all right let's just remind everybody that all meetings will be audio and video tape they'll be shown on the township devotions Community Channel cable channel channel 22 on Verizon F and channel 77 on cable be and we have a roll call please mayor Nan here Deputy Mayor fer here council members Z chera here Kaplan here Terry here the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coast posted in town hall filed in the office of municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 we have our Township manager on the telephone so if anybody is watching you'll know that it will sound like Oz uh let's start we don't have Greg here he's on vacation uh Dave do you want to give any updates as it relates to um Greg or do we want to just skip that no we're skipping engineering tonight okay uh flag policy uh we have a change of the flag raising dates um any questions or comments on that from our um Mammoth County Clerk Christine hanin and director commissioner Tommy arnone from the Italian American Association for the Italian American Heritage MTH Rob what are the DAT yeah what are the dates so we had said seven days right okay and we want to do it on the 1 which would be the first day of Italian American Italian Heritage fund unfortunately Columbus Day is on the 10th so we're missing it by two days so we'd like to extend it so we hi so we can keep it um keep the flag up from the first day of the month through Columbus Day so we needed to modify that so if everybody's in agreement October 1st through the 10th 10 still think it's a lot long time to have a flag up seven days uh well first of October is the first day of Italian heritage month and Columbus Day happens to be the 10th so we were trying to keep it for the first of the month through Columbus Day so it's 12 days 11c 11 yeah days 11 days 11 days the first and the 10th sure okay first to the 10 okay so it's okay discussion I mean I personally I think one day is like ridiculously short short that's my opinion but look we're body body of five so yeah I mean I agree one day is short I also think 12 days or 11 days is too long so you know it is month right but there's a lot of Heritage months you know I know uh five days seven days we probably I do it a week well we had it as a week and that's the problem if we do it the first day of the month which is the start of the heritage month and Columbus Day I mean I don't have any other when is the program the which program when they come to first I think they want to do it they do it on the first right so okay I see the problem right so they want to come on the first and keep it through Columbus Day yeah it's a bit of a problem they're not going to do it on Columbus Day we wanted no not we they the a club and them hashed it out and they thought the first was the best day cuz it was a weekend also Columbus Day happens to be well not always but it happens well maybe it is always on Monday um so that that was the logic it's observed on a Monday but I think the actual day is the 12th 10th 12th please well the 12th is Saturday 13th is Sunday the 14th is Columbus Day so the 14th Monday 13th 14th yeah yes now you're at 14 days uh then something's so please that is two weeks standby let's bring that back for a second give me a minute well here it's October so we have okay I'll figure it out discuss it next we can discuss it next month if let's discuss it next month let's move on see if if there's a preference if we yeah we have a lot of Clos session items so we don't need to belabor this one if we don't have the answer rob you can out a second the clerk and and director are known I stand corrected I'm sorry I got it right I got it wrong so the Italian American does the Columbus Day breakfast on the 6th that's how we got this eight 10 days so the 6th is the day that we'd like to raise it and then keep it up through Columbus Day so that's really only 8 days correct so the 6 to the 14th yes it's fine thank you sorry good I knew was a close we we good with that it's fine are you yeah I have no problem with it okay just press settings so we'll probably see a few more 8 day or okay fine so it goes up on the sixth stays up on the 14th fine somebody want to give a motion motion I if I should do it sure I'll make a motion someone second I'll second all in favor I'm going to abstain oppos okay see thank you uh June 13th there's a problem with the June 13th meeting Rob can't make it and G can't make it we were and I think Dave is even out of town we were wondering if we could switch it to June 6 is everyone here for that and we might have to have one quick special meeting towards the end of the month for liquor licenses like an in and out strictly the licenses Sarah saying Tuesday the 6th yeah oh wait Thursday Jun we're in June June okay I'm open uh it's just the environmental and shade tree commissions are that day we need an alternate site no they'll need an alternative s okay just trying to play nice mean delivery that was good yeah um they could potenti do they get how many do they get what time do they start Jack seven uh 7 I didn't mean to offend you Jack it's 78 and 8 to9 usually 78 89 the same they're up here oh yeah okay but there is another room that they could use yeah but if you're s to eight it doesn't matter anyway we're out of here at 700 we go downstairs then then you don't have a conflict yeah so we're good six works right do we need a motion for that M uh yeah because we said it okay someone please make a motion to move the J June 13th meeting to June 6th so moved second second all in favor I I opposed now we should get in touch with Matt patrio that off but you won't be here you wanted to talk about that right it happens to be a Jewish holiday I can walk or ride so which day the 13th but I can but for the golf they want you do the ribbon cutting to the 10th hole on the 13th I can get there just here unless we no we we can ask Mike to make it a different he was talking about Wednesday is Wednesday okay for you it's a two-day je oh my goodness so I I'll make it work whatever everyone we don't do anything one day no God forbid we but I'll I think Mike's got ibility yeah cuz it's truly not opening till what did he say that Monday right yeah well there to the public yeah like a soft opening and then whatever well Mel figure it out yeah or I could figure it out either way on on the 6th 6 is a new Council date and I'll let the environmental commission know but they they'll be able to come in anyway does Dave have anything uh Dave do you have any items for discussion I forgot he said yes mayor we got the uh deer management plan yes uh ton make you have an ordinance before you which would allow us um to have the the hunt and jpp if necessary and once that ordinance is adopted that will go into the plan the plan will should be ready I'm hoping for the June meeting I know we just moved it up a week so that's why I say that um and then once that plan comes before you and you have a chance to look at the draft Council has to do a resolution uh approving the submission of the plan and then it it's off to D Fish and Wildlife so Dave what's the time roughly how long is this thing going to sit there because we really need to make a move here well glad you said that may I have a meeting next Thursday with Senator goal and couple of things on the item is the shared services the leap Grant the uh fishing Wildlife so I'm I'm going to run everything past him that we're doing that such as the state the workforce housing everything okay so hopefully we can get him to advocate for us to get that going and not sit on somebody's desk for months DAV we limited I mean we submit this plan um Kelly and I were talking the other day I mean are we locked into this thing I mean do we do we need their approval if if can we advance without them no we need their approval for funding or approval to proceed for approval to proceed the whole they have to approve the plan if they don't approve the plan we can't do anything and is the plan inclusive of the hybrid approach yes and that's the only plan that they most likely approved because they were full hunt correct yeah but they they allowed for the hybrid for um this preceden uh what was it I can't remember the name of the town Princeton Princeton okay so Dave they they would probably approve a hybrid but hypothetically if ocean tchip said we're just going to do a hunt it would be automatic or would they have to approve that too yeah they hand down because the uh down there is full of the hunter so that's that's they would prove that in R okay and this is their crew that comes in correct not no the The Entity that we had uh helping us with the plan White Buffalo bual they coordinate all the efforts and the licensing and all that kind of stuff hunters and as we discussed before the the meat would go for the uh hunters for uh hunger and things of that nature but licensed people will be doing this not not up okay so let's see what the senator says in what he thinks he can do with trying to push that a little bit up there in the state but you know we've really this has been a real drag here so I mean we've got a I hopefully he can push it for us yeah all right uh what else Dave uh please to announce that the audit is complete you should all have a copy there's a resolution on uh that we're seeking your approval that has to go down to local Finance board but we have a clean audit and no comments that's always a good thing Dave it's a good thing Dave absolutely absolutely very well last but not least another good item the grant for $10,000 was submitted for the community energy planning Grant uh in conjunction uh the administration Township with the environmental Commission uh so hopefully we'll get that 10,000 uh sometime over summer and then we can start the actual planning of of an energy plan and that's all I have very good the the others for close session yep and we have a lot so we're going to you know get through this and going to close probably a few minutes early anyway but uh next up public comments let's start with Jack and we'll work this way Jack go ahead appreciate all that you guys are really doing I think you're working real hard but should we take some time off absolutely between 5 hear that Dave 5 in the evening and 7 a.m. think that U the only thing is again I would encourage participation in the in the shade tree commission we didn't have a representative at the last meeting I realize there's a lot of things going on so you try to make the best of your time but it is important to have representation I think to voice what the town is thinking about some of these things so I would encourage that they weren't able to make that I think they did make the the environmental later so it's just something that just little uh keep keep keep a look at it because the St commission has a lot on their plate also and I think they need encouragement from the council that's it so Jack what are they look what what are they looking for from us I'm just curious so that we can um you know bring to the table what you you know what you want I mean I've expressed my concerns or you know opinions on it and the you know the ordinances and things of that nature but I think they're basically looking just to get the thing going John and and make the uh the tree planting plan and stuff but that's really that you guys are charged with that so I mean we're waiting to see what the plan is I think one like one when I sat in there was they were seeking an alternate funding source right for the seedlings because we lost our grant for the schools well the tree g hand out have been taken for the most has been over with for the most part including some school school kids which made me happy I think that's where you start this whole thing is at that level of understanding of of interest in the community and then these kind of things like shade trees and so forth so I think just somebody to be there to add add support or and comment perhaps John as a lot of your your comment about the uh the uh orders and so forth so I just encourage I think it's an important thing to do and uh I I think it's pretty much uh uh just somebody say yeah that's a good idea we can rotate uh the members of counsel in there that's not a problem yeah I don't think you have to be a shade tree type of person to do it I think it's uh having to do with funding and things of that nature I think there's a similar encouragement for where you can find the money and you always have to wait on somebody else to bless it can't you just push it through and and get the council to go along whatever it is I don't know what the the protocols call for well we do have Dave if I'm not mistaken there's a sizable amount of money in the shade tree commission budget right I mean that they have from fees yes yes and they're fully aware of it because they always ask what the balance is yeah so I me Jack as it relates to money if you tell us what you guys were thinking more than happy to listen we've been waiting for a shade tree plan or a planting plan I know that bill Brooks had asked to put a few trees over by uh the new Golf Center that we're putting in um that would have been great we we told Margie we were going to plant a tree for her we want a location for that so yeah I mean there's go ahead I think that that they just need to interact with you guys more or you have they come up with any planting plan at all they they had some uh they look right at actual trees on somebody's property type of thing so it's that level of detail in some cases but I think they need somebody to nod yes or say okay we'll we'll back you on that or something like that I just don't see it I jack that plan has been in the works for at least 5 years the last time I attended that meeting was prior to the 2019 election yes I understand and so with due respect to you and the shade tree mission where is the plan yeah get off your asses and get it done well we're on film there I know what's You Know M I'm just being BL 5 years communicate that yeah Jack I got to tell you something if off your uh whatever Jack if Jack if we Jack if we get a plan you you guys come to us with something we've been talk like I agree with Rob I mean we've been talking about this for years so let's get something and at least start let's get Margie's tree let's start there and then we can move forward how's that sound sounds good to me all right we're in agreement TR we'll start off with one everyone has to start with one yes uh my yard is full anything else Jack that's all I thank you yes names and addresses for the record hey uh I'm Dr Felicia Stoler I live at 8 Overlook Drive in homeone New Jersey I'm here as somebody who is a business applicant I know that this evening you all are supposed to be addressing the Cannabis uh um licenses uh and the proposals um the reason why I wanted to come in is I wanted first of all some clarification as to the process um uh first of all I know that um your um your uh notes for today's meeting just went up very recently on the website uh the agenda and on the resolution um on one of the pages it it looks like it says here it says um with regards to specific resolutions for application it says um it says here's uh page 77 submitted an application to the township to operate a class by canvas retailer business and was deemed to be wed one of the two available licenses are you doing two licenses s 102 for retail 102 a for retail is only one it's on here so that's why I mean I literally printed it and highlighted it like class class one class two it says class CL five it says class 5 start here I like literally just printed it out 104 resolution issuing a class 5 retail cannabis one of the two available licenses so two licenses in the whole town or two it says one it one of the two that were submitted what paragraph are we talking about right there we're at 24104 it's whereas it says one of the two available licenses so what I'm asking is two respond yes no that's a typo there's only one that's that's there's only one classified I thought there was but that's why I read it when I was prepared for retail it's only one that was from a month ago right right okay yeah okay what it should say is one of the two applicants no just stop just stop it as to be awarded the business and was deemed to be awarded one one one cross off of the two AED just award just say awarded the license yeah I wrote it I got to change it go that was Matt that's why we have you here SW that's why I went to law school yes sir red pencil um any so anyway that wasn't the only thing I came here for that was just all I was prepping for today um the reason why I wanted to come here is I was a little bit concerned about the fact that it was my understanding that this is a closed bid process and I was the person who put in the bid application for group that I'm participating with and I had to sign an affidavit that I was not colluding with or having conversations with anybody else regarding this process and I received an email on April 1st from a lawyer that is working with somebody else who apparently is another applicant in town and I was a bit taken aback by that because I don't there's somewhere there's a compromise if this attorney is reaching out to me on behalf of another applicant which by nature of the very letter that I got I shouldn't even I can't even I shouldn't even be saying it out loud because I would be in violation of a cease and desist that was sent to me which I can definitely send it but around but you know it's to me as somebody who put a lot of time and effort into an application um I just for the just for your information I ran in 2018 for US Congress as a pro cannabis candidate this is something that I take very ser seriously uh as from a medical perspective and a health perspective I recognize the value in it and I'm I'm appla all the municipalities that agreed to do this um but I am a little bit I guess I guess concerned as the word with regards to a the process I know that some of it and I understand why some of it in terms of looking at some of the financials within the applications is held private I was wondering whether or not um whatever and I don't know what your decision is today but whether or not that scoring process will be made public so that it's completely transparent because it's you know I mean there are a lot of people in this town that were on at least my side of the application I don't know about the other I don't know any details really about anybody else's application that was in here but there was a lot of work that went into it I am aware of the fact that there were some personal issues with regards to one of the people in the application that triggered a whole mess and I would like to hope that the rest of the people that were on that application myself who did all the work on it you know that that there's no Prejudice because of that and that I did reach out to you know the Town Clerk and to the lawyer to find out if it was possible to even remove anybody from the application because per your guidelines you can't alter that application once that process is in place so you know I'm just coming here being trans I'm being transparent you know I'm frustrated and uh I I I you know other than that I I don't know you know what else to say with regards to that I'm not involved in anybody else's dealings you know and um neither were a lot of the other people on the application and you know that's I would have to defer I wasn't part of the assessment what was that I wasn't part of the assessment so everything that you're saying for we will be discussing discussing enclosed okay uh the scoring uh that one is going to have to be that's going to be after decision um whether or not that is going to be uh published whether or not that is I don't said that'll all be discussed during close session um in terms of the fact that that you got the cease and assist letter doctor I think I probably told you how I believe that they got it because you know your address and the company is a public knowledge but it didn't come from this Council and none of that documentation left the subcommittee at at that point or what the council is so that's you know it's just the irony of it is that wait no no no just one second is that this told me not to discuss this this business dealing with anybody right with regards to what went on you know with our business dealings I received a call from a lawyer who was basically trying to get me to pull out of and remove my application because of my association with somebody else another that was another attorney unrelated to this so the person so it's like somebody hired a lawyer to tell me not to open up my mouth about anything and somebody else not to open up their mouth but then I got a phone call from another lawyer basically suggesting I might want to consider not being associated with somebody and I'm like I put a lot of work into this application so I'm just putting this out there you know to be clear because I think it's you know I recognize that you all do volunteer work by running stuff in your town and there's a lot of stuff that there there's there's a lot of you know there's a lot of Commerce that's going to come into your town as a result of this and people want to do business in your town and we wanted to do business in your town and so um I'm just you know again uh not wanting to feel like there's a a bias in in this process and I just want to be you know clear with that that it means a lot to myself and to my business partners um you know that that you be aware of that because I did not do anything and talk to anybody I was the person who signed off on that application so other people did stuff um you know with regards to that you know that doesn't fault the rest of the people that are party to that application many which are people that are residents and other business owners on this your application was not just tossed aside it it it it was looked at it will be further discussed so and I know that we and I appreciate it I appreciate it I think I've been you know you know not hysterical about it but and as all of you can imagine if that happened to you and you were in the situation it would give a little alarming to so my name is blue gner I'm the CEO of Blue Dream um we a medical marijuana Collective nonprofit and an adult recreational multi-state brand out of California I opened in 1998 I'm in continuous operations still in California um I have Asbergers so if it comes out weird I apologize um about a year ago I was awarded licenses in New York and my company came out here to start what call the East Coast migration of mod marijuana I met Dr Felicia Stoler and she really was an impressive uh president to represent my brand considering where this industry came from uh I wasn't aware of your city you know I live in Homedale New Jersey and we're we're actually have one in Atlantic City we've been awarded we're working through the through the state um I became aware of it because I met with the mayor at dinner with Dr Felicia Stoler at that point I was aware that there would be another license applying in this municipality well and I hate to be very candid but I live by the truth and that's all that can happen tonight and I know that his wife is our very good friend and I'm sorry but the truth is the truth and I am speaking with investigators from the city regarding this and I think regardless you should hold the process until it's fully investigated minimum or at least give us full trans how this thing is scored so he says we're going to be doing an application he was talking to best DEA about possibly coming into this city correct did we have dinner correct he did I would not know who best to BU without this man done she texts him that we about the application process he said we should not apply there's already an applicant please show them the text I said right there in the car we apply for sure because we knew right there why would a mayor tell me not to apply I was born on on a pot farm this is my life's work I was going to bring a brand that is an artisian brand to this city to do everything I could and I bought the applicants are a physician amazing people and so there was one kid who's a pot dealer he was trying his hardest to get legal and he will be dealt with by your law enforcement that's his problem he was not allowed to speak on the behalf of our company best ofal had to sign the same paperwork she did why are we being contacted by This Woman This is my 17th municipality and any time in this process this would be stopped immediately immediately where there is smoke there is fire and this is how I look at it I believe I have assembled the strongest application in my career so if she has an application that's stronger then we forget this add it up 1 plus 1 = 2 2 + 2 = 4 if we lose we walk away or issue two but I can tell you why is she being sent emails that email was not sent out to anyone outside of this Council that's it so it's either the police chief we went over today what email the email from Sammy gindy that went to a lot more people than this Council I'm talking to investigators I'm just I'm not a investigator on again I'm talking they want they are still I know you know what's going on at least be fair at least load it up this all happened did we have dinner sir absolutely so and he was a great he didn't poach me or do anything like that but I became aware of this process and why do we go to dinner because Felicia and my wife are friends you are 100% correct I've already told the attorney that I've told the municipal manager that they are fully aware as well as the chief of police can you tell us why why did you tell us not I also why would he tell us I also did not get the email from Mr gindy that email went to everybody but councilman a chair and me that email went I hold on hold on a second hold on a second that email made a very serious accusation very serious accusation and he's on your license unfort the same ACC now I was the I was not part of the application process nobody in this room other than the attorney I'm not worried about anyone in this room the secretary the clerk that collected our paperwork we called the clerk she said no one has seen this and she handed it to her so I'm telling you it couldn't have leaked and I know everyone in here and I have no problem with him but he told us not to apply we talked with the mayor to who who would you show the text would you show the text I said anybody can apply Felicia show the text please be done you see the text the mayor today I am another city councilor asking me to apply why would he tell me not to apply period you read the text and I'm sorry you know you're the mayor do what you need I will do what I need to do we had a nice dinner and that's it you said you were thinking about best of OA and your wife being in business correct that's incorrect In in the Cannabis industry absolutely not Felicia St not in the Cannabis industry my wife is starting a medical device so what it says all right bro um I just listen best of all gets this awarded I promise full lawsuit I don't get an attorney because I believe in the system that's why we came today no one's contacted us she's having people call her why are we do we are not the person who threatened anybody I'm just I'm really I really wanted to be a part of this community and we brought a good piece of the community here A whole sliver of amazing people these are facts and I'm sorry they had to come out tonight she would have never brought these facts up because he just said there's a biased that's it so I ask the council to please at least push the retail voting off to tonight we're doing everything I can they said I will speak with them again tomorrow all the investigators it might be legal all this stuff that went on that's what they told me they definitely believe they see all kinds of stuff but it might be legal I don't know I can tell you in Los Angeles when a mayor was talking or involved on any level it is completely thrown out and we restart the process it's what's fair you know or there's enough room for two of us I don't know I I don't want to like I said I do have a form of autism and I'm very passionate about the Cannabis industry and it really hurts because this is one of my best friends and she's entangled because her best friend is Mitchel and Mitch chel is who called her and and read the email of her ba him to her and she doesn't want to bring it up but for you guys to make a fair answer you must know all the information is that not correct and that's it show them the text I was just asking about locations in town and I just and what I was told um it says um we have several retail op operators that are putting in for the license placement in Ocean so they will have priority as we would rather have somebody who has been established good luck sir I have nothing to say please he sent that text say don't apply no you said there would be other people that's not his decision to tell me if I can apply but you apply in the application application what your application what was is in front of this Council I'm not to bias my application because my autism but I that text I literally sat today with the mayor that we we're we are totally open and I just don't understand why is this been such a you know let's add it up 1 plus 1 equal 2 if she has a better application she wins and then I'm completely wrong and I'll apologize and I apologize to the council I know you guys got a hard job there's not a lot of people here my daughter's out there um God bless and show them thank you anyone it's an uncomfortable situation and I intentionally even after we applied did not reach out to anybody in this town to say hey by the way I applied I nothing really nothing that's it so you know I mean I've actually spoken with other municipalities that were having issues that wanted to bring in an expert just to talk to their residents so they would just come off of their thinking that it's such a bad thing so you know in all fairness I wasn't it was not my intent to talk about that other stuff I think that I said was pretty clear and I just wanted you all to understand that you know this is this is this is people's livelihoods and businesses so I thank you for your time thank you do thank you Mr Mayor I would just have addition to this having happened as I've said before I don't agree with the use of c and other than medical protected way a very well closely enforced by for Med make sure just go to everybody because I know I know that that things like like cannabis and so being dealt out to kids sets the kids up as targets for other Dr drug dealers and it has happened and I tell you what happened years ago I I told had explain it to to the police department was in in Long Grand City and they found out and they started chasing the thing it's a dangerous thing I don't see anybody looking at what does it cost to have this introduced to our city to our town in a less than Medicaid controlled environment and Retail is not controlled so I just like to say that one more time and and I'll leave you I know you've got a lot on your plate for tonight but thank you again thank you Jack thanks Jack thanks Jack you good just need to get my key so I don't do you want me to follow you with the chair no thank you yeah we don't have insurance I can't get in the elevator know it's broken long yeah you okay down yeah I'll be all right you sure thank you for your time I got to go right you're good man you have to walk with them you want to do Council comments and we To Go close Council comments I think all my questions were answered already pretty sure Le need some oxygen thank you for that going out of colors I know I'm highlighting I'm making it in red already used on I actually purple I was going to say I think Dave did purple all colors I'm sorry I had a lot of questions I just want to get it out I forgot so Kelly I've been using Google Translate to actually understand the government speak unbelievable you're it's a whole another language oh my AC and so good I'm sorry 30 years of it it's it's a whole foreign language but I'm impressed all right I have to read things like two or three times what what does she's trying to say here you do use abbreviation I know it's acronym heaven I'm sorry no it's it's fun I did have one question I don't think it's uh for closed um nothing the how are we doing with the um setting up the mayor's Wellness committee did we ow any answers back to anyone on that followup meeting coming up okay have a followup meeting on Tuesday okay good okay and um we've got some great ideas it's it's all moving forward I just want to make sure that we um close the loop with um Ray Curtis yeah okay so has she been contacted who's that Marie uh I did I spoke to Marie uh we're going to add her on to the committee okay we had a nice conversation uh there was a miscommunication as to who was going to advise her that the committee was disbanded um we spoke and I think her input as relates to drug and alcohol abuse would be great for the committee and she'll be on there and I think that as we formulate the new Wellness committee that she can have great input as it relates to that that particular subject matter cool and we're also going to have Rich long I believe yeah so right now with Richie that makes eight members of The Wellness committee at this point we didn't want it to get two unruly but um want the list sure uh Dave Brown uh John Mike patrio Sharon meski uh Richie long myself Tracy and Marie Curtis so we're looking maybe to round it out but we are looking for people in town speakers you know people who are experts in certain things mental health physical health you get me for free so that's that's good so um we've got a lot of good ideas so more to come so we're meeting Tuesday and then hopefully we'll kick off some some easy events and then we I do think we should kind of I know we've got this 5K coming up we should see if we can put a tagline on that I know it's not our 5K but you know in conjunction with the mayor's wellness program we we should really get our name on that that's May 19th May 19th Sunday same day get a week from Sunday yeah so okay I'll talk to Tracy and see if we can get some train weak to train yeah you better get Kraken you can walk in those 5 cas um uh dog park update so I met with mayor May before we move forward if I may um got to fall on my sword I should have brought this up before it came to me uh at a later time but we should really think about doing a certificate of appreciation for each of the Human Service members yep yeah we just went about dissolving it I think I think they deserve that much some sort of recognition at our council meeting at least a certificate of appreciation good idea okay it's a very good idea and that's my fault we should have done that in the first place you'll give me the names yeah we got to get the list of names Dave and then uh Jesse can get those certificates together I'll be St on the website thank you I greatly appreciate the council for doing that thank you Dave the committee uh G anything no I'm good okay Rob anything Council comments um hold on I lost track of something sorry I got confused on that just talking talking out what were youg I asked about a dog park update dog park upate so I spoke to uh deputy director uh Ross litra last week we met out at the site where the dog park was uh supposed to go there were some concerns that it was too close to the tennis courts came up with a couple of alternative sites out there the only problem is I spoke to him yesterday the alternative sites have some sort of cacti and turtles and some other things so we can't shift it over to the other spot that's away from the tennis courts so uh we need to either go back to the original spot that the county wanted to put it next to the tennis courts or we find another spot how close is it it sorry to the tennis courts it's kind of right next to it I mean we can go back out 75 FTS you know what the irony is you're going to be listening to dogs Park but Have you listened to pickle ball it is the most annoying noise on the planet from a tennis play and I love the game it's you know I I did talked to a couple of dog park people obviously that were proponents of it and I thought the issue was smell not noise and right apparent right I don't know I don't have a dog so I I thought that was the issue but they're like no people clean up and it shouldn't smell I I don't know how loud it's going to be I don't know how many dogs we expect I don't you know what I've been to Tin and Falls I think on the weekends there's a few more dogs than usual you go there in the middle of the week there's two or three people there it's you wouldn't even know it's there to be honest with you right it's not like there's 50 dogs running around maybe when it first opens everybody will show up but I don't think it's going to be a big I I don't know how many people complain I don't know who they were they have every right to um I just don't think it's I didn't think it was a big deal to begin with I don't know that I don't think it's more of a big deal but I think I I do agree with what you're saying yeah does Ross who works with dogs for a living have an issue with the sound no he didn't the animals and making them maybe not behave nicely no he didn't say anything about the sound I mean obviously he's for the dog park and they want to help us with the dog park and you know do it um I mean I think the concern was it was I mean we can go back out and look and see exactly how close it is to the Denis courts I mean if everybody here is in agreement that it's okay there then we'll just tell the county move forward with it I I would suggest yes let's go out there and look let's everybody should go out and take a look at it yeah spot is I thought it was good to begin with but if we can move it further I don't think we can not at all we got as far as we could I don't think we can I think we're stuck in that spot hey Dave Brown yeah not looking to make more work for you but maybe you reach out to titin and Fs mayor or business administrator and just find out you know has things been okay have they had any issues is it just you know business as usual or or you know have they had some problems I think it's just worth a phone call okay no wores if you're at it you might as well call Jay chof chofe Jay coffee over in Ocean port to I don't I mean theirs is a hell of a lot bigger I think but have a big one right they have little and big dog areas 10 Falls one's actually pretty nice oh that's over by the football yeah how big is it it's like maybe like 50 by 50 but they divide it in half and so you get the big they got some obstacles It's All Turf they've got the bags to clean it up they've got the it's it's really pretty sweet it's a overhang so you don't have to sit in the sun I think there might be a water fountain that you can kind of feed your dog or you know water your dogs howy wouldn't do Turf I know I remember talking to Ross about that it's pretty nice I mean you know for a talk Park it's well done I think we need to look at how close it is but it sounds like this is it we're down to one location well I mean or my suggestion is you go out you take a look go see what uh is it flagged or anything it was a year ago well not a year ago cuz we did the the shovel in the ground was April and didn't go out there till the fall they took some time to get out there to put things together it's been at least the fall uh that they were out there so the stuff might still be out there I'm going to go walk around I'm going there tomorrow anyway I mean we could even have uh litra meet us out there again and he can let's do it bring um whoever it was that was from that department I have no idea Adam I have no idea who it was mayor we should go on close uh motion to go and close session so moved second second all in favor I I any opposed just want to remind everybody out here that all of our Township Council meetings will be audio videotape they'll be showing on oceans Community cable channel channel 22 and Verizon FiOS channel 77 on cable vision so girls get ready you're going to be on TV tonight all right can I have a roll call please mayor napan here Deputy Mayor Fisher here council members a chera yes Kaplan here Terry here please stand as we do a pledge of allegiance and remain standing as we say a silent as we do a silent prayer I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing you may be seated the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall filed in the office Office of the municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 there are two emergency exits to my right that will take you to the front of the building there's one to my left that'll take you to the rear please make sure that all cell phones are turned off if you need to make a call kindly step outside so before we get into our Council comments I'm going to come down or we're all going to come down off the de and we are going to honor some really special girls tonight so come on guys this uh position that we all have is a true labor of love we do get um a lot of complaints a lot of issues but tonight when we get to honor kids that's really what this is all about and I am so happy that Deputy Mayor David fiser was able to put this together this evening for us he got the girls out here and their parents and this is really exciting so girls tonight we have our mid mommoth travel basketball team here the girls and we are really excited to get up here and honor you guys as we celebrate you this evening uh it's a group of girls from ocean that wanted to play basketball together that's awesome it was a boys and girls group this is the third grade girls a grade I used to teach in Asbury Park so I know this grade level pretty well their energy and persistence really showed throughout the year and it's really exciting when we we get to honor and see that red and white out there so girls on behalf of the mayor and Council myself this Council Deputy Mayor we're really pleased to get up here and honor you guys so we have some certificates that we're going to call out your names and then what we'll do is I'd like to have the coaches come up as well say a few words so we're going to start off by calling up Lucy Belmar come on up Lucy [Applause] stay up here Lucy you're not going anywhere and you're going to be right on camera no come on in the front let's go in the front let the tall ones in the back Gabby [Applause] Bennett and Stella Bennett you're staying up too don't go anywhere Isabelle [Applause] Ganley Natalie [Laughter] heer mave [Applause] Ley gu Caroline [Applause] McQuade Eliza [Applause] Robinson Julia run that's side all right let's call up coach Shan heer let's go coach coach Paul Robinson coach here okay he's at the Little League field well here he goes and we have truste Dave bbom is Dave here not here so coach come on over here let let me uh let's get you behind the girls so everybody can see them because nobody really wants to see us right so coach uh you had one heck of a season here yes we had an awesome season what made the season special is that these young ladies were the first ever girls basketball team in third grade in mid Mammoth mid Mammoth has been around since 1988 so I think it was long overdue and with their energy and and prodding we ended up with a team and we ended up with nine teams in our league wow nine teams in the league right now and is it still growing it'll definitely grow I'm hearing I wish Dave was here I know he's excited about the opportunity but he's saying he anticipates the third grade girls doubling in size next year so how many do we have right now is this the whole team right now yes this is our whole team nine girls okay and how many does he he thinks he'll get 18 next year well as far as 18 teams in the league 18 teams in the league okay that's pretty big yes yes it's good it's great for the girls what we're also seeing here in Ocean we have our second grade girls are already practicing our first grade girls have already started practicing because they've been inspired by these young ladies since they've seen them out on the court playing travel basketball against other towns so we have a pretty good feeder program going right into you we're trying we're trying everybody out there that hears this this is it this is the future right here these are the girls that we're going to look forward to seeing at Ocean Township High School in the future right coach absolutely let me tell you girls something there is nothing better than having a phenomenal coach like you have the things that they put together and the time that they SP defend coaching you and teaching you is really that important so I mean I really want to give the coaches a big round of applause let's give them a big [Applause] round again it's it's all about volunteerism right coach 110% how much did you get paid for this job a lot a lot of love from the girls there you go and that's what it's all about so girls on behalf of us up here the mayor and Council we are so pleased pleased to be able to give you guys certificates and congratulate you and hope you continue on with your basketball careers thank you very much let's stay up here and take some pictures now because right up there is the camera and you guys are on TV no rush we're us up for a half hour right here girls thank you coaches con appreciate see you next not the first so we're going to honor them all girls congrats thank congrats girls girls back [Laughter] hey the [Applause] connection all right thanks it's a weird time I'll call you back oh nice oh cool oh yeah he got let the girls exit and then we're going to get into our um Municipal budget thank you again girls and [Applause] parents next up we have our Municipal budget um we are going to authorize our 2024 Municipal budget to be read by title we have our public hearing and uh the adoption will be at the next meeting right tonight so we're going to do it all uh ick yes uh you want to are you presenting anything this evening uh I can just a few words yes sure uh this year's budget we're under self-examination so uh the state does not review our budget so we just have a resolution on here as well to uh certify that we've reviewed it and we've complied with all the laws uh the average home this year is going up $21 approximately for the municipal budget Levy Which is less than 1% okay awesome um anybody up here I mean before you Ricky I mean we're going to you know anybody has a question or two uh we just got our audit report from Supple Clooney which I can't thank them enough they've been doing this for years and you see this is a 62 page booklet here of everything that goes on in the municipality the most important page is page 62 where you get your recommendations and right now once again Ocean Township has zero so we are a very sound municip IP ality financially stable and extremely well-run thank you Ricky we appreciate your time does anybody up here have any questions as it relates to the budget okay thank you Ricky we are going to have public questions and resolutions on vouchers only all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine by the township Council will be in you need to open the public oh I'm sorry I'm sorry my my apologies I thought you were doing it under res my bad uh do I have someone authorize the 20124 municipal budget to be read by title to be read by title someone please offer offer open second second roll call aera yes cap fiser yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes a motion to open motion to open public hearing on the 2024 Municipal budget can I have someone please offer I'll offer second I'll second roll call berera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes anyone wishing to have any questions comments concerns about the budget you may step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here none do I have a motion to close public comment on public hearing on the municipal budget I'll make motion to close second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes motion to adopt the 2024 Municipal budget someone please offer I will offer second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes there you go Ricky thank you man good budget again appreciate it appreciate it thank you so we have questions on resolutions and vouchers but before we do that let's go around the horn real quick for Council comments we forgot to do that before the municipal budget so let's start down at the end with Deputy Mayor Fischer all right so as I spoke about at our last meeting we were talking about the mayor's Wellness Council so I do want to let you guys know that we are actively working on all these wonderful things we're going to be uh getting some speakers together some events so we have a big meeting on Tuesday so I'm not going to spoil anything so I just want to let you guys know this is this is coming I do also want to let the town know that on Sunday uh May 19th we have a 5K race through POA Park and it's also our greenfest so um you've got approximately two weeks so Rob you got to get your training in right now you get your steps I'm expecting a sub seven minute mile from uh councilman AER over there we'll see what he's got but um that's all I've got thanks mayor thank you councilwoman Terry uh just sharing um little snippet from the O friends of Ocean Township Library newsletter that came out in May they will be closed the township of ocean library is going to be closed on May 27th in observation of Memorial Day and for the children that I thought were going to be here when I said this uh they're running an I Spy contest and what they're looking for people to do is report discoveries of those free little libraries that are throughout town and Reporting them to the Friends of Ocean Township Library they're kind of running a little contest so if anybody's interested in participating on that their G address to send your pictures and where you spied the little Free Library can be sent to friends of oceanwp libr and in in the subject matter make sure you say I spy and that's it for me thank you councilwoman councilwoman Kaplan uh just reminding everybody that as the weather gets nicer we should all go outside and enjoy the warm weather but also reminder to everybody that when you're riding your bikes please wear your helmets I've been around town and I've seen a few kids without them and I just hope everyone stays safe thanks thank you councilman chair and adults uh thank you Mr Mayor um reporting on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce the greater Ocean Township Chamber of Commerce is teaming up with the eent toown industrial park association with our consumer and Biz Expo one of the largest in Mammoth County that is taking place Tuesday June the 11th from 5: to 7:30 p.m. it's over at the Jumping Brook if you're interested uh in being a a exhibitor you can go on the website sign up it usually sells out and the crowd that usually goes in there is as I said one of the best in the county so uh get there early get there often uh it's free for people to attend exhibitors uh are asked to pay uh thank you Mr Mayor thank you uh Dave thank you mayor good evening everyone this is public service week so I just want to give a shout out and tribute in my hats off to all of the Township of ocean employees for the hard work that they do day in and day out and just want to salute them thank you thank you Dave Matt nothing one from me Mr Mayor NADA uh so uh Deputy Mayor fiser mentioned about the mayor's wellness program mayor's Wellness committee that we've created I just wanted to take a minute to thank our Human Services Council which actually was a group similar to what's going to happen here with the mayor's Wellness committee we've have a few of the members from that original committee and we are going to focus on obviously wellness and that includes drug and alcohol abuse suicide awareness and things of that nature so we're going to look at a um to me an entire uh group of things that we can do together as a committee and open it up to the entire town and it's something that happens throughout the state of New Jersey it's an extremely well-run organiz ganization uh throughout the state and we're looking to mirror that uh as Deputy Mayor fiser mentioned and we're going to have our first actually our second meeting we had a planning meeting and now we'll have our followup and then we'll continue with whatever we plan in the future so I want to thank that Human Services Council I had a great conversation with Marie Curtis I've asked her to join that as well she ran the Human Services Council for many many years and she did a fantastic job and I do welcome her knowledge base and expertise as it comes to the drug and alcohol piece so Marie again thank you for your service and I want to close it out with what I have to say is happy birthday to Dave Brown yesterday was his birthday so I think Dave might be a little bit ahead of me right so Dave happy birthday thank you man okay thank you sir about that all right now on to public questions and on resolutions and vouchers all matters listed under sent agener are considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussion on these items if discussion is desired on any item that item will be considered separately the purpose of the public portion is to solely ask questions to understand resolutions that appear on the agenda and is not an occasion for a public hearing on an ordinance all questions not related on this agenda should be asked during the public comments portion at the conclusion of the meeting so do I have any questions as it relates to the agenda items resolutions only not [Applause] ordinances seeing here none do I have a motion to close the public Port uh public question on resolutions I'll make a motion second second roll call Aer okay sure we ever do that we've never done that before we just vote on no one had questions oh yeah that's right I'm sorry uh consent agenda do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'll make a motion to approve okay second second roll callera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes individual action vouchers in the amount of 17 m82462 yes individual action on resolutions 24-12 resolution issuing a class one cultivator cannabis business license can I have someone offer the name I'd like to uh move to offer resolution 24-12 a issuing ganja mja a class one cannabis cultivator license and letter B I'd like to offer ocean cultivating Mr Mayor I think you want to approve one at a time oh you want to do one at a time let's do one at a time someone please offer second second roll call aera no Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes appan yes uh 24-12 letter B individual action issuing a class one cultivator cannabis license someone please offer another name I'd like to move to offer resolution 24-12 B ocean cultivation uh a class one cannabis license someone second second roll call theera now Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes Nanny yes resolution 24-13 which is a resolution issuing a Class 2 manufacturer cannabis license someone please offer I'd like to offer resolution 24- 103A issuing BG NG Partners a Class 2 Manufacturing license second second roll call aera no Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes resolution 24-13 letter B someone please offer I'd like to offer to uh approve resolution 24-13 B issuing a Class 2 cannabis license to ganja mja second second roll call aera no fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yes Nan any yes resolution 24-104 resolution issuing a class five retail or cannabis business license someone please offer I'd like to move to offer resolution 24-104 issuing next chapter Market at class five cannabis license second second roll call aera no fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean uh before I make my vote I just want to make it very clear that I am a proponent of these licenses is because they do bring in a significant amount of tax dollars to this municipality that we can utilize similar to The Way Neptune did and reported for their 2023 income to their municipality however my vote is going to be to abstain on this one on got resolution passes ordinances ordinance number 2458 an ordinance establishing a cap bank for the year 2024 in accordance with njsa 4A coling 4- 4514 someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2458 I move to open public discussion on ordinance 2458 second I'll second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes appan yes uh anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2458 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record cor that's cap Bank we're discussing ordinances right now can I discuss what happened on the this is not you had a chance at the end of at the end of the meeting okay seeing here none do I have a motion to close public hearing on ordinance 2458 I move to close public discussion on ordinance 2458 second I'll second aera yes fiser yes Kaplan yes Terry yes yes action on ordinance 2458 I move to approve ordinance 2458 and publish according to law second I will second aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes neany yes ordinance 2458 passes ordinance 2459 and ordinance amend ending chapter 5 of the revised General ordinances of the T of oan 1965 entitled licenses someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2459 I move to open public discussion on ordinance 2459 second I will second roll call a chera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes Nanny yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2459 please step up to the microphone state your name and address see seeing here n do I have a motion to close public hearing on ordinance 2459 I'll move to close public hearing on ordinance 2459 second I will second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes neany yes uh action on ordinance 2459 I move to approve ordinance 2459 and publish according to law second I will second roll call Aer yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes s lutan yes ordinance 2459 passes ordinance 2460 an ordinance amending chapter 16 of the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 entitled parks and playgrounds subsection 16- 5.5.1 fees associated with indoor golf facilities someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2460 I move to open public discussion on in ordinance 2460 second I'll second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes ordinance 2460 passes ordinance 2461 which is an ordinance amending chapter 5 of the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 entitled licenses section 5-1 17.1 vendor and activity fees for Township sponsored events someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2461 I moveed to open public discussion on ordinance 2461 second second roll call a chera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2461 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here none do I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2461 close the public hearing I mean close the public hearing I'm sorry CL I make a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 2461 second I will second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes action on ordinance 2461 I move to approve ordinance 2461 and published according to law second second aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes ordinance 2461 passes ordinance 2462 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 12 of the revised General ordinances of the Town chip of oan 1965 entitled traffic section 12-7 a electric bicycles and scooters someone please open public hearing on ordinance 2462 I'll open public hearing on ordinance 2462 second I will second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes Nanny yes uh Lindsay seagull 185 wh Pond bro uh I just would step up today to encourage you guys to reconsider this briefly and and consider a different way to go on this I ride my bike regularly through the park on my way to work about 100 tons a year um the roads around that area particularly deal much more than whale Pond but definitely deal are pretty dangerous for our cyclist uh there's especially on the westbound side there's often debris on the side of the road both in terms of leaves and brush and not in delivery vehicles uh makes it very difficult to pass on my way here this evening I passed as I was coming in there was a site list on the opposite side of the road the car coming behind them swerved a good three feet into the eastbound Lane in order to get past them which they should you know obviously I want them to swerve around the cyclist um the town has a plan for pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure and it know how inadequate a lot of what we have is I would strongly urge you to consider upgrading the infrastructure before pushing people out of the park it's just it it's a much safer ride and and you go through the mic's not working there it is now sure you want to repeat all that no yeah sure I go I I got it all written here so I'll just leave it for you guys um no but going through the park is easily the safest way to get from anywhere on this side of the park to the West Side I ride up to the stores up there both I also ride over to West Park a but that's through the neighborhoods it's a little more convenient um on my way to work I Logan Road the pass through that was created that goes by the library that allows me to not have to go on Deal Road at all is actually excellent as far as I'm concerned that has made it a much safer ride I just go up to the light and then I go down Logan Road even Logan Road with its bike lane there's not infrequently garbage cans or something in the way and I I have a mirror so I know what's coming behind me but there's a lot of you you're you're always paying a lot of attention and I know a lot of people that doesn't that's not going to help you if a car wants to to be in the same spot you are in so I would really urge you to reconsider that and I would ask you put speeds on in the park you know if just just post something get the uh officers a bicycle themselves and let them Patrol the park a little bit that way I think they would enjoy it as well I would urge you to get a bike and try it out as well it's it's both fun and uh some good exercise can I yeah so just so you're clear this is ebikes we're not talking okay so you're riding an EB I just want to be clear okay that's fine cuz I agree with everything you said because I'm a cyclist and i' I agree with everything you're saying on deal and whale Pond um I okay make Road are are rough and and like I said I'm using it as a Commuter or I don't really ride my bike for fun necessarily I ride it to go places I ride it to the store to pick stuff up I R it to Wegman but I have to go down Logan to a lair to cross 35 because attempting to cross 35 a deal is a dice of your proposition smart how do you do that that's good so you know and that's the way I go to work I work on Lawrence AV so so it's a couple of miles it's much better for me to take the bike than the car when I can it's convenient it's nice it's a nice nice way to spend your morning rather than in the car the reason for the ordinance obviously is for safety concerns that we've had you know for quite some time there's been a couple of fatalities with the ebikes and obviously you're doing everything right right but we do have a lot of people that don't that's the unfortunate thing I understand that um but but stopping preventing me from going through the park puts me on the road and I mean you know I understand I would imagine there are people walking in the park who a kid blows by them and it's you know a rather unpleasant experience that's does not compare to what might happen to the same kid who's on the road with cars uh and there are other people who I don't know particularly around here but I know a lot of people in the disabled Community use motorized vehicles and that's a way for them to enjoy the park so at the very least I would cons you know you should consider vehicles that are used as an assist for people who need them any anybody who is using it as an ADA uh that ADA supersedes our okay yeah I don't even know I I'm not sure this is an ADA thing I've seen people like who have quad cycles that they ride no if people have use it they they they do with the Ada finds uh you know Mobility assistance but that's going to supersede just something I I wanted to mention because like I said pushing people out of the park is is probably not the best safety measure that's all I want to let you guys know I have the comments written down I said deal road is not good um 35 I'm only on it for a brief stretch in the morning because of the giant shoulder it's actually not terrible so if there were more space for people if there were marked lanes and I and I don't mean just painted Lanes Logan Road at least there there's signs that acknowledge it and I know things were placed on Mammoth Road was painted but a separated Lane would make you would see much greater use than you're already seeing and you're already seeing a lot more use of bicycles and ebikes around here than you were even five or 10 years ago thank you for your comments all right anyone else wishing to be heard on ordinance 2462 seeing here n do I have a motion to close public hearing on ordinance 2462 I'll make a motion to close public hearing on ordinance 2462 second I'll second roll call aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yes appan yes action on ordinance 2462 actually Mr Mayor if I can make a motion to table this for further consideration sir second second roll call Aer yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes neany yes obviously your comments were very compelling thank thank you uh we will review that ordinance again uh we will probably have it up on the agenda either the next meeting or the meeting after that but we will have to take some sort of action if you have any suggestions you want to email them over to our Township manager um we'd be more than happy to listen to your concerns absolutely thank you thank you uh ordinance 2463 can someone ple uh an ordinance amending chapter 7even of the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 entitled Property Maintenance and Housing section 7-5 vacant and abandoned properties someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2463 I move to open public discussion on ordinance 2463 second I'll second roll call aera yes Fisher yes C yes Terry yes nean yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2463 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here none do I have a motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2463 I make a motion to close public comment on ordinance 2463 second second roll call aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yesy yes action on ordinance 2463 I move to approve ordinance 2463 and publish according to law second I'll second roll call aera yes bisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes naan yes ordinance 2463 passes introductions on ordinance number 2464 which is an ordinance amending ordinance 2338 entitled an ordinance fixing salaries and compensation on certain offices positions and employees in the township of ocean can someone please introduce ordinance 2464 I move to introduce ordinance 2464 second second aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes napan yes that will have its public hearing on June 6th not the 13th as we are changing the date of that meeting ordinance 2465 which is an ordinance amending chapter 7 entitled Property Maintenance and Housing section 7-3 housing code and chapter 11b entitled miscellaneous administrative provisions and Personnel policy section 22 b-4 incentives for voucher volunteer first aid Squad and Fire Company members active duty military members and Veterans of the revised General ordinances of the T of otion 1965 can someone please introduce ordinance 2465 I move to introduce ordinance 2465 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes County yes and that too will have its public hearing on June 6th ordinance 2466 which is an ordinance amending chapter 3 entitled General police regulations Section 3-11 gunning shooting Firearms or hunting games and chapter 16 entitled parks and playgrounds section 16-3 Park areas of the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 can someone please introduce ordinance 246 I move to introduce ordinance 2466 second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes n yes that to will have its public hearing on June 6th ordinance 2467 which is an ordinance authorizing the sale of bargain and sale deed to the New Jersey Department of Transportation pursuant to the local lands and buildings law njsa 40a col 12-13 B1 can someone please introduce uce ordinance 2467 I move to introduce ordinance 2467 SEC second call aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes that too will have its public hearing on June 6th 24 ordinance 2468 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter uh chapter 4 of the revised General ordinances of the township otion 1965 entitled Alcoholic Beverage Control subsection 4-3 types of licenses can someone please oh uh please introduce ordinance 2468 I moveed to introduce ordinance 2468 second second roll call aera yes bisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes that too will have its public hearing on June 6th and finally ordinance 2469 which is an ordinance supplementing chapter 21 of the comprehensive Land Development ordinance of the Town TR ocean subsection 21- 55.4 storm water control can someone please introduce ordinance 2469 move to introduce ordinance 2469 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes npan yes that too will have its public hearing on June 6th public comic portion anything Germaine of the Town of Ocean you can step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record [Applause] yeah blue Garner uh 8 Overlook Boulevard or 8 Overlook Homedale 07733 so I'm back how you guys doing I don't think this is a surprise that's why I come today um I just want to we were listening we were listening to the video and when I asked the mayor is are is your business is your your wife in business with best deola you said no not in marijuana in what business is your wife in business with best of she's not in business with her was she planning on getting in business you said that on the what' you say upstairs she to I'm not going to get into this right now it's relevant it is relevant so it can be relevant we're not going to disc I want to accuse officially on video that I believe that Foul Play exists in the council I do think he is the one who put retail on and for some reason he won't vote on this one I think we will do what we need to do legally I do apologize um where there is smoke there is fire guys it's that simple thank you for your time appreciate it all anyone else wishing to be heard anything Germaine I'm not laughing at you I'm sorry I'm laughing at Don Don Stein well I'm probably going to be a two subject Wonder but the first is what's going on with the Chestnut Avenue Footbridge okay is there any money in the 2024 budget to address anything and is there any proposal that we can hear what you want to do is there any rendering that we can look at is anything been happening haven't got anything from gr we haven't gotten anything from our Township engineer we did go out and check the site we surveyed it it's supposed to be in the hopper so we will check with our um engineer next week when he's back as mayor last fall you said it would be ready this spring here's the thing yeah we have to find the money to fix the bridge that's the thing and there's major safety issues with the slippage out there we did go out and assess it I understand it that's why we're bringing it up we didn't forget about it the bridge is still heavily used I want you to understand that and unless you make it like the DMZ or something people are going to use this Footbridge uh can we put that on the agenda for um project uh it might it might be part of the capital plan I just so it behooves everybody to like move this forward because they're using it anyway kids whatever so don um like the manager just said it could be in the capital program right now we will check with the engineer when he's back next week and we'll get back to you I'll give you a call no that's good because it is heavily used it still is cuz I watch it every day the other thing is is deer what's going on with the deer problem we just had a discussion about that tonight in Workshop yes sir so uh Dave will be submitting the plan to the state of New Jersey and the fact that we are looking to do a hybrid we have to get it approved if we're looking at doing some sort of deer management if we did and answered this if we did a straight hunt we would need to get it approved but because we're looking into a hybrid what do you mean by a hybrid Mr Mayor we do need to get it approved even even for straight hunt yes everything has to be it might be an easier yeah lift but you still have to get the state's approval what do you mean by a hybrid hybrid meaning that you're doing some sort of sterilization in conjunction with a hunt and you have the money to do this we could probably find some the manpower to monitor it Don we have to put the plan and get it submitted to the state of New Jersey and once it's approved I know but this has been a long time agreed referendum rob you were the only one that was here then 2004 five years ago five years ago yeah 5 years ago I'm guessing 19 and you remember the state came in afterwards and gave a presentation here you were we the only on they did it before yes and these deers will start starving to death actually that's what they said they're going to run out of food and 101.5 talk radio that was the topic today and they had a good point there aren't that many Hunters anymore there aren't that many young people getting out there and learning to hunt with bows anymore so that creates another problem so you really got to address this quickly well Don if you know if it goes forward and the state approves it it's not like we're going to let kids go out in the park and shoot deer that's no I'm saying there's a professional company that comes in it's called White Buffalo we've had conversations with them all right um they know this space extremely well and believe me Don I'm as frustrated as you I'm sure councilman a chair is the same way as he's been sitting up here just as long so I mean it's it is frustrating I understand and the state moves at a you know pace and our manager is going to have a meeting with Senator goal to discuss this as well okay and one other question is Sunset Avenue in Ocean Township a County Road it's a municipal road cuz the curb along the road is filthy dirty I mean it's just and these landscapers come in they blow everything right out into the middle of Sunset and it happens all throughout the township I see it all the time and they just blow it out and the stuff just goes back to the curve but uh Sunset I don't know if it's ever been swept in a long time so if you could look into that our uh you know our new um Public Works director has actually put the street sweeper out M quite a bit we've gotten some compliments from several people that have seen it yeah so we'll get the word out to him to get on Sunset absolutely out Sunset cuz I've never seen a sweeper there and it's going to be inconvenient for people going down Sunset let's face it that's there's a sweeper in their way but out to Steve for three minutes come on yeah well we'll see thank you thank you Don seeing you Don thank you why you're taking things uh I have three Boy Scouts in the back let's get up here by the microphone come on have to put you boys on the [Applause] spot come on up don't be shy this I'm glad to see you guys here here it's awesome what uh troop you at uh from Troop 71 oh troop 71 okay good deal so you're here for a bit of a project right to uh one of my e Scout requirments was to like come here just observe yeah and see how we actually operate good for you that's awesome and you're going to how long before you become an eil Scout I'm pretty close I'm a life skip right now okay what's your project I haven't really thought about that yet but should definitely be looking at that soon yeah put them on the spot there a little bit right are you also going to be an eagle scout um what's your rank right now uming on CL okay I made it as far as first class unfortunately I didn't go as far as you and I got to tell you you're to be commended for that because becoming an eagle scout is absolutely tremendous and I my hats off to you that you're going to do it and I didn't and I tell you it takes a lot to do what you're doing so congratulations you guys have any questions for us no well thank you for coming out to the meeting your box has been checked there you go good luck guys thank you make sure you uh reach out to us when you get that eagle scout okay thank you anyone else wishing to be heard Senor or none do I have a motion to adjourn so moved second second all in favor any opposed meeting adjourned