let all right I'm going to call this meeting of the ocean C of environmental commission order do a roll call vote member Colton member Johnson indicated she would be absent as did member godette member Lutz here member Brandon here member m is not here yet uh alternate shonti here and Alternate backi here all right statement of compliance with open public meeting law the notice requirements of the open public meeting law for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and a coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the Township Park on June 30th 2023 this meeting will be recorded and available on Ocean townships YouTube channel all right our first order of business we have our January 2024 minutes if everyone has had a chance to review them does anyone have any comments questions concerns in or other or Donna Norm no nothing I did look at okay and it was brief was right on my screen and I looked at it and read it I said okay okay so would you like to make a motion to approve the January minutes no because I don't like to be pushed anything I mean it was more of an offer do I have a second okay just well you can second it second all right all in favor I any opposed any abstained great okay moving right along uh environmental commission website there are no updates um Ken and Norm do you want to just give a very brief synopsis on the latest of the the tree ordinance webinars from d know the uh they're going over you know things that were interesting but then we send them out they look at anyone get a chance to look at the slides that I sent it to everybody yeah you sent the slides on the first one but wasn't the second one I sent I didn't send the second one because the second one the second email was more I could have SW I could have blown it I I I could have missed it I have been a little out of it this week notice anything I don't I don't think maybe I didn't send it to maybe I only some only maybe I only send it to the sh tree people I yeah yeah you were probably exclusionary like that that's fine so so you want to just give a a very synopsis Ken I I missed the first one but the second one was pretty interesting I took a lot of notes um I think the third one is going to be more interesting but I'm going to have to miss it because I'm I'm away um so hopefully I'll look at the slides and maybe the recording will be available Bill say it's next Tuesday or something okay so what was the second one about it was about the structure of the proposed uh ordinance that the um njde put together okay and based on that how are you feeling about our current ordinance being in compliance uh that I don't know uh Bill Brooks has sent it off and and is trying to get a ruling on it which hopefully will give us some time to uh revise ours once we see what other townships and other communities are doing each town has so yeah sorry sound has someone involved [Music] iness I think she's in freeold he said and he sent her our ordinances sent the tree ordinance that we talk about as well as the construction ordinance for and she supposedly hasn't reviewing okay see where we stand from his discussions with her he thinks we're going to be look for Okay so just just so we're all back on the same page CU I forget who's been part of what conversation went when D came out with their new model ordinance they said that any municipality that has an existing tree protection ordinance can submit it to D for review to see if it is compliance compliant with the new regulations and get a ruling to see if the ordinance needs to be modified at all so towns that had no ordinance clearly they need to come up with one from scratch towns like us that had one they could be reviewed and see if they met what D is hold um again this is all under the ms4 permit so it has to do with flooding that's what they're really looking for to mitigate flooding so hey can I can I ask a question sure Faith so um we sent our ordinance to the de to get it reviewed and they said it did not meet the requirements because it didn't include residential so you have everyone needs a tree permit even you know residents everybody oh so you that's what yours does you do you require residence yes yeah we right oh that's fantastic well we're so happy this is like what we've been trying to get for years I can't believe they're putting it through it's wonderful okay I'll be quiet uh there's a lot of towns that are are going to struggle with implementation but uh we we've been ahead of the curb so Ocean's in a much better position than a lot of other towns yeah the the other thing they went over were some examples from other towns about their different sections of their uh tree uh protection and replacement ordinances most of them were similar to ours um I think I picked up a few ideas from some other towns about how to improve ours okay any anything else on the tree ordinance well just that the next the next one of these webinars is next Tuesday I think I I had signed up on it so did you see that anything like that I think I saw something coming up you have it it takes it's an hour and a half to two hour you know whatever it is um but it's kind of interesting you know so I'll send out this stuff I note this I send whatever that in the new thing so if anyone else wants to sit in on this last one which could be getting into even more detail which might be more interesting um the kind of people could you send that to me too because I can't find my link okay thank you I'll send you a bunch of stuff Faith okay now it turns out the two the people who are doing this are one of them is a is a planner like a town planner it's one of the guys doing the and the other guy is more true person okay all right so we're we're still we're waiting for that review to come back before we do anything else on our ordinance correct yes okay all right um I actually to just to go back on the agenda I did have one other update and I don't think I made it at the last meeting we did update the EC website to include the contact number for D but we did not we talked about using TI fall submission form for smells from the reclamation center and we're going to work on developing our own instead of using theirs so that will be on the website eventually but in the meantime you can still the number for D up is up there in case anyone needs it sorry um stormwater ordinance I haven't had a chance to talk to anyone I understand that our new if I I don't know if it's formal but I think councilman Fischer is going to be our new liaison so I have not had a conversation with him yet and he wasn't at the last planning board meeting so I need to sit down and chat with him and get him up to speed and all that jazz so sh she went too I believe so but I'm not sure what happened to Kelly they just Shuffle everyone around I I know that they had a lot of they have aot was see what yeah yeah I I mean I know that now that they have new Council folks with different schedules they're trying to make it all F so um I don't think we scared anybody off I think we're fine I could be wrong um but yeah so stay tuned um and then Brookside Mary is not here tonight I haven't heard anything on the Brookside project and impervious cover we can probably drop off of this list because it's done yeah good job yeah so only took six years great when you talk about the book site you talking talking about what about the bridge not talking about the bridge but if you'd like to talk about the bridge we can discuss the bridge I think everyone knows my feelings on the bridge but we can talk about it again meeting meeting somewhere about about that the other day I got a call from someone who was talking about it he said he was to meeting was a board of adjustment meeting or something I don't know what if it was why don't you ask our new zoning board Le on oh I don't think I am aren't you on the zoning board no see this is what breaking news so crazy yes is I guess there's so many people that need to be appeased to be placed places that you know one day I'm going to be on the planning board the next day I'm going to be on the zoning board so it's actually is very frustrating well I apologize I thought I read it somewhere like officially yes yes a lot of umos andate info I was you know but that's you know that's the internet for you that is the internet okay well do but yeah I would be I would love to be on the zon planning board but I think there's I can't be cutting people online supposedly I don't know I don't know so Norm do you want to just refresh everyone's memory what the bridge is okay actually when I was the guy was talking to me I actually got backwards do okay when I look to look on a map where everything it's going in the opposite direction okay bridg you can walk both ways over Bridges this is compared to the guy who lives on this thought it was through his CAC head towards deal Road MH but I think CAC is oriented the other way something I can't figure it out but basically over what the pop gr I guess they want to put a bridge so people can get from part of town that um I think the main emphasis between this is okay is there's a synagogue on Deal Road L just up the right right here okay in behind it there a lot of other people who to get there have to go all way down whatever okay geometry they're going straight across m road whereever so so meanwhile though people have been cutting through there a bit you know which is good they want to put in a bridge that would be the town's responsibility I guess so I understand that bridge people people can make donations how many donations they get may make a determination when they actually build a brid so I'm not invol so it turns out that um and that something's happening because when I got the call um at the end of the CAC heading where I thought was One Direction the disorientation is apparent I'm getting dizzy me exactly see why should I so anyway um but they had pictures of the Public Works people have cut down some trees where the bridge is going to go even though it hasn't been to blessed and approved but it certainly looks as if it might have been so they're meeting at these other guys guys who live on that col there's two streets next with the addresses of the people they sent a huge letter that was pretty well written overall what trying to say to DP about the whole business of something so so they were going to go there was something going to happen at some kind of meeting and this was like last week I guess addressment meeting was last week maybe I don't know but I didn't uh any anything back one way or the other get TBL and who knows what but the idea is that I mean the main these guys I mean from the fact that they may we may not be concerned about the weap okay but mainly that this was this was a nice PR street so to speak and now it's likely to be a l so so it and they talk about all these things in the letter and so so um so what's going to happen I don't know you know but uh but lately right I mean this is time to to see curious to know how much water flowed through there in the last yeah you remember a pedestrian excuse me it's not going to generate traffic it's a pedestrian right it's a pedestrian thing correct yeah but traffic be a combination pedestrian and bicycle type traffic I guess sure [Music] connectivity I mean 68t wide I'm just wondering how much water no no it's not the itself the brook that's the brook when you see aook that's but when R it's like pretend you see the pictures of New Orleans yeah okay the whole town is completely underwater the over the banks and it just spreads out and it's pretty flat in there but but hold on I remember I mean now we're going back be yeah but nor hold on years and and I do mean years ago at this point we got letter of interpretation from dud on this project that the bridge met all the permit requirements for the freshwater wetlands act it was they had the LOI they had the plans it was D approved as far as I remember from seeing the schematics and it covered the wetlands they weren't they weren't building in the wetlands and they were keeping people from walking through the wetlands so you know right so it's got It's got be it's reasonably long maybe not quite as long as the brid that collapsed you know I was on 95 last weekend and you can see it from from 95 [Music] wild we went down on 301 came back anyways oh it's yeah so anyway so the bridge something is happening with the my understanding the last I heard unless the council didn't make the final vote on it was that it had all the permits from DP had all the permits needed to be built the council had approved and budgeted because it came to us I don't remember if it was right before you joined it came to us the planning board right we signed off on it so I don't I don't know what's left to happen with this bridge I'm guessing I'm guessing I know if they were cutting down the trees Council I think it must some kind of no so there's never a tree cut down in Ocean Township without approvals or permits ever this was Public Works cut these are you saw Public Works cutting saw okay just saying you know Tre disappear in this town Norm they go missing in the night kind of things can disappear too depending on their RIT anyways so that is the other issue that's going on at brooksite is the bridge I I think I might again I'm all for connectivity and making this town more walkable and bikable and more access and I mean hey we're passing that you know front porch ordinance to make encourage front porches so might as well have put traic the if you have porches depending on what the distance is in that Z you forg the deps of the front correct yeah yeah we want to be Mayberry we are the community of gracious living so you know but the Brookside project is the Brookside project is yes the Brookside project back to your original question is the dredging of schel pond and then the planting of rain Gardens on some of the properties where houses have been removed to mitigate some of the flooding issues over there so it was a multi-step multi-year project that is all contingent on the pond being dredged because they don't want to build rain Gardens if those are the so they're going to be sending through the dading equip so they don't want to build a garden destroy the garden rebuild the garden that's just the waste of everyone's time and effort makes sense to use those exactly what was the end result of the Imp um I don't remember I would have to look it up but I want to say it was 60% of total lot area yeah is itos to 90% of the build for right which is like 80% of the total yeah but it also tweaked the uh floor area ratio so they will there's less space that they can build on the lot but they're able to build slightly bigger homes on the Lots now yeah yeah so if they wanted to trade indoor space for a basketball court or whatever they can do that if they want to trade indoor space for or a wider driveway or those big looping driveways that are very popular on some of the larger homes those are all tradeoffs now so you can have a bigger house but you have to stay within the impervious cover if you want to have other impervious cover amenities then you're going to have to trade those off um so yeah that's what it is what it is it is what it is it was scary for me I was dramatic about it because I wasn't aware of it and I site design and we were in the process of like you know proposals going out and telling people that they could do x amount and contracts being signed so they could buy a piece of property and then I'm like wait by the time they close in 60 days and we get these permits in but it all works out for all of them so don't worry I wasn't wored all right so moving right along then um update from the tin and Falls reclamation center Ang went to the last Tinton Falls council meeting and wrote up a great report um you want to let us know what's going on sure report that you s to you she did and I sent it to uh the mayor and to the town manager I should have sent it to you didn't I send it to you you should have sent it to everyone in this Comm probably we're gonna get a report we're gonna get a report and not and then we'll send it out but that was that was my beov no I just sent it to because I thought he our I think I'm the chair you are it's up in the air lot of changes unless he tells you that's true so we don't have to yell at him you're gonna do it anyways might as all be about this anyways Angelie yeah so um so I attended the Bor meeting on 19 of March and it had you know three Commissioners there including Tomar know um the waste management people were there the same guy who came like a month before Scott par I think he's like some director there to give a report but they didn't have any of their beautiful slides they could only get an oral report there some some issue but he did give you know a rundown of all the things that they have completed like all the tasks that they have completed and then they also said that they sat down with D with their 306 90day plan that has been approved so basically they said that they um have made some progress in like in the um the use of additional flares they've um finished surface collectors they've put in some more emissions controls um and they've uh they're basically let's see what else they've increase the gas flow rate by 30% and then um now that's doing better and then they've also put in more 21 more gas extractors so they're like really you know being agressive about you know the things that are creating the smell and whatnot um and they did mention that the county I guess spending 25 to $30 million on this particular project as well um so altogether they're kind of moving forward everyone's moving together um they said that they have I guess covered 15% of the landfill with some kind of membrane um and that they are working towards putting on 75% like finishing up 75% of it by next summer um and there was a lot of talk about monitoring like you know that we need 24-hour monitors and you know the monitoring for certain gases and I guess there's like different types of gases that are emitted by different types of land depending on what's there so it's like a construction Landfield there's like certain type of sulfide gas versus residential type of things so there was some debate on whether it it will be useful to have certain monitors or what not but apparently the Town Council there's a gentleman there I think it's starts with an m i I didn't write it down but he had did his own research saying you know there are these monitors for this particular type of gas and smell that's being emitted um that they're looking into so that they can put that in um there was somebody from the MTH County um Health Department as well they're kind of going over the process lovely Man Hands Bound by the EP process you know there was really nothing he could do but just kind of go over and tell us like what to do um you know if we are encountering these issues um so there was some talk that the county you know wanted you know three basic things that they wanted to have kind of like instead of going through D and then going to the county because a lot of residents are frustrated with like this lag the time lag call D and then two days later they're like do you are you encountering this smell and and two days later that's you know nobody's encoun smell or um or you know someone calls back while someone goes to work so like even if you encountered something in the morning two hours later you're already at the office um mom is count really wants to have a direct line to the to the health department so that they can say you know send someone out now so they're kind of talking about that um and they're talking about putting up a website where they're consolidating you know all the information of what's going on with the site you know where are we in terms of they should already have that they should I I don't know if it's live yet at that time um but apparently all these things are available on various different sites and they just kind of want to put it all together on one site that everyone can just see but I will say that it's more targeted to the ti Falls residents and you know I think that it I think what we talked about was I think we mentioned it that it should be sent to All interested parties or available to all interested parties um something interesting that they talked about was New Jersey natural gas has a project there where they're going to be capturing the gas I guess so that should help with the misss as well and the the smells um and that's in a permitting process right now so that's going to take a a bit of time but I think there's work being done at the landfall I guess to to remediate some of the smells and and just kind of have better monitoring of what's going on there now how did you know about this you just well I'm not on Facebook but my husband is on Facebook and the there was a link on from Ocean cares okay um to a group called mammit County environmental hazards or something like that there's some group there and on that page they mentioned that titin Falls is having these meetings their borrow meetings and then there's like links and things like that to go on Zoom but I actually went in person because I thought i' have a better experience was able to ask questions yeah if anyone's interested that's an invite only group but if anyone's interested let me know and I can help get you into it yeah yeah we were able to like I was able to get in just to I just who you gave my address and my experience so miss this when you said FL what the they burning off something yes go the turnike you see the yes so so they're burning off so first there's a gas extractor that extracts some kind of gas and then they burn that methane and hydrogen sulfide stuff like that and those things the flares the burning doesn't make a smell no CU it's burned it's burned yeah off SMY that's why they're trying to extract the gas and well the New Jersey natural gas is trying to extract it so they can sell it to you it's free they're going to sell your own gas they have methane it's free methane yeah better to burn it than to release atere um what one of the last things I I just did mention was they actually are looking for looking to staff the M count Health Department with like overnight ship workers who can take the calls and and actually act upon whatever um residents have complained about so I think that they're looking at that I don't know if that be been like a County employee person or I don't know that would come out like an overnight hotline I guess it's people having like emercy it's not emergencies but I will say that there are things that like there's that are alarming well there odors like I smelled them 4:30 in the morning and it's just and it's like so bad that you wake up there's people who will complain about like 1:00 in the morning 2 o' in the morning so they want to call and have an actual person say okay this is the time and while you can fill out a form or and they're going to do it for like data purposes I guess so yeah and have a monitor so if you want to have someone out I suppose yeah it's the it's the monitoring piece it's the big one because you can call D 24 hours a day but if you call them at 2 am they're not going to get someone out there for hours and by the time they get out there the winds have changed smells dissipa if you can call the M County Health Department in the middle of the night and they can get someone out there to take the reading instead of waiting hours and like there's nothing wrong yeah there and there was a lot of discussion about the the uh say I guess it's like the reliability of the mo the investigator coming out and using SM test and so they there was a lot of talk about you know are there actual devices that we can use that actually create like real data versus someone saying I smell it I don't kind of thing so sounds like my house so I don't know they they talked a lot about there may not be the technology may be existing it may be Canadian technology but we don't use it here because we don't have the same demand maybe or something like that so there certainly was talk about that but I I don't know whether given the type of um odors that are emitted from this landfill based on what is what is like what is dumped there whether those types of um devices like actual Mach Mechanical Devices will do the job we don't know and so I think they're doing some more research on that they might do like a pilot program or something but all in all it seemed like everybody's on the issue everybody's you know really especially the balls council is really really focused on this issue and um really wants to get this you know settled because it is [Music] a they keep talking about this pH for and whatnot I don't know what the ma you ever Dr that m you know those big Hills Arthur Kill is that okay that those Hills garbage at one time right those kill that became the highest point on the Eastern seab before that was the Palisades of bodies well but they had to get a lot of bodies make it easy to find Jimmy yeah so one of the things that was interesting that didn't really come up because you could totally tell everyone wanted the sideline with this comment but someone actually said like maybe at a later point when the Justice settled about this issue and so that we don't lose sight of this issue I think people didn't want to talk about it but I think I it was a very good point where where this gentleman said why don't we talk about composting because half this garbage won't be there if we could have some sort of maybe countywide or maybe town you know um like a townwide composting program so that the garbage doesn't end up there in the first place you know so I I thought it was a point well taken it certainly wasn't focused on given the fact that everyone was focused on this issue and wanting to solve this issue but I thought it was really something that should be brought up in this context because if we can reduce what's in there then ultimately going to reduce the smell and the emissions and well I remember they built a a biodigestor out in Trenton was like south of Trenton somewhere where near the river and they were trying to do that they're trying to get more compos in in merer County because you know it's an anerobic digestor so it was generating gas that they could then sell you know so it's there is money to be made in it um so I don't know what the status of that was I don't know if it's still going because I know that they were trying to get it off the ground but I know that there have been significant hurdles in the collection from homes for um food refuge and waste because it's it's gross it's not as as simple as bagging and throwing in the way we do now it's it's a much Messier process um and I know that Princeton had a pilot program and it it wound up not working one because there weren't enough people who got involved and two the logistics of it are hard so they're still working on it so it's definitely something for a long-term consideration but um I know that they're trying it in New Jersey but I was going to say I mean I was just visiting Washington DC and I on going it just seems like there is Comm there is commercial compos there are bags and there are there is collection for it it's just a matter of you have to make like a third stream of of waste basically separate an entirely separate stream just for Organics but then like you know back in the day when recycling was you a novel like I recall this was in Pennsylvania like I would drive my stuff to a place and take all my having collected all my stuff for a month and just take it there so granted you can't do that with Organic trash but certainly if there was a such a place that then people won't be coerced into doing it they could just if you have the interest you you did that you stuck in a lot of traffic those other people doing that no no but yes and no I mean when I still lived in chatt andaro we had a recycling center and so um on Saturdays in there were two days a week but it was usually Saturdays the recycling center was open instead of them pulling your recycling from your curve you loaded into your car and you took it to the recycling center and everyone in town did that you would have to do something similar with the organic waste but know used to take bottles espe I guess my point in saying suggesting or talking about it is that then people who want to do it will go it versus coercing everyone or trying to teach people like you will be teaching the people who want to do it to dispose of things properly and I I do think that they're probably there's probably a good number of people in town who would be interested in composting if if the opportunity was there it was made easy I know the town has composters and things like that but then it is difficult when the responsibility is just on the individual for the entire process right so I think if we took um I forgot a couple I don't know if it's Ocean County or if it's just a few towns in Ocean County that do this but um I believe if you take your compost to to the county or to the town you can actually in the spring you could pull compost from them and use it oh yeah however you want a lot of towns do that County Park system you could they'll give you a starter and things like that too we do something here not compost but something with the leaves but yeah over there like you can come in with like a whole like a pickup truck or like whatever you can carry away you can take it yeah they do yeah play a part they have but it's not screen it works for certain uses but yes apparently D or somebody the county said you're contaminating who knows what they had that big p you can just get there for Sunday afternoon you go there and get some stuff okay and they had a machine that screamed it okay now I screened morning got home about third rocks you know however the next time I go I'm going to screen it there you're whenever I get home will be clean give the Rocks right back to them um not to to move off this unless anyone has any other comments we do have one other major item tonight and I just want to add I was wearing a totally different hat I was at the Tinton Falls environments commission meeting last week and I'm like oh yeah we met that person promotion who came so yes yes asked a question they knew I didn't introduce myself with anything they knew who you were anyways we are we're still trying to formalize uh AA between ocean and tin and falls on this issue because it impacts a lot of ocean residents we want to make sure that our voice and our residents are heard and Tin Falls is is doing a lot State the lead on this we want to support them um so we're still just trying to figure out the logistics of that it's moving along um their you know their environmental Commission in there folks are are open to it so we just it's just a finishing that connection so yes thank you very much for going and uh thank you for the report um so the other thing on our agenda tonight that is timely and somewhat urgent is if you'll remember at our last meeting we had a presentation uh from the former environmental commission chair Mr Fred Brody and blue sky Consulting energy um about the community energy plan Grant and because it was a last minute addition to the agenda and it was not noticed properly I did not feel it appropriate to take vote at that time on if we want to submit a Grant application that they have kindly offered to write for us to apply for the community energy plan grants to develop a community energy plan so I know not everyone's here so again the process is we apply for Grants to get money to develop a plan if we get the plan developed then we move on to the implementation phase there's implementation money that can be applied for and should we get the money then we can implement portions of the plan so the first step is submit an application for the grant see if we get the Grant and then if we get the grant then we would go out to bid for someone to write the plan and then do the plan and the plan would involve Community stakeholder input um it would be a whole process so I know that is very light on details so questions what is it what is commun Jack this is more in your wheelhouse you want to explain it uh sure um it's sort of a just a general plan on you know like I guess electricity generation where we get our power from and our grd and things like that um on top yeah like you know we it kind of like uh it would probably analyze the resour resources we have like the solar resource the wind resource um I don't think there's any Hydro in town or geal well the r we've been having we might get hydro yeah right um but and then and then they would they would basically like come up with like a whole plan and you know we could include uh grid resiliency in that plan too so like they would say oh well you know this this area you know you know you should put your lot distribution system underground in this area or something like that because it's high risk or you know we can incorporate that into the plan so like there are a bunch of things uh that would go into it um they could do audits on on the buildings too so how much your energy costs and can you retrofit lighting can you change out air handers like when you um like whatever we save we like get back in money like you're like refunded because of it no I mean you're just not spending money on the energy reimb you reimburse that like the wholesale rate you generate more than consume which is like inad of 17 or 18 so would they also be would this also address putting in charging station it could it could yeah part of the plan is because there's so many different ways that it can go for the municipality part of the plan process would be sitting down and talking to the stakeholders so folks like us folks in town hall DPW other residents in town Mee like what is the town's biggest issue is it reliability and then they can develop a plan focused on that is it generation of clean energy then they can focus a plan on that it is is it building decarbonization then they can build a plan focused on that so it's it could be any of these things but it's or all of them but it's really the plan part of that's why the community input is so important because you could I mean you could have a you know a thousand page document going through all of them but what are we actually gonna what is our need and not only what is the need what is feasible for us to achieve and then develop a plan on that well I mean what would even a con be to vote no to this like if we're just doing it thr out there okay yeah ready to vote okay uh we're actually going to do a uh a roll call vote on this uh and then just so we're clear we're going to vote on making a recommendation to the town manager and Council that we would like to work with blue sky because they have volunteered to write this grant for us and then the council has to approve us applying for the grant so we're going to send that to them saying we would like to apply for this grant they will have to vote to approve it and then Rus Sky will handle the submission process for us so that is the process so um I'll make that motion who has a second I'll Jack seconds okay we're gonna go in I'm just gonna go Donna I'm gonna go around the table as is so actually I'm G to start Ken yes Norm yes Angelie yes Julia I also vote Yes Andrew yes Jack yes all right unanimous great thank you everyone this will be exciting I'm hopeful that we get this Grant and then we can move forward with it yeah I mean there's there's some serious money out there for this maybe we can put solar panels on your trees that you're planting on listen I'm loving my solar panel I said solar panel my energy bill for the last I think six months now has been $325 which is just the interconnection fee that's it I'm very happy with my solar P um but I don't have a battery yet Ken that's the next step um okay so moving right along uh to our plan Review Committee so I actually want to do this in reverse order we've talked about this for a few months I'd like to try and get this a little more formalized we've talked about doing a subcommittee to assist Norm with his site plan reviews now as long as we do not have more than three voting members on this committee it can be a subcommittee and you can all decide how you would like and when to meet and how to meet if we want if there is a very strong desire for more people to participate in this then it would have to be noticed and we have to find times and space and all that for the public to participate I get these things I actually a list of okay the idea might be better to have just people who interested cook up with me and stuff what it is things that come in some of the plans things I I my sometimes and you also go out and you view the sites in person too you take site tours yes right right yeah I'm still working I yeah so apparently the meeting that was supposed to be you know they bed out I think they saw saw that there was to be that's my theory so they P she went anyway and she went and they said they put her up for two months yeah something like that I'm still trying to get trying to get a number on how high the the towers are just to give a quick summary if you go to Orchard Plaza okay just north of or Plaza is ocean T Collision they call that's one of the sites the next building are north of that used to be Central boorder or whatever they called it new okay now but this building there right it's kind of a cream colored building with big overhead door two windows okay the billboard plus the extra three feet that they can put for walk on under the building around whatever it is the whole face of that building is basically help that building you an idea how big the robo is okay it's going to be 17 ft you know + 3 by 48 you'll be able to see it from you ped off the building sort of and it seems to me it's about okay and the top of the one of them is going to be 54t off the ground and the other one is going to be called what about the billboard that's uh on the corner West Park in 35 how tall is that which one like they used to have the thank you for not killing our deer sign do you remember that one you're talking about CA yeah closest to Rook oriented everything on top of the building well first of all those those aren't electronic right no but I'm not sure but I'm pretty sure it's not not that big now there is one electronic bbard of sunset on theth side5 and I went looked at that okay the billboard that was an existing billboard that converted to yeah because we have an ordinance that you cannot erect Billboards in our town right we was I remember when they put that ordinance in and the Billboards that went down one that went down was near the McDonald's it's Nows okay and they didn't do it in two years so happy so that was pretty good that was had be 20 years ago in the meantime this other one but that other one is not that huge of BU but it's actually built kind of way up it's not on a post it's actually built on structure but it's reasonably sized but it's not 14t it may be 30 wide but it's not 4 14t high whatever but we have to see it sounds like the size that they would put like on the side of like the Turn Pike nor Jersey it's pretty obnoxious someone told me there's a huge one big one in E I remember I even drove right through yesterday tce well clearly it's not working they need bigger so I'm trying to I've got a contact I started with call actually got the name of a guy works for jcpnl the name plus those the regular posts that you drive around in less than the high the ones on the highway though could be as high 7 I spoke to got this extra Tree on it which is what the tower was it's got a big toll but he also said some of them in metal the ones I went to right ACR from one let me just go over what I've got now yeah well no I I want to talk about this committee before we talk about the pl so are are do we want want to set a time who is interested in assisting Norm with these type plans let's start there because no one wants to help you because they have to deal with me I know that we I know that we well there there was a gentleman who came to a couple of meetings and he hasn't been able to come because of conflict schedules bill trar is a aasa who want to get more involved and he has site plan expertise and be interested in assisting you um traar of yeah yeah he came to a few of the meetings but he has this is bedtime for his kids so makes it challenging um so I mean we can we can do that we can have folks reach out to you and share them I know that we get a lot of the plans electronically now so we can have I could do I don't get them yeah but clar can send them out electronically to members of the subcommittee yes we use the energy if we get it to like Le towards paper lce sure the paper issue with this town is insane I get calls to produce 25 copies of plant sets of plants why I like lose my mind and then they'll go missing and I have to do it again it's insane sorry to just jump in there development asks for 25 Community Development yeah variances that's super common yeah so common but it'ss right yeah do you have a good model that somebody who's favor no no one really has a good I'll tell you they just do large I think people come from States and they tell us States can either read it and not have a clue what I'm even looking at you know you got papers that's for me plus I go on site and I slap it on the top the roof of my the hood of my car I'm looking Oh I thought you gonna say Drive Away done that a few times say they said you put the pl on the hood of your car and you drive away all right so so nor we we'll follow up on this again because I'm looking at the time we have a couple other things that we need to get yeah far end when you get to Roller Road Valley and then Rose he's got a warehouse there and if you turn right heading towards with put some comments in that I should have sent I thought there was already a warehouse there it's a second Warehouse next to the first Warehouse okay I I need to go out and look at it is just a small building sure okay take that out gotcha all right second one is there's a subdivision Car Wash do something they came in with revised plans that I got I haven't had chance there's some guy on woodlock that's going wants to sub his lot and take English manner was but most of their stuff just doing the building fancy of stuff the other one hav taking a good look at going to do something with the gas station make it bigger not bigger bigger but they're going to have inad two Island I think what about 7-Eleven which one the sunset I didn't yeah I didn't see any PL yeah there's there's something what can they do there I don't know it's a it's a minor it's a minor site plan I that's all I know I haven't seen the plans yet I it could just that would be that would be a planning board thing yeah it's a planning board thing you could be wanting to put in the like um you know those crash poles yeah I I I again it could be something I have no idea I just know that they're coming in that parking lot's a death Tru but honestly like I have angels watching over I've never got par I will park across street I par like perpendicular the worst par are are the ones that are West Park no West Park and Park Avenue at the tea oh yeah like The Rook Coffee summer time yeah I don't go to that Rook ever I love Rook I don't go there anyways okay um moving right along there was nothing exciting at the last planning board meeting we didn't have any new hearings um St Jersey Jack yay um not much new stuff I I have delicated green Fest planning to some of my green team members and they have taken the ball and ran far away I can't even see any so um greenfest is no longer at the park it's now G to be at behind the Historical Museum next yes I love that that's my parents backyard I a walk there you could walk the see it's an eco-friendly we encourage people to ride bikes they so um yeah like I I would call say someone in town and ask them they had ask me oh can you find out from someone in town what to do about X or Y and like by the time I got around calling them they were like oh yeah I already talked to somebody from the from the green team we're good I'm like okay um so yeah about it every night oh amazing fabulous um yeah it's rolling along good should we approve some funds um we' normally approved up to 250 yeah but we don't I don't have it on the agenda for a fin vote tonight um we'll have time because what is the date May 19th May 19th yeah so we have to we'll do it our at our what's the May date Donna it can't be any later than the seven it's like this second no second second yeah yeah okay so we'll we'll make sure we do that in our our main meeting all right all right anything else St Jersey uh I I after green Fest I want to start focusing on just knocking out a bunch of actions or more points um if there is anything you think we should focus on that's on the sustainability website yeah we should we should probably have a longer conversation about that here and go through the actions and discuss it as a committee to see which ones that overlap between strictly Green Team and environmental commission to see what we can done so we'll we'll do that in May or June SS good um and then just for lollipop Hond we haven't scheduled our next meeting yet but we're looking to get more work done on the trail this spring but we will be moving our public meetings to the one a massive Firehouse for those who want to participate they don't have to come all the way up here because that seems really silly um it's a local it's a local thing so more people to sign up last mhm yeah yeah so all right unless anyone has anything else what is going on in 35 by WS park by took the restaurant down no no they put it like a um yeah a little buff it's like a little parking area like an entrance parking area to get into the park kind of thing into W Park W that's what it looks like 35 across from each them I saw the county was doing the work yeah oh nice to themselves sure they told someone I don't know anything about it all right just C and then you had asked for that list of initiatives yes can we revisit that absolutely yes because I want to the one that we settled on was teaching folks how to do recycling well I bring that up because I saw an article some towns are moving away from single Street for some good reasons I that we'd ever do that want to recommend that but yeah worth of discussion yes and it's something that's high on our list but um to talk Diane we thought about moving that having the conversations and planning for the summer so we get students involved in the fall because we weren't going to get them done this spring um there just wasn't enough time but we'll have more time to plan it out and then do it as a competition and we can offer some sort of award to the winning video or poster or whatever weite is the most efficient R um but those that is still high on the list just well there's other things on there too I think right you want yes deer exclosure my dream my dream is to get a deer exposure and she play a part to show people what the deer actually do but Ed yes and um one last thing is is uh councilman Fishers going to stay on the planning board I don't know because because if he he's our representative and on the planning board I mean it well it gives us good relationships with the planning board I think we need a little more diversity with the with the council yeah I I honestly don't know but we'll we'll see yep all right if there's nothing else uh I'll will make a motion to adourn I'll say he's he's faster than you just so much faster all in favor