um good morning everyone this is a quote compliance hearing for the city of North Miami today is June 5th right yep June 2024 my name is beatric special magistrate for the city the purpose of this hearing is to determine if a Cote violation exists at your property as observing cited by a quote enforcement officer of this city if the city is not able to prove its case then I will dismiss the case and you may leave these proceedings are being recorded therefore all persons who were speaking should do so one at a time to ensure that all testimonies clearly audible on the recording device if English is not your primary language then please inform me when I call your case we have a translator who will assist you during a proceedings when your case is called the property owner agent for the property owner and any witness that you may have should come forward you can raise your the little hand signal to let us know that you are present on that case will let you in if you are not the property owner or an attorney representing the property owner then you must present a notorized fire attorney affidavit in order for your testimony to be taken on behalf of the property owner for new cases you will be asked for the record if you are aware of and understand the valuation that is being heard today and do you understand to resolve a violation please answer accordingly the city will present his case first and then the property owner and or violator will be given an opportunity to testify on their own behalf to bring forward witnesses to testify to present evidence and photographs and to cross-examine the C Witnesses following the case presentation I will issue a finding of fact on the case if I find that a violation of City CS exists or existed at your property then depending on the case type I will set an abatement date for the violation to be resolved or for repeat violations I will impose a daily fine amount for new non- repeat cases my order will include an abatement date by which you must resolve the violation and a daily F amount that I may impose at a future hearing date should the violation not be resolved by the abatement date if I find sufficient cause to postpone enforcement action at this time I will table the case proceeding to look to another hearing date in the future if you do not agree with my finding a fact and or ruling then the property owner May appeal the administrative order in the case of the Circuit Court an appeal must be filed within 30 days of the date of the execution of the administrative order to be appealed in accordance to Florida Statutes if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the special magistrate with respect to any matter considered at these proceedings then the person will need a Verbatim record of the proceeding the record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based the cost of obtaining the verbatim record shall be the sole responsibility of the appellant and it is recommended that persons who plan to appeal their case should provide their own court reporter at this proceedings pursuant to city codes if the city of North Miami prevails in Prosecuting a case before the special magistrate then the city shall be entitled to recover all all costs incurred and Prosecuting the case the current cost assessment amount is $100 per case once the City Records it order that imposes a fine and authorizes a lean against the property then the city will charge additional administrative fees to record and release the lean Madam clerk all right Madam clerk we're going to go ahead and have the officer um administer the oath to the inspectors uh inspectors if you can please turn on your camera okay please raise your right hand one moment um officer Carter we're having trouble hearing you officer I think you're froze um so it was hard to hear you okay hold on can you hear me now is that better Yes sounds better yes 100% okay I'll start over everybody raise your right hand do you do you swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give in these proceedings will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth if so say allow I do I do I do I do I do thank you thank you officer and for the translators if you can please unmute yourselves for the do you Solly swear or affirm that the translations proing will be accurate and correct to the best of your knowledge skill and officer Carter you may have to do that again if you would like to come she's hello is that let's try it hear no we can't hear her officer Carter if you would like to come in and do it you can you can do that give me one second hello oh hello yes okay much better translators please raise your right hand do you solemnly swear or affirm that the translations which you are about to give in these proceedings will be accurate and correct to the best of your knowledge skill and ability say I do I do thank you thank you officer all all right Madame clerk please announce for um the record if there are any additions Corrections and or deletions to the hearing agenda and any house magistrate um I want to go ahead there are amendments to the agenda however I did want officer Carter to go ahead and do the Pledge of Allegiance as well wonderful okay if everyone could place their hand over their chest I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you good morning again sorry for that um magistrate we do have one Amendment to the agenda today um that's case number 12 on the agenda the case has been complied okay all right so I'll begin oh that's it that was it okay that was it all right good morning and thank you for participating in today's special Magistrate hearing I will review The process by which today's hearing will be conducted make sure your devices your device is always muted unless you are giving testimony on a case if you are using two device to participate in today's hearing be sure your audio is only enabled on one device when your case is called if you are signed into Zoom you will receive a not notification giving you access to audio and video so that you may give your testimony if you are physically here at the city hall in wish to give your testimony you must sign in with the code Clerk and await a text message indicating your case is ready to be heard upon receiving that message you should immediately come to the code compliance office to be provided with access to a computer if you would like to speak on behalf of a case once the case is called you should click the raiseed hand button to be acknowledged before giving your testimony on the case please state your name property address and relationship to to the property if you wish to have a interpreter assist during your case please indicate this when your when your case is called magistrate that will conclude that instructions great you may call your first case all right magistrate I'm going to call the first case is item number 20 on the agenda it's um Manuel Guerrera I think it's gara Gara case number c f a 2023 0000 33 we also have the tenant she's here um her name is excuse me Trina Lewis if we can enable the video in the lobby for Miss Trina please he's there in person he's here in person yes one moment good morning ma'am can you hear me yes good morning all right please State your full name for the record my name is triina Elma Lewis all right thank you Miss what is your relationship to the property owner youit [Music] owner okay thank you Mr Trina all right if you can please raise your right hand do you solemnly swear and affirm that the testimony you're about to give in these procceed shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God please say I do I please say I do I do the officer on this case is janaro morillo all right Officer Moro good morning morillo Cedar not Miami um on January 20 2023 this case was open to our property at just 12500 noreast 15 Avenue to unit 504 um um this case was open um for the uh Plumbing issues that means um Louis had 100 unit 404 the for water leaking into the bathrooms and the kitchen um until this day there has been um no compliance the Noti to appear was posted on May 2nd of 2024 and I had a final inspection on May 22nd of 2024 like I said there has been no compliance from the last magistrate um um the case was table um because uh magistrate you requested for them to submit um a report to us and the city hasn't received any report yet and we have no Communications since that last hearing okay so just so that I I'm clear Miss um Louis you your unit is number 404 correct yes yes your honna okay and the plumbing issue is um on the unit above you which is 504 yes is that right okay yes okay um wow um did was the owner for unit 504 present at the time officer Melo I can't recall it was an an attorney who was present their attorney was present yeah okay my God have you tested your place for mold Miss um Miss leis Mrs Lois yes the more people yes your hna yes the mall PE the mall people them was there and they found Moree but they didn't do anything um what is the CD uh what what are we seeking what do we want to do because this seems yes there's a Code Enforcement aspect of it there's also probably a civil action for her um so miss leis you you're not represented by an attorney you have it um for your um condo what is it condo Insurance you haven't contacted your insurance company um regarding the leagues and everything that's going on or not yet I complain to the association the management and nothing nothing which the management they they want to come I'm 54 above me and you have not hired any an attorney for you to take civil actions against the yes your honor yes you have or yes you intend to yes I have your honor okay all right so as first the city's concerned um I mean I'm seeing health issues I'm seeing how uh um health hazard who is my who's my building official is he present she here or she miss Shanny is here on behalf of the building department hello how you doing very well where is she hold on I'm gonna turn my camera okay I'm here okay let me find you because the thing is a little small all right is it Miss pressy yes ma'am okay good morning um what is your take what is your take on on this what are you what do you seeing what what is your concern is us it repairs needs to be made but as far as um that's a a legal issue between her you have to actually sue them to get it unless you to get um either reimbursed of her fixing it only thing I can do is that's like I I came say it's unsafe we can't I can't order them to fix it only thing you know that's a civil but it needs to be repaired okay so because it's between the two units that's what you say understood okay all right I get it thank you no problem all right so um I'm going to enter a in adjudication I do find that the violation does exist um but entering an adjudication what is it that um we're asking of the property owner who make the repairs for um unit 404 okay so for it for the unit in unit owner 504 to make repairs to unit 44 well they need to make the they need to get a uh license um plumber right to fix this um issue with the plumbing so that's what we requesting right now okay all right so I do find that the violation exists I enter an adjudication um also find good notice given proper notice owners have fell to appear um as the inspector um testified at the last hearing the unit owner um was represented by Council and um they were aware back then that the um case was continued to this state and they also received proper notice for today's hearing and they have failed to appear Yeah by internal adjudication owners have 30 days by which to resolve the violation which at this point is to um get a plumber um to fix the plumbing issue ongoing plumbing issue um and if they fail to do so there will be a daily fine amount of um $500 can you give me the um my abatement date please yes in this case I'm only I'm giving 30 days okay so for your 30 days is July 19th 60 days will be August 19th July 19th they've had plenty of time July 19th and your 60 day is August 19th okay and your 9 day would be September 16th got it thank you you're welcome so we will be um July 19th to resolve the violation if the violation is not resolved by the abatement date there will be a daily F amount of $500 e e e e e e e e e recording in progress all right you guys have had almost two years so I will enter an adjudication find that the violation does exist I will give you the 60 days but if it's not resolved within the 60 days there will be a daily fine amount of $500 good luck to you okay thank you very much for the 60 days we will we will finish it before all right thank you thank Youk thank you bye all right the next case we're going to call is item number 13 uh item number 13 is Carlos Jose solami salamia H sorry for if I messed up the names case number is CED i c 2024 00001 the person on this is Carlos Carlos forgive me for if I messed up your name no worries thank you good morning good morning please State your full name and relationship to the property uh my name is Carlo solami hunt also with me is Jose Gomez we're both the property owners uh at 1 1990 Keystone Boulevard North Miami Florida Carlos and Jose if you don't mind please raise your right hand get in there okay there we go yes all right do you Solly swear and affirm the testimony you're about to give in these proceedings shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you got please say I do I do I do perfect the officer on this case here we have um officer Sanders good morning officer Sanders we can't hear you you're Beed good morning good morning I'm sorry trying to go through my cases um shanon saying sers the neighborhood service inspector um this case is a new case for property address 199 zero Kone Boulevard it was initially opened on March 19th whereas I received a call um from um a resident stating that there was um dump some dumping into the canal and or to the drainage in front of the property or on the of the property I went out to the property and did observe a water hose that was attached to the it was coming out of the pool going onto the street and or the swell um draining the water from the pool I posted the property with an immediate notice asking that they give me a call and to remove the um water holes out of the drain I received a phone call from the property owner I believe maybe two or three days later um we had a conversation he was stated he was new to the area he did not know first of all that this was not allowed he did not know that it was a violation um I explained to him seeing that um you know it was this is a non um reversible um violation I told him I would be failing it for the magistrate immediately he stated he understood posted the notice to appear at the property again had a conversation he understands fully I believe why he's here today um proper notice has been given as you see he's here but I'll let the property owner explain what's going on and why this occurred at the property yes good morning um thank you for the opportunity so uh we acquired the property on March 88 2024 that's when we closed on the property uh we immediately saw as per exhibit uh one that the pool was full of storm water it was abandoned effectively it was all green and no one had really uh taken care of it um the the we hired um a Contractor on March 14 called All Florida Pool and Spa Center doing business as amenity Pool Services uh that's uh also an exhibit that we submitted as part of evidence um in um basically a repair agreement um we were not at the property you know the property was empty for a very long time and uh we just let the experts do what they're supposed to do which is you know take care of the pool in compliance with all the regulations and laws um we uh then came aware of uh inspector Sanders notice we uh immediately called The Pool Company to stop everything uh that they were doing um and uh you know now we're here in this uh Hearing in addition to not only you know The Dumping that they did they also did the company damaged the the pool liner um and and a few other damages that they did to us so you know unfortunately we're here a little bit like like the victims uh because um how how the situation unfolded with this company uh you know we're truly sorry to have broken a violation that we didn't know existed also but uh that's basically the situation um all right um I sorry experienc this but unfortunately their action has caused um you know irreversible damage to the city which creates a larger um public issue um I don't know what your um next step is going to be as it relates to to that company have to tag this violation to it um because I do find that the violation was irreversible I will enter an adjudication and you have to be a one time find in the amount of um of $1,000 to be paid within 30 days thank you for for your consideration and we will in indeed uh comply and take this also to to the company as well uh privately thank you for your time all right sir have a good day thank you all right you're muted Madam clerk thank you we're going to call item number 14 Dorset house Association Inc case number ceg MP 2019 00142 this case was previously found guilty by magistrate Smith with an abatement datee of August 12th 2021 fine was set at $500 plus the cost assessment let me allow the attendees Melissa goe and Tanya H Melissa if you can please accept enable your audio and video please you may unmute yourself good morning please State your full name and relationship to the property my name is Melissa gupe and I am the um vice president for the construction company South Coast that's doing work on this project and I also have um Tanya Tanya if you read there I have Tanya not Tara Tanya I'm the attorney for the association I did register okay I also submitted all the evidence all right good morning please State your full name and relationship to the property my name is terara mry I'm the attorney for Dorset house okay thank you Melissa CUPE if you can please raise your right hand do you solemnly swear and affirm the testimony you're about to give in these proceedings shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God please say I do I do thank you who's the inspector the inspector is shanon Sanders Miss Sanders danana Sanders neighborhood service inspector um this is a a a old old old old case um for 2500 Northwest Northeast I'm sorry 135th Street um this is a violation that was cited for the exposed rebar and um concrete damage that was throughout the building um it was originally cited November of 2019 whereas I received a phone call um about the overall conditions of the property um they were of course cited we had have been going back and forth over the past um few years with trying to get this violation Abad trying to get um the property up to par as of my last reinspection um the work has been done um for the for the most part however the permits have not have been obtained but still remained open um so at this time compliance has not been fully met again I want to stress most of the work if not almost all of the work has been done however compliance has not been met until the permits are obtained and closed out I will let the property management the lawyers speak um in I definitely want to get the building Department's um um conversation on this piece as to what we need to do to get this um violation closed out and to get this rectified again as of my last inspection the violation Still Remains give me one second these are old photos correct these are old photos yes um they if she go down she'll probably come to some of the newer ones that show of course the work again has been done this was when it was initially cited and when we were coming back to the hearings because I'm seeing some again from November 2019 I saw some photos from October um 2020 I saw some something from 2021 but again work has been done and it's is it's just about complete however the permits still remain open and um compliance has not been fully met wants to go first uh I will your honor um so Tara mul on behalf of the association I would first like to thank Miss th she has put up with us for the last four years um this started because of exposed rebar and 12 screens that were missing on the building um the project started at an estimated $700,000 so far the association is up to close to $5 million um this various issues of exposed rebar actually actually uncovered when they started to try and repair it there were several structural issues that had to be done at the same time um they ended up having post tension cable issues which there are only 12 um engineers in the entire state that are licensed to handle that issue um they've also dealt with two runaway contractors but that at each part the association hasn't stopped the association has been trying to come into compliance um at every step it's my understanding that the permit issue is because it's a master permit so there's several items that are underneath that same permit as far as the violation those have been cured um unfortunately and fortunately for the for the owner my client didn't just go and and cover up the rebar you know or do the do the smaller things they actually went into each floor each balcony um all the substructures the pool I mean the parking garage everything was chipped away and essentially replaced I mean if you think about starting at 700,000 and ending up close to 5 million there's been one to two Engineers on the project throughout the entire time um everything with regarding Life Safety we have not been at no point where they read tagged um theyve had to be Shoring I mean it just the the scope of this project while yes it does seem like this has been longstanding um it it has never stopped um so you know with the cost of course my client would like to see that these violations are closed there is still work that needs to be done because they're not going to finish the pro you know they're not done with the the entire project there's still painting waterproofing other things that need to be completed but as far as as the violation to stop the bleeding you know we're we're requesting that the the violation part um be closed out and you know we fall into the mercy of course of you all and I hope you see the membership's issue you know this is this is a cost they weren't anticipating this is a cost they're going to be special assessed for um nobody knew until they started chipping away just you know the the scope of what was lying underneath um the post tension cables I'm somebody can explain it better than I can um but it's my understanding that that's what holds the whole building together um so the chipping away at it it's not like they could just take a sledg hammer I mean they had to go in there chip inspect engineer inspect um at each day so while I understand and the association understands that this has been a very long project we we tried to submit as much evidence as we could um you know we have been ready for each hearing but the city has been kind enough and Miss Saunders has definitely been kind enough to continue to push it on to the next one so why we did have an abatement date of August 21st this is actually you know the first time that we've spoken um to the city on one of these hearings they have continued to find sufficient evidence to extend that abatement date so I can have Melissa in more um technical terms explain if you'd like she's she's been in she's been the one with the building department and um the actual project so we recently did just have an inspection with the building department and the building inspector did come out and he did um agree that all of the rebar and the um the conditions for the violation have been cleared and and just like um Tara had just said there are still additional things and some waterproofing that needs to be applied and all of that is under the umbrella of this you know concrete restoration repair permit that we have so that is the only reason why the permit has not been closed is due to those repairs um again like Tera said there are no life safeties we have taken um a huge amount of detail um the post tension cables um just like she said they are what holds the building together um as we progressed through the project and did find those rebar that were exposed um significant more than what was originally visually seen we did all of the repairs to those all of the repairs to the entire building with regards to any type of structural damage structural repair um the building has always been in a um inh habitable condition because of how we were doing the work and we were being so methodical if we were to have done the work um in different ways it could have created problems we've worked very closely with the city inspectors as well as the multiple Engineers that have been required to do this type of work because some of it is so specialized we've worked with multiple enti engineers in order to be able to make this happen and complete this work okay um and Sanders yeah from where I see the violation Still Remains open you know as um Tara has said we have been jally working with them we're trying to get this rectified you know again however this has been four and a half years in the making so you know I'm asking that we go ahead and move f move forward with you know assessing the find and at that time whenever the violation is Abad and they are complete they can always come back to the city to ask for that fine to be mitigate it but um as of this hearing I would like for the fines to move forward if if I may um could because we can close the permit but we're we're just going to close it to have to reopen it um and that's kind of where we sit with this if the permit is all that's that's missing I would rather you know give us give us 5 days to close out the permit and then we'll have to reapply to re open it because there are still other items underneath that permit umbrella but if closing that permit is what's what's going to you know make this violation cured um please just give us a few days and and we'll close the permit everything we can do that that part has been passed on the inspection um I'm not sure the cost associating with associated with reopening but I I can't imagine it'd be more expensive than a daily fine until the entire project is completed with all the items underneath that umbrella um we would request that you give us you know a little bit of time so we don't have to uh do that especially since the violations are are cured except for that I don't believe we can close part of a permit um we'd have to close the entire permit and then we'd have to reopen the entire permit again um I just don't want to I don't want to cause my client more harm by either waiting for the permit to you know because then they're working without a permit so we'd have to have everybody stop um you know the work that's still going going on close the permit wait have the permit reopened um but I I really just don't want my I want these violations since they technically are done and the inspections have been passed um you know my client has taken a a really big hit financially that it wasn't anticipating and these aren't wealthy people um so the the more we can do to to lessen this cost to them I would I would greatly appreciate it on their behalf if I could just add something small at the last inspection that we did have from the building department um they did a test to the fact that the rebar had been closed and it was their preference that with regards to the additional work that needs to be done for the permit you know the the current permit to still stay into effect in order to be able to do the additional work that needs to be done like Tara had indicated that that that was their preference that they had um suggested to us again we're happy to close the permit it will just take a couple of days if that's um what is required it was just their preference and if the building department is there I would like them to possibly chime in because I I'm not confident with saying it's just as easy as you know calling in to close it out I I did send an email to the building official into to inspector prle um a week prior to this hearing asking them and and their opinion on closing it out because I wanted to get this off of the agenda however their email to me was stating to leave this open so you know I just want to you know double back and say with Terror I'm not sure again that it's it's easy as saying we'll close it out if we can if the building official is here and or Miss Presley who responded to the emails to me um Can chime in to say you know what's what's what's going on on your end because we're getting you know Tera saying it's let's close it out Melissa is saying you said to leave it open um you I we we need building department to chime in on this we just okay give me one second go ahead sorry I'm sorry no go ahead and you could go ahead and speak speak afterwards we did uh go ahead and submit I believe it was 1,84 pages that were requested by the building department um when we were all actually it was more than that Tara I'm sorry to interrupt it was almost 2,000 pages of reports from the engineer that they did request um we submitted a link as for the request of the inspector who was on site to all of those pages from the engineer and um just to clarify the the reason that the building department requested of us to not close the permit was to be able to continue to do the other repairs that are still ongoing that are not associated with this violation for the property because that is part of the master permit I think that's that's the best word um the master permits that are included in that that are included in the work that needs to be done um they did not ask us to leave it open because they had thought that the rebar was not covered or those things were not done with the understanding and the communication that I received okay okay so you guys um when you submitted this permit is uh the BBC 2021 51 that's the one you referring to um if you give me one moment I can look that up but I believe so we only have one give me one minute I apologize it did not have the permit number in hand that's it shaie that's that's that's what I have as well okay so that permit was for concrete restoration water waterproofing and painting so as far as I'm concerned as for the exterior of the building is um basically it it does coign with the rebaring but like I stated to Miss Sandra that per is not finalized until the whole because if you do it in phases if you guys decided to do one phase one one phase two that's your preference how you you split your project up as far as my concern a permit is not finalized until the whole project is complete that mean every part of the building has been inspected this building like she stated before has been going on since 20 2019 and it's not in compliance until you get in compliance that permit should not be closed out a lot of things get dragged over the years and over the years and then it slipp through the crest where the permit is not finalized people walk away and it remains open right now I think you may have some other things going on I see other little permits that's in the system doesn't have um that needs to also be closed out but nethertheless the permit that is in question is not finalized and until it get finalized the permit should remain open the only remaining um work that needs to be done is the waterproofing which is something that needs to be done not necessarily in phases but we can't do the waterproofing at the beginning because the concrete restoration would in fact damage that waterproofing so the original permit was for concrete restoration which Encompass all of the rebar exposed exposure which has been since satisfied and we have reports from the engineer stating to that fact and um the painting has been done at approximately 98% because the little bit that's left is around the waterproofing and that touchup will have to be done um the question right now is just how the waterproofing um is going to be done and the engineer is working on making sure that the original specifications do do um comply with the current current situation to make sure that it is accurate because of all the work that we have done so far they just want to make sure and that's what they're working on at the current moment and Miss pressy just to confirm with your records though you do show that the violations the 12 screens and the concrete restoration the rebar exposure which we're here for today those have been completed and passed no okay so what I'm saying to you right now it have not been finalized so what I'm saying is that since everything is all under one you did not seate your your you could submitt it you could have submitted a separate banking permit a separate waterproof permit your concrete restoration permit it could have been all three separate you you guys decided to put everything together under one umbrella which is fine my concern is that all the permit has not been closed out and it should not be finalized it should not be closed out until everything it has been completed and there's no way we can remove two sections from that permit it would have to be ma'am no ma'am okay here's my question I'm sorry here's my question to you Miss Presley um as far as the issues with the rebar and all the um um I guess aspect of this case that was a life safety issue have those been taken care of hold on one second let me see what the last inspection um I don't have that in front of me give me one second because I think our major issues were the exposed bars the um because we felt at the time it it it wasn't safe um correct officer um inspector Sanders um yes I specifically has yes the exposed rars um in conrete throughout the building and the parking garage needs to be treated repaired and replaced a building permit must be obtained from the building department in order to repair replace and resurface the exterior walls of the building it's precisely would was ited and stay okay and these items have been taken care of correct um hold on one second I'm looking at the last inspection and what he wrote he asked for the as based on the last inspection was done on 520 2024 the inspector Rick Allen he went out there he asked he picked up the engineer letters he say um he needed a um a couple of things that needs to be addressed which was the all the reports emailed over to the city um final cost f and they need the engineer letter and and that's not as far as the rebar is not saying that the rebar has been always finalized so what we do we look at all the inspection reports and according to those inspection reports I don't have those in front of me once those have in that um they have like a special inspector who actually goes out there and he as they doing the project he would note those in the system well he would log those in that law so once everything has been finalized we would then um be able to finalize the permit but as read now I don't see where it stakes in the system right now that the rebar is is okay so I can't speak on that far because I don't have that right now in front of me is there any way that we would be able to get um Rick Al to come on to this hearing no not right now now' he's out um he doesn't start until um about 12 o' because we we have submitted um um pursuant to each hearing we've submitted you know the thousands of pages or in at least I had 1,84 that had been submitted and I submitted as evidence today the engineers letter um showing that it had been completed uh I know that they were waiting for the link like Melissa had said earlier which had all of the pages concisely into it um the engineer report like I said is attached as evidence the engineer letter um the affidavit the final cost affidavit I I would have to let um Melissa speak to that um so with regards to the letter tarot the letter that was um written by Tomia that does state that um exposed rebar has all been taken care of that was submitted to the city we also did provide the city the link to the almost 2,000 pages of reports um and um inspector Presley had I'm sorry it's it's Presley she had mentioned that um we could have opened three different permits we were specifically not not given that option we did contract with the association to do all of those and the city did require us to pull one permit at that time for all of those I know since then we have in in other jobs that we've done in your city opened multiple permits but at the time that this was done we were specifically not given that option because we had a contract that incorporated everything and they said one contract one perm ex exactly if that's how you presented it to us that's how we're going to take it in but if you presented three separate permits we would have tooken in as three separate permits it's up to you how you present your project so if you would have gave us three separate permits we would have took it in as three separate perm it could have been three separate ways but you guys presented it all under one with one contract that's how the permit came into us and that's how we took it in so if that if you presented everything under one permit under one umbrella that's how the permit is going to be tooken in once the permit has been finalized and I mean issued to you you can't like go back and try to take it out in three phases but how you do your your layout of the inspections and how you go out throughout your project is up to your project manager how he's going to you know through your through your project only thing like I stated the permit has not because it's a big this is a big project so since it's a big project I rather for you guys to close it um close it out completely get it finalized and then come back to the city and like um Miss SRA said negotiate the leans and the fines or anything that comes out I I still stand on of leaving the permit um the violation not so to answer your um question magistrate I would be comfortable to say no the violation has been been has not been Abed I mean to visibly look at it I mean I I I it seems like you know all that could partially be repaired but it kind of goes hand in hand with a permit I mean I I don't know just to look at the visual eye to be comfortable enough to say compliance has been met I I I don't know what I'm looking at except for a resurface wall I don't know what they did with the rebar or anything so with the permit remaining open and with those final inspections not being done um I I would say no compliance has not been met I would respectfully request that this be tabled then until we can get Mr Ali here um I think we have we have the right to ask him questions and see what his inspection said you know if we're going to be tied to this permit and and fines are going to be imposed that you know we've complied um the the issue that was at hand is done it's a more of an administrative task and I'm sure we can all appreciate three contracts three separate contracts is going to be more expensive for an association than one contract it's going to take review it's going to take I mean had we known that that this would be the issue you know four years ago we we may have decided to have the association spend more money there and doing the separate contracts and the separate um the separate permits but we had one company the whole time the concrete restoration uh company and to have it all it just makes sense it makes more sense to have a one concise contract than peac meal contracts and now it's like it's it's I feel like the association is getting penalized for finally complying and the one person who did the inspection and asked for the follow-up work which was provided over a week ago I think a little bit almost two weeks ago you know now that that person is not here to to testify to to those facts and and magistrate if I can I mean it's totally up to you how you would like to move forward I am you know um standing with asking that the fines be assess and I want to say because I I I sent the email to Tara into the manager asking you know and I this is not the platform to negotiate and or talk about the Perman I I sent the email directly stating with the thousands of letters and pages that you have sent an emailed to me to visit the building department so that you can discuss this so that we would have to do this at the hearing and continue to ask for more extensions you've had two weeks to come into the city whether it's you or someone from the from the condo association to come and and and talk to the building department so that we can get this dis closed again this isn't the platform to go over the thousands of pages and to discuss what we need to do and how you need to move forward with closing the permit but those those items were discussed that the association and and the property man or the project manager has been in communication with with the building department that's how they knew that the additional that the reports needed to be submitted to them um you know it's it's our understanding that the the building and the code violation and building department were weren't really communicating so that's why we made sure we went to the building department and that at each step we've been like you said in your email to me that we've been communicating this with them and providing them you know the status and and they were the ones that came to the property and did the inspection and we're just saying that at this point those violations should be carried um I I believe an open permit would be a separate violation should that happen in the future um but the actual violation that was what what started this was the exposed rebar and 12 missing screens and that's taken care of there's no life safety you know you I understand as a code violation officer you're not the one that inspects those reports you rely on the building department to do that um but that is why we've continued to submit those and provide those and I just can't I can't really understand how if the violation has been cured that an open permit for other items would be what would cause the association to get fined go ahead sh okay so I'm actually I'm looking at I'm also looking at the inspection most of the things you have is partial until you have a pass or final inspection I don't see where you have the final like a a re the final rebar as this pass it's it's it's in the system as partial so in order for us to close out this permit each step of the way the three different phases or how your project is split up it needs to be finalized most of the stuff you have partial when you speaking to the inspector or I'm not quite sure who's out there it needs to be finalizing in the system and that's what I don't have your engineer letters is just going to say hey he's been out there he expected this phases of this report and it moves on and on and on we can go it's I mean like Miss SRA said going back and forth on this platform is not to say that these hundreds of pages these thousands of pages that we need to go through that this permit is finalized you still have that's not what we're saying we're not saying that the permit is finalized we're saying that the violations have been cured and that the permit finalization shouldn't be dictating whether the violation has been cured the exposed rebar is gone the screens are on okay that's what we're trying to say they should not be dependent on each other because you're right our phases aren't done we still have the waterproofing and the painting that are still ongoing but the cause of the violation is cured okay so what I'm saying is that your final rebar is not finalized in the system because you haven't got the final three bars um it haven't been finalized in the system that's what I'm trying to tell you the permit has not been finalized in the system so I cannot I cannot attest that that part has been done that that's where I think Mr Al needs to be present for this hearing if he's the one that did that inspection what I'm trying to tell you he's still cannot attest that the permit has been finalized with that portion because he have not finalized the permit right and we're not going you know if we if we unless at this point it's kind of my understanding that we can't finalize the permit because we haven't finished but that shouldn't preclude us from finalizing the violation morning if I may yes Jose Perez manager for the neighborhood service department at this time I would like to step in and ask that this item be tabled for 30 days no more than 30 days as to allow attorney and uh the contractor to come in person to the building department and further discuss I know on my behalf in my department we do not feel comfortable with closing the violation until the building department concludes that it is safe in nature I know at this time the building department does not feel comfortable doing so so we should have another conversation off the Record in order to uh expedite today's hearing which has quite a few items on the agenda um so at this time I'm okay with a 30-day postponement of this case and Miss bz if you give me a date and time I'll be there if you have it a if you have it available now I'll go ahead and write it in if you can we would have to coordinate with the building official and see what dat is is good for them um I will go ahead and drop my email in the chat box please shoot me an email and we will facilitate the meeting so that my department your team and the building department can be present in this meeting is that is that good with you you I I genuinely appreciate that not a problem thank you so much I believe that it's the best compromise for all involved because I do believe that there are many issues that needs to be addressed um so for that we were table this matter for 30 days and um we shall reconvene at the next hearing so like 3 F 30 days good luck to you guys and please stay in contact with the building officials and you know trying to see what can be worked out in the meantime yes thank you for everyone for your time and I'm than you very so long all right thank you very much have a good one all right magistrate the next item we're going to call is item number 15 edw McCarthy case number fyb RR 2022 00007 the officer on this case is going to be um Miss shie prey U let me invite the attendee in Mr Orlando Lo Lopez if you can please accept the invitation Orlando Lopez hi good morning good morning Orlando could you please enable your video we cannot see you one moment one moment please sure thank you Mr Lopez if you don't mind please raise your right hand do you solemnly swear and affirm the testimony you're about to give and these proceedings shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God please say I do I do do you mind Mr Lopez please State your full name for the record and your relationship to the property hi good morning my name is Orlando Lopez I'm the U man manager of the uh uh supervisor of Maintenance all right thank you who's my inspector pressy here you may proceed um this location under FY vrr 2022 00007 is G 520 Northwest 132nd Street the previous inspector was Vanessa W Willis um she sent out the notification back in August 9th of 2022 referring the recertification for this property um I just I went out there I served the I'm sorry the notice of [Music] violation um on May 8th of this year um to let them know they um they wasn't in a compliance and as as of today um they still not in compliance Mr Lopez this has been 20122 sir where are we in the process what's going on well uh to be honest with you uh we are just um still U start working here a year and a half uh but uh that day in May May 8 I I receive the uh the notice and I already have a vle inspected uh that's uh building safety record certification inspectors he came the May 30 and he just did the inspection and we are working on it to fix every issue that we have according with the strule electrical and parking illumination all right and uh city is requiring um um to say that my um violation remains as then um they just need to be in compliance um they had enough of time to submit for the 40-year recertification and like I stated as of to date it's not um we not in compliance all right um I find that the violation still exist intern adjudication sir I'm giving you 60 days um by which to resolve the violation if the violation is not resolved by the abatement date that will be a daily fine amount of $500 good luck to you thank thank you J I will be done before that okay great good luck to you thank you good day bye bye bye you all right mag um the next item we're going to call is item number 16 Gator 13090 Northwest 7th Avenue LLC case number is fyb [Music] r222 00008 the officer on this case is shaie prety um the attendee on the case is Robert Momi I will allow you in Robert please please accept the invitation Robert please enable your audio in video hey that's my video you got it we cannot see you but we hear you robt okay all right Robert um if you're driving please pull over to the I am pulled over good morning all right good morning Robert can you raise your right hand for me do you solemnly swear and affirm that the testimony you're about to give in these proceedings shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth um I do please I do yet sir please State your full name in relationship to the property Robert nparm representative for the property property manager thank you okay inspector um this is regarding of 40 Year certification also um the application was um the previous inspector was Vanessa Williams she sent out notification back in August 9th of 2022 and as of today they not in compliance um Mr Robert um has been by the billing department since I served the the notice back in um May 8th of this year and I guess he's in process of trying to get it um resolved but like I st as up to date um they not in compliance Mr n um similar to some of the other cases I got no excuse I wasn't involved at that time it just fell through our system we have quite a few properties uh we are in the process of getting it done since I got a notification uh We've contracted a engineering firm uh we need theography there so I've also schedule that uh so we are working on it we do plan on getting it done I think one thing I can tell you about our properties and I think uh inspector prey as well as Inspector Perez can tell you that we are very diligent keeping our properties in good shape so we are working on this and we plan on having it the only thing that I would ask because I've done this a number of times and should we find an issue which I don't believe we will but if we do and we do need to pull a permit to fix an issue I I respectfully request maybe 90 days to be able to get this done all right um if that comes up then we'll address it that that time at this time I will enter an adjudication I will give you 60 days just a question if the 60 days for whatever reason we find the problem am I allowed to request an extension yes and if there's good reason for an extension we will give your an extension um so I have a judication 60 days if it's not resolved by the abatement date there will be a daily fine of $500 that's 60 days as of today that's correct okay thank and you you'll send out a confirmation on that I guess you will receive something from the city the order great thank you very much thank you sir have a good one you too all right the next case we're going to call is item number 177 Hans Jean Baptist case number FY y BR R r222 00006 the officer on this case is shinie pressie um the attendee Miss LS Marie Nelson if you can please accept the invitation and enable your audio and video good morning can you hear me good morning um are you're Louis Marie Nelson that's correct okay if you can please raise your right hand for me do you solemnly swear and affirm the testimony you're about to give in these proceedings shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God please say I do I do all right Mr Nelson please St your full again for and your relationship to the property sir my name name is Louis Mary Nelson I'm the general contractor uh taking care of the issue for the owner all great thank you okay you can put your hand down sir okay um this project um this recertification also um was previous by a previous inspector of Vanessa Willis the notice went out in August 8 2022 um as of today they not in compliance um um the tenant did come by um to speak with me in regards to what they needs to do for the 40-year recertification um Mr Lewis also came to today to speak with me regarding the 40-year certification um like I said as of today no they not in compliance and I guess Mr Lewis going to um take over the project for them and try to help them out the violation Still Remains the Same can you hear me can you hear not yet sir one second okay Mr leis yes ma'am I'm sorry yes ma'am go ahead no I'm asking you do you understand what needs to happen to bring this case up to um code yes ma'am I do uh I've been contacted by by the owner last week I already hire hire my engineering firm to get all the report so we can do all necessary repair if needed so that's the reason I I would appreciate uh if you can give us some some extension time so we can be in compliance and you said this case has been ongoing since 2022 correct yes ma'am okay all right Mr um Nelson uh I will give you the time that you're asking um but I do have to enter an adjudication because this matter has been ongoing for almost two years um so I will do an adjudication meaning that I find that the violation still exist and I will give you 60 days as I told the other gentleman if there's good reason for an extension when this matter is um back before the court then we will address it accordingly but for now I'm giving you 60 days to bring this case into compliance if you're not in compliance by the abatement date there will be a daily fine amount of $500 so um please trying to you know get this done and do your best and stay in contact with the inspector to let her know where you are with this project okay thank you very much all right sir bye bye- bye all right the next item we're going to call is item number 24 Sutton house Condominium Association the case number is C zcu 2023 3832 the officer on this case is um shanon Sanders we have three attendees Jimmy Rivero Ben weri and Alicia P padera if you can please accept the invitation and enable your audio and video oh I got I think I got it good morning good morning good morning sir okay I didn't know how to do this um my name is Ben weri Mr weri Mr give us one second I understand there are some other folks that are supposed to be joining okay let's wait for them so you guys can all get started Jimmy Rivero we can please accept the invitation I sent it again I think he was having problems with his phone we see him here enable your audio and video Jimmy okay all right thank you good morning if you all can please raise your right hand please Jimmy if you are driving please pull over I am I am pulled over thank you do you solemnly swear and affirm the testimony you're about to give and these proceedings shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God please say I do I do I do I'm sorry we have one more person Alicia Al here okay let's start with Mr wasar if you can please State your full name and relationship to the property it's uh my name is Baja waziri known as Ben waziri I'm the president of the uh satten house Condominium Association Inc thank you Miss Pedra yes my name is Alicia Pedra I am a unit owner and I am part of the board thank you Mr Rivero uh I am the owner of the property man agement company for suton house your full name for the record Jamie Rivero thank you inspector jice Sanders neighborhood service inspector this is a new case for property address 11840 Northeast 19 Drive Sutton House Apartments I initially cited this property for failure to obtain and or renew their certificate of use um with the community Planning and Development um office if not for with our city they were initially cited on July 20th of 2023 by doing my annual housing inspection did the overall inspection for the property um when I looked in the computer for the business tax receipt in the certificate of use I didn't see um one at all on hand um at that time I moved forward with um presenting them with the notice of violation asking that they um obtain the certificate of use as of my conversation maybe about two months ago I I spoke with a woman in the office who stated they were working on getting the applications together she was to the understanding that they had it they submitted an application for a certain house but for another building and she thought that covered all four of their buildings however um she was explain that a certificate of use needs to be obtained for each individual building as of my posting of the notice to appear in my last reinspection roughly two weeks ago the certificate of use has not been obtained nor has a application been submitted to the city at this time for this property all right who wants to go first uh well I want to I want to go first if you don't mind please um I on the board sorry since there's threee of you um please identify yourself again for the record Ben okay this is Ben weri I'm the president of the uh sou house Condominium Association I joined the board in uh October of last year and I believe this uh this violation was issued be prior to uh to the new board members taking over but I was so super confused with this uh because I did serve on the board before and uh my understanding that um house condominium became um um nonprofit organization since 2005 and which does not require it's nonprofit organization like any other condominiums in South Miami and it it does not require certificate of use so this was new to me and I um I did ask the management company to get involved in um in this with this City they actually got the uh paperwork and the application and everything but before proceeding because we also uh have everything set toh to go I need to clarify this with the city uh for condominiums that uh nonprofit organization if if this is a new law require the nonprofit organization condominium to to apply for certificate of use in order for them to uh conduct uh business in the city that's number one no it's not new I'm sorry um no it is not new I've been looking at emails um corresponded this is nothing new and that's happening um with the city so uh in the in the prior years I I've seen other condominium um other condomin in Miami uh the never filed the uh certificate of use so I don't know if there's something between um I mean can how can you distinguish between all the Condominiums is this something for all Condominiums regardless whether they are nonprofit organization or Rental Community for profit or exactly what is it I can't speak for any other units um any other condos except for the ones in North Miami I don't know what's going on throughout the State of Florida and or and other municipalities but the city of North Miami has always required it since I've been here for if I may Ben if I yeah yeah okay I'm sorry I'm sorry go ahead Jimmy is okay that's okay so good morning this is Jimmy Rivero from the Allied Property Group so certificate of use let me ask you and this is just part of the confusion that we had on our side um the certificate of use is usually issued when the building or when the structure is gets their final seal and then they have their CU issued this is a condo it's all private units this is not a business in the traditional sense it's a Condominium Association it doesn't make any money uh it's not a you know it's not a retail store or anything like that so you're what you're saying is that a certificate of use is required for each building under the ordinances of the city of North Miami that's correct okay so just to kind of summarize it um because if that's the ordinance that's the ordinance Ben I've never read it I've never in 20 years I've never seen it like this but but that's the ordinance we can look it up but at the end of the day um we do have the applications there uh and and we just got to pay unfortunately we found out a couple of weeks ago that we have to take the checks physically in we don't we can't pay online so at this point I would just ask that you provide us with an extension of maybe 30 to 60 days um application should be in the city of North Miami by the end of next week and magistrate I'm okay with giving a short um um I'm okay with giving a 30 days um 60 days wouldn't be a little too much but it doesn't take much time for that application to be submitted so I'm okay with that if that's what you would um like to do Sor I I do have other question please sorry um in the begin of the calendar I did say my dog Bella has a tendency to at the most opportune time just start barking out of nowhere so she's just making her presence known okay um yes I know the I know the feeling you said you had a question Mr RAR you can go ahead yes ma' okay uh can you please um because I believe we have a certificate of use for uh the clubhouse or one of the buildings please I'm asking the question to the officer if she can identify exactly the which buildings that we need uh is required to to have the certificate of use which building exactly building number well I want to address this building since we're at the magistrate hearing for this particular violation if you would like I'll drop my um number in the comments or or the chat and you can give me a call about any other properties for certain house after this hearing but for this one we're referring to property address 11840 noreast 19 drive this one does not have a certificate of views okay okay thank you thank you yes please please do drop your number because we have other questions on a few other things and I don't want to take up time on this hearing for that good morning uh Jose Perez manager for the new service department uh just as a brief update I know the question was asked about which building uh per the city ordinance chapter 29-3 d215 which I have dropped in the chat box every building is required to have a Cu uh as it relates to uh the use uh in the city of North Miami uh per the ordinance um so I won't take much of your time I just want to drop with that information every building is required to have one we we have thank you for that and we have we have the applications for the three remaining buildings already in place so I wasn't going to do the just the one we're going to do them all so I don't waste any future time of your or ours absolutely thank you uh well I clarify something I'm sorry I need to clarify which can you tell us we have a a certificate of use of one building can you tell us for which building and if you can I mean and I don't mind giving you that information but can we do this you know outside of the hearing because I would have to look in the computer I I want to make sure that we're addressing this one for now but I've already dropped my number um please after the hearing not today after the hearing possibly 2:00 and after you can contact me and we can um go over which one you have it for and which ones is still needed okay thank you thank you Miss Sanders you're very welcome what's your number again I'm sorry is I jao it it's on the chat I I have it I have it been I'll send it to you I took a screenshot thanks Jimmy thank you all right so this case will be um tabled 30 days correct we're going to reset it 30 days that's correct all right reset 30 days matter got it than everyone I appreciate all your time today thank you very much ma'am all right have a good bye bye okay you too bye bye bye okay the next one we're going to call is item number 25 ydb shoppr LLC case number is c e f o B 2024 529 the officer on this case is Jonathan lestre Mr Adam Anderson if you can please accept the invitation and enable your audio and video all right Mr um Anderson if you can please raise your right hand do you solemnly swear and affirm the testimony you're about to give in these proceedings shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God please say I do I do Mr Anderson please State your full name and relationship to the property I'm Adam Anderson um I am the manager of this I I represent the owners and I'm a manager of the property thank you sir good morning Mr lestre good morning M Kazu how are you very well sir all right good morning everybody uh neighhood service inspector Jonathan Lester and this case is being heard for the first time uh this is in regard to uh the commercial property uh why ydb shopright LC not having a business tax receip for the city of North Miami so uh look through my files on January 4th 202 24 I opened a notice of violation in regard to uh the commercial property owner not having a business tax receipt for the city of North Miami I posted a notice of violation at the property and I also mailed a notice of violation to the property owner via property appraiser as of the final reinspection date nothing has been done um there is no uh there's no application on file there is no compliance that's been met in regards to the business tax receipt Mr Anderson yes um it was brought to my attention um it was brought to my attention that about this not too long ago but I was under the I apologize by the way but we were under the assumption that it was the Auto Zones BTR so we were in contact with AutoZone the entire time um and that was my Pro that was my mistake that was going on ever since then I hired somebody by the name of Ivana I do have an application I had it over here I did sign it I did notarize it the city on the 30th the city on May 31st um send me an email um I will work on the VTR but basically the Raphael as per run he told me that I have to pay a 13 3250 check which I have here right here right here in front of me a 1332 check and Ian who is not able to be on this colell who's my Runner because we're not we haven't done this before she's usually have done it for me she is handling it and she tells me once I give this to the city I just wanted to show that I have it I'm going to mail it or I can bring it in that this this should be handled um when we're when we're finished so this we we're we're by the finish line and I'm hoping the city can give me just a little bit more time to to get it done but um I'm I'm I'm almost there and on Friday March 31st of 2024 they told me what I needed to be done and I did it I got it signed I got it notorized by the owners in New York and I have a check here that I'm deposit to bring to the city today so hopefully this will all be done in no time all right um so we can reset it 30 days to give him an opportunity to make the payment and submit okay all right sir so we'll reset 30 days we trying to get it in as soon as possible um thank you I really appreciate that thank you honor thank you officer all right sir have a good day have a good day bye-bye Adam clerk we can't hear you sorry we're going to call item number 5 through 11 would magistrate would you like for me to call the entire cases or or you want to go through one by one um You can call um put each case on the record and we can go one by one because I have to make a ruling because that's a lot it's about six cases right so I got to make um I got a rule on each so let's see sometimes they all weave into each other other right yeah but you can reach each one on the record for now all right so item number five is Abdul Rani and W shama case number CB P 2022 0558 this case was previously found guilty by magistrate Smith with with an abatement date of February 16th 2023 fine was set at $250 with a $100 cost assessment item number six Abdul Kahani W shama case number cbpr 20122 [Music] z559 previously found guilty by magistrate Smith with an abatement datee of February 16 2023 fine was set at $250 with the $100 cost assessment item number seven Abdul R kah Kahani and W sha case number cbpr 2022 00560 this case was previously found guilty by magistrate Smith with an abatement date of February 16 of 2023 fine set at $250 plus the $100 cost assessment item number eight Abdul R Kahani and W shama case number c e BPR 2022 00561 previously found guilty by magistrate Smith with an abatement date of February 16 2023 F set at $250 case number nine Abdul R Kahani and W shama case number cbpr 202200 562 previously found guilty by magistrate Smith within abatement date of February 16 2023 F set at $250 item number 10 Abdul rahani and W sha case number cbpr 202200 563 this case was previously found guilty by magistrate Smith with an abatement date of February 16 2023 find set at $250 within $100 cost assessment and item number 11 Abdul R Kahani and W sham case number sdn OV 2022 [Music] 0076 previously found guilty by magistrate Smith with an abatement date of February 16 2023 F set at $250 the officer on these cases this Miss shanana Sanders and Abdul if you can please accept the invitation and enable audio and video Mr Abdul if you can hear us please accept the invitation is he present he's here here mhm he has his hand raised and and I'm not sure what's going on he's been called there we go Abu we need to see your face please yes I cannot sign in you are here Mr Abdul we hear you we just cannot see you okay so what do I do you'll have to click on the little uh video camera that's usually on the bottom left hand corner of your device it'll probably have a a red slash across it just click it so we can see you hold on one I'm checking it I I'm not good at it okay so I have a chat I have a caption and I have a more and I have a mute it should be next to your mute it's a camera it's a disconnected audio that's the one no that would disconnect your your you being able to speak we video video video yeah can you give me a few minute can you go to the other Cas and I can get my nephew show me how to do it should be is in a parking lot let me tell him to come in magistr he's the last attendee so if you it's up to you so give me one second how I do it give me one second okay I I'm on the bottom of it is not muting there's a chat I'm wondering if he signed in that because it typically asks you if you're going to sign in with audio and video right yes wonder if he didn't check video if it's going to be able to enable it um Mr Abdul you may have to come out and come back in but I need you to find someone that can help you okay so give me one minute let me exit it and come back let me exit it all right so let's give a minute let me let me take a five let's take a five minute recess sure all right everyone recording stopped e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I'm back recording in progress we're back on the record is Mr Abdul with us and was he able to enable his video Mr Abdul are you present please unmute yourself sir and you can turn on your camera Mr Abdul if you can please unmute I did unmute I did it okay we can hear you now how about your camera why can you go from the front I uh okay I'm here on the system how about my camera uh cooking is accepted accept the cooking second I'm having a hard time hearing him sure I think we lost them they okay wonderful yes I Ser do yes okay wonderful Sween please can't hear you madam clerk yeah I can hear you get make sare I cannot hear you I don't know what happened hello yes there you go okay I'm not sure what happened there um Mr Abdul please Ra's your right hand do you Solly swear and affirm the testimony you're about to give in these proceedings shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God please say I do I do thank you sir please State your full name and relationship to the property my name is Abdul razak Kanani property address is 10005 Northwest 119 Street North Miami and the owner of the property thank you sir bless you sir all right go officer Sanders yes I'm sorry I'm looking I'm sorry um the first case is um C BPR 20 22558 for um not having the permit for the gas generator that was installed on the rooftop um all of these I I will say I believe let me look over really quick well let's start with this one this one is was opened April April 18th of 2022 whereas they were initially cited for um not obtaining the permit for the gas generator that was installed we have gone back and forth on um several occasions we have come before a few special magistrate hearings as of my last reinspection compliance has not been met the generator permit um has not been obtained as of again my last reinspection generator has been moved for last beginning of the year or long time ago do you see that in the system inspector no the only thing that I see is for a gas um to relocate the gas let me look really quick can you go get the picture from the generator for the gas broer it's a lot going on there so I I if he's saying it's been removed I I I would have to go back out there to take a look and we also have a boiler permit and boiler permit was open and closed Mr we're not on that one yet let's let's go with this one first this is for the the the gas generator GNA send you a picture in a minute Abdul are you saying that it's been removed yeah yeah it been removed for more than N9 months or a year more than that if if I can I'm going to ask you know and as you see possibly in these pictures magistrate uh I the this these violations was opened by now retired um code officer Aaron Barbara I I'm I'm honest enough to say it's a lot going on at this property I tried my best to look back at photos um to see what she cited for in comparison to what I was seing when I was at the property if he's stating that um the generator has been removed I would like to go back out there and afford him the opportunity to at least verify that Abdul I am going to ask you know before we move on to the magistrate that you specifically meet me at the property um so that you can show me what was there what has been removed and we can go from there um but this one I don't mind tabling um in or granting an extension I'm not sure was this adjudicated um yes it but e either way we can grant an extension so that I can verify if the generator has been removed yes all right so we're going to get reset this one 30 days okay um to give the um inspector an opportunity to go back to inspect okay so 30 days item number six item number six this was for the roof this is for Cas cbpr 202200 559 again this case was um is being presented by myself it was opened by now retired um code officer Aaron Barber this case was for the a permit that needed to be obtained for the enclosure um that was on the roof and in the rear of the property at this current time um looking at the computer looking in the system I didn't see any permits applied for in obtained for any additions in um that were you know on the roof in or in the rear of the property I I did have a conversation with Mr Abdul months ago he stated he would be he was trying to get his plans or something together to submit to the city um we granted him time I believe it was 90 days uh he met and spoke with myself and our director um and um Mr Raymond and we granted him a 90day extension again as of my last reinspection I still don't see that application submitted to the city so for this compliance has not been met as well your honor yes uh we I submitted this thing was done in 2014 I submit the permit of uh plan and everything to officer Barber uh when she was uh about to retire few days before I give him a plan I took the copy from the building department and I submit to her I don't know what happened but if you want it I can go to the building department pull that permit back again and I give you this job was done by uh by per the job was a permitted okay so let's do um let's run this case with the other so that we can well shie before we do that if if you can magistrate you know we do we have the building department here building department can we do we have any permits on filed I'm I'm quickly trying to look you're saying do you have the permit number ABD do for this one give me one second is in 2014 when we did the construction I I I understand I understand it's 2014 do you have the permit number uh me because we can verify that right now I I just magistrate you know these are old cases and I don't want to you know Grant any extensions unless I have to um and again only because I don't see any applications on file so I I I I just don't want to you know again Grant too many extensions in or table them if we don't need to okay Miss Sandra what's the property address 105 Northwest 119 street I'm looking as well but I don't see anything because I see something ABD do for 2013 and 14 but it was canceled I showed that it was canceled and closed out for um different phases it was for a a new hot water heater some Motors propane tanks control for shots on switches um I'm showing I I don't show anything um I don't show a permit for 203 2014 other than that one and that one was canceled out no they don't have any permits on the permit was open and permit was closed for the building it's a building depart building permit it's a master building permit I just have the voting department is present and they're advising that they do not have anything on file for that specific check the address is one1 Northwest 119 Street you say one1 or one one05 there's a two folio there's a two addresses in the listed in miate County maybe if a switch went by one1 Northwest 119 Street let's try that okay is that still under the same folio number or there two separate folio numbers same folio two separate folio that's two separate build same oh don't want second I'm pulling up um one Z1 Northwest um seven night 119 Street and again I don't show anything for 2014 U I'm showing the certificate abuse wasain obtained um and a 40 year recertification I don't have a permit number with me but I can go to the building department go to the record and I can get the copy of it well you know and I understand Mr Abdul but we have the building department here only because again I I you know we've had these conversations several times at the property in the city you know you've had all the opportunity to provide that to me so again I I I don't want to I don't want to table these um you know yet again asking for another permit number when we can look in the system to see that right now nothing has been submitted for the two addresses you're giv you have do you have my building Master building permit in 2012 13 14 or something 15 I don't see that you have something shaie okay so for both properties both address I looked under the both address and I don't have anything I built a building so it got to be something no I'm sorry what we asking for specific of what you're asking for is no we have your we have permits here but not what we what what is needed what is required no no I came to your building department I went to the record the gentleman sit behind inside the door we went and we pull the copy of that things I make the two copies he gave me on USB and then I give it to the officer the one was retiring two days after that's what I find out and I submitted to her so it's got to be in the system because I took it okay sir was no permits as up to dat I'm looking at we don't have any permits what you're active so you have to show me what have there was a per there was a permit to build the building and enclose the back uh when we did the side wall the perimeter wall to the property it was a curve into it it's in the engineering drawing okay so what the last thing I do see right now in this B BC so you can have you can reference Miss Andra um BBC 00224 00004 is for a building storage and it's still pending that application was submitted January 17 2024 and it's still pending in my system and that was for build uh building storage that's the last but that's for that's was from this year sir it wasn't for 2014 no no this year I submitted the plan that we are building the facility on top of our existing building I get the okay by the zoning I went to the variance and then I applied for the engineering drawing I submitted soon I submitted your department tell me to take it to dur and fire department okay so that wasn't done in 2020 2014 sir that was done this year and the application day is 117 2024 and it's still pending and that's for building a storage but what she stated what you was fin for is not applied for that's what she's trying to tell you we don't have anything in the system but you did apply for a building storage but it's not it have not been issued yet sir and that was submitted the application was submitted 117 2024 we are not talking about storage we're talking about the ear enclosure no we don't have anything on record sir so magistrate if we can let let's be let's be clear so that we're all understand and we're all on the same page item number six is talking about a violation uh permit is um uh Building without permit an enclosure that was installed on the roof correct on the roof and in the rear of the property is it was two things that he did and for that I don't see a permit for and if we can I'm going to ask you know um if we can go ahead and this already been adjudicated move forward with these fines you know we've had these conversations over and over again we've had these conversations again at the building department Mr Abdul are you seeing the photos are these the photos of the items that we're discussing correct okay correct so Mr Abdul these are the um photos of the um items that we're talking about the enclosures that were installed on the roof and um the rear of the property that um they're saying that these were done without a permit and so picture you seeing it now this picture you're seeing it there's a wall that has been permitted that wall has been permitted the picture you seeing it now on the computer without without a perit are no permits on file for this so at this time the city's requesting that the fines be ratified no I have a permit I tell you I just don't remember the permit number but I give this copy to them I know I and it was inspect done everything was done and magistrate saying is they're indicating and the business I mean business the building inspector is present and everyone is indicating that they're not seeing anything in the system stating that a permit was pull um and so the I I don't know how to rectify that sir if you said you do have one um you should have one if you do have have it then bring it to them I don't know why you would have a permit and they're not seeing it in their system I'm not seeing that I'm sorry your honor yes sir I have a permit today I have a doctor appointment at 12:30 right but I can go tomorrow morning and I can get the paperwork done and I submit and I already submitted before the same engineering drawing with the permit number to your department Magistrate I don't know if the Mr Abdul one moment magistrate if we um go ahead and adjudicate if he does have what he's referencing then he would be in compliance that and his abatement date you know we could go ahead and close it out but as officer Sanders stated and um manager Perez is if we can just go ahead and ratify all right so um based on the evidence presented and the testimon present testimony presented by the inspection officer the building official I find that the violation still exist um The Daily Find amount of 250 is hereby ratified retroactive to February 16 20123 so if you do have your your documents um you know bring it with you so that they can Rectify okay um I'm sorry I will I will okay all right okay the it the third seven um item seven the third item is cbpr 2022 00560 making sure this one again is for a building without permit cited on the same day um April 18 2022 by at that time officer Aaron Barbera um as she retired it has been given to me to present this is for for not having a permit um for shipping containers that were installed in the rear of the property in addition to the shipping containers it shows that there was also a lift that was installed in the rear of the property um as well as of my conversations with Mr Abdul as well as my reinspection of the property um posting of the notice to appear in my reinspection two weeks ago comp has not been met there's still no application submitted um to the city for the lift that was installed in for the shipping containers that are at the property you honor yes sir uh once we had this issue we went to the zoning and talked to Mr Cooper and we asked Mr Cooper to give us a engineering grin Cooper say if you can tie down the container you might able to to give me a permit so we did the engineering drawing for that we submitted we pay the uh what you called zoning fee and then they returned the money and they said we cannot give you this permit the container has to move so then we went to the phase two and we did the engineering drawing to see if we can build the building on the top of the existing building the zoning is approved it and then the permit number is B bc2 24-4 we apply for the permit to do the existing building so we submit this paperwork to the building department which is fine that's for the new addition that's going to be on top of the building however the existing containers need to be removed as that is the current violation which advised by zoning is not allowed to that you need to remove those and the lift I I lift has been dismantle this lift is not there the container uh I requested that because I have a space issue soon my building is mov I will move my stuff into the contain in the building we building sir they have been there for over two years at this point the city is not going to allow uh more time so at this time we're requesting adjudication for this violation as well okay and this is I'm also working on it to buy the property in uh 119 Street not uh 120 Street not 10 Avenue the address is 11949 Mr we're not on that at this moment that is not relevant to this case sir all right sir do you understand that the it I'm sorry can you give me 60 day to remove the containers against this yes all right Mr Abdul because these cases are old been going on since 2022 um own the right now space are so expensive is five or $6,000 rent right now so and if I have and you've gotten it for free for the last two years by having these containers with the open violation yes I I I all right based on the evidence presented and the um testimony of the um officers I do find that the violation still exist yes sir Mr AB can you please allow the magistrate to rule I know all right I will mute your mic at this moment give me you can allow him I yes um Mr Abdu what is it that you wanted to say Sir unmute you're M unmute yourself Mr Abdul unmute yourself press that little phone there we go okay all right go ahead sir can you hear me your honor yes we can hear you please allow me 60 days to rearrange the other things to remove the container please I I finish the violation in 60 days um I know is old I know it's been there I trying everything my best to apply for the permit and another things I also request go ahead Mr Abdul I also working on it with the building department I submit that plan my plan went to the durm I'm working on all other things so I can expedite my building so I can build my building on top of it only request was there that if you can assist me out I really appreciate it that's what I have to all right I'll I'll give you the 60 days God bless you Sister God bless you is okay to call you your honor sister because I always call everybody okay your honor is is fine your honor is this is for item number seven this is for item number seven but sir if this matter comes back to me it's GNA it's going to go that you're you're still um haven't complied I'm giving you an additional 60 days even though you've had two years um so please yes yes sir okay item number eight item number eight cbpr 2022 00561 um this case is for a building without permit for the electrical fixtures in electrical boxes concrete paths that were installed on the swell area and around the perimeters of the property the items may not be permitted on the swell and RightWay they must be removed but for the ones on the side side um permits must be obtained as of my last reinspection um the violation Still Remains and no permit application have been submitted to the city you're talking about this this this one the picture I'm seeing on 10 19 Nor 10th Avenue I'm saying all electrical fixtures that you have installed at the property I noticed it when I went out there to do the inspection I believe one of the signs have been removed or one of the boxes but you still have something else I believe on the the side of 119th Street that's along the street of 119th Street that Still Remains um you want to just beautifying the things and recognizing the things uh and this light didn't been for 2014 the time I reinstalled this electronic message board I the first one who installed the electronic Message Board commercially in our city and we put the light at the same time and the property if you I will send you the night picture and you will see how beautiful is look at night time I'm sure it's beautiful sir I think what they're saying is that you did that without pulling a permit the prop permit do you have the permit for for for uh these um fixtures electrical fixtures because that's don't don't take me wrong because I this is 2014 and I'm not I I I don't know the permit for that was cancelled he applied for one and it was cancelled on August 28 2013 exactly okay can see okay sir so this time the city is seeking ratification of the fines as well so this Cas yeah you have when whenever we're talking about you know Electrical uh fixtures Etc these are you know these can potentially be um like and safety issues so we have to make sure that you have the proper permit and they are done up to code so um can I apply can I reapply all right that's what you're gonna have to do um you have to reapply so that we can be sure that this was done up to code so at this point sir I do find that the violation still exists um and so I will your honor can allow me to uh take it out the things it going to take me 5 days to they have a 40 lights the 40 lights we put it in so the whole 10th Avenue look beautiful we it enhance the neighborhood I I am sure it's beautiful sir what we're saying is that they were done without prop pulling the proper permit so what we're ask I think what the city is asking for you to do is to make sure that you you apply for an after the fact permit so that needs to happen but in the meantime you know this thing has been ongoing since 2013 2014 um so you've gotten away with it for quite some time your honor I was not aware of it my electric permit was cancelled I was not aware of it but that's fine I can call my uh elected contractor and ask him to P the permit okay that's what they should do but yeah but I was not aware of it it was canceled I was not aware of it understood meantime I do find that the violation still exist so I will gratify the um fine the daily fine amount your owner can you give me 60 uh one weeks or 30 days so I can remove the lights and then we reapply for it and let's go through the whole process you can do all of that um don't find me your owner business is not that I I know I know it's not your concern I know magistrate also for the record um as well um Mr um Abdul came in earlier this year and sat with the director and discussed each every case and which is why he was given an additional six months to get into compliance and as Inspector stated nothing has been done since then yeah so Mr Abdul um again so this is new to me but it certainly is not new to you yes this is not new information yes and so therefore um I I can't give you another 30 days um this is an issue that should have been rectified long long ago um and so I will ratify the daily fine amount retroactive to February 16 2023 sir good luck to you um number nine which is K cbpr 2022 0562 this one is for the building without permit for the storage cages the decorate decorative metal features and the concrete um signs that were installed the first one the the one PRI was for the electric um the electricity that was for the um install but now is actually for the installation of those signs that he did not obtain the permit for can you can youat officer this case case cbpr 202200 562 is for building without permits for the actual storage cages the decorative metal feature that's installed on the size of the property and for the propane tank sign the one prior to this case was for the electricity of those signs but this one is for now the actual not having a permit for the sign you see this this is our what do you call concrete for you see it's been damaged here the the reason you put it here so the vehicle who making a turn on 119 should not be come inside of a property this was damaged by the vehicle see how damaged is it and that's exactly happened that damaged the vehicle and we're not questioning why it was installed is that you didn't do it without a permit so again for this one we're asking for the fines to be ratified we've already discussed this at prior hearings and at the prior meeting that we had with myself and the director permit has still not been obtained um as of my last reinspection I'm asking that the the city is asking that the sign the the the buy be ratified for this as well honor my understanding is a safety issue we' installed it and we installed it after we did our ballots I have at least 27 or 28 ballots we put in and we raise our proping station at least 2 and 1/2 ft to 3 ft in the air and we put five concrete truck in it in case anybody lose the control on 10th Avenue 119 he cannot come inside and damage the property even though we have already four or five accident and few of the ballot has been damaged and they attached to my foundation and all this yellow thing is been done after the engineering to secure the property yes I guilty of it I didn't pull the permit but I was think at my mind at that time it was thinking of a safety of this I have a permit for that is a propane tank fill here I have a permit for that your honor as he mentioned he admittedly did it without permits for the intention of avoiding the accidents which is valid we understand he his purpose on installing it however it doesn't nullify take away from the fact that permits were not obtained we're not asking him to remove it we're simply asking him to obtain the permits which have been uh out of the question for quite some time as you know this case is quite old and he has still not obtained the permits for that so at this time we're still requesting for the F to be ratified on this case your honor pulling the permit going to take me at least two months because engineering growing and other things and I haven't pulled the permit and because it's already done and I can do the xray on the equipment they'll tell you how much bar and everything in it so it's not that hard for me to get you process done it will be open shut case uh somehow I don't know why it didn't come into my mind it was stupidity of mind I I requested to grant me a 60 days and I finish it up in 60 days and when you get to my age not everything get done in time you know all the points can always be ratified after the fact uh but the continuance I I feel that would be inappropriate in this aspect due to the amount of continuances we have already granted as well as the amount of extensions we have granted okay all right Mr Abdul that's my issue my issue is that there has been so many you know attempt to rectify this matter and there's been so many continuances and giving you opportunities after opportunities to be able to do it and here we are today nothing has happened and so my hands are kind of tight um I've given you 60 days on one I've given you 30 days on the other um and so like I I need to put you know your foot feet to fire to get things done and it's unfortunate but that's what I feel like I have to do otherwise nothing is going to get done it's just going to go you know um yes sir I see you have your hands right my my you're my understanding was then when I'm pulling my building permit I will all these things manage it out in between uh that was my understanding I was wrong I I didn't realize my understanding was then once I buil the building the container stuff going to move into the building because I'm going 55 55 ft height on my existing building I'm putting a elevator I'm putting all this thing I putting if you see the drawing how beautiful I'm designing it uh uh be putting a lot of effort and energy into it we putting a lot of energy into it I want to make this thing nice also I want and when I put the light outside so many other property also improve their properties uh I will get it done it's not that it's somehow I don't know it did not register in my head are you saying let let me just understand maybe I missed something you're saying that you're doing some um renovation on the same property yes same prop one you're going to add go ahead same property I'm putting a 55 story building on 55 floor building on top of it that going to take care of my old storage facility zoning have been approved the zoning have two what do you call them they give me a uh variance one for the parking and one for the height and look of the building we also putting a solar panel on top of it so we will be offgrid in case of hurricane the idea was to create a beautiful building and I'm working in engineering take really little extra time because you have existing building and you putting on top of other building so it was very hard engineering things to do uh we but this thing is a separate thing I I was I was under the my understanding then once I'm going to pull that permit though I pull that permit I already submit the plan let me ask the building official or the inspector um why wouldn't that fall within the plan that he currently has for the property um obviously I understand the other part with the electrical fixtures Etc um but as far as the um um item number nine um if there's a larger plant for this property um telling him to pull a after the fact permit now when these things would be addressed in the larger plan that he currently has in place um you know I I'm I'm a little bit confused about that if somebody can help me understand your I'm looking at the permit on file uh that was filed on January 17 2024 there has been no development on that permit itself there has been no no inspections uh right now there has not been any development on that permit at all as a matter of fact it expires on July 15 2024 uh while we have seen the beautiful plans that Mr Abdul has brought to the city there has been no development with the building permit itself in over 140 days that the permit has been open um I believe he said he is trying to get things done with the Derm Department however with the city of North Miami no development has been done uh for that not only that but the building permit itself is for the storage that goes over his existing building it does not Encompass the things around his building uh from what I see here that's correct Jose Mr your honor U I lost my thought uh we we took this we took the permit and then they give us to go to the DM I have no control over DM and fire department and life safety they want us to do the life safety fire and DM I submit the plan I have no control over how long they usually take and soon he's done I'm going to bring to City of nor Miami city nor Miami go go through the process once the process done we get the permit and we start doing the construction already if you want I can send you my bank statement my funding is also available on my hand I also have a funding available to take care of this thing okay so does any have to go through Derm to get derms um um there it's two separate processes so he has to go through dur but he also has to go through the city of North Miami so the city of North Miami also reviews and goes through the line items of the permitting the blueprints and none of that has been done because they have not been a in essence uh fulfilled with the city North Miami so while we understand that he's going through the process with durm he also has to simultaneously go through the process with North Miami because at the end uh North Miami is going to request the permit processes and the approvals from durm but also durm is going to request for the permit processes and approvals from North Miami so they go hand in hand there has to be the process and development on both ends which in this case there has not been okay all right Mr Abdul I'm ready to rule sir what is it that your honor I went to the building department they issued me a process number and they handed me my plan to take it to the DM they did not say give me extra copy so we can do our own for the building department they gave me whole plan and said take it to the Derm once they approve it then we going to review it that's what they told me from your building department city of North Miami okay Miss Presley pressy I'm sorry okay in order for um commercial properties have to go through durm review first once he get his permit from durm review he didn't come over and give us the approved plans for Miami day County then it will go through our process and in order for us to do our process he have to have durm approval it do go hand in hand as Jose stated before but in order for us to start our review he had to complete dur dur review process okay well that's what he says he through durm and you know so durm has to go ahead and as far as the other things with the lighting and stuff like that that he has that's totally separate from the building the extra stories that he's going to do on top of his building so that's all separate permits understood I'm I'm just on number item number nine correct I'm on item number nine and what I'm saying is if he has a larger plan for the property and that plan is currently before the city and before Duram I don't I'm not going to punish him and say he needs to um um um Rectify this item when there are a bigger plan in place well magistrate understanding go ahead well magistrate it doesn't seemless though is a bigger plan in in at hand for all he has right now is just a permit application um for the storage unit yeah it doesn't say for the wall That's installed in the rear for the the propane tanks that are outside for it's not a master permit yes it's just for the storage um container or the storage um unit that he wants to do correct that's what I was trying to explain it doesn't go hand in hand what he have what we have in questions right now is for the storage container everything else is not under that permit it's a separate permit so right now we only dealing with the storage container so that's to build that everything else he's going to I guess he's going to probably be moving it to the inside I'm not quite sure what his plan are but but the storage container is separate from the other items I get it okay all right so Mr Abdu sir yes um again based on everything that I've heard so far um for item number nine is um you still have to apply for the after the fact permit for the storage um and the propane Etc um so that has to be done sir I I your owner I apply for it Mr Cooper say he cannot give me permitted to tie down once you move your building then is different story I submit the docu I submit the zoning application for storage facility and the request for to tie down in the meantime While You're Building building is building after I pay and everything to the zoning zoning cancel the payment send me my check back and they say we cannot allow you at this time before they say yes you can and that's the reason the things and once my building is done all the stuff going to move into the building all the extra thing that's why I'm going 55 ft in the air so I can cover everything inside and it will be Monument story will be a landmark for 119 Street Magistrate um for this case in particular for nine there's no way that this um can be moved inside that storage container this is for the freestanding signs that he has outside the building that that runs along 10th Avenue and along 19th Street this has been per this this sign has been permitted the one you're showing your on yes sir we're listening the sign you just put it in I have a permit for that we not just talking about this sign not just this one we're talking about four go back to the other ones um Mori is it's other this with the was on for this concrete wall for this this is what we're referring to like I say some of the stuff was removed but you still have this exterior stuff that needs to be permissed that need to be obtained for I can this I can move when I'm moving the container renting the warehouse this I'm going to move it into it I okay but that should have been done already what what the point we're addressing is the city is that actions could have been taken preventively yes it yes yes I'm only requesting your honor that your honor only thing I'm if you can give me this thing with the same time and I'm moving a container everything going to be move out because renting going to take me little time but in God willing I think so I can have a rental things to be done in time and in 60 days I can remove these things I can pull the permit for Valor I can pull the permit for electric and I'm going to give you a building permit the one already been obtained in 2014 the copy to the code enforcement I will take care of it generator has been moved Mr Abdul I'm on miam Count's website right now looking at your property address and I don't see the the permit for your plan review for the addition that you're doing do you have the permit process number because I do not see it on their database uh that's bu my engine I you want I can ask him and I can give you tomorrow so your honor at this time if you'd like I can share the screen I looked at the mam County database and they don't have anything submitted for review based on what I'm seeing right now the last application that was submitted was in 2013 M you can't we can't speak over each other because everything is being recorded sir and when you start speaking over each other we don't have a clear record I'm sorry y did send me a last ton night some number that I'm not sure is a good or bad number is UP24 52635 and they sent me another message that having some kind of difficulty or someone both deleted I I don't know what to say let me read the email this engineer sent me yesterday and Mr Abdu you're saying where is this from this from the engineer or this from DM what are you reading this from the DM DM process number but let me let me verify what they're saying it you're on right now I'm here at miam County electronic permits and review system you can see here the building panel reviews the last one they have on file was from February 28 2013 and this is MI County database give me the date February February 28th 2013 sir that's the last one that was issued for that property uh you mean one second I'm looking at it and they sent me the number and the number they saying can you read what they say one second okay they saying you disapproved something but they submit the document let me give you a number they say disapprove uh number is sub can you read the number on sub come here give me one second I cannot read the number Jose uh rigio on 65 88:13 a.m. he said dis approved and what the process number hold on uh process number is UA 24 52 635 this is from the G uh I'm not seeing that one on here unfortunately as I mentioned the three that I see on here uh one is from 2010 one is from 2011 and one is from 2013 Miss ad can you repeat that number for me let me look it up on my and let me see what you're saying okay is you you like umbrella like like Pakistan like Abdul 2 4 5 2 635 and he said they emailed that this morning um and yeah they said that disapprove disapprove I don't know what the reason is let me read the reason I cannot read so small Zu read this what is the reason I'm watching you thank you Mr P give me one second I'm looking now give me one second hold on thanking okay hello yes I'm right here okay so it was it was submitted 65 it was submitted actually today yes um the application was submitted the application was actually submitted on 64 um for that property um it was denied and you have plans must it got comments because the it says one plans must be submitted as a PDF and is a whole bunch of things that you need to do to re-upload the thing so whoever is submitting in your plans to momy day county is upload them incorrectly so em with Mi day County process it does take a while it have to go through certain reviews and it can take maybe depends on how your Architects um submit their PL you may have court you may have comments so it can take a month or two months it depends on how fast you guys move but right now you have to submit the submitt need to be submitted over again so you need to contact your architect or engineer and let them know that on their end they need to resubmit those plans back to Mi day County so it's just going to M day County so when we gave you the process number you just submitted it yesterday to M day County so like Miss Sandra stated um I think that right now everything should stand as fine should be you know however she want to give the days it's up to you Yana but right now he's not in compliance I as mentioned yeah the application date was yesterday so it appears that none of the plans have been submitted to Durham until yesterday so in in in Li of of working with with durm it seems like and and I don't want to say this but we we we've been dragging our feet now for over two years where if plans are only being submitted yesterday and they're also being denied the city's been working in good faith however I feel like this Define should probably be ratified at this point and we can mitigate it once the project has been completed or issued you're honest the reason they were denied because of the address and the paper was not filed in a proper order uh architect get it and you have to understand it's not in my hand the architect and engineer they have to work and I working on them and they usually take sometime very sweet time and and my hand are tight with them I already spend over I don't want to guess wrong over my architected engine over 20 $26,000 so far just to get this engineering drawing done and they say yeah yeah yeah getting done yeah yeah getting done and they're gone and nothing happened so magistrate if we can can we go ahead and move forward with ratifying these finds if if so because that's stated you know by it seems like everyone this was just submitted yesterday when we met and gave him already six months to get all of this done and again nothing was done until yesterday your honor is not in my hand the architect magistrate we can't hear you you're muted sorry what do I do your one moment Abdul Mr Abdul this has been ongoing sir and um you know these cases need to be moved along so I will ratify the fine um this case you know you you you work it out with your um engineering Etc and then you can work with the city regarding the fine um next item next number 10 um case number cbpr 2022 0563 this is for building without permit for the cement and concrete wall that was installed in the rear um of the property in the alleyway RightWay without permits um being first obtained as of my last reinspection um as we've stated with all the other testimony no application has been submitted to the city regarding the work that was done around the perimeter of the property so compliance has not been met which one you can you show me this is for the cement and concrete wall that was installed in the rear of the property that's the what I'm talking about for the permit that's I have a permit for that yeah that's I have a permit for that the perameter wall was inspected yeah hold on hold on it's still on the same page stay on the same page story go back on the page the one you were there yeah hold on uh po sign relocated gas boiler building stold heating these are all the permits for property electrical wiring installation rolling R 400 m Paving aration relocating gas tank exterior facade exterior facade Improvement exterior facade would be that of the actual building itself it would not be a wall this would be a wall orence permit can you open this once I hold on let me write this permit number give me one second one second Mr Abdul you can get that from the building department or come in and we can print that out for you yes that's fine it's 013 there were no sub permits within this one itself it's just for facade improvements which is that of the exterior building as you see here there were no sub perit submitted with this one okay I will I will come okay at this time the city is requesting that the fines be ratified for this case as well miss uh your honor all right for item number 10 yeah this is 10 okay sir this is this case is ratified as well um based on the evidence presented I find that the violation still exist the daily fine amount is hereby ratified active and and the last case um the last case for Mr robd is SD n 2022 0076 this was for the actual dumpster en closure this violation was cited on that same day um by Mr bar Mrs Barbara on April 18th 2022 um did an overall inspection of the property and she cited him stating that the dumpster needed to be properly enclosed um as of my last reinspection two weeks ago um the dumpster Still Remains and no enclosure has been obtained at this time no applications have been submitted to the city either sir yes we have yes that slip my mind that slip my mind okay that thing slip my mind at this time the city's requesting that the fines be ratified for this case as well thank you y all right sir based on the evidence presented I find that the violation still exist um so the this also is U the findest ratified retro good luck to you Mr Abdul it seems like you have a lot on your plate sir so I wish you the best thank you sis thank you honor God bless you thank thank you everybody can you enable your host access you are now the host thank all right magistrate that does conclude the attendees that have registered here so we will begin at the beginning all right um let me take a five minute rest I need to use the ladies room e e e e e e e e e e e e if everyone is ready we can go back on the record all right we are back yes we are are back ladies and gentlemen we are back give them a moment magistrate no problem they got excited for their break I know we all need a break think we got about 15 last okay a to get through I have 19 yeah yeah and one of them at the end is a large property so it's one one individual so okay all right we're going to go ahead and begin all right at the beginning magistrate with item number one property address property owner is 12326 Northeast 6 LLC case number c MHS 2023 00 787 the officer on this case is Christopher Coulson all right good afternoon is it afternoon y afternoon Mr good afternoon magistrate uh this is a new case C MHS 2023 z787 this was a annual housing inspection and we were asking for the extermination report of proof of of extermination was the violation we I never received proof during my reinspection and as of the final inspection violation Still Remains final final inspection took place on 52324 I'm sorry my I'm officer city in North Miami neighborhood service department forgot that part but everything was properly mailed and certified okay it's it's another case that goes with that property you want me to read it or you want yes case number item number 21 12326 Northeast 6 LLC case number c MHS 2023 0788 again offic inspector City North Miami neighborhood service department uh this is a case for mailboxes broken and disrepair uh violation was issued during the Ahi sweep and I did a reinspection they weren they still had been completed and done so as of the final reinspection that was done on 523 24 the violation Still Remains of the broken and disrepair mailboxes at the property I have not had any contact with the property owners so I don't know what's going on at the property to get those things repaired okay so these things have been ongoing for about approximately a year yes a year okay they fixed the other violations that were on the property I don't know what happened with contacting me with the extermination report or the mailboxes but they didn't they weren't able to they weren't done there's still out of compliance okay all right based on the unrebutted testimony of the Court enforcement officer I find that the violation does exist also find good notice given proper notice honors have failed to appear I hearby find in favor of the city entered adjudication honors have 30 days by which to resolve the violation um if the violation is not resolved by the abatement date there will be a daily find amount as to item number one C MHS 2023 z787 it will be $250 and as to item number two c mhs2 23788 it will be $150 all right item number four 136 21 Northwest 7th Avenue LLC case number sdn OV 2023 01560 the officer on this case is Jonathan Lester good afternoon neighborhood service inspector Jonathan Lester uh this case uh compliance was met um the business owner uh from SS Furniture uh he came in yesterday and provided a receipt to us in regards to paying Waste Pro um for trash service I was able to verify with the admin team here and with Waste Pro that compliance has been met so this case is a case closed okay all right thank you for that Jonathan next item we're going to call is item number 18 and item number 19 number 18 is June 18 Properties LLC case number CF lr222 0041 this was previously found guilty by magistrate Kazo within with an abatement date of November 16 of 2023 B set at $250 case number 19 um June 18 Properties LLC czc u2022 0695 previously found guilty by Magistrate Kazo um within a batement date of November 16 find set at $250 plus $100 class assessment the officer in this case is janaro Melo afterno Spector Millo to the department um this case was open to the property a just 134 bis game Boulevard um the name of the business the chef to renew the business actx received this case was open on September 15 of 2022 the audit to comply was posted on October 18th of of 2023 uh the not to appear was posted on May 2nd and the final inspection of May um 22nd I have um there has been no compliance for item number 19 this case was open to obtain the certificate of use um this also was open on September 15 of 2022 the order to comply was posted on October 18 of 2023 as my final inspection of May 22nd of 2024 there that hasn't been no compli they're still open they're still operating yes based on the unrebutted testimony of the Court enforcement officer finded the violation still exist also find good notice given proper notice corers have fell to appear um The Daily fine amount as to item number 18 the daily fine amount of 250 is hereby ratified also um same ruling as through item number 19 the daily fine amount 250 it next item we're going to call is item number 21 Marbell condle Property association case number is CFA w222 0091 previously found guilty by magistrate Smith within an abatement date of October 19th 2023 fine was set at $500 plus $0000 cost assessment item number 22 Marbella condos Property association case number CE e fob 202200 387 this case was previously found guilty by magistrate Smith with an abatement date of October 19 2023 find set at $500 plus 00 cost assessment and case number 23 Marbell o condo Property association case number CCU 202200 691 previously found guilty by magistrate Smith with an abatement date of October 19 2023 F set at $500 and the officer on this case is shanon Sanders Shand neighborhood service inspector these are all cases um for property address 12890 Northeast 8th Avenue for Fue to for the iron fence that needed to be pressure cleaned repaired um and repainted no business tax receipt and for the certificate of use I am showing that all three violations were opened on September 12th of 2022 while doing my um annual housing inspection I inspected the property hand delivered the Noti to a woman who identified herself as the manager um of course as already stated these cases have already been adjudicated by magistrate Smith when I went out to pass poster notice to appear I did speak to a gentleman who identified himself as the new Property Management um of the business he stated he would you know take care of the situation um and bring and bring the violation to compliance as of my last reinspection actually I met him at I saw him at the property again he stated um he would submit an extension request at the I have noted any extion request so I am moving forward with presenting the cases of my last reinspection two weeks ago the violation Still Remains on May 22nd the iron fence Still Remains chipped um in um in need of repainting I am showing that no business tax receipt has been um obtained for this property and no certificate of use has been obtained so all three violations still remain I am showing proper service was given because I posted the property with the notice to appear as well as as I started to get in the car hand delivered um them and had a conversation with the manager I'm also showing that certified mailing was mailed out to the property owner by um administrative staff as well based on the unrebutted testimony of the enforcement officer and the evidence presented I find that the violations still exist um as to item number 21 the um the daily fine amount of $500 is ratified same goes for item number 22 um The Daily F amount of $500 is ratified also item number three 23 the daily fine amount is in all fines are retroactive to October 19th 2023 also I find that there's good notice and given proper notice Hors have failed to appear all right all right magistrate the last items on this agenda is item number 27 through item number 36 um we do have uh different officers for each case so I'll go ahead and read the um items into 26 26 no I'm sorry oh oh I was looking at something I apologize no stream yes item number 26 is yalis cor case number CF LR 2023 00434 officer lestre is the officer on this case good afternoon it's okay good afternoon uh inspector Lester from neighborhood service department uh this case is in regard to uh business uh a comfort living Inc uh who's failed to renew the business tax receipt for the city of North Miami so on August 27 2023 I opened the notice of violation in regards to the business a comfort living in uh not renewing their business catch seip I posted the notice of violation at the property and I mailed the notice of violation to the property owner as of the final reinspection date uh the business has failed to renew the business tax receipt and to give you a better understanding of what's happening with this business um I spoke to the business tax receipt office and they informed me that a comfort living Inc it's a assisted living facility at a house um at 6 1860 Northwest 135th Street and the reason why they're unable to renew it is because their license expired with the ahca uh which is the assisted uh the agency for healthcare administration uh they haven't their license expired on September 5th 2021 so the business owner did come to the city to renew their business tax receipt but uh with their license expired of the city can't uh renew they can't renew their business tax receipt with the city until they have their license uh taken care of so that's the situation so they're still operating yes without a license yes without the proper receipts CC yes ma'am uh this is the first time this case is being heard um but yes since uh 2021 they have been they haven't had their license with uh with uh the agency for healthcare administration and the city is uh they're unable to renew their business tax receipt with the city just because of that and the state hasn't shut them down um not that I know of no based on the unbudded testimony of the Cote enforcement officer I find that the vi does exist I also find good notice giv proper notice H here hereby finding favor of the city and turn adjudication owners have 30 days by which to resolve the violation not resolved by the abatement date there will be a daily F amount of $500 thank you all right now we can go 27 through 36 I got excited you know it's almost the end of the the hearing I'm like wait a minute was I sleepwalking I got too excited all right item number 27 ymp Center Court LLC case number CES CN 2022 0029 the officer on this case is shanon Sanders item number 28 ymp Center Court LLC case number mhv IO 202200 628 the officer on this case is janaro Millo item number 29 ymp Center Court LLC case number mhv IO 202200 [Music] 631 officer on this case is janaro Murillo item number 30 ymp Center Court LLC case number mhv IO 202200 635 the officer on this case is Janar Murillo item number 31 ymp Center Court LLC mhv i222 00640 the officer on this case is janaro morillo item number 32 why MP Center Court LLC case number mhv 202200 642 officer on this case jar Millo item number 33 ymp Center Court LLC case number mhbo 2022 00647 the officer on this case is Janar Murillo item number 34 ymp Center Court LLC mhb i222 2655 the officer on this case is Jonathan lestre item number 35 ymp Center Court LLC mhb i222 00656 the officer on this case is jar I mean Jonathan lestre and item number 36 ymp Center Court LLC mhv IO 2022 00662 the officer is Jonathan lestre so we'll start with Miss Sanders on item number 27 yes you're muted number 27 you're good okay um first case is um number 27 C CN 2022 000029 this is a new case wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh yeah that was an an extension okay this is a new case for window screens that were missing that needed to be installed um I initially inspected inside of this property on October 6 of 2022 while doing an annual housing inspection me as well as my fellow colleagues as you'll see in the upcoming um cases we're doing an annual housing inspection at that time obser served um several violations um most have been um taken care of except for the window screens I spoke with the property manager explained that um Pur the ordinance um for commercial properties minimum housing all windows and or doors must have the proper screenings on them they stated they would take care of the situation after um they finished the restoration of the balconies because they were doing work at that time as of my last inspection balcony work Still Remains undone and the um window screen Still Remains missing I did speak to the um the property manager um who asked for an extension explained to him we had already given him an extension six months ago he had more than enough time to just install in or properly place the window screens on the windows so um the last extension was was um denied um I am showing proper service was giv I hand delivered my notice to appear to the property manager on the six um the sixth of May I hand delivered it to them I am showing notified certified mailing was also mailed out via certified mail by the administrative staff okay all right based on the unrebutted testimony of the code enforcement officer in the evidence presented I find that the violation does exist also find good notice given proper notice owners have failed to appear I hereby find in favor of the city and turn adjudication owners have 30 days by which to result the violation if the violation is not resolved by the abatement date there will be a daily F amount for $500 thank you magistrate janaro number 28 M can I read them all at once since there were Serv on the same day and the cases were open on the same day um if the facts are intertwined go ahead okay for item 28 so this case we're open this was B to the appropri address 14897 Northeast 18f this is building number four um this um case was for um um for a Windows for several sliding doors screen missing throughout the entire building for item 29 same property 14897 OD 18f um this violation was open um to paint the entire building for item number 30 for the property R 14897 nor East 18 this Cas I open um because I have turn while doing the ano housing inspection uh Plumbing um Bo that was done on the laundry room without a permit um all these cases will open on October 5th of 2022 yeah 31 as well and 32 well item 39 is another um building okay and this all this cases would open on October 5th of 2022 the notice to appear was posted on May 2nd of 2024 and aign my final inspection on May 22nd of 2024 there has been no compliance and my colle mentioned that we have given several attention to this um property yeah I'm seeing that you as you indicated that this started in 2022 and um yeah almost two years all right so 29 um based on the unrebutted testimony of the quot 28 magistrate 28 hold on we did 28 was it 28 um offic with Sanders no 27 was Sanders he's 28 29 and 30 30 yes that he just um testified up all right so I put my notes in the place this goes to realize that I can't use my screen if yours is up okay let me move okay great okay makes sense all right so based on the unrebutted testimony of the courot enforcement off find that the violations do exist also find good notice given the proper notice owners have fa to appear hereby find and favor the city enter in ad judication owners have 30 days by which to resolve the violation um okay I see where the confusion is it's there's two different case um address here all right so for item number 28 mhv 202200 628 um it will be 30 days and um if the violation is not abated by the um abatement date there will be a daily fine amount of $500 as 2 29 20202 631 um adjudication 30 days if the issue is not resolved by the abatement date that will be your daily fine amount of um $350 and as to item number 31 mhv 20 I haven't I haven't testified for 31 I'm sorry I I haven't testified for 31 I only did 28 29 30 I you did all of the oh no because this is another this is another building um the the the remaining three that I have that's right it's right in front of me I don't know why okay all right so it will be five and what did I say 350 correct yes number 28500 29 350 and 30 all right and 30 is mhg iio 2022 00600 635 that's the building permit so that's 250 within a batement datee of 30 days as well 30 days correct okay J okay your honor for item 31 this is for the AUST 14899 noreast 18f this is building number six um the case was open and indicating that several missing um damaged windows and doors screen throughout the building um for item item number 32 same property address um the entire building needs to be pressure wash and repaying it were needed and for item 33 it's poos rebar and cracking or parking around the entire building um this case was all open for all three on October 5th of 2022 the notice to appear was posted on May 2nd of 2024 and as my final inspection of May 22nd of 2024 there hasn't been no compliance is there plan for them to um do all the buildings together I'm I'm trying to understand why from 2020 has been done I'm sorry so nothing has been done since 2022 when these cases were open no and no one has reached out to the city or the different inspectors involved you know to discuss what the big plan of action is um I have no here um it was in November 2nd of 2023 uh magistr Smith um table the case to allow the property owner attorney and contractor to F him time to meet with the building official that's when we um Grant an extension I think it was for several month I don't recall how many months was but then after that we haven't um we we haven't got any contact with them so there's nothing in the system that says that this meeting ever took place or no no okay and officer Sanders your had no contact no one has reached out to you no the only time we well I'm going say no no one has reached out to me but however when I I I was at the property because that's the zone that I I I wrote now I I myself you know spoke to the management and they have a new manager there so we've had conversations and you know and he's say he submitted applications he say he's in the process but other than just conversations in the office and as directed he's been asked to go visit the building department and get this ball rolling I know they do have a a few applications for the restoration of the building um to redo the um the balconies and resurfacing and stuff like that I I I I mean roughly I mean I I know was something like that being um that was submitted I think they uptain the they submitted something for that but it's still paying yeah right so you know I'm not going to say they haven't they have met with the building department we have had conversations they have submitted applications um to the city again I I would have to look because each unit in Central Court is the each building is the has a separate folio number so I would have to look individually but they have been working on it it's just it's been taking you know a long process because you know they they didn't changed a couple of managers you know Center Court is you know CER Court you know um so yeah they they've been making progress but it's just been slow let's say that I mean if any other officers had contact you know with them as I'm getting complaints about other stuff I visited them and and and brought up these other violations but I know through speaking to the manager he had said that he spoke to I know he brought up Chris a couple of times and other officers definitely Chris so maybe they can chime in and speak of conversations that they've had but they are they do have applications for this work that um possibly they've been cited for or um yeah I haven't looked at anybody else's violations but um yeah seem like it's for the ressuring and resurfacing and exterior stuff so um they do have applications on file for the for the exterior of the properties of the buildings okay I just find it um unusual that they don't have a representation from for representative present um and it's a lot of violation and I thought he would um yeah I thought he would and I I might you know I might you know you hear me saying might go to the car and see if I get his business card and give him a quick little call and see because I I I I mean he seemed like you know hey he was going to be here um giving testimony I know he did ask for an extension but you know I personally told him you could submit it but you know if it's up to me um I'm not willing to give it cuz you know this been dragging for you know a year and a half two years now um but you know other than that I I I could look to see if I have his number in the car I know he gave me a card and he said he was new but that newness has been months ago so so based on the unrebutted testimony of the officer and the evidence presented I find that the violations do exist um I also find good notice give a proper notice on here hereby Finance um in favor of the city and turn vacation esto item let make sure I get all my items correctly I think um the again screen violation um 30 days $500 as so 32 um oh I didn't read the case number I'm sorry um 31 is mhv 202200 640 and adjudication 30 days $500 as to item mhv 202200 642 um 30 days um $500 as to item number 33 mhv 202200 647 this when I find that it's um possible safety um and you're in and out magistrate I didn't catch that I am okay I'm sorry okay um let me get closer I'm not really sure what's going on I said as to item number 23 mhv 2022 00647 because of the officer's testimony regarding exposed rebar um and Cracks around the building I find that there's possible you know health and um safety issues and for that I would ask and I don't know if my building inspector is still there um I know that in the past what we have requested is that within 30 usually it's within a week but since nobody's here I will ask that within 30 days they submit to the city um something from a their engineer um stating that the building is safe um so um who's my who's my building at inspector who's pres Miss um Inspector Inspector pressie if you're still on please I'm here I'm sorry I had to get back on all right so because the officer has testified that we have um exposed [Music] rebar and um you know cracks all around the building I am requesting that within 30 days that your office a report from their engineer indicating that the the structure is safe um I am um again entering an adjudicate and um 30 days to submit the report and get the um work start that doesn't happen there will be a daily F amount of $750 okay okay so you don't need me to go out there to the property to do a site visit you just need them to submit the engineer reports correct say that one more time you don't need to do a site visit you just want me to have make sure theyit the engine report we can add that you can do what you need to do um you know you can do a site visit but I also want to um put it in their uh their responsibility as well to submit a an engineer report to the city and the structure is or not okay no problem all right thank you you're welcome Madam did you get I got it I sure did Jonathan number 34 36 please yes ma'am neighborhood service inspector Jonathan Lester uh we'll start with case number 34 mhv -2022 d655 uh property address is 14697 Northeast 18th Avenue building 5 this case is in regard to uh pressure washing and or paint the exterior walls um before the reinspection date uh so on May 3 violation was opened on October 5th 2022 um violation was posted at the property um and of course as the final reinspection datee um compliance has not been met as you can see with the exterior walls uh dirt mildew stains cracks it's it's it's the works over there um nothing has been done by the property management team um I did speak to the property manager over there and they told me that they're working on it um they're first working on the exposed rebars and cracks first before they could do any pressure washing or Andor paint but regardless this has been open since 20122 so this is similar to this building is similar to the situation going on in uh building 14899 yes right yes as a group we all went together um as a team we all went to uh Center Court and again each they have multiple buildings um at the property so we're all split up but yeah for the the all the buildings look like they need to be repainted pressure washed repainted um so for this one specifically yes but nothing has been done okay but you're said for the exposed rebar that's moners paint that's that's case number 36 um so this is case number 34 that I was just explaining um okay all right yes so um that's case number 34 yeah so for case number 35 case number mhv d222 00656 uh property address 14697 Northeast 18th Avenue building 5 uh the walls around the building are cracked throughout um the case was uh opened on October 5th 2022 and as you can see from the exterior walls um visible cracks um exposed rebars right there as you could see on the balconies um they have applied for for permit but again work has not been done um permit is still pending in the build for you know within the building dep Department um but work has not started yet and again this case has been open since October 2022 number 36 and case number 36 uh mhv i-202 two- 00662 property address 14695 Northeast 18th Avenue um this is in regard to the exposed cracks and rebars on the balconies um please obtain the proper permits and address the exposed cracks and rebar again case was opened um in October of 2022 um and the violation Still Remains as we speak as you can see extensive tracks extensive exposed rebars throughout um throughout the balconies again work has not been completed and the permit is still p within our system and there are people living there right oh absolutely I I I believe they blocked off the access into the balconies but regardless it's still a life safety issue um in regards to the exposed crafts and rebars that's a staircase okay all right let me pull my up all right starting at number 30 34 34 36 all right um based on the uned testimony of the court enforement officer and the evidence presented I find that the violations do exist to find good notice given proper notice owners have faed to appear hereby find in favor of the city enter adjudication owners have 30 days by which to resolve the violation as to item my as item number 34 mhv 202200 655 um 30 days $500 as item mhv 2022 00656 um again racked um walls a um this is a health and safety issue just because we have to make sure that the building is safe um so for both items 35 and 36 mhvi 22662 I'm going to make the same request that I did in the other case that the um 750 I'm sorry the 750 to submit the report 750 submit the report and then the city official can do a site visit as well um within the next 30 days we get that got it awesome okay all right magistrate that does conclude our agenda for today all right it was a long day but we got through it we got through it thank you so much all right everyone thank you so we are adjourned everyone have the uh you know I guess have a great day thank you magistrate thank you magistrate thank you everyone thank you magr thanks bye e