okay so I think we can uh stand up and do a little salute to the flag everybody over there the right I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay um uh Dr de benedetto is uh has moved so he lives in wall now um so I'm going to preside today and we're probably going to have a some kind of motion in a second right or some or in December or um but before I do that let me uh let me kind of read some of this stuff okay um the notice requirements of the open public meeting law for this meeting has been satisfied a copy of the notice having been sent to the Asbury Park Press news2 and the coaster and filed in the office of the township of cler town ocean the Township Clerk on July 26 2023 emergency the emergency exit through the courtroom doors and the two exits are at the rear of the room um no cases will be started after 10:30 p.m. and no new testimony taken after 11:00 p.m. all meetings will be videoed and audio taped and shown on the township of ocean Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon f and channel 77 on cable vision all cells must be turned off or if you need to make a call please make your call outside the meeting room um so before we kind of get into this uh so first I just want to say a couple of things one is I do want to kind of recognize uh um my uh Dr de benedetto and my friend Joe who has served on the planing board for for a great number of years and this last I think uh year or two has been the chairman of the board he's done a uh a great job in uh kind of keeping us on course and um of course we wish him the best and uh but he won't be on this board kind of going forward so just want to thank him for that and the other is uh today this is uh Ron's last uh meeting with us as the planning board so I have his home address and cell number so we can you're more than welcome to call now if I answer that's another okay um so I think probably the first thing we should do is figure out the um nomination the nomination right so I guess for uh uh chairman anybody like to make a nomination like to a nomination for Jeff chairman of the thank you uh can I any comment anybody want to say anything I've got a lot of comments so so can we have a can we have a vote on that yes yes yes close yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay thank you very much everybody um thank you thank you thanks everybody out there thanks um and now for vice chairman can I get a nomination um I'll I'll nominate Ed defiglia for the for the vice chair got a second can I get a roll call now [Music] yes yes yes yes yes yep yes yes all right congratulations Ed thank you everyone okay um so now let's get back to this so cases carried to December 11 2023 to be held in the public meeting room Municipal Building deal and Mammoth Road urst uh the first French uh speaking Baptist Church so we'll carry that until then uh minutes for approval uh January 23 2023 February 27 2023 March 27 2003 and April 24th 2023 can I get a second on that I'll second thank you that can be in all in favor all in favor any post okay great um so we have a capital Improvement project the popular Brook pedestrian bridge block 25 lot 1822 uh um 140 Kramer Court Brookside Avenue to Brookside Avenue Mr CH you do that we have Mr gazari who was going to speak about 280 Norwood he going to make it great sure would you like to come up and make a a quick statement never done anything quick thank you very much for taking me out of turn uh I'm here with regard to the application my colleague is here uh I represent the AJ property owner which is deal terrorist Condominium Association we we have come to terms with them and we have no objection to their application having said that the application stands on it's own two feet for you to judge but we are not objecting to it oh great thank you thank you thank you for the statement much appreciated have a good holiday okay you too okay um now can we talk about the capital Improvement project absolutely okay great um so um is there any discussion that we want to have about that first any background Mark you like to give on this there should be a Mr good is here I understand and he's going to present just a basic overview and this is just basically for the board's understanding of what's happening with this project and for you to offer any advice that you wish and as long as you find it be okay you just vote to send it to council and say that you debut it and you're good with it okay great super hi all yours just for the record Matthew good Township attorney Greg blash Township engineer great tell us about the bridge let me just swearing sir do you do you swear testimony you're about to give will be the truth got thank you very much good evening and we're here tonight to um show you a proposal that the township is um has before us to put a capital Improvement project on to put a pedestrian bridge from Brookside to Kramer Court obviously for pedestrian traffic so it avoids having people walk all the way out to Mammoth Road down Mammoth Road to deal road back the main reason that the town is kind of behind this and and was been after it's been several years since we've beening looking at this there's been several occasions we've had with people cutting through the parking lot and misses near misses with the police department as you've noticed over the last couple years the police department has put a fence around their compound area trying to keep people from riding down through walking down through the hill there so this is kind of to alleviate that because all the pedestrians from Brookside are walking over to Kramer Court the uh proposed bridge is going to be a 5 foot wide uh suspended bridge over the popler brook and it's going to be spended across the gray area you see there that's the essentially the Wetland area which we're not going to disturb the bridge will be over the top of that and the only restriction we we do have a DP permit for this already the only restriction we have is we cannot build it from April 1st through September 1st because there is a long-eared bat that's an endangered Federal species as a habitat in that area but that's the long and short of it okay anybody here have any questions that they' like to ask or any statements they like to make or what's the design life of the bridge uh it's going to be a Steel Bridge it's probably well over 100 years anybody else no okay do we open this up to the public or it's on the agenda you can open to the public if you wish you don't have to okay anybody from the public like to make a comment come on up I think right on the microphone you went I think you went past that my name is I live at for Kramer Court um Mr let me to swear you in do you swear any testimony about the give will give you the truth the whole truth the truth be got I do thank you all right uh I'm post a B for a bunch of reasons um first of all we w't giv any notice of this meeting which I don't know why um so Mr stya I can tell you this board has no power over whether this bridge gets built or not so so the council does so you'll want to go to a to a town council meeting if you if you're in opposition to it right this is more or less a a presentation just to give them the basic overview of the bridge and for the board to offer any advice that they may wish to have but they have no they can't turn it down I was not aware of it and that's but that's why you did not receive notice because it's not that type of he I receed notice for the town won no you won't receive any notice for the town meeting uh I suggest you just watch the agendas for the town all right and uh first of all who is paying for the bridge the town the town shouldn't it be brought up to the uh residents of the township um let's stay with um let's stay with the the questions that maybe have more black and white answers to it okay not so theoretical let's let's have it be something that's all right uh first of all the statement that just gentleman just made about the Bice cutting through um and people cutting through the police parking lot is not true and U the there actually is a shortcut that the people coming from Brookside will take through my brother-in-law's backyard Sul and they cut right through it's actually shortcut so that's that to me is uh not a good enough reason to build the bridge secondly when I bought my house I bought it for the peace and quiet of a CAC and um for 60 days a year that the people will have to use a bridge for religious reasons uh leav US Open to exposure for the other 300 days of anybody walking through and uh possibly causing problems especially in today's day with the safety that we have in mind um you know you don't know what's going to happen okay come through so Mr like I said this sport can't deny this so these these comments that you're making are probably better addressed to the council all right okay but thank but thanks for coming up okay thank you Mr sty next meeting is December 14th Thursday 5:00 P PM Workshop 7M for the public so thank you Council okay so considering what our um what our attorney says anybody else have any comments about this best to best to go to the council meeting as as uh councilman Fischer kind of pointed out anything else we want to have for anybody here okay do we want to take a vote on this you just take a vote that that you have no recommendations for the council and that you're okay with it okay so um I'm going to move for a vote but we have no recommendations for the for the council at this point there a second can I get a second I'll thank you you can do that all you can do that all in favor all in favor sorry does Dave have to abstain Dave no nope you do not have to abstain you're on the planning board and you're you're absolutely entitled to vote okay I think that's uh that's it thank you very much gentlemen for your time okay so we're going to hear two new cases the first one we okay everybody first one is uh Anie Jack and Victoria uh block uh 20.01 lot 13 and 1501 128 Adams Avenue 321 South Lincoln Avenue the applicant is proposing a lot line adjustment between two lots a total of 75 square feet will be transferred from existing lot 15.01 to existing lot 13 no other site changes are proposed I don't think that 75 is correct 7500 oh did I say it wrong oh sorry I think they're on their way okay so um I think what we're going to do is is listen to U Jim and Ben and maybe you can give us your thoughts on this and then Mr chairman before they do that let me just Mark in the exhibits exhibit A1 will be the application itself exhibit A2 will be the survey of the property exhibit A3 will be the minor subdivision plan those are the exhibits from the applicant we then have the following board exhibits exhibit B1 will be the planners report exhibit B2 will be the board engineer report and exhibit B3 will be the fire Marsh report okay great so Jim would you like to go first let me just where in our professional professionals swear that any testimony they're going to give this this meeting will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth help and God I do I do thank you both um yeah basically there's there's two lots they're transferring 7,500 Square F feet from one lot to the other both lots are fully conforming in terms of the lot area Frontage and width and so on before and after the subdivision a lot 1501 has an existing front yard setback variance is not impacted by the subdivision that 30 FTS required 25.2 ft exists and will continue to exist uh lot 13 has a very minor variance for a shed that's non-conforming with regard to side yard setback 5 FTS required 4.5 ft exists and again it's not impacted by the subdivision um the only comment I would make is that should that shed be replaced or relocated it should be replaced or relocated in the location M would you agree to that as a condition of course okay uh Ben do you have anything you'd like to talk to uh there are no proposed improvements to the site uh so I really don't have any engineering uh concerns okay great uh miss kco good evening Jennifer crico here on behalf of the applicant this may be the shortest presentation I ever made um we don't really have anything else to add the engineers here to ask questions basically my clients either in the form of an see you're individually own two lots it's kind of a strange configuration with Frontage on Adams Avenue as well as South Lincoln Avenue and they're just moving their own lot line to make one lot bigger and one lot smaller okay you can certainly have chat sworn in and I don't and Mr chairman I don't think it's necessary um I you have your own professionals saying they have no issues with the application and that that okay great does anybody have any questions that they want to ask U Ben or Jim or I just have one question is there any water issues back there Adam there uhic it it's not in a flood zone um so there's there's no concern anyone else you do need to open to the public yes um anybody from the public like to make a comment or ask a question no I think Ed thought maybe you could make a motion to plant a tree could you plant a tree me oh miss um motion to close the hearing um Second and that obviously can be in all in favor all in favor anyone opposed okay great no now you have to make a motion on the application oh make oh sorry I like to make a motion to approve the applicant sorry although was chairman we like the way you think thanks I'll make a motion to approve the applicant I'll second anybody will be a roll call any anybody have any questions or anything they want to discuss no okay let's have a roll call yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you very much and Mr I'll talk to them about planting a tree at Town and you were right Miss crico was pretty quick have a happy holiday for those of you I don't see same here um the uh second case we're can hear tonight is had haded Mr CH aad okay thank you Management LLC block 22 lot 85 and 8501 28 Norwood Avenue development of the property for a mixed use building variance for off street parking loading and unloading and Landscaping requirements all right Mr chairman I did review service everything is in order and I have the following uh exhibits so exhibit a one will be the application itself exhibit a two will be the site plan exhibit a three is the boundary and topographic survey then we have the following board exhibits exhibit B1 will be the planner report exhibit B2 will be the board engineer report exhibit B3 will be the code enforcement officer report exhibit B4 will be the Public Works comments and then exhibit B5 are the comments from the environmental committee okay um before we start with you sir I'm going to ask my uh ask our planner and and bent and engineer if you have anything would you like to go over what the about the applicant Mr chairman we'll know for the record that our professionals were previously sworn for the entire hearing so they're still under own okay um uh basically I have a seven-page report I'll summarize it it's a conditional use in the The Zone which means in order for the board to hear this application it has to meet all of the special conditions otherwise it would have to go to the zoning board it doesn't meet all the special conditions so if the board would approve this application they would rant a conditional use certificate to the applicant you agree Mr mumber yes I do agree with you Mr Higgins okay and then also some bu variances and I I think it's better just to let the applicants engineer and planner describe the both variances and the reasons for them none of them are really significant in my opinion okay good uh Ben did you have anything you wanted to talk through um I have a five-page report and uh kind of the same thing I I think uh the applicants engineer can go through some of the variances uh with regards to parking and and address the uh comments in my report um that relate to storm water management and lighting okay great good okay all yours sir thank you uh Mr chairman good evening uh members of the planning board my name's Armen McCumber for the law firm of McCumber McCumber Luber and Redbank New Jersey I'm here tonight on behalf of Hadad management um with respect to 280 Norwood Avenue and the premises that's been described uh we are seeking a preliminary and final site plan approval to construct a brand new building on probably a parcel you know um 280 Norwood it's going to be three stories approximately 76,000 square feet and it's going to consist of a mixed use commercial retail on the first floor along with some parking and residential units on the second and uh the third floors the Genesis of this project goes back I think I think somewhere like six years uh this applicant has been working um uh to to make sure that we have the best application that we can have um and I think uh we try to do everything we can uh to to talk to the professionals the township officials stakeholders neighbors uh to refine it again and again and again and this is I think you know the fifth or sixth iteration of this plan and we think we're here tonight with a plan that really is the best of all possible worlds um it's extremely attractive it fits into the neighborhood uh the density is is is and everything is well within your your ordinance um you know f is met all setbacks the height requirement density and there's more than enough parking so you know the the intent of the ordinance is met in in its entirety and it's been scaled back to a point where we think it's going to fit well in the community uh and it's really going to be attractive landmark building uh there are a number of of variances we require I think as your professionals have noted they are dominous all of the major um uh requirements are met there's a few parking issues a couple of minor variances which M Mr ficor will go through which again we think they're Dom Minimus and we think we more than meet the standard uh to Grant those variances um I have only two witnesses tonight I I won't be as brief as Miss crico but but hopefully relatively brief Mr fter of insight engineering who's both my engineer and my planner and he's going to testify to the site plan issues and all the planning issues we also have Antonio scalesi a parallel architecture who's of course a licensed architect and he's going to testify as to what the building's going to look like uh on Norwood and and finally Franco rouso of Hadad management the applicant's here he's here to answer any questions you might have I mean he's the one that's really been shepherding and marshalling this thing through the process talking to people and making sure we get the application as strong as we can possibly make it I would be remiss Mr chairman if I didn't thank Ron Kirk if I didn't thank Mr Higgins if I didn't thank Mr Matlock um and and today thank Mr Lex gave me some good advice on on what time to be here and things like that but but all of these individuals um particularly the first three no offense Mark really helped the applicant um not not sure not sure why you had to add that but whatever I actually called Mark Steinberg I would have the wrong board um so uh but but Mark Mark was great to me um but but they have really they've met with us again and again and again and and to make sure that again we have the strongest application and uh the most probability of making everybody uh as happy as we can make them in in a way that's going to make the town happy so we thank um you know Ron farewell have a great retirement thank you for for being here for this last meeting and and and without Mr Higgins and Mr mattlock we wouldn't be here and also a CLA thank you and all the all the members of the planning board all of your staff when I'm dropping off plans they're accommodating me even though they weren't always folded we got them folded uh eventually we did receive review letters we will go through them so without further Ado unless there's any other preliminary questions Mr chairman um I will V Deer uh Mr Victor okay okay so so sir do you swear any ceso you're going to give this season would be the truth the whole truth the truth you got I do and would you state would you state your name for the record yes Jason fiter and you are a licensed planner and licensed engineer in state of New Jersey yes all right Mr he's been bought de he's fine uh you can the tesy he he's qualified he's qualified unless the board has an obje that's go ahead that's that's wonderful thank you um I have two exhibit handouts maybe it makes sense to hand them out now just so you guys have something to look at while we talk sure absolutely look I'm I'm gonna take two now just just out of curiosity we have a list of variances and designer waivers is that what you're going to go through right now I'm going to go through everything okay great I want to try a picture for you of what's being proposed from a technical side and then I'm going to roll right into the plan and give you all the variances and the proofs for them super normally I would do engineering prer to the architect come back for planning but all the planning variances are really just related to site nothing to do with the building so I'll do all of my testimony and then Mr scalise will come up and give you kind of a picture of what's going on with the building okay that's that's the plan of attack okay great so I guess um we should Mark these exhib I'll mark it as one to do first all right so uh site layout exhibit site layout exhibit will be A4 A4 and that's dated November 2723 prepared under my direction just colored rendering of the site plan okay and then aerial exhibit also dated November 27 of 23 we'll make that 8585 okay uh also under my Direction all that is is the site exhibit from A4 overlaid onto an aial of the neighborhood uh with the County's records of tax map lots and the the bluish I think it's cyan technically but the bluish uh perimeter around the site that's 200 ft from the site that's always the magical area area for planning so we put that on there all right so uh this is block 22 Lots 85 and 85.0 we call it 280 Norwood Avenue we're thank you we're on the northwest corner of Norwood AV and West Morgan a the two properties together toal 1.46 Acres we are in the C1 neighborhood commercial Zone and this Zone permits a number of commercial uses uh but as Mr Higgin stated there's also a conditional use that's permitted in this Zone called the mixed use inclusionary development this permits mixed use development with residential developments and that would that must include both market rate and affordable units in the same building and that's what we're presenting to you today tonight so again the existing site was a uh vacant single story building it fronted Norwood there was a large surface parking lot in the rear and it was accessed by two driveways from West Morgan Avenue uh that building was vacant and it reached the end of its serviceable life so the applicant decided it was time to take it down uh which he figured would look better in the interim while this application was going on uh the neighborhood development pattern is very mixed to our North we have commercial development to our South we have commercial development on Norwood uh and then on West Morgan to our South there's residential homes to our West is a townhouse development and that's directly between the appin property and the township sore treatment plant and then across Norwood to our East is a single family residential neighborhood so the ain's proposing a new mixed use building it's three stories high and 39 ft both of which are con forming to your ordinance the retail space will have 7,000 square ft on the ground level and then there will be 28 residential units above uh Mr McCumber mentioned the iterations of this project over the past six years 28 units was one of the hot buttons it started at 40 and gradually came down and now we're at we're at 28 I'm not aware of any specific tenants for the commercial space uh but I would imagine hours of operation would be typical of any retail operation in the area uh and as stated this building within the 28 units will provide the affordable units that are required by your ordinance which I believe is five units and I think that's in Mr Higgins letter M building is going to front Norwood uh so that's kind of the focus the front of the building will be on Norwood which I think makes a lot of sense but since it's going to be visible on all sides the architect made sure that all four elevations of the building will have nice aesthetic appeal and you'll see that one here testifies we're also proposing signage along the Norwood Avenue Frontage there's one sign identifying the residential Lobby and then the the retail space is intended to be flexible uh your ordinance permits one facade sign per business per Frontage we show six retail spaces but again over time that might change but in any case we're not requesting relief from anything from your ordinance related to signs so we'll comply as far as utility go water sewer gas electric and storm water they're all available in West Morgan a and that's where we intend to make our uh tap our services um as far as uh water uh water sewer gas and electric we're always kind of at the mercy of the utility company they might dictate something different but it seems blatantly obvious to us that all connections are going to be made on West Morgan for storm water your ordinance defines this project as major development because we're proposing in to disturb more than one acre of land the existing site drains both toward Norwood and toward uh West Morgan a which is convenient it doesn't drain to neighboring properties that's very helpful um and then ultimately once the runoff gets into the streets it all drains to an inlet in West Morgan AV and we're proposing to maintain that same drainage pattern so as you know the requirements for major development are very strict and I just I can make a sweeping comment to say we comply with them all we have a underground storm water system that reduces runoff rates from the property again to that same Inlet in west morav it'll just be at slower rates runoff water quality is also improved significantly because we're almost completely eliminating motor vehicle surfaces which is where uh one of the biggest offenders of storm water runoff quality uh we accomplished this by putting the parking lot under the building and that's a great strategy for improving storm water runoff quality uh the perimeter of the property drains to inlets through grassed swells which is also a nice feature to improve water quality terms of circulation again we're maintaining the two driveways on West Morgan a we are reconstructing them but only to make them compliant with your ordinance uh they're essentially in the in the same locations M they provide very straight circulation excuse excuse me very straightforward circulation through the site uh for vehicles we're not proposing a driveway on Norwood and that's good news because by accessing West Morgan EV that gives all vehicles to and from the site the ability to use the three-way intersection at Norwood and West Morgan Norwood happens to be a state highway it's Route 71 as you know and the dot much prefers to avoid access points along State highways so they're going to prefer to see the access from West Morgan as well for parking your pro your um ordinance uh requires 69 parking spaces for this project we're proposing 76 which is nice we're able to Pro uh provide some additional parking we're also providing the three required Ada spaces we're also providing the 12 required electric vehicle uh parking stations the ordinance requires one loading zone for commercial industrial buildings that are up to 25,000 Square ft we are proposing a dedicated loading zone for our 7,000 square foot um retail space uh and and loading for such small commercial spaces it often occurs with Vans even passenger vehicles that are able to use standard parking spaces um and the loading operation for those kind of uses is typically very quick if for some reason a larger truck is required I would expect it would be a single unit trck truck as opposed to a tractor trailer that's just too big of a truck for the small uh retail space that we have uh and the loading space that we provided on the site plan here will accommodate those box trucks the single unit trucks what we've been seeing over the past number of uh recent years is a common design solution for refu uh for mixed use buildings of this scale is to provide immediate access uh um from the street for the huler to access the Refuge so that's what we're proposing here is to locate a refuge along West Morgan a um it's inclosed it won't be seen by the public and when the hauler arrives they simply roll up the doors and collect the refuges commercial tenants will bring their refu down into that or I shouldn't say down they're already down they'll bring it over to the refu room and residents have access to trash shoots on each floor so they don't have to come down into the parking area for lighting in the pre-existing condition before everything was demolished there were nine light poles throughout the rear parking lot what we're proposing is interior lights since our parking is now covered so that's an improvement for the neighborhood we have 15 ceiling mounted lights within that covered parking area and we have six wall mounted lights along Norwood and West Morgan for the sidewalks and driveways which is important and all lights are designed to be 14 ft high of course in the gar garage will fluctuate a little bit but it's plus or minus 14 ft depending on how the ground undulates and the ceiling is fixed uh your uh Mr mat's uh letter uh made a couple comments on lighting that I can address um your uh ordinance requires Lumin a as it says the lights to be a minimum of 22 feet from the RightWay line um bit of a conflict in the ordinance and I'll get into this in more detail with the planning but we meet the setback for the building the front yard set back for the building is 5 ft so what we're doing is is we're mounting lights along the facade of the building and the intention of that is to provide lighting along the sidewalks and the doorways and also the driveways the vehicular access points are very important to light for safety so again if a variance is required for this we'd respectfully request that the ordinance also permits a maximum of a quarter of a foot candle at property lines which by the way is lower than just about every other Town most are half but that's okay um our interpretation of that is that it's intended for neighboring properties not the public rways we exceed the half foot candle on both rideways along both streets and again that's important for safety reasons we want to light the sidewalk to make it safe for the pedestrians um and also the on street parking that occurs along the streets uh and we also want to light the driveway intersections again that's kind of like a design standard you generally like to get about twoot candles at driveways just for safety um as far as the neighboring property lines go we have some very minor exceedances on the quarter foot candle and with some minor tweaks to the plan we can make that comply so the variants that we're going to request that you'll hear more about later um is really focused on the public rways just for the sidewalks and the driveways for landscaping we're proposing to provide attractive uh Landscaping along the Norwood would have Frontage and you can see that if you look at 84 the site layout exhibit uh there's some green space along Norwood Avenue um and those are placed in decorative planters and then you'll also see some Landscaping along West Morgan um that's uh they're essentially Foundation plantings along the front of the building and then on the western property line it doesn't show up very well on the rendering but um we have on the plant a row of evergreens as it turns out uh Mr Higgins made some recommendations on swapping out species which we're happy to do so we can but the point is there will be a whole bunch of plants along that Western Property Line uh Mr Higgins also noted that your ordinance requires 4 inches of mulch in planting beds our plants only showed three we'll change it to four so we comply no big deal uh and the trees we got that now Mr Higgins discussed uh discussed in his letter some design requirements from the design section of your ordinance related to soing Sprinklers and trees and we're going to address each of those comments so that no design waivers will be required so that's it on presenting what's proposed from a technical standpoint unless there's any questions I'll roll right into the planning and give you a rundown on the variants everybody cool with moving on I just have a question about so all the parking is downstairs below ground sorry it's not below ground I should have clarified so the all right if you look at A4 we try to illustrate this with colors the uh retail space along Norwood Avenue I'm going to call it yellow I'm sure it's not yellow but if I say yellow right that is a darker yellow than where the parking area is that's a lighter yellow so the dark yellow area represents portions of the building that are at ground level so you got the retail space and you have the two stairwells and the refu area the rest of it is open air covered by the second floor it's at grade it's not below grade does that make sense yeah so what a car that's parked in that lot is what is what level compared to to the sidewalk it's on same level okay it doesn't go up or down it's same levels that allate storm water why is that better for storm water because you said yeah so the the way the D breaks down uh when you look at Major developments one of the criteria is storm water quality they want to make sure that runoff is clean when it gets to the streams and what the D does is they break it down into different areas and and the most offensive area they call motor vehicle surfaces because oils drip out of the car and all that kind of stuff so when you park under a building you're not exposed to rain to have those oils run Downstream and all that kind of stuff yeah so that's a great thing I think we could go on I just have a quick question sure go ahead Jim this has five affordable units in it do you know whether those units will be rental or for sale and the reason I'm asking that for the board is is that because they're affordable units the township gets different credits for rental or for sale units for sale they're for sale for sale I believe those would be for sale okay okay we'll take we'll take the attorney's uh word for it okay I heard somebody yeah those of voices in your head okay good for planning so we good to move on everybody okay okay thank you all right so uh we have a few variances related to parking I'm kind of grouping them together because they're all kind of related um the first one is the minimum parking stall size your ordinance requires 10 by8 we're proposing 9 by8 and I believe that this variance can be supported under the C2 criteria you guys all know that C2 is flexible better planning alternative C1 is the hardship and I'll differentiate those as I go uh hold on so Jim any any problem with that no okay I think he has to give his reasons why but I agree it would be C2 not C1 okay y um okay so it 9 by8 again that's what we're proposing your ordinance calls for um 10 by8 9 by8 just for reference is the most common size of parking space that I see Statewide and I always use this as a gauge one of the highest turnover parking lots you can think of is a 7-Eleven cars are constantly in and out you want to make sure it's safe and there's plenty of space 9 by 18 all over the state so if if a 7-Eleven can support a 9 by8 this application which will have much less turnover and residents that are very accustomed to accessing these parking spaces um I think that's totally appropriate Mr Higgins also said something interesting in his letter and I totally agree parking garages this isn't a garage so to speak but it's the same kind of thing they typically have even smaller spaces and one one of the reasons for that is you get into urban sprawl and too much impervious and you tighten things up but really one of the biggest things is when you have residents in a building like this like I said they're accustomed to getting into their space they're able to do it it's not a new person all day every day so uh 9 by8 is what we're proposing next one is minimum landscape Island width you require 10 ft we have kind of varying Islands they're not landscaped uh the smallest one we have is 2.6 feet um I think this can be supported under both the C1 and the C2 uh first of all Landscaping is not really possible under a building nor is it really necessary so when I say necessary getting to the points Mr Higgins mentioned in his letter um the design of the parking lot as we have it is safe and adequate for the circulation of vehicles and that's really the most important thing um the hardship element here is related to the fact that as I consider this the the ordinance hasn't been updated yet yet to reflect the new ordinance for this zone so the new ordinance for this zone is is very very recent this landscape Island requirement is an older requirement I think as time goes on and you look at these things you're going to start to notice that uh this application for example is substantially compliant with your zoning requirements and it really kind of steers the parking to go under the building to reach the density that that you're seeking on a lot of this size um but the landscape Island requirement uh again it's from a different part of your ordinance it's been there for a long time parking under the building is is the better planning alternative this is where we get into the C2 side of things because it consolidates imperious surfaces as we talked about protects stormw runoff quality it eliminates views of paved surfaces which is significant and again it's a great strategy to prevent urban sprawl that's more of a global consideration and more of a macro than a micro but it's a very important thing your ordinance permits one curb cut uh per prop property and we have two both existing and proposed again this is the existing driveways we're reconstructing them to meet the standards of your ordinance and we're keeping them in the same spot um I believe this can be supported under both C1 and C2 as well uh the hardship is related to the fact that there are two curb Cuts today that we're merely seeking to continue uh the design is a better planning alternative because keeping the two curb cuts and reconstructing them to the dimensions that are required by your ordinance allows for safer and more comfortable circulation through the parking lot uh it's also worth noting um as you can see clearly on A5 the aerial exhibit that uh West Morgan a is a small Dead End Street and it'll accordingly it'll have minimal traffic next variant location of the curb cut um the single curb cut again that's that's uh your ordinance dictates should be in the middle third of the frontage and I believe believe this can be supported under C1 and C2 as well uh the location of one of our driveways is not within the middle third it's in the western portion of the West Morgan Frontage uh the hardship again is related to maintaining and reconstructing the existing driveway and again it also enables us to provide better circulation throughout the parking lot uh curb Cuts your ordinance requires curb cuts to be on the larger uh sorry on the um Street of higher classification uh whereas the curb cuts that we have on West Morgan are on the lower classification so I'm sure that this ordinance was written considering uh neighborhood streets and side streets but in this case Norwood is a state highway and again the dot is going to prefer access from West Morgan in order to avoid access points um on Norwood and it's much safer that way I think it's better for everybody so I I don't think it's actually necessary to go through every single one of these variants this and I I think the overall concept is that you feel that this is a better design the way it's been designed and that these are all the minimist variances I mean if I heard you correctly before that's kind of the uh just conclusion of um yeah well I appreciate that he I appreciate he's going through it um so um I guess I just want to take a pause here for a second just so one of the things that both of you said was that you wanted to hear his remarks on your on these things so the remarks that he was making are those things satisfactory to what you guys were thinking yes as far as I'm concerned yes okay uh no have have it hang on for a second okay yeah thanks um does anybody so since we finished the um off this part section does anybody have any questions that they want to ask a couple questions uh so how many parking spots per unit are we looking at I believe your or ordance is I want to say it's 1.25 per unit yes 1.25 per unit for one in two bedrooms and 1.75 per unit for three bedrooms can you just say those numbers again 1.25 per unit required for one and two bedrooms 1.75 per unit required for three bedrooms and you meet those because you have more than enough parking correct if I have guest over overflow parking going to park in the back back there so the uh the parking requirements generally include that there's a fraction of a space per unit typically that includes that um there's also um on street parking in the neighborhood but yeah I mean if you're and that question comes up all the time for properties like this it's built in should be fine but you also have to recognize that if you are a resident in one of these units and you live there you know how it operates and if somebody supposed to host a Super Bowl party you know if you're the right person for that or not you're not going to do that is commercial are the commercial parking in that in that same lot correct so does do you mind me ask you a question go ahead I have it okay so so so there there's no assigned parking right none of the none of the spaces are assigned to a apartment or at all we haven't gotten into that that that's a possibility we know how many parking spaces your ordinance requires for the commercial and the resident IAL so we'll make sure they're accommodated um at some point assignments to the residential units may come into play they go in the back so the uh commercial has quick access to the retail units but we don't show that as of now okay so just to just to kind of expand on Dave's point so where would you park if it was an overflow like where would the parking go well that's the thing so if you were to assign spaces you would typically only do one per unit that's going to leave excess spaces for guests um you also have retail spaces that are likely to operate during standard retail hours so your Peak uses are going to offset so for example if you're going to have people over for dinner the retail places may be closed opening up parking spots for guests and again you also have on street parking in the neighborhood part of which is uh provided by this project we're cleaning up some on street parking along both frontages so I'm not familiar the on street parking is where is it along um West Morgan Avenue is there is that allowable or is that not allowable it is allowable we show two spaces on West Morgan if you look at A4 you can you can see them and then there's um eight eight on Norwood right so yes we can certainly say there not an abundance of off on on street parking right there's not there's not an abundance of I don't know that's a relative term so the board understands the the parking requirements in this ordinance were established as part of the township settlement for the affordable housing lawsuit that was involved so what I did when when we sort of massaged this this ordinance to to work be more workable there are some things that couldn't be changed one of them that couldn't be changed was the parking because that was part of that settlement okay well I guess the one thing just the you know you were you you were for saying that if it's a a retail establishment it was probably open up during the day which but there's no there's no restriction that it would be during the day right no but it it's very common for mixed use buildings like this to have that offset Peak you know the the residents generally leave during the day for work or whatever is going on uh the retail space is open has the highest demand and then at night the retail starts to shut down gets less busy people come home they have visitors so it's very common um there there's actually a whole thing on uh parking in America yeah yeah yeah understand yeah I guess I guess we're all kind of sensitive maybe to what happens in the summertime and what that overflow looks like and what happens to to all the action that might be going around in that area right Mr on that point you said the units are all going to be for sale correct that's correct um is there going to be a condo association established or some sort I mean how it I would certainly think so and are the retail sta is going to be part of that Association which I would assume they would be I don't know that we've gotten that far that might make some sense I think there way you can do it so that's that there's there's one group that and you can work it out to however you do the master D to make sure that I mean usually I see it where the rights are different for the res for the residen residential units versus commercial units but I think it's the only way it works out if you're selling everything off I well I don't know that the commercial and this is something we need to talk about I'm not sure that the retail commercial spaces I'm not sure they would be sold off that might be R rented I don't know okay well they might be rented but there but it would still be part of a condominium because you want one board running the uh running the complex yeah I'd have I'm not sure we progressed that far I could certainly discuss it with my client and and address that all right I I I would recommend that board because I think you're going to have a situation um otherwise where you have units residential units owned by one one group and group uh owning the the uh the retail and if the repairs need to be done to the building you're going to have a problem so the only way that it works is if they're all working under the same umbrella of an association there's inescapable logic there I just want to clarify that okay I mean I would suggest it as a condition frankly to tell you the truth okay because it's the only way it works I I could understand that I just want to make sure that's okay with my client okay is he here of course he's here yeah fine it's the right way okay thank you so that that that would be my recomendation okay good okay well I just I don't want to no it's okay you you're you're fine well you to hear any sound thank you I just have one more question I know you said you don't know what kind of retail operations are going to be in there um however I just one of my concerns is if we put a restaurant in there you may have a flow issue you got people coming and going uh that's my only thought I just I know you don't know who's coming in there at this point um anything would be better than what's there now so I'm I concur it's going to be a wonderful conceptually I think it's great I just want to you know if you got a hot restaurant you know Shay whatever suddenly you've got a lot of flow going on so that's one of my concern so councilman to that point and I don't know the ordinance enough to say this but if it's retail it's retail and a restaurant it's not us retail and I would assume there are different Provisions that would apply if it becomes a restaurant there would be different parking require no actually no the way this is structured even if it's a restaurant the same everything's the same yeah so then um just just just from a starting standpoint is can can um I'm talking to the attorney so is there any is there an intent that it will it will stay as retail and not as a restaurant is that the inial intent not allow restaurants apparently we're not going to allow restaurant do you agree then to a condition then no restaurant and if you want you can come back and because it would be appropriate to come back anyway for a review if you decide to put a restaurant in and you always can come back and ask for that no restaurant no okay so no restaurant will be in the without coming back for without coming back you always can come back okay I don't care what we say you always can come back so you might want to pull another chair up for the individual in the back uh I mean I don't know I don't know what you're talking okay all right all right um so look there was only so on the on the list of VAR and design there's only two other items left so why don't we just talk through those quickly and then is that okay yeah particularly I think just a little bit on the land I think I like to hear him just might as well finish the list if that's all right okay so let's finish the list of these two two things yeah okay uh let's see where where are we we're on loading and unloading yep loading okay so all right your ordinance requires loading spaces to be 14 feet wide 55 ft long 15 feet high uh we meet that except for the length we show it at 42.7 feet um we agree with the comment in Mr Higgins letter uh that the size of loading area meets the needs of this proposed development in other words it's smaller spaces okay talking about that before um so and oh that's uh I was going to say I think this can be supported under both the C1 and the C2 I gave you the C the C2 the C1 again I think there's a relationship between the new ordinance and the old ordinance that'll get reconciled over time so I think that's the hardship there uh landscaping that's next um so C1 and C2 minimum side and rear landscaped area uh 10 ft is required where a portion of the proposed 10 foot landscape area is reduced to almost 0er feet looking at A4 uh it's the top of the plan toward the right or that would be the north westish corner of the property you see where the property line jogs um the driveway encroaches into that 10-ft landscape area uh there is a hardship element here because of the unique shape of the lot it has that odd Jog and also the front and rear property lines Converge on each other as you head north the total area of encroachment in that 10-ft landscape area is 215 Square ft the Total Landscape area required for the entire project is about 3,800 Square ft so it's minimal um the encroaching material is it's a it's a ground surface it's pavement uh and it's going to have little to no visibility from the neighbor's property so this is a DI Minimus variance and we also have those trees and and shrubs along that property line too so the visibility is really minimal okay so do you guys you guys cool with this okay all right so I think we're good with this part good with that one okay anybody have any questions about this yeah one more point this is a question for Ron does so this affect our affordable housing builders remedy anything like that they they will have to comply with our affordable housing okay and they're giving five units okay they're giving five units and part of the conditional use requirements specify how they have to comply with the affordable housing okay Ed did you have something you want yeah I got question oh so has that all been run by the attorney they do understand the project is moving forward okay so it's everyone's on board yes okay did you have something you want yeah so uh I got a lot of car Cent questions but I have a transportation question one how far is the nearest mass transit bus stop train stop that's a good question I don't know the answer but I bet it's not far I would imagine there are a few there on Norwood okay but you don't know I don't know okay I'm betting on it though um and then my other one is is for Ben Ben how far is this from the flood zone because I know there's one in that General vicinity uh I I don't know the distance from the flood zone but I know that the site is not in a flood zone so then and a followup question I'm not and I defer to our attorney if we can ask this in the uh severe flooding that we had back in September that exceeded all of our flood zones how did this site Fair do we know at all that I don't know we do not know so I will say this I'm I'm derailing a little bit here but to your point that was a massive rainfall in September when we design we Engineers design sites especially you know it becomes more signif ific when they're larger we have to design to the 100-year storm which is 9 in of rain in 24 hours- which is biblical stuff um in Oceanport in September we got 17 in in 12 hours it's off the chart so there was flooding in places where there wasn't flooding before residents complained the town engineer looked at it looked into it and got back to them and said there's no problems everything works it was just too much water so 17 in and 12 hours versus the 100 year of 9 in in 24 hours so that was that was off the charts in September I'm not aware of any floting issues on this property though for or against I don't know Ben did you have something you want to say yeah uh just to kind of build on that uh the the state has has come out with new um upgraded uh stor rainfall um numbers that that towns are going to have to start to comply with uh most towns have not adopted them yet uh but that's something that it's going to be coming in the future um so sites will you know um developments will have to comply with with higher rainfall amounts um but for this application that's not the case um but the the site can the storm order management that is designed can handle the 100-year storm as as he said uh so I don't have an issue with that um I I do just have a couple things that were in my report that I I just want to make sure to get uh addressed uh unless the board has any other what is that new State requir uh so because of uh rainfall events like we had in September uh hurricane or super storm Sandy um they have instead of the you know 9 Ines for the 100-year storm they're they're looking at the 2050 uh level storm um which would be you know a certain percentage increase of of what the the rainfall events are now um the that like I said hasn't been adopted those rules are not in place yet um but that's something that the board is going to see in the future okay so Ben go ahead tell us your um sure um so I just want to make sure we got uh everything covered there were a couple comments in the um paragraph six traffic parking and circulation um uh maximum height clearance should be shown at the uh parking entrances um I don't know if a sign variance necessarily would be needed for that or it could just be a a freestanding sign next to the the parking entrance yeah we can make it subtle and and note that uh we have a minimum of 13 1 12 ft which is the the convention okay um and the just a minor modification of the curb ramp layout uh just to make sure that is ADA Compliant uh that should be uh shown on the plans 100% we'll do um I think I heard you say uh under the storm water section I mentioned about uh green infrastructure and the potential of using grass whales and I think I heard you talking about that correct yes we have grass whales on the north and west uh property lines okay um the report said the storm water report says that groundwater was 2 or three feet below grade and your um stor management system is below grade so uh some buoyancy calculations just to make sure there are no issues with that should be provided and then also how maybe how that might affect the basement uh in the building I don't know if that's a question for you or for the architect we we had some discussion about this I don't think we're going to have a basement we uh we've done basements below water before I don't think we want to do it again okay there you go and that is everything in my report great super um anybody else for anything right now okay councelor where would you like to take it now I think you're unless Mr Higgins has any other planning uh testimony he'd like us to elicit I think we are done with Mr fiter and we can open it up to the public or whatever Mr chairman your pleasure is um yeah I think we probably want to open up to the public for questions right everybody on the board is cool okay anybody from the public like to make any comments that uh for the um questions any questions right for this for for this uh what for this testimony so the way it works is these are just questions for what you just heard right and then later on before we're done you can make your comments at the end of the meeting if you have comments okay I just wanted to come come up to the come up to microphone I'm going to you in so ju so just to be clear the the questions you have are related to to what he was just talking about okay okay so sir let me just SAR you you swearing testimony about to give will be the truth the whole truth got yes think you just state your name for the record please Eddie Braha part of the deal terrorist condomini Association I'm sorry can you just say your name again Eddie Braha can you spell that please b r a h a and and your address please 215 West Morgan Avenue Unit Nine unit n and you said you're with what Condominium Association the Dale terrorist Condo Association okay thank you uh where the ones on the west side of the property okay so uh we just wanted to verify that the you know we're not opposing anything because that's what the attorney agreed upon but we do have some concerns on the building structure behind behind the uh new complex of 280 Norwood we want to make sure that it's set 10 feet back from our property line that's including the parking lot so the um we've had some discussions and to to clarify there there's two different things we're talking about so if you look at A4 on the western side property line the one that jogs and is adjacent to the town homes uh there's two setback requirements the most significant one is the required setback to the building itself that's required to be 10 ft for the 3/ quish of the property line closest to West Morgan we far exceed the 10 ft when the property line jogs in for the last quarter is of uh that adjacent um adjoining property line the building is set back 10.9 ft where 10 is required so complies the building is there I know Mr Braha had a concern when he read the notice that um the landscape area I'll explain in a second he thought the building was almost zero feet from the property line not the case confirming now the other requirement is um the uh 10t landscape area that I talked about so from that Western Property Line your ordinance requires a 10-ft wide landscaped area that could be as basic as grass um and that's why I testified earlier about that setback the encroachment is a ground surface it's not a structure up in the air there's 200 of that 10 foot wide landscape area across the uh north and west property lines that all totals about 3,800 Square ft we're compliant for all of it except for 215 Square fet which is right by that property jog that's why it's a C1 hardship situation related to the unique shape of the lot um it's just that small area it's just the pavement it's not the building I think that's the Crux of Mr br's concern we also have um well we show Evergreens Mr Higgins made a suggestion to swap the Evergreens out for some trees and different shrubs we'll comply with that but the point is there's going to be substantial plantings along that Western property line as well so I think the visibility of that 200 small 250 square foot encroachment area of drive a will have little to no visibility from Mr br's uh property great thanks for the clarification sure uh the second thing is uh I know that you're building underground I don't know how many feet underground it's going to be going so we have some concerns about the foundation of our property um what's going under ground the parking lot nope Park so if you uh if you pull in from West Morgan a and you turn into this parking lot you you're going to stay level you're not going up or down there's no basement there's nothing underground there's no underground parking right your parking lot will not be underground correct it's going to be on the surface on the surface correct and what about something called uh the insurance Poli policy that you have is there any chance of putting us as a uh an additional insurer that goes Way Beyond so yes so Mr braa your attorney's already indicated that the association is not objecting to this application so you only can speak as yourself you cannot speak on behalf of the association okay and what about the lighting on the street of West of West Morgan Avenue uh right now there's no lighting from the county and it's extremely dark on that Street on West Morgan yeah I mean I don't think that's your responsibility but I would say it's more the Township's responsibility well we took care of it it it's a it's a Municipal Road not a County Road West Morgan that is um and we have uh building lights mounted on the face of the building along West Morgan with the intention of lighting the sidewalk and the driveways the sidewalk also y okay great thank you anybody else from the um come on up take your time hope I don't go up onto a tangent here I'm 88 years old I've been living on that street since 1962 and that flooding issue sir let me let me testimony about the whole I've never done this that's okay very few people have do you swear any testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I'll be God yes I just state your name for the record Richard c c r o CE o correct and what's your address Mr 218 West Morgan Avenue the last house on the street go ahead maybe I'll start with the Norwood Avenue if it rains two or three days in a row the the bridges get flooded that popular Brook it gets flooded you can't go that way I went to a wedding that weekend I got a picture on my cell phone it'll show you a picture of what West Morgan Avenue and nor would look like the water was up over the curb over the curb it's never been that high since I've been living it but close and every time you get two or three days of rain and it's high tide everything in my backyard floods and what I do in the cellar I have a drain that goes out to the brook I have to stick a blanket in there because the water get a well Mr Siro uh did you want to talk to yeah I don't know who I'm talking to oh I'm sorry that's okay you can talk you can talk to me it's fine um so you you you want to make a comment about that you're you're yeah your house gets that if you take a shovel in my backyard and go down a foot or two there's water all the time even when it doesn't rain for a couple weeks and and you can have all the pump I don't know how you're going to get rid of that water in fact when I went out that my my my daughter got granddaughter got married I got a picture West Morgan Avenue comes out to Norwood the water was up even to the parking lot that's how it is and that was unusual most of the time it just gets up to the street but basically is uh there going to be a big problem with the flooding I don't know how you're going to solve that well as far as this project goes what we did is we calculated how much runoff is Flowing off of the site into the streets and because it's a major development it's a threshold thing in their ordinance we had to design a storm water system to actually reduce the runoff from the site by per percentages so it there will be less runoff from this site into the streets after this is built than there is today so our contribution to that more Regional issue will be reduced yeah I'm kind of confused there because when when a high tide comes in if you look at my backyard that there's always water back there all the time yeah you're close to I I looked at the uh flood map and your property appears to be in a flood zone the OPC property is not half my property is in a flood zone yep here that's fair but but when it flooded I have a picture it it came up past the flood zone was that in September yeah yeah and it's been there before okay but but usually I'm home so I can just stick a blanket in the PIP but use a sump pump but but right now I don't know if you if if even if you cut down the flow going into the drains in that if the water level is above the street this you know yeah so Mr zero hello oh sorry oh it's okay yeah well first congratulations on your granddaughter oh thank you I'm sure it was a nice event um I'm not sure if we can solve your problem in this conversation okay no I appreciate you I appreciate you saying it problem with that flooding I I thought you were going to just hand out the pictures of the wedding and start getting us no no it's okay so I don't know if there's anything we can do at this I'm just bring you just bring it up great I I think when you build that apartment you know it's going to be a problem I don't think there's going to be less water coming off that problem there might even be more because now you have dirt there so when it rains at least it can kind of seep into the ground a little bit you're going to have a roof well let's um let's go with let's go with um with our Engine with um this gentleman saying because he's a he's been he's you know certified individual that basically tells you it could get better right so why don't we let's let's have the could get better concept going I'll let okay great next thing the parking is a nightmare even with no stores there now cuz there's still some stores there and in the summer they have sidewalk sales I'm the last house on the street in the summer that street is full of cars all the time all the time because you got the condos across the street from me so they have you know they they Park too and they Mr I can tell you they meet the parking requirements for the site in fact they no I'm not I I don't disagree with that I'm just saying you're going to have all those stores you're going to have Shoppers coming in there and you went from uh what was it 18 units per acre and you up that are you just telling this for informational purposes no because it was in your thing that you it's it's zone for 18 units per acre 25 I read the wrong thing I'm wrong that's okay they have no variances regarding the parking so yeah or or the number of units or the number of units yeah so they're permitted to build with those number of units and they're permitted to have as many parking spaces as they do in fact they have more that they're required to have well I I thought they they they said the the I don't know where I read it the way it is now it's zoned for 18 units per acre no it's zoned for 25 units per acre that was they changed the Zone anything yes I wasn't aware that's an old one did you have another thing another statement you wanted to make oh anyway but back to the parking well I think we know I think we understand that that the volume of parking might be a challenge but let's but I think we I think it's already been established that the guidelines have been set on how the on how we're figure out parking so I know it's all you know I'm just telling you yeah okay great there's parking on both sides of the street and there's times I I can't get out of my street because cars are coming in and you can't get two cars somebody's got to back up and that's a real problem and and when the stores are there and they have those sidewalk sales forget it there's more accidents on that corner and nothing's built ju um let's not yeah let's yeah let's let's let's just take yeah let's um yeah so let's I think we have to if you have another point I think that would be good because I think we already recognize what you were saying there's going to be a nightmare with traffic parking not maybe in your unit but you're going to be in that surrounding area okay you know on the street and uh well the lights that for some reason jerseys they took they took a light off pull down I thought they were putting new leads in or something I don't know if that's F to I called them up that's it okay well thank you and congratulations again thank woman my backyard oh I got pictures of of my kids when they were small in a rowboat back there oh and nobody believed that that I that I had water back there like a lake I'm sure that would be good part of a good montage I'm sure that's part of a good [Laughter] montage thank you thanks for thanks thanks for your questions uh anybody else from the audience have any questions no okay um did you want to have somebody else yeah yes Mr chairman uh with your permission just just uh briefly um Antonio scales is here from parallel architecture group uh just to give you an idea of what the building is going to look like okay it won't it won't take no that's okay I think I think everybody here would would would mind seeing what it's going to look like did work on it I don't need to say anything I'm good right so we'll mark this in as A6 thank you Mr Le and these are the these are the elevations yeah is this too low only if we want to see it we SW let me to swear you in when you get a all right sir do you swear that any testimony you're going to give tonight will be the truth the whole truth I but the truth off you got yes and just state your name for the record sure Antonio scales s c a l i s c and you are a licensed architect state of New Jersey correct yes I am thank you very much go ahead so where de's wave so go right ahead all right thank you good evening uh chairman and board members um my name is Antonio scales parallel Architectural Group and you know we obviously worked on this project for a long time uh and we kind of landed on this design uh which we're presenting to you today uh so what I'd like to do is go through the floor plans and kind of give you a sense of what's going on so there is no Subterranean basement meaning below grade of anything there's a little bit of a grade change we do have some ramps adjacent to the building but there's nothing uh that is Subterranean previously we did have a basement on the east side of the building that was just underneath the actual uh commercial space but we made a decision because of the water table we don't want to do that again we did waterproofing on another place and it's just intense so uh we eliminated that and we do have um you know Mechanicals and things of that nature that we maybe were going to do down on the first floor we actually have a spot for it here um so again the property is located on the corner corner of Norwood Avenue and uh West Morgan uh Avenue uh there was discussion a previously removed parking lot and one-story commercial building uh property is located in C1 neighborhood commercial Zone I don't mean to repeat things but we know that um our office prepared the plans uh eight sheets dated 10 2723 and also one board which you see is the rendering there uh which was 105 2022 which is crazy almost a year ago um um our client is proposing a three-story mixed use building we do have five affordable units that we're looking to do uh the building is three stories and the top of the roof is 39 ft um we have a parit that is within the ordinance of within about 5T and then we have two stair Towers which I'll go through the plans which is also within the ordinance at 9 ft so we comply with all the height Mr sque I apologize so so these are the architectural plans that we're looking at these are architectural plans and that's right understand so we had not marked in the actual plans Oh I thought you had said that previously I I thought I had two but all we marked in was the site plan so we don't have okay we don't have the actual um architectural plan so we'll mark that in as exhibit A7 are the actual architectural plan yes which are floor plans and elevations okay and that was dated 1027 23 10272 yes sir prepared by you know my office um the uh all right so so we do comply so the other thing with the roof area just to touch upon it uh you have to be within 10% of any elements that are coming Beyond The 39 foot roof height and we're well under it we just have two stair towers that are going above that height but we the footprint of those are within the 10% so we comply uh so getting to the the plan so the ground floor plan consists of two retail spaces and again it's set to the east side of uh the property uh One retail area is approximately 4,000 square ft the other retail area is approximately 29 almost 3,000 square ft uh we have an elevator Lobby we have a mechanical room uh we have stairs uh you know very typical things in that area um we have a bathroom uh we have an office and then additionally there's a refuge area in two egress stairs so we have a refuge area here and we have two egress stairs that are outside and this whole area underneath is the parking which again is surface parking not Subterranean there's no ramps of any kind other than pedestrian ramps that will be ADA Compliant uh on this level on the second floor we have 14 residential units that are essentially around the perimeter of the building that all have views outside towards the east the the north the South the west and then we have two units that are I'm calling them internal units but this area here is the pool level so we have a pool internal like in the not in in in the building but exposed to air we have a pull deck level uh where two units are facing that uh we basically have four one-bedroom units that are approximately 800 square ft plus or minus we have four two bedroom units which are about 14,800 and we have six three bedroom units approximately 17 to 2600 on this floor and they're all sporadic they're all typical layouts they all have you know they meet the light and air requirements so Living Spaces have a view outside as well as the bedrooms have views and windows outside uh there's approximately a 1200t gym area we have bathrooms and a 1,600 ft Lounge area so that's this is the gym here these are bathrooms and like a small Locker area if you will and then this is the uh Lounge area and that's on the second floor third floor is essentially a repeat of the second floor so this x that you see here to be clear is open to air right so this is the third floor level so these the these two units again there's perimeter units and then there's two internal units and that these are the only units that view towards the the West if you will towards that courtyard um on the third floor again we have 14 residential units with two facing the interior I stated we have five two-bedroom units between 1100 and 1800 square ft we have nine three bedroom units approximately 1,500 to 2400 Square ft uh and again the rooftop is uh just pretty straightforward flat roof um again this this rectangle is open to above right open to Sky and we have two for egress purposes and access to the roof we have two stair towers and then there'll be some kind of mechanical screening uh to that will comply with the hype ordinance but there's not going to be any Recreation up on the no Recreation The public's not going to have a right to go up there no okay no correct so no no roof parties no roof parties no no people will do things if you give them the opportunity to do them yeah um so again on to kind of keep it simple the extent of our exterior design uh was to create a step condition to push the mass back as you go up so what that means is the commercial level which is the first floor level let's say is the furthest point towards the street and the second level is set back a little bit and then the third level is also pushed back so we're not making you know it was very clear by our client they wanted to design a really nice building um and it's not just a flat line right so we purposely broke the scale of the building down so that it feels right in that space is the way I can describe it um we also created a series of push and pull effects with balconies to break down the elevation so I really think it's going to be a sharp building when it goes up um further we're using colors and materials like stucco Hardy Board to match similar homes and buildings within the area right so that was our intention that we're using materials that you've all seen before you know white trims things of that nature um you know we have some really nice uh cable railing we have nice windows so everything we're doing is within character of the area and we've designed a lot of homes in the area uh and we're using like a similar pallet if you will so it has like a it's not residential obviously like a home but it has that vibe that feel right so when you look at the materials it feels familiar um there was a question about signage and you know we do have a couple of signs on the building there's the main sign of what I would say is the entrance when you come in there's a little bit of we're not sure about how many tenants we're talking about so when we broke up the space it's hard to see that on the uh on the rendering but right now we broke up two retail spaces right because it seemed like that's the way to go but there's a possibility that the spaces get broken up maybe at least into two smaller spaces right so not knowing that I guess I don't know as long as we comply with signage like right now we're showing four like uh um potential tenant sign but I think in reality it's going to be three on Norwood so I don't know how's the best way to handle that if you know as long as we comply with the 10% if you comply the zoning ordinance will give you a zoning permit okay so I think I'm I'm confident we're going to comply not sorry the zoning officer I don't think we're doing anything crazy we're going to do some really nice lighting I know you know our client's going to do this building right he he he always does the right thing and and I know he's going to put some good materials together okay so I think for the most part I think that's pretty much my testimony unless anybody has any questions yes Mr chairman any questions from the board of professionals anyone um first do you guys have anything you want to add or talk to I just think he's a much better architect than he is a van white is that a compliment or not a compliment I couldn't really I couldn't really tell I couldn't really tell Ben I I don't have anything else to ask okay anybody anybody here on did I thought I heard seven retail spaces that did I hear seven or no Jason said six before was three or four just added those two up anybody else have anything they want to ask y just a quick question and all residents are going to have equal access to the amenities oh yeah absolutely of course that being of course a reference security affordable housing oh yes and I and there are five uh affordable housing un but the idea is that they get mixed in with you know you don't you don't put them all in one spot you know there's different un it's basically meant for M the answer is yes they will have access to all the accommodations yes anyone else um are are there any um sustainable or green features for the building itself like Energy Efficiency or definitely Beyond minimum code so there'll be some versions of it whether it's through HVAC systems uh but we haven't really developed it yet to that level but I know we'll be introducing as much as we can yes but I can't say for sure how much of that okay um does the public have any uh anybody from the public any questions for this for this individual no okay all right I don't have any other Witnesses uh uh Mr chairman I do have my client here if there's any specific questions of him he can certainly um be sworn in and testify but I I have no more affirmative Witnesses okay great let me ask my board anything you guys want want to talk through no okay um anybody like on the board like to make a motion I make a motion to approve okay so a motion has been made to um approve the applicant and I would say that CL first close I close the hearing right can I get a second I'll second all in favor I okay so now would like to make want to do it again sure I'll make a motion to approve yeah okay so we're going to make a motion to prove the applicant per some of the um um per some of the things that Mark was asking about the HOV and all that kind of stuff right okay um me a second I'll second great I think we do a roll callia yes yes F yes close yes yes yes yes yes great hey congratulations thank you Mr chairman thank you good luck thank you professionals thank you everybody okay so um I'd like to make a motion to um adjourn the meeting second all in favor oppos okay nice night everybody thank you you made it you made it thank you