##VIDEO ID:c8vChJ4qNuY## e e e design and Rie or something yes sir we can call the meeting to order uh please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you very much roll call please council member Cole here council member schweer here council member Wong here council member nordby here mayor mongi here can I get a motion to adopt the agenda please so move so move council member schwe second second council member Wong all those in favor say I I thank you consent Jenna thank you mayor thank you uh item a August 29th 2024 special Workshop meeting minutes Item B August 29th 2024 HRA meeting minutes item C September 3rd 2024 Workshop meeting minutes item D September 3rd 2024 city council meeting minutes item e September 3rd 2024 h meeting minutes item F September member 3rd 2024 closed meeting minutes item G General claims of 1,658 n9650 item H hre claims of $1 15,69 item I resolution accepting donations for August of 2024 item J building permits of August of 2024 item K approval of charitable gambling permit Church of St Peters item L special event permit the VFW P Mia remembrance walk on September 26 2024 item M Fire Relief booya use of payment system agreement item n approve Amendment contract for development with amcon construction item o set set public hearing date for special assessments for unpaid City bills on October 15 2024 thank you very much anybody like to pull any at this time if not looking for a motion if not a motion to passes so moved so move council member Norby second second council member schweer all those in favor say I I thank you appreciate it we'll go on to the meeting open to the public at 6:32 Dave Nelson come on down meeting might we get paid [Laughter] overtime Dave Nelson at 2574 Avenue East uh I'm as a master naturalist I'm connected with the DNR and the V and uh u ofm i get letters from the DNR there's grants out there for removing invasive plants and then I turned it into the city down there I gave it to um Lord gradic to the paperwork and that I cannot apply for it because I'm not the owner of the property uh I've been to several Maplewood meetings and they use goats I brought the information here I give them the information on the goats I don't know if the grant would apply towards the goats for removing Buckthorn and the owners they fence it off electric fence so the goats are pretty much contained uh was it almost two years ago I had the same Grant deal from the DNR because they contact me I turned it in and I don't know what happened to it and nobody responded if they didn't even look at it or not I don't know but it's money that's there for the city I don't know if it's a matching deal or they go they give you so much or what but it's uh it's money out there okay I can't use it because I don't own the property so but we've been walking down there we had a Buckthorn pull this weekend uh it was pretty hot I didn't get down here at the beginning the first group only lasted an hour because it was so hot so there were six people left and uh the last group was 8 or nine they left after an hour and 45 minutes and I went and collected uh Wildflower seed and that because I'm helping another Prairie to get started in another area and uh we opened up all the bluebird houses they have to be open and clean because you don't want uh lace or anything in there that's how when it gets cold it cleans it out so they're all open I appreciate that but anyway I appreciate it if they could either feed me back of what they found on it or some way that I could find out if it was worth my uh in vain of just looking all this stuff up yeah so thanks Brian can you have somebody thanks Dave we're in the process of doing that and I was going to update you my updates so okay awesome so yeah is working good nice wonderful and I come in pay my electric bill and they says you don't owe nothing you're $9 to the credit I said Oh I thought I owed something nice I went home good for you $9 in my pocket pocket there you go I said thank you very much Carrie B welcome my name is Carrie B I live at 2887 Lake Boulevard in North St Paul I got two things tonight um I am the event coordinator for the North St Paul Veterans Park I've been on that committee for a number of years and I just want to give you some statistics about P Mia prisoners of War missing in action there are still over 81,000 Americans that remain missing from World War II the Korean War the gulf Wars and other conflicts 75% of those losses are located in the Indo Pacific and over 50% of the missing are presumed lost at sea so in 1979 uh the pmia day remembrance was set and that is typically on the third Friday of September as we in North St Paul know that's our last car show night so the Veterans Park has um traditionally done the P Mia event on the Thursday after our fall Roundup parade so my second thing is City staff have been so helpful with getting um the permit application going because it's it's a new year it's a new thing we don't do things the same way we did them 10 years ago we're trying to as a committee be more responsible to getting the work done ourselves but I've also needed a lot of help from from City staff and I really really appreciate that so come on out join the the solemn walk which is going to be on the sidewalk not on the street this year and um remember our missing in action thank you thank you thank you appreciate it car [Music] thanks all right thank you very much we'll be closed to the public now so City action items you yeah thank you we have one item on the city business AC items this evening and it's the preliminary 2025 City general fund H and Eda budgets and property tax levies and we have Finance director Dan winck here to discuss hey Dan come on down come on down well thank you mayor council members um didn't get overburden you with a lot of uh information or uh presentation for tonight uh we had a very good discussion um on December 3rd uh where we got consensus on where we wanted to be for the maximum like ly um so I give uh a big thank you to all of you for that I think for your uh future looking in for this year I think you you realize that we had a number of unknowns um and that you're you're starting to become aware of some of those um as we've gone through it earlier today you saw the park plan um and you see that uh not all of that is incorporated into our Capital Improvement plan and uh facilities were still waiting on the um uh facility assessment um that we have got out for a contract um and then also uh our Union negotiations so I think you made a very good decision of putting a maximum Levy where we had you know some breathing room and we have a lot of work to do um as we're moving forward um and so we'll still be uh looking at all of our Enterprise funds our internal service funds our Capital Improvement PL U program and then we're going to uh wrap it up and come back and look at the fund um HRA and Eda um to see if there's ways that we can um cut that uh that Levy down um before we make it finalized in December but tonight it's uh setting of the preliminary 2025 uh City general fund HRA the human uh and the Eda budgets um that we need to certify um to the to Ramsey County by the end of this month um we've had a series of of meetings we had a pre-budget meeting kickoff in April 16th we've had uh meetings where we've had uh department heads uh represented and talked about each one of their the Departments and the general fund uh we had uh three of those meetings and then we had a very nice discussion on September 3rd where we um set the maximum Levy of 9.88 uh there's three attachments that are um before you tonight um the first one is a resolution adopting the preliminary 2025 General fund budget and setting the preliminary 2025 general fund tax levy and Debt Service Levy um I won't read the whole en entire um component to it um what's being asked as far as actions are is to um at this point in time um to approve the general fund budget from a preliminary standpoint at um approximately $10.2 million um the tax levy of approximately 7.8 which is comprised of and a number of components to it there's the general purpose tax levy there's a park Levy there's a Street Maintenance fund and there's The Debt Service fund um and then it also has a resolve where we have traditionally um reduced the debt payment um that gets certified um to Ramsey County by an amount uh related to uh the Casey Lake um Bond component to it um and so we're reducing that um the 21,7 $192 in addition we will be setting the truth and Taxation meeting um to be held on December 3rd 2024 for comments um and again the the final Levy that we certify will be the following week on December or two weeks December 17th will approve the final budgets levies uh for 2025 um so we'll need a motion um to uh well first of all if there's any questions with that this is exactly what we talked about um uh last city council meeting in December 3rd um or uh September 3rd if there's any questions I'll take those if not U we'll need a motion and have the resolution passed I have a question so on the um memo it uh refers to the 9.88 and I'm looking at the resolution and it says 9.62 y%c and then just to clarify where then we're adding the other components and then that leaves us at yeah um the 9.88 is a combination of the city right um HRA in Ed Eda stays the same but the HRA if you remember it's an item that we increased from $1,000 and 20 in this year 2024 to 50,000 again that's an item that was up for discussion and potentially that we'll move that back down to that $1,000 as we move through the remainder of the the budget process so if you look at it collectively L it's 9.88 total that's y thanks just wanted to clarify thanks any other questions on this one if there's no other questions just we have a motion to accept the preliminary 2025 budget and tax levy tax levy so so move Council memb second second council member Norby all those in favor say I I I opposed none thank you uh the second resolution is a resolution adopting the preliminary 2025 tax levy for Nur St Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority um that's the one that we're seeing um the amount of the maximum Levy is is at 50,000 um that's an increase from 11,000 in the past but again that's an item that we'll have further discussion and we may end up reducing that back to the 11th 000 um it also has a budget of $496,000 uh primarily it's it's you know it's utilized there's some staff costs that are included in there that you've seen and is really the costs that are related to the student build housing any questions with that not no question not can I get a motion for the h level so moved so move council member Wong I almost did it second council member Norby all those in favor say I I opposed none thank you and the third resolution is adopting the preliminary 2025 tax levy for the North St Paul Economic Development Authority um that one the levy is staying the same as it has uh for the past few years um where the amount is uh 2,97 um and has a budget of 20297 now that budget may change as we're moving forward uh one of the items that we had is a potential shift from the general fund to the Eda was u a study in the amount of $60,000 for the downtown um we have met with uh The Economic Development Authority um and they are in agreement um that it it fits better in The Economic Development Authority um than it does in the general fund um so that'll be an item that will you know that city council will end having to agree to um but we haven't had time to do that so this is in line with what we've agreed to in December 3rd and again we still have a lot of work to do on the on the budget itself but this will set our preliminary maximum levies um for 2025 with any questions with this one question not motion for the UDA Levy so move so move council member schwe second second council member Norby all those in favor say I I I oppose n thank you uh just one more item first of all thank you very much for um passing those three uh resolutions one more item on our schedule and detail for the budget the next upcoming um in uh October we were going to be looking at the CIP um we're going to make a little shift and we're going to move the Enterprise funds up to that and then push out the CIP to the following meeting the second meeting in October reason being um I talked to W yesterday um they're still not completely done um with the facility assessment um but hopefully by the end of this week or early part of next week they should be able to complete that in addition I believe the parks will be meeting on the 25th the 25th of September um they still have some work to do to make sure that they're compiling the correct capital and Improvement program that they want um before we really started to get into that discussion um I was watching and listening to the workshop and uh we had council member Cole bring a very good point that we have something in here for Levy for the parks where's that backup to support that and that's where that has to come through um to make sure that we're in total alignment um it was done last year um council member schw has done a fantastic job with uh the park commission and trying to get them aligned and and now that we have Riley are trying to get it all Al line so we we get a very good hopefully a holistic look at what the true needs for the parking for the parks are um and there's been a lot of work that's been done in the past um by the former council member who sat on that so um a lot of good information has been put out there we just really need to make sure we get it Incorporated in our Capital Improvement program and that's the reason we're just going to make that shift um just so we have a little bit more time to make it as comprehensive for you as possible the format for that one is that we will have all of the department heads here um we'll be focusing on what we have in that 205 2025 um for your approval um and uh the documentation will be out ahead of time so um you know you're going to be encouraged to be prepared to ask department heads make sure that we're we're covering things um and making sure we're comprehensive and and that things are absolutely needed um so with that um I conclude my piece and one more time thank you very much for the three resolutions and for the honor of of serving in this great city of nurse St Paul thank you thanks Dan you appreciate it Dan can I bother you with a question first you sure sure can there no bother that building assessment when were we originally expecting that back that I'm not 100% sure I don't know I'm going to throw this over to our city manager Brian do you remember what that contract or agreement had for uh deadline thought it was going to be a little faster but they ended up getting deeper into some of the things that uh it was harder to find information on like the low voltage or the communications fiber um things like that that they're having to go find specialty contractors to get some of that information from uh some other city that or other information that they were requesting from the city to kind of narrow that down where our responsibilities were for like door locks or security cameras and so it's just been a little time consuming um okay so dat in your mind there's a valid reason why there's a sight delay in US receiving this there is perfect thank you thank you thank you thanks Dan now it's report time all right reports from city manager and departments so uh we have looked into goats um so we have like three or four different vendors that kind of work in this area um and it's a good way to bring attention to actually your parks and also take care of your invasive species uh issues they seem to eat everything in front of them and uh do a good job with that I like the mayor so it sounds like they come out and they you know fence off a certain area and they'll get them moved to different areas um so yeah we're going to come back with uh quotes from the different vendors that are available out there and then we'll bring that back to probably parks and to you guys of course let you know would to move forward with that if that's what we choose I know in Maplewood it was nice the kids would come watch and see the goats and it's those things that is just really kind of great for the parks yep y awesome is that something we're looking at to do this fall potentially is okay y were the grants that he was talking about part of that or I'm going to find out more information from Dave here after he this yes stick around Dave you don't have to pay your electric bill but you got to stay around how was that a okay all right so electric Department's been busy um we got three guys in Marshall for this week doing some overhead school training uh they're working on getting more Eco kits for the city we'll be doing the Christmas lights giveaway like we've been in the past so those will be available uh and they still have some of the air purifiers available they were a good giveout at the uh Festival last weekend uh at Casey Lake Park they' been kind of on and off working on Jennifer Lane that been a really big project of replacing all that underground and then with just different storms coming through in the summertime and keeping up with the other stuff um they'll finish it up this fall probably a few weeks left yet um they will be energizing Taco Bell's uh Transformer this week which will be great um on I think we'd spoke before that we were looking into uh the property to the south of that they hadn't been maintaining that property so we did get get a hold of them finally they said they were going to be out by the end of last week that has not happened so we're probably going to be having another conversation of us going in there and taking care of it and then sending them a baill at this point so so to the north of Taco Bell right South South what's the what the other one next to in the other side North isn't looking great well so it's the one next to the bank and that is owned by Target Corporation and we're looking into that the one that's kind of overgrown there as well okay that'd be good yeah because that has some good Siz trees is coming up in it too it does thank you uh AA has been busy with uh looking well we had our Autumn Arts Festival last week which was a really good success a little bit dampered by the rain but not too bad we had a couple of vendors actually sold out of food so it was a great success um she's also we got the parade this Thursday um that'll be a fun event we have last car show this Friday too encourage the public to take that in and coming up we also have our watch hopefully the weather and clouds cooperate that's on October 2nd and then the booya is already October 6th I can't believe we're talking about that already right around the corner it is so by the end of this month uh we'll be talking to Gallagher we'll get an idea of what our health rates will be for next year so we'll see how that goes Finance has been busy as always with all the budgets uh especially coming into the Enterprise funds now Community Development is working with Rum River they are looking to cut over to their software uh which is called Baseline um for the permits and uh looking to get that out and going come the first of next month we got our community development staff has been trained on it um going to have the rest of the Departments make sure that they don't have any questions or issues but get that rolled out which will also take off some of the workload on the admin staff in Community Development by doing so and it was no extra cost to the city to do that nice yeah um Public Works finally is getting their plow truck that they ordered in 2021 from so yeah it'll be nice to have that uh is it still under warranty or is that all expired it's actually a 2025 model oh good is a parade ready uh it should be nice that's awesome um student build they're working on that they were going to pour the foundation uh this week and then hopefully get the basement walls poured and then get that filled in for next week and they'll be set for their students coming out there to start the bill so that'll be great uh they've gone through the whole city now and uh done the pothole patching Mill and overlays are going well they are done with First Street they done with Margaret they have moved on to Eldridge in front of the student builds um from there they'll move on to Sixth Street which will be from sth Avenue to the frontage road and then they'll move over to Charles and that'll wrap up the year the emerald ashb uh the contractor they are done with all the private ones um we have 33 of the 50 Boulevard trees done so just 17 left to go for that contractor and that grant money that we received for that and slowly still picking away at those uh people inquiring about the lead pipes and if they need you know a staff member to go out there and get tested for them and get that going uh right now to there to the point where the information that we received will be sent into the state and then state will give Direction on next steps from there uh PD we had a new officer start yesterday officer Ben Locker who was a lateral from Shaka so we're excited to have him on board and we've got uh three more that we're looking at going through the background checks right now so hopefully we can get up to full staff it' be wonderful um fire they have uh Brent and Ethan are at the fire marshall training um with Brent moving out of the city um you stepped down from the assistant chief position on the payon call um that was out for uh posting and Jordan Wardell has accepted that position and has started that now so good fantastic yeah that's great uh they have live burden training tomorrow out at the training center and then October 6th through the 12th will be fire prevention week and then the 19th you guys get to judge the posters again so that's always fun and that's all I have nice thank you and very busy thanks for all your work good deal all right reports Council commissions and committees that's where be um on September fth we had the Planning Commission um the topic of discussion for that day was the RFP that we approved today um and the next Planning Commission will be on October 3rd nice thank you um as for the arts and culture commission um uh city manager frandle had alluded to the Arts and uh the Autumn Arts Festival it was a really great success it was good to see um Community out there and also some of our city staff that weren't even working with their families so that was really nice um but yes big thank you to the arts and culture commission and um also the Parks Commission um and especially Amanda black and um Tom Sonic who are on the arts and culture Commission um and of course thanks to Public Works they always drop off our big old orange trailer um the art cart and then also my Sarah and of course Ava as well um the arts and culture commission is looking at a utility box a collaboration with the Veterans Park and the park commission um they're looking at maybe a box for 2025 and then uh yeah they're just kind of planning the rest of their 2025 year and um next meeting will be octo the first Wednesday in October on the 2nd at 6:30 here in the chambers that's all I got thank you awesome for sure Al ditto the Autumn Arts Festival uh that council member Wang had just uh alluded to that it was an nice event uh despite a little bit of that rain that came in um thank you to the city staff that assists with that uh setting up and clean up and our next meeting is on September 25th Wednesday here in the council chambers awesome thank you SM co uh Eda had their long anticipated uh Eda meeting on the 10th here in Chambers uh we had everyone present which was really exciting just to just to get everybody back together again and and and share ideas after the summer uh the Eda did approve uh for councils approval uh the shifting of the $60,000 out of the CIP into the Eda from a funding standpoint and that we move forward with the downtown the move forward with the downtown design manual uh we also discussed has have great dialogue around the facade Improvement program as far as what exactly does that mean does that include signs does that not include signs U depending on what the sign means to the to the actual property um and more to more to come on that but um we we had some great conversation on that we're moving along as well very nice thank you very much um General business in tradition of General business I started three weeks ago the fall Roundup parade is 1 day 22 hours 59 minutes and 51 seconds away I hope to see yall there very nice thank you very much anything I mean I hope to see you at the parade and one that's right hours and 59 minutes and 38 seconds that's awesome and you kid I'll see you at the parade there you go um shout out to Ava for all of the work that she's continuing to do with our um Communications and community outreach she is fantastic I have seen her at just about every event yet alone seeing her all over our social media she has done an excellent job um I had the pleasure of attending the Autumn Arts festivals past weekend as well as um the memorial for Richard Ken it was um both events were uh lovely Bittersweet um the officer uh crittin event was emotional um well well done so it was it was great to be there that's it thank you I stayed and sheltered and play place for the Autumn Festival I was fearful of melting in the rain so I wasn't unable to attend so my sincere apologies to all the vendors that were there I heard it was a phenomenal event and as shared earlier you know some of the vendors ran out of food that's always great to hear uh I too attended the uh officer grinder Memorial what a moving moving thing it was very much so yep I was at the memorial too and it was very special and uh and our chief Ray did a great job great job with it um I've been invited to the Mi P um on the 26 so I'm looking forward to that and I hope I will see people there and I did not make the we had an out of town out ofate wedding so I did not make it for the Arts but I heard a lot of great things for the festival so appreciate everybody's work on that as well anything else if not you move on to our Clos session which will be the meeting will be closed as permitted by section 13d 03 to discuss the city's labor negotiations strategy related to the city's negotiations with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 160 uh Teamsters public and law enforcement employees union local 320 um law enforcement labor Services local 211 for patrol uh and for the sergeants and the asme council 5 for essential and non-essential unions thank you I appreciate that I made a mess out of that the last last time I read that a motion and a second on that I have a motion on that okay council member W second second council member schwe all those in favor say I I I thank you off we go --------- ##VIDEO ID:c82UXyodvdQ## e e e e e e e e let's get the workshop started at 516 roll call please council member Cole here council member Wong here council member nordby here council member schwe is absent mayor Magi here can a motion to adopt the agenda please so move so move council member Cole second second council member Norby all those in favor say I I I thank you topic sir thank you mayor we got one topic on the agenda tonight and that's to discuss the uh parks and open space master plan I'll turn that over to Riley our community development director thank you uh so Council the uh purpose here tonight is just to review and provide any edits or any comments that you may have for the uh parks and uh space master plan uh this was a considerable undertaking by The Parks and Recreation Commission uh to update this plan and uh like I mentioned we're seeking review and comments uh before a a final uh formal approval at a future council meeting date um basically the overall purpose of the plan is to present um what we kind of call a logical and organized framework for exploring and recommending future improvements to our Park system uh so that they serve our uh the residents of North St Paul as well as businesses and visitors um this is done uh specifically in a couple different ways first is to evaluate uh Community input and analyze demographic changes in the city number two evaluate the existing Park system number three review uh future Trends in Parks and Recreation number four provide principles to prioritize improvements uh to the Parks and Recreation facilities so that the system can St relevant and functional number five uh provide City officials guidance on uh Capital Improvement projects uh number six be a 10e road map for the park system so that it meets the needs of the city's changing population and number seven approve the city's ability to seek and uh qualify for key grant opportunities again to help fund uh those Park improvements um this document obviously uh incorporates many other uh recent planning documents um that do provide a lot of key analysis for the city to consider uh including the 2022 Parks Improvement plan the 2040 uh comprehensive plan the 2022 Redevelopment plan master plan and the 2022 housing assessments uh needs assessments and and several other uh documents as well but uh more broadly uh I think we all know that the value of uh well-maintained and wellth thought out Parks um system is uh unmatched uh residents and visitors do specifically seek out uh parks and Open Spaces when determining where to live where to visit where to shop um Good Park systems provide uh immense health benefits physical activity contact with nature and the natural environment uh and social social interaction especially coming we're a little removed now from the covid-19 pandemic but really um getting uh people together and and interacting with each other uh with their families neighbors and visitors um our well-designed system raises the overall quality of life uh for our residents it increases property values and allows the city to attract and retain residents and promote uh and promotes business and economic development um I do want to thank the Parks and Recreation Commission for their work on this plan I started here and I think this was literally the first document that I looked at on maybe the second day that I was here um so I don't have a whole lot of the backstory that's why we have some of our wonderful Commissioners here I also do want to specifically uh call out and thank Sarah for her work on this as well from a staff perspective she's she's done a fantastic job on this as well so um we're here to help answer any questions or provide any input that you may have otherwise we'll look for uh any edits you may have and then we'll be bringing this back to a future council meeting can you start over we'll replay the tape send it to the booth in New York any questions after that email I sent you from a resident yeah I I did note that um we we uh mayor mongi did send me some emails uh specifically regarding disability data um that I think the whole Council uh saw uh Sarah and I will take a look at that uh along with the parks commissioner uh members and um determine if if that information needs to be incorporated uh with into this plan uh I think the plan overall does a pretty good job of of touching on some of those kind of ADA and disabil components already uh but we'll see if if uh we can beef that up a little bit yeah even the nice job in Dorothy Park they got passed to the to the playgrounds and everywhere else so we've been doing pretty well on that I'll start um first of all thank you very much for all the hard work I do appreciate it um my first comments are going to be about edits um the park I'm most familiar with in North St Paul is housy Park um just because I try and walk past it every day so on page 19 you for howy you have it listed as having basketball courts um which isn't necessarily accurate yes that I think it was the X was supposed to go in the ball field thing when they had the ball fields there nice catch yes um and then when you're describ in howy park you also talk about it being flooded in the winters my understanding is that's going away is that correct Brian um was my understanding that they filled that in that was uh part of that ball field that was out there and that was filled in yes because it was a low area when they took out the lne part is that correct Ron yep it's supposed to it's not we're not sure what it's going to do this year because we haven't seen it correct it's supposed to not flood they're talking a flooding for that okay yeah yeah on purpose for skating joking um so so those were were my um two edits or comments other than that I appreciate the hard work um and then the only other um question I had and I don't know this was more to Riley um about what other cities do is is there a let's say a cliff note or a condensed version um as we're making decisions about other things throughout the year that um that could be provided to us to make it easy to you know if we're looking at a project that might be next to the um Park to know what's planned for that Park just so it's easy and add our fingertips a small cliff notes of um what's needed and what what our 10-year plan is would be helpful to me as a a council member yeah th those are uh that's a that's a great idea what I have typically seen is um when staff uh writes their staff reports for you know for in this example um we would review The Parks master plan or the uh parks and open space master plan and see if there's any connections there that need be made and then we would put that into our staff uh report so that Council or you know whoever we're writing this for is is well aware of it um I have I have seen uh in in my one of my previous cities we we did um I mean something similar where we we had stated goals and we listed if the action met those those specific goals we could maybe look at doing something like that when it comes to park specific items uh I would have no problem incorporating that yeah that that'd be awesome in for my experience up two years unfortunately some of it's Fallen um falling through the cracks if we forget to ask on some of the stuff so uh I if you're committed to having you know the staff review the proposals that come before us how they affects the park and all the other plans that would be awesome thank you absolutely I have a quick question um I'm on page 28 looking at the Silver Lake Park amenities um and it's looking at the Improvement schedule and I see that um the beach and the sand volleyball courts um they don't necessarily have an improvement schedule can you speak a little bit to that I don't know if I can speak to that understand is of obligations I guess to me that's maintenance I wouldn't know any more about that than like the grass is going to be mowed um so that's probably why we didn't have that in there not that it's not important that but I was under understanding the necessarily a park obligation like a playr or walking path or something okay yeah we do have the Silver Lake Lake Association too that I know they've been very involved with that part of the area as well are you looking at the guard issue or it just says here that it's not applicable um and so I'm just kind of wondering why cuz it's all within the same vicinity I mean it's overall the public knows it as Silver Lake Park and so that's just kind of why I'm why I'm asking um and then I guess that leads me to another question is like what is the general like uh maybe this is like jumping the gun a little bit but I mean obviously we have Public Works that works on the maintenance component of it how is Parks and wreck and public works like how does that work together yeah I think I think Ron can speak to it better than I can um because I'm new to the park commission as well but um from what we've done is um and we're going to continue next week um putting in CIP recommendations for upcoming years um and when those recommendations come from the Parks Commission um pass that along to Riley and public works and and make that make those things happen but as far as previous how they work together I'll pass it to Ron hello hello um really we like I said with me taking over in the role that I have we really don't I want to say have we haven't worked together you know we take care of the maintenance that needs to be done um we do some swimming around the beach um for the you know the weeds and stuff that grow up on the beach um we maintain the the park the mowing uh we in as far as the sand on the beach we really haven't done anything other than like General cleanup of that um but as far as you know like when you're talking volleyball courts or whatever we maintain that we kill weeds in that we pull weeds from that uh we add sand we've added borders to some of those um volleyball you know courts uh Mulch and the playgrounds you know just the general maintenance so as far as working together you're talking us working together with the parks and wck commission or I mean you know like yeah just kind of like how is that yeah working together because well I mean I guess for right now um just with the change of over the past few years of different people and different roles um we would get a list of stuff that like let's say Sarah might bring some stuff back to us or you know say hey this is what got brought up in the Parks uh meeting last night um and I guess that's how we collaborate with them at the moment okay cool thank you I don't know if that answered the question or yeah I mean yeah just asking what you do yeah thanks okay any other questions off former you can go ahead first off thanks guys let me turn my mic on this is awesome um I was around for round one and it was during Co and it wasn't fun there was a it took us dang near I think a year to get to get the original draft put together um you know Riley and Sarah did a phenomenal job along with along with your help um it looks fantastic uh a couple of things that I know that were done in the prior packet the Improvement plan that I didn't see in this one um one was um the it's it's in here um like under description I got Silver Lake open and it talks about the playground equipment um um some of it was installed in 2006 expected life is 15 to 20 years I think there was a document that was created that had the the installation of the equipment the life expectancy and the replacement year um I thought that was created and I think that would help public works because I think that would fall under Public Works to be able to budget to know when that was documented I think that has already been created so it's just a matter of figuring out who whose computer file it might be in um the other piece that wasn't in here that I know we had many meetings worth of conversations on was a priority list of what the park and wreck wants to prioritize from a park standpoint um and I know that there was some there was you know like a one to five year plan a 5 to 10 and a 15 and Beyond um and I think it was all colorcoded and it looked really good um as I leave at the end of the year um you're gonna have two new people sitting up here that aren't going to probably be aware of any of it and I think you guys need to get credit for what the energy and effort that was put into it and they also think it'll help provide guidance um to not only the present Council that's going to remain but the new Council coming on board uh for example we have a um 1% currently right now in Dan's Levy tied in for Park and wreck we have no idea what th those funds are actually going to be spent against so that would that would help identify um you know identify that what what those fundings were going to be um and they were the priorities that came out of you guys and I think um at the time there are even roughed out dollar amounts that were put beside it which we know only the only time they're good is the day the numbers are written and they Chang the following day but um I think that would be a phenomenal tool for this going forward um as it shared with um you know with with with anybody else in the community as well as um anybody sitting up here on Council to make it easier to make funding decisions um for example um we've we've mcnight field was I think in the in that top bucket of what needed to be worked on um and we've already hired you've already hired a consultant to come by and provide recommendations and do studies and that's phenomenal um but there were two additional parks that they're looking at that weren't even tied in to that program so those are the types of things that I want to just make sure get updated um the the pocket park stuff to make sure that that gets that gets included in there as a priority as well as as we move forward because you guys have done way too much heavy lifting to to get version one and version two out so I just want to compliment everybody for for all the work and effort that went into it it's is that the old one this is can you come up to the microphone because we got a lot of people that listen so thank you do we we hope we do we hope we're getting a crowd you threaten to do something that's right I have the one that's approved that we have which uh that was in 2022 right huh it's well and that's the park Improvement plan right that's a different plan than this one yep So the plan we started with the park Improvement plan and then from there we kind of narrowed it down to what we wanted to do in one year three year five years and from the one year three year now we're working on howy we got howy done and that took like a probably a couple year process to get housy rolling uh so we're kind of we've been kind of working off of this and then narrowing it down a little bit to what we really want to work on so we do have have a list I just didn't see it in here under improve schedule or Improvement schedule there's some stuff in here that you know next maintenance you know every five years replace this in 2024 but you guys sat through and actually voted and did and had a nice hierarchy of of when you wanted to work on stuff and I don't see that or didn't see it in this document maybe we need to get it in there that's I just want you guys to take credit for the the work you put into it along with the list of Cu we have in the last two three years we we went out to all the parks a few of us and we talked about which how old some of these uh playgrounds were and then decided from there which ones we were going to improve at certain points and then we have with our Liaisons in each of our Parks they come back with information on what we should do uh as I know they want to work on a a gym or an ex say things sah I would just focus on this I would say that like it's easy enough that we have it in our Improvement plan we just go back and make a short vers yeah you yeah you have the Improvement plan which I believe that's what you're talking about because it's a document that he has right there then we have the master plan so really we need to combine correct me if I'm wrong both of those plans it lives in the master plan it lives in that plan correct that's the Improvement plan but we I mean I think we could easily make a one two page just kind of priority ranking taking boiling that down and putting that into here that's I don't think that'd be a problem perfect be super helpful yeah credit for what you did we don't forget start to start over thank you thank you thanks good all right well thank you everybody appreciate it I think we got uh appreciate all the hard work and thank you council member wol for I think it be good idea to get everything in one so we make sure we can not forget what's in the other one so thank you I do have one more thing how can this Council support you well I think part of it you gota come up yeah because I get notes after meetings that people say we couldn't hear people so thank you I feel like we're finally with this master plan getting approved as soon as we make the edits I think the big part is going to be we've been kind of in a halt State for the last since covid and we haven't made a lot of Park improvements and that hasn't felt great and that's not what the park commission has wanted um so as the sooner we get this done the better because I think the C Park commission is really ready to start start spending some of this money for good things um so I would ask for the help here is if there's any questions or any concerns about parks that we may already be studying or not studying um to bring that up like silver Lake's a really good example where we know that equipment is coming to age but at the same time like is there a bigger priority um and that's what we're weighing in the park commission but I would say as far as help from us is you know if you support this plan if you agree with that especially with new members coming in this year um educating the new members on on what this looks like so that we can pass when new things like mcnight Fields or some of these other potentially really big improvements to our city come about they don't get halted and lost in the process because it's a short window of when we can bid on getting the right contractors and then when we can build it itself so it's kind of a short window as some of you know who've lived through that so that's what I would say is that if you feel good about this master plan and you feel good then helping us push it along when we bring it to council to get approval for those items okay thank you I appreciate too that we're doing you know housy which is on the south side of 36 we had a lot of Casey park over in the north so I'm glad we're spreading it out and the big one is going to be mcnight because we've been all been talking about that because it has aged quite a bit and of course we have the some of the issues with the flooding and you know trying to understand what's the best fit for that much land that we can get our best bang for our buck on so thank you saw a lot of people I was gonna say a really great yeah thank you for your work and U thank you for continuing to work on this yeah awesome job it's all right a lot of work yeah it is [Music] [Music] appreciate great great I really appreciate the the survey that was been last year too I think it was pretty well received or there was a great participation um so I was happy to see that engagement and sue you are on page 67 I suppose so huh the yeah looks like it that's awesome is there anything else Riley on this or is that no I think we got some edits here that we'll make uh at a staff level and then uh bring it back at a future council meeting for more formal approval okay everybody good with that up here it's all good thank you thanks thank you for all your hard work thank you we'll uh I know any other any other business it doesn't like there's anything underneath it so we move we move for adjournment next anybody move for so move council members we thank you it took a while I thought you'd be on that coal second second moves yeah second second which one you gonna pick uh Wong all those in favor say I I I thank you and we will be meeting at uh 6:20 for our HRA meeting 6:30 we'll start our normal meeting and our next will be October 1st for our regular meetings thanks