okay let's have a call to call order let's stand up and do the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay happy holidays everybody okay um uh the nose requirements of the open public meeting law for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of notice having been sent to the Asbury Park Press News 12 in the coaster and filed in the office of the Township Clerk July 26 2023 there was an emergency exit through the courtroom doors and two exits at the rear of the room no smoking uh no new cases will be started after after 10:30 p.m. and no news testimony will be taken after 11:00 p.m. uh all meetings will be videoed and audio taped and shown on the township ocean Community uh cable channel channel 22 on Verizon FiOS and channel 77 on cable vision all cell phones must be turned off or if you need to make a call please make your call outside in the meeting room okay um do we need to do a roll call okay CIA here here here here here um cases carried to the January uh meeting in 2024 to be held in the public meeting room Municipal deal and uh Mammoth Ro Mammoth uh and Mammoth roads o Cur uh first French uh speaking Baptist Church extension of previous approval for roie renie and Lori 231 Park Avenue Park block N9 Lot 10 um and let's have uh minutes for approval on June 26 2023 we going to vote on the extension oh we have to vote on the extension yeah oh okay can I B basically and Mark Lex has has reviewed it also um you're permitted an extension of filing to perfect the subdivision um for specific reasons one of which is that the as long as the ordinance hasn't changed uh or the zoning hasn't changed uh one of the reasons is that you haven't gotten all your state agency approvals in order to file in this instance they're still pending State approval DP or somebody probably and the extension is warranted okay you need to great so can I get a second on the extension second okay I think we can have a vote can we do all in favor sure all in favor and she's going to record it each one is a vote that's all right okay uh minutes for approval uh June 26 2023 can I get a second second can I get all in favor I I I hi okay great just as a as a quick question is there a May set I was looking at our last meeting we went through April and everything June I I believe um the meeting was canell okay I couldn't remember and I looked but okay um we're going to have a resolution resolution memorialization for Anie Jackie and Victoria 128 Adams AV 321 South Lincoln a block 20.01 Lots 13 and 15.01 um do we do each one separately or do we do I I don't know how your vote was oh I mean all the same people are voting that's what I'm asking uh yes yeah then I do them both okay yeah Hadad Management LLC 280 Norwood Avenue block 22 lot 85 and 85.1 can I um get a second I'll second we should probably not doing all in favor probably call yeah which one did you just read both of them the resolution memorialization for both everybody that's here tonight voted on those yes yes AIA yes yes yes yes yes yes okay thank you first we're going to do the have a um I'd like to make a motion that we adopt adoption of the master plan is that the resolution the resolution you're ad the resol adopting the resolution of the master the master plan now you're just memorializing it with the resolution okay so I'd like to make a motion to um adopt the memorialization of the master plan I'll second CIA yes Cathy yesel yes vov yes M yes chairman Weinstein yes okay so we have two ordinances um we're going to review of the proposed ordinances number 24 2442 soil and tree removal so when not we're basically um approving that these ordinances conform to the master plan that's correct that's what we're that's what we're basically voting on here that we've read them looked at them and that they conformed to the m plan so before we do that Jim and Ben would you confirm that yeah I will especially with the master plan has has just been formerly memorialized now they both do conform with the master plan they are consistent with the intent and purpose of both okay Ben do you have anything to say about that uh I I do just on the uh soil and tree removal ordinance just so everybody's clear what that is uh it's actually a an ordinance governing privately owned salt storage sheds it shows up under the chapter 9 soil and tree removal section of the ordinance but it's it's actually regarding uh salt storage shed uh facilities and uh the reason that this is being introduced is because it's a state requirement that all municipalities have to adopt uh an ordinance like this and um it's um I recommend that you approve it as well okay um now just for clarification are we voting on each ordinance separately okay so the first one is that we're going to vote on is the 2442 and I'll ask for your opinion on 2444 after we finish this one okay can I can I get a second sure I'll second okay weia yes SE okay yes yes yes yes yes okay now we have the same thing for um approving that the proposed ordinance 24 2444 for cannabis business actually also conforms to the master plan is there any master plan actually recommends that Council expand the uh a number of zones in which Canabis can be uh oper Canabis operations can exist in the township and since this is a clarification of the existing ordinance I think it's consistent with the master plan okay anybody have any questions for for Jim and Ben do you have anything you want to add nothing else to add on this one okay anybody have any questions or anything they want to add no no okay can I get a second did I already get a secondy no second second okay ailia yes nothing yes yes yes yes yes okay so with that happy holidays um I believe can I get a um we're going to have a motion to adjourn the meeting I'll make that motion I'll second great will all the meetings be this quick now all right um all in favor I and opposed okay have a good holiday everybody okay