agenda I just want to welcome take a minute because we didn't talk all right so just take a minute and thank public schools great but um I just want thing we've done over the last 15 um do you guys have a chance to I guess we just do okay meeting minutes anybody over April on that one no but um my name is just [Music] like cor to approve the April 25th open name all those in favor I one again all right warrants that's me I have reviewed and approved the following warrants School expense warrants April 25th 2024 368 23416 and then School payroll warrants April 4th 2024 1, 27,5 $ 3745 I wish to enter that in Republic record student R you're out okay so sorry I'm still my Tenn uniform just game for match but Antonio isn't here today because he's at the sectionals meet for track UniFi track how' you do yeah to say we're doing pretty good so I left early but yeah hopefully playing huh who are you playing ashin I'm sorry you would to leave early do this I'm chill I'm wouldn't want to do this I know I feel bad that's terrible I don't feel bad okay so the third grade is psyched for the big mcast event next week and they have been running laps pumping iron and practicing their passing to keep the puck in the offense Zone and score score score and that's what Antonio wrote Because he wanted to say that he's been watching too many Bruins games and for the JCS we're excited to be continuing our collaboration with the norn Outdoor Center at Camp thurg beginning next week grade will be walking over to the nooc participating in a day of fun adventure featuring rope courses scavenger hunts and group challenges in atted last year he Adventure days with the JCS students and staff a day of physical and mental stretches fun and exploration of nature that are Hallmarks of an exciting Year many thanks to the SPO for funding the events and dozens of parent volunteers who make these walking trips possible so for the yell fourth and fifth grade students are finishing up their math mcast this week as mentioned before our students like our mcast days they start the day the day with outdoor recess then snack and testing then they go to the regular lunch and recess a second one and we move their schedule around so they have their special in the afternoon the students have done an excellent job taking their time writing out their thinking checking their work and answering all parts of all questions doing their best that's all we ask and certainly have come through this year in both Ela and math fifth grade will finish up this year's testing Administration with the sence science Technology and Engineering test next week again we are so proud of the efforts a week ago we had our fifth graders go on a field Tri to n Bedford whing exam it was tremendous ship with kids learning engaging and enjoying a sensational exposion a big thank you to our Hy PTO for supporting this chip and helping pay for their buses this week is Teacher Appreciation week and we cannot thank our teachers and staff enough for everything they do for our students and what an awesome lunch on our Hy P put off for them for the LG the students are excited for their upcoming field trips first grade will be visiting Oak n Wildlife Sanctuary second grade will be visiting cap Parks zo and third graders will experience the annual trip around town learning all the history of nor so for the high school lots of cool things are going on lately right before vacation Juniors and seniors participated in the opportunities fair and over 30 local businesses and organizations showcase a particular field to give students more of an idea of future career opportunities and recently nor high school also hosted the annual art show with amazing exhibits and all levels of Visual Arts and the Juniors participated in our annual credit for life to practice personal finances through a simulation sponsored by Northeastern Savings Bank and out ofor schools career partnership the active mind student group sponsored a mock car crash in which nor police and fire departments demonstrated what Emergency Services did when we called when called to the scene of apart the simulation will designed help students be aware of the consequence consequences for bad decisions behind the wheel the Bandon for spring concert is coming up on Thursday May 16th at 6:30 seniors started their end of Year festivities with a celebratory breakfast on Monday and continued countdown to graduation with spirit with con and that's all for you today um do you guys have anything so next time serly don't miss something for school like don't miss for to something just email Dr and send us here don't like can you go back and like still get back in yeah I play but okay I didn't play today okay I I I I know I'm committed to okay all right I just want to make sure you know don't feel like you have to be there when you have school stuff that you should be enjoying being a teenager and doing all that stuff rather than coming we love having you here but just don't feel like you have to okay thank you thank you for the update it's appreciated on the 23rd will actually be Gabby's last meeting with us she will beting the following week we'll be probably introducing a new um student every time that we have a long L we have two apps yeah I know great I'll share them with you guys okay awesome thank you we'll see you at the next meeting then yes all right so next up we have recognition of Miss G and Mr beard um New England League of middle schools I don't even know how to say that Mr Hayward you're off to say that thanks for coming you guys absolutely the bean broad haen exemplary integrated unit award um we're a member of Nelms the New England League of middle schools and uh each year they have an annual conference uh this year at the conference that was held in Springfield we had about 500 uh people show up to the conference focuses particularly on the uniqueness of the middle level uh age group and U we're a proud H Spotlight school here at nor middle school so when uh I have great teachers and I have an opportunity I nominated them this is the second time in my 10 years that we've had a teacher win this award Mr be had ironically won it also the last time and um this year um Eric and uh did a Polynesian uh travel Journal expense project um I got to go and see the class in action and they actually the middle school is a great building was really built around the middle uh School philosophy and they can actually open the dividing doors and Christine and Eric have rooms that do that so it was just this massive room and kids across the two disciplines typically when we see interdisciplinary stuff and you kind of PE the content are you always think of social studies in English and math and science wicon teaches social studies Eric teaches math and uh seeing those two content areas come together was really cool um the kids were very engaged when I went in there um they were it was real world stuff they were given a budget which was random too some kids had to plan the trip uh and they had $120,000 budget other kids had 30 and I think that was just luck of the draw but they kind of rolling with it and going online finding airbnbs and figuring out how much they have to spend on food and I saw one group they said we have no money to get back sound like a bad problem and um so it was really like a lot of Hands-On real world stuff kids really understood why they needed to know the math and then they were writing down a lot of interesting facts about uh the islands um uh and Eric I didn't know where they are were in the room because everyone spread out and they're shoulder to shoulder working with the kids and uh which is awesome to see um Christine often does things like this uh and she doesn't tell me I go in the kids are under the desk doing cave drawings and all sorts of stuff so kind of part for the course so when I had an opportunity to recognize them I definitely wanted to in the process when you put in you have to submit not just my anecdotes and nice stories that I'm telling here right now but you have to subit artifacts and evidence like student work samples and they just had the best student work samples and um evidence and artifacts I don't sit on that particular part of the board I'm on the board but I I don't have anything to do with these Awards or anything and uh afterwards and after everything came all people you know spoke to me you know people that colleagues on the board that they were just blown away by by the work we submitted and it was a really easy Choice uh they gave us these nice plaques and we got to go out um we actually got three of them which is cool so we can hang one in the runda and they each have ones for their classroom and it's great um it's also great uh for our students to see us celebrating doing and excelling and uh we have some great teachers here's a perfect example they're great life lessons too right teaching kids I mean that's why you guys are some my kids favorite teachers because you really put Life Experiences into school right and they were able to to learn different things in different ways and um you know great job it's awesome to see good to see yeah for sure yeah it's uh it's good to it's awesome when we can see the kids um you know see that learning it isn't broken down by time frames in the walls of a classroom that you know it's uh really you know a full learning experience isn't contained to period a from to here in the math room with this teacher and they can see it across um you know the full scope of their skills and their interest and it it had a lot of student choice and creativity which was one of the criteria like student choice and expression which was part of this so it really met everything so hopefully we get some more nominees in the future and it's awesome another two or three over the next 10 years that'll be great yeah keep doing good things yeah we certainly appreciate it way toks thank you guys thanks for coming was able to join us tonight graduating from grad schools so gonna school czy bye guys thank you guys thank you so much um okay so next up vote to appoint superintendent to board of directors of by collaborative okay so um we have done this um already earlier this year um nor public school is actually part of two local special education collaboratives one is the re collaborative which is in middleb and then the biconic collaborative which is in Frank and um each year we appoint someone um it actually can be a member of the school committee um but most often it is the superintendent who represents your committing at the monthly meeting so um each board meets at least once a month we do the budget we talk about facilities programs all those other things so um this vote would be for you to um allow me to be your representative in this work and Sher there is specific language that needs to be read hold on umok so I can just start with pursuing a lot of jokes I know pursuant to chapter 40 section 4E as amended by chapter 43 of the acts of 2012 members of the board of directors at by County collabtive are to be appointed annually Dr Jennifer O'Neal is appointed to serve the nor Public School of Representative on the board of directors of B collaborative in accordance with Massachusetts general laws chapter 40 section 4E as amended by chapter 43 of Acts of 2012 for the 20124 2025 school year we have a mo are we good yeah okay any questions or anything don't ask me to read that again um we have a motion to appoint uh Dr O'Neal the Ser as representative as on the board of directors of th County collaborative for the 2425 school year move is there a second all those in favor that's four Audrey first vote all right and then acknowledgement and vote to accept cash donation uh yes thank you um so I have um I am in receipt of $8,000 donation uh from Fidelity charitable um which was um recommended at the uh the Azie family um recommended that the donation be made and the purpose for the uh donation was to be used to support the EF Thailand Thailand tour for our students in Norton High School this was allowed our students to get in and out of Logan Airport um by BS without a huge expense to the fam which is really nice so um thank you very much to the Azie family and to Fidelity for their generous donation um and just so Audrey knows as well um we are required to accept any charitable donations and this one had a specific um receipt sometimes they just go into the general fund or sometimes they might be for other areas so we have to vote to accept this then vot to accept all right well um that's awesome that's that's a a large number so definely thank you to to the family and Fidelity um all right so do we have a motion to vote to approve the $1,000 to go towards the EF Ty and tour move there a second all those in favor all right thank you guys all right JCS principal searge updating all right so we've had a terrific process so far uh we first started by forming a representative committee to identify the next leader of uh JCS and I just wanted to take a moment to publicly acknowledge people that have given up their time so from the JCS staff we have Shannon Taylor Amy Weber and Lisa Barney Justine from school committee has served for JC's parents we have Dr Alex Ule Bethany Fleming and D Marie uh Fernandez Tom Higgins principal of lgn Karen uh winsper Vinnie Cersei Casey Russo and myself so we've had a great process we reviewed 17 applicants we interviewed eight folks and after some really positive passionate conversation on Tuesday night we've uh decided to move forward with three finalist candidates and I just wanted to take a minute to tell you a snippet about each so our first finalist candidate who will be visiting for a site visit at JCS tomorrow is Leah church and she's currently the assistant principal at Woodland Elementary School in Milford Massachusetts she's previously served as an English language director at the same school and has also been an El resource teacher Leah also has trained as a district data coach and has been in public education for over 20 years we welcome her to Norton tomorrow um there will be uh family and caregiver Zoom calls uh on Tuesday May 14th and Leo will have one of those as well our second finalist is Mr Paul Barrett he's currently the principal of Old County World School in Smithfield Rhode Island Paul had previously served as the Director of instructional technology in Smithfield and was also an Elementary music teacher in multiple Massachusetts districts while has been in public education for over 30 years um our third finalist is Scott Williams and Scott is currently serving as an elementary school principal in situ Massachusetts and he previously had been a principal in Plymouth Scott has teaching experience across multiple grades and has also been involved in education for over 20 years we look forward to welcoming Leah on tomorrow uh Scott will be coming on Tuesday and then Paul Barrett will be coming a week from tomorrow Friday May 17th we will then consolidate all the feedback because the JCS staff will all get a feedback form all of parents and caregivers in the JCS Community will get one as well so we'll ask folks to interact at the virtual sessions and then um we will have a rank order recommendation to Jen um once all the finalist visits have concluded some sounds like we have some good candidates we do yeah we do it was it was a it was a pretty and um we were we were able to really have you know 45 minutes with each candidate a lot of great discussion back and forth I think having that represent group from many places really helped us get ref finalists that I think we'd all be happy with great all right thank you thank you to everybody for all their work on that yeah you too yeah I just wanted to add um thank you to to Brian for setting all of this up but um to the other you know staff and parents that sat on that committee there was it was really this past year for me has been like such a learning experience being on school committee getting very much involved in the school system and sitting on that committee and listening to the conversations and all the different perspectives right everybody wants the principal kind of looks at that principle with a different lens and it was just so I thought it was just so productive everything and nobody I think everybody was open ears and um there wasn't any judgment like if somebody were to say you know well I'm concerned about this or what about this part I think everybody was just really open and um I really appreciated the the experience and um in the conversations and I'm excited to see what happens next you knoww I think we have three really great finalists um I had the opportunity I needed the opportunity myself to sit in the interviews and really hear everything because you miss so much if you're not involved in that first round so um while I was there for all the all eight interviews I did not participate in any of the deliberation um or the finalists that were moved forward so I really want to thank the committee as well for you know allowing me to come in and and be a part of that process um and for really sending forth three really fantastic finalists um you know one of the things that I said to our our committee yesterday in my email thanking them is that I think we can find someone who's a good combination of that fun and who brings Joy To The Learning Experience but is also going to help move us um that next level when it comes to teaching and learning and student achievement so um both of those things are equally important and I think we'll find that person awesome do any of them have any special education background um a lot of all of them and in some capacity have worked leading special education programs within their current schools that they're in or in previous schools so whether it is um working with specialized programs or whatever that may be they all do have that did very well answering a lot of those questions we had some tough questions in there was great see people rent i' just like to say thanks to the search committee too obviously been a part of the search committee for for Brian um it is definitely long DET you know you're trying to fly through and get you know questions answered but yet try to get a read on a person as well um you know so it's definitely a long process so everybody who's on the committee thank you very much um and I think the echo kind of G statement here is feel like we're kind of out a Crossroads here in Norton a little bit you know JCS had a little bit of turnover I know we've been you know um from from Mrs Barrett now to to Marcus and you know now moving on here again you know I think we need to kind of relate that fire um you know both in the building and you know from the principal level as well so I think you know I think Marcus has done some great things there um you know in terms of kind of getting that culture back at the elementary level making it fun the sea turtles and the murals and you know the the electives that he's brought in I could definitely them um so hopefully someone can kind of take that for and really you know kind of take us to the next level so really interested to see how you know three of these pan out and definitely be on that May 14th soon so I will say I think all three that are moving forward that was part of the their questions for us or like what are you looking for and that what you just said a lot of that was kind of reiterated to them and they all were very much like we want to take the Traditions that are here and move them forward as well as their own you know creativeness so um I hope yeah and I think a shout out to probably Brian and admin too is like you know making sure every voice of the community is heard because I just touched on perfectly that you know everyone kind of looked at that principle that's the leader of the building that's the leader of the schools that's so you're trusting your kids to go to you know to to be the leader in that building that you know everyone kind of sees it from a different lens so when we do committees like that I think it's huge that you know the more people not the more people we can involve but the more walks of life we can involve I think is huge for for moving forward as well so great job there too awesome look forward to seeing how this ends out thank you it all right so um superintendent evaluation discussion and vote um did you guys so how do we usually do this yeah you think I wouldn't have haven't done this before but I mean you guys I kind of took what all of us wrote and kind of went with the you know kind of like the middle of the road and then took some of your comments both of your comments my comments so just for full disclosure we had um evaluation reports from myself Nick and Justine yes um so I as the chair I went through all of them and and just kind of formulated this summary than yeah so I don't know like do we have to go through all of this I mean it's public record this point hand it out with a packet um with the JCS or JS the whole entire staff um today so everyone in F has it it's public record everyone wants it today um it's certainly up to you how deep you want to go into this I mean I don't I don't think we need to go deep into this where it's public record I think that I think that at the end of the story is that you're doing an amazing job for your first year um you've been thrown some unbelievable curve balls that none of us could have imagined and and how you just keep going is like I would just be bald up crying somewhere which you are not so um see right um you know I think we tried to be you know you know fair and and you know just take into account all that you're doing and learning your communication is just I mean it's just unbelievable how you've been communicating with people navigating through all of this stuff stff um you know I know when we were first talking about you becoming superintendent you know you're like the budget you know Christine and I really need to get our handle handle on this and boy you two together you know you're a team really and and it shows for all of us and um you know how you two work together and present um I know we're not evaluating you but I'll just throw this out there you've done an incredible job really with with coming out and speaking and um you know it's just been nice to see the two of you together doing that especially dur in such challenging times I know you guys yeah you a lot of time in so I just evaluated both of you at the same time um do you guys have anything else you want to add to this I you had your own comments yeah I mean I think overall like I'll be completely honest here this form to me doesn't make sense for what we do completely you know now I'm assuming by law we probably have to figure do it to me it's a Desy form that is like an ncast test it's a standardized thing that you go through and write about you know well what was Pro progress what was met what was some progress what is some progress to significant progress to me it's kind of you're just checking out boxes and making making a do and sending the thing in I'm not going to read all the things I did but I think as a school committee the four of four and hopefully eventually five of us um I think we should kind of look at let's do this let's figure this out send this in so we're not getting in trouble with the law but I think like there's another aspect of what we can do whether we come up with our own form or come up with our own comments there's like a lot of things in here that I just feel like we're not getting into potatoes and that's not a shot at Jen Jen has done an absolutely amazing job in my little form that I filled out myself you know everything was right on exactly where you know I thought you was at phenomenal job communication wise this budget has been a nightmare um the communication around the budget has been a nightmare and that is not from us um you know and I think that's a big thing that sometimes gets lost in translation of all the schools you know and historically and this that the other thing I've said it multiple times whether it be to people or on social media saying we've had our numbers our numbers have been ready you know we've known exactly what is going to happen if this passes that passes this fails that goes here 1% here 5% fiveyear thing that no one even talked about I mean we you guys have gone above and beyond in that realm of things and I think you know to sher's point the curve balls that were thrown at you throughout the year you know from from different scenarios and whatnot you know to be first year and kind of keep trucking along has been really really impressive um so again I think probably a story for another will but you know I think what we kind of give a on it is something I think we should kind of look at um just in terms of kind of really standardized taking this yeah like taking this and then really getting it into nitty-gritty of what we do here in New because I do think it's different um I think the only area that I was kind of you know would like to see a little bit more from was a little bit more like and we've talked about those 9,000 times that length as well as like just like the data of our student learning you know what are those reading test scores looking like what is math doing you know how are our mcast and SATs and AP courses and all that stuff to get a little bit more numbers um you know we obviously went through at the mcast uh you know testing thing and it's like it is only one test you know but it's sometimes the only one that we can kind of get our hands on because we can actually see where we're doing in you know in the state so um other than that though like I said I mean Jen you from from my standpoint you've absolutely hit it out Park this year you know um you've come in you know obviously being a first year superintendent with all the stuff that's been going on you know I think you've really taken it to the next level and I think that communication you know I think getting you know Dr aiman and you know having Christine who's fairly new in this role you've kind of taken a new leadership within Norton schools and uh I really do think we have the right person here to keep moving forward thank you and just so you guys know I took all of your so like the email that you sent to me like I yeah I put I attached everything just so that Jen have right she could have everything and obviously it's public record once it's emailed so yeah um okay do you have anything you wanted to add I just wanted to say I think that um from my perspective there's so much talk about the budget because of how clear you have made it the two of you honestly and the I will say in previous years I found the budget overwhelming because I just couldn't follow the graphs and the charts and the numbers and the lines it was just a lot and how you guys have presented it this year has just made it so much more clear for myself and I think for other people in the community as well um and I I think there's been a lot more talk about the budget again because you guys have been so transparent and clear from honestly day one like literally from September it has been um very open and transparent and um and I think it's very much appreciative so I yeah I think that you're doing fantastic and can't wait to see your two is better need thank you all right so um so I guess it would just be the three of us right voting on this so we have a motion to approve the superintendent's evaluation report as written so move is there a second second all those in favor thank you thank you um I know under other business we have a couple of things I don't know if you want to take the lead on this gen for like in terms upcoming dates yeah upcoming dates and I know that um you know at the beginning of the meeting we welcome to Audrey and then we thank Han and denz but I think it's important to just kind of do a little information on how the appointment would work Absol and the dates that we set absolutely yep okay um so uh we are going to make some slight adjustments to the upcoming school committee schedule based on um other things that are happening around town um we will have our next meeting on Thursday May 23rd um right here as scheduled and then we are going to be moving our June 6th meeting to the following Thursday uh June 13th and we are not planning at this time to have a meeting on um June 20th um and I think that will probably give us enough time to get everything done that we need to do um as uh add something really Qui just that 5:23 meeting will be the joint meeting meting with this yes so we'll have so we'll have our own meeting um and that will also be a joint meeting with the select we do have a few things on the 23rd that I want to make sure that you guys are able to see um before the end of the year I know we talked about literally all we've been talking about at the budget so we're trying to get in some good things about teaching and learning uh before the school year ends as well just so we can um share some of the great things that are happening in all of our schools um as the community knows we have Audrey as our brand new school committee member um congratulations Audrey it's wonderful to have you here and our fifth we Dro something um and our fifth member has um not yet been appointed because the election ended in a tie so the way that this process is going to work is that um any registered voter is able to submit a letter of appointment U to myself to Mr units and to l Our Town cler letting them know letting us all know that you were interested in a seat um up until Monday April sorry excuse me up until Monday May 20th and then on Thursday May 23rd we will have the joint meeting with the select board and that appointment will be a joint appointment between the select board and the school committee and it is a one-ear seat so um whoever is the um appointed member at that time will be in office for one year and then can make the decision on if they want to run again um during the elections even though 2021 so with that said so because next year it's you me and then it's gonna be three people at one time yeah but you're gonna have to declare if you want to run for three years or two years because it would be okay so you'll get back on it okay mean you wanted to we could go and run for the two-year seat and leave the threeyear seat or we could go to the threeyear seat leave the twoyear seat so for the record I will not be doing bang this this is it countown is started um so thank you Nick for that point of clarification but yes there will be there will be three seats um so as of this afternoon we have two interested parties that have submitted letters to myself um and Town Hall okay so well um I I've shared one letter with you I will share the other with you as well um and okay okay just F the record that appointed seat is nine votes us for five select Bo members and as a majority correct all right do we have anything else in other I think that's it um town meeting is currently scheduled for the 28th of um May which is a Tuesday evening we are going to be hosting or the town will be hosting solely at Norton High School be using um the gymnasium the auditorium and the cafeteria um we're hopeful that that will be enough space they still doing 7 o' 7 o' and it's time as of right now is okay and they understand graduation on the 30th yes I have made that I have made that comment that we are not able to attend it the second I've heard and I don't know heard from the room from the town moderator that they're also looking out weat try to get everybody one spot yes and that was something that we discussed when we had that town meeting using the Fieldhouse um where you could probably fit a couple thousand people in that space um the original day we were looking for was the the same day weat and graduation so that just doesn't work um fortunately but that's it that's all we have right sorry just with the dates and times yes for us to be in oh for you guys CL night gradation timing all that fun stuff um let me see how great my calendar looks right now um okay so class night it's definitely May 20th is May 20th 60 I have also have 6:30 sh that's I'll be there all right we'll see you there Peter um so class night is our Awards night where students um receive recognition for their achievements and it's also a scholarship night um so you are all invited to attend um graduation will be Thursday the 30th um at the xinity center I have six o'clock for that um um and uh the school is welcome to sit with us on the stage it's very fancy bring her sunglasses um around 7 o'clock that sun eats over the top of the seats and um and then Friday the 31st is prom which is at Lake Pearl in and I'll be taking photos of the prom G before the prom at ween yes so um that's it those are some big events coming up for our seniors which is very exciting they have just a few more days crazy crazy crazy anybody have anything else I I have a few things um curriculum Ela curriculum simp be approved it are we all good to get all that squ away and ready to roll I literally am tracking the order monitor as we speak excellent I have it open so um to give an immediate update because it updates um almost hourly so as of this this afternoon the anticipated delivery date for many of the hard materials is either the 13th or the 14th oh that's next week beautiful yes she saying they're at warehouse that's great yeah so that's very exciting and we appreciate your support with us very much so awesome and then my other thing was I think I think I remember like last here in the year before we like usually reorg this meity naturally doesn't make any sense without a fifth member to re to reorg and reorg again so totally on board with that I think it would be nice that maybe in the future we like bring this up to the newly elected people because I feel like we got thrown into and then everyone's like okay who's doing what and it's like vote and then you get put on something that you have no idea what you're doing so if we could maybe just lay out like kind of I don't know if it's like job descriptions or we just kind of lay out like what we have because like we got to cover capital capital projects we got to have those Vice chair Vice chair we have a CPAC rep we have a legislation legislative rep and then we got two negotiations people so like I feel like you know where we already have one new member we have a oneye some a two-year like we've kind of lost our leadership within the school committee a little bit of a rookie team over here Young and so it's like I think ni try to say that you're Varsity he's chasing much you're welcome I spent 10 years expl we could just get like an idea of like what we're kind of I thought we had something we'll go back and look and again Pam and I are are newbies in these seats as well you know some days I don't really know how we do this the minutes from last year oh it's all in there it's all in there just like pull that up [Laughter] rookies about knowing where to find the you don't have to know at all and I think too um we want obviously want to have Dan denz come back and recognize them yes for their service and present them with something as we have S that um so we want to make sure we do that as well um and and I think it's we'll we'll we'll find all that stuff and we'll yeah perfect um and my last thing that the elephant in the room if you will around the budget I think we have a like a twoe not a two we thing but we have like two meetings kind of left I think from our standpoint and I think with that in support as well like we I would like to see exactly what a $6.5 million override goes through because that's seeming like the number unless if something changes in 20 minutes um are we bringing back all those positions for sure like I just want to be crystal crystal clear that like I don't want to say hey 6.5 million then all of a sudden we're like Hey we're actually not bringing back these two people because the retired you know so we're not going to back fill we're going to take that money and put it somewhere else which we can determine that I just want to be crystal clear as we possibly can that like when it does hit if it goes through this is what we're doing doesn't go through this is what we're doing um and again if if we need to obviously a whole Union piece of that as well that if we do need to go to Executive session you know we look at something like that and then announce those probably in that last meeting exactly what's happened y um we've been so transparent to begin with that I don't want all of a sudden just kind of let this go off the hook and this goes through and then all of a sudden it's like oh the school said g to you know backfill all these positions and he took away three I just want to make sure we are completely on board what we're doing so um Christine and I I will put that information together for you um so we if you're looking at the $6.5 million override we got our number from town hall um and we would be level we would have level services and another $187,000 um so I do think that there will need to be some conversations about what we're putting back and what we're Notre um because it's not the number that we said would be like our deal and we wouldn't have to come back year after year correct and to clarify that not that we said this is the number of the town with the 6.5 is giving us correct where they've given us if if the over goes through $187,000 we're not going to take it and just be Willy nearly we we're going to tell you exactly where it's going yes that's our which ultimately is up to the town street below the bud yes so as a reminder when we were asked at the Joint meeting on April 11th what our number was for the override we said it was roughly 5 to 5.1 million um it's important I think for people to realize that that was like kindergarten Paris and the counselor at the middle school that was like kind of all in and we would be good for probably another five or six years this is not at that level of funding which is don't get me wrong would' be thrilled to have it um so we would I think what I would probably recommend would be to take a good chunk of the school choice money that we're planning on spending in this upcoming um fiscal budget and put some of that back into our reserve for FY 26 and maybe not reinstate every single position but really be strategic about what positions we're bringing back making sure we're identifying those things that are most important but also recognizing okay we could do without these other things for this upcoming here and just have that keep that school choice revolving a little bit more secure we're we're digging down deep and I think like that's perfect example of like Hey we're not back filling these three however we're going to pull out these reoccurring costs that we put into school choice you know but I think again the more we can drive that narrative the better because once it gets into people's hands they just start making up random things and then it's a complete mess on everybody's part so the more the more we can get out there the better more I think we can get ahead of it think we're all the same pitch yeah we will bring that to the meeting on the 23rd okay so we're gonna start at 6 then we'll start at okay all right we'll start 6 and the join meeting at 7 yeah um and I Pam mentioned reminded me that there is the Middle School play here that evening they're putting on Wonka um so depending on the logistics we might think about perhaps moving to a differentation or even the library again we could do yeah right that's available yeah yeah I was say it's not right so it'll be yeah so it's just not as many yeah yeah okay all right anything [Music] else all right do we have a motion to adjourn then some second in favor have a good night guys thank you