meeting call to order this is the council meeting held February 27th 2024 would the clerk please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advertis and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless a majority of the council members that are at present vote to extend time all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance uh we have a veteran present Mike would you please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing for a moment of silence with the clerk please read the roll call councilwoman goo here councilman mccan here councilman Pig nelli here council president saniie here councilman linski here councilman talamini here and I'm here oh you know mayor come on um for the mayor's report uh couple of really important items number one water treatment I'm happy to announce that well 10 came online last Tuesday okay and the water testing currently is showing that there is level of no detect for P5 okay okay now the second well well five will be coming online this Thursday if test come clean this will also be online by Thursday or Friday uh once this is done we will be sending out an announcement to all the residents which means that now we have dealt with the posos issue in this town uh Lakeside Boulevard for the people that live by Lakeside Boulevard all the water main work has been completed in that area okay and the sewer main work has also been completed so you will not see any more road openings on Lakeside Boulevard and that side of by Lakeside Boulevard also I know it's you know it's a little bit of a it's a rough road but I'm happy to announce that the paving will be done in the spring and we're shooting for May so that all stretch of road should be repaved up on the Lakeside Boulevard area I also want to thank all the residents that donated blood for the mayor's uh blood drive last week I want to thank all all that donated also the Band Shell The Band Shell uh we just are finishing up the electric in the Band Shell we are going to be ready for June for the grand opening so I want to thank all the professionals and contractors are working on that uh the Van Allen house uh we I've uh Ed Clark who is currently a landscape architect is Prov he's also a volunteer in town he's started to work work on some ideas for Van Hen House Landscaping so we can really figure out how to work away with that you know the the crazy fencing and see if we can really make that a beautiful how should we say you know important part of town going forward also for the lonard development uh as you know there was a lot of testimony last week with lenar for the property behind Indian Hills uh I just want to let everybody know that the developers agreement has not been signed yet we are still waiting for some final details to be resolved before that development agreement gets signed uh more than likely it will be signed by the end of the week but still a couple outstanding issues and review and the way the process works is when the developer agreement comes in front of me I send it out to the burough attorney I send it out to the planning board attorney chairman of the planning board it goes to our burrow engineer and goes to our burrow administrator for review until they sign off and everything is complete I will not sign that document until it is complete um and that's all I have we are open to public have a Mot motion a second second all in favor good even mayor Mich PR I would like to can I have your address sir oh I'm Excuse me 23 C you met uh what it has to deal with rml and mirik now what I have done and I've looked at that first of all you should understand that the rapola river comes under the federal clean water appro clean water r that it does it's also Waters of the United States it's also a purveyor of clean water to North Jersey water supply District in addition to trout trout in that River now what I did do was I looked that and I went right to the Supreme Court of the United States and the case is called Rano versus the US and the Supreme Court of the United States extended the Clean Water Act to rivers oceans lakes and streams which now involves Mir Lake because it flows into the Ramapo River so now what I didn't look to looked at said well what does the federal statute said which is 33 us code 1251 at second it's 137 pages long I looked at the 137 pages and I same with with the Supreme Court case which is 97 pages I looked at that too but in the middle of that two states popped out Michigan and New Jersey why New Jersey well New Jersey took over the administration of the Clean Water Act in the state and they charged the DP to promate and enforce regulations and one of the regulations that they said to enforce which me rml is trying to sell the lake they're going to have a problem with this the New Jersey administrative code and it say seven col 12-11 and it's titled filling and part A tells the disposition and materials that filled in and at the bottom of is you can't fill in to raise the the level of a lake to build houses on it and then Part B says filling is prohibited period so this has to go to the planning board because if rml wants to sell it and they want to build on it they're pre prevented by the state of New Jersey per period Case Closed they're also prevented by the US government but I also found out this rml would sit there and say we're going to charge you for insurance on the lake but three4 $500 what it may be hold on boys and girls because in that real estate development act what you guys are dealing with the other side of town is that certain assessments prohibited and let me read this let me get my glasses on here you know I'm trying to catch my breath here so bear with me but it says here an association and a community established prior to the effective date of November 22 1978 of planned real estate development full disclosure act at SEC shall not be permitted to require Property Owners to pay assessments or other charges where the property owner's title does not impose such an obligation mine doesn't I've got a copy over it here and then it goes on and S and says if after July 13th 2017 the the association recorded a lean against property owners for non-payment that is based solely on a misinterpretation the new responsibilities the owners pay the association of other charges the lean shall be null and void so there's a second thing in there and then the third one sit there and say if rml doesn't remove those leans then one the lean holder can take orl to court and then guess what it says around here petition the court to award Council fees so in other words they would be playing for the plain's attorney that's three things right here and this was effective my birthday July 30th 2020 so we got it right there and just for Haas I brought in a copy of my title although it says theed the state of New Jersey now calls a title six or one half a dozen the other folks but that's what it is and I have it right here for you Mr Pritcher you also mentioned something about veterans if they're a veteran they can't have an attachment on their yeah that's something else that's why the VA would never have given me this if there was an attachment onto it that never would have happened they would have bounced it right away and I've been in in touch with the VA because I get 100% disability from that now but fact there's also something else that you should be aware of if somebody goes into there and tries to fill in that Lake don't do it the fines go like this anywhere from $250 20 excuse me 2500 a day up to $25,000 per day and 30 days at 3/4 of million dollar you don't want to fool around because you're dealing with the state and the federal government on this so that's what you're dealing with and you've got to know what you're dealing with because the US government's turning out to be a very powerful neighbor in this town either through the highway the river he say it's in a railroad and so forth like that thank thank you Mr P could you give that to the clerk we'll pass it on to our point right I made a copy of this you know it's two pages and it goes down into detail there's something else I'd like to ask about that deal down there on West Oakland AV with that that uh recycling a recycling thing that guy there if he allowed that stuff to go off his property into the ripo river he's looking at $25,000 a day and fine because that comes up the fresh the clean water out so he's in a lot of trouble he doesn't know about it does the county know about that too yes okay we've gone I've gone to Freeholder meeting yes they're cely aware okay so what I got here is three things two a two page white paper a new statute copy of my thing and the administration code permission to approach thank you sir you can give it to the clerk okay thank you Mr P let me put it all together I hope it makes it clear that they can't do what they want to do and again for my neighbors I get it thank you very much for my neighbors on Mira Lake I looked at my deed that's what it says and my de just for Haw Rin gigles and haw it gives it's an old one but it gives the Lots 318 and 31b and block 3426 of the map and it's right here they were all going to say the same thing and I went and I checked the previous owner of our house her deed said the same thing and the original owner of the house says the same thing and I got hard copies of that so here did I do it right yes you did thank you Mr thank you Mr yeah thank you so much I'll scan it and send it out to the mayor and counsel and also the planner again you know you got to keep the planning board board with this you know because they're going to be in a lot of trouble okay thank you Mr thank you anybody else yeah hello I'm Gina McDonald from 56 Lake UT Terrace good evening and congratulations on everything this year uh my husband is here with me and our neighbor Gail is here and we would like to know more details as to what the situation is going forward on the work that's being done with the water M drain on Birch Avenue as of right now a small section was almost completed now they have to finish and then pave the section that they replaced the drains and the uh water uh water main water Noor stor SE the the drain the storm drain the storm drains that were replaced and then the drains under the ground so there is an area going all the way from Lake View up to West Oakland Avenue that hasn't been addressed and going forward are you planning on doing that section I hope and when because we flooded pretty badly not because of the river but because of the damage and the age of the storm drains that are on that road and four cars got pretty messed up um it came like a thief in the night my husband and I were not home we were down at my brother's it was in December visiting and I got a phone call from Gail at 7 o'clock in the morning hey I I don't think you guys are home but the street is flooding really bad and she had no idea why because Lake your Terrace isn't flooding just Birch and this never happened before and I think just it's the right time now the storm drain and the the drains underneath the ground there were so badly damaged that it looked like it wasn't like at all put together anymore they it was like corrugated cardboard falling apart and although it was steel at one time but it it literally looked like cardboard coming out as they replacing these drains it's they're falling apart they're like disintegrated so I know from the point where they did not do all the way up to West Oakland Avenue is really bad especially up to the section up to Grand View they did a patchwork on um like a Band-Aid on one of the storm drains on Grand View coming down Birch and it's not doing the job of what really happened that was just a situation because there was like a sinkhole there where somebody's going to fall and really get hurt it was bad it was like 3 4T deep and there's another area like that on um public property Town property that's we call it the mud hole it's just a section of land between the two houses on Birch Avenue where acrosses Lake View there's a 5x5 hole in the ground 3 to 4 feet deep and if there's anybody walking there and it's snow on the ground they won't even see it fall it right into the river so what we'll do is uh our B Engineers here our B administrators here will discuss this and you said you're we can reach at 35 L for okay well what we'd like to know is what's the plan from Gail storm drain um all the way up to at least Grand View and I have photos of how the water flooded on that street I have them on my phone I'd be glad to email it somewhere but we want to know the timeline and and is it on the plan to do that section because I know there's money allotted and you had to use a certain amount by a certain time but what is happening around town is that money allotted for those areas too and are they flooding is there a situation because there's a claim for four vehicles um right now that is probably should get addressed because of the severity that happens because of the storm drains and not the storm the drains that caused the flooding all of a sudden this happened it never happened before in December though it happened and we had heavy rain so now with heavy rains coming again it's going to flood again possibly so that's why I want to know when is that is it in the plan and when the rest of birch because I know that the roads are going to get paved but it can't get paved unless that's replaced because it really needs to be done I know it's going to flood again like the same way so what I'm going to do is we're going to talk to our bro engineer and the and our bro administrator and we will get you back to you with those answers and I'm acutely aware of the flooding down there bring on the fire department I I know firsthand what what it looks like down there it no but it's not because of the river the river is great this is because of the drain and I you could see it in black and white well I have color photo but you can see it's easier like a picture's worth a thousand words here's my card you can send me the photos in an email and what was your address again oh I'm so s66 you have to add anything to that did I did I finish could you also put your phone number in the back that give us the record please there you go can I borrow yeah Mr McDonald yeah D McDon 56 ter penis husband obviously ly I work for psng for 44 years I watched the contractor for 7 years up in angu with angu cff for the parameters or a inspector on the job okay so I'm the guy that's watching the work get done obviously we don't have inspectors down here do when they did the water man on lakee terce there was no inspector so the contractor do what he wants sloppy back build and not tamping the holes correctly I walked out a couple of times and mentioned it you got you guys got to fill it up at least halfway and hit it they're filling it to the top and they're hitting it once that was the water man you got to that's why what I an expect out there watching out contractors do what they want and they're very sloppy all of them they all do I'm working with Fletcher cran but they're doing a good job but I got I got to keep on I got to stay on them it's real simple you get the job done right cleaned up take care of the people's property when these guys came in and did these drains they're very sloppy they they're using a soft room to sweep the ground like the one you use in your garage a half inch of mud I mean it's not going to help they really need to get a sweep it down there and clean that up coming down from uh West Oakland Avenue the drain I believe is 18 in coming down and by Grand View where it had the big sinkhole in a woman's yard in a corner it's 12 in so when that 18 in hit to 12 in and half of the 12 in is full of mud when they did that repair I walked thought that I looked inside the drain it was collapsed halfway and and full of mud the other half there's nowhere for the water to go it's going to come up out of the catch basins so that's what happened in December it came up and it flooded the streets pretty bad I've never seen that happen in 34 years I'm living there I've seen it come from the river but never come down from West Oakland Avenue so through the years the drains have gotten worse and worse and now they're they're done they're done when they pulled them out of the ground they said they were disintegrated the steel was so rotted out yeah I saw the pile of so it's just a disaster so I spoke to the engineer on the job his name was John I forgot his last name but uh he mentioned to me you know yeah you got to spend the money a certain amount of time you lose just like psng we do a job certain allow of money is used and you have to use it by a certain date or you lose it it's the same deal you know so we do I understand the theory but uh if you're doing drains where it's not needed and and not flooding and you're not finishing that little piece of uh Birch going up to West Oakland Avenue it's it's going to cause a big problem it's going to cause a big problem I don't see right now you got to deal with the environmental with the with the river that takes forever to get the permits and all that stuff but like Jina said about that five by five foot hole on this side of the wall that's been there for over two years we've had some barrels put there cones tape BL blah but it was really never addressed you know just just you're going to cover it up somebody walked in LA and said in the winter you don't see it you step in the holes the pipe is not even there it's disintegrated it's a hole you look down there you can see the hole where the drain used to be so the water's not even making it to it really so I don't know what uh so John did say he'd like to get pipe from the wall inside so you don't have to address the the water itself cuz when you got to get in there and do the wall and we do the wall that's going to take permits and a lot of time but for right now to make this safe we can get a piece of pipe in the mud hole in that grassy area it's a private rideway let's get it right private rideway they can get a piece of pipe from the water to the street where they install the manhole and that's where they stopped that would leave a lot of problems okay well like I said our bur engineer sitting at the end of the table here so we will just so you have a good understanding of what we're dealing with exactly that's what's underground over there okay you know and today a woman came up to me across the street and she said oh I got problems with my water I'm like what do you mean she goes well it was dirty and it was the pressure wasn't right I said well maybe they hit your water service or something over there so I didn't I I think the town should be aware of that if that guy breaks a water service he should let the town know and let the people know there was nobody home they didn't leave a note but you know then then next door neighbor had some mud in his water so they obviously broke something you know I think the town should be aware of that also okay so when this contract is doing things you know there's nobody out there watching so he just does what he wants okay and I appreciate your time thank you sir you Frank Raco 51 lak short drive um good evening mayor and Council um so I'm here uh as part of a group of lakefront home owners living uh on crystal lake and a few on Mirror Lake as well um who are trying to work together um with uh with rml and with the Crystal Lake Community Beach Club as well as uh the the burough mayor and Council uh to try to try to find a solution um to the challenges we're facing that that hopefully uh meets meets everybody's needs we have uh you know a large number of uh residents in Oakland who are part of rml who want to be uh released from rml and and not be part of that Association anymore uh we also have two beautiful lakes and a lot of people that want to see those Lakes protected and preserved uh those of us that live on it those of us that don't um you know it it the lakes are a real asset to the town and um you know I've I've spoken here at a few meetings uh over the past few months about um you know how important those Lakes are uh to me my family to all the people I know in in this community um so uh first of all I want to extend you know my thanks to to the mayor and uh several members of the council for meeting with us um early in the year uh to kick off those discussions you know we talked a lot about some of the potential solutions that we're trying to reach um you know uh those of us that are part of this uh Lakefront homeowner group we have been in discussions with rml um and we've come up with a few different Avenues uh to to approach um coming up with a solution uh a few of the lakefront homeowners uh including myself are drafting a letter of intent to form a nonprofit organization that could potentially help uh reach a solution by by maybe taking over control of of the lakes and making uh the the situation for rml a little easier if they are able to downsize their numbers um but what I wanted to come here to stress and and reiterate I I spoke a lot about it at the meeting with with with the mayor um and also at previous Council meetings um is just how important it is is that we have the Burrow's help um in moving forward here the biggest impediment to to Really any solution that we're trying to reach whether it's something we've come up with or rml's come up with or anybody's come up with is the cost of repairing the Crystal Lake Dam um this is going to be rather expensive cost um it's going to be hard for rml or the lakefront home sorry Lakefront home owners to bear um in the in the current situation um and you know once again the reason for all the damage to the Crystal Lake dam is that Crystal Lake does receive a large percentage of the storm water from across the burrow of Oakland um every time it floods um the lake is just battered with storm water and that Dam as a result is battered with storm water it is battered with debris that does not come from the lake it comes from other other parts of town a lot of debris comes down Alman Brook we have massive tree trunks slamming into um our two Outlet pipes over and over again for years and years um and as a result we're left uh with a pretty big Bill uh that we're we're really not able to to fund at the moment on our own um so you know the ask from us uh really what what I'm what I'm here to reiterate and ask the mayor and Council again is to please you know consider uh helping out with the repair of of the Crystal Lake Dam um you know we there's a lot of different ways that we're considering trying to fund this repair um as uh our pre speaker mentioned one of them is you know rml is proposing selling Mirror Lake and the adjacent property um this is something that a lot of us don't think would be desirable for uh the community um really really at all and may not may not end up being possible um so any way that the burough can help us um uh fund the repair of the Crystal Lake Dam uh would be a massive step forward probably the most important step forward towards finally you know putting an end to uh this problem that has been plaguing a huge amount of the Oakland Community for pretty much uh as long as I have been uh living on Crystal Lake longer actually um that's really all I came to say but I did want to thank uh mayor Kamala again for for uh you know meeting with us and and working with us and um I want to thank uh the the entire council tonight for listening thanks thank you anybody else you want to go ahead proba just want to clarify something could help this gentleman he doesn't understand that uh Al Brooke actually goes into Franklin Lakes in a long High Mountain Drive almost to the uh you know the church over there and also picks up a lake on the other side of town of Franklin Lakes which goes down behind you know that shopping center on on on on on that road down there but that's where it picks up all the way to camp and all the way to high mountain that's right I already have the M I have the map from the US government on that massive you know it's massive so that's what you're dealing with it's just not the town of Oakland and it's just the same as when they talk about meor Lake there's two streams going into that Lake right now as we speak there's two streams going into it and it flows into you know Alam and Brook but that's what you're dealing with in it it's a large volume of water now the other thing about it is is the state of New Jersey the DP not the D the highway department screwed up some stuff on Alam and Brook which also increases the flow of water the velocity of it you know and it ruins a lot of your gaban and everything else I'm on the flood commission that's how I know that stuff but that's what you're dealing with so you know talking about that and then again what I brought up about that change in in the real estate law you know that can affect you really big big time you know which is that you have it right there but you know people can just sit there and say like me I can sit there and say you can assess me for all you want but the state of New Jersey says no so that's what you're dealing with so they have you know you're looking at these folks you're looking at a big financial and problem here for the town because what happens if they go belly up then what is B going going to do think about that just think about that but again you're dealing with Mother Nature and if you try to fight Mother Nature you're going to lose big time so thank thank you for thank you Mr Richard hi Adam Elin 147 Lakes Shore Drive uh really just here to reinforce and reiterate the messages you've heard tonight about the storm water and the effects specifically on the population of rml Mirror Lake Crystal Lake and um they're supporting dams these are gems for this town their Treasures they act as an extension of our already best-in-class sports and recreation programs there's so many ways we can make use of of these assets as a town that that we're letting slide to the Wayside right now is as we work through these arguments and and these legal concerns and really we all just want to work together to make this the best it can be for Oakland thank you mayor thank you councel for listening to the concerns and hopefully offering to to help us find a solution that can help all in in the community thank you thank you you got to work together absolutely Shila vland 16 Walnut Street Oakland uh I've been in town for I don't know 47 48 years I lived at the top of uh Long Hill Road if you put a stick in the ground you got water we had a friendch strain I mean anybody here who thinks there's no water in Oakland is it's it's an aquifer and we need to support that and all of these people down and I my son grew up at Crystal Lake it was the best thing that ever happened in the town and I would love to to see it be prep be preserved and taken care of um I'm in a house that's at least 160 plus years old on Walnut Street where when I moved in I had no water I had no problems I had a little Brook running through the corner of my yard now it's a raging River all the water storm drains from uh demoris come down I now I have a neighbor who U elevated his yard and now the whole back of my yard is flooded uh water is an issue in Oakland and we all need to pay attention to it it's not going away we are an aifer we have to understand that and when this new development comes in God bless you people down on the river I or on the lake there was a house I looked at I was ready to buy it and I thought oh no I'm not getting involved in that because it's a mess it's a ho nobody is paying attention uh the brook behind my property is called winter Brook it was moved by the former owners that came down with back hose at 6:00 in the morning and red du it and 30 years I fought that with the D Betsy stag for anybody who's been around long enough to who Betsy stag was oh I'm gonna take care uh Pete Pete Kendall was G well we're GNA make sure that's all taken care of it has never been changed uh when the town by finally bought that property thank you I appreciate that I love looking at my trees um Betsy sag said to me oh we can't move that what do you mean move it they redirected it I want to go back where used to be no nobody it's it's become very frustrating I now have a swamp in my backyard because of my neighbor they did it all without licensing permits anything I go to the what the maintenance they say oh you got to see Mr ukemi Mr emik says oh you got to see the administrator the administrator sends me back to the maintenance people so far I still have a swamp in my backyard I didn't have a swamp I'm there 43 years I never had water I I'm be between how they diverted the brook that for 33 years nobody did anything about the EPA came in and said oh yeah no they can't do that we're finding them $2,000 a day nobody paid a nickel nothing got done I I'm I'm I'm ready to stand here and say to anybody in Oakland you whatever you want to do do it because the town will never back you up they'll let it go I've been told they're not going to do anything for me period That's that they never did anything to redt to redirect the book Brook winter Brook where it always was and I'm just getting very very frustrated and I was recently told uh well you know it's already done we're not going to do anything you're going to have to have a li a civil suit which means I'd have to hire a lawyer and have somebody come in what that's crazy and I'm I mean I'm not I literally wanted to buy one of the houses down I've always wanted to been down there and I said I'm not going to involved in that mess and whoever bought it didn't know what was going on where oh I don't know what else to say other than you know there's water involved in Oakland and nobody seems to pay attention sorry I'm ranting it's okay thank you thank you anybody else I see anybody motion to close motion to close second all all in favor I okay uh we have the approval of minutes February 13th 2024 have a motion to approve so move have a second second all in favor I I uh motion to approve minutes of the executive session February 13 2024 motion go a second second all in favor okay special announcements appointments and Raffles we have authorized raffle license RL 1490 for the Rebuilding Together of New Jersey 5050 on July 6 2024 upon reform church motion to motion to approve moov have a second second all in favor I okay moving on to committee appoint these so I have uh for mayor's appointed for the Green Team I got can canu Dua for oneyear term expires 1231 24 and the following are going to be mayor all appoint with Council consent for the Arts committee I have a Kevin Badger Angela de delandro and Phyllis Roman for a one-year term for the Arts committee for the public events I got a Christina nuble for a three-year term and for the zoning board I'm going to move Diane Lillian all up from uh alternate to full member which will expire on 12 3124 and I'm going to ask to appoint Lee DOD for alternate one which expires 1231 27 do I have a motion to approve some move a second second all in favor I got roll call a roll call all right roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan yes Council pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman salinski yes councilman talamini yes all right we have the following resolution consent agenda 2494 through 24100 and we're going to be pulling out 2497 uh because councilman pelli has a conflict and we're removing $24.98 uh for uh refund of taxes until next meeting do I have a motion to approve motion do I have a second second roll call Council woman goo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pigy yes council president salani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes okay now we're going to move 2497 resolution authorizing approval of 2023 losap list do have a motion to approve so moved second roll call sorry who did the motion I'm sorry you John sorry Council go Freo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelly abstain councilman council president s Annie yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes okay moving on to ordinance we have the introduction of ordinance 24 code 943 Mr Gilson would you like to explain that yes so this is similar to the um was it rattlesnake ordinance the stake ordinance we had where the state called into question the legality of our ordinance so we're updating certain language in the code to conform with State statutes thank you sir do I have a motion to introduce I moved second second Mr mccan uh roll call please um councilwoman go Freo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes council president saliani yes Council Miss linski yes councilman talamini yes and the public hearing and adoption will be scheduled for the council meeting on March 12th all right we have the final adoption we have uh we talked about these last week uh 24490 ordinance Capital fund it infrastructure we had discussion on that last week do we have a motion open to public so moved second roll call Council mrao yes councilman McAn yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes motion open to public that was Mo sorry anybody wish to speak on this ordinance not seeing any motion to close so moved second all in favor all okay all right motion to adopt move do have a second second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes okay next or next ordinance is 24 Capital 4 941 or Capital ordinance to amend ordinance # 22885 we had discussion on this last week do have a motion open to public so move a second second roll call we need a roll call or is this all in favor that all in favor I I hi hi anybody wish to speak on ordinance Capital ordinance 24 941 not seeing any motion to close move second second all in favor do I have a motion to adopt so moved second second roll call Council goo yes councilman mccan yes councilman Pig nelli yes council president saliani yes councilman linski yes councilman tan yes all right next one we have is ordinance 24 code 94 42 this is to amend the Recreation Commission to a committee and establish a trust fund I know we had a lengthy discussion on this last week do I have a motion open to public so moved second all favor all right anybody from the public wish to speak to 24 code 942 creating a Rec committee and trust fund not seeing anybody motion to close so I'll move second all favor I do I have a motion to adopt ordinance 24 code 942 so moved second roll call councilwoman gofredo yes councilman mccan yes councilman Pig matelli yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes okay now so we kind of did this out of order because we had to create the ordinance for the recre committee now we have two ordinances for the wre committee first one is 2492 resolution request and permission dedication by Ryder for a trust fund and 2493 resolution to establish Recreation committee bylaws do I have a motion to approve so move second roll call councilwoman gofredo yes councilman McAn yes councilman Pig matelli yes council president Sani yes councilman linski yes councilman salamini yes okay now I'm going to make the appointments to the rec committee all right and what we've done is uh we have just taken the existing commission appointments we simply moved them over with the same terms that are currently in place so I'll read them off by name and expiration of their term okay first person is Michael guadino his term expires 12 3126 second is Steven Catalano his his term expires 12 3127 we have Dan legado commissioner 1231 2028 I've got Michael Ives commissioner 1231 24 I've got Michael Bleecker commissioner 12 3126 expiration I've got commissioner constant Roy expiration 12 3125 I've got Robert scalabrini commissioner expires 12 3126 I've got Megan rotundo alternate 1 expiring 12312 I've got alternate two Justin Austin wall expiring 12 3124 and we've got Ariel Perillo for bur secret p and we've got Russell Talam who counc motion to approve all these Commissioners so I'm move second do we need a roll call or is this a consent as the it was a Rec committee it would be your direct appointment so I would say this would still be your direct appointment with Council no just direct appoint a Rec commission is a direct mayor appointment so I would say a Rec committee would fall under the same okay it's a direct mayor's appointment all right we're done we're good we're real good okay that wasn't so bad you got your trust you got everything now was five minutes we were app we had continuity uh we have nothing for work session does any body have any new business for the common good not seeing any do we have any old business uh I think I have some old business just uh so from from Wreck um so the so the the rec shed uh we had a a claim on it and we just want to need to to know the date of is there a date of completion I don't have a date of completion right now uh I know that the uh contractor that's been hired is going through the submittal process uh on the roof design for the permit uh I'll follow up with uh DPW tomorrow and then they were asking about insurance claim for items that would DED in the building right I think I need some additional information on those items in order to send that over to uh the insurer for processing but Mike and I can talk about that after the meeting okay and then um I don't know if if Steve do you want to uh just clear up something with the tennis oh yeah already cleared up I spoke to okay all right that was old business I have any of else have any old business can I just get an update from uh our legal counsel about what's going on with the the dump on the other side town please yes so there's been no action I reviewed the freeholders Commissioners agendas yesterday and reached out and there has been no action to amend the waste management plan at this time thank you anybody else have any old business business not seeing any uh bur Council leaz on reports we'll start at the end M gfo thank you mayor um so I I would just like to report um I I did all my reports last um meeting um there have been no meeting since um I did speak I did receive a phone call and concern about the uh construction up at the high school for the new development um and I and I had met with sha Tre and I did give them a call again um just to reiterate their stance they are sad more satisfied with the trees that are going to be planted um there there's going to be trees removed obviously that's a big concern and everybody's concern but there's no stopping it and um but there will be trees planted upwards to over a thousand trees will be planted so I just wanted to point that out um in addition just to my committee report I want to just um take time to recognize a um a citizen that passed away Bill pudi died last week um who was a great Oakland resident um a veteran a US Army veteran and I will always remember him um I did attend to celebration for life today and it was quite beautiful uh so I would just like to take that moment just to remember um that's all I have thank you councelor thank you mayor uh from the Green Team uh the Green Team met last night and I wanted me to let everyone know about the upcoming events um on March 1st uh sign up start for the community garden um and on Sunday March 3rd at 11:00 a.m. first Sunday hikes continue participants meet at the lower level parking lot of Skyline Drive uh registration is required and can be found on the Green Team section of the Burrow's website on Saturday April 6th uh at 8:30 a.m. they will have a styrofoam collection drive at one Municipal Plaza and on May 4th uh with a ring date of May 5th uh they will have bird watching with Rick wean uh for more details on this and other uh upcoming events visit the website uh the team um the team is also seeking volunteers to join so if you're interested please contact chairwoman Allison Fon at Green Team um uh quick uh note from Public Safety uh from the police department for the month of January officers conducted 378 motor vehicle stops and issued 371 motor vehicle summonses uh from the library uh the regular children's programs continue and on Monday March 4th at 10:00 a.m. they will host favorite foreign films and on Monday uh March 11th at 600 p.m. The cookbook Club is meeting uh call the library for more information if interested uh they're also uh going to have Spring Concert Series with information coming soon uh again if you're interested in these events or other events you could sign up and be added to the mailing list and have the monthly newsletter emailed directly to you that's all I have for tonight I just want to just put point out anybody that's Rick weinman when he does the bird watching he's world renowned he travels around the world doing tours um and I had an opportunity being part of the Green Team to do it last year I recommend everybody just sign up it's free and it's it's you go down to Great Oak Park and you points out all the birds and and it really is a good hour to just hiking around and really going through with a professional guide so thank you coun C go report J San um thank you mayor for for Bush Plaza uh there is a pre-construction meeting scheduled for Thursday at 10:00 so um looking forward to having the construction start on that in the next couple weeks anyone who would we are taking donations for Bush Plaza anyone wants to donate they contact me at my burrow email or the SEO and we're taking donations um for anything from benches to to clocks to uh to any anything items in the park so uh if anyone's interested please reach out for for the for public events um the next public event that's coming will be March 23rd the Easter egg hunt and there are preparations for that and I also would like to welcome Christine nuble to the um public events committee look to see you at your first meeting which will be March 11th and um also they are looking for a few new members in the public events committee so please if you're interested reach out and fill out the citizens leadership form that's all I have Council Pi T thank you mayor um and the environmental commission did not meet last month we had uh our chairman was out of the country and there was there was no uh there wasn't a quum uh the next environmental commission meeting is March 5th uh the last Board of Health meeting held on February 20th I was unable to make um the meeting I was out on a call on on first aid call uh I didn't get back until the meeting was probably over but anyway the next uh Board of Health meeting is March the 19th and that's it mayor thank you uh Council tell uh first I just want to say thank you to councilman saliani for attending the the rec meeting I I'm my I'm getting down to my last uh coaching assignments for my for my youngest son and uh so I'm not missing any of his games so uh I'll be at the next meeting though unless unless uh unless the playoffs go longer uh and then uh but other than that I'm good thank you okay very good thank everybody uh bills to be bills to be paid councilman gfo uh bills to be paid 1,810 773977 so move you have a second second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes do I have a motion for adjournment some moved second second all in favor all right meeting adjourned next B council meeting will be held Tuesday March 12 20 2024 7 p.m. here at the council chambers thank you everybody