yeah a start yep 7 o'cl meeting called to order this is the May 28th 2024 burough of Oakland council meeting uh would the clerk please read the statement of compliance this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meetings law duly announced advertis and posted in the municipal building the meeting will adjourn no later than 10 p.m. unless the majority of the council members that are present vote to extend the time all rise for the pledge of leaders tell would you lead us to the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for stay standing for a moment of silence please be seated thank you please call call the roll call please councilwoman gfo here councilman McAn councilman patelli council president Sally Annie here councilman slinsky councilman talamini here I have a motion to excuse uh councilman cinski and we can't please and Pat also Pat going to be R late pass on an ambulance call he'll be around 7:15 so move a second second all in favor I hi okay for the mayor's report let's jump into the good news here um concerning the dump uh we received a written communication today which was dated from last week uh concerning the status of the dump and and we really made we have some very good news about this and what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut right to the Chase and I'm going to let our bur attorney address our correspondent that we received and the significance of it moving forward thank you mayor so as you know the applicant had filed for a class B Recycling Center and they had made application to the bcua and then to the Commissioners upon a favorable recommendation for inclusion in the solid waste management program one of the new changes to the law from the last time they had done this was they had to hold a hearing in the burough of Oakland that hearing occurred at such time uh the mayor the member the mayor the council members all came and attended I was there I asked questions of their experts Mr ymic put forward testimony regarding the engineering concerns of the buau our planner had submitted a report regarding that it was not a permitted use in the zone our environmental commission submitted its own report and and numerous individuals from the municipality submitted their objections to the project subsequent to this towards the beginning of this year the bcua submitted a letter to the applicant consisting of 15 questions that they further wanted information on regarding things such as their that were raised during the hearing such as their noise control their Odor Control their dust control environmental impact storm water impact uh the applicant did not respond to this letter they then subsequently received additional notice that if they did not respond to this letter their application would be dismissed at the May 23rd 23rd meeting they did not respond and as such the bcua administratively dismissed their application with no further action required at this time and that is where we stand as of now it has been administratively dismissed for lack of providing the information that was required thank you counselor and we will be putting together a Facebook post with all the per information so that we can distribute it out to the public so that the the general public understands exactly you know we had a good win here so let's uh you know Oakland's very fortunate in the fact fact that we were able to put the Hal to this so thank you counselor all right the second uh big announcement I have is Paving so the Oakland Paving program has begun we are currently working on the sidewalk cutouts Ada ramps and the following streets will be paved first one Lakeside Boulevard second one will be monagan AV to Ramapo Hills Boulevard I see a lot of people smiling in the room here been waiting a long time for that hawaa Boulevard followed by hawaa Boulevard then Truman Boulevard emergency exit coming out of the reserve we're going to be replacing that uh Woods End the emergency access road coming out of the reserve on the Glen gray side will also be repaved so we make better access for the residents Jerome Avenue Lake View Terrace portion of that River Road will be repaved Lawler drive going to the rec field from 202 down to Butternut that's pretty rough that's going to be repaved uh the police station lot East Oak Street when you come around East Oak Street to yapo Avenue we did all the trench work for the sewers that's that se section is going to also be repaved R and Rose is going to be repaved Shelly Street and the end of Spear Street I know a lot of people are asking about yao yao is coming out of a state Grant and that will be paved in the fall with concrete work and everything going up y house so we have a lot of we have a lot of Paving going on and I still haven't made the announcement yet for psng for the work that they did digging up the roads in Oakland we expect them to be paved either in July or August August once we get a firm date from them I'll make that announcement and certain we'll notify the residents Patriots way Bridge update we had a pre-con meeting last week I'm happy to announce that they are going to start deploying equipment and resources in the second and third week of June so you're going to see a lot of movement we're going to be ramping up very quickly for starting to work on the bridge and get that bridge replaced so you're going to see a lot of action taking place on that okay our Memorial Day Parade was a success I certainly want to take some time out to thank the public events committee the American Legion the DPW all the volunteers that showed up it was a very successful day uh I also want to recognize our friends at the American Legion they were the ones that provided the American flags for the downtown going from Long Hill Road all the way down to Yo Avenue so we have flags up there and cooperation working with the burrow and the DPW uh there we are still working on the Hometown Heroes program uh you're going to see that for next year so next year's Memorial Day Parade or Veterans Day you will see the Hometown Heroes banners this will be brought forward by the committee to the governing body to choose which one we want to go with and those will be indeed raised next year uh Bush Plaza up update uh as you can tell there's a lot of soil being moved down there the street light uh concrete pedestals are already in place uh we're waiting for the street lights to be made at this point uh looks like they're do most of the ground work and where they're going to be putting the seating and the electrical work is now complete along with the sprinkler system okay early voting starts tomorrow May 29th and it runs through June 2nd Monday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 P.M and Sunday 10: a.m. to 6: p.m. uh the information is going to be on the Oakland website so you can find out where all the locations are available and where all the ballot drop off boxes are we have one in Oakland right next to burrow Hall in the front we have Oakland fever pitch Oakland by the Oakland Recreation Commission join us in celebrate Oakland's baseball and softball seasons and teams parade down Canyon of Heroes introduction of baseball softball team sports Association Oakland Hall of Fame in induction we're going to have bouncy castles dunk tank DJ and other fun fun things hot dogs cotton candy snow cones fresh fruit and refreshments it's going to be this Saturday June 1st at 9:00 a. to 12:00 p.m. down at the rec field we also have our Sunday hikes June June 2nd 9:00 a.m. meet at the lower lot on Skyline Drive anybody's interested taking a hike around the lake I usually go every month it's really a nice walk around going around Rambo lake at the top and coming on down okay the Arts Pavilion the Oakland and arts and Great Oak Park committee is excited to announce the much anticipated grand opening of the Arts Pavilion at Great Oak Park on Sunday June 8th from 12: to 5:00 p.m. join us for a funfilled day for all ages featuring Oakland's finest performing artists including special appearances by local favorites they are the core no picnic International war-winning finger stylist Mark spanga the rampo Indian Hills teachers band unprofessional development development featuring Mr Clark in the incredible Dance Theater of New Jersey additionally a selection of local makers and bakers will be showcasing their Creations so get your family and friends together grab a blanket get some bug spray and sunblock it's going to be a great day in Oakland SE June 8 so June 88 that's upward coming also and we have the Oakland Carnival June 12th Wednesday 6: P p.m. to 10 p.m. June 13th Thursday 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. June 14th Friday 6 p.m. to 11: p.m. June 15th Saturday 5:00 p.m. to 11: uh special needs will have an opportunity to participate from 3: to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday the rides will be running slower less noise less linky lights so it'll be make an enjoyable experience for those that need a little extra help uh wristbands unlimited rides it's going to cost you 40 bucks and you could prepay for $35 go to Oakland for more information purchase your wristbands and how to go about that uh what else okay we have a couple awards that we received on behalf of the OC the OCC is certainly making the communications making Oakland proud first one I have is from the Jersey access group hereby grants Award of the distinction Christmas and Hanukkah light ceremony 1 1200 public ceremony multicamera Oakland b tv New Jersey May 16 2024 from the Jag thanks guys in the back we have more we have Jersey access group hereby grants Award of Distinction Veterans Day cere ceremony 1100 public ceremony single camera TV buau of Oakland New Jersey May 16 2024 and the last one is Jersey access group hereby grants the Gold Award for the Oakland Council meetings Award of February 20th 2023 1,000 public meeting multicamera Oakland TV bu of Oakland New Jersey May 16th 2024 thanks guys you're doing a great job in the back you make us look good you make the town look good and really help us move our message forward so thank you one more and we have the Award of Excellence Oakland council meeting February 28th 2023 one 000 public meeting multic camera Oakland TV Bureau of Oakland New Jersey New Jersey access group May 16 2024 so thank you guys so you guys really uh doing great stuff with this town thank mayor sir I'd just like to say they could never do it without me thank you guys go that far us all right with that uh we have open for public comments have a motion open to public so moved do I have a second second all in favor anybody wish to address the councel hi Ally c um 224 highwa the boulevard um first uh Oakland pride is having um our pride festival we're hosting it with the uh Elks um at the Elks with the uh P Pon and Messiah Lutheran um it is June 23rd from 1: to 5 and you all are welcome um we'd love to have you um we also have a starphone drive on uh June 15th um the Green Team not that them um the Green Team um and also this Thursday at uh the Oakland Senior Center we will have our um flow green Film Festival uh it is from 6:30 to whenever we finish we're um viewing the pollinators it's a documentary um about pollinators in in America um and we also have two speakers one is from Laurer uh she's one of their nature experts and also uh wors honey the guy in town that sells honey over on um L Hill Road he's going to be coming and speaking about um raising bees and uh uh also you know Gathering honey and that Ty thing um and that's it I think that's my events thank you thank you anybody else wish wish to address the council hi Carrie serenes 41 Sue Avenue all right so just a couple things uh on the resolution 24-1 161 change order number one Bush paa Park I wasn't able to find that anywhere I don't know if it's on well it's not on the website I couldn't find it it was pulled okay okay it's going to be it's going to be carried till the next meeting okay thank you uh [Music] also ordinance 24 Capital 9 945 it appears that the funds are being taken out of the open space funds which I believe that you guys approved um to appropriate those funds I understand that part of it but um is there a plan in place to replenish the funds without forcing an open space tax increase so if uh somebody can please answer that thank you so you will have an opportunity for the for this it's going to be open to the public read it again anybody else go ahead hi uh Frank Raco 51 Lakes Shore Drive um just here again on behalf of the residents of uh Crystal Lake and Mirror Lake um you know I've spoken here a few times before about our need for support from the town um you know I'm happy I'm happy happy to you know say that we're we are planning on on setting up a meeting we're hoping that something is coming together we're you know we're trying to form uh a small committee to meet with the town and with rml um to sort of come to some sort of of agreement or or a plan that will help us move forward um the important thing I wanted to State uh today in tonight's meeting is um I want to make it clear that um there is a there is a concerned group of Lake front homeowners that is is serious and is making an effort um to form a nonprofit so that um if rml wants to transfer the Lakes the dams uh to another party um that people that live on the lakes and and and care for the Lakes can be that party that that receives uh those properties and and and manages them and and can can take care of them um the issue as we stated before is you know we need to know that um we we have some source of of funding or some way to move forward with the the man the the big Financial uh challenges that come along with those properties that the dam needs to be repaired um there's a lot of costs associated that a handful of lakefront homeowners can't take on and and manage ourselves so this is where we really need help from the town um time is of the essence uh rml is is moving forward with you know listing properties such as Mirror Lake and also um now most recently we've heard they're actively working with another um another third party to transfer Crystal Lake and potentially the Crystal Lake Dam too I don't know who that third party is uh but my my position and I think the other Lakefront homeowners that um are here tonight and that we've been working with is that the Lakes um really should go to a group that um lives on the lake or cares for the lake and um has a vest vested interest in the properties and the community rather than you know some developer or some other you know third party um who you know we don't really know what their what their motivation will be in the future and what they'll want to do with those properties um so I just wanted to come here again and just you know reiterate um you know my concerns and and and our need for help uh from the town I know you're already all aware U and I know that we're already moving towards scheduling a meeting so I do I do really appreciate that the town has uh become engaged with this issue and that is responding to us listening to us and I'm hoping that we're getting close to some sort of solution soon um that really protects the lakes and also protect protects the interests of uh you know the lakefront homeowners and and the the people who love the lake either for either for the beach club or just for you know the environmental benefits that it that it provides thank you thank you anybody else Steve penzi and 69 Glenn Gray uh my first comment is uh on behalf of the uh uh Communication Commission the Oakland Communication Commission and TV committee we'd like to thank um the governing body for acknowledging all the uh accolades and things that uh uh we've been able to uh pull off for the town and and the recognition that has gone with it uh and also we'd like to thank in advance of some of the capital investment improval uh approvals uh that are forthcoming in this meeting that will help streamline the production and the broadcast and transmission of uh uh the mayor and Council meetings and some of the other things that that we uh produce through the year and then the last comment that I'd like to make is um uh as a resident of um Oakland um uh the governing body and and specifically uh uh Mr Mayor the uh uh update that you provide every month it's very interesting uh for me uh to read everything that you had said early in the year uh working the list of uh initiatives and uh seeing the results and progress uh in these monthly updates so I I'm looking forward to the next one and i' like to thank the uh governing body for um more selfishly uh the folks that live on Glen gray uh I can share with you that whatever whatever the town is doing to to help manage and control the uh the traffic that we see on Glen gray it it's it's seem yeah it goes up and down but it's improving uh and I know that there's other um uh uh initiatives that are being worked on to help that situation out as well thank you thank you anybody else good evening Alexandria Evans 141 Lakeshore Drive so uh along with what Frank Raco had to say thank you so much for getting back to us so quickly after the last mayor and council meeting we received your correspondence about wanting to meet with us the day after and um you supplied us with three dates um we accepted one but for some reason the burrow wasn't able to um do that date and then there was a second one and we weren't able to do that date either you know the burrow came back to us and said that date didn't work either um this morning we received two more dates and the only only concern I have is that the date is the dates are okay but the hour 500 PM is really hard for you know Representatives family members of the lake front homeowners that have demanding jobs and demanding you know family obligations so 5: PM is very difficult um we would like to try to make that 7 p.m. so that you know we can all make it there a representative for each group the other thing is that you know I'm trying to understand why the buau insists on having just one representative from each of the groups when it's as I said a demanding um time for them you know they all have families they all have demanding work schedules um we asked that we have two representatives for Crystal Lake two for Mir Lake and two for Crystal Lake Community Beach it's what we agreed on early on when we formed the committee months ago it is what will be easiest for each representative to be able to juggle work family and this you know issue that we have to figure out so I'm hoping that the buau will um give us a more reasonable hour and accept that we have two people for each of those late communities okay thank you so much anybody else Kevin Gallow uh one pool Hollow Road um what was your name Kevin Gallow on one or a pool Hollow Road um I just felt based on the news the really great news about the dump uh being dismissed I just felt compelled to come up and just give a sincere thank you to the council and to the mayor and everyone um really going above and beyond getting you know organ organizing the meeting with the Commissioners and um I've getting texts all day from people in the neighborhood just sending me the you know the the great news everyone's extremely happy and I just felt uh it was it was due to come up and say just a sincere thank you for everyone that everything that you did for that um great great greatly appreciated and great news so thank you thank you Mr anybody else hi Joseph fuo 24 haata uh again I'm here to talk about the the uh the rml situation you know as I was getting ready to come I took a step out on my back deck and I heard some kids uh looked uh over to the right uh the rml property at 1970 uh you know we had about six or seven kids running around in the park and uh what I saw about four uh parents and ever since you put in that sidewalk I've seen a lot of uh people uh uh walking on the sidewalk and stopping to use that Park if anything um more people are using the park uh uh now than ever it is a um asset to the community uh you know I can speak as a Mirror Lake resident if I want to sit up at the lake I'm just walking out to the lake sh at my backyard I'm not uh going to use the park myself but it's an asset we all know it's an asset it's a great thing to have it's part of our community um you know Frank and um Alex they kind of updated you on what was going on uh the biggest uh uh development I see is actually what was not written Mirror Lake was not part of any of the discussions rml had uh with uh this nonprofit or in any of the uh public announcements they made I have no idea what uh what's going on with miror Leake and uh anything we can do to save it there are uh 21 homes I'm here we have another gentleman here who's on Mirror Lake and uh I know we had two or three other people who have been to these meetings regularly and we all want to see it stay we want to see it Thrive um you know I I want to hear uh it's going to be included in whatever the future is of rml and uh I'm willing to contribute uh you know in any way possible if they uh want funds uh if whatever I can do I'm willing to help and I'm sure most of the residents we just want to know that the Oakland um that we love the way it is now we want to see that preserved for the future and I again thank you for hosting the um uh this meeting uh between rml and uh the council and I'm looking forward to uh doing some good things with you thank you thank you anybody [Applause] else hi I'm WEA Mason at 114 lak show Drive I wanted to give you an update on Crystal Lake Community Beach we um opened over the weekend we and we have signed a contract with rml to begin the sale to Crystal Lake Community Beach so that is in we're under contract that's in process um in the meantime we signed a lease to cover the period in between so we're operating the beach and uh we had our open house over the weekend where all Oakland residents were able to come and it was very well attended we're next weekend we're having the father's Club hold a fundraising event at the beach and that's always um last year was the first time they did it but it was a it was a great event and so we're looking forward to having them again and and again that's open to anyone in Oakland who wants to come and enjoy um the barbecue that the father's Club is putting on they're going to have music live music playing um but I just wanted to give an update on that you know we're up and running and we are moving forward with our contract of sale with rml um and I think there's one more thing that I can't remember right now so I'll come up again later if I to okay thank you thank you anybody else not seeing anybody motion closed some moved second all in favor I let the minutes uh reflect on Mr patelli uh walked in about 10 minutes ago thank you all right we have approval of minutes May 14th 2024 do I have uh motion second second any changes all in favor roll call I very good uh executive minutes May 14 2024 some moved we have second second second anybody have any changes or comments has to be done in executive session not seeing anything all in favor I all right special announcements number one approved social Affairs permit for the Oakland New Jersey BPO Elks Lodge 2167 for the Oakland Pride event on June 23rd from 12:00 p.m. to 600 p.m. at the Oakland Lodge located 33o Valley Road Oakland New Jersey do we have a motion to approve so move do I have a second second all favor I Iain have okay roll call councilwoman G abstain councilman patelli yes council president Sani yes councilman Talam yes okay we've got number two we have got authorized raffle license rl51 for the Oakland PBA a 164 for 50/50 on June 7th 2024 for the benefit of families and organizations beeld at the kns of Columbus 7 cour house place Ole New Jersey all moved do it a second second all favor I authorized raffle license RL 1502 for the Oakland PBA 164 for a casino night on June 7th 2024 for the benefit of families and organizations at the Knights of Columbus 7 Courthouse Place Oakland New Jersey do have a motion to approve move second all favor I approve social Affairs permit for the Oakland PBA 164 for 5050 casino night on June 7th 2024 from 6 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. nights at Columbus 7 Courthouse Place Oak New Jersey to a motion to approve moved second all in favor okay have the record show that can just join the meeting at 7:30 thank you Kevin all right we're up to resolutions we have pulled uh 2461 we have 24172 chapter 159 bulletproof vest partnership 24173 chapter 159 shared service agreement for sleo 24174 approve refund of recreation fees 24 we're going to pull 24 175 uh 24176 authorized and hire of seasonal DPW laborer 24177 appoint of substitute school crossing guard 24178 authorized Carnival co-sponsorship with the Oakland fire department Association 24179 adopt complete streets policy 24880 hire summer camp Stafford 2024 anybody wish to py out I have a motion for consent agenda for 24 172 173 174 176 77 78 79 and 80 some moved a second second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman T yes all right we've got 24 175 annual appoint annual appointment of the municipal representative to the Bergen County Community Development Regional committee for fiscal year 2024 covering July 1st 2024 through June 20th 2025 I've got two mayoral appointments I'll be appointing uh Mr Coons and our CFO David and the council president also has to appoint two council members it'll be myself and Council M linski okay that being said do have a motion to approved move have a second second roll call councilwoman goo yes councilman pelli yes council president saliani yes councilman talamini yes all right moving up to final adoption of ordinance we have 24 capital 495s capital ordinance as you know we had testimony on this last week at the last Council me was moveed for adoption at this time do I have a motion to open to public mayor before we do that uh we have to call councilman on the role for the last okay two things okay yeah you didn't call him on the role oh well he was walking in while we did it just okay so for the two resolutions the two is that the two resolution so just redo the role for the two for the consent and then for the yes right okay so for the consent agenda with 175 pull we had a motion by Pat do we need to remotion no and then in a second by Jodie um and then so we had councilwoman goo was a yes councilman pelli was a yes and council president saliani was a yes councilman slinsky yes and councilman talamini was a yes then for 175 we had a motion by councilman patelli second by Council talamini and then uh councilwoman goo was a yes and patelli was a yes council president was a yes councilman cinski yes will be a yes and councilman Talam is a yes okay thank you counc back to the open right okay we're back to 24 Capital La is 495 uh do I have a motion open to public so moved do I have a second second all in favor I as chance car cenes 41 Su Avenue so again just like I said before with ordinance 24 Capital 945 it appears that the funds are being taken out of the open space funds um which I understand it was approved to to remove funds from there and distribute it to other areas however uh my concern would be um where is the money going to be replenished so is there a plan in place to replenish the fund without forcing an open public space tax increase especially to um uh everyone in town thank you thank you sure uh so just some specifics the ordinance which is um over a million dollar there's two Recreation items uh irrigation upgrades field 7 and Rec complex bleer Replacements totaling $65,000 that portion of the ordinance is to be funded from the open space trust um and we're allowed to do that now because of the referendum that was passed last year that expanded the purposes for which the open space tax may be used so uh to the question uh the fund has about or started the year with roughly a million dollars in it um and the tax generates something over 300 th 300,000 plus dollars a year uh the tax rate for the open space tax is Capp by the referendum can fluctuate between half a Cent and one cent per $100 of assessed valuation okay so you're not going to see a tax increase above the 1 cent which is what it's already set at so whatever we collect in a given year based on that rate uh is what goes back into the fund and the aggregate is available for use thank you Mr anybody else from the public not seeing anybody motion to close so move second second roll call Council will me go for up we're closing comment yeah I I wanted to know if the speaker if the if the questions were answered before we can't as of right now yeah I have to look into it but thank you she she wanted to know if the questions was answer so that would be a yes to close in councilman pelli yes what do we vote on right now just close the public close the public council president s yes councilman linski yes councilman yes all right do somebody have a motion to adopt 24 Capital 495 have a second second roll call to adopt 24 Capital 495 Capital ordinance 940 94 councilwoman goo yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman linski yes and councilman talamini yes all right next we have uh 24 code 946 for final adoption ordinance establishing dust control policy do have a motion open to public moved have a second second roll call Council mrao yes councilman telli yes council president salani yes councilman yes anybody wish to talk anybody from the audience wish to address 24 code 946 ordinance establishing dust control policy 24946 24 code 946 Michael 23 C I read the ordinance it's very well written you know except that I think there should be an improvement and it has to do with you go down to definitions dust and after particulate matter insert this after particular matter Define by the federal Clean Air Act the national ambient air quality standards and as the National Institutes of Health and the one that I found out was really great is the New Jersey EPA approval of air quality implementation plans and that's effective as 1128 2023 I have the information here for you guys to go peruse it you know not going to throw you out on the wood but it's right here and it gives all the stuff and again I think I can talk about air quality and what's in your you what I'm breathing in I mean I mean after all I don't want people walking around with this okay so this is what we're talking about and I just like to submit it to you you know and again as it saying like you mentioned being down a firehouse I can't really go down there for that sort of stuff but again and this is what we're talking about you're talking about your lungs and what I have is interal lung disease SL fibrosis and it came from asbest from when I was in service but again you know I have a hard time breathing so this is what it is but I'd like to submit this to you you people take a look at it and just to put that definition into there because somebody can come in there and say what the hell is particulate matter it busting your chops you know and this would tend to avoid it you know and just tighten it up a little bit you know again that's why I'm on this thing okay and I I wrote it out to the CLK here so thank you thank you Mr okay councelor question if we wanted to incorporate that language do you feel it's sufficient the way it is now or should we take a look at Mr PR before we do the final adoption we have to advertise it I would do the final adoption and then if we feel that we need to further amend the ordinance then reintroduce and re amend there's nothing to prevent us from doing that but I think at this time we should adopt the ordinance as is and I think that any change to that language would be significant enough a change to require a Reen notice okay so I would advise adopting it and then if we feel we need to strengthen it as we do with other ordinances we're certainly free to strengthen the ordinance as we progress thank you sir okay you guys are the coach I'm not I'll take it thank you for bringing that to us you thank you is anybody else from the uh public wish to address 24 code 946 not seeing any do I have a motion to close Mo close second second roll call closing Council fro yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman linski yes Council m t yes all right do I have a motion to adopt 24 code 946 an ordinance establishing a dust control policy so mov do I have a second second roll call councilwoman goo yes and I just would like to say we should you know look at that language and but meet this today so yes councilman pelli yes council president Sani yes councilman sski yes councilman Talam yes terrific all right moving out to the work session we have OCC advertising fees Mr Coons would you like to walk us through this sure uh so the OCC submitted a proposal to revise the program criteria for the sponsorship program which started a couple years ago uh what they're looking to do to uh perhaps better attract sponsors is to sort of simplify the overall program structure and add some benefits there for sponsors so for example right now there's two sponsored tiers who looking to just make you know one going forward they're looking to combine uh different categories for nonprofits and individuals and families into one tier uh they're looking to simplify the fee structuring itself right now there's sort of a multiplier system that can be a little confusing and they're looking to make it just $100 annually for uh nonprofit organizations individuals and families uh and $200 uh for businesses and in the business tier uh they're proposing to sort of add an additional benefit there to allow businesses to get a uh slide on the Bolden board advertising your business as well um so things like that sweeten the pot a little bit make it easier to understand and Implement in the hopes of attracting uh you know sponsors to the program anybody from the council have any questions or comments see any no all right work session number two rodings and Rost street names Mr C thanks uh with the OCC so we'll prepare an ordinance to effectuate that and introduce it at the next meeting uh ridings at Round po so lard submitted uh list of street names and numbers the numbering uh protocol for the streets has gone through review internally uh they're looking for approval on the names of the streets uh as well so they provided that information to you they're all related to horses right RAC tracks things like things of that nature so um they're just looking for any feedback they have to offer and approval of the names of the streets with the names to Rous for us to know ahead of time what they are I'm sorry would you like to look at theist oh that's what you were seeing yeah lay thank you I don't see a p court on here there is not there's Belmont Court Arlington Place Belmont Place Brighton Court Derby Drive obliteration is always good uh Melbourne Drive Newbury Lane place and trot way very good thank you anybody else have any concerns or comments no so we agree that these are H good names names a resolution forward next meeting sure okay very good uh third one we have engineer proposal flood by out them demolition for the houses down at bottom of Trum in to Roosevelt uh we're going to carry that to the next meeting we're not ready to discuss this under uh workshop at this time uh does anybody have any new business um I have some new business we were uh there was some discussion about uh Madison has a lawsuit pending about uh affordable housing um can we discuss that a little bit Mr K you want to walk us through that yeah specifically uh it's not a lawsuit at least not yet uh what Madison is looking to do is is file a petition with the Council on unfunded mandates uh basically taking the position that the recently adopted affordable housing law is going to POS significant cost to all municipalities in the State uh that's acknowledged uh although it's not specific it's acknowledged in the fiscal mode from LS um but there was no funding provided in the bill for municipalities to implement uh what they need to do to comply with the law so they're looking for towns uh to join with them in that petition filing uh when Madison said very clearly that they're willing to take the uh uh you know the lead on this and also to Bear the whatever costs are incurred with that um they just happen to believe and I think quite rightly that uh the more towns that join in and with that position perhaps there's a stronger case to be made for it it's for unmated it's it's for this this so when the state so when the state passes a contention the their contention is that this is cost generative to municipalities and there's no funding provided in the law to cover those costs but I thought as long as it's an amendment to an existing law you can't you can't use that uh you can't do it in terms of regulations you can't do it if it's something that is um a constitutional issue uh which may or may not come into play here um but you know that's that's the argument to be made that this is a new law uh if the state wants to proceed down this path they need to provide funding to municipalities and not burden taxes that's an extension of the Mount Laurel decision I don't see how they Madison wants to do is there any harm if we join this they're not going to win I I can't foresee any harm in joining this win I I just I did have an opportunity to talk to the mayor of Madison and their administrator um and the way was kind of presented to me uh the state is $ 1.5 billion short of funding this so that's why they're bringing this lawsuit trying to bring this lawsuit forward with round four for affable housing which is what we're dealing with right now so in my opinion I believe it's a a good position for us to to join in on this yeah I don't I don't see why we wouldn't I mean if they you know they're you know they're saying they're going to foot the bill they're going to do all the heavy lifting so sure so we might as well the cost there's no harm to us no downside to us okay uh do we require vote on this or as far as what moving forward I would put a resolution to put a resolution next meeting okay Mr C could you just have a resolution for next meeting we'll have the resolution in the meantime I'll be in touch with Madison okay very good anybody else have any new business anybody have any old business uh we did have a we had a resident that came to the last council meeting concerning electric bikes on the sidewalk uh we did have a public safety meeting that took place last week we bring it to the attention of the police department and they are the position that it's a matter of educating the electric bike riders to you know respect people on the sidewalk instead of trying to run them over so they are going to take a look at that right and May too I believe uh what the captain brought up was that essentially uh those ebikes are treated like regular bicycles corre for the most part class one and class e bikes uh and they're allowed on the sidewalks as a matter of they're not allowed they are they areow it's a motorized veh it's a motorized but it's a bicycle yeah but bicycles I mean just today on on Franklin there was a a a truck hit a bicyclist and one couple minutes later a school bus came down put the flashing lights on and a bicyclist wasn't stopping it eventually did but the police officer said Bic cist have to adere to all the rules that cars have to adhere to so if a car isn't allowed on a sidewalk I don't see why a motorized bicycle is allowed that that doesn't make sense to me I think you should discuss with the police department again because that officer specifically said the bicycles have to adhere to all the rules so to say they're allowed on a on a sidewalk cars aren't allowed on the sidewalk but when bikes are in the roadway that's that's required but bikes are also allowed on the sidewalk as are these ebikes I'll I'll share with Council what uh what the captain Shar with us but it's a mo I understand the resident's point it's a motorized bike and they can go I don't know 15 miles an hour you get hit with a bicycle going 15 miles an hour you're going to get hurt but a person on a regular pedal bike can't do 15 miles an hour think anybody's disagreeing with the councilman I think it's just a matter of that was their interpretation of the law but we'll bring it back to committee yeah I I don't I don't I don't understand that okay anybody else have any old business not seeing any uh let's move on to council committee liaison reports let's start with uh Mr tal uh sure first let me just say uh thank you to uh everyone that helped with the Memorial Day parade that was really a nice nice event and the and the ceremony down at the vetro Park was really nice too um but it's it's all the volunteers and uh it's great seeing everybody line up for the parade seeing all the kids um I think we need we need more people watching the parade though uh we we do we go through a lot of a lot of effort um everyone in the town to to make sure that we honor our our fallen heroes um and I just I just wish we'd have more more more attendance from the residents um uh it's it's important to recognize our our Po and heroes um just um uh Recreation we have U the baseball and softball parade this Saturday at 9 o' we're looking forward to see mayor Cala make his first uh pitch hopefully reach home PL have to start warming up the money as he doesn't the Great Oak par Pavilion opening is June 8th uh from noon to 5 it's going to be a great day for Oakland and uh sign ups for football baseball dayap cheer and soccer are now going on and the information can be found at www. thank you very much mayor council pel yes for the senior citizens June 6th at 1 p.m. we're hosting a patriotic wreath Workshop the course is $10 and all supplies are included limited space is still available June 20th start of summer BBQ BH cost is $12 the barbecue lunch and musical entertainment by the Wildcats to register for either event please call the senior centor at 201 405 77 31 thank you mayor thank you mayor uh I want to thank the public events committee for a great job M Chopper do you want to say anything about the parade I know you you came here to talk so I know you want to talk a little bit no it's all right all right I appreciate everybody helped out yeah so especially the DPW yeah so they got me a barrel with wheels and I got the horse poop so I was happy I was upgraded this year but I do want to thank the committee especially M for putting it together as Russ said it was a great time and I think it was very very good for the community um on that note spin right into the DPW um well I thank the DPW that weekend they had they had set up set the park they set the parade route I think they even had baseball tournaments down the rec field they did so they had a full crew working all weekend so great job by DPW basically working the the entire M weekend people forget how much they do for the community and thank them very much U our flood commission meeting our next flood commission meeting is going to be on June 11th at 7:30 p.m. and the next public events committee meeting will be on June are we doing June 11 75 Chopper we're doing it early right I'm not sure I think it's June 3r June 3rd yes June 3rd 7 p.m. get ready for the carnival and then another reminder about the carnival on that starts on June 12th 13th 14th 15th and um that's it thank you mayor sir I'm sorry forgot one thing on the environmental commission I know I was late to the meeting I had a a first aid call um on the recycling uh plant the class B recycling you discussed it before I came I just like to uh uh thank all everyone that was involved in that uh specifically um Lee hyon on the environmental commission uh lee Heyman is an environmental engineer he gave a nailson spoton uh assessment of that uh recycling center and of course all our other professionals Mr Mr yukimi um and um the support that we received from Senator shapi uh the mayor of of pumpt and lakes um I I don't want to leave anybody out if I did I apologize but I am so excited when I read that that we were successful uh and it's due to everyone who who really uh pushed forward for that to be declined and I I thank everyone that's it mayor yeah Mr Council to I want to just remind the residence also that video is still on the online on YouTube so if they want to see that presentation to the County Commissioners that we held at the library uh with Mr hus testimony and and everybody else that's still online thank you uh Council sski thank you mayor uh first I'd like to start off by apologizing everyone for my lateness tonight couldn't be helped uh also um I'd like to uh thank everyone who worked so hard on the parade uh did a fantastic job everyone who marched and participated it was a wonderful time really isound a great time uh for my uh committee reports uh from the Green Team uh the green team is Seeking a secretary for the group this is a part-time position that supports the activity of the group if interested the Green Team meets on the fourth Thursday of every month uh the compensation for the position is $1,200 annually and you can submit your application or resume to Kathy gurny at admin SEC Oakland uh. - by uh Friday June 14th uh also on Thursday May 30th at 6:30 at the senior center they will host the pollinators this event is a free move movie and expert discussion with the speakers Rich stellen Worf from Worf's honey and Oakland beekeeper and Mary burer uh from the NJ autoban uh Laura M Sanctuary uh also on Sunday June 2nd uh first Sunday hikes continue on Skyline Drive uh signups for this event um is on uh also on Tuesday June 4th at 6:30 p.m. at the library they will have living safely with wildlife in your neighborhood this program is brought to everyone by a collaboration between the Green Team and the Oakland Board of Health featuring Carol Tyler who is a registered certified Animal control officer uh register online at the library's website or by calling uh from public safety for the month of April officers conducted 541 motor vehicle stops and issued 560 motor vehicle summonses officers also made one arrest for driving while in tox iated and one arrest for possession of Narcotics uh from the library uh the big news is that the opl uh now offers press reader to all library card holders this is a digital news stand featuring 7,000 plus of the world's most popular newspapers and magazines you can use this service on a PC or download the app and start reading today lastly on June 11th at 6:30 p.m. they will host a beginner's guide to hiking presented by Mario Medi the program will cover everything you need to know to start hiking locally and get the most out of the experience register online or by calling the library that's all I have thank you thank you Council mroo I don't have that much to report I did my reports earlier this month um OCC uh filmm the Oakland Memorial Day Parade um and that will be uh televised every day at 6:00 p.m. and 7 a.m. and is available 247 on YouTube on demand uh occ's me next meeting is July 1st at 700m here in this room access for all's next meeting is June 5th uh 7:30 p.m. at in the senior center and the shade tree next meeting is June 3rd at 7:30 p.m. in the senior center that's all I have very good thank you okay bills to be paid Council grao total bills to be paid $99,700 yes councilman slinsky yes councilman talamini yes all right do I have any motion to adjourn so moves do have a second second all in favor I the next council meeting will be held Tuesday June 11th 2024 here council chambers thank you everybody I want to make donor e