friend in bradle Beach uh Dave live you're live you're live John better be better yeah it's still live it's right it's publicly live okay just an intimate meeting today C all right just want to remind every at all Council meetings all of our uh Workshop meetings will the audio and video tape shown on channel 22 on Verizon fos and channel 77 on table Vision roll call please mayor n county here Deputy Mayor fiser here council member ter yes the notice requirements of the open public meetings after this meeting have been satisfied and a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coas are posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14 2023 let's start off with Greg with our various Township Pro projects okay good evening uh the I'll just go through the updates being it's pretty quiet this time of year for construction projects the only thing that has really changed since last meeting uh we've got both the deal Road sidewalks that's the between uh bound and Carberry the north side of deal uh and the trail roller Road Sunset roller Road trail bike trail those are both advertised bids being received March 13th so the road program kind of following through with that the we're having resident meetings first week of March so that'll probably be out the bid end of March so we're moving along with that one good and the only other update I'd have would be a 1,1 WI a pekka we're moving along really well we got our final electrical inspection pass he's closing all the walls up with the drywall uh the bathrooms are coming along very well probably another two weeks everything on the inside will be done except the flooring the drop ceiling and painting what was the change order about why did we need installation cuz there's no installation in that building at all oh the way there was two things on oh goad there two things one was insulation the other one was for all the uh additional work we had to do with some other structural problems we had with the one with the beam when we put in we found another cracked beam so we had to put a couple more posts in it's all in that one corner of the building but that's all been so part pardon me for asking but maybe not why didn't we identify that the first like when we did the first inspection well it couldn't be identified in the inspection till you tore it all down because they had a plaster roof in there and you wouldn't be able to see can't see it till you the roof down okay then we tore the roof down we put the new Big beam in to support the whole area right we noticed another beam in the corner cracked when we did that so we had to put a column to support that broken piece tied together got it thank you those are all done behind us now thank God other than that that those are all the changes so I got a question for you um on the the uh crosswalk that we've been working on the cold andian oh 18 yet so there was an update that uh the resident got uh about potentially putting a traffic light in there have you heard anything about that no I have not all right traffic L where at the corner of cold Indian and deal road coming down Church on the Hill some sort of traffic light there to cross I don't know where this resident got the information from I just wanted to follow up with you I haven't heard anything like that uh apparently there was you know they did a traffic study right and I guess the results may have come back and that was a conversation I don't know how that could figure well that would probably be the easiest way to do it because you stop traffic and it's easy to put the crosswalk in that way but I still I don't know how the geometry would work with the offramp coming off 18 I don't know are there going to be like a accessory traffic lights to stop the 18 people yeah they have to change the accent ramp that come in probably Square across from cold Indian well either this is a hot rumor or uh an interesting truth so let's see how that's unusual that they would they would let that out without at least telling the Townes are the options once again it could just be hearsay so I just was questioning yeah no we haven't heard anything all right so uh maybe nothing but keep an eye out maybe something's coming okay um what I ask about so you think they'll they'll do those sidewalk from carbury that should be April April it probably be done by May it'll start probably mid April be done by may I know we put we were talking about doing some reconfiguration or sidewalk over by kepwell Park have we where we at with that that one we had um there was a guy was in front of the planning board on the corner it's the northeast corner that intersection and he has sidewalk around his whole property right we I worked it out with him he thought he wasn't going to have to put it in when Ron Kirk was here he told him he didn't have to put it in well that all got poo pooed he's putting that sidewalk in okay so that's going to get us the majority of that and then next year's Ro for I'm going to realign colon and Springs Road and bound so T intersection and then we'll put that stop sign we'll have the crosswalk across the stop sign and back down into the K apart well as someone who's lived in this town for 56 years that that intersection is a disaster from day one that was an Old Stage Coach Road I mean if they could tee that and make it right that's what we're going to do so how many times you come around you got to pull up wh somebody's coming ripping down that road yeah so that would be great um this may not necess be a question for you but um some people have been looking for the park by the way they know it's open they just can't seem to find the entrance it's like the entrance to the Batcave so I'm wondering yeah there's a couple of problems there one I don't know if the sign is very visible but the other problem is there's it's too wide of an entrance there's two entrances really yeah we have the one who further to the east is kind of like a driveway that quick down drive down down the real driveway and then there's a wide area which that guy used to use for parking on the back side of his kepo building yeah which is not our property anymore so we got to close that off and put the and fix the main driveway in yeah I would prefer to do that when we re next year's Road program instead of spending the money now cuz I'm going to put curve down there and and sidewalk so that'll that'll prove all that once people find the park they love it they're just I have had a couple people call me and say where's this park and I'm like yeah especially if how do you miss it yeah yeah it's so hard and of course you know they always end up in the wrong place that's what we don't want so all right that's good anything else Greg nope I'm done any questions for Greg well that was quick you want to take a quick uh dinner break I'll be back yeah I'm going to go get lost for a while actually I do I'm sorry mayor and this one's easy any updates on the permits on 1515 permits on no we're just we're just waiting for the flood Hazard area permit that's the last one we need so when we get that we'll be ready to go okie dokie thanks Greg uh Dave y I got a few things I'll run through them real quick one uh attended the mammoth County Community Development Committee annual reorganization meeting which is basically where we uh organize uh for the CBG Grant you want to hear this Greg or sure um so basically our cdb application submission deadline is Friday July 19th and what were we applying for we're going to well the first thing we're going to apply for is um bathrooms at kep that's what kep I knew was kep well but the only other thing that may put a Twist in that is depends on our meeting that we had with wanasa Point Road people right because the repaving of that road would also qualify because it's dub the low income area of Ocean Township and I think we'd get a lot more money to help us pave that road than we would for the bathroom so we'll have to talk about which one which is it possible to go for both you only can do one I think we can only go for one but I'll double check okay is one is improve we have that meeting set up for was it March 5th or something or March March 5th okay yeah so we'll go over that with W Massa Point Road uh residents on their Road uh as to what whether or not just so you guys know uh there's a meeting set up with them to decide whether or not they want to pay for cement or uh go for the black top either way it's going to be a sizable amount of money in that road but you know we'll go over the options with and just so you know we did receive a grant in the past for repaving that but it was sent back because all the residents uh did not want us to do the as ball have enough of them complaining we give it back right okay get some Cobblestone I got one I got one more you might want to hear um I spoke to um New Jersey do about our two favorite projects Route 71 and South Lincoln Avenue uh which is where we we're going to be putting up that traffic light uh the augmentation designer has G gave uh New Jersey the traffic signal plan early February for their review and comments end of last week um they gave their comments back to the designer completion of the work order package from their designers estimated to be August 2024 so it's moving but slow uh this is the really interesting news here now Route 18 deal Road and C Indian Springs Road where we're doing the Flasher remember the Flasher over there due to geometry of the intersection the proposed rrfb at this intersection will be replaced by a traffic signal he was just talking about was just talking about did get a mess see dot has confirmed uh The Pedestrian counts and traffic counts were taken during off peak hours when there were pedestrian present completing the work order will be done by end of September 2024 so wow I would think maybe by the end of the year beginning of 2025 you might have a traffic signal over there wow signal not light signal yeah that's different that's but it's different than what we expected though but I think that's better than a flasher much my perspective puts it on a DOT with people crossing there and it's much safer with a traffic signal that it is a flashing yellow light now you can so I want to add a little caveat to this now that you're bringing it up mhm so this is all wonderful but here's where it gets weird apparently if you're you know the religious cannot press the button on Saturday to cross the street so now I don't know if they'll just have to cross during the normal that's normal flow but that's good to to bring that up now because maybe we can relay that to do and have the signal yeah especially during that uh that time frame yeah so just a they might be able to program something a little caveat there there okay okay all right fair enough a s signal s signal the other thing uh I just want to bring to council's attention to make sure you all look at the uh strap plan let's get that back on our radar we we got everything we forwarded everything out so just make sure you look at it because we have some decisions to make there are three options for a mission statement two options for division statement and there's some uh also some uh some notes there to take a look at so hopefully by the next meeting we can have a conversation about that and make some decisions so we can get back to the strap planner consultant and kind of wrap this up uh what are next steps for that after that Dave basically um just approving it implementing y okay um next thing is wait one more I'm coming back later I'll see you a little bit the next thing is the uh Paul elderson stopped by and uh I spoke to him yesterday at the 175th uh event I just going to pass this out they' got a really nice this is not the sign but the sign will look like this um basically there going to be a placement for Potter's grave sign on the Walking path that surrounds the Human Services building so I'm just going to pass this around for your Visual and you're on a roll yeah good stuff right I I leave the bad for last uh update from shade tree commission I sent around an email uh that had some of their proposed changes for chapter 15 just let me remind Council there's three different ordinances that um have to do with the shade tree there's their organizing uh ordinance which is in line with the state statute uh Township Council has advised me that the changes that they're making in the one that I sent around may not be possible because it's actually in the state law and they have to stay that way so Council still looking at that uh and then after speaking with the mayor and I concur that that we need to look at all of the ordinances in totality and get shade tree in line speaking with Council I think we're going to have to keep with two ordinances at least uh because you got one down in Community Development you have the one that controls the residency and then you have their their third one which controls the actual shade tree commission and what they can do so we need to take a look at everything and I if if not the next meeting I say maybe the following meeting um we take have all three given out to the council so that uh we can take a look at it and and see what's going on and and then also meet with the shade tree as well well I I'll do that part so Matt does the town have to have a shade Tre commission is it part of the charter is it part of no it's uh it's not mandated um many towns don't have a shade tree some do um not to diminish anything that they do but what exactly what is the benefit of a shade tree commission versus all the other thing all the other layers that we have right now the shade tree is take undertaking they have a grant so they're undertaking a like a in inventory right now they also go out individually as Commissioners they go out and they take a look at the VAR trees to see if they're dead they help out our paid part-time um tree ordinance enforcement so there is a a benefit to them um but one of the things they're supposed to do too is also which they're they're in the process of is getting uh myself a plant or where to plant trees and I think we're finally coming to a place where the they're actually going to get that and then what I promised them was you get get me the report and I can tell you I can give you a budget for your trees and after speaking with the CFO and we can we can line that the budget up cuz I said I can't give you a budget without you giving me your report on where you want trees it goes hand in hand so I think we're getting there with them on that and um I think they they have some some good people involved on the shade tree commission and with all the trees we have in town um I think it does serve serve the uh Township well to have a shade tree commission this sit on a fairly large chunk of change aren't they from no they're not no it's not it's not as large as affordable housing trust fun uhhuh yeah they're they they've got under a million dollars I believe in there I want something 7 800 maybe something like that that's a lot of trees yeah oh yeah yeah and that's they're supposed to come up bought a tree lately and you how much right there you're talking the Jack and that money is replenished every time somebody says Hey I want to take a tree out and they don't want to put one in they got to pay right so that keeps keeps that um funding going if you were a betting man when do you say hello there when do you say the pl uh replanting plan would be in place given that we've asked for it for six years I can't help but laugh at that um I would say I think 30 but I'll say 60 conservative okay cuz he seemed uh when I met with Norm the other day who was the chair he seemed very confident that the the plan is coming okay so did you share any I mean I know we've had a lot of Challen first of all the time but I know we also had challenge where to put it right ways and I think that's what they got it all work they working all that out I haven't seen anything yet cool um the other thing I wanted to discuss was that they're looking for who's going to be the Council of the aison for the shade tree commission so something Dave last time who Dave when Dave wasn't here we nominated Dave shade tree and environmental it was it was it was unanimous on both all right so I'll tell is that negotiable negoti can we do rock paper scissors anything it's the deputy mayor's role we should write that into the ordinance yes we should that's a good idea in the event I have a conflict would you like to fill in at times NOP rob you actually want to miss a I listen I love volunteering those I those are not two of my higher interested or organizations no disrespect Jack they'll never be out that's my my shade tree report for the evening and then my final piece is that I'm looking to amend an ordinance it is come to our attention recently after we got oh I'm sorry numerous compliments of the flags down uh deal Road can I have that we may be in violation of our own ordinance little boy that's a flag ordinance there is a 21-2 27 flags and penants uh any multiple use of string of flags or pennants will display or to attract attention shall not be permitted in any zone so uh if you see it reads further temporary use is permitted but that's only for grand openings uh and it has to be approved by the construction official but I think we add another sentence and I'll have a counselor help me with this but basically looking for like temporary use of string or Flags Penance for municipal use may be permitted for a period uh to be determined by the township manager or something along those who called that out if I may ask we actually uh we were Oprah Jesus got opra for it yeah really this isn't you you sign Good Deed this wasn't this wasn't the this is not our flag policy no no no no no this is we we put up decorative commemorative Flags down deal Road and supposed somebody brought to our attention that we're violation of our own ordinance I looked into it so now I'm requesting the council to make an amendment to this ordinance so that what we're doing and it seems by high demand people like it let's keep it there and let's make this uh change at the next meeting introduced if if I some may request so so Mr counselor if you can help me write that up yes so a question for you if you're looking maybe to do something on a little more of on a permanent side of things like kind of like what Mammoth university has when you kind of go down Cedar there they've got they're not Flags so much but sort of those Square type of things yeah I talked to Mike about that today cuz the flags if you've noticed they started up higher yeah they're lower lower couple C if there's no wind you can't see them so to your the boardwalk where you and I were talking today the boardwalk has it in on Branch where it's the two poles that you this way you can see it on both sides yeah and they're reusable like West W branch has on Locust yeah yeah they look great yeah I mean I just think it's a little more of a permanent thing so somebody bought that to my attention I don't know if it was you counsel but so we're looking into that yeah that's be good I'll just leave it there for now till we get further information are they on they're on on telephone poll are they yes yeah I assume we got permission from JCP yep okay just checking okay that would be the minor problem just be um so yeah that's it regard my report all right thank you Matt aen okay let's go over to our public uh I appreciate being here uh I missed the two other people not being here but that's okay uh but I I wrote just Just J down have something for myself to say to this team when they give the chance which is you what you're giving me John I really appreciate what the what the council is doing with respect to changes things change all the time every day things are different not everything not big things but little things and you seem to pay attention to that this Flags thing is one of them you pay attention to and you're listening to what the people in town are saying as well as what's legally otherwise so I would thank you all for for doing a good way consider a good job thank you thank you we don't to many thank you we take it she was going to say the same thing all right let's goex you do do such wonderful things however let me just have questions if you don't mind um I ran out of the house so I might not have been totally unprepared Alex Hayes from Dar Avenue um so I don't see any minutes um from the meetings from 202 24 they hav't they haven't been posted yet no I know so but why does it take so long for minutes to be posted I've been by myself and haven't had a chance to catch up with the minutes and I come in on weekends and up to se July of 2023 I didn't have a deputy for most of last year and I'm still struggling so as soon as I get them up as they I'm with you but it sounds like it does sound you need some help so um I I I don't know if perhaps the attorneys can weigh in on this but I'm not does that in violation of the open or Sunshine laws not to have the minutes in the timely matter timely is not specifically defined so it's going to be if it waits 2 years then obvious then yes if it's I you know months probably not you know it's a it's more of a not not to find let's put it that way and this is No Slam on on Miss Jesse but um it just you're approving ones tonight I think for June of last year yep and July yeah yeah that's as a resident that's crazy to me um being on the school board we would have them two weeks later it's not her fault I think in this fine building I'm sure there could be somebody else that could type them up it's your fault it's my fault yeah okay um Lon so that's one thing um and I believe Mr Brown mentioned that the last meeting there was a February deadline for the Cannabis um applications is that tomorrow and can you tell us how many people have applied and for which of the five different businesses it was yesterday okay we got uh we got seven total I bring list there were a couple for there were two uh retail of two retail two two retail three manufacturer three grow that's it two grow two two three two two three two retail three manufacturer mhm and two or any of them class one class two class five is retail yeah and you can only have one per five C of the five categories correct no we have two for the Grove two for the manufacturer one for the retail so one of the retails and one of the manufacturers will have to be knocked out correct correct and what is the um category for that at most that doesn't we we don't we there are available to but that doesn't mean there's no mandate that we hand them out so could be zero it could be zero okay based on qualification what yeah what they have to meet if everybody was completely meets all the qualification then it come down to I mean there are other factors I think offand I can't remember exactly the RF RFP Comm online yeah their committee has that's that's what they had to um respond to okay Dave will be creating the committee which is going to comprise of uh people with inside the organization and and uh the municipality um and he will pick who's on that committee and that's how they'll you know delivered to the council for our approval okay um do they have to have a site location yet is that part of it yeah yes um one other quick question can you be a combined retailer and manufacturer or you know any combination of the five uh the answer you can't be a retailer and a any of the other ones I think I think you you can do the manufactur you can do a manufacturing and a and a uh and a cultivation um it's a state those are the state rules so it's not even us but that's they have to have separate applications though for each that's how submissions or yeah cuz the last one that came in they had a separate application and LLC for the cultivation and separate application for manufacturing for the RFP they had to submit that an individual whether or not the two different companies uh that's that's their choice that's their choice and whether or not the state is going to Grant it so I don't think at this time the state allows retail and something else to be uh under the same umbrella but I do believe I I want to say cultivation and Manufacturing but offand I don't okay a couple other questions um can you two other questions I think on the marijuana can you ballpark when you think the first opening of any of those five will be and then when do we have um an estimation on when you'll start collecting the first taxes on that I think it's probably impossible to guess exactly CU look at the first scenario two years yeah we're still weai so and it's not only on the entities it's on the state too so there's too many very slow process players involved very slow process yeah if we were in full control of it I'd gladly give you a t ofing Okay and then I think my last question is two meetings ago I think you were talking about the 10th hole did I miss that in the 15 minutes I was late um has there been a decision I think the vice mayor was heading up some committee on what to rename the 10 May new title Deputy Mayor um and we met and uh it was decided and it's on the agenda for tonight I didn't see that on the agenda when was it is on the agenda which go out uh hours before the meeting it's a resolution 24-54 it was that Tuesday at 5:00 that may not have been on it was on oh no it wasn't on until yesterday yeah yeah that was Y 25054 and that what renames it or 24-54 I mean do you have copies of these um for the public or tell me real quick what okay amazing yeah anything else she's on the roll leave her alone Jack come on I thought you was first I just find that an interesting selection I listen here to can I just jump in I was going to do the same thing it was a unanimous decision by the naming committee and you know we have criteria you may not agree with it but we know we're looking at you know service to the township longevity happens to be an avid golfer and I think it's a nice honor for somebody who's given a lot of time and energy to the township I mean that's why we have a naming committee so that we can create a pool of people who are worthy of things named in the township there will be plenty of other things to name this just happens to be one thing that came across our Des don't worry there's tons and I suggest if you have great suggestions give us to us because there are lot of unsung heroes in this Township that that could deserve a little recognition what's the next naming opportunity I don't know we're creating uh the Band Shell it'll be discussed tonight in Clos session there you go that mean to name somebody or let's open the pool up to name you mean uh to open the pool up for other things but the Bandshell specifically there was a recommendation made so that won't that one won't count for other public input and it's already help no no no no no say that again say that the deputy mayor said there will be plenty other chances to name things in town no that's just I I don't know that that's a closed session uh so it won be discussed tonight closed session but it was there was a name that was tossed around by the naming committee today um and it will be discussed and socialized yes but the input to the deput mayor's point I would encourage anybody who has and there were names that came up today in addition to this person's for other things that we think could be named and to to the deputy mayor's point we set up some I don't want to say arbitrary criteria didn't write it all down but I think we understand how this should be done I me got understand nothing's been formalized until this moment so you know it's like well who did great things I don't know you'll name a street after him so at least now we have some you know formalization to do this so I think there's a lot of opportunity and we're only dealing with this piece of time you know 175 year history of this Township there's probably a whole lot of people that may or may not deserve something in this Township so I agree it'd be nice to revisit with the you know the input from the Historic Society with the input from all of the different organizations I'll give you an example and it came up today but we didn't have feedback that we asked for we want to name uh the oakr meeting room after somebody from oakr fir deparm so we are waiting for some feedback from the Commissioners there we think that's one it's a building that rich long has wanted named for nine years and um the person we think is welld deserving but we're waiting for some feedback from the fire department how many how many names came under discussion for the tenth hole for the what for the tenth hole one just one one all righty but feel free to give us some suggestions next time I hear of an opportunity I'll be happy to do that no actually do it seriously do it in advance if you have you got an opportunity right now he's going to be talking about the Band Shell know I need to think about it well that's my point and do it this way people have lived in this town longer than I have and I have 10 more I and well you know the other thing too is some of it's player to be created name you know later so you know who knows maybe there'll be a street that becomes something that's so it's almost like creating a bullpen of names you know it's not just a repository or something well absolutely it's like a talent Bank you know who who you know just because you got nominated for the Hall of Fame doesn't mean you get into the Hall of Fame you know here's what to his point we're putting two lists together the names of people that are deserving and the things that can be named and we'll try to match them up so for example uh the O meeting group it makes sense to name it after five oh the other thing we discussed the wanasa fields The wanasa Pavilion fireman's field over there and the building over there we'd like to name that after a want a massive figh so we're trying to tie them together so if you to our point if you got names bring the names up if you have suggestions of things to name we probably know those already but throw those up too may I just have a suggestion the the school district opened it up to the Hall of Fame and you know publicized it pretty greatly and throughout the E blasts um several times to the 3200 students families in the district so maybe next time you're going to name something you can put something on the we we did yeah I mean we mentioned it here it was on fa you got stop you got faces like my wife you got you're not on camera that's not good um and I lost my transpl we did advertise it somewhere and you brought it up at the meeting sure the last meeting I believe we supp it's been discussed multiple times I it goes back heard it in here I haven't seen it goes back when Rich La was on when I was on but I I don't disagree with her if we are if we well if they watch the meetings if they see my posts on Facebook if they go on their website if they go to YouTube all of those people would have seen it having said that I don't disagree that we could do a little publicity just asking people for suggestions part of the committee fair enough duly noted jack up go that's all I have Go Jack Jack from Big Ro place I just want to say I'm a member of the uh of the sh Tre commission and uh I would just wanted to say that the council representative on that committee whether it's you or if you're not able to make it one night the council I think the council presence there is important to things moving ahead on that committee that's just my own observation but I think it's true if there's a council person there it makes a difference I think to what happen on the shade tree on the shade tree that's why attending the meeting DA's the most effective very he's effective already it's it's a good transition too because it went from Margie Deputy Mayor to Dave Deputy Mayor so I think skipped you huh skipped you it did for some I don't have a clue how that happened netive but before the recent ones and like the ones you just named there was a person there who was on the paper but never at the meetings right um I did I was remissed though I I should have gone around the horn first to council do you rob anything before we go back to Alex you're good daab anything else I'm good I'm good oh that was I'm sorry you had something else uh yeah the planning board um zoning board and all the other boards who is supposed to do those minutes too not me the administr the planning the planning board secretary I believe Claire Villanova is in charge of that so how soon are those supposed to be up cuz those aren't up for the entire that would be a planning board Z guess she left to ask her I don't know separate entity same but same philosophy same yeah same open is it a Township employee it's the planning board secret it's the planning board secretary and the zoning Bo so I would have to go to one of those board meetings or could I just tell the town manager right now that there aren't certain minutes that are posted and they should be right so is that anything you it' be more appropriate if you directly contact Claire as the um the secretary of the board okay and then of whichever respected Bo yeah yeah she's got them both okay yeah she's got them both okay thank you okay anything else that's all right thank you if you want to copy me buy all me um did you guys want to go over the band show now that we're here you want to wait for the ladies to be back next month let's wait for the ladies to be back okay yeah whose names are you kicking around for that let's wait for the ladies to get back what it secret well it's on tape it's going to be on tape anyway let's hold off for a second I got to tell you something rob you got a good double standard my friend motion to go in a close session you want the person to know in advance motion to go in a close well they're going to know anyway when we motion to go on a close session all moved second second all in favor I just want to remind everybody that all Township Council meetings will be audio and video tape they'll be shown on Township devotions Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon FiOS and channel 77 on cable vision I have a roll call please mayor Nan here Deputy Mayor fiser here council member cha here please stand for a pledge allegiance and remain standing as we say a silent prayer I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing you may be seated the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 there fire exits to my right that'll take you to the front of the the building and one to my left that'll take you to the rear of the building please make sure that all your cell phones are turned off and if you need to make a call kindly step outside I'm going to start with Council comments we're going to start with Deputy Mayor fiser all right well I want to congratulate everybody last night on an amazing 175th anniversary kickoff that couldn't have been a better event and uh to all those who were involved and the list is long you guys did a phenomenal job and I look forward to this whole year of celebrating so so hold on folks folks it's going to be a fun year thank you um one thing I did want to mention uh there was a um we've been going back and forth about these ebikes and unfortunately there is a huge safety issue with these things they go too fast the drivers don't see them and unfortunately this this uh week we had an accident I implore the people who are listening I implore the parents you've got to wear helmets you've got to be responsible when you're riding these things you need to be looking around you're coming up way too quickly there is lots of uh there's some legislation pending but it has not been approved at this point but I'm just telling you know as a parent if your kid's riding one of these things you really need to think twice about uh safety and that's my message tonight thank you uh again I'll Echo Deputy mayor's comments about last night fantastic reception and uh to his point stay tuned for uh future events uh other than that I'm good for uh tonight mayor Dave thank you mayor no report this evening thank you sir that oh no report Mr Mayor thank you sir uh just to Echo the sentiments of the gentleman to my left uh absolutely outstanding event last night how well it was thrown together and I'm truly amazed at how our staff pulled together not only did they work during the day to get things going but the staff were out there at night uh the directors were out there other staff members came out there were staff helping we had staff members singing I I I just can't can't say enough about how we come together as a town and do the right thing for the community and I you I just can't thank everybody enough Dave with your leadership right now um we're really on a great path and we look forward to a phenomenal 2024 as we move forward with our 175th okay so all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form list of below there will be no separate discussion of these items if discussion is desired on any item that item will be considered separately the purpose of the public portion is to solely ask questions to understand resolutions that appear on the agenda and is not an occasion for a public hearing on an ordinance all questions not related to an agenda on to an item on the agenda should be asked during the public portions at the conclusion of the meeting so do I have any questions in regard to the resolutions on the agenda seeing here none do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'd like to uh make a motion to approve the consent agenda second second roll call aera uh yes except I apologize I did not read 24056 I'm going to abstain sure Fisher yes na County yes uh individual action vouchers in the amount of 1,381 1887 40 someone please offer I'll offer second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes nepan yes vouchers pass ordinances up for adoption we have ordinance 2454 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 21 of the comprehensive Land Development ordinance of the Town TR ocean subsection 21-30 32 Cottage food operators dhome Bakers subsection 21-22 through 21-32 a impervious surface can I have someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2454 I'll make a motion to open public discussion on ordinance 2454 second a second roll sorry aera yes fiser yes nepan yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2454 stand up to the microphone state your name and address seeing here none do I have a motion to close public portion on ordinance 2454 I'll make a motion to close ordin uh public comment on ordinance 2454 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes napy yes action on ordinance 2454 I move to approve ordinance 2454 and publish according to law second a second roll call aera yes fiser yes napan yes ordinance 2454 is adopted ordinance 2455 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 21 of the comprehensive Land Development ordinance subsection 21-9 dog certified list of property owners subsection 21-17 establishment of zones subsection 21-18 zoning map subsection 21- 39.4 cannabis business zones deleted in its entirety subsection 21-39 a cannabis business overlay Zone can I have some open public discussion on ordinance 2455 I make a motion to open public discussion on ordinance 24 55 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes napan yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2455 step up to the microphone state your name and address seeing or none do I have a motion to close public comment on ordinance 2455 I make a motion to close public comment on ordinance 2455 second second roll call berera yes Fisher yes Nan yes uh action on ordinance 2455 move to approve ordinance 2455 and publish according to law second I'll second roll call aera no Fisher yes napan yes ordinance 2455 is adopted uh ordinances up for introduction we have ordinance 2456 which is amending chapter 2 the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 entitled Administration can I have someone open or introduce ordinance 2456 make a motion to introduce ordinance 2456 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes appani yes um that uh will have its public hearing on the 14th of March okay uh that ordinance is now introduced we will open it up for public comment on anything ger remaining to the township of ocean like to say anything about the town if you're here any questions comments concerns please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the the record seeing here none do I hold on no I just Co can you step up to the microphone sure thank you sir it came all the way here yeah yeah you could be heard uh God I don't even know my address3 willly um how you doing Chad I'm doing okay all right I just want to check in on the uh the land use ordinance that you were that we just adopted adopted it yes wow it 5 minutes late when does it you just adopted it when does it we were F 5 minutes fast how's that sounds uh when does it take effect immedi no 20 publish 20 days 20 days okay I got a lot of nervous clients I got to move fast uh when okay so um as it relates to Applications going to the town 19 days how will that yeah so they have to be approved or just filed going to defer to yeah they just have to be filed it would be under the time of application so as long as you get them in before it's uh published and officially adopted then you would have the time of application uh in in for you for on your side but if you come in after that then this new rule will be in place sounds fair and Chad also your ones that are in the hopper are fine too right the ones that are already there so you're fine on those it's just anybody new coming in after this is done being published I dragged my feet on a couple and I didn't know the you better get to work there Chad you better get out of here 19 days go all right Chad thank you business or calendar days anyone else wishing to be heard I have one other comment yes sir um I've been I've been didling around here for like 35 40 years and I've been waiting for you guys to kind of bring the lot coverage numbers into some kind of reasonableness but there are certain other elements of the land use ordinance that I find a little bit prickly and I didn't know if the day ever came that you were going to kind of revisit things maybe make things a little you know we we smoother we discussed our our manager brought it up before that we had discussed looking at probably all of the ordinances within the municipality to see what needs to be updated okay cuz just my experience over time there's certain ordinances that are there that require me sometimes to compromise my design just to comply with an ordinance that if I didn't have to comply with it I could probably do something a little bit better right but I don't want to tell my clients I got to go to the zoning board to try to achieve something better than I can present in a conforming manner so and there are probably a half a dozen such kind of difficult ordinance right the they ever came I'd be willing to share my thoughts with you all right all right thanks Chad appreciate it anyone else wishing to be heard illegal like a mer or somebody that would probably people how 1638 Street hey Dennis how you doing worse than you I I mentioned to a couple people I met in the parking lot when I showed up late for a meeting that the information about recycling in the town has been updated on the website and whoever did that did a really good job because there's a lot more information about what can be recycled and what can't and I think it's a lot clearer than it ever was before I know I wasn't recycling a whole bunch of things that apparently according to the little label on the bottom all will from 1 to seven or so or 1 to n is recycled so my recycled thing is filling up quicker I'm sure you're happy about that and actually is I'm serious it's a good thing that they who did that the second thing also has to do with Recycling and that's the program about recycling the plastic sheets uh for those new buckets yeah new buckets I'm curious I I happened to talk to the gentleman that was collecting them last month and he told me there's 900 people in town signed up for that which absolutely shocks me because I see maybe three or four when I go out on the last day of the month and you know take about the same well 900 would be about 10% of the town I mean it's uh you know I don't know where the where they would even be I mean more people than vote yeah sry I was laughing said it's more people than actually vote um I uh We've whoa oh hold on wow where did that come from Dennis thank you for that comment appreciate that holy cow um but uh it's it's been pushed and people we've actually I think one month they had a problem picking them up they they weren't there that that particular day but um the reason I'm saying it that surprises me that there's 900 because I see so few buckets out there y I'm curious how many people have actually picked up buckets uh yeah may I don't have that number on me but if you call Department of Public Works tomorrow morning they can give you the exact number of how many that's and I don't think it's nowhere near 900 to be honest with you suris right y I'm I'm not surprised that it's over year 900 yeah and the gentleman I talked to said it is topped out at 1,200 they can only support doing 12200 that's that's about right right I thought it was a th there a limit yeah there is a limit I they think you're about in the ballpark for the limit I was going to ask how how's it going because I think it's a a great program to have it's it's going well and all honestly there was with the with the hauler uh we had a couple of hiccups on pickups but hopefully that's corrected at this time okay cool uh third and last I'm a a big- time user of the parks in town particularly POA Park and over the years I've seen motorbikes and some motorized vehicles and things in there not very often and never the same person twice I I talked to a couple people I said they're just not really allowed in here and I never saw them again that brings up the question there's a new friend what's the deal on electric pipes Council uh Deputy Mayor fiser just brought this up we should put today I would assume that's under the same guys in there they shouldn't be in there as well I would think so I mean I would hope so it's just just the other day I was in there and there were a whole lot of little kids on electric bikes and it sounds Petty but those things could really go fast and uh I've seen them on the paths now too adults or young adults on them and I walk and those things you know if you get hit by something going 20 25 miles hour it will get you complete agreed it's funny you mentioned that we just talked about that literally five minutes ago you want so what are you suggesting speed bumps bad word that's why I said it don't cut up the trees that fall across the PS uh I did just whisper to say we should put signs and then the manager whispered back that we may need an ordinance so we'll discuss it amongst the council and come up with something but you're right it to the deputy mayor's point it's been a concern so Dennis the big issue here is conceptually they're just a bicycle that has an active assist but they've turned into more of a motorized vehicle so now the state is wrestling with this problem as to licensing insuring possibly mandatory helmets so we're kind of in a bit of a gray zone right now but the answer is something needs to to give because they're dangerous they are and I agree with you yeah but the helmets I mean There are rules about that so but um they're more dangerous than than any bicycle out there and uh unfortunately people are getting hurt and it's something's going to happen sooner than later y so we're on it okay thanks thanks Dennis thank you Dennis anyone else wishing to be heard coming to thank us be nice yeah how you going know it's me but um yes I'm back here again oh we back here like thinking about November yeah October and uh the issue hasn't been resolved um I called Nick up I said I want to sit down and have a meeting with him he never got back to me I sent the emails who who is this who who's niice Nick from code enfor inspector CP oh code inspector okay Nick okay I'm familiar with Nick Y and um and I call them to get this still about the heat still about the heat it's it's still not on it's on but it only gets up to a certain temperature it goes up to 52 then it stops okay um Nick hasn't called you back okay let me let me um back up a second Nick has come through a couple of times Nick has got on um James who was the head who's the head inspector James um he spoke to James James came to the apartment sham was at work that day I was there but he was on the phone with him talking to him James said all of the stuff would be addressed meaning the road is running through the walls and the road is running in the ceilings and the road is trying to dig a hole in the top of the kitchen and at the top of the stairwell when at the apartment I don't know what these rodents are but they're running around all day all night um Nick has talked to James about it they said they would come through and fix it they said that they would come and fixed the water coming through the sliding door they have not fixed that um everything that they were supposed to fix they said they were going to do along with the heat they did do something that was after you paid all that stuff up at that time yeah yes they did do something with the heat then the heat got the 52 then the heat got the 58 and we've taken pictures and we've sent them to niun showing them the thermostat reading 58 when James came in he took a they had it was him in the super and they took this machine or with this little thing in her hand a gadget inside wall they're like okay this is reading this said that's the inside wall you got electrical things running you got all kinds of wires running through that wall so the wall is heating up but if you put it on a outside wall or the other wall to the kitchen all the walls are cold so whatever needs to be done has not been taken care of and we are so frustrated and we are we have withheld our W again but what I don't understand what they're putting what are they putting on the wall a sensor thing or something that reads prob a temperature why would you do it on the wall though why don't they you got the temperature on cuz we don't have a thermometer uh in the house really so they from them basically wait a minute aren't they supposed to have get have Central name supposed to be they control the heat they central control Central controls Central controlled heat yeah oh okay so the property management controls it yeah yeah it's not updated so you know this is ridiculous so we're before you again so what this is now what four months go now five months Dave what can we do on this one man I I know I I can tell you're dumbfounded on this one yeah I can keep sending code but really we need to go to court against this uh property we are going okay second time we are for the second time oh God but hey are there fines we can Levy against them for I believe we're doing everything we can follow up with the code enforcement Tom I mean this is ridiculous no I agree totally agree and the last time we talked to Nick which was um right after Christmas and then we called him again and we told him we want to meet about two week two weeks ago we called him yes we did we he come out them he emailed us back and asked why and we told him we want to discuss this whole issue this is ridiculous and it's not you know we're not trying to act ignorant or talk out of character I mean and it's not just us but nobody else was say anything because I don't think anybody ever said that cuz every time you've called you've been very very calm which is professional way better than a lot of people excuse me this is the problem I'm not to cut you off yeah we do they do the contract with the tenants the tenants sign these contracts they don't do what they're supposed to do but when the tenants leave out you're still obligated to sign that contract for however many months you got left on that lease that contract so you sign this lease this contract which is a contract you got to sign it people move out but but you still got to pay if you don't pay what you said you're going to pay even though you don't live there anymore then they turn you over to collection so it's a mess it's it's a it's a lose lose situation for tenants and it's not right what basically it's like middle you go buy a car go get a loan on a car and you forge on that loan you still have to when you go purchase another C you still got to pay for the N car that you just turned in that they took from you that's how they run their contract that's how they run their whole business of doing those those those apartments and a lot of people are very frustrated but it's like okay you got you got to put some much money up then you got to find another place to live so you got to pay this money this money for rent and you're paying somewhere else so that's how you're getting a homeless problem and everybody does not make money like you think they do some people are really just trying to make it and this game that these landlords are playing is wrong we have talked to we have sent emails to Governor Murphy about this not going over your head and all that but no disrespect you got do hey look if you can get an answer go for it you got to do what you got no no problem here at all yeah we we have we're we are really frustrated and it's not just us but we're the ones who are speaking out so they consider my husband being a drug maker because he's speaking up but he's like I work too hard not to be able to come home and sit down and enjoy my apartment that I'm paying almost $1,500 to $2,000 a month for not to mention it's like being in jail you conf in one area CU that's where your space theedom it's in theedom and we s pictures of that to too you know we stay in the because the bed uh Dave we can have Ken get on Nick for that and and get over there tomorrow in the morning yeah thank you I know he'll get Dave will be right on it in the morning you still have my number right in the email yeah please please don't wait 3 four months so we was trying to go through ni but it's not going they're listening to Nick but they're not list listen exactly they keep telling what they're going to do maybe Ken needs to go over there what they tell them they tell them it's already done it's and da will send the big dog over there okay yeah and then um um the thing about it is this game that they're playing is wrong it's just wrong on every level and it's like you think people are really and and people aren't stupid they just they just go you know I don't want to fight we're Fighters I'm sorry Rich are Fighters no it's in our blood good no not to get and we're not trying to go up you guys head and say you guys aren't doing your job you know the m not doing job whatever we're not trying to do that at all that's not thank you for coming this has to be but please like Dave said don't let it go this long you have his number you can call Town Hall we have no no no no I mean if you're not getting the answer you call him he's the top dog here all right but he's going to go to the who's in charge of Nick and hopefully get him to go out there if they're not listening to Nick James is the head head person and there was another time when Nick has to call James up because he said get stop sending supervisors over there to deal with them go and another another reason is when they send their helpers or War they got on on the on the premises the main schw they don't speak English sure don't so when you trying to talk to them they like what what we don't speak any so how we supposed to interpretate to them if we don't speak an thank you and I'm like okay and then they said the last time when uh James came he said and I quote well we just fired someone in the office because they're not relaying these messages I said that's not our problem yeah what do what does US calling you got to do with your staff and the the super that came there that day he was very nasty to me and he was the one who was with James when James came and he wasn't saying anything he wasn't talking no crap at that time but he was talking to me like we're doing the best we can we're doing what we can okay well you need to stop calling the mayor's office and you need to stop calling inspectors to come over here all you got to do is call us and then they'll come this is what they do they'll come in the daytime when he's at work we're not there they'll come to the back door they leave the the I noticed saying that there was they G I was like but it's a 24 hour one is supposed to go supposed to be ruled by that supposed to go by they don't do that no and call after 6 nobody answers the phone nobody comes it's a mess but they say they got a 24-hour line which they don't yes wow this is a mess and just for the uh clarification it's Continental this is uh Twin Brook okay thank you Twin Brook this this is It's one over by the old Red Lobster over there and then when you refer to James he's part of the property management team James is the head head head okay he's the head and he's not doing anything nope because I guess the workers going back back and telling him that they completed the job lying to him so he doesn't know anything he's just going by what the worker saying and the same thing with but a heat thing should be you know fixed by more than just a m a you know regular labor over there I mean you have to have I don't know who's doing the job over there but never mind he think what about the sliding door and all the mold and all the water that's been coming through within this is the fourth year going on Liv there this is crazy and then they're taking we're doing court on the eth cuz they're taking us to court again now like we don't have the rent because we do that's not a problem but we already have a case going against them because this is ridiculous and they said well wel come back we'll fix that they never they came in December they never came back they just addressed the Heat and said we'll be back after the holidays and that was it so now you got all this mold this is going across the bottom of the whole sliding door coming up the side all this crap and the water still comes in and supposedly I seen them out there I took pictures of them coming up on the balcony climbing over with the ladder supposedly fixing that the roading problem they're not they're not even going to address that until something comes through somebody's wall somewhere these things are unbelievable diging you can hear I taped it we video recorded it they're scratching and they're digging so what's going to happen I mean one day you're just going to wake up and find something running around your apartment this is crazy all right our manager will deal with that in the morning before he'll get on the first thing when he's in have you guys invoke the health department MTH County Health Department y we're going to have to bring them in the B Because with the mold the low heat and the rodents yeah but the uh is that State issue M County Health Department okay cuz they said they got some rule on it that since it's private the state don't have no environment yeah involved in it let me take a look at the health M County Health Department and see if they'll get involved and coming that's what they told us okay okay we're going to hit every Avenue we can cuz this is this is absurd okay okay all thank you we're sorry about that anyone else wishing to be heard see or none do I have a motion to adjourn so moved second second all in favor oppose am meeting J not allow of position