I'm blanking good evening welcome to the city Northfield work session meeting for January 16 2024 this meeting has been properly advertised in the Press of Atlantic City on Saturday January 6th 2024 and in accordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 may I have a flag salute led by councilman Paula attention unit States stand andice all thank you all please be seated [Music] quick she's in roll call Mrs bchi here we heard you miss carpano here Mr DSE Mr Notaro here Mr patina here Mr Smith here Mr Le mayor Chow also absent okay I guess we'll move right on into uh committee reports councilwoman bchi do you have any committee report hold on one second I muted or let me unmute again um can you hear me there we go yes okay um I just have I just real quickly want to say um Victoria midus um competed in Miss America pageant on Saturday night and although she didn't win um we're all very proud of her for all her accomplishments um planning board I was sworn in on January 4th it was my first meeting I'm looking forward to learning a lot this year um and it's good because that'll coordinate with um EDC um and that's it for me for tonight thank you thank you uh councilman Smith thank you uh not much report here either the um Court situation count solicitor forer did send an email uh to the council so I inv to take a look at that nothing has been scheduled at the moment so we anticipate a response but uh take a look at that email in regards to the court situation um there are some couple of resolutions on for use of facilities for the fields and I know little league has put theirs in for use of the field as well I'll withh comment at this point till we get to the resolutions that and um other than that we say congratulations to Veronica yeah right Victoria mtis a proud North resident we congratulate her on everything that she did representing not just New Jersey but the wind buiild as well so congratulations to her for her achievement and that's why thank you um for Mainland congratulations for the indoor track girls team um they won two relays at the uh championships for group three and we had um two of the teams they went pretty far overall they finished third so they did a really great job impressive scores um a huge thank you to all the mayors of all three towns for um January 2nd and that Proclamation and it was amazing for that and also on January 6 for Jim Allen Hard Rock and everybody else who came out um that was actually an amazing event and it was a one for the record books something that nobody who is there will ever forget ever it was really cool um January 22nd will be the next regular board meeting for Mainland at six o'clock and I have nothing for the cultural committee right now and Veterans we're still trying to figure out where this off what's going on with that that's it uh the cmana thank you Mr President uh just a few things tonight uh first uh from field um with the help of Jason yard we've uh revised the bid specs for the Little League field um and we're looking to get that out to bid uh on a resolution for February 6 um going right into the disc off um councilman deise asked me to handle uh part of that uh or or take the lead on that um my suggestion is is maybe to form a committee I know I spoke to ironically the three people that are here on the phone about being on that committee so I you know if you would you know handle the uh the disc off and if there's anything from uh either public works or uh anything at all you can always you know call on us who will be on the committee Tom uh Brian and re okay sound good and uh just you know congratulations to uh Veronica and uh Victoria and uh and Mainland for for the great win of course that was that was an amazing event uh the Hard Rock through uh it was an amazing night at the uh the board meeting that was that was really nice and uh mayor had a really nice speech probably one of the best up there oh thank you very impressed um and that's all I have thank you thank you uh I don't have much either from my committee early in the year we did do a walk through councilman Smith and I for the disc um all through the woods out in Birch Grove Park and uh found a couple interesting things out there but a good layout of the course um Brian Smith brother came down who's a very familiar with courses as well as uh Mr Brady that's been coming to our meetings so um looks like a nice layout looks like it'll be a great addition so um we'll be getting to it to make sure we been working behind the scenes on some of the dot and eyes and cross and tees in order to make it get off the ground if you will that's all I have uh on the the Committees I don't believe we have any updates electric vehicles we're going to meet with uh yeah we're g try to set something up meet the next two weeks to square wig councilman Taro and I went through some of the requirements and then uh where're just some of it needs more engineering expertise NE either he or I can provide out of our wheelhouse um the ongoing business uh the I don't believe we've heard anything back on the sale of those two properties I know it's sitting with habitat right now to um provide their plans for what what they want to build there and the storm water obviously want to transfer that over and see trying to do with sharing some storm water facilities so touch base with former engineer Mr nir and see if we can get get something from the Atlanta County they've been ghosting us if you will on that I guess they haven't gotten he hasn't gotten anything back from them on on on that project and as far as new Grant opportunity I guess that will'll cover with your in your report um oh I'm sorry councilman leads is attending remotely he does not have a report this evening oh sorry I didn't know he I apologize C you jumped in NJ DT Grant is that is that you or is that our former okay so both of those are former okay okay okay at this time if everyone can uh please refer to your agenda approval of the minutes councilman Naro and councilman carpan resolutions 34 through 39 and 42 councilman Smith and councilman en [Music] and 40 and 41 we will only be able to approve one of those two so uh councilman Smith and councilman Naro depending on what we do with those will be pulling 40 out 40 and 41 are on their own on their own and Ordinance one councilwoman Carano and councilman Smith meeting notices councilman Nara at this time we'll open the meeting to the public anyone one of public wishing to speak we ask that you please step forward and state your name and city of residence for the record good evening uh Jason yard 700 Hol Drive northv uh I am president of North Little and I thought with conversation the last couple days with a few counsil people it would be a little bit beneficial for me for me to explain to you folks how we start our season and how it functions because now you have um requests to utilize the field right now and we the re the first request you got was before our field use so we kind of had a little conflict there a little bit of a misunderstanding or maybe not understanding how it plays out and I I want to express from our perspective how this is and also how we hope maybe in the future we can alleviate what we just gone through the last couple days so Northville little leag for 40 some years has operated in the same location from March 1st through July 301st we then take a short break and we work from September 1st to October 1st 40 years we've done the same thing year after year that's baseball season with in southeast you know Jersey um now we have the field reest I understand the concept of the Field Youth request I believe our organization was the reason the field you request was actually even entertained about seven years ago when we had travel organization start to show interest and need places to play so you know it went back and forth and a lot of the the members at that point were prior Council people and all that we we eventually said listen why not let's entertain it let's bring them in give them an opportunity to play on our our facilities and we'll figure it out we'll work together that's the key words there working together so over the years we've had to put our field our use in again March 1st through July 31st nothing change year after year after year after year and what we have to wait for on our side is we start registration in December at least now we start in December prior we used to started in January so we start in December we open up Reg ation we then take it to January and then we take it to February we are unable to tell Council or the city what exact day we will be playing baseball and softball exactly right we have four Fields with 10 12 teams we don't know the schedule how it's all going to play out all right so we have to wait till the numbers come in so when we put our field juice in now that we have to do this every year we kind of put it in more February kind of March because not only is the field use required we also have to provide a certificate of insurance which is understandable our Certificate of Insurance falls under little under Little League International right remember we don't we don't you guys don't pay for our insurance anym so for us to do that we have to pay little leag after our registration is completed we we cut them a check once it's paid they cut us the insurance certificate with the additional Insurance of the city um once we have that we provide that now um we do get reminded thank you very much from the city and then we get that information in and then these organizations they put their requests in and with a courtesy because I know it's not required we get an email or phone call saying such and such team is requesting to use the field the major field from this time on this day and we'll let and we let uh whether it be Mario Shannon let them know that the field is not available or it is available right heading on that goes she records my answer and then it comes in front of you folks and as of today nothing has been overruled in the sense when we say it's not available okay now that's all good and well now if I don't get my field shoes in apparently and another team does they seem to be able to get the field ahead of us that is the absolute most ridiculous thing I've ever heard about again 40 some years we have been on the same facility playing baseball s we are Northfield little we are not sand sharks we're not bpc we are not four kids out of a team or Northfield we are 98% Northfield and I say that only because we have softball from Summer point in lywood play so we have a very small uh fraction of girls outside of our town but we're North our kids without even thinking about it should be the ones who get priority of those fields it should not ever be hey if you don't get it in bpc sand Shar FS Prime is going to get those fields not going to happen and we could say it all we want it's not going to happen as an organization we will never be able to give that out and let these teams use it you own the fields the dirt and the grass and the fence are yours the B the Mounds the plate the line everything else that has makes a baseball feeli little so we need to try to come to an understanding and I believe when we when when the city put in I don't know if it's an ordinance or whatever whatever this thing is where we have to appeal use I think we just jumped the gun and we we said hey everybody's got to do it and I and I think there is probably a better way to say little league um fan and the other Youth Organization that's that always comes to mind is the Boys Scouts those be those those organizations should be able to put something in perpetuity forever eternity whatever word you want to write I can give you March 1st to July 31st September 1st to November 1st and not put a year on it and say to you I need the field so the day we I die and whoever's president after me can be I've been part of the organization for 16 years and Tom's on the board still many of you folks every actually everyone sitting here has had a child play with us uh have coached right and even the ones that are not here right now have have been part of the organization um I've been the president for now going on eight years and I have seven year olds they can play my daughter can play till she's 16 so I have nine more years minimum that quarter of a century quarter of a century I will be a part of North build and probably longer because I truly truly enjoy it and I do it for the kids not for my kid and I really love it um but we have to figure something out and I should not have to worry that on January 16th when we're still trying to get our numbers together we're trying to figure out what we're going to do that I have to worry about hurrying up and getting a field use in on a field on a piece of property that we have used for 40 some years because an outside organization that has in this example three kids out of 11 from Northfield that they may take my time that's that is not something we should ever have to entertain it should be Hey listen thanks for putting your request in gota wait for Northfield Little League because they need to decide what's going on they will let us know what times are available if any at all and in this year it's even more different that we have this project thank you uh Northfield for um where we are even right now with the possibility of this field rehab for our big our our we call it our Big Field our Major Field it's still the little kids it's not the the bunting field um we're going to have it redone hopefully right knock on wood we're going to get this going through whether it's done in March April or whether it's done in the fall we're hoping it's done this year and what what's going to happen is we're going to open up from playing what we call 4060 60 foot base 4066 pctures man which is a little league and Under 12 VI and under we're going to open it up to offer a 70 environment which is that little step before the kids go up to the Big D right that field so if we open up that field and make this field um interchangeable we get another level of play in little we will have our 13y old boys who leave us and go on to wherever they go or stop playing now have another time to play literally baseball for us again which is awesome and you know one team two teams and then we go out we do what we got to do so adding that environment will now lessen the amount of time that one field is available right because it was available because we only had tws on there right 11s play on the minor field you guys all know the fields I'm talking about 11 and 12 well now we're going to have 12s and 13s on that field and what we've done in the past is and it's worked these teams that request use they know us they're not just some guy who doesn't know it right they they somehow know it because kids from our organization are on there the dads are the coaches and then they wind up talking and what happens is they talk to us they come to myself they come to my VP of baseball and they say hey guys we would love to use your Fields got a great facility can we use it okay then we use it and um we'll say all right what are you looking for and we go back and forth and we nail down the times and dates and then we go right put your put your application in for the city and we're good that's it and then I get the request I I say yes and we all are and you know we're all and work together that didn't happen yet so we're not saying No this can't happen we're saying January 16th you literally cannot approve this I just want everybody understand why not there's no there's no animosity with this team come back and talk to us after this and say hey guys sorry we didn't reach out can we work something together absolutely your field use list asks a couple questions I don't know if they're being reviewed I don't know why they're on there if they're not even being vetted before they get to you or me they should be vetted before you know you were asking a question that some of those should bail right away well yeah I mean it's it's a city field and it's got to be available to yeah the public the public so the question though is why are we why would we ask whether they're profit or nonprofit why would we ask if any Northfield kids or how many are on the team what's the what's the relevancy there if it means absolutely nothing right you could say one you could say 12 either way it still seems that it's coming down on pip I I just don't I we're trying to figure out ways to do as you said multiple Years or or something sure so there's something on on on the city's end that we have to work through to get there may be another there may be another way to to do the I got you know and and I guess we to figure out go we'd have to figure out what what to do and then Implement that and then get you guys on board with it and sure and then maybe maybe these these organizations come to you guys and and then you then they then they put in their application and and and the city approves it right it makes sense it may it there may be a way to Chris you know I spoke with things at length about this recently and you know as the ason I I agree with him 100% oh absolutely right I don't think I can't imagine that most of us don't you understand like this should be for Northfield athl and they should be first there's no question about it I don't know maybe Mr pendic would review the uh the application and the resolution ordinance whatever it is um just to get Fiery on it but I don't think there's any question that literally should have a right of first refusal and that should be obviously inal somehow in place that get the the we all know that we all understand it but in this scario where this team comes in first that's a no it's gonna be a no like we need Little League to be on board with it list I do apologize don't get it in the timely manner well you explain yourself no and you explained yourself well you don't have all the information that you need to submit it so I think well speaking for myself I understand that okay I think we understand that but we need to look and see what's in what's on the books and how we can modify and make it right uh I don't think there's any doubt that we all support North Field L league and obviously course we want you to have first what you need to do to provide for the citizens then to use thank you I appreciate it that's all all I have and thank you for everything especially for this project I really do thank all of you guys whove been involved and helping me behind the scenes you know what I mean trying to get it squared away so thank you very much thank you thank you Jason real quick you indicated something about the nonprofit nature yes was there an issue with um no uh we it's on there yeah and we were curious uh and I and I will say this if if my recol it's not the best but I remember going back to when we first started this and uh we were kind of involved I think uh myself Pat McCarthy a few of us sat at this table here to Greg May and stff and we went over some ideas the not the profit nonprofit was one of those well if you're profit you may not get the field right because that's not what it's about it was not to conflict with the nonprofit youth organizations that are using it and motioning the applications accuracy are you not the accuracy no their response of if it's profit sorry you know we we this is a nonprofit type of field use that's that's how we yeah because I'm looking at both applications they both say not profit um that would be a misleading that on your one application the one is absolutely a profit organization and if you can probably uce which one I'm mentioning it's not us so that must mean to the others but it's absolutely a for-profit organization thank if there's anyone in Zoom that would like to speak please raise your Zoom hand No Hands No Hands okay seeing no one public session is now closed I have a motion Mo all in favor I I [Music] over are you ready yes good evening welcome to norfield city council regular meeting for January 16 2024 this meeting has been properly advertised in the Press of Atlantic City on Saturday January 6th 2024 and in accordance with public law 1975 chapter 231 may I have a flag salute led by mayor cha I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all ladies and Gentlemen please remember and keep in our prayers those serving in our nation's armed S Forces especially our troops away from home and our First Responders and police and fire and rescue thank you okay roll call Mrs bchi here miss carfago here Mr deise Mr paa here Mr Noto here Mr Smith here Mr Leeds here mayor Chow here thank you I have a motion for approval of the minutes uh Mr President I move to dispense with the reading of the minutes of January 2nd of 2024 they have been distributed to council and our own file in the office of municipal clerk second all in favor I any oppos thank you Mr Mayor thank you sir I as already stated it was about the Mainland Regional High School recognition awards that I presented on behalf of city council and myself it was a wonderful event well attended and I was very happy to represent city council here in Northfield uh if any of you were planning on attending the Atlanta County League of municipality dinner meeting this month uh Friday it has been cancelled and it'll be moved up to March and my last report is that I'm happy to announce that our last meeting that was scheduled uh with the PBA local 77 was approved or I should say an Mo MOA was was made I want to thank the committee Council excuse me councilman Palestina councilman uh deiz council president Mr Leeds uh Mary Ani and myself um it was it was it wasn't that bad but you know we we've got a few things um it was a tough year and but things as any kind of negotiations there's a give and take but I'm happy that the last meeting that was scheduled we came to a conclusion so thank you again to the committee and thank you everyone I hope you can will support this Mo MOA thank you councilman thank you m um [Music] report can I hold can I pause you one second need to come up a little he's quieter than the rest of us water what and we our CFO is in the midst of closing the book so once that arduous task is done she'll be able to she'll have the financials and be able to prepare it and uh she has to prepare it in the format that the USDA is looking for so that's yeah I forwarded everything there and uh so next on her list as soon as she gets through again she has to close the books in order to get those financials is there a deadline on that yeah thank you I might suggest as a member of the newly formed ad hoc frisbee golf committee that equipment for a Frisbee Golf Course might be appropriate for the elrig grant I don't know know I'll be part of the committee that meets on this but I would certainly suggest maybe some baskets or some you know I can certainly come up with up to $100,000 equipment well 100,000 portion 100,000 could do basketball court toward that too yeah that's more of what we're in I'm on the fris golf the pickle Bowers will be hunting you down can we get all of it for 100,000 I know it'd be great if we could find all that stuff for thank you for your input Cil Smith you're wel for that at this time we'll open this meeting to the public anyone from the public wishing to speak on any topic we ask you please step forward state your name for your record and your city of residence and observe a five minute L for speaker and if anyone is in Zoom please raise your Zoom hand zo seeing no one public session is now closed resolutions all matters cons listed under the consent agenda are considered to be routine in nature and having been re reviewed by Council will be enacted by one motion any item may be removed from the sent agenda at the request of any council member and if so removed we treat it as a separate matter any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certificate of availability of funds um and we do have to uh resolutions that are separate tonight so I have a motion to vote by consent agenda fors to read 42 I'll do it after then second it okay on in the consent agenda before we go to vote I'll okay so uh a motion for cons agenda for 34 through 39 and 42 make a motion to adopt by consing agenda resolutions 34-22 24 through 39 2024 and 42- 2024 second all in favor I I any oppose no motion to adopt the can sent again um so resolution 42 an added item uh to your agenda resolution 42 of 2024 is the resolution of the common Council of the city of Northfield authorizing the execution of an amended settlement agreement between the city and the fair share housing center whereas pursuant to inray njac 5 96 and 5 97 221 nj1 2015 Mount Marl for on July 2nd 2015 the city of Northfield uh filed a declaratory judgment complaint the Superior Court law division SE among other things a Judicial declaration that its fair I'm sorry it's housing element in Fair Share Plan here and after fair share plan uh to be amended as necessary satisfies its fair share of the regional need for low and moderate income housing Pur stuent to the Mount Laurel Doctrine and whereas the city simultaneously sought ultimately secured a protective order providing the city of Northfield immunity from all exclusionary zoning lawsuits including Builders remedy lawsuits while it pursues approval of its Fair plan which is still in full force and effect and whereas the court appointed Stephen P py JSC retired as the special Master here and after court Master as it is customary and not moral matters adjudicated in the courts and whereas under the supervision of the Court Master the city and fair housing center entered into a settlement agreement on April 24th 2018 uh here and after the 2018 settlement agreement which was thereafter approved by a court on June 19 2018 after a properly noticed Fair fairness hearing hearing uh that was held on June 1 2018 and where as the court issued a conditional Judgment of compliance and repose to the city on August 31 2018 whereas since the ENT entry of the Judgment of repose the dasis of Camden and County have begun discussions on creating a 100% affordable senior rental project on County owned property located in city which will benefit the city's current and future residents as well as very low low and moderate income households in the region and whereas the fair share housing center and the city have agreed that the diis dasis project will be a beneficial addition to the city's housing element and fair share of plan whereas the city and uh F fshc have agreed that an amendment to the fair share housing center settlement agreement needs to be entered into to address proposed changes to the 2018 settlement agreement whereas in order to implement the proposed changes in addition to amending the city's affordable housing plan it is also necessary to amend the 2018 settlement agreement accordingly and this amendment to the fshc settlement agreement serves that purpose now therefore be reserved resolved on the 16th day of January 2024 by the city council of the city of Northfield County of Atlantic and state of New Jersey as follows uh the city the council hereby authorizes and directs the mayor of the city of Northfield to execute the amendment to the fshc Fett an agreement city council hereby directs the city's affordable housing Council to a file the amendment to the fshc set up an agreement with the court for review and approval by a duly notice spance hearing and B take all actions necessary and reasonable to secure in order approving the amendment to the fhd ferment agreement I Shannon Campbell deputy municip Clerk of the city of Northfield do hereby certify that the forgoing resolution was adopted at a regular meeting of the common Council on the city of of the city of Northfield held the 16th day of January 202 one second I'll a roll call trying to unmute Caroline [Music] and thanks sorry oh my gosh hold on are you still there I'm here can you hear me yeah I lost I lost my video for some reason you you need to unmute me though because it's going to turn off because I just pushed the button thing oh hold on I don't know I don't know what I did yes can't get my video back on I'm just going to have to I'll leave you you'll just have to be quiet after we're done are you still there yeah I'm here don't know how to get the video back on I we're still a we're still yeah they're still there audio I'm afraid to hit something I can see you though Shannon okay oh okay all right I can see I can see the video Eric are you there too yes I am okay all right all right so this is H the Roll Call to um he didn't move motion please I need to do the vote to vote vot to vote yeah I thought he did the motion need to move and because we did all in Pap to adopt okay we did go ahead Brian like to make the motion to adopt the consent agenda for Resolutions 34-22 24 through 39-22 24 and 4224 second okay okay Mrs bchi yes Mrs Carano yes Mr deise Mr Pala yes Mr Naro yes Mr Smith yes Mr Leeds yes motion carries to adopt the consent agenda resolution 41 resolution 40 uh should we a that do you yeah is there a way is there a way we can vote on it with the stipulation that they organize the times with with with little league can you do it that just said before have to fail yeah if 41 going to be approved you should deny 40 and maybe they come in with an amended with an amended application after they work all right I make motion to adopt resolution 40 -224 second roll call Mrs bchi can you clarify me for me real quick that's Northfield little leags no that's the other group it's Prime so we're we're approving that we you're voting voting on it oh no I don't approve that okay sorry that's okay thank you Mrs carfano no Mr deiz Mr Paula no Mr Naro not at this time Mr Smith no Mr Leeds no motion fails for resolution 40 uh 40 20-24 motion for resolution 40-41 40- motion adopt resolution 41- 2024 second Mrs Bushi yes Mrs corano yes Mr deise Mr Palestina yes Mr NATO yes Mr Smith yes Mr Leeds yes okay motion approved for resolution 41-22 Ordinance one may have a motion to adopt ordinance or ordinance 1 d224 I'd like to move to adopt ordinance 1 2024 to be read by title only second Ordinance one of 2024 is an ordinance providing for and establishing salary ranges of officers and employees of the city of Northfield and repealing all ordinances here to for adopted the provisions of which are inconsistent here withth this is the second reading there will be a public hearing after which it will be considered for final adoption since introduction the ordinance has been posted in the lobby of City Hall and on the city website any member of the public who requested a copy of the ordinance was provided one free of charge at the office of the municipal clerk the ordinance will be published a final time if adopted on January 23rd uh the uh public session for ordinance 1 d221 is now open anyone from the public wishing to speak on that ordinance and that ordinance alone may do so at this time yes you please step forward and state your name for the record anyone in Zoom please raise your Zoom hand just speak because I can't see your Zoom hand oh you would have there's only two people there oh you see The Zo yeah you can see the zoom hand okay okay uh seeing no one Pok session is now closed and roll call okay roll call Mrs bchi yes Mrs careno yes Mr deise Mr Palestina yes Mr Nero yes Mr Smith no s I'm sorry yes thank you Mr Lee Yes motion approved for ordinance 1- 12024 meeting notices our next city council meeting is uh February 6th at 6 PM work session and our regular session will immediately follow I have a motion to adour motion second thank you favor I I I don't know maybe minimiz I can Shannon I can see the video whether or not it's recording so just so you know it's recording I found it it somehow got minimized okay I'm not right thank you Carol thank you good night everybody all right feel better everyone night