e e e thank you Deputy Mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting agenda for Thursday June 6 2024 the time is now 7:03 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in the December 7 2023 issues of the nutly sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office Deputy Mayor Evans here commissioner Tui here commissioner scor Pell's absent excused commissioner Petco here commissioner Kelly uh mayor Kelly is absent excused this evening yes mayor Kelly cannot be here tonight he's actually away enjoying his Mo so we extend best wishes to to John and his new bride and and much success health and happiness uh so stay tuned he'll be back next week uh minutes mam clerk thank you we have uh Board of commissioner meeting minutes for May 7 2024 and May 10 2024 which was our budget Workshop meeting can I have a motion please move it second uh commissioner Tui hi commissioner Petco hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi that's it for minutes we don't have any executive minutes Communications Madam clerk thank you we have two this evening uh Holy Family Church has submitted an event application to hold their 32nd annual Italian Festival from Thursday September 19th through Sunday September 22nd uh at 20 Brookline Avenue they have also requested permission to hold a raffle on Sunday September 22nd during the affir affirmation event the mayor's office has also submitted an event application for the 4th of July celebration on Thursday July 4th 2024 on Franklin Avenue between Church Street and Chestnut Street as well as uh in the park oal can I have a motion please move it second commissioner tuchi hi commissioner Peto I Deputy Mayor Evans hi and that's it for communications thank you uh tonight we have a few uh proclamations uh before we start with that we did have a third uh Proclamation for tonight which uh we will uh actually postpone until our our meeting on the 18th uh when uh uh mayor Kelly is here uh this this particular uh Proclamation relates to uh acknowledging the 80th anniversary of of the D-Day Landings on the Normandy Co Coast during World War II um the actually we're ready to go uh there is a an elderly veteran who was to to be here uh tonight but unfortunately he uh can't be here so we want to make sure that you know both parties that are important to this and the full board is present uh to do that uh so we'll take care of that on the on June 18th uh Meredith is there anything else I need to know about that right thank you all right uh let's move on uh the first Proclamation tonight will be uh the for the uh uh celebrating uh lgbtq uh uh I plus pride month uh commissioner Tucci can you lead us off I will begin thank you whereas Township of Nutley is a friendly and welcoming community that celebrates and promotes diversity and inclusion and whereas the township of Nutley recognizes the importance of equality and freedom for all of our residents and the progress we have made as a nation in the fight for justice inclusion and equity and whereas a Township of nutly recognizes that our nation was founded upon the principles that all people are created equal and that everyone has a right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and whereas the township of Nutley is dedicated to fostering acceptance of all of its residents and preventing discrimination and mistreatment based on sexual orientation or gender identity and we reaffirm our commitment to do more to support lgbtqi plus rights in our town whereas the township of nly is strengthened by and thrives upon the rich diversity of e ethnic cultural racial gender and sexual identities of its residents all of which make us uh I apologize my daughter uh excuse me which uh make us all make up our vibrant character and whereas the township of nly recognizes the import and contributions of members of the lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer and intersex uh community and whereas the township of nutly acknowledges that members of uh this community especially people of color and trans people continue to face discrimination and cruel persistent efforts to undermine their basic human rights and it is specifically difficult for the LGBT uh Qi uh plus youth 45% of whom seriously considered attempting suicide in the last year now therefore be it proclaimed by the uh Nutley Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley we hereby Proclaim and recognize the month of June as lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer in intersex uh pride month and we urge all residents to actively promote the principles of equality and Liberty and we remind the lgbtq uh uh I plus community that they are loved and cherished and seen for who they are deserving of dignity respect and support throughout this s Township I would like to just add a few comments uh for myself um this resolution uh is important to me uh um I balance this against my my upbringing and my uh my My Religion uh but I value the fact that the importance and the sanctity of a human life is something that can never ever be diminished um and I therefore I gladly uh read the proclamation I will also add that my nephew Finn has just been accepted at TS uh and is starting uh his new gender and we as a family uh both the immediate family and extended family are extremely proud of him and fully support him um Commissioners any additional comments I'm good okay so thank you Angelica would you like to say a few [Laughter] words hello my name director here and today this all ship Pride that the opportunity to continue to positively impact very much incredible for your Community ofle nle Pride was established in 2019 with the goal awareness providing support and solidarity PR Pride off education resources creates activities and provides events that promote inclusivity and equality valy being able to create a safe space for the community and our allies to come together to celebrate has been privilege and achievement I been a resident of Bley for 25 years from the unforgettable shrubber festival at springart school the buzzing home and school Jitter Walker Middle School I'm also accompl multips softball athletes and County Championship I consider myself res all those things I'm also les I'm an out member of society who I'm the person I'm the neighbor who it's um not recording so I'm sorry that's okay apologize do I have to do that's right should I should I to my own horn I'll start yes that's okay things happen I'm the person who holds the door for you at Pete's Deli I am the neighbor who Smiles at you politely while walking through Yore Park I am just like every other resident in the town of Nutley yet I have to stand up here preach to you about how there is absolutely nothing wrong with loving who I want to love again I'll repeat this in case it falls upon deaf ears there is absolutely nothing wrong with being exactly who I am in fact I'm here to celebrate it outwardly loudly proudly wholeheartedly and with PR I'm using my voice to speak wholeheartedly to the lgbtqia community of Nutley as much progress as the lgbtqia community has made towards acceptance there remains a significant amount of work to be done to advance LG PT qia equality and safety for our community according to the Human Rights Campaign 130 bills Target trans rights have been filed and 325 anti-lgbtq plus bills have been proposed in 2024 it seems recently that history is taking place in Reverse which is not only frightening but incredibly upsetting we cannot turn a eye to the recent increase in violence against the queer community in queer places which is why what we are doing at nutly pride is so important we must remember that Pride isn't just about waving a rainbow flag it is important to remember that pride month is a time of resistance Pride marks our community's history of fighting back against oppression the uprising at the Stonewall Inn sparked a Liberation movement Pride was a riot a call to action that continues to inspire and promise of equality liberty and justice for all I'd like to leave you with a few words these few words are a quote that younger me who had so much so many questions about life when coming out clinged on to be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind thank you for your time thank you for celebrating you are [Music] appreci I don't know 10 I hope so you're not sorry there you go reg want again and he's from Essex County wait for Bruno getting in there John set want to do couple deep KNE bends and ready to go yeah I feel doing work I just go down I don't go up that's been my problem lately too excuse me gang we need to continue with the meeting see now you sat back down you have to stay for the whole meeting uh commissioner petraco you have a Proclamation yes this is for gun violence in America the proclamation declares the first Friday of June to be National Gun Violence Awareness Day the township py to honor and remember all the victims and survivors of gun violence and declare that we are a country our country must do more to end the Public Health crisis whereas every day 120 Americans are killed by gun violence and more than 200 are shot and wounded and with the average of nearly 18 guns homicide sides every year and we're As Americans are 26 times more likely to die by gun homicide than people in other high income countries whereas New Jersey has 427 gun debts every year with a rate of 4.8 debts per 100,000 people crisis that costs to save 5.3 million each year of which 1689 million is paid by taxpayers the state of Mississippi is the highest of gun debts in the us and whereas gun homicide and assaults are conc concentrated in cities with move with more than half of all firearms related gun deaths in the nation occurring in 127 cities and whereas the cities Across the Nation including including in the township of Nutley are working to end the senseless violence with evidencebased Solutions and whereas the protecting Public Safety in the communities they serve is mayor's highest responsibilities and whereas the support of the Second Amendment rights of the law abiding citizens go hand inand with keeping gunwar away from people with dangerous histories and whereas Mayors and will Enforcement Officers is in partnership with local violence intervention AC activists and resources know their communities best are the most familiar with the local criminal activity and how to address it and our best positioned to understand how to keep their citizens safe whereas the gun violence prevention is more important than ever as we see an increase in firearm homicides and non-fatal shootings across the country increased calls to domestic violence hotlines and increased in in City gun violence whereas in January 2013 penin was tragically shot and killed at age 15 and on June 7 2024 recognized his 27th birthday app penal him born June 2nd 1997 people across the United States will recognize National Gun Violence awareness day and wear orange and true Haiti penelon and other victims of gun violence and the loved ones of those victims are whereas the idea was inspired by gun by a group of Hades families who asked their classmates to Comm commerate Life by wearing orange they closed this color they chose this color because Hunters wear orange to announce themselves to other Hunters one in the woods and orange is a color of symbolizes the value of human life whereas anyone can join the campaign to pledging to wear orange on June 7th the first Friday in June in 2024 to help raise awareness about gun violence whereas by wearing whereas a renew whereas we renew our commitment to reduce gun violence and pledge to do all we can to keep Firearms out of the hands of people who should not have access to them and encourage responsible ownership to help keep our families and communities safe now therefore be resolved by mayor Kelly and the Board of Commissioners the township and N County V the state of New Jersey declares the first Friday in June June 7th 2024 National Gun Violence awareness day I encourage all citizens to support their local communities efforts and prevent the tragic effects of gun violence and honor and value human lives thank you is there anyone here tonight who would like to make a comment okay let's move on with to reports uh I have a code enforcement report for the month of April 2024 Madame clerk bills thank you Deputy Mayor Bill list for June 6 2024 public affairs $842 180 Revenue in finance 2,769 71449 Public Safety $ 61,2 2869 Public Works $ 71,7 37.9 parks and public property $1,327 11158 water utility $99,800 54 payroll as of May 24th 2024 uh regular payroll total 98249 one7 overtime payroll total $ 74,8 79 total payroll 1,566 18155 for a grand total of 5,761 16255 move the bills second commissioner Tucci I commissioner Petco I Deputy Mayor Evans thank you is there any vote I I and that's it for bills walk you through thank you guys thank you for the coaching thank you for the coaching you're both experienced it w a little bit for a short time public comments on agenda items only would anyone like to come forward seeing no one commissioner uh Board of commissioner announcements commissioner Tui M um I just like to comment on that gun violence um that I just read most was not in that Proclamation and obviously I didn't um write it and the letters were very very small maybe we can make them bigger next time so I could see it but however saying that another big issue is that people that own guns and I am a second amendment kind of a guy and I do have firearms of my own obviously they're legal but the most important message I could send to anybody owning a gun is make sure you secure your gun because we should read another Proclamation about how many kids shoot themselves when they get Daddy's or mommy's gun in this country the numbers are staggering so if you own a gun be responsible make sure you keep it Out Of Reach your children because it's it's um horrific to lose a child that way also I just like to um say this I I really don't want to say this but I I just find it in my heart to say it cuz I don't want to drink USS these car burglaries have been in house burgies have been weighed down they're like rashes they um eat up and they come and go this is as quiet as I seen it and I just want to thank everybody for joining neighbors watch because that has really helped the police department out our cops we have here tonight on an officer they do an excellent job of being proactive and they stopped um a lot of this nonsense that was going on in this town by being proactive so I I thank the nutly police department as well but I want to also thank the residents for if you see something say something I think the message has finally gotten across to lock your doors as well so you know by partnering up with the residents through neighborhood watch or message boards or whatever we're doing I just want to thank the notely residents because it seems to be working thank you Deputy Mayor Evans let's move on to ordinance introductions uh Council I have three which I kind of would like to do them all together would that be okay yes I would I'd like to make a motion to commissioner Tui hi commissioner PCO hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi tonight there are three uh Bond ordinances that are on the uh agenda for this evening uh 3554 3555 and 356 uh two of these uh ordinances are consistent with our annual Capital uh Improvement program uh which we uh stay at a consistent level at uh to maintain our uh Debt Service and making sure that it does not become uh overbearing on our operating budget the uh one of these 3554 is utilization of uh ARP money which is federal money that was given to uh townships under the American Rescue plan act in 2021 that has to be utilized by the end of the year uh and that amount uh is 2,6 2,624 7968 uh that while that is a capital ordinance it does not increase the debt of the town because it's fully paid for fully funded uh so with that I would like to move all three of these ordinances uh to a second reading and adverti and let them be advertised and nly Sun together with a notice required by law and that further consideration of said ordinance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners uh be held at its second reading on July 2nd 2024 so move second commissioner Tui hi commissioner PATCO hi Deputy deputy May Evans all right uh we have one uh ordinance uh on the agenda tonight for a public uh hearing uh which was introduced by commissioner uh tuci and myself uh providing for uh the purchase of equipment and and infrastructure improvements for the township uh in the amount of $400,000 this is a once again this is a fully funded ordinance it does not increase uh the debt of our our community would anyone like to comment on this ordinance tonight move we close the public hearing second commissioner Tui hi commissioner PCO hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi thank you move the ordinance second commissioner Tui hi commissioner PCO I Deputy Mayor rans I good out uh the we have some resolutions tonight 18 in total uh uh I'll read mine last because I will also read uh uh mayor Kelly's so commissioner Tucci would you like to read your resolution this evening yes mayor give me one minute important to be try to do better next time whereas the department of parks and public property determined due to unforeseen circumstances family had to cancel participation in programs offered and whereas Department of parks and public property has determined a need to refund families now therefore be it resolved at the Board of Commissioners of Township nley County of Essex and state of New Jersey that the treasur be and is hereby authorized to refund payments for rec Recreation programs in the amounts listed below to the folks at 226 Union Avenue for adaptive baseball in the amount of $60 for year 2024 and the folks at 11 Sunset Drive for travel basketball in the amount of $50 for 2024 I move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner PCO hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi go I have mayor thank you commissioner PCO yes whereas there are 820 Vehicles F fatalities in New Jersey in 2023 and whereas a large percentage of the motor vehicles occupants killed in and traffic rses were not wearing seat belts and whereas the use of seat belts Remains the most effective way to avoid death or Serious injury in the motor vehicle crash and then whereas the national highway traffic safety administration estimates that 135,000 lives will be saved by safety belt to using National usage nationally between 1975 and the year 2000 and whereas the state of New Jersey will participate in Nationwide clicket or ticket seat belt mob mobilization for May 20th June to June 2nd 2024 in an effort to raise awareness and increase seat belt usage through the combination of high visibility enforcement and public education whereas the division of highway traffic safety has set a good goal of increasing the seat belt rate usage rate in the state from the current level of 94% to 95.5% whereas the future increase in seat Bel usage in New Jersey will save lives in our roadways now therefore it be resolved by P declares to support the clicket or ticket seat belt mobilization both locally and nationally from May 20th to June 2nd 2024 and pledges to increase awareness of the mobilization and benefits of seat belt use I move it second commissioner Tui I commissioner PCO I Deputy Mayor Evans hi the township where as the township notle through the notle police department has the need to acquire the services of an outside company for administr ative management of police off duty details throughout the township and not where as extra Duty solution located at 101 Mar pole for S21 um trumo Connecticut has submitted a proposal indicating that they will provide such services at no cost to toship for one additional year whereas all fees are will be paid directly to extra Duty solutions by the third party vendor whereas the term of the contract is not to exceed one year from the date of the contract award whereas extra Duty 101 Mar P for um in Connecticut has completed and submitted a business intent entity disclosure certification which certifies that said Corporation has not made any reportable contributions to political or candidate Committee in t pelty in the previous one year and that the contract will prohibit extra Duty Solutions Partners from making reportable contributions throughout the term of the contract now therefore be resolved by the board of commission Township andell County of s state of New Jersey as follows the contract shall be entered into between the tant of Nutley and extra Duty solutions for the administration and management of police off duty details be further resolved a copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the Township Clerk and chief of police I move it a second commissioner Tui yeah just one just one question commissioner they're gonna do this for free I you know what I have to tell you I know that we have the extra like um his part of the Sam is this part of the um how they schedule the off duty like the road work and all that stuff that's what I thought so I guess they're going to do I guess they're a third party because we already have a company doing that and um I guess I'll so would they be collecting the administrative fee instead of I don't think that it sound it sounds like to me that they're not collecting any fee for this year for the township but I guess moving forward so when there's a cost Associated but I will look into into it tomorrow morning it's no fee well done I vote I thank you uh commissioner PCO I Deputy Mayor Evans what time tomorrow will you check it um I get up about 11 on Fridays hi thank you we seal bids for Furnishing and delivering police dispatchers and crossing guard uniforms and equipment were publicly open and red on April 10th 2024 and where turnout uniforms is the BET better bidder wow it's the better bidder based on their prices and whereas the funds in the amount of $48,000 are available in appro appropriation title 4-01 31027 police and dispatcher maintenance and allowance and the funds in the amount of 12,500 are available on appropriation title 41310 207 course and guard allowances and has been certified by the Chief Financial Officer and said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be resolved by the board of commissioner Township in notle County veses New Jersey that the contract for Furnishing and delivering police dispatchers and crossing guard uniforms and equipment consistent with the 2024 clothing voucher allocation be and here hereby awarded to turnout uniforms 195 Patterson Avenue Little Falls New Jersey I'm moving second commissioner Tui hi commissioner Petco hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi where is okay this one we're pulling right this is um the resolution with that SLO it's um 15824 with um well good sheeper we're going to hold we're going to table that tonight is this to resend it or yes 158 is all right well let's just table it okay that's table okay my resolution 15924 whereas the not Board of Education that's the same one that's the one the table okay I think I'm done thank you so much Deputy Mayor on EV thank you commissioner moving right along uh I have several resolutions tonight and I will also read the resolutions uh provided by mayor Kelly in his absence uh my first resolution is resolution authorizing the cancellation of American Rescue plan Grant funds for an over appropriation in the amount of $2,500 so move second commissioner Tui hi commissioner PCO a establish am am I okay to vote it without him here since it's one of the three of us thank you Deputy Mayor rbins I okay uh my next resolution is the uh for the township Revenue to finance department uh we annually uh secure uh a service with iro Industries to do electronic tax sales uh it's at the same rate and monies are available in account 40126 209 which have been certified by the chief financial officer I move this resolution so second commissioner Tui I commissioner PCO I Deputy Mayor Evans I whereas the township has a need to acquire specialized professional service for purpose of assisting the Township in correcting health insurance being withheld as OPP poos tax withholding and naaia Certified Public Accounts and Consultants at 200 Valley Road 300 sweet 300 Mount Arlington New Jersey has the requisite specialized knowledge and experience to provide this service and has submitted a proposal for such services to be built at their standard rates uh whereas naaia has completed and submitted the business entity disclosure certifications uh which would prohibit them from making any disqualifying reportable contributions to a political or candidate Committee in the township of not in the previous one year and that the contract will prohibit them from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nley that in accordance to local public contract law the board hereby authorizes and approves the contract with naaia LLP uh to assist the Township in correcting prior Health uh insurance withholdings as a post tax withholding at their standard rates read further V resolve that the Chief Financial Officer has executed a certification of funds uh in account 401 uh 208205 uh for an amount not to exceed $20,000 be further resolved that the mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and seal uh said contract for a professional service on behalf of the township second commissioner Tui hi commissioner PCO I Deputy Mayor Evans thank you may Council since I'm reading this tonight and and I'm in this seat would we modify this that Deputy Mayor consigned ver the mayor it's I as amended my next resolution relates to a vehicle motor vehicle accident uh that happened on 248 Center Street um in January uh 2024 um the uh the name the the tenant Sandra Salon uh uh the window was destroyed there was an Emergen for an emergency repair uh the township coordinated with the tenant to retain temporary glass services to repair the damage window though uh the fees incurred uh for this service was $631 which the township uh desires to pay uh there are claims that uh can be subed to the township which uh contemporary glass has uh has been willing to do and has done so uh which enables this resolution to to be read funds are available in account 40102 uh 205 now there be will be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nly state of New Jersey is hereby authorized the finance department to issue payment to contemporary glass so move second commissioner Tui just a question before I vote so we're going to be reimbursed in total for this the we will have to pursue action in order to get reimbursed why are we pursuing action why are we placing the lean or if necessary yes okay right and my hope is it doesn't come to but we we we will pursue action but either way my expectation is we will get our money okay we get our money back I vote I okay commissioner PATCO I Deputy Mayor Evans I my next resolution is relates to a uh tax exemption under New Jersey state ta statute 54 col Ford 3 the 30 for the surviving Widow of a war veteran who qualified for 100% total and permanent disability in connection with their wartime Service uh which uh they have satisfied all of the filing requirements uh to do so now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of n county of es state of New Jersey that Gail Lions is be granted full exemption from payment of property taxes from May 13 to 2024 and all subsequent years thereafter on the property identified as block 3600 Lot 19 known as 296 Walnut Street the further resol that the treasur is authorized to refund $1,699 186 for 2024 property taxes so move second commissioner Tui I commissioner PCO I Deputy Mayor Evans I the following resolutions of of the reading on behalf of uh mayor Kelly um the first resolution 40 144 4 24 is an application has been filed by Jay Izzy 1081 LLC for a personto person transfer of an in inactive pocket license to Diamond uh Spring Cafe LLC now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the T noi this hereby approve effective J June 6 2024 the transfer of the after said plary retail license to J izy uh 1081 LLC and does here by direct to municipal clerk to endorse the license certif certificate to the new uh ownership as follow as this license subject to all of its terms and conditions is hereby transferred so move second sorry commissioner Tui State commissioner PCO I deputy and mayor Rens hi uh my next resolution for R deals with raffle raffle applications for Holy Family Church and the Nutley Clifton Hockey Club for uh off- premise licenses and carnival games and and money will uh licenses uh as listed in the resolution now therefore be resolved by the board of commissioner of the town of n county ofic state of New Jersey the aformentioned licenses are hereby approved and the municipal clerk is authorized to issue said licenses so Mo second commissioner Tui hi commissioner Petco hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi uh resolution number 55224 uh is whereas June 18th is autistic Pride Day Day dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding and acceptance of the autism spectrum disorder uh the it is important to recognize and support individuals with autism by fostering a learning environment in a community that Embraces neurodiversity and promotes inclusive inclusivity uh now whereas it the autism spectrum disorders are characterized by a range of challenges and strength impacting social communication behavior and Century uh experiences not therefore being resolved by the Board of Commissioners of C of Nutley the state of New Jersey asked the community to join them and recognizing and celebrating autistic Pride day so move second commissioner Tui hi commissioner PCO hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi whereas uh people of Caribbean Heritage are found in every state of the union immigration from the Caribbean to the American colonies began in the early as early as 1619 with the arrival of uh indentured workers in Jamestown Virginia a significant number of slaves from the Caribbean were brought to the United States whereas millions of people have immigrated from the Caribbean to the United States and where the Caribbean American have diverse racial ethnic cultural and religious backgrounds whereas community cariban American Americans have played an active role in the civil rights movement and other social and political movements of the United States uh now therefore be resolved that the notle Board of Commissioners the county of asked access the community to join them in recognizing the in celebrating June as Caribbean American heritage month for all the reasons listed in the resolution so second commissioner Tui hi commissioner PATCO I Deputy Mayor rans I whereas pursuing to njsa 40 colum 55 d-89 the planning board of the township of Nutley is required to prepare and adopt a master plan to guide the use of lands within the township and to periodically reexamine same whereas the board in consultation with pul uh Ricky Ricky planning prepared a master plan reexamination report dated December 2nd 2022 and the board held a public hearing on December 14th 2022 uh whereas by resolution dated December 14 2022 the board approved the master plan reexamination report and recommended that the township through the Board of Commissioners Endor the same now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township M the county of Essex state of New Jersey hereby endorses the master plan reexamination report prepared by Paul Ricky uh dated December 2nd 22 for 2022 for the township of M has adopted by the planning board so move second commissioner Tui hi commissioner PCO hi Deputy Mayor Evans hi whereas the Fourth of July also known as Independence Day is a national holiday celebrated annually commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence Township nelli and observance of Independence Day will be hosting Fourth of July festivities and a firework display onor about Thursday July 4th 2024 whereas Garden State fireworks uh PO Box 403 Carlton Road Millington New Jersey is the vendor performing the fireworks activities for the township now they be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nly that the township authorizes the discharge and use of fireworks by its vendor honor about July 4th 24 2024 uh with a rain date uh for the next clear night so Mo second commissioner Tui hi commissioner Petco hi Deputy Mayor Evans that concludes the formal business of the uh board this evening would anyone uh wish to make a public comment all persons addressing the Board of Commissioners regarding Community concerns should approach the microphone and provide their name for the record unless further time is granted by the board each person shall limit their address to three minutes all remarks to the board and its individual members must be address to the mayor the mayor May defer citizens comments to the appropriate member of the board thank you U my name is Steve gberie um basically St I'm sorry we can't hear you yeah we can hear you yeah yeah hi my name is Steve gilbery um I have a question um I was wondering if there's been any progress in setting up a joint meeting between the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education uh as well as involving the parents in that as well uh I know that the representatives of the Board of Education uh met with mayor Kelly uh to discuss that topic uh I I don't know what the conclusion of that was but there is there is a meeting planning underway okay um and I had a one more question it was uh involving the roads actually actually I got two questions sorry uh one's involving the roads so um have we looked into maybe doing what Rutherford did and telling Public Service no more ripping the streets until they repair the ones that they've already ripped because I mean the roads are the roads are atrocious uh commissioner scarelli is not here tonight uh he would have more to say on that we do have ordinances that restrict R opening up a a newly paav Road uh for a fiveyear period because raford just like shut them down completely until they start repairing the roads back it's honestly when you have a water system and a sewer system that's over a hundred years old you know you you find yourself you know having to do repairs uh so we try to minimize that and if it's within that fiveyear period the actual cost to do it is on the on the applicant uh to reimburse the township for that effort okay um and then uh my last thing was involving actually an employee for Spring Garden school right so he was given a vehicle by the Board of Education that doesn't have seat bels in it we just went over seat bels right like a few minutes back that's what kicked my memory of it um I had posted about it a few days back on Facebook I know nobody uh really watches that too much but um that the driver of the vehicle delivers to the school right he's spoken to numerous people numerous parents he's complained that the brakes in the vehicle are bad and there's zero working seat belts in the vehicle is that something uh that that's something that I could look into and after the meeting if you want to give me some more information about that absolutely I I would be glad to it's is it a board of ed vehicle it is okay he he actually delivers I believe the lunches for the Board of Education to Spring Garden every day he makes the deliveries it's his vehicle so apparently his vehicle broke down the board said that they didn't have the money to fix it they gave him another vehicle the vehicle that they gave him he says that the brakes are hardly working and there's no working seat bels in the vehicle so I could look into that if it's okay um Deputy Mayor I like to comment on that bard of Ed stuff and I I know that um we've all been taken apart and and working to not to be part of the problem so much but be to be part of the solution I myself have met with um campia the superintendent a couple times and had some conversations and um today I met with the state monitor for almost two hours and I have to tell you I I was um impressed with her and I think that it's a good thing that she's here um and we're I'm going to continue to you know put my finger on that because I don't know if any of the other Commissioners here tonight saw that um on Channel 11 news today it really it really gives her to a black eye you know but until we get all the facts of everything that went on Steve you know I think it's only fair for them to gather the information you know and see what the solutions are going to be and you know not that we care about any other towns and I I'm a big advocate of saying this you know you have to hold people accountable for whatever went wrong because a breakdown like that should have never happened but I think that um after meeting with the state monitor today that you know it's not just a unique problem in Nutley all of a sudden I I I believe I'm not 100% fact yet but Tom's Riverson has a lot of um thatt as well and you know after am I over my time manam Kirk okay but about eight years now well I'm here 16 anyway looking around the side it's it's it's not a good look for Nutley you know we we don't want to accuse anybody we don't want to point fingers but I I want to tell you that how the schools go is how our Township's going to go and I'm a advocate of that and I also have a 10th grader in in nutly school system so I'm I'm very much on it during this campaign season you know we all were all over the schools you know and I asked um the superintendent about this too um and I just want to be crystal clear I'm not taking sides just yet okay but when I walked into Washington school and some of these auditoriums with broken chairs and Blaster and all that and you know I'm I'm going to say it like this because again I'm not going to take a side yet we're better than that not is better than that and we have to you know we could all throw the daggers but at some point it's we right we have to all get together with a solution because you know again not is a great town it's a great place to raise a family if we lose this school system it'll it'll I really believe it's going to be the end who who's going to want to pay these kind of taxes and live in notle so I want you to know that you know my fellow Commissioners I won't speak for them but I am very active in looking into the any of the information that's available out there as well we appreciate all the help man thank you guys Steve before you go uh since commissioner pakro made comments this this evening uh which I didn't expect uh the I think it's important that you understand is that the full board is seriously looking at this and is investigating it I have met with the the state monitor uh for uh almost three hours uh on Wednesday I know commissioner Tucci you're scheduled to meet with her next week early next week uh and all of the Commissioners will be meeting with her I have been involved very heavily uh with the matter from the financial side uh actually uh since for a few months uh and I'm I have a lot of information uh what I will tell you what's important right now is to make sure that the school system is able to complete their school year uh receive the necessary funding from the state in order to be able to pay their bills uh which they plan on paying uh and I'm I've been informed that the state did approve uh their not only alone but actually working capital to make sure uh they can continue to function uh with their uh in in a reasonable way there are things that that you can identify and point to that created a budgetary problem uh there were uh new revenues that were listed uh that didn't have any history associated with them that would became unrealizable why the B the business ad administrator put those in there and why the county the state representative approved that right that's one to be investigated further not so much that anybody did wrong it just have to find out what the real answer is but the next thing that's important is that the school system has to be able to function for the next school year so there was quite a bit of work done to get a budget together uh quickly uh in order to meet the filing deadlines and the uh there's a lot of work being done to make sure that every account every line item is fully funded in the way in the way it should be and that it is being monitored there's uh active interviewing going on to hire a new ba uh which will have uh have have and fortunately I have interview some of the candidates that are well qualified to now sit in that seat so there are some very good things that are going on so I would tell you that the answer to getting the solid answers to how it happened uh I can share with you an opinion right but uh that getting to the exact details of that uh will take some time it's it's a priority but in terms of the first priorities first priority is make sure we get through the year make sure all the bills are paid right second is make sure the the budget is right for next year and I know they introduced a budget with a roughly $330 increase that they were estimating uh it's actually going to be lower than that because the way the budget is put together year-over-year you get half of last year's with half of this year's so last year was lower this year is higher so it averages down uh so uh it it'll probably be somewhere in they about $100 less than what they were uh estimating so there's a lot of good things that that are going on um I have met with the superintendent the uh chair of the finance committee the the board president at length uh to go over all of those the these matters uh and we'll continue to do that but I think it's important for you understand is that I'm looking at it and I've been been looking at it one way this full board is is very concerned that this School needs to continue to operate and I'm going to say this because it's not just about one class of students it's about the fact that there's over 4,000 students in the system and they all need a great education and there all of their needs need to be met and so we as a board are make are concerned that we uh make certain that the school has the ability uh to administer the and execute the education of our children the way they need to please keep in mind though under statute and under law this board is wholly separate so from the board of education so while we can ask and while we can inquire we cannot uh control it and we do not control it and I might be responsible for collecting all the money to go pay it but I have no influence uh over what on not of's board I think it's just just to keep it in context and I think that's kind of like some of the unease on the parent side right it's because like um the same board who hired the last business administrator with a known track record of this problem is now going to hire the next business administrator nothing's really changing same group of guys they've been keep that keep in mind it's not it's not it is different it is different because the people that are looking at doing the interviewing didn't interview the last one and the state monitor is the deciding factor on who gets into that seat but all the board members do vote for the appointing of so and the state monitor has a full Authority no I'm saying the business administrator the last business administrator uh David uh he was certainly signed off on by all these board members right I mean all of them would have signed off on them at would be a vote of the board who was involved with it but let I think they were all on the board when he was hired he was only hired like three years ago they're all long seated members short of Nick right but I appreciate you that's history but today the approval trying to say like you know they hired the last one they're GNA hire this one so it's kind of like that I think that's a part of the concern for the Steve my point is it's not the same because with the state monitor present right and I was part of the interviews so it's not the same but even the board and the board itself whatever their feelings are the state monitor has a complete override awesome so that's some of that history yes but it's not it's definitely not the same cool appreciate that Tom has really done a lot of work and I I gave him Kudos today and he is the man for the job when it comes to the budget and I'm glad that this came up tonight because I am I the one thing I'm not too happy about and I expressed that and I don't know why the reason for this is is when we took over the ambulance Squad at nutly and my name got dragged in the mud through the mud you might know and um Mora was the mayor at the time and he was a great hand and helping me we gave a time frame out of when our investigation was going to be over when you know we would have resolved by and we would release the information you know and I asked the state monitor today because I have been watching these Board of Ed meetings and I'll talk as a commissioner tonight and a parent okay and you know I would I would just wanted to be that it's as transparent as it could be when they are legally allowed to release this information but I have to tell you Steve and the reason why I did open my mouth and I will continue to is because you know all of us have been accused of sitting on our hands and not getting involved and all that stuff but the truth of the matter is and I'll speak for myself because I don't want to tarnish anybody else but myself is that none none of us are sitting on our hands and none of us are happy about this situation it's just like commissioner Evan said before it is SE two separate boards they're elected but and I'll speak for myself if you think I'm happy about this situation you don't know me at all so I'm not happy about it and but but again the message that I will send out and I don't point fingers until I have factual information is that nutly has to get together now because we are at the crossroads and it's time to get together and be part of the solution not just going up to microphones and yelling at people and things like that so that's all I have to say deputy mayor Evans thank you thank you commissioner thank you anything else Steve no that's all thank you move to journ well would anybody else like to comment sorry seeing no one move to close the public hearing public comment period yes second I commissioner PCO Deputy Mayor Evans I motion to adjourn second commissioner Tui hi commissioner PATCO Deputy Mayor Evans hi the time is now 803