oh what much everybody please stand for the flag salute ALG flag the United States of America to the rep indivisible Madam clerk thank you mayor uh Board of Commissioners public meeting agenda for Tuesday November 21st 2023 the time is now 7:05 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting uh has been published in the December 8th 2022 issues of the nutly sun The Herald world news and Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the notle town hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Kelly presid commissioner Evans here commissioner pet here commissioner Tui here mayor scorel here all present mayor minutes mam clerk we have executive session minutes for October 17 2023 move it second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor P hi and that's it for minutes mayor I have a proclamation on behalf of the Board of Commissioners this Proclamation declares that the 18th number to be National injury Prevention Day in the township of Nutley whereas injuries are the leading cause of death and disability us children ages 1 to 18 words the township of Nutley is committed to creating a safe environment contributing to the safety and well-being of our children and whereas an estimated 54% of G own gun owners don't lock all their guns securely and an estimated 4 4.6 million CH children live in a home with at least one unlocked and loaded gun whereas almost every single day a child gets their hands on a gun and unintentionally kills or Ines themselves or someone else in the United States and whereas research shows that the best way to protect children teams from accessing guns is to implement secure firearm storage policies and whereas protecting the public especially our children is Bo commissioner's highest responsibility and whereas hospitals state agencies and Community organizations are committed to their crucial role in reducing injuries and deaths by promoting safe practices and whereas the national injury Prevention Day raises awareness and promotes efforts to reduce injuries among children entreprene commends peace smart program developed by every town for gun safety support fund and mon demand action and all involved in their Endeavor to protect children from injury injury now therefore he resolved the mayor Board of Commissioners Attell declared the 18th of November to be National injury Prevention Day thought people would be here to accept the proclamation but maybe it'll show late maybe it'll show up at the next meeting so let's move to reports commissioner Chaka yes I have my Public Safety report thank you commissioner you're welcome bills thank you Mayor Bill is for November 21st 2023 public affairs $ 35,41 125 revenue and finance $3,252 n26 Public Safety $48,530 194 Public Works $275,400 parks and public property $ 43,5 34.99 payroll as of Friday October 13 2023 regular payroll total 1, 56,3 193 overtime payroll total $ 51,8 6525 total payroll 1 M 1,182 12618 for a grand total of 4,729 54941 I need a motion second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner tuchi hi mayor scarelli hi that's it for bills mayor move the or instructions commissioner Kelly uh thank you mayor uh this one was previously introduced on I believe October 17th but we had tabled it I'm reintroducing it uh for a public hearing on December 19th uh this is ordinance number 3531 an ordinance to amend chapter 320 of the code of the township of Nutley to add article 6 entitled military and Veterans Affairs fees section s entitled military tribute Hometown hero Street Banner program uh I I move that this ordinance be passed to a second read reading and advertising that we Sun together with the notice required by law and that further consideration of set ordinance be for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held in its second reading on December 19th 2023 so moved second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans stay commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I in introduction only mayor scarelli I on introduction all commission yes I have ordinance number 3534 an ordinance to men an ordinance codified in the code of the township ofly chapter 228 entitled vehicles and traffic particular article 7 special zones and area section 29a entitled handicap Park and to add to the location set forth thereon this is for one 110 Elm Place I move that uh this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertised and the another Su together with notice um required by law on that further consideration of said ordinance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held on its second reading on December 19 December December 19th I move it second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi thank you mayor thank you commission commissioner Evans thank you mayor uh I'm going to read this ordinance but it's regarding a Green Acres so I'm reading it on behalf of commissioner Tucci an ordinance provided providing for improvements to M senior Owens park in the township of Nel County of asex New Jersey appropriating $1,287 55 therefore from Grant monies received from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Green Acres Grant for the cost uh thereof I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertised n Sun together with the notice required by law and that further consideration of set ordinance for final Passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at a second reading on uh December 19th 2023 so move second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner tuchi before I vote I just want to add to what the commissioner said this is a grant that we received from New Jersey state Green Acres Program in a total amount of 1,287 155 to replace the turf up at monsor Owens uh Turf typically lasts between 8 and 10 years uh we were lucky we got 13 years out of it where we're still safe for our young athletes and with the advancements in technology we're hoping that this this round of turf will last us at least 15 years I vote I mayor scarelli hi uh I skipped over a couple things uh any announcements Commissioners I just it's Thanksgiving on Thursday just want to wish everyone a very healthy Happy Thanksgiving and let's not forget about you know those in in need in in town uh especially uh the food bank I was there the other day and they're doing a very robust business helping families so let's keep in mind I just like to Echo what the commissioner said I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving hope everyone's healthy and everyone stays safe and if you can help those that are less fortunate than any of us may be then uh please reach out and that thank you I just like to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving also I would like to keep reminding people please lock your doors lock your cars this is still going on around town unfortunately thank God for the Nutley Police Department or detectives everybody involved they are catching these people all the time but unfortunately not to sound like a broken record with the new bail reform these people are out of jail in hours and back on our streets doing the same thing so we are not giving up in nut Le we going to keep the pressure on them um but we need the resident help if you see something out of the ordinary please don't be bashful the call the biggest call we get at the police department is after something happens I was going to call but I didn't want to bother anybody there you're not bothering our guys they welcome to help from our residents so if you see something please say something and just you know be extra vigilant on locking your doors try to keep them out of your kitchen your keys because there is an epidemic going on in ESS County and out through the state of New Jersey if anybody has a chance to send the email to one of your legislators that are passing these laws which have really have had a big impact on our state please do thank you Mr Kelly thank you mayor uh we had our annual Veterans Day celebration and I want to thank uh the entire Board of Commissioners for all their support that day uh I also want to in particular thank uh commissioner tuci for letting us use the park so we had a big turnout for the Veterans Day ruck march I also want to thank commissioner Petco for the the police officers who uh made sure it was safe for us to cross the roads uh next year we're looking to do it in two different divisions we're going to have one a group for people who want to do a full send and and Sprint through the park with the with the weight on their back and other people who just want to enjoy the walk through the park uh with that said I I do want to apologize in advance uh uh as many of you know I'm a member of the Army National Guard and as I say that nothing that uh that I say or do implies an endorsement by the Department of Defense or the department of the army but the uh first week in uh December I will be uh away with the National Guard so I'll miss uh a lot of our December festivities including the tree lighting uh the first commissioner meeting of the month and uh importantly uh the partment of public Affair public affairs and health is doing a a siping shop that's free to all at Mama Victoria's on December 4th uh we're going to be hosting a whole bunch of local businesses and so if you're looking to shop local and uh do some early Christmas shopping or that might be on time Christmas shopping at that point December 4th at Mama Victoria's uh come in it's it's going to be in the evening starting around six o'clock uh it's BYOB some of the vendors might have their own wine or or or beer for you to ship while sip while you shop uh but it's going to be a great and I'm sad that I'm going to be missing it uh that's all from me mayor thank you stay safe commissioner thank you uh just Happy Thanksgiving healthy Thanksgiving to everyone um enjoy your family and friends you have a neighbor who's alone invite them over for dinner that's uh coming from the Board of Commissioners let's move on to uh resolutions commissioner Kelly thank you mayor I have three on for this evening uh the first one is resolution number 29323 Alzheimer's disease is a progressive brain causing deterioration of memory and thinking as well as judgment and reasoning ability it also affects Behavior emotions and the ability to perform self-care and whereas according to the CDC and prevention Alzheimer's is the uh sixth leading cause of death in United States adults and kills more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined and whereas an estimated 6.5 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer's in 2023 73% are age 75 and older whereas and about one in N age 65 and older 10.7% has Alzheimer's and whereas $272 billion dollar worth of care is provided by family members and other unpaid caregivers and about one in three caregivers 30% is age 65 and older whereas by 2050 the number of people aged 65 and older with Alzheimer's May grow to projected 12.7 million fing the development of medical breakthroughs to prevent slow or cure Alzheimer's disease and therefore be resolved at the Board of Commissioners Township of Nutley County of Essex in the state of New Jersey that the month of November be recognized as Alzheimer's disease Awareness Month the further resolve that we recognize individuals families friends and caregivers dealing with the devastating effects of Alzheimer's disease the researchers who are seeking a cause or or or causes and cure and educational programs and support of services provided by local and National Alzheimer's organization so moved commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi uh the second one I have on for this evening is resolution number 294 23 for National diabetes Awareness Month uh whereas 37.3 million people have diabetes 11.3% of the US population 96 million people aged 18 years or older have pre-diabetes about 38% of of the adult US population whereas in the last 20 years the number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has more than doubled as the American population has aged become more overweight or obese whereas among us adults age 18 years or older with diagnosed diabetes an estimated 37% also had chronic kidney disease whereas type two diabetes accounts for approximately 90 to 95% of all diagnosed cases of Diabetes Type 1 diabetes accounts for approximately 5 to 10% whereas about 7% of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes whereas the increase in type 2 diabetes among our nation's children is linked to the rise of childhood obesity and by encouraging our sons and daughters to develop he healthy habits today we ensure that they have brighter healthier to tomorrow whereas diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death listed on the US death certificate the ninth leading cause of death in women globally now therefore it be resolved by that the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nelly County of esic state of New Jersey declare November as National diabetes awareness month and recognize November 14th as World Diabetes Day be further resolve that we urge all residents to educate themselves on diabetes and how complications can be prevented or delayed by properly managing blood glucose close blood pressure and cholesterol level by eating healthy being physically active and to quit smoking so moved second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner Paco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi uh in the last one I have on this evening is resolution number 29523 for international men's day and I want to apologize to the clerk's office uh we were not aware that there was an international men's day until a couple days ago we we as a community in a Township celebr International women's day in in March uh but this is equally as important uh to recognize uh International men's day as well especially with given some of these staggering statistics whereas 76% of suicides are men whereas 85% of homeless are men whereas 70% of homicide victims are men and whereas 40% of domestic abuse victims are men whereas on November 19th International Men's Day celebrate worldwide the positive value men bring to the world their families and communities the intention of this day is to highlight positive male role models and raise awareness of men's well-being the theme for 2023 is zero male male suicide and whereas the international Men's Day encourages men to teach Boys in their lives the values values of character and responsibility of being a man that therefore be resolved at the Board of Commissioners of the township vanelli County of essic state of New Jersey declared November 19th as International men's day so moved second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi thank you commissioner commissioner EV thank you mayor whereas New Jersey statute 54 col 43 3.30 provides that War veterans who were honorably discharged from active service in time of war in any branch of the armed services of the United States who have been or shall be declared by veterans the administration 100 100% totally and permanently disabled in connection with their wartime service are entitled to a full tax exemption from their dwelling in lot on which it is situated in whereas the following taxpayer has filed an application for allowance of full exemption with proper supporting uh documentation now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nly County of Essex state of New Jersey that Adele Lewis uh Fest be granted full exemption from payment of property taxes from October 19 2023 and all subsequent years thereafter on the property identified as block 344 lot 7 known as 193 Whitford Avenue be further resolved that the treasur is hereby authorized to refund $2,168 62 for 2023 property taxes so move second commissioner Kelly thank you for your service I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli hi being resolved by the Board of Commissioners the treasur is hereby authorized to refund overpayment of tax charges in the amount of $2,259 79 for Block 851 Lot 8 qualifier c2205 so move second commissioner Kelly I commissioner abin hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi as the township of n has a need for the services of an outside Council to provide Consultation Services regarding best Employment Practices whereas the law firm of of tools scrio 14 Village Park Road Cedar Grove New Jersey is qualified to provide these Services whereas ouul uh scrio has submitted a 2023 fee scheduled to provide such services at an hourly rate of $295 for Legal Services by attorneys and whereas the contractor will not exceed $25,000 for the period November 2023 through November 19 2024 and the funds are available in account 301 208205 and 401208 205 which will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer officer said certification being subject to the adoption of the 24 Municipal budget whereas the law firm of tul scrio has completed and submitted the business entity disclosure certification which certifies if they have not made any reportable disqualified contributions to a political or candidate Committee in the Township nly in the previous one year that would violate njs uh 1944 a205 or the Township's local unit payto playay ordinance or New Jersey election enforcement commission disclosure performance now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of n the uh uh County of asex St New Jersey contract for outside Service uh Services as follows the mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute seal and deliver a 2023 contract for professional legal services with UL scrio pursuant to a non-fair and non-open process in accordance with njsa 1944a 20.5 for the term uh beginning November 20th 2023 through December November 19 2024 as stated at the hourly rate not to exceed $25,000 copy of this resolution as well as the contract and business entity disclosure certification and business entity disclosure of campaign contributions shall be placed on file with the clerk so move second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner tuchi hi mayor scarelli I mishop cha whereas the nly police department employees 1 and SLO 2 officers the SLO one officer is a volunteer who's trained to assist the nly police department including but not limited to traffic crowd control civic events C2 officers have F police Powers while on duty whereas not police department has appointed Joseph Leon and Michael Lamb bro rugal as Leo two officers for one year beginning January 1st 2024 December 31st 2024 and whereas n police department has appointed Oliver Allen pragnesh BR and Randol alaro aso1 officers for one year beginning January 1st 2024 through December 31st 2024 now therefore it be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township of Nelly County vest of state of New Jersey that the Nelly Police Department is authorized to appoint Joseph Leon Michael Lamb buo as Leo two officers and Oliver Allen pragas bryatt and Randolph Al farro as slo1 officers for January 1st 2024 through December 31st 202 for move it second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi that's all I have mayor thank you commissioner Chris Tui yes thank you mayor whereas Department of parks and public property determined due to unforeseen circumstances families had to cancel participation in programs offered and whereas Department of parks and public property has determined the need to refund families now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township nle County of US state of New Jersey that the treasury being is hereby authorized to refund payments for recreation programs and the amounts listed below for the folks who live at Four Hickory Road in the amount of $100 the folks at 105 Conover in the amount of $100 and the folks at 15 Home Street in the amount of $100 the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner Petco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarpelli I thank you whereas raffle applications have been received from the following organization St Mary's Church license number 6723 on premises P tab instant raffle license number 6823 Bingo both to be held Tuesdays from January 3rd 2024 through December 30th 2024 whereas the applications have been reviewed and approved by the municipal Kirk at the police department now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners at the township of Nutley County of Essex state of New Jersey that the ation licenses are hereby approved the municipal clerk has authorized to issue said licenses I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commi hi mayor scarelli hi where's the Department of Public Work announ announces there will be a free two-hour metered parking from December 16 2023 through January 1st 2024 whereas the suspension of metered parking during the holidays a nutly tradition to promote our business CCT and support local merchants and whereas the free two-hour parking will allow ample time for residents to take opportunity to leisurely walk and shop nutly first now therefore it be resolved by the Board of Commissioners T belli County of Essex state of New Jersey will offer free 2hour meter parking from December 16 2023 through January 1st 20124 moove the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner bco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi whereas the board of commissions have unanimously agreed to continue to allow a 14 holiday schedule for 2024 and whereas in 2024 however the holiday schedule will include one floating holiday where Nutley Township employees will have the ability to choose between either juneth on June 19 2024 election day on November 5th 2024 whereas to allow sufficient time to accommodate this new flexibility all employees shall notify and obtain approval from the department head by April 30th 2024 as to their elected holiday and whereas the multiple requests are made for a given holiday see sority rules will apply to ensure that to shall maintain necessary service levels for our residents whereas the holidays do not accommodate and cannot be carried forward to a subsequent year whereas the holiday schedule as negotiated our respective collective bargaining labor contract shall take precedence over the holiday schedule contained therein now therefore be resolved that the Board of Commissioners Township Nelly County of ESS state New Jersey that the following day shall be considered paid holidays as listed under the resolution second commission Kelly hi hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tucci hi mayor scarelli hi where is bids for the 2023 cdbg Sunset Drive roadway Improvement project were received and opened on Thursday November 9 2023 and whereas DLS Contracting 36 Montano Road barefield New Jersey was the lowest responsible bidder and whereas the base bid for the 2023 cdbg Sunset Drive roadway Improvement project is the amount of $168,700 for a total bid of $168,700 30 and whereas the award of this contract is subject to the availability and appropriations of sufficient funds from the ess6 County Community Development block grant account number t19 99901 and amount of $168,700 and subject to this caveat have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township Pell Le County of esess State state New Jersey let a contract be awarded to DLS contractor for a total amount total bid amount not to exceed $687 30 and that the mayor and tach of clerk a hereby authorized answer to and sign that contract for tach Le subject to final approval and funding by the Essex County Community Development block rant with the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PATCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli I this resolution is behalf of the public Affairs and public works department whereas the township but Nutley has the need to retain the services of a consultant who specializes in solid waste and recycling law and policy to provide Consulting advice and services to the Department of Public Works and department of public affairs for the collection of solid waste and recycled materials in the township ofly or njsa 41-51 AI permits the award of contract without public bidding and whereas Wayne defo defo Associates 15 Washington Valley Road Warren Township New Jersey has submitted a proposal for an hourly weight rate of 185,000 per hour not to exceed $30,000 whereas funds are available from account number 30142 4205 for the Department of Public Works and account number 3011 38209 for the department of public affairs and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be resolved that the Board of Commissioners of Township nle state of state of New Jersey and the mayor be and his hereby authorized to enter contract Wayne defo of Theo Associates as a professional service we have further resolved that the term of this be from never November 1st 2023 through October 31st 2024 be further resolve that a copy of this resolution as well as the contract shall be placed on file with the clerk of the township of Dy in a notice in accordance with the local public contracts law of New Jersey shall be published in dly sen move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evan hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi that concludes the business portion of our meeting M mayor before we do uh meeting open to the public could I make one more announcement sure uh I just wanted to uh remind everyone uh the public affairs and health department is doing the holiday treasure chest and uh we are requesting uh gift cards uh most of those gift cards would likely be from larger retailers Amazon uh top right target uh we're not forgetting our our our small and local businesses just the the the idea behind the treasure chest is to provide uh families in need the opportunity to buy toys for their their children around the holidays uh unfortunately don't have very many local businesses that provide toys uh but if you are aware of a local business by all means get a gift card to that establishment as well but we do have up over 400 uh families who who are in need uh that are residents of the township of Nutley uh and so any little bit helps uh because we we need all hands on De deck to collect these uh these gift cards thank you thank you commissioner Madam clerk thank you mayor all persons addressing the Board of Commissioners regarding Community concern should approach the microphone and provide their name for the record unless further time is granted by the board each person shall limit their address to 5 minutes all remarks the board and its individual memb MERS must be addressed to the mayor the mayor May defer citizens comments to the appropriate member of the board anybody wish to address the Board of Commissioners this evening Happy Thanksgiving Mr Orma good evening everyone uh I know only have five minutes I'm G to speak slowly just bear with me uh first of all I'm glad there's not a lot of people here tonight because I'm not here to Grand stand I'm not here to be critical I'm not here you know Dr scarelli you know you and I have had known each other for years I respect you Al a lot of love there Maro you know you're like everyone loves raming in my house you know everyone loves you you know for SS I don't you know we may have cross PS before s Kelly I don't know if you recall but we met in Mexico in the pool swimming uh I'm here tonight because I'm living a nightmare okay I'm here tonight because I need to address everyone now I know you may or may not be able to voice your opinion because as we all know I'm represented by Council um and I have to say also Mr Bruno we don't know each other personally but I can't thank you enough for the respect you have given me the past few months I'm represented by Council I don't like my my I don't know the guy I didn't want to hire a counsel in town because I didn't want any conflicts I I go outside I don't like him I'll go on the record and say that my wife could ATT test you know I I go out it with him all the time he thinks people are trying to hurt me I don't believe that Mr a Mr Kell you may not know what I'm speaking about so I'm gonna give you a brief summary why I'm here I want all of you everyone in this stream to put yourself in my position if you guys purchase your daughter your son yourself purchase a home in this Township and before you purchase a home you need to get a SE for the bank to close on the home so you go to the billing department and the billing department gives you C and you take that Co and you bring it to your closing and the bank approves a CO you give 300,000 down and you finance 300,000 you get to see all you clothed on the loan you're happy you're excited you're moving in maybe for the first time time and Monday morning comes and you uh you go to enter your home and Mr Barry shows up who also I have a lot of respect for uh he shows up and tells you you cannot move in this home because we made a mistake this home is condemned what do you mean it's condemned I just spent 600,000 on a home to buy for my family and you tell me it's condemned well that's a nightmare I'm living in this Township it's a nightmare and I don't cast blame on the township itself I cast blame on a few people prior to I answered an a of paper to purchase a piece of property in this Township I had a a real estate agent who came to the town and he spoke to Mr Barry he spoke excuse me he spoke to South farara inquired about not the land was informed the land was approved legally subdivided approved for one family house great after that Mr Barry did inform me that I need to meet with s ferara jump ahead I asked Louis vaco to help me build this house because he has a lot of experience in houses he too came to the township and spoke to Dave he went to see s Ferrara I jok said to Louie when go in there speak Italian to him because they both speak it fluently I said that jokingly because Italian sometimes make a little connection he did I then went and met with Mr Barry and I met with Mr Ferrara it's difficult for me right now because sa's daughter and my daughter are 10 Ruckers and were roommates Dave I know for years but they made a a really really I'm not going to say they're incompetent because they're not but then they made a mistake that's caused me a living nightmare for 16 months my wife could attest that these nights I don't sleep I've been hospitalized I had a Min stroke with this you guys don't even recognize the hell I've been through I don't think anyone in this room could afford to write me a check for 250,000 and walk out none of us could lose 250,000 it's bankrupting me I I have recently met with realtor to put my home up for sale my daughter okay because people think I'm rich I'm not rich okay my daughter attends rockers she just sub Le her apartment because she feels bad for me now I don't I don't cry every night home my wife would tell you I always complain about money but I am living in a nightmare and for 16 months it's been I've tried many times to meet with the township attorney just to put the cards under the table I know I don't have much more time I appreciate you just listening right now and and that's where times call for desper bases how you have so many emails and transactions pre-closing on this house that shows that no one was where I I'm sorry I have to Sidetrack I apologize I bought this house everyone or the house was in a flood zone I knew we all know however no one was aware that the house was in a flood way so let me Jump Ahead a little bit so when I closed on the house I presented my plans today Barry he told me to meet with s forever which I did I had plans made on the township engineer that you guys had also made him stake on report I spent who knows how much on these plans then I I'm directed by the township to go out and revise my plans because they approved everything and they said you know you need a base fla elevation they want to see this they want to see certain coaches I did that I spent another few thousand I paid for my permits I ordered my lumber I order my windows I I I had they bar wanted another survey I got another survey I cannot tell you how much money I squander and what bothers me most it's money I could use at my daughter's weddings money for her College I cannot see listen I understand politics unfortunately or fortunately you all know I served on C you all are elected to do best for the citizens of nle no disrespect to Mr Bruno D Barry or whoever works for this Township they work for you guys but at the end of the day you guys have to do what's right by us whether you know me or not this was such a mishap that no one wants to accept the responsibility they all want to do this I have the most prominent land use attorney in this Township and no one will disagree it's time to be ay I have phone calls from his office saying they went to Mr Barry they went to Nick what are you talking about this slot's approved you can build on it I I know you guys don't want to listen out to these I wish you say yes I could let you listen to one message from them they tried to point off this property on a client of those and I said well in a voice message that I in in my good heart I could never do that to this person you can't build on it I could have sold it but I wouldn't do it because good conscience I couldn't I I can't tell you how many things I have that is clear day that the township made mistake that's why I try to sit down Mr Bruno I try to do it outw when lawyers get involved things get personal as you know uh I don't know what to do and I'm ask this is my know this we're going to sit down is we're gonna go to trial we're going to go to mediation by the time we sit down I'm bankrupt I took I paid half out of my pocket for his property the other half I finance thinking in five or six months I don't want to tell you what I'm paying on finance because you like Nick you're a fool I didn't anticipate that I pleaded with one of you to make a motion to talk about this in prior to to do things but by me a citizen that voted for I don't know I'm talking in circles but what's been done to me is wrong I don't believe it was intent but 16 months 16 months I'm in debt another 30,000 between the interest the maintenance the insurance I don't know what to do and honestly I can't afford today that probably cost me ,000 more because it's more paperwork I'm again I'm pleading with one of you to make a motion and put yourself in my shoes make I'm your child your daughter and talk about this in private and maybe AC set responsibility and and end this nightmare for me because it's been morning nightmare you know and I'm not going to break down crying not in front of my wife not in front of you guys but I'm crying inside there times I take a ride by myself I'm like what did I do you know and I don't even care about it I swander my kids money trying to better my life listen I've always believed in all of you got I don't have a personal relationship you with you I've always believed you three and that's why I reached out to people I thought to help me again on a final note please you know you can do it can't do it please talk about this make a motion buy a land do anything with this because at the day go trial I may prevail I think I will but by that time you're going to kill me you know you you're going to kill me and and I'm not bluffing you this is not a joke I'm not I'm not looking for S it's ni I I get up in the middle of night and I'm like you know listen $250,000 in counties I thank you for your time I don't know if you could ask me questions I mean I know you can because I'm here as a citizen and H s Emma [Music] just I understand that and I respect that but I'm asking you as a citizen you know when I leave I didn't expect anyone to talk tonight I'm you know I understand and I respect that but guess what when I leave I don't know how the for commission former government works I served on the city council maybe it was a little bit easier at times you know we you know four votes is like you know a jackpot in Beville you know we should control everything and it's easy to call Mr Murphy back in the good old days and give him it the pr and you know about how things get done but I'm not answer for favors maybe you don't know me but the fact that you all know me and some of you know my character I think that makes me volumes and please don't let me leave here and just dismiss this please at least have a discussion need to this man because I know I can sit with him and when he sees everything and I explain myself and I may be talking too much I didn't purposely take the rec someone to get them in trouble I'm not about that but people call me not messaging get these messages you're going to realize hey we messed up you know let's just do what's right by the skin it's not going to affect anyone's Township the only on affect is B my life my kids I thank you for your time and like I said I'm not here to gr stand I got a lot of love for a lot of you guys but I am disappointed I'm disappointed 16 months I've yet to sit down around and try to resolve it and it's going to get resolved good B different I just can't year and a half two years thank you Mr Orma Mr Bruno you cut me off if you need to but I I got to tell you that we all feel for you uh we feel for your situation Nick and uh you know that that's all I can say at this point is that I know I speak for everybody is that we you know we feel for you we we it's an unfortunate situation and I believe you do and again my wife would tell you I was not kind to my Lord because he did not have kind words for a couple of you guys and I said stop it I said you know these are my friends these are people I respect you know I work Grand you know to me that means something I'm sorry you know we all have a connection you stes we all do that's a crazy thing about living in Nutley you know I'm born and raised in bille okay I moved to nutly I moved to Ean over I hate it they had no sense of move here because I like this I like seeing it I like seeing I you know I like us to come see you I mean just on I'm as con you can have the right way I'm not looking for favoritism but please give me a chance I don't care my Lord can send you a letter say I can meet you just one onone but give me a chance please don't let this Str out I don't think you like so and I don't like him either thank you thank you Nick no more phone text Nick Nick before you sit down number one and number one I am I am so sorry about the hardship all right that you your wife and your entire family are going through you're my friend a lot of years you have a wonderful family you're great people you're always the first one to step up and try and help someone okay I don't know your lawyer I don't know of your lawyer I know prior to the suit being being filed you know we tried to help however we could we're limited all right to some degree uh but what you need to know is that we like you we respect you if you know I don't know what the legal ramifications are that's Mr Bruno's job uh but hopefully this can get resolved in a in a way that you don't have any more hardship nobody's looking for you to have hardship all right and you know it's it's not a question of you know do we like Nicki orama do we not like Nicki orama I mean we treat everyone the same but there's some folks like you and your family that we're closer to so of course if there's a familiarity we try and go that extra mile we're we we've done and to to the legal extent possible we will continue to do whatever it is we could to help you because 250,000 is a is a lot of money be I don't know who's right I don't know who's wrong I know where you find yourself I have a family myself I know your children they're they're just as great as you and your wife all right but just rest assured that your your comments your Communications don't go you know unanswered or they're not received in the spirit in which they're intended and I know you're frustrated I know you a long time I know what you're all about and I'm just hopeful that you know one way or another this can be resolved where you don't have the hardship anymore I appreciate that I would also like to add I want to thank you for coming here tonight uh your your comments are not lost on us you and your family are are very well respected part of this community and I I am optimistic and hopeful that there is an amicable solution for you your family and Township and everyone involved in this situation I I just like to I just I mean Nikki and I have been talking you know you know and I know there was supposed to be a meeting put together I thought it was going to be tomorrow but I don't know Jonathan what happened with that but obviously you know we've all been talking you know we don't want to hurt anybody never mind our friends you know you could see that you I know Nicki a long time I never seen him look this bad no offense you know see you Nick look that but yeah but it's it's it's it's a sad situation so I mean if you can meet with him Jonathan I mean you know to go through it it would be much appreci okay Mr I don't want you to leave being the only commissioner that didn't comment uh as you know Mr Bruno basically said we can't comment um and yes I I've met you once I believe yes just at one of those those Gatherings U I think it was like when Al was making mozzarella ass but uh we did meet uh and you're right we don't know one another I just want you to know that I listen to your comments and I and I heard thank and that's all I can say and just one F note and I'm done but just I just want to have so much to say I'm Not Gonna Save Tonight but South FR like I said have respect he's the flood administrator for this town and I've done my homework I've done the job subscription one of the things on there was him to be aware notifi anyone if lands in the floodway so just take that consideration and I love s and you know no disrespect to him I know it wasn't done intentionally people make mistakes again have a happy thanks again everyone and thank you hang in there Nick anybody else from the public we should address the Board of Commissioners this evening Mr Bruno may we do have need to session discuss contract negotiations motion move it second whereas section eight of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 perits the exclusion of the public from meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley County of Essex state of New Jersey he desires to proceed to close executive session now therefore be a resol by the Board of Commissioners Township of Nutley move into to close executive session to discuss uh litigation or potential litigation both and contract negotiations be a further resolved at a time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be went and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending Andor anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by statutes this res solution shall take effect immediately commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO commissioner Tui hi mayor scarpelly I need a motion to adjourn move it second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi good night everybody Happy Thanksgiving time is 7:54