flag salute please I pledge algi to the flag United States Sunshine notice please thank you mayor Board of Commissioners public meeting Tuesday June 18 2024 the time is 708 pursuant to the requirements of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 notice of this meeting was published in the December 7th 2023 issues of the nutly sun The Herald news and the Star Ledger a copy of this notice has been posted on the nutly town hall bulletin board and a copy is on file in the municipal clerk's office commissioner Evans commiss commissioner tui's absent excused this evening commissioner scarelli here commissioner TCO mayor Kelly present all present mayor except for commissioner Tui he is absent excused thank you minutes Madam clerk we have no minutes this evening mayor Communications no Communications this evening all right then let's roll right into proclamations uh the first one we have uh is recognizing the uh 80th anniversary of D-Day uh the reason for this delay I know D-Day was at our last it was the the actual day of our last scheduled Board of Commissioners meeting uh and that's because one of our veterans is a D-Day veteran and uh he was unfortunately in the hospital on D-Day uh but his family he's out of the hospital now but his family's here to to see this resolution and so we're going to read it now as as a Board of Commissioners starting with uh commissioner Evans thank you mayor whereas we remember the Invasion on June 6th of 156,000 Allied troops stormed 50 Mi of the Normandy beaches and whereas we remember that day due to bad ocean waves and currents that amphibious tanks and Rocket protection from rocket Boats were not possible and and whereas we remember the Fearless infantry charged the beach with little support to fortified positions that they Advanced toward 4,000 Allied troops they Advanced toward and 4,000 and Allied troops died for World freedom and whereas we remember that by Dawn thousands of paratroopers were deployed Behind Enemy Lines while aircrafts were being shot from the sky the power Troopers bravely jumped into the night night air to secure Bridges and strategic targets within France and whereas we remember that without a brilliant plan heroic men and women and their tremendous sacrifices to Allied efforts may have not succeeded that day and whereas we remember that the over 11,000 a aircraft 5,000 ships 50,000 vehicles and 326,000 troops combined in Operation Overlord and this was the largest amphibious invasion in history and whereas we remember all who lost their lives during World War II the estimate is 75 million 20 million soldiers and over 40 million civilians now therefore be proclaimed that mayor Kelly and the Board of Commissioners in the township of Nutley County of Essex state of New Jersey declares June 6th the 80th anniversary of dday encourages all citizens to support honor and protect the memories of Our Heroes that fought and died for World Peace thank you uh uh our the veteran who who was uh at dday uh his name was Vincent Palo his family is here to see the uh the the proclamation read however uh they've asked not to make any statement or speech at this time um moving on we're going to have the juneth proclamation and that is also going to be read by the entire board uh starting with commissioner Evans again whereas our country is made up of people from every nation on Earth who are declared equal not only in freedom but also in Justice both of which are essential for a healthy human civilization whereas our nation was conceived on July 4th 1776 with the Declaration of independent dependence the classic statement being we hold these truth to be self-evident that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among uh these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness and and whereas at 2 pm on New Year's Day January 1st 1863 using his War Powers as President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation providing that all persons held as slaves within any state or designated part of a state shall be then then forward and forever free and whereas the Emancipation Proclamation made the permanent abolition of slavery a union War aim and provided the legal framework for the emancipation of nearly all four million slaves as the union armies advance and whereas hearing of the Proclamation many slaves escaped to Union lines as the Army units moved South and whereas on June 19th 1865 almost 2 and a half years later Major General Gordon Granger arrived in galison Texas and announced the end of both the Civil War and slavery with this Ann announcement the people of Texas are informed that in accordance with a proclamation from the executive of the United States all slaves are free this involves an absolute equality and personal rights and rights of property between the former Masters and slaves and that connection here here to for existing between them become that between employer and hired labor the freed men are are advised to remain at all their present homes and work for wages they are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at the military post and they will not be supported and ID idleness either there or elsewhere and whereas the Texans began to C the celebration of juneth in 1866 with the community events such as parades cookouts prayer Gatherings musical performance and historic cultural readings some communities purchased land for Jun celebrations whereas the following year the first official June juneth celebration took place in Texas and have continued across the United States throughout the years whereas juneth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery and whereas Jun is an important opportunity to not only honor but to effectuate the principles of the Declaration of Independence and celebrate the achievements and contributions that African-Americans have made and continue to make across our country now therefore be proclaimed that the nutly Board of Commissioners in the township of Nutley County of essic state of New Jersey hereby extend greetings and best wishes to all observing June 19 20124 is Jun juneth uh at at this time I'd like to bring up uh Courtney Johnson our uh Nutley culture inclusion and uh diversity Council uh chair and I'd also like to bring up lady Trisha cpio our area representative from the NAACP uh I don't think I need M May Board of commission Board of Commissioners I thank you for tonight um we were always at the temp of the spear this prior to co we celebrated the first juneth and it happened to fall uh we just went ahead and we did it we said we're going to celebrate juneth and it happened to fall directly on the first official celebration of juneth uh so we're at the tip of the spear this is not a start of point for us this is something that uh you graciously have allowed to happen even before we even knew really the magnitude of the holiday and there at that particular time we did have the NAACP with us and she was like hey look I know that Nutley is going forward it seems like you guys are already ahead of the tip of the spear and she wanted to come out and just address this tonight so I'm gonna move out of her way lady Trisha cpio good evening thank you first of all for having us thank you for uh the proclamation you have no idea what it means to me uh I sit on the executive board for both the oranges and Maplewood branch of the NAACP which covers 11 cities and you're you're one of them and I also sit on the executive board for uh the state the New Jersey state conference I also have with me if you don't mind com and stand with me Bill our first vice president and AO chair for the oranges and Maplewood Branch um Jun teth May Mark just one moment in the struggle for a m IP ation but the holiday gives us an occasion to reflect on the profound contribution of enslaved black Americans to to the cause of human Freedom recognizing juneth isn't just about offering a day off it's about fostering education reflection and action toward racial Equity by celebrating this national holiday nutly demonstrates its commitment to creating a more inclusive environment for all it its residents juneth has become not only a time to commemorate Black Liberation from the institution of slavery but also a time to highlight the resilience solidarity and culture of black community it is a time for black Americans to reflect on asset your rules it's one thing to succeed as a community it's another to thrive so again I just want to praise you so much for what you have done for for being ahead of other towns I won't take a mention okay I won't do that but I want to say we are grateful to have you as a partner and and we're here for you for whatever the whatever the occasion is we support you and like you support us so I ask you today to just remember us and and anytime there's something that needs to happen give us to call we thank brother Courtney because he has been a a true inspiration to to get to you guys I'm I'm grateful that I can come to you and call on you and I hope that I can call on you some more so thank you very much and I appreciate you thank you do you want to come up and take a picture with the the board me I'm sorry but C I need your help here not that they didn't want to stay for the budget I guess not it would be riveting okay uh moving moving on we have uh reports uh commissioner petraco you have a public safety report I do I have my Public Safety report thank you mayor and then uh commissioner Tui is not here but he has his his shade tree report for the month of May 2024 bills Madam clerk thank you Bill list for June 18 2024 public affairs $131,700 2,788 7881 Public Safety $51,988 41 Public Works $58,800 59 water utility $362,500 66 payroll uh as of uh Friday June 7th regular payroll total 935,000 uh overtime payroll total 58959 total payroll $994,000 62 for a grand total of 4,526 535 78 move the Bills second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi that's it for bills mayor at this time uh we we'll have public comment on agenda items only uh if anyone wishes to be heard on agenda items only uh please approach the microphone and uh state your name and address seeing no one uh we'll move on to board of commissioner announcements uh commissioner Evans thank you mayor I have nothing this evening oh thank you I do my first announcement is we have um Summerfest which I do with commissioner Tui it's this Thursday this um June 27th it's going to be from on Franklin air from Chestnut to New Street so please come out for a good time um I just wanted to update the public all of a sudden we're getting a rash of these RS and motorcycles going through our towns on a regular basis especially on Washington Avenue actually on Sunday there was a bunch of um those bikers at the Delta station on Kingsland and Pake Avenue I actually was driving by there so what we're going to be looking to do because as we know with these laws the bail reform the cops can't chase them just to let you know they can't set up roadblocks just to let you know it's a different America today to say the least but at any rate what Jersey City and some of the cities have done this is news to you right Sam so they have set ordinances in their town with the gas stations and we're we're drafting one up in public safety now to um make sure the gas stations around our town cannot sell gas to any motorcycle that's not registered or with a license plate at least any quads the only way they could sell gas to those vehicles that are not license plate or registered is if it's on a trailer or in a back of a van something like that but we are doing everything in our power to um stop that but it it's ridiculous and something's got to be done to write it on sidewalks and things like that um the rash onor Petty Crimes of the cars that has really ticked down actually um last week we just had a couple kids 16 and a 14-year-old kid believe it or not caught in the Cadillac converters out of a car thank God our Police Department caught them in the act and about 20 minutes later they were released so again if anybody's out there listening keep your doors locked for safety if you have a chance you're sitting in your shops or you're boarded start emailing your legislators because until these laws are changed we are going to put up with this in all suburbian towns and in their cities that's all I have mayor thank you thank you commissioner uh and just to be clear that's not a policy of the town or the Board of Commissioners that you can't chase these kids it's a it's the attorney general who dictates that policy uh I don't have much on for this evening or for uh in terms of uh announcements but we are having the the Fourth of July uh fireworks celebration uh we have a meeting a couple meetings in between that uh look out for more information uh but that's going to be a a team effort E from the entire Board of Commissioners uh Public Safety DPW parks and recck everyone's on board uh to to make our our nation's 248th birthday a a great time for everyone uh so we're going to move on to ordinance introductions commissioner scarpelli thank you mayor uh this is ordinance number 3557 an ordinance amending chapter 622 of the code with the township anelli entitled storm water and more specifically adding article two privately owned salt storage for compliance with the municipal storm water regulations program requirements set forth by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection I move that this ordinance be passed to a second reading and advertised in the nutly sun together with the notice required by law and that further consideration of set ordance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners be held at its second reading on July 16 2024 uh move the ordinance D commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner P hi mayor Kelly I uh the uh I guess the next ordinance for introduction uh commissioner PCO yes thank you ordinance number 33 I'm sorry 3558 in ordinance St men and ordinance codified in the code of the township and chapter 228 entitled vehicles and traffic particularly article 7 special zones and areas section 29a entitled handy cap parking to add to the location set forth there on this is for 51 Pake Avenue I move that this ordinance be passed to the second reading and advertising n s together with the notice required by law and their further consideration of set ordance for final passage by the Board of Commissioners to be held at its second reading on July 16th I move it second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO I mayor Kelly I uh now we have ordinances on for second reading and and public hearing uh the next one uh commissioner Evans or commissioner scarelli do you have a preference um do the first one I'll do the second one sure all right so the first one is for U the codify uh in our or in our code uh revised uh water rates for our water utility the uh ordinance itself establishes uh rates for for usage of water as well as uh various uh interconnect services that crop up from time to talk public hearing do we we you usually call for the public hearing is it a motion for a public no it's a motion to close sorry brain fart uh so at this time we'll hear have a public hearing on ordinance number 3552 an ordinance to amend chapter 685 of the code of the township of Nutley entitled water and more specifically article one regulations and rates anyone who wishes to be heard uh please approach the microphone and state your name and address for the record seeing no one motion to close second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scell hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi move the ordinance second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scar py hi commissioner TCO hi mayor Kelly I uh commissioner scarel you want to take yes ordinance number 3553 in ordinance to amend chapter 585 the code of the township Nutley entitled sewer and more specifically amending article one and two and adding article 7 rates um this establish this is uh rates for uh the new s utility which should uh take some of the charges that are normally in your property tax and make it more Equitable as a consumption um uh what you use so it's more Equitable than uh being included in your property taxes M anything to add just Jo when we when we did looked at this um of the 18 towns in essence County that we're comparable to uh Nutley was the only town that included 100% sewer costs in the property tax base uh all other towns either had a single utility a combined utility or they had separate billing within the property tax based for sewer charges so all we're doing is with this is we're actually we're at a step uh so we're bringing it into a combined utility which is the preferred way to handle okay so at this time we'll open up the ordinance number 3553 uh for public hearing it's an ordinance to amend chapter 585 of the code of the township of Nutley entitled sewer more specifically amending Article 1 and three and adding article 7 rates uh anyone who wishes to be heard on this ordinance please approach the microphone St and state your name and address for the record please will we close the public hearing second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO I mayor Kelly I remove the ordinance second commissioner Evans I commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PATCO I mayor Kelly I the next one we have is ordinance number uh 3551 uh commissioner Evans thank you mayor this is a is an ordinance which allows municipalities to increase the the limit on appropriation increases in the annual budget from 2 and a half% to 3 and a half% uh this is an annual occurrence uh most years we actually it creates a bank which is a memo entry uh most years we uh don't utilize that given the uh very significant costs that we that we have incurred uh this year it was necessary to utilize the 1% okay so at this time we'll open up the floor for a public hearing on ordinance number 3551 uh calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and establish a c bank uh you oh yeah yeah um commissioner Evans could you repeat do you want me to repeat that yes now is that better it's better yeah there's yeah it's it's hard with the fan yeah absolutely yeah the fan makes it difficult uh but we are thank you for that we are but I'm getting hot commissioner because can we turn that fan back on well then you should talk less so um we will be uh upgrading Chambers and we'll be getting a new uh microphone system so be patient please um I'll repeat the cat Bank um is uh Allowed by Statute to increase Appropriations uh from Two and a half% to three and a half perent to allowable increase uh it normally it be creates a memo entry um however this year we actually had to utilize the C Bank to to actually uh conform the budget to meet with the state standards so uh it's just it's a 1% adjustment in Appropriations uh so we will open the public hearing ordinance number 3551 ordinance to exceed Municipal budget appropriation limits and establish a cap Bank uh anyone who wishes to be heard on this ordinance uh please approach the microphone and state your name and address for the record please seeing no one hi hi hi move the ordinance second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco I mayor Kelly I commissioner Evans uh we have the 2024 Municipal budget which if I understand correctly has not yet been approved by the state so we're going to open the we're going to have a public hearing on it uh but we won't be able to vote on it this evening uh that's correct so anything you would like to add yes I have a couple things that we need to do so I have a resolution that I have to read uh to to allow the public hearing to go forth uh uh it's a resolution of the township of nly County of Essex in Jersey authorizing the budget to be read by uh title only uh we we do this every year uh where we when we introduce it we read we read it by title uh and U however there is just a step that we need to put onto the record that uh that complies with statute so whereas njsa 48 col 4-8 as amended by uh L2 2015 c95 14 and two in 2015 provides that the budget be read by title only at the time of the public hearing uh if a resolution is passed by by no less than a majority of the full governing body providing that at least one week before the date of the public hearing a complete copy of the budget had been made available uh for the public inspection and has been available to each person upon request whereas these two conditions have been met now therefore be resolved that after closing the public hearing the governing body May uh adopt by title without amendments or any uh or may approve amendments as provided by njsa 48 col 4-9 before adoption adoption we will um have a public hearing on the budget as it was re introduced um however we also have and I will read it for tonight we I have a budget amendment uh that has to be read uh for two reasons uh one uh we were able to uh as we do all the time continue to find areas where we can save save money so we were able to remove uh $300,000 out of the budget uh for the coming year uh and we also uh upon review by the state which uh were still in the process of finalizing uh a change the cap requirement calculation for what's in meets the cap the cap limitation um and actually by their action they actually made the cap calculation more stringent to comply with so as a result we had to make further adjustments in order to meet the cap requirement and get that uh through the state so the first step tonight is we did introduce the budget uh um uh weeks ago so it's been out there more than in advance uh and we so we'll hold a public hearing on the budget as it was introduced uh that budget uh um when you net through revenues and Appropriations uh called for a $110 increase in the municipal tax of the average household uh it also there's also statutory requirement for the library uh which adds another $14 uh to uh the budget so the municipal side when you look at it is $126 uh with the adjustments that we've been able to make uh that Amendment will be uh introd produced tonight we'll need to continue the meeting in order to have a hearing on it next week uh and by that time we should have all the clearances that we need for the state to adopt but in doing so it reduces the municipal increase down to $77 while preserving the library increase at 14 so the total increase drops from $126 to the average household down to $93 for the average household um I uh I did take look at the school which introduced uh their budget and adopted it uh and their gross increase uh for the next school year which begins July 1 is $331 however since their year begins in July and our year begins in January we get to pick up half of what the increase was last year plus half of the increase for the coming year so July through December which averages the actual increase down to about $212 so we're up $93 uh the schools at 212 uh and working with the county we were able to uh get a benefit from the county which uh I'm waiting for certification on but tentatively uh that will reduce the county tax by $50 to the average household so 93 plus 212 minus 50 uh the the tax levy for the township is shaping up to be a total of uh $255 down from what was thought to be somewhere between $ 4450 so there's been a lot of work to done to get down um but I share that because we only we only address uh the just the municipal piece but there are these other components so that when taxpayers get their tax bill uh they they don't they don't understand you know our piece versus their piece what they understand is what's coming out of my pocket in total and so we've done a lot of work uh and we've been able to get that estimated number down quite a bit uh so with that we can have a public public comment uh in I'm sorry did I didn't do that all right we need to do that so um can I have a motion please move it second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner P mayor Kelly hi okay so now now now now we can have the public comment on the uh int the budget that was introduced uh last month uh with the caveat that there's going to be we're introducing a new budget uh that is going to be an amendment yeah an much more favorable so anyone who wishes to be heard on the budget please approach the microphone state your name and address for the record uh seeing none uh I move to close the second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi and again we're not voting on the budget this evening uh we're still waiting on state approval and uh we're amending the budget uh to be much more favorable to the entire Township yes and and that that budget ad option is scheduled for Wednesday June 26th uh 2024 at 9:30 a.m. yes and John just I'd like to have Ray s andell our outside order share a few comments from his view of the budget and where we are sure so as usual Comm commissioner Evans covered almost all of the things I was going to cover as far as amounts but I did just want want to get a couple amounts on the record uh before you go ahead and vote on the amendment so you started the process on May 21st where you introduced the budget that you felt was a work in process uh introduced budget was 62 m971 th000 with a tax levy of 43 m129 uh that was an increase of a million 86 in the tax levy uh which was going to bring the average taxpayers tax for municipal purposes to 4,266 which was $110 increase or 2.65% the amendment resolution uh that you'll be voting on next includes uh a budget that's now been brought down to 62,5 74 ,000 it also has a tax levy of $ 42,8 128 which is now an increase of 70 785,000 instead of 1,86 so the average taxpayer we'll see a $77 increase for the municipal part of the budget that's 1.85% for the municipal share of tax increase which in my view is pretty reasonable given inflation and and all of the other things that you've had uh to deal with you were able to do that because uh as commissioner Evan stated some of the expenses were red reduced in the last month and that's included in the resolution for consideration um just so you and the public are aware of the process that the municipal budget goes through which was a little bit different than some of uh what other local governments go through school boards Etc B came back on I'll speak I'll try and speak into the microphone uh so this um the state has a a pretty arduous review of the budget and the cap so you're restricted you have two caps you have an appropriation cap which is 2 1.2% and adjusted to 3 and 1.2% if you pass the ordinance and you have a second cap for your uh Levy which is 2% both of those caps have some exceptions but the state reviews that process in detail um we spent a lot of time going through that with both of them and uh we now believe we're at a point where the budget would would or could be adopted and still be within all of the requirements of the state um just kind of historically because I've been around for a long time um you know you've kind of come full circle on the Hoff M Ro problem I'll call it when they departed you had a a big loss in um tax revenue you got some state aid there's new construction there things have stabilized and you've had a pretty balanced increase in the tax levy um for the last several years what hasn't been so easy to manage has been the increase in expenses most of the expense increases um come from things that are outside of your control health insurance pension um trash recycling uh Public Safety is a big part of this year's increase um you know Public Safety cost money and if you want to have a safe Community uh there there's going to be increases particularly with the fact that in the last few years you've dealt with a cap that's at 2% or 2 and a half% and inflation was at 8% or more and it's still at three and a half% give or take and looks like it's going to be at that again this year so you're dealing with restrictions that don't match up with the economy you planned through that you've had cap banks that you've set aside that have now come into play but I did want to say this is really for the other Commissioners that going forward while you're doing well on the revenue side and you've been able to keep taxes down the problem that you're going to have to deal with is the cap restriction on the appropriation side so it's kind of putting you on notice that next year's budget is probably going to be much more difficult than this year's budget due to the restrictions uh that come into effect on the appropriation side um so um I know there's been a fair amount of concern about budget budget process Etc as it relates to other governments in notle I just wanted to make it clear that uh the process that you go through is one where all of the Commissioners are involved you each prepare your own individual budget with the chief person inv involved at in your commission that's submitted to uh revenue and finance commissioner it's reviewed in detail they go over all of the salaries make sure everything's provided for and that the treasurer has to certify that there's uh All the known expenses are budgeted for commissioner Evans and myself also spent a considerable amount of time reviewing and evaluating the revenues to make sure what you're anticipating uh each year going forward uh is realistic that you're going to make that the state then reviews it and make sure that it's realistic he discusses that with the other Commissioners you've cooperated on what reasonable Revenue anticipation uh would be and since I've been here which is a long time back to 1977 there has not been an overex exended of a budget and there's not been an operating deficit of a budget uh and for the last 20 plus years you've had one CPA talking to another CPA who understands the details of the budget and how it has to be tracked from year to year so uh I think it's fair to say that those kind of issues have not come up here and I don't expect them to come up here your process tonight uh would be to approve the resolution for amending the budget that has to get advertised on Sunday and there'll be a public hearing on Wednesday at 9:30 to finalize and adopt the budget thank you Mr sarinelli and I I can honestly say every year when we start talking about the budget I I scratch my head and wonder how we're going to get everything down but this entire board we sharpen our pencils and we work together to really get the uh the budget down to uh an affordable increase and I really want to thank commissioner Evans for all his work he does and and really uh do be the financial Wizard and make sure everything uh uh is is where it needs to be and so we can continue to run an affordable Township here uh back to you commissioner Evans thank you mayor uh so um just let's move it along I have a budget amendment resolution uh that we will introduce tonight it will be advertised uh in in the newspaper and will be available online uh for review uh and uh as you mentioned we will um have a hearing on the budget uh on the budget amendment uh next Wednesday morning at 9:30 uh the reason for that is this this amendment reduces our overall costs by over $300,000 across uh several areas there are some adjustments in here because of new requirements from the state that had to you know affect certain line items so uh whereas the local Municipal Bud budget for 2024 4 was approved on the 21st day of May uh and whereas the public hearing on said budget has been held as advertised and whereas it is desired to amend uh the said uh approved budget now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the township of nley County of Essex that the following amendments uh uh to be approved to the approved budget are made and they are listed in uh the resolution be further resolve that the three certified copies of this resolution be filed forth with with the office of the director of local governmental services for certification of the local Municipal budget so amended be further resolved that this uh completed amendment in accordance with njsa 48 colon 4-9 be published in The Herald news on Sunday June 23rd and that said publication contain notice of a public hearing on said amendment to be held at the N Nutley municipal building on Wednesday June 26th 24 at 9:30 a.m. it is hereby certified that this is a true copy of a resolution amending the budget adopted by the Board of Commissioners on May 26 June 2 uh May 26 uh ex by the Board of Commissioners on June 26 uh uh 2024 so move hi hi yes just before I vote I just have to make a comment I too want to thank Tom for all the hard work he does and Ray you were saying that you've been here since 1977 and I have to tell you if and I know you've been here I was born here I'm here a little longer than you but I have to tell you it's been a struggle in public safety and you mentioned the cost to Public Safety so if you've been here since 1977 then you would know this fact Nutley has the same amount of officers we did in 1977 and in my opinion it's getting to the point where these police officers are being held over all the time you know they're working 16-hour shifts a lot of them and how can you be proactive when you're working 16-hour shifts so through the years that I've been in Nutley almost 60 now bille has about 130 guys bfield has the same Clifton has over 200 so as I want to hold the cost down as well in public safety and Tom you've been nothing but a friend to Public Safety because for some reason and somehow you get us the money but moving forward I see it being an issue here and with these caps in place and you know I we talked about this privately and at the last meeting and I know it's a struggle in every town but I don't know with the future holes because it's going to be impossible to just have you know 68 cops from 1975 to present things are changing all over the place and I'm not downgrading anybody here and I appreciate your Prof professionalism but being the public safety director the next four years something has to be done to get these police officers more help because they're being held over being denied vacation time you know they can't work 16 hours in my opinion they're going to get hurt and make a bad decision or they're going to hurt somebody to make a bad decision so however we could work as a team to solve that problem moving forward but I know with the caps in place it almost makes it impossible so I would love to have a talk with you and commissioner Evans about what the future HS for the police department and Public Safety I hi uh commissioner Evans you want to roll right into the rest of your resolutions yes okay do you need them I have it whereas njsa 48 col 516 requires that the governing body of any local unit shall not pay out uh of its monies unless the person claiming or receiving payment first presents a detailed bill of items or demand specifying particularly how the bill or demand is made up the invoice with the certification of the party claiming payment that the bill or demand is correct uh claim and certification whereas payment requires a written electronic certific ation of some uh officer or Duty designated uh duly designated employee of the local unit having knowledge of the facts that the goods have been received or services rendered to the local unit uh certification of the user Department whereas njac 5 col 39-9 a 6C njac 530 5 col 31-41 and local Finance notice 2018-13 gives local units discretion not to require claim and certification by enacting a standard policy by resolution for vendors and claimants who do not provide such certification as part of its normal course of business whereas the treasurer has in place internal accounting controls and has determined that same uh to be sufficient to avoid errors and fraud in processing claims of payment now therefore be resolved by the mayor and the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley County of ESS state of New Jersey that it is hereby that it hereby establishes a policy requiring claimant signature under the following circumstances only advances or reimbursement of employee expenses Services provided exclusively entirely by an individual uh and and and and and uh a uh when and when a local ownit unit local unit shall have discretion to require claim and certification as it deems necessary and appropriate be further resolved this policy be applied to a nonb in a non-binary fashion and will be affirm affirmatively be communicated to uh vendors uh the purpose of this mainly is is that it's very difficult for us to get uh certifications from vendors on on uh purchase orders and invoices and and pay payment practices and it actually slows down our ability to reimburse people for their their services so uh by doing this we'll be actually more timely and making payments to our vendors so move commissioner Evans I Commission scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly and not only will be more timely but we'll save some money on postage right i v i yes my next resolution uh the governing body certification of compliance with the United States equal employment opportunity commissions enforcement guidance on the consideration of arrest and conviction records in the uh employment decisions under title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 19 uh60 for I I vote the resolution as written so move second commissioner Evans I commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco hi mayor Kelly hi thank you mayor commissioner Evans do you want to read commissioner tu's uh sure three resolutions uh for commissioner tuci whereas the township nelli entered into a contract with vadian environmental Consultants uh in Upper Monclair New Jersey uh for n njd response for glotzbach tront place and Chestnut Street the director parks and public prop property has recommended the following change order to set contract change order number two D response for glack Treemont place and Chestnut Street in the amount of $3,000 funds are available from Capital ordinance 342 C and have been certified by the Chief Financial Officer said certification being attached to this resolution now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners and Township of Nutley County of as St New Jersey the change order two in the amount of $3,000 is hereby approved so move second commissioner Evans I commissioner scarelli I commissioner Petco I mayor Kelly I uh the next resolution um is provides funds to families uh or cancellation of participation in programs uh now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners at the township of NY County of Essex St New Jersey that the treasurer is hereby authorized to refund payments for recreation programs in the amounts uh listed uh below and included in the resolution so move second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi whereas the temp of Nutley pursuing to njs 52 colum 34 6-2 c139 May by resolution and without advertising for bids purchases of goods or services to the use of a nationally recognized accepted Cooperative Pro purchasing program that has been developed utilizing a Cooperative bidding process by another Contracting unit within the state of New Jersey or within any uh other state when available whereas the Board of Commissioners pass resolution 247-22 on October 17 2023 authorizing the purchasing agent to purchase certain goods and services from uh approved sourcewell vendors pursuant to all conditions of the individual contracts for the year 2024 commencing uh on January 1 through December 31st whereas the municipal clerk Township of Nutley has advertis the Township's notice of intent to award a contract under the national Cooperative purchasing agreement in in the May uh uh May 10th uh issue of The Herald News whereas caterpillar Inc uh 100 East Adam Street Peoria Illinois entered contract 01723 with sourcewell on May 24th 2023 whereas the township of Melly Department of parks and public property intends to purchase a cat Cal pillar model 420 with a backo uh I even think it has a stereo radio uh 2024 model and related accessories from fully Incorporated 855 Continental Avenue uh pasca way a vendor affiliated with Source well which is subject to all conditions applicable to the utilization of the national buying Cooperative whereas the department of public property has researched backod loaders and determined that the cat Kell ped model 420 um is best suited for the township needs based on performance cost savings and minimal downtime whereas fully Inc has provided a quote qu in the amount of $175,600 which was adopted on June 6 2024 and provides $175,600 for the above purchase and has been certified by the Chief Financial Officer subject to said ordinance now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners the township of n county of ESS state New Jersey the purchasing agent B and she is hereby authorized to purchase the cat caterpillar uh model 420 with thebco uh the 24 2024 model year and related accessories from fully Incorporated 855 Centennial Avenue piscatway New Jersey in the amount uh stated in here herein who is an approved Source will vendor so move second hi hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly abstain thank you mayor uh commissioner scarp uh your resolution thank you mayor this is a resolution number 16724 which you're going to read by title a resolution authorizing approval to subit a Grant application and executed Grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the Bloomfield D roadway project fiscal year 2025 which will run from High Street to Raymond Avenue I move the resolution second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi Kelly I that's all I have mayor commissioner PCO yes mayor thank you this resolution I'll read by title also it's 16425 this is um nicoletti on Twin Towing's contract I move it as written second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor mayor Kelly hi where's resolution number 8424 was previously approved by the governing body of the township andell permitting the appropriate Township officials to contract a Good Shepherd economy to provide a special law enforcement officer 3 whereas the Board of Commissioners wish to resend resolution number 84-285 d25 is here by resend it move it commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner P hi mayor Kelly hi whereas the state of New Jersey provide security Aid to the not Board of Education that is used to extend security Aid benefit for private school systems with within the municipality and whereas the good sheeper Academy 24 bookmine Avenue not New Jersey has a need for security services and has requested requested to use a special law enforce enforcement officer S3 through the not Police Department as recommended by the state of New Jersey and whereas both the board of ENT in the township and Nell agree that the school security officer can be can be provided to good sheeper Academy and desires to enter into an agreement to provide for a le3 through the not Police Department whereas this agreement will reimburse the township for full cost to provide C3 to the good sheeper Academy now therefore be resoled by Board of Commissioners Township and NY County V State engineer the commissioner of Public Safety and the municipal clerk are authorized to enter into an agreement with the Board of Ed to bide a SLO three to good sheeper Academy I move it second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi guys can hear me and I have one resolution on for this evening uh whereas the department of New Jersey the whereas the New Jersey Department of the treasury division of tax has provided tax clearance certificates and said lienes are qualified to be licensed according to all standards established by New Jersey statutes annotated 33 in regulations promulgated thereunder as well as pertinent local ordinance and conditions consistent with title 33 for each establishment listed below and for this renewal period and whereas these establishments have been inspected by the Board of Health fire department code enforcement department and the police department of the township nelli are in satisfactory condition now therefore be resolved by the Board of Commissioners Township of Nutley County of ESS St New Jersey that the renewal of the plenary retail consumption licenses plary retail distribution licenses and Cub licenses be granted to the following licensees eff of July 1st 2024 through June June 30th 2025 be a further resolve that the municipal clerk B and it B and is hereby authorized to sign issue said license certificates for the licensing period July 1st 2024 through June 30th 2025 uh Mr uh Bruno do I need to read all of these or can just no we could move it as and then I move the resolution as introduced second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarpelli hi commissioner PATCO hi mayor Kelly hi at this time we would open the meeting uh to public comment uh uh anyone who wishing to be heard on any issue before the uh for the Board of Commissioners may approach the microphone St state your name and address for the record hi hi everybody samali 173 Franklin Avenue how's the microphones good okay Mr Mayor Mr commissioner I'm part of the community a lot of thing we hear about the Board of Education you have to step in because everybody worry about their kids everybody worry about their grandkids is a lot of thing going on a lot of people hear but they don't hear from the mayor they don't hear from the commissioner and you are you are us so you have to be in public tell everybody what's going on tell them where is the money is where did they go when you comes you here chair of $20 the Board of Education spent $200 on it and everybody know right now so I'm a I'm one of the person I have a lot of connection with the people this is my first meeting for 20 years in nle I don't come congratulation mayor uh we like to see some action I be honest with you because we hear increase in the tax we fire teacher we fire employee we don't have no budget but we increase the budget where the money is that's what the people talk if they don't come to you your face and tell you but we talk we talk everybody we sit and we talk and see what's going going on and this is my first meeting I come to meet everybody and see everybody but you're going to see a lot of people they're going to open their mouth and they already starting open and you're not going to hear a lot of thing in the front of the city hall everybody getting upset and angry about their kids but couple people that can be in the front 10 people to tomorrow there will be 20 after tomorrow there will be 50 and after maybe half of the town maybe they don't come because I know the mayor I know Al I know Elvin I know we don't want to say it make it big but it is Big right now because nobody hear anything somebody cover it what happened what's going on what where is the 10 million 11 million 7 million where they go because one of the business if I'm buying this mhone and this megaphone cost $20 and the Board of Education or the town debate $250 why who know who get the money what's going on a lot of kids they need help oh we cannot do it now we don't have no money teacher fire we don't have no budget why where is the money Mr Mayor where did the money go this what everybody asking this question and honest to you everybody talk so maybe Sam he has the money in his pocket maybe the people behind me and this I'm tell you the true what happen in in the street so I have a lot of people connection and stuff I say I'm going to be in the meeting this week and I have to tell Mr Mayor and the commissioner to step in because is is is really if you don't you're going to have big issue in the town special the kids this is the kids money and everybody upset if you don't hear it I wish you be in the street and knock the door and see the people with the kids because when they vote for you the vote for you to protect them is not to cover somebody people or somebody or we don't know so please if I come maybe I have a 100 or 200 voice behind me but you have to be Mr Mayor and the commissioner be in the street like as the vote when you vote we see all of you but after the vote we don't see nobody so please be connection connect with the people connect with the business connect with the owner of the house connect with so grand father and think to hear what's going on because they will be more comfortable if the see you you care about the town so thank you so much and I appreciate that you hear me thank you thank you and and yes this this is a problem that affects all of us and the only way we're going to get through it is by working together and we as a Board of Commissioners H have been offering our assistance to to the uh Board of Education I I I no I I met with uh the monitor I know I think almost all of us have have met with the Monitor and had a personal ation with her uh we've met with various board members uh and seeing how we can pitch in and help uh the only way we're going to get through this is by getting through it together and uh and so far the board of education has and the Monitor and the superintendent have assured me and I'm sure I'm sure they have assured the other uh Commissioners that no education program will will be cut the education offerings are going to be exactly the same uh going forward uh it there might be some different teachers uh in the school uh that's an unfortunate side effect of the budget and that's something that that we are going to be calling for is an in-depth inspection of of that budget to see what went wrong uh right now uh all indications are pointing that there was the revenues were overstated uh and so the budget was spending we were spending more than we were actually taking in which created the deficit uh and and it's going to be something that we we have been closely watching we are closely watching and we'll continue to closely watch uh going forward and and I know that I've offered uh my assistance and I'm working with the certain members of the the Board of Education and the superintendent on how the health department can kind of step in and fill some gaps and provide some cost-saving measures and uh I'm going to let uh some of the other Commissioners if they want to speak on this uh also address the starting with commissioner Evans so first off thank you for coming I really appreciate it um you're um I heard your comments and your thoughts uh the so to your you I have I have I'm in thinking about responding to you um I can I can share with you some information there's some other information U that um I can't uh because I I don't I don't I can't control that information because anything that involves any Personnel matter you know we are not you know you we're not in a position to comment on on that directly so uh aside from Personnel right uh I will address your your your question would that be okay okay so I've been involved heavily with uh the Board of Education matter uh I was invited as the revenue Finance commissioner to come and meet with them to understand more about what happened and what could be done about it um to offer my experience my as a CPA and my my my my background uh to to to help out the situation when you look at the absolute situation there it's very factual it's very easy to see when just like we were talking about earlier we have cap limits on how much you can increase the budget right what the exceptions are but there are limits so the school board has for a very long time uh positioned themselves that their budget would go up 2% and staying with that their cost structure though was going up greater than that right So eventually right you reach a point where there's not enough money coming in to pay the bills uh so uh in order to make the budget work the uh a couple of things happened um and this is my my my my view uh there there's a lot and and the FAQs that were uh released uh I helped craft those to help people understand so one the budget that was submitted uh for the 2324 school year had in it uh new revenues of $2.1 million for miscellaneous revenues uh which were compared to Prior years and based upon prior years there it was not clear why we would be getting all of this money uh coming in uh the other side is that U as we all are facing this significant increases in health care costs so not all of the health care budget was actually budgeted it was budgeted at a lower number in hopes that the projections would be less uh and unfortunately that didn't happen uh there were other items of necessary spending that were just excluded from the budget so when you put that together so round numbers right $2 million worth of overstated Revenue $3 million of understated Health Care uh $2 million of of other spending that was necessary that wasn't budgeted you all of a sudden you're at $7 million uh did anybody steal $7 million to my knowledge absolutely not was it a was it a process of um Mis budgeting that that work through the system and got approved I believe yes right from what I've looked at elen elen commiss you hand him a glass of water that bottle of water right there commissioner you can miss it with $1 million 10% 5% 2% you can but thank you but thank you $7 million I don't think is is confusing it's not it's not confusing and it's a big number so so the individual responsible for that is no longer employed with the school system right so and and that's as far as I can go the circumstances around that I can't go into any any detail but he's no longer there uh and there is a new ba that's coming in the amount of money that's necessary was it was necessary to reach out to the State State uh to uh uh borrow money in form of a loan uh it's a 10-year no interest loan paid off one tenth a year for 10 years uh and there's two components to it one was to uh provide the monies necessary to pay bills that were unpaid and they were being held uh before the end of June June uh and then the other piece is going into the new school year that begins on July 1st making sure they had the necessary uh Monies to operate the school system and and and and go forth when we looked at the budget that was adopted for uh 2023 and then you start to look at the next year's budget right with cost increases adding in the things that had to be taken care of the the increase in the budget was $13 million right uh fortunately the state u in just happened to in the normal course increase the aid for the municipality by $3 million uh there were budget cuts necessary budget cuts uh that absorbed roughly six million dollars of that Gap and the balance which is about 3.3 million is what was uh is the increase to be paid for by the taxpayers right to get to get through it uh that all that does and all we've done at this point in time is establish a go forward budget that covers what the costs are right that budget is so lean that there is no money in that budget in terms of a capital reserve right now that if something broke and it was big that the school would not be able to fix it this board through what we call One nutly by agreement uh gives us some latitude to assist in the event something like that happens to assist the school board to make sure that they don't lose a classroom that they provide uh the things that are are necessary keep in mind that by law the school district is a different governmental entity governed by different rules and we as the Board of Commissioners have no authority to influence what that is we can help and when we're invited and the good news is we have been right I've spent uh in one meeting I spent three and a half hours with the state monitor she is very competent and she's very uh strong willed to make sure and her Focus right now is on making sure the bills get paid and that the school system has the money it needs to operate the in the for the coming school year she was also very very much involved and I had interviewed uh the ba that Mike Dita that has been hired and the good news is he's very experienced he uh also has uh a accounting and finance background uh so he understands what he's doing and he comes from a good school system uh where he had tenure uh but he chose to come back to Nutley to help Nutley so we're very fortunate in that we have a business administrator who will be starting that actually has a good reputation great experience and uh would not do what the pre his predecessor did in order to meet the budget requirements there's another element that people don't appreciate fully is that the Board of Trustees of the board of educ ation uh have a role the superintendent has a role the superintendent is responsible for administering the educational process for the entire District the business administrators is and responsible for providing the monies necessary to operate the the district it's the school board's responsibility to uh make inquiry to determine whether or not the information that they're getting is true at accurate and complete uh and uh again I I believe that uh I would characterize that as a misplaced Reliance when someone isn't being forri and and you you don't catch it so we're getting out of this there's a bill to pay but more importantly the school district has a lot of work to do to not just get through and not make maintain programs they have to evaluate all of their programs they have to invest in what's the educational response we need to have to educate our children in order to be able to operate effectively as adults in the 21st century in a world of advancing technology and different job requirements so they have to look at that it's not just about uh our special needs children that need help it's about all of our children and there's 4,000 of them in the school system so they have a big job to do and um my focus has been on understanding that the last piece is which the mayor referred to is uh and people talk about a forensic audit there is no requirement by the state that necessitates that if you borrow money from them that they automatically do a forensic audit uh the monitor has placed a priority focus on one getting the bills paid and get through the rest of the school year which ends June 30th two making sure the budget operates effectively and has the money in place for the school year beginning July 1 and that the new ba gets seated to make sure that the controls are in place uh to uh make sure that what has happened does not happen again I have talked with her directly about uh the need for a completing uh what's referred to as a forensic audit and many people have referred to that U and while uh she's not doing that right now she she has agreed that it will be done but these are her first priorities because that's happening right now uh I also we have offered that if they don't have the money uh to do that because it's not paid for by the state it comes from the taxpayers that we the Board of Commissioners you know we will'll figure out a way to uh to pay for the cost of whatever that turns out to be so I don't expect the friend of order to be done today tomorrow but it will be done probably in the in the the the fall the fall time frame I'm with you 100% And thank you and all of you working hard but the think publish it to the people tell the people that single mom she have three kids she's going crazy grandfather he don't have $5 his bucket he's going crazy this is a problem oh yeah you know so doesn't matter if Board of Education you say oh nobody above me nobody give me order nobody doesn't mean he has the right to do anything there still we have mayor and commissioner with trust sure they have to step in the top of them absolutely so we're do at the end we vote for them so if they're going to come and like some of the father I'm telling you this from somebody told me they go to the say something to the Board of Education they give him AR who you are you give an a to to the person he vote for you who you are is nobody Above the Law and nobody above God you're not God to give a because you're sitting in the chair you are in the big no it's not right so so we have a limit here on on questions you you're well past that but this board always gives a resident as much time as they need for a valuable conversation because the goal is not just that you hear us but that you understand exactly right and my board knows that we say this all the time you're you deserve the truth you reserve the right not to like it exact but you're you're you are entitled to the truth and and what happens is U you know we as a board the municipal side five Municipal departments right represents about 34 cents on the dollar of your property tax bill the school board's a little over 50 cents on the dollar and the rest of it goes to the county so we're roughly a third of what that total bill is and we operate uh the the the township on that basis that's $62 million though and the school board is $80 million so we have conversation all the time that says everything we do every conver conversation is is understanding is that if we spend money if we think about spending money we do an improvement we hire somebody 100% of the time we know and understand we're using somebody else's money to do that and we owe it to them to be fair about that and to be careful I have in my meetings with the Board of Education I reminded them of that same fact thank you but at the end you get blame from the public from the people in the street you got the player from the mayor to the commissioner they don't have the education you don't have power to to deal with the board of education but when you comes in we said everybody oh this mayor he did this this commissioner he did that they don't have education you have to educate them except to hear it from the Facebook and one mother go to the another mother tell her and go public all over oh commissioner this what they say the mayor this what they say publish it to the people tell them what's going on don't worry about your kids don't worry about your grandkids even the kids talking between himself oh we're not going to have this you're not the kids the fifth grade and sixth grade I'm not talking about middle and high school so you imagine the middle in high school they talk in between them I'm I'm sure you have kids and I'm sure they comes to you and they comes oh you hear what's going on kids they start talking inside the house about the Board of Education the the kids is not I'm not telling you I'm thief or his thief or but the kids is say it what's going on and this is the true and I'm one of the guys I vote for you guys I love you but at the end if you don't come protect my bag I'm going to say I'm blame you Sam let me just add to what commissioner Evan said because I think he did a great job of explaining it the first thing is is that we are two separate boards we do not have any power over them whatsoever they're elected we're elected so that's the number one fact so we could go sit at a meeting you know I have a kid in the school system still and I could raise my hand as a parent and ask them questions but not as a commissioner if they don't want to answer me they don't have to however we have all met with the state monitor I met with her myself Tom's met with her Kelly's met with her all that stuff so and it's they're extending the Olive Branch to us to even allow us to meet with her because she doesn't owe us any any explanation but what I want you to leave with because I heard what you said about the microphone how do we know if the microphone is $10 and if the Board of Ed paid $200 because everything should be competitive right so the one thing that I am and when I talk to the board members I keep telling them the same message we need a timeline okay again not to be redundant but you weren't at the last meeting when I took over the ambulance Squad and my name was being dragged through the mud that I stayed strong and obviously I was right however January 1 they said we're going to do an investigation on um August 1 we're going to have the results of it and then we're going to have move on and I've asked the Board of Education to do that put something out so that people aren't coming to our mic or their mic and they're going to get answers when I met with the state monitor I have to tell you I understand she has her hands B with this year's budget to make everything right and I asked her about the money and what happened to it it's bad accounting practices so forth and so on but like you are I am so I saidwell what are you doing about all these expenditures like you're just moving forward like in my opinion before you can move forward you have to move back where it's to see what the issues were and where this money went to because the people of mly deserve that answer so like commissioner Evan said they are we're going to probably wind up pay for the F to co it but that's the only way that you get those answers because I am curious as a taxpayer as a resident as a business owner as a parent I want to make sure that there was no funny business going on and how do you do that you look at every expenditure that was signed if they bought 10 shares in the market value for the 10 shares or $10 a piece that expenditure should be $100 not $2,000 so I am really really curious and I can't wait for that to be performed and I give you my word on our friendship and I give the residence of not my promise as a parent as well we all deserve those answers and it will be done that's promise from me the the reason I'm here today one of the reason couple days ago we have the barbecue one of one of the family what the one of the single mom she told me Sammy I'm going to sell my house I say why I say I'm worried about my kids and this girl she grew up in not and okay she hears so much from another woman and she believe it so she have her two kids single mom her her husband di so she want to leave from the town and she work hard to have her house I tell her don't worry you're going to be everything okay why you going to and the kids they don't want to move the problem the kids cry for her they give her herck and her attack too every day we're not going to move we want our friend so this one of the reason believe me I was here today and this why I'm I I comes and stop and and say and thank you very much you know you listen to me and I appreciate that and God bless you yeah Sam before you uh step away from the microphone I I do want you to know that I have a grandson that's in the pre program next September he'll be starting uh kindergarten and I'll have another grandson that'll be starting the pre program in two years so yes we are concerned about the education system and I can tell you we're this board is going to do everything it can to make sure that nothing changes nothing suffers because the future of our town is always dependent upon the school system and we want to make sure that our school system continues to educate our children continues to give a quality education and we're going to do everything in our power to make sure that happens that we can guarantee you and that anything else we can do as commissioner uh pako said about making sure the forensic got it I'm not as eloquent as commissioner Evans but I want you to know that we are not going to let our school system go down we will do everything in our power to stop that thank you I appreciate that thank you so much yes I thank you for thank you Mr May yeah thank you for your comments and uh we welcome you back we hope that you keep our feet to the fire uh because we're not going to let this go anyone else wish to be heard this evening all seeing none we'll close the public comment portion uh we are not going to adjourn we're going to continue the meeting on uh June 26 at 9:30 when we will uh have the uh the final hearing on the budget and uh vote on the budget uh I guess we'll make a motion to continue at June 26 at 9:30 move it second commissioner Evans hi commissioner scarelli hi commissioner PCO hi mayor Kelly hi and uh I think we have a need for executive session I need a motion move it second thank you whereas Section 8 of the open public meeting act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 permits the exclusion of the public for meeting in certain circumstances and where is the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances exist and where is the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley in the county of Essex and state of New Jersey desires to proceed to close executive session now therefore be a resolve by the Board of Commissioners of the township of Nutley move into close executive session to discuss litigation and contract negot negotiations be a further resolved at the time when such discussions may be disclosed to the public shall be when and such disclosures may be made without adversely affecting the township of Nutley pending Andor anticipated legal Personnel contractual matters and other matters within the exception provided for by Statute this resolution shall take effect immediately commissioner Evans I commissioner scarelli hi commissioner Petco I mayor Kelly I and The Time Is Now 8:39