e for you call the order this is the mayor council meeting for April 30th 20124 starting at 7: p.m. would the clerk please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advertised and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless the majority of the council members are present to vote and extend the time all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance counc would you lead us to the Pledge of Allegiance I PL Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please stay standing for a moment of silence be seated thank you clerk police call the Roll Call mayor Cala pres Council lingo Fredo here councilman MCC here councilman Pig matelli councilman Sani here councilman slinsky here councilman talamini here do I have a motion excuse councilman fatelli so moved do have a second second all in favor okay okay uh mayor's report it's pretty lengthy but I think we'll get through this relatively quickly um Paving I know there's a big people are asking questions about Lakeside Boulevard mon heagan um and the condition of the roads in town I'm happy to let everybody know that we've moved the paving from the fall to the spring rfqs or ISS we out on the street that we're open today we will be awarding the bid today hopefully at tonight's council meeting uh we're going to have our first preconstruction meeting starting next week so we can really hit the ground running with this program and monagan Lakeside Boulevard and Reserve entrances will be a priority once we get this program going uh for those people that live down by Truman Roosevelt Stone Fence as you're aware public service has been working in the area probably for the last year I'm happy to report that they have completed all the work down there for the gas main replacement we've already had meetings with public service and our engineer and they're looking at Paving probably in the summer to replace all the roads that they have opened up in those areas sidewalks uh for the people that live on seminal right by uh the lake you'll notice from haat the boulevard the county met the new sidewalk is going in so you now you have the ability to walk from haata all the way up to highight school so that's being completed as well we expect that to be completed probably next week weather permitting patri way Bridge we have good news uh it may not seem like it's moving quickly but uh the utilities are being secured at this time the gas has already been capped and we're making progress with that uh we are we are still getting calls from residents concerning Glenn and gray at 202 and the signage and speeding all this equipment has been ordered once all the equipment comes in they will be installed you know on Glen gray that and with the reserve and also down going down through Navajo in that area um also Paving of the exits like I said is going to be a priority with monagan and Lakeside and we are having by by weekly meetings now as this project is really starting to ramp up and and it's really you're going to see be seeing a lot of movement in the next several weeks to a month uh Bush Plaza uh as you know this you've probably noticed the brick and Lace have already been installed down there they're starting to do the surface work for the park uh the clock and flag pole all the equipment's been ordered at this time and that project is very weather dependent we were hoping it would have been wrapped up by now but you know we've had a lot of rain and it's really slowed down the project on April 20th we had the townwide cleanup up we had 30 volunteers plus our OEM team and the Girl Scouts uh they cleaned up great Oak Park Stewart Woods the Recreation Complex po as Lake Skyline Drive and the Van Allen house and I had the pleasure of working with the Girl Scouts on the Van Allen house and uh a good group of kids and the parents helped out we cleaned out all the beds trimmed all the brush back uh took all the garbage out the bricks are gone dropped the sign so you know we're making progress on the van and I want to thank everybody that came out for that and also there's going to be a mayor's blood drive Tuesday June 25th 2024 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the senior center I just want to get that out there right now so you can start playing and I'll mention this again next month and that's all I have for my report and let's see now make a motion to open a public comment moved do have a second second anybody wish to address the councel just need your name and address Frank oraco 51 Lake short drive uh good evening mayor and Council um and to everyone who came here tonight um I'm a resident of Crystal Lake I've been to quite a few of these lately so I just want to come here and uh you know continue to uh with my appeal to the town to help uh the homeowners in the in the Crystal and Mirror Lake neighborhoods um try to secure a future for the Lakes um that you know that basically like will allow us to maintain the Lakes you know take care of them uh most importantly fix the Crystal Lake Dam uh which is uh going to be a huge cost and right now as as you're well aware the lakes are are under threat they're under threat both Lakes are really under threat of potentially being sold uh being sold to developers one uh Mirror Lake in particular has already been listed um so I just want to reiterate a couple points that I've made at these meetings uh previously first of all um we feel you know the lakefront homeowners there's a group of us that have that are working together to try to work towards a solution with rml and with the town we feel very strongly that both Crystal and mirror Lakes are very very important parts of the town's uh storm water management uh system where we the lake itself absorbs a huge amount of storm water in every storm the dam is repeatedly damaged and and blocked and clogged with debris um a lot of the Town storm water runs through our backyards it causes flooding it causes this damage which we are having a hard time figuring out how to how to R repair so we are appealing to the town to please you know acknowledge and take some responsibility for the damage to the Crystal Lake Dam repairs to the Crystal Lake Dam will enable all parties all interested parties to really move forward towards a better solution we can you know let people out of rml who want to be out of rml uh we can shrink rml to maybe a smaller size um that can then manage the Lakes uh at a lower at a lower cost this is what we're we're trying to achieve um we also want to remind the town that you know of course we are taxpayers of the town we pay our taxes our taxes have gone up significantly over the years as well as our fees to rml um our taxes really do go to pay for infrastructure repairs in the town and we really do feel the Crystal Lake dam is a part of that infrastructure um and should be repaired with the use of of taxpayer dollars the way that you know the Patriots uh weigh Bridges and other other storm drains and things like that in the town uh so that's a big part of of our appeal um so just lastly I want to State you know we we have already had some initial meetings both with the mayor and members of the council as well as with rml we feel that they've been productive we feel that there have been signs of a path forward towards uh a future that maybe we can all be happy with um at the end of the last mayor and council meeting uh councilman mccan said you know that there was some interest on the part of the town to maybe start a committee to look into this matter and that was also very encouraging to those of us who came out to the meeting uh that night and also tonight um I have uh sent a letter to the mayor and Council um on behalf of the group of lakefront homeowners that have been working together towards a solution so uh we're really hoping for a response from the town and uh hopefully sooner rather than later a follow-up meeting to discuss uh a possible paths forward and if I may one more thing I was going to talk about uh but I was happy to hear it mentioned in the mayor's uh report um the speeding up and down Lakeshore and Navajo due to the closure of the Patriots way bridge I walk around the neighborhood a lot people are literally flying up and down that road and somebody's going to get hurt I'm glad to hear that that's being address um thanks very much thank you Mr talk hi Liz Carletta 161 Lakeshore Drive um thank you and all of you for your patience over there we won't stay for the whole meeting don't worry um appreciate it that's jump up here so I'm here I just want to Echo everything Frank just said um I'm here on behalf of Crystal Lake and the homeowners and the taxpayers um to ask really uh you know next step is to have a meeting with us so I appreciate a committee being formed um I know we sent a follow-up email as a group um so to ask when that meeting might happen um so that we could discuss it without just three minutes one person speaking right like to have an actual back and forth discussion um and on a secondary note I've been to quite a few of these meetings since I moved to Oakland in 2012 for various reasons um and I've never been able to park in the parking lot right here um and I noticed that there's a lot of those spots taken by you know I don't normally mind walking it was a little difficult tonight but the walk from the senior center is not that big a deal for me but um there's a lot of stuff parked there that maybe doesn't need to have their permanent home there just so you you know maybe more homeowners would be likely or better able to attend the meetings if there was better parking available um but really I'd like a meeting with the mayor and Council for the Crystal and mirror links thank you thank you thank [Applause] you uh Josh lines 89 Lake Shore Drive I'm just here to reiterate what Frank was saying about Crystal Lake and Mirror Lake and the fact that they're both in Peril at this present time um I watched with my nmon old son a male bald eagle teach his eaglet I had to look that one up how to hunt for fish and I watched the eaglet catch its first fish in Crystal L now I come from the city and to me bald eagles were fiction until I got out here and I was sitting there and I said to my wife do you see that right there what is that she said that looks like a bald eagle and I said it couldn't be a bald eagle this is New Jersey it is and it's one of two mating pairs that we're aware of and when you don't see them you see the ospre and when you don't see the Ospreys you see the blue Harr so outside of the fact that we do absorb a huge amount of op's rain water runoff and outside of the fact that it certainly will benefit everyone to address Crystal EGS Dam it in my opinion is crucial that we project the lake moving forward so that my son can grow up and show his son the bald eagles 10 Generations away from now I'd like to thank councilman McAn for suggesting the committee I think that's a great idea as a way to step forward um and I hope we can all come to a resolution that worked for everybody thank you all very much thank you yes my name is Richard pares and I'm at 13 calman Avenue Mirror Lake and again you know you reiterated on what we we live you know 18 years on the lake and watching the beautiful Lake and turtles and fishing with the kids and it's uh it's emotional when you look at what may be taken away for families and for the town and and uh I'm glad to see such a nice turnout you know it's it is it's emotional to think that we may lose a wonderful asset to this community thank you very much [Applause] come on we're neighbors let's do it together my name is Wayne laer I'm on um 49 Lakeshore Drive um I will back up everything that was said prior uh the bald eagles are one of our favorite things to uh to watch out for out of our window and our it's fun to uh reach out to my sons and have them come out and and watch that as well along with the fishing and everything else that uh we enjoy there I love seeing my neighbors out there Frank and both sides of me uh we love meeting out there and uh conversating and um I think uh the open conversation uh needs to continue and uh we have to take care of our uh our resource here it's it's a it's a Hidden Gem um that um the town can really uh hang its head on and and uh really um just like as previous man said it is emotional to uh to think of what could be so thank you neighbor good evening Ben Casio 45 Lakeshore Drive uh which is right next to Wayne where I've lived for over 40 years um that bald eagle by the way sits in a tree right outside my bedroom window um overlooking the lake I have some great great photos um by way of background uh when the highway was first proposed Mike MCN who was an engineer in town I don't know if you remember him and I went down to the do and spoke with the engineers we had a number of meetings with them because we were concerned about the route and what it could possibly do to the lake at the conclusion of those meeting meetings they acknowledged that yes it will in fact affect Crystal Lake however they're not responsible for anything beyond 500 ft from the highway that rout Awakening does not help the fact that we are in fact getting sediment from the highway as well as all of the street trains from Jeff mogle all the way down to to uh uh on along ramito Valley Road and everything West including the uh lak Shore Drive goes into that Lake when I first moved there the center of that Lake was 30 ft deep it is now 6 feet deep that didn't just appear out of the sky it came from all of the street trains and the highway the the state and the municipality May disclaim any responsibility but I think under the circumstances in the fact you owe us something to work toward an improvement of this area thank you very [Applause] much mayor council Adam mein 147 Lakes Shore Drive uh thank you for continuing to to hear our please uh I think over the last several meetings uh we've established the utility of our Lakes miror Lake Crystal Lake specifically and moreover where they sit in the Burrow's published storm water management plan literally right in the middle of it key component no progress has been made in our discussions yet we appreciate the council hearing us uh we appreciate Council mcken suggestion that a committee be established but I think it's important to remember that the decisions we're making now and over the next few years here will vastly impact what Oakland looks like in 10 years this is something that the council has been talking about um and for good reason given the criticality of the issues we hope to begin a more formal dialogue with the council sooner as opposed to later and we do believe a private public partnership to address this has tremendous promise for success and can potentially head off all kinds of litigations in the future and that's something we all desperately would like to avoid I'd like to use a current example to highlight the contradiction of of the Burrow's current policy as it relates to our our Lakes a lot was just cleared and a foundation for for a new construction at the bottom of Navajo on the corner of Lake Shore Drive and Mohawk yes this is the same intersection which is taken beating after beating Paving after Paving detour after detour so on top of all that we now have a lot full of dirt sitting sitting up above that I'm sure in order to build that house the developer went through a lot of processes to get licenses and uh fees and and permits paid to the town obtained by the town for the right to build that literally 100% of that property's runoff goes directly into the private property of Crystal Lake in addition the home septic field is Lake adjacent and I'm curious based on the Burrow's stance that these are private land that they cannot interact with or interfere upon how does and when does the burrow consult with that private land owner when it intends to issue permits take fees uh for those types of constructions and for those types of developments the town is then more than happy you know to take in the new tax revenues established from this new development soon to be new homeowner and those that are taking care of of Crystal Lake the waterways continue to absorb the costs of the damage that's incurred by these developments this is just the most recent example uh I know rml had no part in the planning of the development no say in the Ws the hows the ifs the wise no consideration in terms of any sort of compromise or how do we work together in a public private way so that we can allow those types of developments to easily happen and we can absorb the runoff as a constituency so that we can continue to to support our our development while at the same time being mindful of these resources we continue to put this on a small set of homeowners who've maintained and managed the system and again the town's happy to take the tax revenues and the pattern has gone on for literally decades the pattern has been so blatant in its approach that the burrow has never even done so much as offered to relieve these homeowners of the tax burdens associated with 25 to 30 acres of land sitting under the water even something so small to say hey we recognize you let us help with this burden something so small where the town could easily help relieve these homeowners after all these years you've turned your back on and continue to turn your back on this is water covered environmentally sensitive life filled gift that's been given to Oakland Space and Recreation and and we continue to push it to the side let's stop doing that let's come together and I'd like to know we're all asking when will the burrow step up and support the homeowners that have consistently supported the burrow for decades where's the reciprocity and I'm curious if anybody on the council will go on record is it relates to their thoughts or positions on what the future of these Lakes is going to look like and how we might be able to work together to set aside the differences that this town has had over these waterways and and make it right because the town needs these these assets and it would be a shame to continue letting the taxpayers who've been bearing this weight fight amongst each other while the town points and says it's private it's private we'll keep dumping all our stuff there but it's private we'll keep allowing development and runoff but it's private you can't have it both ways so work together with us in cooperation we've cooperated by doing our part for all of these decades do your part and giving us some relief and stepping in and helping us it's right for the town it's right for the taxpayers and it's right for your 10-year plan which is so important thank [Applause] you good evening everyone Trudy Derbyshire 181 Lakeshore Drive and I just wanted to put another face um to the flood I'm on the side that floods so when we get all the rain and all the runoff I invite all of you to come down to my house you're more than welcome you can help us put up the boards you can see what happens and when Adam was speaking he was talking about uh the council turning their back and I believe in the past the council did kind of turn their back on Crystal Lake how however I believe and I hope I'm right that this council is looking at us with open eyes and you're all looking at a way to help us and to protect these assets that are so beautiful for Oakland for everyone to enjoy thank you [Applause] mayor council Mark scanga 141 Lakeshore Drive does that address give you a clue as to where I'm going with things thank you so much for listening to us thank you for the thought of the uh Council of the uh committee committee thank you I knew it had a see in it um I wanted to share uh a personal thing to do with the way the water that comes into into our Lake affects us um I have a small Dock at the end of my yard into the lake uh that dock is supported by three uh you know those beams what are they 6X sixes you can get them at any of the lumber yards they were put into the lake with a 3ot deep concrete footings a few years after that they started to move all three of them moved all in the same direction finally to the point where I was worried about standing on that dock so during lockdown uh a friend who hand he came over to help me and we got into the lake at that point the uh water was lowered and we tried to move these back into the position they were we couldn't move them at all they were I was so confused what's going on how are these things moved this way well when I got to looking at the at the bed of the lake I got my answer so much water and so much runoff came from the building of the highway and all came in One Direction because that's the nature of what happens when things come down from the uh in particular from Allman Brook that they actually pushed my footings this is not we didn't just set that on the dirt 3ot deep concrete footings were completely pushed and grown men with sledgehammers could not move it we had to redo it I just bring this up to point out Crystal Lake and I'm sure in its own way miror Lake are taking a tremendous toll in what happens in our town in terms of water in terms of runoff please consider us as part of the town and we look forward to making a solution for this I thank you all [Applause] hi my name is Rema Mason I live at4 Lake Shore Drive um I'm across the street from the lake but I'm also the president of Crystal Lake Community Beach and I bring that up to um just to make it known that you know everyone's talking about the enjoyment of the lake and it might be perceived that it's just the people who are on the lake who enjoy looking at it but through Crystal Lake Community Beach and you know the fact that that is open to anyone in Oakland the whole town is able to enjoy that Lake Crystal Lake and obviously um you know the points been made about the the runoff from all of the storm drains and the wear and tear that's had on the dam and that's why we're asking for your partnership in addressing that problem that has plagued our community for more than 10 years now um so I'm here to support that plea but also to make it known that that that lake is open to the enjoyment of the whole town it is not just the people who live on the lake um so again we look forward to meeting with you and partnering in Solutions thank you thank you hello everybody um sorry I have a little bit of laryngitis so please just bear with me for a few minutes my name is e Perry and I live at 32 ly Lane and this is Carrie where you on Sue Avenue uh we are co-chair of access for all and uh I don't mean to interfere with the leg Shore and the leg things I'm sorry I but this is this is close to our hearts right now and I thought it would be important that we come and introduce again as I know that it's been said before to everyone here and the council it's being recorded hopefully people at home will listen and understand who we are and what we do the committee serves as an advocate for individuals with disabilities in the burrow and we help to assist in gaining better access to services in the community our goal is to enhance their quality of life so that they may participate to their fullest in everyday activities that everyone enjoys in the community the committee identifies existing programs and opportunities and develops and coordinates education and civil activities within the burough this is done in partnership with the county and other organizations and in other municipalities not just Oakland we report to the mayor council and araon in matters which will affect the people with disabilities that are in our town in addition to advising the burrow we can provide information about resources as well as planned events that we have which promote the activities for all to be included the committee is comp comprised of residents of Oakland and representatives of the burrow Council and the Departments we are a group of cross-section community members and we each provide diverse experiences either personally in our families or some kind of connection that we bring to the table our skills to make sure that Oakland is available to everyone access for all that doesn't mean just us it means everyone and that's what's important to make sure that everyone understands it's not just us and it's not just those whose families are affected we need everybody right now we're at six members and we're only a year and a half maybe two years that we've picked this up and started to roll with it municipalities such as MAA they have a program that you would not believe um some of the other towns they they don't have anything so as a community project um I was volun told by car to be involved in in this committee and I'm very happy to be here but six people can only do so much we don't um expect everybody to sign in and be as much of a part integral part of it as we are but if you can help in any way any shape any form anything you can do the information that we would offer you would be our email that would be Oakland afag gmail.com you can also call me personally on my phone 20456 0533 and last of not but least donations we are we are desperate for donations we are going into our own Pockets which we don't mind we're we're also parents and family members so we're going into our own Pockets to make sure that the kids and the adults that are in this organization have what they need donations would be so so deeply appreciated and you can let us know by my phone number or an email I thank you for your time oh I'm sorry excuse me I just want to make one list not tonight um we have a new member uh Isabelle if you would stand up almost almost yeah almost someone who has who has volunteered to be a part we're waiting for approval from the mayor but this is this is Isabella and she has asked us if uh you know we could use her help so we thank you very much that's it thank you mayor may I add something sure so access for all is is my love um I was happy to help start that um in addition to what you guys mentioned uh you know it's really important that townwide activities are open to the public anybody could attend the Oakland Carnival that they're there for anybody with special needs and have that special day that hour and a half for them and uh I just I just love access for all so thank you for all you do oh thank you Joey appreciate it anybody else P hi Alexandria Evans at 141 Lake Shore Drive the session is ending isn't it very soon we get it a half an hour to talk so what I wanted to do is there's a lot of people here who haven't had the chance to speak and if you don't mind everyone who this touches on the lake infrastructure please stand up okay so I just wanted to you know say a few words about how we are you know reiterating what everyone is saying we are are in need of speaking with the buau talking about a solution um we all recognize that the lake offers a wonderful recreational venue but it's definitely a functional issue also for the burrow so please let's get together we sent a request when we are we going to meet we haven't heard back yet um I'm hoping the committee is starting to form and that we'll hear from you all soon okay thank [Applause] you hello Joseph furio 24 High wat the boulevard um I I think a lot of you heard what I had to say last time I U made a plea about the environmental importance of uh miror Lake and uh I think I want to spend my time uh today talking about maybe some actions that you can take just uh you know ideas that came into my head um you know there's more than uh just two lakes here in Oakland uh just off the top of my head I know there's Hopper Pond uh there's Huber Lake there's Ramapo Lake and miror and Crystal Lake and they're probably another I I I have no idea how many more bodies of water uh there are they all deserve protection uh we don't deserve to uh uh uh single out rml but there are things you can do maybe laws that you can pass that would affect Crystal Lake and Mirror Lake and other lakes in this town and would benefit all one idea that that I had um you know we these Lakes do need maintenance uh we talked about how uh there is silt that is um uh accumulating in both mirror and Crystal Lake um these Lakes uh do not um they cannot be landlocked essentially we need uh Road access to every lake so that the people uh that own the lake have the ability to get trucks and heavy machinery into the lakes to uh properly maintain them one of the problems that we see with the sale of property on Mirror Lake is that there is land on Mirror Lake for sale and then there's the lake itself if that land sells separate of the lake this lake is completely landlocked there is no Public Access anymore to the lake where a truck could uh come in and maintain it that seems to me uh to be not right and it's probably U something that applies to every Lake uh in this town there needs to be some sort of public access to that uh Lake for the uh uh the purpose of maintaining the lake um other things uh that you can do we talked about uh uh rml and uh how they don't have the uh the funds needed uh uh mayor we had a meeting several uh weeks ago where one of the things we talked about was there is a u public fund uh that New Jersey runs that could be used to pay for the lake um this is obviously run out of Trenton I need you to talk to your fellow um um lawmakers our Representatives anything that you can do uh to get money from Trenton in a program like that to help pay for the lake would uh would reduce the burden and get uh um the Crystal Lake Dam uh repaired which actually resolves uh um some of these issues maybe it buys more time maybe it doesn't um and the the last thing is um after this um um uh meeting last week there was an email that was uh sent out uh from uh rml talking about um uh don't believe everything you hear that might be a little bit uh hyperbole but there are certain things that were said uh between uh um myself and uh uh my fellow uh you know Lake Front homeowners and rml trying to come to a resolution of how can we um solve this problem one of the things we said was uh we want to purchase a Mirror Lake but in the end we still need rml and its ability to um gather uh a a fee from uh uh the homeowners to help pay for those lakes in the future we want the people who don't want to be part part of rml out of rml uh and we would I don't want to start taking money from people who want to be out of rml now to pay for that Lake but if Oakland uh uh Lakes forms as a corporation takes ownership of the Lakes the first thing rml can do is say oh I don't own any uh pieces of land I can close as a corporation they can walk away we wrote a letter saying that we can't have that I want to work with you we want to own the Lakes we want to come up with a new structure but don't play us for fools you not going to to sell the corporation out from under us and leave us with no way of raising uh Revenue there are lots of things uh uh that were written in the letter uh um to that nature we we we want to essentially use rml to fund uh uh the lakes in the future and not uh uh to do that until we can get all the homeowners who don't want to be in rml out of rml that is the intent um and rml is not uh essenti they are twisting words around uh and uh making it publicly known people are watching this on TV and maybe hearing these awards for the first time and I think that's very important uh that that they they hear this there can be a middle ground solution we have to work together uh uh to do it and we have to stop hiding uh uh uh behind uh uh words and uh uh you know you know being deceptive because there's way too much of that uh that I see is going around right now another example uh is the insurance cost on the uh the Lakes the insurance cost could be cut we could save tens of thousands of dollars a year if these Lakes were transferred out into a separate Corporation because they are uh the insurance uh uh to my understanding and again I'm not an rml member is based on the number of homeowners in the organization they uh uh see 1500 1,600 homeowners and they charge the insurance uh um in accordance if you were to take these uh Lakes out of that Corporation they would now only charge uh on the homeowners on each lake so now um 1500 1600 members went down to about 100 members or less I think it's 84 uh um on one Lake and 21 on the other if I'm uh not mistaken I I might be uh but that's a real cost savings that is not happening right now because we're arguing about whether we want to keep the lake it's more better to get rid of the lake and we could have made progress to towards saving money and we're all so defensive that we're not even allowing the common sense something that's good for all of us to happen and this is the type of stuff uh uh that needs needs to stop um anything that that that this Council can do I I heard that you suggested a committee uh councilman can and I very much appreciate that anything any help uh that we can have to essentially talk together come to a common sense solution that works for everybody will make the situation better and faster and that's all I have for you today thank you very much thank [Applause] you anybody else not seeing anybody motion to close so moved have a second second all in favor I okay okay moving on to approval of minutes March 4th 2024 this was a special uh special budget meeting motion to approved so moved do a second second all in favor March 6 2024 special budget meeting motion to approve so move a second second all favor I okay minutes of the March 26 2024 council meeting do motion to have a motion so move do have a second second all favor April 9th council meeting still moved Mo a second second all favor and April 9th executive minutes motion approve so mov have a second second all favor okay moving on to special announcements appointments in Raffles we have uh raffle license rl1 1498 for the Oakland volunteer f Department carnival games on June 12 15 2024 we have Raffa license RL 1499 for the white cof reform church for a 50/50 to fund charal activities on May 14th at Port Bellos we have Raffa license rl1500 for the John Robert Wood Memorial first aid squad for 50/50 supplies and materials for the December 6th event we have approve a social Affairs permit for the father's Club of Oakland 33 rampo Valley Road for the family Barbecue and Beach for June 1th 2024 from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. to support Scholarships in Indiana's high school and also we have approved weekend construction request by conus Corporation to begin to work on Saturdays on the bridge from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. from June through August and the last one is solar landscape letter of support do a motion to approve sove second second all favor he okay now we're going to get to appointments uh access for all I'd like to put forward Isabelle rivo Isabelle welcome to access [Applause] dra for the Zoning Board of adjustment I'd like for the council to consider John G do I have a motion to approve move second second all favor I I okay uh now we're moving on to the budget presentation uh this is going to be a summary review of the 2024 budget and I'm going to turn this over to our CFO Mr David Young walk us through it uh thank you mayor I do a quick overview we've gone through a couple Bud presentations so I'm just going to hit the highlights funding for the current fund budget includes the library uh presented in the budget up for adoption at $4,680 will be an additional amount of 2, 885,000 for appropriation for the water utility and $534,500 Appropriations for the sewer utility the current fund budget is up 1.82% uh the tax levy required to support this budget will be $18 Milli 38,000 this is Up 2 59% over 2023 due to a shift in ratables from residential to commercial the actual assess increase for the average assess valued home will only be about 2.05% uh miscellaneous revenues and delinquent taxes are basically flat and surplus utilization is up 5.4% uh the budget as presented maintains the existing level of service provides a slight increase of funding for Capital Investments as well as money to embark on some development activities uh excluding grants and shared service which had the offsetting revenues uh the budget is up $755,000 this is up 3.3% solid waste and insurance cover about half of that 330,000 the budget is compliant to both the appropriation and the levy cap thank you David and as most people realize we did have uh two meetings on this on March 20 on March 4th 2024 special budget meeting we also had another one on March 6 we did cover all this information as well and there's presentation go back on YouTube or should be online uh with that we are now going to we have 24140 which is the resolution authorizing fiscal year 2024 budget to be read by title only do have a motion so moved second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman Manan stain council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini uh I just want to say thank you to everyone that was involved in the uh creating this budget they do uh such a wonderful job every day um uh Mr young as our CFO um he does a fantastic job he's he's taught me so much about the budget and um uh it's it's it's a hard job and um he's he's thinking 10 years ahead he's not it's not about it's not about today it's about where we're going to be 10 years from now and uh he he he makes sure that that he keeps us in line when when we get a little a little crazy and uh he but uh I I just want to say thank you to to especially David and and the whole staff and everyone that put this together uh yes thank you that's it okay now this is the actual 24141 adoption of the budget do I have a motion so moved second okay now with that motion to open to public so moved second all favor okay at this time the floor is open to the public to have if anybody has any questions or wishes to discuss the Budget prior to us approving not seeing anybody do have a motion to close so move do have a second second all in favor by okay so we have a first and a second roll call we're actually voting on the budget Council woman go frea yes councilman mccan abstain council president selani yes councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes okay so we now have our budget for Budget year 2024 thank you all for the hard work on this and Mr Young and our bro administrator and members of the finan committee all right the next thing we have on the doet is the Bergen County open space Park improvements this is 24142 resolution authorizing Grant sub middle to buron County open space Park improvements Mr Coons would you walk the council through this uh sure uh this is an annual grant program uh run by ber County through their open space trust fund uh what we'd like to do this year uh I know Recreation has been working with a group of of residents uh on a comprehensive plan to renovate the deia playground uh this would include a brand new safety service new equipment sun shades uh garbage recepticles benches basically redoing the entire playground uh so the Grant application would uh seek funding for half of that uh projected construction Pro for that project anyone Council have any questions all right do I have a motion to approve resolution 24142 authorizing Grant submittal to buron County open space Park improvements so moved you have a second second at this time I'm we're going to open this for public comment from anybody from the public wish to comment on 24142 resolution authorizing grants middle the bur County open space Park improvements do motion open moved second second all in favor I the public wish to address this resolution 2442 not seeing any do we have a motion to close so moved second second all in favor I this point we have a vote for 2442 resolution authorizing grants of middle bur County participation improvements roll call councilwoman goo yes counc mccan yes council president Sani yes councilman linski yes councilman T yes okay thank you everybody we're moving on to resolutions 24134 authorized revised Oakland Franklin Lake Center local sewer agreement 24138 award contract Chasm lamparello malan and caparo PC tax appeals 24139 award contract clear jacobe aler Jacobs LLC for tax appeals 2443 G change order 24144 certificate of approval of occupancy refund 2445 authorized refund of recreation fees 2446 authorized Grant sub middle and Jack tr's Grant 2447 authorized Grant midle njc pollinator Grant 2448 award bid 2024 Road program 2449 award contract storm water pollution prevention plan 24150 award contract wood Wast storm water prevention plan 24151 award contract plans and specifications for Paving of yo Avenue 24152 authorized acrw six time payout for Robert hson 24153 resolution conforming confirming submission of fiscal year 25 request for Congressional directed spending to Congressman Bill pascarell for pfoa treatment at soon field does anybody wish to pull any out uh 24 151 151 anybody else have anything they wish to pull out not seeing any I'd like to pull out 24153 all right with those two pulled out do we have a consent agenda from 24 134 138 139 143 144 145 146 147 148 14950 and 152 motion to approve so moved second second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan yes council president saliani yes councilman linski yes councilman salali yes okay councilman saliani 24151 award plant specifications yo Avenue repay I just wanted to walk through why is this different again from the road project Mr Sure uh so this project uh which would repay V from 202 up to p Drive uh is backed by a NJ do trust fund Grant out of about $27,000 uh anybody that's gone through that approval process with the dot of the plant inspects and I know the County's going through it right now with uh trying to repay Franklin app uh it can be rather time consuming uh and it would delay the project essentially if we had included it with the road program this year uh so we didn't want to hold up the road program so we decided to bifurcate these projects do this as a standalone Endeavor um so not to hold up the rest of the work all right so as of right now uh it is our plan to have this done in the fall again that's sort of dependent on how quickly uh NJ doot reviews our submissions and gives us approval to go out the b thank you do have a motion to approve 24151 so moved we have a second second roll call councilwoman gfo yes councilman m an yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes all right I pulled out 24153 this is the submission for fiscal year 25 request for Congressional direct spending for Congressman pasc Carell's office for the PFO treatment um I received a phone call Thursday at 4 o'clock from uh the congressman's aid stating that the window is open now for direct uh request for spending for local stit wison towns um I reached out to our B administrator Friday morning and also reached out to Bible engineering so that we can start this process because the window closes tomorrow they gave us three days nationally for anybody who wanted direct spending appropriation to go go through their Congress people at the federal level and I just want to really bring to the attention of of the residents that these guys have been working on this over the weekend and the last couple days and we are going to indeed meet that deadline so that we can put in for the grant for the rest of the soon's well to have all the water treatment put online so we're we're obviously working as hard as we can in whatever Avenues we have available to us through spending and grants and uh I want to just thank you guys for really putting this through anybody have any questions on this before I put it to a vote no okay uh do I have a motion to approve 24 153 so moved so have a second second second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman mccan yes council president saliani yes councilman linski yes councilman Town me yes okay a ordinance we have none uh we have work session 2024 Capital ordinance Mr C thank you mayor uh so now that we've wrapped up the budget adoption process this evening uh what we would like to do is proceed with a capital ordinance to implement the capital plan uh the budget included .3 million uh for the capital Improvement fund and we had previously provided a schedule of the proposed projects and purchases uh that were contained in this year's plan since that time there have been a couple of little adjustments there was an OCC project uh that been left off the draft that's included for $25,000 uh to replace the uh programming and uh bing board equipment uh we're swapping out one project so we could include a little bit of funding for uh EST ing digital plan review in the code enforcement office which is kind of in response to uh a DCA mandate regulations that have come down over the last year or so uh so the uh program that you have here relies on the capital Improvement fund uh within the amount of funding that was put into the budget uh as well as about $65,000 in the open space trust fund uh to help fund a couple of projects uh at the rep uh at the recreation facility and about $100,000 from our storm response Reserve that's where we sweep unused uh snow removal funds in into for future use utilizes about $100,000 of that funding for snow removal equipment for dqw it also continues uh our annual uh allocation for replacing fire apparatus to try and keep doing that on a pay basis as well uh so what we would be bringing forward at the next meeting uh with your concurrence is a capital ordinance uh for all of the fully funded items everything in this plan with the exception or possible exception of the annual Road repair program would be fully funded um and then we'll come back to you later on uh when we have a little bit better handle on how we're going to treat the road program for this year uh we'll also come back uh regarding Water and Sewer items so this is just stuff primarily being funded out of the current uh uh the capital Improvement fund so by the council any questions for the Bro administrator not seeing any thank you Mr C we'll we'll bring forward in ordinance then for introduction at the next meeting okay thank you Mr Cruz okay uh new business we have any new business mayor can Icom yes uh so I'm reading this agenda and I know I read it yesterday and the day before but it looks like there may have been an error of some sort that there was a a second public comment listed so in case I I would like to make a motion to open it up to second I know that's not in our bylaw but in case anybody was waiting for the second open public comment counil that second open public was for the um for the Bergen County open space Park ordinance it had to have a public open I'm just reading it a different way and I I I see what you're saying right it's just listed below instead of above so under the budget there was a public open and then under the second one there had to be a public open which we had did nobody wish to speak so it's not like a second public open it was just with regards to this particular resolution just in case anybody read it that way could we make a motion Mo okay so moved I'd like to make all favor in favor what do we what are we vot public session for tonight's meeting for tonight's meeting yes all in favor anybody else want to speak Mike 1 34 Hopper Street um thank you for opening it up um I hope this becomes a regular occurrence we go back to the second open I think it's nice that we can have a meeting listen to what happens and at the end have a chance to speak again but um there something was mentioned about um open space for the rec field I'm I'm unfamiliar with what we're doing so I'd like to speak tomorrow about that I'm sure what that's about but thank you for the opportunity to speak at the second open thank you anybody else not see anybody motion to close no he my name is Justin Lee s bener Street um I am the owner of kusala care the Canabis cultivation company opening up down the street and on Muller Road and uh I just wanted to come and uh remind everyone that we're still here we're still constructing and we're still moving things forward we hope to be in more Communications about when we will be on the agenda uh for that final resolution and then also just wanted to mention that today the uh the federal government actually rescheduled cannabis to schedule 3 so that means that it is a agreed upon federally that it has medical use and that it has you know benefits medically and that you know hopefully it will be more integrated into society in a responsible and beneficial way so yeah thank you and like Mr guadino said I really hope that these second uh public comments are more common because I think this that that format is makes sense you know to be able to comment on what we we heard without the two weeks in between and maybe some things would be forgotten about you know thank you thank you anybody else not see any motion to close second second all in favor okay uh new business anybody have any we do new business that that was new old business forward planning committee Council M tell me are you ready for this or you no we have to I have to meet with our planner okay first off and um some guys are here why don't you talk amongst yourselves and see who you would want to to us to consider to put on the committee from your group would you mind doing that I'd be happy to okay that'd be great sure okay councilman I I would like to join that committee I know last time okay no you said you were going to do it okay we just our plan has got to million things on our schedule right now for other towns and she okay any other old business uh yeah I just wanted to bring up the uh last night at um the red meting we were talking about the tennis courts with the fobs um and and maybe checking Franklin Lake ordinance how they how they do their tennis fees um uh can we can we just make sure that we uh we uh keep moving forward with that see what we can do about uh using fobs to get on the tennis tennis board access sure anybody else have any old business not seeing any burrow Council leaz on reports we'll start with uh Council M Fredo thank you mayor um nothing much to report uh for shade tree I did my report earlier this month uh next meeting will be uh on May 6th at 7:30 at the senior center um OCC uh they're uh they did a beautiful video um of the mayor and council's work on the dump as well as the citizens and other people that were involved uh so the video will be airing on Saturday and Sunday at 9:55 a.m. 1:15 p.m. and 3:15 p.m. and also Monday through Friday at 12:15 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 2:15 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. occ's next meeting is on May 6th at 7:00 p.m. here in council chambers um access for all meeting um nothing new to report reported on that last last meeting their next meeting will be May 1st at 7:30 p.m. at the senior center that's all Council Assi thank you mayor uh from the Green Team uh this Saturday May 4th at 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. they will be hosting the Great Oak Park bird watching Walk with Rick Wyman uh you can reserve a spot on event brigh at Oakland spring birdwalk eventbrite.com the rain date is Sunday May 5th bring your binoculars and water this will be fun also first Sunday hikes continue on Sunday May 5th at 9:00 a.m. meet uh they meet at the lower lot on Skyline Drive this event takes about 3 hours to walk through Oakland's beautiful Trails uh registration is required and you could uh this can also be found on the Eventbrite site as well uh the group uh continues to seek volunteers and if you're interested in joining this great group contact the chairwoman F at Green Tree oakland. nj.org uh from Public Safety uh let see during the month of March officers conducted 48 motor vehicle stops and issued 422 motor vehicle summonses uh or officers always also made one arrest uh for possession of Narcotics um from the library uh yoga with Sonia continues throughout May on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 they also have two sessions of children's yoga with certified instructor jaming on Satur on Saturday May 4th and the 11th at 10:00 a.m. registration for both of these are required on Sunday May 5th at 300 p.m. uh the opl is thrilled to announce uh the return of the Ramapo Valley Chamber Ensemble to the library stage this is a fantastic group of talented musical artist and we encourage everyone who can register and attend this program the would also like to remind the public that they have much more besides what is available inside the Library they also offer a host of digital products uh that get the they get you free ebooks digital audio books streaming music and movies and more call or stop by the library or check out their website for more details that's it thank you thank you Council Ken um yeah on on the issue of Public Safety um you'd have to be have your head in the sand and to notice what's going on in the country right now uh all of the news with regard to uh institutions of Higher Learning we have residents here in our town that have students that go to Columbia go to NYU um my wife was in Columbia for I don't know 25 years 20 years or so my youngest daughter graduated NYU I'm also a product of one of the schools that have been in the news uh with regard to the anti-semitic treatment of uh some of the students on their campuses down at upen having come just a week ago from a service down there from memorial service one of my professors um I I don't know how you how how we can sit by as uh whether we're in Oakland residents or Americans and and watch what's going on with the violence that's being perpetrated uh under under the guise of uh descent uh first amendment is very strong in this country in fact we're the only country in the world with a First Amendment but what's going on there is not is not first amendment protected speech its violence it's hatred and it's a support for a terrorist organization named Hamas Hamas on October 7th changed the game in this in this country and in the world and we an oan attack on Israel essentially trying to start another pagram and now today the students and the agitators that are participating with them on these campuses Deni that this even happened and I I just want to remind people that in the 1930s we saw the exact same thing happening and people whether it was a local Council School Board didn't say anything they just sat said well it's got nothing to do with our to well I spoke to some residents from Oakland whose students go to these schools and they are appalled about what about what they're paying for and I just want to say uh that I condemn uh the treatment of any minority Community uh that uh is being targeted for violence and hatred because of who they are as human beings it's disgusting and I want to call out the leadership of these universities I'm glad the president if you pen my album steep down she should have stepped down she should have never been there in the first place we had now have a new president at Columbia who has set deadline after deadline after deadline and it's just let it go by weakness brings on nothing but more attacks appeasement doesn't work World War II taught us that history has taught us that so I can I I request just from this little Council chamb that the president of Columbia University immediately stepped down I join congresswoman Elise stanic from the Republican caucus in the Congressional Republican delegation in in her her in her request have steep down and I I pray for the officers that will eventually have to intervene uh uh to ensure the safety of all the of all the students uh uh in those campuses and finally to to those who who who are the George Soros funded agitators uh who repeatedly have have participated in going back to the 98 99 percenters the BLM movement and the violence of that that they brought there it's the same group of people it's funded by the same dark money it's all it's all open source now on on Google and we have to wake up and we have to stand up for those who and stand in solidarity for the only democracy in the Middle East thank you thank you councilman counc salani I the pleasure of attending the board of meeting yesterday uh where they presented their budget if you go online for the this was the k38 board of B if you go online to the Oak it's Oakland schools nj.org a copy of the presentation will be there I do I do want to single out Mr net Wells the the budget uh the uh admin for the kith r school she's a phenomenal job presenting presenting the budget for the k38 schools for um flood Commission our next meeting is May 13th at 7:30 p.m. there's no report we had a meeting but the next meeting is uh May 13th 7:30 they are looking for another member on the flood Commission on the public on public events there's a lot going on in the near future we have the Memorial Day Parade which is May 28th at 1M if anyone is interested to uh support if you want to enter a car or Maring parade free out please reach out to M Schwarz Fisher her email is anti1 1953 yahoo.com that's anti 1953 at yahoo.com also um public events chair Cho rer asked me to highlight that the carnival will be from June 12th to June 15th so it's that time of year again where we where caral will be Happ wristbands will be the same each night $40 you can pre- buy wristbands for $35 um prior a week prior to the event that's all I have thank you Council uh yes the Arts committee is very busy um they will be uh we will be having intro to improv it's a six week Workshop to take you through the basics of the make it up art form it will be Tuesdays at 700 p.m. starting at May starting on May 21st at the Oakland Senior Center um sounds like a lot of fun uh now uh there's going to be a writers and artist showcase presented by the Arts and Oakland we're going to have a digital Z it's a a magazine um so we're we're looking for for you to submit original spring themed poetry short fiction artwork and photography to be published in in the open Z it's uh just a different way for artists to get their get their stuff out there um the grand opening of the Arts Pavilion uh free concert at the at Great Oak Park in Oakland 12: to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday June 88th there will be four hours of food music and Harmony um let me see there will be also who's going to be there there will be great bands including the core Pete missil and no picnic and much more also um Mark uh scaga and we'll be performing there at the picnic uh and there will be monthly Open Mic nights at real Brave stage last Thursday of the month 7:30 info on the arts arts page or burrow website the Arts uh uh is artts o- nj.org if you'd like to contact them um and then uh Recreation May 31st Home Run Derby all all ages are welcome that's always fun to go out there and see um see the people participate the the little the the younger kids are fun the the softball players are great I love watching uh Ali babini hit Babino with hit home runs um that's always great um June 1st 9:00 a.m. is the parade and and fever pitch that's also a fun day if you've ever uh if you if you're a part of uh the baseball softball Recreation um uh that's that's really fun day you march down they we have a ceremony uh and then there's a whole bunch of stuff to do afterwards there's um uh some you know just some rides and some food it's a it's a it's a fun day um also on June 1st it's a full day of baseball and softball tournaments for Childhood Cancer Awareness be raising some money for that um and tonight you have until midnight to sign up for open Camp um that way you're guaranteed a spot if you don't sign up by tonight then you'll be put on a a waiting list and you can still sign up until May 31st full Sports uh registrations are now live um so make sure you sign up and your kids and and you can enjoy uh Recreation as much as I have over the years and uh thank you to all the the committee members of the rec they do a great job and thank you everyone thank you councilman councilwoman uh bills to be paid total bills to be paid 1,25 2,548 12 so moved do we have a second second roll call councilwoman gfo yes councilman mccan yes council president Sani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes okay the next burough council meeting will be held Tuesday May 14th 2024 at 7M in the burough of Oakland Municipal Court council chambers do I have a motion to adjourn so move second second all favor hi meeting a Jour thank you [Applause] everybody e