e e e e e e e hi good evening everybody today is March 12th 2024 uh this is the regular meeting of the burough of Oakland council meeting uh um would the clerk please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advertised posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 pm. unless a majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time all right Pledge of Allegiance Pat would you lead us in theed Pledge of Allegiance thank you I Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all just want to remember the moment of silence uh Fred Burks he was a great volunteer here in Oakland uh he passed away uh he really started the entire ocv committee and he's really going to be missed in this community and all the hard work that he gave gave may you in PE okay uh for my mayor's report got a few items here roll call oh I'm sorry roll call um here councilwoman goo here councilman MC here councilman signatelli yes councilman San here councilman linski yes counc here thank you all right for the mayor's update this is for the for the council and the public at large I just want a quick update on the water PFO pfoa situation I'm happy to announce that on April 29th well 5 came online and right now all of Oakland's water is in compliance with New Jersey D standards so we have taken care of the water PFA problem in the burrow of oal and I want to thank bur Administration everybody else that really worked hard to get this done by the end of February uh Bush Plaza if you recall uh when when I first got elected one of my goals was to get the bush Plaza project moving in the first 60 days um I'm happy to announce that we had a kickoff meeting and what I'm going to do is I'm going to defer to councilman saliani so that he can give you the details on uh during his report on what we expect this to be done and uh have a ribbon cutting on that also we had a public meeting on April 28th with the residents of the rampo River reserve and surrounding communities as we're getting ready to start construction on the bridge of the Patriots way Bridge it was very well attended uh we had members of council there we had a burough engineer uh we had burough administrator and it was a very productive conversation with the residents and the surrounding residents and there were a myriad of topics that people were concerned about that we are going to address for the next two years as we're dealing with this bridge being in you know being replaced so we did already have a meeting last week to discuss the residents concerns and we will be getting back to the people uh once we have our report completed on that also we had two special meetings last week on the budget um and this was really to provide transparency for the residents and really allow the department has to really showcase and help the public understand you know what the services that they provide and also gave the the council the new council members an opportunity to also understand you know the depth and breath of the operation here in the burough of Oakland uh Public Service um I you know obviously there's a lot of work going on down at Roosevelt AV and other areas of town uh so I asked the asked our engineer and the Bro administrator to put a meeting together with public service gas so that we can get our arms around when this is going to be completed here in the town and when we can start Paving the roads uh that they have dug up around the area and we're having that meeting on Monday and hopefully I'll be able to give you a better report once that meeting is conclude with the next council meeting also there's going to be styrofoam Drive April 6th from 9: to 12:00 p.m. down at burough Hall uh right behind the library and I just want to just visit the lenar uh development that's going on behind the high school uh there's a lot of uh let's just say we didn't get off to such a good start um we had problems over the weekend starting early with wood chippers at 6:45 uh working on Saturday so I called uh today I reached out to our engineer and I told him that we want a meeting tomorrow so that we can reset expectations with the developer and see if we can get back on track we're off to a little rocky start but uh we're going to reset expectations for them so we can move forward and also I just want to once again just uh just talk about Fred Burks just a little bit uh Fred Burks was just a wonderful member of this community he was integral and starting the TV studio uh he really put his heart and soul into it and it was really Fred who brought us where we are today with the moving to high def definition and everything else like that and then Fred I just want to say you're really going to be missed and with that oh yeah and also Easter heg on Easter egg hunt on the 23rd thank thank you so Easter EG 23rd uh with that I'm going to open a public do have a motion open so moved have a second second all favor all anybody wish to speak good evening Amy eer uh 38 rampo Valley Road um I'm speaking on behalf of the Foles uh the flo FES was the previous weekend um we worked really really hard it's a group of moms dads uh students grandparents local community members from the flow area and we're always desperately looking for uh volunteers it's for a wonderful cause all the money goes towards our students uh our seniors and school and scholarships so it's a wonderful um it's a wonderful program that they've put together since 1985 um I did want to mention since 1985 um they've raised over $800,000 and this year alone we raised 10 which was pretty good but can be better so we need more volunteers um I have worked with mayor Camala for years um on the folly and we've always had so much fun and I can't well I'm getting to that um we've always had a great time and it's a bunch of uh people that come from all different you know parts of their lives whether they're young old whatever and we come together and we make a really great show and it's a great way to make friends uh form lifetime friendships and um and just have fun and you know find out a little bit more of what talents you have hiding um this year was interesting because um we had officials from wof that couldn't make it so we had mayor Cala of course was was one of the VIP c um in the Cameo scene but we needed two more and we were desperately on Saturday trying to find two more people and I have to say that uh councilman talamini uh stepped up to the plate as um the elephant poop expert and I had to say it um you were phenomenal and we had such a and nobody would feel the third so you had to the piano player did I did um but it was an honor to be next to you guys you did a great job uh Eric you're always you know you get your hands dirty um with no matter what you do you help my husband with the the styrofoam drive like you know and all the people that work really hard for that um so I I want to say I appreciate that the community appreciates the volunteers ISM and I know just from committees in town we always are looking for volunteers whether it is um you know Green Team whatever it is in town but on a larger scale um the money that goes towards scholarship for our students is a wonderful cause and I really can't reiterate that enough to the public and the residents of Oakland uh to plane join us the band is phenomenal I hear um and I hope to see you next year are you twisting my arm thank you and thank thank you again for stepping in no problem than you thank you good evening Sheila boand 16 wellnut Street I'm here again not going to throw that thing on you oh well this is the measurement of the water 6 Ines that was in my backyard Sunday after Saturday's rain this is all because my neighbor without permit relocated dirt put in a fence did all kinds of stuff I'm there 43 years I have never ever had water in my backyard ever ever ever ever um I have tried and tried I went to Property Maintenance they sent me to Mr ymi they did come out Mr ym came out and looked at it and then oh yeah he he really messed up your yard he wrote a report I have the report then he sent me to the burrow administrator who sent me to maintenance who at my last conversation said we can't do anything I said what do you mean you can't do anything he did it all without permit my property is destroyed I'm telling you if I had my house for sale Sunday with an open house I couldn't give it away I couldn't give it away I have pictures that I took Sunday morning the woman who printed the pictures out from me said oh my goodness you got flooded yeah I think I did I said if you don't know my house from a hole in the wall I said if you came up my driveway and saw this in my backyard would you buy my house she said I don't care if it was a Taj Mahal I wouldn't go near it the last time I spoke to Property Maintenance he told me there's nothing we can do we can't make him take it out we can't make him can put in drainage for you we can't make anything if you think it has damaged the value of your home you need to get a lawyer and you need to sue like excuse me I need to get a i at before this kind of sucked it up and said okay I'll get a couple landscapers in and see what they think they could do they I got Green Meadows for one and he said I said well you can't do anything on your side of the property the drainage has to be from him they find him $200 that's it and I am sick absolutely sick I can show you the pictures I'd be more than happy to give you the pictures because I don't know what to do anymore and I have to encour I have Mr Yik reports I have asked several times has anybody called this number that he put down for a contractor who supposedly on 172nd Street in New York apartment 3 I have called this number at least 20 times no one picks up and it and and I Googled it and it's uh supposedly a woman Susan per Coco that's that's a contractor if it's a contractor's number I would assume that there's a business answering machine somebody who's gonna say oh yes so let me get back to you on on a job nothing I am so frustrated my property was my only asset I'm in a house that's 164 years old I like it but it's a little quirky it's not the everyday house it's not everybody's going to walk in and go oh I love it some people might love it some people might not the only thing I had going for me was my property I don't have that anymore and I am so tired of getting shuffled from one place to the next to the next to the next and being told nothing you can nothing we can do for you too bad anybody listening don't bother with permits just do whatever the hell you want because the town isn't going to back it not going to help you it's I I don't know I I really don't know what else to say and I I would like somebody to give me some help and so far not getting there this is since October well he did it in the summer but it didn't start raining until October so I didn't know I was out there in boobs I couldn't go any deeper it was 6 in deep 6 in really I'm there 43 years do you think I would have lived with this for 43 years not on a bet I wouldn't have lived with it for 43 minutes M Mr C could you uh set up a meeting with uh you myself and her mry Kim MCD burall sure well let me just explain too they reported after the last council meeting notices of violation were issued to Bo's neighbor uh to which the property owner never responded and summonses have been issued for uh illegal soil moving and uh erecting off fence without a permit so that's currently pending in court I don't know the the disposition date of that um but this is something where we are looking to use the tools at our disposal to effectuate a positive outcome here for the resident um but I'd be happy to set up a meeting where we can talk about it further I no one gets back to me I mean poor Mr Ying with do he isn't here I mean I called him Sunday morning going tears in tear I was in tears Mr K is going to reach out to you and we're going to set up a meeting okay and we'll we'll put we'll talk we'll deal with this I mean the green met he said you know the drainage would have to come from his side he goes well if there's a Trent a he said you know I could run a a drainage but at the end is a huge tree so where am I going to put I can't you can't do it and it's on his property anyway not yours and why would I be paying for drainage it's it's it's a mess we we will reach out to you tomorrow I would appreciate it okay thank you you're welcome anybody else Carrie serenes 41 Sue so at the last Town council meeting there was an ordinance introduction 24 code 943 amend chapter 9 Recreation facilities and Recreation areas there was no discussion on this from the council which explained what this was to the public and there was no explanation of how this could and will affect our children just like the removal of the second public session which yes I'm going say every time uh which the council did not input from their constituents where is the transparency again I asked the question why are we not being thought of when you vote on these issues if the state is requiring this and I know that it is to change the wording then why try to change it without giving the public the right and the courtesy to know and understand these changes there has to be other Solutions I brought this up already to some council members but what about buying one or two porta potties and making them unisex bathrooms we as parents should have a say when it comes to a safe environment for our children this is not a high school where all the students are roughly within four years time frame of one another ages this is a wreck field where all ages come adults kids from all over come to these fields during sport events what happens when a 30-year-old man enters the boy's bath the girls bathroom with a four five six-year-old girl or a teenager or vice versa what happens if a child God forbid ever is assaulted in the bathrooms can this happen now yes is there a greater chance it happens once you adopt these new changes in the ordinance in my opinion yes my point in all of this is that these decisions should not be made without the constituents knowing about them we elected you to be our voice to have the best and most importantly our children's best interests at heart but that doesn't mean that that we should be left in the dark or not know about the decisions that affect us and our children and that does not mean that our voices should not be heard so I will speak out today on behalf of everyone that has a concern about the adoption to amend chapter nine recreation facility and Recreation areas and I hope you will think long and hard before voting on this adoption today thank [Applause] you anybody else hey uh Tim L for Mountain Lakes Road in Oakland New Jersey um about 6 months ago uh myself and my neighbor uh brought to the attention of the condition of the Chapel Hill um sewer treatment plan uh and immediately after that um first I want to thank um councilman mccan uh mayor kulala you were there right there the very next day you stood there you said this is unacceptable it's got to be fixed um Salini salani salani so you also agreed that know this was terrible um um Mr K you and Mr mmic we've had multiple meetings and you've uh your attention's been fantastic so um I'm curious where are we with the design of the new aesthetically pleasing structure um that's my question and then also maybe the town wants to give some attention to the status uh uh the condition it's it's been neglected again there's some sort of weird gray ooze going into the sewer drain the fences have fallen down the doors are wide open and I get it's a construction site you know I mean six months I I've been quiet for six months I got patience I'll wait another six months not a problem but just where are we with the design I know Mr chemi and yourself are coming up with something good and um that's about it cool thank you thank you anybody else motion close do have a second second all those in favor I I all right we've got approval of minutes February 27th 2024 Mo to approve move second all favor I we got February 27 27th executive minutes motion to approve I move have a second I could just emailed you second all in favor all right all right special announce we got authorized Raffa license RL 1491 for the Oakland Education Foundation on April 5th 2024 Port of Bellos Oakland New Jersey for the Oakland Public Schools you have motion to approve move we have a second all favor I okay moving on to appointments I'm going to be appointing Caroline Rose to the public events committee uh it's a mayor all appoint with Council consent do I don't move a second roll call please Council womano yes councilman mccan yes Council Pali yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes congratulations all we have got resolutions 2498 through 24109 we're going to do is a consent the agenda does anybody wish to pull any out not seeing any I'd like to pull out 241 106 and 107 so that the bur administrator can expand a little bit upon what we're doing with the yes please good idea anybody else have anything else to pull up not seeing any do have a motion to approve 2498 through 2419 minus 106 and 107 so move second roll call Council mfo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pantelli yes council president Sani yes Council Miss linski yes councilman T yes Mr Coons I'd like to you to just explain uh 24106 and 24106 21 2417 where we are in the process and why sure uh so 24106 authorizes an interlocal agreement with the r Indian Hills uh Board of Education to implement an sle3 program that's something that they determined uh this spring that they wanted to pursue uh so there are some discussions with uh my office and our CFO and our police chief and we informed them of how the program worked uh sent over the uh essentially the same agreement that we utilize with the k38 district uh they have approved that and um now it's our turn to to approve it and with that uh same as we did last year with the k38 district we would go about implementing an sle3 security program for the high school uh for Indian Hills in particular the board will have a separate agreement with Franklin Lakes that'll cover around po High School uh and we would staff the position and roll out the program for the 2024 2025 school year uh 24107 simply reauthorizes the agreement uh with the K through 8 District it's a one-year agreement so we go to year to year with this the only change is an update on the uh salary rate from $40 to $41 an hour thank you Mr kin and can you also explain where the funding is coming from coming from uh funding is coming from the schools in in both cases thank you sir and the just the the discussion with the the salary increases but uh I mean it's been discussed with the schools and all that that's that's all or we we had that I've informed uh Miss Wells K through ra district is well you know thank you all I do have a motion to approve 24106 and 24107 so moved second roll call Council go for yes councilman McAn yes councilman patelli yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes Council M Talam yes okay we're moving on to adoption of ordinances uh this is 24 code 493 amend chapter N9 Recreation facilities and and and Recreation do have a motion to adopt I'm sorry introduced for adoption then we'll open it then we'll open for discussion I make a motion to Second a second you're just opening up for discussion yeah we're not voting on it we're not voting on this no second second John second okay roll call councilwoman gofredo this is just for disc for discuss yes councilman mccan yes Council Pig telli yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes all right so what I'd like to do now is turn it over to our burough attorney so that he can really explain what's going on here and the reason that we're dealing with this issue so sure so as I kind of explained it last time first you know as we always do with all ordinances we introduce the ordinance we notice it we come back we have a second public hearing the state similar to what they did with the rattlesnake ordinance coming back at us again and saying you have a provision in your ordinance it's not in compliance with the New Jersey state statutes as a council we may not like that but on its face our our ordinance does appear to be in in confliction with the state statute this ordinance is not adding any affirmative language it is only removing language that says that um Mr K would have the exact language I believe the anyone over the age of eight it it simply amends the one sentence and so the entire section reads failed to cooperate in maintaining restrooms and washrooms in a me and sanitary condition so what this is doing um it was not enforced it was not anyone was even aware of it but the state caught us and said this is you know in contravention with the statute and we have an obligation as a council to bring our ordinances in compliance with st statute now that does not mean that the council cannot take separate action to address this situation doesn't mean that a resolution can't be passed to explore what other options the council may have but on its face our ordinance is in contradiction with the state statute and there my legal recommendation that the council remove that language and address I think should address the issue at hand but but I I Al I think that as as a legal threshold this ordinance is in contradiction with the state St could so can I ask a question just everyone uh I was on the rec commission a long time I don't know of any instances where anything happened right so have we ever had an instance where this where people had the PO so when the state brought this to our attention the first thing that myself and Mr Coons did was reach out to both the rec commission and the police department to see whether there have been any in instances of this uh ordinance being enforced or any issues any incidents reported and the answer from both was now what what statute is in violation are we in violation the New Jersey law against discrimination does that have a um fee shifting element to it yes is does the Attorney General have the authority to charge towns for legal fees in a civil rights lawsuit yes I want to make it perfectly clear I am so much against jeopardizing any of our children in regards to this I think we can come up with a solution that will satisfy everyone's concern and also be in compliance with the state we don't want and believe me they can some in some instances find us $5,000 a day if we don't do this so I I don't think we should jeopardize Town funds however there are ways that we can also protect the children and uh I think we will discuss that further tonight um the residents have a perfect right you're right we have to protect them and we have to do whatever we can we also have to be compliance with the law just like just like you or I or all laws in the state of New Jersey we have to comply we have no choice but I think we can um do something that will satisfy your concerns maybe not 100% but pretty close so go ahead um uh so if we don't change the ordinance what what what what is the repercussions we're not changing we're I can't necessarily go into the details of what the state has proposed that there be action that they would take but it's you're looking at extensive fines against the burrow and that that's currently what's on the table for us and then um so we've reached out to the state and asked them for language or or guidance and have we gotten any we have not we asked for a model ordinance which we haven't received but at really at at this point we're not adding any language we're not adding an a language to our ordinance to affirmatively allow we're only only removing language that's in contradiction with the statute so we're not and so if we remove this language are will the state feel that we're compliant yes that that's so far they've only that's the only statute which they said is not and obviously we're now taking it upon ourselves to review our statutes more thoroughly because no one knew this St I did not know this ordinance existed no one seemed to have know that this ordinance existed and so you know we are now doing a deeper dive into to see if there's something else that we miss we may want to reevaluate the Horseman's committee that hasn't been appointed in 40 or 50 years so you know there's there's just ordinance Provisions that people don't they've been there this one I think dated from the 70s maybe the 80s and this is the second is this the second contact wece from the attorney general's off office about our ordinances I don't believe the first one was from the Attorney General's office I believe it was from a different D DP okay I have a question Mr but I I just want to make this is not and I I I think it's been made clear this is not on the council's valtion that this was a cause that was chosen to be taken up this was the state telling us you got to do this has to happen Mr Gilson just a quick question is it part of our process when we introduce ordinances and that we have we ask the public to speak on any ordinance before we vote on it we are required by law to hold a public hearing on the second reading of any ordinance okay so and failure to hold a public hearing would render the ordinance no important right so there's transparency is what you're said right I would say so okay always correct last week nobody knew was on it last week you're out order yeah yeah am thank you so so this trans it has to be transparency it's part of the process yeah we introduce an ordinance on first read we notice the for a second hearing right and before you can pass a law before you can do anything before we can take any action we always have to discuss it with the public correct yes okay anybody else where was the discussion right now hang on one meeting one meeting anybody else from the council any comments is there a uh to B attorney could we could we push this forward and then we have better Solutions in place and then pass the ordinance in time or is there is this time sensitive I would say it's time sensitive to pass the ordinance I don't see any reason why you couldn't brainstorm and pass a resolution ution tonight but not but I think this ordinance I don't see any it's a clearcut that it's in violation of the statute whether we agree or disagree with the statute when do we bring that possible solution up now or new business we do the new business on the new business okay so so so if we have an idea we we have to wait until after we pass us to bring it up I mean you could table this ordinance and then do that there's no reason you couldn't do that i' make a motion to table this and discuss a solution I second the motion well you don't need to Second it's a non uh once you table it it's table it has to be voted you have to vote on it but table sorry but it's automatically voted now you take a roll call and roll call on tabling who who who may the motion who made the second no second Steve just Steve made a not a second second all right roll call on tabling a resolution Council woman goo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes Council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes do I have a motion to suspend the bylaw so we can go out of order for new business so moved second all favor all right who has new business uh so go ahead Joo I would like to suggest that we um um enact single use bathrooms at the rec facilities can you mean that one individual can go into the bathroom lock the outer door and use it one person at a time or it can go in with three of their friends and lock the door three at a time uh Council wo if if I can expand on that I think we I agree that that's something to look into I think we have to do a study just to make sure there's no impact right um you know what what impact there would be there would be impact obviously so we have to make sure we can do that I haven't been wck bathrooms in a long time I don't know I don't know what they're like on the inside anymore I don't know how many stalls are each wall so I think I I think we just need to export that I think you could authorize the administrator to take the steps to effectuate single use bathrooms do is that something we should check with the attorney general before we uh enact it I can tell you that single used bathrooms are not a violation of the LED I can initiate that discussion with tpw tomorrow morning so do we want to uh and then also Mrs SES had a had a um idea too about addition report bodies for St use is that something we want to do as well lock put the lock on it I I don't think I mean I I I I think the lock is pretty straightforward and and uh makes makes good sense and um and you know again we've never had an issue I you know I can't imagine anybody having to lock it but um uh but but okay and I'm and I'm just thinking a like a a little slip block you know nothing nothing nothing not a key not a not not something not a deadbolt you know just a just uh because because you'd want to be a you'd want you want somebody to be able to get in there if there was an emergency but um uh you know I I I think just make it single use and and go for there and and hope that the state moves on to some other town I was going to ask Mr Gilson are you aware of any other towns that have been that this has occurred this no as and as a matter of fact in my uh research of this ordinance I did contact several other towns and they are now checking their ordinances and some of them were in violation I won't name which ones but they this is not an uncommon ordinance to have and it's just something that you know other issues going on in Oakland this was not a review a thorough review of our code book was not something that had been undertaken in quite some time if ever without breaching any um of the of the code of ethics in the protocols of of of settlement negotiations did the Attorney General offer us an affirmative solution or did they just did they just uh threaten us uh they did offer several I'm not exactly sure you mean by Solutions but they did offer several programs which they wanted us to undertake as you know things like um training and and things like that to deal with the issue I wouldn't say they necessar offer something along the lines of the single use bathroom did did they did they have a Model A model ordinance for us to follow is a question no we were not provided with a with a model ordinance and again we're not adding any affirmative ordinance language at this time we're only removing this one section Mr Gilson you know it what what bothers me about this is it almost feels as we're being targeted with this resolution and this burrow and and the fact that we we are being held let's call what it is held as hostage to comply with this is deeply disturbing you know that we have to even deal with with this issue someone or some group referred this to the state and there's been no no problems there's been no complaints no victims nothing it's it's one of those ordinances been on the books for years and years and years that no one would even look at so and Mr Gilson I would it be safe assessment to say that the person to complain to would be whoever the Attorney General works for regards to this I would say it's an issue to bring up with your state legislators you know addressing this as a as a legal matter I know you've been in contact with assembly went off about this issue and you know unless the the change come from the top at the state there's really nothing we can do about it okay thank you anybody else if any further discussion or or actually does anybody wish to put forward a resolution to go to single use locks yes sec I'm sorry I I would might like to make a suggestion that we U go with the councilwoman's suggestion of a single use um with a lock we authorize our administrator to move forward with it okay we have a resolution could you assign a number to that resolution 24- 1110 so we'll do it on the Fly 24- 1110 to authorize a bro administrators to look into uh putting single use locks on the bathroom at the ra field second so Russ did the move in the first place right before now I just need a second second okay can I get a roll call please Council mfo yes councilman McAn yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes all right can I just ask U we're doing this at the rec field are we going to be required to do this any place else should we be thinking this um everywhere I think has to be all public all public access public this particular ordinance only refer to our Recreation and I couldn't find any or any reference in our ordinance to any other bathrooms in the town but they would all be subject to this so if that's something we want to move forward with just move ahead with yes please I would think so well it's it the the the L the law against discrimination applies to all public restrooms by public entities so then I I would think we you know in this building whatever you know the library the bar wall is only one can only have one a lot of our facilities and they have walks too most of them yeah any further discussion on this I just you know this just my personal opinion it's a shame that we have to live in these days that we have to deal with bathrooms for children and having to put locks and and I don't know world what world I'm living in but I think it's gone a little crazy anyway uh motion to uh suspend uh new business at this point have a motion to suspend second all favor I okay uh we're going to go back to the ordinance this current motion to untable yeah right I'm just coming back I'm getting there moving back to the ordinance that's currently tabled do I have a motion to untable ordinance 24 code 943 so I'll move Mo have a second second roll call Council go fre down yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes okay we were discussing this amongst ourselves uh as far as the council do we have any further discussion now that we have approved the resolution for single use locks before we open the public not seeing any do I have a motion to open to the public for 24 code 493 or3 943 move second roll call this all all okay very good good mik 34 Hopper Street just want to say um single use great idea great ideas from back there from kry 2 um that's a great solution here's the issue last meeting you didn't let us know what it was what it was about nobody had any idea and Mr gillson did not give an explanation he's talked about rattlesnakes nobody knew so we couldn't have this open discussion last week we had this open discussion obviously now which is nice and I hope you I I see why we're voting on it but it's we've got to know what what's going on we have to know what's going on Eric I we discussed this we have to know what's going on so I'm glad we came up with a solution it's a good compromise compromise is important Oakland is a small town we're all neighbors we all know live together work together so I'm glad we came to the solution so thank you very much for this uh for this well it's not finally but let us know if it's an issue too right there had to be an issue but but he took it off and didn't have the single issue if there was a man in the girl's bathroom I called the cops if I called the police they couldn't do anything so this had to be done first because may have been a problem but then a problem May began and you let the recommission know what we did recommission yeah recommission completely was against this no I mean let them know we did tonight oh I no they're waiting here for me yeah that's cool that anybody else wish to address this Sheila boy 16 Walnut Street I'm I'm a tennis player I'm down at the fields at least one two times a week at night and last year they were locking the bathrooms at 10:00 and what was happening is people were just sticking a stone in the door to keep it open because we're there until 11: at least and uh there was no way for us to get in to the bathrooms it's a little disheartening to not be able to use the bathrooms at that hour so that might be something else I mean single uses I'm fine with that I think I agree with you I think it's a shame that that's where our society has gotten us but uh I'd like to make sure that the bathrooms are available to uh the tennis folks for the three nights or sometimes on Mondays until at least 11: maybe a little longer because they were being locked and what was happening is they were just putting a stone in the door to keep it open so doesn't help security a whole lot well they do that with the gates too with the on the tennis court so that would be my only concern thank you anybody else wish you address 24 code 943 motion to close second roll call Council Lio Fredo yes what's this vote for the close the open S yes counc all in favor thank okay all right do I so now we're up to the adoption phase do I have a motion to adopt 24 code 943 no we that was public discussion public open now this is the adoption motion to adopt do I have a motion Some Mo do I have a second second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan no councilman Pig matelli no council president saliani no councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes was tally three yes three no TI all right falls on me falls on you B unfortunately I going to vote in the affirmative on this being that we don't really have a choice in the matter and I'd hate to jeopardize any funding that's coming from the state Andor put us in a position where we are facing any more fines and I feel that compromise that's been brought forward to make a bathroom single use and we can put this ugly chapter behind us on voting in the affirmative all right mve right along we have nothing on work session anybody else have any new business old business all right Council committee Lea's on reports we'll start Mr tal yes okay public events registration is still ongoing for sthp and late signups are being accepted for baseball summer camp registration will begin April 1st and run through through April 30th if you sign your child up during those days you are guaranteed to have your child participate if you miss the deadline uh he he or she cannot participate in open camp and may be on a wait list for the day camp please do not miss the signups Recreation is partnering partnering with a group to run an after camp program which will begin at 3:00 on days of Camp please keep an eye out as the info will be posted shortly for all Recreation sign up and everything else please visit www.open w.org and then uh we're supposed to have a planning board meeting on Thursday and that oh just uh just wck um I I coached my last basketball game and I just want to say thank you to recck for everything you did for me never mind my kids um I I'll I'll just tell you I I say it all the time W Oakland wreck is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me and if you have a chance to coach your kids whether whether you whether you played a sport or not um uh just just do it take the class take the ruers class and and do it it's um it's a great experience and uh even my my my middle son was uh he coached this year too uh he's in high school and he he helped coach uh third and fourth grade um it's a it's a wonderful program and I just want to say thank you to re for for everything you've done for me never mind my kids thank you Mr P tell yes thank you mayor uh we met with the environment I met with the environmental commission last week uh we discussed plans for cleanup around Arbor Day I don't want to I I didn't bring my notebook with me unfortunately April 20th 20th April 20th thank you appreciate it April 20th uh we also discussed the uh um recycling um company that wants to go in on West Oakland uh chairman Lee Heyman wrote perfect as far as I'm concerned uh rebuttal to why they should not um uh be uh allowed to do that uh he is an environmental engineer he gave several good points and hopefully uh the uh County will agree with with what he have proposed Board of Health will be meeting uh next week and that's it mayor thank you Mr s Public public events the Easter egg hunt is the 23rd of March Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. will be when the hunt starts please get there a little early to see the events um the rain date is Sunday the 24th at 1: p.m let's hope we don't have to enact that from a bush Plaza so as the mayor alluded to being in the meeting we are um the kickoff the kickoff me did happen you'll start to see Construction in the next two weeks the goal is to have 90% of push POS complete by June um and then the only last remaining thing I think the clock was ordered there might be some potential delays with that but we but we uh we expect to see everything done by by June that that's our goal April's a kickoff to start the construction and if anyone wants to donate to help support please contact me at salani s a l i a n i at Oakland DNE jersey. org we're taking donations from more that's all I have thank you Mr M uh yes um last Thursday uh the OEM met for the first time this year um just a quick question I actually have a question for our B administrator one of the things that I noticed in terms of our preparation is is there do we have access to any um radios in the event uh cell hour are down I I discussed that with the with the head of the OEM and he said it's always been an issue but I think there's some this we can speak to the police department because in a situation when when communication having Council people and you right you need radio communications right is there anything is there anything we can do we we used to have a bank of of radios kind of switched over to the digital trunk system which was right very expensive um I thought there there were some spares but that's something I can speak with you know with Roy and the police chief about yeah I think there may be some old radios just something that they would keep charged you know 10 or 12 of them maybe 20 Yeah the more the better all right so anyway um it's a good group and uh some they're implementing some changes minor changes uh to make things a little bit more smoother and uh and of course they're dealing with the flooding issues uh is in in flooding circumstances that that seem to come up in our town and she's gone all the time um uh this Monday um we're having a Administration meeting and a public safety meeting uh on Monday evening first one is at six o'clock uh here at Burrow hall and then the next one at the library and that's it Mr ssky thank you mayor just a quick update tonight on the library uh the opl will be hosting a concert this Sunday live on the stage stash in the 5:00 shadow uh they'll be playing a mix of upbeat classic pop music uh starting at 2 p.m register online or by calling the library is seating is limited uh they also have all the regular scheduled programs for uh children and they have a uh meeting of the anime club for teens on Monday March 18th at 6 p.m. uh looking ahead to March 28th uh there's a fantastic floral wreath design class scheduled for 6:30 p.m. uh that also must be registered for you can check the libraries online calendar for more details more updates at the next meeting thank you m grafo thank you mayor um the shade tree commission met on March 4th I was late to the meeting because I was at the budget meeting um they are working on our bir day presentations for the schools um please take a look at the website and consider adopting a tree email Shad tree o- nj.org to learn more on how to receive a free tree the next meeting will be Monday April 1st at 7:30 p.m. at the senior center any questions you could always uh contact them or you can contact me um Oakland Communications Commission met uh yesterday 24 hours ago um here uh the OCC remembered Fred Burks um you can also visit their OCC YouTube channel to see a video created to memorialize Fred BS who was beautiful um really beautifully put together um OCC is waiting for the fiber Loop completion um OCC is always looking for volunteers especially their newsletter committee um their newsletters committee is Mission is two more volunteers by July um next meeting uh will be held May 6 at 7 p.m. in council chambers and I save the best for last access for all met on March 7th um they are busy preparing for the next two events Easter egg hunt which is scheduled to be held on March 23rd the rain date will be March 24th uh they also busy uh preparing and planning for the carnival um which is uh the special event which will be held on Saturday June 15th from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. uh which will feature uh limited lights sound slower rides for their guests um and the next meeting for Access for all is April 3rd 7:30 p.m. at the senior center that's all I have before you close counc now okay good you I'd like to propose that we have a pla made in honor of Fred Burks and possibly have it uh in the operation room there whatever you call that that room back there Communications control right um but I think we should recognize the the work he did and and uh pay homage to the the uh program and and and all that he did for the town he did bring us along he really did brought us along long way yeah do I have a second I'll second that all in favor I I we'll get we'll get freder PL thank thank you uh one I just one more piece of business uh for the B attorney could you give us an update on the dump nothing no action from Commissioners nothing okay uh that being said bills be paid Mr grao uh total bills to be paid uh $253,000 $149 23 cents that incorrectly so moved do have a second second roll call Council woman go Freo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes do we have a motion to adjourn so move do have a second second roll call all in favor IE next meeting will be Tuesday March 26 next time e e e