all right just want to warn everybody that we are being audio and videotaped can I have a roll call please mayor here Council memb the chair here K here Terry here the notice requirements to the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14 201 three items for discussion let's start off with our Township engineer flash good evening I will again since it's a quiet month I'm just going to go over the items that we have some changes to uh the first one is 1co that's proceeding pretty nicely with all the Mechanicals and electrical going over there the one thing that is going to be new we're looking at putting theising the mansard roof I talked to Ricky appears we have enough money left in the project Ed budget to replace the man roof the St four shapes and since we're under our budget right now that'll all be worked out in the next two weeks so we should be in good shape there um golf simulator we received the second round of bids there was an r equal submission I'm going through the r equal I sent that gentleman a four page letter today highlighting all the things that aren't equal and I haven't heard back from him since this morning so I don't know how that goes but I'll reach out to him tomorrow but I suspect we will be going with uh the tracking system that we expect and that'll be awarded at the next meeting what as an example Greg what would be one of the or not equals uh well first one off top my head the or equal had uh I think it was 30 courses you could play the one we respect has 400 so it's just you know that that's huge in itself when you're looking at trying to bring customers in and they right come all the time through the winter they got to play one of the same courses right where it's 400 you could come for years and not play them all right and then uh the biggest problem I have is the geometry over there in the three Bays we have a beam that drops down the ceiling has to be 10t for these golf Bays we have a beam that drops down into three rear Bays that's only 9t high but the system we spec has the camera system on the floor so that doesn't impact that the oricle has the camera system on the roof on the ceiling so that's going to impact the the visual to the screen okay got it so those are two of the more important ones but there's there's a whole slew of them what vendor oh or was it more than one no there's two vendors one is the one we spec and the other I forget the other guy I think it's called z z z track or something like that ZTE ztech yeah thanks I'll didn't like that but we should have that resolved by the next Council thank you uh the last thing I have is the DPW facility I mentioned last time we met with d we kind of we're kind of confirmed what we were hoping we would find and I'm going to sit down now Steve was Steve Higgins was on vacation last week so we're going to sit down with I'm going to sit down with him do the preliminary layout for that and we have a meeting schedule with the Board of Ed to go over their use on that facility uh I think the 26th of February so is that Cindy Cindy Lane yes that's all I had it's a short month um May yes absolutely would have it any other way and then I'm going and then I'll let Kelly go and then they already prepare you I have nothing tonight did they already prepare you for this I'm just observing oh do a little obser we'll talk after um I I brought this up to daveid and I don't know if I actually brought it in this meeting um have you been in conversations with Toll Brothers to get their maintenance and uh yes guarante so how is that moving slowly due to yes the problem to Brothers has is the driveways the aprons at the driveway the the concrete curb is cracked and it needs to be replaced and the problem also is that the aprons are a little too steep they meet code but they're too steep the all the residents would like them lowered so in the fact that they got to change the depressed curb we're saying you have to change the apron anyway so you may as well change a couple EXC squares of sidewalk and lower the aprons for these people however that's kind of where we're stuck they don't even want to price the broken curve but that's that's where we're stuck on that the broken curves of the driveway what about the um retention or I don't know the retention yeah the Basin let's do Bas they're working fine yeah and everything cuz the person that's complaining to me is complaining about the basins that they're not to spec they're not the trees around them the fencing around them all of that wasn't to the spec that no I think they were well the basin's designs changed correct so those were not suspect the infiltration did not work right so now they're all there detention instead of forgot whether it was retention or detention but the rest of it I think it's just a matter and it's on the punch as trees that have died you know over the years and they replace them and other ones died it's still on the list there's a pretty substantial punch list but I consider those things minor till we get compared to that correct so okay with me asking him for what he thinks is the concerns because he's not part of the committee or the board well to be honest with you I'd prefer he goes to his board because we have a huge list from them that we've actually accommodated them and a lot of their items were you know something that were on our list anyway okay but we've sat down with them twice now and gone through their list pretty extensively okay hold on one second ask this this is the comedic part we're talking about would it be easier I type faster than right and this way I don't have to keep he wrote a no actually wouldn't because then I'd have to remember where the notes are this is so you'll see me struggling with that approach in about two minutes Jess Jesse he has color codes oh yeah like oh wow it's it's some operation over here I got to tell you I know I'm impressed uh any updates uh a good teacher I can tell you very organized I I try to be um because I you know what I don't have a good memory so if it ain't there I'm going to forget it um so that's since we haven't had this conversation in a while since you said it was a slow month um so we're going to stretch it out a little bit um mil and Terry the park and we're not well kept yeah kepwell park at whatever playground at my and you know what I mean um we have definitely determined no sidewalks no crosswalks no lights right based on where it's at is that you mean cold correct I don't I I don't know what the final is there I mean we've looked at it and what I recommended was that cuz some people were talking about a mid block Crossing sidewalk Crossing okay and I recommended we do it at the intersection because it's a lot safer at the top of Coline and it brings your right into the top end of the park anyway okay because people coming around that curve right very danger what I what I believe to be the final result was we were going to do in the road program changing the intersection of cold Indian Springs Road in Bound so that you don't have that you know Raceway down it's be going to become a 90 like squared off yes so that ramp down will be gone you're going to have to come and make a right turn on it so that'll stop everybody from speeding the crosswalk will then be a lot safer but that was our suggestion and I nobody really came back and disagreed with that because we got a problem putting sidewalks because the SL on both side so we're going to get it up to the top comoss and go back down okay so that's in 24 25 24 oh cool well it'll be the 24 program be done the end of the year and ended next year right oh very good all right thank you um I put that in the wrong place hold on one second why you laughing Jess just to keep it light yeah I um no no I'm gonna ask since we did I didn't ask you any movement on the signs on West Park Avenue West Park Avenue the BJ Jug Handle sign only been 14 months government slow ga oh this was the the 35 signs Miss and different department yeah I thought you I knew it was but I thought you might have had a little influence anything on the light at deal popler and roller deal pop yeah he's not changing he I tried I've talked four times now to get him to move that put the left turn single in now and you can see he's having problems getting his site contractor to move very fast I just saw that they were putting the curb Cuts in for this yeah and they messed the road up again so we're chasing they got mud all over the road again I didn't see that much it's crazy it's just this guy's unbelievable he does pretty poor operation but yeah he's having struggling over there to get him done so I don't think he's entertaining change in the light right now got it hold on can I use that yeah sure go for you I yield my time to Jesse it's with that light at um deal 30 deal and poer and roller making can it be timed with the one at 35 and deal so that I can get get ACR they seem to absolutely not the reason ask Rob to ask for me yeah the reason being it's too far away SLI it up the distance between them is too far to time them because there's so many things that happen in between and both light the light at the popular roller deal is actually censored because if nobody's coming one way it will to sensor the other will change the light which would really screw up a timing thing between that and 35 while we're on lights this came up this morning and I think we already discussed it there's no way to put a light in front of the post office right on on parking one was the street light like a light light I was at the Fus what do you need a light there for post office West Park sorry West Park yeah that's what I told him this morning and actually that would probably all be within the do's jurisdiction because it's so close okay you know because they take that that triangle around the inter which is kind of what I told him that was good uh got that got that hold on count uh 15 155 D permit it that's been submitted we're waiting for the hearback from them so still nothing so we can't go out to bid until we get there we going to get the flood Hazard permit from them and then then we'll be done okay and when that does go out to bid will that be subdivided first or no we're going to sell it as a package they can subdivide they have to come in prary it has preliminary approval to subdivide it to perfect that you have to get final okay and that's what they will have to do the only thing to do with final they have to file the file map and then they can what the reason we did it this way it gives somebody the option instead of filing the file M for all six slots and paying taxes instantly on all six of them they do as they could do two at a time or one at a time or all of at once they and one's reserved right for retention no that's the seventh lot that's okay yeah okay but there'll be six buildable Lots there okay dredging kept well any updates on the dog park they well with respect to the county they came back and tell told us they cannot use the one where we recommended because of environmental concerns and we kind of I think at that point just pulled it away cuz they're not don't seem to be too responsive to put it in wals park other than jimming it up next to our tennis court building oh I okay not to put you on the spot I H I happen to ask Ross a month or so ago he said he was putting the plans together to move it on the West Park Side they talked about that but the problem was they found out that there's um there is an issue with with something else wild yeah wild didn't tell you that we're back to we're back you forget that's right you forget things no s avilable I wrote it down we back to the drawing board other than the original which no one likes so the suggestion I would make to us is County will let us build it there but right next to the tennis courts and I don't know if that's not conducive to either population right it would not be good there unless the bow went over the vence it doesn't Dog build a dog park in the back side of the tennis courts how you going to get to them well the plan was not to the so it would be the north side of the tennis courts between the tennis court and the tennis center it was literally right up actually on the west side was on the west side of the courts the west side of the Court the court correct but the entrance being to the north side of the courts right but that for for dogs to get to that Park you'd have to walk between the tennis courts and the building yes which is kind of where they do there you know they got like a little outside dining thing there and you know picnic tables and stuff yeah and then they have that overhand that where they have events and stuff right so it's kind of you know just it didn't work well we don't want to have people have to walk all the way around the tennis cour to get there because nobody would do that and we can't expand on that existing dirt lot to get to that same location the dirt lot over by on West Park we talked about that that's what we wanted yeah and that's where they that's where they said they have an environmental problem environmental or like w wild wild wild but that made the most sense cuz there's already Turtle probably has a nest there yeah but it made sense cuz it's a parking lot right it's already there it's in the middle of the park going there to walk anyway yeah so my suggestion is that we uh together collectively try to pinpoint or Identify some places with town on our public potenti didn't lend itself when you guys look at this we I mean we didn't really pinpoint play I mean we kind of stayed away from play but I mean well we tried behind Falcon Stevens yeah yeah Steven didn't have a I don't know he didn't share anything with me but it was a neighbor next to them that was concerned it it everybody respectfully and I get it not in my backyard I I get it and we thought that was a good place because it wasn't in anybody's backyard but so what are we on option like the de the de we went through a lot of them I wa doubt it by I know we the only place I think we have a piece of property that isn't residential it's in the industrial zone is on r Avenue Valley Road where we actually that's where we just went through a subdivision to straighten a line out there we did a lot line adjustment the the land has a tremendous amount of slope to it it's where the tower is by the tower no it's further down the road okay but it it's it's that's a vacant piece of property I don't think anybody have a problem with a dog partk there but then again I you put it there nobody use it cuz it's in the middle of dogs you know there's all the residential areas to get to there you have to get to youout to 35 if you're coming from the north you have to go 35 to get there the other way you have to go out around Costco to get there and anybody from the East side of town isn't going to go to the west side of town to go to do park at least back there right it's got to be more accessible yeah it's just too hard to get to and the other properties that we have in town I think would be a negative because they're 100% treat and I don't think it really would make sense to cut down you know two acres of trees to have a dog park I agree so especially when it's a deting a residential Zone that we're just going to you that would be a pretty big fight what was the re last one on this one what was the reason did we I thought we tried um uh popular Village the property that we at the Green Acres there we said no to it but I don't remember why I think it was just access and there's no parking lot okay we have to build a parking lot and it's in Green Acres but it wouldn't let us build a parking lot okay we do have a road in there so we could probably stack enough parking in there to to do that but you there again you got you know that a buts residential houses on the East and then you have the popular Village buildings but all right that that would probably be you know a spot but that would be very muddy because it's in a flood Lane maybe that was it yeah that might that would be shine of a little wet yeah all right thank you sir as always your joh I can find more if you want I get through my colors just a couple clarification questions for me uh the resolution one of the resolutions that we're voting on today for finer street that is my neighbor am I supposed to recuse myself because I'm a neighbor what are we doing on uh there's a resolution for he's building a house next to me this one that's my I think it's a bonding issue oh accepting the accepting the the so that's okay that's I don't have a conflict okay so that was one get approval to build something you probably a conflict but just to accept his yeah I don't think permitting has come through no cuz I haven't seen anything um do same question with the grant coming in for Kenny picket field since it's my nephew should I not vote on the use of that Grant damn sister you got a lot of those I know a lot of people the Grant's coming in but I didn't know if it was designated for that we were asking for that to be used at that so I ask what number is that it is uh 2441 resolution 10 oh no that's fine because we're submitting we're submitting it you're just authorizing the submission okay so that's okay for me to to vote on that okay um we already talked about that one issue so I won't bring that up again um the impervious coverage ordinance is that identical to what you briefed to us last time yes okay great I think there's there was a chart on the back that was taken off because the chart wasn't correct but everything else is the same all right open issues there was a question on um 16 Acres of wetlands acquisition and will that affect our COA obligation was that ever answered ordinance 2450 Oh you mean the the property that we're getting on West Park yeah no because it's not usable so it's not where we have our vacant land adjustment that is not buildable so it wouldn't be okay it couldn't be included in our calul all right that anyway we already have some use that going to say you know what but but fair share might demand that be used I don't know they W they keep on trying to say why can't you abouty park like the county owns it it's a park you have any proof I think you and I talked about this um the dredging we were talking about dredging and the notice the fair notice um if somebody just ignores the fair notice does that kill the drudging project the dredging in ponds what pond midd ter Pond fireman's Pond uh I don't know about this one particular but I believe there was notice given and certain residents are non-responsive I wasn't noticed what happens is on Snell's Pond there's I believe 16 lots that own Snell's Pond the township now owns two of them because they were gr the blue Acres lots that we took the houses off of so what happens is we had to be able to give permission to dredge that we needed the other 14 Property Owners permission okay we only got eight of them so it's not there wasn't a notice we actually sent them a letter saying can you sign the D form to give us permission to do this and we haven't heard back from those six is there a recourse after that no so that means it can't happen can't go anywhere right yeah yeah so without those signatures we're dead in water I was just curious if like you notify and you do the public hearing is that a way to get around that and saying non-response no because it's without a declination like they should hard copy decline no they even if they no because it's their property so a lack of response doesn't and we don't own the piece to access to do the dredging no we do we can get up to I guess whereever it is up to the middle of the pond on our two lots but then we can't go on the other parts of the so the embankment is still part of their property I guess up probably if if greig's telling up until like the middle of the pond yeah Essen the pond the properties go to the middle of the pond Pond is like an East West Pond and all the lots are La you know stacked along there we can get into the pond we have access to it but we can't you know we couldn't go you know like checkerboard through there cont at isn't that the liability Theirs to fixing we already tested it uh possibly but uh that's a whole state D thing which notth squeeze right now well has its own rules and regulations St okay yeah but the soils aren sedus not contaminated we already tested before we oh okay said we were going to possibly dredge it but yeah the bottom line is we can't go anywhere till we get those other six people I haven't we sent a second notice to them asking them to please sign it we have pushed any further than that since we met with the county and found out the county wasn't going to dredge that because it's private property and they will not work on private property so we would have to pay for that if we op to do it we' have to hire a private contractor to big money so that kind of took this window out of our sales right there so and if I may go back who who did they ask us to were there residents on snils that asked us to do it or we just thought it was a good idea to do it no there's been a couple of residents but there's one guy that's pretty pretty adamant about got it okay so he's got to go sell the he's got to go sell the other eight or 10 that aren't signed yeah that's the first step yeah okay second step is we're going to have to figure out how we're going to pay for it right I know you had an idea yeah we back follow throughing scratch offs scratch scratch offs this isn't H sorry that's sorry we seem to solved our disposal Two Towns now oh okay sorry wrong one he forgot uh I did he forgot where where he's from and I guess my last question I think for you everything else I have is the discussion that we had on the Asbury Avenue and tree removals and all that kind of stuff is there any tree yeah the church oh the I oh first that's a planning board uh planning board okay so it's not for you never mind all right I'd say don't let him take any treat yeah you I have no inut to that yeah probably Jim Higgins would be on that okay you want to bring up your email which one I sent like 400 the one where you had the two or three questions from I think I got the answers yeah we we resolved all that we're going to do it why don't wait which one you talking about so one was the permit fee 350 to 750 or something like that okay yeah I didn't know if that was a question question for Greg that's why I didn't bring it up Fair Point permit for uh tree removal fees the disparity between commercial and residentials right I think that's a that's an ordinance Amendment yeah yeah I mean that's kind of the three three ordinance we agreed needs to be revamped and worked on and I believe uh Billy trees is working on that with the shade tree commission I understand you've been to shade tree and environmental commission I attended um um interesting meeting to say the least um so I believe that uh there there's a little disagreement on on the tree ordinance right now but it definitely needs to be revamped I mean my personal thing just from sitting on the recent one is I would like to see a change to the fee schedule MH no other changes to the tree ordinance until we see what's coming out of the state okay because we're already more strict than the state rumored is going to be yep we that was my takeway we totally agre and I believe that's what Bill also said they were waiting for the tree ordinance to be adopted to the state kind of been kicked to the right a lot yeah keep our ours is stronger so right ours is tighter agree with what you just say but I do like I would like to see the fee change whatever that is that's that's a whatever you feel like doing trying to lower it no raise it no I would like to see the commercial pay pay more because right now it seems like the burden is on the residence and I would like to see that that's switched or at least even as long as you can get the other four to say sold but I so like Bill and I had like a little bit of debate today on the phone and I don't understand the difference between the diameters of certain trees and the implications on cutting them down and replacing them versus the fees associated with that approach so I would have to defer to him but the 350 to 750 off the top in my head makes no sense right yeah just to clarify something especially because they can pass the cost on to their client correct and residents cannot just to clarify with the state the state is not going to pass a tree ordinance the state has mandated at every town in the state their own tree they' put out a generic one their generic one doesn't have any penalties or a fees Associated they want you to figure that out so you could actually and it's their first step the state is just you know they're put piggy backing down the road they're eventually going to require more and more things out of this but what they're doing right now is they're letting the town figure out the fees but they want every town to to have a tree orance that has to requires replacement and or some kind of a a look at are there fees that have to be paid if you take trees down that's the first step we already comply with that because we have a tree or in place and that mandate have to be adopted I think by July 18th of this year they also have a salt pil thing that has to be adopted all part of the what they call the yes we did the salt pile thing I remember talking about that one that's all part of the the mpal storm water thing we call it the ms4 permit they're tying it all to that but we already conform with everything that we have with regard to that so it's really whatever the town does from this point forward no matter what you do will be more restrictive than what the state requires so you're fine whatever you really want to do but the state is not coming out with an ordinance themselves okay theyve just s the generic one out that really doesn't address but it was like a draft though they didn't even put out a final version is my understanding yeah not yeah I think they kind of came out with it then we're going to resend it come up with a different idea and they kind of worked that through but I think they're still in the middle of that but I think the path we're going I think is a better path anyway with the tree coverage as opposed to Counting trees because tree for tree never works you know you could have a little whip tree that's you know tall CER tree that and never you can't consider that's the same as a 36 in diameter oak tree right so that's kind of what you have to look at how you trade those off M so do we agree that we want to put an ordinance in an ordinance change for the fee for the commercial I think I think have to look at the whole thing the the problem yeah the problem with the ordinance is there's two ordinances correct so yeah you kind of want to do it all once I experts working yeah I don't want to keep going back and doing the same over and over but I just didn't want to I agree with you hold up a fee schedule change in Li of all this other stuff that might take a really long time to figure out so why don't we do this let's try to figure out how do we have any idea if they're going to do anything with this in the state CU they you're right they do dragg the tree ordinances yeah they're just man the only mandate they have is that you have to the town has to have one adopted by July but I thought there was some template that they were working on ours is more restricted than that so we're fine yeah okay if you were less restricted that then they would so Dave can we talk to Bill about trying to cral this and and come up with a you know what we think would more Equitable fee schedule yeah so just focusing on the fee schedule well I think there's my stove well there's a few other things in that that need to be here here's my my recommendation I will do the fee schedule separate okay that's something simple when we try to move this whole ordinance it's going to be very difficult like a permit fee a lot of different opinions not the implications of what they find after the permit goes everybody saying something because those are Fields associated with those right it's going to take months before we get actual orance we've been talking about it for months years but it's not it hasn't been laser focused five years small conversation yeah we got to laser it if we laser focus this it's going to get serious and there be some long meetings and discussions and people got to be ready yeah but if you just want to do a change in the fee ordinance I think that's a light lift that Matt and I can take a look and tweak an amendment and have it for the next meeting I'm good with that you like that turn around what else did I owe you or did I say I was going to chase down uh just have to sounds like the I thought we could do right today there were two others in my mind but I don't think it yeah the other stuff is not for Greg though thank you very much hold on G might have something for you oh um right this meeting I'm just listening next meeting she's all in already yeah I love her already all right good night everybody thanks oh thank you thank you Dave you got a flag request on here um yeah that's the question too I miss that yeah it's on the first page of the meeting tonight I see we have a request [Music] from Davis to fly the Greek flag for Greek Independence Day on March 25th March 26th and they Supply it one day they day one I mean are they trying to do an event around there no they just said about 30 people would you fill that out so that's an event that's an event I'm sorry don't worry Jess it's okay it's been a long day right she's worried about that she us to the big one 31 there we got right anything less than appr I'm going to have you sign up before well so just for the record we let them vote on it first well just so we follow in the ordinance I believe the ordinance says that we have to have the discussion and then it needs to appear on the we have to agree and then it needs to appear on the agenda we just we do this it's on it's on the agenda and we're discussing it and all you have to do is approve it we don't if we did a resolution or pull it if we were to say no right yeah yeah we wouldn't just let them know okay so so is there official resolution for this or no we just okay agree Matt saying out there he Matt give me a second okay so I'm in favor of it but just process wise I thought yeah now I'm a little confused now but it was supposed to be discussed among the council before it came on the agenda some discussing it do we need a resolution at the next meeting Ian think it's appropriate to have a resolution if you're going to do the agenda that's what I thought weol for the last one but we can do a speaking resolution I mean essentially everyone was in agreement for yeah I mean that's no we're just trying to figure out process oh I you really have we just is it appropriate for us to do it and approve it in the same day yeah you can make a you can make a mo you can it's essentially you're you're it's a your talking resolution right now it's then it's Jesse to to write um to you know to essentially after memorialize but if you say do you want to move to do a and somebody seconds and you vote on it it's an official action is that done in this meeting the next meeting doesn't matter doesn't matter I think this is technically a it's a meeting of the council public you can do it here you can do it down I'll to approve the request for the Greek flag to be flown on March 25th and 26th at Town Hall thank you so much second I'll second all in favor I I opposed there we go done great question dice Davis is the chief of staff for um Bingo Paul oh dice D organization named district 11 Legislative Office does it have relevance if this is crossing over into um legislative voting have no relevance whatsoever if it's associated with vingo Paul it's no longer a private party then well uh nothing's private here I'm sorry because I missed I missed the part about who's who's requesting it dis legis District Davis from District 11 Legislative Office oh well she's an individual I mean really anybody who can wants to make a request I think she's requested on behalf of District 11 they're having a Oran you w here for the full thing there was 30 people coming but my answer to Jim though is anything on public property public period so even if you invite 30 people if other people from the street walk up to it you can't stop them I think the question was right is ask does it limited oh it does know anybody can ask anybody can ask yeah thank you any hold on sorry not that this one is a problem but anybody not a doesn't have to be a resident no all on your ordinance it's all this is I have to look I don't remember if we no I mean ask specific we weren't but no it you don't you don't want to listen it's your your speech if you want to let anybody ask remember you're right we can deny it no matter what thank you so got it you'd have more of an issue if you tried to say no you can't ask us things got I have another request another flag no no this is for this came in later late this afternoon residents of 1900 North W mastera Drive are doing some work and they would like to keep their storage pod on the property I think that's that's the first time in nine years we've had somebody asked to extend a freak St we had it before but it's been a while since wow usually they just do and they just do it usually they just do it exactly ex I say we let them do it yes we are requesting that the initial permit be extended so the vinyl pieces of Renovations can be completed how long do they need the extension for the end of March done and that has to come to council yes that that I knew yes it does that's what I'm saying it does it does that that is in Oran that's why I'm surprised anybody it's in the oran someone must have called good good for them March 31 I make a motion to approve the extension of the pod on the property at 1900 North W Master drive until March second all in favor I oppose perfect thank you look at Jessie now is there going to be an event there when they do that9 we're gonna go dumpster dying that's all I have uh round robin go ahead we'll start with councilman and chair um the PBA and SOA contract they're both Dave yeah I sent your email Dave can you Dave in close session can we review everything with uh next for for the PBS yeah it in Clos session tonight I would do it close session next time let everybody read it whole thing you want to give him some I also would Ricky stay cuz he just left okay okay thank you uh what else I have uh that's Council cap not if you're just listening I'm just listening there you go it's learnning already councilwoman Terry um let's see heads up I think Dave but I put that in an email that the Human Services committee was going to call you already did okay done I'm I'm having discussions with our attorney here to see discuss that in C S okay perfect um thanks to bill from the tax department on answering my Litany of questions on those lovely yellow cards you got too I got like yeah Kell's just a busy be she needs to retire to get all these email I have my moments hey Cal put him on the Janu January hey Dave you want to see em join Terry Foundation knock and you still don't answer people on Facebook are complaining about taxes and some of us look we just don't answer I just give him Bill's number forget the email he was fantastic about talking about the timeline for inspections and freezing and he was wonderful so I tell you we should probably have another session for the public on how that operates family I was I think there was one session right I think did it all was able to get back to I think you got at least 99% answer of my 99 questions you another one doing another okay are you saying I got to step my game up oh no you ain't let me tell you something I don't think don't even try um there was a question on the tree ordinance from the environmental commission um about modifying that ordinance to ensure that archery experts certification were commensurate with what the ordinance says yeah okay um there was a question from the environmental Commission on um that landfill project or a landfill situation going on that other towns have participated in um Senator gopal was there uh commissioner arnone director Arnon and the smell permeating and I figured since we were abating or encroaching or what have we had complaints from Ocean Township residents because allegedly two showed up at that meeting and at least one of them called my office okay so you're already know about had one phone call I was shocked about it because it was involved in Ocean but um been in touch with all the right public officials to see what's going on but it's in the County's hands basically I guess the concern I urge the residents to go to that meeting okay um I didn't know if we had to have an Ocean Township person representing just to ears or for the next time this happens are you saying there's some sort of committee they I don't know if there's a followup to this but they were anticipating something other than that public meeting they had the other night in TI Falls okay yeah um our calendar says recycling zones 1 through 7 is permitted they felt that the seven which I don't even know what seven means uh that might not have been a true statement and I said well I have no idea what was through 7 R but I will take that as a du out so yeah uh recycling Pro I got it was the types of products types types I'm sorry not zones types now you're challenging me now so the seventh item and I think it was um was it the plastic huh I don't they didn't everybody in the room except me knew exactly what they were talking about so I felt very ignorant I used to that's why they're on the commission that's right just a listener um so I just said I would take that back to make sure whatever we're putting out is proper it's on the website right it's on the website look how you and Rob have colorcoded stuff that's pretty cool are you jealous you make you you would have been a good teacher would been too type seven is the Plastics okay so it had to do with that and whatever is on our calendar okay just to make sure that it's proper yeah uh and that's it for me I have a question question for Kelly if I go because of your email and you just said it what's a do out that means they ask me to do something they asked me in my official capacity as an Ocean Township Council woman to bring it to the council and ask these questions and do a do out so if they asked me one through seven is seven proper I owe the environmental my opinion is I owe them an answer on whether seven is properly annotated in the calendar so all of my do outs I've been trying to get back to both Commissioners so for a lay person it's an action yes I'm not trying to BU your chops that's an army term I guess yeah so for the type seven I would just confirm with Sten Higgins to make sure okay uh and Tracy does the calendar and then when on your first question about the tree expert yes the ordinance states you have to have a certification and or the designate and or and you have that one he's the an or cuz you have the I'm not what's the what's the issue with they have to there's only four that have that special certification in the entire State yeah but I'm asking are we is there an issue with no no no I went back I went back and looked at the ordinance we we so we're complying yeah the township can make an appointment to someone who either has the certification or just the designate of the community development director Mr Kirk when he was here he designated Mr Bill Brooks to do that Mr Brooks does not have that one been got 50 years of tree experience right he had like an arbor certification but now he's actually taking the classes for this okay so we're compliant I just want to make sure if we're in compliant with our ordinance yep that's all yep that was the only question was ordinance yep cool thank you any other qu uh anything else to take no okay then uh public let's go start off with Jack Jack C's M please hey Jack you can see I see it yeah I have get up soon later okay I just wanted to uh wish AA well with the with her new job I did watch the uh her her uh acknowledgement of the position at the at the council meeting on I watched it on the TV and I liked what she had to say because she didn't say too much of me she said more the town the township what what black could do for the people here in the town itself I think that's a positive way of thinking how I think the township Council people should should operate and I think they do I think they do so she's carrying on the mission so that's all I had to say thank you thanks Jack appreciate that and uh Jesse thank you today for the assistance earlier and I put in an opr request on I have previously contacted the city council and these are the approximate salaries that the employees are getting this both police and the general just wanted you to have a ballpark idea of what salary exist and they already have this before you vote on the contracts just so You' have a conceptual idea of what's already in place thank you so Jim uh I'm glad you showed up because I actually got the figure on that property on wico um1 I know you had given us a sheet of paper um somewhere in the vicinity of 3.3 million and just to correct you on the numbers that property was purchased just for $695,000 700,000 okay okay we have not come even close to 3 million the disassembly from the 9,000 square ft we can get you all the figures up to this point but you're not even close to 3 million may I ask which property sorry 1,1 put the go we first of all we didn't pay a million n for the property we paid 695,000 so I thought it was so 6.95 it was purchased with Builder remedy money I totally remember that through Chris speaking about it when I first came on 700 not 850 it was $695 not seven and it was purchased with Builder remedy money from nobility Crest nobility Crest nobility Crest had to pay the town for their development and we utilize that money to purchase that so really in essence what Chris said was didn't cost the town any money it's one giant pot of money uh that money could have been spent on 50 other items you know at this point we did purchase it and this council at this point has the property there's a decision that was made and you know we're going to stick to the decision that was made with it because it's they're working on it right now okay yes and we will get a total dollar figure for you um to let you know exactly what that you know cost us okay all right and and may I that's now part of the golf U utility I was going to say Authority but the original cost was as he said Builders remedy cor correct the original purchase came from that he's right yes which could have been spent for other things in theory any dollar could be spent for anything else but yes so you have 1.5 million that justifiably could be transferred into the golf utility and so that when you have costing for your annual budget for cost golf utility it reflects the actual expense associated with that building I'll bite where you getting the 1.5 including the cost of removing the 900,000 Square ft became 400 9,000 ft became 4,000 ft because of the load bearing issues it was not it was cost prohibitive to keep the load bearing correct up to a commercial basis so they remove 5,000 ft I wouldn't use the million5 as the number gen this is where you're starting to confuse people even when you shot the $3.3 Million number at me I'd rather have accurate figures for the public because they do listen and I don't like to have false information out the goal would be if you could move some debt from the general purpose debt into the golf utility to more reflect the actual cost costs that could have been spent for other items had that building not been move an additional million and a half from the debt into the golf utility million and a half de we don't again I'd have to checkle Ricky on that as to what you're talking about with the debt but make the debt 3 million instead of the debt being 1.5 million I mean I get it's concept I don't get it at all not the numbers I get the concept but where's 3 million that's what I don't get the 700,000 plus the cost of the removing the 5,000 but you're talk you we didn't spend 2.5 million to fix the building you spent one point I was at the the bid opening with you what was that 1.3 too many bid openings you and I WR the bid opening on that remediation yeah but it's not well it doesn't matter he has numbers so you and I were at that meeting yeah that's about and that was added on the roof and the bean 15,000 for the beam and 110,000 for the roof but it doesn't matter because he has all those numbers and uh Dave could you post uh just do a post- and Note and get the debt statement added to the web site the debt State not already well it's created in January it only be it's only a week old so it' be extremely fast if they did post it because it's it's normally created in say an updated de State January 24th every year it generally exists so it' be a brand new debt statement so there's no reason it would be on the website already you're allow you're allowed to OA that and the that's well no it's always it always goes on the webs oh no I was just whether or not it's on you know you can always when you saying it goes up by the end of January what it doesn't exist until the last week in January so it couldn't be put on there just so probably the older one is up there right right the one a best practice to have like the budget all the financial statements and stuff up on and they have different calendar dates and this one annual finan financial statement the debt statement all right thank you thanks Jim have a good night thank you any others most and go to close session so moved second second just want to remind everybody that all Council meetings will be audio and videotaped and they will be shown on channel 22 on Verizon fos and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please Tanny here council member Cher here Kaplan Terry here everyone please stand for a pledge allegiance and remain standing as we do a silent prayer I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing you may be seated the notice require requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press in the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14 2023 there are two emergency exits on the wall to my right that'll take you to the front of the building and another one to my left that'll take you to the rear please make sure that all your cell phones are turned off and if you need to make a call kindly step outside I'm going to start with Council comments we're going to go all the way down to the end to our newest Council woman Kaplan no comments just yet just listening and observing tonight yes uh councilwoman Terry uh just a friendly reminder about the 175th anniversary celebration on the 21st of February tickets are going to be $15 over at the Turner Center along with the museum and I believe shortly the invitations will also be going out for the St Patty's Day celebration right and I believe on our kickoff that's uh we have some pictures that are pulled out some of the old Council Mayors uh pictures of the municipality uh we've been working with the Historical Society um Kelly's got the committee working together and adding more and more people we got a call from the superintendent of schools the school district wants to get involved as well so we're pretty excited about our 175s so Kell thanks for kicking that off for us councilman aera uh we had a chamber of commerce meeting this morning um and amongst other things I would like to remind everybody that the 2024 award and installation luncheon is scheduled for March the 19th uh that is where we provide the scholarships for the students as well as recognize uh number of community service award winners uh I will start mentioning them before the announcement goes out tomorrow uh Kelly Weldon is being recognized for the first female superintendent in town uh in our 175 year history uh we are also honoring Rising Treetops uh for community service uh and there's a handful of others that are also being recognized I mentioned one last week who's sitting too down from me uh but there's four others that will be mentioned over the course of the next week um but we look forward to it if you're interested in the ceremony uh you can go on the webbsite and register that's all I have mayor very good thank you sir Dave mayor just two quick congratulations since I missed the meeting congratulate uh newly uh Deputy Mayor Fisher and councilwoman Kaplan okay thank you sir Matt nothing tonight nothing tonight all right I have a few things um first off uh yes Kelly said we do have on Friday March 15th our St Patrick's Day annual dinner dance uh we do a annual dinner dance to raise funds for the community celebration fund as you know this year is our 175th so we like to uh enhance some of our already excellent events and add a few new ones um this year uh it will be in memory of Margie Edon who recently passed away and the council will be taking formal action on that at the next meeting naming that event uh we will also be honoring former deputy mayor and present assembly woman Margie donlin Dr Margie donin at this event ads will be available information's on the website as well as social media on Saturday March 23rd we will have our annual Easter egg hunt um and I want to um read a thank you note that I received mayor nap a tree fell on fell down and knocked out everyone's power on well Pond Road the police fire department Town administration were amazing with the way that they handled the situation they all deserve deepest gratitude and we just want you to know thanks Jim and madley and the cats so I want to thank you for pointing out a real positive thing that I keep stressing about our employees in this in this municipality it's really uh fantastic to hear letters like that thank yous for you know people doing the right thing and Dave thank you again for your leadership it's huge one other thing that I'm looking for and you'll see information out on uh on the website you'll see information on our Facebook pages we need sponsors for our events each and every year um we budget very little to our community celebration um events however ever with Mike patrio and Jen Nordstrom at the helm they seem to make lemonade out of lemons and they have very limited funds but we've been raising money with sponsors so I want to start off by saying that uh one of our newest businesses in town I literally just did the ribbon cutting the other day chase down Jen and Mike and Ramone Verona from Chick-fil-A ponied up $2,500 to the community celebration fund so Ramon and your wife I really can't thank you enough for stepping up to the plate and one of our local residents who is also uh the manager of Shrewsbury Volkswagen Gino delomo I want to thank him for really going to bat for the town as he does each and every year uh Gino uh with what he's been able to do with shrewbury Volkswagen and of course our residents repay him dearly because they do buy a lot of cars from them and you can't beat the deal that Gino will put together for you Gino went to bat for this town and he got us our first Platinum sponsorship for $10,000 so the checks here genino I cannot thank you enough and I'm hoping that this opens a little bit of the floodgates to our other business owners that hear the generosity of these guys and we have sponsorships that go as high as 10,000 and they go as low as $500 for our business owners so I mean we've really been able to make those sponsorships work so I'm going to give this over to you there's also ad money in there as well so again Gino and Ramone thank you very much for the sponsorships they are going to enhance these events this year I'm truly thankful so without further Ado I want to open it up for public questions on the resolutions and vouchers all matters listed under the consent agenda considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussion of these items if discussion is desired on any item uh that item will be considered separately see the purpose of this public portion is to solely asked questions to understand resolutions that appear on the agenda and it's not an occasion for a public hearing on an ordinance all questions not related to an item on the agenda should be asked during the public comments portion at the conclusion of the meeting I just want to let everybody know that we have three uh resolutions that'll be being pulled tonight we have resolution 39 which is the collective bargaining agreement for the PBA 40 which is the collective bargaining agreement for the superior Officers Association and uh 42 resolution to approve the naming of the 10th hole just want to let everybody know those three are pulled if you have any other questions in regard to the consent agenda kindly step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record sen here and N do I have a motion to approve resolutions 32 through 42 under the consent agenda I will offer second a second roll call Aer so just to be pulled with the with the exception of yeah okay right with the exception of 39 394 42 yes approved Kine yes ter yes nean yes resolution consent agena passes individual action vouchers in the amount of 13,46 1,390 44 someone please offer I will offer second second roll call aera yes Kaplan yes Terry yes naan yes ordinance is up for adoption ordinance 2451 which is an ordinance amending chapter 12 traffic of the revised General ordinances of the town of votion 1965 prohibiting parking along portions of Johnson Street do I have someone open public comment on ordinance 2451 I'll make a motion to open public comment on ordinance 2451 second I'll second roll call aera yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2451 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record senior none do I have a motion to close public comment on ordinance 2451 I make a motion to close public hearing the public hearing on ordinance 2451 second I second roll call aera yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes action on ordinance 2451 I move to approve ordinance 2451 and publish according to law second I'll second roll call aera yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nepan yes ordinance passes ordinance 2452 an ordinance to the township of ocean county of M state of New Jersey authorizing the private sale of non-conforming real property known as block 16.01 Lot 8 to the contiguous property owner pursuing to njsa 4A col 12-13 B5 can I have someone open public comment on ordinance 2452 I make a motion to open public comment on ordinance 2452 second I will second roll call aera yes Kaplan yes Terry yes neckan yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 24 452 kindly step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here none do I have a motion to close public comment on ordinance 2452 I'll make a motion to close public comment on ordinance 2452 second I'll second roll call aera yes kapan yes Terry yes San yes action on ordinance 2452 make a motion to approve ordinance 2452 and publish according to law second I'll second roll call oops yes Kap yes Terry yes nean yes uh ordinance 2452 passes ordinance 2453 which is an ordinance amending chapter 21 uh the comprehensive land of Land Development ordinance of the comprehensive land ordinance establishing land use regulations for cannabis establishments and chapter 13 of the revised General ordinances of the township F in 1965 and entitled taxation do I have someone uh please open public discussion on ordinance 2453 open public discussion on ordinance 2453 second I'll second roll call aera yes Kaplan yes Terry yes naani yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2453 kindly step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing or none do I have a motion to close public comment on ordinance 24 53 I'll make a motion to close public comma on ordinance 2453 second I'll second roll call aera yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes action on ordinance 2453 I make a motion to approve ordinance 2453 and publish according to law second I'll second roll call a chera no Kaplan oh I'm sorry Terry yes nany yes uh ordinance passes uh introdu CS of ordinance 2454 which will have their public hearing on the 22nd of February 2024 it's an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 21 of the comprehensive Land Development ordinance subsection 21-20 uh 32 Cottage food operators home Bakers 21- 22 through 21 through 32 development standards can I have someone introduce ordinance 2454 I'll introduce ordinance 245 4 second I will second roll call aera yes K yes Harry yes nap 10 yes and that ordinance again we'll have its public hearing on uh the 22nd of February ordinance 2455 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 21 of the comprehensive Land Development ordinance subsection 21-39 a CBO cannabis business overlay Zone can I have someone introduce ordinance 2455 I make a motion to introduce ordinance 2455 second I'll second roll call aera nope Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes and that ordinance will also have its public hearing on uh February 22nd 2024 anyone wishing to speak on anything Germain of the township of ocean any questions comments please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here n do I have a motion to adjourn so moved second I'll second all in favor I I I motion adjourned I mean meeting a j we we like seeing the two of you but you do know this is Live on YouTube now Wasing by okay