and Welcome to our regular North Miami um meeting I almost say CRA we have a couple of um announcement and a couple of special treat that's happening today but we want to welcome everyone in the audience so we're going to start off with the W call Madame clerk 7:02 p.m. mayor desme here vice mayor EST Irvin pres councilman Galvin here councilwoman Timothy here councilman Charles pres mayor you have a quorum to proceed thank you so much p clerk um we're going to go into um let me put my glasses on the Pledge of Allegiance by Major Crystal fernandz of the North Miami Police Department followed by invocation by Pastor Cheryl sour um sour of the Gateway Family for square I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all do it yes she's yes either one good evening mayor councel and City staff may bow our heads to almighty god father God we just thank you that although you are omnipotent you are omniscient and omnipresent yet we can come before you and invoke your presence to be with us in this Council chamber tonight and we just thank you that you are the all wise God and so that we can ask for your wisdom from above that is pure and Peaceable and without reproach Lord we thank you we thank you for that we can celebrate this month of women's history month and empowering women that are dedicated and devoted and full of Integrity that are serving and this city in jesus' name we thank you amen amen thank you so much Madame manager any addition deletion Amendment to the yes sir um I'd like to pull items M as in Mary and n as in Nancy okay there two items M and N Mr Mayor Madam clerk you got it Mr Mr Mayor yes ma'am um I'd like to um also see if we could table um tab J J what is j j j j j any reason Madam Madam I'd like I'd like some more time to review it okay are we okay with that everyone good okay table so we are table to the next meeting is that fine to the next meeting would that be um so we are tbling this uh to the next meeting okay which one is April 6 tab J is Lawn Services is that tabled specifically to the next meeting or that's what I'm trying to get clarified um vice mayor said that would give you enough time right to right for now yes next so I actually had issues with tab J um I actually wanted to be re well my my my suggestion was going to be that if we were to discuss it tonight that we would have reput it out for bid because if you recall when we were discussing Landscaping we said we needed to up the service and so in my conversation with City Administration um it was brought to My ATT mention that they kept it at the same 30 service units when we had that large discussion saying that it's been cut since Co it used to be 50 and I was concerned Why did we go to 30 when we needed to go at 50 knowing that we just got additional money from CRA I wanted to see more money allocated which additional money we got well remember the the refund from CRA the city got additional funding that came through so my thing is I wanted to see more funding allocated to that line item to ensure that you know that we're okay keeping the city cleansed so that sounds good um so what we'll do m madame manager why don't we pull it and then you get it opportunity to brief every members and we'll take it from there okay thank you that sounds like a plan we're just continuing it we're not re well yeah we continue it and then we we'll make a decision we'll make a decision on the six on on where we are moving awesome um so Mr attorney with those three items are we set yes sir mayor your agenda set you may proceed awesome we just going to go down to for a very very special presentation um of women history month and then we will take it from there yeah why not I like this right you did that yeah we did it that's the only got right cuz you didn't get the food right you go first yes ibody since we are celebrating women's History Month um here in the city of North Miami of course we always um celebrate the accomplishment of women as as you know women play an integral part in our society women's empowerment and promotion of gender equality are essential to the development of adjust and aordable um aordable Community they are the backbones of families and crucial to the growth and development of our North Miami yet for centuries as we all know um women has been um on the sideline subject to discrimination and other diminished um stuff in recent years um however from tireless camp campaigning to the right to vote serving in important roles in our nation history and in various different roles their contribution cannot be overlooked to society as well as to North Miami their accomplishment have set records have changed the face of our city of our nation women have a long history of great accomplishment in American history and as well as their achievements but today we will honor just a few amazing Trailblazers and leaders right here from the north Miami Community who are working tirelessly day and night to Make a Better Community for all of us and we all we want to say congratulation to all the honores um everyone well well deserved um and we want to say C kudos to our three women on the city council oh two and then of course our um Madame clerk um Vanessa Joseph vice mayor Mary ese Irving and of course councilwoman Cassandra Timothy who led this initiative itive um I have the distinct pleasure and honor to recognize just a few um of these TR Blazers from our community first we're going to call in honor and most of the plaques I think all of them say the same thing so it's city of North Miami in honor of women's History Month um and it has the recipient's name for your continuous effort in advocating for equality diversity and inclusion we thank you march 2024 the first recipient for me is none other than Blanca [Applause] Kobo she's coming a and Blanca as you know has been a Trailblazer in North Miami um in all of our serving on many many boards um been oh my God I think you know me when I was a little boy um so thank you for all your commitment and all you do in our city thank [Applause] you and they always say do not give them the flowers give them now so we are doing that very great thank you stay right there Blanca with your my next honory is um one of our Advocate oh do you want a picture let's do for stay up here next is Colleen ban Colleen is a let's give her a hand she is an active um homeowner pres um Homeowner Association member very active in the Northwest area and she is so committed to helping the seniors and she's a fierce Advocate when it comes to you know Predator Ling um with the seniors and all this and all that so we truly appreciate your service and your contribution to North Miami thank [Applause] you and now but not least um nesville s she is a trailblazer a community activist the executive director um everything that you could possibly but she have a heart of goal for the seniors and the youth and we appreciate all you do thank [Applause] you okay and then we're going to have um vice mayor ese Irving followed by councilwoman Cassandra Timothy followed by um councilman Pier Charles and C um and city clerk Vanessa Joseph and and of oh and councilman Scott galin of course um in in that order so before okay good evening everyone um I am vice mayor Mar ese irvan it's a pleasure for me to be here tonight um during W celebrating women's month before I go any further I'd like to recognize our very own women's commission if you're in the audience if you would just stand up and be recognized we have a special woman in the room right um and congratulation to Nai blim for being the new chair of the women's commission so so tonight during our city council meeting as we celebrate women's history month it is with great honor to acknowledge these four great women actually it's going to be three great women have been impacting our community right here in North Miami women are not just the backbone of our community but there are also our in our local communities women wear many hats but yet they still find time to become servant leaders through volunteerism Public Service Community Civic engagement to the women that I've nominated to honor tonight I want to say a big thank you to to you because without all of you we would not be in the city all grown up with love so much love here in North Miami so the first person I would like to recognize is Mari yolen Kazo Mari yolen Kazo is is is volunteers all the time in our city he very active in her church um in in several churches in the community so we thank you and we honor you for your service for this [Applause] community everyone special but the next person that is going to be honored tonight is the mother of our very own youth um mayor and and so you you'll see what the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree so Angelique um Aris um f stand up and be recognized um she is uh again right and and the youth mayor is actually she's going to present it um to her mom on my behalf very active um in in our community also very active in her church House of the Living God every time I think of House of the Living God I cannot say that my god mother we miss you so much and and you see the labors of her fruits through mother and daughter so we honor [Applause] you and the last person that I will will be honored tonight would be Edith Smith um p p p all right we thank you and we honor you for your service and your lead leadership and my colleague councilwoman Timothy will be next all right good evening everyone I'm councilwoman Cassandra Timothy and happy women's History Month the national women's history theme for 2024 celebrates women who advocate for Equity diversity and inclusion the theme recognize women throughout the country who understand that for a positive future we need to eliminate bias and discrimination entirely from our lives and institutions in the city of North Miami we recognize the example of women who are committed to embracing everyone and excluding no one in our common quest for freedom and opportunity today Equity diversity and inclusion are powerful driving forces that have a wide range impact in our community as members of families Civic and Community groups businesses and legislative bodies women are in the Forefront of re-evaluating the status quo tonight I have the pleasure of honoring three women who work whose work ethic drive and persistence embodies the national theme and starting with Jessica Garrett mockins I'm going to read a little bit on their bio Miss Jessica Garrett mockins is a filmmaker and producer advertising executive noted podcast show host public speaker and author she is listed at the as the top 50 women leaders of Miami for 2024 and 2023 as well as 2024 AT&T Florida black history Honore for her dedication to making an impact she is a director and producer of the inaugural HBCU honors award show as well as the docu series Miami's Richmond Heights and HBCU Homecoming on streaming platform she is the founder of hipstar Rockstar advertising a TR blazing award-winning advertising marketing and communication agency that Focus exclusively to build today's socially brand and I have known Miss Jessica carrot mockins say 2015 and I have had the pleasure to work alongside of you so thank you for all that you do for Dei here in our city of North Miami for our North Miami CRA and our community and we honor you ex exactly I [Applause] know the next awesome women I'm going to call to the podium is Britney Morgan Britney Morgan was born and raised in Miami and joined the Miami Foundation to design and launch the open for business fund a $20 million investment in asset building for Miami day County's minorities entrepreneur a seasoned Community Economic Development professional she brings over a decade of experience working in diverse program and project man project management roles spanning the small businesses public health education and Workforce sector to her role as a senior director of economic resilience at the Miami Foundation previously Britney was the program officer on the Rockefeller Foundation equity and Economic Opportunity team leading a national effort to support black and Latino small businesses with access to Capital in 12 major US cities including Miami Britney is passionate about economic disparities social equity and racial Justice and I have had the honor to work with Britney Morgan for the past two years with the teach the fist business Summit she was actually the seed that was sewn that created the business Summit so I thank you Britney for all that you're doing to advocate for our businesses right here in the city of North Miami thank [Applause] you and last but definitely not least and oh we almost missed this one but I'm so glad she was able to make it today is Miss Leon hel Martin Leoni was born in Haiti and grew up in New York City she has more than 20 years of grassroot community experience in Miami's Haitian Community from 1996 until 2008 Leon worked in Miami first as the visiting professor at FIU School of architect she served as executive director of the Haitian American Foundation she went on to become the director of research and strategic planning at the Haitian Neighborhood Center sunla in 2008 Leoni sites turned to hadi's rural community from from 2018 to 2011 she served as the deputy director of Lumby Lumby fund of Haiti a Haitian Le Community Foundation focusing on the need of the Haitian rural population since April 2019 Leone returned to sunla as a director of development Communications and strategic planning where she focused on fundraising community building and engagement right here in the beautiful city of North Miami so Le I'm so I'm so thankful that you were able to make it today and I can't believe the mayor's trying to steal my shine right now but we we we gonna let them talk for one minute one minute but Leon I want to say thank you so much um especially for what you're doing in North Miami in our community what you do with the sunla fellows I'm a sunl fellow Vanessa is a sunl fellow and she advocates for sunl fellow so if you're in high school make sure you sign up for the sun sun fellows and so thank you so much for coming this evening for us to honor you yes I know one minute okay it will be 30 seconds and I had to say something not only what Leon has done but Leon was the first person when I was 17 who gave me my first professional job working with the Haitian American foundation and kind of mle me kind of get me in the right spot so I had to say thank you to her and she knows that thank you [Applause] spe all right this next lady that I'm going to tell you about is a uh true force in her neighborhood um I got elected 25 years ago and ever since then she has been omnipresent in fighting for her neighborhood Northeast 142nd Street and 16th Avenue whether it was speeding in the area fences garbage pickup I'm telling you if Connie reached out I was there to answer Connie's call because I know she speaks for the voice of her entire neighborhood she has just been diligent she is absolutely wonderful I am proud to say she's a friend I'm proud to say that we almost went on a couple of dates together but everybody in our city would be just so so fantastic if they were as strong and as powerful and as resilient as my nominee this evening Connie Sheffield Connie come on I got to get next good evening um just going to admit it from the beginning that I am just going to be a little bit biased because the lady that I am about to call in here proud to call her my mother uh District 4 and uh in the neighborhood of 124th Street everybody know her by name her voice and whenever she knock at the door you are going to open that door whether it is uh for subu and whether you have somebody who sit and she just go ahead and um grab a few leaves here and there and then put the soup together uh put the tea together she will just do it and go above and beyond and everybody on that um strip 124 4 125th 12 123rd 22nd they know her as the mayor uh so now mayor hopefully um are not going to take that to friend but we have a mayor and this um lady and she's always about North Miami for the better she just want to make sure that everything goes well and she always have that positive spirit always smiling always ready to help and there is no no when it comes to uh this uh young beautiful energetic lady that I am going to call and that I proudly call my mother that I share with mayor Mari sefor please come [Applause] up and I am going to call uh on my sister to come up and uh with the with the grandchildren please come up for the picture bring the bring the entire family I am not going to leave you guys behind come on come [Applause] on okay open [Applause] hello everyone my name is Vanessa Joseph I'm the elected city clerk for the city of North Miami and uh Happy women's History Month to each and every single woman and girl who is in here today and one thing that I'm extremely passionate about is the fact that we have to also understand what these awareness months mean and I think uh councilwoman Timothy did an excellent job of recapping for us what this year's theme is but it's also important to understand that in this month we have this month not only just to celebrate each other and to celebrate ourselves but to also be in the fight for gender equality and for women globally and to not forget about other women it's not just about about us it's not just about each other but there are women going through hardships across the globe and including in Haiti so I ask that you all just always reflect on the struggles of others and engage yourselves in whatever ways that you can and with that in mind I want to uh first honor karolina Matamoras who couldn't be here with us today for her passion and her advocacy in her community but today I have three others and um the first one that I will call requested that I not read her bio that I not ask her to speak and that I not even say her name oh my God so Rosa [Applause] Chong and Rose is someone who I bonded with immediately and at some point I decided to ask her for her birthday cuz we got along a little too well and then we found out that we were both sagittarians so it made it very easy for us to get along and if I have and I have multiple aunties in the community multiple mothers but if I had to adopt you would totally be [Laughter] it and I just want to thank you for all the advocacy that you engage in all the programs that you're a part of and your leadership in the community even if you don't want to be recognized for it you do deserve to be recognized one [Applause] the second person I'd like to recognize and for you all to help me welcome up here is Eileen bakaba so it's often extremely difficult to to be an advocate and to stand up for what you believe is right regardless of whether anyone else agrees or not but to be so passionate to be so willing to commit to a position I think is something extremely honorable and we have that in you and so I just wanted to make sure that you felt recognized here today but always as well for all of the hard work that you put in [Applause] e and before I call up the last person um I it was on my heart because I have young women who are part of my office and having to be some kind of model for them or a coach sometimes it was on my heart to write a Manifesto and it's a women's leadership Manifesto and I'm happy to share a copy if anyone would like it and that's what I'm actually sharing with these women here today but I just wanted to read a few of the lines that had come to my spirit to put out on paper especially as we're raising up our young girls so it starts off I as a woman stand firm in my commitment to lead with Grace wisdom and resilience in this journey of empowerment I pledge and it has a series of pledges one of them is to radiate light and love nurturing the world around me and sewing Seeds of Hope in the hearts of those oppressed and marginalized to prioritize self-love and self-care recognizing that only from a place of inner strength can I uplift others and affect meaningful change to raise my voice against Injustice and Corruption fearlessly championing the rights and dignity of all beings and then there are more and so I I read that to you all and I read it before this one person because I didn't realize who I was hiring and she was my first hire when I got to the city clerk's office she was someone who was unknown to me completely random and one day had folded up her resume to give to me and I never really took a look at the resume at that time because I I wasn't hiring and when I finally was hiring I shared the link with multiple people but then I went back and I looked at her resume she didn't have the experience she didn't yet have the education but after doing interviews I realized that there was something special about this person something Beyond somebody who saw something Beyond herself and so I thought that the best choice I could make at that time was Myra aliman and unfortunately at during the pandemic Myra's position was furloughed in my office so she had to leave but when you're a good person good things will happen to you and she immediately got picked up by Miami Springs and then there was a municipal fight to hire Myra in a season when she just wanted to get closer to home because she is a North Miami resident and she had a couple of cities fighting for her including me and at the time I remember telling her you do what's best for you don't do something because you think it's going to make me happy you don't owe me anything you just owe it to yourself to be the best that you can be she is now the executive assistant to the city manager at Sunny Isles Beach and I could not be more [Applause] proud Myra is also a single mom so we can [Applause] have and my has served our country [Applause] I to come there you go Scott I told him what happened last week last meeting I told him like you know they wasn't here in the meeting over there yeah in 30 seconds we were done all right thank you so much and we want to congratulate all of the um recipients for their work and their leadership in our community and it's truly truly an honor because it's not only to talk about um women and in supporting of women um you have to actually um deliver on that and play and I am proud to say we've always done that and and as you know my first boss which I mentioned Leon hron that was here um installed some stuff in me um that's why with this Administration our top almost four people except Jeff we are women a city manager his whole entire office is women well that's what I was just going to say um the deputy um you know to our newly doctor doctor doctor doctor a Anisha Daniel is our Deputy city manager and of course um you you know um with Kia philipo and some of the top folks in our um Administration in our city so it's not only to say and do it but you actually have to actually do it in in in in reality of that um again thank you thank you and we are going to move to the regular meeting um with City announcement followed by appointments by Madam Clerk good evening mayor council staff North Miami neighbors and guests my name is Savannah Dre Smith and I'm presenting the following announcements on behalf of the city of North Miami are you concerned about speeding and cut through traffic in your neighborhood do you want to make your street safer for pedestrians cyclists and children the city of North Miami is conducting a comprehensive study to identify and address operational issues related to cut through and speeding traffic in our city please take a few minutes to share your comments and suggestions by scanning the QR code or visiting our website every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. until April 10th 2024 AARP will have Representatives at the North Miami Public Library offering free tax preparation for low and moderate income taxpayers to schedule an appointment call the north Miami public library at 305 891-5535 the north Miami Public Library presents a monthly gardening Workshop led by Jeran BOS University of Florida Master Gardener these workshops are free and open to the public and take place every first Saturday of the month are you an undergraduate or graduate student seeking a paid internship the city of North Miami invites you to apply for our new College internship program applications for the 2024 summer term are now open until April 1st 2024 don't miss this opportunity to hone your career skills while gaining valuable insights into Municipal operations vice mayor Mary estim Irvin invites you to the annual women empowered Network luncheon celebrate the achievements of women with inspiring Keynotes networking and refreshments on March 28th 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. to register please visit vice mayor 2024 Wen lunch. breaking new grounds join District 2 councilwoman Cassandra Timothy and the city of North Miami for the momentous groundbreaking ceremony at the North Miami Public Library marking the start of an exciting chapter in our community story The groundbreaking will take place on Thursday March 28th 20124 beginning at 300 p.m. to RSVP please visit totot ceremony. event join n tech for an electrifying evening at black Tech week Meetup connect with the vi Tech Community this Thursday March 28th from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at apoka Brewing 12355 noreast 13th Avenue Suite 108 North Miami Florida let's innovate collaborate and celebrate diversity in Tech welcoming spring with open arms join us at the Clyde W Judson Community Center March 29th at 11:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a funfield event hosted by District 2 councilwoman Cassandra Timothy and District 4 councilman Pierre f shws let's make memories together with face painting bounce houses snacks giveaways and arts and crafts for the kids join us Friday March 29th for our monthly Jazz at mocha series featuring the live School of Music this Unforgettable night will feature Young Talent honoring the work of some of their favorite female composers and songwriters our annual spring egg hunt is back and better than ever the egg hunt takes place Saturday March 30th 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for kids ages 12 and under tickets are now on sale scan the QR code or visit 2024 spring egg hunt. to register join us for the ultimate spring celebration District 4 councilman Pier fance Charles and Nomi Village proudly presents the Nomi Springfest and EGA palooza Sunday March 31st from 1:00 p.m. to 600 p.m. get ready for a day filled with bounce houses food trucks phone parties and so much more best of all free entry and parking don't miss out on the fun can't wait to see you there are you considering running for public office if so then this announcement is for you the Miami dat Commission on ethics and public trust and the elections department is sponsoring a Clean Campaign class on Monday April 1st 2024 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. located right here in the council chambers you didn't think we'd cancel one of our most anticipated events of the win and not bring it back did you our North Miami Police Department is hosting its annual let it snow event but with a Twist join the police department Friday April 5th 2024 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for Let It Snow spring edition this is a familyfriendly event that is free and open to the public in celebration of national poetry month the north Miami public library is thrilled to invite you to an exclusive event featuring The renowned poet Richard BL join us on Thursday April 11th 2024 beginning at 6: p.m. for an unforgettable literary experience to stay up to date with Nomi news and events log on to North Miami's website at www.north ml. goov click on connect with Nomi on the homepage to sign up for this City's newsletters also follow us on Facebook and Instagram at normi and on Twitter at Nomi news this concludes the city announcements thank you Savannah truly truly appreciate you um Madam clerk appointments yes so we have a an appointment to the affordable housing advisory committee by councilwoman Cassandra Timothy and that is of Jake Kane Pari so moved second I was going to do them all at the same time separately I don't know go ahead all right we have um let's see Claudia pasino to the library board Michael mcer to datac and Dave Bernie to deack question um yeah who's the Appo um who's making the appointment in quick did we address um Claudia for parks and wreck the last meeting yeah my apologies parks and wreck sorry oh okay I I I was both for Claudia I didn't realize she was also putting in for Library I snatched her out of the audience for Park so hopefully she's willing to serve on both cuz I think you bring something to both yes power she she's already on Parks now and if we pass this tonight she also be UNL so this was a mistake Madam Clerk or no no no no so I have it here for the library board okay that's fine yeah at the last okay so par and then Dave Bernie for day pack under mayor Des Oh that's oh okay I did get a so allow me to clarify Claudia put in for Library I don't know how long ago but two weeks ago because she happened to be in the room and I had an unexpected vacancy for Parks I just said wait Claudia is always talking about dog parks and stuff like that you're sitting in the room this is what happens when you're present I just said hey Claudia would you be willing to serve she said yes so we then appointed her to par CU I didn't know that simultaneously she had an application for Library coming that's right yes you want to say something sure there's there yeah come on up I don't think Claudia Paso 1354 Northeast 23rd Place I did put in the application that same night or the following night online for Parks okay it does ask you in addition what other boards are you interested and I did put the library oh okay so do you want to serve on the library board that I will have to check I would love to have to check with my employer because they meet during the day so okay so we'll do the other three yes we we'll we we'll put that on so definitely Park yeah J Kane par to affordable housing advisory committee under councilwoman Cassandra Timothy Michael mcder to the downtown action plan advisory committee by councilman Charles and Dave Bernie to the downtown action plan advisory committee mayor desme okay okay so move second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the board appointments the motion was seconded by mayor desme all in favor I any opposed the motion carries with a 5- z vote awesome thank you so much um Madam clerk I do have a question with one of the items for um on consent agenda I don't want to pull it but I I just want to ask um the question um Mr attorney do you advise I pull it or I could just ask the question and then go back and and vote okay my question for discussion thank you it's tab e so in in anytime we have F that on on the agenda I I need to find out um what's the delay how long um it's it's so much stuff we have going on with f dot it's not even funny you wake up one day you see the street is blocked off they they did it in it's from a 10year plan so is anybody here by the manager from Public Works yes sir I just go ahead Whistler uh good evening mayor and Council through the manager the the item you have in front of you is a a uh item for an off system agreement so fot has uh completed their their project they are now putting an irrigation system for the medians and they're locating some of the components on in the um on the southwest corner of 135th where the um Kagney Park area is so this is just to allow them to put their irrigation uh meters and sensors at that location at their cost okay are they going to um block off anything or because the the the issue that we've been having with them they don't provide enough notice to the residents um you know you know the story yeah yeah no this so this is not as big no this is not that type of impact on the community and then we they giveing it back to us once they done yes oh okay okay good all right thank you that's that's basically it so move second unless a member of the city council wishes to remove a specific item from this portion of the agenda tabs a through H constitute the consent agenda these resolutions and items are self-explanatory and are not expected to require additional review or discussion these items will be recorded as individually numbered resolutions adopted unanimously by the following motion that the consent agenda comprise of tabs a through H be adopted I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the consent agenda the motion was seconded by mayor desel may all in favor I any opposed the motion carries with a 5- z vote thank you so much um ready for resolution tab I tab I a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida authorizing the city manager a designate to issue purchase orders for the purchase of the following Vehicles 13 pickup trucks eight sport utility vehicles two dump trucks one forestry truck two Vans one backhole loader one trailer one trencher one compact excavator and one golf cart at an approximate aggregate cost not to exceed $1,300,000 from various competitively selected vendors utilizing the Cooperative purchasing provision pursuant to section 7-16 n of the city code on contracts awarded through the Florida sheriff's Association under contract numbers FSA 23- v21.0 FSA 23- VL 31.0 and FSA 23- EQ 21.0 under Source will contract number 2024952266 is a piggyback right well uh it's it's actually uh good evening uh Mr mayor council members um it's actually it's utilized in Cooperative purchasing which is a little bit different than a piggyback it's basically taking advantage of these three other Cooperative purchases uh one through uh National cooperative and the State of Florida and also Florida sheriff's and uh so that's they're all very competitive priced and selected uh so that we can take advantage of that pricing okay questions for you um what does this mean declaring 25 vehicle is Surplus property um what does that mean I'm joined here this evening by our uh yes uh City's vehicle fleet manager M Jefferson gmer who wears many hats and I'll deferred to him Mr gimr good evening Jeff gimr assistant Public Works director um thank you for the opportunity to speak on this item the vehicles that are being being declared Surplus these vehicles will go to a surplus auction um then they'll be um offered up um to the general public um residents have an opportunity to bid on them if they're interested as as long as as well as people throughout the State of Florida and and outside of the State of Florida as well okay no I I I just asked because I did not um know if this was I guess this is our code okay if this didn't have any um stipulation on on the the different um rfps that you were using no no whatsoever in fact what the court requires is for the council declare awesome thank you sir no further question colleagues anything else so move second oh GE yeah public hearing public comments open there's nobody been coming so that you know I forgot about it okay thank you you sir you want to come or you just stretching you you come okay okay go public is close on the item I have a motion made by mayor Des to approve the item at tab I the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin all in favor I any opposed the item passes with a 5- Zer vote thank you madam clerk um tab J tab J was it was tabled k tabk a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida selecting the engineering company LL as the consultant for the provision of project management support services waving competitive bidding in accordance with Section 7120 parenthesis B of the north Miami code of ordinances further authorizing the city manager and City attorney to negotiate and execute an agreement between the city of North Miami and the selected consultant in an amount not to exceed $125,000 providing for an effective dat and all other purposes tabk thank you very much U once again honorable mayor council members Alberto Estrada purchasing director so the purpose of this item is to request your approval uh to enter into an agreement with the engineering company to provide additional Technical Support Services to augment the city's project management staff uh in March of last year the city uh awarded uh and approved this Council approved a contract with the engineering company uh to provide uh these Technical Support Services uh and by mean me of this item uh we would like to extend their services for an additional year um I'm joined also this evening in support of this item is our City's uh Public Works director Mr wher Pierre Lewis and if you have any questions we'll be glad to take them okay thank you so much um public hearing is open on the item see none coming can is Clos second I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at TK the motion was seconded by councilman Galvin all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote thank you so much tab l a proposed resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida approving the execution of a first option to renew an amendment to Professional Services agreement and substantially the attached form between the city of North Miami and Davy's claims North America Inc for the provision of workers compensation third party administrator services at a cost not to exceed $56,950 providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab L thank you so very much tab L um self-explanatory um public if you if you have any questions let me know noad it's simply it's just U seeking your approval for a renewal of our workers compensation third party administrative Services contract with a company by the name of John Eastern company and also it's an approval to amend the agreement because they've had a change in their corporate name from David uh excuse me from John Eastern company Inc to Davis claims North America so it's a renewal of their contract and an amendment to change for a name change essentially thank you public hearing is open on on the item see none public hearing is closed approval second I have a motion made by councilman Galvin to approve the item at tab L the motion was seconded by councilman Charles all in favor I any opposed item passes with a 5- z vote Thank You tab o these are ordinances so um do you need to quasi not okay tab o a proposed first reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending chapter 8 8.5 of the north Miami code of ordinances entitled flood damage prevention ordinance by amending Article 1 entitled Administration specifically at section 8.5 D3 entitled duties and powers of the flood plane administrator to amend the designation of the flood plane administrator providing for repeal conflict separability codification and for an effective date tap o can you read um is PN um pno o are they companion item M no okay go ahead he d good evening Mr Mayor and Council uh for the record Debbie Love development services director um what you have before you tonight is just a real simple change to the ordinance that previously had designated the building official as the flood plane administrator changing it to the development services director that's required by the state to have a designation and that's what we've elected to do awesome thank you any questions from the well let's open it you want to ask okay go ahead right um so is this the standard practice in other cities which is ma'am it can be anybody designated the what is the norm it could be anybody designated it could be a building official it could be the director of the department or it could be uh somebody who actually is the hired as the flood plane administrator State just requires you to designate an indidual I get that and and what I'm asking is typically who is designated that's what I'm saying I know it can be anybody but I'm sure that you've done some research to find out who is typically appointed to that position well you had it as the building official which is fine uh your building official at the time was also the director of the department so by having a department director be the final flood plane administrator and as the development services director I am an uh an experienced flood plane administrator as well so I'll be working with the uh flood officer for this so who's a building off official now we have an interim uh the city manager I think would like to speak no no oh okay uh we have an interim uh who is a contract employee and his name is Richard Ruby vice mayor I was going to answer your question um pertaining to who the flood plane manager is it does vary I've gone to some of the conferences in the past and depending on how large the city is they may have an established flood plane manager but a smaller City will actually have that Duty assigned to someone at a higher level just because of the nature of the number of people within the department um so it again it does vary based on what Debbie has stated but again in some of those larger cities or the counties you will have a designated flood plane manager that would be their classification okay so who would be our flood plan manager now or do we have one if well currently it's under the building official yeah we and so you're changing it to added we to the development services director okay so it would be you yes ma'am okay and you're qualified have your flood plane all that good I have been doing this since 2002 as a flood plane administrator awesome thank so you're new you're new to the position I sir she look familiar we used have a de love here that worked and that's the only change to the ordinance move approval second I have a motion made by councilman Galvin to approve the item at toab o the motion was seconded by mayor Des councilman Galvin Hado yes mayor Des how do you vote Yes vice mayor ese Irvin Hado yes councilman Charles how do you vote Yes councilwoman Timothy how do you vote Yes motion carries with a 5- z vote Thank You tab P tab p a proposed first reading of the mayor of proposed first reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending chapter 5 of the code of ordinances entitled building standards and regulations at section 5-2 entitled definitions section 14 entitled minimum housing inspections and at section 5-36-103 um presentation short very short you know me I only have like two pages um this is uh this does have a few changes to the of very important changes uh with the uh development and the consolidation of uh CPN and the building department under now development services this particular section of the code references the old Department names and we needed to do some cleanup but while we were at it more importantly uh we really needed to uh codify some of our uh standards for uh construction site maintenance we've had a number of uh complaints from the public about how construction sites are kept up or not kept up and so this we believe will uh uh assist in better assist in enforcing the regulations so what will require is that um all new development with certain limitations will be required to provide a construction site maintenance plan as part of their development project that's going to deal with how you handle litter where your construction vehicles Park everything from how to the the restoration requirements because right now that's not even codified in our code that they have to restore sidewalks and things like that wow so we wanted to make sure that that was in writing um it's also everything from sweeping the streets and and washing down um uh the site every night making sure it's clean it also adds one other thing uh the temporary construction fence we just simply said you have to put up a temporary construction fence but there were really no details and so we really needed the details to be able to hold the contractor's feet to the fire they um to make sure that it's done correctly the sights are maintained and we reduce the impact as much as we can to the neighbors in other words you need to be a good neighbor to the neighbors so that's what we um believe that this ordinance will assist in enforcing those regulations as well awesome thank you so much um Miss love for your um hard work and staff um I know KT has a question but let's open it up to the public and then we'll bring it back to the days um anyone coming speaking public oh good missra is coming which is good [Music] e Baba 13350 Northeast third Court I would like to know um what the flood plane administrator the specific of what a person is responsible for doing that was the last item can speak on that one oh that's okay all right I know you think guys didn't give us a chance to talk on that one all right I did I thought I did oh I didn't yeah I closed it but um doing citizen form I'll I'll I'll find out and I'll make sure you get the answer to that okay thanks okay the flood thing so miss love if you can just kind of coordinate with her um item oh question I'm sorry that's true questions yeah so my first question will it apply to current projects uh we will have to talk with each one of the contractors because now you have a new regulation and they will currently we actually try to do it now without codification now it becomes a code violation good that was by my second question will there be a fine impose if they're not meeting certain um regul or certain guidelines I'll uh I have to defer to our uh Neighborhood Services director as far as fines but it would certainly be a code violation okay okay a daily one we like that and um if I may uh mayor just want to add to it I think that would uh bring a breath of uh fresh air to the city because I was um walking down the street 128 uh one of our resident almost jumped on my back because she was so mad Street was so dirty and everything just walking down to come uh to find out there's a construction just right behind the school and then they dumped everything that they finish eating and everything and basically this is something that we carry as a city so this I think uh this item was um really needed and it's at the right place and I just want to say thank you and uh if there's any more um no more comments I'll move for approv go ahead they fine is code here is code here to answer about the fin yes Neighborhood Services is coming code is hello mayor honorable mayor council members attorney Charter officers clerk uh absolutely we've actually started this process without it being codified we've done it as a nuisance in order to try to do a workaround as uh Mrs Governor team are are structuring this this uh ordinance so as per our ordinance and the state we have the ability to assess fins and we have this just helps us on and and in the future in terms of how we're writing the violations to better match the specific construction that's going on there as well awesome I I heard a question is would it be a daily fine a weekly fine or well we have two there's there's two different tracks yes correct we can have what's called irreparable and irreplaceable which allows us to give a fine of up to 15,000 we've done that the Yachts is a good example the charter boats so we have we have done this in the past and it works the same and it's in at the state level oh good so it's something that we work with we've worked with in the past or we have the daily fine where if it's an unkempt uh construction site we can take it through the the code enforcement uh special magistrate hearing and they can assess a daily fine of anywhere between 500 to $1,000 per day retroactive to the day that the I like viation you say retroactive okay good could as can we some some somehow I guess this week or next week your team and miss love to notify the current um construction folks going on in around the city I think that would be hey this new law just pass the Outreach some type of education I'd like to add that I already got an email from the building of asso Builders Association about this item oh I'm pretty sure they were look watching they're like they have you know yeah yeah it's the same people that came before us when we the building fees were we had made it a little bit too high too fast so she already emailed me about this item okay so I will send her pictures from from Miss Stephanie who emails me every day4th project and as as I explain to everybody it's it's just you know we've gotten so much construction growth happening at the same time and staff this is allowing staff to work together to make sure that everything is covered everybody is covered and even the temporary Manor bisc taught us you know the construction the developer put a fence around our sidewalk and our parking because matter of that was his decision and it it it was not and our code did not allow us to be um you know be more um what what can I say like order him to remove it and he ended up having to do it but the point is the cold wasn't clear Avenue yeah I mean I was driving and I had to call Whistler it's it's crazy but thank you so much um I think it was open to the public go ahead councilman thank you this might be for you for whomever um does this at all address the situations where there's multiple construction projects on the same street at the same time so that some of the smaller streets like in Keystone we have these little finger roads that have four homes under construction at the same time garbage trucks can't access people can't get into their homes then the trucks are parked in their driveway does this address any of that well we we'll see with the change in policy it should be better on the enforcement side the fact that we're going to be able to notify and say hey look as we've been doing in in the specific streets that we've had these issues on it's been more about making contact and monitoring it uh we could you know maybe maybe in terms of How It's phased out it's something that we could discuss with with the with DSD but uh it does make it easier to enforce in addition we've had great support also from the police department because they've been coming and also doing these type of violations based on how much space they're taking so that's also been uh an upside to this whole process so it does help us but I'll go ahead and let M Debbie love to see if there's if there's anything further there is and this is my this is my buddy yes we're becoming really close friends here good um yes it does because part of this construction site plan has to deal with where your construction folks are going going to be parking and our coordination you'll see the next thing that we're working on is a preconstruction um meeting requirement and under that we'll start the coordination of this guy is now here you're going to bring in development here's how we're going to coordinate the parking so yes it will eventually do that as we get more of these situations occurring and we anticipate this to occur again having multiple projects because as the city manager noted we do have a lot of construction happening in the city and we just need to make sure that what we are doing helps to make it easier for the residents um and less disruptive and I believe I said that at the very beginning and this is one of those less disruptive things is to help coordinate and and it will also require them to get a permit if they we do allow on street parking they have to get a permit and they have to notify us 72 hours in in advance of wanting to be able to park on a street I like that this is we've given a great deal of thought sir thank you thank you so much and and well needed um public hearing is open on the item um and public hearing is closed I must say um Miss love and of course Neighborhood Services um you know it's Lazaro you you guys for the past few months a lot of the cleanup in with the assistant of the of course the city manager but the the attorney's office really great stuff that's um going to benefit the future North Miami the business owners as well as our residents so thank you great great job um on the item so move yes I move it oh you moved it already thank you second it as well I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at top P motion was seconded by mayor Des mayor Des how do you vote Yes councilman Charles how do you vote yes vice mayor estimate Irvin how do you vote councilwoman Timothy how do you vote councilman galin how do you vote Yes motion carries with a 5 Z vote thank you thank you thank You tab mayor if I may yes sir um we just realized um Tab S yeah is a companion to tab q s is a quadrate additional so we should take that one out of order and right after tab Q do Tab S okay so it doesn't need to be in quasi no it still needs to be in quasi but it should be done right after the the other one so because it'll be on the same subject so we're moving in replacing tab R right R we we'll R last on the we're switching SNR okay perfect thank you so much um Madam cler you got that please be advised that the item at Tab S is quasi judicial in nature if you wish to speak in favor of object to or comment on an on this item please complete a public speaker card indicating the indicating the agenda item number on which you would like to comment you must be sworn before addressing the city council and you may be subject to cross-examination if you refuse to submit to cross- examination the city council will not consider your comments in its final deliberation please also disclose any xparte Communications you may have had with any members of the city council City Council Members must do the same okay the public speaker cards are at the back entrance real quick Madam clerk we didn't do tab Q yet right okay that's what I okay so we doing Q and then we go to quasi um we doing s q first and S we're doing s it's I know it's a lot of confusion but q s and then R so if you plan to speak on the item at Tab S please make sure that you grab r s RNs Qs Q ands no I'm confused now isn't R ands judicial we just switching them Q ands we're just let's just go in order we're on Tab q q yes yeah yeah let's just do q but if you plan to speak on S please grab a public speaker card at the back of the room thank You tab q a proposed first reading ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida amending the official 2036 future land use map to extend the boundary of the planned Corridor development PCD overlay District Southward over three Parcels of real properties located at 12290 0 Northeast 6th Avenue 12280 noreast 6th Avenue and 540 Northeast 123rd Street with Miami date County folio number 06223 0-0 31-20 06223 0-31 0030 and 06223 0-03 1-10 totaling approximately 0.68 acres in accordance with section 16 3. 3184 Section 163 3187 section 66.0 41 parentheses 3 parentheses C Florida Statutes 2023 and article 3 entitled Land Development review division 3 section 3302 sections 3-11 04 through 3-11 07 section 3-11 09 and section 31110 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations tab Q okay presentation on Tab Q Miss Love Yes again for the record Debbie Love development services uh what you have before you are the companion items uh one this one is the future land use map amendment to extend the Northeast 6th Avenue planed Corridor development over these three Parcels as you can see they're outlined uh on the screen and uh at these particular locations uh 5 40 noreast 123rd 12280 noreast 6 and 12290 uh Northeast 6th Avenue the currently uh zoned uh medium density residential and of course we believe that extending the PCD would allow that allow this long dormant parcel that has seen no development tractor trailer parking on it to actually be able to develop into something nicer than it is uh so St is certainly recommending approval your consideration for approval it was approved by the Planning Commission um uh at in a 550 in February at their February meeting um and assuming that you approve this today there will be a second reading at your May 14th meeting and it becomes effective actually um 30 days after adoption the uh zoning map becomes effective 10 days so we have to it will be a 30-day window before it becomes effective so with that that's the end of my presentation the uh if you want me to just do the zoning map at the same time I think so that yes thank you Tab S a proposed first reading quasi judicial ordinance of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida providing for text amendments to chapter 29 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances entitled Land Development regulations by amending Article 4 zoning districts and the official zoning map to extend the boundary of the plan Corridor development overlay District over the real properties of 12290 Northeast 6th Avenue 12280 noreast 6th Avenue and 540 noreast 123rd Street identified with Miami dat County folio numbers 06- 223 0-31 0020 06223 0-0 31-30 and 06223 0-31 -10 totaling approximately 0.68 acres in accordance with Section 16604 1 parentheses 3 parentheses C Florida Statutes 2023 and sections 3-102 3-13 3-15 through 3-17 and section 3302 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations declaring the zoning map Amendment to be consistent with the city comprehensive plan further authorizing the city manager to do all things necessary to effectuate the zoning map Amendment providing for repeal conflict severability codification and for an effective date again if you wish to speak on this item the public speaker cards are at the entrance of Chambers once again this is the companion item assuming that uh you do approve the um the map Amendment the future luse map Amendment then you would consider the zoning map app Amendment um to implement that it's again say the we talked about the three Parcels a little over half acre uh it is currently zoned R5 which would limit it to 16 dwelling 16.3 dwelling units per acre um with the maximum height of 75 ft and that's been part of the challenge with developing the site or getting um development on that site is simply uh the fact that it's a prime Corner parcel that doesn't have enough City to be able to make it workable as a project um and so we are again Planning Commission recommended approval and staff is recommending approval as well they will have to come back um afterwards to assuming you approve this they will need to come back before you with a conditional use permit to get any extra density that's allowed under that extended uh the extension of the PCD so you will see the the development project um a little bit later down the road after assuming that you do approve this this evening so again second reading 5:14 if you approve it tonight and that is the end of my presentation the applicant is here they do have a brief presentation for you uh and they are here to answer any questions Mr Mayor while they come up I'd like to disclose experte communication sure and who are the CL what no no no I okay no I don't think I don't think I've seen you or talk to you so anyone else um just in case because I know we forget about it um councilwoman none councilman yes I've had Communications with the councilman Charles I think I think I've seen you right that was U that was a long time ago right well was it about this project I was here last meeting but a separate project oh okay okay all right thank it's it's kind of confused because we have so much um projects going on in our city sometimes we we meet the with the developer or the folks maybe a year prior and then they come up so it's a little bit hard for us thank you so much um I think you have a presentation I do mayor short presentation even May short that's good good evening mayor vice mayor council members my name is Nick notto at the law firm of bills in sunberg our office is located at 1450 brickl Avenue Suite 2300 and I'm here tonight on behalf of the applicant botanic Venture LLC I'm joined by my client Mr federo Zapata um first and and foremost I'd like to thank staff your staff here is is excellent at what they do and they're always a pleasure to work with which makes this process so much easier on this application your your staff did review our application for a a zoning change in future land use map Amendment against the city's uh code criteria and found that the applications did uh satisfy those criteria as such your staff is is recommending approval to you tonight in the staff report that's before you in the record your Planning Commission also reviewed both of these applications back in February and unanimously unanimously recommended approval of the applications to give you a little bit of context about my client he's no stranger to to the city of North Miami um in fact he has over 40,000 square ft of development both uh under construction and and developed within the city's boundaries not including the project that these app these uh ordinance changes would unlock uh for us to bring um with the new project and the site is right at the the southwest corner of Northeast 23rd Street and Northeast 6th Avenue um we think that this is a excuse me 12 123rd Street you mean yes sir okay you say 23rd Street just Northeast 123rd and Northeast 6th Avenue which we consider a very important intersection to the city kind of the gateway to the downtown um and currently two of the Four Corners are are vacant and so we really view this as a as a a great opportunity to bring kind of a a prize Jewel to the this entryway to the city's downtown core and as Miss love alluded to um this PCD Corridor overlay is already established at the two Parcels at the northern part of this intersection we're just simply requesting that be extended South one one parcel to to our property and why so these applications will unlock the ability to bring what we think will be a transformative project to that intersection um what we've coined or Mr Zapata has coined as Nomi botanic it's a four story 48 unit uh residential building with 64 covered ground floor parking spaces and we do believe that that this this 40 these 48 units will will do a couple things one will provide I think what's needed new housing stock new construction to the city of North Miami particularly in this Corridor um it'll provide additional density to kind of activate the commercial Corridor directly to its North and we think an overall um Improvement to both this this gateway to the downtown just you know a a a quick walk away from where we are tonight at City Hall so this is kind of a a a overly complicated slide all this is showing is that the project as designed which will come back before you for approval um is designed in compliance with the R5 zoning standards in terms of Building height um although the PCD overlay would unlock greater development potential we're proposing a project that is within scale of the surrounding development at only four stories um and it's and it's designed in accordance with the lock coverage and open space requirements otherwise provided for by your R5 zoning regulations and just quickly I'll just highlight a couple of the staff report findings um your staff found that that 70% of the existing housing stock is over 50 years old and that this these applications will increase the opportunity for development of needed modern housing within the city which is one of the the goals we're seeking to accomplish and also again reviewed it against your comprehensive F comprehensive plan and found that it supported several of the policies within there including um aggressively pursuing Redevelopment revital Iz ation opportunities like I said we really do view this Corridor and this intersection as the gateway to the downtown and we really want to bring something special to one of the vacant Corners so with that we we greatly appreciate your time and we're here to answer any questions that you may have thank you so very much um appreciate um before we go into um any comments from the Das let's just open it up for um anyone Madame clerk turned in anything okay than thank you so much so we'll take it up here yes well is it sh two right actually it is you know thank you so much for the presentation I'm very familiar with this I'm I'm excited to see it go through I'm sure we'll have more conversation during the um conditional use permit process um you know and and I'm happy I know the the former um executive director and our city manager we've been working on that corner to be get sure that we have some activities some housing there and and I think finally we're we're getting there so thank you again for your presentation and if there are no comments from my colleagues I'd like to move for approval thank you sure I just had um something real brief um it's very very nice and we can't wait um I Echo everything um the vice mayor had said so it's it's it's so glad something is going to go there and you're right it's a it's a small little um block that's across the street from it next to the building but we we would love to see something here going so thank you so very much and Madame clerk I have a motion made by vice mayor ese Irvin to approve the item at tab Q the motion was seconded by councilman Charles councilman Charles how do you vote Yes councilwoman Timothy how do you vote Yes vice mayor EST Irvin how do you vote Yes mayor Des how do you vote Yes councilman Galvin how do you vote Yes motion carries with a 5- z vote I'm sorry we did meet back in January right we did yeah it was on Zoom sorry meeting I'm sure we met somehow but I I can't remember it was January last year thank you so much um S Tab S move second okay I have a motion made by councilman Charles to approve the item at tabs the motion was seconded by vice mayor estimate Irvin councilman Galvin how do you vote Yes vice mayor estimate Irvin how do you vote Yes councilman Charles how do you vote Yes mayor Des how do you vote Yes councilwoman Timothy how do you vote motion carries with a 5- z vote thank you thank you very much good luck next to please be advised that tab R is quasi judicial in nature and if you wish to speak in favor of object to or comment on this item please complete a public speaker card indicating the agenda item number on which you'd like to comment so You' put R you must be sworn before addressing the city Council and you may be subject to cross- examination and if you refuse to submit to cross-examination the city council will not consider your comments in its final deliberation please also disclose any expart Communications you may have had with any members of the city council and City Council Members must do the same that's what I I thought it was to quasi tab r a proposed quasi judicial resolution of the mayor and City Council of the city of North Miami Florida approving the site plan for a 9unit three-story apartment building with an integrated covered parking containing 15 parking spaces on one parcel of real property located at 12116 Northeast 5th Avenue identified with Miami date County folio number 06223 31- 0290 and totaling approximately 0.34 acres in accordance with Article 2 Division 7 section 2701 and article 3 division 2 Section 3204 through Section 3-2 206 and article 3 division 3 section 3-32 of the city of North Miami code of ordinances chapter 29 entitled Land Development regulations providing for an effective date and all other purposes tab R once again Mr Mayor for the record Debbie Love development services director the item you have before you as the city um clerk read it's a site plan approval um this has gone come before you for conditional use I mean yeah the conditional use approval is located um on Fifth Avenue as you can see uh this location um and it is currently vacant it's zoned R5 so it can do multif family and you did allocate them three dwelling units um back in 2023 to move forward that's how long sometimes it takes to get back to you for site plan approval to get through the process so now you have um the actual finalized site plant that went to DRC and uh coming back to you with what was approved by the by the DRC again it's a three-story 9unit apartment building it does have an integrated garage with eight parking spaces there and seven surface parking spaces um they it's it's designed as as you recall probably not this long ago um with a really nice nice landscape Plaza along the frontage on Fifth Avenue it includes a Tot Lot it has a masonry wall around three sides of the property again enhanced are required enhanced storm water the Florida native vegetation and they need to be lead or national equivalent certification so the DRC went before the DRC in January the uh January 31st as a matter of fact and had some certain conditions added to the site plan itself uh one is of course having the Six foood Wide sidewalk along Northeast Fifth Avenue Frontage again you need to have lead provide your lead certification before you can get a CO all the utilities must be undergrounded um and they have to apply for building permit with 18 months so the rest are pretty standard so they need to obtain a certificate of occupancy before they can lease any of the units along with a CU and a BTR so those are our standard condition and with that that's the end of our presentation thank you so much Miss love um this is the last item sir um Madame cler you didn't have you didn't get any um comments okay you didn't sign on anyone member of the board what's going on okay K T night here okay so can I get a motion to so moved second I have a motion made by councilman gal to approve the item at tab R the motion was seconded by councilman Charles councilwoman Timothy how do you vote vice mayor estimate Irvin how do you vote Yes mayor Des how do you vote Yes councilman galin how do you vote Yes councilman Charles how do you vote Yes motion carries with a 4- z vote thank you awesome thank you thank you so much um citizen Forum citizen Forum this is it we have two mics or anyone else wants to speak please come up my name is PA Co 9280 Southwest 167 ter met Bay one of the things I noticed about nor Miami the way you guys do the business and how you it's one of the greatest cities that been walking around and doing business today here one of the things I realized man you guys are one of the greatest cities and one of the things is is that it's kudos to a mayor city manager hiring amazing police chief running the please I mean you looking at those things and you don't see that very often you don't see even in South Florida you don't see that and I've been around in a lot of cities and I'm very happy to try to bring business here thank you uh thank you so much sir and truly appreciate it and and I think it's refreshing for us council members here to hear another residents from an outside City because we often do have people who don't understand what we do um they always think that we do always complaining which is not but it's it's it's actually good good to hear someone at least the the good things that we do we know we don't do everything the best as we should but we we strive and we do the best so thank you so much we appreciate your comments Claudia yes Claudia Paso 13504 Northeast 23rd Place I enjoyed the reception and also last Tuesday I was also here at the reception where the women's um community board it was also nice hearing other women from the Miami come and say what they had to say at the same time I was a little bit disappointed because they were talking about what they were doing in their cities honoring women and somebody from the city of Miami Beach was like we have these big paintings of they were celebrating woman who rocks so had Gloria step and all these other people and they're like I don't know the woman about your community but it'll be great if you guys said the same thing and then I thought about I'm like that is true like we don't really honor the woman in our community except when it's women's History Month she also brought up a point I think she went to Washington and how most of the monuments or statues are most mainly men and how all the streets are mainly named after men and as I'm sitting there I'm like that is true so hopefully next year the city of North Miami will do more to honor women in the community like you guys did today and another quick thing the White House Apartments on 6th Avenue um the 6 Avenue is it 6th Avenue I don't know but I know three years AG three years ago was an apartment building that we had to put plywood on the um swimming pool Laura Hill like mention it um again I totally forgot about it I'm going to be honest but it's turns out that nothing has been done and I know there's something about recertification and getting a new code manager but the thought that that plywood is still there covering that swimming pool after 3 years I was like how can that be so I just want to say that it doesn't matter yeah so email us the information white I'm sorry are we talking about White House no no the White House so apartment building on six on six we're working on that yeah we are working on that's something that recently came up but I again I don't know 100% all the facts but the thought that the plywood that was put there 3 years ago is still there they're still garbage I'm like wait but we address this and doesn't matter whose District it is we all should be looking who was the source or what was the source for the information it was and on my knowy neighbor chat and pictures were taken I think as of last year that there's still garbage there the plywood covering the swimming pool is still there that nothing really has been improved okay okay that's the one that you you guys are working on Madam manager you mentioned so it's in the works yeah it's in the works I know but I just it's now in the works in what the past month and I'm like that was three years ago that originally was you know I know may I may I do a little PSA I mean unfortunately um when the process takes it takes time but a lil PSA the White House Condo which is I've been talking to the vice mayor is going to unsafe structures board at mate County in May so we are going to come to a resolution very soon but one of our biggest challenges is we don't have our own unsafe structures board and it has been very difficult to recruit people to be on the board the vice mayor is the only one that was able to appoint um someone and you don't have to be a resident so this is a PSA you don't have to be a resident but you have to be um one of the qualified positions a contractor real estate manager of some sort um so I would strongly encourage again can you be a regular resident no you have to have the I was about to I was about to nominate CLA Claudia no you need that expertise so when we present the you know the structural item person um clear not yet no no not yet okay but yes so we're still I'm still recruiting so I can present we trying to get the board together if you guys want to hire me I'll gladly work here and split my job and just start doing stuff I that I know wa wait there's an election coming up district one is wide open honestly we all know that takes money to to run I wish I could uh see that's so thank you than you so much we appreciate you yes ma'am hello eaba 13350 Northeast third code I am it's my same question okay can can um can miss love email you and and you know you and her would talk about it and um would that be good miss love and cin copy me because I want to know too thank you awesome yes good evening everyone Naomi Esther blir I am here representing the commission for woman thank you your address please 2301 Laguna Circle thank you so very much to um vice mayor Mary ese Irvin for acknowledging the commission for women uh this week Tuesday I was elected as the new chairwoman for the commission for women so I'm inviting all of the women in the city of North Miami to our monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of every month and I think uh um the resident who just recently came up and talked about some of the things that we can possibly do to elevate women in our city 365 days in the year and not just during the month of March and as the new chairwoman I look forward to championing those initiatives thank you so very much thank you thank you anyone else okay public hearing is closed um we are going to council report Vice um no report dist one District Two no report no you do you have a um the the the oh yeah we have a lot going on this week I know Chanel is tired of me this week I know but just want to say thank you to Chanel and staff for putting together a lovely woman's um reception this evening now yeah she's she did good and we are hosting Thursday she's carrying large boxes up the stairs yeah on Thursday we are hosting the north Miami library top lot that is going to be named after Lucia Gonzalez um that's Thursday at 3 p.m. so join us for that groundbreaking ceremony and then on Friday we'll be hosting our what is it our third annual the third annual um Extended hand celebration in District 4 um Extended hand is doing amazing things so if you need diapers new clothing for your family they are there providing services at the Clyde Justin Community Center and is there one more thing that was it yeah that was it we got so much going on fting Friday oh yes Friday what is it called yeah I think you did Welcome Springtime that's exact there we go councilman um not much uh welcome to uh Springtime and um also on Sunday at Nomi uh Nomi Village we have a very very nice event um just bring all the children and then they're going to have fun parents come over Nomi Village is a good site um you know they going to have bounce houses and all kind of games for the kids so please please is um just right after church um just come on to n me Village and and let's have fun and I just want to say um congratulations to uh the new chairwoman for commission for women couldn't uh come at at a better time and congratulations to all the women in here congratulations starting with uh our city manager and uh oh man vice mayor next to me Council woman and Madame Clerk and um you know Dr uh Daniels so we got to change the title and all of you and thank you thank you uh for who you are and thank you for giving us life and I'm still breathing just think to a woman thank you God is a Woman They say oh okay vice mayor sure good evening everyone vice mayor Mary ese Irvin it's a pleasure again um to be communicating with you so this year it's our sixth annual women's empowerment Network luncheon so please don't miss that Thursday March 28th at FIU at 11: and we're going to have some amazing women saying some amazing things being keynote speakers and Mistress of Ceremonies and panelists um our keynote speaker will be Solange Dr Solange viven if you haven't heard her you need to hear her even if you've heard her she is so entertaining you need to hear her again um well we're we're we're going to have our Mistress of ceremony um Sharon Henley shito um we're going to have a um Kenisha Paul um Rebecca Sharpie relle H um rinkin and Dr Paula Hopkins so it's going to be a lot of fun networking and uplifting lunch and so I dare you to to join us on on Thursday March 28th at 11: a.m. any more that concludes my report a awesome thank you so much and and I just want to congratulate Miss Daniel again on becoming a doctor welcome to the club the real Club not the fake one um truly truly it's an it's it's yeah you do have those um yeah so yeah no we're not looking at you we we never use doctor you never use that so no we're not looking at but we want to say um congratulations to you um and that's basically it I think you heard Council woman and you heard the lunch in happening so we have a lot is always visit noi um North for all your news and sign up for our newsletter again thank you thank you so much real brief um Madame clerk um come on nothing Mr attorney oh I do have something I wasn't sure if you were calling on me uh April 1st we're having the Clean Campaign class and it will be at 6: p.m. I believe that yeah at 6: p.m. at City Hall so it'll be in the chamber so I encourage anybody who's curious about campaigns uh so that you can also have a better understanding about our own code the state the County's code around elections and also get to hear from actual um folks who will be reviewing the ballots and all of that cuz a lot lot of times people think that it's just a so whether you're a candidate a campaign operative somebody who's working or volunteering on a campaign it's open to the public so please feel free to come April 1st at 6 pm and that is all thank you so much Madame clerk Mr attorney no report mayor thank you so much sir Madame manager uh a quick one it's bittersweet but I just want to make sure that make the announcement that um tonight is the next to last council meeting for Dr Nisha Daniel Ian it was in the Miami today so I can say it officially yes she will be the Miami dat County Solid Waste director her last day with us is April 12th we were waiting and unfortunately she was waiting for the official notification but Miami today posted it so I'm like in the paper so it's official now they do the introduction at the BCC when when the mayor presents a new director so it's May 7th Tuesday Morning um yes so whoever wants to attend but that's when they do the presentation and Anisha has to do actually a speech yes yeah so it is a big too I told her today I I know she's going bigger stuff you know that's another thing when I see the mayor that we do cuz the you know my you know mayor LaVine Cava is taking most of our staff but that's good that's a good thing for us um but I did say to you Miss Daniel you are so intrical part of the the award that we are getting next month with the African-American Mayors as you all know we received um a major award from the American um food beverage um in association and we'll be getting that award in Atlanta doing the annual thing you should definitely I understand you you need to come with us you know that's that's what what of the things you're in the video but we truly truly appreciate you the the work that you've done the services that the the service that you have provided to our residents and I know I'm not speaking for myself cuz you know eileene could tell you you know you're one of those people once you on the thing you you know you'll get it done so it's it's it's a good honor that they taking stuff from us and lastly um thank you to Madame clerk um we have benza for coming up as you know April 13th is um Earth Day it's the big um so we have B nanza that will be um 33 sites across the the county and one of them is our site at FIU North where we will be exing residents people who always talk about North Miami is dirty and this and this and this and that this is your opportunity because I told the residents what are you doing um to make it if it's clean do you go out do you do something it's it this is all of us it cannot be government this this and this and that because our job and part of the um we we need help from everybody it's it's it's one of those things where it truly take a village to raise um a child and this city the initiatives that we have done in in terms of the environment s making sure that we are doing what needs to be done needs to be commended um and Miss Daniel we happy we're going to have another friend at the county and benza is April 13th more information will come out on the sites make sure you get her personal cell phone number before she leaves congratul no thank you awesome yes go ahead uh councilwoman Timothy how do you vote on Tab R oh jeez was in there about oh yes all right the motion carries with a 5 Z fot I move to adjourn second that yes I have a motion made by councilman Gavin to adjourn seconded by mayor Des all in favor any opposed motion carries with a 5 vot