just want to remind everybody that all Council meetings will be audio and video taped and shown on the township devotions Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon fos and channel 77 on cable vision can we have a roll call please mayor Ney here Deputy Mayor fiser here council member a Cher here and kapan here the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press in Coaster posted in town hall and fil in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 uh we are going to start off with a presentation from Manis Squan Savings Bank with Jim barcaro the I assume Jimmy's presidency is he here yet I think Jim y he just walked in I walked up you're up let's go Jim I already got you presented man come on let's go boys come on in goodno how are you how you doing brother I'm great how are you thanks for coming in thanks for having us good to see you nice to see you good how are you great than uh hi hi Hi how are you you don't have to stand at the door come on in just you know we're live streaming okay so I asked uh Jim Tom to come in to discuss uh Manasquan Savings Bank what they could potentially offer to the municipality as it relates to our financial services so I'm glad Ricky's here to hear what they have you know the fact that Jimmy lives in town and is is the Jimmy you're CFO or CEO I'm the uh chairman CEO chairman and CEO so it's nice to know that we have the chairman and CEO of the bank living right in town so for a long one um I think that's a major plus to the municipality so uh jimmmy I'm going turn it over to you man thank you appreciate it thank you for your time we will be extraordinarily respectful your time thank I'm Jim mcaro I'm privileg to be chair and CEO and president of Masson Bank um we've been around a little bit of time 150 years so March 1st 1874 used to be manisan Savings of loan now manisan Bank um 15 branches MTH Ocean Middle SE County I've been a a lifelong resident of still live in uh West Allenhurst I've got a 95-year-old dad that lives on grass Avenue in wanasa um so if anybody ever drove down grass Avenue and used to see that big old Garden that was my dad's card come some Gard yeah yeah he's 95 now he's on hospice he's home uh but home which is great um interestingly enough I think we're the the last Mammoth County based Bank uh that's around we and we opened the branch in Ocean Township six years ago which has been extraordinarily successful for us and we're appreciative of all the patronage that we get from the local business communities and and the retail community so we would love to have the opportunity to nothing more be on the list of approved depository institutions so that we can actively and aggressively bid on your your business um you no expectations other than we'd love to to be a part of it we are a u a legacy organization as I mentioned um last week we were voted by force magazine as the number one Bank in the state of New Jersey wow um which is pretty neat right um last year through the 4500 banks in the country we were voted by our own employees as the 19th best bank to work for in the country uh so it's a small small Community Bank not as small as it once was I joined the organization probably 12 years ago we're about we we measure Assets in terms of loans and deposits we were about 750 million at the time we're about $3 billion now so the 4,500 banks in the country actually we're the 411th largest bank in the country at this point in time um and what one of the big perils is here's an organization that's really a community-minded organization that tries to get back to the community uh will you be around in the next five years because of all the merger and acquisition activity goes on in the banking community in 1985 there are 18,000 Banks we down to 4,500 we are not a publicly owned Enterprise which is different than most banks we're actually a mutual Bank which means that we're actually owned our a lot by our depositors much my like a mutual insurance company is owned by its policy holders so we can buy but we're not going to be sold so you know we're entering year 151 I won't be around for the next 100 50 but I think the organization will um and we pride ourselves on really getting very much involved in the community in every aspect and that means volunteerism that means providing financial support to the communities that we operate in it's really part and parcel of a throwback of what a Community Bank is so that's my pitch um ask me any questions you want about anything so Jimmy I uh first of all I'm sorry to hear about D but I'll tell you what 95 that's it you know known of my whole life and contract tomorrow you know know your family extremely well you know my mother went way back with your aunt um and I appreciate you coming in no we thank we're very appreciative of at least the opportunity so Jim what can Manis Squan offer the township of ocean that we might not necessarily have and I know we have you which is awesome have access so so so products and services have become commoditized um what what you need to do is maximize the returns for the township which is really important particularly in this rate environment we have a whole program and I don't know all the specifics about what your needs are but we have a program that will be very very cost competitive two things that will happen one is that from an industry perspective we'll be very competitive and from a fee perspective we'll be even more competitive uh we don't we don't believe in nickel and Dy people to death we appreciate the opportunity to provide banking full service banking services to them in any fashion and what whether that looks like um traditional or something we call RDC where we actually put a scanner in your office so that you can take checks and scan them in automatically without going to the bank um you know immediate availability everything that big guys can do in a much more personalized fashion and that's that's really the the and that's really been The Key to Our Success we've been extraordinarily successful um it's a very safe Bank we get we get a report card every year from the FDIC and typically we come out with flying colors and um so the thing is that you pick up the phone and you get somebody on the other end that can make a decision and that can provide you and look I can promise you one thing we're going to make mistakes right but life's not defined about the mistakes you make it's how you correct them and we'll correct them in a very very exped expedience fashion and make sure that we treat you with the utmost respect I uh just opened my first business account with you guys and I I have to say the reason why you are here is because I was very impressed with the way that that bank operates it is a way more personalized service I like the fact that you know you can clear a check like that which they did for me which I needed done immediately to wire out um and I think that the staff they have over there are just very accommodating um the other question I have is what other municipalities do you currently handle right now right so we have Neptune City uh Allen Hurst uh we handle tuckeron uh we have the maskon Board of Education we have the uh two River Water Reclamation Authority which is the larger size yep and um so you have Municipal obviously we can handle to cover you're familiar with G gutpa yeah which is a governmental uniform protection act and it it requires us to set aside certain collateral for the deposits of mun municipalities so we're we're fully on board with that program with the state of New Jersey and the municipality would be completely protected if God forbid anything ever did have it we also offer an employee banking package for any of the tup employees that would um want to do business with as well okay now what does that entail that's sort of a packaged up you know uh free checking free checks oh uh all all the kinds of things that you get nickel and all the nuisance fees all the fees go at the at the all the imposters in the area we don't provide we we we make sure that we we wave that we again it's it's all about relationships if if you had an opportunity ever to walk in our our ocean T Branch you'd find that it's a it's very accommodating it's much more intimate type atmosphere versus a traditional you know teller counter teller line um I get a I got a call today from somebody said I walked into a number of different banks and everybody as soon as you walk in they put their head down and when you walk in your bank as soon as you walk in every BR their heads up can I help you you're acknowledged and that's really important and and that's throughout the entire organization we have about 255 employees and it's really extraordinarily important because again a CD is a CD is a CD you although we'll be very competitive but the way we deliver that product and services to both our business accounts and our retail accounts I think is so sort of a lost start the the community banking hold the community banking atmosphere has changed dramatically um we're somewhat of a throwback and yet we still have all the bells and whistles and the technology that the big guys have so whether it's online banking or Mobility Bank or or transferring or notifications or E statements or any of that it's all available to to you as well good let me uh any council members have any questions for uh Jim and if not then go to Ricky because obviously he's the money man I I'll yeld to Rick well he answered the good but which is a good thing um shortterm fin financ in bands you stuff like yeah we'll be very aggressive on the band side you know we go up against the major investment Banks like the piper Sandlers in the world under band and um yeah we're we're very aggressive particularly with those organizations that are favored us with their depository relationship so yeah we would absolutely been on B okay uh I believe you're on our cash management plan already okay but if you're not I will get you on there I appreciate that y we appreciate it it's pretty simple I mean you know it's not rocket sry but you need stretch your imagination but it is is a a nice alternative if a if a move were to be made let's say Ricky decides that he wants to make a move how difficult is a move to make we will make it as seamless as possible we have a cash management team located in our headquarters has to move too long you know it's it's an industry of inertia the only time people move is when really when they're displeased with their existing organization because it's a pain we will make it as seamless as possible and we will we will take the burden off of you and put it on our back yeah a couple just as an example and I me I forgot to mention a couple that bank with this which would be Point Pleasant Beach and Point Pleasant burrow but when Point Pleasant Barrow wanted to make a move it needed to be done immediately and we had all of their accounts set up ready for deposits within two days everything mapped over online banking all the ancillary Services were all set up through our cash management department they were with the investors who became citizens and investors was a New Jersey based organization citizens is a uh Connecticut based organization and so some people felt that it was really important to stay keep their money within the state of New Jersey where they collect their taxes and you know we we will all reside so it's important the other thing we we just got to prove um I talked to Tommy arnone and the people at the county we just got approved to also be a depository institution at the county level which we never were they also bank with they they they were with investors they're now with citizens but they're reconsidering that that relationship which is massive Yeah couple million with a couple more zeros 600 of it yeah I know it's a it's a big number so um you know if you ever need a testimonial you can talk to Tommy you can talk to Ross Ross was kind enough to bring over the sbca to us a number of years ago and U he's one of our better commercials can I gu more of a personal thing because you mentioned the small versus the large and when you spoke at the chamber you actually had a phrase and you sort of said it this time but you used it you used something different big enough to matter small enough to care that was thank you and that's the way we operate that's why Jim's where he is it's really I didn't get a chance to write it down but I said I we talk about that all the time uh and access is important if I gave you my business card which I'd be happy to do and you call that number it rings on my desk right people say why'd you answer the phone and my answer is because it rang um and you just don't get that the the other thing is each of our branches and our people are empowered to make good decisions so they don't have to go up the chain the ladder of to get to three or four or five people to make a decision and you know or you call you you know you call the main number and you dial one to get disconnected or two to get disconnected or three get disconnected you get somebody at the other end which is important some you know there's there's only a few things that are important in people's lives right their family their pets their time and their money and we take that responsibility very seriously anyone else Dave Dave Dave e good thank you guys so much thanks for the opp we appreciate the opportunity and you know and if we're we're not favored with the business if there's anything we can do to support some of the efforts of the town you know we're very we support uh the local fire departments we support the local first aid we support American Club we we that's really important for us giving back is important the other thing is if you have any kind of activities and you need volunteers let us know uh we we'll get a team up um we do we do things like shred days where we at our at our branches we'll open the branch in the morning anybody in town free of charge can bring all their shredding we bring a shred truck there and just get rid of all their stuff um and we do that as part of what we consider the incumbency to give back to the community that we serve it's good stuff it's fun yeah it's a blast a lot of work but a lot ofun awesome they serving drinks out there something what you drink I'll find out for you is Dave Brown still here I'm right here oh you're you remember we go back I well I know I saw your dad not that long ago he's doing great y he's like the president rotary now I had the privilege of working with his D for for years at another banking institution after he had retired from the postal US Postal Service MH run of the family thank you Jack all right well thank you thank you like 95 every day to see him thank you so much thank you everybody all right uh some no released uh Greg go ahead we have H various Township projects of okay 22 Road programs complete just got the punch listed actually tried to plant progress we told them they're going to have to come back in the fall because it just isn't going to take now they agreed but they did it anyway just to try to make it look better I already got a call on that that's funny you say that that was on my list yeah they're trying um but we are scheduling the um assessments probably in the next couple weeks the concrete assessments for that the final assessments well maybe a month it's been kind of busy uh 23 Road program we started on chrisy Lane sure you had a couple calls some confusion out there with some some of the residents they understood the project to be when we said we were doing half the road they thought we were only doing the left side of the road instead of the vertical length linear half the road so they two guys calling up saying how come we only doing curb on one side of the road no we're doing curb on both sides of the road we're only doing half the road then it came I guess you know why you only doing half the road because it's so long we're only going to do half of the time we do that all the time with a lot of long roads so that's kind of floating out here from today um he's he's going to continue to move he's going to go next to um the sidewalks on deal and then he's going to the Ry road bike walking path and then he's going to the intersection on bound and deal so that's kind of his hit list and then from there we'll get an updated list where he's going after the next couple weeks uh the 24 program uh we're just waiting for authorization to start that just a resolution um kept well the cdbg cdbg grant applications have been submitted to the county um the pond dredgings there's really no change from my point of view we're waiting on a a location and funding we're going to meetings coming up to try to work all that out no change on 1515 Logan waiting for the be um do Road sidewalks I already mentioned trailer Road rer Road um new DPW facility we're waiting for we got a proposal for somebody to do the survey in the wetlands which I think is the final proposals due next week so that they'll get started on that in a couple weeks probably uh kmer Court Bridge that's on for award tonight once we get that awarded I'll set up the preconstruction meeting while you're on that it relates the we we receive the money I've been told were but I didn't I'm not that's a chapter 159 oh okay so yeah that means it has to be added right chapter 159 it's it's oh it's on in the me okay there you go we can't award the contract unless the money they written down y I was told it was here but I don't go past that word um the next thing is the trails at JPB third phase was has been completed last week so that's uh pretty much done we'll keep an eye on the rest of the trails over the next year or two and then the last thing is the water tower repairs are completed we got a punch list for that came out really nice the guy did us a favor too is a lot of the windows in the building were really decret and you know it kind of like you're making all these improvements to the roofing and stuff but the windows were wide open and falling out of the building so he took ASAC and covered every window in the building for us until we can get the windows replaced I thought you going to say he was replacing that would have been nice I thought no he did he did give them a price a very low price to replace all the windows and that's you know that's what the next phase will probably be is let the vet that through with a couple contractors but he's he lives in town so he's willing to help out yeah so but he did a nice job on the RO and that's all all I have thank you Greg uh Township matters I just have one question John yep so with these D when you're waiting on the de is there any way to push that along you or at least find a status out well they the the one we have which is the street encroaching perr 1550 and we've been in conversation with them because they have a time limit on that so we've been going back and forth with information over the last two weeks they want to tweak this they agree with that they want to tweak this so that's coming to an end probably pretty quickly yeah that's the one I think I've heard the most most about yeah you know people are like what's the story here what are we doing with this it's DP DP DP so well the problem we have is and this is a seminar that I had to take today for the St storm water management the state of New Jersey has taken upon themselves growing uh an executive order from the governor is now we have to design things for 30% higher than the current numbers for today and then we also have to look at 50% increase for 2050 through 2099 just to see what the impacts are going to be so that's what's happened to 1515 they're making us go through all these iterations of things that we're not even going to be here if that ever happens in 2050 but um that's really what they're making us jump through those extra hoops right now yeah hey before we go to you I forgot to go around the horn but um real um real quick Cindy Lane you want to just go over the arh um discussion you know that we met and waiting for the proposal for them so that we can get yeah we mentioned they're giving us a a wetlands and outbound survey proposal I think they give us a direct copy the final's going to come in Tom Friday yeah tomorrow and we'll probably try to get that authorized at the next council meeting to get them off and running so that's the proposal so that they can figure out how much property on City Lane we can actually utilize over there um the main thing is it's it's going to tell us once we get that delineation done then we can dig the hole to find out if it's a landfill or illegal fill illegal dump which is what we've been waiting for but we have to do the delineation first that they kind of resend it and said as long as you got to delate the rest of it you may to do it all now so we're kind of just start with a portion and continue on and let them start digging in that one corner but they want it all done okay uh Rob um got a request if uh you can look into it possibly putting a crosswalk on Logan at the Elon school I don't know how you do it because I mean you could do it obviously have one at the intersection is there one yeah okay I didn't ride by I just text I wouldn't want to put one any it's kind of what I was thinking I looked at the map and I'm like I didn't see it on there but I'm not saying it's not okay yeah were doing all dos looking at that one in cold Indian too so that would be too fairly close to each other if they end up putting a traffic light over we actually asked them for a crosswalk there they said we can't put a crosswalk they're looking to for a traffic signal right right I'm sorry that would be another crosswalk within probably what do a b say about a th000 ft of each other if they put that crosswalking and came down the north side talking about no I think you're talking about something Logan Elon oh okay Logan neon um I think we had one there I'm pretty sure we have one at one end of it we don't have one at the other end but there again I don't really want to put too many that I agree there's yeah I think there's one at the I'll call it the Northern end of the school property at that intersection I think there is a crosswalk there yeah okay I didn't bother they just want when it both ends because for people to come from the South but they they got to walk up to the other section that's fine if it's there that's great thank you anything else yeah wow keep it quiet today so oh it's a county request the light at West Park and whale Pond has been driving me nuts since I was a kid there is no it's not a smart light I don't believe there's any technology on this light it needs a left Arrow right arrow but the fact that it has zero technology is pathetic especially when it's empty one way no traffic on driving me nuts since I was driving is there any way to reach out to the county and see if they can do something um I'm sure we can get them to put a signal in to censor the traffic at a minimum that that would be better but the suicide is trying to come down whale Pond to make a left on the West Park and it's like you're taking your life in your hands Y and vice versa yes believe me I know I had a son that almost got killed right right to put a left turn single there would be the only thing we could do is put it One Direction because it would hold traffic up if you want a left turn and you have to put a left turn straight cuz you put two left turns and you got two people going straight in top the line I'm looking for anything yeah I mean at a minimum just a smart light the fact that you're sitting there waiting for a light to nowhere it's just makes me it's mading and you know five years ago we had the plan approved for that intersection to put left hand turns Lanes at each cross the county approved that that was phase three or four of the West Park Avenue Improvement what the hell when you're on the phone you might as well ask them what the status is it's only been four years it's only been four years yeah I do have another request too um I know that these things are expensive those flashing lights but I believe right by Stevens Road deal Road here right by Hollywood golf course that intersection has been is used that um crosswalk is used fairly frequently I no one stopped this weekend I mean I watched countless people looking across that street and it is people are flying down this road there's a cross there but no flash there's a cross Rock I think it needs a flasher and maybe some enforcement too that is like that's another dangerous spot yeah and there's a fair Fairly large volume of people crossing that road especially on the weekends so that one might need a little you know if we have a little extra money in the till that might be a good one to yeah you know I know one thing a lot of people I'm finding are doing is as suppos they trying to get out on Avenue out to the circle so backed up they're actually coming up um wco and they going to left on Sunset mhm and trying to get out that way so it's back in that all that pot traffic is now flying past that that point that reason it's wild yeah okay we I'll look in that and we could use a few overpasses if you find some couple of bridges couple Bridges okay great thank you okay thanks right have a good evening uh two quick things one is the just reminder we got the public hearing coming up one Community Development block rant which is for our cwell Park handicap access improvements so that'll be right before the next meeting so everybody's good with that before tonight's meeting tonight's meeting yeah y okay that was easy next up is uh I want to bring us back to and especially on behalf of the the chief and all the complaints coming in we got to talk about this uh ebike ordinance I wanted to send you an email today I just wanted to send you an email said should we get representation from the police department so what's the no the police department sent an email to all of us saying they into it they want the ordinance that was drafted to be is it already introduced yes yeah it's already introduced but we need to adopt it at the next meeting which will be in August is there some sort of compromise where we can restrict the ebikes in the park to like one path that would allow it to allow them to get from one side to the other that seemed to be that gentleman's concern how about speed and speeded we should probably work on the speed speed's probably more restricted to me because I get it you know what it's funny I drove by the park and I saw an elderly gentleman half riding half electric biking and I guess that's really what it's intended for method of transportation yeah I mean to me that seems like a a good use of the park and everything you see 19 mil an hour but the speed thing you just don't want these H ask the can we ask the cheap or or traffic what they think would be a reasonable speed limit for these things we 19 is 20 for the bicycle and 19 for the scooter 20 for the bicycle by the way it's really fast it's very fast I was going to say 20 is pretty I mean you're cooking at 20 mph that means you're like on one of those road bikes and you are should we lower to 15 I I think it's fast no in the park lower to 15 in the park I mean is this all just the Park yeah it's for uh well I also though speaking of just the park I liked what the what is this West Long Branch they had about about enforcement they had like a whole section about you know how to safely ride and then they can enforce it you know against miners even um you know they could find adults and any minor should be reprimanded and then they can't use it for 7 to 60 days I don't know I feel like that's I agree with you I I read the ordinance and I thought it needed a little teeth um I thought West LA Branch had a pretty comprehensive rule uh ordinance just to I don't know when I look at this the the the 15 mph and 20 M hour those are just State definitions of those things what the ebikes are yeah so that's not a speed limit of anything I didn't know whether or not you're discussing oh we should lower the speed limit that's not a limit that's not a hey we're going to sit there with the radar and catch them going 202 miles some kind of enforcement of this whole thing it's just but we definitely need something yes so absolutely to to throw it out there can we we could start at either end we could start at ban it and see what happens I don't want to b e bikes in in the park in the Park which is what the chief asked for ask for a total Dan in the park yes so we could do that for a total Dan well that that's one option I mean lower the speed limit like you said 20 that's fast well that's what I mean there is no speed limit create a speed limit I guess there is no right there is none could go I mean it's not it just means that if you have a electric bike that goes faster than 19 19 or 20 20 miles an hour that's just that's considered a moped I mean that it's not like right that kind of thing so uh so one option is to ban it the other option and then see what people say and chief wants it completely banned he did yeah that last com because I after we pulled it I did have the conversation with him and said what would you change nothing and this is and and again I think I may have had this conversation in the last Workshop meeting he convinced me by saying look the park is for recreation yes right that was the word he used not Transportation like and that convinced me he he sold me on that but the flip side of that is we do what West Long Branch did see if that works and then if it doesn't ban it I mean we can start soft and go hard or we can start hard and go soft you know this thing drives me crazy because I do believe that this is now given people who wouldn't normally ride a bike the ability to get out and get some exercise oh yeah yeah and so I understand where somebody who's a little bit on the older side might grab one of these combination bikes but I don't need a kid ripping through the park at 25 mil hour so I and the guy that I saw on the way to work the other day was fit the category I'm talking about he looked like he was just having a beautiful day and you know he was half pedaling and half doing his thing and got him out of the house I don't know if I want to go for a full ban I just think I think we need maybe some enforcement clearly the kids drive me crazy you got to wear the helmets you got to you know fight obey the rules uh we probably need a little safety campaign too and let people know what the heck's going on around here and enforcement on the kids in the street so not just the park somebody's going to get Crush sidewalk yeah sidewalks turning like a car right side of the road on the wrong side of the road correct side so Matt you don't think you could do a speed limit in the park I understand the I'm just saying put a sign up 15 M hour max I guess you could I know I'm trying to figure out yeah um you guys answer question then it BEC a matter of enforcement enforcement right I can't hand for for for electric or just riding a bike good point electric bike so just for the record not to be a pain in the ass so so the guy on his uh regular bike right the breaking away guy who's going 20 M hour with the there's a guy that does that I'm sure there is I don't know I mean just I'm looking for advice well in Rob's statement it's either go soft and eventually go hard or go hard and go so I you know whatever the council decides at this point I mean I'm not one for a total ban but you know I'm I guess we could always tweak it right yeah you know if this turns out to be a lead balloon we could tweak it do you think maybe there's an hours that uh they would be using that would be helpful you know like like the does you can write it before Oh that's too early early before 10 why to you can't ride it before 10 no you can ride when it's more crowd I guess because people walk at early hours I don't know how but on the boardwalk people are walking people gets more populated after 10 I guess they don't want people yeah they don't want people after 10 onard cuz that's when the beach is open but our park opens it dust don't that's what I I'm going to go out on the limb and say go close ban it and see that that'd be my vote now and if it if we need to go softer then we go softer after see I think the Park's for everybody's use and it I don't want to ban anything I think people the whole reason to have a park in the first place is to get people out recreating so let's all recreate in some manner that we can all get along is there you want to ban it during the day and maybe have it up till 10:00 in the morning and then you know it can be after 4: I you know I'm just saying you do a a ban in the in the dead middle of the day I don't think the paths are wide enough sometimes you go to these places you have walking Lane and you have the bike lane there right you know if you go out on the trails it's just general courtesy on your left you know that type of thing yeah um I don't want to ban it I mean that's just my opinion but I am up for some enforcement here we've got to do something and I'll just throw this out I mean we had hard we have a hard enough time enforcing whatever traffic regulations are out there today let alone on the streets let alone trying to enforce the park so I I I don't want to put words in the chief's mouth but I got to imagine he's going to say where am I going to get the people to do now he'll do he'll figure it out get it but I got to imagine he's going to say I don't have the Personnel to sit in the park I don't think the likelihood of a problem in the park is the real issue the problem is the streets nobody's wiping out for the most got hit I almost got hit in the Park oh my God that's what that's why I did you have your reflective vest on and I was on wasn't paying attention she walk right into what's your thought I'm trying to figure out some compromise in the middle like when that gentleman spoke at the last meeting he was trying to get to work right where and he couldn't get there unless he went through the park like I'm trying to figure out if we just said you can use your ebike on this part and yeah the outskirts or whatever it is then then maybe that's a compromise but there are a lot of kids riding the ebikes in the park and the scooter it's become the trend there's you don't even see kids riding bikes anymore yeah and they go really fast especially now that it's all been paved right a giant like a RAC track yeah it is I couldn't think well the outer edge isn't a bad idea either that's not a bad compromise instead of being zipping in so going in going in on whale pond at um like Ste velos cuz then they go all along the sidewalk that way and sidewalk on the outside on the outside of the park oh don't want them on sidewalk oh he doesn't that's right we don't want him on the sidewalk there has to be a a way we can allow people to get through the park without using it but they are going fast I think it speed's the issue to be honest with you so cut the speed down maybe cut the speed down to some really you know no electric uh scooter or bike over a certain mile hour I don't know how they I don't know how they would enforce it because I mean you can't I don't think you can use a radar gun on these things you know I just saw so by the way standing there to do and I'm in agreement with you Dave I mean I think that you definitely you know put the I'm not for a total ban um so by the way Neptune Township just got a bunch of electric bikes to drive around for enforcement for the police for the police department so just saw that so they got six or eight officers who are now riding electric bikes that one M yeah we used to have bike Patrol I know so they could get on a regular bike and Patrol yeah reges he's the last one yeah but you know I saw that I don't know if they got grant money or whatever but they got eight I don't know six or eight bikes yeah I did it back in the day in Rosel we we had a whole maybe four or five riding bicycle bicycles were popular back then and that's good they can get maybe we consider that for enforcement and these things are all decked out they got lights on them and everything they're pretty sweet well here's the problem we got issues right now all the great ideas of having another Lane and having more that that's all 2025 budget talk but we need to deal with now so maybe you ban it for now 100% And then let's work on some ideas to work everybody back into the scene for 2025 worst me I'm on that I'm in that camp I mean I'm for the I'm all the way for the van but I hear we don't have the votes for a van so I'm trying to make something right now Summer's running out this we're talking next meeting this is going it's already going to be August something when this passes so the summer clock is gone you know the bikes going to be over by the time we get this in place why does the park have to be a danger point it's there for recreation not for getting run over and killed you ever been out to California you know they have this great bike SL running path all from you know in LA county there and there have been so many stories where the kid walks out in front of the you know adamant biker and he Nails the kid it happens you could just sit at any one of those restaurants and what that watch that happen it's just it's not right unfortunately but it happens all the time out there there I don't know we could actually talk but we don't not really during we open it up to the public um at the end sure I was school district by the way I didn't hear you the school district B's done I'm d t tonight okay so what do we want to do get to for the ban or no ban bam right now it's split I mean not split it's call Kelly yes please B with the caveat that we readdress it in 25 said where you at May Dave you good with that if we re yeah but we have to revisit no doubt no doubt that's the CH I mean I the last time I talked to to the chief I said what suggestions do you have and again I don't want to put total words in this mouth but ha to start another committee but we could put to move the needle yeah so why don't you call so here's what I'm I'm willing to compromise why don't we call a temporary ban yeah yeah and then let's bring uh traffic in here or the chief and let's let's hash this out in in an amicable way so I think we need to do it outside here we need time yeah I agree so we'll I'll talk to the chief tomorrow we'll put a like kind of task force together how go to the meeting and it's more in the park too thank you yeah I think that's more important at the streets I want to give the chief and his you know his officers the ability to Temporary man Dave you go on it and uh with them because this is a you I know you you brought this up so I think you can sure probably effectively get the message out okay so we'll have the public hearing for this at the next meeting yes police Le on I am the police Lea on thank you there he is all right and then who else may uh it became a thing a while ago yeah I mean if there's uh robero whoever wants to go I don't I'm good if you need me whatever I'll go no I know you yeah it doesn't matter I mean I'll sit back I don't need to be on it so who's on the committee D Rob on the committee you know Rob ain't gonna miss anything well no I like this one this one's okay uh that's it on there let's go Around the Horn uh Dave you got anything else temporary do so okay so we'll Market it that way you have anything else I'm sorry no I'm clear till we get to uh close s okay uh Rob I'm going to pass okay oh boy wow ho I'm hungry um do me a favor Dave can you write this down actually happen we had one question for Greg and we had passing right now this is like I mean but I reserve I reserve the right to come back or get to go ahead I'm good Dave okay so I do have a couple things so today was um I spoke today at the senior uh lunch on uh back safety and um Chiropractic and we had a wonderful response we had a lot of people show up cool it was a very very nice event so the mayor's Wellness committee is on to some great things two events already which two events and uh I do want to thank Kenny picket uh of the Philadelphia Eagles for giving his time the other day uh the punt pass and picket competition was amazing probably about 75 kids out there Kenny is a really gracious guy and he he spent time signing things and and he couldn't have been any any nicer so I really appreciate him coming I think he signed for he signed for every kid first it was just those eight footballs and my son came home I got can you pick he signed everything he was just fantastic yeah he was great it's you know it's just such a good thing to have you know this guy you know he's got all he's a busy guy and to give back to the township we met the new football coach the volunteers were unbelievable it was and the football coach I'll tell you what a gentleman yeah Chad I mean he is just such a gentleman so uh he's a good guy listen I'd love to tell you we could do this every year but it was very successful so listen Kenny if you're listening we want to do it next year um I do also want to announce that uh getting back to his mayor mayor's Wellness uh Mike Duffy from Mike Duffy's personal training is going to be speaking on healthy eating on 7:25 and that's between 1 and two and I think it's going to be a very good presentation so I actually told the seniors tell your friends pack the house but I think there's other people in the community might want to listen to that cuz Mike's a wealth of knowledge and I think that would be a good one and Dr Trish tallara also agreed to speak in August I didn't quite get the date I believe it's mid- August I'll get that date and she's going to be speaking on inflammation and uh she's going to be excellent so we're doing some good things and uh I'm going to talk to you John off off camera because I have a couple other initiatives I want to talk to fence I'll meet you at the fence I have a couple other ideas but just want to let you know the mayor's Wellness committee is off to good things great thanks Dave I appreciate you uh leading that off um we had facilities meeting yesterday uh Greg went over mostly everything that we discussed the only thing that we're still waiting on and I have to find out from Ross uh the dog park uh last I had checked when I went out there to look at it it looked like it still needed the gates so we have to find out when the door the gates are going on and then told Ross to let us know so we can do ribbon cutting out there and and officially open the dog park if I can I I called them up because I asked the question I wasn't sure whether we were going to do small and dog small and dog small and large SE right so I asked and there was something with the cactus too right yeah REM Cactus out so I didn't ask either of those two specific questions but when I asked about separating he said the Park's done we're good oh we're done the door the gates are on too now so I didn't ask that's what I'm saying so I don't I will say he said it's done okay whether that means the gates or not I didn't go I can ride by it on the way home yeah I I'll yeah ride by and I'll call them and uh I mean cuz did let him know that we would like to officially open it with those guys out there have you know Ross and Tommy come out and the Commissioners and you know thank them for you know putting the park out here and you know wels which is great so you check to see if the gate I'll call them up and if it's done then we'll set up the ribbon cutting for that and may I stop yeah so we're going to do it before the water is that where's the water at piece that's it's in progress yeah actually they I think go ahead and open it and because that might take some some time yeah I think he said the fountain was in or it was in doing this week and then he was going to go you know but with delays and stuff I just hopefully it'll get there before but I wouldn't wait on it we know there was a little bit of confusion on the deal Road uh thing where they put the signs up without striping uh I brought that up yesterday uh they're waiting for Paramount who purchased the property across uh from Ocean Commons to put in the pl we can get a receiving Lane over there so they can properly uh restripe and resign so that because the big argument is we need to have two lanes going across the highway but we need a receiving Lane over there so um Paramount is putting that in their plan that's why it hasn't been officially done yet um the chestnut Bridge we're waiting on D approval as well as the funding um Brookside bridge is being awarded tonight and we're looking at potentially finished by August if the contractor moves you know in a relatively quick manner so we're you know moving on you know stuff so I I appreciate all the help Dave and uh Greg and you know getting everything moved and we're we're going in the right direction so thank you um also want to thank um you know I'll thank them in public anyway um any other questions let's go around my attorney Matt do you have anything uh nothing for open okay uh Jesse not let's go to the public ladies first I was to say seasoned residents or res first all I would uh suggest is that you tighten up on the scooter stuff all over the place because they're all over the place uh and kids just they act irresponsibly they don't think when they're on there things that there are other things on there like cars and trucks and so forth I think you should have some kind of uh rules that say you can't do this speed wise or otherwise and also if there's a violation the violation should include first time that's it you you pay a f or whatever it is second time you lose your bike or your scooter for a c certain period of time and take it from them physically take it from them and they can't get it back until whatever the conditions are I think you need to tighten that up before we get more people killed on the dam thing or just hurting people I think it's a safety issue it's a it's a very personal thing and it involves our kids because kids are kids and they don't always think about what they're doing before they do it anyway I that's my suggestion that you tighten that up and make the uh if there is a violation this first is at the very least at the very least a warning which may be fine to but secondly take the veicle away and if the parents interfere charge them with the same thing or whatever you can do with the parents to get them to do what they're supposed to do as parents that's all I can say you John will throw me out if I said anymore gonna throw you out no I'm kidding I'm kidding all right uh Alex Hayes from Dow Avenue um so I am the parent of a stud to be 14-year-old who only wants an ebike for his birthday in two weeks and none of these kids are driving ones that are below 20 mes an hour um and they all um like in his Amazon wish list it's a motorcycle helmet that he wants not a bike helmet a motorcycle helmet okay um I think you should keep the total vanan somebody's going to get hurt he'll probably kill me for saying this um they are purchased at a certain level on power um that is like 15 or below 20 and below I mean he wants a 35 m per hour one and that's what a lot of kids in oers have 35 miles hour I'm seeing kids going in the opposite direction they don't know the traffic go so I think the public safety campaign is fantastic kids don't even wear helmets which is mind-blowing to me will I get him one I'll be the worst mother ever if I don't but it will be a 20 M or less but you'll have your kid but I cannot fathom how people are buying their kids 40 m hour ebikes why can ride them and not have to have the license to to as you would somebody got to be 17 to get license whatever it is now it used to be 17 well you do have to get it licensed and permitted if it does go above a certain speed you do okay but the onus is on you you can buy one from Amazon right now that goes 40 mil hour and nobody's going to's no mailbox tomorrow so um my only point in just bringing that up as I did the last time I was here is that a committee or commission to look into this is great but you need to talk to parents you need to get parents who have kids who have ebikes um so it can't can't just be in a silo of um Administration please um so there's that um and uh so I have a couple of questions here I actually walked in here not knowing what the agenda was so I see there is a sidewalk curb deal with like 20 streets one of them happens to be mine on Dow um so and I know some people have posted on Facebook in the last several months about you know being assessed for sidewalks I grew up in Miami Florida the municipality paid for the sidewalks and all the Landscaping past the sidewalks so I just can't believe that homeowners have to pay for a sidewalk or a curb it's foreign to me so um how will residents know if they're going to be assessed and are they able to opt out like apparently they were years ago they get letters they get three separate letters there's meetings they hold meetings to come so that hasn't happened yet though right I don't know what the only way they get assess for the sidewalk is if they actually want to have the sidewalk panels replaced you don't have to have your sidewalked you can op out like I don't have a sidewalk in front of my house I don't so you won't get a I won't get one and I won't be assessed one okay and you can op out if you didn't want it okay is there one on the other side of the street yes on parts of now yes but not all um but my my one question to that was one like legally if I'm not mistaken school buses can not drop a kid off or have there's some pickup rules about if there's a sidewalk on your side cuz even though I live 11 blocks 11 houses from Dow I was entitled to busing because I didn't have a sidewalk on my side of the street and dad was like a has a double lane they told me I don't know so I don't know if that facts into anything if people say no but anyway okay um uh one other thing I wanted to add about the ebikes is there is currently a van on all school property um in the township of ocean for ebikes um um sorry School District property I emailed superintendent Welden after I was here in June and she confirmed that all staff and administrators I can forward the email on to all of you if you'd like staff and administrators are advised to remove any student on an ebike on school property so if the superintendent school board says no ebikes the police chief says no ebikes in joea in Joe POA and he's concerned about them I I implore you to be brave enough to take a stand and keep the ban okay so that's one thing um all right sorry I got a few more um uh this is random but will there ever be um copies of the agenda here and if there are maybe they're on the table okay um project uh Ada bathrooms at kepwell that's awesome but are all the bathrooms in all Town Parks ADA Compliant and if they're not why are we only doing one and not the rest are they all well this is a specific funding group so that's why currently no bathroom up there because the house won't be utilized that's an excellent question I have to go back and uh research that I'm not sure off the top I only know poas you know that octagon whatever bathroom in the middle I don't think it is but I could be wrong it's a pretty big opening but D Rouge opening I don't see how they get wheelchairs in D so um let's see sorry uh flood watch we're currently under our flood watch right for the hurricane that just hit so are we doing any mitigation procedures in the next few days so that hopefully we don't if we get crazy storms that's one question another Tom will be here in a minute hold on okay deake commission also handles the lake FL that would be uh that would be Don brockel so you can reach out to the commission but he's been on top of every storm that they've had as it relates to the rain as uh Dave's been on top of uh the commissioner we've met with them and uh you know we feel comfortable the way he's been lowering The Flume lowering the lake with The Flume okay and we've done stream cleaning and we're going to continue to do stream cleaning which is actually unclogging the artery so that the work can actually flow there's the boss man there's the OEM director the curtain go ahead sir oh maybe he's listening and I mean are we seeing big are we seeing big floods coming in there's a flood watch in in uh they just put out a war not a warning of blood watch saying we could get an inch and a half of rain which is really not a heck of a lot to worry about uh I have not reached out to brocco yet but I am planning on doing this this afternoon so we have the leag taken care of um they're not real Keen about lowering the leak during the summer because of the fish but if they have to they will um and I will be speaking to uh board Department of Public Works tomorrow just the storm dings have been checked thanks Tom was your answer awesome I mean you asked question get he's like o he just comes out out of the curtain a couple more uh things I just want to say um before I get into the land Swap and all and that stuff um I'm sorry I'm trying to look at my notes here um who she remind you of you me I'm taking over your questions per I didn't know you were I didn't pass because of that there are four closed session minutes being released tonight so is that going to go online the close session no because a lot of you parts of them can be released you can get them we have to redact section so if there's certain ones that you would like you can beable but they won't be posted okay um and second to last question I think right now is so we have a shade tree commission Council and environmental commission tonight um like in the school board for example they try to not have meetings on the same nights I mean I can't imagine there being 30 people at every meeting but why do you have meetings on the same night um that's up to the shade tree commission and the environmental commission that they set their dates like that um you know we have a lot going on we have planning board zoning board there's just you know only so many days in the week that you can every time huh it's not it's only they're all happening tonight is it once a month environment we conflict oh here where you mean back to back seven yeah yeah they're back to back six seven and eight or something don't but we can check that we can check any that last question um so can we talk a little bit about the land swap um please uh what are you able to talk about I know you're rescheduling the um there's nothing to talk about right now because that meeting has been canceled the engineer needs to review the properties that are currently being looked at and until he reviews and looks at what the wetlands the delineation is we can't really move forward on anything so once we have some information we'll be able to schedule the meeting and then that's when it'll be discussed at this discuss at this next meeting will there be a decision made because no there's absolutely no decisions being made it's just a public hearing we have to re advertise the public hearing first and foremost and and when you are um accepting written comment to the D and to town hall is the public able to inspect those written comments oh yes all public information definitely okay I think that's all I have for right now great are there any more public comic um opportunities in this meeting or is it only at the seven all you good we're done now yeah we're going into Clos session did I use the last 25 seconds go ahead I think the cops ought to be part of all this stuff you're doing with the with the coasters and the uh bicycles and all that stuff that's what we just talking about yeah we're going to have a I just wanted to add my my hband support to that we're going to committee Jack Rob and I are going to committee you have an open space motion to go on a Clos session motion to go Motion to go on a Clos session second walk motion to walk down the stairs again no is it we walked upstairs is broken it's broken again that's why we need to that's why we need an Town Hall exactly right oh well I'll walk in I'll hold the door for yous thank you good night take just want to let everybody know that all our regular Township Council meetings will be audio and vide taped it'll be shown on Township ocean Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon FiOS and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor nean here Deputy Mayor fer here council members the Cher here kapan here can everyone please stand for a pledge of allegiance and remain standing as we do a silent prayer I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing you may be seated the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14 2023 there are two emergency exits to my right that'll take you to the front of the building there's one exit to my left that'll take you to the rear of the building if you have a cell phone on please turn it off if you need to make a call kindly step outside uh before we get into uh the agenda I want to start with Council comments and then we're going to go into our public hearing on the Community Development block rants I'll start down at the end with Deputy Mayor David fiser go ahead thank you mayor I just wanted to let everybody knowe that today we had our second installment of the mayor's Wellness committee and uh Yours Truly Spoke to the seniors today about back safety and back Health uh was very well attended and I think we're on to a great start here I also want to send special thank out thank you out there to Kenny picket who uh came out last Wednesday for the Kenny picket punt passing and picket competition and it was great it was well attended we had 75 kids there football coaches were there the ayf was there and I think it was a really great Community event and I really do appreciate him coming I do want to let everybody know that the mayor's Wellness committee is uh off to great things but we have Mike Duffy for Mike Duffy's personal training he's going to be speaking on healthy eating on H July 25th between at 1: to two over at the West Park Center and uh I would like to pack the house for Mike there and uh also Dr Trish tallerico will be speaking in August so we've got a lot of great programs mayor and I hope uh hope it's all well attended by the township uh Deputy Mayor I totally appreciate you taking the ball and running with that and uh yeah great events and uh total thank you to Kenny I mean you get a pro football player out here that spends his time and like uh we said he signed everything for every kid it was unbelievable we truly appreciate appr and we look forward to him coming back next year again um Kenny's very generous with his time so I'm sure that's not going to be a problem uh councilwoman Kaplan just want to invite everyone to the ribbon cutting for appeal tomorrow at 1 pm um nice new restaurant in town and hope to see you there thank you councilman a chair I would like to congratulate uh our former uh public defender Al Rino for being sworn in last night as a superior court J judge in Mammoth County Al served us only a short period of time but I've known Al since grammar school and just wanted to give a shout out he's going to be a great addition to the mammoth County Court System great guy loved uh having him on board you know he's going to be missed but uh he did go on to much bigger things so that's awesome for us in Ocean town if we like seeing people get elevated y David uh mayor I just want to give a huge shout out and thanks to all of the staff that worked on the 4th of July uh fireworks that even evening it was tremendous and just want to give a shout out to the public safety OEM the police department Department of Public Works Recreation with Mike patrio and Jen Nordstrom job well done thank you Dave uh Matt nothing nothing uh definitely the Fourth of July fireworks were outstanding I want to thank Jack Serpico from Serpico pyrotechnics for providing an excellent show I really have to thank Jen Nordstrom though she's the one who beat him up tremendous trendly cuz she wasn't overly excited about last year's show and he really had to put one on he did threaten me by saying if the show wasn't good enough in her eyes he was going to buy her a new car well the show was so good I said I think you're going to have to buy him a new car so it was really good very very well attended I don't know how many people we had out there but it was packed um all of our department you know they did such a wonderful job the police fire um OEM Public Works uh Mike janate did everybody just does a fantastic job I can't thank uh our team that we have here in Ocean Township they just do an absolutely tremendous job uh Dave again I want to thank you for uh taking the ball and running with that today you did a great job uh I want to remind everybody that we're having our 175th uh Jubilee celebration on July 31st information's out on our uh website it's on our Facebook pages there are sponsorships available we will be discussing if there's uh money from the event we'd like to donate to some local area local things in town that the council will be discussing so hopefully we get enough sponsorships in here to actually raise a few extra dollars so we're looking forward to that event that'll be at English manor on July 31st it's uh planning to be a great night we have a really awesome band entertainment and food so looking forward to a good attendance at that so with that being said I'd like to open up um discussion on the the Community Development block grant can I have someone open discussion on the Community Development block grant I'll open second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes na County yes I'm going to turn it over to Dave just to do a quick uh intro on the uh on the discussion thank you mayor this is our um project for ADA Bathroom improvements at kwell Park the proposed project is designed to improve accessibility for handicapped individuals including elderly or disabled persons to the proposed public facilities in the township of ocean currently our facility lacks adequate accommodations for individuals with disabilities the absence of ADA Compliant handicap bathroom poses significant challenges for our visitors and participants to the park who require accessible facilities this deficiency undermines our ability to provide equal access to all members of our community and hampers our efforts to create an inclusive environment uh mayor Gover body this is our cwell Park uh handicap access Improvement phisical year 2025 Community Development Block Grant application and I will note if the municipal clerk um is wanting of this I believe we have to pass cdbg one resolution yes at this time yes well I guess you must you might have to take uh from the public first yes okay anyone we should be heard on this cdbg grant development block grant please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record senior none do I have a motion to close public discussion on the Community Development block rant motion to close second second R call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes platani yes um action on the Community Development block rant there's really no action no action on this one just okay we'll do a separate resolution for this okay someone move resolution cdbg someone move cdbg one uh resolution uh someone please move it I'll move second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes appan yes cdbg one passes thank you um thank you Dave next up we have a proclamation for international drug awareness day which is August 31st 2024 I'm going to read this Proclamation because uh obviously we know that drug overdose is a huge problem throughout the country whereas each year we lose thousands of people from drug overdose globally some survive but suffer a permanent injury with devastating impact on their family and friends and whereas the township of ocean is not immune you may have seen it as people as it's happened around you tomorrow it could happen to someone you love this is not an invisible issue and whereas International uh International overdose awareness day provides an opportunity for us to reflect on practical ways to prevent overdose in our community overdose is preventable knowing the real facts about drugs and what to do when you see someone experien an overdose does save lives International overdose Awareness Day events that aim to educate our communities about drugs can really help now therefore be it proclaimed that the mayor and Council of the township of oce the county of mom and state of New Jersey hereby declares International overdose Awareness Day August 31st 2024 the display of the purple yes we will be displaying the purple um flag what do they do the purple flags and and people will wear ribbons uh month of August um public questions and resolutions on vouchers all matters under the consent agenda are considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussion on these items if discussion is desired on any item that item will be considered separately the purpose of the public portion is to solely ask questions to understand resolutions that appear on the agenda is not an occasion for a public hearing on an ordinance all questions not related to an agenda item should be asked during the public comments portion at the conclusion of the meeting if there are any questions as it relates to the agenda please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here none do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda the minutes um from December January through the end of January in resolutions 24-1 125 through up to and including resolution 24-39 someone please offer I'll offer second second roll callera yes fer yes Klan yes oh and sister yes vouchers in the amount of 10,949 64523 someone please offer I'll offer second second roll call aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes naan yes ordinances up for adoption ordinance number 2470 a bond ordinance providing for the acquisition of various Capital Equipment appropriating 2,530 th000 therefore and authorizing issuance of 2,487 in bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2470 I'd like to make a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2470 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kath yes nean yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2470 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here n do I have a motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2470 I'd like to make a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 2470 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes nean yes action on ordinance 2470 like to move to adopt ordinance 2470 and publish according to law second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes yes ordinance 2470 passes ordinance 2471 which is a bond ordinance providing for improvements to the Kenny picket Field located in the tou of ocean appropriating $2 million therefore and authorizing the issuance of a million 600,000 in bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2471 I'd like to make a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2471 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes kapan yes Nanny yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2471 please step up to the microphone stage name and address for the record Mr May I'm going to ask a question if nobody else is so just to clarify we are we are passing this tonight but that doesn't necessarily mean we're going to spend the money yet correct okay just want to clarify thank you Senor none uh do I have a motion to close public he uh public discussion on ordinance 2471 I'd like to make a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 2471 second second aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Nan yes yes action on ordinance 2471 i' like to move to adopt ordinance 2471 and publish according to law second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes n count yes ordinance 2471 passes introductions to three ordinances we have ordinance 2472 which is an ordinance amending chapter 12 traffic of the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 prohibiting parking along portions of Larchwood Avenue can some someone please introduce ordinance 2472 I'd like to move to introduce ordinance 2472 second second roll call Cha yes fiser yes Kaplan yes napan yes that ordinance will have its public hearing on uh August 22nd ordinance 2473 which is an ordinance amending chapter 16 of the revised General ordinances of the township votion 1965 entitled parks and playgrounds someone please introduce ordinance 2473 i' like to move to intr ordinance 2473 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes nean yes that too will have its public hearing on August 22nd ordinance 2474 which is an ordinance authorizing the acceptance of a sight triangle easement over a portion of Lot 29 and Block 33 in the town of of ocean someone please introduce ordinance 2474 i' like to move to introduce ordinance 2474 second second roll call aera yes yes sure yes Kap yes yes uh we will open it up for public uh public comment you can step up to the microphone state your name and address you can speak about anything Germain to the tent of devotion this is your time to speak I think they're going to let all right let's start let's let's start in the middle I'm I'm the school teacher I have to uh good evening governing body of Ocean Township my name is Rody I live in the Woodland section of Ocean Township you're not familiar swich between Route 18 Route 35 and deal Road I'm bringing to your attention an issue with roller Road I know roller Road was recently um uh paved sidewalks were were recently done um prior of that and just historically when roadways are paved given the given curb to curb length The Accelerated speed on roller Road there excuse me I have young children there's also concerns with other residents within that neighborhood you know I in the last 5 to six years there's been maybe one officer posted out there my kids I don't let them cross that roadway even when I'm with them last night and the reason why I'm here is it was sort of the straw that broke the camel's back my son and I were almost struck on that roadway you know 400 yards east is is is the intersection of of excuse me uh North is is deal and and um roller and and pother where you know that uh female uh bicyclist was struck and killed in February 2023 so you know you have Route 18 which is 65 you have Route 35 which is 50 you have Duro which is 45 you have the new Shiva that's expanding if anyone's been out there between the hours of 3 p.m. or 4 p.m. it's an absolute mess people are trying to cross crisscross all over the place they get into roller Road and they are flying down that road I know it terminates heading south but given given now that you've paved it and the the extreme widths which is about I think it's 40 feet curb to curb nobody navigates at road to 25 miles an hour I want to bring that to your attention because as a as a father and a parent of young children I'm a voice of many who are very concerned with that road um you know even coming off that road to the roads that run laterally you know they're they're also very wide I know they're constructed in the 80s the the the original uh homeowners are near in their 60s or 70s but there has been a turnaround there are very young children that're on that roadways and the only option for our children is to ride in the sidewalks which is technically illegal there's no bike pass there's no crosswalks there's no stop signs well there exuse they stop signs but they're small is there any w we get speed limiters put some crosswalks put some stop bars put some some uh uh uh solar uh uh uh you know speed sign signs that that flash you'll find them in various towns I know Florence Avenue and hlad has they put speed bumps there I'm not talking something something that would slow down the traffic don't have to be every 100 feet every 400 feet in intersections something I just want to put on a record that I'm a concerned parent and it's been a problem and the only reason why I'm here is my son last night was almost struck so just want to put it on record Rody thank you for your concerns uh Dave if we could speak to the chief about you know maybe potentially getting some stepped up you know in I make a recommendation you want to put some budget put something out there as you come off popper that first left Park an officer there between 6 to n and 3 to 5 you see how many tickets they write it's 25 but there's one sign when you come when you head south coming off of off of deal into poer there's one sign that's it and the way the road is designed you're coming off a 45 uh uh east to west roadway and and you know maybe about 2,000t South you have a hill and you have a good quarter mile strip if people were just flying and historically when you pave the roads and you have that wide width people typically travel faster 25 and and I have a you know speaking out I've talked to other various I actually was texting with a with a with a neighbor of mine we we're concerned we put you know those little people out there to slow down I'm constantly in my yard saying slow down and you know having my son almost struck last night that's a reason why I'm here so want to put it on record hopefully we can do something about that and see that thank you for bringing that to our attention yeah then David will speak to our chief and please I I I would really appreciate that absolutely thank you uh anyone else wishing to be heard I'm not sure how long I can stand I I actually have no idea you want to pull the microphone and have a seat you can pull it out take it off and then just sit back no they don't come off but thank you hey nice try thank you though that's so people don't steal them or throw them at joking I knew the I knew it was throwing my name's uh yes it does you guys yeah good Sid what happened to you you didn't get the memo we got the memo you did audience go ahead sir uh my name is Salvatore cascone I live at five SE Drive um I didn't intend to speak about uh this little issue up here but he brought it up we have the same issue on bound Road in 66 it is one circus we have a a white line to draw a shoulder and you're there and somebody will come running through and make the right turn and the stop is not even at the corner so you can't make a right on a light on a red light it goes on and on and then there's the other crew that goes on the 66 beges quick right boom boom to beat the light it's a circus there someday you're going to have a real big accident anyway um I came to talk about the resurfacing of the Improvement of the sew Drive um if during the construction they contracted to dug out the entire sidewalk and uh and the and the and the pad and they put in front of my house one plank to cross I have a handicap son needs a wheelchair my wife can hardly walk as you see I'm shot and we couldn't possibly get out because they did the whole strip of that well and when I saw that I was shocked we were going to run out to dinner and we couldn't do that I chased around and I caught some somebody hanging out at night time and I said how are we supposed to go across on one way one Plank with a wheelchair he said well you should have told us I'm sorry there's no way I should he should have been knocking on our door and they shouldn't put one plank you need more I'm I'm o trained you need one plank is not safe you need more okay now the issue that I came about the real big one is the water that coagulates along the curb and I have pictures here all along both sides because the pitch is not correct the water stagnates I started talking about this in February called the manager's office I called two or three times they sent the engineer knocked on my door I showed them I showed them pictures I had I showed them how the water stays two 3 4 days along the curve because it doesn't drain to the pitch he turns around and says well that's what you get a low bidder but wait a minute I don't care if you're low bidder high bidder in between you bid the contract and I don't care if you're losing money you still have to do the contract so the that's the first issue so then they come back and they they're in the water and they're kicking the water over their shoes after one another you know I said finally I called up the managers office why don't he uh he called me one time I have to say that he did call me one time then he sent the engineer and then when he it it goes on and nothing's happened and I call again I said why don't you come look at this he doesn't show up as far as I know he's never showed up he may have I I don't know he's never good giv me feedback on that uh I came to the office a couple weeks ago and his assistant told me well you know that contractor is working all over town oh really he's working all over town he's little bitter and you can't get him to fix the issue I came here the night they had the hearing on the curb and the grass and so on and you know at the sidewalk and I brought it up and I he said to me the water's coming from behind the curb I said so water seeks its own level okay so it's stagnated which means that's where it's leveling out there's no pitch for it to run to the drain he goes well you know it'll it'll be fixed within two years well I'll tell you I've been in construction business for 50 years I've signed off a lot of projects there ain't no way I could tell any client or any customer we'll fix it within 2 years that is the most absurd thing I've ever heard I asked to see the contract he said you can't I said does should the contract say what the pit should be I don't get an answer but of course it should okay so we're here now I can if you want to look at the pictures I got them if you don't want them that's fine uh the water stays there to today it only stayed from the other night it stayed about 2 days because it was so hot the you know the it evaporated but otherwise like in February the water stayed there forever with the snow constant dripping it was there every single day and I don't know you spent Millions on this thing and you don't get a good job nobody tested to see if it's going to work or not and he also thought when we're going to go after the water company cuz maybe 3 days after they finished uh a pip burst so they had dig up the street for the water company but when you really look at it their their problem is very very small compared to everything else but they they should have put a pitch in to that's what I got that's all I have to say about that Dave can we uh obviously down yeah yeah how you doing Miss Casco and I'm David Brown Township manager pleasure to meet you face to face and I did come out there and take a look and you're absolutely right I've sent the engineer out there about three or four times he constantly comes back and says that the problem I think you described it better than I cuz I'm not an engineer but the water is running behind the curb and he said that it will fix itself over time I'll go back to the engineer once again I'll have him put it in writing and you have every right to see the contract yeah the contract is a public document all you have to go to um our Municipal clerk's office and you can go there fill out Oprah request or you might even be able to do it online and you can get the contract if you'd like to see that yeah well I like I said I've been in business 50 years I'm a certified construction order certified cost control professional um I'm also a whole bunch of other things fraud Auditors Association Etc I've done hundreds of projects as as one working for the contractors other times being an auditor other times working as a you know the company representative okay I never heard from anybody well it's the low bidder what's that comfor you know and and it just he sat here and said to me well within two years I said what kind of answer is that well within two years I mean as far as I'm concerned if it was my project and I had to sign off and review it I would have never paid the contract the final until he showed me everything works or I would have waited for a day of rain to see what happens you know but it it just was you know I'd like to add one other thing about Kenny picket when he was in should have never gave the mic huh nothing sound I probably should have made you stand now when Kenny picket uh was in college and I don't know him but the asbery Park Press never wrote never wrote about him and then one day the New York Post said he's on the Heisman watch list so I just said the post wrote it the as Park Press didn't so I went after them and I I I got the editor on the phone and said why haven't you written about this kid he said we have I said you want to send me copies he sent me one article they wrote about him four years in college okay and I said and then I started writing about then they wrote a story about him after that so I called him up I said why'd you write that cuz me said well we a to Polie but they they still continueing to ignore him and I think I've talked to Rob about it before I think you know somebody in the Council of the manager give it to that press and say wait a minute you have a girl same age at Neptune who made the Olympics she had 17 articles one year Kenny had one you know and it's just it's not right I'm sorry I don't know what they're thinking is why they're doing that but it's sure not right I think I don't know if I thank you Mr casone was good yeah that's all I have thank you very much for listening to me thanks yep you're yeah unless you want the other guys behind you to go up you want the other guys behind you to go just get to walk around perform Top push it in no I don't want he's Italian he's gonna you good I need the hands all right actually to follow up with these guys real quick bead is ridiculous in this t speed limits I have Raceway Park my mama throw it every night you live around W West Lincoln I mean I've been asking since I moved in town moved back to town in Oakhurst 27 years ago going all the way back to lar and I asked to have West Lincoln drop to 25 none none nobody would ever do it so did we have uh can we Marin said no cisano said no no we can have no we can have they brought the study out they put the big thing out and the police officer had brought it out the time she even said she goes you'll never get a proper calculation because it occurs we um we go off the recommendation of our you know traffic study and stuff and you know oh it's it's I mean it's it's only I hate to say it's only summertime is it 35 on West L yeah yeah West Lincoln's the same as Mammoth Road how can link can be the same speed limit as Mama thr so Dave you said it's on the list for yeah okay all right uh real quick on his real quick follow his up there's no way water's gone behind a cur an 18inch curb I didn't I've been doing instruction for 30 years a curb is 18 in there's no water there's no way water is dripping behind a curb so I'm on your side well I still have War sits at the corner of my street too so I'm done with that but that's on the list to get paid for that all right eight years so what I'm here for is I'm going to tell a little it's it's a quick story year and a half ago I was inquiring about open permits for a client so while I was here I asked about my own property they told me I never had final inspection on my building Plumbing electric fire cuz I did a 16 by 32 Edition 23 years ago at the time it was 23 years ago I brought in all my placards I had I had all the stickers with my final closed all my permits out I said is that it we're done so if I sell my house there's no problem no problem Mr woly you're done eight months later they call me up and tell me I need a CO I was like what do you mean you told me eight months ago I was done my my you know files closed no no now you have to get a CEO to live in Your Vision I was like okay I understand what you're you're looking for it's an extended Co to to use that living space so I came in I was like it's it's ridiculous I was like this was all done I told them how I've been being taxed on it for 23 years so the packet's been closed they lost my packet so they had none of my paperwork uh so it goes by maybe about three months that comes to this past February uh I got a notice in the mail said uh final notice or no uh payment due $125 for your Co to be honest I was like ain't G to happen until I sell my house then I'll do it this is getting ridiculous last week I got final notice you owe $125 for a CO for every week you don't pay it you're going to be fine $22,000 so so basically I got a threat for $125 you're gonna Sue you're gonna find me $2,000 so I paid it so you're paid I paid the I paid it I was like you know what it's going to get done just's going to get paid I went in I was talking to Linda that's uh she came over from eat toown told her the whole thing paid it did it I went okay the last thing I'm going to ask you before I leave when a packet is done all permits are file all permits are finalized and you have a CO what happens to this packet and she was looking at me like you know what do you mean I what happens to it does it go into the archives where does it go I and it's got to go somewhere do you file it she goes oh no before it gets filed because it was such a capital Improvement on your property goes to the tax assessor I went so how could it have gone to the tax assessor and my assessment redone 23 years ago if it wasn't finalized said I can tell you right now there's only one person up on the deis that was here then that was Jesse no but just so what happened what happened 23 years ago I I will I'm half of the council apologize for the Lost paperwork and you know whatever well I mean it just proved that it was done right but because it went to the tax assessor one of the so why are you coming after me 24 years later and threatening me it's a standard a $100,000 fine if I don't pay a year it's a standard boilerplate letter that goes out whether you owe 125 or whether you you know whatever the permit fees are again it just shouldn't happen said again my my apologies none of us were here we oh no I know that none of you guys are here no no but we've since we've since changed leadership in a lot of roles one of the areas that I mentioned last year when we got sworn in was the planning department we clearly knew there were some issues over there yeah David Brown our manager has been overseeing the operation there uh since uh December and little by little everything is starting to be fixed it's a process and it might not be the process as quick as I want it done yeah believe me I Dave and I talk all the time and he gets got your text message and I sent it and I sent it over to Dave because when I see something or I have something I'm not going to necessarily answer on social media but if it comes to me I'm going to deal with it so it came to me via different route okay so I sent it over to David David immediately jumped on it so that we could make sure that we get this cleared up and one of the things that I do say is we have to fix this we can't keep getting the complaints and believe me Dave is doing yeah there's a lot of people out there it's happening to no no he and you're you're not you're not you know the only person yeah no I know that but things are clearly being fixed again it's a process and we literally just lost you know the person in charge November 30th the new person took over January and Colleen's been doing a great job in there uh David's still overseeing the whole process right now because that's basically you know what needs to be done while Dave is here and believe me he's accessible there's any issues S I mean seriously you can call David he is a direct link to that department you are you know construction so this guy here definitely can help out and again I apologize I was actually in your office talking to talking to Tracy yeah yeah I I will if I may um thank you for sending the letter because Colleen did see it and didn't uh will be positive is going to modify it so that it's not as um let's say threaten threatening well that was that was the like s then we're going to take it out of your personnel file okay I don't even have a letter anymore I threw it away you know it's just you know I mean things like that I mean you know you're coming after somebody 20 four years later but you you have the proof that it was done y so it just doesn't make sense how you're coming after somebody and again I'll tell you Dave it's working on a lot of stuff over there I have the utmost confidence in Dave thank you thank you all right uh seeing no other uh people out in the audience do I have a motion to adjourn so moved second second all in favor I any opposed all right you clean up well you clean up well