##VIDEO ID:9Q7YXPb6z2o## e e e I did I didn't I message you I said I loved it sorry all right call the meeting the order I love it yeah Sarah can you do roll call please absolutely Lloyd grotek here Laura Greenley karp here Dave andren here Ben Hansen here ingred Kohler here Sue springborn here Sarah zarka here Cassidy schweer here we have a quorum all right adopt motion to adopt the agenda you make a motion Dave makes a motion second I'll second Ben seconds can it okay ing's got it any discussion all in favor say I I I all opposed approval of the minutes June 26th I make a motion Dave makes a motion second I second it who seconds discussion all in favor say I I I all opposed open to the public do we have zoom anymore no okay anybody from the public all right I've been asked by Sarah to read an email from a a constituent and I will just read it right now I moved to North St Paul almost 3 years ago and live near the Southwood Nature Preserve I work from home and take a daily walk through the park which used to be a pleasure and now comes with considerable stress last year I noticed I started noticing that many turtles were running being run over as they tried to cross Holloway Avenue I had been emailing with the folks on the North St Paul city council including the mayor and city manager although no one has responded to my past several emails I have also been exchanging emails with a wildlife ecologist with the Department of Transportation he told me that about the herpmapper app which is a way to track these high fatality areas where Wildlife collide with human kind this ecologist said that 70 to 100 Turtles deaths would be above average in a given year I only learned about that app last September and by the time November came I had counted 66 T dead turtles this year I have already counted 35 dead turtles and was able to help to cross the road safely there are turtle crossing signs but for another contact I made at the do drivers have habitu habituated to these signs and they aren't really useful potential options I have S suggested through the North St Paul city council include changing the speed limit in that area from 30 to 20 painting large Turtle crossing signs on the actual Road like they do for the school Crossings installing bigger turtle signs not having the turtles signs be up year round but just during the active season or having an educational campaign to or drivers to please be pay attention the wildlife ecologist shared that the gold standard solution would be to install a turtle tunnel I believe one was installed outside of Still Water several years back to some great success funding is the issue along with visibility to this matter I know there is so much going on in the world right now so why focus on the some dumb old Turtles I don't know but it's really captured my heart and I am so sad to see all of these poor smashed bodies in the road so often is there anything that Park and Rex can do to help want me to read the address what's the protocol yeah Sarah Bosley 2093 Charles Street North North St Paul I'll pass it around to everybody while we're having a meeting um has she uh had any response yet from anybody um I have talked to her briefly a couple of times um as far as from Council I'm not positive I can speak to that yeah we have spoken to her she received answers back from us Public Works and counil and city managers um that's I can yeah okay so but she hasn't responded back to those or she has responded yeah yeah okay all right is that roed like a dual maintenance Maplewood yeah it would be Maplewood Maplewood North St Paul is that a County Road County County Road M dnr's been conted okay um you know she's right people become habituated to signs like that um and a temporary sign during the highest season or you know highest Turtle Crossing season might be something to you know a temporary sign or or maybe even yard signs like for example at I noticed at Silver Lake some hours are now posted um in the park uh and I want to talk about that later but anyway um just some she's right people don't notice the signs anymore um and you know if yeah I yeah I don't mean I don't know uh obviously I I think funding doesn't allow for creating a a tunnel under the road um but maybe during a particular month we put out some yard signs and that might alert people a little bit or or maybe a real sign that goes up two months of the year or something I don't know I I I don't know how long that season is but anybody else sounds like it's been shared with all of the people that it needs to be shared with to make decisions around it and it sounds like it's outside of the Parks Commission control okay all right let's move on to a I got trig and don't tell me Noah yes I was going to say Jonah but then I thought nope Do It Go whale or [Laughter] Ark this going to like pop up on need to power she doing it up he he knows he's working he's just just he's working on it I got it under control thank you well maybe I'll start while while we're waiting for it to come up um my name's trig Hansen I'm a landscape architect with hga architecture from out of Minneapolis we're a national firm um architecture planning and engineering firm um and we respond this is hi I'm nox I'm um also yeah um and we responded to uh and I'm speaking to some that um May know about this others that may not uh sweet we responded to a uh call re request for proposals to um uh study uh and plan and and do some conceptual design for three of the North St Paul Parks this was in late February I believe um and we submitted a proposal we were we interviewed and were awarded the project in April um as you all um aware there's been some there's been some staff uh changes and recent recently um with Riley on board hga we've got a contract going to study um three uh North St Paul uh parks and um uh there's myself on the left uh other key members on the project between beside Noah and myself are uh Kent hip he's another landscape architect um and Caitlyn shallow she is uh uh with Noah um does phenomenal work with uh equity and engagement um on our project projects and in the communities that we work with um and uh the uh one of the primary focuses um that we've we learned uh on the project I'm just going to back up is that why U we were hga team was selected to do this work is our emphasis and passion and expertise on bringing uh projects like this out into the community and soliciting a breadth of community engagement um in equal F in equal uh manner um so Noah's going to talk about the status of the uh engagement that we're planning for the project I'm going to give a quick uh overview um and U just uh and status of the project we just came out of kind of a second meeting on this project right before it so apologies to those who have uh are more informed on the project um uh than others uh the three parks that uh are part of the project are the mcnight athletic complex the uh to be developed pocket park is what one of um or the downtown park uh at the corner of uh 7th there um the new kind of landscape space with the with the downtown Road change um that was developed and then the passive Park which is the kind of uh forested area um to the just to the east or west of downtown um uh all along and I believe this is one of the topics that's going to be discussed at your meeting today this is been uh uh in total concert with the efforts um I say concert um fully referenced by what's going on with the parks and open space master plan um so this is a a first wonderful step in implementing some level of of the master plan moving forward um we're well aware and and and just and continuing the dialogue of the park values and the system goals that are highlighted um and the reason that we do as Noah was going to talk about a really strong um Equitable engagement process is that um to vet and clarify and learn more about these Park values and goals and learn more about the city and the people that this park want the parks want to serve now and into the future and learn about the stories of how they've worked in the past um some of the original design thinking that we've shared and presented is how we can uh these three Parks um have the opportunity to combine a whole host of different um functions and opportunities from Civic to creating Wild Spaces and playful and each one will uh uh vet out different opportunities um the scope of the this project is uh our our project this a little bit messy diagram um but we're in this gray Square which is conceptual design um which includes programming and planning and a and a large piece why I've started is this as I mentioned the community and sto stakeholder engagement no talk about some of the stuff that we've already done to to date um but this kind of bar on the the uh beginning third or quarter of the um project scope is where we've we are today we've had a few meetings we've got a lot of information um talked with some stakeholders and the next step is that we're going to be um starting to lay out some initial conceptual designs and share those even further within the community um and get responses we've developed a pretty detailed schedule um with the uh idea being that we can have conceptual design wrapped up um uh before the Thanksgiving holiday um and through throughout that process we'll share it obviously with the um the project committee uh uh Team um um and but at a couple uh more of the uh PRC meetings um these are some of the key dates as far as and granted some of this is old news because we learned some more information about some other engagement opportunities that we're probably going to work towards um come of some of the upcoming engagement events are going to be the Autumn Art Fest and probably the Roundup parade did I say that right round up Roundup Days parade um because we learned through you know in conversation that that's probably a better situation to uh get a a more diverse and engaged response so no one can talk about the engagement that we're planning um so when we first started this conversation um in the project interview one of the big things like trick was saying was how are we going to develop an inclusive engagement strategy um this six-step um process is one that HJ uses it's based on um the International Association of public participation which is something that's used by a lot of um Civic groups and really working us towards you know step by step making sure that we're being intentional in this process um so to start out um the goals that we identified um for why engagement is necessary for these projects is understanding the current usage um and and the stakeholder relationships to each of these sites um so we know kind of what's working what's not what to keep um and then the fact that North St Paul is um becoming denser and more diverse um and if we're going to create parks that work for folks well into the future um we need to understand what that future Community looks like and what those people need um then we also you know needed to kind of do a little bit of self-reflection and think about what can you know the folks on the hga team and the folks from from um the commission bring to the table in terms of our you know experiences and knowledge bases and what are some potential gaps in representation um and so you know we think we might be missing some viewpoints from folks who for example are renting the new apartments downtown um people who are first or second generation immigrants people of color um some of these other groups teenagers um who are going to have um an interest in in the outcome of this and um identifying then that those folks would be great as Le on to the community um and kind of a community Advisory Board uh so looking at this strategy here where the the project team um is the HJ design team um The Parks and Rec commission members who are in our meetings and the Community Development staff that's kind of the core group that's making decisions but outside of that is like the whole broader ecosystem of North St Paul and everybody that these parks are going to serve so the Liaisons like I said are folks where they've got um a real stake in the outcome of this and they've got a unique perspective that we wouldn't might or might not be hearing otherwise um so we'll want to have ongoing interactions with them um then key stakeholders um so people who are going to be highly impacted by these specific parks and then the public so we'll take all of that information and funnel it down to drive the decisions that are made here we've already started some engagement um we did a workshop with some city leaders folks from um like the fire chief um and folks from public wck uh Public Works and uh Finance um to understand kind of how they see the city of of North St Paul um what are the strengths and what are the things uh that these Parks can kind of help improve uh we also did and and trig gave this sheet to everybody who didn't get a chance to do it in a workshop um uh messages from the future activity of kind of dreaming big right like what are the things um that when all of this is done you want people to kind of be be raving about for these parks um I'll summarize by just kind of laying out our engagement methods uh you know this is kind of identifying these these core groups right there's the core project team the community Liaisons um all the people who are neighbors to each of these Park sites anybody else who's a stakeholder and then the general public um and so really the the point of this is looking at all of the different activities that we'll do so popup events at Community things um specific open houses to address each of these parks and then our monthly meetings and we're kind of getting a little bit more narrowed in as as we move towards the right so these bigger community events everybody will be at you know the general public might not show up to the pocket park open house if they don't if they don't have an investment in that park that's fine as long as we get the other stakeholders there um but then when it comes to the meetings the community Liaisons will be there for design conversations um and then the project team members meetings are going to really be the the core project team so we're kind of again focusing in as we go thank you Noah and as I mentioned um some of the the immediate steps is we have a couple engagement uh opportunities that we're in the beginning of figuring out what who's going to do be there and what we're going to uh do there's going to be hga people there's going to be PRC um people is PRC okay to call Parks recommission um um and uh Sarah Laura and Sue and I and um not Dan Sarah beginning in the on on coordinating of this there would be opportunities for um anyone else to be uh engaged and we would encourage um that you not only the staff and and the design team um engage in these and then also we're going to be also at the same time developing our initial Concepts um the design and engagement um and planning fate is not completely linear linear one thing doesn't go and then the next starts you kind of they kind of overlap and then they'll Circle back so we've gained a lot of information just by becoming part of the community in this last month on on meetings and and and some initial stakeholders and we take make initial moves where we do something and then it moves down and then we hear more um and it kind of keeps going down and um so the end goal will be uh some a concept or a series of concepts for each Park um that gives a road map um uh and at some point some higher level costs are going to be uh laid in here some cost estimating a road map of um the fact that North St P has identified that these three Parks who knows when exactly these three Parks um are priorities um and uh are is and the community and the team supporting it is ready to engage and move it on to the next uh level um for the community so nhj is extremely happy and excited to be part of this um working on meaningful uh projects in the community is so rewarding um not only for us personally um but the joy and the outcomes that it brings the community where we live and and uh each day um is really meaningful so I don't know the the exact process for something question is answer or questions open for questions um oh I have a question when you do the pocket uh Park open houses um how are people notified of those do you just kind of set up shop and hope that people are who are there using the park come or how how does that work um well especially for for something like this right where we these Parks don't really exist yet um in the way that we're envisioning for them for the future um we have identified uh key stakeholders for each location um and will be in addition to General publicity So the plan right now for example um at the parade is that we'll have something uh to hand out to folks with the dates for these open houses and say come to this you know um and then we'll also reach out to those stakeholders directly right so for mcnight you know we're going to email folks from the school district and say hey we're going to talk about this you should come um and make sure that that way people are getting a more specific invite if they have kind of a larger stake in the outcome yeah okay great good can I ask a question yeah you have mentioned key stakeholders yes tell me about key stakeholders who are these key stakeholders so key stakeholders so what we did was we um took kind of a matrix like a four quadrant Matrix and um on one axis is um how impacted somebody is going to be by the outcome of the project um and the other access is what kind of voice they have in the community right so some people um you know have a very large voice in the community right we're going to hear their input so for example I have a large voice in this project sure I have a very um low impact my life is not going to be impacted really in in the long run by what this park looks like um somebody who's renting an apartment next to this park might be highly impacted but they might not have a large voice in this process so we're trying to understand who are those folks who are going to be heavily impacted and whose voices we need to speak out so that we're hearing them so that's kind of how we're defining key stakeholder okay and you're still figuring those key um we actually did review that um in the meeting before this today so we do have the was identified um for each for each site can I suggest one oh sorry no go ahead you go you sure okay all you um can I just suggest one group as a potential Gap in representation I would say older adults so I think especially the folks who live in care settings in the downtown area so Polar Ridge but also just I mean in my community near Casey Lake Park there's a lot of older adults who maybe can't get out and use the parks as often but especially in the months they do yeah and so making sure we hear their voices that's that's a really great Point um I will say generally speaking in community engagement um older adults tend to have uh a slightly disproportionate response actually because uh essentially a lot of folks who are retired have more free time um to contribute their opinions um so it's generally a little bit less of a concern we are however very aware of that for North St Paul um and have called out um the oakill senior housing for the passive par since it's right down the street um and then like you said the um kind of adjacent to downtown groups as well Polar Ridge was listed too I'll de all that because our community is strongly populated with baby boom that right yep yep and we're um all the uh the content from our our meetings and the outcome the notes have are uh shared with the city um and I'm not sure what your your um distribution list is Sarah but it might based on the comments and and and questions it would probably make sense to distribute it openly and I know they're available online and things like that so the Matrix kind of some of the the outcomes of the the working session and summaries are all documented in there fantastic they had some really great slides about demographics and I think what would surprise me more is see amount of like lowincome young adults without kids that we actually don't hear voices from more so than those others so I think it'll be great that they're kind of focusing on all different aspects to get every voice it it gets to that I think immediate and longterm piece right there's an large immediate need for um you know spes that serve seniors and then there's also kind of this coming wave of of young folks that are what's very apparent is that is I mean diversity is not just an ethnicity it's age its ability um and um that the convers you know one one method of Engagement like like just like the the survey that was done last summer and we have the in is one piece of the engagement strategy so um so yeah we're we are we're building on all of that information just like we're building on the master plan and then kind of supplementing it to keep getting stronger with every every one of these you all do I will say it's really admirable how all of these decisions are really data driven um from the workshop before like they were showing us maps of national standards and specific to our community so I I heard that you're going to make that accessible to all of us but it's all founded in like the data and research um why they're choosing to move for the way they are is there a structural or is there a design for Progressive yet or are we ahead of that on our agenda as far as what they're going to try and turn it into design yeah it will be it next month next month okay okay cuz I'm wondering if uh community garden would be a very a possibility cuz we've been we got a lot of people that have asked about that we've been kind of trying to figure out where it's it's on our list yeah it was discussed good I could see that at the passive park or the uh well the passive park or I want or did you say no oh yeah so we've got options yeah lot lots of options great job yes exactly thank you all anybody else thank okay oh I was going to turn in my homework oh yes oh I don't I didn't do it if everybody could pass it to the end of the rad Brown it's true you told me to do it I was trying yeah thank you guys thank you have a great day all right Dan you're up please see mhm as you know me I always go off script it's time to here again thank you look a lot of information some of the information Environ as we working through the budget process [Applause] well chair and and uh commission uh members I thank you very much for allowing me some time to uh present some information to you and hopefully it'll spur on some questions and I can give you some answers to that uh for those who know me there's a lot of familiar faces but there's a lot of new faces that are part of the park uh commission park and rec commission uh my name is Dan wh I'm the finance director for the city of North St Paul um love this city um first of all I kind of want to thank everybody um been here in the past want to thank all of the members uh for you you know volunteering your time to be a part of this Commission because the parks are a huge part of of uh the city um and there's something that is a valuable asset for the city and for the residents that are here and it's very important that um you have a voice and that you're a part of our budget process um there's operational side to it there's a capital side to it and so we're going to kind of I'm just going to give kind of a high level overview um one of the components to it is that most of our commissions really don't have the authority actually to spend dollar and so that's kind of one of the slides that I'm going to talk about it has to be a staff member that actually spends dollars um you can definitely make recommendations uh make sure that we get it include you know funding included in the budget uh tonight I'm going to kind of just go over uh on the agenda overview of spending um kind of want to show everybody here where we are right now with the 2025 proposed Levy um that our city council is struggling with um the park and recre funding on an operational side to it and then on a capital side to it and then show you uh what the 24 to 33 CIP plan was and what currently is in the 25 to 34 the CIP plan itself will be starting to be presented to city council um so there is time for changes in October U so there still are uh time for some changes that could be done to that CIP um again everything is finalized in December as far as the levy is concerned we do need to certify that um in on September 17th the city council will be certifying their maximum tax levy we need to certify that to Ramsey County by September 30th so they'll be doing that by resolution what it means is a maximum we can still bring it down we just can't go above that maximum Levy and then um time for some questions and some discussion and you can interrupt me at any point in time if there's questions there's no problem with that um kind of just an overview of the spending um all expenditures from the city must be for a public purpose um all expenditures must be made by a city employee all expenditures must be approved by a department head all expenditures must follow the city's purchasing policy all expenditures must be from an approved budget um all budgets uh must be approved by the city council and all amendments to the budget must be approved by the city council kind of just a quick high high level kind of uh the authorities there's obviously the purchasing policy has a lot of what you can do and what you can't do within there and that's really for staff to to to be aware of and and to follow um this is where we're at right now with the 2025 proposed Levy we have three jurisdictions taxing authorities the city HRA and Eda combined we're at 9.88% Levy increase um um not not great news for where we're standing at um we've got some good news which will be shared with city council coming on September 3rd a lot of it what I've been telling um city council B for a number of years is called the fiscal disparities um the city of North St Paul is considered a winner what that means is that we actually get um dollars from a shared pool that actually drops down the amount that we actually Levy that actually goes on um to the tax tax bills of our residents um from one year to the next year from uh from pay 24 to pay 25 we've increased $230,000 in our fiscal disparities which is significant dollars when we look at it because right now for every $71,000 that's a 1% Levy increase to kind of give a a framework to kind of uh think about we're also going to go tonight we're just going to take a quick look at what is included in the operating funds uh for the parks there's in the general fund there's the parks budget there's a recreation budget and then there's a building maintenance fund so the combination of three these three operating budgets is what takes care of all of the maintenance ongoing day-to-day maintenance of the parks and their facilities um does not include major improvements that becomes part of your CIP that we'll we'll talk about a little bit later but that includes the labor for you know that's a part of attributed uh part of our Public Works staff that's mowing the Lawns um of the parks it's m all of the maintenance um you'll see the parks is a decent Siz budget Recreation is very little um and then you'll see where the uh Building Maintenance and that's you know cleaning up um after um events that are held in housy park or that they're held at Casey lake so so in a way to kind of look at this all of the expenditures for the day-to-day type of operation for the Parks and Recreation is covered by these three all of the revenue gets to go directly to the park fund no expenditures for any of this comes out of the park fund Park fund's a capital fund and so you're accumulating money in there to help with CIP with your CIP plan so you just heard hga go through talking about they're doing a study of three Parks anything that's going to come out into the future of that would have to come out from a capital uh come out off of your Capital plan So eventually when they're done with that that needs to be incorporated in that CIP plan your funding sources are either going to be the park dedication fund or the park fund and we'll kind of touch on those in a little while so right now we're you're from the budgetary standpoint uh basically all of our general fund budgets um really the biggest impact that's hitting them um is Personnel costs I have a cost of living increase that's incorporated into all of our budgets I'm not allowed to tell you what that cost of living increase is because we are under Union negotiations with each and every one of our unions at this point in time so at this point in time city council doesn't even know what I have in the budget um so that's scary if it's not high enough then it's another impact that's going to have happen another another part of that Levy increase you know that could potentially happen however we won't have that information a time that we certify our maximum Levy um the rest of the budgets when you start to look at your supply lines your contractual Services Capital all of that in our general fund has basically remained pretty stagnant um I think overall we've got like about a 1% increase so what's driving that 9.8 8% increase that you saw on the overall Levy is really coming Personnel costs it's coming that we've we've made the movement to start helping fund our infrastructure our streets um last year well this year um it was approved by city council that we have a 2% Levy increase put in to help fund streets in other words I want to start to move ourselves to a cash basis versus a p a bond basis because if we do Bond bonding forever and ever we're just going to pay more and more and more rule of thumb that I look at it is that if I go out and bond $1 million at a 5% interest for 20 years I'm going to be making $80,000 Bond payments over 20 years that's $1.6 million that's $1 million that I got today and I'm going to pay 1.6 over time if I can pay that 1 million I'm going to come further ahead M same thing as your mortgage or anything else that that you deal with um so we're trying to move move ourselves into a better Financial picture part of how that happens is planning um and since the time that I started uh in the city of North St Paul a little over three years ago we didn't have 10year Financial plans we do today we didn't have 10year Capital um plans we do today um there's some areas that need to be improved uh upon uh one of those is our facility assessment which we have a contract and we have a vendor who's working on that we should be be able to get that final report shortly that'll be rolled in and incorporated into our CIP plan my ask of this commission is to make sure that what you have in your Park plan is what you really want and what you need and as soon as reports come in that it gets put into our CIP now your venue for doing that is going to be going through unfortunately Sarah um or or Riley the community development director and then they'll end up giving it to me I can't suggest or come up with some sort of a funding source um and present that in front of city council unless we have the needs and the costs identified um and so far what you're going to see later on here on your plan we do have enough money to cover that and part of that is again driving that 9.88 is that started this year that city council had approved not only that 2% for streets but a 1% to be split 0.55 of a per going to Parks 44% going to facilities I've also have a request as a diff an additional option for the city council to consider to raise those each up an additional percent and then I have some ways of cutting the levy down um some so those are out still out on the table again our budget is a work in progress um we haven't uh city council hasn't made any final decisions but I do want you to know where we're standing at this point in time you can see what what's in the um general fund Parks again the recreation is a very small budget it's only approximately 40,000 um it's pretty much the same as it was in in this current year in 2024 uh not a lot of change um in that actually it it decreases 3% um uh building maintenance um again that one is is seeing a an increase um and it's really starting to get based upon the actuals of 2023 we're seeing our facilities starting to age so there's more maintenance costs are associated with that um that one's uh you know rais 24% from 2020 yes sir where is the money for Casey Lake each year is that in this piece for Casey Lake hey the the the the revenue revenue to pay for uh Bond the bond yes thank you no it's it's not in here um yeah um it actually there's there's numerous funds that the the the city has but but for those who aren't aw aren't aware of that um what the city has been do been doing traditionally is that um we get local government Aid um we get about $1,650,000 in local government Aid it's going to stay the same um and paid 25 went up a couple thousand doll $100,000 of that uh local government Aid goes to the park fund and then $65,000 of that is then transferred um to the debt to pay for the portion of the Casey Lake and so no it's not in your in the operat it's actually in a in a debt in a debt fund thank you and then um we have the capital budgets that are that pertain to the parks and there's two of them there's a park dedication fund and that one by Statute has restrictions um and it is a must be used only for the acquisition of development or Improvement of parks recreational facilities playgrounds Trails Wetlands or open space based on the approved Park system systems plan cash payments must not be used on ongoing operation or maintenance of parks recreational facilities playgrounds Trails Wetlands or open space and then there's the park fun F that I kind of mentioned before I um Sarah was kind enough to to give me a little bit of heads up that there's been a a little bit of a discussion on that Park dedication fund um and obviously and rly so um I'll call it more angs that uh there was a development that was done in the city a number of years back um that did not pay the park dedication um fee to that um like you to know that last Tuesday um in a workshop we had um the developer on that project in front of city council heard their story um I've come up with a solution to be able to make the park dedication whole of that Park dedication fee there happens to be some funds that are still left in the bond issuance of of for that project um and so what we need is that uh we need an agreement or an amendment um to that uh development um allowing the city to spend that money um and then it would be transferred to the park dedication fund one way or the other so I think that the sum came to about $80,000 um so I have $77,000 left in that the bond so I'll find another three we're making it whole but I wanted you to to know that that that is going to be happening because that's that's the right thing we we shouldn't set a precedent um that's against our policies um and so um city council was very open to to that and they wanted to rectify that and make it so it was good to have that discussion um I I got to give a lot of thanks for the developer because unfortunately there were some some agreements that were made that weren't documented um but um I think we can correct that and many things have changed in in our organization here that that stuff doesn't happen anymore so okay um so I just kind of gave just a quick little balance sheet of harder and HEC to read uh of where you're at with that uh Park dedication fund right now you have cash in a fund balance of about 352,000 That's not including that 880,000 um that would go into there uh you know basically there's been well not basically there's been no expenditures um out of uh the park dedication and there are no expenditures um planned for the next 10 years when we go to the CIP um um so I mean that's you know that's a an Avenue to utilize last year we did have our Capital Improvement plan for 2024 that was going to fund some money for um the um housy Park but I have to thank Sarah she gave a a lot of good arguments to why we shouldn't utilize that Park dedication fund um and as I promised I would review it the next morning um and I absolutely agreed with you and so we didn't fund it from the park dedication fund thank you for fund it so um I I just had to find the documentation and go through that stuff you were spot on so good job Sarah so she did an excellent job sure's an accountant is I have my fashion designing career CS out can you repeat what you said about the no plans for 10 years I missed what you said well the the CIP plan is a 10-year plan right now right now we have nothing ear marked to be funded from the park dedication for the city for the yeah yes part of that Capital Improvement plan everything right now is being funded out of your other funding source the um Park fund thank you and the park fund um right now has a uh cash of 57,000 but has a fund balance of 48 $484,000 the 484 is after the housy park and the 2024 expenditures is that right um pretty much not all of I I think I think this actually may have this is probably pretty close to it um with all of the expends housy park hasn't been fully paid for okay but I think their First Progress payment was pretty much the amount that was going to be paid from the park fund and the rest of it is is Grant funded Okay cool so this is our current bottom line and we're waiting for that 880,000 yeah so we that to the other one that part thank you got it dedication fund perfect thank you so you will receive an additional $50,000 when local government Aid comes local government Aid comes twice a year usually midpoint of the year and at the end of the year okay um so then that'll give you that full $100,000 uh the transfer of the $65,000 has already been done um so because Bond payments are are due earlier in the year which one was the bottom line the 484 yes okay thank you so this was what was presented and adopted um for the 2423 10-year period for the capital Improvement plan for parking wck um all of it again was being funded from the park fund um and you can see uh the number of different plans a number of these Studies have been um think I was going to say more or less say postponed or pushed off um part of it's due to the turnover and staff of the community development director um so Riley's kind of adjusted some of those and and we'll be hitting those I think either I think starting next year um you know as he gets his feet on the ground to get an understanding of everything that's that's happening um so there's some of those those projects haven't been been done at this point in time and then the next slide shows what we currently have in this the CIP um for the next 10 years and again that's where my encouragement to this um you know commission is to be able to go through here and to make sure that it's comprehensive and that it has everything um that you're planning on doing for the next 10 years and again doesn't mean you that's that's it you've said it that's all you get for the next 10 years it it's it's a living document it's going to change over time but the closer we can get to a 10-year look look then that allows me the ability to throw it into a 10-year financial plan if we can't afford it with the funding sources that we currently have then I go to our wonderful city council and I come up with a a plan of of trying to get additional funding sources um from them and and the truth is they have been very very supportive um in my time here to making sure that those things happen but you can't have an ask if I don't know what's needed um so that's really my ask from you on the CIP is to really look through make sure it's it's encompassing what you're thinking that's going to happen or you're going to do even if you don't have a concrete um estimate which I'm not holding you to but to make sure that it's on the radar screen with some sort of rough estimate um like to have at least the first couple of years to be pretty close you know within tolerance of 10 to 20% after after that it's anybody's guess we usually use a conservative 2.5% cost um inflationary and you know that in the last few years that 2.5 would have never covered anything but that's kind of how our basis um to do that um and looking at that part to it and then as far as um if there's other operational needs again in the three operational budgets um that we have it's really covering the day-to-day stuff there may be something else that um that the park commission is interested in doing um we do have an event fund um I don't know exactly what um has been included as far as items within that budget um that'll be something that will be being presented here coming up again um beginning you know October November time frame um but there's so bottom line is there's an opportunity that if there's some Park events that you're looking for that need funding we still have time to get that onto the table because that's a different fund uh component and that does have some money U that's available in there so with that I'm open for questions discussion did I make any sense whatsoever nominal report I'll tell you that pardon phenomenal report thank you number thank you for all your hard work on that remedying numbers and finding our money on your your budgets here um for instance I didn't see anything in here for Southwood AG preserve um is that because we didn't mention much in our master plan or how how were you coming up with these amounts in the timelines for some of these parks and we're talking about the CIP yeah the CIP yeah so again finance department does not put in the requests our responsibility is we compile the information and and put so many many of the these requests were all from I'm going to say from the prior community development director um and in tandem with public works works yeah okay um so I can't I I specifically can't answer that question but I certainly can ask around and get yeah I just wasn't sure how they came up with the parks and the the timelines if they were kind of going off some of our master plan that we kind of had put forward to city council or if it was you know I don't know how they came up with certain Parks timelines for money's expense and as I look through here it doesn't uh really cover all the parks that we do have so um and I want to know you know being this is with the CIP um there's going to be some improvements on some of our parks that I didn't see listed here so right to our to say hey we want we're looking at having I'm using this as an example public example here we looking at of the invasives at sway so what does that look like for getting rid of inves does that mean goats to help get rid of that naturally does that chemicals looks like obviously I'm just throwing this out as an example but that said that needs to be placed in here so if that's a $70,000 plan we need to plan for that to be 7,000 up that money right so I know um and anyone up there correct me if I'm brought to everyone's attention in the spring there any you guys want to what are the plans for next year what kind of events are we going to have next year what does that look like she didn't really open it up significantly regarding how how should we take care of some of these things in our in the CIP so that's definitely something that we're going to want to address immediately if you you see this and we're looking at this right now this is an opportune time say all right see this for 2025 I know it's not in here but this is really really important to our commission that Council puts this in here for next year so then we know okay where where can we cut where can we for push money towards to make that for a while we get on top of this this is number one concern and the deadline for that is well yeah we're going to start to review the CIP in October yeah yeah so so is it possible in the like September meeting that we could set aside time to maybe go through those line by line I don't feel like we have done that maybe because we've cut some meeting shorts we haven't had a full Quorum in a while I think that would be a good exercise just I know we've talked about events but we haven't specifically talked about Park any park improvements and I think um it might be good to even set aside some for mcnight knowing that could be a big project next year also suest potential counil finding this right now having some special meetings around budget just don't have Haven time to get and then we're finding me and have so I don't know if you would all be up for a special meeting to be called to have to be able to bring something if you have something like da said on your mind hey foring exle just because of that there's something financially this is what we want to put on like Department can I ask a clarifying question so how does what you're saying Cassidy parallel the work that we're doing with hga it's a tough one um obviously just from the presentation that hga has just given they're just in the beginning first third of of their whole development um you know so the question that you've got you've got to ask is at least that I would ask is is there really going to be something that's going to be done in 2025 the answer would would be partially yes um that would be the next phase of I think their contract if that was given to actually do the design is that and come up with costs um I think the our initial plan was that was going to be done in the winter so things could be reacted by the spring but the problem is we don't know we don't know a rough budget for that so that what I'd want to talk about with the commission and potentially if we're talking about those completely new spaces that would be a great space to use that Park dedication fund which we have a large amount of money in that to use and if we're talking about creating a whole new space even if I just I don't want to miss the window to approve even if we go and ask for too much even to have the conversation of like if we can go could we let me let me let me answer your question a little bit different and and I think you'll be pleased with with this even though it doesn't get approved on the CIP at this point in time let's say December comes and goes comes into February and you now have information and I want to go and spend a half a million dollars to take care of something I've got the money for it can always take that out to the city council okay it's basically kind of what we used to do right we kind of R it okay yeah you can is just more yeah but you'll want to have it longterm planning too I mean I know that um another council member previous to me sitting on the commission um obviously would like to see some sort of plan what we're meeting with them we have H here what does that look like moving on for the next five years weuse question will be why isn't CIP okay so as I'm looking here I'm looking at visiting here theive theet those aren't in here so if we're looking at still having some sort of downtown par we should probably start setting aside sah because it's nice to have a park dedication fund we know that that's specific to umic can't it for anything else that but we don't it either right what does it like moving forward so as part of what city council is looking for is instead of having a large pot of money that the park commission knows what we're going to do with it in the future we say this is what we're doing with it in the future even if it's going to change correct because it's a living like Dam side it's a living so you say that um in the mcnight will save mcnight Feld you're going to put for 2025 there's $500,000 for parking itself you know what I don't know I agree that was my question well I'm using this as an example right and you look at you're like maybe we shouldn't do that right now let's hold off on the $500 and put Kick the Can down the road right you don't always want to kick the can down the road you have that planned but you're not going to do it so that's where this is going to change it's just like our city CIP full CIP gel changes you know the roof is probably we'll say we're planning for the roof here at City Hall and we're not going to get redone for another three years but oh guess what just happened we need to get it done now that's where we're GNA have to pull money from another place to say right instead of doing you know Public Works roof this year we have to do City Hall so we're take money from Public Works plan and then see where we can find in three years we'll do you just kind of that's Dan please correct me if I'm WR this doc yeah no I I think your your uh your explanation is very good I just want to add a couple of things I look at things a little bit different to me to me to me I want you to put your first blush is I'm going to call it your wish list of needs that you see that are needed okay that's the first look because then I can take that I can throw that into a financial plan resources that are available whether it's Park dedication Park fund or some other funding source and I can say plus there's 0.55 of a levy increase I can say can you make that I think in your packet it it had a financial plan that was done last year what you had on your CIP you B you basically just using the park fund you basically in in the new Levy you just had enough money you so another words you couldn't add any other projects then if that's the reality then you have to do what council member schwe said now I'm going to have to juggle things around I'm G to have to prioritize and I'm going to have to say okay I'm not going to do the mcnight field I'm going to end up having to do something else me I want to see that first look at what you truly believe is in the best interest of of our residents and that are going to be the right thing for our Park system so I want you to look at it that way the reason for that is because that's where then I can say hey 0.55 isn't going to be enough we need to raise that to 1.55 and I have a basis to say to city council here it is this is our need we haven't been taken care of again parks are in infrastructure we haven't been taken care of those this is what we need to do or is city council open to making a funding transfer from maybe one of our Enterprise funds it's not unheard of the city council did it this past year to get going on our street project because this was the first year of Us increasing that 2% Levy dedicated to streets they transferred $1.1 million from our electric fund so it can happen but it can't happen unless you have kind of a plan that's looking at it then we work together and massage it m um and that's where then you she already jumps down all the way down to the the bottom line that's where then we have to make some trade-offs on priorities because then the reality of okay this is all that the city can truly afford so like Sarah said we need to pick a month I I agree with you on September if cass's thinking that next month is too far out to make it I don't want to miss I don't want to miss the option of spending money in 2025 when we can now um if that means having a meeting before the next Park council meeting I'd rather do that and then come prepared to just talk on this subject but if it's something that we're okay to wait we could dedicate that and spend more time but I'm I'm open I know this is really important and I'm glad it came up but I would just like to point out to um I think it' be really crucial to have Riley at our next meeting ask you yeah um and I also think while a special meeting could be really helpful too I think also taking the time for each of you to really assess what you think even at your own parks that you're the representatives of what may or may not be needed what even do some research on some basic costs of that um I do think it'll take some time from each of you as well um so maybe we do wait until that September meeting okay and if Riley's there he can quickly turn that around and work with Dan on that as well um so that's what I would propose but we we can do whatever we think is necessary what do we want to do I would like to see us set up some kind of a workshop so we can sit down around the table and kind of look at everything that we are we have in front of us and make some rash judgments and where we want to see true improvements um going forward because we do know I mean to be senseless being we're going to develop I'm going to use mcnight Fields uh to put in a new parking lot and that may not even go with our new plans from HDA well I think they're saying we just need to scrip this because I think those plans are made a long time but if we don't Sarah if we don't look at what we're they're earmarking you know we could say Well we'd rather that's what that's what we're going to do though um that's why I say a workshop where we could sit down and just kind of have this kind of conversation but keep in mind so you know obviously it's August and we're starting to we really Dan it's been like two months a couple me we've been just touching budget so see you have just for example you don't have to get it all done this year you know early next year you can start putting it on the agenda let's talk about these things for6 it seems so far out but it really isn't in the well and we spent all that time in our Park plan that talks through we all agreed as a park Commission on the 35 10 20 year plan for things I think we all need to take our time to go back look at that that's the factual document when you say rash that makes me a little worried because I know from previous council members on this commission they're not going to be okay with someone just throwing a bunch of things in that's not part of the park plan so I think we need to revisit that visit the parks that we're commissions of and say like silver Lake's a good example like we had that in the budget to replace that playground at 20 years 20 years is going to be here in two years yeah you know so I think using what we've already built that says okay three years we were doing mcnight like we're already in the mcnight window now like let's designate money for it we had already talked about we had talked about other places and then like those numbers there we can revisit and say well we're not going to do the parking lot because we want to see how the whole facility shakes out and that parking lot may now become a who know what you know depending on so I I agree I don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water because if we look back to years the request from Council has been the same thing we want to plan before you spend money um and we have given plans and we still haven't been able to spend money and we have an entire like outline of those plans already so if it's as simple as revisiting the the documents that we have put so much work into already and putting them on a line item for you like that's easy enough to do in a in a meeting um mhm it's hard it's hard to make special workshops uh happen and so if we can dedicate our next meeting to focusing on that we have the tools at our disposal to not have it be a two three-hour discussion Sarah we we each have that the physical document that you're holding I don't know that everybody does because Dave and Ben wouldn't have been here when we got this Hefty guy but I will tell you that just in the short-term plan rotary s howy Park pickle ball courts mcnight and downtown master plan like we're actually already in a lot of these shortterm so but I do think it's important because we spent a lot of time building this document we did and um s and then I think we go we go from there and like you said Dave if if you feel like silver Southwood isn't on here and it needs to be consideration then I think that's where he's saying this is a living document and hey we have a turtle problem like we need to address this like I think that's where we Turtle problem Ninja Turtle problem all right yeah what do we want to do in September I I I think I think what she said is is the right thing you have a plan make sure that it's in your CIP unfortunately David you're at a disadvantage you don't have that plan so you you got to you've got to get that and go through it and make sure that and that's where then you're going to have a good dialogue to be able to decide okay yeah I agree with what this report has said and we should move forward with that and again we need to get that so it's on the CIP an answer to why it's not you've got a document like that and I've asked for a copy that it should be in our CIP yes Sarah um you were going to email that little that section of the big document could you do it to all of us so that it's just top of page 55 email list and 55 is the like table of cont bring then it goes into more detail after that okay all right what do we want to do for September with part I think if you guys are all up for it what I can do is just hga will be back to do a presentation it'll be short again 15 20 minutes and then we can dedicate the rest of the time invite Riley to come um and propose our ideas he can work through them with you guys as well if that works perect sounds good yep and the agreement is that we come in having the park Improvement plan documents that you included freshen our mind as well as taking the time to assess the parks that we are you know kind of responsible for for any like shortterm things like hey we need to get this done within the next year yes so if all of us bring all of that information together consult with uh Riley consult with I'm not sure if you're here or not what people want me to be here we consult we we consult with our stakeholders the people that we need to and then we can get you your line item budgets well I'm impressed so can I say one thing so keep in mind like the little thing so we'll use um one of the parks like there's a swing broken Public Works is just going to go by New Way um if it's a smaller piece of equipment Public Works is going to take care of that piece ofip anything that's beyond what's the dollar amount you know I I like to look at anything beyond $25,000 okay really you know being addressed in your CIP okay how long procedurally would you like to discuss this if it if you want it to go on and go on I'll I'll run the meeting as and let it go and go otherwise I need to get a time frame so I can kind of keep steering the meeting oh for September into our into September so we don't end up going two three hours or whatever it may be I think maybe the best way to do that is give each commission member a set amount of time to propose their their address their Parks or any ideas they have so one one or two Commissioners and I can be guilty don't take up like an hour of you know what I mean like almost like public forum give every one their 10 minutes and then x amount of time like I I don't want to say let's all leave at 8 when we're not going to finish that but I none of us want to be here till 10:00 so I think if there's a way for you guys to lay out rules and like everybody gets x amount of time and then we discuss it for x amount of time and then we come to a conclusion and x amount of time I think would be the most efficient use of our time I mean it's something to consider too there's nights that I don't anticipate being here till 10 and then there are and it's it's not that I want to be but topics like this and being on a commission and serving on Council however that looks d as well sah spend eight hours here now you got Dan that's here just as so I understand that all this is volunteer it's volunteer for me as well I wased there might be one night or one meeting a month you're be a little bit later yeah I don't mind that either I just think sometimes we need parameters or things yeah some conversations go longer than they should Laur you want to be involved with Sarah and I and set the the guidelines or do you just want Sarah I would just let Sarah use her discretion to know and I would just I mean mean that for like individual contribution and then I'm just using it as a guideline to hold yeah s and I were going to meet but Laura you want to be involved in that too no I'm fine I'm fine with you all okay um can we just I just want to triple check does everybody know what parks they oversee I think switched we switched it Sarah can you send us an email right it's right it's the third page it's the third page my computer died yeah okay um yeah is I'm so I have a question on for instance lloy and I are both on mcnight fields um and being we're trying to redevelop that how do we want us to proceed with that because we don't know what the future planning may be on that you won't say anything you wait present right right now that's pending right so it's well it's an existing Park I mean we want to put $500,000 into a parking lot which we may not no right but you know what I'm saying right now that's what it says want bring it bring it into the next few years if MN we can just present it as well we're going to look at mcnight in the next in a year or so and figure that out and boom that's that's what it is cuz if we get into a discussion about long-term projects and we we're not going to have time to do short-term projects we don't have the other the other two parks that we're trying to develop on our list either and that's where you'll talk about it meeting i' like to see like to passive to see the pocket right 500,000 you see right under the parking lot I'm just using it I'm just using that for an example so Sarah can you add Dorothy park for me too CU it's silver lake and Dorothy for me oh sure yes I have the oh I don't know on my master list but I can thanks update that yes I think I have Country Club Park too I don't know if that's on there or not I would just like to ask if there's any other questions or comments for Dan so we can let him go thank you so I I have to before I thank everybody I have to correct council member schwe aren't we Sarah aren't we on like H 12 hours and 42 minutes for the day so far yeah youve burned your cocktail any any anytime that uh you want me to come back I have no hesitation coming back this is a wonderful group once again sincerely I thank you for um your time that you're spending here and obviously you can see how important this is and I actually got to give a lot of Kudos because you came through something that was like this and then all of a sudden you have a you have a plan a very concrete plan of how you're going to get through this in September very impressive thank you very much thank you very very much you Cassidy Sarah Jill that was here to get us through these last few years because we're just learning as we go well we're all doing it together and we're all doing this together eff yes yes all right thank you Dan thanks Dan appreciate it all right Park and open space master plan approval yes we have discussed the master plan a few times here made all the edits that were requested today's goal is to um approve or for you guys to approve a recommendation to send this in front of council um so all the edits have been made that were requested so this should just be a formal thing but if there's anything else that you saw in the master plan that needs editing we can certainly do that so I make a recommendation to approve I second okay any discussion got it Sarah yep all in favor say I I I all opposed need a bell like this KN there yeah well that's at the end all right reports from sta we'll wait till Cassie is f s you got anything yeah I'll just go quick I uh Public Works didn't have a lot because they are trying to keep up with mowing as that's been and some storm issues recently so um they've been doing that the other updates that they gave me were that they got the doors fixed at Casey Lake Park there were some issues with some broken doors there um in the Pavilion itself and then there's going to be another picnic table permanently installed near um Jan's playground um that was formally donated um from the family of Cal's Pizza Factory um so there'll be a plaque there as well um that should be coming shortly sweet that's all I got Cassidy I know updates no no no I can't no cuz we're commissions are the next one you're I'm processing you're a step okay I'll come back to you all right uh let's start with ingred oh yeah um Silver Lake is looking good I do have a question about um you know I I noticed a couple months ago the white signs that popped up let's touch base on that I'll talk we'll just talk privately okay yeah okay that'll be part of myate sounds good okay any more uh um let me just travel through the park if you got anything else just hold I don't have anything else for David uh there's a lot of storm damage in Southwood there's um a couple trees that are actually they've got one Trail right now the city the Public Works has completely blocked off from not dis last storm with the storm before um and but there are from the SAT the storm we had the other night there's uh a couple trees down right in front of the bridge where you go across the creek so hard to uh navigate around that there's a few other newer trees that are also down in uh Southwood so um I I reached out to ran today but I called them too late so I will do a followup with him tomorrow morning to see if they can just if nothing else C and Chainsaw enough to get the paths open again yeah is there any safety issu uh urgent safety issues nothing other than they where they have that blocked off from the storm prior yeah those are what we used to call whtl makers you know the limbs they're busted off way at the top of the tree so they're hanging down so we were to go underneath them I didn't see anything it could be um there's there's some other big like a huge big Oak not too far from your house that went down but it's it's in the woods it's not blocking any of the past and stuff but it's a huge Oak that went down so um yeah I mean that will have to I'll reach out to the task force to see what their plans are for any of that kind of stuff but as far as the past themselves there's the one for sure that's you know 20 minutes half hour with a chance I'll clean all excuse me the one that they blocked out has been for a while but now since the storm the other night there's a new one it's blocking the bridge that takes you across the a lot of going through that that should I mean priority of right y yeah I'll be calling around in the morning so Sarah Sarah y anything else Dave no that's all I got um I have been trying really hard to drive by Northwood antt Tower Park frequently because I never see kids there there just doesn't seem to be children playing there and I try to go at different times of the day and it's a puzzle to me but then all of a sudden at Northwood there will be like 20 of them yeah so I don't know what I live right down the street yeah there is a lot of action there but it's it's sprad yeah so yeah yeah it is I actually wondered if it was a church group a couple times because there were a lot of children and a couple adults there a church oh that's what it is I wondered yeah yeah I also just want to and and Tower Park they both look great they both look great but it's the activity that I'm curious ious about I'm also curious about at Northwood does anybody use that baseball field ever yeah my kids play baseball there were there we were there twice a week every week in the summer but now still we just ended August beginning of August so okay probably as the baseball conversation goes it's a very short time span that's being used for two months three months of the year well and I probably am not driving by it at the right time that's I will say cuz I coordinate all the ball fields too that's the only group that uses it so it's just one group twice a week during the summer okay but it is used that's the same um I just want to make one other remark um I don't know who has howy but I went to the the the ribbon cutting and the movie and it was spectacular I didn't realize how those movies work they have the blowup screen there must have been 70 or 80 people there it was just wonderful just wonderful so and the courts are and the courts are great Ben yeah they're being used tonight I goow by there yeah you going to Ben huh why are you going to Ben skip me and Sarah working from the middle okay but we can go to you us on our toes it's all good go ahead man um I actually have a similar question about Casey so I'm curious if not if it's not now that's fine but if there's data on CU I think there's five baseball fields there four baseball fields yes how many of those get used uh very very rarely yeah so yep um the main baseball field uh casy one that has the fences gets used the most um and then field two gets used a little bit three and four never yeah I figured cuz my kids like to ride their bikes around that dirt but there's one field in particular that's very overgrown with weeds and stuff so I figured that one probably doesn't get used but anyways um I was also at the ribbon cutting I think I missed the actual ribbon cutting but I was therea so it's a great event Sarah none for me Laura no he did a nice job with Hy I'll leave it at that I have a a a request from Eric Peterson which is 26 something Belmont Lane ER he's right next door to he wants to know what we're doing with the Ash and I know we got a whole big problem now but are we doing anything with the ash in Southwood I don't know specifically but I can find out and get back to you thanks yep that'll work as far as Southwood the ash trees they did pull just to Spring probably 10 trees out of there all right uh anything else oh Cassidy um let go back on the park times that are listed those times are you aware of why those timesed no but I I guessed that they went up shortly after an evening that I heard a lot of noise um and yeah and I thought I wonder if it has to do with late those that situation um they are calling them popup parties and now the individuals that are showing up have found that they're they're coming into our neighborhoods now and having these popup parties thankfully the PD is aare of that and they're catching them but right now we have found that temporary Park uh times was the best way to start getting rid of those okay um I know that it's going to be brought it's going to circle right back to Council on what those per time changes should be I also think it's pretty important that you guys think about it and we get your Buy in on it before we make any decisions right away so again maybe this is another topic I know we're discussing budget but maybe come to the next meeting and say I would like to propose this to council and this is why you could help us make that decision yeah I can can I just um can you tell me what happened so it was a pop it was like a sudden spontaneous party um where because all I I heard it but I didn't see anything that night Silver Lake yeah so they they were able to stop that popup party and essentially what people are doing ising cars in they're creating a party but there was a very large instance that happened in casy Lake that created this situation not we think they're I can't say that that created we think that they're the same situation hence why we created these times but there was a shooting in Lake in May Memorial Weekend yeah then this popup party at Silver Lake happened I think it was about two weeks later weeks later and that's at that point where like we need to do something now um but moving forward we I think it's really important that you guys have the buyin on open times and closed par times and honestly if you brought that proposal to council or I brought it and you say hey I we're going to propose Parks Commission is proposing you know all parks close at 9: or at dusk or whatever that looks like then we can move forward that it would be helpful have that decision instead of council making we clearly want to make it safe for our community members you guys do too um so on that note that's those are the temporary signs for now yeah communicated okay I just want to ask it isn't the problem that it's a popup party it's a problem that they are causing a problem I mean anybody should be able to go there at the spur of the moment I have can come obviously and have a barbecue or whatever they're doing that's great these popup parties are happening later in the evening okay isn't midday 830 9:00 okay yes um and it's noise and it's definitely noise related so this is it's yeah this isn't it's a late party too late to be a yeah that Silver Lake a hot spot but still was you know so it's um it's individuals from the outside coming in it's not um it has from my understanding don't quote me it's not been identified these are not same right so so my concern is what happens to the individual who's out there at 10:30 walking their dog if we say we want to set time for the parks is there going to be some penalty placed upon a person walking their dog I don't know at 10:30 or 11:00 I don't know I can't say I can't speak to that um our park hours are posted the temporary ones are posted they'll be posted online that individual technically should not be in the park because the park is closed my assumption would be that if PD were to come by they'd say I'm sorry this park is closed you'll need to go home at this point it becomes an issue PD I'm again making all the Assumption PD would continue to patrol that Park and make sure nobody is there right so it's the par hours are posted you got to be out the park by well it's 10 o' cent o'r or 11 o' used to be 11c o' that's that's where I'm going like you know our park hours you can't be yeah so yeah the open hours I would maybe argue with but we we'll talk about that later yeah um because s seems kind of late uh because a lot of people walk at 6: a.m. or 5:30 yeah you guys talk we can talk about it but I know that is a priority of council because of all this stuff that has happened okay we don't want it to fall off our plates we're high in budget season right now so it's we're really going to be driving budget focusing in on budget and then any little thing that needs our attention immediately so I'm leaning on to you guys and I will also communicate that to um Council tomorrow we have a special meeting that I put it on I brought to your guys's attention and asked for some opinions so they might me they might not okay anything else motion to adjourn I make a motion Dave makes a motion SEC anybody second a second the motion two seconds all in favor say I I all opposed