e PR un okay all right is everybody ready meeting call to order this is the June 25th 2024 council meeting would the clerk please read the statement for plans this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings Lord duly announced advertising posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless a majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time okay all right for pledge of Le uh Chief would you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance iedge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God isible with liy and justice for all all remain standing moment of silence would the clerk call the RO please councilwoman goo here councilman mccan councilman Pignatelli councilman Sally Annie here councilman linski here councilman talamini here and mayor Camala I make a motion to excuse councilman uh mccan and councilman Ina Telly you have a second second all in favor all right for the mayor's report uh actually we're going to make a quick announcement here I just got it from Oakland TV Oakland TV is upgrading some of its equipment and unfortunately unable to broadcast a regular contest except for live broadcast Council meetings on FiOS uh so tonight's council meeting will be still be able to view on YouTube and the youtube.com oandb burrow so if anybody's watching or head some to you know wants to watch this what will happen is it will be reposted at a later date after um the they get their upgrades completed uh for the mayor report uh couple things here Oakland road paving program is uh has been completed currently we're just finishing the striping around Lakeside Boulevard and all the other streets so that's that's completed uh as I've been saying we've been working with the county Franklin a will be paved late summer into fall uh as I've indicated in the past the county has stated that project has been out forbidden they're just waiting for the state to approve it uh once again yo Avenue will be paved in the fall we are the buau is currently working with our Engineers to finalize those those plans uh and also public service with all the work that was done up at leny Lane and Truman Boulevard all those roads that were dug up by public service are also going to be repaved uh we're just waiting for an updated schedule from public service once we have that information we'll post it on our website accordingly and little bad news on that as well Public Services coming back in again to do more gas main work uh currently we do not have the schedule once we have that information we will be updating the town accordingly uh Bush Plaza uh as you can tell the the trees are in sprinkles sprinklers are installed uh the flag poll came down today uh top soil is going in and we expect sad to be going in next week so we're moving right along with that um allerman Brook for the people that live on allerman Brook uh the restoration is out for bid uh we expect a bid opening on July 10th so we should see start seeing some uh movement on the AL Brook also the tennis courts uh bids were open last week and as you probably saw it's on tonight's agenda and we're moving right along with the tennis cour as well um we did get a a email from a couple residents about the flood buyout houses down by Truman um it is not tonight's agenda for Engineering Services uh to start moving that project along and also the Patriot Way bridge if anybody lives up in the reserve you can by looking down there the temporary utility bridge is already across the first span they're starting to rip the decking across the second and third span and continue to build that decking out also myself and several members of the governing body attended the Valley Middle School 8ighth grade graduation uh congratulations to the class of 24 and also the Indian Hills class of 2024 graduation and I just want to recognize my daughter Juliana congratulations you made it and also we've got Chopper here he's going to be providing us a carnival update as well and also just a reminder bur Hall will be closed July 4th and 5th uh Library will be closed on a fourth but open on a fif and that's all I have um at this point do we have a motion to open a public so second all in favor we're now open to the public anybody wish to address the councel go first okay Carrie serenes 41 Su Avenue so the access for all was a uh the access for all Carnival event was a huge success I hate reading on my phone but my printer wouldn't work so I'm gonna make this larger it's age was a huge success success on Saturday June 15th we had 170 access for all um people and caretakers from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. the carnival was open to anyone that wanted to take uh advantage of rides that reduce speeds as well as minim minimal lights and sounds it was a lot of work but it paid off and the access for all committee would like to personally thank everyone who helped as it is every year it's a big asking but our community pitched in to help any way they could from the 501 c3s that opened early and offered free food to the police officers that were there early to help out and pretty much everyone in between I want we wanted to give a big thank you to all the Committees and people that made this day possible a special thank you to the public events committee and chapper for helping us supporting us and working with us to pull this off without any snacks also a huge shout out of thanks to Blue Sky amusements for opening two hours early at no additional charge for us and mark from Paladin amusements for donating the stuffed animals which was amazing and it it was a huge surprise for us we didn't know that was happening we also wanted to thank you thank Sebastian regon and his company a access wreck for donating those two Beach wheel uh wheelchairs in case anyone needed them thank you Town Council our access for all liaison and mayor for supporting access for all everyone pitched in to make this event successful and it was such an honor and blessing to see all those smiling faces and all the positive feedback we received I know I say this every year but this is exactly what makes Oakland stand out thank you again did a great job awesome um Andrea ly 780 Ramapo Valley Road um I just wanted to come up here we we we finally had the Arts Pavilion grand opening event after um almost a year of of delays and rain and rain and more delays and um we finally had a beautiful day I wanted to thank the mayor and Council um for coming down and supporting the event um there's a lot of people that need to be thanked and they've been thanked offline but I do want to thank um Mike guad guadino uh for for being the perfect partner for for the event all of the Arts committee all of the vendors all of the Bands look and I just want to remind everybody this was done on less than a dime literally less than a dime everybody offered up and volunteered their services including the bands um the only thing that that we were a little short on I will admit is food um because we had to reschedule this event so many times some of the original people that signed up for it had to drop off because the dates didn't work for them but all in all um you know from from the Police Department to DPW and everybody in between it was really just a wonderful collabor uh collaboration um that I thought was a wonderful day for for everybody who uh had the opportunity to come down and enjoy it and I I hope that uh we will have the opportunity to do more events like that in the future um the other things I just wanted to remind is that we have the improv group um it's not a group actually it's a class every two I was just there a moment ago every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. at the senior center it's a rolling um class so really anybody can drop in any time we'd love to have more people there and it's been quite fun um we're also looking to introduce an outdoor Market which I I hope you have the opportunity to hear a little bit about today and I'm ha I'm here and I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about that um we're still looking for money for our murals um so if anybody does want to donate please go to Arts Oakland nj. org.org right yeah um and we just published an art Zen which is a mini magazine of um creative works from our Oakland residents so we have people from our town who have given us original drawings paintings pictures poetry stories ages five to I'll say infinity cuz I don't I don't know the ages of the older people that sent it um but it really is a lovely piece and we're going to be doing these quarterly so we encourage our creatives to to reach out to us because we we have a place for you um and uh last side note I went to a fabulous event this weekend on Sunday um held at the Elks uh Lodge Outdoors it was music there was food people vendors it was for the pride event and I just I be Miss not to say that none of you were there I didn't see anybody there from here and that was truly disappointing and and I hope that for the next event we will see you there thank you no statements on this thank you sir chuso 392 rampo Valley Road I just want to thank all of our guests that came to the carnival it was a great success um everyone had a great time uh DPW is always there for us Oakland's finest uh the fire department all helped to participate to make it great can't say enough about the uh 501 c3s that provide all the food it makes a big difference it's part of the the fiber of our community um it was really great um I'm going to screw up all the names uh from from our from our public events team team Jimmy fuls M I can't do her last name and not Jerry either I can't do her last name and then Kevin bagger Andrea uh Jimmy fuls uh Danny deia uh if I missed anybody I Jo what I said Jo you said Joe yeah I didn't hear Joe you can't roll the tape can we okay anyway uh I apologize if I missed anybody we were very excited about access for all very proud of the outcome of that so we had some we always have a wrap-up meeting the Monday right after the carnival because like me I have too many things in my head and we'll forget what happened so we had a meeting with the team members of public events with some of the other 501 c3s and we made a couple changes going forward next year we're not sure yet if it's going to be like it it was this year the Wednesday and Saturday before Father's Day it be the Wednesday and Saturday after Father's day but what we all agreed upon we're going to keep the hours the same on Wednesday and Thursday um 6: to 10: on Friday we're going to change it we're going to open an hour early and close an hour um hour earlier so Friday would be 5 to 10 access for all we were doing from 3:00 to 5: we found it better to do access for all on Saturday from 2:30 to 4:30 and have a little Gap in between before we open it to the general public so I know all the 501 c3s are going to like this idea we're going to close at 10:00 because I think the gentleman in blue here would testify nothing good happens at that Carnival after 10:00 so that's a couple of the changes that we made okay um as far as the numbers go thank God for modern technology because we don't collect the money anymore we have the kios and now we have printouts all right and I apologize uh I went to Marquette the same guy that made The Weather Channel and I went by that Schmucks radar and I'm under that tent and I thought it was a scene from The Wizard of Oz I was waiting for the witch to come by on on a bicycle so other than that dollar-wise we were $999 more than the year before but it was a result of inflation because we were getting more for the tickets okay um last year's gross was 9 94536 this year was 95,00 , 535 what I love about this I get the it gives us the breakdown now how many people attended you know who used the kiosk and all the top rides so just for a quick comparison last year we had 3,214 guest this year we only had 2797 again it was the dollars were because of the inflation um we lost night what's that you did lose a night right oh we got clobbered yes we lost the whole day yeah you're really not comparing same number of days either no we got nailed last year too well we had a couple these are just the numbers so um as a result um thank goodness that you know years ago before me or when I got there instead of getting insurance we decided to do four days instead of three okay the insurance is very costly to do that so we always had that fourth day as like a buffer um thankfully so after what happened um one of the nice things about these stats also is tell tells you the the most popular rides so last year and this year Polar Express was number one last year there were two was 520 oh no okay this goes by credits last year was 825 credits their credit system changed pole Express was number one again this year last year monkey ma was second this year was Vertigo puppy love was third this year and Toontown was and that's that's it I think the ride selection was good um we didn't get the ferris wheel this year uh we had a trade with hathorne um they're talking about only doing one Carnival so we w't have that problem going forward um again we don't know what the dates are going to be but again thank you to everyone um one of the things I want to point out now though our our our gross profit this year was $ 31,35 67 cents we don't have all the numbers in we the the public events team pays for all the tents for the 501 c3s we pay for the VIP toilets and some other miscellaneous things so let's just call it round that we might walk away with 101,000 if we had fireworks we would have lost money fireworks cost about 30 grand okay um there's an impact we need extra uh DPW extra police force we even have to bring in the county it's a logistical nightmare we lose a lot of parking for the buffer and stuff cuz I know everybody wants to do the fireworks I didn't say anything else um but if we're going to do something maybe we'll do a standalone event but remember that the income that the public events Dage from the carnival pace for the Memorial Day Parade we're part of fever pitch the uh Easter egg um hunt um Halloween Halloween Christmas tree manora Toys for Tots we helped out with the Arts amble uh green we got green thing for a day and and and and the movie you know the green thing so there's too many names too many acronyms and I got too many hamsters in my head I'm trying to do the best I can this is what a script this ain't too bad all right so please understand I love Fireworks you want to see good fireworks come up to Kin I do them every year I got a truck well I can't they're legal fireworks they're New Jersey fireworks anyway I shut my mouth now thank you very much look forward to you guys all coming to the events hopefully we'll put together we're talking about having a day with fireworks but we're going to be reaching out to the business community and individ in in the town because again if we had fireworks last year or fireworks this year we wouldn't have couldn't afford to have the vents that we have and you definitely wouldn't get cider and donuts on Halloween thank you TR hi do you still give your name and okay Linda jordano 31 page Drive I live a couple houses away from Eric um as Andrea said I was going to talk about the Great Oak Park and she said mostly everything and I just wanted to say that um it was great listening to the four bands and the performers and um they were very good to excellent and I enjoyed everything the vendors the garden the sculpture and like she said it was a little short on food they only had baked goods and on the sign you know it in big letters it said food but I I know what happened with that they were supposed to get the food trucks and um they they didn't want to come so um I guess you know I don't know how that works but anyway too bad some people from you know the father's club or whatever they couldn't volunteer but I realized it was the carnival the week later and they do all that there so um I hope going forward that um there'll be more concerts in July August and September when the weather's still good and I don't know about October but um maybe even an outdoor movie night for the adults and kids as Eric had mentioned to me that day that he would like to see that too and I want to say kudos to Mike and the rest of his volunteers and Andrea and the crew for their very hard work that didn't go unnoticed for us to enjoy this beautiful day keep up the excellent work it had I had a good time thanks to all in town who were involved which was a long year coming and no rain in sight thank goodness thanks again Mike this was a diamond in the rough but now it's a gem in Oakland and I sure hope it will be put to good use this summer season and Beyond even with no budget right now but I hope one will materialize one day in the future uh even though I know we don't have enough money for fireworks um even if you have to cut some fat from other places where there's a will there's a way and that's it thank you thank you hello Joseph furiel 24 haata um coming to uh give a a an update on uh the mer Lake Crystal Lake uh situation um this Thursday we are going to be meeting with members of this Council uh and uh uh the various groups uh that rely on the uh the lakes and uh to try to come to some sort of resolution um update from last week uh two weeks ago we are very close to um uh forming uh that company's uh fees have been P paid but uh we have not yet filed the paperwork that should be uh coming out momentarily uh next uh um few days um so I look forward to uh seeing most of you on Thursday night and uh thank you very much again for giving us this form and uh anything uh that you can do to help is greatly appreciated thank you thank you anybody else good evening my name is I Perry and I live at 32 L Lane I've written mine down too because I can't read from my phone I've come to the podium tonight to thank Mr Coons mayor Cala for the immediate and respectful response to various emails that were sent to them by members of this community regarding a bias incident that was posted on the Burrow's Facebook page buron County Executive James tadesco Board of Commissioners posted an announcement of a pride event being held at buron cting Zoo the post generated comments that were deemed offensive at best regarding the lgbtq community I will not repeat them publicly because I refuse to give them life again suffice it to say that these comments were offensive inflammatory and ignorant they incited hate and fear to a class of people based on their agenda identity have you ever had that happen to you have you ever been afraid to be straight to be gay queer no I don't think so according to the attorney general's guidelines that I read I'm not an attorney but I'm an intelligent woman bias incidents are acts of hostile Expressions committed against a person or a group of people that are motivated in whole or part by prejudice against sex gender sexual identity this bias is one of nine protected classes by law by law I normally don't answer or address situations that is upsetting unless I'm 100% sure that I can do it calmly I'm not really that calm right now but I'm doing my best this is one that I had to walk away from and work through my emotions before I could address it maturely sometimes our emotions are a buildup of all the times we did not stand up we did not speak up for ourselves or others I am an LG B TQ plus Ally and I am also a parent of a transgender child I dare somebody to say something to me in a negative way about my child publicly televised in front of your neighbors instead of doing it on a Facebook page all of the open residents deserve the right to be protected respected and they need to be safe in and outside of our community these are requirements they are not expectations they are requirements you teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and what you will not accept we all need to do better thank you [Applause] yes uh my name is Nicolai Carlson I live six jono Way Oakland uh I'm going before the Town Council here again for uh a conspiracy and racketeering by the local police and other police departments and the sheriff uh these are all complaints I've made to the town Municipal Municipal uh court and nothing's been done matter of fact it's continuing and uh I don't know what to do I need representation I spoke to you earlier it's it's a bizarre situation it's uh it's difficult but I bring it before the court and hopefully uh something will be done with the municipal court judge or whatnot so I'm hoping that there will be some solution to uh the ongoing situation and hopefully quickly thank you all right thank you anybody else hi um Ali fle 224 highwa the boulevard um I also want to uh thank the mayor and Mr Coons for uh addressing the social media post and making sure that um the uh comments were taken down immediately um we really do appreciate it um on behalf of Pride I also would like to once again come to you and ask again for a flag in Oakland during pride month um one of the things things that uh other towns have done to have uh Pride flag is they've have a second Community um flag poll that they've put up um such as woff and what they've done is they they've created guidelines for what the the flag pole can actually put up um and what they found is uh they follow the library of congress's uh heritage month and that's what their guidelines are in their ordinance so um each month whether it'll be you know it Americans or things of that nature and um that's how they have addressed it in woff and quite a few other towns in New Jersey have done it that way so I'd like to suggest that um and if that's something that the Town Council would um think about um then I would be happy to fund raise to get a secondary uh flag pole up in town thank you very much thank you uh William cisty 12 Eagle Crest Place in Oakland um I'm here as a TV Committee Member just want to restate with the mayor said at the beginning uh we're updating our equipment in the studio and for the next few weeks all the broadcasts will be available strictly on the Oakland burrow YouTube channel that's exploring Oakland that's the Great Oak Park opening and the Easter ion and everything else we have up there anything generated by the town will be on there and in a few weeks we'll have the new uh upgrades and we'll be back on TV but again there's no uh if you go to channel 77 or 2145 it's just uh please stand by at this point okay thank you very much anybody else hi uh Brian Morel 26 Hickory Drive I'm here to represent Oakland team tennis um I know there's going to be uh an update coming up on the tennis courts so I don't know if there's an opportunity after hearing the upate date to talk if not I can I can talk now so I guess I can talk now okay so yes representing Oakland team tennis we're in a actually I mean you can talk now but because the uh ordinance for the capital ordinance for the tennis courts is on for second reading there will be a chance to address that but you're certainly free to address no I'll I'll wait for the update and then and then see uh go from there okay all right thank you good evening uh Mar Kowski 19 Barnard Drive uh quite a few of you on the council know me from Decades of volunteering in town um I work quite a bit with the children in our town and I work quite a bit in our community um on many levels and I just want to reiterate the need that I feel our community has for supporting pride and lgtbq people in our community um I also work part-time at a big box craft store and while manning the register one day since it is pride month there was a couple a lady my age and their child who was in their 30s who approached my counter there was a little discussion where the mom referred to their child as a daughter and I was viewing a male and I turned to that child and I said can I have your pronouns so that I'm not misc correctly labeling you and that child smiled at me person in their 30s smiled at me and said all of them which was fine and the mom stood there and broke down in the middle of a retail store with a line there and everything crying tears streaming down her face she said if there wasn't a counter between us I would give you a hug for merely showing kindness and recognizing my child that should never happen in any community and in our community in this town I can tell you we have plenty of families out there if you go to my social media site on my Facebook page you will see that the first thing pinned basically says I do not wear Pride items to tell you who's in my bed I wear Pride items so that every family across the street knows they are safe so that the couple in the restaurant know that they are not alone so that the boy who sees me notice them looking at dresses knows I won't judge them negatively okay it's not about wearing Pride to tell who's in your bed it's about wearing Pride because everyone else makes them hide okay we don't need to do this anymore we are a loving supportive community I see it every day and I have volunteered from everything from second grade history presentations to the library to being your town Easter Bunny sorry kids um seriously what I I mean I'm joking around but anyone who knows me May Kamala can testify I have no problem throwing on a costume okay but that's a costume for me that's a gig that's a job that's playing to make somebody else smile when someone is trying to represent who they truly are no one should be harsh harshly spoken to or judged I happen to be Hispanic and I joke around all the time people say to me you're not Hispanic because you present white say something in Spanish and my standard answer is algo what's that something in Spanish okay it's not I'm presenting it with humor because that's how I deal so that like Eileen I'm not crying and presenting to you in an Irate angry way now but really I was very disappointed when I went to that Pride event and did not see a single council member there I fully expected at least one of you there it was a wonderful lovely event except for one second when I tripped and hit a face first into a tree but other than that it was a wonderful event okay that's another story there was no beer involved um seriously we need the town to support this we need the town to recognize that these children these parents the mothers the fathers the parents in this town get our support and we would really love love for you to show that symbolic thank you anybody else wish to speak not seeing it do have a motion to close some move I'll second all favor all right approval of minutes June 11th 2024 a motion to approve so moved second second any discussion roll call councilwoman goo yes Council councilman council president selani obain councilman linski yes councilman talamini yes we have June 11th executive minutes so motion to approve so move to a second second if anybody has any comments it has to be done in in the executive session anybody have any comments not seeing anything uh moot uh roll call councilwoman Goa yes yes council president Sani abstained councilman cinski yes councilman T yes okay we have uh three special announcements number one authorized Saturday work for lard developers do I have motion to approve can can we have some discussion yeah once we once we move it we open for discussion uh I move to have a discussion that second second discussion why are we doing this again because we've uh we originally when the project started we didn't want work on Saturday and now they're looking to do work Saturday at 7:00 a.m. I don't think that's fair this isn't you know home in my mind homeowners cutting your trees down now and you're going to have big trucks going up and down the roads and I I don't know why we're why we want to do this Mr co uh I can tell you from the discussion that we had last week uh with went all about this there were a lot of representatives from Oakland and Frank links there uh this work is going to run down koi a lot of it will be taking place in Franklin Lakes um but the thought was to try to get as much of this done over the summer as possible uh to minimize any disruption once the school year starts and that's really the impetus uh behind it and that's why you're seeing a request for uh M for the summer months um I think they wanted to extend it in won't they be building for the next year and a half so they're you know there's going to be there's going to be work going on for going the school well this is this is specifically to run the water main uh and Sewer M that's going to serve the development we're not talking about on-site work at all this is work along the public roadways to install the water and sewer lines that are in a developing so Mr s the part of the discussion was they're putting a 12in water M and it's going to be running down McCoy Road from Colonial to Colonial and the idea was to get this done before school starts comes back in session because it's a major artery for school buses coming in and out and students coming to Indian Hills to expedite that process so when the school year is done at least they're past yo so they can have you know bring buses and Ste so this would be for uh you know July and August is that what we're thinking or uh they were asking for July August and September that's of course up to your Discretions what you br and then as well as their start times it's a it's so to me typically I'm I'm like yes I I uh um people are working on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the town uh even with or without the ordinance and um it's usually somebody complains when there's a you know if there's a problem um uh this is a big if if it if it can if if they think that doing this is going to help expedited so we don't have much much impact on the school than than it makes sense to me um uh I would I would start later um I would start at 8 not seven and um uh yeah I I just um I wouldn't go I I would I would just do um July and August and um and then let them come back in September if if something had to but if this is about about getting it ready for school then then they should be done before September so that's that's my two sets any have further discussion propos uh they were asking for 7 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. typic typically 7 to6 7 to6 typically You' required contract on the weekends to start later usually eight I he I hear the comment I'm saying I'm talking about done uh and you may also want to with limiting the end time as well uh but you know that was the request I'll go back to my original view I just you know the s for school 7 to6 now September I you know they they should plan better project you know this is the second this is the second thing they've asked for for exception for right so listen I'm one of many votes but you know we can vote on I just I'm not in favor of it may I make a suggestion maybe uh you know obviously this is a major artery for that neighborhood to get out to the highway how about if we just try for one month with some limited hours to see how that works out before we give them a grant some you know the next three months if it becomes a hardship we can just shut it down after a month I'm comfortable with altering the time we can alter the time what you suggest I'm I'm thinking 9 o' if that was me especially on the weekend I'd like it a little bit later 9 to what time 9 to 6 9 to 6 any other further discussion so what I'm hearing is uh allow for the month do we want to do the just for the first month of July we do can we do a vote yeah I mean we're going to have another council meeting in July so you can just I I don't see any reason to approve them past July because we'll be able to readdress how this is going at the July council meeting if you so choose to go in that direction I'm comfortable with with the the one month and if we were going to go forward see see see what it's see what it's doing um see how disruptive it is and uh and we go from there so we're mending it to just the month of July and for the hours of what 9 to5 that the council want I think she for me to consider it I think 9 to three 9 to four I mean people have lives and stuff to do with I'm okay 9 to four 9 to four anybody else all right so what's on the table right now is uh for them to work uh for the month of July for The Saturdays between the hours of 9: and 4 P p.m is that correct all in favor hi I all those opposed okay next I have a proclamation recognizing P work URS bur of Oakland New Jersey County of Bergen Proclamation recognizing the cont contributions of board workers and super board workers for New Jersey elections whereas the integrity and efficiency of elections in the state of New Jersey depend on significantly on the dedication and hard work of pole workers and super pole workers and whereas these individuals are entrusted with the crucial responsibilities of setting up polling stations assisting voters managing voting equipment and ensuring the orderly conduct of the voting process and whereas the board workers and superboard workers demonstrate a commendable commitment to Public Service provide by working long hours often under challenging conditions to facilitate the Democratic process and whereas their unwavering dedication ensures that elections are conducted fairly transparently in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations thereby upholding the fundamental principles of of democracy and whereas the exceptional resilience and adaptability of pole workers and super pole board workers have been particularly evident during the recent elections where they have successfully navigated unprecedented challenges including the implementation of new health and safety protocols in response to the global covid-19 pandemic and whereas these contributions of poll board workers and super board workers are essential to the guarantee that every eligible Citizen's vote is cast and counted there by ensuring that the voices of the people of New Jersey are heard now therefore I Eric Kamala mayor vam to hereby Proclaim and recognize the invaluable service and dedication of board workers and superboard workers in the burough of Oakland County of Bergen state of New Jersey and further I urge all citizens to join in expressing our deepest gratitude and appreciation to these individuals for their essential contributions to our Democratic process in witness thereof I have here onto set my hand and caused the Seal of the burough of Oakland County Bergen state of New Jersey to be affixed on this the 25th day of June 2024 I want to thank all the poll workers I see some in the audience over here uh certainly they do put in long hours it's a long day and you know I want to thank you and it's it's really volunteerism at that is finest for our democracy so thank you okay one more we have uh approved social Affairs permit for Oakland New Jersey Elks Lodge 2167 for poker night fundraiser takes place on August 17th 2024 from 6: to 12 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. at the Oakland Ox Lodge located at 33 around Valley Road a motion approved so move a second second all in favor I abstain you want okay one all in favor so okay uh we are moving on to resolutions we're going to chunk out the police first so that we can uh do the swearing in okay so we have following resolutions 2418 reappoint Lisa por poro sleo 2024 25 school year 24189 a br reappoint Brian fazo for sleo 2024 to 2025 school year reappoint Kevin Smith this is 24190 sleo 2024 to 2025 school year we have 2411 to reappoint Daniel Kellogg SLO 2024 to 2025 school year and we have a new hire we have 2024 we have resol resolution 24192 to hire Paul ster for sleo 2024 the 2025 school year and we have resolution 24193 to hire Jose osar osario SLO 2024 to 2025 school year at this point I'd like to bring up uh the officers and swear in as a group to oh yeah do we have motion motion to approve so moved second second favor all right now we can bring it this everybody back got the Bible grab the Bible oh sorry G to do it as a group Chief you want hold that okay we're going do as a group and we'll just each one you can state your name okay all right I do solemnly swear do Sol swear that I will support that I will support the Constitution of the United States the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and the constitution of the state New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance alance to the same to the same and the governments established and the government's established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will Fai impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of the office of Soo all the duties of office of for the year 2024 to 2025 for the year 2024 2025 according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so helping go so helping [Applause] congratulations Rich want to go middle all right just you guys app thank you he's not here thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you welcome AB board thank you all right sorry for making you wait by the way we'll just take uh 30 second one minute break okay moving on we are up to consent agenda resolution 24194 authorized hire of confidential secretary for police of police chief 24195 appointment of alternate school crossing guard 24 196 higher summer Camp staff 2024 24197 appoint Communications Commission secretary 24198 authorized Recreation refunds 24199 authorized refund of taxes for exempt veteran 24200 authorized refund of taxes exempt veteran 24201 resolution of ratifying a sidebar agreement between the buau and the United Public Service employees union open White Collar employees regarding summer hour schedule 24202 amend resolution 2432 authorized participation in the liso program contract dates 24203 authorized temporary hire summer clerical assistant 24204 authorized Grant submission for NJ doot 20 2025 Municipal application pedestrian safety improvement from 599 rampo Valley Road to Thunderbird Drive this is the continuation of the sidewalk program that we're working on 202 24205 authorize vendor fee craft pair 24206 authorize purchase of two Ford F350 pickup trucks 24208 authorized Engineering Services flood buyout house demolition 24209 authorized liquor licenses for the year 2024 to 2025 and 24210 amend funding sources for resolution 24121 does anybody wish to pull any out you need to pull 2011 2011 for me okay anybody else with the exclusion of 2421 do I have a motion to approve the following resolution I need do we have a motion so moved do have a second second roll call councilwoman gfo yes council president Sani yes councilman slinsky yes Council T yes okay coming back to 242 2011 resolution ratifying the sidebar agreement between the Bureau of Oakland and United Public Service employees union regarding summer hours scheduled do have some anybody wish to introduce motion uh some moved can um I just want to ask a question about it though also okay um it just um this is um we'll have regular hours all the time right but it's it's we're just covering them differently correct uh building hours uh are not being affected by this all right that's all make sure anybody else do I have a second second second roll call councilwoman gofredo yes council president saliani abstain councilman slinsky yes councilman T me yes okay we're moving on to ordinances 24 code 9947 Capital ordinance for tennis courts do I have a motion to adopt so moved intr motion introduced I'm sorry so moved do I have a second second do I have a motion open to public so moved all favor anybody wish to talk about tennis courts so again Brian Mel 26 Hickory Drive um I'm the co-chairman of the Oakland team tennis League um for those that don't know it's an adult Tennis League we play Tuesday Wednesday Thursday nights um we started about six weeks ago and we finished mid August um so I know the courts are um in the process of um being bit out for resurfacing um which we appreciate um we ask that um everything be done to allow us to finish our season before the courts actually break round um I do know there is um some economics involved and um there's a grant that I believe has to be used by a certain period of time um but again we're we're asking that our our season not be displaced or disrupted um and that you know the town looks at every single opportunity um with the foundation to see if um you know the money can be spent before the the time that it needs to but and but maybe the the cour break ground after our season which is ends August 15th if there's a way to you know to to do that we would really appreciate that um again I'm looking forward to hear what the update is um but we really you know we we have close to 200 players that have paid for this league and you know we're trying not to disrupt it um and have to issue refunds or look for other places to play most of the people are Oakland residents um so again we just want to make sure that we're we're exploring the town is exploring all options to to make sure that the the league doesn't get disrupted I I think I can answer your question we have a pre-con meeting coming this Friday and we'll really have a better handle on exactly where this is going to fall okay be communicated appropriately okay and that meeting is held with who uh this with the contractor with the contractor okay okay all right thank you anybody else wish to address tennis courts motion to close so moved second all favor I okay do we have a motion to adopt so move second okay roll call councilwoman goo yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talini yes okay uh do we want to take the resolution out of order you can do whatever you want you let's let's uh we're going to just jump to uh the the supporting resolution on that uh this is 24-21 Award Big Tennis Court Rehabilitation project have a motion motion to approve have a second second I'm sorry councilwoman gfo yes council president selani yes councilman linski yes councilman T meting yes okay now we're moving on to ordinance 24 code 948 amendment of Oakland communication fees for sponsorship program as you recall we did have discussion about this at our last council meeting do we have a motion to adopt so move all second second do I motion open to public so move second roll call councilwoman Gedo yes council president selani yes Council slinsky yes councilman talamini yes does anybody from the public wish to talk about 24 code 948 amendment of O Communication Commission fees sponsorship programs not seeing any motion Clos so moveed second second call Council womano yes council president Sani yes councilman cinski yes councilman talini yes okay we have roll call on 24 code 948 councilwoman gofredo yes council president selani yes councilman cinski yes councilman telini yes okay working out we're moving on a work session so uh as you know uh one of the things we've been working on is the downtown Corridor and we've been working on this for a better part of a couple years and I see some of the members of the planning Court committee here that were working on this so what we did is we kind of brought it back we have we met with the council land use committee and we we talk to our planner and we brought it back to the planning board and with that I'm going to turn this over to Mr Coons to tell us some of the changes that will recommended to us to take on this ordinance oh sure uh thank you mayor uh so as you had indicated with push Plaza Park coming through fruition uh you sort of a focus on the downtown area and that Corridor uh we wanted to I think to find the time is finally right to really move ahead with the streetcape ordinance now and um really address standards that would with the physical space itself and the Aesthetics uh of the cor so you're talking about things as what are your sidewalks look like uh lighting uh trees benches trash receptacles and setting up appropriate standards there uh to over time uh something that would provide a sort of a a better aesthetic than what's there now a more uniform look to to the downtown sort of building off of some of the stuff that's at the Walgreens site and Bush PL and trying to extend that and working with uh developers when they come in with site plan approvals and the like uh something that guide that effort so uh our planner took a look at the original draft that had been provided back in the fall by the planning board uh her Memo was included in the packet you can see the changes that uh she's suggesting uh one sort of viip recating the B2 Zone from The dt1 Zone in terms of what treatments would be required so maybe uh you more applicable Zone than the other uh looking at specific language on tree spacing um looking at language on the exemptions for tree planting uh providing more definitive guidelines than perhaps what the draft called for in terms of having actual rendering photographs uh providing some different uh you know equal to or better than sort of sort of language in the ordinance uh providing a listing of approved Street trees uh with the of the sh commission to help guide developers more in terms of what's appropriate what isn't appropriate uh and we again get some uniformity there uh so it's it's things like that uh that that really kind of focus on tightening it up making it work a little bit better I think that was those comments were uh pered favorably by the land use committee and by the planning board uh so I think the next step is to work with the Planner on drafting that we revise with those changes in mind uh presenting that to everybody here for the July meeting I start moving the adoption process forward uh if we have something ready and that can be introduced we probably then go to the planning board uh back to them in August uh you may be poised to adopt at the August meeting so that's sort of a time frame that we're looking at right now anybody have any questions concerning streetcap no everybody's good yeah like you know as Mr C pointed out you know we we are just finishing Bush Plaza and if you can see what we're doing is we're drawing from the wall corner where the Wallgreens is and we're matching the same lights the same type of sidewalk with the brick inlays and we want to codify that in an ordinance so that we can now when the Builder comes in or developer comes in like the Oakland drugs we can say hey this is the standard of what Oakland's going to look like and you know and we going to codify that with within the ORD the pictures of what the light poles are let's say the vendor goes out of business how we get something very close what are the street rates going to look like what is this the the texture of the sidewalk so it's very specific as we start moving and improving the downtown area Okay so Mr C we have probably some drafted for next counc maybe I'll follow up with Carol tomorrow and uh you know probably about a time frame for that okay terrific uh does anybody have any new business okay I have one thing piece of new business I want to bring forward uh when we were meeting with um uh lenar and the county and frankco lakes and US concerning the water M that's going to be replaced or being put in on McCoy Road uh there was some interesting discussion that the county has an ordinance in place that requires anybody that opens up more than 100 feet of road that that vendor where there's Public Service come in and they have to pay from Curb to curb instead of just half so what I like to do is I'd like to get a if the county sending me a copy of that ordinance I'd like to send it to our attorney for review and possibly bring it up at next council meeting uh so that uh obviously let's put the burden on the person ripping up our roads instead of our taxpayer and especially when they're doing these very long runs of opening roads let's take advantage of that so we can we can get our roads paid comments sounds a great idea great idea okay all right moving on Old business anybody be old business not seeing any Council leaz on reports Mr um all right let's uh do wck um the rec uh Camp is open uh we have um after Camp sign ups still are still open if you want to sign up for the after Camp a new program is for for uh the campers who can't uh parents can't can't make it to the end of Camp gives them something to do you can go on oakland.org um and sign up for that it's a new program they're trying to get it off the ground and um it seems to be uh uh they seem to be very positive about it um and then also just with um the the carnival I just want to say thank you to to all the direct uh Commissioners uh Steve Steve Catalano Dan legado uh Bob scalabrini for for really uh arranging the the baseball softball and tennis schedules to make the the carnival the carnival run run run smoothly um you know wck uh uses that field 24 hours a day pretty much and to put a carnival in the middle of it is is is is rough and uh so the the W the wck guys they do they do everything they can to make sure that the the kids can have their wreck events and we could also have the carnival so uh it's uh it's a big effort the carnival and and public events does a great job but um they also need help from the wreck we just want to make sure that they got get pointed out um uh Andrea brought up most of the arts arts committee stuff um they are doing the they're trying a new kind of uh craft fair on the on uh the property between the library in the school we'll see what we can do about that um and that that should be fun and uh the art the art the Arts committee works really hard they they did um the the Pavilion and um uh just trying to get uh all the all the creative people in town give them an outlet I think it's great what the art committee does and um it it just gets uh bigger and better and uh with hard work it'll be we'll have we'll have some great events in town so thank you to Andrea for for her uh her work that she does and that's it thank you as so um public events Chopper represented public events I felt very well when is up here so I just want to say thank you to the committee for everything they did the carnival went great um I actually thought the meeting after the Monday after the carnival was actually more important to figure out what we can do different next year and it's it's pretty um it's pretty interesting you know based on the money all the hard work everyone did and everyone within 24 hours was thinking about how can we do it better next year what can we do to make it better so I thought that that was really great you want to thank all the five races who supported the food so um great job by everyone involved with the carnival um also want to I segue a DPW update um I do want to thank all the DPW Personnel who worked to Carnival uh um not going to lie there's some people at the carnival some people at the stands after 11 o'clock at night and the tpw was there cleaning up taking taking care of business taking taking care of everything going on so thank you for the crews that that work that work the the carnival to support uh quick DPW update for potholes Public's Works will continue filling potholes and make Road repairs on a weekly basis as weather allows res if residents see a pothole can or a problem eror please report to DPW directly by calling 201 337 8103 or by filling out a service request on the Bros website to date 7 734 repairs have been made since March of this year um annual outfall inspections um according to the storm water pollution prevention plan Public Works employees are in the process of inspecting all 162 drain outfalls throughout the throughout Oakland and along the banks of the river after the inss are complete the list of deficiencies will be shared with the governing body our bar engineers and all repairs will them be scheduled for the remainder of the year street lights uh once again it's that time of year um and the street lights are on when they come on your kids supposed to go home well the street lights aren't working they're not going to come home so make sure you you report your street lights out at 201 337 8103 or by filling out a service request on the B website that's all I have thank you Council thank you mayor uh from public safety for the month of May Oakland's police officers conducted 448 Motor Vehicles stops and issued 464 motor vehicle summonses uh from the library there's a lot going on at the opl now that summer reading program is here the library has a summer reading program for children young adults and adults participants can read log their reading and win cool prizes All Summer Long there are also a few weekly giveaways for the adults this program was uh uses the read squared app also uh yoga with Sonia for adults runs every Tuesday night into August uh then this Thursday uh they will have uh the adult painting class uh with Vilma from you paint Studio at 6:30 on Friday night they will have a tribute to Carol King live on the on the library stage registration is required for all of these events uh next week on July 1st uh they will have favorite foreign films again at 10:00 a.m. showing the lives of others they will also be kicking off a free ESL conversation class with Spanish speakers uh who would like to improve their English every Monday night at 6:30 beginning July 1st uh there is no need uh to register for this one uh students can just show up uh on Tuesday July 2nd at 6:30 they will have uh the start of a series of watercolor instruction classes for a adults this class will run for six sessions and each one will cover a different subject and technique um lastly the library will be closed on July 4th and as a reminder the library will be closed on Sundays in July and August uh and happy uh have a happy and safe forth thank you uh thank you mayor um the access for all committee um had that wonderful event at the uh Oakland carnival on the Saturday um 170 people I counted most of them um and uh it was just it was awesome to see The Smiling Faces and the parents getting to enjoy that hour and a half watching their kids be happy an event that was just special for the for their children it was awesome um and I already reported on sh tree um last meeting OCC their next um OCC you already heard about the YouTube is the only way to watch this meeting um I want to just take a a moment to congratulate all the graduates of the class of 2024 I also want to take a moment to acknowledge one of the speakers tonight um e um that was a very disappointing uh event that happened and I'm really sorry that you felt that and uh you know it's just a for such a great town there's just a 05% that's ugly and uh yeah so thank you for sharing that with us that's all I have okay thank you bills to be paid councilwoman bills to be bills total bills to be paid $ 775,385 council meeting will be held Wednesday July 17th 2024 at 700 p.m. at the burough of Oakland Municipal Court council chambers at 10 W [Music] Drive e e