adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as specified in the ACT proper notice of open public meeting was provided in a notice of January 4th 2024 said notice was posted at the entrance of the Board of Education offices mailed to the Nutley Township Clerk sent to tap into Nutley advertising in nutly Sun on January 4th 2024 and posted on the district website will everyone please stand for the flag salute States thank you everyone Mr depa oath of our new board member yes I believe Mr Dan fraginals you please come up and honorable alen Jenna Temple we'll do the swearing in [Music] [Music] yeah please raise your right hand I Dan swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States people so iag swear that I possess the qualifications describ by law by law to the office of member of a board of education I am not disqualify as a voter pursu to RS that I will faithfully and partially andly per all AB [Applause] congratulations congratulations Mr fraginals you could take pictures now with the family sure guys good to see you thank you meeting in 20 [Music] years thank you so much thank you so much thank you so much I appreciate it thank you so much Mr fraginals your family's welcome to stay but um if if you have to leave you can leave at any time don't feel like you have to stay the whole meeting Mr dep a roll call Mr balamo here Mr baglia Mrs danek Martin here Dr deia here Mr fraginal here Mr kazinski Mrs Quirk here Mr Scotty here Mr Ferrar here uh can I get a motion for approval of the minutes make motion all in favor I okay can we have our Mr B our superintendent report please uh thank you Mr President have this at the end but I'd like to welcome Mr fragen out to the board of education at the beginning of my report welcome glad to have you um first I'd like to discuss the move to St Paul's Annex the preschool anex at St Paul's uh will open Monday March 4th I want to thank everyone involved with that uh the congregation at St Pauls uh for their work over the school year to prepare this as well as members of our board um as well as our staff and our maintenance Mike and Tim are sitting up here Dave the Pisa for making this happen um it was a very challenging uh decision to make to move uh preschool three and four year olds uh in the middle of the year maybe a little bit after the middle the year balancing that transition uh with the space that they're currently in uh led me to guide the district to move those two classes uh this year they're moving into Great Space clean large space with new furniture coming in um and we're excited to open that facility um Washington School uh will get their music room back and we will have more space at Spring Garden school with this move as well we're looking forward to that uh as mentioned next week uh I do want to update on our preschool initiative the district has received approximately 360 requests for prek for next year with adding four classrooms u in our projection UH 60 seats and having some of our students entering kindergarten the district is anticipating having approximately 110 seats available for new students uh we will uh by code host a lottery towards the end of March U and then contact the students that have been selected um I do want to update the community on our snow days uh so far we've used one snow day to to date um and Lincoln School has used another one uh through the fire in the fall um as dictated by our calendar a determination will be made on April 15th on how to give those days back so we will wait until the next board meeting to talk a little bit more about that uh leap year is this year is Thursday the 29th and it is busy in the Nutley Public Schools uh this Thursday evening we have math night the NF and Mathnasium are sponsoring a math night at John Walker Middle School a gymnasium I believe it's sold out it's a great event um and we're glad they're doing that we also have College and Career night here at nle high school we are welcoming 83 colleges uh coming here we're also working with Livingston high school uh to invite them to ours and they're inviting us to theirs which will be held on April 18th um so it's a great place to come and see the different offerings uh from the colleges in the area and around the country uh we have musical starting up as you can see we have a little different setup here for this board meeting uh our students uh are gearing up for the March musicals both here at the high school and at the middle school the Middle School Musical will take place on March 14th and 15th that will be The Adams Family and um sorry where's my one um and the high school rendition of the Tony award-winning musical year in town will be on March 8th 9th and 10th additionally along with the drama students the high school coronary Department we'll offer a third annual dinner and a show on Thursday March 7th in partnering with the Parks and Rec Department Department we will invite seniors in for dinner and the screening of your in town thank you to Solutions architecture for sponsoring that event uh next week will the district will be celebrating read Across America by having guest readers throughout the week and our all in our elementary schools to share their favorite book um and pretty exciting the first time in a while uh Nutley is sending uh some some three students to the state championship of wrestling uh Brandon tazzo Isabella bodia and Karina Rivera they're going down on Thursday and hopefully they'll be wrestling on Saturday u in the state championships we're also our girls bowling team won the essence County tournament and Gabriella L SEO I'm sorry if I mispronounced that is competing today individually uh in Bowling thank you so much Mr President that's my report thank you Mr Man our assistant superintendent of school curriculum and instruction Mrs Lo cons solo did I say that correctly you did thank you sorry good evening everyone I'd like to begin by welcome Mr fragin Alis to the board of ed thank you for your willingness to serve our schools and our students and I look forward to working together on Friday February 16th the district held a half-day PD for staff and an early dismissal for students our K3 staff engaged in PD on identifying and supporting students with dyslexia while other members attended sessions on small group instruction with mathel and other department goals our next PD half day will be March 8th and this K12 State mandated session will focus on suicide awareness and prevention our teachers are hard at work preparing for read Across America next week this event was launched in 1998 by the National Education Association it's the largest celebration of reading in the country at our schools next week events include theme days guest readers and other fun events special thank you in advance to our board members Commissioners and Community leaders many of whom will be stopping in to read to our students next week additionally social emotional learning day or seal day is also celebrated worldwide on March 8th as a learning community here in Nutley we're focused yearl on social emotional learning and on the critical needs and environments needed for academic success healthy relationships and brighter futures for all of our students our school all have seal curricula that encourages students to recognize and regulate their emotions problem solve and be kind and respectful to one another beyond the classroom we have a great team including Meredith girkins our director of School counseling and Jackie D'Or our high school VP and coordinator of nurses who work closely with the community to organize events and support our students year round that's all for me thank you thank you Mr pza our assistant superintendent of schools business and board secretary report thank you Mr President I'm sorry for some redundancy welcome to Dan fraginal and look forward to working with him I thank him for his volunteerism and look forward to uh to working with him again um under number number five and number six and seven under Finance I would like to thank um Ian V Meister uh for and and the staff for uh achieving some grants those are three grants that we're approving tonight and it's an asset to our uh to our district thank you to our maintenance and custodians and buildings and grounds and Mr prey and Mr CER for preparing St Paul's Annex for classes uh to start on March 4th once again thank you to the same for a terrific job so far when hopefully not anymore for snow removal for the winter season um they do an outstanding job and they're like unsung heroes um in my book congratulations to our three wrestlers who will be competing in Atlantic City in the state wrestling tournament this weekend thank you to our security team um who keeps our staff and students safe on a daily basis that's all I have thank you thank you Mr deiza Mr prii director of buildings and grounds thank you Mr President okay at Spring Garden we had some soundboards full over the last couple weeks um we had one fall uh didn't hit anybody there are 64 uh sound boards in this gym area we secured all of them to the walls they were probably 15 20 years old they were glued and screwed in the back and they just failed so the staff was there for two days uh securing them all in place and they're ready to go we also had the gym floor Buckle uh by the rear entrance uh we removed the floor removed the molding um Don Barlo got the floor back and it's better than ever it's flat and shouldn't happen again the boards were too close to the the seams and he relieved the pressure and it shouldn't happen again okay high school we met with the HVAC contractor and engineer to go over the it uh HVAC it server room with options to repair and or replace U we have those awaiting for replacement costs we also had the heat exchanger replaced in the main gym over the break uh we had a crane come in remove the old one and installed the new one it took approximately 12 hours to do that project um it is up and running and working fine Radcliffe we replaced five gym doors the door to the storage room room rear door to the exit the alleyway and the two doors that lead to the boiler room this project uh was an undertaking it took probably 26 weeks to get the doors um thank you for the money to get that repaired Washington the two stairwells by the front by the flag poles the one to the left is crumbling um due to excessive age and repairs that have been done over the years both are getting repaired the one to the left the one to the right um that should start I think this Saturday the purchase order has been made Peron should be in Saturday to start the work uh we had two staff members over to break they had water fountain lines were completely clogged they had to remove some walls and some um 4 in water M to get it I'm sorry sewer line to get it cleaned everything was backing up and running we are currently working at St Paul's getting ready for the move I will have an update on our next board meeting of the the progress and what we did and how much help we had and what projects are completed and we'll have a better handle of what we did on that project now we had a contractor come in to give us a Health Report of our roofs over um over the break and over the last couple weeks they came in and helped us out with that project um the next step is recommended step if we do is to um infrared mapping of the roofs we have approximately 288,000 square feet of roofing um to next up would see like I said would be to infrared the roofs to see where the water leaks are and what needs to be repaired what needs to be removed the good news is we are not in desperate need of root but we do need to repair them um we can replace them we don't need to completely uh rip off the roofs um there's a product out there the company that I currently use is U alphaguard it comes with a 25y year warranty and maintenance included at two years five years 10 years 15 years and 20 years this is not complete ripoffs of the roofs which would probably be somewhere around 50 to $60 million this estimate we can if you know if red comes back what we think it is because we had the contractor walking the roofs for four or five days so with the infrared will know more detail what we need to do we' probably budget about 15 million to get all the roots to where we need them to be so that's something that we have in the mix right now for a project do you have a life expectancy of like 25 year warranty no that's if if if the work is done but between now and now and and and needing the work to be done we don't know that yet yeah I do y Yep they're categorized there's a green roof there's a yellow roof and a Red Roof obviously green is going to hold us up for a while yellow is what we you know probably should start looking at and red we don't have any roofs that are in the red most of our roofs are in the yellow which is 258,000 square feet which means we should start budgeting we don't need to go on a roof today and start ripping off roofs and spending money to get them fixed but this Alpha guard I've seen it I've had it installed before it's across the United States it's a nationally recognized product um and it comes with a warranty it's 25y year warranty and the maintenance is included again that two five 10 15 and 20 years so they come out and do maintenance to make sure the product is holding up to where they guarantee it there's Engineers on the site at all times but you know this is years away so it's a good product that we need any questions on that anyone else have any questions on the board and then qac we've been walking to the buildings uh Timmy myself and the principal have been walking in every classroom every closet every basement every crawl space and recommending what needs to be removed what needs to be done U the teachers I don't know who talk to them before we got there but they were they already had a list of stuff they were getting rid of there was not an argument there was not a it was actually was very pleasant I was surprised because you go into the classrooms you expect them to be you know combative and try and make it harder for me but it was it went very well and hopefully everything's ready to go okay thank you thank you Mike and thank you for all your staff for all they do uh committee reports Miss danek Moren academic committee please thank you Mr President the academic committee met on February 22nd Mrs gums joined the committee to discuss the field trip request for sge island with the um Nutley High School AP environmental science class the committee discussed next year's proposed extended day rates the committee discussed the variations of the proposed academic calendar for the 2024 25 school year Mr B discussed the ongoing work of the superintendent advisory committee he also shared a recommendation for a schedule for rfps for the board to consider the spring the committee discussed the opening of the preschool Annex at St Paul's Mr B introduced the initial draft of the community District needs assessment and discussed facilities and property acquisition Miss loans solo presented requests for field trips and professional development and Mr van discussed the Personnel recommendation our next uh meeting will be held March 21st thank you thank you Mr Bas Administration thank you Mr President uh the administration committee met on February 12th uh myself with Mr kazinski Mr B Mr depa and Mrs loans solo Mr B presented the committee with with the final draft of the extended day student rates for the 2425 school year the committee discussed the proposed 2425 academic calendar Mr B shared the work of the superintendent advisory committee the committee discussed a recommended schedule for rfps for service providers Mr B discussed the opening of the preschool Annex at St Paul's including steps taken and timeline Mr B discussed the first draft of the district needs assessment this will be shared with multiple stakeholder groups uh and refined at the board retreat to be shared with the community as the district prepares to set District goals for the next year the next meeting of the administration committee will be held on March 21st at 5:30 thank you thank you Mr Scotty finance committee yes Mr President the finance committee met on February 21st during the meeting Gary Vinci and Elizabeth schik attended the finance committee meeting to discuss the exit interview for the 2022 to 2023 audit the next finance committee meeting will be scheduled in the next week thank you thank you Mr Scotty uh hearing of citizens we now come to that portion of our meeting where we allow members of the public to address the board in this section we allow questions or comments on reports resolutions and all School related matters our board regulations number 0167 a low 20 minutes for these communications each person shall be limited to three minutes and we ask that you try to stay within this requirement speakers may speak more than once only after all others wishing to speak on a topic have been heard all statements will be directed to me as the chairperson and no one may address board members individually please be reminded that if your statement is too lengthy abusive obscene irrelevant or redundant your participation may be terminated please remember to state your name and address each and every time you address the board does anyone have any questions okay seeing none Miss St check Martin oh I'm sorry commissioner John Kelly 107 p a and I just want to congratulate Mr fragin house and the rest of the board on the the appointment of Mr fagin Alice uh I've come to know him over the last couple of years and he is a great leader and he epitomizes all the values that we hold dear here in Nutley that we and not only that we come to expect of our leaders but we come to expect of our neighbors and he's a a true neighbor truly approachable and I encourage uh I'm sure all of you have met him but for anyone in the the citizens of n who haven't met him approach him he he's a he's a great guy and I look forward to working with him I look forward to continuing to work with the board as we look for ways to enrich uh the lives of our young people thank you thank you commissioner Kelly anyone else have any questions okay seeing none uh Miss check Martin can um get a motion for the academic resolutions yes Mr President I'd like to move academic resolutions one and two is written second discussion roll call Mr balamo yes Mrs danek Martin yes Dr deia yes Mr fraginal Mrs Quirk Mr Scotty Mr ferar yes Mr bosam Administration yes Mr President I'd like to move Administration resolutions 1 and two second discussion roll call Mr bamo yes Mrs danek Martin yes Dr deia yes Mr fraginal Mrs Quirk yes Mr Scotty Mr Ferraro yes Mr Scotty would you move Finance resolutions yes Mr President I'd like to move Finance resolutions 1 through 12 is written second discussion roll call Mr balamo yes Mrs danek Martin yes Dr DEA yes Mr fraginal Mrs Quirk yes Mr Scotty Mr Ferraro yes uh Miss Quirk would you handle Personnel please second discussion roll call Mr bamo yes Mrs danek Martin yes Dr deia yes Mr fraginal Mrs Quirk yes Mr Scotty Mr Ferraro yes uh is there any old business to come before the board any new business okay the board is going to be going into executive session um whereas the Board of Education will be discussing matters exempt for public discussion pursuant to NJ njsa 10 calling for -12 now therefore be resolved that the Board of Education resets to Clos executive session at this time to discuss negotiations property acquisition and parent appeals be a further resolved that the results of the discussions will be made public by inclusion on the agenda of a subsequent meeting of the Board of Education or when the reasons for discussing such matters in closed sessions no longer exist can I get a motion to adjourn into executive okay thank you everyone for