stes Madam clerk thank you mayor board commissioner's public meeting Tuesday January 2nd 2024 the time is now 7:05 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in the December 7th 2023 issues of the Nutley Sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on fil in in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Kelly present commissioner Evans hi here commissioner Petco here commissioner Tui here mayor scarelli here all present mayor minutes Madam clerk yes thank you mayor we have Board of commissioner meeting minutes for December 5th 2023 can I have a motion it I need a second second commissioner Kelly abstain commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO I commissioner Tui I mayor scarelli I bills Madam clerk yes mayor thank you uh Bill list for January 2nd 2024 public affairs 81,000 0 revenue and finance 3,282 n477 cents Public Safety zero Public Works zero parks and public property 1,787 n236 water utility 35,000 $712 payroll as of Friday December 22nd 2023 regular payroll total $954,000 31 total payroll $1,377 45 for a grant total of 6,225 284 $430 move to Bills second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi and that's it for bills mayor public comments on agenda items only would any like to address the Board of Commissioners on agenda items only seeing none let's move on to board of commissioner announcements Commissioners I'm good mayor thank you I just want to say welcome to 2024 I wish everyone much health uh much happiness and maybe a peaceful New Year I would just like to um say that we are presently working on having a meeting for neighborhood watch um tentatively January 17th I believe it is but we'll be putting some out there it is an epidemic out there I had a cop in the store um over the holiday season from Red Bank same thing is happening down there Westfield it's every single town now so and we had um many of late in nutly also so please keep locking your doors you know if you see something please don't hesitate to call the police department um I really think this neighborhood watch could be a big thing it was started way back in 1980 by um Mr debella and Steve Rogers on the Carman recos watch and it was really really helpful to um the police department in the community so again keep locking your doors until um you know they Chang this bail reform if it ever gets changed I don't see anything changing but here in nutly we're going to keep the pressure on and our cops are doing a good job out there thank you mayor commissioner just a question um you you've been faithful to remind everybody to do this which I think is very helpful and important to do I know certainly my my alertness is way up for it but I keep on hearing and I'm reading that it keeps on it's expanding it's not nutly it's just a Statewide issue it's getting worse is there anything that that is being done with the say the police chief's Association to go to the attorney general to to seek changes in the law I I have talked to the our chief about you know mentioning this at the um Chief's meetings that they have and they have been pushing it and talking about it but unfortunately it seems like it's falling on deaf ears so I'm just praying that you know and you know I don't want to knock anybody but I'm I'm praying to there's some common sense down in Trenton because it's an epidemic and it's it's you know now it's even getting worse where they were entering where the doors were open and cars and the houses are open and and over this past holiday season even in Nutley now they're breaking windows they're getting into houses they're getting into cars you know by breaking it now and you know a lot of people have the ring door about we have cameras everywhere and you know these people mask up and you know and you know you can't it's difficult to you know Pursuit them um just over the I think it was right before New Years I was listening to the radio there was a stolen car out of Belleville and it was on Greylock Parkway and Washington Avenue and it was heading towards notle so we know where they're going to go they're going to go to usually South on Route 21 you know so I'm listening to the call you know and they can't chase them anymore and they can't even block the um entrance to the ramp to get on 21 can't set up any roadblocks so you know in my opinion the 16 years that I'm here my whole life living in nutly you know we always respected the police officers and I know nutly people still do this but these laws are insane I mean could you imagine you know the years that from our era if you were in a stolen card not being a cop not being able to chase it you know and even stop it you know they tail them until they leave town so and these are all attorney general guidelines and you know I understand the risks that are involved you know in chasing stolen cars by school zones you know populated areas and some sometimes the risk does outweigh the reward but at a certain time it just seems like to me they just have a free hand and if nothing's done about it you know it's going to get worse you know and I have people all the time coming into store wherever I'm at you know saying that God forbid they break into to my house I'm going to defend myself and you know and I get that you know but I don't want the good people getting in trouble and the bad people getting away and I try to discourage especially my friends from taking manners into their own hands but people are really getting frustrated and that's why I keep getting on this mic and I'm sure you guys are tired of hearing me but you know even as a Board of Commissioners maybe it's time we send something down to Trenton and get our neighboring towns to join us so so commission that's what I was going to suggest if you want I'll help you you know craft something for the board to consider maybe we do that do a resolution that not only goes to um the municipalities but goes to every County Executive and goes as as widely as possible not obviously on balance because you don't want to hurt somebody you know that you that the law is actually intended to protect but if the law is being abused somehow it has to be rethought and maybe we can put something in well right now I mean the the biggest issue is and it's the truth of the matter is is that a cop makes her arrest on midnights say at 12:00 the person who committed the crime when they get caught they're out of the police station before the cop is done with writing the report you know so is the majority juveniles they are yeah yeah and unfortunately you know it was a lot of it's it is a lot of Out of Towners when we catch them but we have caught you know a couple nutly kids already and it's discouraging because the word's getting around it's like a Romper Room it's like free money out there go get it and nothing could be done to you so you know I I really do think it's time that we take a strong stance here and at least let Trenton hear our voices at the very least M I agree with you thank you CH Kelly I also want to wish everyone a happy and healthy uh New Year I feel like 24 is going to be the best year yet on record for Nutley so uh hopefully that comes to fruition uh I'm also looking forward to serving everyone as the uh board Board of Public public affairs and health commissioner uh starting in January we're going to be having our January blood drive and in February is uh heart health month uh so look out for more information regarding both of those events uh it will be forthcoming thank you thank you commissioner and uh I hope everybody had a happy uh holiday season and wish everyone a happy healthy New Year on behalf of the Board of Commissioners let's move to ordinance introductions commissioner petraco yes mayor I have three five see 35 42 in ordinance to amend an ordinance codified in the code of the township anality chapter 228 entitles vehicles and traffic particularly article 7 section 29a entitled handicap Park and to add to the location set forth thereon this one is for 69 Race Street I move that this ordinance be passed to Second read and advertising nly Sun together with the notice required by law and that further consideration have said warrants for final passage by the Board of Commissioners I thought I saw February February 6th um beheld at it second reading on February 6 I move it secondy uh commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner tuchi hi mayor scarelli hi thank you let's move the resolutions commissioner Kelly I see you have none commissioner Evans thank you mayor um my resolutions uh uh involve two areas uh the first two uh relate to Temporary budget authorizations so that we can continue to operate until we have uh our adopted budget in place uh 0124 whereas njsa 48 call 419 local budget law provides that where any contracts commit commitments or payments are to be made prior to the final adoption of the 2024 budget temporary Appropriations may be made for the purposes and amounts required in the manner and time uh therein provided whereas the date of this resolution is within the first 30 days of 2024 and whereas the total appropriation in the 23 budget less Appropriations made for Capital Improvement fund Debt Service and public assistance are as followed Uh current fund 54,4 35,8 65 Water Utility 4,573 ,85 whereas 26 and one qu% of the total Appropriations in the 23 budget less Appropriations for Capital Improvement fund Debt Service and capital assistance in set 23 budget is as followed current fund 14 , 289,000 62381 now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nly County of es state of New Jersey the following temporary Appropriations are made and not a certified copy of this uh resolution transmitted to the chief fin Financial Officer for her records for the accounts listed in the resolution so move second M Kelly hi commissioner Evans I commissioner PCO commissioni hi mayor scarelli I my second resolution 0224 uh is for uh amounts to be paid same same resolution but for Debt Service uh that will be paid prior to the adoption of the uh budget or during the first six months now therefore for be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of attachment of not the temporary temporary Appropriations are made for the current fund interest on bonds $356,000 principal on bonds $1,590 th000 uh Green Acres loan $2 24,829 68 for total debt service of1 million 97714 th000 for the operating water operating interest on bonds $ 3,894 principal on bond $70,000 uh NJIT loan principal $25,000 uh interest $8,995 $800 $8,995 for a total of 17,8 890 so move second Mr Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi my last resolution is for the appointment of Heather MN as the cmfo uh pursuant to uh New Jersey statutes whereas NJ ASA 48 call 9-1 14010 requires every municipality in state of New Jersey to have a Chief Financial Officer to be appointed by the governing body and whereas the township has determined that he Heather mcnamer certified Municipal finance officer in the state of New Jersey has the qualifications and experience to hold a position and perform the duties of Chief Financial Officer whereas Miss mcamera has agreed to serve in such position now therefore being resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nle County of VC state of New Jersey that Heather Mar is hereby appointed to the position of Chief Financial Officer of the township of Nelly commencing January 1 2024 so move second commissioner Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tucci hi mayor scarelli hi thank you mayor commission PCO I see that you also do not have any resolution so move on to commissioner thank you so much thank you mayor be resolved by Board of Commissioners Township of nley County of ESS state of New Jersey that in accordance with the provisions of RS 4A 4 58 the following transfers Appropriations in the 2023 budget b and same are hereby authorized and approved Department of parks and public property from health insurance $43,750 th000 to parks and playground salaries and wages in the amount of 103,000 and senior citizen transport salaries 7,000 for a like amount of 13,700 I move the resolution second M Comm Kelly hi Comm Evans hi commission PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi well I have mayor thank you commissioner be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Townley County of ESS state New Jersey that Raymond B readen Be appointed the municipal Township prosecutor for the township of Nelly effect of January 1st 2024 expiring December 31st 2024 move the resolution second commissioner Kelly I commissioner Evans hi commissioner bco I just like to add I vote I but I just like to add what a great job he's doing over there he's a pleasure to work with um she really added a lot to our Municipal Court true gentlemen I commissioner Tui I'd like to Echo commissioner Petco's remarks and outstanding appointment mayor I vote I mayor scarelli I the resolved by the board of commissioner Township aneli County of B state New Jersey that Joseph Donatello be appointed the municipal Township Public Defender for the township beneli effect of January 1st 2024 expiring December 31st 2024 the resolution second Comm Kelly I Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scor pelli hi that concludes the business portion of our meeting Mr Bruno we okay tonight we are tonight will be a short a short one there is no reason for us to uh to go to ex uh anybody uh from the public like to address the Board of Commissioners this evening seeing none motion to adjourn move it second m Kelly hi commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scarelli hi good night everybody happy New Year good night happy New Year the time is 7:22