##VIDEO ID:dLRyNiOHeB4## all right it's five o'clock let's remind everybody that all Council meetings will be audio and video taped and will'll be shown on the tent devotions Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon FiOS and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor Ney here Deputy Mayor fer here council members the chair here K here Terry here the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied TI and a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press in the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14 2023 let's start off with our Township engineer Greg blash hello there Greg hello everybody uh with their projects list first one is the 2022 Road program that was completed we are scheduled the concrete assessments with all the the residents in that program for October 2nd so that's coming up uh the 23 program it's ongoing contractor back in town he's starting on faith tomorrow and then he's going to go right into the roller Road and stay on the West Side before he comes this way we're going to try to get deal Road done uh this week but it didn't work out with the police and the notices with the signs so we're going to be doing that probably mid October the south side of deal between Lan and um 35 we got that worked out we can do that during the daytime with the traffic control okay so that that'll be nice when we get that done because that's in pretty bad shape uh I believe the next one to 24 program might be on your agenda tonight to get the authorization to proceed no it's not it was wasn't I didn't see it I don't think I saw it I never that we never got okay we're not starting that yet make sure we got it on here what's this 2480 [Applause] 3.5 million it's not going to be more than that that's the bond ordinance are you talking about the bond ordinance or the authorization both really but iation tonight we don't have the authorization we did the bond ordinance we did yeah that was for other things that was for the storm water stuffff I'll put that on for next meeting uh next one the lollipop ponds um everybody's probably aware we got two grants from the state for that one for dredy one for the bridge so we'll get that rolling there's a few other steps procedural steps I have to go through before I can start that but that'll be probably the next meeting also so we have to get authorized with the funding in place to do the testing and all that so that's coming up uh Terrace Pond Snell's Pond and part the same fireman's Pond we're kind of following the route we're getting everything worked out the state has given us a review letter we're doing those it's a couple of punch list list items getting support letters from the county and we should be pretty much ready to go for um from our side and we get to have that meeting with the county to make sure they're on board with all the things they promised and we should be ready for the spring dredging of fireman's Pond which will be nice um next one to change is uh really nothing else we're looking at still putting the security wall at the front of this entrance of this building that's kind of resurfaced we didn't get the grant we don't we get a negative response but having heard nothing from Senator Booker's office I don't believe we're going to get any money for that so we're going to have to probably do a some kind of a budget thing to figure out how we can put it here uh the trail from roller road to sunset's going to be done next week uh Kramer for bridge it's about 80% complete oh it's looking good he got both stream Crossing and the sewer Crossing done the side rails up he just has to do from the stream Crossing to Brookside which is the shortest part so should be done with that by Monday or Tuesday the whole Bridge won't be done the lighting won't be on it and the end the bulkheads at the end won't be completed but the rest of the bridge will be done and accessible for the opening that Mr Saka is trying to have there next he has a date of what it 29th 27th I think he is the 27th was his date in the 29th he wanted of which month of September yeah it's been the push are we going to have a big bridge uh opening that's probably a good idea I think he's having a not is it a not I think he contacted me about it he was supposed to be sending something over yeah he'll probably because I talked to him today told him the progress we're in where we're going to be next week and he'll probably be contacting about finalizing all those plans okay it's not Greg when you just do me a favor when you do meet with him can you make sure he reaches out to the town so that we know you know what he's looking for as it relates to a a dedication or whatever to the Bridge so that you know we're available for them yeah I'll tell them did that cuz up to this point up until today we really weren't sure we were going to be done with the bridge by next at the end of the month so was looking kind of dicey because we got into some delays so it looks like this might be completed before the holidays yes so that's when we were pushing the contractor hard to get it done I know we were pushing I know we had a couple things that might have delayed it but it seems like you know you've been on this thing so it's pretty good yeah so we're doing good and then the team cleanings um we've got uh the second second round of waiting for the estimates from the contractors to go from whale Pond all the way through the park up to the backside of 35 so I'm waiting for that and then we'll do that section that's coming out of the open space funding and the next thing I'm going to do I looked at into cleaning up from Washington Avenue moving West and that stream quarter is actually an easement except for one piece of property up to Maple Maple but that one the one block in there so I'm going to contact that person and see if he'll give us permission to cross this property and then I believe I'm not sure if DPW got their new machine yet but that's kind of what we've been waiting for to do that Des snagging of that stream quarter right but once that gets on come in yet yet okay but once that comes in we can schedu that we got a lot of little other cleanup things and some Outlets that we want to clean up with that machine also right so we'll start doing all that and start helping a lot and then Greg we'll get on some sort of schedule with this now moving forward uh you know every what do we say every few years we're going to get into each stream again well what I've been doing is um we thought we were going to be kind of doing all the stream quarters in a fiveyear cycle and I just kind of plotted out the lengths and divided by five but because we could use the funding with open space we're going to have with the open space funding we're going to have the popular Brook all done from 35 to the railroad track except with the pie over between whale Pond and Mammoth roow yeah so we're way ahead of schedule we're way ahead of schedule we're going to keep doing that and as long as we can have access it's pretty easy for us it's just when it gets into the private residence it kind of slows down because we have to get a lot of we had Burke do work on several of the streams right he did the first piece and we're asking him and two other people to give us bids in the second piece and that's what I'm waiting for okay but yeah we're we're in pretty good shape that way yeah he did a good job on the first section so I I had no problem using him again y Greg the uh go you keep going when I'll ask you yeah the only other thing I was going bring up is we met with deal um they were somewh receptive to us you know putting a new pipe underneath the railroad tracks from Ocean into deal and then we're going to look at getting a joint pipe from the railroad to east side of the railroad tracks down to um doesn't go all the way to Norwood but it goes about halfway there they already have a 36 in pipe up to that they've extended up into the stream quarter so it's several thousand feet of pipe we would have to look at putting through backyards Deal's doing their due diligence and that's going to pass the resence on their side and we're going to Contin cleaning our side once we have that confirmed commitment to them that they have residents approval to do that and we think they're going to get it because the mayor deal has told us that residents over there are complaining about the flooding of that streem Court yeah mayor C said he was reaching out to those homeowners on that in that uh area there we're on our end you're reaching out to them on no we're just doing our side I was just talking about doing stuff that doesn't really impact the pipe but it's from Washington Avenue West now the meeting was good I I was glad they were open you to this CU it really helps out both towns y that's all I have great uh round the horn Rob any questions um I'm going to take a shot at this um since I keep asking any chance the light on whale Pond popper and deal are going to get done before the actually I heard somebody ran it over knocked it down last weekend get the hell out of here yeah one of the light St was knocked down I saw that I don't think they're going to be too too changing and actually also our request was a programming thing it wasn't the lights were already there but um well no there was a left hand turn that needed to be put up I think the light fixtures already there it just has to be programmed oh yeah so they have to bring their guide back up but they don't want to change all that signaling until they're done they're worried about getting their buildings done um any updates Toll Brothers uh close out of their bonds the ponds I believe Bond bonds but it has to do with the ponds but yes yeah guess ponds are fine they they've been working fine because they've changed into detention Basin so they work fine the bonds they're actually in the process right now of changing all the concrete they've under they're undertaking a pretty massive concrete repair for curb dry wons and sidewalk they're probably about halfway done they started last week so once they get done with that then we have to move into the Landscaping once we get the Landscaping finalized they'll be done got it we should be done with that probably in the springtime I don't think it's going to take a little while okay um any chance that you happen to look at the um issue that the lady presented on cold Indian Springs next to the park next to the playground park where she said that the sand was rolling off of the our property onto hers there was no Curbing and she had to shovel everything no I wasn't even aware that we had a lady that complained about that all right I'll send it over to you yeah send me that cuz I can look at that but that along the side of the road south side of col which is coming off of our property it actually comes around the turn so it's not all just us but that is going to get fixed next year in the road program we do the intersection that'll all be Cur it'll go that far how far down she's like it's going to go past our park entrance she's three down from the park I keep pointing you but the park there today but we'll probably be putting some drainage in too so get most of the water off the road cool thank you I think I'm done for now mayor do um my only question is just a follow up on that traffic area bimbler and Asbury Avenue are we any closer to figuring out what to do over there now the problem we have is we have no County support and we're you know all the traffic is coming off of a County Road we're trying to put it back on the Count's Road and they won't let us so it really is going to have to come you know we're going to have to talk about that but it's probably going to be a council decision we talk about making that first section of bimler one way right they were agreeable at first weren't they what made them change well they they thought going to get a grant to improve the corridor from Asbury Circle all the way down to the boardwalk they're for a Federal grant oh and they didn't get it and doing that they were going to improve that whole Corridor and widen the road and beautify it it would have been a long-term project but that would have included widening the road and they thought if that was coming in it would be easy to dub tail into what we were requesting but they didn't get that Grant so they they probably much pretty much told us they can't change the light there because Asbury Park is saying no way and so were they they don't want the traffic volume out in that light cuz the light can't T handle the left terms there okay and the problem they have is if we put it up back on thater Avenue all the traffic that's going down to that light would then turn left I think it's Third Street is actually a left turn that goes diagonally across where the old gas station used to be I'm not sure but it it should if it's west of the light and they would just take that turn left there and it goes over Ridge right into Third Street into Asbury so they' avoid the light and that's what they want to avoid it's similar to our building problem just pushing it down a little bit we just want to push it back and forth to each other right okay their traffic though because everybody coming up bimbler is actually going to Fourth Street going into Asbury Avenue right into Asbury okay so but yeah that's we're have to kind of think through that and maybe what I have a discussion with the County Traffic engineer and say listen this is what we're planning on doing and you know it's going to stay out on your road so if you might want to have a a plan for this versus us just doing it right so I'll talk to him I'll reach out them and have a conversation with them okay thank you G anything else no I'm good thank you thank you Dave yeah I have a question so corner of deal Road bound we they had a big truck out there and I thought he was going to do all kinds of striping of that intersection all they did was take one white stripe and put it down the with the new turn is what is the plan over there he the reason he didn't re stripe that is with a more permanent temporary striping because he was supposed to pay it last week okay and the police would let him and the reason they wouldn't because they said there too many school kids in in the area right now with school in place with bikes and after school programs so that put him in you know he we have to wait till the day the school's closed it's October 4th 5th and I think 14th they told me so that's when that is going to get done yeah I see all this big truck he's got the uh the machine going the Smoke's coming out of it and then they did they put one stripe in the road yeah so all right so there's more to come I think it rained too that day it did rain that day that's why he backed off at do rest so cuz I'm like there's no way that is all that's getting done here that but that's really what he was he was hoping he'd have to do that not that he cared about the cost he didn't schedule to do that and when they knocked him out he got the striping guy there was late as C rain that day so are they going to pave that you said yeah that own going to get repaved strike okay going to be a crosswalk for the kids and the bikes and all that stuff cuz there a lot of kids riding the bikes yeah until it gets teed off right because it'll be teed off next year no that that that's Bound in wayze already done okay where are you talking this is bound and deal bound and deal Road what you're thinking cold in okay yes I am y this is deal and that's where they got rid of that they got rid of that right turn lane to get out you know to go East the no stop we're just going to keep down it actually was kind of nice to be honest with you you were one of those Cruisers well everybody nobody knew who should go first but then if you you're like in decision as soon as you slow up it's the other guys sounds like accidentally all right thanks Kelly I just have two and want to thank you for the response that you had no knowledge of a c AAC I didn't hear of it ever before so I don't know where that rumor got started so thank you I think it came from I they were putting a call SEC the end of Elber on and they maybe somebody thought it was Burger but because it's the next street over but okay yeah it's going to be a problem either way but elberon is the one putting a f second and cutting off the through to Norwood okay that's what our meetings with the do have been around with the residents over there and what is a thought on speed bumps maybe that's the same issue and I'm just getting the street names messed up well over there you wouldn't need to speed because they're going to actually cut the access off I mean nobody's going to go down elb on avue anymore but is that going to drive people to Burger it has to because it's the only way you can get to Norwood can we do can we look into speed bumps because they're say people are flying down there already too fast um well we I think it was a m mayor decision mayor and counsel decision that we weren't going to do speed bumps anymore okay how about something that well the problem with Burger is it's going to itself down because it's a narrow road and you have parking on it so there's they're not going to be able to go too fast when everybody starts coming the other way once El on redirected I think we're going to have the other problem we're probably going to have to get into no parking at one side of the road there because there's not going to be enough room for like that other Street we just talked about right leis leis right so it's going to be problem the reverse way it's going to be just too much volume maybe good not to put parking maybe better to keep it there so they can correct yeah it's just the Sid swipe so we'll look and see how bad it is when it happens but it's I think the problem will kind of correct itself once elbron is physically closed okay and then the only other thing was um any progress with the dot meeting now actually the mayor sets those up because he has a direct line to them but we can set that up again we're probably do and we want to kind of wait till now maybe even a couple weeks from now because they were supposed to do a traffic study on all the three Crossings we were waiting for that yeah and we wanted during summertime because that's when the flow was as bad as it is and they were supposed to have taken those counts the last couple weeks so that's where we're kind of waiting on them were they getting back to us on the counts when they were done they were supposed to but they probably we probably want to reach out maybe another two or three weeks to them and say you know we got to catch up again all right yeah let's do that about two weeks we'll reach out see where they stand okay that they were going to do the track they were going to do the count for us and then we were going to have the followup meeting and we could add the other topics on to that meeting y okay yeah we keep every time we talk to them we keep add things they're never going to want to meet with us they yeah we and then they change they change leadership and then we start all over again and it has nothing to do with us I mean we follow up we do what we're supposed to do and then they change leadership up there and then it's you know um I know that I believe the commissioner lives in Freehold and the senator is does the commissioner yeah the senator is close with him so if we have any issues or we have any problems definitely have a direct line now so let's give it a couple couple weeks and then we'll reach out okay thank you great one followup if I may y 1515 Logan theep approval would they no they they came back and they they they reviewed and approved our first flood study now they want us to do a second flood study with a different kind of analysis so we're in the middle of trying to talk to them about that what exactly they're looking for because it's such a small little run it's not like it's you know 2,000 square miles we're talking about so pardon my ignorance did we not give them what they asked for the beginning yep we did I just don't they for my my guess would be they don't believe it's that easy because we said the road is lower than our property so it's not going to flood and they didn't believe us so when we did the Culver study with the back flow analysis the road is actually I think the center of the road is I think elevation 30.5 and our lowest piece on our property is like elevation 31 so yeah it backs up but it's only going to back up because the whole road is the spillway now and The Wider you go across the road the m m water can go across that it's intense so it's not going to back up on 155 Logan so they're they're kind of a little suspicious of how easy it was so but we'll do the next one and we'll prove that it's okay at our cost yeah but it's not really a lot of money believe it or not I mean depends what well it depends what kind of study they looking for if the what I think they're looking for it's just a matter of doing some numbers and running it through a little calculation but if they're looking for a large back to Backwater study which they really can't be because normally they call it a HEC two study normally you don't do those unless you're over 50 usually a couple hundred square miles but usually it has to be over 200 acres for those to be accurate and we only have 50 acres so that's why we start they even started with this other program which was for small drainage areas and I think they just want to cover their bases and make sure with this different study that's kind of gu something in between the two but we're talking to them we're trying to get through that 1515 is 50 acres no no the drainage area that comes through the streem quarter on the south side is oh okay cuz the stretches all the way to the west side of 35 there's a c that comes under 35 to the north of and it's discharg and it runs down the Swale that runs by the back of the school by back property line got it okay thank you yeah thank you anyone else Greg thank you okay that's great I'm actually staying for the other part so exting yet uh Dave I'm gonna go to Mike first say I'm going yield to the recreation okay let's go perfect thank you there we go Mr W so I'm here to talk about the Kenny pick a field thanks for staying Greg I probably refer to you on some of this um so there's been talk in town for many of years now that they wanted a turfield in town um I tried different Avenues to go down to try to make this happen out of every low expense we tried fundraising um that didn't really work out too well we raised about 1,600 bucks and that was due to pump pass picket so we were a little bit short because we budgeted about $2 million for the project so that paid for the sign pretty much that I got yeah so we're a little short I did put in for a grant local Recreation Improvement Grant then we were awarded $70,000 but that's still still a little short but that's that money still I still want to put that for improvements to the field um so I was coming up with plan B's after I kind of really looked at that $2 million price tag on what it would cost I called other towns I called some contractors and uh I got some pricing for what this field was going to cost if we just did Turf if we were to if we already had Turf and to tear that Turf and put new Turf down the state contract pricing right now is a million dollar that's just to replace that's to replace Turf State contract price through uh field Turf didn't the high school completely from start to finish was only 700 and right8 that was to build it how many years ago years John's right yeah that was many years ago at least 10 but just to replace the carpet is a million dollars yeah from the rip it up cuz then you got to you can't reuse the the rub underneath the surface underneath so they have to you know do the surfacing and the turf was $993,000 wow and then you have to actually start to fund it within 10 years you're going to have to replace it between 10 and 15 years going through that over in Asbury right now this a Stam piece so that's the number yeah State contract prices are a little high understandable but that's the number that I got that was accurate it was this year's price that uh Township of Oldbridge is actually using so I saw that that I called a who uses our field the most um and asked uh Tim I was like would you play games here if I Turf this and he was like not unless I have a concession stand a bathroom like a full-blown Stadium he's like we have all that at the high school he's like so he wasn't even too sold on on that idea as well um so I was you know starting to think what we can do I was like what happens if we just make our existing field that we have playable you know really playable get new irrigation you know uh air aate it seed it you know go through proper drainage lights seeding so but so we got the irrigation work so the seed will pop and then light it because we got the $70,000 Grant um I talked to a couple contractors musco and a couple others I'm looking to get more accurate pricing but I think I could do it like so around two $200,000 and that's not including the $70,000 that we would be you know that we have in grant money they would izze it for football practices they would still play their games on the turf um lacrosse and I think I could create more Recreation programs in the evening for adults if I had a light a field that was lit I could do small-sided soccer I could do senior soccer they do like walking soccer now and all these Sports can be played at night um the best part about that field right now is already retrofitted for lights uh when they designed it so there's four boxes with the conduit already ran underneath where the poles would go so you would just be running electric we wouldn't be doing no trenching to that field and also there's that trench goes all the way to the um the gym complex so it's like a little trench from where the playground is close to the doors to like a control panel area by the by the gym so the lighting isn't that difficult to do then no okay I we wouldn't get a lot of light it wouldn't interfere it's a perfect area it's right by Route 18 there's not a lot of residential houses over there that's why it was great for the initial rendering of that Stadium I thought but I think this is a good plan that's more affordable and something that we could you know get to soon so that would be my uh proposal if you know but I want to hear you guys out right irrigation on that I mean if we were to do that um drainage and irrigation what are we looking at roughly over there there's already a system of under drains there but that could cost you depending on how we' have to get into testing those but if it weren't any if there was no underd drains there now cost you probably $200,000 put under drains accurately under those fields right but I know there's a lot there there's already draam and there's irrigation that just has to be gone through thoroughly so is there an irrigation system presently out there yes it just doesn't work it's not it's not efficient not so it has to be modified it has to be updated so we do have the we have the irrigation system out there already which means that all we have to do is modify that and update it and a lot of that we could do in house I already thought to Steve Higgins about it a lot of this work that we could do in house can the can that Municipal gym be used for the other things that a needs like the bathrooms and con they currently use the for practices they use our bathrooms inside there okay so they get access to the lobby area the best a full-blown like real game there was two different high schools playing with two different teams playing the bathrooms and the gym One support okay so the big number is the turf and the parking lot because we would have to spin that field around if we were going to go with the rendering that we did so it's a legit legitimate football size football field and that would be adding more parking lot area um which also would probably be a big number I don't know where that number would come in that but Greg would have a better would it be expanding the one you have now or building on the other side of the building expanding what we currently have going towards Route 18 going on the field pretty much taking up half of the football field that we currently have and then turn it twist it the other way behind the gym yeah y oh okay where they used to practice back there yeah behind the playr behind the playground yeah but your plan B right now is to leave the existing Feld the way it is don't end the parking you wouldn't twist it I wouldn't twist it I would let them practice on it I would light it up I would it's large enough for practice it's fine it's only like two yards not wide enough okay um that's pretty because then it starts sloping downhill towards Route 18 so that's the problem with the size but for us to run flag football games on it to run you know small sided soccer fields I think the Field's sufficient enough so needs to be lit I think it's a great idea I think it's it gives a lot it gives you more opportunities to do what you said M if we spent the money to do this would that prohibit us from eventually doing Turf like are we throwing I'm not saying throwing good money after ban by kind but this would improve it which is great and I think it is probably all we need but if we did this I think you already answered it that if we spend let's say 300,000 all in then would that money be ha to use wasted because if we wanted to go Turf you said you have to turn you do so that what we're doing is not necessarily aing any future Turf not on that location okay which is fine yeah it sounds like the turf is a noo right right unless somebody comes in with a second contract and wants to donate it right right okay it was it was it was that number that kind of even not scared me cuz like I'm just here to build it make fun for everybody else but when that number came in and saw other when I talked to other towns they talked about how expensive this is going to cost us um that's when I started coming up but just a backup plan to present you guys because there's not a lot of money we're going to make back on this project right you know it's for the community um you know running Recreation programs we will have a source of Revenue you know at least coming in doing that we could have done on the turf but to pay back $200,000 versus $2 million is a lot less I even know that man did you uh have you talk out class did you uh reach out to the soccer club at all I didn't I haven't spoke to them about that they have a new president yeah Bri do they play all the way up there for that tournament they don't they come up that that far they play the intermediate no oh they do at the intermedi they play they don't even do that anymore because they think those fields are in such bad shape at the middle school that they don't even use those anymore I haven't spoke to them regarding not doing the turf by a Al don't know how much they were going to utilize well they might be able to utilize I like the whole small sided thing so they could do that and if it's lit that's a huge plus cuz they were dragging those lights over and the whole bit the generator lights at the traffic lights yeah so I think it's going to definitely be a you know a great source for them to have you know as a Township too I would reach out to them because I think that they would you know be pretty excited for something like that cuz I know they wanted Turf and I know a lot of people want Turf and a lot of people are starting to steer the other way if you can get good natural grass I think you're you know you're in the game it's just a fact of maintaining that natural grass and that's very hard to do with the amount of traffic we have on these fields too when do you anticipate it being done at least this we can get done as as soon as the the money is approved you know if this is the project the way we want to go I'll start working on it immediately to be ready for next fall so that's kind of where I would Aim so we wouldn't have to interfere with next football season by they start practicing in August I would want that field to be completed by then we would aate this F in the spring we would start the Landscaping portion of it you know late this fall do you have to strip the fields do you have to level them or everything's good they do have to be leveled yeah MH because they do pitch in all different weird directions so that would be part of the project as well and everything I met with Steve Higgins I met with Kirk out there um Kirk can do the lights right he can he can when we start talking about how big the project is they they're going to be do some portion of the project which is going to save the town money as well somebody would have to install the lights and W right kir and W yeah that's what I me Stu like that but then get somebody do obviously get a contractor and put the polls in and stuff CU Kirk has that ability well straw pole Rob young th go for it are you still looking for sponsorships I'm always looking for sponsor not going to say no but I mean is there any you know targeted ones I haven't been actively looking you know I think even that campaign of the first campaign we put out there with the form and the sign and everything like that kind of just fills it out there was a lot of talk about people wanting to reach in their pockets you know especially at the pool complex that's where a lot of families were coming out to me saying we need Turf this down yeah you know I know a lot of people with a lot of money you know I was like all right I'm going to put a campaign together to see how much money we can raise for the community for their children and when it came down to and I gave him the forms again I got $1,625 ass picket period of Time how long was the campaign going it the signed still up put it that way and that's was we're probably moving on 18 months now so $100 like yeah bad like right there though you know I tell you if we keep this going you know we'll see where we're at in 25 years would it be worthwhile to have some sort of event there and maybe try and charge for it or have I don't know raise more money for light or if we're just going to go the light I'm always willing you know to take any type of you know funds that improve our facilities I do feel like for this minim like to do lights I don't think it's I don't know if it's necessary to do that if you know we get the approval because it's already such a savings on the original uh project um can we use open space yes oh yes talk to CFO already the he can find the funds pretty easily to do this project and the greatest thing about this is that I requested that the council as a back stop if you wanted to do the turfield we had like a 22 million bond out there we can cancel that oh yeah and we never went for the notes it was just on paper right just want that for the record yeah that was my question cuz there was some folks that were nervous that were bonding so much money but we really it just on paper right yeah we didn't actually now we can cancel that if this is the direction that the council wants to go Dave your thought well I was just asking is this money earmarked is it sitting in a in a uh you know a file somewhere ready to go or an account yes so yeah so it just goes back to the general treasury MH and then we you know it come back to this body for a resolution MH and I understand the push for artificial turm you know you get more games and less cancellations and all and all that stuff and other people want to rent it not just ocean T programs we just take so much out of the time can I ask a question Jackie hold on one second I'm I'm sorry M May yeah we don't not uh public at the end when we're done EXC public comment when we're done oh okay I just had a comment about the chur no go ahead go ahead come on oh um renting it out so the whole concept when we did the high school field was that we were going to rent it out I rented it and I never did right but they never put it they never push it out for they rented it out a little bit to the soccer club and it ended up becoming a real pain because of insurance and Stu it was everything it was insurance it was you had to pay for the janitor to be there to turn the lights on turn them off it was actually rather administrative okay then you came to find a lot of people out there anyway just borrowing it using it like you know we left the light I would try to police it the best we can like we do our other fields when it comes to permitting out but we would get we would raise we would make money but not as much as enough for the headache no not enough for we thought we were going to pay off that just like the same I just no fair enough yeah I've always asked myself how like a town like Neptune I know it's the soccer club they a theed the complex okay it's Turf bathrooms in the stadium it's just no I I thought that investment was not decision there's stories how they do it it's just you know but it's very cost prohibitive I would private I mean my honestly my my concern was Kelly and Kelly squawking at 2 million now I feel a lot better yeah I didn't like it at all when I saw those numbers I thought they were infl totally in agreement with Mike right now I think it totally makes sense I I think that maintenance of of regular grass is a heck of a lot easier than field Turf I mean you you just this is just to me this is an ongoing expense that we would have to fund uh let's call it $100,000 a year for the next 15 years to make sure we have enough money in the till to replace it you still need the machines to roll it to comb it out there's still an overhead cost to M maintain Turf and the amount of heat that's on the field with the turf the field Turf the the artificial turf because it it's a lot hotter than regular grass I mean it's definitely got a there's definitely a difference so all right let's I mean yeah if we're good with it bu I think if you make a really nice field and you keep it you know maintain I mean we've never really had a lot of great fields in this town no I really try to you you know put the effort in and do it right and uh at you know at a fraction of the price with artificial terer cost I think just being lit we don't the only lit fields we have offer off the sunset the baseball and softball field so this that's going to be alone an improvement having lights on that I think if you light it they'll come people will come for sure build it my mot you build it light it if you light it don't come feel free to take it good deal all right Mike thank you thank you Mike Mike Dave have you ever been rejected by us I mean every time you come we give you something well give me he makes a shine you didn't give me theed on the tur you just rejected me on the tur sorry another $1.8 million Pro 10% of the cost uh Dave okay may I got uh three good quick ones yes sir uh first of all the administration found a company called Supernova they do um free rapid U charging stations and they also do free solar we're exploring both but we're really really interested in the EV charging stations right now so we're looking at different locations where they put them in they install them they own them they maintain them uh no cost to the town Township we just have to provide locations on obviously Township property we can also direct them to some of the local businesses if they want to also do this as well so we're just investigating the um and what do they do they charge people to yeah when you when you P pull and plug in then that's that's where the you know you'd have to charge up unlike the ones I think we have out here now I think it's free y got it but this is the way the world's going so we're trying to get more we have no say in their rates or anything no no say rates that's yes there's an administ there yep so we we're working all the details but this is just kind of a high level hey we're doing this right now and I'll give you more details as we get into the weeds cuz uh you know as they say the devil's always in detail so I was always told nothing's free either so let let's see how this goes if it doesn't oh sorry go ahead I was just going to say if it doesn't work out then there are those grants available that yeah yeah and we're still pursuing that we that's how we got the first set but get some free ones in that that would be helpful too for sure um got two great letters from the dot commissioner OK Conor um via our assembly woman uh Donan the Ocean Township receive an allotment of 250,000 for dredging of Lollipop Pond and the second letter is we will receive an allotment of 350,000 for lollipop Palm Footbridge so we're batting a th000 there and want to thank uh both Assembly women and the senator for for their support and helping us secure those funds that's good stuff great that's all I have M thank you one for close session yeah yeah we have uh Mary Beth coming in a all right so we yeah we have to stick to the schedule go Zoom yeah via boom uh let's go around the horn go ahead Rob uh one of the items on the agenda is the sewage Authority approval for their 2.5 million yeah it's uh the wastewater treatment plan and a couple of their pumping station so Dave and I spoke the I forgot when it was sometime today this morning um so one of the questions I asked and I don't think it's a showstopper but is that going to increase the rate that residents are paying for their storage bill I also asked how in-depth do we get in asking about the technical side of that and I thought we didn't which would be a good thing because I don't know how much of us know anything about SE Authority that's why they're separate Dave does having said that um he made the suggestion that uh we have them come to a meeting and not that it would delay this vote but just to give us a update on what they're doing and whether that's going to increase the rate or anything else that we had questions for I thought it was a good idea but he asked me to bring get up today I've been here for over 3 years now be good to hear from yeah I think it's it's a good idea yeah should know what's going on take another tour Dave I I took the tour it was fun you and I right yeah we did take the tour needs a tour though do I I didn't do it the tour yeah oh never literally Kelly Kelly and if you've never been it's worth a trip it's quite a show really the next meeting it really isting worth it honest to goodness really I don't did it I don't even remember it smelling but there was a section that was I'd like to go in the winter don't laugh I used to take my classes in Asbury to the Asbury Sewer Authority CU it really is actually pretty cool it actually pretty cool field trip Kelly in the winter in the winter yeah yeah don't go there in just to be sure picture of it Tim I I think it was summer that you pretty sure I went the summer it was God Almighty uh G uh just following up on Lewis Street did we decide nothing is on the agenda for street is going to be discussed um the chief's going to circle back to me after some studies and Analysis and that'll come up in the October meeting oh great okay that's it Dave I did want to f i I know there's a bunch of emails came out about this but the dog park um you know as a kid we they made those soccer fields at one time by the way and one of the reasons that they're no longer soccer fields is because they have those bur cactusyack tackle they'd be stuck into you so speaking of turf it's an interesting idea because tinon Falls did Turf their dog park and it's not a particularly large Turf it's good for cleanup it's good for this it's good for that so I'm just throwing that out there I know it's a county quasi project with us but they're supposed to be out there removing those Cactus I just don't know if that's a possibility and that whole area is so where do they come from they grow it's it's like a weirdest soil ever seen it's this Sandy it's like the Dark Side of the Moon over there I'm telling you by the by the all those things have been there it's been there since I was a kid he's got all the things today do we get word great we get did they get out there and clear that out yet they were supposed to but Mike would have probably know better yeah should asked him I just don't know if you can ever truly clear that out it is unless you were to literally strip it all back put some new new sever feet down but you're not talking about a large piece of turf either it's a fairly small amount of turf I will tell you the county I'm going to say policy I think that's the way L trena did is no no tur from the county I only agree with you yeah it's too bad because I like the one in tinon Falls it's a welld designed dog bark they got little doggy things to run her through and it's it's cool it's just not a you know mm and I definitely see some some chatter on the internet of sort of the underwhelming of the park so you know let a start we can I know we got to start somewhere and try to build with County you know but it definitely it needs something there has let's see what let's if they can get the cactus REM there has to be some landscap or somewhere that can figure out how to deal with done this before yeah it just seems crazy that we can't so widespread I got to tell you I remember going to the pool like 40 years ago really it's probably like bamboo it just keeps goinging back these little sticker and they they hurt and they just they're all over Place yeah these are not Cactus like you think of a cactus these are these little birds and they would get all over your socks and stuff it's not good for our dogs either not good for anybody so you know just think this is going to have to get a better look so right so we'll do uh call mik Dave can we uh check with Mike right now y thank you Dave anything else that's it thank you okay Kelly uh just one question following up on the request for an info paper to go out publicly on the deer management the it's been a hassle trying to get these various firms lined up I think we got one of them on the calendar for next week okay so hopefully we'll October hopefully I'll have something to say either we got somebody or we're getting closer just a general status though like it looks like it's going to be hybrid just for many reasons cost and and talking deer deer oh yeah yeah yeah I mean I can come up with some sort of summary uh draft in the meantime if that's uh if that's something you're looking for I would like to put something out I've been on Council 22 months and okay still an open-ended question and I understand why now I way better understand why now with the cost associated with the one approach and the push back from the other side on the other approach I can draft something with while I continue to feed them in my backyard do you I do it on camera I know I can't help but I love them they play with my [Laughter] dog I can draft something with Tracy and then um get that out to the government body for a review before we put it out there and I respectfully think you're more than qualified to do that I think with all of our writing skills over looking at Kelly I mean I don't know just because I write a lot doesn't mean it's quality that's fine it's concern is once you put it out there the response that it may get and yeah but that group wasn't going trying to manage it that group wasn't going to manage that piece of it they were just going to D they were going to respond well that that was the whole thing we're investigating the scope of service here to what they're going to do via social media news outlets Etc I expect some good chatter on this cuz my office phone blows up a lot on dear stuff both sides of the story but that's what the statement's there for I mean yeah it should cover both I mean I mean we're not hiding anything it's going to be transparent right exactly it is what it is so when they call up refer refer to the statement yeah I mean not everybody refers the statement that's the only problem you know some you know you could put a statement out and people challenge the statement or they you know want to ask you a zillion questions on the statement I mean statements are made because you want to make the statement to explain it um you know that's I I I see Dave's point with making sure that we have the proper messaging out there but also the proper answers that come through the statement uh we don't need to have you know eight different messages being sent out there and really just start to you know confuse it and the state response is still pending right they still haven't gotten back to our amended proposal we didn't even get that far yet submitted to the state we can't even get out our own way because I haven't well I thought we submitted and then they gigged us and said you have to blah blah blah that was three years ago cuz that was when Tom Hena was here he submitted something or maybe maybe Mike m submitted it Tom inro was here when the response came back okay and it was 10 back and and we can't even respond to those 10 things because everything had to be refreshed we had to do all these studies we had to hire the company to come in oh yeah the count they want to do uh different things that the County prosecutor doesn't want us to do the police department has their concerns regarding that if if there was a hunt to be done how do we protect the the public and how many officers and things it's going to take to protect so it's just it just build and the other municipalities if they don't participate and if the surrounding municipalities don't participate the deer from their towns are coming right back in so where's our money going right out the window okay thank you that was it for me turning the heat on in your house and keeping the windows open and again as Dave said they're all leaning on Dave right now as being the lead off on the whole deer thing right Dave I mean every town around us is leaning on us oh yeah you know yeah at the mean it was like whatever you say whatever you want Dave go for it go get them tiger spend all you want yeah have no money from them though so nobody kicking out yeah that's the problem all right well look let's get the messaging out actually there's a deer that's part put a deer wall up but I would like to do there's like this very high fence uh that we area in a certain part in the park because my fear ultimately is the park is dying the foration so we need to figure out how to box them out of certain areas so we can observe the park so that's going to be part of this statement too I think that's probably one of the more serious issues right now the fact that the that play a park potentially is getting eaten right out it's getting decimated and that's not good either no um we could send them all over to Kelly's house and she seems to like SPG every day I'm sorry you problem my neighbors hate that I do it but I don't care they come whether you feed them or not they do they play with my dogs yeah well that's cute it is cute it is you got get a video dinner and entertainment who I've seen that on social media where deers and dogs everybody just one happy family that's it we just everybody adopt the deer yes that's so Dave let's get uh at least let's start a a draft before you meet with uh with Ed and and then oh good idea yeah plenty of time to do that the middle of the week so right right so we can at least review and take a look and see how you know we want to potentially put the messaging out you know making sure that our our message is done the right way all right hello Colleen you Colleen good what brings you in we got to do a noral project close session oh here for close session that's right okay um one other if I may I got a text can you follow up on three uh 2 394 Redmond that was where the neighbor was putting drainage into the neighbor's yard at a possible illegal pickle ball court in the backyard Steve went out there there's an EMA I'll forward this email that you sent on October 25th of 23 but 296 396 Redmond 396 yeah I'll send this to you but I asked if he had any cu I knew you were here and I forgot he said he hadn't heard anything in about 3 weeks Steve was on it there was a violation excuse me not Steve Ken I was like Steve Ken he said Steve I think he meant Ken but I'll send this to you okay thank you thank you and uh one other thing uh got a letter from a resident uh thanking Nancy Peak she had uh gotten a call a complaint in regard to a rather large pothole or a couple of them over it was actually Middlebrook um in that general area but Nancy made a call and that pothole was filled like that middle Brook jump right on it so um very appreciative of the fact that Nancy moved quick but Middlebrook moved just as quick so uh you know it was good teamwork there on that getting that done so Nancy thank you appreciate that Jack I wanted to comment about the field that what I've been reading about it that actually Turf is causing more accidents and injuries to the players okay we're not doing the turf no I understand that's I wanted to say I thought that was a great idea to move Beyond it and also yeah and I've been over by the field and the field looks beautiful right now I understand it has to be more leveled out but I mean I think that you're going in a good direction yeah it needs some work we're you know Mike Mike's doing a fantastic job with the fields and uh and our Recreation so his it's funny he you know Rob's like you know do we ever turn you down and I I gotta tell you he's a hard guy to turn down because he keeps coming up with great ideas and it's it's just enhan ing the community in a in in a great way so Mike you know Mike and his team you know Mike's you know obviously the head of it but the whole there's a whole team over there and they he looks like has good energy but also the turf as you pointed out gets hot and get hotter so you know more heat on it so I think yeah it's gone in a good direction absolutely and um and then you had said that you m letter to you about deal Road between that's been sent over to the Chief and the chief has already sent it over to David but uh you know they're going to wait until the homes are done over Toll Brothers and do a study and their uh their traffic people take a look at it again what homes are Toll Brothers yeah not over l lenar lenar i mean oh the on on the corner yeah lenar they're going to wait for that just to be able to they want to wait till that's completed to see uh you know once everything is complete over there cuz the study was done a couple years ago so or maybe even less than that I'm I'm specifically discussing the area that's around the park because that's where the kids are struggling they get new bikes or like Stu you know they Cross theel Road they try and get on there the pavement they're they're tripping they're falling on the ground and uh they go by so fast and I walk my dog often over to the park and you feel it I even feel it as an adult like we should have some kind of a barrier a little bit because they go so fast on theal road and and we've lowered the uh Mammoth Road to 35 so between whale Pond and Logan where we have more interaction it's count yeah Mammoth Road is count that's not right but right but they've lowered it in some areas again that's the county we go off this is a town like that's I know we go off of the recommendation of the police department um you know they you know they run the roads they've got their traffic department so we go off what their recommendations are they're the professionals when it comes to the traffic and the roads well I have I have offered my driveway uh in the past if the police if if the officer sat in my driveway and got everyone that was speeding it it would bring great amount of money into the town for other things I mean people speed by our house all the time and it's very dangerous when I get out of my driveway because you cannot go I have to be at a full stop before I can get into the road because I'm waiting for the traffic to pass and when I get out there someone's like speeding down at 50 miles an hour right up to the back of my car so it it's it's too dramatic at 40 miles an hour when we have residents coming out of their driveway at zero we can't get up to 50 like that yep Chief is fully aware he has the information uh David's aware so they'll they're going to do the study as soon as those homes are done okay do you know when that will be in the home I don't I don't have a schedule on when they're going to be completed and filled and and done okay and I guess I make one other suggestion a lot of people as I've been going around campaigning that's when you find everything out about the town when you're knocking on doors um people would you know I speak I speak about how come more people don't show up at the council meetings and they say well you know we would show up more if there was you know um like this meeting is very conversational different than the meeting that we're going to have it follow downstairs but then you break into private session so if if the community comes here then they have to go wait and then come back we're you're all here working anyway some of you are working in this building why not have the private session first and then the public session and then have the public be able to go right downstairs to the main meeting we have discussed that and uh actually it's funny you should say that because I was going to make the recommendation that we consider making a switch on the way that we do the meetings so that is going to be considered we will discuss it as a council and potentially make a change that would be great thank you thank you and you mean executive executive session not not a private meeting they don't do a private meeting okay yeah all right yeah no I think um because people want to get more involved there you all have different when you knock on the door and then you say we'll bring it to the town and then they you know say schedule again they EAS see you later thank you okay motion to go into a closed session second all in favor any oppos just want to remind everybody that all tup Council meetings will audio and videotaped and we'll be showing on the tup of oceans Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon fos and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor nean here Deputy Mayor fiser here council members Zera here Kine here Terry here can everyone stand for a pledge of allegiance and we will have a silent prayer when we're over in obviously in honor of the 911 victims as we had the 23rd anniversary yesterday I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing you may be seated the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meting meeting have been satisfied and a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press in the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 there are two emergency exits to my right that'll take you to the front of the building and another one to my left that'll take you to the rear please make sure that all cell phones are turned off if you need to make a call kindly step outside I'm going to start with Council comments we'll start down at the end with Deputy Mayor fiser thank you mayor um one Qui comment today I wanted to uh pass on my condolences to the uh best family Marilyn Michaels passed away about two weeks ago and she was a huge uh individual for the Arts and the plays and singing and dancing and she was a fixture at The JCC in the Axel Rod theater and I don't think unless you were in that world you realize how many people she impacted the answer could be in the thousands uh I don't know how many people she inspired to go on on Ashley Tisdale being one of them and you know sometimes we get so fixated on our Sports Heroes and all our other Heroes but you forget that somebody like Marilyn Michaels really touched a lot of lives so my condolences to Garrett Lane and Blair best and on the passing of their mom thank you Deputy Mayor councilwoman Terry uh just a couple things um I wanted to remind residents to sign up for the nixel um I had a resident complaint about not being aware of something and it was because she had signed up for nixel in another town so even if you're registered for tinon Falls or neptun nixel you actually also have to register for ocean townships that's just a reminder some upcoming events uh BSA Troop 70 in the township of ocean the e-w recycling event is taking place Saturday the 14th of September from 10:00 to 2 at the ocean pool parking lot we have on 18 September Asbury rotary is hosting their mini golf tournament to buy uh bulletproof vests for their new recruits 19 September marot at Ocean Commons is having their grand opening celebration starts at 4: ribbon cutting at 5: and Fall Fest uh the 28th SE September with a rain date of 29 September oh and I missed this one uh 21 September uh Forte Pates is having their ribbon cutting as well that's it for me great thank you councilwoman councilwoman Kaplan uh first of all I didn't know that Marilyn Michael's passed away she was my first grade teacher so sending condolences um second and I attended uh the 911 ceremony put on by the uh County Commissioners this week and it was really beautiful um it's just something like this that reminds us that in tough times that really Americans come together and it's a it's a good reminder um lastly I just want to um remind everyone that school has started it's actually my favorite season um there's buses everywhere let's um be careful stop for them um and notice the kids around town uh trying to get around and just uh stay safe thank you thank you Council councilman aera other than condolences to the Michaels family I'm going to pass no report kidie David thanks mayor I'm pleased to announce uh from the Department of Transportation in New Jersey they have award ocean chionship receive an allotment of $250,000 for the dredging of Lollipop Pond and we also going to be receiving an allotment of 350,000 for lollipop Pond foot Bridge Project and if we all recall uh several meetings ago we had to close what everybody thought was a foot Bridge which was a safety hazard we will now be able to use these funds to actually put a foot Bridge there and make it safe for passage across that Palm Don Stein do you hear that bridge is coming thank you Dave uh Matt no reports nothing um I just have two things uh first uh former police officer L burkowitz lost his father uh last week uh Lon was a 20-year police veteran here in Township of ocean and uh you know just a great guy and his father had a business for many many years uh I knew Izzy personally and uh express my sincerest condolences to the burkit family they were just really salt to the Earth uh I will be having a charity golf tournament on October 30th at Hollywood country club and the proceeds from the charity I mean proceeds from the golf tournament will be going to the Women's Club of Asbury Park which is located on wikipe Drive in Ocean Township where we have many women from this community that have joined up uh my wife included uh so we are very pleased to be able to do that they're looking to raise funds to uh basically update the club and uh put on a new roof so and for is out there it's uh on our social media pages so I just want to let everybody know that if you're interested please contact any of us thank you uh before we get into public questions on resolutions and vouchers I just want to remind everybody that public comment shall be limited to 3 minutes on a resolution and or ordinance and at the end when we have public comment for a second time you'll be limited to five minutes all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted in one single Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussion of these items if discussion is desired on any item that item will be considered will be considered separately the purpose of the public portion is to solely ask questions to understand resolutions that appear on the agenda and it's not an occasion for a public hearing on an ordinance all questions not related to an item on on this agenda should be asked during the public comments portion at the conclusion of the meeting are there any questions on the consent agenda please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record um Alex Hayes from Ur I think this is on the consent agenda um sorry can I find it um the picket field update that was on the the first agenda so that's that counts right yes okay um I wasn't able to come to the 5:00 p.m meeting because I was still at work um can you just tell me what um was discussed upstairs the last I was here um you guys were talking about how they thought it was going to be million doll to have the turf field and then it went up to $2 million um so just wondering what's changed or what new or what was presented at 5 we've opted not to do Turf we'll be revamping that field with just grass and drainage and lights okay do you know how that affects ocean United because um a year ago ocean United in a public meeting for all the soccer parents and coaches said that they will no longer be using Township School Fields because they're so excited that the town is building new turf fields across the street from the Middle School right the $2 million price tag is just a little too much right now okay um and you did just mention in your opening so hopefully this counts as the agenda um the golf tournament the mayor's golf tournament no not part of the agenda okay I'll wait till the end yes sure anyone else seeing here none do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda I'm making a motion to approve the consent second second roll call aera yes kapan yes M yes Terry yes yes uh individual action vouchers in the amount of 8,444 c43 someone please offer I'll offer second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes NE County yes ordinances up for adoption we have ordinance 2475 which is an ordinance amending chapter 16 of the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 entitled parks and playgrounds subsection 16- 5.5 point one fees associated with the indoor golf facility can someone please open public discussion on or ordance 2475 I'd like to make a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2475 second I'll second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes naan yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2475 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here none do I have a motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2475 I'd like to make a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 24 75 second second aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes action on ordinance 2475 I'd like to move to adopt ordinance 2475 and publish according to law second second roll call a Cher yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes ordinance 2475 passes ordinance 2477 which is an ordinance amending chapter 12 traffic of the revised General ordinances of the tach of of ocean 1965 designating streets or parts of streets as through streets someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2477 I'd like to make a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2477 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2477 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing hear none do I have a motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2477 I'd like to make a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 2477 second second roll call aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nepan yes mayor if I may um municipal clerk did the chief speak to you about this ordinance I no this is a different one I know but he mentioned something about he wanted them to move together this is leis street again right I think it's for this is something different this is Wells Avenue stop sign Wellen stop sign okay that was 76 go ahead proceed I'm just curious CU I don't know where I am now yeah I'm sorry mayor I'm solely sorry I normally don't do that but I just wanted to make sure motion to close public I'll do it again no you did that already I did that I waited for that so you you got a action this is an take an action May action on ordinance 2477 I'd like to move to adopt ordinance 2477 and publish according to law second second roll call a Cher yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes ordinance 2477 passes ordinance 2478 which is an ordinance amending chapter 11b of the revised General ordinances of the tat of of ocean 1965 entitled miscellaneous administrative provisions and Personnel policies someone please open public discussion on ordinance 24 478 i' like to make a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2478 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kine yes Terry yes Neen yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2478 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here none do I have any motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2478 I'd like to make a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 2478 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes Nan yes uh action action on ordinance 2478 i' like to move to adopt ordinance 2478 and publish according to law second second roll call aera yes fer yes kapan yes Terry yes nean yes ordinance 2478 passes introductions ordinance number 2479 which is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 12 of the revised General ordinances of the tou of theocean 1965 entitled traffic subsection 12-7a electric bicycles and scooters someone please introduce ordinance 2479 I'd like to move to introduce ordinance 2479 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes appan yes uh that will have its public hearing on not on 9:26 it'll be on 10 I believe it's 1010 1010 10 12 October 12th October 12 okay got fix that okay sorry okay yeah no you're right 1010 1010 sorry about that October 10th Jesse likes it so much she's showing up September 26th as well yeah ordinance 2480 which is a bond ordinance providing for various Road and drainage improvements two electrical two electric vehicle parking spaces and roadway striping appropriating 3,500,000 there4 and authorizing the issuance of 3,242 1854 in bonds and notes to finance a portion of the cost thereof someone please introduce ordinance 2480 i' like to move to introduce ordinance 2480 second second roll call Aer yes Fisher yes kapan yes Terry yes M yes that too will have its public hearing on October 10th public comments anyone wishing to speak about anything Germaine of the tou of evotion that's not on the agenda please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the [Music] record this is the five minute part right yeah yes ma'am okay um Alex's Oakhurst um couple of things um the township manager thank you when we had our um nice candidate conversation I had a couple questions about the last meeting um the meeting that I was um asking about you know how will we assess this building how will we get a feasibility study or um a facilities you know study um and you had mentioned that you know someone in this building will be planning like a going out to bid or should we talk about um going out to bid about who can do a study on this building so I'm just wondering what the status on that is but before you answer I'll just go through a couple questions if you don't mind um the mayor's golf tournament um amazing um a charity that you're doing it for I'm a member of the Asbury Park Women's Club as well I'm just curious why we're having tournaments at a private golf course when we have our own public golf course in town um and there's certain restrictions that the two private golf courses have in town in order to be a member so I don't know it seems it seems kind of counterproductive to be inclusive to all um to not have our charity events at our town public course that's I guess a comment but my question would be like um would you ever consider making all mayor Township um Recreation Department fundraisers in town that involve a golf course how about they be at our public golf course I guess that's an official question um uh another one I'm sorry I have like two more I think um on today's agenda there were a couple people who you know didn't pay their assessments for the curbs and all that um tough times for a lot of people around town you all after the $1,500 if if people are delinquent are charging 18% and I know that's standard across municipalities but some municipalities in New Jersey are um get having a little bit more empathy towards residents when the federal interest rate is around five and a half um it kind of seems crazy to me that um youall are charging 18% when the FED say five and a half it just seems kind of exorbitant and unnecessary you're not a bank we don't need to be making money off of residents to 18% um okay there's that and then I'm sorry two more ebikes um public hearing you said I think you said the 1012 meeing okay 1010 1010 okay um super thrilled that there seems to be a lot of minutes that are put forth today uh for meeting minutes but y'all have talked about ebikes in the last several meetings so I don't know how anybody is going to be prepar prepared for that meeting on 10:12 to see what everybody said about the ebikes or what I said what that other gentleman said the last time um if there's no minutes um because I do not have time nor do most people to watch these minutes these meetings for 4 hours and then another four hours and then another four hours if the ebikes have been brought up at three separate meetings so unfortunately the town residents won't really know what everybody said because you're not going to have the minutes in time clearly and then my last comment is and hopefully you can address some of these when I'm I'm done um uh it's com to my attention that the um New Jersey libertarian party um you know has has sent a long email to council and administrators um basically saying they have a project saying uh a lot of towns in New Jersey have such old Antiquated rules and regulations um but that are basically superseded by state law so why do we have like certain laws here about for example loitering or whatever it was when the state has their own laws that take effect so has this been assigned to the town attorney for review and any other yes movement that one quick yes it's been assigned to you that's it okay okay finally got a word it was after the qu there were a couple questions in there do I get any respon that's it well are you done yeah that's up right that was the five minute so I I'll answer mine real quick then I'm going to defer over over to David uh as for the golf tournament they're at a club that has 18 holes not nine so we're looking to raise funds for this club and we're not going to raise money at Colonial terrorists like we could at Hollywood uh we can command a much you know decent amount of money for the club that way uh the curb assessment at 18% I'm going to throw that one over to Dave the minutes were almost all caught up there I thank Jesse for actually working through her vacation to get everything done she will have the other ones completed in a timely fashion as well um and the status of the building issue I'm going to also throw that one over to David so David um if you could answer the curb assessment 18% and the status of the building uh having it assessed what what uh resolution was the curb assessment what resolution there were several there were a couple on there okay so I'm going to take a shot in the dark on this there was like three homeowners that owed like 2000 whatever it was for the Cur my my presumption would be that they signed a agreement in the beginning and that 18% probably is clearly spelled out in that cuz we can't just pull a number out of the air um pretty standard 18% why we chose 18% I'd have to research that because that would be um correct me if I'm wrong Jesse that's something I guess that we've been doing from year to year yes sir towns do yeah and then in regards to our conversation uh we have engaged or about to engage I'm in conversations right now with Remington Vernick to proceed with the assessment of the various locations in town for the new Municipal Hall and what was the other one that came to me that's it the 18% and the status of the building that was it but um correct me I'm wrong mayor you just said there will be minutes done in time but we don't is there another meeting before the 10 timely And Timely I said timely matter but is there a meeting before the 1012 meeting there's not there's not and it's 1010 1010 I keep 10 yep so you just said though that people should be well aware of what's going on because minutes will be done in a timely manner but I don't honestly don't know what meeting we've ever had that's lasted four hours here um um so I mean I Jesse's getting them all done and she will get them done when she's finished thank you okay Mr Mayor sir I had you first I was going to say with regard to the ordinance ordinance is introduced any discussion that occurred beforehand actually is not considered when uh you're talking about the if there was a challenge subsequently so all of the pertinent discussion goes into to here's the ordinance and then any discussion that they have up here so while you're saying that they're looking for any kind of what they said before when it comes down the ordinance what they said before is in the ordinance every little comment that was made upstairs in a work session is going to be in the ordinance no but that's what you said you you wanted you asked how do they come to the decision and what did they talk about and it's they come to the decision of here's the ordinance oh no I was asking how how would the public know what discussions were had about they that was what the introduce the ordinance I think we think I think we view it differently thank you okay can I make one quick comment yes in not in defense of but um the golf tournament the mayor does have a if he chooses to have it uh the mayor's challenge at Lin correct correct so we do host he does host a smaller tour that fits there right yes awesome hi Jackie winel 610 deal Road excuse me um I I wanted to just ask about again going around town taxes seem to be a big issue with everybody and what goes into our taxes obviously what our taxes pay for our expenses of the town and some time ago when I used to come to the meetings more regularly we would I guess once a year have someone do a whole budget there was a gentleman who would show us the budget line item and people could participate and ask questions at that time are you still doing it because I don't see that on any of the agendas any other questions and I I'll go through the you know the answers when you're done um well just that tax okay another tax question um when the development on uh 35 and deal was being proposed one of the things that came up when we were all you know arguing against against it was that we would be happy about the the ratables and that our taxes would all go down and there were all these ratables that would come from that project and everyone that I have spoken to their taxes have gone up mine have certainly gone up um so we're not sure is it a period of time that we will see these ratables or sure do they still exist how does that work can you explain that okay any other questions I I'll go through all your qu so just those two yeah just those two I just thought okay as for the budget every time that we have budget season which is GNA come up right after the first of the year we always have a budget presentation by our CFO they do it every year and it's happened here here in the public yes yeah when yeah at the and how do we let the residents know so the budget it's everything's advertised Jackie you know how it's done I mean it's been done this way just on the way before I got here just on the website way be no it's it's announced it's advertised yes okay as for deal and 35 I don't think anybody said that everybody's taxes will go down as a rule of thumb each and every year when the taxes are re-evaluated this has been a rule of thumb a third go up a third go down a third stay the same as for the ratables those ratables will be coming in I don't know what the entire amount of those ratables are my assumption is it's going to be close to $100 million in ratables over there and how does that get dispersed how does that work it's all done by the tax assessor okay okay and then you say one thir goes up on third goes down I mean just that's the general rule of thumb because most people say it's all gone up I where do you think it's gone it's funny how you never hear anybody come to the council meeting and tell you they went down right no but I guarantee I mean it's just I guarantee random neighbors I guarantee you there are several people that have gone down but is there a formula to that is it a part of town I would probably contact the tax assessor he can answer that question much better than me Mr Mayor yes sir may just to answer your question every year you're everybody no no I I I get it but I I'm not the tax assessor under the demon Mammoth County demonstration program which the township has been in since uh 2015 or 2016 the entire town is reassessed on a yearly basis it's about 20% have internal inspections there is a company that is contracted by the town they go in and they will check basically 20% of the town and the rest of them there's a formula that the county has developed with a uh standard I guess uh deviations of sales that are around the town so every year 100% of the houses and the commercial properties are uh rated reassessed by the assessor every year so that's do part of our taxes be affected also by expenses salaries of employees things such as that operational expenses so they go into that as well yeah yes so the budget affects our taxes I mean it's a budget yeah of course it affects your taxes so um okay so I guess not everybody knows when you're going to post it in the um coaster when this meeting happens know you announc it too it's announced uh I mean I'm pretty sure social media Rob posts the meetings every time that there's a meeting so you know it's up there it's posted and it's advertised we do Jackie we do everything by the law everything's by the law our room is to Jackie I can't D I can't make people come I can't make people come to the meeting but I'm trying to figure out how to attract the people make it more Community we're a community of gracious living free drinks come here time and you don't I mean I just when I go around I want to say to people oh I had so much fun talking to you we should have a party let's get together of course when you're campaigning Paper party but in this kind of a forum it would be nice if we had more people show up and and speak about how the monies are being spent and and raises are given all these little details feels like not as mat the budget itself a certain portion um is attributable to the Board of Education correct 67% absolutely out of the taxes that they what is the percent to the municipality about 67% of the budget is the Board of Education 10% goes to the county yep so theim we're approximately 23% salaries is is what 20 22% budget 22 execution of the requirements of the municipality have what and I believe this is a true statement we have never raised the taxes because of our spending it has come from our other partner on Mama Road the um the N the new the new addition the simulator piece yes but I believe the cost assessment and the return on the investment is going to far exceed any cost that was exended by this municipality which is part of the one of the reasons why it was a go noo decision is we are bringing in we are anticipating bringing in more than we ever spent on developing it so you will make back that million dollar I don't remember what the projection was I I lost track of was following the projection the return on investment of the 10th hole far exceeded what our investment to rehab that facility was I don't remember the I don't either but it's it's separate so that the it's a golf utility it's so it's SE ahead yeah it's a golf utility it's separate of the budget uh the building's considered a golf it's a golf utility yes thank you T i that's like the clubhouse or something I don't know what it's called the T pole T pole yeah the T pole it's got meeting facilities in there that you can we can rent the room you can rent the space you can rent the uh the golf simulators there's plenty of ways for the utility to make money memberships but if you're taxpaying money is paying for it what is the benef tax paying money is not it's off utility it's not coming out of our taxes okay all right thank you thank you okay motion to adjourn so moved second second all in favor I oos any opposed me jour