stand to United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Madam clerk thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting for Tuesday February 20 2024 the time is now 7:04 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in December 7th 2023 issues of the nutly sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and copies on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Kelly present commissioner Evans here commissioner PCO here commissioner tui's absent excused mayor scor pelli here all presentent mayor except for commissioner Tui he is absent excused this evening minutes Madam clerk thank you we have board commissioner meeting minutes for January 16 2024 move it second commissioner Kelly abstain commissioner Evans hi commissioner Peto hi mayor hi not for minutes mayor Communications thank you mayor the friends of the Phoenix Foundation has submitted an application for a social Affair permit for casino night fundraiser scheduled for Friday April 26 2024 from 6:00 to 10: p.m. at 161 senior Owens place the committee to reelect alons Petco has submitted an application for a social Fair permit for their campaign fundraisers scheduled for Thursday April 4th 2024 from 6:00 to 11 uh at the staright dance studio 7 High Street in Nutley and the Nutley Rotary Club has submitted an event application for their annual car show to be held on Sunday September 15 2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. at 3:25 Franklin Avenue with a rain date of September 29th 2024 I need a motion please second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO I vote i f except for my thing mayor scarelli I thank you and that's it for communications mayor reports commissioner Evans yes I have a Cod enforcement report for the month of January M PCO yes I have my Public Safety report mayor thank you bills mam Clark thank you Mayor Bill list for February 20th 2024 public affairs $133,100 revenue and finance 2,952 23752 Public Safety $555,500 65 Public Works 999,9 18176 parks and public property $2,141 2016 payroll as of Friday February 2nd 2024 regular payroll total $935,000 42 over time payroll total $843 3359 total payroll 1,1 19,35 41 for a grand total of6 m22759 37 move the Bills second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi mayor scarelli hi and that's it for bills mayor public comment on agenda items only Madam spark thank you mayor all persons addressing the Board of Commissioners regarding Community concern should approach the microphone and provide their name for for the record unless further time is granted by the board each member shall limit their address to three minutes while remarks to the board and its individual members must be addressed to the mayor the mayor May defer citizens comments to the appropriate member of the board anybody wish to address the Board of Commissioners on agenda items only seeing none let's move on to board of commissioner announcements thank you mayor yeah I have I have one uh the uh New Jersey senior freeze program is is out uh uh for 20 for 23 the applications are out uh what's really important about this is uh income levels uh for a tax return um have have increased significantly since 2021 uh in 2021 uh income was uh maximum value was uh 97,000 in change uh for 20 uh two it was increased to 150,000 and for 23 it's 163,000 which means that anyone who uh who hadn't qualified uh for the uh freeze program in the past uh could conceivably uh qualify now uh while the deadline for filing is through October 1st the first early deadline is May 1 and the state has made a commitment that if uh people get their applications in and certified and submitted before May 1st uh they will actually make a a payment of the refunds uh that would be due to taxpayers uh by July 1 so it will be prior to the third quarter tax bill for people to take advantage of so it's we've been monitoring it we still track it but I expect that more households will be available to take advantage of this um it is for uh ages 65 and older or 100% disabled um indivi individuals so the ru the rules are changing uh uh and they are happening rapidly um so I want to make sure that people are aware of it we will be sending out a a flesh U on through our website to remind people as well thank you commissioner yes mayor we have our second um neighborhood watch meeting this Thursday night at Public Safety 79 of course you guys are all welcome to attend um it's been very um satisfying and rewarding partnering up with the residents already they've had helped us already um I am urging all of our residents the neighborhood watch program is strictly through the Police Department please do not engage in anybody if you see something please don't confront anybody just contact the police department and let them the guys do their job thank you mayor thank you commission Commish Kelly thank you mayor as we all know uh February is heart health month on February 10th we had our first heart health month event uh at the New Jersey ax house on East Center Street uh I want to thank the Jersey a house for opening that up to us for free of charge uh and getting people out there getting heart pumping having a good time during axes our second heart health month event is going to be this Saturday at the uh public affairs and health office at 10 o'clock in the morning we're going to do a three mile brisk walk through the park and we're going to finish it off with some yoga stretches yet but led by jimo of Good Vibes yoga uh coming up in March March is women's history month and we have a number of events like we did last year uh just read off the dates for you right now uh we have more coming online as well on March 5th uh we have a the kickoff event at the Nutley Museum from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on March 19th and this is this is uh an important one it's wom a women's health SE seminar uh and it's forgetting forget about forgetfulness and having a senior moment What's the difference between having a senior moment and what's early warning signs of dementia and so it's it's it's important for all no matter all ages whether you're caring for an elderly individual or your yourself what you could be 20 year old 20 years old and having a senior moment is it normal or is it uh demension and so that's an important Health seminar and we're also doing on March 26th uh is the sipin shop women's networking event where we're going to be showcasing some of our women-owned businesses in town and of course we're going to be working with the school system and we're going to have uh panels of trailblazing women uh talk to young girls young women uh about their career choices and about some of the adversity they had to overcome and also some of the accomplishments they were able to achieve despite that uh adversity and these are trou blazing women here in nutly and and locally uh and as I said there should be more coming online look for more information coming from the public affairs and Health Department thank you thank you commissioner Let's uh continue with resolutions that's me uh the first one I have on for this evening is resolution number 4424 and this is to recognize uh the naval reserves on its 109th birthday whereas the naval reserves was established on March 3rd 1915 in order to help prepare the nation for its entrance into World War I whereas since its Inception the naval Reserve has given normal citizens the opportunity to work part-time within the Navy whereas the United States naval Reserve and its more than 56,000 officer enlisted personnel work towards protecting our oceans and ensuring safety of all Americans whereas the town CH of Nutley is thankful for and is proud to support support the United States naval reserves on the occasion of the naval reserves 109th birthday the township remembers those who have sacrificed to serve their nation in the naval reserves and thanks and recognizes the naval Reserve veterans who call nutly home today now therefore it be resolved that the Board of Commissioners in the township of nle County of Essex state of New Jersey recognize and celebrate the naval reserves on its 109th birthday so moved second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi mayor scor pelli hi uh the second one I have on for this evening is resolution number 4524 uh and as I mentioned a few moments ago March is is women's history month and so this is a resolution to support and celebrate women's History Month whereas in 1988 the month of March was designated by the United States Congress as National Women's history month and whereas women's History Month promotes the teaching of women's history and achievements of women throughout the world whereas it is important for the residents of the township to recognize the growing contributions and achievements of women of the township of Nutley and the state of New Jersey now therefore it be resolved that the Board of Commissioners in the township of Nutley County of essic state of New Jersey call upon all citizens of nutly to observe the month of March as National Women's History Month 2024 at which time we encourage all residents to recognize the courageous and Powerful women past and present who have rendered a service to our nation our state and our Township also therefore it be resolved in 2024 women's History Month celebrates the theme women who advocate for Equity diversity and inclusion the theme recognizes women who speak up and are leading the change in their fields be a further resolve that the Board of Commissioners of the township of nle call upon all citizens of nle to observe International women's day Friday March 8th a global Day celebrating the economic political and social achievements of women women past present and future since 1911 so moved second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi mayor scarelli hi thank you commissioner commissioner Evans can you also take commissioner Tucci's resolution sure be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley the county of ESS stav New Jersey the treasurer is hereby authorized uh to refund overpayment of property taxes in the amount of $73,900 51 for 116 Harrison Street for the amounts and years listed in the resolution so move second commissioner I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I mayor scarelli hi my next resolution is for sun power Corporation systems um which is due a refund uh of a permit fee in the amount of $16 uh related to the DCA fee uh uh excuse me 160 $163 and20 relating to a municipal permit fee now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of notely that uh the municip it's worded differently than usual now therefore be resolved by the board of commissioner of the township of nly County of es St New Jersey at the municipal permit fee of $163 120 be refunded to sun power Corporation system so move second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner P hi mayor scell hi uh my next resolution is a uh temporary budget authorization uh the state delayed um the due date for our 24 budget which uh won't be introduced until the first meeting in April uh which uh statute njsa 48 colon 4-20 allows you to operate under a temporary budget authorization so uh this resolution uh provides for uh a total of 48 mli 39172 111 to allow the municipal government to continue to operate uh for all of the accounts that are listed in the resolution so move second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi mayor spelly hi the same holds true under 48 call 4 19 uh to allow us to make our debt service payments until the budget is adopted Uh current fund debt uh due is $3,000 the Water Service debt due is $81,300 55 so move second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner Petco I mayor scell hi and commissioner tuci whereas the Department of Public Works determined due to unforeseen circumstances that families had to cancel participation programs offered whereas the department of public parks and public property has determined a need to refund uh families now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of nle the county of esess State New Jersey legit Treasurer is hereby authorized to refund payments for recreation programs in the uh amounts of $100 for 462 cleint Kingsland Street and $110 for 510 Harrison Street so move second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi mayor scell hi thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner P be resolved by the township m in the county of V state of New Jersey as the township and N is authorized to accept a subord grant from the state of New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety Office attorney general in the amount of 32,400 under safe and secure Community program Grant number 24- 0716 with the match of the fringe benefits and salaries spread a total project cost of $329,700 the Township Clerk to attest to the subgrant awarded in connection with this Grant and any and all documents and in connection with this grant the township anell is acceptance accepting this grant of funds for the purpose described in application sub period August 1st 2023 to July 31st 2023 2024 certified copy of this resolution shall be provided by the office of the Township Clerk teach of the following mayor scarelli Township attorney chief financial officer police department state of New Jersey um Attorney General's office and offices of the Attorney General Department of Law and Public Safety and Tron I move the resolution second I hi commissioner PCO hi mayor scarelli hi whereas the not Police Department employes slo3 officers S3 officers is a retired police officer with full police Powers while on duty whereas the nle police department has appointed Joseph Castellano as a SLO 3 officer for one year beginning February 20th 2024 through February 20th 2025 now therefore be resolved by border commissioners of Township of Nutley County state of New Jersey that the police department is authorized to appoint Joseph Castellano as a leo3 before I move the resolution this is for um fully family school I move it second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner Petco hi mayor scarelli hi that's all I have mayor thank you commissioner where raffle applications have been received from the following organization Nutley Youth Baseball Club license number 1824 off premises 5050 cash raffle and license number 1924 on premises merchandise raffle to be held Saturday April 20th 2024 and the nutly music boosters uh associations license number 2024 on premises 5050 cash raffle to be H Thursday April 11 2024 and license number 2124 on premises 5050 cash raffle to be held Thursday April 18 2024 whereas the applications have been reviewed and approved by the municipal clerk in the police department now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Townley County V state New Jersey that the aforementioned licenses are hereby approved until the municipal clerk is authorized to move said licenses I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner p I mayor scarelli I be it resolved by the board of commissioner Township Nutley County of Essex New Jersey that in accordance with the provisions of RS 44-59 the following transfers of Appropriations in the 2023 Appropriations Reserve being hereby or hereby authorized and approved from recycling disposal contract $115,000 Engineering Services $177,000 for a total of $32,000 and to leaf removal and tipping fees 15,000 leaf removal and tipping fees tipping 17,000 for a total like amount of $32,000 I move the resolution second Comm Kelly hi Mr trens hi Mr PCO hi mayor scarpelli hi where is bids for the 2023 acceptance of recycling vegetation waste to include leaf and grass clippings were received and opened on September 28 2022 whereas a contract was awarded to eseri and Suns PO Box 1407 Su New Jersey as a low biver for the removal recycling of CL B clean wood brush in the amount of $18.85 per cubic yard class SE leaves in amount of $20 uh $145 per cubic yard and classy grass clipping is in amount of $25.85 per cubic yard where's a term of the contract was for one contract year beginning February 7th 2023 through February 6 2024 in amount of $80,000 with the option for two one-year extensions at the same price and or agreed upon pre-stated increase and subject to availability funds in the subsequent annual budget where's a change order number one to the contract with aise through resolution number 31123 on December 5th 2023 for an increase to the contract the amount of $115,000 whereas a change order number two in the contract has been authorized for an additional increase in the contract in amount of $2,634 65 for total adjusted contract amount of $17,604.13 now whereas funds are available from account number 30142 2209 the amount not to exceed $1,790 and funds are available from account number 40142 2209 in the amount of $933 75 and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification be attached to this resolution now therefore be resolved by the board of commissioner toell County V state New Jersey that change order number two is the change from the contract previously made by the township Nutley with es rundi and Suns that is hereby authorized and approved I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I Comm Evans hi Comm vco I mayor scarelli I that concludes the business portion of our meeting anybody like to address the Board of Commissioners this evening seeing none Mr Bruno we do have the need to go close session to discuss contract negotiation need a motion move second second whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 19 uh75 permits the exclusion of the public for meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public bodies of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley and the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session now therefore be a resolve that the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley move into close executive session to discuss contract negotiations and litigation be a further resolved at the time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending Andor anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Kelly hi missioner Evans hi missioner PCO hi mayor scor pelli hi need a motion to adjourn move it second missioner Kelly hi Evans hi M Petco hi mayor scarelli hi time is now 7:26