here meeting call the order this is the Oakland council meeting of May 14 2024 uh would the clerk please read this statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advertis and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless the majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time thank you all rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Mr Casio would you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance please my honor I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all standing for moment of Sil please be seated thank you cler please read the rooll mayor Camala pres councilwoman goo here councilman mccan here councilman Pig matelli here councilman saliani here councilman cinski here councilman talamini here all right we're going to start off with the May's report and then we're going to go right into the swearing of our firefighters all right so the the big news is Paving I know there's a lot of people on Lakeside Mon heagen and other areas of town that have been waiting for probably close to two years for Paving months we did have a pre-con meeting that took place last Thursday and the following roads will be paved Lakeside Boulevard on heagan Avenue from Lakeside Hill Boulevard to hawaa hawaa Boulevard East Oak Street portion of East Oak Street Franklin a to 287 Lake View Terrace Jerome River Road also we're going to be working up at the reserve to improve Hunter Run Midville Road the exit coming out of Hunter run out of the reserve and also the Tran boulevards side coming out of the reserve also we're going to be repaving Lawler from Butternut up to 202 ridan road Spear Street from to the ryers and Dead End Woods End in the reserve Shelly Street and also the police station parking lot I also just received word today also from the county that Bergen County has now uh going to be Paving Franklin a from the bottom up to the Franklin Lakes line and currently the bid will be going out on June 4th for Paving Franklin out as well that is indeed a County Road uh shortly after that probably a month or two after that public service will be repaving the roads that were down in the Truman Boulevard area and also up on St Stone Fence repairing the roads that that they had dug up for the gas main replacement also the seminal sidewalks have been completed uh we put in a grant for state New Jersey through H Chap's office so that we can continue the sidewalks from Franklin from hawaa down to Franklin a down through the Van Allen house so that there's safe passage from that side of the town to get to the downtown area that really affects close to onethird of our students that are walking down to the middle school and also the high school so that's a project we're working on uh paper shredding will be this Saturday May 18th from 9 to 12 the first hour will be open to Oakland residents only uh update for the rampo river Reserve uh as of today all the reflectors have been put on both sides of the rows of Glen Grey making it safer safer and easier for people to see as they're traversing the road the mirror that the residents requested for the at the end of Glen gry Road in 202 has come in as of Monday uh the DPW is currently working on getting that installed also two of the four speed signs have currently come in so those will also be placed to slow down traffic both in the reserve and outside the reserve down Glen Grave Road and as you're coming out the other side as well we've also work we're also working with with Mawa to install an additional two street lights on on uh Glen gry Road it's very dark down there at night so that's also in progress as well as I've spoken at the last meeting the gas has been secured that crosses the bridge into the reserve and right now the contractor is currently securing supplies so they can start working on the temporary supports for the utilities that are currently traversing the bridge also tonight and tonight only bur Hall is open until 900 P.M to today May 14th for late night voter registration this is the last day to register if you wish to vote in the primary uh Mr gillson just could you provide a quick update on what's going on with the dump if you've heard anything through your contacts there has been no update all right uh with that being said I did reach out to the county executive uh last week I did receive a phone call from his office yesterday I'm asking the county executive to come out here just like the we asked the County Commissioners to really understand where this dump is located why it's important that they do not pass this so that and protect Oakland from from this this travesty that's taking place up there also the bush Plaza update currently right now the electrical conduit is being installed all the sidewalk work is done the bricks are in uh the working out sprinkler and and electrical work right now and obviously this is taking a little bit longer than we expected because it certainly is weather dependent as we're working through this project and the last piece of news I have also is the new senior bus is being delivered tomorrow for the seniors and I have two other pieces of information number one there's a comedy night for cancer for the mother's club of Oakland that'll be Friday May 17th 2024 Port Bell's Banquets doors open at 6 p.m and the buffet dinner begins at 6:30 it's $75 for person and for more information you can email Mothers Club of Oakland atgmailcom and the most important announcement is Memorial Day parade is Sunday May 26 2024 starting of starting at 1 pm. uh this year's Grand Marshall will be Army infantry officer Jack Aur and the parade route will go from rampo Valley rampo Valley Road from Dogwood to Oak Street after the ceremony the American leer will serve Refreshments at his post at 65 Oak Street all local organizations are asked to participate classic cars are needed to transport our senior veterans and if you have any questions you can email anti May a n t m m m 1953 at um and that completes my report all right at this point we're going to move on to the saring of a firefighter Richard toer so if you want to come up here all right I was just speaking to Mr toer apparently he's his family's a life long residence of Oakland part of the doy family and I believe the one fun fact that you gave me was he's your family's first want to be married in Pond's church is that what it was or oh that's what Chuck said Chuck was actually really good friends with my grandfather okay so with this I'm going to give you let you hold the Bible put your hand on the Bible and you're going to repeat after me I Richard toer I Richard toer do Som solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments established and the governments established in the united states in the United States and in and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and I will faithfully and I will Faithfully impartially impartially and just F and just F perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of firefighter of the office of firefighter according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations [Applause] thank that's it congratulations appreciate thank you you got it all right you go yeah is an sh here before we open the public no okay all just going to move the podium out and then we're going to open the public [Music] congratulations welcome all right since there other guest isn't here I need a motion to uh suspend the bylaws so we can go out of order do have a motion sove second okay so who at this time we're going to just suspend Ana shaniki at this point until she shows up later and at this point we are open to public do have a motion to open a public so move second second anybody wish to address the councel go ahead sir uh Dave richardon 320 rample Valley Road uh I had bought the subject up last year um it's about these guys riding the sidewalks in town with these electric bicycles 40 m an hour 30 m an hour somebody's going to get hurt they're flying through the middle of town by the stores somebody comes out when the store they can't hear this thing coming and I saw one today going down toward shoppr going down towards PTO Bell he must have been doing 30 m an hour on a sidewalk I mean can't they pass a law on this town and say keep these things off the sidewalk well you know what I'd like to do I'd like to pass that on to the Public Safety Committee uh John or Kevin can you guys take a look at that and report that to the chief sure I mean somebody's going to get hurt is that what it's going to take for somebody to get hurt or killed by by these people good idea good idea I mean I bought this up last year and nothing happened they're still on the sidewalks I see it every day every day all right so what we'll do is we'll have the committee we'll have a report back next meeting with what their findings are thank you you thank hi Al vgo 137 H the boulevard algo 137 High okay so I'm living in town close to 28 years I've never seen the town look as bad as it does now gravel everywhere they finish the sidewalks on seminal don't they clean up after themselves who's watching these contractors that's my question is Boswell engineer the project manager on every job they're absentee landlords they I've been up and down that street I live there I spoke to the officer watching it I didn't see them not once and I was there four days in a row it's a joke it's a it's a joke they they paved in front of my house after pscg did the gas lines my car was bot me out and going into my own driveway they come back they patch it I could fish in front of my in front of my driveway when it rains it's terrible it absolutely is terrible and Mr Boswell who I've been speaking with and Mr Co knows that I've been going back and forth with him three months he hasn't gotten back to me on certain things that I had questions about so what are we doing with these guys where are they are they're they're they're terrible they really are terrible so so I got your address is 127 High 137 137 what's your first name again Al Al I will reach out to you will you be around tomorrow at some point uh tomorrow yes what's I'm right across from the firehouse so I'm right there all right I will stop by some it's Terri okay it really is thank you you got it anybody else wish to address the councel I know good evening um Alexandria Evans 141 Lakes Shore Drive so I just wanted to say thank you again for listening to the lakefront homeowners and we have gone ahead and established our Representatives so we're ready to move forward and uh we'll send out an email mail tomorrow and you know this has been months and months that we've been waiting to have this second meeting so thank you again and um we're looking forward to hearing you hearing from you and sitting together thank you thank you anybody else wish to address the councel motion to close hang on wait one more second not as young as I used to be take your time none of us are thank you Ben CIO 45 lak Shore Drive um I'm here to support our Lakefront as you all know but what's more more important at this moment as many of you know I've been involved in land use my entire career as an attorney um many of you may not know I wrote the first ordinance for Oakland back in 1976 and I I represent a lot of clients on applications within this town I'm a resident of this town and it pains me to drive up and down Main Street up and down around forell Road it's going to hell in a hand basket story are becoming vacant get no support or encouragement from the town to establish businesses only have things thrown in the way to prevent development now you know the business area I think should be treated better than our own our own citizens because that's your lifeblood that's what people see when they come through town as as you are intimately aware uh when I represented um luck oil we still have the drugstore vacant and abandoned it looks like hell only because we don't get the support to encourage businesses to establish all we have is is hindrance thrown in their in their way as they try to to to progress I uh represented Pula at the corner of uh po Mill and rampo Valley Road next to the overpriced gas station and they couldn't they can't afford because of the economic situation that's going on in the last couple of years they they couldn't afford to get their financing and proceed with that project we had previously had gotten them the approval to put to move their restaurant on that site we got the approvals but they weren't able to build it because you don't have septics which we've been talking about for the 40 years that I've been in town so they got they got they did get approval for a combination uh residence uh retail on that site but they haven't been able to afford to Pro proceed because of the economy I've had to ask for one year extension already which expires next month I have to come back before the board again filing an entire application with all the fees costs experts it cost them over $10,000 for the extension last time it's going to cost them as much if not more this time that's not encouraging to businesses that's an impediment businesses don't feel like they're getting the support of the municipality what else the other night last week I represented Tina at the nail salon been there for 23 years 23 years she wanted to add another Beauty procedure to her practice by doing eyebrows they turned her down she's going out of business she's going to leave town she's a resident of this town you know businesses should get more more help and more support not hindrance you know the the downtown area is going to continue to go to hell until this town changes his attitude toward businesses and starts encouraging it instead of discouraging it thank you thank you anybody else motion to close if I may Mark skanga 141 Lakes Shore I want to Echo Alex's uh thank yous about uh getting things going and I just want to continue to say there are many of us who feel so strongly about the lake about the waterways about the ecosystem and about what this means for our uh tax base and for our home values and we are looking to you for help and support thank you anybody else my name is John casan live at 189 Lake sure Drive um thanks for the opportunity I've been here since 2002 we moved in a long time ago and uh and we've always been gungho supporting the lake we've paid whatever suggested fees they've asked us to pay by living on the lake there and we've also even joined the beach club just for the extra support um my band play has been playing there since 2011 we probably we raise $20,000 a year for them now and we still do um so you know I've always had an interest in the lake the only the biggest issue for me and the problem with the lake is that it h not to beat a dead horse this is obvious but is that it empties faster than it it fills up faster then it empties okay on Lake on its own it would be able to maintain itself but as a result of the the water coming in we know it can't empty as fast as it comes in and that's really the problem when I moved in um there was a wonderful project at the end of my block I don't know who financed it but they rebuilt the spillway there and now there's a big beautiful concrete Spillway at the end of a where the lake where the water transfers from the lake to the river um that was uh probably specked out and designed 20 22 years ago um so the problem is that the design to me now is Obsolete and that's really the point that needs to be Revisited if that could be made wider maybe a little deeper but it doesn't even if it could just be made another it might some engineer will come up with the number but if it could be made wider the weight will be able to maintain itself more we're going to get more water from this development on that's going up there it's going to be more water coming in too so we need some relief and the only way to stop the public town water from bridging our private property is to make an adjustment like that you could either open the outlet or stop the inlet which wouldn't be very attractive um so I I hope there's some thought put into that because I don't see any other way um you can keep the lake from filling up faster than it empties out and uh I don't think that's fair for some of us thank you thank you anybody else wish to address the councel motion to close so moved do have second second all favor I it looks like uh the Girl Scouts are here so like to bring us right back to uh the regular part of the agenda going back to Ana shaniki would you like to uh address the council with your presentation you can do this hi um my name is shun and I'm a member of Girl Scout Troop 95388 um I'm a junior Indian Hills High School in Oakland and I've been a Girl Scout for the past 12 years and I'm recipient of both the bronze and silver Awards I'm currently working to complete my Gold Award project the Gold Award is the highest level award a Girl Scout can receive and focuses on finding solutions to problems that girls observe within their Community for my gold War project I found that the lack of knowledge and resources available for children and teens struggling with mental health in Bergen County to be extremely alarming this is why for my Gold Award I've organized a free wellness event to promote people and organizations that specialize in mental health and overall well-being for this event I've gathered together several different organizations ranging from therapists yoga instructors healthy supplement sellers Etc this way several different groups will be present in one place and will be able to more effectively make the resources known to the public this will also this event will also have Wellness activities located outside run by student volunteers years such as making stress balls and Zen Gardens all those kinds of things presentations we run every 10 to 15 minutes led by the organizations that are attending the event and they'll lead people through breathing exercises and other self-calming methods this event will take place at Valley Middle School from 1:00 to 3 p.m. on June 8th um this event will be a lot of fun we're currently looking to get pliables to come and give out free bowls as well as a doughnut truck to come and hand out free donuts um Mike's hot dogs will also be there giving out free hot dogs I'm personally really looking forward to this event and I hope to see you all there thank you and have a good night thank you so much thank you for doing [Applause] it okay we're up to uh approval of minutes we have April 30th 2024 do have a motion to approve so moved do have a second second any discussion roll call councilwoman Gedo yes councilman McAn yes councilman Pig Kelly M stain council president Sani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes okay we have April 30th 2024 executive minutes do I have a motion to approve so move do I have a second second if anybody has any discussion it has to be done in executive anybody have any issue okay Boll call councilwoman gfo yes councilman mccan yes councilman Pig nelli H stain council president saliani yes councilman linski yes councilman talini yes okay we've got two proclamations first one is for recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month May 2024 whereas mental health is essential part of overall well-being imp impacting individuals families and communities across Oakland Bergen County New Jersey whereas one in five American adults experience a mental health condition each year and everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health and whereas despite its prevalence mental health remains shrouded in stigma preventing many from seeking help and whereas early intervention and access to Quality Care are crucial for managing mental health conditions and improving quality of life and whereas May is recognized nationally as mental health awareness month providing an opportunity to raise awareness conf at stigma and promote Mental Health Resources and now therefore it be resolved I erical mayor do hereby Proclaim May 2024 as mental health month in the burough of Oakland Bergen County jerse Bergen County and the state of New Jersey I encourage all residents of The Bu of Oakland New Jersey to one educate themselves and others about mental health conditions treatment options and available resources two challenge stigma by speaking respectfully and inclusively about mental health three seek help if if they are struggling with mental health and encourage others to do so do the same four support organizations that provide Mental Health Services and advocacy create a safe and supportive environments for open conversations about mental health together we can create a community where everyone F feels empowered to prioritize their mental well-being and seek help when needed in the witness whereof I have hereon to set by hand and cause cause the Seal of the bur of oakberg and County state of New Jersey to be affixed on this day 14th of May 2024 mayor Eric Kamal next Proclamation we have is for our DPW whereas Public Work Services provided in our community are an integral part of our citizens everyday lives and whereas the support of support of an understanding and informed citizens CI citizen citizen Nary is vital to the efficient operation of Public Works systems and programs such as water sewers streets highways public buildings and Sol waste collection and whereas the health safety and comfort of this community greatly depends on these facilities and services and whereas the quality and effectiveness of these facilities as well as their planning design and construction are noly dependent upon the efforts and skill of Public Works officials and where is the efficiency of qualified and dedicated Personnel whose staff Public Works departments is materially influenced by The People's attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform for now therefore I mayor Eric of the bur of Oakland do hereby proclaim the week of May 19th through May 25th of 2024 National Public Works week I call upon all citizens and Civic organizations in the Bure of Oakland to acquaint themselves with the issues involved in providing our Public Works and recognize the contributions which Public Works officials make every day to our health safety comfort and quality of life given to me give you under my hand and seal The Bu of Oakland state of New Jersey this 14th day of May 2024 erical there I just want to point out Oakland has 60 Mi of Roads 60 Mi of water main we've got storm water management they plow our roads they take care of our recck fields and our facilities uh I mean these these are the people that really keep this town really moving running and and make it you know the rec facilities and the shape that they're in so I mean it's really it's it's these people should really be recognized they they are really the heart and soul of what you see that takes place within the burrow so I want to thank everybody all right I've got uh two appointments appointment to the library Board of Trustees I got Lucille Nicholson uh this is a mayoral appointment it's a fiveyear appointment effective actually it ends 12 3128 also to the Appo another point for the Arts committee I've got a Brenda Wallace for onee term uh this is a mayor appoint with Council approval Council consent do I have a motion to so move second second all favor I okay moving on to the resolutions we have 24154 amendment of resolution 24139 2024 tax appeal attorney 24155 authorized Grant submittal for body armor 24 1556 chapter 159 of the national opio opioid settlement 24157 renew interlocal agreements no removal on County Roads 2415 58 support s 2125 a433 rear seat belt law this was put together by the high school students at Indian Hills 24159 amend resolution 24138 24 tax appeal attorney 24160 approved discharge of fireworks Indian Hills anniversary celebration uh we pulled 24161 that's out moving on to 24162 change order number one Lakes Lakeside Boulevard watermain improvements 24163 approved connection to drainage system 84 monagan 24164 approved connection to drainage system 5 kowa 24165 resolution authorizing auction of surplus vehicles 24166 authorization of free Recreation funds 2467 hire DP Department of Public Work seasonal laborers 24168 amend slo3 shared services agreement with the Oakland K through 8 schools for year 24 4 2024 to 2025 2469 authorized tax refund for 29 Oak Street 24170 authorized tax refund 22 lenon P Lane and 24171 authorized tax refund for exempt veteran anybody wish to have any other pulls that pulled out could we just get the 156 156 national settlement and also I'd like to pull out 24171 except for 24156 and 24 177 do I have a motion to approve so moved do have a second didn't you say you pulled 161 161 too 161 is just it's off the agenda off the agenda yeah we took that off the agenda who was the second who was the second second roll call Council will go Freo yes councilman mccan yes councilman Pig nelli yes Council president Sani yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes okay Council talamini 24156 uh chapter5 National op opio tlement I just have uh so so we're receiving some money and do we know what we're doing with it are we do we expect more do we you know uh over the course of probably the next 15 16 years we're going to see a lot more money you can expect this sort of payment every year annually for that period of time that was how the opioid you know the nation wide opioid class action structured there's a number of uh you know retailers that are included in uh you know pharmaceutical companies uh everything from Walmart to actual producers of the uh you know of the opioids themselves um I think that there still may be some coming that are in the works uh so we receive these annual payments and uh right now uh Municipal Alliance is kind of overseeing the use of these funds uh within the list of approved uses that are contained in the settlement agreement there are certain things you can do with the money certain things that you cannot um so right now uh it's being overseen by the municipal Alliance all right that was it thank you any further questions have a motion to approve so move second second roll call for 24156 chapter 159 National opio s Council go Freo yes councilman McAn yes councilman pelli yes council president selan yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes all right only thing we have left is 24171 authorized tax re refund for exempt veteran do I have a motion to introduce so move do have a second second roll call councilwoman gfo um I'm sorry what are we voting on this is for 171 171 yes feder St councilman mccan yes councilman pelli obain council president Sani yes councilman s Linsky yes councilman talamini yes okay that wraps up our resolutions moving on to ordinance we've got introduction of 24 Capital 945 Capital ordinance as you know we heard testimony on this last week by the administrator do I have a motion introduce so moved do I have a second second roll call Council woman goo yes councilman mccan yes councilman Pignatelli yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talamini yes and final adoption will be May 28th council meeting with public with public comment okay we got 24 code 946 ordinance establishing a dust control policy uh this was a a recommendation that came from council member Fredo concerning the the dump on West AV as a way to uh tighten up uh you know some of the dust or issues that might we might be dealing with uh with that I'm going to turn over to our attorney to give us a quick uh yeah sure mayor first of all I'd like to point out of course that this is applying to all our commercial properties and not specifically targeted in any specific property or use in town but it is based off and I believe you took the initiative to call the clerk in Dearborn Michigan yes to get a copy of this ordinance and it's based off that ordinance and it's related to controlling uh uh businesses which may releasee excessive amounts of dust settlement into the air and making sure they have certain control policies and if not a fine mechanism for the burrow to deal with such an issue but again this is not targeted any specific business use it's a general ordinance related to commercial businesses in the town thank you any discussion do I have a motion introduce so moved do have a second second roll call Council woman Gedo yes councilman mccan yes councilman Pig nelli yes council president Sani yes councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes and final adoption will be May 28th with the public comment okay uh work session we have none anybody have any new business from the council not seeing any is anybody have old business actually I have a piece of old business there seems to be some confusion going around on social media concerning the property behind Indian host high school and what's happening is they're blaming the council uh for for approving this project and I'd like to set the record straight because this was not a council decision and therefore I'd like to have our attorney explain to the public how the process of Builder remedy works what a project of this magnitude sure so mayor as you know going back 2015 the affordable housing legislation the round three going to the courts Oakland entered into a settlement agreement for this project that was mandated by the courts once that was done in accordance with the settlement agreement the developer at that time kadian made an application to the planning board the planning board then in accordance with the settlement approved the project then the council subsequently entered into a developers agreement the developers agreement being for the protection of the citizens to offer certain bonds so that if kav or now lar is unable to finish the project it doesn't just sit vacant and dormant there are bonds in place to make sure that the that the work gets done that at least returns it to the standards that it was at so that was why the council adopted the developers agreement but the actual approval itself was subject to our affordable housing cement approved by the planning board thank you so much I think it was important to clarify that for the public that because there's a lot of disinformation and misinformation going around all right moving on to burough County uh Council committee liaison report so Mr tal me yes um I have correct uh we will have the parade on June first the the baseball parade baseball softball parade um that's a great event if uh um if you if you participate in baseball or softball it's a it's a a great time to go down there it ends at the field they have a a whole ceremony down there the kids make banners and and then there's a little bit of a a little a small a small little car we'll call it uh it's a fun day I I enjoy it a lot um and then also um the great the Great Oak Park opening will be on June 8th that's that's that's going to be a fun event also they they have the the new uh what are we calling it The The Pavilion uh Pavilion down there uh will'll be uh music and and fun it be a great day and then football and cheer summer camp registration is now live and you go to www. you sign up for that uh that's all I have mayor thank you counc yes thank you mayor uh for the senior citizens um there is limited space available for the Memorial Day picnic which is going to be Thursday May 30th the cost is $5 and um you can register at the office at the senior center uh also they're going to have a patriotic wreath Workshop Thursday June 6th cost is $10 um which includes all the supplies you need and you also need to register at the office at the uh senior center for the environmental commission uh they held their step up the cleanup uh they had 25 me uh people volunteer to clean up uh areas at at the Van Allen House Great Oak Park Steward's Park and um as a thank you uh they offered uh a lunch uh for those who volunteered uh this was a great opportunity for people to help uh beautify Our Town um we recognize that next year we need to start a little bit earlier uh asking volunteers to step up but uh they had a good time and they did collect a lot of garbage so thank you Mary that's it thank you sh NOP thank you uh on May on May 6th I had the pleasure of attending shade tree to uh to assist Miss Alfredo because she had another commitment and um real quick there's a unfortunate there was a resignation on shade tree commission uh Mr laforgia who's been there a longstanding member has resigned so we have one open position on shade tree if anyone's interested please send the citizens uh citizens form to the mayor so should we get signed we looking to fill one position on shade tree um good news today the annual planting started for the shade tree commission as of today 35 new trees were planted in town there were spots such as Great Oak Parks there was um there was adopted tree plantings and there was some spots in town over by the Riverside Park where pled trees so 35 trees were planned today for the shade tree for the flood commission um I I have to say I had the privilege of actually walking the river with the flood Commission on Saturday we started uh at the lped lane bridge and went all the way up to um The Glen gray and um with the flood commission walked through the river went through where you see trees where you see people putting debris in the river where we have to clean it out so just a reminder that you know people on along the river please do not dump your leaves in the back it falls the river it clogs drain spouts and it causes problems um obviously trees falling nothing we can do about it but we go we look we Mark the trees for removal um and for River clean up um it was extremely interesting event I I will tell you um they'll probably yell at me for say there's great trails along along along the river to walk and and Hike so Oakland resid should take advantage of it the and then uh the public events committee Russ hit on two two of the three and the mayor hit on the events so just a reminder for the Memorial Day Parade uh as Eric said we are looking for a few more participants cars or anyone want us to March please reach out to anti Mame at 1953 we are looking to add more people to the parade um Russ touched on the fever pitch portion where the uh public events Works in injunction wreck for the for the baseball parade the Oakland Carnival is June 12th through the 15th and then on June on June 8th also there is the um they'll be working with with the Arts Club regarding the uh opening of the band The Pavilion excuse the Pavilion from 12:00 to 5 that's all I had Eric thank you c k um no report but I'd like to address a couple of the um comments that were made particularly by attorney uh by Ben by Ben Casio um he he brings to light uh some of the issues uh I know that you campaigned on Eric as it relates to economic development in the down downtown area uh just to to remind everyone we have started um we had a presentation by our planner in terms of ref refurbishing the downtown area um but it sounds like what what what Mr Casio is saying is a little bit more detailed than that I'd like to uh reach out to him because he he brought up he he brought up a lot of anecdotal issues uh that sounded more like economic problems with his individual clients but if he I would like to get his ideas as it relates to how he thinks a it's not a business friendly environment and B what what what does he think it would we should be looking at in terms of making it a business from environment that's goes hand in hand uh with the downtown looking at the downtown refurbish it also goes hand inand with the forth planning uh committee that we're we're putting together uh part of that is uh looking at obviously the affordable housing issue also Economic Development comes under there as well as the lake issue that we that we discussed so uh I will reach out to to Ben uh and get his ideas as it relates to that um and as it and one final Point um as it relates to vest aordance I want to congratulate uh councilwoman Alfredo uh for coming up with that idea uh to to look at it wasn't and just to be clear from a government perspective it wasn't what what made us look at it was the uh the issue of uh the recycling because dust is one of the problems that comes up with that but it's not so it wasn't just that area as we looked into it it was some other areas in town um uh beside that that proposed site there's some other areas where uh stuff's going into the air that we need to take a look at in terms of providing a healthier environment for the residents so uh congratulations Jordan you thank you Mr Mayor sir uh I just like to add what councilman mccan was saying about comments from Mr Casio uh one of the comments from Mr Casio was about sewers now we we would love to have sewers in town we can't do it at a stroke of the old cliche stroke of a pen uh we have to get approval from the state the state has been uh burdening us with with regulation after regulation after regulation postponements uh uh uh new requirements time and time again so uh yes once we get sewers downtown you will see an explosion of businesses that's for sure um but you know we can't just do do it on our own we we can't just sign an order tomorrow to put seers in town we have to have the approval from uh the DP and uh it's it's it's not it's a very laborous um uh item for us to uh get involved with but we will we still are hopefully we'll be successful in the near future but uh we can't put a time frame on it because the D is the one who controls it that's it May thank you C M councilman suy thank you mayor uh just a couple of quick updates for tonight um from the Green Team uh the group continues to seek volunteers if you're interested in helping out their next meeting is scheduled for May 23rd at 7 p.m in the senior center uh from the library yoga with Sonia uh continues on Tuesday nights through May on Sunday May 19th at 2 p.m they will host classical guitarist Alfredo Festa live on the Library stage registration is required on Monday May 20th at 6:30 they will have the travel program explore America's Treasures explore parks unveiled um on Tuesday at 6:30 they will have an art uh reception which is open to the public for their May artist who is a local resident Joe poris whose works are on display all of May on the library stage uh also they'll have a teen trivia event on the 22nd at 3 p.m. and on M on May 23rd at 4M they will have a cool new program for kids called battles chefs kids who sign up uh form into teams and create culinary masterpieces and fight for first place lastly also on the 23rd at 6:30 they will have painting be themed bird houses for this event registration is required and and there's a $5 fee uh just as a reminder uh you can register for any event online using their events calendar or by calling the library that's all thank you Council thank you uh thank you Council presiden uh Sani for uh attending the shade tree commission uh for me um access for all me on Wednesday May 1st the committee is speaking with Mike Rino about doing a mural on one of the walls at Rec field uh the committee has wonderful new members with a variety of Specialties such as nursing occupational therapy art teacher uh they're all working together um with their Specialties bringing it to the table uh to make this project happen um access for all will be Marching In the Memorial Day Parade access for all is also busy planning for the Oakland Carnival and the special event on Saturday June une 15th where they plan to have their own hours of operation to allow individuals to enjoy the carnival with slower rides limited lights and sounds uh great work everyone their next meeting uh will be held on June 5th uh at the senior center at 7:30 p.m. um the OCC met on Monday June 6th hence why I couldn't go to the shade ch um here in this room the the Committees included the newsletter committee welcome website television committee are always seeking new volunteers um a special note the Oakland TV had submitted several programs and was nominated in several categories to receive an award at the Jersey access group conference to be held this Thursday which is an annual Gathering of several local access television channels across New Jersey Commissioner chairman Ryan schwar figer and Oakland TV director of programming bill cyy will be attending the conference and hope to bring some good news back to Oakland uh their next meeting will be held July 1st 2024 700 p.m. here in this room that's all I have okay excuse me Council gofredo any more progress with the plaque for Fred Burks you know no uh we're working on it you're working on it weing on it we came up with the design but it was a little crazy and it was getting very expensive and we're dialing it back a bit yeah they were discussing it your thank you Wendy you're welcome okay we're up to bills to be paid Council mcfo total bills to be paid f $565,500 councilman McAn yes councilman patelli yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman T yes do have a motion to adjourn so move have a second second all favor I okay the next bur council meeting will be held Tuesday May 28 28 2024 7 p.m. here at the buau of oal Municipal Court CH chambers that being said meeting a Jour thank you everybody thank you probably the only time one of the three times my name is pronounced correctly in this chamber for