and watch us in the hot sun do it so yeah having the community center we have to also book book that you know so that we the community center across the street from the um the Park yeah the Griffin cuz yeah that's where we be getting our water and all that stuff from but we we still need the center so at least people can go in chill out while we do you know a little touchup on their car um so that that's also something we could we can open up you know though be food I know I know it does um promote kids to come more when there's food and we can't lie so um so we would be having like a donation box kind of thing and accepting cash okay another thing um do you want to set a specific date for this carage maybe estimated date of when you think April so I I believe like April end of the month would be a good idea so we have more time to plan it and you know um seeing as we have two weeks of this month I was thinking maybe we could just we could do like in between April so then if it's something that didn't take after going through the process of having the first one it'll still be a month away um but maybe we could just have like another one after that as well if we still you know didn't reach our goal so okay we can discuss this after the meeting all right so um seeing and opening the tab up for public comment seeing none hearing none um motion to vote on continuing our discussion and and finalizing the details um for the fundraising Car Wash and slash donation box I guess um can I get a second and a vote I second mayor FL May yes councilwoman cier yes councilwoman Alon yes it is carried we are now moving on to tab K discussion on of relaunching the survey and this is brought up by mayor Angelina F me okay um last year I we did vote and pass on having a survey however due to the timing of it it was not actually able to go out to any schools um so I was thinking we can review the questions on there or if you guys want to add any for this year and push the survey out um and last year it was more um towards school safety and stuff like that but I feel like it should be more um just kind of like seeing where Civic engagement is at and what initiatives we can actually work on for this year instead of you know just being you know just like school safety and stuff like that which which was um the goal this year but I feel like um with our current Precision given given this year it'll be a little better and we might get more feedback if it's it's more geared toward how much they know and how much we can actually help the youth in our in our city I think it's a great idea I would love to go over the questions um yeah okay so we can schedule like a zoom or something like that um dunia is here she also already has um this the the former questions and it's it's actually on like everything's available basically we just need to figure out actually reaching out to the schools and getting it plastered around I was thinking we could actually just have it also as a QR code like little places like flyers be like hey scan this QR code um and complete our survey you know um I'm not sure what we would use to Insight like like um participation um maybe we can talk with the schools like hey you guys complete this server we'll give you community service hours you know just once um but definitely continuing that discussion to have it pushed out um I would say as soon as possible like as soon as we can get it out the best um because I don't want like schools to end and then we also have to wait on responses from the the the schools and stuff which um was an issue that we faced last year so any questions comments concerns okay um opening the tab up for public comment hearing none seeing none I motion to vote on relaunching our survey for this year um and um talking about the dates and reviewing the questions amongst each other um to see when we actually she want to push that forward do I get a second I second mayor Floy yes councilwoman CER yes councilwoman Alon yes it is Carri we are now moving on to tab L and that is reviewing the budget and it is brought up by mayor Floy me um I actually want to table this item because we don't actually have someone here in the city working that can actually bring up the budget to us to get that done um if we did it would have been you know available but I want to table it and and ask that our city manager would get in touch with either our liaison or something I did put it in the email um that you did request for that but unfortunately I don't think it was printed out yeah so I I think if they can actually be here at the meeting or at least we have someone from budget here at the meeting um and then you could just follow up um up until our or before our meeting so that they're actually here and present so then we don't have to deal with the the chance of the paper maybe being here but then the person who can actually carry out the actions not being here um so we can table that and then you know you can go through the process of maybe having that available for our next meeting um so motion to table tab L for the next meeting I second okay mayor FL yes councilwoman cier yes councilwoman Alon yes it is carried we are now moving on to tab m a discussion on solutions to promote job programs for exceptional students education for North Miami Youth and it is brought up by city manager cier so I bought this it them up during our last meeting on how important it is to be inclusive when it comes to having people in our city hall and so far I wasn't able to present it in front of the council um considering or Leong I was supposed to have a date and set a presentation but I never got anything back I wanted to bring this back to show that it's a priority for me for us to include other kids in our city hall and I want to see more inclus inclusivity um so I just wanted to bring it up and bring awareness that this is still a prior I still prioritize this item okay um I would say also seeing um the St change in our positions um now and circumstances um seeing how we were actually able to get this meeting as well that you actually reconnect with now that we know who to reach out to reconnect with those people to see if they can add it on to the agenda um to bring it up at the next meeting um because this is something like we did all vote to make this happen um and then as well as like we were talking about early the street lights that we just voted on we can also we need that to be added to their meeting as well yeah so we already voted at last minute last meeting um so I was thinking so right now I'll be reaching out to Heron to see if I could set up a date along with the street um safety um item to see if I could make a special presentation okay that sounds perfect um I actually would like to stay within the youth Council reports and add a few things that were brought up to me today um I have three different things but they're not long um the first thing I would like to say is Happy wom histor month hisory History Month um we are all wom Council um so we are representing yes um and then we also have um city clerk um Cassandra Timothy and vice mayor Mary Esme um who are influential women in the city um that do sit on the council when was elected um and then I also want to you know say thank you to all the women's staff and the people who actually um take the the chance to make this happen Happ and as well as um highlighting our women's commission who usually have our meeting after us on the third Tuesday of each month um it's a great lineup of woman um and um say thank you to the the woman that we have in the room who is working our meeting um Duna thank you thank you dunia um it means a lot to have you here especially last minute um so um highlight that and while I'm highlighting that I would like to bring up um the the woman's History Month um empowerment luncheon um Vice May It's actually an event um through vice mayor Mary ese Irving um who um shared her invitation to us and Gertie actually asked me to bring it up in the meeting um it is being held Thursday March 28th at the FIU Co Center in North Miami um from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. um if you would like to attend or if anyone's watching um you can go to RSVP at the Eventbrite which is vice 2024 Wen lunch. or go to their Instagram um I believe it's north Miami North the north Miami Council Instagram um or just go on the north Miami website um and see what events that they currently have yes for correction it is North Miami um and the luncheon is on there and then you can also find the link in their description in their bio um to register for it anyone that would like to attend I can't confirm or deny my attendance because I do have to look into my calendar and it was brought up today um but that that's all I have for that item um one thing I the last thing I want to bring up um which was also brought up to me by dunia and is something I was actually needed to have is when we had our swearing in ceremony we were supposed to have um head shots taken like last year which was not done so if you guys if we could plan a day um maybe through Communications so that we can come back here you know dress nicely to get our head shots taken so that our photos can be uploaded to the north Miami website um they could be on our event photos and stuff like that um our Instagram so if we can have those you know professional head shots come back plan a day for that um within our schedules we would see after afterwards um because we really need to get that done and then it's kind of a priority item so um but that does wrap up what I have to say I also have something to say I wanted to bring awareness to what's going on in our country Haiti considering that a lot of us on the board are Haitian and there's a lot of things going on that's bringing a lot of alarming things to me and I feel very bad my heart is with all the Haitian people I also have family MERS in Haiti and my heart goes out to everyone and if you're Haitian my heart also goes out to you too cuz I'm also Haitian um I'm here for all of you guys and yeah thank you so much yes definitely um I do have family um in Haiti um I've actually never been to Haiti but you know I would like to be able to go back to our country country one day and I would like for it to be in a stable State um the north Miami did have an event um to stand in solidarity with Haiti which I did attend and I do stand in solidar solidarity with Haiti um I hope you guys do as well because we are Haitian um but this is something that's been going on for some time and you know a lot of lies have been lost a lot of people have been kidnapped so this is a very serious matter that is happening so any other youth Council reports that would like to be added there are no reports at this time um okay city clerk um do you have anything else no I do not I just have the motion to adjourn okay uh second okay mayor FL yes councilman CER yes councilman apollon yes it is carried okay the time is now 6:37 p.m. um have a good one