oh yeah [Music] [Music] the what here [Music] here [Music] little very outstanding very history about 10 years ago when this program was children particip today we have about 140 hasing he opened up new and exposed them theories that most children this age are not exposed to he also created the little so they start Young when we red our existing wrestling group again was a major part of and we're very grateful very proud this program is a lot of Youth State Place wrestlers which is unbelievable accomplishment for this program and tonight also like we are going to be expanding the we have a room existing rest that is now a storage that's going to be converted into extension of the existing Michael you and your for that this program is a wonderful program our children this hopefully as we go along High School continue learn they'll continue to Excel and it'll open up opportunities for many young wrestlers if they so desire to move on at the college level so we are just very proud and very grateful to Michael the entire staff all of our parents and our wrestlers there there aren't enough words to to congratulate them on what they've done so giving you that little bit of History I'd like to offer the following resolutions the first one begins as follows whereas the junior raider wrestling team has enjoyed an outstanding season posting a league record of 11 wins and one loss enhancing their three-year record of 32 wins and one loss and whereas the members of the junior raider wrestling team are Carlo Crespo Christian Crespo Anthony andrees JJ Lao Frankie westner Wen tenorio Michael Perna Grayson mccan Bo sanowski Luke finlin s severio Marinelli Shane Evan sski Julian galanz Eliza Perez Sam manga Evan Blanchard Owen marcala Jesse Quinn Kevin Gallagher Max Trot Lewis thopi jabriel hamen and Michelle Galvan Galvan hope I didn't destroy that too much and whereas director Michael Blanchard along with coaches Christian Crespo sario Marin Michael sanowski and Dennis tenorio and Shan trapo work tirelessly to train and guide these athletes and whereas the members of the junior raider wrestling team were the Southeast Division Champions now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley and the county of Essex and state of New Jersey join with the citizens of Nutley to honor and congratulate the members and coaches of the junior raider wrestling team for their exceptional efforts and accomplishments I very proudly moved this resolution second commissioner Kelly before I vote I I just want to say a few words uh in in college I played rugby and you might be asking yourself what does that have to do with wrestling my College rugby coach loved to recruit wrestlers to play rugby because in his words no one could match the stamina the fitness or the strength of a wrestler and you guys are at the top of your game you guys are at the the Zenith the summit of of your your league and that that is no small accomplishment you guys should be very proud of yourselves you should also thank your coaches you should thank your parents and one thing I always I always leave you guys with whoever comes here uh as a champion I challenge you to come back next year because whoever came in second third fourth they're looking at you guys they're looking to take you down you guys are are are the the standard they're going to look to try and beat you uh don't don't get complacent come back here next year we want to see you here we want to welcome you back as Champions I I vote I commissioner Evans I'll keep my my comments brief uh unfortunately I'm dealing with the remnants of a good-sized cold so I I tend to cough quite a bit uh I just want to congratulate you all I think it's wonderful that uh you are part of a program that uh enables you to really Advance your skill your ability build friendships and actually have a lot of fun while you're doing it and and that's wonderful and it speaks volume in in a world today where it's so difficult every day uh these relationships will be part of your lives for you know much uh much time to come and I keep on trying to tell my grandson that his grandpa just isn't as flexible as he used to be and that you know while I love to wrestle with him he's got to be a little bit more careful uh which he tends not to do uh but anyway I i' gladly vote I commissioner PCO yes I I also vote I and I'm sure my colleagues are tired of my stories cuz every time we have a wrestling team in here it brings back fond memories of my son who's 28 who decided to wrestle when in his freshman year and there was a slot on the high school team and well his friends were wrestlers and they won many matches and he was a pretty tough kid and I have to tell you he knew what every ceiling in the gymnasiums looked like in 's County at the time cuz he got pinned in like 30 seconds he was a baseball player he had many home runs here and it came out that they were wrestling in Livingston for I don't know if it was the regions or whatever but again there was a slot and my son wind up pinning the kid probably by accident but all his friends always talk about the wrestling matches that he had never ever about the home runs he hit so wrestling is probably the toughest sport in the world I seen it myself teaches you discipline that'll follow you the rest of your life I know it taught my son a lot God bless him he is a lawyer today and the friendships that you forced around those mats are last year lifetime so look at each other because you're going to be friends for the next 100 Years hopefully so I vote I congratulations guys commissioner Tui Mr tushi I already said probably more than I should have but it was definitely worth saying I very again proudly vote I mayor scarelli thank you madam clerk you know congratulations to you young men your coaches your parents uh there's nothing like wrestling to get you in shape uh teach you the discipline at commissioner PATCO but you're on that mat and uh you're one-on-one with another wrestler but it's also a team sport there's things you have to do to make sure your team wins and um it's it's one of the best sports out there and uh congratulations to all of you I vote I all right so we have one more all right so on Second Time Around let's keep our comments a little shorter here we have a big program tonight all right whereas the junior raider wrestling team has enjoyed an outstanding season posting a league record of nine wins and one loss enhancing their two-year record of 20 wins and two losses and whereas the members of the junior raider wrestling team are Christen Crespo Anthony andrees JJ Leo Kevin KS Raphael Del piano John Michael Hernandez Jackson Cordoba Vincent Benin Robin hemrich Tyler gik Grayson McCain Austin Pro prodigalidad I hope I said that right Aiden key Vincent Salona Kaden Cordoba Evan sski Justin galanz Patrick MRA Dylan jordano Sam manga Owen marcala Jesse Quinn John MCC Kevin Gallagher Camille stren Max trapo Charles Dominguez lisis deop jabriel hamen and Michelle gavanes and whereas again director Michael Blanchard along with coaches Christen Crespo Jal Hampton Jeff Quinn Chris andrees uh Michael marcala Jonathan Hernandez work tirelessly to train and guide these athletes and whereas the members of the junior raider wrestling team were the Suburban co-league Champions now therefore be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley and the county of ESS state of New Jersey join with the citizens of Nutley to honor and congratulate the members and coaches of the junior raider wrestling team for their exceptional efforts and accomplishments I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I I'll keep my comments uh brief uh just uh ditto from what I said last time uh but I do think it bears aing and emphasis uh congratulations to you uh but make sure you thank your your coaches your families because they sacrificed a lot to help you get to where you are and again I challenge you to come back next year we want to see you come back here as Champions and welcome you in here again I vote I commissioner Evans I also vote I and I congratulate everyone commissioner PCO being my good friend commissioner Tucci said to keep our comments brief I was wondering if I ever told you the story about little Al oh we guys has three children I I wish you guys all the best bless you it's a tough sport congratulations I Bo I commissioner Tui well once again I congratulate you you're all true Champions and we are just so proud of you you cannot imagine I pr I vote I mayor scarpelli you know this uh past week I had the pleasure going down to Atlantic City and seeing three of our high school wrestlers medal uh in the state championships hopefully I'm around long enough to see you guys go down there and wrestle in the state championships congratulations coach would like to say a few words before the photo thank you um that challenge part was given to us three years ago and thankfully we've able to live up to the challenge we've come back the last three years the great advantage that we have at this point in our program is volume uh we have 140 lives that are impacted and made better by being involved in this sport I cannot take credit for the little Raiders that actually is Mike S Janowski who's going to have a major leadership role and that's said publicly so now he has to take it uh he came up with that idea and it's it's really fed us uh one of the good things about being a leader is when somebody has a good idea and you listen to it and you say yes you might get the credit for it but truly it's his his idea and we've taken it further we have our Township Attorney John Bruno who will be involved in that for years to come as well he was involved this year um first I just want to say thank you we appreciate the support support makes all the difference uh we have support not only from our parents uh from our volunteer coaches uh but we have support from you and that means a lot it speaks volumes to what we're trying to do in Nutley which is truly make uh wrestling a a fixture in the town something that uh people can't not be involved with they want to be with us uh and I'm hopeful that will continue I'm also very appreciative of the fact that we're expanding the wrestling room it's about a th000 square feet added on which will be more lives in there at once uh we have a gift for you Mr Tucci for uh being involved as an honorary member of both our suburban and County teams and because you announced it tonight we'll give you the gift so okay thank here you go we are uh we're strong in the sense that we have two teams so we have a team that is our T County team this is a group of kids that needed to be challenged a few years back and had they stayed in a regular League they really wouldn't have been challenged the way that we needed them to be challenged so they've been 32 and one over the last three years which is quite impressive and I'm actually very grateful for the one uh more than 32 because it's not natural to win all the time that's not how life works and uh it's humbling to lose it's also a motivating thing for our young people as well we were fortunate enough to win our league um we have four trophies from that program that are too big to fit in our trophy case they're actually on the top of our trophy case over the last four years we've added 10 trophies to our case um and our Suburban team this year managed to win their league so it's the first time in the last four years that we're putting two banners on the wall this year and I brought them with us tonight so that we can take a picture with the kids in a moment but at the heart of all the things that we do here uh and it sounds weird to say because wrestling is a combat sport and in some respects it looks violent although it's really just orchestrated Maneuvers and angles and maybe even just some strategy uh at the heart of it all is love we love what we're doing we want to see kids continue to love being around each other and we hope that others will join us in the near future I'm stepping back from it this year uh I'm moving on from the program but I always have a hand in it and I'll always be involved in it but I'm very appreciative of our coaches uh our parents that help and and of course our kids who work very very hard so you challenge us uh we'll rise to that challenge we'll be back and now I said this three years ago I'll say it again tonight we are not done yet thank you very much on guys all right guys on up coaches too give let go bro all move it a little bit [Applause] [Music] great job guys go ahead that's crb those kids are tough as oh he was tremendous give you guys some time to clear out body forget their jacket you got stay what it reques you got to tuck in so [Laughter] right thank you mayor you know as everyone's filing out I should also note that our town attorney was a champion College wrestler which which goes to why his son is starting at three years old very nice when I horse around with my grandson he doesn't understand he's gonna be 11 I'm 69 he can turn ways that I can't anymore so I'm G to turn the program over to commissioner Kelly commissioner Kelly thank you mayor I have a proclamation on the for this evening uh for Black Balloon day I just want to read the pro Proclamation first and then then say a few words and turn it over to commissioner Petro going to say a few words uh whereas March 6th is Black Balloon day an annual event dedicated to recognizing and celebrating those who have lost their lives to substance overdoses and whereas substance use disorder affects many millions of people and affects all societal groups with no discrimination and whereas according to the National Center for Health statistics at the Center for Disease Control and prevention over 112,000 Americans died from substance overdoses in 2023 whereas it's proven that the more we talk about substance use disorder the more we help remove the stigma around seeking out help whereas the township nutly ask residents to recognize this day to not only display a Black Balloon in memory of a lost relative or friend but also to use the DAT to open conversations about drug abuse now therefore it be proclaimed by the Board of Commissioners Township of Nutley County of es state of New Jersey that March 6th be declared Black Balloon day in the township of Nutley as we pay solemn tribute to those lost to addiction and also encourage open conversation to those suffering from addiction uh so in the the health department uh over the last couple years uh We've we've made significant strides uh one one of the things we did as a town we unanimously made s nutly a stigma-free town uh to reduce the stigma for any of those uh who need help or want to ask for help but are afraid that it's going to stigmatize them if you're they're suffering from some sort of mental mental illness or mental challenge uh an addiction is a the component of it is mental and so we want to reduce the the stigma if you need help ask for it there's no shame in it and so we created uh the addiction resource recovery center here in Nutley uh no questions asked it's in the health department uh if you need help we have resources to get you help we have counselors and we're going to hear from one of our counselors in in a minute Vince danaus uh but it's it's important that we we there's far too many people who who suffer from uh addiction and also overdoses in general you hear too many stories of someone trying something once and it's laced with something and they're gone uh we want to we want to eliminate these kinds of deaths so that no one else has to feel this pain and so this town is making concerted effort to to reduce stigma get help and reduce uh overdose deaths and I want to turn it over to commissioner Petco to say a few words thank you John yeah um unfortunately the drugs do not discriminate they you know cross boundaries lines everywhere and even in my family and even in my family there's you know been issues and you know when I first got elected I started this a program called hope and it was helping our our parents endure because there's no blueprint of being a parent and what to do when your kid when you think your kids's coming home high or you know on drugs and things like that and I have to tell you the program has been a big success and I hope that it's even just saved one life you know every time I go to awake you know for a young person or even old people you know it's just it's just another time and it's everybody at the wake is like can you believe this is going on and I can because I grew up around it you know and tonight you know when I release my balloon I'll be thinking about my mother who you know had to live a life around that stuff you know her life her whole life unfortunately and you know not only to the person that's addicted it's what it does to the families that is heart-wrenching and heartbreaking you know what's around there and I have to tell you like I've been around that stuff unfortunately because it has been in my own family it's like people are you know very critical these people all these dope addicts these people these look at them they're disgusting you know what they don't want to be like that they really don't want to be like that they don't choose that you know unfortunately something gets in their hand or something's there's a void in their heart and that fills their pain and you know it's very difficult for them get to get off of it so I don't want to be long- winded but it's really heartfelt for me tonight I think this is very important I appreciate everybody being here because you know again if we could save one life we we've done God's work right thank you so at this time I'd like to bring up Vince he's one of our counselors to to say a few words uh about addiction and about what we're doing thank you commissioner thank you ladies and gentlemen welcome um I just wanted to let you know that I'm I'm a dual licens therapist uh mental health addictions and I'm a veteran as well uh work at nutly health and Northwest s's Community Health um anyone that needs to reach out we are here for you we are here to help you right we and and I have to say this much as commissioner Peta was saying I think every family in America somewhere along the line has someone had struggle or lost someone so you're not alone you're definitely not alone so at nutly Health we have the resource center now that Sharon put together she's there five days a week with the commissioner I'm there on Fridays I'm in a detox Rehab on other days of the week in in the Northwest but we are here to help you um we we can condition you and help you with resilience training right you cannot give up you must go forward even if you lost someone they want you to go forward in life they wouldn't want you to just stay stuck right so we want you to go forward we're here to help please let us help you there's no Stigma at all attached okay Sharon we also have um Naran if anyone is in need of that in in the household okay all right thank you commissioner Kelly thank you Commissioners thank Thank You Vince at this time uh we're going to read out some some the the names of uh people who unfortunately lost their their life uh to an overdose and we're going to have a moment of silence uh for those individuals uh Nicole pittarelli Peter Joseph panaro Colleen Coffield James Moore John SAR III Adriana jalif Antonio sapio Katie Stewart and so one of the uh the ways we conclude Black Balloon day is to do a balloon re release releasing the black balloons uh if you want to do that you you're free to do that here it's part of reason why it's inside so that way we can protect the environment and the white balloons we we got white balloons to represent hope for anyone who's struggling with the addiction uh so that way you know there's hope out there and so we're going to symbolize hope and also remember those that we lost so at this time if you would like to to release your balloon uh feel free to do so you're free to keep it sure El join us yeah [Music] us just get down I'm sorry go have to Tom come back tomorrow back yes was fine long time yeah son you're his son yeah yeah how many sisters you got right and you're the only boy the only boy knew it when I see your name and I knew he had a lot of girls everyone forgets about me they always remember five girl I knew there was one son every day attacking s bu have to scout somewhere in the middle my friend artone in the middle wrestled 129 as a freshman 148 as a sophomore 170 heavy they think the old Bal boy heavyweight came in third and I think the girls came in seventh and E great all right Madam clerk we almost ready to go back on the record yes mayor we're ready John you ready all right the reports I have uh Public Works monthly progress report we have one more Proclamation oh sorry John start limiting sorry commissioner Kelly no worries I'm not gonna do I did my report you do your Proclamation we'll go to bills after that okay all right so I have a a second Proclamation on for this evening it's uh it's a proclamation regarding coloral Awareness Month whereas coloral cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States among men and women combined whereas in 24 the American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 152,153 fatalities from these cancers whereas coloral cancer is one of the few cancers that can be prevented with timely screening but one in three eligible Americans are not up to date on screening whereas several lifestyle related factors have been linked to col rectal cancer such as diet weight and exercise whereas the incidents of early age onset that CRC diagnosis under age 50 is expected to increase by more than 140% by 2030 whereas despite the fact that early detection has increased the death rate for colal cancers in the past 15 years an estimated of 58% of adults between the ages of 50 to 75 are up to date on screenings now therefore the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nelly County of Essex state of New Jersey on behalf of the residents of the township of Nelly do hereby proclaim the month of March as of March of 2024 as colar rectal awareness month and urge all all nutly residents to seek assistance and obtaining facts and information about early detection and prevention the Nutley department of public affairs and health in partnership with the hackin sack mid and Mountainside Medical Center will be offering free coloral cancer education and easy detect feal oculate kits on March 21st at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 P p.m. that's at the health office uh at this time I'm going to turn it over to Danielle from liby's choice to uh to say a few words about this Proclamation and coloral awareness month hi hello hi um thank you mayor and council members of council I greatly appreciate the opportunity to come and speak about this and um and really that the town is doing something about it and having a display and allowing us to be a part of that and and having the display at the Department of Health um thank you to Meredith at on the department of public affairs she's been really wonderful to work with um and the reason why this is so important is because of the number of people that this will affect and nutly alone it'll affect over a thousand individuals there's over two 100,000 two million Americans I mean the numbers are astronomical of who's not being screened and it is so important it's so easy to get screened this is a preventable cancer it's preventable and the signs and symptoms do not show until it's much further along and at that point you need surgery and chemotherapy and radiation and all of these tremendous interventions that are just putting people at risk for other things all it takes is to take a test um Nutley is hosting the event at the Department of Health in order to allow a free moment of time to speak with a professional and learn about this and also to take home a free test kit polard is also offering to mail test kits to your community and signing up and finding if they're eligible for that insurance cover these covers these tests and it's is so important to understand that the one in 25 people in your town will be affected and I appreciate you allowing liby's choice to come in and help and make that impact in that you're a part of it too so thank you thank you all right let's move on to bills Madam Clark thank you mayor uh Bill list for March 5th 2024 public affairs 83,5 481 Revenue in finance 2,846 8354 Public Safety $817 47.72 Public Works 61,69 parks and public property $877,500 payroll as of Friday February 16 2024 regular payroll total $931,000 overtime payroll total $42,988 N4 fire retro payroll total $76,900 total payroll 1,735 26177 for a grand total of5 mli 86946 23 mve Bills second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi yeah would mind taking a picture they would like to take a picture for the proclamation sure yeah no I think they do thank you so much so much get this that's better no mic [Music] wa I don't want to mess with that one for insurance thank you gentl thank you so much thank you closes through the door bills Madam clerk uh yes mayor we just did the bills I think we are up to uh ordinances we did bills right yes mayor public comment on agenda items only would anybody like to address the Board of Commissioners on agenda items only seeing done let's move on to ordinance introductions commissioner Paka ordinance number 3545 ordinance to fix the salaries of certain officers and employees of T and Nutley County of the state of New Jersey effect of January 1st 2021 through December 31st 2025 I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertising n son together with the notice required by law and the further consideration of said ordinance for final passage of by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on April 2nd I think it was on April yes April 2 on April 2nd and move it second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner Petco I commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi and I have ordinance number 3546 in ordinance to fix salaries of certain officers employees of the township of Nutley County vest state of New Jersey effect of January 1st from through December 1st um I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading advertisement n son together with the notice required by law and further consideration of the set ordinance final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on April 2nd I move it second Kell hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi I have mayor thank you commissioner Kelly thank you mayor uh I have one on for the public hearing now it's uh an ordinance to add chapter 458 Municipal military Banner program to the Township Code uh this is the uh ordinance that allow us to hang the hometown hero banners that you see at in other municipalities uh tonight we have uh public hearings uh uh I I just uh anybody wish to be heard on ordinance number 3544 seeing n uh move to close the public hearing second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commer PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi um move the ordinance commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans just a clarification councelor I had on previous ordinance I had abstained on this type this this one can I actually vote Yes now or I have to continue my extension it was because of the timing I vote okay I vote I mopo hi Comm Tui hi mayor scarelli hi Mr Kelly you want to continue with the resolution sure um did we uh did we two commissioner announcements yet or we're going to do them later yeah okay so I have two on for this evening the first one I will do it is National developmental disabilities Awareness Month uh whereas March 2024 marks 37th anniversary of national developmental disabil abilities Awareness Month whereas millions of Americans have grown up with severe mental or pH physical impairments that have slowed their learning limited their mobility and inhibited their expression and rendered them dependent on others for care and assistance whereas for many of these people with developmental disabilities there is now the prospect of a brighter future and great opportunities afforded to them Americans are becoming increasingly aware that such disabilities need not keep individuals from realizing their full potential in school at work or at home as members of their families and of their communities whereas New Opportunities have been created through the efforts of those with developmental disabilities and their family members along with professionals and officials at all levels of government working together they have brought about significant changes in the public perception of young people and adults with developmental disabilities opening new doors to independent and productive lives whereas the township of Nutley is committed to enhancing the lives of our disabled community in particular the 21 and older population that is looking to gain meaningful employment to the newly formed rise Beyond committee and therefore it be resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township Nelly County of Essex state of New Jersey recognizes March 2024 as National developmental disabilities awareness month and urg all residents of the township of nle to join them in recognizing our fellow citizens with such disabilities with both encouragement and opportunities necessary to lead productive lives and achieve their F potential so moved commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner tuchi mayor scarelli all uh the second one I have on this evening is uh being uh jointly introduced by both myself and commissioner Evans and uh commissioner Evans did you want a read it or did you want me to read it go right ahead my cold I don't want to okay okay uh whereas multiple Myoma is a type of cancer that begins in plasma cells white blood cells that are important to healthy immune system over time Myoma cells collect in the bone marrow forming tumors in many of the body's bones and whereas multiple Myoma is the second most common blood cancer in the world and whereas while causes of multiple Myoma are not fully understood is more common in older people especially men and African-Americans some common symptomss include bone pain weakness fatigue weight loss frequent infections and frequent urination men are one and a half times more likely to develop multiple Myoma than women whereas the American Cancer Society estimates for estimates for M multiply Myoma in the United States for 2024 are about 35780 new cases will be diagnosed 19520 in men and 16,266 in women and about 12,540 deaths are expected to occur 7,20 in men and 5,520 in women and whereas in the United States the average lifetime risk of getting multiple Myoma is about 1 in 103 for men and about 1 in 131 for women but each person's risk might be higher or lower than this based on their risk factors whereas every 15 minutes someone is diagnosed with milom in the United States now therefore it be resolved by the Board of Commissioners in the township of nly County of Essex state of New Jersey do hereby recognize March 2024 as multiple Myoma awareness month and urge all citizens in nly to support efforts and activities that bring awareness and education to finding a cure for multiple during the month of March and throughout the year so moved second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I I I would also comment that um there there have been uh significant advancements uh in uh research and treatment for uh multiple Myoma but but with all blood-based cancers U and uh it's going the research is advancing at an extraordinary Pace um uh being a Survivor of multiple mile Loma I encourage people to not be afraid to go get a blood test go get a physical make sure you get a comprehensive blood test because it's easy to identify a change in your hemoglobin and your in your cell counts that could raise a question that could save your life and in my case um that's exactly what happened I thought I had a cold I wound up getting a bizarre blood test and before I knew it I was in treatment I would also being in New Jersey would you know put a shout out that one of the finest centers for care happens to be in New Jersey at the John Thor Cancer Center by hackin saac hospital it's an extraordinary facility I'm a member of The Advisory board and the things that I see and the progress that's being made around this is is extraordinary so uh there's a lot to say about it but you know it is becoming more aware it's not it's also was once thought to affect older people and it it's not true uh it affects I've I've been in treatment with people that are in their 20s so it's important to understand it but it is also because of the advancement some treatment um it's also something that you can live with and um so i' gladly vote I commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli hi thank you commissioner Kelly commissioner robberts thank thank you mayor whereas Mrs Joan uh petronico a resident of Nutley Township has paid appropriate fee to obtain a animal license uh from the municipal clerk's office tag number 1221 U uh whereas a duplicate payment was made in error for an additional tag now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of M County of es St New Jersey that the township Treasurer is authorized to issue a refund in the amount of $12 uh to Mrs Miss Joan petronico so move second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commissioner Petco I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli I be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the county invest state of New Jersey the treasur is here by authorized to refund overpayment of tax charges in the amount of $2,139 37 for Block 3201 lot two so move second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner t hi mayor scarelli hi thank you mayor thank you commissioner commissioner Tui yes thank you mayor we're as a department of parks and public property excuse me has determined that old Township buildings are in need of generators to operate during emergency situations to provide services and shelter to Township residents and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of not Le County of ESS state of New Jersey hereby authorize the Township Clerk to advertise for sealed bids for generators for all Township buildings and where a specification will be available as of March 14th 2024 in the purchasing department township hall one Kennedy Drive Nutley New Jersey now therefore be it resolved that sealed bids for generators will be received on behalf of the Board of Commissioners in the commission Chambers Town chipo one Kenedy Drive Mutley New Jersey on Thursday March 28 2024 at 11:00 a.m. prevailing time at which time they will be publicly opened and read I moved resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner Petco hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi this is a resolution authorizing New Jersey Department of Community Affairs 2024 local Recreation Improvement grant program this is a requirement and it reads as follows whereas the township with nut Le desires to apply for and obtain a grant from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs local Recreation Improvement grant for approximately $100,000 in order to enhance the recreational opportunities for our residents by supporting improvements to the soccer field located at monor ow park by replacing the current turf field with improved Synthetic Turf surfacing this is the small field by the way now the therefore be it resolved that the township of Nutley does hereby authorize the application for such a grant and recognizes and accepts that the department may offer lesser or a greater amount upon receipt of the grant agreement from the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs be a further resolve that the town with Nutley does further authorize the execution of any such Grant agreement and also upon receip the executed agreement from the Department does further authorize the expenditure of funds pursuant to the terms of the agreement between the township of Nutley and New Jersey Department of Community Affairs be it further resolve again that the persons whose names titles and signatures appear below are authorized excuse me to sign the application and that they or their successors and said titles are authorized to sign the agreement and any other documents necessary in connection therewith I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner EV hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi it's all I have mayor thank you commissioner M CLK I do not have the uh Raff thank you whereas raffle applications have been received from the following organization bradcliff school PTO license number 2224 on premises 5050 cash raffle to be held Saturday March 23rd 2024 where AS application has been reviewed and approved by the municipal clerk of police department now therefore be resolved by the board of commissioner Township Nutley County Ines state of New Jersey that the aforementioned license are hereby approved the municipal clerk authorized to issue said license move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans I commiss PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarpelli I uh this resolution is a need to be adopted by the township of Nutley uh whereas Kingland Street Associates proposes to construct 100% affordable rental housing project for eligible and qualified families consist of 65 affordable units then of which will be supported by housing uh pursuant to the provisions of an New Jersey housing and mortgage Finance Agency law of 1983 as amended the rules propagated there other at njac 58 1.1 and all applicable guidelines promulgated there under the foregoing herein after collectively referred to as hmfa requirements within the township of Nutley on a site known as 310 Kingsland Avenue designated as block 300 Lots 1.06 1.07 and previously designated a portion of lots 1 and 20 in Block 300 on the tax assessment map in the township of notle and County of state of Jersey uh now therefore be resolved by the mayor and board of commissioner T but Nutley that one the Board of Commissioners find and determines the project proposed by the sponsors meets or will meet an existing housing need two the Board of Commissioners does hereby adopt the W within resolution that makes the determination and findings herein contained by virtual of pursuant to and in Conformity with provisions of hmfa law to enable the agency to process sponsors application for agency funding to finance project uh further resolve this resolution take shall take effect immediately I Mo the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I Carelli I this is a resolution to hire outside Council now therefore be resolved that board of commissioner Township nle County V state New Jersey can CH for outside litigation as follows the mayor and Township Park hereby authorized the directly to execute seal and deliver a 2024 contract for professional legal services with Matthew J troyano and John E haran pursuant to the non-fair and non-open process in accordance with njsa 19448 20.5 for ter beginning March 5th 2024 through December 31st 2024 with the stated hourly rates not to exceed in the amount of $30,000 for both attorney b a copy of this resolution as well as the contract and business disclosure entity certification and business entity disclosure of campaign Constitution should be filed on with the clerk uh I move the resolution second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli I did uh move past commissioner announcements so to uh look at this any commissioner announcements I I have one mayor if I might sure um I just want to congratulate the Nutley Irish American Alliance uh for once again putting on an outstanding parade in the probably the worst of weather it was very wet I want to congratulate the mayor and the Commissioners for all marching in that terrible weather uh if everybody has a snipples today I know that's why commissioner Evans is sniffling today probably due to that rain uh but they did an outstanding job the crowd was there no matter what was going on and the after party was wonderful that was on Saturday and then on Sunday we talk about when it rains and pors the Columbus Day Parade committee also held their pasta fundraiser which is their major fundraising event for the year and that was another outstanding event so Nutley just continues to have outstanding events sponsored by outstanding groups and we're just that much better for it thank you mayor thank you commissioner and mayor I was gonna say something before commissioner toui jumped ahead of me uh so just to say as if it's the first for the first time I would like to congratulate the when you snooze you lose un afraid yes it was it was a great time but was good that we were all over there but I you know I did want to call attention to the fact is that in the parade you know we marched behind the banner of one Nutley unified with the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Education uh which I think is is uh something that U I think is significant is a display of unity you know in in a world where there's just so much chaos so I just wanted to mention that I was grateful for that and I look forward to the much opport in coming and unfortunately I missed the Columbus yesterday the the next day because I was home tending to my cold but thank you mayor M Paka have I told you guys a story about little Al anyway the serious Vincent right so anyway I just want to give everybody an update on the neighborhood watch it has been very successful all of a sudden we have seen a little tick down in these um you know news and crimes that night or during the day whatever I happened to go to my son Vincent's house today and he has that ring doorbell and I have to tell you it's um you know immediately he called me for some reason my kids don't have to knock on my door but I have to knock on theirs but he called me right away what are you doing at my house so but I on a serious note these ring door bells or whatever brand names you want to buy they do um catch a lot of people in the ACT I think it's you the technology is there I am not really a technology person I am going to install one in my house this week so you know it helps to Aid the cops you know in Catching these people committing crimes and it deters a lot of them too that's all I have mayor commissioner Kelly thank you mayor uh just want to Echo uh commissioner tui's sentiments uh but I do want to say that it can never truly rain on a nutly St Patrick's Day Parade because uh our spirits will definitely get us out there keep us dry and uh it it it it'll go on no matter what uh the reason why I asked ear if we if we if I missed announcements or not is because we have all these different uh resolutions on for colorl Cancer Awareness Month developmental disabilities Awareness Month my multiple Myoma month I want to let everyone know I did not forget women's history month we moved that resolution at our last meeting and we have multiple events going on to celebrate women's History Month tonight we've H we have our kickoff going off at the nutly Museum right now I came from there earlier on March 19th we'll have our Women's Health panel uh whether it's called are you having a senior moment uh normal aging versus dementia so and this is a panel not just for those uh who are more advanced in age but for people in their 20s too because dementia can uh rear its head earlier uh than people would expect and so it's it's kind of a a moment because we all have brain farts uh it's it's to discuss what's what's normal U memory function and what what's abnormal and what you should get if you should if there's a sign where you should get checked out so uh it's it's uh geared towards women but it's it's ultimately you know anyone who wants can go and attend you don't have to to be a woman to attend the the women's history events uh March 26th at Mama Victoria we have our our Sip and Shop event uh and uh I just want to say that that Nella over Mama Victoria has donated this space to the town to use that event the Sip and Shop event is we're going to be showcasing women owned businesses in town uh to to Showcase what they're about and and uh drum up business and support for their their businesses and we want to support local businesses and small businesses uh if you're not a woman owned business don't don't worry we'll have another sipping shop later in the year for all local businesses to uh to show off what what they do for the community because when local businesses Thrive we Thrive and when we Thrive they Thrive we have a symbiotic relationship ship so we got to support our local businesses uh and that's all I have right now mayor thank you thank you commissioner uh before we do break I would like to have a moment of silence uh for U former bille mayor uh Billy escot who passed away so uh we can just have him over the silence good man thank you Mr Bruno we do have a need to go into close executive session for tigation and Contra motion I have a motion please second thank you whereas section eight of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public for meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public is of the opinion that that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township ship of Nutley in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session now therefore be a resolve by the township of Nutley um board Commissioners moving to close executive session to discuss litigation and contract negotiations be a further resolved at the time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of nutly pending and or anticipated legal Personnel conture matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution show take effect immediately commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli before we adjourn anybody from the public like to address the Board of Commissioners this evening seeing none have a motion to adjourn don't move second commissioner Kelly commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi the time is 88:13