okay uh why don't we call to order and um and take roll call here here here here here here here here here okay uh why do we stand we'll have a salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh notice the notice requ requirements of the public of the open public meeting law for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the notice having been sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster and filed in the in the office of the Township Clerk on July 21st 2023 there an emergency um exit through the courtroom doors and two exits at the rear of the room uh no smoking uh no new cases will will be started after 10 p.m. and no new testimony taken after 10:30 in addition the applicant will be uh limited to 45 minutes of testimony all meetings will will be video and audio taped and shown on the township of ocean Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon files and channel 77 on cable vision all cell phones must be turned off or if you need to make a phone call please make your call um outside the meeting room okay so uh first off um I think for the um minutes we're going to move that to another day to approve those right um now we're going to have a resolution memorializing um uh the o rco LLC uh 2118 Highway 35 block 301 lot uh Lots 2 and three um I think uh our attorney Mark sent out uh the resolution in the writing of that so can I get a motion to approve that I'll make that motion anybody second it I'll second it okay thank you I think we can do a um a roll call on that yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay so we have a new case um 1414 to 1416 South roller Road LLC block 182 Lots 1 and 2 Zone I 1 um 114 roller Road LLC lot one roller Road LLC lot two the applicant is proposing to remove an existing light industrial building on lot one and construct the new addition to the existing Warehouse on lot two combining the two lots into one site sidey yard setbacks requirements of of a minimum of 100 ft um where an industrial Zone a but uh a residential Zone the proposed side setback is 50 ft maximum lot cover maximum lot coverage a maximum lot coverage of 54% of building a buildable lot will area allowed proposed coverage is 152 point 13.2% of building lootable allowed so um who's here for the applicant oh miss crico how are you good I didn't good evening Mr Weinstein members of the board Jennifer crico here on behalf of the applicant and just by a very broad stroke uh the subject property is currently a warehouse owned by a company uh by Jay Cohen he has his uh Health and Beauty distribution company there uh and has been in the township uh as a commercial resident for about 8 years now the building was put in and adjacent to that was a manufacturing smaller building a manufacturing building which was quite active with a lot of uh truck traffic and deliveries up against the residential we're actually proposing to take that out eliminate any of the activity next to the residential and put the building in that location well we do need the uh buffer requirement and I know it sounds like a lot as you're going to see from the exhibit we're no closer to it than the existing building and existing parking is and we're right in line with all of the other buildings along uh along that roadway the coverage as you know is a function of having to deduct out the buffer requirement when you deduct out the buffer requirement you have a buildable lot area of something very small um I have with me tonight Dave bash and I have with me Dave Collins the uh engineer and the architect and Mr Cohen is here in case there are any operational questions okay Excuse me yes chairman I just want to record to show I was going to say that yeah yeah so Julia Shante um has recused herself from this due to the fact that she has relatives that are involved in the application okay okay she wasn't being rude or anything she just no I know and I think I think her father may have done an original survey on this one um so if I could just move some items into evidence and I do have some things to hand out out as well uh A1 will be the topographic survey by Charles sermont uh dated 1023 23 A2 is the survey of property by Nelson Engineering dated 8421 A3 is the site plan uh prepared by Nelson Engineering revised through 1924 A4 are the architectural plans prepared by David uh Feldman not David Feldman at all Felts uh architecture I I saw the Fel sorry about that Dave Dave Collins A5 is and I'll I'll hand these out as soon as I mark them in is an aerial of the subject property showing the encumbrance of the 150 ft buffer as well as an outline of the existing I'm sorry uh the the showing the existing conditions with an outline of the proposed building to show you that it's in line A6 is a color rendered uh landscape plan A7 just because it was submitted is the drainage uh report dated January 12th 2024 and lastly A8 is a color rendering of sheet a101 of the architectural plans just to show what the building's going to look like so I can pause for a moment and start the process of handing these out and uh Mr chairman if while we're doing that if I could uh enter in the board's exhibits let me sit down for that I have to take notes oh my apologies Dave can I ask you to hand these out take your time we don't we don't have to do things in parallel we can uh we can do things sequentially y I'm sorry go ahead Brian uh B1 is the crime prevention report dated March 13 2024 B2 Traffic Safety Bureau report dated March 5th 2024 B3 code enforcement report dated March 4th 2024 B4 environmental commission report dated March 21st 2024 B5 Fire Marshall report dated March 5th 2024 B6 depart Department of Public Works dated March 5th 2024 B7 board planner report dated March 17th 2024 B8 board engineer report dated March 8 2024 okay great and I did have just so the board is aware we did have the benefit of um coming in for a concept meeting before we made this application with uh Ben and Jim and as you'll I think you'll hear from the reports I think we hit most most of their concerns and you know obviously we'll offer you the testimony as to the rest yeah yeah I saw we I saw the um I think we all got the reports and saw some of the concerns and some of the things they wanted to have clarification on so maybe it' be good if um if you could start maybe G give us an overview what's what's going on here and what we're trying to accomplish and that would get us on the same page soon soon as van is done handing everything out I'll have him swor can I swear in the board professionals sure okay uh you swear firm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do do can you please State your full name and your titles for James Higgins board planner Ben matlack board engineer thank you all right Dave if you want to put up uh let's start with the aerial and again this is David B he's the vice president of Nelson Engineering certified landscape architect and we're submitting him in that capacity we not submitting him I should say we're presenting him in that capacity he's not going to stay here for you he's going to go home to his family I you swear firm the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do and can you please State your full name and spell your last for the record it's David bash Boe Nelson Engineering Associates 444 Neptune Boulevard neptun New Jersey thanks Dave so Dave starting with uh what we moved in as A5 which is the aial just kind of Orient the board as to where we are what's around us and show how the exhib what the what the lines on the exhibit represent okay sure referring to the the aerial exhibit the subject property um is located on the northeast corner the intersection of Rose Avenue and South Road Road in the light industrial Zone the property contains two lots both occupied with uh appropriately uh use appropriate uses for the light industrial Zone the existing Warehouse facility on lot two and the manufacturing facility on lot one around the subject property to the west and to the north are residential lots located in the R3 Zone and the existing properties to the east east and south are light industrially zoned as well you can see that the both lots are currently improved with uh their respective buildings and parking areas with a vegetated buffer present between uh the uses on lot one and the Residential Properties to M the various lines clearly the property itself is outlined in yellow there is a an orange dash line which represents the Zone boundary it follows along the rear lines of the uh Residential Properties to North and down the central line of South roller Road and then on the southern line of the Residential Properties to the West the Blue Line indicates the required 150t buffer from an industrial use to a residential zone so you can see that lot one in particular almost completely Falls within the required buffer and the subject propert or uh lot two approximately a third of the lot Falls within the required buffer and before we go on to the to the impact essentially we have to deduct the buffer from our gross lot area to establish our buildable lot area so our buildable lot area is the gross lot area less 25% off the top and then also less everything within that blue line correct the the existing bot area without any deductions is 110,111 126 Square ft so roughly 30% is what we're left with so we're losing 70% and then as we look along Rose Avenue I know there's only two lots shown and a portion of a third all of those buildings are within that buffer and the other improvements and parking areas as well that's how that Industrial Park was developed correct the industrial park was approved by subdivision in 1968 before current zoning standards were in place the residential zones to the east I'm assuming to the west and the North were established by Major subdivisions in 19 I've got it written down here summer 19 94 and 1998 so there was 20 years at least since the time that these properties were developed to the time the residences came into existence okay and the red line is essentially the footprint of our proposed building correct that outlines the the build Edge uh in the course of the conceptual design of the project what we were trying to do is minimize the extension of disturbance in the area and as you can tell that the line of the proposed building pretty much coincides with the existing area of development of the property and Dave also under the current plan the under the current situation the manufacturing building is much smaller than what we're proposing but their parking area and their truck loading and the activity is actually bigger and close much closer to the residences and what we're proposing correct they they do have a lot of activity particularly in the in their Eastern yard uh which contributes to shall we say the normal uh conditions we associate with industrial the noises associated with the activity of the site so by this proposal by by providing only the traditional activities on the western side we've eliminated the sounds that might emanate from those activities along the uh buffers to the north okay and um speaking about now what we're proposing moving on to the to the next next exhibit we're essentially maintaining that buffer line correct maybe losing one or one or two trees along that Northern property line and we're supplementing it with uh multiple additional uh large Evergreens that is correct I mean we do there is a uh Demolition and tree removal plan as part of A3 which does not there are a couple of trees that we're proposing to take down uh but again we are supplementing the Landscaping with uh evergreen trees uh which most of them right now are um deciduous so that will enhance the buffer that's there plus we also have received comment from Mr Higgins regarding establishing a double stagger row of evergreen trees and we are inclined to do that to to satisfy his concerns okay and and in the existing conditions and the proposed conditions before we start going into what we're doing there's a unique situation which is not uncommon to what also happens by the uh fireman's field not fireman's field the the yes baseball fields um is that there's parking spaces that are partially on our property and partially in the right of way correct South roller road is a deadend road except for an emergency vehicle access route to the north from South roller road to the roadways to the north but for the most part for for uh the general public it is a deadend road so the only people or cars that would be coming here would have been visiting our site or the adjacent manufacturing site and if this is approved then only the people uh coming to our site that is correct would be attending there and one of the choices um for the selection of the loading area was that is the general area where the access aisles are for both the existing facility and both existing facilities so that's why we place the loading are because essentially that area has had the activity and we're just keeping the activity in that same area that is correct Al be it less activity because it's just the three loading zones as opposed to everybody coming in and out that way correct okay and so and and I know the architect will speak to the building itself but just if you could generally speak to the building and now the site layout and the other improvements sure the site layout is fairly simple as you can tell that we we don't have uh extensive parking areas around all sides of the building we are focusing our proposed parking out along South roller road because since we have established pavement withd out there it seemed environmentally um what's the word I'm looking for conservative thank you uh to reutilize that repurpose that pavement area for the purposes of providing maneuvering space for the proposed parking uh the 23 spaces that are proposed along South roller Road sidewalks are being provided as well as barrier free uh parking spaces and appropriate uh barrier free uh access routes to the the various building entrances for the purposes of satisfying or trying to attempting to satisfy the ordinance parking requirement we have shown a green Bank parking area located to the east side of the proposed addition Green Bank parking area for 12 additional spaces we ask that it be green banked because we honestly believe we don't need the parking spaces um and that's based on the current operations and the fact that the applicant's been there for eight years knows what his parking need is and understands that this is mostly going to be Warehouse which is not going to generate that parking so I know that you're you have I know that you have visited the site numerous times and that your surveyor was there and you have photos has that parking lot ever been full never um my experience with the site is that number one because the offices for the existing uh building are located at the Western end that's where most of the people Park we witnessed eight parking spaces eight Vehicles being parked on the north side of the existing building in the Eastern end of that aisle and five vehicles parked on the street 13 vehicles and was anybody parked in the parking lot the Eastern parking lot is empty okay and um that was on a typical workday that wasn't at 3 in the morning that was on a Friday Friday afternoon oh excuse Friday morning in October at around 11:30 okay so essentially we can't meet the parking requirement based on what it is in the ordinance we believe that we don't that what we have today would meet our demand based on what's existing today and what we're adding and we would ask that should we get through this that we not be required to add the impervious coverage unless it's necessary and as the sport is familiar with green Bank parking it would be up to the zoning officer the planning administrator to say that you must construct it it has been fully engineered and all of your storm water management takes it into consideration as if it was constructed yes it has okay and let's talk about the loading zones and the entrances to the addition of the building and how trash will be handled okay there are two separate loading zones the existing loading zone on the south side of the existing um Warehouse building which contain consists of three true loading spaces uh that are of a length that brings the uh the typical delivery vehicles the semi-trailers out of the RightWay of the road I'm sure you've all experienced driving through the industrial Zone where you'll have semi-trailers backed into loading docks and the trailer is hanging out into the middle of the road that does not exist in their southern parking area nor will it exist in the um proposed Western loading zone they're designed so that the vehicles are completely move removed from the right way the of the road each Zone contains three loading spaces for semi-trailers it also contains each Zone contains a compactor uh pad for solid waste handling the there are three entrances to the building other than I'm sure there were probably emergency erest doors uh but I'd leave that to the architect to determine that would only be fun only function in case of an extreme emergency but there are three doorways excuse me sorry five doorways I wasn't counting the service doorways to the the loading areas five doorways into the building three of which are Ada accessible we are providing the Southeastern entrance does not need ramping it's at grade and services as an ada8 accessible route to the show room area in the Southeast corner of the building the existing offices are serviced by a ramp proceeding from the south west face of the existing building down to the proposed parking along South Ros Road and the proposed addition has an entrance on its North West Corner again with a ramp that goes down to the parking along South rer Road Dave we need a variance for change of grade where are we change in grade and why and is it going to have any negative drainage impact the predominant change in grade is at the uh loading area there is a fairly rapid rise of grade from South roller Road up to the existing uh building pad elevation so in order to maintain the same floor elevation between the two buildings we decided that number one for the reasons I said why we wanted to put the loading zone there but also placing the loading zones there meant we needed to excavate in that area more than the two feet okay but we're accommodating that in the runoff and we'll talk about Ben's letter in a minute um with regards to the curb Cuts we have some existing that exceed the 30 feet and the new proposed ones exceed the 30 ft one is obviously because we need to be able to put the reloading phase and a um compactor Bay the conventional driveway conforms the I call the Eastern driveway the conventional driveway it conforms with the municipal standard it's the loading areas and the proposed parking which exceed the standard for curb opening and width and location and it's for the like as Miss kmo said the uh conservative environmental approach of repurposing South roller Road that's the the reason that we're seeking those variances okay and with regard to the building setback we're just matching what's existing and the existing is at 44.5 uh and 50 is required that's correct along uh South r road which is if you look at the area the backyards of the homes uh that I think it's Mark place and there's some significant um trees along that area as well as well cor okay uh the side setback we had indicated is to that area of trees and it's matching what's existing there today correct as you can tell from the aerial we're pretty much on the same footprint of disturbance that exists today okay we are not proposing any new signs that's correct okay um we talked about the fact that some of the parking spots are uh within the right of way and we're not changing those we're just proposing to keep them corre and that goes with the setback as well uh the parking space with as is typical for a non retail shopping center fac uh shopping food store facility we're at 9 ft as opposed to 10 and we will be providing the hair pin striping okay um there's a provision and I'm not even sure I understand it Jim with regard to visitors parking only in the front yard we have parking in the front yard that's existing and proposed to remain we're not limiting it just to visitors because we have very few visitors that come to the site it's just going to be General parking I think the intent of the ordinance there was for the other areas of the Zone where you had through traffic and wanting to keep the front yards being green understood so if they only wanted visitor parking in the front yard not employee parking and as far as South roller road goes again that's it's not a through Street I don't want to get into that but it's a situation where I don't think it's necessary to have all that Landscaping in the front as it would in other sections M okay the curb cuts and the number we talked about uh the number of spaces uh 77 would be required we have 31 on site and 23 a long roller Road um which technically can't be be counted but as was offered and as we'll hear also from the architect and the owner if the applicant if the board would like to with regard to the adequacy of that based on the way these operations work and it's your understanding that in this current facility we have somewhere between about 8 to 10 uh warehouse workers that's correct that's my understanding right and about 15 to 20 depending in the office correct and in the current condition based on the circumstances there's almost never more more than whatever you said 15 20 cars sir correct okay um we talked about the loading area and Jim had recommended in his letter that loading and offloading be limited to not occur from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m and the applicant's fine with that we recognize that even though we're an industrial Zone and even though the ordinance doesn't require it we are adjacent to these residences and so we could limit that for the night just a curiosity was that was that place before this no okay not that I'm aware of um the minimum AR I'm sorry minimum landscaped area after subtracting buffers my guess is is that we're not at the 25% because once we subtract the buffers we almost have no Landscaping left well it it's the ordinance is very uh detailed shall we say in the way the various landscape areas are calculated and okay here we go with the if you're calculating the required area based upon the buildable lot area we have actually know it's here somewhere I apologize okay we have on the total lot area we have proposed open space not counting the green Bank parking of 28.5 6% if we limit our calculation on available open space to the buildable lot area meaning excluding all our buffers and where most of our green is which is essentially the south east corner Southeast quadrant of lot two our coverage increases to about 50% I'm sorry of the required setback area actually I'm sorry it's closer to 70% because the front the setback line ends along the South edge of so we comply we comply okay and the minimum Landscaping all along the property lines we had indicated that um you know it because of where the loading and unloading and the existing parking spaces are it' be difficult to meet it along the roadway right but we will provide the double stagger grow along the northern um okay why don't we take a quick timeout just um um so you know you guys gave a lot of suggestions a lot of things you wanted to say if you want to take a time out right now and kind of like talk through some points that we might still been not be comfortable with or haven't been addressed I think you they've hit most of the issues uh one point I did did want to make which is not in my report and this is for the board's edification is that the residential area to the immediate north of this entire area of the industrial park was developed planned and developed long after the industrial park existed so the I am not sure why the 150t buffer requirement is still in there because this is about the only area in the i1 zone that's adjacent to a residential area but when that subdivision was proposed and the ordinance was basically amended to allow for that subdivision one of the requirements in the ordinance was that there recognizing that there was a lack of buffering in the industrial Zone that there be a 40 foot buffer required on the residential side so that if you look at the area you see that there's a landscaped area all along that property line the northern property line of the i1 Zone that's a required buffer area that was established when the residential subdivision was created so you have a 40ft puffer plus 50 or various widths within the within the industrial Zone to protect the residences there and Mr winon what I was trying to do is go through his letter offer our testimony on it and then that way Jim could say whether or not we missed anything that was all I was trying to do okay I was literally going through his letter Point by point oh okay all right all right then then I guess continue it's okay yeah um with regard to Street trees again we can't comply with that based on um we can we can't comply with that based on the fact that we have all of these openings into it but we can replace any that have that have I almost just said passed away that have we can replace it you would like that Mr Phil right uh that any that had uh that have died or not in good condition correct and they can be relocated throughout the property yeah I was just going to say my one suggestion that I just happened to think of it's not on my report is that you required nine on roller you really can't put nine there but you have six if you put the other three on rose right we can meet the number just not necessarily on each roadway uh we spoke at length with regard to the um with regard to the buffer and we've agreed with his suggestion and there was a recommendation that there be no building mounted Lighting on the north side of the building which we could agree to there obviously will be just a pedestrian light for the entryway into the building which the architect will speak to but we'll have nothing lighting up that area um Dave are there are not many areas where we're putting grass in that doesn't exist already is that correct that is correct there's going to be areas of disturbance and there actually is on the landscape plan to Jim's Point uh the landscape note number 18 that all Disturbed areas uh will be slded it's those that are to remain undisturbed and remain will be so we'll comply with the ordinance um okay and and uh it it appears to me that we meet the tree ordinance maybe we were short by one tree and it sounds like if we're adding three more we're going to meet the tree ordinance so we don't need a waiver and we don't need to make any payment into the fund that's my understanding and in the past as I we discussed the double stagger grow of evergreen trees there's allowances for those even though the evergreen trees don't don't satisfy the caliper requirement they are the tree ordinance has actually changed and I just learned from another client who wanted to replace dying Leland cypresses along the edge of their property line they count as trees now and if you take one of those out you if if they're six feet or more 10 feet or more you have to now replace them as a tree or pay the pay for it so yeah that's at the site plan ordinance that's the tree removal ordance the tree ordinance yeah but I I always felt that the Leland cypers should be trees right so yeah the ordinance caught up with it I I don't want to discuss the definition of tree tonight because we'll be here till tomorrow but but it is the coniferous trees are specifically listed and if they're greater than 10 ft they count and any replanting has to be six feet I learned it the hard way you have to pay $100 per tree remove so my client has to pay $3,300 to remove 33 dying trees and put in the 33 new trees so I'm an expert on it now um and there's no there's no flexibility on that in any event with regard to Ben's letter under four we can comply with his General comments yes we can and that's informational and uh number five is informational number six we can comply with all of that that's correct and number uh seven is information and it we don't indicate that there's any variances but it's my understanding that we may not meet it exactly right where the parking is that's correct one bit bit of information with regard to the maximum uniformity ratio uh I looked through the plan extensively to see out we had one illumination level of over eight foot candles which existed right below a balled light on our barrier-free ramp at our North east corner other than that one point the other uh maximum point was elevation or illumination 7.4 in the compactor zone of when considering removing that one Ballard point we fall conforming to the 12 uh okay so essentially we're meeting the intent and purpose and we're certainly not disturbing any neighbors correct and the purpose of those balled lights was so we didn't have elevated lights up along the res itial properties okay and obviously should the board approve this we would get any necessary outside agencies yes okay so Mr chair I I just went over Bill NOP not bill at all Ben and yeah Jesus it's time for the holiday weekend no Ben and Jim's review letters in detail so now I would ask whether or not we missed anything if there's anything they'd like further clarification of um I'm sorry go okay okay uh so the we heard testimony about the existing parking um use for the site what is the anticipated um parking to be generated by the new um section of the building is that is it the same or it it's probably going to be a bit less because there won't be as many additional office users but there will be probably the same number of um the same number of Warehouse users so it it it will be similar so if we're using less than half of our parking lot now we're confident that we'll have plenty of space for it okay so I think I I heard um Dave say that there were about 13 Vehicles when he went to the site that one day in October so even if you double that that would be 26 and you're providing the 21 on-site spaces plus the there's 23 spaces that are uh along the uh South roller Road Ro area which you saw in my report they're technically not counted towards the on-site parking because they're not entirely on the site but um I don't really have an issue with with that okay okay and Jim um I think you got everything did you go over trash and recyclable storage yeah the comp that's going to be in the building and there's a compact and we have a special uh Lane for it did you discuss signage at all no signage no signage send the sign it did set yep what about the existing sign on the building it's remaining it's it's not completeing letters well then well then I'm going to let the architect speak to that because while I go by it I haven't noticed we'll presumably we'll fix it consistent with whatever was approved oh you know what I think we might have talked about that I think that because we're hoping to do this work we might wait until the work is done before we do it okay that's fine that's fine okay so nothing else everything okay um anybody from the board have questions right now for for this and mic just on the parking you have 23 on salt roller Road three of those are handicap positions and then you have 21 on the other side onsite but I thought I heard at one you have 20 office workers and up to 15 Factory workers I I said about 18 office workers I mean we really have like 10 office workers okay you're not we'll get you sworn and after I'm going to have the applicant be sworn in okay and then you can if if it's operational I think it's best if he answers it I know I'm just trying CU I heard 10 to 20 and then 10 to 15 right Factory workers I'm just trying to look at the max and as he'll testify they don't all Drive some carpool a lot of the factory workers I don't not Factory workers warehouse workers take the bus or uh so again our parking demand is what it is and even if it was Max out we would have enough parking plus how many are we proposing green banked 12 so we could build the additional 12 if it was necessary we don't anticipate it so we' pref we prefer not to create I guess that's where I'm going because it's we're saying we could but we that's so what as typically happen with green Bank parking is if the board approves it it would be put in the resolution and there'd be a deed restriction that would have to be filed that would say in the event the township official and I think it would be the zoning officer the planning administrator determine that those spaces are required because the lot is no longer accommodating it we'd be required to to construct them so essentially it's keeping it green until they're necessary okay anybody else have questions at this point I just one more end the park I'm sorry go ahead on the loading zone I couldn't see in the plans that were submitted the length of the the loading zone how long are they or what's the size I didn't see any of the reports [Applause] be very surp it's it actually Mr plutus if you look on sheet three it shows us 62 ft all within our property line and a tractor trailer is 72 ft no I think he said it was a semi semis are the50s areas is 50 so 62 accounting for additional length so 50 box 10t front 62 ft it will fit I thought they're 72 ft on the length of semi we can double check later but it I was just concerned because you said it wouldn't go into the road but well it certainly wouldn't go into the into the it wouldn't go into the cartway so if I could ask you to look at sheet three there is a line where is the back of the parking spaces that extend onto South roller road so the cartway which is the required width for travel is in between that line and the other existing edge of pavement so it it would be within that so it would not be within the cart way it wouldn't be blocking anybody is that correct Dave that's correct and many times in instances like this and the applicant can either confirm or refute the the box is dropped off and the tractor leaves the site yeah I I've seen that I just but you said it wouldn't hang out and I was trying to figure out the math so if it's 62 10 ft could be hanging out into the right way but not into the carway correct not into the roadway but on the Rose Avenue that's 62 ft with the I guess the curb way that one's not Dimension the the one on Rose Avenue is actually uh like 67 ft and then 72 gets you right to the the curve line L right to the curb line so again and then South roller is 62 would you say yeah South roller is is Di menion and that's correct 62 ft from the building to the uh RightWay line but then about another 10 ft it looks like yeah and it's the same uh 72 ft to the uh what would be the curve line but it's the gutter edge of the yeah edge of the traveled way so it wouldn't be in the travel way correct okay dve you have a question so my question actually was very similar um so I guess my concern is just the uh if the emergency vehicles have to get down south roller Road uh that there's not going to be any uh you know even if a a tractor trailer is queuing to drop off and parks in there is there any way to prevent that so that we don't have that particular issue I don't know how often the emergency vehicles use this cut through but I just that that was my concern that the was going to be blocking two two factors number one with three loading Bays available for the trucks we don't anticipate any instance where there wouldn't be an available slot for the truck to immediately uh enter into the loading area upon uh visiting the site secondly because the roadway is uh 30t pavement width and a dead end that would be no opposing traffic that if an emergency vehicle did have to they could easily bypass any vehicle that might be temporarily and we're talking temporarily by seconds that might be placed in the cartway yeah it's all was just a concern about that part you know but um I guess I do want to ask the business owner at some point you know what kind of volume are we talking about are we getting containers every day are we getting trucks in every day he'll be my next witness I I will wait okay I I got a couple questions just briefly um what is the distance from this site to the nearest bus stop just out of curiosity I believe the closest bus stop is up at the corner of Belle and sunset okay so is it two long blocks so it's uh go down Belle from Sunset to Rose and then oh bus I I thought you were talking about school bus I couldn't forget why it would be here I understand now actually I mean I so it's the the length of real Avenue from Sunset to to uh Rose and then from real to Rose um and then with the the new spots and and you talked about fully engineering the green Bank spots correct what about having them make ready for Ev is there any as part of the engineering would that then remind me when that that triggers how many spots we're talking about um I don't think that is required for uh Warehouse use that's usually for a retail use or for residential um so in this case uh I don't think EV spaces are required okay and then the just the last one because it it came up in a an earlier conversation um with the and I'm very excited to hear that not everyone drives their car there that that warms my heart just out of curiosity is there any plan for bike storage with the increase in in ebikes for commuting for folks in town you know what that's a great idea and we're going to just say yes we'll add a bike wreck in eat in town it's it's required before you even walk in the door and uh you would like mayor T Rico hey I'm not looking to move let I'm just say oh yeah we can add a bike wreck I think that's a good idea anything else for this um for this person no okay I think we could um I think we go on unless the public has any oh yeah I'm sorry um anybody from the public like to um ask a question make a comment actually just make a comment call up there or yeah up here y I need to ask you a couple of things as well can I SAR you in you can give the mic my name is please just raise your right hand you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth to nothing but the truth I do and can you state your name uh your full name and spell your last for the record my name is Sunil asani as n n i I live in six Mark place in Ocean New Jersey so have a couple of uh you know comments and then uh a few questions for uh or questions I think it's just questions I think just questions right just keep it questions fair you know the roller road is an important AO here and I agree with Mr officier there um you know the EMS an emergency wles go through you know I see them and when we walking we have seen uh cop cars and ambulances go through I'm a physician myself um so uh I do need to figure out you know how often the trucks are going to be loading and unloading there because they will you know because a truck backing up can take up to a minute or two not seconds uh to back up into a loading I didn't say seconds doctor he said seconds I think so so do you want to ask a question so how long will it be taking and will impact emergency wle which in 2 minutes could be a significant matter well first of all I don't know the frequency of the emergency vehicles us I can tell you it's uh frequent enough to call I don't think I don't think we want I one comment this is just a question answer we're not looking for your comment or your expertise on this we're just looking for you to make questions okay so the question basically is how frequently will how frequently will the trucks be loading loading to your best knowledge okay um is there going to be a variance to the height from what is there right now no no um and as far as South roller is concerned is there going to be a variance to what is existing right now regard uh you know um from what is U of structure right now will it be even more proximal to Roller no we matching the existing set back with the proposed building um the lot coverage that you requested three times what is typically permitted in the zoning um um does that increase the fire hazard Mr Higgins no not not not in my opinion I'm not a Fire official there is a report from the fire department and I'm going to go through these reports from the emergency Personnel to Dave when the doctor's done because I I think they're the ones who have the emergency vehicles and I'd like to reference their comments okay um you know there is a existing these two lots and unfortunately um there are sometimes a truck that is pugged I'm going to ask you to keep it to the question I'm going to come to that okay um at nights uh several times a month and it's idling overnight that would be you CLA the condition that we're offering isn't on the property today so the condition of no trucks delivering at night is something new only if this board approves it okay so I'm assuming um we are stating that there will be no trucks that'll be idling correct overnight there at all correct um the may I just offer you something that's against state law so you could actually call the police and report that trucks are not allowed to idle overnight I think my neighbor is here behind me as well and we've talked about it and we've almost thought of driving over but obviously it's dangerous so we we thought of calling the police you should call the police if they're if they're doing that I know it's not my clients but it could have been the other one yep oh we called the police for the overnight idling yeah um the you know uh the loading zone um on the south roller uh the compactor and so forth you know my biggest concern would be um you know eliminating uh the quite use and enjoyment of the property uh even when it's done between 6:00 p.m. and earlier basically um was there a acoustic engineer survey done to see what the sound effect would be for these things no on the south roller no we're Bound by the uh noise ordinance we're not asking for any relief from that um I don't know what that means she say she's saying that that the noise will fit inside the ordinance that already exist okay all right Fair um then the question I would ask um last one basically would it be much better from a sound perspective to have two uh and from the EMS vehicles coming in and out to have two loading docks on the Rose Avenue as compared to one on roller is it possible we're not offering any testimony as to sound so when when you're asking about we can't answer that because we're a permitted use and the trucks are allowed to be here so again we didn't do a sound study so we can't answer that question so let me actually then pose this question to the board basically that you know for the sake of the emergency vehicles going through the roller Road uh would you consider uh pushing for two loading docks on the Rose Avenue uh Ingress and egress as compared to one on the south roller um I'm going to stop there I think I appreciate I appreciate the question I think we'll we'll we'll talk about it are you are you completed with George questions okay great thank you thank you just a couple of questions we got uh plan review comments from the Fire Marshall for district 2 uh dated and he reviewed these plans dated 3524 and he had no comment correct so that would indicate to you he did not have a concern with access correct also just to mention that the buildings are will are and will be sprink right but obviously he saw that the where the loading zones were and and South correct uh Traffic Safety Sergeant uh Martinez she indicated on 3524 that she reviewed the plans and quote I have no recommendations or concerns to propose to the township yes so the police department and the fire department both reviewed this and have are comfortable with the plans yes they are okay thanks okay um so getting back to the gentleman's uh comment and question to us um was anybody have any thoughts about his uh his um question to consider Mr chair I'd like the opportunity to finish my case um before the board deliberates or makes suggestions possible because we haven't heard from the architect yet and there are reasons why they can't be place there okay good okay let's listen to that to your point Mr chair uh on his question is it possible to find out how frequent uh I think he was referring to emergency vehicles you know is it police is it ambulance is it possible to find out yeah well I guess there's two yeah I guess there's two prongs that is one is to appreciate the U the volume that occurs with that and the other is the pros and cons and heartache to be able to move those to the another place right so I guess did you want somebody you want somebody else to kind of talk to that yeah okay great correct okay anybody else have anything you want to say here anybody else in the anybody else in the have public comment sure I have any questions r eight Mark pleas okay I got to swear you in do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes thanks can you just repeat your last name k m r colmer I live at eight Mark place right behind on the south roller road side so I'm on the in the west portion here okay would you mind pointing at your house Miss colmer on that exhibit okay so my only questions are that the the parking that you're talking about that's going to be for you said 13 spaces along South roller Road 23 in groups of uh nine and 14 but they're actually on the street correct they are perpendicular to the curve line yes on the street so why can't we just use the green bank for those parking spaces instead of them being on the street and creating additional traffic in that small space because once those trucks start loading in backwards and I think some of the tractor trailers are 53 ft plus the 10 cu I know some have been parked there several times this month and and the last few months I just feel like there's just so much traffic going on there so why can't we just utilize the green Bank instead of using the street space can I just can I show you this just did you have a chance to look at the plan yeah I was there I not the plan but I no but no no no but that's what I'm asking so they're not entirely on the street that's our property line so there's only a portion and what I was describing before is the roadway from where the back of it is to the existing edge of the concrete this is 20 ft so it looks like it's 40t of roadway in that area Dave you have a dimension that says 20t that's correct so again I'm not an engineer so I you know Ben is that adequate for the circulation the 40t roadway withd yes so you don't have an engineering concern with regard to the trucks and any conflict no the well the I think the testimony was that if a truck is queed on South roller road that emergency vehicles be able to get around it right and then the only other question is and I think once the uh owner comes up to testify with regard to when you're talking about traffic who's actually here I believe it's only employees so it's not traffic coming in and out on a regular basis but I'll let him testify to that um and then as far as lighting is concerned nothing is going to be shining down on South roller road because they're all shoe box fixtures with uh and I heard I heard but I just don't know what those are exactly they're intended just to re they're LED fixtures intended to put the light on the pavement not broadcast they're not wall mounted fixtures broadcasting out okay so and then we can also agree on a time schedule for those lights to be turned on and off okay and for um are there any weekend deliveries we can answer that that's the next witness okay um and then right now you're saying it's till 6 PM Monday through Friday I'd like him to answer we've the the board planner has asked that we limit deliveries from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. every day of the week so there can be no nighttime deliveries after 6 o00 and they can't start again till 8: a.m. that is not in place now to address the the last uh neighbor which is why there may have been deliveries and it could continue cuz there's no restriction on deliveries in Ocean Township but if we're approved tonight we're agreeing to that condition okay I think that's all I could think about right now but I I'm sure I could always so just I just a question just for our own relative sake here right now the way it's structured is that causing a lot of problems for you well yeah because I know it's not his fault but when the trucks are parked there waiting to go into the bay the next morning not there are rs don't go on that side that's the manufacturer there nobody else on that road yes there is this guy here but this is a fence company is it not right now like a um no the and again I think this is a better question for the owner but as you can see there's tractor trailers on their site right now but they don't have any doors right for for they don't have any bays for tractor trailers right now again I'll have him I was on this property I'll I'll have him testify to that okay cuz I've seen the trucks that have been lined up here later in the morning after they've been there all night pull into this spot okay so they're there and they're there overnight and I'm not comfortable with that because I have young kids I don't know who's in the truck it's idling all night not that it's super noisy or destructive but it shouldn't be that's all um and we understand that I'm just going to offer to the board we can't control what truckers do for example if a trucker decides to park on B Avenue overnight because didn't want to go buy a hotel room there there's not it's a public street so that's governed by the police power of the town so if they're parking somewhere off site but not coming to us there's very little that we can do to control that except for call the police yeah that that I that I understand right so but as far as when we're going to have activity on our site we're committing that we will not I I can't control for example by my office which is back in this area also school buses park there all day long they don't want to go some they Park their buses there's one or two buses park there all the time it's a public Street I so that's so that's all I'm offering but again the owner's been there for eight years if you're just given the opportunity to kind of offer the testimony I'm sure he can answer for you better what what is the warehouse what is the storage of the warehouse what is it's beauty supply beauty and Health Supply okay and and one of my only other issues too and maybe this is a not a question and I know I'm not supposed to make comments but when when and let Park here whether it belongs to them or not they're they're brushing up against all of those trees in that area here along South roller road on the residential side so all of those trees are getting damaged and they're actually trees that belong to both myself and him and the third house which is over here okay so I don't know how we can fix that as a town I don't think it's on this actual owner but it's just something to take into consideration since there will be more tractor trailer traffic can I just ask you a question about that when you say they're brushing against it are the trees somehow growing oh so you're talking about the the canopy they're brushing against well maybe we could maybe the the town could Public Works could maybe trim well that's my question is are they your trees or they the Township's trees no they're the Township's trees but they also the Township's trees also touch our trees because of the growth right well if they're the Township's trees then we can you know discuss with public works and or contractor to fix the trees and one truck happened to hit my fence once so I'm I'm just concerned about all the extra traffic back there that we don't necessarily need from either the cars that park there or the trucks that go there and I understand that this is needs to happen but I just you know some some type of care needs to be presented to the neighbors on this side especially I just have a quick question so Colleen is it possible to maybe put some signage up here so these truckers understand that this is not you know I know we have our rules but maybe we need some signage from the township side of saying hey no idling no overnight parking think that has to be the actually the council has to do that not that's why I'm asking probably could put could stripe the one side of the street saying no parking I think we should formally recommend to the to the council that we do this right that I know we have a council that also I think that would be appropriate right that we recommend the governing yeah so I'll bring that up to the the council you know just if it's going to be if obviously an ongoing problem so yeah it is um you know I'm sure these truckers don't know what time they're going to get into a place they're stuck they don't want to go anywhere I don't know why they Park on that street but you know um but but I do encourage you by the way just from the township side of the fence if you have an issue call the police I will especially I mean if it's waking I hate to bother them for silly things but so we've been to a bunch of lectures recently they've made it clear they're not to be you you can call them they have a non-emergency number 5311 1800 feel free to use that number it takes it out of the 911 system and they would be glad to service anything you have if you have a problem Cas you didn't realize Dr Fischer's on the council thank you I appreciate it thanks thanks for thanks for sharing that with us okay um I think we can hear from on up Jay J can sit do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yeah and can you state your full name and spell your last for the record Jacob Cohen speak into the mic Jacob Cohen c hen Vehicles okay and Jay you are PR you can have a seat Jay you're principal in the uh company that owns the land that purchase the land next door and that owns the company that operates there what's the name of the company Nationwide campus Corp okay and I had represented but just to confirm it's a dist a warehouse and distribution for health and uh branded Health and Beauty AIDS okay and with regard to the number of uh deliveries that come during the day and how it functions in your current loc in the current situation what do you have so on average two to three containers a day pretty much sometimes it could be one sometimes it could be five but on average two to three okay and when you say containers do the trucks come drop off the container and leave sometimes but typically the trucks they do fit in within the driveway space and they're not blocking the street okay so they might not they might be extending a little bit over your property line but what you're saying is they're not going into the roadway nope okay and are you familiar with trucks vling overnight or issues along so we're seeing a lot of people use that dead end that are not nothing to do with our company they're just parking there we just had I called the police actually two weeks ago we had one of our secretaries they're just parking it had nothing to do with my company they're just trucks in the area that are parking there but it is possible that one of them were parking there and then used your it's possible but we know there there was someone that was parking there sleeping there and using that as a sleeping PL nothing to do with our company and we called the police and they came and they told the guy can't sleep here we we don't know why they're using that you know why they picked that dead end okay and let me ask a question how often have you seen that uh in the last month uh often often is 10 times no I'm saying it's one truck there's one guy that's doing it one guy keep one guy so he had a van he was sleeping in there one of the guys came out of my out of our office and he got worried that he was going to get like we got scared for him yeah because we don't know if they're going you know they're going to rob us they're going to we don't know what's happening so one of my workers came out at 6 from the office and he was guy just opens the car like know we thought he was going to attack him you know mhm but he were just sleeping in the truck you know and then his van right so this isn't good for anybody no we don't want if you could put something there that they don't park it's nothing to do with our company it's not our deliveries no no I get but the concern is there and at least 15 times a month where there's a truck I in the last month or two I've seen it often okay before that I haven't seen it they must have found the spot and they're just picking that spot okay so we might also also even just recommend it gets policed a little we we called the police the police went there he told him you can't do that he left and then he came back like two days later like I don't know okay all right Jay another question is um what was the operation in the building next to you that you just bought it was a manua steel fabricator okay steel man did they have trucks in and out of that driveway a lot of trucks and when they operated my building was shake like they are no it was very noisy okay yeah so it there was a lot of activity as compared to your three loading zones that you're proposing here cor yes okay and you said so if you have if you have up to three you said three deliveries a day I mean two to three on average yeah okay so if that's at those three loading zones do you expect the same at the other one um it's it should be similar yes it should be and and I know he had mentioned about the ton you had asked it's minutes what typically it's 15 20 maybe 15 20 seconds they back up they're done there not and even with the emergency you were saying about the emergency blockage my office faces South rol the road I see it maybe once or twice a day if that where the guy the fire marshal typically drives in or a police it's once or twice a day and I'm facing that office with the lights on no I'm saying with no not no lights on just driving through okay but I'm saying there no activity you know right understood so what you're proposing by way of adding this Warehouse most of the intensity of the work is going to be inside the warehouse it's not a lot of truck traffic back and forth no not at all okay and with regard to the employees I I I had attempted to answer and I didn't do a great job with regard to you know your number of employees and how many cars are typ L out there yeah so we have right now 8 to 10 office worker fre right now at this time eight I thought it was 18 no eight oh I'm sorry we have eight office workers and we have roughly around 10 to 12 warehouse workers the warehouse workers we have three or four that come together you know they come from Neptune or Asbury they drive together so or they take a bus some of them take a bus they have an Uber but we don't even use I would say 30% of our parking it's it's pretty much empty what not and you expect that what's the projected I mean additional space probably I would say maybe possibly another 6 to8 workers so maybe another 6 to8 cars if they all drive but it might you know typically most of the workers don't really come together you know okay so again you're not you're doing this to create more storage not to necessarily create more people in the building correct it's more storage yeah we need more warehouse space yeah there any more questions for um what man to the lights to the light thing what about it cuz you was thinking about the lights we have you you can you can you could talk no so the warehouse we have now just grab that mic CH no no no that one up there you had mentioned something about the lights right so the lights right now we have those lights facing down at our existing building now so if you're not having issues with the lighting now that's what's there now you know so what we're planning to propose it's the same exact ones we have now okay yeah okay good um before I say anything anybody have any comments did they anything they want to ask did you want to get back to your question Mike or do you already feel like you got answered because I screwed up by 10 I think that might have made the math work a little bit better I was just trying to figure out cuz when I was when I you when I drove by the building per you know I saw a number of cars on the street and then I saw it on Google Maps and you know I didn't drive on I was just I was trying to figure out they're on South uh ro road but you have plenty of parking and I you know I think there was about five or six and then Google Maps has about six cars on that roller row too so on on roller on South roller road so a lot of the workers are three or four cars are parking on currently there now on the street and that's because the office door is there the office store is there you know so on on the other side which is Rose it's a lot of the gymnastics company nothing to do with my company yeah Dave did you have anything you want to ask Dancing compy Yeah I just had a couple quick questions so uh just trying to understand your business a little bit so are you more of a Wholesale Distributor or you or you're not making Vats of uh you know cosmetics and things like that no we're not a manufacturer we're a distributor you're a distributor distributor so just boxes and storage pallets come in we ship and that's you ship comes in you just goes out the door okay good um yeah I mean that's you know that's really all the questions I have so I everything yeah I just want to I just want to get back to the the drivers yeah so in so was there was there some um perception that maybe the drivers were part of the people delivering to the steel group that you're acquiring they they did have trucks coming there the guy that's there now that she's that that the neighbor that the neighbor referring to I don't believe it's the fence company I think someone found that that dead end and just okay so you think it's a rogue a rogue person that I don't because I called my the fence guy happens to be my attendant so I called him and he's like Jay I don't know who it is so we called the police because we don't know why so the current so the current environment that we think could be is that there will be less trucks kind of coming in and out because they won't be in that area correct right um and there' be less noise less rumbling right from I mean to be honest with there's no noise you know no I mean from because what you got from the other trucks you said when those people pulled in it kind of even rumbled your no no no he said that when they were doing the manufacturing was a metal fabricator when they when they were doing the work in their building it was rumbling it was shaking yours not the trucks the steel fabricor he when he would manufacture my building was shaking oh okay my floor was shaking in my building interesting yeah okay um okay U what else what else we need to talk about to kind of address I don't know if it was said before I apologize if you did um can you talk about the frequency of the deliveries yeah as far as the trucks yeah it's two to three trucks on average right now per day per day yeah okay yeah yeah and I mean sometimes we'll have five sometimes we'll have one but on average two to three yeah right and is there is there a certain time of the day when this occurs as as far as when they come yeah it could be anytime between 900 and 5 it's not oh and one of the questions was are you open on the weekends so we're not we're not open on the weekends and and typically right now we have most trucks coming between 99 to 3 9:00 to 4: because we don't want to stay past 5 okay yeah so we're telling PE again do they listen to us or they get stuck in traffic anything's possible but on average we don't want them coming past four sounds like you need put the clamps on these guys they don't listen you know truckers don't listen to us so we try our best yeah I okay I do have the architect as well um well off anything that we want to anything that you gentleman want to ask that I about this the the only question I have and I want to open up a c don't if you don't have that many employees how come you need that many spaces on roller road is it because your offices are there our offices on roll the road yeah so just it's easier just easier access they don't want to I'll seal up the C you know in the rain it would be terrible to have to walk all the way around snow it's it's dangerous anything from you Ben if we get snow that was kind of similar to what I was going to ask I think that's so there was one question that was left out which was about having the um loading docks all on the that would be the architect because it's going to go through the interior layout why it wouldn't work right okay so any other questions for the owner here no no um why don't why don't we why don't we take some time and actually listen to the architect and we can um talk about the feasibility if that even made sense to to consider that questions oh by the way any any question any questions for the public that they want to ask you sure come up to the mic again you know I think you said that right now the deliveries are between 1 to 5 a day what's projected it's Ty going to be the same same nothing change and then the compactor are we going to be doing it during the same hours too is it going to make noise as well the compactor doesn't really make do you have the compactor now yeah they you have it now so do you hear noise right now from you know the truck kills everything else I mean I don't really hear noise from the truckers I mean my office is on that I'm my my office is on it's not an argument that's fine okay have a question was the was the lighting timer addressed I can't even remember this has been going on for so long we would just put off the lighting after an hour after business we'll do it on a okay so but we have the timer now it's oper we have a timer now on our building now I guess just for the record though for this though that the time would be it would have to be off 1 hour after the close of business right and it would turn back on I guess an hour prior is that yeah to the start of no there'd be security lighting we have lights right now on now what we would suggest Mr manell is that we would agree to turn off a majority of the lights and just work with Ben as is typical yes to what lights would need to remain on for security lighting the ordinance has requirements on what lights need or how much lighting needs to remain in the parking lot areas um right overnight for security and then uh whatever other sight lighting the ordinance recommends I think Miss crico what you said is perfect thank you okay um great why do we um David go to the next next person the other David a lot of DAV lot of Daves have you sworn and get started do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do can you please State your full name and spell your last for the record David Collins c o l l i ns Dave you're a licensed architect St New Jersey I am the license is a good standing it is you've appeared here a million times a few okay we'd submit him as an expert we we accept you as an expert thank even though you you probably only been here two million times right Dave obviously you can briefly go over how the building's going to match what's existing and um I I think the the concern is how it's going to function on the inside and why the loading needs to be where it is okay uh I'll start this is uh just a colorized version of the drawings that you guys all received it's not a new drawing it's just been colorized um I'm going to run through the exterior of it really quick uh the existing building has a a blue metal panel on the top part of the building and a white metal panel on the bottom so we felt it was logical just to maintain that and try to make this addition look like it had always been there as part of the building so we carried those lines across and and used the blue on the top and the white on the bottom um and and that kind of wraps around all three sides on the back two sides we do have some low masonry because we have some grading that has to happen and we don't want those metal panels down too close to the Earth so we have that uh kind of has a little bit of a water table on the bottom and what we did is we because we were kind of budding two buildings together we dropped a section uh in the middle to kind to create a little bit of architectural relief so that that elevation didn't look so big and long it also created a a good area for us to deal with snow drift and then we also kind of matched the office element that that exists today um in in our new addition and tried to line those up so that those two elements made sense with each other um in terms of the plan again same same kind of thing if you look on the roller road side we have the the office the low office piece projects forward towards roller road we did the same thing with ours uh the reason that we didn't just kind of consolidate all of this office and and put the loading up on the North side was so that we could use this to kind of pull our loading away from the residential use and buffer buffer that a little bit so the the office is up here I mean it's a general kind of rule we try to follow we try to get about 10% of office as an accessory to a warehouse we think that you know that gives a little bit of flexibility in the building so that's kind of why we laid it out the way we laid it out the reason that we didn't add to the Rose Avenue loading docks is if you look the the building projects forward in this area so we won't have that length that we would have at the recess docks so if we added docks along here they would the truck could be sticking out into the road but also Dave the the variance as it relates to parking and loading is not because we have loading in that area we're allow to have loading in that area it's just that there's no driveway so if we inset the loading a little and created a small driveway it would be fully compliant right so I mean I just so the board understands this is an industrial Zone we're allowed to have loading there um and it's up against the street so again because of that we're willing to limit it so it's not at night because we do recognize the sensitivity of the residential there but realistically loading in that area is permitted um and their ordinance doesn't restrict loading overnight that's something that we're willingly agreeing to so I think that you know as far as mitigating any impact I think that's the best mitigation you can have than having the existing loading going 247 um right but I don't just to accentuate the question the question was could it be could those loading things be moved into the front of that other building and your thing was that basically structurally the whole thing would have to be restructured to somehow to accommodate that right that and it also wouldn't be proximate to the warehouse that it's going to yeah obviously we we're only proposing a small opening between the existing building into the addition so you would start to bottleneck things that as you tried to move products through the building it would be bottlenecking here so by having the loading on on the addition side you have good circulation in the building here you still have the existing good circulation that you have today so is it is it a fair statement to say or is it um not a fair statement to say that it helps the speed of the unloading of having the two different docks in different places it does because obviously all that material has to come off the truck with a forklift and has to move to where it has to be set in the building so if you can kind of you know keep the docks close to where you're storing you can turn that truck over faster because you can make more trips quicker okay and also it has less conflict with trucks coming in and out of the loading dock if you have six next to each other there's more of a chance of conflict than if you have them broken up three and three that's correct okay any other questions for Mr is there anything else you wanted to share or is that that was my quick version okay that was your quick version okay anybody else anybody have any questions question for the just on the loading dock on the Rose Avenue I guess I'm still having a hard time there is it is the trucks going to be protruding into the street 72 ft they exist and if they are can you just move the loading dock back we're not proposing any loading docks on Rose Avenue they exist here today I'm sorry South rer Road so I I believe the testimony uh from Dave was is that the the truck fits in this Zone and doesn't stick into the cartway So currently there's a 40ft pavement width on South roller Road the um proposal is to eliminate the curb line and put the parking spaces and the loading areas on uh on that side the 72 ft that you're talking about extends from the building to the edge of the um traveled way which is where the curve Line is now so there's no reduction in the pavement with from what they're proposing so if I if I've worked there and I parked my car there in a truck the loading back we'd be even even with each other yes Technic yeah so right exactly so a car parked in one of the parking spaces and uh a truck parked in loading area would extend out to the same same thing the truck that going be sticking that was my concern and that's okay good thank you thank you for answering that okay and yep yeah just a quick one any intention of putting solar on the roof of either the new or the existing building we we try to always make our addition solar ready so there's not an immediate plan to put solar what we do is we design collateral load into the structure so that if solar panels ever want to go on there the structure is prepared for it okay thank you anybody else have any questions for for the architect no anybody from the public have any um questions they' like to ask no okay um anybody else you'd like to no that's all I have okay okay so um just in general any comment about anything from our board any questions we have anything for the for our professionals yeah did um just a quick question Ben did we cover your concerns about the storm water management system yeah we said we would agree everything okay yes I try to do that in the beginning to knock off anything we agree with so it's the the things you kind of agreed with quickly people kind of forgot a little bit I'll go a little slower time my my stormw comments just so the board knows a lot of them are are pretty Technical and they're not significant to the fact to the point where they're going to change anything with regards to the the layout or the site or anything like that it's it's more um providing additional information about uh soil boring information and um additional grades on the plans and things like that okay so let me just open some one more time to the public to ask if there any other questions that they that you have come on uple com hang on toy um I think uh as of present um the loading and unloading still I think um uh I forget your name my name yes oh Jen Jen Jen was saying that it happens 247 it doesn't I think it's still I I didn't indicate it would happen 24/7 I indicated it could because there's no limitation on it I think uh at least in the present state is it's happening in the morning hours correct as well maybe because of the ordinance or whatever I'm not aware of that but at least it is I just wanted to put that just just to clarify so you understood what I meant right now our operator has no need to go 24/7 if he sold his building if he couldn't put put this addition on and sold this building tomorrow and went to find another place another Warehouse user could come in and operate 24/7 that's what I was suggesting not that we were or are or plan on it then I would request part of the stipulation if this does get approved would be that the operation hours can only be from 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. that's the that's the stipulation the delivery hours delivery the delivery hours that's the stipulation fair enough okay and um um am I uh because I thought there was a loading dock on Rose Avenue as well there was there is and that one will be limited as well it would limited as in removed no as in 6 as in 8:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. okay all right no trucks will be able to enter before 6 and they have to be out of before 8 they have to be out of there before 6 okay okay thank you sure well Mr chairman just just to clarify someone could leave a a contain they leave it right that's correct loading or unloading loading or unloading right exactly now how long does loading and unloading take typically typical I think I think the test said it was 15 to 20 15 to 20 minutes I thought it was I think the testimony was doctor that sometimes the canister actually gets left there and then his comp his workers can unload and unload without the truck there meaning the what's it called the container I was just wondering why we need more than one but I think that would would be the reason because they leave it and then that way the trucks get out of there and then his employees can move things around okay good are your questions answered sort of thank you sort of okay doing the rest we can anybody else have any no okay so um before I make a before we get a motion here um and there's no other comments or questions that we have here correct okay so um so I guess there's a a number of things that we've kind of talked about and so Ryan do you feel like you have our ability to memorialize these things to to kind of discuss the things we the only two potential conditions that I had which we could discuss would be whether the approval would be subject to the applicant obtaining approval from the township for the parking spots extending into the right way we would have to yeah and another one that I think would have to be done anyway but would be subject to the recording of a deed of consolidation we agreed to that number right and also the so it would be compliance with uh Jim and Ben's letters as was testified adding a bike rack um green banking the parking and um having a deed restriction as it relates to having to construct it if instructed by the town um and limiting the hours of the hours of delivery truck delivery from 8:00 a to 600 PM okay and Colleen we're going to look into if we can figure out a way to have either signage or is that is that you're going to take that as as your followup I'm going to take care of that okay and then one of the other things we did talk about was uh potentially and uh to have some kind of police patrol in this regard as well correct I will send an email tomorrow morning okay great um okay so with that um would somebody I did we cover everything just the one other condition that I had noted uh no building mounted lighting will be provided on the north side of the building correct and that that was it okay make a motion to close the hearing um yeah um you want to make a motion make a motion to close I'll second okay um can we do an all in favor or you want us to take a roll Mark do all in favor to close the hearing all in favor all in favor I any opposed okay so now can somebody make a motion on this applicant I'd like to make a motion to approve this applicant okay can I get a second I'll second okay so um I a yes would be I did a yes would be we're going to be in favor of the applicant um with all the um things that um U Ryan is going to write up um as a resolution around this yes nothing no did you say no I did say no yes yes yes yes yes yes good thank you very much okay great um now I like to make a motion to um close uh close our session today oh no wait we have more I think sorry about that I got one more thing to do here don't I sorry about that uh Julie you want to come up for this real quick yes one second yep he KN knew you y yep y we're doing an exchange of phone numbers so if they have any issues they can call okay so we have um a review of the proposed ordiance ordinance um number 2469 storm water control um so just as a an understanding this is an ordinance that is I I believe uh sent To Us by the state correct uh yeah I have not seen the ordinance but I know that the state has made updates to the their storm R regulations and have has required that all municipalities adopt an updated storm Control Ordinance right so we can make a comment if anybody has a comment about it um so let me open that up anybody have a comment about this okay you're just looking as whether or not it's inconsistent the master plan right the master plan deals a lot with Dr so prob is consistent okay so I'm going to make a motion that we um approve the ordinance uh number 2469 can I get a second second okay and I guess we can take a a roll on this roll call on this vote yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay any other business we want to talk about can somebody make a motion to want to make a motion joh I think it's very Noble that Julia stuck around just to vote on this right before the right before somebody you want to second the motion I'll okay um all in favor any opposed okay great have a good night everybody have a good long weekend too