good evening i' like to welcome everyone to the December 6th Oakland mayor and council meeting I'd like to call the be to order um quickly just a statement um for open to the for bug meetings act this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advert ized and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless the majority of the of the council that our president vote to extend the time please join me for the pledge of Alle PL alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please join in a moment of silence and so everyone remember that tomorrow is uh December 7th Pearl Harbor day thank you well if you haven't noticed I am not mayor Linder the mayor cannot make tonight's meeting due to to a due to a personal personal meeting she had to attend so I will be I be representing her in the place um I would also like to excuse Russell tell me motion to excuse Russell T meeting meeting move second I all in favor I do we need a motion for the mayor as well uh we just do a roll call okay something roll call Mayor swager yes what Mayer I thought we're excuse J say your name I thought excusing her councilman Camala here M here pelli I did too Eric Sani here slinsky here talamini now we'll do a motion to excuse the mayor some okay motion to excuse mayor Sher so move second all in favor I so just touch real quick on May a couple of Oakland events I want want to make sure everyone is aware of this Saturday from 9: to 1200 in Bush Plaza we have the Toys for Tots Rumor Has It Santa's coming on the train so you want to be there and if anyone has any questions um there is the public events committee online has all the details is December 9th at 12 oh excuse me my bad December 9th at 1200 noon um I did not read my read my agenda properly so I apologize to everybody so again Toys for Tots is Saturday at 12:00 noon in Bush Plaza for holid recycling you can go to Ace Hardware or the uh or the APL holiday tree lot over in Copper Tree to recycle your holiday lights Santa in the neighborhood so Santa will be coming on the fire truck on Saturday December 16th the schedule is on the Oakland website and it's a very good event where Santa comes gives out candy canes to the kids it's it's great time and uh please uh listen for the sirens on Saturday December 16th access ACC for all holiday event is also scheduled for Sunday December 17th the day in the Leah building will be held from 2: to 4: p.m. the access for all event is for sensory deprivation for children who don't who have sensory deprivation concerns and that will be from 2 to 400 p.m. at Dand building and Santa I heard is arriving somewhere around 2:30 p.m. Holiday Lights contest sign up all signups are due by December 15th the judging will be the evenings of December 18th and December 19th you can find information on the Oakland website and last but not least for some Oakland events we have open mic night at real Brave on December 28th thank you uh Engineers report Mr emik uh thank you council president happy holidays to everyone um I'm going to start with the Patriots way Bridge as everyone knows we received bids uh back in November um Boswell is still reviewing uh the bid of the apparent low bidder and uh the bad notice we received is the 3 ton weight limit must remain on the bridge as per the state inspectors uh Bush Plaza phase one we received a favorable uh bid and it's on your agenda this evening uh to uh we're recommending Award of that project to Vish Landscaping um uh the bring page treatment at the three Wells if you've passed by any of the three Wells one along 287 one down by uh the rec field you will see the big calan units have been placed or in place uh the project uh considering all three Wells is about a third complete uh and we are on schedule to complete that project contractor is on schedule to complete that project by February of 2024 alven Brook phase two repairs um we are we finished the mapping and preliminary plan preparation uh we requested the uh threatened endangered species list from the DP they require mapping ahead of time to do that we did that about two weeks ago uh that is return returnable to us in a few weeks there was a slight snafu with the 200 foot list uh many residents in that area will be notified of this Pro project uh we are as per the DP we are putting in the permit documents uh for the work that was done at the lake lakeside um Bridge uh previously this year and the other three locations all the way up to Route 202 including 40 Nomas um driveways uh the driveway at 595 rampo Valley Road um it looks like it's going to be uh reconstructed next week uh we got some favorable bids this week and we're just waiting for paperwork from the contractor and uh a definite date on next week when that will occur um I think that is it Mr council president if any member of the council has any particular questions for me I could try to answer them oh one more quick question I know for the art shelter in Great Oak Plaza we're still waiting on a response from the contractor so we can start electric is that correct uh today we just got the final paperwork and I believe there was so many there were so many emails today I'm looking at Rich because our heads are spinning we have a final thing probably about 4 o' this afternoon we'll have a requisition cut tomorrow that's it okay so then we can get that done before the end of the year is that possible before the end of the year uh I have not yet received the schedule from the contractor okay hasn't indicated how soon you can get out there is maybe answer a question with a question is is there a particular event we're trying to accommodate uh no I just want to make sure it's on the calendar because I know the group wants to do something as soon as we can next year uh from a standpoint of opening up and with our luck we'll get 10 ft of snow and have to wait okay to me to me the sooner it's done we know it's done and we we can test understood we have a contractor um all set not on board the requisition should go out tomorrow is my understanding thank you any other anyone else have any other questions for the Bro engineer right let's open to the public who Moved second all in favor I anyone anyone from the public want to step up Andrew I think we have it's on the work session agenda I'll pull you up the work session does anyone from public want to speak I have do one thing just really quickly uh Andrea Ley 780 Rama um we the Arts committee decorated the vanon tree um for the Bergen County Winter Wonderland event and contest Our Hope was to win uh a a free skating day for Oakland unfortunately much like some other things we did not win it's okay though because next year we're going to plan ah head and we are going to win it so I just wanted to let everybody know ahead of time that we are going to go all out for the vanon tree for Oakland next year and uh also I want to invite people to join the Arts committee our next meeting is December 20th at 700 pm at the senior center that's it thank you thank you anyone else like to speak I don't know if it's the appropriate time or not but um I'm a 30-y year I need your name and address person James par again 62 hiy Drive in Oakland I'm 30 year Oakland resident and I came down because I WR in the paper that they were uh wanted to bring a construction recycling debris uh Center to Oakland and uh I don't know um I'm sure the environmental would be under control but my concern is truck traffic and the amount of tonnage that's going to be coming in says to me that there's going to be a lot of big trucks coming in not only bringing stuff but also taking stuff out and I'm in opposition to uh having this in our town so are we so I came down I'd like to invite you um the bcua the burn count util Authority is accepting public comment and objection from Oakland residents so if you before out to miss you can get that to them or directly to them but we are collecting you know there a petition going around against it I know there was a petition that's why it and we we're collecting anyone that wants to submit their opposition and why they're opposed we're collecting that well that was my my my main concern it's traffic you know all know what it's like and then also there's a bcua meeting on December 19th where you can go voice your opinion in person just like this in opposition at the county in the county yes thank you for the opportunity to speak thank you thank you anyone else wish to speak motion close second all in favor I approval of minutes can we like to for the November 21st 2023 meeting some moved second all in favor I uh oh it's roll call it's roll call has to be Sor was abent councilman Cal yes McAn abstain P nelli yes s Annie yes spinski yes T meeting thank you approval of minutes of the November 21st 2023 executive session if there are any changes all changes must be made in executive meeting so mov second roll call councilman Kamal yes McAn yes you there no obstain excuse me Pali yes Sally Annie obain I was late who is that yeah was was cutting traffic linski yes tell me abent special announcements we have two raffle licenses we would like we would like to approve authorize first is to raffle license for PTO height school for raffle on January 24th at holiday ball all in favor any opposed second is a Raffa license for PTO school on on March 17th at 64 Cal Drive in Oakland to benefit the high school PTO move second all in favor I opposed [Music] resolutions all resolution hold on I got to read this all resolutions shall be acted on by a single motion unless the number member of the government by request specific items to be pulled um so I will just read the headers of each of each resolution and then if if any council member would like them pull let me know after I read resolution 23333 resolution ratifying sidebar agreement between burrow of Oakland and United Public Service employee union regarding 2024 election day observed holiday 23- 334 resolution ratifying sidebar agreement between Oakland and United Public Service employee union regarding 2024 election day observed holiday 23- 335 resolution authorizing Indemnity and Trust agreement to berken Municipal Employee benefits fund for 2024 through 2026 23- 336 authorized Grant submitted for CB for cdbg uh 23- 337 Recreation refunds 23-3 38 tawa application for hackin sack Meridian at 373 RPO Road Oakland New Jersey that is the old Oakland drug site 23- 339 a point acting municipal clerk 23-34 hire seasonal snowplow operators 23- 341 acrude time payout for Diane Del Gazo 23- 342 appointment of temporary Recreation secretary 23- 343 award bid for Bush Plaza and 23344 amend resolution 23-33 for the NJ RPA firefighter Grant would any councilman like one of these items pulled out if not motion to approve the consent agenda I'll move second roll call councilman Kamala yes M yes pelli yes Sani yes slinsky yes talamini okay uh ordinances for introduction there are four ordinance for introduction tonight's meeting um 23 code 934 an ordinance revising and amending and reenacting paragraph 13 and8 of the code of burrow Oakland for salaries of Municipal Employees 23- Capital 935 and ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 111 section 10 of the Oakland code entitled fee schedules for charges and fees 23 code93 6 ordinance establishing sustainable Oakland Green Team and 23- 23 code 937 ordinance establishing requirements of the sewage of of the storage of salt and other solid deicing materials from being exposed to storm water you need a motion to introduce those okay oh so each one you should stop me guys all right motion to introduce 23- 934 so moved second Council mamala yes MC yes pelli yes Sani yes plinski yes T motion to introduce Capital 935 so moved second roll call Council yes MC yes Pig matelli yes Sani yes linski yes did you catch up yet good motion to introduce 23- 936 so moved second roll call councilman Kamal yes mccan yes pelli yes Sani yes so yes tell and motion to approve 23 C- 937 joh move second roll call councilman Kamala yes McAn yes Pali yes Sani no slinsky yes talamini I'm sorry I voted no there's no scope and scale to this right like there I just think it's overreach just my opinion tell it's going to be aded with public comments on okay yes all these um ordinances will be adopted with for public and with public comment on our next meeting which is 1220 they'll be up for adoption up for adoption we don't want to presume they will be ad they'll be up for adoption they'll be up for adoption at our next meeting on 12 2023 thank you for the correction all right work session OCC bylaw revisions uh yeah just real briefly uh the OCC met recently uh in conjunction with their updating of their Five-Year Plan they reviewed their bylaws uh in conjunction with their operations and uh would like to make several changes uh for how the commission functions internally uh and to address certain programs that they've developed since the last time the bylaws were uh were amended so uh Brian had submitted a uh executive summary uh I think that pretty succinctly lays it all out as well as well as a highlighted version of the bylaws that we included in the packet so uh with that it's just up for your uh discussion and if everybody is amenable to it we would have a resolution on the next agenda to approve the uh bylaw changes yeah I I I read Ryan's Ryan's paper dissertation very well I actually think there's very clean it makes perfect sense so we move this to move to the next res resolution so okay uh the next item in the work session is the Arts committee mural and this is where I'd like to yes have Miss Ley come up here too many papers today do you want to give some background how we got here I certainly can which way are we facing right now so this way I gu yes all right so um hi Andrea again um the Arts committee back in the spring going taking us way way way back right now um decided that we wanted to beautify town and one of the ways we were going to do that was through murals identifying structures in town that were primed for um painting a mural and uh working with the the recreation um head uh we Lo located a building that is in the uh Recreation Area closest to the um the skating rink for for positional purposes um we put out a uh a call for all artists and um several things happened where we we didn't initially get anything in and then we put it out again and then the schools wanted us more time and bottom line is we landed on a date in uh I believe September it was um which was our our final final date and we uh then opened it up to the town to vote because several of the artists that submitted were uh from our or related to our uh committee so we thought the best way to get what the best art should be for that spot would be to have an online vote and we got nearly 300 votes which is a sizable amount for a pretty short period of time and we narrowed it down to three um pieces which I I will show you right now I think you can see them from there um this one is the welcome to Oakland and this one uh came from an antoinet Cinderella delandro lovely colors and we had this one which is also a welcome to Oakland maybe don't mention the names until after there's a selection made oh okay I thought they should all get credit for we we can afterwards okay you got it no problem I take it back it [Laughter] wasn't welcome to Oakland another lovely one from town and these are the three finalists that were voted on uh we took the final three and we brought it to the mayor and Council for their final um selection of which one will be um awarded to the person who uh is selected here and uh so that's where we're at right now and the mayor and council is the mayor in C is going with the selection of the 300 people who voted okay so that being the case Tada um this is called Oak 's backyard which I I think is very appropo given the location of it um the artist's name is Anastasia Sova um she's from Oakland of course and this is the artwork that's going to be installed down at the recreation area that will all get to enjoy once it is done likely this spring okay so if anybody wants to to come on board with the Arts committee we got lots of stuff going who paints it on well she's going to be given the role of of Chief painter honor oh okay um and we we'll be supplying the the goods for her to be able to do so um she'll be able to recruit people to to work on it and we've offered that we will assist and and oversee how old is that person is that right to say ask I I can't answer that question younger than you Pat um D is younger than you said it pat we did presumably presumably I don't know that um but yeah no I don't know the I I want to thank how many contestants started we get the final three we got a total of um six entrance a small amount but you know small and mighty I might add you want to thank everyone you know every everyone who participated in the three finalists what a great job and congrats to Anastasia Andrea just since we mentioned two who was the other finalist okay so the the other F this um welcome to Oakland was from Gabriella talamini okay might recognize the name never heard of it never heard of it right congratulations R exactly and anet and well antoanet uh delandro was with this one here and as I mentioned before the winner is Anastasia Sova beautiful congratulations congratulations well done yeah thank you new business any council member want to bring some new business anyone Council like to discuss old business burrow committee reports let's start with um let's start with Kevin we that way for once thank you of first this is interesting thank you uh so you got first from the sewer committee uh for the uh sewer customers the buau will be holding a meeting on Wednesday December 13th at 7:00 p.m. at the Oakland senior center located at 20 laer drive to discuss matters concerning the sewer utility the buau will be will provide an update uh on the sewer treatment plant decommissioning project the effect on utility rates and plans for the expansion of the sewer system there will be a question and comment period at the end of the presentation uh uh for my uh Library update uh in addition to the regular story times this Friday at 11:00 a.m. they will have the jiggly Wiggly music program for children registration is required uh this Sunday at 2 pm they will have Dr poles uh the concert violinist performing One Enchanted Christmas concert on the library stage uh registration is also required and as of now they have about 20 spots remaining uh the opl is pleased to announce that they will be bringing back the annual cookie swap of event on Monday December 11th at 6:30 there are still a few spots available for this event if you want to join in on the fun uh if you are looking for assistance with computer or other Tech issues you can make an appointment uh for Tech Tuesdays or for dropin help with Kirk on uh Saturdays or Sundays when he's available uh call the library for details and finally they will have another meeting of the anime club on uh Monday December mber 18th at 6 pm. register online or by calling the library that's all I have for tonight thank you councilen uh thank you uh acting mayor um access for all met and um they are inviting uh uh child of special needs to come and meet Santa on a fire truck um with limited lights and sounds um this event is geared towards people with sensory and auditory needs um and those who prefer a quieter setting so it's it's going to be sent on a truck and the date is for Sunday December 17th between 2 and 4 pm at the Danny deia building uh over here by Laurel Drive and here um we're asking people to so that we could we could have Refreshments so we would like to have a head count if possible so we would like people to RSVP Us by at least Wednesday December 13th via email the email address is Oakland AFA and if they did this last year and it was a success and the um it's it's amazing to watch these kids uh we're getting a group of kids coming uh I want to use the word regulars but that's how it's it's be it's become there's a group of about 10 10 of them that seem to be coming to the Halloween events and things things like that uh the administration committee meet Administration committee uh met uh councilman Kamal do you want to speak about that I defer that to you you can take that okay um uh we had a meeting with uh Bor administrator um we're reviewing some matters as it relates to rfqs uh and we've included other matters including hiring uh the assistant assistant uh clerk for our for our courts and U this coming year uh uh going into January there's going to be a lot of activity uh uh and a lot of changes coming through the administration process so that's all I have for for tonight thank you councilman Council pelly yes thank you um the only announcement I have is the senior citizen Christmas party is Thursday December 14th I believe there's a $5 fee uh which they would like paid ahead of time so that know how much food to order and I'd also like to wish everyone celebrating Hanukkah a happy and blessed Hanukkah um uh I know there are quite a few people in town that do celebrate that so uh many wishes to all the families in town that celebrate Hanukkah that's it thank you thank you thank you Mr President uh Green Team met last week uh as you heard today we are going to make them a full-time standing committee after we vote on the ordinance change next week is something they've been asking for for a while and uh you know they really doing a lot of great work and you know it's really temp to move that along so I want to thank my colleagues as we start moving through this process uh when I attended the meeting last week it was really just kind of a year end wrapup of uh the Green Team uh they don't have a meeting in December and they were just talking about ideas going into next year I also want to thank Andrea and and the Arts committee I know as leaz your committee you guys worked really hard and you know a couple hiccups and roadblocks getting this mural thing going but it's great to be able to wrap for you guys to wrap it up at the end of the year and we have a product going into next year so we can really get it done so I want to thank everybody for that and that's all I have Mr President thank you counc Kamal um real quick from the DPW I was asked to remind everyone that vegetation pickup the last day to put out your vegetations Monday and Tuesday of this week so any leaves and branches that are out there at DPW is asking that you put them out this week for pickups there'll be no further pickups after after those two days this week or next week uh this Monday next week next Monday Monday okay and that that's the only update I had um with that uh open to the public motion second all in favor I anyone from the public wish to speak motion to close second all in favor I be uh before we go to bills to be paid I do want to um Echo councilman tell me his comments so wishing to wish everyone a uh who celebrate Hanukkah have a en jooy this holiday season as it starts and um also want to um want to um do a little personal note so every for those of you who don't know I have a 14-year-old daughter who watches every meeting and since I was sitting in this chair tonight since she was going to film it when I get home was going to list every time I mumbled I made a mistake I did something so I am looking so forward to going home after this me see all the mistakes I made tonight point up at my daughter I think you did a great job it's tough being with that being said uh bills bills to be paid the total is $594,900 77 mov second roll call councilman Kamal yes councilman McAn yes Pig matali yes Sally Annie yes slinsky yes and with that the meeting is a CH thanks for coming thank you for coming we need a motion oh mo excuse me motion to the meeting he want there's another dictator gotta learn from somebody oh there's my tie wow that could be a record