welcome to the township of nutley's reorganization meeting for 2024 I'm going to let commissioner Kelly do the Pledge of Allegiance so for the pledge we're going to bring up uh representatives from the town's veterans organizations so we have representatives from the AmVets uh the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States of America to the it stands un indivisible with and justice for all please remain standing for the national anthem oh say can you see by the the light what so at the twi and bright stars through the the for the r Hearts we watch were so and [Music] rock through that our flag was still there oh s that star for the land of the great great job Zach Father Tom let us pray in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen Almighty and eternal God you have revealed your glory to All Nations God of power might wisdom and Justice through you Authority is rightly administered laws are enacted judgment is decreed assist with your spirit of counsel and fortitude these men who take today the oath of office as Commissioners here in the town of Nutley and one who will govern as mayor of the township watch over them and their families protect and bless each of them with wisdom honesty Integrity right judgment good health and fairness to all may they always execute laws with Justice mercy and seek to restrain crime Vice and immorality as elected officials guard our political welfare may they be enabled by Guidance and Powerful protection the discharge their duties with honesty and ability we pray for our Township after a period of campaigning with the hope that all those elected will lead at every level and work for the common good of people who dwell here Heavenly Father God of all wisdom As We Gather on this day of inauguration and New Beginnings imbu in these elected officials an abundance of wisdom patience and right judgment and strength of character to do the right thing and make wise and unselfish sound choices as they begin to meet organized and planned for the years ahead which will be filled with many projects that can bring prosperity and Financial Security to this Township Aid them to be patient with one another refrain frame from Discord malice always seeking Harmony and effective compromise this afternoon we pray for wisdom and not rhetoric generosity not indifference Justice not patronage may they not erect barriers by harsh words but build bridges that bring people together through kindness and charity we pray for leaders gifted in diplomacy blessed with character and integrity that our security comes from a relationship of trust and communication and not divisiveness father as we prayerfully reflect we recall the words of First Timothy in the holy book which speaks about praying for those in Authority quote first of all then I ask that supplication prayers and petitions and Thanksgiving be offered for everyone for kings and those in Authority they lead AC Qui and tranquil life in devotion and dignity end of quote for our part give each of us patience that we in turn give our officials a chance to govern with Grace compassion love support and sincere effort to celebrate Sage decision making likewise we commend to your unbounded mercy all the constituents of this town of Nutley may we Preserve in Union that peace which the world cannot give and after enjoying the blessings of this life be admitted to those which are Eternal we make our prayer through Christ Our Lord amen amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit remain standing for God Bless America Zach God bless [Music] America I love stand beside and guide her through the night with light from above from the mountains to the pr to the O white with God bless America my home sweet home godess America my [Music] home can sit and relax Madame clerk thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting agenda for Tuesday May 21st 2024 the time is now 12:13 this is the or reorganization meeting pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 adquate notice that this notice was published on in the December 7th 2023 issues of the nutly sun The Herald news and the star a copy of this notice has been posted on the Nutley Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Kelly presid commissioner Evans here commissioner Petco here commissioner Tui here mayor scarelli here all president mayor m per I'll turn it over to you thank you I'm going to be swearing in commissioner Evans first hi Thomas J Evans hi Thomas J Evans do solemly swear Solly swear that I will Faithfully I will Faithfully impartially and justly performed justly performed all the duties of the office of commissioner all the duties of the office of commissioner effect May 21st 2024 through May 16 2028 effed May 21st 2024 through May 16 2028 in the of County of County of state of newey state of New Jersey according to theability ACC to the so help me hi Thomas J Evans hi Thomas J Evans sweare you further Solly square that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the Saint to the Saint and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so me go next I will be swearing in uh commissioner Tui AB what I Mar G2 i r G2 do solemnly swear solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and and justly and justly perform the duties of the office of commissioner perform all the duties of the office of commissioner effective May 21st 2024 through May 16 2028 effed May 21st 2024 through May 16 2028 in the township of Nutley in the township of Nutley County of County of ESS state of New Jersey state of New Jersey according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God I Maro G Tui I Maro G Tui do further Solly swear we further Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and I will bear true faith and that will be a true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established in the United States and to the governments established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God conratulations commissioner scarelli will be sworn in by our uh judge Alan Jen and Tempo I want my family and the DPW letter here up up left hand on the Bible right Dr chill that side yeah anything else bet I don't know how long I'm gonna be here I want a good picture stand commiss please uh raise your right hand put your left hand on the Bible stand up I Joseph Peace garelli I Joseph Peace garelli do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of commissioner of the office of commissioner effective May 21 2024 effective May 21 2024 through May 16 2028 through May 16th 2028 in the township of Nutley in the township of Nutley County of Essex County of Essex state of New Jersey state of New Jersey according to the best of my ability according to the best of my abilties so help me God so help me God I Joseph P garelli i Joseph peace garelli do further solemnly swear do further solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and I will bear bear true faith and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help God congratulations thank you thank you that was amazing honestly work our next swearing is is commissioner [Music] Petco Joe and Jerry come on up here with me my father couldn't make it today so Joe's goinging in hi Alco Alco do solemnly swear solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully impartially partially and justly justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of commissioner of the office of commissioner effect of May 21st 2024 effect of May 21st 2024 through May 16 2028 through May 16th 2028 in the township of Nutley Township of Nutley County of Essex County of Essex state of New Jersey state of New Jersey according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God I alons PCO I have trco do further solemnly swear further solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the to the same to the same and to the governments and to the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God congratulations do every um the judge our next heing in in excuse me is commissioner Kelly um The Honorable uh come on up Alan Jen the temple that's that's true there is two of you this yes all right I John D Kelly thei I John B Kelly I third do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly performed and justly performed all the duties of the office of commissioner all the duties of the office of commissioner effective May 21 2024 effective May 21 2024 through May 16 2028 through May 16 2028 in the township of Nutley in the township of Nutley County of Essex County of Essex and the state of New Jersey state of New Jersey according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God I I John D Kelly the third John D Kelly the thir to further solemnly swear to further solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help me God congratulations all right Madam clerk we're going to move on to resolutions yes thank you mayor this is uh resolution number 11 1624 that I am proud to to read be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of TOS of Nutley County EV state of New Jersey that John B Kelly III be appointed as mayor of the township of Nutley I proudly move that second commissioner Kelly abstain commissioner Evans hi commissioner PCO hi commissioner Tui hi mayor scell hi uh and The Honorable Joanne ciola will be swearing in our new mayor right [Music] oops joh hi John V thir do Solly swear that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform all the duties of the office of Mayor May 21st 2024 through May 16 2028 nle County of essence New Jersey according to according to the best of my ability so help me God John Kelly I John D Kelly I thir do further Solly swear I support that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey I willar and that I will bear through faith and Allegiance the Saint the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people so help me go spe I hopefully I'll never have to use that so I do I do want to say a few words about this occasion and I notes so I don't lose my train of thought um first of all I want to say thank you thank you to everyone in this room thank you to the entire community of Nutley there's so many people who got me here and I'm well aware that I'm not going to be able to to say everyone's name and thank everyone who is here uh and but just know that I know what you did and I know what you did for me and it's not going to be forgotten uh but the this journey started way earlier than uh my announcement for reelection the campaign and even my election four years ago it started over 39 years ago my education my temperament my wit my passion and everything of who I am was cultivated and developed by my parents John and Cindy Kelly it was bued by my grandparents the late former mayor and assemblyman John Kelly and Betty Benny and geline dejo it was supported by my Five Sisters Lauren Elise Deandra Alexa and Christa and no I didn't forget anyone as well as all my Aunts Uncles cousins nieces and nephews and I think my nieces and nephews got me more votes than anyone in this room I want to thank in particular my uncle and Godfather and campaign manager Uncle Joe my aunts Myan s Susan Kathy and eugina my cousin treasur my cousin and Treasurer Chris L ska and it's his birthday by the way happy Birthday Chris my cousin Matt who is the true utility man in my c campaign I'm a product of nutly it's Educators coaches religious leaders and everyone in the community all of whom I can count on as friends you all got me here and I thank you for your love and support on this journey it's only just the beginning and we'll continue to reach New Heights together I ran on my golden record but my record would not have been golden without without my golden staff the staff of the department of public affairs and health I'll definitely forget someone if I try to name all of you uh but you are true public servants and it's easy to have a golden record when you have such dedicated and zealous boots on the ground as you guys are thank you for all that you do and I'm going to thank you for all that I'm going to ask you to do over the next four years I'm also product to the Army I got to witness firsthand some great leadership over my 10 years of service I want to thank everyone who I have served with I want to thank all the veterans particularly those in Nutley your passion compassion and advoc advocacy has left a lasting impression on me uh to Larry maresi is he here you're true gentleman throughout the came before and after as well and I could see you up here one day Mar H are you here it takes a tremendous amount of time dedication and effort to run a campaign not to mention the courage to put yourself out there you should be proud of what you accomplished uh to commissioner Evans I do not think this town realizes how much you do behind the scenes whether it's uh keeping our municip Municipal budget in order uh keeping our taxes as low as as possible or pulling out your roll ofex and I don't think you have a physical Rolodex anymore but I I know you have an incredible amount of contacts throughout the state call thank you commissioner Tucci our parks are second to none and whenever I'm in Uber we find and we find ourselves driving next to one of the parks the Uber driver will invariably turn around to me and say this is a such a nice Town commissioner Scot pelly you're one of the most even killed leaders I know uh you're more than just the road guy you do so much more and you go above and beyond for this community and you always make this the road safe the recycling managed efficiently and you're always willing to l helping hand no matter what it is commissioner Petco you're one of the most honest people I know you're a true man of integrity and you go above and beyond at all times and you work tirelessly to keep us safe and if I were to detail everything you do I would be here all day there are two more people I want to thank before I go into my actual speech uh the first one is God he's blessed me with so many blessings in life uh such a great family and being born into such a great community and the second one is Sarah I you can't you you can't imagine what it must be like trying to plan a wedding and having your your future husband always say I gotta go run and do to this event or go go do this campaign speech uh but she she's been she's been my my backbone throughout the campaign and and I I I can't imagine continuing life without her and so I'm I'm gonna ask SAR to stand at this time which I know is gonna embarrass her but she has one more thing I want to thank the orange shoes no you can you can keep them maybe they'll be in the nutly museum one day so this is a great country and our youth have an understandable desire to get out and experience this great country see another great City see the frued plains the Amber Raves of grain see the sh shining Seas our Purple Mountain majesties all the great national parks and monuments in our Great Lakes but there's only one nutly inevitably our young people will find their way back here and want to stay here Melly is the destination life it is not a stop along the way whether you grew up here and never left you left and found your way back or not fortunate enough to be born here but still found your way here anyway n is truly the destination in life for our youth and there's young at heart it's the Cradle of our dreams for our families it's a destination to raise a family and for seniors it's a destination to live the rest of your lives in quality so if you're curious what what four years on the mayor Kelly would be like it has one goal to enhance and build upon the foundation of this great destination I'll work with the Board of Education and the rest of the Board of Commissioners to enhance the Cradle of dreams that is nutly for our most valuable resource our young people I work with commissioner Evans and the rest of the Board of Commissioners to make this destination and affordable for everyone I'll work with commissioner to and the rest of the Board of Commissioners to enhance the Cradle of youth's athletic dreams and build on the facilities that is this destination I'll work with commissioner scarelli and the rest of the Board of Commissioners to enhance our roads so that we can safely and smoothly find our way home in in this great destination I'll work with commissioner PCO and the rest of the Board of Commissioners so that everyone can feel safe and welcom in this community I'll work with the public affairs and health department and the rest of the Board of Commissioners to keep this destination both physically and mentally healthy enhance the quality of life for those in special needs for our seniors and this country would not be a great country without our veterans without your love your sacrifice and I'll continue to go to Bath for you every day most of all I want to hear from you the residence of nle on how we can continue and keep nutly a destination in life I'm always available to discuss my door is always open and my ear is always ready to listen I want to hear from you at any time no is the destination life and I'll will keep it that way thank you well in case any of the other Commissioners wanted is this we do that after all right I got I got here in 2020 during covid so it was a strange uh this so this is my first rodeo uh so we're we're going to have the uh the first resolution number 17-24 by uh commissioner Tui thank you mayor be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of town Nutley County of ESS state state of New Jersey that Thomas J Evans be appointed as director of Revenue and finance I proudly move the resolution second commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi so did we say something now or no okay see we're all confused all right uh the next one is uh introduced by commissioner Petco thank you mayor be resolved by the Board of Commissioners the township of Nutley County of s state of New Jersey that moral G2 moral G Tui be appointed as the Director of parks and public property I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi when you said Thank You mayor I thought you were talking to the wrong person it's gonna take a little while to get used to that I I have the the the privilege for the next one uh be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of n county of ESS state of New Jersey that Joseph P scarpelli be appointed as director of Public Works second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui I commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly I um Evans Evans yes commissioner Evans okay uh resolution number 20-24 being resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nle ofes state of New Jersey that alons petraco be appointed as director of Public Safety move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarpelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi Mr Scott be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley County of Essex state of New Jersey that John B Kelly theii be appointed as director of public affairs I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco I mayor Kelly abstain uh moving along uh we have the department assignments by by uh this first one is going to be by commissioner Tucci that it is hereby determined that the board of commission of the township of Nutley that all Executive Administrative judicial and legislative powers Authority and duties relating to the following positions and committees and to other items as listed in the department of revenue and Finance in the budget of 2024 except as Modified by this resolution shall be exercised and performed by the Department of Revenue and finance and that all the executive and administrative judicial and legislative powers Authority and duties relating to the said functions and committees as listed Hereafter B and same are hereby assigned to the Department of Revenue and finance as listed I proudly move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tucci I commissioner scarelli I commissioner Petco I mayor Kelly I me oh uh next one is going to be read by commissioner petraco thank you that is hereby determined by the board of commission Township and N that all Executive Administrative judicial and legislative powers Authority and duties relating to the following positions and committees and under items as listed in the department of parks and public property in the budget of 2024 except as Modified by this resolution shall be exercised and performed by the department of parks and public property and that all the Executive Administrative judicial and legislative powers Authority and duties relating to the said functions and committees as listed here Hereafter be in the same or hereby assigned to the Department of parks and public property as listed I move it second commissioner Evans I commissioner Tui I commissioner scarelli I commissioner PCO I mayor Kelly I I I have the next one uh this is for the public works department that it is hereby determined by the board of commissioner of the Town Chelli that all Executive Administrative and judicial and legislative powers Authority and duties relating to the following positions and committees and other items listed in the public works department in the budget of 2024 except as Modified by this resolution shall be excited and performed by The public's works department and at the executive administr and judicial powers and authority and duties relating to set functions and as and committees as listed here and after be be the same and hereby assigned to uh as listed uh and I move the the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Paco hi mayor Kelly I uh next we have introduction by commissioner Evans thank you mayor that is hereby determined by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley that all Executive Administrative judicial and legis ative Powers Authority and duties relating to the following positions and committees and to other items listed in the public safety department in the budget of 2024 except as Modified by this resolution shall be exercised and performed by the uh Public Safety department and that all of the Executive Administrative judicial and legislative powers Authority and duties related to set functions and committies as listed Hereafter being and the same are hereby assigned to the Department of Public safety as listed in the resolution so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly I uh the the next one the next two will be read by uh commissioner scarpelli Madame clerk uh for the the mayoral resolution uh we previously discussed listing the communications of the township uh I'm not seeing it here uh the the mayoral resolution it's on the bottom okay maybe it's not on my copy just read it into the record when you read the resolution Jo just read it into the record sorry for the technical difficulties everyone commissioner scarelli that is hereby determined by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley that all Executive Administrative judicial and legislative powers Authority and duties relating to the following positions and committees and to the other items as listed in the public affairs Department in the budget of 2024 accept as Modified by this resolution shall shall be exercised and performed by the public affairs Department not only Executive Administrative judicial and legislative powers authorities and duties relating to the set positions and committees as listed hereby Hereafter by B and the same as are hereby assigned to the public affairs Department as listed I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly abstain whereas the so-called commission Government Act and as it is sometimes known as the Walsh act entitles an act relating to regulating and providing for the government of cities towns Township Burrows Villages and other municipalities governed by Boards of the Commissioners or Improvement Commissioners in the state approved April 25th 1911 and was dually adopted by the voters of Nutley of the township of Nutley in May 1912 and whereas by the mandatory provisions of set act and act supplementary thereto and and a mandatory thereof it becomes the duty of the Board of Commissioners at the toly to determine the Executive Administrative judicial and legislative Authority and duties in the township of nle into and among the Departments as the Board of Commissioners and its judgment seems appropriate and whereas in the Judgment of the Board of Commissioners of town nutly by determination of powers and duties to be performed by each department and the assignments thereof two departments public service will be benefited and whereas the Executive Administrative judicial and legislative control of certain officers and their powers and duties is now vested in the Board of Commissioners now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township that all Executive Administrative judicial and legislative powers Authority and duties relating to the following positions and committee shall be exercised and performed by the mayor and that all the Executive Administrative judicial and legislative powers Authority and duties relating to that said position of committees as listed therea there Hereafter be and the same are assigned to the mayor as listed to also include Communications I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor scarelli hi I'm sorry as we all know it's a habit so mayor Kelly that's all I have mayor thank you uh and uh why not we have I I go where here it is wait no I don't go sorry lost my place again it's kind of confus know I do go mayor all right be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Town Chelli County of Essex state of New Jersey that all resolutions here to for voted upon and passed by the individual Commissioners are hereby ratified and passed subsequently to the members being duly sworn into office uh I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi uh commissioner Evans thank you mayor whereas njsa 4A call in 5-14 requires municipalities to adopt a cash management plan to deposit or invest or both deposit and invest its funds under this plan whereas the purpose of CA of the cash management plan is to ensure the investment of local funds in and interest bearing uh accounts and other permitted Investments whereas the cash management plan Shall Set policies for selecting and evaluating investment interests in instruments accordingly whereas the cash management plan shall be approved annually uh by a majority vote of the governing body and may be modified from time to time to reflect changes in federal or state law or regulations or the designations of depositories funds or investment instruments or the authorization for Investments and whereas the cash management plan shall be subject to the annual audit conducted pursuant to njsa 48 col 5-4 and whereas the Chief Financial Officer shall be charged with administering the cash management plan whereas the chief financial officer charged with the custody of money shall deposit or invest them as designated or authorized by the cash management plan and shall the uh after that be relieved of any liability for the loss of some uh uh uh loss of such sums of money due to insolvency or closing of any depository designated or the decreased in value of any investment authorized by the cash management plan um by the way we only invest in interest bearing accounts that are not subject to the volatility of the market just to be clear whereas the Chief Financial Officer has submitted for the board of commissioner approval a proposed cash management plan and now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of notle that one the cash management plan proposed by the Chief Financial Officer with the approval of the Board of Commissioners is adopted as the cash management plan of the township of Nutley and all Township uh of Nutley officers with custody of public funds are directed Pur pursuant to njsa 48 col 5-14 to deposit and invest those funds under the adopted cash management plan the cash management plan and the terms are outlined in the resolution so I move the resolution as listed so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PATCO hi mayor Kelly hi two more and then hear from the the rest of the Board of Commissioners uh so as mayor I get the power to appoint certain uh municipal offices and the first one I'm appointing is uh is alen jenet tempo to the municipal judge and uh my first job in law school uh as a as a law clerk was uh was in The Firm of pyro Zena and under the mentor mentorship of alen Jenna Tempo so it it's very it's very appr propo and I'm proud to to read this resolution be it resolved by the board of commissioner of the township of nly County of Essex state of New Jersey that Alan J jeno be reappointed as municipal judge for the township of Nutley for a three-year term effect of May 21st 2024 through May 20th 2027 so moved second commissioner Evans I commissioner tuchi hi commissioner selli hi commissioner PATCO I mayor Kelly I and then the other the other appointment I have is uh the appointment of the the town attorney uh Jonathan Bruno uh he's not here today his law partner is here uh and before you go after him for not being here it's his father's 70th birthday and they're vacationing together uh but John Bruno is is definitely very even keeled and keeps us even keeled especially when we have a lot of uh flares because politicians tend to have a lot of flares and an animation and so he keeps us grounded uh so um I'm going to read this resolution be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nelly County of essic state of New Jersey that Jonathan Bruno Esquire be reappointed Township attorney for the township of Nutley for a one-year term effect of May 21st 2024 through May 20th 2025 I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly I okay all right so we're gonna have judge K swearing judge jenet Tempo let's here for Adrian are you here St here I don't have where is it wing it hold is it over there is it right there hold on it's fine John is fine hold on one second here [Music] it's perform all the perform all the duties of the office of of the office of Municipal Jud for the next years the temp that I will support Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear through faith and allegiance to the the government and to the government EST established in the United States and in this stor people so help me I also want to thank judge Kola for being here former mayor and now she's on the superior court of New Jersey in Essex County so thank you for coming and and we can't forget our former Commissioners uh Walt Smith is here thank you for being here then uh who wants to go first commissioner Evans why not so thank you John uh first I want to congratulate Zach what a beautiful voice uh thank you for good second is I want to thank Father Tom um I I have this thing that I do is every time I see Father Tom I ask him for his Blessing and so I want to thank you for being here today and offering the uh invocation for all of us but also for your special blessing that I always look forward to um my son Andrew is here uh my brother Ken is here uh my campaign uh committee is here and my employees are are here I I want to thank all of you uh for uh coming out today and for your support U as a commissioner there's a lot that we have to do there's a lot of sacrifice uh and I I think I spread it all over town I think if anybody hasn't heard it uh that you know to be a commissioner in the revenue and finance seat it takes a lot of time uh you spend about 30 hours a week to make sure that we're getting our finance is right uh and I can I promise you that I will continue to do that uh my energy level my desire to make sure that we uh are doing the very best we can for the township uh I will deliver my my best ability uh every day uh throughout throughout this term and I look forward to sitting with my fellow Commissioners I think uh we have quite a bit to do uh the uh transactions that are in front of us the uh the challenges that we face as we look to this next term uh are significant and uh no less among them are the financial challenges that we will that we will face uh but I'm fortunate in that I think as a governing body we have demonstrated uh what it means for a governing body to work together to trust one another and to make good decisions for the benefit of of the community and I think uh if I was to characterize my board uh and my fellow Commissioners uh there's one thing that I think is Paramount uh in all of our thinking is that we represent all of you every single resident in town nobody's excluded nobody has preference over anybody else everybody is is equal and we try to bring our very best to help everyone in the town which I think is a Hallmark of what has made Nutley uh a great place to live a great place to raise uh family and uh we avoid a lot of the crisis uh crisis that a lot of communities uh face uh we uh will do everything uh that we can uh to uh assist the Board of Education as they work through uh their chall challenges uh because in nutly everybody helps one another and so we will be looking forward to working together uh with them uh and as we move forward so to conclude my remarks thank you for your confidence in me to reelect me to my position I look forward to getting back to work thank you okay I'm ready I thought you were just going to continue along the line but uh commissioner chushi thank you mayor I'd like to begin today uh by thanking the people of Nutley uh for once again having the faith and confidence in me uh to allow me to continue serving this is my seventh term so at the end of this term I will have served this Township for 28 years I see judge Kola smiling in the front we both started back in 2020 uh Joanna's moved on and continue to serve our Township no matter what position she and I'm proud that she's here and I'm I'm proud that all of you had the confidence in me to all of you who supported my candidacy either financially allowing me to place a sign on your lawn or by casting your vote for me I will forever be in your debt rest assure I'll continue to serve you to the best of my ability each and every day to Mayor Kelly commissioner PATCO commissioner scarelli and commissioner Evans my sincer congratulations I look forward to continue serving with you you know governing isn't easy and it's not for everyone all right but for those that have the courage and are willing to make the commitment to make our town better I commend each and every one of you and we all need need to always keep in mind that it's not about any one of us it's always about all of us and I know today we have some of our Board of Education members in the audience and I just want to reassure them that I and I'm sure I can speak for the mayor and all the Commissioners will always stand with you we'll get through this crisis we will write this ship we will do whatever is humanly possible to make sure that our children get the education that they deserve and that our professionals are treated in a fair and absolutely productive way for the past 24 years I've had the honor and privilege of serving as your Commissioner of parks and public property but the successes are not mine alone I'd like to begin by thanking my Parks family who in my opinion are the finest group of individuals ever assembled in any government anywhere in the country and I know bunch of them are here so please indulge me because I am going to name them because they deserve it Frank gags Mike Linda Mary Teresa and Nicole Chrissy who retired but still helps us in the department Jake Michelle Debbie Janine and all the guys in the back our parks and programs are second to none because of all of the work that you do and I thank you and I appreciate you for everything each and every day to my family where it all starts my wife Linda my daughters Gina and Josephine my son-in-law John Clifford and all my grandchildren they're all here Luchia Anthony John Mia and Gigi thank you and I love you for all the sacrifices that you make so that I can do what I love on behalf of our Township to my siblings some were here some are not here Kathy Tommy uh Shelly my brother Tom who we call T he'll always be t- bird Rita um Gerard Suzanne older nieces and nephews I never could have been here and done this for this long without each and every one of you I'm also very proud that my nephew Luke is here who has just completed his first year in Princeton University a product of the nle school system I'd be remiss if I didn't give a special thank you to my brother Gerard who's my business partner my Pol iCal advisor and he's also the baby of the family and I know the oldest is supposed to take care of the youngest but I'm not the oldest I'm the middle child and he takes care of me more than I could ever take care of him so Gerard thank you and I love you last but not least I'd like to thank my pool store family Ralph Caputo who unfortunately is having a back issue today so he can't be here Joe robes who's in in the back Tommy beanie Nino Chuck Jerry lard Nikki and everyone else that comes and visits with us I thank you for all your support over the years you know elected office is a gift given by the people I want everyone to know that I appreciate each and every one of you and I will not let you down thank you very much uh before we continue I just want to recognize a couple other elected officials I I recognize in the stands I see our our County Commissioner Brendan Gillan in the back there uh Mayor bille Michael melum some of our Board of Ed education members we have Nick Scotty here and president Sal feraro and am I missing anyone all right SC Kelly thank you mayor mayor Kelly fellow Commissioners honored guests Reverend clergy first I like to thank my committee for all their hard work throughout the campaign they stuffed envelopes folded things we had big these big bulky guys folded letters and stuffing in envelopes writing out postcards I can't thank them enough for all they did uh to my immediate family my wife sue my son s my girls AR and Giana I could not do this without your support uh my son-in-laws Nick and Kevin my G grandchildren Kira Kevin Nicholas and Luca Nicholas and Luca represent the seventh generation of my family it's call Nutley their home my mom my nephew Anthony my sister Trish my uncle veto my Aunt Joanne both Jo Aunt Joann uh my in-laws Al and an and Grandma Vicki uh ly Kitty and all my friends for their love hard work and support thank you to the men and women of the DPW Department who make me look good every day let's hear a hand for them congratulations to Mayor Kelly and my fellow Commissioners on their reelection mayor Kelly your grandfather's looking down we certainly proud of you quite a legacy our first grand grandfather and grandson Mayors congratulations thank you thank you also to Maria Hamlin and Dr Larry maresi for their time and efforts special thanks to my guardian angels who have guided me throughout the campaign and are with me every step of the way to Allan Jen Tempo thank you for swearing me in and your friendship for over 40 years even though he's not here John Bruno thank you for what you do representing our town and your support and your Council over the last four years it is obvious from the election results that the people like the direction the town is going with all five Commissioners being handily reelected the issues we have faced over the last four years have been unprecedented including the Corona virus pandemic and hurricane IED yet through it all we person evered and emerged stronger as a community over the last four years the repurposing of the former Ro property continued ASI has now joined the hackensac Meridian School of Medicine modern Meadow hackensac Meridian Center for Discovery and Innovation wabs and Ralph Lauren we now have a vibrant campus and a premier Innovation Hub that is fueling our local economy producing quality jobs for our residents and increasing our property property values and there's more to come we have secured the land uses for those vacant Parcels on the on3 campus that will have a minim minimal effect on traffic and services yet produce valuable increase in Revenue we settled long-term litigation with the owners of the pool club and went through PL the planning process and we will soon have a much needed 55 and O over luxury housing for our mature not old our mature residents who prefer to stay in stay in nutly when they're downsizing very soon we'll have an agreement on selecting a Redevelopment for the chicolini site that will preserve parking add beautiful open space and Kickstart the revitalization of Franklin Avenue we have other challenges we have to see how we can be helpful to our school system as we cannot let our students education suffer the overcrowding issue remains and still has to be solved we have to revigor reinvigorate our downtown and bringing the Redevelopment of the CH chicolini property to the finish line I'm very excited about the future of our town thank you for the honor and privilege of serving the people of Nutley as your mayor for the last two years and I look forward to the next four years thank you very much so so I I already forgot someone uh I he he volunteered for my campaign and he's a he's retiring from politics he's a nine consecutive term winner in Belleville councilman John natari and and we have a Congressional candidate Carmen buo in the back there I see he he does all my suits and now hear from commissioner Paka last but not least thank you so much mayor first I don't want to make my speech about and I but I have to tell you in 2008 when we came on we both didn't wear glasses and now that and now bu sitting next to me again it's funny how we started and came back together is Bond on the speeches are this big so things are changing Joe but but welcome back the first people I want to thank and usually I learned from more to thank my wife first but I'm going to have to skip over you for a second sweetheart because I really never ever do this and I have to do it today I want to thank everyone that serves in public safety I have to tell you the cops have a very very difficult job as we all know they're out there 247 snow rain whatever the weather holidays Christmas and they do a great job along with our fire department I see Gabe is represent the guys went on a call sorry for that m i you got interrupted but good job never ends and they are here anywhere in our town in two minutes uh one of my customers came in the store the other day from up in the country somewhere 45 minutes for a cop to come to their house so i' like to think we are SC of it nutly because it's not like that everywhere so please let's get up 4 and give them a round thank you now moving right along I just want to introduce my beautiful wife who has stood by my side and ironically has kept her mouth shut for almost 20 years with the politics which is a big thing so I want to thank CL stand up and wait for everybody I have my son Vincent here anybody who needs Financial work he's great at it thr him a little plug who's the only one that showed up for me so my my other son as as as the mar knows is a lawyer also when John beat me this time I said I do I'm not really crazy about lawyers anymore anyway um Sunny couldn't be here and salvator when we first started and again I came on with Joe and you know back then there was one seat open because your dad was retiring and we be a legend the two of us who was kman Rao who was a spectacular man and really really cared about this town and kman if you're looking down at us this one's for you as well so you're very well missed and it's been an honor for me to sit in his seat and represent the people not and people sometimes say you know you remind me of a lot of kman and that's really um an honor for me um I just want to recognize my friend bong in the backr that's here for B for the CR so father the Tom I have to tell you a little story and I love St Mary's Church and St Mary's is my parish and that'll never change so P brings me to the church on the hill mount Caro and John and I were there yesterday and I have to tell you I go there I'm not a morning person everybody and the board knows that and he gets me at 8:00 in the morning at 9:00 Father Tom it's like Studio 54 used to be there playing music drinking the father has a hat I gotta get you a half do time and play music but thanks thank you for your help um Sam Cara where are you Sam God God bless his people Sam has been a godsent because you think you're know St John when I the first guy elected I owned to Delhi I wasn't a lawyer and without Sam I would never have been to the point that we got to and I wanted to also thank thank Linda um D chessen Joe Jerry my chief Tommy shumer Tommy and I I've gotten through like brothers and I know I drive you crazy calling you all hours at the night but let's he for chief he does an excellent job so I also want to mention my good friend Joan Kola honorable Joan Kola and I just wanted thank you so much for being a judge Joan because I know if you were still here none of us would have had a chance for that chair Joanne was unbeatable so God bless Joanne so in closing and and you know I want I do want to say congratulations to my good friend moral Tucci as well when I came on this board I was really really really green and moral really was my mentor on this board he took me under his ring he spent countless hours coaching me helping me not for his best interest but for my best interest and mor being You' been my all these years I'm having a problem with my filter R today so you might see here the filter guy but more from the bottom of my heart I would have never lasted all these terms um I can remember when I first was running and you brought me to the Tik Tock ter you start explaining to me about a budget you know when I first opened my Del we use we we worked with all cash there was no credit cards I was very good with cash I wasn't so good with budgets but Tom and I said this during the campaign is a necessity to this town you know he has BW his job around people don't know what he does I am so happy to call you my friend and for you to be back here give give Tom around the before so just real quick because I don't want to be too long and this isn't a story about little Al guys don't worry but it's about Mr Kelly so Joe and John grew up in my neighbor I'm wa pleas correct right so when I was about 10 years old I was probably 5060 pounds and I was Mr Kelly's newspaper boy and I didn't know who Mr Kelly was Joe and John are much much older than me as you can tell but anyway I used to ride my bike and I would throw the paper up on you your mom and dad's house and I would would never hit this stoop John so one morning your grandfather their father was out there reading for me and it slippers in a robe and I threw the paper hit the actually hit the porch and then fell off and he says get over here I'm like should I keep ring my bike he goes what the hell is wrong with you I want my newspaper on this stoop every morning you understand that I'm like trembling my pants right I go he go are you listening to me I go yes I he goes you know what my name is no my name is Mr Kelly I will Mr Kelly every morning it'll be there little tears are coming out of my eyes right I start pedaling my bike away from the house and I hear this voice Hey kid get over here I go I didn't want to go back I go back Mr tell had a $20 bill in his hand he says here you're a good kid make sure to pay your my newspaper on yours so the Kelly have a long history with draal I I I truly miss your dad so much John and and and Joe he was when I first got elected he was in my corner as well your son is going to do a fine job he's a fine young man and I want to congratulate to Kelly family and our new mayor mayor Kelly thank you so I said enough already uh do I have have a motion for an adjournment move it second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi and the time is 1:25 --------- stand for the flag salute or pledge allegiance flag United States Amica na indivisible Madam clerk thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting agenda for Tuesday May 21st 2024 the time is now 704 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice that this meeting was published in the December 7th 2023 issues of the nutly sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the N Town Hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Evans commissioner Tui here commissioner scarelli here commissioner tro here mayor Kelly present all present mayor minutes Madam clerk thank you we have executive session minutes for March 5th 2024 March 19th 2024 April 2nd 2024 and March 16 2024 motion please move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi that's it for a minutes mayor Communications Madam clerk thank you the nully bellel Columbus State parade committee has submitted an event application for their 42nd annual Columbus Day parade parade and flag raising scheduled for October 13 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p pm. on Franklin Avenue starting in Belleville and ending on chestna Street Nutley and the nutly thriving survivors have submitted an event application for their annual walk schedule for October 6 2024 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. starting and ending at John H Walker Middle School motion please move it second commissioner Evans I commissioner tuchi I commissioner scarelli I commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly I and that's it for communications we don't have any proclamations so we're going to move to reports uh commissioner petraco I have my Public Safety report thank you mayor bills m cck thank you one bill list for May 21st 2024 public affairs $118,500 2,876 5494 Public Safety $1,446 42 Public Works 1991 $1,392 75 parks and public property $72,400 water utility $7,795 payroll as a Friday May 10 2024 regular payroll total $ 941,618 overtime payroll total $4 46,7 5.50 total payroll total $988,000 126 for Grant total of4 m283 4948 move the Bills second commissioner Evans hi commissioner tuchi hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PATCO mayor Kelly hi and that's it for for bills mayor uh we have public comment on agenda items only anyone wish to heard on agenda items only seeing none uh Board of commissioner announcements start with commissioner Evans nothing this evening mayor other than congratulations to everybody and including yourself thank you commiss Tui nothing mayor commissioner scarelli nothing mayor commissioner P I'm looking forward to Memorial Day uh so as commissioner petraco mentioned this upcoming Monday is Memorial Day the town has its Memorial Day Celebrations beginning at 7:30 a.m. at the Nutley VFW uh commissioner Tucci is providing us with a bus and we'll visit be visiting all the war monuments we'll read off the names of those who paid off paid the ultimate sacrifice there's approximately I think there's exactly 142 people from Nutley who gave their life to this country uh and that goes back all the way to the Revolutionary War uh up to the present day uh so we recognize them on Memorial Day and then at 12 noon we have our annual 103rd annual Memorial Day uh parade uh kicking off right at the oval and we'll be walking down Chestnut across Pake up Center Street and back down Franklin to the oval making a big loop uh and I want to thank uh commissioner scarpelli for all his his work uh that he did in preparing for that uh and I hope to see everyone in the town out to to honor and give thanks to all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice there 11 sorry 11:00 thank you thank you mayor or commissioner scar scarelli uh moving on we have ordinance introductions I'll let commissioner Evans kick that off thank you mayor uh I have a series of ordinances the first one is uh our annual uh cap Bank ordinance which allows us to uh add 1% to the Appropriations cap so increasing the cap from uh 2 and a half% to 3 and a half% uh this is uh ordinance number 3551 I move this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertised the nutly sun together with a notice required by law and that further consideration of set an ordinance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on uh June 18 2024 so move second commissioner Evans I commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner P hi mayor Kelly I I have the next two ordinances are about introduced by commissioner scarelli and myself Joe do you want to do them deals with r you can do commiss um ordinance number 3552 on behalf of myself and commissioner Evans in ordinance to amend chapter 685 the code of the township of Nutley entitled water and more specic specifically article one regulations rate and rates I move that this ordinance be to a second reading advertising nle Sun together with the notice required by law and that further consideration of said or final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on June 18 2024 move the ordinance second commission rans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi ordinance number 3553 uh again on behalf of myself and commissioner Evans an ordinance to amend chapter 585 of the code of the township of Nutley entitled sewer and more specifically adding article 7 rates I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading advertising nutly Sun together with the notice required by law and that further consideration of said or final pass board the commissioner be held at second reading on June 18 2024 move the ordinance second commissioner adans I commissioner tuti hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly I that's all I have there moving on to ordinances on second reading commissioner PCO yes thank God I have this ordinance on tonight Sam ordinance number 3549 in ordinance to amend an ordinance codified in the code of the township and La chapter 228 entitled vehicles and traffic particularly article 7 section 29a entitled handicap parking to add the location set forth there on this is for a removal of the handicap sign it's um 150 coyman Avenue I'd like to move to open the public meeting second commission Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi mam cler is there any specific language I'm supposed to read the ordinance are we on the uh public hearing correct yes speaking speaking no I move to close second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi thank you mayor excuse me mayor before we go on to uh further we need to do the budget introduction normally it's listed separately in the agenda but it's not so we just have to take care of that today sure you want to do the budget introduction no but but we have to could you do the budget uh yes I I will thank you U tonight we're introducing the uh 2024 budget uh uh we're delayed in introducing the budget uh it was quite a bit of work that had to be done uh and also we needed to uh welcome our new CFO uh Stephanie Santana who's here tonight with with Ray sarinelli um overall in order to uh operate the five Municipal departments or Appropriations total 62 million $971,000 uh 1,248 29 over 23 uh it uh this amount though is net of adjustments that were made in our budget to uh remove costs associated with sewer uh and establish a new combined uh water and sewer utility uh the uh the cost associated with sewer will now be uh built separately starting in uh July uh the transition will will take place between uh 2024 uh July of 24 and uh and June of 25 uh to to transition the full costs on a revenue side our revenues remain substantially flat year-over-year uh excluding uh the increase in the tax levy uh for 2024 the municipal only tax levy increase is $1,855 59 or 2.58% uh this translates to the average taxpayer uh to $1850 increase for that house that is assessed at $491,000 in in change uh separately the library uh uh T tax levy uh is increased by $144,000 and this is a statutory requirement so if you put the library and the municipality together it's roughly $10 increase on average uh we all know that our school board has uh is facing a very difficult period um and uh and as we have been informed uh they have adopted a budget uh that calls for an increase of $3.3 million or 5.27% and that translates to $331 uh dollars per on average per household uh which is significant I think that uh as a as a Board of Commissioners we have to uh you know two things I think are really important we do not have control or influence directly over what the school board does by Statute it is separate especially when it comes to money right we can talk to them about things and programs but when it comes to money uh that's completely separate from us by law by law but we can help them and we can figure out how to help them we can give them advice as we've all been wanting to do but ever since we found out about this we've been uh looking for ways to try and help them and I think since we're introducing tonight before we adopt on June 18th we have to look for ways that we could possibly uh do something to help offset the increase the work that they have to do is real work it has to be done and it can't be disguised by um you know a Hail Mary past that reduces the cost that lets it go they need to face what their their challenges are and they need to write that ship and get it going in the right direction but that doesn't mean we as a board can stand Idol so we'll have to figure out what to do I don't have an answer tonight but we will work on on that because when you put it together uh the school increase with the municipal increase is $441 to the average uh taxpayer excluding the county when you add the County into and I don't have those numbers they won't be available until June that could increase this number closer to 480 to to $500 per household for this year so uh it's there's a lot of work that I think needs to be done uh I think it's important that the school board uh comes to see us and we we be more open about what they're facing and I think for us to be better informed as a board uh and I think that a mayor you know in your role you know reaching out to them to arrange something that helps them come here uh I think would be a valuable step for I think for us as a board to consider uh but right now uh that's our budget introduction uh we are at 2.58% what's very challenging for us is not what we're not this year it's next year and it's abundantly clear that the cost increase es that we are facing as a community not just here but at the school board we have to step up and figure out how to address those in order to control the cost because the average taxpayer is is a taxpayer that will suffer the burden of that and we have to do everything we can to mitigate that as best we can so just I want to share those thoughts tonight because I think we have more work to do it's not it's not that we didn't do our work already because we we've put together tight budget right we have to figure out how we can do more and figure out how that could happen while the school board faces their challenges but help manage that burden on the taxpayers so I want to share that but uh before I read the resolution you Commissioners if anybody else wants to make a comment you know we can certainly do that good okay so so with that uh I'd like to read the introductory notice the municipal budget of the township of Nutley County of Essex for fiscal year 2024 be resolved that the following statements of revenues and Appropriations shall constitute the municipal budget for 2024 be further resolved that said budget be published in the Nutley sun in the issue of May 30th 2024 the governing body of the township of Nutley does hereby approve uh the following budget for uh uh introduction uh we'll have a public hearing on on uh June uh uh June 18th so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui on introduction only commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi thank you mayor uh thank you commissioner moving on to resolutions do you want to continue with your resolutions yes thank you I gotta get used to going [Music] first resolution 13324 be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township ofel and the county of Essex that the treasur is hereby authorized refund overpayments of tax charges and the amount of 2 million $ 26505 for Block 7200 lot 17 so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco I mayor Kelly I um my next resolution and it's my it's my second resolution is uh for uh U Appraisal Services to assist with the added assess process that occurs uh in the August time frame whereas the township ability has a need to acquire the services of a professional real estate appraiser to assist with real estate appraisals tax appeals and Tax Court appearances and uh to complete the necess necessary procedures to ensure the capture of added assessments arising from ongoing improvements activities in the township of Mell as a non-fair and open contract pursuant to njsa 19 colon 44 A2 uh 2.5 and whereas associate appraisal group uh 1717 route 208 uh site 210 uh fairw New Jersey has submitted a fee schedule provide such Services the total of which is not to exceed $155,000 whereas the anticipated term of the contract is for 12 months from June 1 2024 to May 31st 2025 whereas the funds are will be available from account 401204 205 and will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer subject to the adoption of the 2024 uh Municipal budget whereas associate appraisal group has completed and submitted the business entity disclosure certification which certifies that they have not made any reportable disqualifying contributions to a political or candidate Committee in the township of Nelly in the previous one Year and that the contract will prohibit them from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract whereas the business entity closure certification and determination of value be placed on file with this resolution now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township nly County of exus as authorizes the mayor uh and clerk to enter into a contract with Associated appraisal group not to exceed $15,000 for the term stated here in so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor cor uh mayor Kelly I thank you commissioner commissioner Tucci yes thank you mayor where is Department of parks and public property Township of mle has a need to maintain a Gees free environment in Township parks and where's preferred Outdoor Experience uh box 282 Great Meadows New Jersey is a Specialized Service that has been effective in the past and will provide service in the amount of 1 , 289 per month for an annual maintenance contract in the amount of 23868 which is below the township bid threshold but above the New Jersey state mandated payto playay threshold whereas preferred Outdoor Experience has completed and submitted a business entity disclosure certification which certifies that they have not made any reportable disqualifying contributions to a political or candidate Committee in the town Nutley in the previous one year that would violate njsa at 19 colon 44A 2.5 or the Township's local payto playay ordinance or New Jersey election law enforcement commission disclosure requirements and that the contract will bar the owner preferred Outdoor Experience from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract whereas funds are available from account one there 0450 4205 and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer subject to the adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be it resolved by Board of Commissioners Town nley County of us be authorized to enter into a 52- we maintenance contract with preferred Outdoor Experience to box 282 Great Meadows New Jersey I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi we're sealed bids received for the township generator project we're open them read on Thursday March 28 2024 and whereas montillo electric LLC 319 Ridge Road Lindhurst New Jersey was the low bidder at 1 $124,000 and whereas funds will be certified by the Chief Financial Officer upon adoption of the 2024 Municipal budget now therefore be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Township of Nutley County of ESS state of New Jersey that a contract for Township gener generator project be awarded to montillo Electric 319 Ridge Road linnhurst New Jersey I move resolution second commissioner Evans I commissioner Tucci all before I vote I just want everyone to know this will U afford everyone a generator so in the event that we have a power outage I do not believe there will be a major building in the township that will be without power I vote I commissioner scarelli I commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi to all I have mayor thank you commissioner moving on commissioner scarpelli thank you mayor uh this is a uh resolution proclaiming the week of May 19th 20 uh May 19th through the 25th as National Public Works week just want to say that I'm very proud of the men and women uh who work for the Nutley DPW and uh we enjoy an excellent reputation because of their hard work and we're very proud to be a part of the National Public Works week uh now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township of Nutley County of state of New Jersey do hereby proclaim the week of May 19th through the 25th 25th 2024 as National Public Works week in the township call upon all citizens and Civic organizations to acquaint themselves with the issues and providing public work and to recognize the contributions which Public Works employees make every every day to our health safety comfort and quality of life and with the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner tuti hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor SC mayor Kelly hi so I have mayor thank you commissioner uh commissioner P you don't have anything I don't have anything and I still showed up thank you for being here uh I have five on for this evening and uh June is a very busy month so uh we're not reading all of the resolutions for June at this meeting we'll read definitely the rest of them at the first meeting in June um the first one I have on is resolution number 13724 uh designating June 14th as Flag Day whereas on June 14th 1777 by resolution of the second continental congress the United States flag was adopted and whereas on June 14th 1777 the Second Continental Congress decreed that a nation's flag shall be 13 stripes alternate red and white and that the union be 13 stars white in a field of blue representing a new constellation whereas on June 14th 1916 president wood Wilson issued a proclamation to officially establish observance of Flag Day where on August 3rd 1949 national flag day June 14th was declared by an act of Congress now therefore it be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners in the township of Nutley County of essic state of New Jersey recognizes and celebrates Friday June 14th 2024 as Flag Day in the township of Nutley so moved second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi the second one I have on for this evening is resolution number 13824 uh and it's an important one uh it's for post traumatic stress dis disorder awareness month that's PTSD Awareness Month uh whereas post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD is associated with chemical changes in the body's hormonal system and autonomic nervous system is characterized by symptoms including flashbacks nightmares insomnia avoidance hypervigilance anxiety and depression and whereas post-traumatic stress disorder can occur after a person experiences trauma including but not limited to stress of combat rape sexual assault child abuse bombings accidents and natural disasters and affects approximately 8 million adults in the United States annually and whereas the brave men and women of the United States armed forces who proudly serve the nation and risk their lives to protect our Freedom deserve the investment of every possible resource to ensure their lasting physical mental and emotional well-being whereas raising awareness of this condition is necessary to remove the stigma and to encourage those suffering to seek proper And Timely treatment that may save their lives whereas all citizens suffering from PTSD deserve our due deserve our consideration and those who are affected by PTSD from wounds received while protecting our freedom deserve respect and special honor now therefore it be resolved that the Board of Commissioners in the township nly County of Essex state of New Jersey recognized June as post-traumatic stress disorder Awareness Month be it further resolve that the Board of Commissioners supports the entire medical community to educate members of the Armed Forces veterans Frontline medical workers First Responders and all those who have been exposed to trauma their families and friends and public about causes symptoms and treatment of PTSD be a further resolve that anyone who needs assistance with PTSD or anyone knows someone suffering from P PTSD is encouraged to reach out to the nutly public affairs and health department for resources and guidance so moved commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi the next resolution I have on for this evening is resolution number 13924 designating the month of June as Alzheimer and brain Awareness Month whereas Alzheimer's disease is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States and whereas every 65 seconds some of United States develops the disease and whereas almost 2third of Americans with Alzheimer's are women and whereas in 2020 covid-19 contributed to a 17% increase in Alzheimer's and Dementia deaths whereas an estimated 6.9 million Americans age 65 and older are living with Alzheimer's in 2024 73% are aged 75 and older about one and N age 65 and older about 10.9% has Al Alzheimer's whereas over 11 million Americans provide unpaid care for people with Alzheimer's or other dementias these caregivers provided an estimated 16 billion hours of care values care values at over 272 billion now therefore it be be it resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township of n county of as state of New Jersey recognized the month of June as Alzheimer's brain awareness month and call upon citizens in nly to learn more about Alzheimer's disease and support the individuals living with this disease and their caregivers be a further resolve that the town CH NY recognizes June 21st 2022 as the longest day the day with the most light the summer solist on June 21st thousands of participants from across the world come together to fight the darkness of Alzheimer's through an activ of their choice we encourage all residents to raise funds and awareness for care support research effort and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association and before I move the resolution I just want to say in March we had a very informative Alzheimer's uh panel discussion uh I believe that's on our YouTube page the town's YouTube page and I encourage people to go and check it out for more information I move the resolution commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarelli hi Commission PCO I mayor Kelly I the next one I have on for this evening is resolution number 14024 uh this is designating the month of June as men's health month and June 10th the week of June 10th to 16th 2024 is Men's Health Week whereas despite the advances in medical technology and research men continue to live an average of almost five years less than women with African-American men having the lowest life expectancy many of these deaths can be prevented by eating proper diets exercising getting regular health checks including prostate examinations and whereas men's health month is a crucial opportunity to raise awareness about the unique health challenges faced by men and boys it is a time to encourage open conversations about mental health physical well-being and the importance of regular Health checkups through education ad advocacy and Outreach we aim to empower men prioritize their health and seek the support they need and whereas the mental health is one of the most stigmatize stigmatized issues affecting men and whereas Men's Health week is celebrated each year as a week leading up to and including Father's Day the purpose of men's health week is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys for his Friday June 14th has been Des designated as we blue day when individuals uh are encouraged to wear blue in an effort to raise awareness about concerns surrounding Men's Health now therefore it beat resolved in by the Board of Commissioners in the township inell County of Asic state of New Jersey recognized the month of June as men's health month and the week of June 10th to the 16th 2024 as Men's Health week and encourage all male residents of not to pursue preventative health practices and early detection efforts so as to live longer healthier lives so as to continue to be positive influence in the lives of all those that they touch so moved second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli I commissioner PCO I mayor Kelly I be resolved by the board Commissioners in the township of nly County of essic state of New Jersey that I John B Kelly II and Kathy roseski be appointed as representatives of the Community Development Brock block grant committee for the term of May 21st 2024 through December 31st 2024 so moved second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi at this time we have uh the meeting open to the public does anyone wish to be heard uh uh at the public comment portion of this meeting all person addressing the Board of Commissioners regarding Community concerns should approach the microphone and provide their named unless further time is granted by the board each person should limit their address to five minutes all remarks to the board and its individual members must be addressed to the mayor the mayor May defer citizens comments to the appropriate member of the board okay thank you hi Amy salento 70 Newman Avenue here in Nutley and congratulations mayor Kelly first time of addressing you as mayor thank you you're welcome so congratulations to everyone on the election um I guess now that the elections over you guys will be rolling along um with some of the uh things that are here before the nutly citizens um I'm here because although I have not attended a Schoolboard meeting I've been watching the meetings and the replays and it's become really clear to me that a lot of people don't understand the structure of how our town is structured in that although you all collect the taxes that pay or that fund the school um people are not understanding that it's two separate budgets um so I know that there's going to be a budget review meeting in June I did hear that tonight I guess five uh six 18 yeah um so I'm requesting that um the town consider hosting a town hall that explains to the citizens how taxes number one are assessed how the percentages are determined um I guess it would be up to the school board to explain about school funding but it would be great if you know commissioner Evans you he could be com describing to the citizens how state aid is determined how it's paid to our town on terms of the state aid side and then hopefully someone from the school district can explain how school aid is determined both from the state and any federal aid apparently there is some federal aid it might be for specific programs but um it seems like the citizens are in desperate need of having a description of how taxes are collected where funds come from um additionally there were a number of people last night saying how come the chicolini property be sold and can't that money go towards um plugging the deficit in the school district I don't want to speak for the the board the the school district um and the Board of Trustees but they indicated that you know that's not going to happen that that's not a possibility that the town does not have any funds to make up the situation at the school district and that may be true however it would be great for a publication to come out that talks about which properties are owned by the town which properties are owned by the school district um what the tax ratables were on the properties that have been purchased in the past five to eight years that the town is no longer collecting taxes on those properties I think people need to know that and you know unfortunately a lot of people were directing those questions to the Board of Ed and not here tonight um additionally I went back just to kind of take a trip down Memory Lane when I came to a number of meetings and you know there were things like um the developer Kenneth Mecca being fined or having a settlement of a million dollars back in February of 2019 and that fine was going to be paid over four years and also um two bedroom apartments that were supposed to be one bedroom were going to be eliminated I would love to know a status on that obviously it doesn't have to be tonight but it would be great to know if the full fine were collected over the four years and also if the um changes were made to the apartments to return them to one bedroom um Additionally you know one of the things that caught my ear last night was uh the amount of debt service that the Board of Ed has so you know obviously the town has bonds out we have Debt Service on the town side I feel like that would be another important topic for people to understand what bonds have been out there what the timelines are what the debt Services when the final payments would be made um if that's possible to include in a town hall meeting and then um just two other things about budget uh you know um mayor Kelly you've really run on your golden record and you had a reduction in expenses for public affairs and I complimented you on that recently um out at a public event and I'm going to ask that the town consider every Department do a zob based budget it's time for our town to pull together and to go to it doesn't have to be the bare minimum but for everything that's done to be evaluated and reconsidered because we already know there's a significant increase in taxes coming from just the school district side of our taxation let alone the town's taxation so I'm requesting that that be considered and possibility of a zerob based budget even if it's already been presented there's still opportunities for revision so thank you so much for your time thank you uh I I do agree with you you know there's a lot of misperceptions and miscommunications and misinformation going out there and we as a board have been uh closely watching the issue especially uh we've been we've been talking with some of the board member Board of Education members behind the scenes uh and we are going to make a concerted effort to kind of dispel some of that information and kind of be more proactive uh with providing people with more accurate information uh going forward uh did did any of the Commissioners want to speak to sure yeah so U hi Amy hi Tom I just I can't hear you can you speak directly into the mic yeah it because I have to talk about taxes all the time they turn down my mic so people can hear no I know but the Fan's running because the air condition hard I'll do my best I'll do my best um so to one to answer your question regarding uh Mecca you know all of that money was paid okay and we actually used uh a significant portion of it to actually pay for the cost to revalue the town that was required by the essis county uh Board of of Taxation there you go uh so uh so yes and and to your second question part that the the uh U Apartments the two-bedroom apartment that the I think there was 13 of them uh were were converted uh back to one bedroom it took a little bit of time because they were occupied so as people left they were con converted and the Construction office stayed on top of that until that was completed so we did follow through on on every aspect of that uh to your point on certain things yes I have talked about you know and a lot of it was out probably in more in the campaign but over the years I have explained uh the origin of our our taxes and actually have put up and we will will we will do it again uh the allocation of our budget by service area so how much does it cost to provide for uh police fire Court Emergency Services how much does it cost to take care of uh our roadways pay for the street lighting right that we have to so we'll lay out all of those those costs by category again uh and because I I I I didn't do it in uh covid but I will I will pick up again uh on that and we will share that because um we need to be transparent right so we will be able to lay that out yeah uh there are significant rules and restrictions around what a municipal government does versus what a school district does and how they intersect they're by Design there's they're supposed to be separate to in fact prevent uh uh political influence on the education of children so there was a purpose behind it uh so we or you know for example we are not in a position uh to in effect borrow money and give it to the school system to offset operating costs uh that that wouldn't be be possible on our side uh our outstanding debt is is I haven't looked at it recently but 145 million we carry it over a 10-year period and right now our average interest rate is less than 3% on that money uh the for the school board uh their a significant debt which was from the original work that they did as part of the last referendum uh that will mature and come to uh uh close I think in 2031 if my memory serves me correctly so there was a cliff coming uh associated with that but you're right there are major issues that have to be uh addressed and figure out what we can do on our side and what's Allowed by law uh to help that situation yeah thank you I mean a town hall would be really fantastic because lots of people are showing up to speak and to be heard at those meetings but I don't think they understand that you know they could be coming here and be heard and they could request better a better breakout so that they're just not going to a website and having to find it all on their own without any idea of what they're looking at so um yeah and thank thank you for the time I mean the one nutly initiative I read about it I never thought much about it but a lot of people are talking about that at those meeting so it would be great for the town to really explain to your point what that means you're not going to be part of the school district because of regulations but also for people to understand you know what benefits there might be under one nutly and what restrictions might exist as well so thank you so much okay take care thank you m Amy just just one other thing I think it's important for everyone to know that we don't have all of the details and all of the facts yet yes I think the town hall is an outstanding idea I think it'll clear up a lot of misconceptions all right but I think it's important that we get all the information and that we understand when this issue originated because I don't believe and with the with a little bit of information that I do have that it originated with the current Board of educ a and the current superintendent that that was alluded to last night which was another surprise yeah from what I'm from what I'm hearing and again it's not from any official Source at this point is that it goes back at least two superintendent and two administrations and thank you for mentioning that commissioner Tui I mean I was surprised last night when they said this goes back a number of years and it's like okay you're just saying that now I mean who are the Auditors what's their responsibility so very mindboggling I I totally agree right and I just want to say look if you can't balance a checkbook go take the class at Nutley high school to learn to balance a checkbook and how could they be so confused about revenue and all of these things that it's just sort of like Mis budgeted misstatements that's not your responsibility however maybe under one nutly there is you know I don't know a quarterly meeting here's where we are on tax collection here's where we see you know there are people in a rear whatever whatever might affect them um and I want to say one other thing if you don't mind the there was a reference to the fact that Nutley submits the money to the state and then the state submits it back to the nutly district is that is that correct commissioner Evans no I didn't think it was either but somebody in last week's meeting said that and I was like what are they talking about we send out a single bill which has the municipality the school the library the open space as well as the county the entire Levy we are responsible for collecting that and then every month we remit an amount to the the school district directly what I thought it's not to the state no no no directly to them we're responsible for that as as well as by the way to your point is if a taxpayer doesn't pay us and we don't collect all of the money that we're supposed to collect the responsibility and the the burden of that falls on the municipality the school district gets 100% of their Levy no matter what thank you I thought that was thank you for clarifying I thought so and the fact that nobody at those meetings is addressing that is shocking to me because people are up in arms and they don't really have any Clarity and again if somebody wants to keep saying that it was a Mis budgeting or a misstatement around Revenue I don't see how it's that confusing so Town Hall would really dispel I think a lot of these it's not it's not yeah at the root of it is the U from everything that I've seen so far uh that uh there wasn't sufficient money budgeted for Appropriations and the certain revenues were included in the budget that were questionable yeah uh and I believe that those were necessary in order to hit the what was everyone focuses in on the 2% Levy cap so when your costs are rising much greater than 2% eventually you run out of money well I agree and I'll just say um I appreciate the time but I don't think there's anyone else waiting but um one thing that I found interesting is that uh I'm seeing articles many towns are are riffing employees because of reductions in state aid and reductions in Revenue so you know it would be interesting to take a look across what's happening in other municipalities just in terms of Revenue and you know is there an economic slowdown in tax collection just in general so those kind of things would be really interesting for people to have as a level set fortunately for nutly our tax collections have remained stable and strong good news so we're not we're not at risk there thank you okay thank you so much I appreciate your time uh commissioner scarpelly commissioner pet did you want to add anything I I would just like to say that I still do have a student in nle high school and it is very heartbreaking and like the Commissioners have said we don't have all the details yet but to see these young people lose their jobs that are teachers and and you know you know in other departments and Aries and janitors and coaches is really heartbreaking to me and I have to tell you um I've been through this campaign season and I've been in a lot of these grammar schools having ch and auditoriums with wood hanging off them and bare metal you know is is really astonishing to me I mean I I went to these schools myself and it just sends the wrong message to people that want to come to our town too I mean you know I don't know where the breakdown is and I'm not pointing any fingers on anybody because we don't have the information but I could say two things for my heart nutly is better than that and how the schools go is how is how our town will go so we need to fix it and we need a solution and we need a plan and the only other thing that I would like to add and I haven't attended any of the board meetings and I am anxious to have a joint meeting with them is a timeline when is this investigation going to be over when are we going to find out ansers if that's possible but it just seems like that I watched some of the meetings also and it's getting dragged on and dragged on and dragged on and as not a commissioner as a parent tonight I would like to know when when when our questions are going to be answered that's my comment thank you L resich 150 Ridge Road so my question because I think Tom you should be able I've got two questions one that's not relevant to this but if we Levy the 5.3% or whatever it is that's just the school tax will that be a one-year Levy or will that be something that's carried forward I mean I'm looking at $1,000 tax increase on my home without consideration of County State and state taxes as well I do you do you know yes and um both of us don't like the answer because once you increase the levy unless you can remove costs uh the levy will stay stay the same and but once you add costs the levy goes up so the assumption is that the the school budget would be increasing so over the next so to the extent for example that they have increases in their expenses yes increases in the the cost of payroll for all their faculty and everything else that that will unless they they don't have they don't get you know more they do get state aid they get it for certain certain reasons unless they get more state aid then the only way that those costs get covered is by increasing the the tax levy to the taxpayers right and there's additional costs coming along with what's going on with the auditor and all all of that every year every year much more and in addition um the once the loan is finalized uh you know the actual loan for this year and the Click Cash Flow that's needed to start into next year uh that will be paid back over a 10e period interest free but you just take the number divide it by 10 and automatically you're adding you know several hundred thousand dollar to the levy every year okay thank you my second question is a lot easier I live on Ridge Road I don't know if that is a county road or if it's a nutly road but they redid the curbs several years ago and the curbs are falling apart all all over Ridge Road and I've I actually have like cement from my I don't know where to put the cement I actually went to public um to I actually went to Public Works to find out where I can put the cement they're falling apart and it's not just in front of my house it's in front of other houses and somebody happened to say that it was a County Road and that I might have to go to the county to get it repaired so I'm just since I'm here I'm just curious as to what the answer to this question is and whether or not there are funds to repair the cement so so Blair and I apologize because I did tell you we were going to take care of that we haven't um it's a Town Road it's not a County Road um whenever that road was constructed you know over 20 years ago um the cement obviously was something wrong with they redid they readed commissioner scarelli they redid the curbs I want to say within the last five to six years and I my what somebody told me was there was an ingredient left out because again they're collapsing have to look at that play but I don't I don't believe Ridge Road we did the curves there I think we may have repaired the curves but I don't think we redid the curves actually dug and repaired um and so it's something we have to look at yeah yeah so so when they did the gas meters we didn't do curves we may have went in and repaired those curves because they were disintegrated but there's something whenever those those were done over 20 years ago the concrete obviously you know was not good concrete and it didn't up you know because most of our curbs are well over 20 years old and they they hold up those have not so we'll go in and see if we can repair them again uh until we go and U you know actually reconstruct the Bridge Road which may be a while and my other question then is also if if somebody was selling their house in nutly would those curbs need to be um redone before a house can actually be sold no but we could that's always something we can go in and try to repair okay for curve appeal or yeah okay somebody did tell me that that was if you were going to sell your house it wouldn't pass inspection unless that's probably not true okay thank you that's that's not true it's not true okay thank you thank you and I I do want to emphasize as the other Commissioners have that we don't have all the information and also We're All in This Together uh we're the Board of Commissioners Board of Education and every single taxpayer in the town and the solution is only going to come by working together uh so I just want to emphasize that you know we can't be tearing each other apart uh does anyone else wish to be heard uh seeing none I do believe we have a brief need for executive is is that right yes we need to go in for potential anticipated litigation okay uh motion moving second whereas section eight of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and whereas the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session and now therefore be resolved that the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley move into Clos executive session to discuss potential anticipated litigation be it further resolved that the time when such discussion may be disclosed to the public shall be when and as such disclosure may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending Andor anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exceptions provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Evans I commissioner Tucci hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi and uh our next meeting will be on Thursday June 6 2024 which is the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion uh we will not be conducting any business after uh the executive session so do I have a motion for adjournment move to journ Second commissioner Evans hi commissioner Tui hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi and the time is 7:58