all right boys and girls just want to remind everybody that all Workshop Council meetings will be audio and video tape they'll be shown on the township devotions Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon F and channel 77 table Vision can I have a roll call please mayor NE here mayor here Council memb the chair here here Terry here the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and copy the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 uh we're going to go over various Township projects uh going to start off with Greg okay good evening everybody good evening uh just to go go through the road programs uh 2022 that's Roosevelt Avenue Turner and all that that the contract is going to be starting in the 25th of March doing the finishing up the curb work and then will follow beyond that be that uh 23 program we've got scheduled uh meetings with for concrete assessment Jesse and I for April 8th and 9th with the residents and once we get through that we'll be putting that project out the bid probably by the end of April 24 program we're just getting into once the budget's passed we'll figure out the roads we're going to do um next one that's changed uh 1,000 Wick Pekka we're finalizing all the electrical work the HB hbac duck work done the hbac equipment is in but they're missing two parts so we wouldn't let we don't want them to start until the all the all the parts are in but that should be another week or so so that's coming along pretty nicely they're going to be painting that building the interior starting next Monday um it's come along pretty good if you had a little time you might want to stop in and see it when do we expect it to be up uh we're supposed to be pretty much done by the end of March oh no I'm sorry end of April cuz the the um parking lot in Fr are going to be done probably in the next 3 to 4 weeks the golf uh trackman guys coming in April 1st to put the system in takes about a week so probably by the second week of April will'll be in pretty good shape for the facility being going putting through his Paces for testing and all does he have a grand opening date scheduled I think Mike has something but I I don't really know what the date is something I think the beginning of May first week of May when's the course open uh first weekend of April um three ponds there's no action on that we that's a further discussion with the budget for the bahans to drudging uh 1515 Logan no change we are going to get a bill for the D permit that we are requesting is $188,400 I believe it was what so that that's coming that'll be delivered to us through the mail probably another week or so we knew that before or not no we just found out that that's what the fee was the DP gave us the heads up that it'll be mailing the bill to the town because we're the applicant so that was my same sentiment I was like what crazy number we're looking into that yeah their fees are just outrageous and that was because of Discovery right no that's just our Perma we have a buffer averaging that we went we have a little bit of disturbance in not even in a flood plane it's just it's a flood study that to establish the 100-year flood line a little bit of buffer averaging and that's not on an existing survey already no that was all just done that was a that piece of property was not previously studied for the flood so we established a flood plane and yeah when they come I'll give you the breakdown it was like there's each there's like four sections each one was about $5,000 and I if you were a betting man not betting man let me do it a different way I mean pick one topic and say how many hours one of those would it taken to do what do you mean I mean the charge them is 5,000 is it two hours is it 50 hours is it level of effort I guess is what you're getting the problem with it is I mean it truly depends on the the reviewer something this small and the flood the drainage area to this site is under 100 acres so they usually don't care about that you still have to establish the line they could just look at it and say it looks pretty good and pass it along it could be that fast somebody might get into it and look at it for 10 hours it just depends on the reviewer I've had both I've had some that reviewed things so fast they made mistakes when your boss got to it but I mean it's I would tend to say as busy as they are it's going to be a pretty much a curs here quick review and pass it along but that's that's the problem we this is one of the things I was talking to Margie about one of the biggest problems we have with the D is the fees and that's one of the things I was saying is I with her now being at that level we were saying we would like to I would wanted to talk to her about starting push to reduce the fees for municipalities it's not like we're a developer and we're going to gain anything out these fees you know 15 15 aside but but generally like when we have to go and clean out you know headwalls because all the sil in there and we need stream cleaning permits and all that stuff you know like dredging out deal Lake you know that that's a $100,000 permit just to before you even start to work is that anything like what we're allowed to charge downstairs that we can't charge more than our actual costs I guess that doesn't apply to the state no doesn't apply to the state they they Bas it all on most most of the biggest problem you have state they charge based on the size of property so a lot of times we do I've done in the past like but we we represent a lot of beach communities and we want to do things to get a beach permit well they charge you based on the acreage of the beach so we've subdivided off the beach and throw a little half acre piece to reduce the feet but that creates a bunch of little locks in the future gets confusing after a while but that's what sometimes you have to do that's just the way they're set up it's per acre the size of the along a little different um next item was bimbler uh I got a call from the county this was we've been after this for a while you know this is related to the the right turn with the traffic coming through and you remember back when I talked to him about a year ago they they we asked for no left turn by the Aldi there and they kind of committed they would put the no left turns in they kind of recanted that because Hasbury Park found out about it and they said well that traffic is going to come down to us and I believe it was Fourth Street I don't remember the if you go down there before you hit I the traffic light before you hit the traffic light there's a little Street just to the west of that that cuts off to the Northeast which goes right to Fourth Street I think it might be an extension of Fourth Street everybody would go up that and I like it's not my problem it's in Asbury Park well the county doesn't want to push people in there without talking to Asbury Park about it so they're trying to set up a joint meeting between us and them to discuss these no left terms and the impact that's going to be so that's still I'm put one there too make them go to the light that that's would be my suggestion to them but that's something they got to figure out but that that would be a perfect thing because you don't want somebody turn their left that close to the light anyway right so but yeah that's that's something we have to discuss with them so that's still all in the mill uh the next one was uh crosswalks we talked about the one at Maple's going to be part of the 23 Road program the one on South Lincoln I talked to the county about your question about whether it had be flashing they said yes because of the geometry and the volume of traffic they just don't want a static one out there they want the at least the flashing lights you know the repetitive flashing lights they said you know they got got away from putting remember I told you that big high went over the top of the road they got rid of that whole Theory there but they said they would want the flashing lights and what did we estimate that to be that's about $30,000 that's the old way that might be a little more now because they used to let us use solar we'd actually have to don't let you solar anymore on County Roads you actually have to tie it into an electric service so that could cost us probably another $4 or $5,000 depending on where the transform in pole is it's right there it' be cheaper it's a little distance away might be a little more expensive to you know we got to Cable over to it so but that's a problem and how do we decide on this I don't know what the process really is we decided I think you last meeting you decided you weren't going to pay that kind of money to put one of those in right now it was 30 at the time too what was it I remember the conversation I didn't remember the it would still be about 30 34 tops you know with electrical cuz I know the ones we just put down in here on MTH going across for the golf course those were solar and those were 30 just about 29 or 30,000 put those in what did the one at West Park CL County put that in park FR Heritage Ville post office yeah the county put that in oh no we put that in that was like 30,000 by the post office that was that took a long a lot of doing with the county that was not an easy one I got a call this week about that complaining it's still dangerous I'm like well yeah it's dangerous if you don't cross it the crosswalk yeah when you cross it the street you're in trouble yeah person said they did cross it the crosswalk and I'm like I know nobody yield in that is that is a problem the problem like I mentioned before you put too many this in and people get desensitized to them and it really becomes an Enforcement issue because you know you see people staying there a lot and I feel B cuz you come down like you know certain roads and we put them in and you see a kid standing there with a bike most people won't stop right and then you stop from them you feel very bad because if the guy coming the other way do stop get that what they what the person said on this one was and I can't remember exactly where it is well there are two lanes there that one lane will stop the other one didn't right and if he can't see it coming up behind the car that's that's a dangerous yeah that was tough cuz the sight distances there were a problem too with some of the vegetation that's why we had to move it a little bit so they're calling Tom and Joe Ator to see I said I got to tell you it took us two and a half years to get it up I know they did all their homework on it but if you can get it changed God bless you yeah the only thing they would probably do is take it out if it becomes that dangerous they would probably just remove the crosswalk make you come down to the light or move it further uh further east where you only have you one lane each way instead of where it wides out there one lane you got to go all the way back yeah yeah yeah but that's that's cuz it's too it's not safe that's the problem there was a woman Crossing on a scooter across that can you imagine yeah I mean it was like oh scary okay the next one um deal Road sidewalks the bids were received they were under budget they we received them uh W yesterday so that came in so be recommend an award of that the next council meeting next one was the roller Road uh pedestrian travel Bikeway we got bids on that yesterday and it's under the bid estimate so we'll be good on that so that'll be awarded to both be pretty much awarded and probably under construction by late spring which will be good um the next one was um the dog park last time you asked me to talk about a dog Park I actually made maybe take one spread them around the uh thank kind of hard to see a little bit but you can see right at the entrance I got kind of like a black outlined area right by the entrance there on the north side of the the entrance drivein but uh it's about 160 by 160 where where are you now this is the entrance of Wells next to par off a whale oh that's where we're putting it we moving was the first the other one was on County the county won't let us do it there so this got sh well they will but they had this was the original spot for the playground this was where the pond was going to be okay and it was the original spot for the dog park originally that's FAL house next to her neighbor right back where we started what neighborhood neighbor neighbor so this is Joey Ste Steven this neighbor didn't more oh that's what happen yeah that was the original this I don't know if it was first but it was in the have it out there no right here last time I brought that the first one I ever suggested never made it past year yeah I don't know how the neighbor could object we didn't even get out of get out of the table here we didn't even discuss it no no no no this this was two or when we started two or three years ago or a year or two ago whatever it was way before that yeah cuz I say this it was dismissed before the playground we were looking at for the playground the dog park wasn't even and playground's going back at least 3 years right then we're going to put the Ice Pond in there yeah we had the Maya Pond we had the park we had which I still think would have been pretty cool yeah yeah it's been a while since we first started we talked to Steve not yet I mean I I wanted to show you guys we will have to talk to him but that was kind of where I guess my only gripe with this is unfortunately he's got to live next door to this there's nothing that we can take it out in the center of nowhere well you can put it just to on the same within the picture you can move it to the left in that area looks like a little brown out here there's more trees there we'd have to take not trees I just take all the underbrush out of the trees you can move it there but it's not getting any further then it's just on his back property line instead of the side property line I don't know but other than that you can't move it any further north because it's not our property further less than that it's the athletic this is way in his entertaining this back here might not be as much intrusive I think you could do it where the side is because this is right where his backyard and his side yard back here it's you have a buffer I don't know I mean we could put trees here and be it's going to be by somebody's house the way we're going we don't have a lot of property that's not we don't have a little land out in the cornfield somewhere we have the only the only place I know we have some land is over the industrial park but I don't know that that would be very Trel landscape here to um knock down oh he's wor about the noise I thought the VIS the visual okay cuz there we yeah we could easily buffer that you know we could even put a a solid fence on that side we could try to cut down the noise but it's just the bark can we make it certain hours that I just thinking that too that was my next guft cuz really the park hours are dusk so it would only be open normal you know sunlight hours but yeah I mean that's up to you guys to limit the use of it and if you move it further west that doesn't encroach on is there a is there a field right there just off of the field to the left of the picture there's a field so the only the Far West as we can move it would be on this picture just to the left side of that picture so it' be on his back property line right but that doesn't touch I feel like there's something there no just the playground a little bit further up yeah you you see how the grass starts to get a little green there on the left side of the picture that's where the beginning of the field is okay but I know that you know I think this is kind of like a warmup area you know like cuz I've never seen wasn't really I've never seen people there Ed it for the soccer tournament and stuff did they yeah yeah just overflow area just for teams to you know gather okay but Mike I when I talked to Mike patri about that he preferred we didn't use that because it is Overflow for the fields in the tournaments and I'm sorry here or here is over there is over I'm sorry I got yeah like they'll put a small sided soccer field over there or something the area we have with this shown he he didn't have a problem with this being there but that's from a fishing pond to a dog park I don't think it's going to be received well no not the same not the same I yes fish are quiet until he catch a big one i' have to go back to the fishing pond uh next one um hold on what are we going to do with this well I think that's something you got to kind of think about I don't know we're going to make a decision no no no I'm just asking next steps I think we we'd have to reach out to that homeowner and tell them you know this this is a POS I think he'd be only one really impacted maybe and this is County money like the other one that was on West Park wasn't our money right yeah that one was on a County property they were going to do most of that this is going to be us and be our money and how much are we guessing guessing this would just be the cost of the fence it's probably I didn't do the Li and Green Acres doesn't have to say mother may we do have to do a mother may Green Acres but they with the use I'm sure they would prove that it's probably about 20 $25,000 in fencing open space yeah we could go for open space grant let me ask you question Grant open space fund yeah we could do that too y but I'd go for Grant first and see if we get that and then yeah I'm trying to use that money to clean the stream through there get it from the county since the county was going to pay for it anyway yeah not that I'm trying to make your life more complicated but and I know that the museum didn't want the dog park either but it seems to me like that's more of a neutral location even if it's a temporary dog park it would be I think a better scenario west of the museum or where are you think somewhere in that you know where they landed the helicopter or even like you know East like east of the museum like kind of in between the social services building kind of got isn't that being targeted for something else but is there any other tempor is there any other space over there in that vicinity like where that brick wall that that has parking yeah yeah there's that that one wall there there's really nothing used for that I think the Boy Scouts kind of beautified that area a little bit but that's a smaller side yeah yeah it's not big enough I I just as just speaking as a homeowner I'm I don't think I'd be real happy with this I I don't have any problem in calling him and getting his temperature on I saw him yesterday but you're going to get the temperature it's going to be hot I figured but um I think this cell would be easier than that moving it here as opposed to here and we to do something here right you me a buffer with tree like get the tree Commission in right well I would defer the homeowner personally oh abely I think that's you got call yeah maybe give him the option we could move it towards his backyard if that would you prefer that but what if he goes with the hard no it's not really for the next piece of property all right yeah we've been playing with this thing too long I agree but I mean too long we said we were doing it so we need to make a decision and if you don't like the spot come up with three more for the next meeting let's mix it up just go ride around town and see where the space I mean we need to stop kicking the can what about um what about west of the of the municipal gym on West Park that's dead space or is that overflow parking that's all County great that's that's where we were going to put this in the first place no no no no no no up by the junor high field over there oh that's all W that's that's that we can't use that either that's targeted for something else also cuz the west side of the actual that building don't have a lot of space to the property line it's probably 50 ft Max the football I know cars have gone in there football field on the South Side this would be on the west side as we go up the hill it's like some weird bunch of trees it's there's really going of parking there's an access road but we have uh there's a stone yeah path in there it looks like a road or something but actually that was because there's no gutters on a building okay and I had to put the stone in there to stop the erosion from the roof front off gotta what about west of Dow Avenue School um oh no is that all softball there's no space past the softball before you get to that across street yeah plus we'd have a lot of residents on the other side of that too but at least they're not bumping up to it it would be across the street how big is a dog park got to be cuz one tin Falls is not particularly large that one's about 200 by 200 this is about 160 by 160 so this is not they're normally about 200 by 200 but it really the function how many dogs you have where it's big enough and you know have five dogs show up there going to be plenty big enough is there a way to move it closer to this roadway like I don't know if take suggestions if we take that building out yeah but it's right now it's only used for storage by the public works department but yes we could take we could I think there's bad stuff in there though right doesn't that isn't that why we could not it could not the other issue is to the properties they have stored but installation and stuff I think probably better anyway if it's B just to do yeah we couldn't use it when we were doing the pond what's up in the industrial park you said there's land but you don't want to use it well the problem is there a piece up there the Topography is really bad it drops about 30 ft across the property just you know it's just too steep to yeah cuz people AR I mean the dogs would probably not have a problem with it but people just trying to go and get their dog would be quite a hike thing get down the hill is there any extra land is it one a massive fire company want to donate 200 by 200 piece oh over by fireman's field back there yeah I think they where back by the old the other fireman's field off Sunset all the way to the end like by Costco back there the back I mean I'm telling that's like where you need to put this you know especially since it's got the football field and everything already there the one and 10 Falls is just in the right spot I mean it's just cuz there's just nothing else there you know is there anything back there to Dave's point I can't think of it's in Fall no sorry want a massive fireman fi area um I wasn't thinking one m I was thinking the other one there's Just Tennis Courts on the left side you as far west as you can go I think that's where the behind the building Drive are you talking about oak or W that's Park oh you're talking one a masss l where masses you mean that far no P the utility Center you keep on going that's considered one of massive fire pass where you recycling keep going up well you got to make a left you don't take it all the way to the end make okay and then take it to the end that's the one that's like and there's nothing there we could use that would be perfect that's not a dog slide take a r hey uh Greg is there any space up in that one ofas environments they have all Fields out there yeah I just talking I think on the south side of that I think they have an open area they do but I don't remember how big it is cuz I know we looked at that's where all their fields drain into that spot but I I'll go take a look at it and I'll let you know I can take a ride up to tomorrow and then uh we can talk and if it looks like it's feasible I'll reach out to them and see if you know because that's their field not ours right right we don't have the fields they have everything up there I believe did we am I wrong I know we did Oak don't we have the same lease with one dollar we do have I'm a bleach man glad came now you're getting paid you might as well work we're both here for the same price no but you would know about wara I don't remember okay but do we huh we could find that out we have a Lisa yeah we can look it up cuz we have to we did work or we're doing work on the building for them because that's part of our responsibility so yeah that there's some sort of partnership up there no definitely is cuz I remember we had one issue with them in those yeah we can that's that's all right well you didn't help out why change anything okay Greg we got anything else yeah a couple more um you want to keep that I got one okay I'm going to show it to okay uh next one the stream cleaning has been completed uh we made it from the railroad tracks on poer Brook to um mamath road so it's a pretty good stretch and it was really at I think I told you last time at the Eastern end of that the brook there was a major blockage there was a 36 in tree Laying across that there's a bunch of cross branches blocking that whole thing so a lot of that was cleaned up and probably a lot less flooding along that portion but we still have to move forward going further west uh one of the things I'm at now I'm going to the problem we have between whale Pond and Mammoth and whale Pond is a lot of private homes so access is going to be a little more of a problem so I'm going to probably look at that and figure out how we're going to get in there but in the meantime I'm going to talk to Ricky about using the open space fund to clean through play aart that was going to be my next question but I think that's exactly where the flood that I'm worried about is it's across the trails exactly yeah so there's a lot of things in there we got a lot of a lot of things we can clean up in there it's not going to be a difficult clean up because it just hasn't been manicured for many many years there's just trees blocking stream quarter so it's easy to clean and it seemed like the other that night I took a ride around it seemed like some of the areas that normally flood with that amount of rain in that area that we cleaned so far seems okay the only area big area concerned I had was deal Park um so Greg and I spoke we I reached out to the uh administrators SL Chief in Deal we're going to have a joint meeting with them to discuss uh the idea of expanding our outfall pipe but their problem that they found out was that the Army Corp engineer and C you can correct me if I'm wrong um when they did their outfall pipe it didn't extend out far enough and it's CL seems to be clogged with sand so that's why this water is not getting out of here so it we might get a certain amount out of Ocean Township but it doesn't get out of deal that's their problem so we really have to have a joint meeting with deal to work on this together to get that water out because that's our that seems to be the problem and I had called Dave uh that night and the chief about the uh it was primarily runion and Parker and those other areas in the middle it just seems like that water goes in and it floods and it floods and it's deep too cuz I had my truck and it was it was very very deep water so especially down in Washington at the end pretty deep yeah so I mean I I think that the fact that we're trying to be proactive here and meet with deal so that we can come up with a with a unified way to fix this you know and potentially get the Army Corps of engineer to get in here and you know fix the problem that may have been created by them I mean because the stream cleaning is definitely going to help and move that water because when we went down to that one section uh over by popper Village it was unbelievable that everything when we walked down there few months ago everything was blocked up at at the end it almost looked like a dam it looked like a beaver built a dam down there it was all like like major logs and just jump so it was holding about 3 ft of water yeah so that was definitely not so that's another reason why the water wasn't getting out yeah so the outflow that you're talking about is at the ocean that at the ocean that's different than pop Brook no right the one he was talking about in deal is in the ocean yeah we're trying to cross into deal but that's system would go into that c they have in the ocean which is partially Greg also we were out there uh Greg Dave and I when we did uh we were doing that run over to check the spot over in one ofasa as well lollipop Pond we went over to check transit out we met with Transit um they didn't push back on what Greg suggested we definitely need a bigger outfall pipe it's not designed correctly there's only a 15in pipe Craig thinks we need at least what 2 15 2 15s or a 24 24 you know kind of head cover we have and go under and get this water out there's two sections that we need to do it and we need to look into every way possible to get this fixed because it's it's getting worse and it's going to destroy our roads that we spend money on the road program quicker than we need them to be destroyed so uh we're on that I believe did uh the did he get back to us for the date yet try to have it tomorrow but for I think somebody on their side couldn't make it tomorrow okay but it'll probably be next week sometime okay good yeah the sooner we have that and we can start you know getting up on things so that's added to uh uh we added that to the facilities uh meeting that we had and then my last item was um the D new DPW facility on Cindy Lane ocean Glades um we met with the D on Wednesday and it was a very positive meeting I was very surprised they brought I think five people with them represented three different groups uh landfill um the only ones that weren't there was the uh Eco group The ecology group but they had the landfill the uh hazardous waste and various different groups we showed them the site they realized it they realized this was all done back in the 50s and 60s well probably 40s and 50s but um the bottom line was is how we get to the end is what we have to determine with them but but they are going to allow us to cover that the way we want to cover it and put you know pavement over it all to cover to seal everything in there that's in there the lead and all cap and cap it off yeah and then uh put our DPW facility they don't have a problem with that it's the only caveat we have is if they're going to consider it as a a landfill or as a unpermitted disposal and fill so that's what they're going to determine we're going to do a couple of testing on sites to give them a little more Base information with our lsrp and once we give them that then they're going to go back and figure out and the reason we want you know on permitted fill it's a lot less hazardous and a lot less expensive to go that way then if we consider it a landfill because a landfill has to be regulated and monitored for 50 years after we're done the other one is you just cap it and we're done so that's the two caveats we have it's going to take us a little bit of time to get to that point uh there's some testing has to be done um but once they get that information and then they said it would take about 2 to 3 months give us a decision which way it is and then we can draw a path and what we have to do once we have the path then we can find out what kind of funding we're going to go after from the state from a brownsfield point of view to help us clean up one of the things they may make us remove some of the bad areas which we weren't really in favor of because why do you want to open it up so it really comes down to what kind of volume you have and what they find down there when we do the test pits if it's just the I think the leftover cars and batteries I think they're kind of the attitude it should be a problem if they find garbage of any other kind down there they're probably going to call a landfill and the conditions would be a little different does this have anything to do with ported ask the same question we were looking at that property get to that part yete but actually the mayor was going to talk about that we met with the board of deed uh we threw this out there about Cindy Lane their one of their main issues was if they were to get out of their uh building that they need a spot for their maintenance department so C and what Greg put together seems to fit what they need also with us including their buses Greg did a I thought they didn't like it for the buses because of there's no clear path of coming in and out we didn't have a clear answer for them that we could actually do it that was the problem so there was really no like moving forward now that Greg actually eyeballed everything up did a quick drawing things fit so now they have to think about cuz now it's in their lap if they want to go in the facility with the municipality which would be a shared service agreement that we could you know ultimately discuss with them if they you know choose to do that we're offering it there uh they have things that we can work on with them as well they pitched an alternate site too though didn't they off Sunset somewhere if yeah our that was our SES yeah what they had suggested is because we didn't know at the time with the DP was going to let us cover these bad areas and we said we didn't know if we could fit everybody there but we were definitely going there one way or another and they said well if we both don't fit can we use this end of sunset with our old DPW facilities and and I think the mayor said if that's what you want to use before we I didn't think it would be viable because the building is so old that's why we want to get away from it's not worth refurbishing so that was why that was on the table they're just looking for areas in case Cindy Lane didn't fit but they were receptive to the plane it fit all their buses plus some probably I had parking for probably 20% more busing than they had their big concern though was not so much the parking of the buses was getting the buses out of there yeah access was fine they were worried about getting out because you have to come to the intersection of Cindy Lane in West Park area and we said we will just we're going to we'll have to get the light fixed for the timing with the county for in the mornings we you know you have you can have it censored that it can stay long for as long as you know you can put a whole plug of buses out and then I said you'd want to turn it red again and let him queue up again and let him out so you can probably get out of there in two times in the morning you know with all the buses that are leaving so they're they're kind of they were much more receptive but they knowing that we can fit it all there I think was their biggest concern and the building that we I showed on there was probably 50% bigger than they need so there's plenty of room for them for the future if they even need a bigger building plus there's an opportunity for a shared service agreement for the bus repairs they pay a rather large amount of money for what you know the agreement is with their company that does their bus repairs um which is something that if we do have a shared service agreement between us and them everything can be within that facility up there and it kind of consolidates everything gets our public Consolidated and you know it'll be one area that's you know dedicated in the 21st century let's put it that way would we close any DPW facilities yeah we would close both boft and sunset oh yeah and we would probably also close the sign shop on uh gel there m because the the building that what we're proposing at sunset for the vpw is probably double the size of the building they have now plus it has a probably double the depth so you can actually store and work on two M deep and it has the circulation out everything they kind of wanted so plus there's still some area left over after that for future you know because one of the things they said maybe the only thing we won't close and I recommend not closing is the recycl cuz you don't want them in the middle of our yard and the way this is designed we come into Cindy Lane the board is totally isolated by fencing and Gates and then it's us behind them so nobody can get into our facility other than us and we will go through the the bird the Board of Ed if they come under the release but nobody will be back in there and that's why because they were saying we could put the recycling back in there but you don't want that in there I'm sorry this is just for from a board of ed perspective it's just for their equipment or it's their office too no they're going to have I shouldn't say office they it's it's kind of funny because I had put in an extra building and because they had it wasn't their Administration building but they had like an operations office I forget the term they use for it so there was a 6000t building there for that and then they had another Public Works garage to work on the vehicles so both of those were accommodated in there but yeah they did have some kind of I think they called their bus but you're wondering if it's the Mammoth Road right yeah so there reloc road building yes would be relocated yes and where wherever they parked their bus I think they parked their buses uh the high school yeah so that would all be in this facility it's pretty pretty nice and it's it's out of it's in kind of in the middle of nowhere because everything to the west of that is 100% Wetlands so everything to the north is wetlands and the only thing we have is an industrial park to the southeast and the the one apartment complex to the Northwest I mean to the the Northeast so I know we always talk about left pocket right pocket ultimately it's a taxpayer whether they put it into the board of that or whether they give it to the town still coming out of their pocket so at a high level or initial thoughts how was this being funded didn't get to that point yet we're just wanted to First make sure it's fit and we could actually use the facility puty the the guidelines so now we know that so now it's now it comes time we have to probably start narrowing things down whether the Board of Ed wants in if they want out it obviously makes it cheaper for us because we shorten everything up we don't have to go to the way to the back of the property that could be used in the future for all sorts of things if they didn't want into that facility which I think they'd be crazy because it's nicely Dil it frees up their their boarded building if they partner up with us I mean then they have the ability to they have property there sub divide and sell huh they can subdivide and sell right but it has a gas station facility with the tanks all the state-ofthe-art stuff will be out there the it's a good location it's a good spot concerns yeah that but yes I guess from a funding point of view we got the first is the clean up portion the actual creation of the new facility will be different we would definitely have to time that light cuz that light's a it's bad it's awful already it's bad yeah it's not time to get more than two or three cars through now yeah I think that timing of that light is really the least of the worries ready for a couple questions one time day all right go ahead um the bridge at Kramer Court uh we've I've talked to the soils uh engineer is going to be out there next week NE end of the week beginning of the week we are going to have the tree clearing across there um when you tree clearing so we're starting this I didn't know we weren't I mean it was all a permited and approved from the dp's point of view and if you don't move the trees by April 1st then you can't do it till the fall well that's right because of so where there's a restriction from D who's paying for that it's uh it's still coming from a private funding yeah and but it's not in our budget it's in the capital budget it's going to be in dat deposit esro right yes all the the the engineering work and all the plary work is there's esro fund of $40,000 already in place to pay for this the actual Bridge construction will be another donation of money to pay for that but that's why we bringing it here to have this discussion tonight okay this session right now not closed just asking up gu Matt it's a a policy of whether or not to go forward with it so open well okay so let's start talking some detail so you're going to start that before we have approval on the capital budget so I get you got the clearing done but if the capital budget doesn't get approved you don't got the bridge done so why clear it if that's not done well for my understanding that this won't be coming out of the capital budget it's got to be listed in the capital not so so we need to understand this okay let's get let's spell it out how's iten it from my understanding somebody was donated the money to build it into our budget and the capital budget needs to be approved to be able to spend it do I understand that right I don't know if it was going into an escrow fund or if it was going into our budget the money to has to be spent to be to spend money out of the budget it has to be approved by the council if you're not spending the money from our budget it has to be just listed in the capital it's I know it reason the word budget a lot but I'll call it the capital section of the budget which is here's the capital projects that we do so so where's the opportunity for anybody to say no to this when you don't tell when you told Greg we don't want this done you mean the you mean when it goes in front of the planing board well it did that it went around there would be two phases of this one would be I'm not saying I'm vote no I just want to make sure I understand exactly what you're saying okay yeah the the the the other than this opportunity right now to not clear the trees the next thing I will be before you on for this is authorization to bid the project and that's when you could say no off that's a whole another Point yeah because that everything that I put out to bid comes before you and you give me authorization to put it up the bid advertise it and and do the plan do the plan but to your point why are we clearing trees if it hasn't been approved to go to bid right is that where you were gotten at okay I didn't think of the bid piece but yes in theory yes mostly because I didn't think was going to have this problem going out to bid and we do have the time frame on the on the trees and the soil study I thought it had a d permanent attached to it already what's the soil study for the soil is just to get the design the footing for the bridge oh how deep you have to go and how well how big it has to be cuz it had you know being that close to a stream we don't know what kind of soils we're going to hit and how far down we got to go that's all that could change the price of the project not really because we it did on my house we put it on piled I mean we forecasted this would all be on piled with a pile cap anyway the only thing that could happen is we find better soils and it would just go to a pile cap at the End Bridge abutment essentially so go back to the thank you for that go back to the tree issue timing wise what what am I missing timing for the trees yeah the D doesn't want us working between the month of uh from May 1st to September 1st because it's actually May 1st there's a I think the uh the back no but it was also danger species I thought it was the an acon something wait the bat was till October 31st then we hit the winter so got like this small little window right there right now yeah I got to look because that came from her actually there's something else too besides the back I think they but he said there's something about a sediment but the but the cutout was a bat there's possibility B habitat also well I thought that was the original thing why we couldn't cut until October 31st it was like October up till October 31st back C Lane has the other thing going on out there right the the bird isn't there a bird out there no there's a possible Eagle habitat it's not habitat it's actually it's in his hunting ground and they're finding Eagles are so um prevalent in the area now that they're going to probably list them from being protective yeah it's definitely changing especially with the ospr Tak taking over when we kind of have a habitat form need a so I'm sorry so go back to uh the DAT the tree clearing reasons that they don't want us there in the summertime is because the water levels are lower because it doesn't rain as much during the summer months and they didn't want us putting any sediment into the stream Corridor because if it blocks the stream it could have impact the the fish like in the Stream itself the other thing that was in there the bats yeah that was long bats yeah so back to the DAT so what original what dat are you saying for Clear yes I was going to do it in the next two weeks what is he saying it has to be done April 1 well that's the next two weeks between April 1st and September 30th to protect a northern long-eared bat and if we lose that window it's dead in the water until the fall well then then you had to wait until until September after sep end after no you got wait October October after September not that it's I mean it's just time in my opinion it's it's there's there's from me my point of view there's not a lot of difference other than timing I think yeah it's not it's not the township it is the the folks wanted open by this summer so the only way to do that we got clear trees now if clear trees in October it won't be so how are we planning on doing that when the original played was to have it approved by us on the capital budget how did that when did that change and why did it change two days ago just got a call from uh person who is sponsoring and donating and to love to have this open by the summertime but I said we got to run it by you guys that's why we're here tonight but that changed not only the timing it changed the whole process sped it up no no it didn't change the whole process um well the original plan respectfully was that we going to have approve approval by the Council on the capital budget correct that's not happening so yes that still has to happen and you still have to approve it what I need to know now if you want to move forward or not because then I have to figure out the financing of this whole thing I didn't even do that yet until I get a green light from this body that you want to do the project because the money is in escrow then I have to go talk to the CFO to figure out how do we pay for these trees and then we can pay that fund back once everything else clears cuz the escro is only covering the engineering work I I could probably technically we the Tre will move into that money because I have plenty left okay so that that's about the only thing cuz I could say that that had to be done and it does have to be done to get the so board machine so technically they could be removed for that purpose and we could pay for it out of the escro fund but and even that that has that has to be voted on too at a later date once we find out all the finan a resolution has to go on and everything and that will probably be on the next meeting where so and that resolution would include what it would have to include whatever the cost of authorization you can't just have people out there working without your approv so okay so speaking of other approvals the maintenance agreement is that drafted I haven't seen it yet the design done no that's we're in the beginning stage it's not going to take long once because I need so boardings and then structural work and then it's done the concept plan and the details are done for the bridge itself it just might change a little bit where the bridge supports are I miss that I'm sorry where the bridge supports are at both at the bridge of bus at the edges of the stream that's what has to be designed because we've designed it for the pile for the entire length of the bridge it's and I know those are fine when they're out of the flood plane the flood way but those ones that are right adjacent to the floodway have to be designed once those are designed we'll tweak the design of the bridge a little bit not a lot and then we can put it off the bid so once I have those two pieces of information which will take about a month so it's I may personally I don't know that we would get we can't get this Construction done by April vers it's impossible I would probably put the bid out probably sometime by the time I get all the work done design done it would probably be sometime in mid May and we could put it out the bid for construction but the tree issue is the only thing that's time sensitive that has to be done in two weeks or not at all until the fall right the construction doesn't interrupt anything just the tree removal to be honest with you I think if start being clear yeah since we can't really get this out the bid before April 1st and constructed before April 1st I don't know why there's any reason we probably can't put the trees off until the end of September without the bridge going in either yeah we just got to go back and tell them they they're not going to have the Bridge open by June yeah that way it takes all the timing concerns that you have about getting into budget I concerned about I'd like to have the answers to the questions that I was going to ask anyway that was my biggest problem when we when I started this was kind of let's say the donator was kind of like go do this and I said I have no funding source to go do this so that was kind of being done by their attorney and Matt to try to figure that out and then in the meantime because they're pushing I said why don't you just fund the escrow fund that we did for the design to get the permit that'll still be under the design to do the bridge and get all my rest of the stuff done so that took quite a while to get through that so I think this is just there's you still have the questions I can't put this out the bid until the funding s has worked out in the budget because I can't put something out the bid that there's not funding available to support the project that I'm bidding is it in here right now what it this is our budget isn't it no that's just the oh the bills okay so I think you know from to be honest with you I think if from a logistical point of view it may better off just working these things out over the next couple months do the design and put this out the bid and constructed after September 30th well can since we won the topic and I asked some other qu I mean I if I'm comfortable I'm okay saying yes but I still got questions if you're saying no matter what I ask it's still no no I'm saying from the timing of are you saying that we can't get this constructed at all not not before April 1st not that wasn't even I mean I know that's not even in the csth so what I'm saying is because I can't do but if we take these trees down before April 1st we can do construction after we why no I'm saying there because there's only six little trees I got to take down so I'm saying that is once we get this funding source done I which we're going to have our budget completed by then why is it April or September why I I can't I have a restriction W let you go it after when April it's not only the trees it's construction to construction can oh that's different you didn't say that I thought it was just the trees I thought it was just the trees right sorry so you're saying the D won't let us in there why is out because of the because of the fish in the bats but if the trees down what does the construction have to do with the back great be careful with that because she J is saying appear yeah so we all need to get on the same page with that but I have the siment problem that they said we can't okay yeah okay so but I'm pretty sure that we would be best off going all our design but if we don't I mean if we take the trees down at least everything can get done I mean if we we can't go in that Corridor I get it but we should at least get done what we can before April first and and like I said it's six trees and my guess is they're about 6 in or less they're not really great speci trees they're all in a tight-knit little group right where we're going through we don't have to clear like a 15t path to get this 7 foot 8ot six foot wide Bridge through with some attachments so but it's not going to be a a big deal of ruing we're not going to take the stum we're just going to cut the tree down and least disturbance possible yeah so bottom line they were looking to have it constructed sometime in June but if that can't happen yeah I got to recheck that thing with the siment yeah then yeah let's recheck that cuz then there's no and there is money in the escrow to possibly cover this tree removal regardless of I mean it might be spent money that doesn't get approved for the full project but yeah no there's enough money in the escrow for the full design of everything and I it's probably going to come probably be about $30,000 we got 40 in there so including the tree room no the design will be 30 the tree will move there'll be an extra $10,000 in there and what I'm going to do I'm just going to say that's part of the design and pull and pay it through there I'll just pay it through for my office through what do you estimate the tree remov would it be 500 to $1,000 cuz they're just taking these they're going to drop them and pull them up to a grinder and grind them up and drive away with them they're and they're not that big I've already met the tree guys out there and they looked at it it's not a problem I know I have a couple estimates I just didn't get a chance to look at them silly question do we need to get a permit for that to cut the trees down because it no I'm being serious there was one line I had put in that tree it says all all capital projects are exempt from tree for exactly this reason okay very good you we don't want to pay ourselves $5,000 to take down trees right so let me ask the other question questions while we're on the topic you take money out of the sh Tre commission and go plan them that's why that's what was going to be my next question and that's probably what we'll do if if it's appropriate haven't been out there right yeah I don't think we need it but it's we do have the this is going to be just so you know this is right at Jason it's right we have a piece of property that we brought on Blue Acres there's two properties there this goes right down that property line where we own the open and it's totally open I so this will be you know it's kind of going to be a nice it'll stand out I was worried kind of if there was a lot of trees we're going through it you wouldn't really stand out that much but it'll be pretty visible so people will know where it's at so back to the maintenance conversation so where are we with the who maintains it when's it maintained how's it maintained who's doing all that they've agreed to take care of it right but there hasn't been they haven't presented us with that maintenance agreement yet okay I wrote I wrote that down I'm going to ask the lawyer about that and say where's the maintenance agreement um is part of the design lights yes had a conversation with both sides just so know there only going to be solar lights I'm not running electricity through there so there'll be solar lights lit up you know for because it's really going to be closed at dusk technically which brings up the next question access to it and when you say closed how is it going to be closed I don't know we haven't figured that out yet so I talked to both sides over the last two days and they're both willing to put gates up okay can we do that yes okay what's the next question on that yes why ask the next question so how do we open and close knows better no I already had this conversation with him he knows it's home how um how do we open and close the gates and who opens and closes the gates I mean typically you reach forward usually UNL P my my recommendation to put it in a maintenance agreement and put it on them because otherwise then we have to have public works we have to go there every day no it would only be open for whatever days and it might be open on a day Public Works are not working exactly right Friday night 7 sabath thing and I don't know both communities if I can use that term were fined with having a gate and only having it open Friday to Satur open Friday to Saturday I don't know about that I haven't been you could use it any day of the week why does it have to be Friday or Saturday you want to restrict it to just one you know one day a week one and a half days so then the question would be yes both sides said that no that's not true that I talked to uh one of the parties today I did too it's it's the bridge is the bridge it's going to be used whether it's dawn to dusk is fine but you're not going to restrict it to a Friday night Bridge only so then the question is yeah who's going to M as part of that that hold on so kids riding bikes through there kids and others using it for non the reason well that wasn't what they were looking for either they may not be looking for it but it's a pedestrian bridge we could probably restrict bicycle yes and plus I mean not that you couldn't ride a bike across this and most kids could probably easily do but it's only six foot wide so it's not really conducive for you know check smaller than six and N get a bike oh no that's what I'm saying you kids would do it but mean most people going out for a bike red I'm going to say let go across the bridge you know kids will definitely do it but adults won't so I hear you but I talk to the D yeah I I think that doesn't make any sense to have you know a Friday night Bridge it makes no sense you have the bridge a Friday night Bridge use it any day of the week what if I want to walk across that bridge you know cut over to I mean technically it's a pedestrian public Bridge which raised when the gate question came up and I threw it out to the other side they said sure great idea that's the first I've heard of that know G just happen I'm sure they didn't say gate it and only open it on Friday nights they did said only open on Friday nights or have a a combination to be able to combination the whole point is is to cut from one side to the other and you should be able to use that bridg any any day of the week I'm I'm I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure that the D would not allow I was going to say is we having some challenges with some of the other places remember the golf course the guy wanted to look access it 247 like can't do that yeah no it's the CU we we proposed this as a pedestrian access Bridge right we didn't say was going to be limited to one day a week proposed it to whom the DP that's that was part of the main reason for the you know cuz generally has to be a solid reason for you to cross a wetland area right and the Wetland the reason was was one for safety for going around but for pedestrians to do that so to isolate that and say you can only use it one day a week I don't know that they would agree to that okay if we would have told him we only going to use one and a half days I'm not positive I'm pretty sure because that's was part of the selling point this is for the public not just for two days that really wouldn't be the public again I'm I'm I'm sharing what was shared with me I know that just that's this like I say it's the first time hearing about closing it off I mean I always thought it was never intended so then let me ask you the different way if we put a gate in there and use Matt's example of just hold on and not lock it but just use it so that it able to be get opened that you could probably sell just as a safety issue you make sure somebody knows they're going across a bridge and have it gated but it's it's accessible just lift up you know like open the doorknob essentially hey this is a Bridge Crossing just so you know this is going to the other street over there that I don't I also think you're G have some problems with dawn to dusk by the way Dawn I have no problem with but the dusk is going to be interesting because you know you want to spend time with your family you look up it's 9 o00 oh man do I have to take the long way around or can I take the bridge I'm not talking about 1 2 3 o'clock in the morning I'm talking about that you know 8 7 to 10 and you might find especially during the holidays you may want to spend more time with your family and walk home so I don't think this this is going to have to be a rigid thing you're going to have to find some flexibility in this it's kind of like a dawn to dust for any park though I mean you have the gate that goes down but H the gate I guess kind of coming from my attorney just saying that happens I'm realistically it happens theoretically but we're allowing for safety reasons what you can say is Dawn till Dusk but if you know they're going to go visit it they're unless we are going to padlock it yeah I I think it's got to be used by the community seven days a week dawn to dusk and then you can figure out whatever flexibility you need that's I agree Dave on the you know on the Friday night thing I mean especially when you get into the winter I it gets D get at 3:00 early yeah I mean that's that's the problem and you're right you know it's going to it's going to run later and get darker but that doesn't change they still need to do what they need to do whether they were using the bridge or not yeah like let's get the trees down at least no no I didn't needan it that way I'm saying that they need to plan can't believe it releases paid for already um I think one last question but you're going to find out for sure if you can't do any work after April 1st yeah but we take the trees down that that opens that possibility if that's not a restriction right but yeah I will let you know that certainly by next let day I'll look up tomorrow conversation we got to have tomorrow yeah like one April 1st is tomorrow might as well be the only thing that I would recommend here is that whoever the objectors are if they would like to be part of the planning process in some capacity to maybe say hey can we put a little buffer in can we put a little Shrubbery in you know something like that so that they may feel part of this whole thing so we can alleviate some of these concerns I have no issue with that but but other than that I think the Bridge is a great idea i' rather move forward with it I I think the challenge is that they haven't had a voice because it didn't go to the planning board it they didn't get an opportunity to RW any plans they didn't get an opportunity to test testimony or anything so that's that's also part of the objection and listen I mean we've had I've been here nine years I think we determined that we had two capital projects in nine years where we ran the project so you this is the exception to the rule and just trying to be fair to both sides um you know let them let them have their say and know they can submit to me anytime that whatever whatever they want to recommendations see there yeah yeah please by all means just send me an email and I you could put up some nice little Shrubbery direct people into oh I know I had one other question I'm sorry the Ean question so both ends of it just so you know when you talk about Landscaping all both ends of this are a trail the bridge is only in the middle in trees so you're not going to see it anyway I think the concern was walking on private property when they crossed the bridge right which begs the EAS in question well or variance they're going to actually walk on the one person who is they've granted an easement this is all an easement for this okay so that's what I was asking so that that did happen he wasn't when I talked to him today he wasn't 100% sure that that was a requirement of the DP the easement had to be perfected and in place and signed off by the proper before they gave approv and that's on both sides you bad y well E's only granted on one side it's only on the one side by one party prop oh you private property Brook side well Kramer court side we hit the public right away Fu which is us it's the end of the cuac there's a little piece there that they've given us the little easement that we need so who's we who's they property owner on five Kramer yes okay and what about Brookside Brookside we got the whole width of that property to the project from the property owner so it was both sides okay I would meant that only one side gives these one party one party got it I see what you're saying okay got it all right that was all I I'm good that's all I you're not done yet that's the C question I saved my best one can I go first questions ahead um when is the deal road paving going to begin if you have an estimated date that is probably not going to happen until till June okay mostly because I'm going to hold that off because it's a nighttime pave job and we need to get the the nighttime temperatures up and right now they're still in the low 40s all right so by June they'll be probably in the mid 50s which is perfect for Paving any uh thought of Paving Cindy Lane as I smash through the potholes every day good well if this is going to go as fast as we hope it goes um we'll probably just do some Patchwork like we PVE sections of that road to get us through because this will probably all be repaved when we get that facility going cuz I've actually heard from the bus drivers who literally hate driving down Cindy Lane so no that's one of the things I'm starting to Target we started a couple years ago certain roads I'm doing pieces of them just to give us like like we did that on Rosel we were doing pieces of Rosel buest time because majority of the road is in good shape So 20% is bad so I was doing like 5% year pry long road I'll do the same thing on Sy I'm going to do the bad Pieces Just to buy some more time so don't cuz apparently it's a wild ride on a bus yeah it's it's not not pretty the one the East the north south past as you go the other way not too bad as you go to the diner can I ask a related question the one question that I've got since joining the council is when is my street getting paved is there like a general list that I can point them to so I sto getting that question from people there is but I've kind of talked this came out about 7 eight years ago and one of the things that I I'll gladly give you the list this list is like the Coca-Cola recipe oh really it's it's not public okay I don't want you to publish it I don't even need it I'm just curious if there is a list we we review the roads every year to reanalyze them to restack them um because you never oh you okay based on how poor yeah cuz some R don't stand up as well winter time but the reason I don't really want you to publish it to the public I don't even need it because it changes it changes flexibility the council would have no flexibility like say you know we know project coming up a my stre is they want it that thing but you know what happens is there's no timing on my list but what happens it ranks it from Z to 100 and we do all the roads from the low to the high and once in a while when I have to put roads together because the budget is such and we have long roads I have to take a couple roads that may be down in the 30s to piece the puzzle together because I don't want to not use the money that we have and it gets you know then those small roads get done so if you give that list out to people somebody going to say how come you're doing a road in the 30s when mine's in the 20s and you did that Road just curious what the process op you up for a lot of problems yeah but this way you can say your road is listed and it's coming up or it's like down in the 50s it's not going to be for 10 years can can you send it can I haven't I don't have I don't have the last one I had is 2 years ago oh well how much could it have changed in two years I'll send I'll send you to 23 one we didn't do the 24 yet but it's in progress cuz I was going to ask you where Brookside is on the list so Brookside actually is very high very low on the list like high rate for Paving has a low number I've been holding off on it because of the drudging project but this year I it's going to be in the 24 project I can't hold off anymore we're going to lose the base that's all I need to know yeah it's going to be in in 24 program it's in bad shape we know that there's a couple other ones out there in pretty bad shape too which are getting done to no no get to your second question no I'm good you're good my questions are answered Toll Brothers onclave how we looking from what point of view uh bonds closing the bonds they're trying to get off we're not letting them yet good Okay the reason being is we we're going we went through our final punch list and we gave them that a while back and it wasn't a final it's a punch list right they were working at one of the problems we have is the curbing in there is broken up in front of the driveways they're trying to use a patch to fix that and we're not allowing it we're having another meeting with them I think either tomorrow or Monday I forget what day they they pick but we're going to go out there and talk to them again one of the problems I have is they've kind of had their own private meeting with the association association and them kind of made certain deals I don't know what it is but they're all of a sudden you know we we're okay with the curb because they're going to get I I don't I'm just suggesting all of a sudden the curbing isn't as important to them but it is to me but so that that's a sticking point they're not getting off their bond until I'm happy with the Curbing and then we got some other things we got to also have a meeting next week I think it's next Friday I have with Jim Higgins and myself to go over all the trees the land aping and all has not been all finalized in there at all okay so somewhat of a problem because plany bird approved the tree per lot and a lot of lots in there are pie-shaped they're narrow at the front wide in the back the problem is when you do that you can't fit a tree because you got all the utilities that go through there plus a driveway there's no room for a tree so a lot of the trees on the front of these houses were either moved back if they were fanned out fast or they were moved through a different part on the property that's what we have to go over to make sure the count is right in those trees survived and they're there and one of the tree issues was around the I know is it a retention Bas or what both of them yeah some of the Pines are dying dead they've been replaced a couple times but those will have to be those are all part of it too and and the retention basins have been blessed they good yes okay yeah we actually been checking them we had a couple very serious rains and they work fine now they but they they've changed them from infiltration to detention that was the word so they there's no reason they shouldn't work unless the Outlet's blocked okay so they're working fine okay cool thank you yeah okay uh nothing from me nothing from you okay I'm good run I'm still scrolling out while it get good anybody have anything else got one quick one you got quick one out and then we got to go I mean this will be real quick man okay thank you sir got a quick housekeeping issue with chapter five licenses um if you notice in uh 5.2 license required in the first paragraph it States Tax Department tax department that is wrong it should be Community Development and I'm going to request a real quick introduction and adoption at the next meeting and then the following meeting that's it that was easy who picked that up sus why are you that's not our job theyve been doing it from the beginning of time yeah but that's yeah oh my little doggy and her license that's it mayor thank you okay see quick one nice you had one housekeeping on the ordinance to change the or eliminate the um flags and everything no that one's good I'm sorry the um no we're getting rid of the uh Human Services Council we did that that's on tonight yeah tonight no no I got you so we're eliminating it but the discussions that we're had and I just want to put it on record that we are going to replace it with something suggested doing the uh to get it up and running the mayor's Wellness committee and add in uh throw in with the wellness committee to do some sort of uh drug and alcohol awareness uh suicide preventions uh things of that so that we can no I know that way more I sent Dave uh an email I might have blind copied you guys as well uh with what I what I suggested to daveid to move forward I have to call um uh you have to get me the number for uh you got it okay send email and I'll call her I already spoke to Rich long also he's he's the one that's asking me to make sure that that's happening call me too I reassure but that Comm that that committee needs to be totally revamped so that we have it you know so we're but it's a committee outside of the ordinance now so it's what has to be established yeah we have to establish I it's I don't know if it's be ordinance or resolution but right no I can check uh I'll ask John how they set theirs up in Asbury Park cuz he's got a whole committee they run his events once a month they have different things and then various things throughout you know in between and we going to have the the mayor's cooking show too mayor's cooking show I like it I had said it up for year didn't pursue it yet we can go do it teach us how to make the Lindy salad trip scamping got be healthy you go uh I'll I'll bring Billy with the resolution that we're hearing today about the um which one the Outdoor Advertising bid yes that is not an increase correct right in what you mean by an increase in the number of them oh no no no no no it's the one we only own one okay and we're going out to bid um and hopefully when you say when you say increase I'm thinking increase in money Revenue no no no I was thinking about the number of number no no no we only own the one in town and the cellular antenna jessing the cellular antenna is existing excuse me the other part of that it's already contracts are expiring so we got to go back out um cannabis go out for bid retail yep we have it in we're all doing our reviews now and the goal is to come to March 28th with some sort of report recommendation discussion how that FS on the receipt of the beds yeah and see where we're at and um I know we had a complaint about the motel over by um the Falco has anything been done about that um let's talk to Tracy code department and see what they what they do and it'll all be in Jungle laser so there is we've been following up on all of the hotels last night there's new fencing oh okay not up kind of ready you mean to block the 6,000 bins that are outside in the back there of that Motel yes but I you can't see them well you might still be able to see but they're the fencing it looks new and it's getting I'll ask the next one enclosed um was there something what I'm ask EMT were they coming in for a a a request a budget request for an increase to the facility they voted they had a they had a referend they voted on it they already voted on it well yeah that's separate apart from US District district people voted yeah okay that was it for and they voted in favor so all 40 people that voted in that election and we're not concerned about that what happened to you mean 40 people voting that's an issue for one is it really 40 it was about 40 there's way more in the district but only 40 That's ridic oh yeah half the town that's ridiculous that' be 10,000 people so 40 that's not bad $6 million referendum 40 people voted unfortunately is indicative of our voting in general I mean look our our election was 22% that one there I mean but if you put that referendum on in November or may with us well that would have been a different story might be 50 people if they could have fin down at the bottom right that's all I have any other questions so we can go in uh motion to go in close session so move second second roll call or all favor iOS I want to remind everybody that our Township Council meetings will be audio and videotaped and they'll be shown on the township of oceans Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon filos and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor napan here Deputy Mayor fiser here council member aera here Kaplan here Terry here can we stand for a pledge allegiance and remain standing for a silent prayer as we uh honor former police officer Matt Sharon passed away suddenly this past week um very very sad news for the township uh just just wanted to get that out there let everybody know that the moment of silence after the uh after the pledge allegiance will be in honor of Matt I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please remain standing you may be seated doing musicals the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14 2023 there are two emergency exits to my left that'll take you to the front of the door to the front of the building and another one to my left that'll take you to the rear parking lot please make sure that all cell phones are turned off and if you need to make a call kindly step outside to make that call before we get started on on the uh count before we get to our Proclamation which is the county commissioner director Tom arnone and Mom the county clerk Christine an we will have Council comments first as he strolls in Mr Mammoth let's start down with Deputy Mayor fiser at the end thank you mayor I have a couple things I want to announce I want to congratulate we've had a couple uh wonderful Sports Seasons here in Ocean Township so I want to congratulate the girls basketball team I believe this is one of the first times in a really long time they've had a winning season so I want to congratulate them I believe the girls bowling team won the uh state championship we've had four wrestlers go to the regions uh the Esports team came home with a victory and uh I think it's a wonderful Testament to the children of Ocean Township and uh we're always out there supporting you and good good job thank you mayor thank you sir uh councilwoman Terry I just have one for the group uh there's an extreme blood shortage in the state of New Jersey so there'll be a blood drive on Saturday at the West Park Rec Center from 9:30 to 2:30 Walkins are welcome thank you Council woman kapan um with the warm weather I'll just say I'm looking forward to Little League season which is starting in a few weeks with practices this week uh I encourage everyone to come out and see our boys and girls play thank you councilman a chair uh deal Lake cleanup is this weekend uh 9:00 you can meet over at uh Asbury Park excuse me um yeah the Asbury Park Main Street and Boat Boat Boat Ramp boat ramp yes uh 9:00 Saturday thank you anyone else anything else no noort Matt not a couple things first of all I want to uh let everybody know that on Thursday March 28th we're going to have ask the tax collector between 1: and 2 p.m. at the West Park Recreation Center this is a uh great idea um basically doing it for the seniors that want to have Clarity on on the property tax programs wondering about the anchor program so we've done this in the past and we're looking forward to having this again as a service out to our community members um I would like to thank and I've been thanking our sponsors that have been coming in uh for the municipality um right now we have our County Clerk who's here right now who uh did a sponsorship of $500 disc off uh the Italian American Association as well we have Wegman's Marty Arbus Paramount reality and port side we're really appreciative of all the sponsors Ty I didn't get yours yet I don't have the list here yet well when it you know what when it comes Mr director will announce you as well I just want to let everybody know that the commissioner director just Pro promised a sponsorship and I believe he wants the top handling so let's see what he does let's see what he does everybody heard that uh we have our St Patrick's Day celebration tomorrow night we'll be honoring former mayor uh former deputy mayor Margie donlin who's now a assembly woman uh that will be at English manor tomorrow evening we have a great crowd coming should be an excellent evening so we're looking forward to that now I'd like to turn this meeting over uh to our commissioner director Tom arnone and our County Clerk Christine hanlin who will be here to discuss the 250th anniversary of this country that we live in and as we you know kick it off this year with ocean Township's 175th anniversary which you know we have events planned throughout the year we're very excited um I was glad that I was able to get out there over the summer to see you guys actually kick this off and do this way in advance which is awesome so we're looking forward to the activities and what you are going to you know push out here and what we can do as a municipality and Ocean Township being one of the older ones in this you know great County that we live in so I'm going to turn it over to you guys okay great thank you for having and thank you for coming in so excited to be here I'm not sure do we need to be here okay no actually you may want to just take it out and hold it if you're going to move around I'm just thinking is it recording yes yeah right there uh you you like to be on camera Tom it's over there so if you want to face that camera on that over there there's two there's one back there oh it's going to be on that screen probably probably it's going be on that probably had a long day it's been a long day and Tom's telling you what to do uh so thank you for having us tonight we are uh really excited to be launching this uh initiative throughout the county uh we have been going from municipality to municipality to talk about some of the things that we're working on relating I'm going to say it now because Tom is going to pass it over to me America sem mequin Centennial yes that's right more commonly known right more commonly known as America 250 um so we've been going around uh we've been working on our plans we've been um creating promotional materials so we're going to be going through our our PowerPoint to talk about what we're working on and just want to turn it over to Tom before we sure so um and yes we've been like last night we held an event at uh homy Hill where we had the um historical bunch of a many many a packed house actually it was amazing how many people turned out and we did the presentation to there then we've been going to a lot of our towns and a lot of our bigger towns we've been hitting individually like this and then what we're going to do is bring in the groups of smaller and and which you're invited to too and I want to thank the mayor and the administrator for coming to our state of the county this past uh this past week which gave a lot of a lot of information at that period of time too but this is something that's going to be really special and the reason it's going to be special is because it's the incorporation of all 53 inali and that's what we're trying to do and you know Ocean Township being obviously close to the heart of obviously Christine and myself um here um I know you guys do things a little special and you do things and it's so I'm really counting Christin's really counting put the pressure and um that you guys really no pressure we got Jan and Mike exactly I know that you guys heard that right that we're going to be doing these special things that we're going to incorporate through the whole County so every time one of these municipalities in particularly yours has an event that's going on it's going to be showcased throughout the whole County and we're going to do that through all 53 towns and we're the only County that is this far ahead of of this and you know I guess I guess people are saying oh wow you must be like the partying County and we are and um and that's pretty cool in itself so and what we plan on is like from the day we start this and kick this off which we have actually to the day the completion okay it's just going to be like a party Fest throughout this whole thing with many different events which you'll see shortly but we kicked it off with a video that Ted wants to kick off and then we'll uh introduce Ted and go through that whole process there on what the county is already started the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States of America is coming in 2026 America semin Centennial will be celebrated all across our nation our state our County and our communities in M County we celebrate not only the birth of the greatest nation in the world but the significant role our county has played in the fight for imp New Jersey is known as the crossroads of the American Revolution and Mammoth County has a rich history integral to F for our nation's Independence meital the American Revolution it was the biggest and longest one-day battle of the Revolutionary War with General George Washington leading the Continental Army in on the British but MTH County's Revolutionary War Story is much more than that it's the stories of families and loyalties divided and individuals from different backgrounds attempting to navigate uncertain times it's a story of the strife and starish over many years of the Revolution that pitted neighbors against neighbors friends against friends those loyal to the crow fought against freedom for the colonies more than in any other County in New Jersey at the time Governor William Livingston called Mammoth a theater of spoil and destruction Mammoth County was truly a Battleground in the cause of freedom and when one the people of Mammoth County gradually transfer the peaceful of Agriculture Commerce and Industry in the almost 250 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence M county has grown and flourished to be the ideal place to live work play Mama county has everything the most expansive parks open space our breathtaking Shoreline our beautiful towns and bustling cities FAL Acres of cultivated Farmland Innovative industry and business our county has grown to be the fifth most populous in the state with over 600,000 residents I truly believe it's the best county in the state of New Jersey and our people have made their mark on our like this accom entertain poets and writers innov government leaders judges Wendy Williams lived here forour and as we our C of the birth of the greatest nation on Earth 250 is coming and M County will be I'll tell you for a big Raider fan you forgot vilip piano in there we go way back that's a little that's a little family together so we wanted to do that promo video to kind of set the stage for why we're doing what we're doing when we go places and we try to promote our County and really oops when we try and go places and promote our County and bring people here for uh uh history tourism and to enjoy all the beautiful things we have in the county we want to make this a big part of everything we do in Mammoth County for the next couple of years um so one of of the first things we did was we put together a committee um okay all right let's go back then sorry um so from the county level uh we want to create memorable celebrations and experiences that residents and visitors will enjoy and talk about for years to come we want to H honor and commemorate our Rich history and significance to the American Revolution uh generate a awareness and excitement with residents visitors and the surrounding areas uh through public information campaigns and we want to collaborate with Municipal governments historical groups schools the Arts Community the business Community you know faith-based communities and so on um we took some action yes we did count so so what we've done is the the Commissioners when we talked about this and Christine and myself talked about it we what we did is we passed a resolution and put a committee together that committee consists of obviously Christine and myself chairing that committee and then multiple stakeholders through there and all different types of organizations that can bring in a benefit to the Outreach of all the different areas that will benefit us now with that also being said Christine and I also know that we don't have the time to work on this on a daily day today operation so the county took the investment to hire actually somebody an executive director to do that and that's where Ted steps in oh there and Ted maora has come in and his whole function is to coordinate with all our different departments all our different municipalities and coordinate a very special special type of event there and you know I I think that's what's going to bring this together to be something a little bit more special than other people do and and the committee has has Bas or I'm sorry the commissioner board has put that Financial investment in there to do that and it goes kind of goes back to a little bit and I say this all the way back to 1976 I was very young in 1976 but um and uh I was too I don't know about you but uh but but 1976 I can remember which is like kind of amazing my dad was on the committee for the bicentennial there and every you know and I can just remember my town small town NEP City having these little like special um fairs or uh yeah fair and a parade and stuff like that so we just wanted to amp it up a little but it's kind of like really like special that you know being part of it now knowing back back in 1976 where I'm sure each and every one of us remember that you know it was a special time there but if we could expand this special time is the Freedom Train coming back stay tuned Freedom Train was cool stay tuned so to put this whole thing together we need branding we need marketing the whole package we came up with this logo uh which pulls out the colors of our County flag it's very specific in terms of its colors we came up with a slogan freedoms Battleground and that's what we believe Mammoth County was um and we uh our website Mammoth n j250 org we're on all the social media channels we're sending out email newsletters and we started off with a 250 truck um this year after our launch that we had and this is a very special vehicle that will be going to parades festivals fairs um maybe it'll be at the Italian American be at the Italian American Fise that has been taking the truck everywhere it has the capability to play videos and things um and uh the Sheriff's Office donated this truck and we designed it with all of our branding and we have a little video to show about that as we approach the 250th anniversary of America Mammoth county is going to be a big part of that celebration we were a big part of the Revolutionary War and we certainly are going to be a big part in celebrating the 250th anniversary of America behind me here we are looking at our repurpose communication vehicle this truck will be at all festivals parade it's any special occasions that we have generating enthusiasm J it's implication I think it brings light not just m County but across the state of New Jersey how important our role was in the Revolutionary War and we expect to be quite a celebration here as M County you played such a large role in the history of our country so if you're familiar the the and I'm sure you are obviously um it's probably even a little more special to us because of obviously you know one battle in itself and that was Battle of Mama um there right here in in our you know in our County there where you know that's why it's so special and and and I want to emphasize so when I decided to do this committee and put this committee together and obviously we decided to co-chair this together we're very fortunate cuz that like everybody has a passion everybody has something that they're they're very good at and you know and this year as I'm going to meetings and meetings and meetings and different presentations having Christine part of that because she just has she loves history and you know with the archives and all that we're we're really in a good place so and obviously here in Ocean Township obiously that's her you know her Pride so it's going to be it's going to be very special it's something we're really looking forward that's why it was important that we came here to speak to you guys too so thank you so much Tom um so one of the things that we're working on is the county is going to be doing certain things and then we are encouraging everyone else in the county no matter who you are to do your own thing it could be a block party it could be a neighborhood thing it could be a faith-based thing whatever it is but the county will be doing certain things at the county level that is uh we're doing all of these videos called talking 250 highlighting our history throughout the county and it came up I think T came up with that talking 250 right um we're doing oral histories uh print Publications we're working on educational programs for the schools for elementary um and um we're doing a coloring book for elementary school students that's almost ready we're doing a curriculum for um maybe middle school and high school to talk specifically about mam County related uh Revolution or distry we're doing some contests we're working on a fine art contest that's going to be coming up uh and we're working on a lot of onetime events we want to have a countywide Gala uh parade fireworks things like that um we're hoping that operation sale is coming back anybody remember operation sale that was such a big deal with the Tall Ships coming down uh sale 250 is already uh in place um they haven't said whether they're coming to New Jersey they did 50 years ago and we're hoping that they come again and stop at Sandy Hook and make make uh Mammoth County a part of their uh their ride from uh New York to it's it's something that to piggy back on what Chris Christine was saying about uh about the the sailing so if you're familiar with the Navy the Navy has um uh when they commission a boat it's a very very a vessel I should say a vessel it is a very very big thing um obviously I I wasn't even aware of how big when they commission these vessels and it takes years upon years upon years to construct it well what they've done is we C into a um a situation where it was be there's going to be the next vessel that's going to be commissioned which was supposed to be done um April 6 which has been now been pushed out to September there because of just Logistics side was down to Camden and Mammoth County and we fought hard against Camen good we fought hard against Camden um and you know quite frankly I mean what does Camden have that with that you know and and that's quite Frank and that's quite frankly what I said so it's I'm not saying nothing that I didn't there and we fought hard and we won and that commissioning is going to be at Earl here and it is a huge huge event I I can't believe how big you know that is and they come all over for this event so it's going to be it's going to be SS Miss Jersey us miss Jersey yes and as Christine was talking about the gall I'm going to put you on the spot there we are going to request and require um every municipality to have the a table there at the G which will be really special you know and some sort of signature on the table of each and one and it's going to be like a real fancy Gall it's going to we're we're planning and it's going to be something really really cool there but you know with Topline band and everything like that but you know just something to remember you know this time because I'm pretty sure we're never going to see this again at least okay let's keep going H's coming because I have the county archives I decided to look back into the county archives reviewed every piece of paper that we have relating to the bicentennial and we've been picking out what each of the towns did everywhere we go and you could see here these are the photos and images that I have in the county archives uh we had the O Oaker School PTA B Centennial Fair we had the Oaker school students designed and sold B Centennial t-shirts uh and purchased a globe with the funds that they raised um the bicentennial committee uh published a historical perspective of Ocean Township and there is our beloved March Edon the bicentennial chair reading a history of Ocean Township with so this has been so much fun for me looking through all of the materials from 50 years ago and utilizing that information to come up with a lot of the things that that we're working on so that we can recreate and see and do better than was done 50 years ago so some of the things that we're asking our municipalities to do is to pass a resolution uh I don't think oan did it yet I don't think we didn't put the me that her hometown has not passed the resolution so we have all of our municipalities with the sample res March 28th there Mr director sign basically saying that you uh you are supportive of the uh commemorations uh you can put in there that you're going to establish your own committee uh you know whatever you choose to do but we did give you a sample we will be saving all those in archives you know for future Generations um we would love it if a town um forms their own 250 committee to plan like they did for the bicentennial uh plan a you know form a committee and appoint a liaison to the county so that we can continue the coordination when we have meetings and everything and then encourage stakeholders residents businesses to participate in any way you see fit um you know follow us on social and keep us updated with anything that you decide to do because we're happy to support we're happy to assist promote whatever it is that you decide you're not to do want to okay okay so a lot of municipalities say to us like what should we do you know people have asked us what give us some ideas so these are just a couple of ideas but everybody you know can come up with their own uh some of the things that we're saying to our municipalities out you know in the western part of Mammoth is use this opportunity get the grants that are out there to preserve our open space um there's a lot of Grants from the federal government national parks American Battlefield trust and the county create your own Communications and marketing plan do your own local oral history program um Mark historic properties um 50 years ago they had clean up America for the bicentennial so host a community cleanup program clean up mama uh yeah clean up mama we're doing that um PL uh celebratory events or like apply a 250 theme to existing events that you may have already so what we're also going to do is as as we're requesting municipalities to do these as Christine was saying we're already starting on little ideas um between Christine myself and the committee um there along with Ted's you know going out doing some research on you know some of the things that we're thinking about is some U increased signage throughout Mammoth here to to you know designate that you're in in Mammoth County we're looking at on the early stages of a very very very um impressive of Monument um located somewhere to be determined um and then you know just some special type of events that would be you just throwing out some major possible some big concerts um in there I'll just leave it at that and let you guys just imagine what we're thinking and but it's it's just some things that we're going to bring together but really I you know I say this over and over again mmed county is only as successful as the 53 towns that are in it um and so if we can incorporate and obviously be an assistance to that um you know I think we'll stand Head Over Heels over anybody else just on a final note you know the state of New Jersey has established their 250 committee and their and their program a couple of years ago all of this actually started like a long time ago in the federal government I think it was like over 10 years ago they started but then with the pandemic everything just like shut down so now because it really takes like 10 plus years to do something like this as big as it was during the B Centennial so the state of New Jersey has their uh apparatus set up um I haven't heard of any you know specific events but they're doing a lot of history related grants and education and things like that and that's revolutionary NJ uh or rev NJ they have two things uh most of the country that New Jersey always Gees its own path most of the country is using 250 like PA 250 Delaware 250 but New Jersey went in its own Direction and did revolutionary surprise surprise we went we decided to adopt our national Partners momth 250 it's much easier to identify you know with all of the other governments that that are involved um so something you can look into what the state's doing they have a lot of Grants and information things like that available and one other thing that we are are definitely um and it talked about what Christine touched a little bit about land Acquisitions so we're really going to amp up and and and a lot in the western part of the county where really that is really where our a lot of history is over in the western part of the county um through the Revolutionary times so we're looking at acquiring other open space lands there and we're going to really be very aggressive on that on that concept there to purchase that so we're actually talking internally about increasing some open space tax money potentially to have that happen so you know and obviously Osa Township and and all the other municipalities are more than welcome to always reach out to the county in areas that you think should be preserved um please reach out to myself on that um and you know I work hand inand in Ross Citra also on the board works hand inand as leaz onto parks and we're very aggressively working with with Andrew Spears in the park system to acquire those parcels and that's a wrap is everyone still awake but we appreciate you listening to us we hope that we've inspired you to you know Do Your Own Thing take action start your planning and hopefully pass thank you we will make sure that's on the agenda on the 28th when we meet we will definitely do that us if you can so we so you can review it sure Jesse will take care of that something that's really also special is our last presentation Christine and our last presentation presentation was in Millstone and we had to get in a car and drive for 40 minutes you're going to get home and our home in like 10 minutes design would you mind if we took a picture with us with you guys come back you want to do it in front of you want us to come down and take it in front of the screen you want to do it in front of you want to go in front of the screen probably better with the screen hot or turn it off uh hot please today yeah we called each other you like that little special time I I can't wait to share it you so good see you soct I don't guys middle we got a that's a shot we did it because count three we're going to say 250 1 2 3 I know it are you do we have we're changing the resolution for theing everywhere sir I always did I enjoyed it it was great she sitting near me now yes good move see you later thank you so much thank you take care director thank you and see you guys absolutely we'll see there yeah we'll be there I'll be there at like I don't know cocktail yeah you miss cocktail what time he's getting there at seven for that right yeah yeah you will in fact I'll be there 4 I'll be with you save me a spot at the bar than see later thank you he it's public question on resolutions in voucher time all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine by the township Council and will be enacted by one Motion in the form listed below there will be no separate discussion of these items if discussion is desired on any item that item will be considered separately the purpose of the public portion is to solely ask questions to understand resolutions that appear on the agenda and it's not an occasion for a public hearing on an ordinance all questions not related to an item on the agenda should be asked during the public comments portion at the conclusion of the meeting we do have one slight change resolution 24- 62 letter G the date will be switched from August 7th to the 11th to August 1st to August 11th 2024 I mean 13th I'm sorry so August 1st to the 13th that's the only change on that are there any questions in relation to resolutions or vouchers on the agenda just resolution and the vouchers yeah but there that's all part of Sor seeing here none do I have a motion to uh approve resolutions 2458 through [Applause] 2471 consent agenda I'll make a motion second I'll second roll call theera yes accept uh resolution 2462 letter geez conflict of interest fiser yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes vouchers in the amount of 8,870 $185.6 to have someone offer the vouchers I'll offer for the vouchers second I'll second that roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes napy yes resolution 2472 authorizing the mayor to sign a statement in support of Hill l yiva construction of the new Oaker fire station can I have someone move resolution 2472 I'll move resolution 2472 second second aera yes Kaplan Fisher yes Kaplan excuse abstain abstain Terry excuse yes thatan yes resolution passes ordinances up for adoption 2456 which is an ordinance amending chapter 2 the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 entitled Administration can someone open public hearing on ordinance 2456 I'll make a motion to open from public heing on ordinance 2456 second second roll call aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2456 please step up to the m microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here none do I have a motion to close public hearing on ordinance 2456 I'll make a motion to close public hearing on ordinance 2456 I have a second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes naan yes action on ordinance 2456 I'd like to make a motion to approve ordinance 2456 and publish according to law second second roll call aera yes fiser yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes ordinance is adopted introductions to or uh introductions ordinance 2457 which is an ordinance amending chapter 21 of the comprehensive Land Development ordinance of the township evotion entitled flags and Penance can I have someone introduce ordinance 2457 I'll make a motion to introduce ordinance 2457 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes that will have its public hearing on March 28th is there anyone from the public that wishes to be heard on anything gerain to the township of ocean any good news uh any thing you'd like to say questions seeing here none do I have a motion to close the meeting so moved second second all in favor I any opposed Mo uh meeting is adjourned thank you for attending great job and also Nick and have been awesome helping me out but I have an issue with a neighbor at 242 who purchased the house back in 2021 basically has no multiple code violations my biggest concern is the person that's renting the house is suting rooms there are people in the basement transient people I don't know who's living they go Ocean Township Police have been there multiple times MTH County Sheriff has to taken the last the last resident away2 um I know you're working on it there's also a trailer oversized trailer 34 foot sitting there my biggest fear too is that someone's going to be moving in that trailer soon as another place to live I know that he's supposedly getting find beinging brought to court I just want to know what you guys can do matter it's very scary having just multiple people coming and going living there and also the basement apartments too Dave uh if you want to respond on that one what was the address again just for 242 Tracy's where she's been great 242 P Avenue P okay um to answer your question is I I'll check with Tracy tomorrow but I'm absolutely certain they're moving as fast as they can and then we have to get on the Court's agenda so that should be coming up soon so I I will follow up with it tomorrow morning I came um Tracy did say that but the reason I came is that could he just be fined because other properties he's been fined on and he just doesn't really care yeah they have to write the summons and then it has to go to court and then the that's when the fines will be determined uh between the prosecutor and then if he has him representing himself or an attorney and then the judge will make the final determination on the on the F also exp like getting the trailer out how does that work this you just keep getting same yeah it's just like um was is it two process like no how much a day the fine could be oh I don't no it's like $1,000 it's like th000 or 2,000 a day is the ma it or not it could be like tapped on to his I guess tax and and it'll be per day too so up to the court date okay but unfortunately that's the process we got to take it to court it's very disarten because ocean countship my neighborhood was awesome until this gentleman started buying homes I know it's happening not just in my neighborhood all right thank you but I will follow up tomorrow like you said Tracy's phenomenal Nick has been awesome as well good police have to show up there multiple times okay thanks guys thank you thank you