the next scheduled meeting of the North Middle sex Regional High Regional school committee is Thursday August 22nd and then I have the consent agenda I do want to strike from there the June 18th minutes and the June July 9th minutes because they're not in the packet we'll do all right and so I Randy do I have to read all of this is that what we have to do with consent agenda or can I just say the usually we just said I move to um approve the consent agenda as presented on the okay on the agenda since you moved there we go Randy got it a second and June is the second all right Randy yes Jill yes Lisa June yes and myself yes all right and we have a public Communications from it's um Kathy Bolis if I can ask her to raise her hand so I know which one is her that would be great oh okay I'll allow her to talk all right thank you Kathy you have three minutes if that works can you hear me okay we can hear you oh great hi so um I know it's been over a couple months since there was mentioned to appoint um an Ashby resident to the finance subcommittee um correct me if I'm wrong I think will had brought it up um at one of their meetings um and um I know June has requested input um several times to get the ball rolling um and I guess hasn't really Headway what you guys have been going through um the r enough hours in a day I'm sure especially on a volunteer basis I've been there um but it would seem that being able to do something like this so that ashb is represented Ed um and allowed to contribute to that process um would be would be a tremendous help um and something that I don't think would take a heck of a lot of extra work in meetings to to make it happen um but that said um I'd like to ask if the finance subcommittee or maybe the school committee as a whole in its entirety um allow the Ashby select board and June um to work together to um find an appropriate uh candidate uh to appoint um to serve on the finance subcommittee um given the time that's passed um and I I think probably with the next several weeks you guys gonna be starting this budget thing all over again um I would ask that tonight um either when the finance committee gives their report or per perhaps under new business if that if this could at least be uh discussed um so that people kind of have an idea of you know what what direction it's going in and how we can move forward um in a in a reasonable time frame and I think that's all I have so thank you thank you Kathy and I'm going to let um June take it with we get to the Ashby part of it and then we can discuss it in there if that's okay does that sound okay [Music] June sure yep that's fine sounds good thank you because June and I spoke today about it and will had spoken to me about this as well and we've discussed it in in some conversations that on Ashby representative should be okay in we just don't know the process quite yet or the or the um well and and correct me if I'm wrong but this is kind of uncharted waters so that's why I'm just throwing it out there that you know maybe the select board working able to Poss uh come up with someone that they might want to suggest we will discuss that and figure out I think it's with the finance committee as well right okay thank than you and there's no scheduled finance committee meeting as of now oh okay all right all right thank you yep thanks thank you Kathy all right I do have to say that um with my report I attended the alumni concert last night the music concert by Joe Clark Alex Nick and Noah Lazer and it was a great concert and it was great to see the alumni come back and do a concert um very talented group of young individuals that have done well and are going to continue on in the in their music Pursuits so I thank them for coming to NM and presenting for us all right Brad it's on to your report now you're on mute I do not have a report until we discuss the handbook and bullying prevention intervention plan later on in the meeting all right and I'm going to ask the committee that we move the handbooks up early because we have Mrs commwell Gap and Chantel Alstead on the call and if they'd like to continue with their evening as they've been at a conference all day if that's okay with the committee members if we move it forward okay all right we'll go to the handbooks any question with the handbook I guess it's just one handbook anyone on the committee have any questions that can be answered Randy uh just so everyone knows I had a couple of really fairly minor uh changes uh that I had submitted to Brad they had changed but the um document in the pack AG has not changed and it was uh again small stuff uh on the school committee members it still has June as Vice chair um under um you know positions some say member some say chair some say a town name um the towns uh some say at large some say a town just a couple of clerical things there um and I'm happy to update the um the school committee portion of that handbook so so at this point um everything that um that Miss Rush had had forwarded onto me I did share with Miss Cromwell Gap and Miss Olstead and we did make all of the updates the only thing we have not been able to change because I believe it's actually on the policy itself is the formatting of the school committee policy acab um just because it's it's on the website so I believe we have to actually change that on the website it's really on the website like that I think I so you click on it if you click on the link that's linked to the website excuse me at least that's my understanding as to how it worked um it shouldn't be because we haven't approved it so it shouldn't be on our website yet okay I tried to edit it today and I could not um so it may have been an issue it may have been an issue with my Google yep so everybody knows there's nothing that I changed in the actual policy it was just in the titling U where it says all of our policies have in the upper right hand corner file uh policy number you know and the letters and then the title this has the title and acab all on one line and doesn't have file so it was just a formatting issue that I had brought up on that okay then that was definitely a Google issue with me because it was not allowing me to make edits directly to the document okay and it looked like I had permission to do so all right well we'll figure that one out I don't think we need to hold this up over formatting anyone else anything else Randy you saw in there uh again very small stuff um there was the attendance policy hadn't been inserted I think that's been taken care of or will be updated um uh there was one section that said uh that field trips could uh be taken away for too many tardies and I had that updated for non-academic field trips because we can't take away academic field trips um for that um and um and there was just a littley on um the report cards in two places and they and they corrected that right I know that this was a major undertaking bringing everything into one document so I think everyone that worked on it June has a question June yes thank you um I was just noticing the last sentence on the dress code I don't remember seeing that before but it looks like it's grayed out a little bit um so I'm wondering if that was just added or and if that if that's what the actual policy is I guess I didn't do my homework on that um but the statement is students should not wear any clothing that undergarments are visible to others as it can be distracting to the learning environment for both students and faculty so I mean I I get what the point is but um I mean you know if a bra strap was showing or something I I wouldn't want a kid to get in trouble for that so I was just kind of curious when that got added um if that's new um if it's necessary to be part of this I think that was a recent addition I know that combining the dress codes of three different levels was a little bit tricky to say the least um I know in the um at the high school level it was requested that that get added in um I know that at both the middle school and the high school there have been students who have worn what some might perceive to be underwear in Lee of shirts to school and so I think it was an effort to make sure that there are shirts that are being worn not simply undergarments okay it's just it's a a little vague as to what students could actually get in trouble for per se you know what I mean um so I don't just understand the point but just to try to add some information to that um dress codes are something that are in pretty much every single handbook in in in school districts um I think one of the issues is is that it's certainly something that's nice to have it's also something that's extremely difficult to enforce uh because ultimately you have to be able to prove that the student dress is causing some sort of A disruption to the education of others or making um staff Andor students feel uncomfortable during during the school day which is extremely difficult um to prove uh from from a legal standpoint if if it goes to that if it goes to that extent that being said legal council still recommends that we have some standard of dress in there um and that we asked parents to support us but kind of to that point that that Miss hestad had brought up at the high school level we actually had students who on certain on a few occasions wore undergarments to school um so that was certainly something that was um that that it was it was brought forth by students actually at the high school level so as far as students feeling uncomfortable so it is something that that we've put in there um in hopes that you know that we'll be able to get the students and the families uh caregivers at home to support it uh but it is something that is difficult to enforce but still again something that legal council recommends that we have in the handbook if that makes sense it does I I just I'm surprised legal approved it the way it is just because it is so vague you know I mean if my shirt was shifted a little bit and you saw my bra strap like yeah you know what I mean it's yes Y and that's really that that is not something that is that is being um looked at at the high school level um it's more of of what I had said as far as students using um in some cases undergarments as their primary clothing uh to wear to school right I'm just wondering if there's a better way to word it to to imply that but um I mean I wouldn't want to hold up the whole handbook for one sentence either um it's just a matter of How It's actually enforced and how strict we are I guess should we reward it students should not wear any clothing or undergarments should be covered by shirts and or pants or shirts Andor bottoms I mean I that or by another layer or something undergarment should be covered by another layer of clothing yeah okay I mean I I I think that makes more sense for what you're actually trying to to to get at anything else from anyone all right does someone want to make a motion to accept the handbook I'll move to accept uh the new uh pre 12 handbook I have a second a second Lisa Bloom is a second Randy yes Bill yes Lisa Bloom yes and June um ju just to clarify that that includes restructuring of that sentence okay um yes thank you and myself yes all right handbooks are completed or the handbook is completed all right thank you m Gap thank you enjoy the conference thank you very much everyone all right back to the 2024 2025 Bing prevention intervention yes so I this was also sent off to legal council because it is something that often involves legal council and I I did share this with the committee a little over a week ago I believe um prior to it being uh put into the school committee packet and just so everyone's aware the The Bullying prevention intervention plan for all intents and purposes is is a plan that is that is required of all school districts it's something that looks very similar from one school district to the next because uh districts were given a document from which to work off of uh that being said it is something that has to be updated annually um and we do have our legal council look at it annually to make sure that we are in line and then it has to be resubmitted back to the Department of Elementary and secondary education so Jennifer King who works with Nick Dell's office um did review this document she reviewed the handbook as well um made several recommendations uh most of which are just again updating um both state guidelines but also the law um with how things are defined and the recommendations you should be able to see the comments um in the document that I sent you or the changes um but again there are legal changes um and outside of that the only other substantive changes that have been made was in appendix a um on page 16 and 17 some addresses and some contact points were updated as well um outside of that um in some minor um again minor updates with Administration uh for instance there are some things that still have to be updated we still have Mr McMahon in as the um High School principal but this does much like the handbook have to be read through one more time um but outside of that I'm just asking for approval on the legal recommendations um from legal so that we can go through this again um and again from the district's point of view I wanted to get this to the committee as quickly as possible um I gave this to the committee soon after I received it from attorney King and just seeking approval that's it does anyone have any questions Randy yes kind of more uh for the school committee um historically a lot of the things like with the bullying prevention um with a lot of the special education that comes with a really heavy with the um mgl law uh kind of dictating what we have to do and how we're have we have to do it the school committee um and I don't think the public really um has dived into these documents so I'm just wondering on a year-to-year basis when we're updating these um is it just legal that we're updating or are we evaluating how um The Bullying prevention is working in our district and making changes on the lower level not just on the legal end um same thing with some of the other documents for special education are we uh going through an evaluation process internally um for any changes that that are specific to our district other than just the legal requirements so aside from um updating in The Bullying prevention intervention plan um some of the things that the school district is is doing so access to resources and services which is on page six and seven um outside of that um there's really not much review that's done at the school district level as far as the plan itself it is something that is reviewed with students and staff on an annual basis and last year for the first time we started making it part of our open houses as well to make sure that um that families were aware of the legal definition of bullying how to report it um and really uh at every level I think one of the issues that we continue to have with bullying um I'm not going to say that it that it does not exist because it does it exists everywhere is that many of the issues the majority of the issues that we deal with um especially at the middle and high school level are stemming from social media and it's oftentimes stemming outside of school hours so if issues are not being brought into school this is something that we have to deal with on a regular basis it is not something that the school can deal with unless it is rearing itself in school and it's impacting the students um to the point where it's now become a school issue as well uh generally speaking and again I know I've mentioned legal coun legal counsel a couple times um we take bullying very very seriously we want to make sure that we dot our eyes and cross our tees uh to make sure that um that that we take in the reports that we do a thorough that we do a thorough investigation um and that we put things in place whether it be counseling a safety plan potentially consequences and then sharing the findings with with all parties both the um aggressor and the target parties to make sure that everyone knows what the actual finding was but something that is difficult is that uh when it comes to defining bullying is that it's not a single event and that's something that that a lot of parents are not fully aware of um and I say parents I should be saying caregivers it's something that really has to happen three or more times so it has to be repeated um generally from the same individual um so it would essentially be the same aggressor aggressors in Target three or more times otherwise it does not constitute bullying um which is why again something that we're working towards is is not just having um the the downloadable or printable copy of a report form but also being able to report it on Google and three of our schools have Google forms now we're working to get all of our schools to have Google forms and making sure that parents know that they can um file a report again it's it's difficult I don't know if Dr baroe wants to add anything to this but in addition to a lot of it happening outside of school getting people to actually file the report is difficult and something that we've shared with parents is if parents or students don't feel comfortable filing the report if they reach out to the school whether it be to an administrator or to a guidance counselor we will help them um fill out that report so that they have support in doing so I think Mr Morgan really covered it very well I think the big piece and the thing that we're looking at the most is about how do we communicate out the plan to families and make sure that they're familiar with both the the regulations the definitions but the process to to reach out for help thank you and I just want to clarify I was not trying to say that we're not doing anything I just wanted to make sure that uh and I know this is such a complicated uh Topic in does ex ex extend well past the schools um and all of that and it's not easy to deal with but I want to make sure we're not just keeping a document for legal purposes that we're actually evaluating that it's working in the district and I think the Outreach you're doing um really um hopefully will help this whole process go better I hope so thank you all right do we do we need to make a motion on this to approve or it does have to be approved by the school committee Randy I I will move to approve um the legal recommendations for the bullying prevention plan um with the administration uh piece of it to be updated to current um staff second and June the second Jill yes Lisa Bloom yes Jun yeah and Randy yes and myself yes thank you everyone thank you now the Justice removal contract Nancy yes hi um good evening I um believe u most of the information regarding the bid is in the packet but just as a brief summary we went out to bid for the removal of asbestos in the tunnels at the Ashby Elementary School we received uh five bids ranging in price from 79 215 to 185,000 um we have with the consultant um our asbest consultant Turner Consulting we have reviewed the bids um and I have reached out and gotten reference checks on all the references provided by the low bidder and they were all um just wonderful so I was very happy to to get good references and have the paperwork in place for the low bidder at the 79 215 and that is ASB bestus Pro Services LLC out of and hoping that the committee can authorize the award of the contract so that um the superintendent can then sign and the contractor can sign the the con contract for this work so that it can begin and start this summer that's that is the [Music] Hope um I don't know if anyone had any specific questions but essentially it is uh the tunnel spaces in the very older part of the building the front tunnel and the back tunnel um which accessible by panels on the floors in four locations so I think that's essentially the project and it's not the entire building but it is the parts that are where where we're occupying you um I just wanted to add that the ashb elementary building committee has been working on this for quite a while um and getting the specs all set and that the money um to cover this is out of the Ashby town of Ashby arpa funds so it's not coming out of the District budget it's um part of that 300,000 that the town of ashy already allocated uh well that we're allocating in chunks at a time but um that we've approved um the amount that would cover that bid and just a one more thing June the the committee voted to authorize up to 150,000 for this project so it has come in under under that so that's great news very positive news um June if there's no more questions about it June do you want to make the motion sure I move that sorry I'm reading it sideways that we approve a um that one yeah theist Pro Services LLC um to proceed with the Batman at Ash Elementary and we accept their hi second and Lisa Bloom is a second all right June we'll start with you yeah Lisa Bloom yes yes Randy Raj yes and myself yes thank you Nancy thank you J and thank thank the committee as well for working on this so and hopefully they get to it this summer that's the hope all right all right now we are on to the superintendent evaluation all right so I did the aggregated is that the correct term the aggregated um evaluation where I took everyone's input in there were six members that gave an evaluation it was Randy Rous Lisa Bloom June mcneel uh Craig Hansen Tom Casey and myself and Randy do you want to explain a little bit about the evaluation you've been doing it longer than I have then so you can explain Y no problem uh the evaluation this is the end of the cycle stive um evaluation report so in the beginning of the school year um Mr Morgan um had presented us with some goals that he had for the district we accepted them as a committee and voted on them um and thus he started working on them uh throughout uh the year along with all of his other duties um he submitted to us um his self evaluation uh letting us know um any um evidence that he had of completing or where he gotten with all of the different goals and then uh each member goes through it's a standard form that uh is given by the deese um and we go through and we have different ratings for different uh goals um there's the three goals that he had um are and we rate him on do did not meet some progress process uh progress met or exceeded and then there are four standard uh sections that we um evaluate him as well now under each one of these standards there's probably six or seven different subst standards and it's very difficult to in one year to evaluate on every single one of these so along with his goals in the beginning the specific subsections um that relate to the goals that he had for the year um or what we're evaluating him on and those are given when he does his um goals in the beginning of the year uh so um let just here get down to a section so under um standard one which is instructional leadership there's a 1 a b c d e and f um pertaining to his goals was 1B and onee which are instruction and data informed decision- making and that's what we base U base most of our evaluation of him of his performance for the year on these um and then at the end of you know when everyone hands them in um the chair will go ahead and do a a h summary of everybody's and an average uh to get the full committee's um evaluation of the superintendent is that what you were looking for Lisa exactly that was that was everything that we needed thank you you're welcome mine would have been much shorter all right and so so on the progress of the three goals so there's professional practice goals uh student learning goals and District Improvement goals Brad only had two of these this year it was the student learning goals and the district Improvement goals and both of those have been met according to our evaluations of the committee then through um the instructional leadership these are called the standards the standard or performance on standards there are the four that Randy had talked about instructional leadership management and operations family and Community engagement and professional culture and culture professional culture and um the committee as a whole rated him proficient on all of these and then the overall rating was proficient as well then there were the comments All put together Randy what's the standard for reading some of these or all of them or um we really haven't had a standard uh there's usually a lot of it um the document is a public document and everybody can take a look for themselves it's a lot a lot of reading to be done if we try reading all of it yes and so was everyone on the committee able to review and look at the document as a whole did anybody want to add [Music] anything say um than about it we can you know try and read a little bit of the overall um comments versus all the different sections just to kind of give uh the public a little bit of an idea of what we were thinking and what we liked and didn't like uh through the this year all right so I'll do the step for the evaluator comments that that's the area the summit the summary area all right get ready because it's a long one so superintendent Morgan continues to lead his administrative team success successfully to move the district forward the Strategic plan developed for the next five years has some exciting new initiatives such as the portrait of a learner gifted and talented programming exploration listening to the students and presenting opportunities like credit for life to them and establishing a district financial literacy class at the high school are some of the ways that superintendent Morgan models collaboration and teamwork among all levels of the school district superintendent Morgan also showed great effort in keeping improving upon anti-bullying education student wellbeing initiatives and and preparation for Life After NM be it College military or career superintendent Morgan's dedication to student development effective District leadership and adapt handling of budgetary issues are commendable despite the challenges faced these efforts have resulted in positive outcomes for the district by continuing to focus on inclusive engagement transparent Communications and strategic planning the superintendent is well positioned to lead the district to future success suggestions for the future increase opportunities for Meaningful student particip participation and ensure diverse students voices are heard Foster greater transparency and communication with all stakeholders particularly during budget planning and decision-making processes continue to provide clear accessible information and rationale for decisions to build trust and understanding within the community superintendent Morgan sought input from many stakeholders on a variety of issues and projects including development of a new strategic plan vision statement mission statement and core values he also worked with super the superintendent's advisory committee to bring to light and address many issues soliciting input from the advisory committee gave insight into family and Community needs and concerns and helped to guide what needed to be Pro actively worked on student Morgan has also shown he values student input and has made improvements in Dei initiatives and High School curriculum based on student and again there are more comments in everyone else's um individual um evaluations as well anything else anyone wanted to highlight on the evaluation of superintendent Morgan and I know it's difficult um as I would not ever want to be evaluated in the public and I mean superintendant go through this so it's just one of those crazy things so I just like to say thank you to uh super Morgan for the past year um well done and um look forward to seeing what your goals are going to be for the next year I thank the committee as well thank you very [Music] much anyone else all right um I do believe we need to um approve these so I will move to approve uh the superintendent evaluation um compilation or aggregated aggregated um the aggregated superintendent evaluation there we go second that was Randy and June Randy yes June yes Lisa Bloom yes yes uh Jill twig yes and myself as yes thank you superintendent Morgan thank you all right now we are moving on to the ashb elementary building with the subcommittee reports right we're there yeah yeah we have a meeting scheduled for um next Tuesday the 30th and as you know we have just awarded the bid to Begin work on the tunnels so that's a a good step forward right there very good um accelerated repairs there is no update um finance will is not on the call tonight but there is nothing or there is the meetings for um Ashby is August 20th at 6 PM their town meeting and they'll be discuss discussing um the budget the school budget and I believe Townsen may be the same night but there's no confirmation on that yet all right um on to policy Randy oh June um while we are talking Finance subcommittee um is there a plan for um Ashley representation and what is the best way to do that um like I said I'm happy to write a draft announcement so that we can get it out to the public um and maybe give like a a two we or so response period to um accept responses back um so I guess the main question is should all the responses be going to will um do you want me to collect them and present them to the finance subcommittee members do you who who should actually make this determination as far as um who the member representation would so we should have a form and with questions on it and then I do believe that the finance committee should have input onto who will be serving on that not that we don't want the select people of Ashby to have input as well how does everyone else feel no I mean it's fine I'm happy to share input I don't need to be the decision maker on it I think um the select board is probably fine with you know with anybody that that we would pick that was qualified um I guess on the question um her Randy I believe when we were first discussing this when we did uh the subcommittees and talked about having um community community members on the subcommittees we were going to leave it up to the chair of the subcommittee to appoint somebody to the committee so I would say that um all inquiries should probably go to will um and then he can decide whether he wants to make the decision or bring it to the subcommittee um where the Community member will serve okay I'm happy to like I said I can draft up I'll send it um to you guys for feedback and then um and we can have will be the contact that any of the responses are sent to and then I I would have will and Robin will and will and no I will say that it should you know ultimately any all community members need to be approved by the whole committee but I think the um recommendation um should come from the chair of each sub and that's fine I mean I I'm happy to give input just because I know most of people in Ashby so um chances are I will know the people that send in applications but um you know we'll see so um either way but I I would like to get the ball rolling on that because as you know I am not able to join every subcommittee and that just happens to be one during my work work hours so I typically um cannot I haven't been able to participate so I think it is important to have Ashby represented as soon as possible and June I do believe that we'll we um appreciate your help to get that rolling okay sounds good thank you thank you Jim all right on to policy Randy um there are three policies this evening for a first reading I'm going to take um the acab sexual harassment separately because this is not been vetted through the policy subcommittee this came in from the attorneys um um after we had our meeting um but it's important that we get this going forward and is just a first reading so we'll have a chance to look at it and make any suggestions if something comes up after the fact so I will move to um have the school committee approve policy acab sexual harassment uh for a first reading I second that is Randy and Lisa June do you have a question I do I didn't see that one in the pack oh you know what it's in a separate folder sorry I completely missed that it was in a separate thing that it was my fault yeah sorry I put it in a folder because there were there were a couple of documents so um it came so this is included in the employee handbook which is not does not need committee approval it came from um the HR Director uh with recommendations from the attorneys okay I'm okay moving forward based on putting it out to the public for first reading first reading um and I'll I'll make sure I go through it more carefully anybody if anybody has any questions or um concern uh go ahead and forward them to myself or to Robin um and we can address them either at the uh subcommittee level if there's something large or if it's something small we can um make an adjustment before we vote for adoption uh Randy when is your next meeting for policy we have a meeting on the first the six is it I think it's August 6 um and that one generally is um just for the fiveyear review but we can throw other things in if something really comes up um and then the third week I try and have one in the third week which is four policies that come up like this and that need to be adjusted uh more quickly than just a fiveyear review I'm just looking to see if I have that so I think it's on would be the 20th Yep okay so that that would give us enough time before the next meeting yes okay yeah and what I do is so they'll be posted on our website once they're approved for first reading they're posted on our website and it gives the community an opportunity to review and provide feedback if I get any feedback I forward it to Randy she's the chair so she can be proactive and and start researching and looking at what what it is that she wants to do for the meeting and then it comes back um a second time for the full committee uh for adoption all right are we ready for a vote any more discussion all right Randy yes Lisa Bloom oh hold on I got to pull up my um yes a June McNeil yes and Jill Twi yes and myself yes all right um and then the next two um actually I want to take these separately I'm looking at it because um the next one is the use of cell phone and portable communication devices this is a brand new policy that we're um presenting to the committee and to the community it is policy jic CJ as well as gbef it'll be in two sections within our policy uh handbook um so again this is a brand new policy we do not have one in the district yet um um so I will move that we approve jic CJ and gbef use of cell phone and portable communication devices for a first reading I second that is Randy and Lisa Blom all right Jill twig yes June mcneel yeah Lisa broom yes Randy and myself yes and the last policy that we have is policy JH student absences and excuses um this has been modified uh based on um input from the uh three different levels of um the schooling uh elementary middle and high school um and just trying to enhance and make sure that we have policies in place that help us uh to help the students uh so I will move that we approve policy JH student absences and excuses uh for a first reading I second So Randy Ro and Lisa all right Randy yes Lisa yes June yes Angel yes all I have no um I'm sorry Randy uh JF school admissions uh I don't see it on the agenda so I didn't it's on I it's on the updated agenda I tried opening all of them I didn't see it um it's on my agenda here so well done I was just going to ask a you okay I do that one I thought I had opened up all of them and didn't see it but I could be wrong gole sometimes doesn't cash things out correctly it's it's been finicky yeah because the the three the three documents in the drive let me try and update the drive hold on try that again is it not in the packet that's what that's where I am in is in the packet um does anybody else besides uh Robin and Lisa see I pulled it from the website I me just I'm getting there now okay I'm pulling it from the packet I didn't see anything in the packet it could be an an oversight we can leave it until next time if everyone is comfortable doing that actually uh Brad is there something that you would like sooner than later it could impact the beginning of the school year so let me just bring it up I'm bringing it up off the website okay I apologize yep it was not in the um yeah I you know what happens is I post it goes into two separate actually three different folders and so was in two of them and not this one U which is probably the most important F so I apologize I do have a question after we can figure this out first but I have a question I want to go back okay you're on mute Randy thank you I say the policy is not in the packet um or with the link from the website so what uh and so I'll leave it up to everybody um it is just for a first reading so this is for JF school admissions and what we were adding in there um was a uh basically a potty training uh requirement uh for uh entering school um if you feel comfortable for a first reading you'll get a chance to take a look at it and give us any feedback um but this will allow us to have this in place for the beginning of the year if there aren't any objections to it and this is just the first reading this so people do have come back can come back with suggestions uh Jun has her hand up June I just shared it with all of you I'm I'm sorry to interrupt so um sorry I have my hand up to ask a different question for after but to clarify um when you say to start school this is for preschool not like kindergarten level OHS this the potty training sentence is for preschool it it would be prek and K yes yeah um and there is an expectation for grades one through 12 for them to be potty trained as well gotcha but it has a uh has a definition of what completely uh toilet trained children are considered one those who do not wear diapers or pull-ups two can let an adult know when they have to go to the bathroom and three have two or fewer accidents per week okay yeah I just got it I mean I'm I'm fine going to the first reading with this um I just to clarification and again if they medically there are kids that yes cannot be potty trained that's the exception just to be clear with the public Thank you Lisa um so I will move uh to approve JF school admissions uh for a first reading I second that it's Randy and Lisa June yes Randy yes Lisa yes yes yes June uh um yes just we didn't have any questions about the cell phone policy when we were um we just went jumped right to a vote so I just wanted to um kind of ask something because I know high school students do use cell phones in class for class work a lot and I know that um like a no cell day was kind of tested um in school last year at the end of the year so I got a lot of student feed feedback from that and was told that often times when they are going into their Google Classroom it's much faster for them to just pick up their phone and go on there rather than grab a Chromebook try to log in that like by the time they get into it everybody's already moved forward that much um so I did want to um just kind of give that feedback that students regularly use their cell phones for classwork um for Google Classroom um and I do see that um so that at its sole discretion the school administration May Grant exceptions for cell phones and PCD use based on critical needs and appropriate documentation um so I don't know that that would necessarily fall into that um but I would potentially like to see a sentence about that um teachers May um opt to allow use in their classroom if if that's you know what they allow and it can be like a a classroom by classroom basis something like that um just because I know that the kids do depend on this and they depend on it to get into their Google Classroom very quickly and easily um so if we can think about potentially adding a sentence for Teacher approval on a Class by class basis something like that um just so you know I had brought that up with uh Jeremy Hammond um when we were looking at this policy um and had brought up that point that a lot of students like their phones better because they're faster and he has told me that he's gone um U throughout the day at all kinds of different times when everybody's on when nobody's on um and he's not seeing a lag or a speed issue with the Chromebooks um again I'm sure you know phones typically my my phone at home a lot of times is faster than my fast computer at home um so it's a matter of um is that speed absolutely necessary can they use the Chromebooks um but I can certainly bring this back up with um the high school principal and see if they uh you know the interim they be amenable to having that uh classroom by classroom and just so you are aware as far as the documentation for um the exceptions for using the cell phones and that's for more medical devices like uh kids with diabetes have their CGM um which is their um continuous glucose meter is usually tied to their phones and they see their number and where they're running on their phone um so a lot of times some things like that we obviously will allow for medical reasons okay thank you for clarifying what that meant um but yeah if you wouldn't mind just asking if that's something to be considered a classroom by classroom basis um I I think that would be good to just look into right Lisa Blom um yeah I just wanted to mention to you June that on our policy meeting Lori Smith did attend with us and um she was um a big part of making a lot of these decisions within the high school um so we did all agree upon it so I don't know maybe even Lori could attend our next meeting just to kind of go over that yeah I can always reach out to her too but um I just wanted to share that feedback now that we are putting it out publicly too then you know the public can share any feedback as well and we'll kind of go from there right you thank you for clarifying anyone else anything I lost the agenda here next would be the warrant subcommittee anybody yeah warranted Pat's not onck my Phillips negotiations there's nothing from the teachers for now non-teachers Randy nothing community outreach June um just a quick note that I do know that Ashby peppol and town in leadership um met about a week or so ago and we're meeting again I believe today um but I just thought it was a nice thing that the towns are all starting to really work together and collaborate and stuff and I think you know that will help in working with us as well so I thought that was a nice thing and I know that Brad has already sent out a message about his Summits the budget Summits for next year so I have nothing from peil Brand will will from Townsen nothing at this time either all right somebody want to make a motion for executive session I move uh that we meet an executive session pursuant to mgl chapter 30A section 21A for the following purpose uh purpose 7 to comply with and act or act under the authority of any general or special law or Federal Grant in Aid requirements the approval of executive session minutes dated June 13 2024 and purpose three to discuss strategy with respect to and in preparation for collective bargaining with the north MD sex Regional School District Teachers Association because in open discussion may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the committee and the committee will not reconvene in Open Session second all right you said June 2 did Randy yes Lisa Bloom yes June yes Jill yes and myself yes we are now to going to Executive session thank you everyone and from the public for joining Robin do I read this again or we you'll read that when we get in executive session see you there thank you