burin County Regional School District is hereby called to order this meeting is called in conformance with the open public meetings act with adequate notice provided as follows notice sent to the Brin County Times in the times of Trenton on May 13 2024 notice filed with the township Clerks of Chesterfield Mansfield North Handover and Springfield townships on May 13 2024 and notice of the annual meetings advertised in the Burling County Times and at times Trenton on January 7th 2024 I will now call R Mr figs here Mrs Bond Mr Armin here Mr bucks present Mrs gamble Mr narwood here Mrs Janice here Mr Spence Mr Zimmer Mr Haynes and miss cardinus all right very good at this time I'd ask everyone to please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Moment of Silence has Eddie Board of Education member received Schoolboard related emails Andor correspondences that have not yet been shared with the superintendent all right um this time we have uh executive sessions scheduled can I have a motion to enter executive session motion then a second Paul or Laura motion and then the other or Tina second Tina said second so all those in favor I all opposed abstentions all right thank you uh executive session will last a while and maybe up to an hour we'll be in there um just so everyone's aware it's a longer session this evening e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e all right thank you for your patience everyone uh this time can I have a motion to return or leave executive session and return to the meeting we make a motion and a second second all those in favor I I all opposed exensions thank you uh This Time Dr zaraman if you'd like to give your superintendence report please absolutely um just since uh Miss cardinus is not here uh want to thank her for her her time that she spent with the board um and I will update the board on the selection of next year's uh student representative once that is obtained um this past month has been filled with many district and and school based activities uh including but not limited to Relay for Life annual parade of uh parade of wreaths um many concerts any of the Year celebrations first of all I want to just congratulate all of the students who have recently been recognized during one of the me one of the many end of Year celebrations that took place over the past few weeks as a district we have many things to celebrate and the students are certainly at the Forefront of those celebrations so congratulations uh traditionally the teacher of the year are announced during the the June Board of Education meeting uh beginning the upcoming school year the northern Burlington will follow the state guidelines to um to identify and recognize the Teacher of the Year this will allow our staff to participate in the countywide recognition um along and apply to become the um County possibly the county teacher of the year and possibly even further past that the state identified as the state teacher of the year the board will recognize these staff members during the winter of the 2024 25 school year I will update the the Personnel committee on the procedures that we will use to to identify those teachers uh Mr Lee thank you as you know over the past few months we have uh begun uh we have been Gathering data to um provide you with suggestions regarding how the students feel about the bathrooms the number of bathrooms that are available to students and and the bathroom Vape situation unfortunately there is no magic answer to address these concerns um the both the bathroom and The Vaping situation are are really probably identified in almost every High School across the country I do emphatically believe that the bathroom situation is better this year than it was last year and I am hopeful that next year we'll continue to demonstrate improvements however our goal is to our goal is everything our goal is to eliminate this from being a problem in our schools and we have not achieved that goal as of yet as I've shared previously Dr Lopez and I have met with groups of students to obtain their feedback on the on the problem and also identify potential situ potential Solutions those students can continue to provide feedback and help us come up with Solutions on the the board I am going to share with you um some of the feedback that was obtained from the the student survey that was provided as well as suggestions for next steps moving forward if you can kind of Click yep if you just want to I think there's uh two more and just leave them up uh one more sorry so if you just leave that and then that way I'll I'll go through those so from the survey the the first thing that that I am was a little um concerning about the survey is only 70 students um only 70 students responded to the survey so this information while is helpful I don't necessarily think it it reflects 100% obviously the majority of our of our students and and what they believe um however we're still using this as the current data that we have so out of the the 70 students who participated 76% of the the students view vaping is extremely unhealthy however in that same data only 3% of the students identify that they have tried vaping so obviously there's there's an imbalance in that 21% of the students view vaping as a safer option than smoking cigarettes 42% um have witnessed vaping in the bathroom um daily there are some students that that uh a lower percentage of that identified that they that they viewed it every once in a while and and so on 37% of the students avoid going to the bathroom not all of them are because of vaping some of them is that they just would rather not go some of them that they want to be in class they don't want to take the time away from that 76% would not be comfortable with a staff member being stationed in the bathroom and then that goes back to the discussion that we had previously on bathroom monitors maybe it started working now I think it's started working now so good job thank you um so is some of the next steps that um is that as it says on the Sodom as it says on the side prevention is is better than a cure so my goal is to prevent students from even being in that situation and that starts with education so one I want to survey a larger group of students so we can get more of a comprehensive um aspect on how they feel about vaping so we know exactly what we have to Target I want to have targeted discussions as part of the health class is in embedded in the health curriculum um interesting in one of the the students comments was that not only do we have to um work on education uh to prevent vaping but also we have to identify that some of these students are addicted to it so we have to identify what strategies and what ways they and what resources we can provide to them to be able to help break that addiction I want to bring in uh we're going to bring in speakers on students in for specifically not only on vaping but also just making good decisions that I think it helps overall in life to be able to move forward in that direction as well these conversations may happen in in the classrooms these speakers may happen in in small group setting we may pull them out a at a phys class it may be larger group setting I think it's probably more beneficial when we can do it in a smaller groups for next year um we are going to continue to limit the number of passes that the students can have on a given day we're also going to continue to limit the number of students that can be out of class at any one time my suggestion is to hire um high school security monitors these individual would assist in monitoring the bathrooms the cafeterias and supporting the overall health and safety of the building the difference between a uh a security Monitor and a bathroom monitor is that the security monitors can can assist in a greater function than just one role in the bathrooms the goal for the 2024 25 school year is to open additional restrooms through a positive reward system that if the student if we open the bathrooms and they they're they're treated with respect they're treated in in care then we're going to continue to open more however if they we revert and if they if it is used it if if it is not used properly if it's abuse then we're going to reduce that number until we can get them to be used properly so that that is going to be a process that we're going to go through I think as I started before that starts with educating the students the the security monitors will certainly go through and do random checks on the bathrooms as will the administration continue to do so and we'll continue to use the teachers in in in those locations as well when when that is feasible I will continue on this evening's agenda you will see a recommendation for or a job description for the security monitors this um approval of this job description will allow us to go out and um and obtain those individuals and and post and to be able to hire those individuals to be able to start for the 2425 2425 school year I have a question yeah so are you going to start with opening more bathrooms and that and positive reinforcement keeps them open or are you going to start with this is the way it is treat that one well and we'll open more I I think that's what it says yeah so it's going to be kind of like combination one we have to educate the students on what we're doing yep and then we have to open one see how that goes and then if that's working well then we can look to to do more and and so on but I think it we would not be setting the students up for a success if we just just open more and then not tell them kind of what the what the rationale is behind that okay thanks I actually had a related question yeah um you had given an update to the um building grounds finance committee regarding this topic and that was great and it didn't strike me when we were having that discussion is there anything to prohibit the staff from using student bathrooms to kind of again be kind of a positive or an unknown it you bring up an interesting point I think I wouldn't want to put a staff member in a in a situation where where they're um using the restroom in front of students and then somebody can question kind of behaviors um however so that that would be my only hesitation to again I I'm sorry I think of kind of like potential extremes right um but then I I hear what you're saying I mean the other day I walked into the bathroom just to kind of like just again randomly walking in there just kind see seeing what's going on and then some of the kids were just standing in there as they saw me there some of them started walking out so I mean it's kind of like not that they were not that I observed anybody doing anything inappropriately but for whatever reason for whatever reason they like to hang out in there together yeah I mean I I understand the positive reinforcement aspect of it but we're talking about teenagers and sometimes the threat of trouble kind of keeps him in line as well so not knowing if a staff member is going to walk into a bathroom at a particular point in time I maybe that's another addition to to this you know in you know in addition to the school the security monitors so that way they never really know who's coming in when absolutely okay thank you any other questions on this all right Mr Lee thank you uh in closing as we close out the 2023 24 school year I want to thank the student students I want to thank the teachers the school the district uh District support staff the administration parents and communities for all working collectively for for a truly great year um we always have room to to make improvements but we have a tremendous district and I truly cannot wait for September I hope everybody has a a happy and safe summer and I certain that I will be providing you with updates soon and thank you Dr Zuckerman uh Mr Cass if you could please give uh your administrator's update sure thank you um yeah there's there's obviously a lot of uh agenda items uh for June under the business section there's about 30 of them so I'll try to be brief um we start off by the high school East and West kitchen and cafeteria Renovations uh we closed uh the East cafeteria the beginning of May most of the demolition is completed uh it's going to start start getting painted this this weekend and and things are going well um likewise uh you know with the end of the school year well the the West kitchen uh has a line equipment that is probably um 40 years old and it's all connected through a stainless steel top so we're moving that line so it it just seemed that uh that equipment outlived its useful life so we're going to replace the line equipment so we've we've solicited some some quotes for that uh you'll see that on the agenda um the kitchen equipment is going to be paid through the Enterprise fund so it it won't affect our general fund at all um so so we have that going on uh also uh the buildings grounds finance and transportation committee met met um on May 6 this has been an ongoing discussion about the RFP that we received back in December uh for architectural Professional Services um at the May 6 meeting uh the committee recommended we go out and get a professional construction proposal uh for the cost of the auditorium uh so we did that and uh you'll see that resolution on here uh to to uh approve um the building evaluations uh construction estimate um likewise uh that that building uh estimate came back and last Monday we met and had further discussion as to where the board uh wanted to go with um appointing a architect for the project and you know there's been many disc discussion and I'll let uh Mr figs report on in more detail those discussions as a followup uh to the committee meeting minutes but in my report uh you have the total project cost uh of the um estimate as well as uh the professional architectural fees from uh fdht uh and then you also have um where the money's coming from again the auditorium uh will not impact uh taxes or the general fund it'll be paid through Federal impact Aid reserve and capital reserve funds so so that is good news um also June of every year is the state allows Board of ads uh to reserve funds uh whether it's Federal impact aid funds capital reserve funds uh emergency funds main maintenance Reserve funds uh so uh traditionally we have uh reserved uh Federal impact aid funds and capital reserve funds so you'll see two of those resolutions on on the agenda um the board report explains where the amounts come from there's also uh moving on uh to equity pricing in school lunches uh there is a uh resolution to increase the school lunch by 10 cents uh that's the minimum um that boards are uh have to raise if they're under the federal uh Federal reimbursement rate uh which is 385 so uh we were at uh 3:25 so we'll be increasing school lunches uh to 3:35 which still is very competitive uh the breakfast uh we piloted last year at $2 um we are now formally part of the school lunch program for breakfast and we want to increase our options and so we're going up to 225 and that uh amount was determined by um surveys amongst other uh middle school and high schools in the area uh will mcke gives you a um an update on the capital projects and also uh there's a a blurb in here about school graduation and where we're meeting uh before graduation in the middle school conference room and uh that would pretty much conclude uh my report thank you thank you ask a question would we be able to see like a design of what the um the new Auditorium is going to look like yes that that would be coming after they do the evaluation and the survey and the whole vit well once we appoint an architect and they have a design then you can see renderings um again we you know we've paid for the design through fvhd back in 2018 so I think we're getting 2018 prices in 2024 uh if we were to go with another architect it would it would uh it be a different design a new design or they would uh revise uh the current design um and it would take longer but I seeing that we do have a design and and a floor layout if the board approves the uh resolution tonight uh we can get you the floor plan and then some renderings okay great thank you thank you Mr Cass uh item 3.03 is consent agenda item for the approval of the superintendent reports uh at this time um I'd like to provide everyone with a somewhat detailed update over the architect selection and the auditorium uh process that's been going on for six months or so um or longer reality uh the auditorium is obviously not a part of the referendum originally um I know since 2018 when it was not passed the board has kept it um in their mind and in their goals I know current board members and many previous board members have have look to the day when we could put the auditorium into the school for those students that would benefit from it um last January uh Mr Zimmer noted that new board members um were voting on the on call positions without any knowledge um with that in mind Dr Zuckerman set it up as an appointment or committee meeting for the board to review those rfps uh across the board um once they were received so that the board could review them in December and and provide their their recommendations to the new board members so it wasn't just coming out of that field they knew that they were looked at um in that process there had been some some concerns and questions over the architect um last year and the selection and with that um we decided to go out um with more specific questions uh in the RFP for the architect um that way we could provide make a better selection um based on the issues we had in the past um with the board's planned intentions going out for the new Auditorium construction project uh hopefully this upcoming uh fall um the board slba developed specific details with questions as a part of the uh follow-up requests for The Architects um those requests were to please provide Professional Service proposal that ensures the estimate is as accurate as possible while uring the quality of the project meets the needs of our district The Proposal shall include a construction cost estimate for the construction of an auditorium at Northern Berlington County Regional High School the addition of the auditorium is 19,000 Square ft and shall include summaries of the construction cost estimates soft costs contingencies and total project costs additionally please let Northern Berling know what actions you would take and recommend if the actual bids came in significantly higher than your estimate further please list what Professional Engineers you would use for architect services and what at what upcharge if any do you charge for drawings and specifications separately from your fees if so what upcharge if any do you charge for change orders if so at what upcharge what if change orders were something the client thought should have been included in the plans that were not in the plans and doe charge the client for those change orders what is the best time of year to bid for projects that may result in the best cost and over the past five bids please let us know how close the bids came to your cost estimates um following the RFP there were four Architects which responded uh fvhd Lan Dr and spel um during the committee's review of the responses there were um various points of note um in in response spel chose not to provide any form of estim estimate and instead offered the board the option to pay them uh approximately $113,000 for them to provide an estimate um although they had uh good responses to some of the questions the lack of any estimate resulted in the committee being forced to remove them as a choice um at this point the committee had extensive discussion about the shortcomings of fvhd over the recent history with Northern Burlington uh the the biggest and primary concern about fvhd over the last few years was their inability to properly provide accurate estimates for the projects that Northern was going out for um we had experienced difficult underestimates on the original referendum project uh the recent cafeteria Renovations and a few other estimates in between um these estimate shortcomings were the most predominant issue um that the board had had with fvhd um there were additional notes of concern um when the referendum was in need of revisions to reduce costs that fvhd did not uh do as much as they should have to help with those revisions um and instead primarily opted to split the contract up uh during the meetings to discuss the various bids uh the committee decided that the best course of action would be to utilize the estimating company that we that Northern um found to be uh quite accurate during the referendum project so that they could provide us with an estimate for the auditorium utilizing the plans that were previously drawn up by fvhd from there the committee could use this estimate to best evaluate the RFP responses that we did receive uh the estimator company returned a cost construction cost of uh 14, 87,134 Construction with a total estimate of 6,523 267 um which excluded architectural and Engineering fees owner soft costs construction contingencies um ffu by the owner Rock excavation unforeseen conditions unforeseen increases in material and labor costs that may occur over the next 12 months uh liquidation damages security during off hours and project labor agreements um utilizing this estimate we compared um to The Architects from the RFP um fvhd returned a construction cost estimate of 14 million 80,000 with a total cost of 16,752 um for which included the architect fees engineering fees contingency costs and several um unanticipated uh and unknown costs um land returned a cost range of 13, 350,000 to 1,700,000 for the construction um with uh additional site civil fees or site site fees and architecture fees for a total range cost of 16,4 6,000 to 20,175 th000 um however their their totals excluded the costs of site civil engineers land use surveying or environmental and any other contingency costs within the estimate um Dr provided a low estimate of under $10 million um and with this the committee chose to remove them from the discussion based upon the very very underestimated project um an important note was that in the response from Lan there was included a very detailed cost estimate of the project uh initially this put Lan in a very good light um with a level of effort that appeared to be put forth uh from Land versus the bulk number by F fvhd uh but after further review the included by Lan was provided as an example and was actually an estimate for a different Auditorium construction project of 29,6 85 square ft um which actually went out for construction at a different location in November um with a notice of construction of November 6 2023 um the estimate included several subc conductor bids for the project um as well as things that were missed in the original estimates within the the details of the sheets um so therefore the the estimate no longer boost land proposal as it once did because it was just basically an example it wasn't an actual estimate of the auditorium we were looking for um once you remove this remov to this detailed cost estimate the estimates provided by Lan and fvhd for the construction became very similar um with land providing the the range versus the individual number after comparing the construction costs and total costs as noted um it was visible that land and fhd were similar um however there were several differences in the details between land and fvhd after the construction costs the fvhd total actually includes several items that result in its total being similar however they were emitted from the land estimate um the land estimate did not include the contingency costs which fvhd included at 12 a half% um the MEP which is the mechanical and engineering and I I think it's public utilities to pay fees um land did not include an asbest allowance or an underground uh underground utility allowance similar that fvhd did include um the land estimate does not include any of those items and it also emits um the above noted cost which was the site civil land surveying uh I'm sorry land use surveying and environmental costs were also emitted from landan whereas fvhd did include that the me fees which covers most of those and already has the site civil done um when you remove the additional costs from fvh G's estimate compared to lands the following uh soft costs are comparable between the firms uh lands estimate is $1,732 for their fees including construction management and fhds is $555,000 so as you can see about a half million dollar difference um and as noted it does not include land's costs for site civil land use suring or environmental for which land actually increases their adds a 10% fee on top of it for their project management of those sub subc Consultants um so in what I also was also kind of discussed as additional support for fvhd um the referendum project um generally was considered a success the project involved multiple contracts with several different contractors on site although there were many change orders throughout project um a large number of them were rooted in unknowns or changes on the Northern Burlington side um as the referendum construction contracts all wrap up um northern Burlington remains on good terms with the various contractors uh which is no small feat in today's environment um the relationships remain on such good terms that the prime contractor Ogen has continued to work with Northern on projects including the cafeteria project and they have expressed interest in the upcoming Auditorium construction project um additionally FD has provided Northern Burlington with the benefit of being familiar um with with northern's property and the building that exists as can be seen from the budgeting for unknown items above um which they have awareness from the referendum and familiarity from The Ref referendum projects um as well as having established previous working relationships with the northern Burlington staff and general familiarity with the school as a whole um that's that's following that there were like I said there were several discussions involving the numbers individually um the benefits um but that's General General consensus of what the committee meetings have held over the last six months um I know we'll have further discussion on on the attributes when we get to that non-consent agenda item but that's the the summary of the December rfps till now um I Mr Zimmer did have a chance to to review this kind of summary U Mr bucks Mr Arwood if you have any details to what we've done in the last 6 months you'd like to add at this point I said we'll have further discussion later but as a committee summary I just have one quick question um we've got the estimator who gave us the construction budget we also have the soft costs and we came up with a number if the construction costs the bid comes in over like substantially over can we throw that bit away and then negotiate since this is the second time that it's gone out for bid uh we would have to rebid it a second time uh the first time six years ago it was part of a larger package it was an alternate in in the referendum package so so if we go out now technically it's it's not a second bit I I don't think that the the design that Ted did and we paid for the development I don't think that was part of the referendum the first time because I was on the board when we approved the money to have the plans done and that was after the referendum after the first refer referendum vote so I don't know if you could just investigate that because we've already went out the bid if it comes sure I could look into that further for you okay thank you all right thank you Mr Norwood uh Mr Buck did you have anything all right no no comments now discuss it the agenda item yep have okay uh thank you every did anyone have any questions on the committee report it was not on the committee about that well I mean the committee recommended putting the resolution on the agenda so yes I just it didn't just show up by itself so I wanted to make that clear all right um Mr bucks Mr ente do you have any uh delegate updates at this time no updates I did go to the delegate assembly uh it was a lengthy uh assembly this go around uh that was quite interesting because uh I think Mr figs you uh you actually do a really good job of running a meeting uh I think the some of the meeting that's run at the delegate assembly could probably come down here and learn some lessons uh on how to efficiently run that um there was nothing of note at this point but I I don't have my notes with me I'll um when we have our next meeting I'll I'll provide an update with some uh with a summary right thank you um on the legislative front um the bill that I previously discussed did pass through the Senate um and it happened I think prior to our last May meeting um it doesn't particularly affect Northern because it is on those districts that were um losing money from the the reignment of the the school funding throughout the state um with the The increased capacity for tax levy and the state providing some funding but again Northern what did not lose money as a result of that so therefore it doesn't directly affect us um Mr Lee do we have any public comment on agenda items no all right thank you all right uh 6.01 so items on the consent agenda are believed to be items of routine nature requiring no discussion and which should be voted upon a single roll call by the the board any single member of the board may have any of the items on the consent agenda removed and placed on the other part of the agenda for discussion merely by so indicating prior to the vote to be taken on the consent agenda items removed from the consent agenda are identified by an asterisk and will be subject to discussion by the full board all right section six is routine matters 6.02 is approval of the May 6th work session minutes 6.03 is approval of the May 13th regular minutes 6 6.04 is approval of the financial report uh of the board secretary for April 2024 6.05 is approval of the treasures report for the month of April 2024 6.06 is approval of the budget transfers for the month of April 2024 6.07 is approval of the cafeteria report for April 2024 and 6.08 is the resolution of the board regarding the budgetary major account fund status uh any questions under Section six right section 7 uh 7.01 is approval of the bill list for June 10th 2024 any questions for Section 7 right section 8 business and financial uh 8.02 is approv approval of board and staff travel 8.03 is approval of Professional Services agreement for the construction estimate um 8 I will come 8.04 is the non-consent item agenda item for the approval of Professional Services for the architect um can I have a motion for 8.04 motion second um at this time I will open it's some else it was weird feedback um I will open the floor for discussion um I do have a um opinion from Mr Zimmer that he asked if I would read he's no he's not able vote but I will let the board know his opinion um unfortunately I am not able to attend tonight's meeting however as part of buildings and grounds committee and as a previous member of the board during the school audition referendum I wanted to briefly make my opinion known students learn in a variety of ways conditions and stimuli the same team building skills that Sports provide also exist for those students interested in the Arts the traits that make good musicians for example being analytical logical and methodical are the same traits that that good computer software Engineers possess we owe it to our community and students to offer the best facilities to cultivate these skills I appreciate all the analysis and input that the members of the buildings and grounds committee have provided and I have the same reservations regarding the selection of architect that have been outlined in the memos after careful consideration I agree with the recommendation on item 8.04 of tonight's agenda to go forward with fvhd as the architect for the High School auditorium thank you Kevin Zimmer at this time if anyone else would like to have any discussion on 8.04 I'll take a go um I want to reiterate Mr Zimmer's comment right I want to say thank you to the committee there was a a tremendous amount of discussion and tremendous amount of collaboration that occurred um you know what we had in front of us was less than clear and I think we really did you know as a as a team a really good job to to analyze it and make sure that we ultimately ended up it that's something that we believe would be would be an accurate sort of solution um it's no news and I wish Mr Zimmer was here because he always likes to call me out on this there's no news I think to the committee that I'm not necessarily in favor of this this project um but like I said I I do appreciate how we got here and and of course the recommendation of the committee um I'm honestly not quite sure how we landed on this being a project and something we're going to put in front of the board um and and I say that because if we go back in history right and and we look at when this was originally on the referendum in 2015 It Was Defeated soundly you know we had the voters come out and I actually looked up the old news article today um in Chesterfield It Was Defeated and and question one which included the auditorium it was defeated by 62% in Mansfield it was defeated by 64% in North Hanover it was defeated by 56 and in Springfield it was defeated by 74% so as a representative of Springfield I can't in in my own good conscience support this when I know that the voters gave me their opinion when this was last on the refer was last put to a vote where all the voters got an opportunity to to have their opinion made so you know I just kind of put this out here to the rest of the board to say listen um you know we're here to represent our own towns and and all of our towns completely and and I think you should consider that you know the voters have spoken in the past and you know while steps were taken to reserve this money to fund this project um I don't know that we necessarily did it in a way that the community knew that that was going on I think if you asked anyone that was out in the community whether or not they knew that we were looking to spend I don't know 17 to 19 million I can't remember what the total is on tonight's agenda um that they would say they didn't have any knowledge of that so I'm just going to put that out there for everyone to kind of consider I said I my intention is to vote no on this because uh the voters of Springfield will have my head if I vote Yes right we're to 74 to 26% so um that's all I have to say but again the um the work the committee I I really truly appreciate um we really I think put our diligence in to to make the best of what we had in front of us so so thank you any further discussion uh think we wait for Mr Spence to return for the roll call yeah and then come back yeah we already bu I do have a quick question since there okay um just looking at the resolution for this I just want to be sure that he on the vhfd is being approved for this project only and not as our architect of record okay thank you yes that's how the resolution reads is just for this project and again the there's $35,000 going to FH uh fhd uh 205,000 uh to mechanical engineer and civil uh and 100,000 for construction Administration so that's how you get to 340 and comparatively Lan Lan was asking for two million a million for architectural fees and another million for me so would have been considerably more Mr pigs I got one more did forget to add as well um and again just for consideration my understanding from U njsa 18a 7 g31 which governs Capital reserves um also would allow us um to use utilize those capital reserve funds to pay or pay against debt principal or Debt Service um and I think we also discussed within the committee meeting that there are no limitations on how we could use federal impact Aid as well so the other consideration here would be that the money we would utilize on Auditorium could be used for um for other purposes it's not necessarily locked to just construction and Reserve is for head service uh Federal impact Aid is uh is could be used for whatever the board desires uh and then the capital reserve is for capital projects or Debt Service contributions yes uh one other thing to note is that the the buildings grounds finance transation committee uh did look at our our longrange plans or the things that we saw in the near future uh that were potentially coming up to make sure we had addressed those um before we we committed or were considered moving forward with the auditorium project we looked at the immediate needs in the schools anything we expected in the next next few years to make sure those things were were focused on prior prior to having this Auditorium discussion put forth so I forgot to include that in the committee report but that was part of our May 6th meeting that we had a discussion on as well um all right anyone have any other any further comments comments all right uh Mr Cass if you could please do a roll call vote certainly uh yay nay or abstain Mr figs yay Mrs Bond yes Mr Arman ente yes Mr bucks no Mrs gamble yay Mr narwin yay Mrs Janice I just like clarification are we only voting for 8.04 now or is it that whole section of just just 8.04 just that okay then yes Mr Spence Mr Zimmer all right thank you board motion passes right uh thank you we return to consent agenda items 8.05 is approval of Professional Services for the outside Mental Health Providers uh 8.06 through 8.13 our approval of personal services agreements 8.14 is approval care solo service agreement 8.15 is approval of Technology purchase for the public address system 8.16 is approval of Technology purchase for the electronic access door controls 8.17 is approval of Technology purchase for digital signage 8.18 is approval of the Enterprise fund purchase for kitchen equipment uh 8.19 is approval of Enterprise fund purchase of kitchen equipment 8.20 is approval of capital reserve 8.21 is approval of the federal impact Aid Reserve 8.22 is approval of the district tax levy payment schedule 8.23 is approval of the cancellation of State checks 8.24 is approval of the increase in lunch prices 8.25 is approval of annual integrated Pest Management 8.26 is approval of textbook disposition without sharing 8.27 through 8.29 are acceptance of donations and 8.30 is approval of the settlement agreement do I have any questions on Section 8 content agenda items section nine is students uh 9.02 um is approval of extended school year in District placements 9.03 is approval of extended school year out of District placements uh 9.04 through 9.06 are approval of outa District placement 9.07 is approval of the senior late arrival early release for 2425 school year 9.08 is approval of option 2 for the 2425 school year 9.09 is approval of home instruction Services 9.10 is approval of early graduation student 9.11 is approval of international exch exchange student 9.12 is approval of the football overnight trip at Northern Burlington County Regional High School 9.13 is is approval of the senior trip to Orlando Florida 9.14 is approval of the international student trip to Costa Rica 9.15 is approval of the overnight trip to njffa lead conference 9.16 is approval of the district field trip destinations 9.17 is approval of guest speakers uh any questions or comments on section nine yeah 9.14 says Costa Rico it should be Costa Ric it said that in the public content but just for record sake yeah Mr Cass I'll make that change right now I any other questions or comments for Section N9 all right uh section 10 is Personnel appointments uh 10.02 through 10.04 are approval of certificated appointments uh 10.05 and 10.06 are approval of non-certificated appointments 10.07 is approval of non-unit appointments for 2425 uh 10.08 is approval of substitutes 10.09 is approval of high school extracurricular advisors 10.10 is approval of the Middle School extracurricular advisors 10.11 is approval of coaches 10.12 is a approval of the driver education program coordinator 10.13 is approval of the driver education instructors 10.14 is approval of the video production event taping work 10.15 is approval of crew leader 10.16 is approval of Summer Transportation staff 10.17 is approval of Summer technology staff 10.18 is approval of Summer facility staff 10.19 is approval of the Summer Bus cleaners 10.20 is approval of the summer a program student workers 10.21 is approval of change in degree status 10.22 is approval of the Middle School PA system installation stipend 10.23 is approval of additional work assignments 10.24 is approval of Summer work assignments 10.25 is approval of Summer curriculum work and 10.26 is approval of the classroom observation any questions or comments for Section 10 and we have no items under Section 11 today section 12 12.02 is approval of leaves of absence any questions for section 12 right we have no items for Section 13 uh section 14 is personel miscellaneous 14.02 um we have non-consent agenda item for the approval of the superintendence report uh can I get a motion for item 14.02 motion um any oh I'm sorry so intendant evaluation thank you for clar um any uh comments or further discussion on 14.02 all right Mr Cass if you could please do a roll call vote yay nay obain Mr Fix yay Mrs Bond yes Mr Armon yes Mr bucks yes Mrs gamble yay Mr narwood yes Mrs Janice yes Mr Spence yes Mr Zimmer thank you board motion passes unanimously thank you Mr Cass item 14.03 uh approval of the business administrator's Employment contract 14.04 approval of the assistant superintendent Employment contract 14.05 is approval of substitute pay rate for 2425 14.06 is approval of cellular telephone stiens for 2425 14.07 is approval of job description 14.084 content agenda items right section 15 is programs 15.02% 4 is approval of high school student handbook changes for 2425 15.05 is approval of the middle school student handbook changes for 2425 15.06 is approval of the official harassment intimidation bullying grade report for the school year 2223 uh any questions or com Ms on section 15 the hi the Hib grade report was previously shared with the board at at the one of our public sessions uh section 16 policy 16.02 is uh first reading of the policies for adoption uh 16.03 is approval of the regulations for adoption um as the board may have noted if you read the agenda ahead of time we had the abolishment of a policy on there um that'll wait till we have the second reading of the policies for adoption so that the abolishment doesn't happen prior to the new policy being put in place so that's been removed from the agenda um any other questions on section 16 all right section 17 Transportation uh 17.02 through 17.04 are approval of Parental contracts for student transportation uh any questions for Section 17 section 18 is use of facilities uh 18 .02 is approval of use of facilities for the football parents 18.03 is approval of use of facilities for the NBC football camp 18.04 is approval of use of facilities for the NBC overnight football camp 18.05 is approval of the use of facilities for the NBC cheerleading camp 18.06 is approval of the use of facilities for the NBC wrestling camp 18.07% facilities for NBC softball camp of our football players um cheerleading done by our cheerleading uh coaches wrestling done by our wrestling coaches okay so District they're District activities I just was curious whether or not because I saw that there was no insurance listed so I just wanted to make sure that they were in fact internal ORS thank you or internal activities all right um can I get a motion for the consent agenda motion yes and a second and if uh you could please do a roll call vote Mr C please vote by saying yay nay or abstain to the consent agenda items Mr figs yay Mrs Bond abstain 8.30 yay on everything else all right thank you Mr arm manente uh abstain from 6.02 and yay for everything else okay thank you Mr bucks no on 8.20 and 8.21 and yes on everything else thank you Mrs gamble yay Mr narwood yay Mrs Janice abstain from 830 and yay on everything else Mr thank you and Mr Zimmer all right thank you board motion passes ladies and gentlemen this meeting will now be open to the public for comments please note that the board is here to listen the public comment period is not designed to be a discussion accordingly accordingly please do not expect the board to respond to your concerns and question s this evening we take your concerns and questions very seriously and want to have sufficient time to allow our Administration to process and research issues if need be we will however respond to your questions and concerns at a future meeting or have the proper staff member get back to you at the appropriate time also please note that if your questions or comments pertain to litigation students Personnel or negotiations we would ask that you see the superintendent after the meeting since we do not discuss these items in public please keep in mind that the public comment session is an opportunity for you to share your opinions and remarks with the board and it is not a question and answer session we also recognize that our community may be polarized on some issues we want our Schoolboard meeting to serve as an example to our students that each member of the board and Community can deal with controversial issues in a civil Manner and demonstrate mutual respect for everyone's views in that Spirit we ask that all speakers please address their comments to the board directly rather than the audience and all speakers and members of the public show respect for others views and maintain civility during the meeting please state your name Municipality of residence and group affiliation if applicable comments will be limited to 3 minutes per person and the total comment period to 30 minutes only those who have signed up on the public comment signin sheet will be allowed to speak this evening the individual time limits will be enforced so that as many members of the public who wish to speak may be allowed to do so uh Christina drum Christina drum Springfield Township I am speaking here on my own behalf not the um in any representation of my board um so all opinions are of my own I don't know where to begin honestly um it's quite late so I apologize if um my thoughts aren't all that you know quite collected but uh it was definitely a lot of information to take in here tonight um one of the things that I want to hit on first which um really wasn't talked a whole lot but it stood out in my mind a bit um other than the bigger Topic at hand is the um resources um the outside resourcing for our Mental Health Service for the school um it was actually addendum 8.05 I'm surprised to see the number of outside resources that we have to refer to for that I basically counted like 37 providers for that um I mean I guess I understand that it's something that the district is obligated to do but also um you know I would think that with any mental health needs of the students that it's something that's referred back to the parent and the parent to then provide those resources as opposed to the school providing and paying for those resources just my opinion [Music] um and then as far as the auditorium um Joe I just want to you know basically say thank you for your comment earlier because what Joe had addressed in regards to to um the auditorium with how that was you know voted down from the residents um that that was you know very impactful um and not I don't want to say that I don't know do we need an a Auditorium we we have a building that I you know thought holds that space pretty well I feel that if we're going to you know spend the money are why not put a CH field have a pool as opposed to you know Outsourcing our kids to other schools or you know where we have students that are on the swim team and they go elsewhere but we don't have that in in house um I'm just have my reservations as far as is this really what our district needs um and you know in regards to that the what I feel we it was brought back I'm going to say back in February as far as like you know the bathroom concern um thank you for that report tonight um I'm not so sure that we captured all of our students um you know and how how was that conducted as far as you know the survey you know was it just something that was like you know in Google Classroom as opposed to you know we're in Home Room this has to be completed by every student um so I'm you know I I'd like to see a little bit more definitely with that and and the fact that it was mentioned that it was for the safety of the building I thought it would be for the safety of of the students as far as you know some of the um mediations that were supposed to be taking place um with enforcing positive behavior okay so positive behavior not to vandalize the bathrooms maybe we should use our capital reserve for you know what happened what was that four years ago where the bathrooms were you know completely vandalized by The Freshman incoming class you know let's start there let's start with even just like those younger students coming in and setting an example as far as you know how things should be done and not because that seemed to be like a really big problem as far as it was the underclassmen that were very unruly coming up into the high school um that vandalized the bathrooms and it just red Havoc there um and I definitely would like to see our Hib numbers our grade for the Hib you know to be better than where it's at um I definitely have had some concerns that come up very recent and I'm kind of honestly at wit's end as far as we're at the very end of the school year but um I'll speak of that outside of this meeting so um and one last not and I got to say it the parking lot I really hope the board considers something for next year as far as the the flow of the traffic as you know I've suggested it before those parents coming to drop students off from like the 206 side either you file into the West well those coming from the 68 side file into the East coming up with some sort of traffic pattern flow uh to make things better other than having you know um safety officers out on the street being able to direct you know parents in because there's people that stay in that one lane and I can't turn in that one lane just keep the traffic flowing other than having the potential to have privileges to the junior class I understand we're not going to be able to achieve every Junior to have a parking spot just as we camp for every senior and there are some seniors that don't even take advantage of the fact that they can park in the parking lot but you know what if you want to do positive reinforcement for the bathrooms why don't to do the same thing for the parking lot for those students who actually receive the driver's license early on in the school year thank you thank you uh Judy deaker Judy deer Springfield Township um I'm very happy to see a policy um on AI it's rampant and scary and um kids are abusing that um the bathroom and The Vaping situation um I think the two parents were here in February and they made a presentation to the board and so we've been waiting for an answer since February and to find out that only 70 students participated in the Sur survey the two parents had 100 people respond to their survey so that's a little embarrassing that two parents got more responses than the entire school um and I don't understand how the bathroom situation is better than last year I mean from things I hear um it doesn't seem to be um especially if you have children withholding fluids so that they don't have to use the bathroom um and it I found it disturbing and maybe it was just a poor use of of in the description but bathroom usage should never be a reward it's a normal human function um so using it or even saying it's somehow being reward like used as a reward I I just I don't agree with that one bit um and I I feel like the majority of students in the school are being punished um for the sins of a few and I feel like we just took this whole thing that these parents brought up in February and we've punted it again till next year um with with no resolution and I know it's hard I like it's you know it's going on everywhere but we don't even have a plan in place for next year so that's a little disappointing um as far as the new Auditorium building um I would say I'm one of those people who I'm like what we're we're building a new Auditorium I I didn't know until I was reading the agenda the laundry list of items that that were in the agenda that said that we're not covered in The Proposal I mean I'm assuming that this would add significant costs and so if this number goes over what we have in reserves where does that where does that money come from um does I I don't know where does it come from um and I'm just curious as to um you said this has kind of been in the works for six months it has it been in the works just trying to get the money together or in the works talking about why we need a new building from the ground up is this a need or is this a want um because I'm wondering what the current building doesn't provide for kids um my husband and I I don't have any kids left in the band but we go to the band concerts because the band they're fantastic um and the Acoustics are very good in the 500 building and so I'm curious as to what what would the new building um what would be held there I'm assuming two band concerts two Coral concerts and two school plays but other than that is there anything else that it would be used for and is it a possibility that a smaller portion of that Reserve money could be spent on specific upgrades to the current 500 building for whatever the needs are because I I'm just hearing there's a new building but I don't understand what the actual need is so you know whether it be lighting sound whatever um and again it it was shot down by voters um via VIA referendum so and I I think people are very concerned about learning loss and and math and English proficiency being very low and I i' i' really like to see money addressing that um rather than just lowering standards for you know in math and World language for incoming nth graders that's that's not an answer to a problem that's that's a b Mand a so it doesn't look so bad um to the people outside um and what about taking some of that 18 million do and and giving it back to the sending districts in I guess that's kind of what Mr Buck said in the form of like a like like paying outstand outstanding debt which would result in I guess a tax reduction for for the community it's that a consideration um it sounds like it's not even Up For Debate a debate it's sounds like it's moving Full Speed Ahead and I don't know I just kind of feel like everyone has their eyes on the shiny new building and we have to look at at need versus want and as far as the um a lot of the equity policies it's my last thing um I've wrote it up several times I drive up to the building during swim season and when the swim team wins the meet it's on the the electronic Banner whatever you call it boys swimming the team is boys and girls stop ignoring the girls it's it's ridiculous I brought it up at the board of ed meeting I've contacted um Dr yuzaki about it um and I I feel like that's it it's continually unfair and and nobody nobody addresses it these these girls are excellent swimmers and they deserve to be recognized not just the boys the girls win no accolades because all the all the accolades are based on fastest times for the year so the girls never get it because boys are faster than girls just a fact um but I mean if you're going to put up that that they won something put boys and girls it's just a slap in the face just a little something thank you thank you um that'll close public comment so I mean there's a lot said there so not trying I mean I'm certainly not going to be able to address everything I mean I'm happy to have conversations with with both of you um I know that we are working with the the rsro and the Manfield Police Department to look at the the the traffic situation to see what can be done I don't have an answer for you but I mean it is certainly look uh being looked at um and um Miss deer I was not aware that the that the sign said only the boys swimming so I appreciate you bringing that to my attention um and and we will make sure that that is addressed as well thank you Dr Zuckerman um Bor as you're aware we have uh graduation is this Friday um the school year will be concluding shortly um we have a few committee meetings that are scheduled in in August as you're aware we do not have a a July uh regular board meeting um at this time I'd like to say thank you Dr Lopez for your service congratulations on your retirement um if I can have a motion for adjournment quick question where are we assembling I thought I heard report y it's in the board report yes okay thank you Dr all right uh a motion for adjournment motion to adjourn all those in favor I all opposed extensions thank you uh have a wonderful summer everyone