e [Music] got yeah I I T I had [Music] you say no ask [Music] right meeting call to order this is the council meeting in Oakland pH what do I hear turn baby monitor okay all right let's try it again jack one too we got it down okay this is the Oakland council meeting July 17 2024 uh would the clerk please read the statement of compliance this meeting is to being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advertised and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless a majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time next pled Pledge of Allegiance would the police chief please leave us to the Pledge of Allegiance the United States of America stand One Nation indivisible and justice for all please remain standing for a moment of silence seated please read the roll call Mayo present councilwoman goo here councilman mccan here councilman Pali here council president saliani here councilman herei councilman talamini here all right since we have a special meeting here with new police officers makes War promotions I'd like to have a motion to suspend a noral water of business motion second all in favor I very good let's move right to the saring in ceremony and we'll bring first person we're going to bring up will be Mr John Gordon mayor just the resolutions to oh yeah oh yeah I'm sorry uh we need to introduce resolution 24 to9 to authorize hire police officer John Gordon motion second second roll call Council yes councilman mcken obain Council Pali yes council president Sani yes councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes all right let's Also let's do all the uh resolutions 24220 authorized hire police officer Patrick Chala you can do one vote on 20 through 23 okay okay coella coella and we've also got 2421 promotion of Lieutenant Police Department Ry O'Keefe 2422 promotion of Sergeant Police Department Jonathan Coleman 2423 promotion of Sergeant Charles Kelly motion have a second second roll call councilman gfo yes councilman mccan yes councilman Pali yes council president Alani yes councilman linski yes councilman yes very good at this point like to bring Mr John Gordon forward with his family what that raise your right hand I I John Gordon do solemnly swear do solemnly solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments established and the government's established in the united states in the United States and in in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people the people and that I will faithfully and I will Faithfully fa impartially and impartially and justly justly perform all the duties of the office of police officer perform all the duties of the office of police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you sir [Applause] thank I just want to recognize uh Mr Gordon here uh he is a councilman in Emerson and uh ironically he and I went to high school together went to high school together Chief coming in at this time I'd like to bring forward Patrick Cala and his family all set yes sir I I state your name I Patrick aala do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments established and the governments established in the united states in the United States and of this state and of this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of the office of police officer perform perform all the duties of the office of the office of police officers police officers according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank [Applause] you thank thank you so much I appreciate it at this time I'd like to ask Ryan o'keef to come forward and his family how are you Mrs o that's it yep i i r do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments established and the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully and partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of Lieutenant all all the duties of the office of Lieutenant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me go so help me go [Applause] congratulations Daddy EXC congratulations still t all right this time I'd like to call forward Mr Charles Kelly [Music] r i i Charles Kelly do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear truth faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and the government's established and the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and unjustly perform all the duties of the office of Sergeant perform all the duties of the office of Sergeant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my abilities so help me God so help me go congratulations sergeant conratulations was [Music] this time I'd like to ask Jonathan col going to come forward with his family [Music] all set yes I I Jonathan Coleman do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and the governments and the governments established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties of the office of Sergeant perform all the duties of the office of Sergeant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me go so help me go congratulations don't hit the baby yeah that's all right we're going to take a five minute recess for those want to stay or said welcome to stay but the rest [Applause] perhaps John how are you good how are you how everyone supports that's great yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] we go [Music] did you say um you're were right about uh um hey see in November see are you going um you book a room why was hard rock booked yeah apparently because we're staying at at Caesar kind I to double check with Wy but I'm pretty sure that's where we're staying so I asked to stay at B so I so I can rack upart that's all right we'll see you that SM yeah yeah yeah you know I'll wake up in the morning I'll go g a little bit nice nice where's Jody why isn't she at the speed and she like come on I'm on a you know I'm on a street right now'll be have you ever been oh yeah I've been the last two years fun yeah it's a lot of fun yeah I'm not quite the uh the biggest at the same table [Music] [Music] I was City [Music] sure [Music] [Music] like and just a the bid be more once they theid instruction so there may be an issue aing the bid is not so they award the bid and then after they award the bid they meet with the contractor and then they go then they have to approve all the construction so right now they submitted a bid and said for this for this amount of dollars we can do the work and then they have to iron out the details of that that's what will happen they'll sit down and then if they need some if they need to do an access they'll you at that point but that's after they oh okay I was off by one I said there's going to be three people left in oh wait wait here we go make it three this was like during the John T years this is what the meetings would be like is this what it was like yeah see then I got on that was it see you Bob all right Council Mee is back in order um where are we right now let's see counc yeah do have a motion excuse Council can motion second all favor all right mayor's report I'm going to keep this very brief uh Paving uh just latest update for those residents that are in Truman Boulevard lenp Lane Market Place uh we are just currently working with Public Service we're waiting for dates uh once we have the dates they will be repairing all your roads so that's the latest on that bush Plaza uh we're still dealing with supply chain issues uh the fences still on back order flag pole is on back order and so are the lights uh hopefully we'll see some movement in the next 30 days so we can have that done by the end of the summer and I just want to remind everybody for uh Great Oak Park there's another concert this weekend it is it's called say say 80 something it's this Saturday July 20th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. it's going to be at the Great Oak Park on the Great Lawn uh at the Arts Pavilion and that's really all I have um do I have a motion to open the public so move all in favor all right anybody wish to address the councel yeah I guess I do I've addressed this several times my name is Carlon complaining about a conspiracy involves my brother and the local police and it's gone on in every municipality uh it's being addressed by the running president Trump even with the assassination attempt and whatnot and uh it's been going on for 40 years it entails quite a bit of money it's my father's estate where I myself have also generated quite a few profiting ideas and was denied rights to them so and I've been uh filing complaints uh basically with what's happening locally with the town judge and uh nothing's coming about with it so I figure address the Town Council and maybe you could get involved with the judge and the police and verify uh my claims thank you Mr CR so okay thank you anybody else wants to address the councel close have a second second all in favor okay approval of minutes we have June 25th 2024 motion approved so moved for have a second second roll call cilo yes coun P abstain counc president Sani yes councilman slazinski yes Council T yes we have June 25th executive minutes I know you've all had a chance to read them uh do have motion approved so moved second roll call Council Council yes councilman Pali council president Sani yes cinski yes coun talamini yes okay very good uh special announcements I'm going to make the following appointment for the Green Team Gary Endz his term will expir December 31st 2024 uh we have the rotary club would like to authorize a car show sign in in Rotary Park and also authorize raffle license rl56 for the Oakland Education Foundation for a 5050 on September 7th 2024 to support support of the grant of the Arts in Oakland K through2 public schools to be held at 61 Lakes Shore Drive in Oakland do I have a motion to approve move all favor second second second all in favor I I have one more we have yes I will need to abstain from the uh Elks raffle yep okay that's why that's why we held it thank you we have one left it's authorized raffle license RL 505 for the the Elks Lodge 2167 for poker night on August 17th 2024 for support of the Elks Charities and causes to be held at 33 rample Valley Road oal New Jersey motion to approve second all favor okay moving on she abstained she all right we have the following resolution 24212 chapter 159 National opioid settlement we have 24 213 appoint Ania Monero as Deputy tax collector 24214 authorized salary increase for DPW superintendent 24215 authorized salary increase for Senior Center Director 24216 authorized promotion of John Morris Morris Mor Mor 24217 authorized promotion of Matt Chini 2418 218 authorized promotion of Jonathan somra 24 24224 authorized acrude SI time payout for Rowan 24225 authorize ACR payout for piery 24226 appoint Municipal Alliance liaison 24227 authorized recycling C coordinator stien 24228 authorized summer camp hires 24229 authorized certifying that the governing body is reviewed at minimum the comments and recommend recommendations set forth in the 2023 annual audit 24230 resolution approving the 2023 annual audit corrective action plan prepared by CFO in response to the findings and recommendations in the 2023 audit annual audit 24231 authorized Recreation refunds 24232 authorized contract natural Green Lawn Care for field 8 refurbishment 24233 award bid for Alman Brook Phase 2 repairs 24234 authorized participation in the liso program 24236 authorize place to place transfer expansion of premises GH restaurant Corp liquor license 0242 d33 d009 d006 you have a motion to approve we pull 24233 okay 24233 is pulled and I've also pulled 24235 anybody else push to pull anything else motion approved so moved second roll call Council mfo yes councilman Pali yes council president Sani yes councilman slin yes me yes motion passes okay we have 24 233 award bid for Alman book phase two repairs Mr s yeah so rich I just want to clarify this is all for the members of the flood commission people whove been de Brook this is the fix from what properties this go from you recall so this is the so the first uh phase uh to clean up from Ida was to address the uh debris accumulation from about uh 50 ft or so north of the Lakeshore Drive Bridge uh Southward so it was in the Lakeshore Drive Bridge area this takes care of the rest of the items that were noted uh as needing attention after tropical storm ITA so it's uh select embankment repair including at 40 Nomas one or two other areas uh enol and debris removal at select locations up to Route 202 thank you anything else like to make a motion 24233 do I have a second second tell me roll call councilman fro yes councilman P nelli yes council president Sani yes councilman slazinski yes councilman talamini yes motion passes okay I pulled 24 235 out authorizing joining of Madison New Jersey Council on local mandates complaint uh this really has to do with affordable housing and I'd like to have our attorney just give a quick overview of what this is all about why we're so the B Madison in Morris County is filing a complaint with the Council on local mandates stating that the affordable housing mandate under the new legislation is an unfunded mandate and not permissible under the law they filed that complaint or they're working on filing that complaint and they've asked other towns to join in support they're not asking for any money from us simply to lend our support So this resolution would be we would be joining in their complaint but it would be at no cost to the taxpayers any have any questions I did have an opportunity to talk to the uh Madison uh mayor about this as well this was brought up at one of the mayor's meetings and Mr Coons has also been in contact with their B administrator down there as well and there's no cost to us obviously there's there's no harm no foul especially if the Judgment does go in our favor correct okay who would like to introduce 24235 authorizing joining the Madison New Jersey counc on local mandates so moved second second roll call Council M Fredo yes councilman Pali yes council president Sani yes Council linski yes councilman talamini yes motion passes okay we have no ordinance we're up to work session the first one we have is the Crystal Lake Dam uh myself uh B administrator our attorney Brian chowski council president Sally an we all attended a meeting approximately three weeks ago down at Burl Hall um concerning the two lakes and town and the rml um and we think we may have found a good path forward uh concerning the Crystal Lake Dam with a their ability to apply for the dam restoration Loan program okay and what that what that allows them to do is they will take a loan out we as a municipality will have a special put exi put a special assessment on all the properties that live around the lake and they will pay off this loan over the course of 20 30 years uh the mediate ask right now is really they need a letter of support from the buau uh that we are in agreement with resolution stating the yes we will inde work with them for the for the dam restoration program uh Mr C do you have anything want to add to that or uh just a couple of things one so council's aware the D program is not open at the current time uh they're they may take applications in 2025 and part of that process is that the burrow has to act as a uh a co- applicant on the loan U because we're The Entity that winds up guaranteeing repayment of the money to the D all right uh and then as the May indicated it's basically an assessment project uh the properties that benefit from the Improvement are identified uh and the you know cost is assessed accordingly uh at the you know at the end of the process so uh there's some information that we provided from the tax assessor that uh may actually be more detailed than than you want to know about the process but uh we wanted to make sure that you had that so um and I think we left open the possibility of this also covering Mirror Lake yes uh as well uh and on rml's part they're going to be approaching the D to ask for an extension uh on the deadline that they're under from the DP to make the repairs so hopefully hopefully we can make all of this work and you know use it use this path to get the work accomplished Council P yes has has rml discussed this with all the property owners that that will be G assess the special assessment I don't know I mean this was an idea that we sort of coess around at the meeting I don't know what Communications that may to that they should after that they should all be contacted and sign off on it that they know they're going to have a special assessment that's true I we can bring that back to them I your problem yeah function and just P just so you know this is just a workshop item we're not making any decisions at this time yeah but I mean if we have to endorse it counil yep we need we need to know the answers to the question I I agree 100% I mean it's nice because it's kind of a uh it's an elegant way to finally put this entire issue to rest yeah if we can make this work with this loan I'm all in favor of helping them get get the loan yep okay anybody else have any questions so Mr Coons what's our next step then uh we'll follow up with rml on that particular issue uh and if subject to that everybody's uh in agreement we would bring a resolution forward uh for the August meeting where you would indicate your you know your willingness to be the co-signer uh you know on the loan application and then just again I want to uh clarify how um many of us are up here are part of rml how how are we going to vote on it like are we allowed to vote on it are we do we have to that that's a question for Matt as as far as I'm aware once we know the specifics I'll be able to advise you better on that okay yeah I mean generally it is a majority of the council that are that are members correct I would think the doctrine of necessity would probably apply there well I mean as long as as long as we have a quarum the exensions count for purposes of the quarum so if one person is eligible to vote we could have a 105 vote and it would pass right it's not a the only thing that requires that to have a certain number of votes is four votes for a budget right anything else is a majority and any extensions count as part of a quarum so you'd be able to pass it on even a one5 vote that's the right situation anybody else thank you okay uh moving out to streetscape design standards uh I know was included in everybody's packet uh this is what we discussed at the last meeting we want to really start moving forward with the streetcape so that we can turn this into ordinance so we have a real governing document that allows us to start moving forward on the the downtown business quor and as we've indicated in the past this includes the stamping the type of stamping on the concrete everything from light poles to what types of trees to what type of tree grates and it really lays the foundation for a path forward Mr K anything want to uh yeah so the planner is actively and her team are actively working on this uh one to incorporate the the changes that they had noted in their report to the planning board uh and as part of that they wanted to uh the council's opinion on the various types of amenities in the downtown like the tree grates the bike racks uh the benches to really to make sure that whatever design aesthetic that is that it really reflects what we want the downtown to be uh and so there were a lot of options prepared here uh some are more ornate some are a little bit more modern uh simpler so we're looking for some feedback uh because specific product information and the like will wind up in the ordinance uh so it really should reflect what everybody's sort of vision is for the downtown so wanted to spend a little bit of time tonight and get any feedback you have on design choices here um they put a lot I think a lot of work into this and terms of selecting different types of these amenities and different design styles for your consideration so um any feedback that you have on that would be helpful for the planners as they're crafting the ordinance okay so maybe if everybody has a chance to look at it we can uh bring this back to the next monthly meeting and U we'll uh move this ORD this along that start getting anybody else have any further further comments on this no okay uh anybody have any new business anybody have any old business yes um Mr and I don't recall what is the hours of operation at Patriot T bridge when can they start construction it was 7 o'clock but because of the summer they've been starting at 6 yes we approve that as a councel we what happened was uh due to the if you recall we allowed Mr Coons to make these approvals so yes so I received a few complaints about starting at 6 is there something you visit yeah it it had come up specifically when they were doing the welding work uh or I'm sorry the cutting up some of the steel uh using torches and it was during one of the heat waves and they asked if they could start earlier to take advantage of the the cooler time in the morning um I I thought it it was actually specific to that um it was not supposed to be a blanket approval to start at 6 every day that is something no there's no weekend so can you revisit and remind them what the approval was for and see where they are I because at the at the pre-con meeting we you know we always tell the contractor what the standard work hours are so um we we can go back and talk to them about that but this is clearly right the workout was changed we're getting a resent complaint at 6 a.m what's the specific complaint that they're starting at 6 a.m. is it noise noise is noise trucks those type of things uh okay right so starting at 6 am you might have truck at 5:45 type thing right so let's um just revisit okay if you made the approval fully understand that um Mr but I mean 6:00 in the morning is 6:00 in the morning yeah yeah again it wasn't a blanket thing it was during that heat wave and during the particular type of work that they were doing at that time um so we'll follow up yeah and one of the things conditions was uh they weren't supposed to do jackhammering anything else like that so okay very good anybody else have any old business okay uh Council leaz on reports okay uh um Let's do let's do Recreation um so Recreation fall Sports signups have closed if anyone wishes to still participate though please reach out to your specific sport commissioner and see if there's a availability the next Rec meeting will be on Monday night at 8 um that's it for recre just uh thank you to to the rec commissions and and all the all the team we're in U my my kids are in the middle of uh baseball right now enjoying a pretty good season so uh thank you for all the hard work that you do um now the Arts in Oakland I have a few things to to report we have the first our first uh Oakland uh outdoor Market will will start this Saturday 10 to 3 there's going to be some food there um more more crafts and and items for sale and things like that um uh it's it's the first the first uh Saturday um we're hoping it to grow and and become a a a must a must stop thing on Saturday to do at the library it's going to be um yeah at the back end of the library um like a long Veterans Drive a long Veterans Drive yes and uh if you want information on it you go to Arts oakland.org um is the flyer you go on you go on the website you you could see it uh then also the mayor had mentioned say 8 thing um that'll be on Saturday Saturday July 20th uh this Saturday from from 5: to 8 down at the Great Oak Park um uh again it'll be uh a fun thing to attend uh it's free and it's a nice thing to do uh weather weather permitting uh also arts in Oakland we have intro to impr it's uh Tuesdays at 7 at the Oakland Senior Center um ages 16 and 16 and above um it's it's just a a fun little uh class and you get to uh uh try your your uh your your your improv skills then also uh sponsored by arts in Oakland is open mic night night and jam session at real Brave 350 ripo Valley Road that's on Thursday July 25th at 7:30 um uh and again you could you could uh go on the Arts in Oakland website and get get some information on that and then we're going to have um a jured art exhibition and sale at the Oakland Public Library um so uh you can uh submit submit your your your stuff to be uh shown or sold and and um and exhibited um it's going to be from October 17th through November 16th and if you go on to the Arts and Oakland website you can you can receive information about it um it should be uh it should be a fun thing to see the different art within the the town uh and then also we have a Zen which is uh basically it's a uh a magazine but a digital one and you could submit original summer themed poetry short fiction artwork and photography to be published in Oakland's very own digital Zen um you can enter by going going to the Arts Oakland nj.org and and look for summer arts Z the deadline is September 2nd uh 2024 so just look for the flyer like that and then we are looking to have a murder mystery production it's going to be uh um an audience participation murder mystery kind of thing and um we don't have a date yet but we're we're um we're we're it's in the process so uh we'll be looking for actors and actresses and um it it should be something fun audience participation and depending on how well it goes we we could we could take it on the road maybe Broadway so uh but a murder mystery production in the in the works and that's it for me mayor Mr Pell yes thank you mayor I attended the uh Oakland environmental commission meeting um you the environmental commission supports the green teams uh uh cleanup and U maintenance on the new tree plantings at the at the park environmental commission also discussed pollinator Gardens and storm water management education also discussed was the administr 's memo regarding invasive species uh specifically uh bamboo plantings uh in the town uh the environmental commission also recommends that other invas invasive species be included uh in this ordinance and they'll be working with our administrator on the ordinance uh I have one from the senior citizen from the senior citizens August 1st at 1 p.m. are the senior center Olympic games no athletic ability is required and will be a fun day of games and prizes for the winning team registration is required by calling the senior center August 15th at 12:30 we are celebrating National senior citizens day with a healthy salad bar lunch and a FL flower bar all attendees will go home with a flower bouquet it cost is $5 and attendees can register in the office for more information they can call the senior center or check out our calendar on the senior CZ Senior Center page on the borrow website that's it mayor thank you so and so uh my public events not meet there off for the summer um the flood commission does not me for the summer however I do want to uh I'm sure they're very happy based on the U resolution that was passed tonight to fix that um so Charlie you're sitting right there I know I know that group was working on getting this resolved for two three years um we uh I'm glad we finally a pushing through the last four or five months so F person is very happy about that U my DPW report is very simple um I'd be remiss if we we didn't talk about DPW worker Chris H uh as some of you know um there was an accident in town the other day where he was struck by we was struck by a car while he was working um want to report that he is um he is recovering things are going well um want wish our deepest sympathies and and prayers hope he gets Health prayers is the wrong word we hope he gets healthy as quickly as possible and we w't extend we want extend our extend our our thoughts to him and his U his family now as as he gets better thank you councilman thank you mayor uh from public safety for the month of June officers conducted 36 motor vehicle stops and issued 362 motor vehicle summonses officers also made one arrest for driving while intoxicated uh from the library the opl would like me to remind everyone that the summer reading program is in full swing and would encourage anyone who hasn't already uh signed up for this summer reading to download the free reading squared app sign up and start logging your reading and collect prizes each week uh on Thursday July 25th at 6:30 p.m. the library will host geneological re resarch finding information to further understand your family history presented by Eric mcdell a professional genealogist the presentation will show you the places to look for records and documents about your family you can register for this event online or by calling the library at 201 337 3742 uh then on August 2nd at 7M they will have Dueling Pianos live on the library stage uh they had this event last year and it was one of the best concerts they've ever had uh tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the library that's all I have Council thank you mayor um on July 1 the OCCC met uh the Oakland TV is up and running now but upgrades are still in progress until the process is complete a limited bulletin board and TV programming are in place uh they remind remind everybody to please watch exploring Oakland on Oakland TV or YouTube and view a recap of the Great Oak Park opening OCC is now taking donations for the new sponsorship program starting on August 20th through October 20th the cost is $100 for residents and nonprofits for the year and $200 for business businesses for more information please go to the Oakland NJ Oakland NJ .org SLS sponsorship program website for more information um and as always uh OCC is uh looking for volunteers uh access for all met on the evening of July 3rd I was unable to attend uh it was a holiday beginning of the holiday weekend and went away um so I got a summary this morning and they met just to discuss next year's Carnival event and how to make it run more efficient their next meeting is August 7th at 7:30 p.m. in the senior center um and lastly the shade tree met on July 1st um they will be utilizing the funding received for spotted Lantern fli soon um the most important takeaway from that meeting is uh we have a lot of trees coming down in town on properties for construction for various reasons and the amount planted um in place of it's it's just not being followed up with and um really hoping that like the property uh I can't think of the word property person whatever you know can we follow up with like those that have to replace the trees in a more efficient manner and have this matter taken more seriously yeah that's really within the scope of the duties for the Forester uh as the admin sort of the administrator of the permits to follow up that all the permit conditions wind up getting met even the replanting yeah okay yeah but that's something I can follow up with Ed Clark and Nancy about okay um you know we don't want we we live in Oakland and you know we don't want it to look like you know trees are disappearing and you know like you drive down in southern buron County like where I grew up in Rochelle Park not hackin sack where Mara stult that I did um but in Rosell park there are there are no trees there are no trees there's a tree here a tree there and we really we really want to maintain the beauty of Oakland so that's that was my takea away from shade Cherry uh that's all I have mayor okay moving on to bills to be paid councilwoman bills to be paid uh total bills to be paid uh 1, 15542 7181 so moved do I have a second second roll call Council fro yes Council P yes council president s yes councilman slazinski yes Council salamini yes do we have a motion to adjourn I'll move do I have a second second all in favor the next bro council meeting will be h on Wednesday August 14th 2024 700 p.m. at the burough of Oakland Municipal Court Chambers 10 La Drive Oakland New Jersey see everybody in a month and enjoy your summer meeting ajour e