good afternoon everyone today is Tuesday July 16 this is the commission for women board meeting my name is Naomi Esther blir and I am the chairwoman we are calling this meeting into order Dr Nai blir present Dr Mna de Merit present Dr Marie ien present Miss Nori Glickman Dr Emanuel flurry ma Miss Rose gamier we have three that are not here but you are missing one for Quorum thank you at this time we're going to move to proceed until the two join us um let us do the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all Madame philipo are there any amendments to the agenda no amendments at this time M chair thank you at this time we will begin with old business update on N me business Master Class 50 female startup with Dr Marie atin thank you Madame chairwoman I'm happy to report that uh Miss Kaa philipo and I we met uh over the phone we went over uh the list um we have uh letters to be sent out and so so um that should be done by uh next week so we're we're in we're in a good start excellent wonderful thank you so very much for that report dren uh we appreciate it at this time the get fit know me program um we know that Dr Magda demerit spoke with the fitness instructor and I do believe that there is a new budget that would be submitted to you has it been submitted to you as of yet no I have not received okay great so we will follow up by end of week to by end of this week to ensure that we get the final budget which should include two instructors as well as any insurance liabilities required for this particular initiative uh tentatively I would like to put on the floor a start date of Saturday August 24th 2024 for and as requested by the board at 8:00 a.m. is that okay no objection no objection okay great so then our get fit know me program will begin Saturday August 24 2024 at 8:00 a.m. here at mocha Plaza at this time uh Chief of Staff K philipo uh please give us an update on the commission for women budget good evening good evening um at this time I'd like to also thank and acknowledge our special projects manager Miss gery josier who actually assisted in ensuring that I got that information for you guys this evening thank you thank you Gertie um as you guys know the total expense for commission for women is started at $5,500 the pro the following expenses have been um incurred we a commission for women reception that took place in April M that was for $1,693 M the pending invoice for replace Replacements which is um approximately at 340 at this time um we are just still pending but we anticipated to be at that cost and then the pending invoice that was just recently processed for mjd to for the um conference that took place in June that leaves you with the remaining balance of $727 thank you for the remainder of the um fiscal fiscal year and do have we added the $400 that was umed Pro pledged by commissioner W now at this time I know that there was a report where she mentioned she would ensure that we received the check this week excellent so that so can we add that up would love to see a a higher balance for the commission for women so I also want to ensure that it's reminded that there aren't any rollovers for fiscal year so I know you want to ensure that um that there's spent by the September 30th deadline so we have so we have a deadline to spend $1,102 by September 30th correct and 75 cents and thank you so very much we will use that money wisely I have a question for Kata was was that include um what the expenses not expenses the um what we bring in did wasn't there a fund raise at the um at the last um conference that's that's is that included in there no because there was oh so so the 702 does not include the monies that were fund no I have not I have not received any information okay great so thank you so very much dren so just to correct in addition to the $72 there was $400 raised okay that's 1102 plus commissioner Rose grandier agreed to match the $400 okay so that's a total $800 correct so we're actually at $1,500 $275 okay great thank you thank you so very much dran for that reminder so let it uh let the record show that the commission for women has $1,527 cents to spend by the September 30th date the time now is 7:06 I we recognize commissioner Emmanuela Flore where I excuse myself because it was a busy day um my medical assistant was not there I have to cover her and we had an emergency the last minute at 5:30 a patient coming with high blood pressure high blood sugar so we don't have no chance to sit down and then make sure that we taking good care of her but she's good we send her to the hospital she's okay so sorry for my for being late at this time time we are going to uh move move on to follow up with administrative requests uh Chief of Staff Kata filipo you have the floor good evening again um for the following administrative requests and I know it's been pending and I do want to thank you guys for our P for your patience with working with Administration and ensuring that these were fulfilled um one of them is the business cards I do have a copy which I apolog oliz I should have had this issued it's actually not printed as a card size it's full size we're we're sorry that's how the prin are printed and I'm going to give each of you a copy um but I wanted to show you that some of the changes or most of the changes that were requested from the email that we received following the last meeting we're in we're done on this um on this update um the the let me pass it on thank you thank you so much and while you guys review we can also follow up so the first is the front and then the second page is the back or what's projected to be the back um but any uh let me follow up with other updates and then we can follow up with the changes on these the second one is a monthly flyer um I did follow up with Madame chair and just wanted to advise you that although we it shows on my um on the agenda that the updated flyer was completed it was but as I did mention to Madam chair um I am following up with the direct dor of communications to ensure that it is um following the wish of the of the commission um including including you know the visibility right the um the the the colors and just to be more inviting for the requests of the um commission so I hope to share something before the end of the week via email to you all and that way you guys can have that officially done and and introduced for when you guys return back from Recess the second yes I just a quick thing I was looking at the colors this one looks uh purple and this one looks more like a a pink which I thought which one I think the printer may have it cuz I all most of it or at least I'll also send an email so you guys can see it but I I can assure you it's the color of the commission for women okay um as you recall the last time I introduced it you guys had the option of these colors or the city colors so and you guys chose the commission colors no the reason I asked is because um it's more the yellow the the green so the we want to ensure that it is actually this color which is more this is purple this is more of a pink purple okay so I think that what we should do is before we print it get the actual file okay and the colors from the designer so that we can ensure that once we print the business cards they will be exact thank you Dr Tien for pointing that out yes um like the person who created the logo there's something that I don't remember but he will know the verbage he has to give you the the actual call caller code yes I that's what for that that's what I just mentioned yeah but I don't know the name there's a verbage so he will give the there aote on it yeah do you guys have the information of the person who created the yes I will send that over to you please okay thank you just so we can ensure yes excellent and that that same file once you receive it we will ensure that we use that file for the apparel yes to make sure that it's consistent as well correct excellent thank you dran thank you Dr FL MO thank you um the next update is regarding social media accounts I know that it was the directive of the commission to ensure that all the social media handlings were updated to reflect Nomi women y um so I just am I am happy to announce that that has been included on all the social media platforms and I do have the password and information for the logins that I will not publicly announce but we'll share with you um regarding that for the updates moving forward thank you and then regarding the professional head shot I believe I'm missing one or two um I have to verify exactly who because I I I know you guys sent some of them sent were sent a while ago and then I know from the last meeting I asked and I re I I got it so I that is also on me to ensure I just want you to know that I've also spoken with um Miss dunia from our it department and we are confirming because Miss dunia is going on vacation um that this is done before she leaves for vacation the end of the week okay so that also goes into the updates for the web page because I know that we confirmed the mission statement and objections at the last meeting as well so all that will be updated Al together I just want to ensure I had everyone um since they were not all sent at the same time excellent I have a question about the social media accounts so are since we will have the information can can we post to it or would we still have to get clearance about what we're posting from so I I will be able I will what I can do that's a very good question um Vice chair I can provide you guys the administrative regulation that the city follows as far as for social media posting um and if there are any changes with Communications to update you but it's pretty standard we ensure that we're not violating any you know um laws or only about the commission correct solely about the commission we're not providing opinions like you know things like that to have any type of um ethics violations and things like that so but just to be sure I will be sure to provide that information to you excellent so that so professional headshots and web page were pretty much together apparel I will also forward to you guys via email thank you to miss josier we were able to receive the quotes for the um shirts and and if I can find them in my notes are they I'm sorry I thought I printed that but I don't see it okay so I do have the quotes for the shirts received um the total was about $841 for I believe both shirts the long sleeve and the short sleeve polo shirt and that and that's the color white and that is one shirt per commissioner that's two shirts per per commissioner a long sleeve and a short sleeve polo but that's for the color white shirt we can follow up they have different price PES for the color I wanted to verify what color cuz I know we were still discussing the color but I know you wanted to confirm how much it would be for the short sleeve polo and the long sleeve it's total of $841 have money good um for the shirts okay so I will share that also via email so that you guys can see I tried to print the style of the shirts it wasn't really working for me but I will email cuz it's easier for you to click on the link to view the shirts excellent and what we can do to just offset this cost um I know that we have $1,552 however we do have a small nominal donation coming from the League of Women oh I found it uh voters who we co-hosted an event with mhm and so their Treasurer is actually working on giving me the final numbers once I receive that I will submit it to um our chief of staff and then we will work to get a check and hopefully not hopefully we will utilize those funds towards the shirts okay and that concludes my updates for the M Administration more than $100 thank you thank you so very much Madame filipo I just just would like to go over um what our proposed Mission and the slogan that was presented I know that it was discussed last meeting but I definitely just want to go over it so ensure that we're all on the same page and so this is not this is not in replacement of the of what was created in 2021 one this is a mission statement that we're going to move forward with in conjunction with that okay so the mission of the north Miami commission for women is to empower women through advocacy action and accountability while boldly advancing the fair and equal treatment for all women in the city and this was directly taken from the resolution that was established in 2021 and I I do believe that we have enough Commissioners here to agree on moving forward with that uh Madam chair when I'm looking at the bylaws that were created uh and approved by us in the city um are we adding this because are we amending the bylaw because it says what the mission is here is to support uh continue efforts for economic political and social equality of opportunities for all women with special emphasis on the need of women in the city and to serve as an advisory capacity to the council to the city council so my question is so this not it does so let me say that again it does not replace what is already WR written this is in conjunction with what is written so that means that when you go on our social media platforms once we are actually um launching the pages this this is what actually will be on the page in addition to that the reality is no one is going on our website to read our bylaws and so we have to we have to unless okay we can always change a mission statement uh there's no law that says you cannot uh um edit a mission statement my question remains have we consulted have we consulted with the city to see that the bylaws that was um presented in the Article 2 purpose and Mission um and the one I just read if because you know it's either you stand for one Mission you can't have two Mission either you have one Mission we go with we place it and we amend it or so I'm I'm asking for the purpose of clarification do we amend the existing mission statement to reflect the new Mission Pro the new proposed um mission statement Madame CER philippo because that was an ordinance and we had to come up with B so um yes the organ the commission was created by ordinance and I know that there I apologize because I was not aware of the bylaw so I would have to definitely defer us to follow up with the city attorney's office to get that information and confirm thank so if we can defer that in the time being if that's okay with the commission um we can as we make the updates include the current mission statement and then you guys can I can until I get my legal opinion and then that way if there are you guys wish to move forward and amend the mission statement as mentioned by the bylaws and or I re I receive that it does not need that um then that way we can replace it so if that's if that's okay with the commission while we're here let's also talk about the proposed slogan um I had I don't think anyone submitted one although we asked for it although we asked for it so what I am proposing I can State what it is and if we want to amend it if we want to add to it we want to subtract from it that's perfectly fine but tonight we would like to leave with a confirmed slogan so that as we move forward with all branding and literature that the slogan is on the the Flyers now before I even State what my propos proposal is are there any objections to us having a slogan um no objection you check the again to see what it said there is no slogan in the Bible there is there is no slogan um for example I can tell you um um caring for the community is what I'm just using another organization is what they use as a slogan so you want to be known for what you do so um this is a proposed slogan um we don't have to vote on it in my opinion because you only have one in my opinion you should have at least a few sample to you know to at least discuss it we we asked for everyone to submit I don't recall that I'm so sorry but I don't recall this one Dr Kya uh excuse me Kya filipo can you please remind them when we um ask for everyone to share a so I believe it was not the last meeting the meeting before but I'd have to definitely double check I was absent at that meeting that's what that so I probably missed that part because I was because it was requested that's when you were going to discuss at last meeting for the slogan and miss and we didn't get to discuss it so u i I'm so sorry I'm not privy to this but I'm just saying that uh ideally you want to get at least uh three or four uh at least one from everybody and so we can massage it and work and talk about it and then come up but to have one to make a decision on it I don't I don't feel comfortable with that that's perfectly fine I want to be very clear that as the chairwoman I have a responsibility to move with the agenda and so if we are and I understand you were not you were absent but if we request for something and no one gives their input that doesn't mean we don't move forward no I'm saying if it was in writing if you sent an email that specifically stated that it was it would have been my responsibility to read the email and respond and I don't not recall receiving an email about that so um at this time I'm going to ask Chief of Staff filipo that everything going forward is communicated via email and each commissioner is asked to respond to the email so just for clarity um a slogan is a memorable phrase or model that is used to express an idea or purpose in a Varity of context such as political commercial religious or clanbase slogans are often used in advertising and marketing campaigns to grab attention promote a brand and connect with customers or they can also help to create a memory association between the brand the slogan and the product so the reason that I have chosen to I to Brand the commission for women with a slogan is so that all of the women in the city that comes in contact with the commission will understand what our role is towards them when I am in the city and I mention the commission for women everybody asks the same thing what do you do what are you supposed to be doing we didn't know that you exist so I think that we have the responsibility to effectively Market brand and communicate the work of the commission so that we can get engagement and if we fail to do that that's on us and so there are so many different I'm not saying my way is the best way but there are many different ways to advertise uh a a board a a brand um an organization I mean many of us here serve or have founded our own organization so we know this and so I don't think I'm bringing anything new to the table I'm just establishing some very basic basic things as we move forward and so the slogan that was um presented all right here we go the proposed slogan is Where women rise communities Thrive this is what I would like to present to the commission for women and our at our next meeting all who are currently present who would like to suggest another slogan is free to come up with one and although dran said we don't have to vote um just to move things along that night we will have a vote on which slogan we will choose U Madame chairwoman a point of clarification I want to make it very clear that um I don't feel comfortable making a decision when our mission statement is not finalized if we're going to make a slogan on anything it has to be based on what we about out and right now we're thinking about proposing changing the mission statement and as I stated before had I had to receive an email with this information asking for slogan I would have I love doing things like I would have giving my suggestion however having one one suggestion from you the chairwoman and not having suggestion from other members I feel that we need to have some some input I just stated that our next meeting everyone here present will have an opportunity to share their slogan and at that time we will choose on the one that we best we believe if and when you finalize the mission statement the slogan has nothing to do with the mission statement I do I disagree I disagree because we need to know what how we moving we need to know what our mission is if we know what our mission is we can easily come up with a slogan so just to ensure that we do not get stuck um on one thing we can move past the proposed Mission we will go with exactly what is written in the bylaws and we will vote on a slogan so disregard the mission the propose disregard the propos we will go with exactly what is written and we will move forward on a slogan and who made the proposed mission who wrote it who submitted propos mission was it you Dron I said I am the only one who submitted one okay it was requested by everyone the last meeting that you stated that you were not present for it was discussed okay and so to move forward we will not consider a proposed Mission we're going to go with the mission as written in the bylaws the next meeting we will vote on a slogan Dr furar you will come with your proposed slogan Dr de Merit you will come with your proposed slogan I have submitted my slogan Dr iten you will come with your proposed slogan Madame philipo pleas mad CH can I ask you a question sure one second Madame philipo please send out an email to all members of the commission requesting that at the next meeting they come with a proposed slogan for the commission for women and request that every commissioner responds back to the email let me ask Dr Flore yes you have the floor okay how everybody does everybody agree that we need a slogan for the women commission or this idea it's only coming from you because I don't remember we we discussed but since they said maybe I was in the meeting I I I I don't remember that but are we agree on group that that we need a mission statement for the women Commission because everything that we are doing we all six has to be on the same page not Dr fman want to do something no it's us we want we want that because that will make the wom commission um come out perfect or that will help the women Commission in certain point that's my um concern on everybody all six and this group agree on some on that point like you want to change the mission statement I don't know if you take the time to read the the B to see that we already have one and now you come up you say okay leave it so we have to make sure what we doing we are doing it according to what the law the the lawyer give us and then what we want to change what we want to do it is we it is not I because I cannot said I want to do this by myself no I want that no I want to change don't want make it sounds like we are not it's there is no unification there it's a man mandatory things so detective how they say that the um like no we are here to work to together we have to continue working together and then how we want stuff to be done I would I want to say that live we have to stop that the I want we are adults we have to make decision together Madam chair just for a point of clarification I know that um with the discussion I just want to be clear am I still reaching out to get a legal opinion regarding the bylaw no you will not no longer need a legal opinion on the bylaws we are going to use the mission as stated on the bylaws um as as it relates to branding purposes uh the first three posts on all social media platforms will highlight the mission um statement of the commission for women it will highlight the slogan um if one is chosen or voted on tonight and it will also highlight those who are currently serving and um in what capacity they are serving this is why we ask for the head shot um this will also be on the M the landing page which we already discussed um several times and if we see on the last bullet point it says web page email photos description mission statement okay so at this time just to move our um meeting forward I'm going to call for a vote I propose that we have a slogan for the north Miami commission for women K yes there is a motion to propose to have a slogan for commission for women by chairwoman Dr Naomi blir and was seconded by Vice chair Dr Magda dearit Dr Nai Bloomer how do you vote Yes Dr Magda de how do you vote Yes Dr Marie ien how do you vote I vote Yes Miss Nori Glickman how do you vote Yes Dr Manuela flah how do you vote Yes okay thank you your motion sorry passes with the 5 Z vote thank you so very M much um one vote I apologize I have one vote at this time we're still going to move forward with um the email request that an email be sent out to all Commissioners requesting that at our next meeting they bring they come forth with the slogan for the commission for women and please request that every commissioner responds to this email just to clarify to propose an idea for a slogan that is optional correct correct yes of course and this is why I move forward with it because if no one proposed one then I assume that they did not have one to propos now I think that it's it's best to say that we send everything via email and when the person responds if the person does not responds respond with what is requested one should assume that you do not have an idea to propose now I don't think that it would be in our best interest to belabor ideas that are only coming forth to move us forward word so that we can have a voice in this city and so that we can begin to work towards the the agenda of serving the wom in the city again this whole branding um suggestions that I'm coming with is to advertise the commission solely to advertise the commission okay so the idea that um it is I and it's not us um I reject that I am here to serve and I am bringing my talents my gifts my creativity and my ability forward all of what I bring does not have to be accepted however I will not downplay who I am I will not downplay what I have to bring to the table nor will I re refrain from presenting ideas that I truly believe will better will put us in a better position to serve and so at this time the time now is 7:35 and I would like to recognize commissioner Nissa Glickman thank you so very much for joining us okay um Madame philipo can you please I know that um that wasn't on it but I am recalling back the last agenda can you please share any updates that you have on the training the training that yes for the policy I do apologize um so with the training I I I I have to recall we did move agree to move forward and to have a conversation with Miss sfler correct yes okay so I will have that information via email as well um I did briefly discuss it with her but I just need to follow up as far as um the scheduling and also topics and work with you guys um regarding that so I do apologize for not providing that update thank you so very much um In The Same Spirit of training I have uh been looking around to find a quick study guide for us on the Roberts Rules of Order I did find this quick study guide that I would like to present to you all it comes with an introduction giving you history on the Robert's Rules of Order preliminaries the kinds of assemblies that are LED under the Roberts Rule of Order it also has a the bylaws and all types of organizations that use this type of order in order to conduct their meetings it talks about procedures for conducting a meeting it really gives you uh I would say pretty good overview of what the Robert Rules of Order is and I think for anyone who um wants to learn a little bit more about it I think this would be great and I will follow up with actually having a presentation um and I have a few people in mind that I'll share with you who can dive into it a little bit more however I want to provide every woman every Commission with this so I'm going to share this with the uh chief of staff and if you can get one printed for each one so that when we do have the training we can have an idea of what she's talking about and it just won't just be foreign to us okay thank you so very much I'll give it give this to you at the end um training already can can we I have the new version of the book oh excellent excellent well I thought that you know I say everyone should buy the book you know I I wasn't too sure how that would come across so I thought that um you know as the chairwoman I should come up with a way where we give it to you for free and it's not an expense and it's not coming off as a um directed I wanted to make sure that we're just giving it to everyone so um we'll have uh Chief of Staff philipo print one out for each woman just like this so they can have it I think this is great because it just gives you a a great overview of how things run um and how we should conduct our meeting and it just prepares the next person to become chair okay so we'll we'll um training on that excellent and so at this time we're going to move forward with the proposed CFW Retreat which was voted on the last meeting and we agreed um to have it now we have to discuss where we would have it what what we want to see and I would like everyone's input on that I will begin with um Nissa Glickman what are your thoughts on the proposed Retreat um it is tent tentatively scheduled for August 23rd through the 24th the idea is for us to have a evening followed by an afternoon together just to really connect as women and identify our similarities what we can learn from one another and so I think that that would help with some of the um misunderstandings um amongst us at times if we really got to know one another better what are your thoughts you mean among ourself or yes yes oh that's always nice to have our time together I love it thank you narissa um do do you have any suggestions on what we should do uh we're looking at a Friday evening and then a Saturday morning to lunch so it would be dinner breakfast lunch and then after lunch we would um perhaps uh business lunch is good MH maybe breakfast is too early so so everybody can relax uh dinner maybe I think maybe we will have too much drink so it will come out different so I I like to have lunch is possible so originally what we were thinking U the reason that breakfast is included is a one night stay ah okay yes so that's why the breakfast was included it would be a one night stay so the evening we would have dinner together morning breakfast then lunch and then after lunch we would dis dis you mean it's like a retreat yes it is it is the proposed commission for woman Retreat um just Madam chairwoman if I may M um I have to double check my schedule I believe I already have something that we can um I I'm almost certain that I have a commitment already for that weekend but I will double check and uh who's covering who's paying for the retreat so this is a retreat for us we would be paying for it it's not covered by the commission for women I think that as women if we are going to if we are to lead uh 30,000 plus women we have to set the example on how we take care of ourselves how we connect with one another the time that we set aside to learn one another so that we can better serve together because at the end of the day it is very difficult for you to have two women um lead an agenda very different very difficult and now we are in a we're in a blessed situation where as the commission for women we represent over 30,000 women that is an awesome responsibility and we're only going to be as good to the woman as we are to ourselves and as we are to one another and so I proposed this Retreat to assist with that and since we voted on it and this is our last meeting before we break I wanted to get an idea of what we would like to see so that it is not seen as my initiative or my idea but that we together create the agenda for that weekend Madam chairwoman if I may uh having a retreat is wonderful no I don't think I'm contesting having a retreat I just came from one but we need to have ample time because you don't know what my budget is and so everyone has a budget everyone has schedule you cannot propose a retreat less than a month and then expect for people to just come up and say okay I'm willing to do this X Y and Z at least give a little bit of leeway and time to planning because we talking about uh we're at the end of July we're talking about within a month and personally personally I can tell you I'm I'm traveling I'm traveling to a conference from uh the end of this month from next week until the end of the month and then when I come back I already have another two other engagement so therefore we canot just propose something on first meeting and expect it to happen the next meeting I don't think it's right I think we need more time uh there's no rush there's no crisis uh we can plan a retreat within a month within two months three months time but to say that we holding the agenda I don't think it's right I think um those statements are not uh appropriate because everyone has their schedule we are professional and we all have uh an agenda to follow so less than a month uh uh notice to me is not acceptable so for the record this proposed CFW retreat was on the June 18th agenda date it was voted on with the date on the agenda no yes it was what may I Madam chair sorry may I sure I just want to clarify that this was voted on um uh correct me if I'm wrong Madame philipo that this was voted on um if you can get the vote for me that would be great um I do recall it being on the agenda last meeting M Glickman was not here um but everyone else was here um with the date on the agenda I Believe Miss flma was the one who me and W we said that it was too late let that item so we will yes we will discuss that next meeting but we was not voted on how we was agreed that okay we will have it but not no date no explanation was given the last meeting so we will leave it for this today to discuss about it that's what I we call if I not mistaking the what was voted on is that for you guys to move forward with with the discussion of having the retreat yes that's what discussion right now so that's what you guys were doing so it was voted but the date was also on the agenda when you guys voted on moving forward with the discussion so just to be just to clarify so it seems as if Kia and I are on the same page on what was on the agenda Dr Demmer do you recall what was on the agenda I honestly cannot recall at this moment and I don't have my files with me to give me some support here um yeah look at the minutes um so at this point at this time we will table the item and uh Dr Dr Floy Mo I do I know for a fact that you did you voted against it so I know that we voted for it because I know you voted against it discussed it that day we will disc Dr FL you voted against it the point is at this time um I'm I'm not going to go back and forth on what happened but I clearly remember it was voted on and I know you voted against it so this is what we're going to do we are going to table the item and at the next meeting if the board chooses to move forward with what it voted on then we can have the retreat if not we can totally disregard the retreat that is perfectly fine okay at this time public hear hearing is open Madam chair I have a few administrative questions for Miss philipo so at this time this is our last meeting until what month well we I know that you guys usually mirror the council um recess and right now we are in recess at the city until August 26 we resume council meeting on August 27th um so September so September you are back on your September meeting okay and just for clarification we have three of our board members whose terms will expire as of November um that is mar Marie Dr ien um appointed by mayor desum myself uh Dr dearit appointed by councilman Scott Galvin as well as um Dr FL ma who is appointed by councilman Charles so my askas is just just for administrative knowledge on what happens you know who does what uh and how how do we proceed do does the term just like what what happens um once November arrives because September will be back October November do we need to get on the agenda for the council and I want to have ample time to make sure we address so that is correct Dr Deary and thanks for bringing it to my attention to review um I believe you guys are based on the appointment of the term of the council person and these are the three terms that are actually up for election in November um what will have to happen is your term will end correct and what would need to be done is the um council person that will that is in that seat until that person is El so for instance November is when election is but then the either the council other than district one there's a possibility to be the same Council people right but if that's not the case whoever is elected and or reelected will have to do their reappointment at the time that has to go to council but we know that for district one that will be a new person but for everyone else it's either will be a new person or the current councel either way because that term ends and they will start a new term at the start of the new term is when there will be uh an appointment is the is there a possibility that you can put a Tickler for yourself just to kind of make sure it's November these ladies because we won't have Quorum if by December we're not full so for instance you will still be in your position until there is another appointment so well I I hope you guys understand what I'm saying I can chime I can chime in so the way it works is we're not isolated everyone I sit on five other the boards same situation it's everybody's having the same conversations so we what we can do to better facilitate that we can have our last meeting done at a certain date and so the next following meeting will not be until January so that gives the incoming um council members and mayor a time to appoint their new people or reappoint corre those that were there but it doesn't stop the business of the commission so the reason that um if that's a suggestion and the will of the commission is because um election is in November there may be if there's a runoff that will happen I believe either in December because ofth correct because of the Thanksgiving holiday so that then we go into recess okay for the winter so we resume back in January so I believe that is why the chair is making that recommendation and honestly that would probably be what is best because that gives ample time for the elected officials to submit um their proposal to the clerk's office and then if you guys have whoever it is application already there I would say just for reference that if you have applied for this before I believe it's up to one year that the applications are good for you would have to put in a new application to get reappointed and so just so I'm clear what we're saying is in December then we would not so our last meeting would be in November yes and we no actually October October October it can be November cuz well we won't know that's the thing because in case there is a runoff um because the election is the first week of November in case there's a runoff then you could meet because technically everyone's term is not over at that time cuz there's there're still in office um but if there is not a runoff then yes so I that is up to the commission on when you would like to so I would like to propose that our last meeting for this fiscal year is October 15th yes okay um that gives elections on the 5th so by the 1 of November everyone who has been appointed by someone who is no long who may no longer be in office it the best thing for you to do is go and reapply to be a board member because once you reapply that individual if they are reelected or whoever takes that person's space can then go back to the uh city clerk's office and put you back and so that doesn't delay but if you don't send in the application then they have to call you to send in the application then they have to wait till they have the first meeting it just delays things if your application is already in the clerk's office it causes things to move that because the clerk does their they what they do is they do a review and check before they can submit to the city attorney's office so that it can have a resolution because it's by resolution um to the to do the appointment for the commission I have a question I have a follow-up question to the question um so let's say our last meeting is in October 15th my term is officially over I'm done is that it I don't need to if I'm no longer interested because I've served two years and we want new people to come on this commission so the the the the councilmen um Can reappoint new individuals yes but just to be clear um Dr tin your term will end in November or whenever that elected official is no longer so after November 5th you understand so now November 5th is election day um but it's actually till when the the person is sworn in so it's EAS January correct right so as long the person remains in office I don't need to resubmit a new application you're say do no you would still need to because if that person is reelected for instance that's a new term you still have to be re then you will start all over again in Lin in line with that that person's term okay so then I would recommend our last meeting being November 19th the the reason that the well I I apologize Madam the suggestion of why not to have it in November is in the event there isn't a runoff in November election then that person's term will will end and there's just wait a minute okay hold on wait so there is a transition period right between elections so if election is November when is it 5th November the 5th are is elections and then all the outcomes are out when does the person's term end so that transition period is between you're still the vice chair legally speaking however there is the transition period by where in your case uh councilman Scott Galvin is termed out the person who is going to replace him will be transitioning between November and and December those two months into January when they swear in okay so if I I apologize I do understand what you're saying cuz technically say there isn't a runoff and there's already um they haven't been sworn in by November 19th that's what she's trying to say so it's not until they're sworn in that there is a new person so we would technically serve but what I have to verify is the dates is based on the date of I want to say election or to be sworn in so that is a very good question and we've had a lot of discussion I want to ensure you have the right information so for let me follow up to confirm I have to follow up with our um Deputy city clerk to ensure because I know that's who really works with the terms and the dates um and how that works with the election cuz that is also the supervisor of election I don't want us to lose any time that we could actually be doing work because when when does the council go for um Christmas break after the first meeting in December so whatever that second Tuesday is after that date they're in recess until the um until the actually until January until the last meeting of January yeah so can we have some official information reported so that we're informed by our September meeting no yeah so I I I will have that information to you by your next meeting or if not via email I believe a lot of these updates I'm going to provide via email before your next meeting EXC um but that that is one of them so that we have an understanding when you return in September how you would CU I would only give you two meetings if that's the case the September and October meeting case in point while we why we need to move quickly with making sure that everything that we believe we need in order to have the commission running on four wheels we should do because even if even if for argument's sake there were no changes right you would still have a a a transition time going on and you would have um Christmas vacation going into the first week of January and so with your with your updates that you're about to give us I propos that we have our last meeting October if we're going to have a meeting in November that meeting should be a culmination of what we have done thus far and we close that chapter because if you have three people who have played an active role on this commission is no longer there you do not have something to hand over to the next person and as we sit right now the it's not like that it's not like that no what I what I'm saying is that you we want to be able to hand over a handoff something very tangible to the person and even if I I'll let you speak um Norine even if we don't know who that person is we still are going to have to come in and do a handoff and we want to be able to articulate to this person this is what we have been able to do from from now until from then until now and this is what we're giving to you and then that person leads forward there has to be a transition even amongst us so with that said uh I will put on the table and you um and you can put that in the email that I am suggesting that our last meeting be October 15 if anyone um wants to have a meeting in November that's fine but that November meeting will be a overview of what has been done and what we're passing forward um it's it doesn't make sense to bring new business because there's just too many uncertainties I agree you want to close out that chapter and you want to be able to pass something tangible to the person who's coming so they're not lost and if we don't have anything written down to clearly identify who we are what we do what's our slogan what's our colors this is our logo the person may come in and start from scratch and that's not the way you run any organization you want to have a pass on I'm going to let Nori speak and then Dr well I I believe that the city is going to advise us all this we don't have everything is going to continue with or without anyone correct you know so it's not going to be a last meeting it's going to be continue every month so what I'm I don't what I'm saying is that it's not that it's the last meeting it is the last meeting of the fiscal year and so you are I I I guess I'm I don't know how else to say you are basically saying this is all that we have done as a commission for the past 3 years right and if I am not the person sitting here the next chair should clearly know everything that I know of course okay so that she can proceed and that she can lead without any hiccups for example today do Chan said well what is the color of the logo is it pink is it if Dr is not here the person who sit here is going to say I don't know it looks pink to me I'm going to go with pink but if we actually put all of this together as a package and we submit it to um the um if we submitted to katata whoever comes in as you stated Nori katata is going to give that to them but we have to give Kat something we cannot just assume Kata is just gonna figure it out and she's going to put something together and this is very important because as we sit here we had a transition happen while we were here and it was not good and we all felt the the breakdown during that transition I as a leader I'm not comfortable allowing that to happen to someone else and so whether it's me sitting here whether it's someone else I want Kata to have everything that she needs in order to pass on the Bon to someone else Dr Ian yes um just a couple of administrative things to for clarification we will be in recess for the month of August and we'll return back in September correct um the second thing I wanted to uh go back to if I may um looking at because we I'm one of those people we I take notes and as I as we go along so I can refer back to my notes and um to to the June meeting that there was um that there was um an item with the retreat date but I believe we did say we would discuss it okay um and so I just wanted to make sure that was clarified on the record to validate what your point but sometimes if we don't have if we don't write it down cuz I'm I take notes everything that's said I write it down and so whatever it's written down if I don't have a notes like the other one I have in pen today I happen to have the pencil and so that way when someone say did we discuss this I say yeah on such and such a date I put the date and yes this is what was discussed okay so we're in agreement now we have myself Kata and Dr Ten agreeing that on the June 18th agenda the proposed CFW Retreat is at the bottom of the agenda right before public hearing it says weekend of August 23rd to the 24th 2024 um Madam Kya filipo at the next meeting if you can come with the votes with the minutes so correct I do have to apologize and put on record that um as you know as the Le on and um chair Chief of Staff acting assisten manager it is a lot and I do apologize but I do I we will we are taking the opportunity of recess to update all the minutes and information that have been um you know put it aside just wanted to make sure I put that on record thank you I I personally never had an issue with um someone saying that it wasn't not there because all of our meetings are videotaped and it takes me 2 seconds to go back and look at the videotape and so I thank you dren for um confirming that what was originally stated is true it was a long agenda so maybe it was at the tell end so maybe we didn't discuss it at length but it was listed yes at this time public hearing is now open seeing none public hearing is closed at this time do we have any questions I think that it would be right now that we would have asked um Kata all of the questions but uh is there anything that anyone have outstanding that they thought about probably after Dr Magda um mentioned all of these things um is there any other concerns questions yes comments yes so I just want to make sure we've closed the loop on the October thing what I would propose honestly is that we wait until we get the answers from you and when we come back in September we make a decision on whether October is going to be our last and how we're going for nov okay thank you anyone else and what I want to add is it would be nice to have a folder like marot s has I have a Nori one I can point repoint one so we can pass it on with um um Miss philippo with everything that we did so with our bylaws slogan everything that we want them to follow that's what we did so they have their own choice to do their own but at least we leave them with something on the table like for example the business some Sumit is that we're not going to have time to do it so if they want to do it they can if they want to continue with the wellness program that we created they can continue they can say they don't want to be part of it so I think that I'm going to at the next meeting I'm going to bring you one so we can I have a no no no not for you for to pass it on for the next okay um people that coming so we can have something ready for them to go thank you Dr Flore that is well received and so with that um I will email uh to Kya philippo what the differ subjects would be in the folder beginning with branding initiative um policies and so with that said I want to ensure that we actually have that policy training because be whether we're having our last meeting in October or whether we having it in November I would like for every woman on the commission to submit a policy because at the end of the day that is the job and so we could we've done well we've done a lot however if we are not changing the lives of the wom with policy we we we drop the ball okay so please um when Kata sends out that email for the training please respond and in the meantime take a little while take a minute or so in your day look at other cities that have commission for women look at the policies that they have proposed we don't have to reinvent the wheel we can choose something I actually have a couple of great ideas from um Miami Miami Beach and Miami dat County because it's already there and then of course I have one thing that's coming from me but we don't have to reinvent the wheel there's so many other commissions out there that are doing great things just take the time look at things that speak to your heart because if it speaks to your heart it's going to speak to the heart of another woman Madam chair yes so to clarify are you also asking us to submit a policy for our next meeting agenda not for the next meeting agenda because remember the the consensus was they I want to say they several Commissioners asked for training when we first suggested it so I don't want to move forward with asking for the policies without giving them the training yes uh the last meeting we gave um katata the directive to choose St FL um as the trainer and so if we can have her here at the next meeting that would be superb um so that by the next following meeting inclusion and transition for exactly can I add something Madam chair so while we in recess like uh can we have that training while we in recess so when we I'm open to it but no sorry we in recess I won't be here went out okay okay good because that will help us to move forward some of us have go to vacation but no you're not you're not going to stay one month on vacation how busy you are uhuh I'm traveling okay but okay good so um to your point um I would be open to it however the Commissioners uh want to have their recess and we're going to respect that when we come back in September we will have the training I think it would be great to have an idea of what you would like to propose so as the trainer is here we can say hey this is my idea what do you think how should we tweak it you know what would give it more legs and feet uh what would give it a bite so that when another woman in the city hears that we have proposed five resolutions and they can read it and say wow this these women were working for me and and I see the work that they have been doing how it's not mandatory however I do believe if each one of us can come with a proposed um resolution that would be great the idea is to have the last page of that binder be the proposed policy for this city counil who would be meeting in January by that that time right and then we're hoping that we all can come to a council meeting when all of these proposed um resolutions would be actually put into law and that would be from the body of work that we have done as a commission for women and when we after the recess so September 1st everybody come back or we have to wait until September let's say 16 the our meeting that we come back so yes you your recess is concurrent to what the council is so yes they there their date happens to be before yours but they also happen to go in recess before you as well okay so if their time is before us can be like if they come back we come back even we we don't have the meeting now because it's based on your date of your meeting oh okay so I would suggest that just to move with the policy and procedure just something very important for any organization to function very well and then we are leaving so I would like to see if we can have no no because do no no no like an example in case of we don't know time because um if we in September before our meeting we have the training we don't do we need to have the training live or we can have it on private I think private will be better so whether I do I'm sorry I would like to have it live and we can have a post training right that's not like but what I why I I personally would like to have it live is again this training could be left behind for those that are coming and that will give them an idea of how to move forward with the policies that they would like to present the more policy the more the more information we leave back and the more accessible that information is the better off they're going to be we we can put can we put it in our page and then we have it because let's say I'm in healthcare I am 100% Healthcare person like I would love to have my conference my training like not like here on live like I sit with with the person that know or my professor whatever so I can ask certain question that I want to know and there's certain answers that or certain question he has it doesn't have to be live okay you know understood understood so what we're going to do is um the the meeting that we're going to have where we're going to have the training we will have the training at the end of the meeting there will be let's say 15 minutes of the basic training that Madame simpler is going to give us which would be recorded and at that time we will close out our meeting and then we can continue okay okay it we ours our meetings is the last meeting we're going to make sure that that um that agenda is very light so that we do not hold back the team later than they need to be so we're go if if if our we handle business you know in 20 minutes and then she does her presentation in 15 minutes and then we can close out and then we can proceed with any question and I totally understand where you're coming from proceed with any questions that you would like to ask directly we can do that that's fine I just want to say something about the policy um I mean I've work in many organization to know that um uh everyone don't need to come with a policy if you have a policy and you you give it to I'm just saying let's say we have two strong policies and we give it to everybody everybody give their input put as a team you have to good policy there's no need to just just throw in work just to say you did work you have to do you have to be very intentional and and so um my area my expertise is in violence women in violence so if I say something I want to make sure the city has um a program that focuses on addressing violence against women that's my policy and I would outline again exactly how what are the steps what are the steps and measures we need to take to make sure that these uh programs whether it's a programming whether it's uh um ideas that want I I want to give to the council all of that needs to be outlined and then you give the background as to why you feel that this this is so important so um I feel like we're in a rush I don't I don't want us to like be in a rush oh I I'm I'm I'm about to leave I want to make make sure I put in a policy here and there I think we need to be very mindful about exactly based on the data that was presented by Dr de Merit clearly we saw some some problem that are happening in the city and one of them was heart disease and mental health issues and so if these are the things that we want to write a policy about then we have data to back it up and so um I just want us to make sure that uh we don't feel like oh I have to come with a policy because you said said I have to bring a policy I just want us to be uh aware that you know this is something that is that require thought that require um mindfulness and and Energy Research to make sure that we we do the right thing so just to clarify um in March when I when I was elected as the chair woman um this next meeting that we had was in April and that's when I presented this idea and as I I didn't present it so that everybody can put something together I presented it to I was speaking to the entire team right so I just want to bring clar um some clarification I said everyone present something that is dear to your heart and then we will vote on the top three or five that's exactly what I said and nothing has changed so yes there six of us we're not going to present 12 policies to the council right six of us are going to present maybe a total of 12 maybe 10 maybe seven whatever comes to the table we're going to choose the top three and then we're going to build it put it together in um collaboration with legal counsel and present a finished product to the city council that's how this is going to happen and so I apologize if there is miscommunication on what the process is going to be I hope this clarifies okay and then lastly to your point Dr um ien it's not a rush but there is a rush there's the possibility that three people may not be here and so if we know that that is coming we need to plan accordingly and if if we don't plan accordingly that's failure on our part okay so in planning accordingly we are going to have the training in September in October we are going to present and vote on the top three top four whatever works for everybody it can be one as long as it is something that's going to have an impact on the lives of the women everyone is in agreement I agree thank you any announcements I do um I do okay Dr FL okay um July the 27th we having a combin um full drive with um the mayor and councilman uh France Charles at The JCC Community Center um it's going to be from 10: 10 a.m. I'm if I'm not mistaken 10:00 a.m. to 12 um it's a drive-thru it's not work through unfortunately um we're going to serve we're going to try to see if we can accommodate um work work through people but it's it's it en force that the drive it's um walk through it's a drive-thru I'm sorry thank you Dr and then uh there's one Saturday I was um invited to attend the grand opening of um commissioner Pierre that did um the the uh weib been cutting of his new office it was beautiful but I took the picture I forgot to send it to you ladies but it was beautiful I was there on behalf of you and also on behalf of the business but it was very it was beautiful thank you for those announcement Dr Flore um at this time we're going to go to Dr Magda any announcements no announcements for me no announcements for me dren uh just a couple of things um we also want to congratulate um our vice uh chair um for the opening of her uh new office wonderful counselor LLC which is right here in the Heart of the City of North Miami uh 12550 biscuit K Boulevard Suite uh 212 North Miami uh 33181 so congratulations to um thank you Madame we work here live here play here do it all okay and also um there is a back to school U that the city is having in August so I just want us to um participate if possible and um um August 17th uh we're having the gun violence um awareness and prevention Summit by global Innovative Foundation it's going to be sponsored by commissioner Marin basan District 2 at the father Joan Community Center from 9: to 2: p.m. and this as you know gun violence is rampant uh in in our um Nation um but from what I see on the data we're doing better uh in our city of North Miami but we want to keep it that way so we just want to make sure that we invite uh the chief and everyone in the community to uh join it's a free event so we want to make sure that we invite families uh children the the whole Community really is invited to participate in this um gun violence awareness and prevention Summit um that's August 17th and I will be uh away um July 20 2nd to July 29th in San Francisco I'm going to be at the national Black Nurses Association Convention so if you all try to reach me uh I may be in session so just wanted you to be aware of that so I do have a tight schedule I know that Nissa gitman um I missed the one meeting and I don't know you all have talked about what we have um did for for um for this wonderful event that we did and and and raise some uh auction we did some silent auction and uh raffle I don't know um you all talking about mention anything about the money that I have so so we did on the record um Miss Glickman we announced that you H receiv received $400 um for the Raffles we also mentioned that um commissioner Ros grumier matched at $400 so we uh were able to raise a total of $800 during the north Miami commission for women conference and so we have while you were away um and even today we did did talk about appointing a Treasurer um because although we did not have a Treasurer you played the role of a Treasurer um during that conference and you have been the custodial of those funds and so this is Case in point where I believe that we needed to identify a Treasurer so that as we move forward we can ensure that there is a um there's a separation of Duties and um we have a specific person who handles funds and so um Nissa it we are waiting from the legal team on how we can move forward in um appointing a treasurer for the commission at this time you can transfer the funds over to um Kia filipo and I believe Rose stated that this week she would transfer the funds also to her she write a check yeah she would write a check and so I think at this um what would be great Madame philipo is that once Nori gives the funds to you that you give her something in writing that you received it correct and as well confirmation excellent Nori you have the floor again thank you that's all um for the record Nori yes I want to well really thank you you were no you were amazing you did a very good I cannot explain the job that you did that day you was able to raise that money prepare the baskets and the back some some basket you cannot even even um carry them you did you ask people to help you thank you so much anytime I love working with you it's for North Miami city I have to do something yes and August 12 we have this uh back to school we are going to make some backpack any one of us if if we would like to um yeah yeah if we' like to donate and we always do that from the rotary anyway so we'll do some of the you know uh participation with this this the city and Council doing this yeah I think this Dr FL mentioned it as well yeah where the back the back Dr okay Dr yeah it's August Monday August the 12th uh at the Joe celest Center yeah um from 3: to 7:00 p.m. back uh backpack giveaways free food entertainment educational family resources and more and this is um all of the uh Council that's doing this all of them so we use the money to do that there was some great news um we also want to congratulate the city city clerk um I I posted I saw something on LinkedIn from the mayor um about um the um the Madame city clerk actually um received some recognition for so if You' like I I actually do have it it says I'm thrilled to announce that the city clerk U Vanessa Joseph has achieved the prestigious designation of Master mun uh municipal clerk from The International Institute of U municipal clerk this remarkable accomplishment reflects her dedication and commitment to Excellence and her profession in addition to this honor Miss Joseph was awarded the Robert and Clark Memorial award by the Florida Association of city clerks at the 2024 fac Summer Conference and Academy in Kiss Me Florida this award is a Testament to her significant contributions and unwavering education to advancing the ideals and goals of the municipal Clerk's profession it says well done Madame clerk you achiev and bring great pride to our city from mayor Alex desulme that's and then he shared pictures um and I also shared that post with the Haitian American professionals Coalition where Vanessa Joseph us uh is also the vice chair thank you thank thank you any more announcements yes Saturday what what um when I was at the event I saw all the city all the department from the city of Miami were there I said oh my God why didn't it invite us to be there too and I think if you they invite everybody no no no like to be that to have a table oh every the police department social services I think that if they can add us to the list so they can send us to if one of us can be there because it was nice so the community was able to meet every single Department from the city was very nice if I can add um well to just clarify but that was also at the request of the elected official hosting the event so that's a conversation to have with the elected officials for when they have their resource events yes so at least we can be there have the because the community needs to know that we here to work for them so they need to know that we here like it would be nice and then the I think the event under the 12 yeah if we don't have even we have 20 bags let's collect we don't I don't know if we have enough money to purchase like each of us buy one or two bag and then we can have our table there with our logo our like you know we have um promotional material so we can be present at there even to that would be a nice appearance yes yeah because we haven't done any of that yet and uh we can use the $800 we can use a little bit maybe a 100 to do that if anyone you know I just propose if anyone have no objection we can do that um I think it's a great idea where either of you um lead that initiative to organize us since we won't be able to meet or do anything until so if either Dr flon or Nori okay since I still have some cash I will use a little bit if no problem I will just pay for it too no no no no no I'm saying just coordinate it so that of we communicate all of us what do you need from us so that we can then you can come and we can support it be there that be great that day I'm working like at the medical you know the medical facility we will be providing medical services so I'm going to be there but I cannot be actually with the women 100% yes because I already um I signed any more announcements NOP I you all invited to the Hannah picnic this August 3rd it's a Saturday you all invited thank you for that invitation the time now is 8:32 p.m. motion to adjourn oo I motion second second I have a motion tojin by Dr blir at 8:32 p.m. Dr Naomi BL how do you vote Yes Dr mag dearit yes Dr Marie ATN what am I voting oh yes of course Miss Nissa lickman and Dr Emanuel th oh yes thank you good night ladies good night good night good night good night