##VIDEO ID:talUA5zFsu0## okay guys I just want to remind everybody that all Council meetings will be audio and video taped they'll be shown on the township of oce community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon 5 and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor NY here Deputy Mayor fer here council members of chair here here Terry here the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied and a copy of the annual those was sent to the as Park Press the poster posted in town hall filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 um let's start off with Greg our Township engineer to go over our project update okay projects I should say okay uh first one 2022 Road program that's finished final assessments are complete Jess and a setting up meetings for September to go over with the residents but that project is completed finish their punch list 2023 is ongoing you know he started on the west side of town he's going to be going on overh Hill faith and Abby Lane NE doing the bike lane next week from roller road bike lane um I did get asked by the police today when they're going to paint strike the uh intersection that we fixed at bound and deal Road uh Sergeant martinz just wants that paint strike before school starts so we'll get that accomplished other than that that looks good by the way yeah it came out nice didn't it Dave I don't know if you got any calls from some of our neighbors when they were in the middle of construction but they were like this is terrible I'm like they just literally just literally took it out there's still work to do they're still they kept hitting the curb yeah it was always fun hitting that curb but uh Greg I think it's uh it's definitely an improvement as Dave and I are on it every day yeah it came out nice just makes it safer yep uh 2020 for roow program waitting authorization I think for me to start that's going to be on your next meeting in September so that's kind of I'm still going at it but it's not hold really uh next one the bathrooms are waiting for the grants to come out in September for the CD cdbg awards for Park oh thank uh willon sidewalk we had two Crossings there you remember the first one that we did is the smaller Crossing on the southernly side of whale Pond the next one's a little further north which is on the popper Brook where that's a larger one we're going to wait to do that one probably till next year when the funding is available the first one we did get our D permits for Wetlands but now because of the new flood Hazard area things which we went through on 1515 Logan they are now requiring us to do a flood Hazard area permit for that sidewalk which is 4 foot wide and it's just it's crazy the money that it's going to cost it's like $2,000 in application fees just to get a 4ot wide sidewalk across there when we already paid about that much in the DP permits for the wetlands so it's just the next step that it's just never ending with them Marie yeah okay next one fireman's Pond um just to kind of give you an update we've kind of prioritized the ponds we got fireman going first um lollipop Pond second which we're expecting State funding for in September for the dredging and the bridge we want to build there and the third one is Terrace Pond I know we kind of started with Terrace pond it's been on my list in of activities for probably five or six years now but we wait we have to wait until the da commission finishes their Upstream project at the mall because that's going to slow the water down and cut down a lot of sediment that's coming to us because if we drudged Terrace Pond first and we did it this fall or next spring we still have the erosion problem coming at us anytime we get these flash floods so we're going to wait till they get done probably take them a year or so but we've shifted we're going to do fireman's first talked to the county Dave and the mayor have um set up a meeting in the future with our known to get everything worked out but we're looking to do that Frid in the spring the other thing that they require also just so everybody's aware they require Greg to design a catch Basin where that water comes in because and it totally made sense when we listen to them that we want to try to avoid this moving forward into the future so that when we do these dredging projects our our um public works department can get on a schedule to clean out those catch basins before it gets into the actual Pond and as we stated all three of those ponds are extremely important to the municipality but going down the line and I contacted Lois Kylie to explain to her that we're we're looking at potentially spring um to get firemen's up and you know up and running because that'll give Greg time to design the catch Basin it'll give us time to um get the rock together that we need for the road to get in there and dredge it out and also the county is waiting on their piece of equipment that'll come in and assist us along with our Public Works that will assist them in you know with our street sweeper and uh trucks to haul out the spoils um being involved with this for 30 years on the d8 commission 30 years ago um I know how difficult it is to get rid of the sports that's the biggest problem and Greg I mean you can explain where the first set of spoils will go yeah for fireman's pile we're going to put them at the leaf Compost Facility cuz oddly enough we got a directed from the D that we have to remove the the BM around that facility because it's made out of compost material and they want a inorganic material I said perfect I have just the material for you so we're going to put almost I'm I'm pretty sure we can fit all of it there which and none of the sites we don't have to worry about testing we tested them already okay all ponds have been tested so it's all safe for that material to go to stay in town okay yeah the only place we can't use it at is is we you can't put it in a park facility like a playground where kids are playing with it and the only thing bad in it to be honest with you is it's 100% it's like 92% sand all of them are R from 85 to 92% sand so there's really nothing in it the only thing in it is arsonic and arsenic is pretty is naturally occurring in the world and it really comes from the erosion of people's soil of their properties but the state the only reason that it it flags as a detected level is because the the state lowered your standard from I believe it was nine parts per million to three parts per million and all of ours are in the six to seven range and this has nothing to do with the pesticides with the runoffs correct this is completely unrelated just anticipating questions yeah yeah no this is all just naturally occurring okay and uh that's that's the only thing that we're over the detection Lumin so that's why we can't put it in a park facil we could put it in a parking lot and can't cover it but this this is just as good putting it at the compost site and just covering it with some dirt and putting some weeds on top of it cool a quick question two quick questions one so the catch basins where where would they go that's going to go in uh probably I got to look at it that's why we haven't really probably Lake Drive it's just on the north south part of the lake that's where most of the drainage comes I just have to see there's an inlet on the north side of the lake that I have to see how much water goes into that if it would be worth putting another sediment Bas in there but I have to get into the too there and figure out which one is the lowest one okay but yeah it's not a it's not a big deal really the biggest problem is putting it on the list to maintain it you know because that's the type of thing that that only holds so much volume you don't maintain it on an annual basis it's going Anno right um and just so we're moving forward with this because of the state funding like it's that was what at one point this was not going to happen what what did I miss fireman's Pond or any no the only one that has State funding Associated was lollipop F okay that one we haven't started all till the funding is cuz I have to so testing for that one hasn't Done Yet right waiting for the funding the other three we have done the funding and we were of the mind that the county was going to help us and take the dirt at the landfill they were not overly receptive it's they they allowed us to put it on our application because we couldn't submit the application to the state until we had a definite location to put the spoils so now the county said you can put fireman and Terrace pond on as a possible source for um disposal so that got us so we can submit it so that was what was delay that that was what was delaying us and that was the meeting that we had in January with ourown uh and the Commissioners out in Freehold Dave myself Greg went out there and there it it the meeting didn't really go as well as we thought but then we had a follow-up meeting with um commissioner director arnone John to TOA and um Joe T Joe Tor Joey tour and Dave myself Greg and went over and it sounds like they want to part partner with us and help us out so you know we welcome that with open arms obviously because it's a I spoke to Lois Kylie yesterday and it's been a problem there five years now they've seen the islands grow in um in that that pond there and it that doesn't look good especially wikip PCO it's very public it needs oh we saw it yeah we all saw it so look the fact that we have a plan in place and it looks like it's going to be taken care of is is posi there yep thank you okay so we kind of already went over lollipop and terce pond at the next two sell's Pond is is kind of on hold because we're waiting for the residents we have seven residents over there that will not respond will not sign applications we had one of the residents there Eric agular who actually lives there is one of the people on the list that had to sign he did he went around to the neighbors and talked to them they told him they would submit it to us and they haven't so I'm going to send another round of letters out to him asking them to sign the application but until they sign it we are there's no time of the essence where it's like signed by here it's concurrence you know like non nothing like that the problem with it is is it's the application is for access to their property oh okay and if they don't give us access we can't direct the because it's their property it goes to the middle of the pond and really the only reason we're involved because we own two of the Lots on the pond prior to that we couldn't even do the project so and how many do we need am i counting right eight seven seven if you have one you need seven more no no we have probably probably 15 or oh yeah there like 22 I think so we're missing and our equipment has to go onto their property we can't access it in an alternate way no the problem is it would be Sawtooth and you know it's you know it would just bring disaster really to be honest with you I couldn't even imagine trying to go weave around people who were not involved because the pond is only like 40t wide so to try to dredge something that not affect their property which is from the middle over would be impossible and I don't even that's one thing I didn't look at is to see where the 20 to 15 are if they were around ours you know technically you really want to dredge half the pond and leave the other half not dredged that probably wouldn't do but the pond is not their property so wouldn't that embankment be it is considered their property it's a private pond yeah it's kind of crazy but it's yeah they the properties go to the center line of the pond so neighbors own the whole thing and they're not responsible for maintaining that they are okay so if they're not going to help us maintain it well that's well see we what happened was this probably surfaced about 10 years ago and we always had the problem with trying to judge us it was private property and we can't be involved in something spending money on private property right right and then the blue Acres Program came along with the flooding and four people decided to sell houses and two of them are on the pond and so now the town owns technically four Lots over there two on the pond so the people who wanted the pond dge and we've always told them we couldn't because we don't own any part of it all of a sudden jumped on the bandwagon and said okay now you own it so now you can dredge it and we followed through and we were proceeding with that that if they would have all signed the paperwork we would have been on they would have been in the chart you know in the schedule The Dredge probably sometime spring or next fall okay because that's a smaller Pond obviously and it's it would be easier to dispose of but it's just we can't move forward and DP won't even UPS the application until we get all the property owners approval gotcha and okay I was just going to say what's their real objection to it haven't talked to one of them we we sent them letters I don't have phone numbers the neighbor the neighbor who lives there said he talked to all they said they're in full support of it and he had I gave him blank applications with their name and it to sign and had where to sign it and they said they would take it and send it back to me and they never did so I told him it was about a month ago and I haven't heard back from him yet to where you because he said he's going to go around and talk to everybody again but haven't heard from anybody so there's I don't know if they aren't doing it because they just forget about it or they're do not doing it for a reason I don't really know because we haven't talked anybody they won't call me so so back to the question of it being private who's paying for it we haven't figured that out yet cuz originally we it was going to be on the same fashion as these the county was going to help us right and when we had that meeting in January and the county found out it was Private they said nope we're not working on a private project we have too many problems with that so they backed totally out of that and we haven't even approached a subject further than that spot right there because we don't have the seven signatures so when that comes back we're going to have to figure that out whether it's an assessment or we get a grant from somebody or something but okay okay um next one's 1515 Logan that's been submitted we're just waiting for the the flood Hazard area permit uh bimbler um when we had that meeting a couple weeks ago before the meeting started the County engineer told me that they did not get their beautification grant for Asbury Avenue in Asbury or I mean um yeah Asbury Avenue and therefore that there the light at the corner of I don't know what it's called in as the extension of wiip n Avenue is not on the the docket to be improved and the and they were so certain of that initially I remember when when you brought it up the first time and then and Asbury they told me that Asbury Park has no intentions of improving that intersection to allow left turns there to take them off of Bim so it's kind of we're back to square one with our problem now so we have to kind of brainstorm that and figure out how we want to get you I told the County engineer originally that I was just going to make that at that end B yeah what' you say that force it to that other Street what's that other Street that's right next to it well you have Lincoln they'll come out on Lincoln then but they'd have to but but doing that seesaw there they may not you know most people aren't going to want to do the extra turn turn turn and it would be pretty backed up in there the way you know traffic would be but uh the traffic the County Traffic engineer is not happy with the situation because he the traffic if we push it all back to asur Asbury Avenue can't handle the traffic I said that's not my problem you put it on my road and my road can't handle it so it belongs on a County Road everybody's going to Asbury and they're cutting through a part of ocean to get the Asbury from Asbury so it's it's so we're going to have to figure out some kind of geometry change there that makes it very difficult for them to get through the neighborhood One Way well we thought about that but the problem is we have the emergency vehicles go down bimler that's why I really have not really thought push the idea one way because the fire trucks and ambulance EMT all come down bimler to get to the other side of town and to make them do that little S turn would be impossible so somehow I got to figure a way to get people and we actually the County engineer said he would entertain an idea no left turn at bimbler that was part of the whole thing with the light at wake aeka but now that's off the table too because I that would obviously been our solution no left turn there and we can't make that call not our road but they're turning on to ours right oh we we well that's what we said we can make it one way do not enter that's that was one thing I suggested also to them that's that may be where we end up that'd be the easiest way if we get a one way do not enter Then they have no say in what we do right well they a little bit they do but not much because it is an intersection with their road but yeah I mean hey we're making this so in other words when we do not enter really is a no left turn yeah the only thing we have to look at is there's a road I don't know the name of it further just one to the west of bimbler which would is a pretty difficult turn cuz it's close to the circle there's a blue house right in the corner that is a left turn there we probably would that would be the county would probably want to there's a professional building too right there right I just passed it okay but there is a residential there everybody would turn there they'd have to go up to link Lincoln and come down that way which I doubt they would do I don't know how you get in and out of that that's that's sloppy up there yeah but get Crossing that at that point the circle would be you can't you cannot get out that wayer it's nearly a mess anyway my God I avoid it at all costs Greg glad you didn't engineer that one too oh we met with the count when we met with the traffic people I met with another with with them in another meeting and and they were talking about putting the doing that Circle up in uh on Route 66 by where Asbury Avenue 66 FL and I said you guys got to look at this one here this one's in total failure that one's going to be worse life long residents are like what's happening the yields are different it's coming together at one time it's bad but that um do not enter might also fix the speeding issue wasn't we get any traffic right get Vault there would be no cars so guess that fixed the speeding problem yeah well let's consider that yeah I mean more than one I'll talk to the chief about it we'll talk to Traffic Safety people and see what they think see see what Alisa thinks I got fire guys and make because I don't know they could always come back from a fire in different route because going out would be good they can't come back I don't think that would hurt their feelings they could go up 35 and take sunset from oh yeah totally they wouldn't have to go through for that right okay I'll talk to the chief perfect um crossb on Sunset and mayel that's going to get done with the 23 program um I'm going to try to escalate that so we get that done sooner than later so maybe we'll be in for school the next one is um next one's kind of a dead issue we we apped for that Grant with Senator Booker for security we haven't heard anything about that at all so nothing to disc discuss there deal Road sidewalks project is complete got a couple punchless problems we got a these flashh floods are killing me they we we just got done fixing that road so everything is soft and we got that flat flood two weeks ago over top the top of the sidewalk by a little bit and just eroded all the dirt we put on the back side of the sidewalk in two driveways so he fixed it and it did it again two days later so I'm going to probably have to put a couple extra drainage inlets on there when we do that section of deal Road but I'll probably put the inlets in maybe with if we have extra money in this year's Road program I'll put it in next year just to put some extra inlets so it stops over top in the sidewalk there it's really not a big drainage area but there's only two inlets to take a section to deal road and it just hits it so fast because everything on the south side is a very large Hill and it comes down that hill and hits that road really quickly so but I I'll address that with two inlets um we already talked about the roller Road uh bike trail that's going to be done next week um 18 there's really no discussion uh we're waiting for the delineation of the wetlands to be done before we can move forward with the D the new DPW facility on Cindy Lane Kramer Court Bridge um contractor mobilized and we had a problem instantly with the Sewer Authority they have a sewer eement through there they gave us permission to put the bridge up and we're going to be P driving piles on both sides of it they didn't tell us it was a transite pipe which is a plastic pipe versus thought it was duck iron pipe which you can found piles next to so bottom line is we have to we're going to have two spans out there now we're going to have the span over the creek we're going to have a span over the sew Authority easement span of the bridge there's going to be two Bridges now like four feet like how wide are they 20 ft each one is 20 no 20 over but how wide how wide is each you mean the bridge yeah oh it's only four foot 5 foot wide it's a pedestrian bridge but two of them now yeah he won't even notice if you're walking over this if you look at the side of it you'll just notice there's no piles in two spots there's a 20t span so from a visual you would only see if you're in the creek bed which no reason to be down there from actually walking the bridge you won't even notice but it did slow us down a couple of days because we had to go we're going to end up putting helical piles on both sides of the Sewer Authority pipe which is like it's like a big screw you just screw it in a I just had to have them done yeah they're extremely strong too so to hold up a pedestrian bridge no they actually mine was cuz these are these aren too big cuz they aren't holding any weight yeah no mine holding deck but uh those were getting worked out we're just waiting for the contractor we have that portion worked out he's just trying to change the bridge bin to make it a little cheaper he's trying to come up with alternate material instead of Steel because now a Second Spin to get the steel just going to take too long so we put a change order it and it's been approved yeah I already talked to Mr Sak and he has no problem with the change we said estimated to be about $5,000 he said no problem so but he should get starting again next week as as soon as we work out the details of the crossing the design of the bridge okay um the I met with a contractor we're going to get prices for the second phase of the stream cleaning we're going to we pick Jill play aart because we we're also going to start working on getting letters to Residents from between Mammoth Road and whale pond it's all private to clean that stream out that's the piece we're missing on the popular Brook we're going to be in the middle of that in next couple weeks we'll be sending letters out to get permission from them but we did get we I'm getting prices into due to next phase we're going to probably go from about whale Pond just about to the back of the Route 35 shopping center de 35 wow and we know that from there down is pretty clean because the developer cleaned that portion to stream out so that means with the two phases we may be other than missing the piece in the middle will be from the railroad tracks all the way to 35 which would be pretty enormous for us cuz that was popular is where most of our flooding occurs you know then we'll move to some of these off shoot strings we're going to go through next and then we'll move up to the oil pond so that that's coming up probably we be doing that over the winter Ricky's already approved the funding for us we got the the funding in place I just got to get two more quotes um stream cleaning West Allen Hurst yeah we got another thing we're talking about is we got a lot of flooding happen over here in West heel it's the same thing there's backyards between two roads between I think it's uh Sherman and I forget the one to are south of it but backyards Swale all Parker bad go all those down there the west of the intersection which the pipe drainage comes through and discharg it into that stream the stream is backed up because it can't get out of the pipe so it just shoots like a guys are out of the manhole in an intersection of poer I mean Golf and Parker it's amazing we're going to get in there it's amazing the way it comes out it's probably like 4 foot high it's pretty nasty but we're going to get in there and clean it out we're also looking at a couple walk the things and temporary things we it's kind of a long range plan but the initial thing we're going to do is we're going to clean the stream cord out we're looking at putting a secondary overlo overflow pipe down one of the streets down to Washington and then we have a meeting next week with deal to talk to them about the the crossing under the railroad tracks and improving the drainage through from Eastern the Eastern ocean up through deal and then they're going to take it out to the ocean because they're having similar problems with their storm drainage backing up on Norwood so we're going to try to oversize their pipe so we accom at us and get through so everything's kind of coming together meeting wise once we get behind it then we get have to go to some State people to try to get some funding and some momentum behind it ties in with a positive meeting that we had with Transit last year to make sure we could even do this project because that was Greg's biggest fear he tried this 30 years ago and they flat out told him no but when we went back out last summer they had a much different engine yeah so let's get it done now while he's there but young he'll be there a while yeah Greg was we were going to go down to look at the other one Greg's like I'm not even going to bother he said this guy said this is good so I'm like all right then we just have to you know get with deal and you know and unfortunately with deal they lost their manager suddenly and all um we were supposed to have the meeting with them the following week uh Steve passed away suddenly and they've been kind of in flux but now I we can't wait anymore for a new manager we're going to have the meeting with deal the mayor the acting manager and uh see if we can get something you know cooking here I think it kind of worked out for us anyway cu the timing over there they've got several residents that are now complaining to their mayor about the same problem we're having so he's hot to trot for the same problem y it's kind of dve tailes together yeah so I'm I'm glad that you're right the time work out pretty good that's all I have great uh any questions for Greg uh St Rob uh any luck with the uh our friends at the firehouse putting the light up on popular now they to be honest with you they've been struggling so much to can't get their own contractors moving they're not even entertaining my questions about fixing the light until they're done because it's just theyve they've been pretty slow going on that building but I'll ask him again we can't tell them no it's because it's a bonded issue I can't force when things are done on a bonded issue you know they're Bond I can only make sure it gets done but they won't get their bond back till it gets done right but I can't tell them when to do it got it looks like they're making progress on the firehouse yeah once they got to the building they get move pretty fast the site guy was you know he's I mean it's it's going to come to a point and it's probably going to affect a lot of you people I mean mayor council is I told them from the beginning if they left their construction entrance off a deal Road they're going to break our pavement and they're going to have to pay 100 ft each side of that and guess what they broke the payment so my deals they're going to have to pay from the intersection back 200 ft and repay curb to curb I'm sure you are going to be hearing about that but that's def those are our rules if you break the payment they could easily use their construction entrance off of the back road which is going to be vacated in the future they just didn't want to make the left turn go up wh Pond and make a left turn up there so I just that but I've already told them once and we'll tell them again that you know when they get closer to being done but that's something I'm sure they're going to complain to you guys about guy broke the road yeah and it's and the problem truly is it's going to be a problem for us in 5 years is going to be a pothole along that curb there and it's going to hold water it's going to freeze th and continue to break and we're going to have to fix it yeah so I'd rather have them pay to fix itre anything else Rob nope I'm good oh I'm sorry yes South Lincoln and I don't know if that's Dave or you South Lincoln South Lincoln and Norwood light that's Dave I don't know yeah I don't know the progress I know that we oh oh yeah yeah that's okay so we're still wait on all right sorry you weren't looking I was pointing to you like no questions Dave do we have a time frame on the deal road paving um yeah we're going to do that after summer probably late September we just want to get away from the summer CLS got it but it's it is a nighttime Paving so it'll be done in the summer and we're going to close the road and PVE it one under the other and fernandz they're pretty fast and they're good so yeah Ju Just to follow what part of deal is he asking what that from Carberry all the way down to town okay and we don't have the money or did we get the money for the no that no that we don't no not car very B you're talking right up here you're talking about the the uh the 35 by Deon 35 the Logan right L that's why okay that's going to be paved in September the other one that's not even that was the sidewalk was the only part of that program we didn't get funding to do the okay Paving yet that's probably be after we get done with popular we'll ask for that yeah looks like it could use a little oh yeah plus north and south of that intersection at bound is is pretty rough we're actually doing the part of bound down at Green Grove Road by Tilton because it's the same thing as chopp I'm doing pieces to save us uh yeah longevity there cuz some of the road is in fine shape other parts are bad so we just buying time but yeah the other side of deal Road between Green Grove and bound is really getting dicey sure I'm try to get a ttf fund next year for that yeah can I have a turn again I forgot I do have a question when are we uh are we um getting close to doing to putting the striping or the arrows so that they're correct on d35 to match the signage no no the signage and the the striping is is correct right now they match oh they match the way want but it's not the way we want it not the way we want it we have to wait until the developer the bank submits his application on the far side and Dot gets involved then they'll give us permission to they just want to do as part of straight two straight yeah two straight one be right but I'm also asking the do when the sign's going up make the developer put the sign up that the road a is actually The Jug Handle to get the 35 North that'll alleviate the traffic that goes you know you have to get people used to doing that CU even I don't do it I curse myself every time to go through there there's just traffic in there and you got the ice cream place there's kids running around in there it's a and Greg you're right I think the first poll you might get away with not moving he might get away with not moving it that's I look at it every day and I'm like it is pretty wide there I didn't realize that just push the curve back a little bit you got to do just push it back and straighten it and you know they'll they'll merge they do it now I mean they did it before it shouldn't really be a problem I think we need to you know as a council start really thinking about deal Road at some point it's really West Park there's no way to widen that at all but deal has the potential of adding you know down you know and this is a long range project it's not like it's going to happen tomorrow but it's something that we really need to consider to push the traffic flow out on the 35 going east and even going west now it's backed up so I think one thing in in kind of in tune with that is right now is the time we got to get the planning board on tune with that because with that application coming at the corner we need to get the right away we need the right away we don't need the Improvement but we need the RightWay because that's the only thing once we get past the I forget what that's it's not a Cumberland Farm whatever the new thing that used to be the settle once you get past that the RightWay is big enough we can easily get land all the way to whale Pond to make that work it's just the corner there and he's the first piece of two yep so so I think that you know something we really need to start thinking about you know as as we move forward because it's only going to get more congested as time goes on because there's more not so much Ocean Township it's the air surrounding areas with Netflix come in I'm sure there's going to be a ton more traffic so Kelly you got anything for for w no okay no we already talked about the uh list for do one other thing that was brought up just so everybody's on the same page here the uh dog park it is open but there's no signage the fountain's not there and there's a couple of cactus that need to be moved inside it's open you they can go there we're not going to do a ribbon cutting the county does not want any ribbon cutting until it's complete with the signage and the cactuses removed so once we get word from the county that all that that's completed then we'll schedule that but it is open um thanks Greg appreciate the update good night every thanks uh Dave uh few items bad news is uh 2025 State Health Benefit Plan initial renewal announcement came out the initial increase recommendation calls for 17.2% increase of rates so guarantee that the administration is looking other options which could include a hiff which is a similar to a gif it's a health insurance fund now are we required is that the one that we're required to go with or can can we independently shop those independently shopping that's what we're doing we did that last time and and because of our claim situation it didn't really make a difference we stayed or left so we're doing the same process again so our Brokers run our claim over 100 we over 100 on the claims we're not below 98 96 right on claims oh I'm not sure off the top that's the key indicator to see if we can even shop much yep but that's what they're doing now so we can become self-insured and try some other insurance companies individually or join up with one of these hips yep cool the other thing the administration is embarking on for Cindy Lane property you know we've been tackling this for some time uh we have um arh under contract right now we have a fin proposal for them to the tune of 120,000 um this will complete the njd permitting including the NJ DP freshwater wetlands letter of interpretation verification freshwater Statewide General permit and hopefully this will get us to a point where we can be that Cindy Lane site uh basically um a landfill for the area um that's under uh investigation and being monitored and then then we can get tep to say yes it's okay for you on the buildable area to go ahead and start building and doing whatever we do in conjunction with the uh Board of Education the sh service parking exactly okay with the uh and Gregs indicated that based on the property up there it seems like we have enough space to do the whole oh yeah yeah the whole thing even with the are DPW and bard of Ed or is DPW DPW and maintenance from bordered and public works okay and we have other things even with them that Dave's looking into for shared service that'll actually help the town out here so he's got a few ideas on there so and then Administration uh we had some meetings with uh topology which is a planning firm and they are looking into to the tune of $10,000 they're looking at Route 35 revitalization this was some of the things um that the mayor has spoke about in his address about a year ago that we're going to take a look at Route 35 so in Phase One we're going to take a physical and Regulatory condition which includes a field survey analyze categorize the vacant storefronts investigate existing zoning and prior planning and then catalog and summarize the existing data and ongoing traffic mitigation plans phase two will be more of a market uh reconnaissance where they're going to interview with the local investors and Brokers which is the property owners uh interviews with Fort Mammoth Netflix property specific Outreach Route 35 preliminary public survey questions and then um any high level case studies that that they run into then phase three will be another Market uh Recon which will establish a corridor wide goals so this will be like the end product that we'll receive identified priority sites and recommendations and then uh incremental implementation plan so that all starts um probably within the next week or so uh as soon as the uh purchase order is uh is cut from finance and we'll get that going and I have one item for close session thank you Dave um ebike scooters ordinance what's the update on that or we up to this body thato I didn't see the attachment after that there was something else I saw was an or not today but the other day theend okay was the ordance the new one from that was modified right the 14 years and and under that's the one we discussed in got yes okay got Rob and I are experts in the subject yeah that's why I overlooked it not why I overlooked it but okay yeah we're in favor I'm in favor I'll speak for myself so we'll introduce it next meeting I straw poll it before we put it back up again and P it well I I do believe Ed is here to make some comments but he'll do that on the whenever you want him to make yeah I I want to give uh John uh some I just want to give him a couple minutes but if we're all in agreement Ed I'll let you speak after I have John um go but right now uh we're in agreement we'll put it on Ed we'll listen to you after and then you know we may PIV it I don't know we'll hear what you have to say um let me go around the the horn and then I want to have John Carlos speak in regard to Louis Street so uh Rob I'll so we can hear them okay anything good that's fine anything anything I I have two questions just on um I'm sorry I'm trying to do better than you you're doing a good job I do have to say um the resolution for tonight that with the Cranford um shared agreement what types of products and services are we looking to partner they're famous for their Police Products the uh police cars usually come out of there and they have other items but that's their primary for police vehicles and Equipment okay and then the ordinance um there was striking of the criminal background checks was that just semantics is that all that really I was we we added a section and because of the way something was titled it I had to strike out the specific to but it's still full background checks on anybody working with children in this department in in this town yes yes that part hasn't changed but I had to just because and now I put a section so I didn't limit the introduction limit the title two questions um I wanted to throw something out to the counil and again I know it's not budgeted right now so this is an unfunded requirement that I would like to throw out there and I spoke to Dave briefly about it either a public information officer or a public affairs office whether it's a new hire or other Duty as assigned but um I really would like to see some type of control on media outlets and the chaos that goes on so I would like somebody that has a responsibility to respond to inquiries and complaints and stuff from the town and I think that falls into Dave's Lane but not maybe to Dave personally so I'd like to throw that out for consideration in the future um I did talk to um Greg extensively I have some wish lists that he would need to discuss with the Department of Transportation um as a pertains to the beautification effort those stupid barricades that I can't stand going in for a supplemental Grant I he told me that we did get a grant at one time for sidewalks on 35s about six years ago so I would like to see another one to continue that effort on the eastbound as well as westbound sides um we do we do have a better connection with the do now than we did so um we can make a call or two he actually Liv in fre the uh um do commissioner so I think maybe I mean with all the pedestrian traffic and stuff I'd like to see some more sidewalks up and down and I think we look and with what Dave just presented with doing a study on 35 I I yeah it might be part of that I keep saying we have to really prepare for this Netflix coming in we're going to be affected Highway 35 will be affected and people are going to look for places to go and spend money so I mean we really want to be poised in a good position you know Ocean Township is a is a very nice community and we'd like to you know obviously people have businesses and we want to see them flourish so I think Kelly got some good ideas there and the last thing was um I feel like we owe some type of public statement um on the deer management status so if we're allowed and the council agrees I'd like to put something out I know no matter what happens it's going to be really costly um you know the sterilization I think the $1,300 number was thrown around per deer per year huh per year per deer per year awesome um I know there was some a little bit of push back from the police department on the hunt option from the prosecutor's office yeah so I think it's I I think we need to put something out on what we're trying to do because I know the state we we put our paperwork together and all that um but I've been here 22 months and we're still talking about the deer I just want people to understand why we're still talking about the deer and that our hands are kind of tied at this point da can we get something together uh preferably prior to the next council meeting so that we can review what the statement is or you know where we stand I know you and I had a discussion yesterday um and I and and it's it's frustrating because we want to make a make a move but every time we come up with an idea our hands get tied by somebody else and it's it's ridiculous and it's just getting worse but as you stated to me and I'll put this on the record it's very difficult for one municipality because the deer don't just live in Ocean they don't just say yeah I'm going to stay here I mean they jump somewhere else it doesn't matter I mean we we may have to get the Mayors together with the county and come up with some sort of plan here that surround this area because it you know I I think oceans really you know it seems like we're getting bombarded with these you know with the deer and it's you know they're all getting pushed here so Dave if we could work on something for the next meeting that would be great we'll have a statement ready next week for review great thank you Dave that's all I had I I did want to throw out there that Saddle River just uh made an agreement with United bow hunters for a hunt in Saddle rivers that was in the news this week so uh feel free to Google that I think that was the only Dave if I'm not mistaken wasn't that the really one of the only options we had as it comes to the deer management other than versus bow versus yeah that was the one yeah so feel free to Google that article yeah I know I know it's tough um all right let me um I know there's several I know there's several people here for Lewis Street ordinance that is only being introduced tonight it's not being voted on WE introduced an ordinance and then we vote on it the next month that's where we actually public comment but out of respect to John n Carlo and you know I've known John you know since he had my kids you know over at Dow Avenue I you know John and I spoke at length and John's going to speak for the group told him 5 10 minutes just to express his concern before we you know actually have this issue come forth uh this ordinance so John I'm going to give you the floor you know like I said if you can keep it you know 5 10 minutes that'd be great you said a half hour go for it done teaching man um oh excuse me like some water no I'm okay thank you just in case just in case thank thank you um first of all I'm impressed with this um I've never been to a council meeting or anything related to this um it's big business um it's a big pupping yes uh I know most of the people here but uh I'm John n Carlo um I live at 222 Lewis Street with my wife Robin and I had all kinds of formal things to read and and and talk about but I'll try to keep it informal like this is um I taught for 44 years in Ocean Township loved every minute of it my wife taught for 36 years in Ocean Township we both miss it we both missed the kids we love living in Ocean Township um I started out in 1971 at mon Master school and taught that man over there true story excuse me and he made me feel good tonight I have to say and thank you um I I love o Ocean Township I had no knowledge of Ocean Township it was one of the two jobs I was offered I wanted to go to the high school but I was offered to elementary school to teach health education I I last year at the elementary level and move up to the high school 44 years later teaching Elementary health education I wouldn't have have it any other way uh they taught me more than I taught them and I mean that and about diversity especially um as a matter of fact I mentioned tonight uh at one point at Dow Avenue I had taught 90 children's parents including Casey and her children um and uh so I love ocean Tatum I want to die where I live I'm 75 years old my wife is 70 and we love Lewis Street and we love we consider that there's been a lot of change in Ocean Township including leis Street uh and my attitude is you go with the change uh it depends on your attitude not everybody on leou street has that attitude I might add uh and regarding emergency vehicles believe me they fit down down that street because my neighbor called 911 when I had a fire pit and some of my former students came up my driveway and I don't know how long these fire trucks are but it was right in front of my house um very inappropriate but it fits um I had called Sergeant Martinez about a year and a half ago regarding the intersections because at the intersection of Lewis Street and Rosevelt the cars popped all the way up to the stop sign literally up to the stop sign and one car fits and if a car's coming one way and you're going the other way it's like a stalemate right there and it's dangerous same thing at the end of wells and Mammoth Road um so I called her she said she take care of it I called her again six months later said the same thing uh what we're asking for is enforcement at that stop sign because if you can move over in front of that stop sign it it becomes less dangerous um and um again it's attitude um things have changed on Lewis Street just like Ocean Township uh all of Ocean Township and uh houses have been knocked down this man's house was knocked down uh and one of the things I've learned about change is that you make new friends like my friend Mars here who lives right across the street from me and regarding this this is how friendly we are he said don't worry about it you can park on my driveway um and I appreciate that but that's not the solution for Lewis Street in general that might help me a little bit but um let me tell you what's in store with this proposal which is one side street parking on Lewis Street moris has found out if it goes through that there how many spaces available between 8 and 10 after you take to account driveways stop sign which has a 50ft setb back as well as the new proposed uh stop sign in the corner of Wells which has a hydrant which creates another 30 ft of seta so that side of the street we'll get eight to 10 spaces at most legally Town's ordinance should be 18 for parking space 18 ft that would cover probably zero cars because this span of 18 only covers one car of kind of space so it really would become a heart for the residents that are there thank you sure um change again I've learned in my life that change you have to adjust to it you have your attitude should be that it's important to accept and then move on with your life um I had a dumpster in front of maris's house for a year maybe more maybe more and I didn't like it but you know it is what it is it's gone now that's problem solved I had across the street one of the eight pools that are in Ocean Township on Lewis Street Alone um and in building that pool they cement truck backed right into my truck that was a change I wasn't happy with uh but it was reconcile Mars had some pavers installed the contract there didn't use a wet soil all the vehicles were fully dust that was resolved though that's a change I had to adjust to but it was resolved here's the problem though my attitude upon learning I I called Martinez three or four days ago I think it was and I said I hope I'm not being a pain in the neck but I'm trying to remind you of the intersections and said well I think it's going to be resolved because you're going to be voting tonight she said on an ordinance that would uh provide one side of the street parking I was like amazed that she said this to me um uh so I was misinformed I was led to believe that tonight would be voted so I called the mayor and to his credit wow it's amazing that you answer the phone it's it's great and something I learned a while ago oh really yes John can I ask you a question are a lot of people going down Lewis Street and cutting to Wells or coming from well so it's become a cut through that's one thing I was going to address this evening it's amazing how fast they go including school buses that uh I have called Sean I believe that's how I pronounce it and they go I'm not exaggerating I don't have radar but they can probably be clock at about 40 m hour going down leis Street and okay I not exaggerate no no no and that just to answer your question that was why the second W is on there to put the stop sign at the corner of Lewis of Wells yeah so they can't do that so there's no stop sign on Lewis and Wells right now yeah but Dave it doesn't matter once you get a head start going there there's there's people that are driving down my street constantly uh exceeding the speed limit gotcha um and that's something I don't want to have to adjust to so John to cut to the chase what are you know options that you want the well if you don't mind there's some considerations that you need to make regarding this and how right now this young man here the police were called on him because he parked in front of their house this is before this ordinance goes into I have a next door neighbor who calls the police and maybe you might be familiar with this just she calls on both of us every we the garbage guy too just because people park in front of her house and I you know and again the Street's the street you're there is um there's conflict on our street there have been arguments verbal arguments that I can hear from inside of my house about parking right now without one side street only I have across the street for the last I'd say three or four years college students from Monmouth College and I have found that if you welcome them to the neighborhood they they respect you more and my wife and I do that as a matter of fact in about two weeks I'm going to have I love baseball and these this is these are six kids from the baseball team from Mama's college going to move in there across the street from it oh boy next door to me and I'm going to W welcome them and hopefully I'll have a catch with them and Bob you know I like baseball right remember yeah and um but we're their cars going to be parked six cars last time we had six girls and five cars where are they going to go um there's how many spaces about eight to eight to 10 for I'm looking at a and I'm not so I'm looking at that you're saying 8 to 10 from Wells to Lewis uh Wells on the east side on one side yeah and it's the same on the other side there's a lot of driveways there the funny is West Side the the other side of the street actually leaves up more room so if anything if you're going to oppose it it's you're doing the wrong side to begin with well interestingly enough um my contention was I like to park in front of my house and it was brought to my attention that you'll be able to and I said it doesn't matter which side it is because you're impacting me anyway and all the residents because I move out of that spot and somebody's going to want to be there uh six college kids with cars in about two weeks um two houses are going to be knocked down within the year on this street dumpsters will be in front of those homes construction vehicles will be up and down our street for both houses where we going to park and I'm sure you know what that's like right now we have people from Rosevelt parking on our street because they have restrictions on their Road and that takes up spots where are we going to park um there are I said eight pools just on Lewis Street alone that means eight different vehicles to clean those pools at least once a week where are we going to park I counted five different landscape companies that come to our street alone and I measured one this morning with their trailer it's about 60 ft and again they take up parking spots we're going to have leaves in front of our houses and we have a lot of leaves and again they take up more room again where are we going to par and I mean this sincerely right now we have Chaos on the street you're going to create great Tri chaos because there will be neighbor against neighbor we don't even have I don't even have a driveway to Parker so John we're you know we have to get into Clos session cuz I still want to get so again let me just ask a couple of like just options options oneway Street okay which will probably alleviate a lot of the problem the the complaints that you're hearing are from the cars coming back head to head which we'll tell you I I'll tell you it is very very dangerous all right so this is what we'll do John we'll um yep okay yeah no Jim Jim and I spoke um you know he he called me as well so this is what do uh Dave let's you know if you could meet with uh Sergeant Martinez and uh go over this issue with L Street we're still going to introduce it tonight um because it's on the agenda unless you guys want to pull it for for the time being it's up you know I'll St P the council you want to sounds like some fact finding is Neary so then we won't even introduce it toight okay we in agreement I'm good with that good but okay I'm sorry May yes to pulling the parking one keep the other one oh the stop sign might I say that if that's enforced and let me tell you if you have somebody between 4 and and 4:30 every afternoon you will catch a bus going down my street going about 40 all right so for tonight we will pull this from the agenda uh Dave will have a conversation with Alisa and you know I I can get back in touch or you know you can reach out to me and you know we okay Mr Mayor no we all want to see the right resolution no we'll we'll come up with the right resolution I mean I'm glad we heard you out and that's what we wanted to do I wanted to give you guys the opportunity I'm glad that you know John was the spokesperson and I appreciate that and and Dave's going to do a little fact finding for us and report back and we'll find out just I want to see somebody die they Street yes and before just a point of clarification because U prior to the council just pulling it there was going to be a v tonight so I just want to let you know Sergeant Martinez they're going to vote to introduce when you introduce the ordinance then it get there's a second vote to actually adopt so I didn't want you to leave here thinking that Sergeant Martinez no no we I told him it was a book to intro and and you know I have a lot of respect for her she's I met I met with her and she's a nice lady AB but um I we want to see something done at the ends of the roads it's very dangerous um I have my marching orders from the count you so much will thank you everyone thank you [Music] everyone me uh he's doing great we're going to see him this weekend Mr defiglia I will hey yes sir ebikes ebikes okay so I I'm going to be brief I just want to make sure that we're all on the same page going forward so I have no problem with the ordinance as it is I think it's fine it's all just safety regulations my concern is this when we redid the master plan one of the things that we put in there was we re need to redo our bike pedestrian plan and I mean how many times do we talk about traffic tonight the ebikes and the es scooters are a fantastic solution to a lot of our traffic problems in town people just running to the stores people going to the beach people just staying in town we don't have to get in a car every time we want to go from point A to point B but we don't have all the infrastructure to make it safe right now for these ebikes so while I'm very much in support of the safety regulations going into to to be enacted because we don't want people buying I think we need to remember that more people are going to be relying on these modes of transportation to get to work to get to their jobs to get to their doctor's appointments they're not a flash in the pan they're not a kids toy they're not even the the summer vacation kind of O here we're just playing around I know that everyone thinks of the scooters like they had in asber park they were everywhere a couple years ago but more people are using them as their main mode of transportation cuz cars are expensive and traffic is not great so I just want to put it in the council's mind that one we're going to need to do that plan and ebikes and E Scooters are almost definitely going to be a major piece of that I had sent that uh it was it hasn't been updated since like November 2010 I pulled that yeah yeah I sent that to Greg and and Dave last week and that was a major point of contention as we were redoing the master plan how we incorporated that and the the reason that the original one was not fully implemented was cuz it fully engineered that was is one of the planner concerns we need to do that and it it needs to happen because it's a major solution to the problems we're facing um so I just want to make sure that the council is Thinking Beyond just the safety issue here that these ebikes and E Scooters are going to go into our next Transportation plan they're an environmental issue which is really why I'm here because they're better than any other mode of transportation out there for efficiency and low emissions but also so it's an economic boost to the town if we can do this right and make sure that we're incorporating them I mean what was the one we just had a couple weeks ago on the planning board where they were trying to cut down their parking requirements because most of their employees take the bus and ride their bikes right that's what we want that's great but I want to make sure that you're thinking forward that it's not just kids you know being kids on bikes that it is a much more serious Transportation matter to be considered as we go forward so if I make quick question so what what and what is an example of an improvement that would help the E fleshing out our bike lames in town and having a a more consistent use of them some of the I was talking to Dave Fischer about this the other night on Logan before I left um I've been out of town before I left there was one of those speed monitors on Logan Northbound at the curve if you're coming up Logan past a lair and all that and you go around right before the creek there was a Speed Monitor right there in the bike lane which means that everyone who's riding their bike North Mound was going into the lane and the cars were going around them and Crossing line on a blind not a blind curve but on a curve coming down we need to think more about how we are using our existing bike infrastructure that they're not just oh the roads are for cars and bikes too if they can people are are using bikes more and more as their everyday mode of transportation in town I just drive around you see it um so making sure that we're considering that making sure that the bike and pedestrian plan that we come up with takes that into account that we're not just focusing on the recreational aspect of it that we're thinking more about the economic the folks who are taking the bus to town and then riding a bike sidewalks on 35 how many people do we see walking up and down 35 so in connecting them to the transportation like the buses the bus stops we have in town all of that and that's going to go into the plan someone needs to think it through Way Beyond my area of expertise but that's kind of what I'm thinking about thanks appreciate your input thank you man' no further motion to go in close session so second second all in favor I any opposed just want to remind everybody before we start that all Council meetings will be audio and video tape they'll be shown on the Township of oceans Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon bios and channel 77 on cable vision can I have a roll call please mayor Napa here Deputy Mayor fiser where's da was here wait a minute he'll be in in a second see there he is fish you here good Kine here Terry here can everyone please stand for a pledge allegiance and remain standing as we do a silent prayer I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all please remain standing you may be seated the notice requirements of the open public meetings act for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the annual notice was sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster posted in town hall and filed in the office of the municipal clerk on December 14th 2023 there are two emergency exits to the wall over to the right that'll take you to the front of the building and another one to the left that'll take you to the rear please make sure all your cell phones are turned off um before we get into public comment I'd like to go around and get Council comments first let's start down with Deputy Mayor Dave fiser thank you mayor I just want to uh continue on my theme of the mayor's Wellness committee we had Dr Trish tallerico speak on August 8th uh managing inflammation it was rather well attended and uh in conjunction with the senior services uh they are having a speak on uh August 22nd mastering your smartphones Tech talk it's also sponsored by Robert Wood Johnson so uh it's also been another well-received program so that's coming up and I do of course want to thank Mark Rudolph and Sharon meski for all their hard work um it's been great working with those guys and I look forward to uh some other great things thanks mayor great job as always uh Council moment Terry uh just a couple updates we've over the next uh 90 days we have quite a few events happening uh fall wreck program started registration today you already touched on the smartphone lesson on the 22nd on the 29th deal PBA is having their fundraiser moving into September the Chamber of Commerce is offering their golf outing the library is offering a short story discussion in the dolls house BSA Troop 70 in the township of ocean are doing their e-w recycling event on the 14th of September as Ray Park is holding a mini golf competition fundraiser to purchase bulletproof vests for their new recruits I think they're targeting six uh Marriott at Ocean Commons is going to have their grand opening event celebration's going to start at 4 ribbon cutting at 5: Fall Fest is the 28th of September with a rain date of the 29th moving into October we have the super senior Lon for 85 years and older please register if you're interested Township wide garage sale a book donation day at the library trunk or treating on the 23rd of October and don't forget November we have the election day Veterans Day ceremony on the 11th the New Jersey League of municipalities 19th to 21 of November and that is all I have excellent thank you councilwoman councilwoman Kaplan uh I just want to say it's always a busy summer in Ocean Township and I just want to thank our uh police department for everything they do to keep our town safe uh during these summer months thank you councilman chair no report Mr Mayor ohy do uh Dave no report mayor our attorney no report thank you uh I just have one thing I received a letter of commendation from uh one of our residents uh I know him pretty well Bill GLE and he's uh from West allers but he commended our Police Department wrote a letter to uh Chief Santino and I just want to read the uh the last paragraph that says please know my gratitude to the officers on duty that night runs deep you have so much to be proud of knowing such fine individuals represent your department kindly express my gratitude to those present at the scene that night he had an issue that happened at his house and as always our Police Department topnotch uh responded got there quickly so again I you know can't thank them enough they do a great job so thank you to the officers that were on that night at the gleon house um we are going to have public questions on resolutions and vouchers all matters listed under the consent agenda are considered routine by the township Council will be enacted by one Motion in the form list to below there will be no separate discussion on these items if discussion is desired on any item the item will be considered separately the purpose of the public portion is to solely ask questions to understand resolutions that appear on the agenda and is not an occasion for a public hearing on an ordinance all questions not related to an item on the agenda should be asked during the public comments for portion at the conclusion of the meeting are there any questions as it relates to the agenda the consent agenda seeing here none do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda motion to approve the consent agenda second I'll second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Klan yes Terry yes naan yes uh individual action vouchers in the amount of 17,46 7,8 $951 someone please offer I'll offer second second roll call Aer yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes um ordinances up for adoption we have ordinance 2472 which is an ordinance amending chapter 12 traffic of the revised General ordinances of the town of of ocean 1965 prohibiting parking along portions of Larchwood Avenue someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2472 like to open uh public discussion on ordinance 2472 second second aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes anyone wishing to be he on ordinance 2472 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here none do I have a motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2472 like to make a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 2472 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes Nan yes action on ordinance 2472 I'd like to move to adopt ordinance 2472 and publish according to law second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes ordinance 2472 passes ordinance 2473 which is in ordinance amending chapter uh 16 of the Revis General ordinances of the Town Tri of ocean 1965 entitled parks and playgrounds someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2473 I'd like to make a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2473 second second roll call I chera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes anyone wishing to be heard on ordinance 2473 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record there yes uh Alex ha's um Oak curst um I don't really I normally come to the 5:00 pm as you all know um so because this is on the agenda that's why I'm speaking up right now um I don't quite understand how the public um is supposed to know about these ordinances um if it just says coaster on the side can you just explain that to the average um lay person for all there's one there's seven ordinances here can you just if it says Co that's where it's published I didn't in which it which coaster because I've gotten the last three and I didn't see any of on the July the week after the meeting It's usually the week after the meeting in the coaster after after which meeting after it's introduced after it's introduced after when it's introduced it's published in the post okay okay so and it's also online I I have nothing wrong with this ordinance per se I just picked this one because it was the second one but um so if you're saying it was in July you probably so you talked about it in July but there's no minutes no no no we introduce it in July we actually adopt it in August that this is where the discussion happens but you might have discussed it in um we don't discuss it in until it actually comes up you could have and I wouldn't know that cuz there's no minutes but we in discuss that's why there's probably no minutes on it because it's an intro when you introduce it like we had a discussion tonight because there were residents that came in for an introduction of an ordinance earlier okay and we gave them a few minutes to speak about their issues with it prior to next month which you know we did as a courtesy to them because it affected their street but other than that there would be no discussion until the actual ordinance is voted on like it is tonight so it was mentioned in the coaster so generally all these seven were previously mentioned in the newspaper like couple couple weeks ago and they were also on the website and you have never discussed them in any other Town council meeting the adoption the adopted ones right now are being discussed the introductions they will be placed in the coaster and then we will have the discussion next month when we adopt them okay so I am on an adoption one now I stood up for number two yep 2473 one perceivably has been talked about before by this body tonight is the night that we would discuss it okay I just find it hard to follow this when there's no ad there's no date I guess that's a public comment it's not a question then okay because I don't know when it was in the coaster all right and it was also when we had the meeting on July 11th it was also on the agenda if you scoll down at the very end you'll see the whole ordinance in full okay from the July 11th meeting when it was introduced like all these ordinances tonight actually every ordinance is on the website but I have no idea if public comment if I somebody like me came up in the work session in July M when that was on the agenda Joe Schmo from you're right when the could have spoken about this but I have no idea because there's no minutes exactly okay all right thanks hi um so when we're adopting them name for the record Jackie wiel address 610 deal road so is there there a reason that we're not able to engage in conversation when you're about to pass it that you don't sort of brief us on that's what right now is we just opened it up for public discussion on the ordinance That's the Law so could you explain then what's going on with the one I would ask about uh the parks and playgrounds what is you mean the fees that were changed I'd seen something in the coaster about the golf course fee going up but I'm not sure these are for the gym rental fees resident group is 55 to 165 non-resident group $15 to $315 Township of ocean Board of Education $20 may be applied as a credit non-resident Board of Education $80 to $240 so it's all right there online right on our website so the I guess the point of the public meetings are I guess to get to know better what's going on in town and not everyone gets to read in advance because everyone has jobs other than working in the town point was that they published it last month to give you the month to research and come today to talk about any concerns they published it in a month ago in the coaster in the coaster and it was printed it's it when the agenda goes out if you they're hyperlinks that take you to each particular ordinance and you read the entire ordinance so like the agenda is not just four pages it's probably 150 pages so if you if you didn't have an opportunity to read it in advance the past month right you have a month to review it before the next board meeting okay okay I guess I me that's so but it just takes too long to explain now what what it's about I just told you they were the gy rental fees okay gental fees okay thank you anyone else wishing to be heard on ordinance 2473 I can't connect so I can pull it up Dennis howlet 1638 H Brook Street and I'm I had to step out for a minute so I might have missed something could you tell me is this the ordinance that would address what Dr fish is brought up about the park and the no no no that's uh EB yeah that's not it's not even introduced yet okay that'll be uh next month we'll introduce it and then the following month we'll vote on it okay but at the end of the meeting when there's public comments I might be able to make absolutely okay great you tell me when the the full uh agenda for this meeting is on the website Tuesday afternoon Tuesday afternoon all 126 pages when I looked at it before Tuesday uh I couldn't find anything and on Wednesday there was only 60 pages I when I looked at it again it went to 126 pages and look I'm not I'm not complaining you guys a lot of work to do and there an awful lot of detail on it for an interest of citizens 126 pages of stuff a day or a day and a half before the meeting actually happen is it took me a long time to get to it and I actually stayed away which is so making that comment the sooner full agenda when it comes out and says final end it it will beho people in town are interested that have got out there a little bit earlier I understand it's hard to do particularly with all the building and but for like the ebike right when that gets introduced next meeting next month it will be in full there and then again when it's heard so you'll have like two shots at that Apple I think I understood but I looked for it and it was very difficult to find out if it was there okay so I had to read 126 pages of stuff most of thank you Dennis anyone else wishing to be heard on ordinance 2473 senior none do I have any motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2473 I'd like to make a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 2473 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes naan yes action on ordinance 2473 I'd like to move to adopt ordinance 2473 and publish according to law second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes yes uh ordinance 24 473 passes ordinance 2474 which is an ordinance authorizing the acceptance of site triangle easement over a portion of Lot 29 in Block 33 in the township of oce someone please open public discussion on ordinance 2474 I'd like to make a motion to open the public hearing on ordinance 2474 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes anyone wishing to be heard heard on ordinance 2474 please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record seeing here and on do I have a motion to close public discussion on ordinance 2474 i' like to make a motion to close the public hearing on ordinance 2474 second second aera yes fer yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes action on ordinance 2474 i' like to move to adopt ordinance 2474 and publish according to law yes second roll call Aer yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes nean yes ordinance 2474 passes ordinance introductions ordinance 2475 which is an ordinance amending chapter 16 of the Revis General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 entitled parks and playgrounds subsection 16- 5.5.1 fees associated with the indor golf facility can someone please introduce ordinance 24 475 I'd like to move to introduce ordinance 2475 second second AER yes Fisher yes tlan yes Terry yes naani yes that ordinance will have its public hearing on the 12th of September ordinance 2476 has been pulled temporarily we will go to ordinance 2477 which is an ordinance amending chapter 12 traffic of the revised General ordinances of the township of ocean 1965 designating streets or Park streets or parts of streets as through streets someone please introduce ordinance 2477 i' like to move to introduce ordinance 2477 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yes 10 yes that too will have its public hearing on September 12th ordinance 2478 which is an ordinance amending chapter 11b of the revised General ordinances of the town to otion 1965 entitled miscellaneous administrative Pro provisions and Personnel policies someone introduce ordinance 2478 i' like to move to introduce ordinance 2478 second second roll call aera yes Fisher yes Kaplan yes Terry yesan yes that too will have its public hearing on the 12th of September now we will open it up to public comment uh kindly keep your comments to uh less than 5 minutes you can step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record hi hello my name is darthy Goodrich I live at 221 Lewis Street uh you pulled the ordinance involving Lewis Street I'm assuming you had some conversation at your Workshop meeting yes I'd like to know what that conversation was about you had uh several residents that came and expressed their concern it's only pulled until the next month when we can introduce um you know an ordinance that that the manager is going to speak to traffic about it and find out if there's an alternative you know way to do this without the alternate side of the street parking they made a very compelling argument for Lewis Street with the fact that they wanted that the traffic made a recommendation that they would park on one side of the street right I know that the traffic made that recommendation but I'd like to know what the arguments were against it they didn't think that there was enough parking especially when you have certain houses that have rental property during the winter when you have uh six students that might be renting there with six cars well that's that's a very good point the traffic on our street is increased dramatically uh because a lot of the people have decreased the sizes of their driveways right so there isn't enough parking and there are businesses operated on that street now that are rental businesses and they don't provide enough parking and I don't think the other residents should have to pay a penal peny for the fact that people are bringing more traffic to the street and that we're creating a situation where you never know if you're going to be driving on a one-way Street basically now if there was a way for you to make Lewis Street a one way that was a recommendation and that will be looked at that would be okay right but when I originally talked to the traffic department they had said they wouldn't consider that because the end of Lewis Street is a dead end and they were concerned about well how would there was only two or two houses that are there I wouldn't have a problem I don't think anybody else would have a problem with them being able to drive in and out to that little portion of the street but your the traffic department seemed to think that was a major problem so Dave's our manager is going to have a discussion with traffic and see what there see if there's an alternate well the alternate it would not be acceptable to not either have a one-way Street or to have parking on one site I realized people are concerned about not having parking there are people who Park their cars on the street who live on the street who have driveways but want to be able to park on the street now it's it's a public Street I understand that but people have done things to decrease the available parking plus as I'm sure you know Lewis Street and Wells are a cut through from Mammoth Road to Roosevelt people don't obey speed limits there's no speed limits posted there there's only a stop sign at the end of Roosevelt and I know that you um introduced the ordinance about making Wells at through Street and I'm wondering if that would end up with stop signs at the end of Lewis and Cedar to help control that and I hope you would consider posting uh speed limit signs because maybe people should know they should be going 25 miles an hour but they don't yeah and it's dangerous if it's a dang it can be very dangerous there's Walkers there's people who ride bikes ordinance 2477 is the ordinance that's going to put the stop sign up there right I understand that because I did read the ordinances and researched what a through Street meant so I do understand that and that's a good I think that is a good move but in the absence of being able to make Lewis Street a one-way Street I think you have to really seriously consider the fact that it may be inconvenient for people but people took their they decreased the sizes of their driveways so they could have more entertainment area in the back of their houses I don't understand I suppose that is allowed but uh you know that is contributed to the problem and now we have a situation where you never know what if you're going to be able to get down the street or not and it's not just in the summer it can be in the winter as you know people are renting to four five and six you know groups of four five and six people and it just doesn't create a safe situation when you allow this you have to do something you have to do something you know if you're not going to require people to have enough parking especially if they have a rental property I understand maybe you can't require that but you can certainly require that people can park on one side of the street when we drove here tonight there were people parked right up to the edge of Roosevelt right up to the edge but only on one side so we were and a car was coming in and we were driving to the meeting so we both were able to pass so that does work in terms of traffic to do it that way I do understand how people won't like the fact that parking is being reduced but I don't think that that should be your only consideration he Dave's going to have the conversation with Sergeant Martinez in regard to the situation and see what they come up with and then you know it'll be on the online once we put it up there now is this typical for people to come to the workshop meeting to speak speak about this because I live on Lewis Street and I didn't I was thinking of coming to the workshop meeting but I didn't think you'd be talking about that with other people there they came to the work session they had contacted the office and we invited them to come in and speak well we live on Louis Street too and we were not invited and I wrote a letter to the whole Council about the problem on Lewis Street anybody can come to a workshop I know I know I'm just saying that you're getting one side of the story and you really need to consider what's going on all over Oakhurst with traffic and parking and suddenly if there's an emergency you won't be able to get a fire truck or a police or a police car or anything down the street to help somebody that's the main thing right now that they're looking out of safety well that's the important thing so I hope you will consider that when TR I trust the manager will be getting the information and have the conversation with Sergeant Martinez so that we can get an answer when will you be in introducing this ordinance and when will the public hearing be I would assume next month that we're going to introduce it because um Dave is going to have the conversation with uh Sergeant Martinez next week well if you were to introduce it next month would it be at the meeting of the 12th yes okay because we're not going to be in the area only introduced though we won't have a discussion on it until the F right and the so it would you would dis but you could pull it again no I think if we put it on this time we're going to put it on so when would we be able to know if you're even going to put it on or not Dave I I I have to wait for Dave to have the conversation Dave Brown Mr Brown yes okay well I'll check in with him then when it gets closer to see if we're gonna if you're going to be proceeding but I really hope that you will consider something to improve pry sure we're considering something okay the oneway thing would be great I I would prefer the one way also right and I'm all on board if all those people want that I don't have a problem with that that would be great because people could get and belmare has oneway streets lots of towns have oneway streets I think that that would be a good solution but if you can't do the one way you should do parking on one side of the street because it's dangerous duy noted okay thank you thank you for your comments anyone else wishing to be heard please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record Jackie onel again I just wanted to um thank you I guess for reconsidering the meadow construction um we've been keep I what really got me back involved was I got some phone calls about it and then I started reading about it and I just wanted to thank you for giving it more time and consideration absolutely sounds like it's we've moved away from that spot right now we have no spot at this point right good thank you yep sorry Alex Hayes um Oakhurst again whoa It's not attached okay um sorry I have notes kind of all over the place here um my comment earlier about like folks not knowing about what happened in some of the work shop sessions and not having uh proper minutes for example the gentleman who asked about the ebikes that was on the workshop agenda for today right it was on today's agenda so had Mr fiser talked about it I don't know because I wasn't there normally and yes you can always go to any Workshop meeting and ask questions um like he was asking what about the ebikes and and you guys basically said oh we'll come come to the next meeting and then there we'll talk about it the next meeting after that when in reality he he could have said something about the ebikes or you might have also talked about it you can actually say something about the ebikes right now cuz this is where public comment for anything Germain Ocean Township yes I'm aware I'm I'm aware of that um but my point in talking about not having minutes ready is had there been something discussed about the ebikes today which by the way my son did get one a couple weeks ago for his birthday I'm not happy I kept it at the 20 mes per hour because they want 35 miles per hour and I will not have that um if somebody talked about it tonight in agenda or even tonight me talking about it no one's going to know what I said or what Mr fiser said because we're not going to have minutes for the next meeting they are not going to be ready so how can somebody be prepared to come up and talk about it and this is not a slide on Miss Joseph at all you need to have whoever I don't care who it is create minutes you are legally required to make minutes of minute meeting minutes promptly available I have the utmost confidence in Jesse in doing the job that she's hired for that she does um minutes in most cases would not be typed up within the next day it's just doesn't happen I disagree with you because it is in other Town she's getting caught up now there's been an ex backed up with not a lot of help so I have confidence in Jesse doing I have utmost confidence and Jesse I think she needs or the STA or the department needs more people because we're like 7 months behind on minutes so how is somebody going to talk about the ebikes next week when they didn't know what was talked about yes uh earlier okay I still have a couple more other questions to ask um I do commend the pulling of the Turner tract um I like to call it put that idea out to pasture thought that was kind of creative um I was just curious did the whole Council vote to bring in the njde for that dual uh meeting um like who voted to have that you know D come in um and then thank you for your Facebook post kind of tbling the meadow idea but who who votes for that like did the whole Council meet and say there's too much public outcry about the meadow let's table it or um D is not going to have the schedule that we thought they were literally 3 weeks ago cuz that was on on the table 3 weeks ago suddenly now there's a scheduling problem so I'm just wondering how the decision was arrived at to table it while I commend it it's fantastic there are a lot of factors that go into open space as it's explained if you are looking at an open piece of space that was purchased with o with Green Acres funding you have to trade back and say that you won't develop a certain tract of land for example we own the property across from Ocean Commons that's a tree 10 to 12 acre lot that's the Township's land it's not purchased with Green Acres funding that's a piece of property that could have potentially been traded for that and I'm sorry to interrupt but that wasn't my question my question is who decided to have the joint meeting with the DP we didn't have a meeting with the D you decided to have a meeting with the D we have the meeting with the D my question was who my question is who decided to have the joint meeting with the D and then who decided to unilaterally or arbitrarily or not decide to hey we're not going to deal with the meadow we're not going to have the meadow on the timeline right now it's strictly a discussion on a project that we were advised many years ago needed to be done by the former mayor on his way out he even said it to us that you as a council need to seriously consider a new town hall that's I'm I don't know I mean maybe I need to send an open request or something about who specifically said hi DP we want to discuss we want to have a meeting with um the town and who initiated the fact finding like is that yeah it was going to be like a joint meeting and then we put it and you guys put it in the coaster or engineer the engineer did okay and then but how like how did how did you get to decide the Mets off the table there was no public meeting right now did based on what the engineer told us it's off it's right now it's a it's not it's tabled it's not you know I don't even know how to explain it I mean Green Acres space through the D is very difficult to trade and swap absolutely okay so the engineer advised that we table it for now and potentially look for altern alternative locations this being one of them right here the problem with this location is if you take the building down you have about two years where all of the staff are either in trailers or in other locations okay I might have to address my no offense to you but maybe perhaps uh manager Brown will be able to um answer some of my questions and thank you for replying to my email so promptly that was that was actually awesome um my final question right now will also be what other locations might you all be looking at and I think it's a little bit um I don't know if pandra the word I can't think of the proper English word to be able to say we don't know what we're thinking of because if you thought of the meadow if you had an idea for the MEO you surely have a couple of other ideas so I'd love to know what some of the you know two three five other ideas are but also um you know I'm a former Schoolboard member so we did an expensive I think it was $16,000 cost analysis just to see how much it would cost a rehab tear down 163 or sell the whole property so um according to Mr Brown's uh response to me there hasn't even been a cost analysis yet so while I applaud there not being a meadow and while I don't want any of our employees you know being in a basement that's floods I don't want a 20 million doll New Town Hall I I can't afford that so I would like to know what the what has been done to um financially see if it's warranted and if we can pay for it and then what are the locations I think the confusion is that we're really in the spitballing spage like even with the with that property the meadow property nothing was cast in stone it's like hey we know that we have to do something with this Police Department's already outgrown it we have issues with the roof and the leaking so what could we do within Ocean Township we did not do any benchmarking or any fact finding yet we were in the infancy stage but according to Social Media we were getting ready to tear this building down and move well I I didn't put in the and I wasn't asked so I don't know who they were speaking with but I think his words were misconstrued we need to find a new place everything all all things are going to be considered but do we need to find a new place I mean has there been a cost benefit analyses well we know that something has to be done even if it's a renovation of this what do we do with the renovation of this we would have to relocate people so that has cost how do you even like what if it's a so I how do we not say it's 30 million to do this 2 million to do this or we so I think that we are the person the people most equipped to do this are not sitting on this Council or in the P or sitting in the public we need an outside um study done by by a company that can come in and say this is that a resol that is not a resolution or a motion I'm sorry ation not a motion either it's just an opinion um what makes sense what makes sense from the perspective of someone who's non-biased in the you know outside of the council the employees the the town's people and hopefully we can get that done and maybe you know so why don't we spend $15,000 and get a study on what's best for this town that's what we're doing does anybody want to do a motion on that tonight I don't know that's what we're thinking to do you can't make motions you can make a motion you can't make motions spending money it hasn't been certified by the CFO so we don't know whether or not the money is allocated okay all right that's all I have for now thanks thank you com now it seemed like in this most current um coaster that Chris cilano seemed to have had some some idea of a good way of kind of moving people around maybe over to the board of ed building and address building yeah I there was the the scho old schoolhouse I I don't know how you would move anybody over there they they don't even have a bathroom on the main level it was the old schoolhouse isn't that the I mean seriously that anyway that was that building in worse shape than ourse he was just saying to do it in section I didn't read the article okay it was in the coaster but um one of the things you know I've been canvasing the neighborhood looking for petitions and nomination and one of the things as I came up and said as we were hitting the you know looking at the ordinances um sometimes I know there's the earlier meeting but maybe it would be better to combine that earlier meeting with the town meeting when I first started coming to these meetings this room used to be full with people I mean people don't come because I don't I think they they come they hear ordinance oh I didn't read it in the coaster it gets approved approved there's no conversation like maybe when even though it's posted in all those places it might be a nice idea that one of you you can take turns read what it is explain it at the moment you're actually adopting it because then if someone is in the room and didn't get to see the paper they could make a comment it feels very isolated in that way you feel kind of like oh I don't want to say something that's not appropriate because I didn't read the article so I just think that might be something instead of having that earlier meeting be so rich with all this information save that for here so these meetings could be more interesting to the public and maybe more people would turn up I mean what I heard over and over again was there's no transparency everyone feels that they don't know what's going on and yet it is in the paper but they don't all pick up they might get the New York Times in the morning not pick up the coaster so I I it would be my recommendation that maybe this meeting combines the earlier meeting I know you need your private session and you'd have your private session but maybe combin that earlier one so we we feel more like a town that's inclusive and everybody likes each other there's not a us against them feeling which sometimes feels that mood feels in the room anyway thank you you're welcome I saw you get up quick that time so nobody else jumped in front of you I got move Clos in front Dennis how 1638 hbook Street I have a couple kind of disjointed questions and I'm glad that I I didn't realize see one of the things I didn't realize after reading the agenda is I thought most of that stuff had to happen in this meeting and that we wouldn't get the public questions until December 17th or something like that because it was a lot of stuff so I'm surprised how quickly this this public questions came up and I'm I'm gratified that it has come up uh so quickly uh the uh the piece of property that I think you alluded to that the ocean township owns across the street from the commment is that a buildable piece of property is that Wetlands the engineer would have to look at it to see if it's Wetlands or if it's buildable okay we were always told it was buildable that it was a piece of property that the township had in the bank in case something ever happened down the line is that so that's not known right now whether it's buildable or not I wouldn't know we would have to have the engineer take a look at it isn't that part of uh D about what's wed lands and what's not it depends I know that things change from time to time I'm not again not really sure where that property stands okay could somebody like me call D and say is this Wetland I don't know Dave is that possible or or does it has to be studied as per what Greg told us depends the DP may have that um in their log so you might be able to call but that's what the engineer is doing um I believe it's listed as Wetlands but the engineer begged to differ that was wetlands and he's doing a study of it and then he's going to report back to the mayor council and myself okay so that that is ongoing right now absolutely that's a really important piece of information for someone like me in this uh brewhaha about the the trading for The Meadows because if that's already Wetlands to a certain extent it's de facto Green Acres and and we'd be giving we'd be losing if we trade that and I don't know why the I don't know why D would allow that correct uh they wouldn't allow it because they actually require you to trade value for value for Value right and that makes perfect sense uh regarding ebikes I don't know exactly what we're at I don't know I don't know what ebikes ebikes include okay I am 100% opposed to any motorized vehicle engine motor whatever you want to call Gas Electric in POA Park it's a park we should keep it as a park completely The Only Exception I can imagine for that is if somebody is disabled and has a wheelchair or something and I think that would be a great idea the access to PO a park should be for everybody I understand that but for any motorized thing I don't hear anybody talk about Razor bikes or skates or uh skateboards or any of the other things that go flying through the park now when it says e bikes is that just what we're talking about okay so so you want the whole story so councilman chair and I had a meeting with the chief traffic parks and wreck and right now as things stand we are going to ban ebikes from the park everyone will have to wear a helmet everyone including children and adults um we are going to allow officer discretion when it comes to someone who is disabled or would not mind some active assistance it's going to be officer discretion cuz it's a hard conversation you know what do you do for the guy who's like hey I just want to get some exercise but I need a little you know a little juice yeah understand uh interesting enough one of the officers clocked some child going 60 miles an hour down deal road with no helmet on an ebike and that person was sighted was he on the phone too at the same time it's it's incredible how fast these things can go yeah it's and it's beyond because at that point it becomes a motorized vehicle it's essentially a mopit at that point or motorcycle so safety is Paramount we want everybody to be able to enjoy the park but unfortunately this is something that we had to kind of con you know make a concession to say listen we can't have people jogging down the park you can hear these things boom you're getting tagged uh we will allow the children I believe is it under 14 to use things with their parents you know the scooters and stuff like that but nobody body's going to be ripping through that Park what about U skateboards and things like that because they can go along pretty good it's it's the same general rules they're all banned from the park but it's just the little kids yeah I guess they can use them with their parents but not older kids okay all right just to be clear so I understand the question so motorized skateboards or manual skateboards motorized skateboard skateboards okay fine and razor that's fine but a lot of these things now are motor and they can rip along pretty good I'm an naturual guy but somebody coming at me at 40 mph I wanted the dirt pass and I didn't hear them coming I'll have difficulty jumping over them as you won you won't hear him come and that's the problem so we are in tune with this everybody's on board with this so we had to make some decision so I know there's some people that are going to be upset about this but unfortunately we have to think about the the general people in safety here I I good now does that go for the whole town or said just the park it's just the park for now and then you're still going to have to follow all the motor vehicle rules that you would normally have to follow on a bike or an ebike driving on the right side of the road not on the sidewalk sidewalk so somebody somebody with an ebike that can go 40 or 50 miles an hour can use it on the street on the highway I mean the the police department has uh has the ability to no they can't go on the highway you cannot be on Route 18 you can't be on the highway you can't do anything like that that's that's illegal I mean whether they choose to do it that's a different story but you know we have enforcement out there MH so you know it's it's a it's a new issue that's becoming a big issue we've got two fatalities in town by the way this year so it's it's a serious stuff on on ebikes so we're not messing around here okay good I'm glad to hear that uh is there an organization maybe I'll call it friends of Poa Park yes there is yes and who runs that organization I'll text I got a brain freeze I know who it is okay I I'll give you a text I can't think how long how long has this organization been around couple years another brain freeze no I'm going to go with a couple years okay that's not nice let me know when the thought happens yeah I'll text it just going to be May general question does Colonial Golf Course make a profit Dave what's the as a golf utility I'm not sure we don't have the numbers on that right now I I believe it does but I don't don't quote me on that I'd have to take a look or you can call you can call um Mike patrio at Recreation Department tomorrow and he can tell you exactly just out of the blue he's going to listen to Dennis how ask him a question like that absolutely that's his job oh really oh got to respond to the residents uh there was a u on this agenda there were 16 acres of land on West Park Avenue that have been donated to the town and as I understand that's almost directly across from the intermediate school it's a heavily wooded area are there plans for that no mostly I think it's all Wetlands really most of it's Wetlands pretty sure I mean that's it looked like the maps came through like that well I'm surprised you could say that that quickly about that piece of property because they donated the land so you tend to look at what they're giving you and you know you can keep it open how many bodies are buried there in this restant okay potentially the area behind the senior citizen housing uh that I can never remember what street it is the stuff that got nailed by Village by Yeah by Sandy there's a a Big Field there and a lot of there's some asphalt left from the old parking and stuff like that are there plans for that going forward I don't think we can do anything with it Dave can we I mean that was purchase of blue Acres yeah blue Acres funing we can't yeah the same as what's on Brook side um we I'm pretty sure we can't do anything with property I was back there with the engineer looking at the stream about uh eight months ago cuz we just did some stream cleaning and we were back there I had even asked about um that property over there it I don't think it's usable well uh usable usable we had spoken with Dave we had spoken with um shiron from uh oh that was the proper they looking at yeah they were looking at the property to see what they could potentially update over there and it's it's limited at best over there Gazo is yeah the Gazebo over there I'm thinking about something like planting the type of trees that would mitigate some of the water problems that type of thing I'll say elm's right off the bat right but if that could be something dedicated to an arboretum or something to benefit the town get rid of the Asel replace some of the two billion trees that have been taken down in the town for uh the last couple years that might be a worthwhile project and I'd be interested in that very much okay thank you uh I think I ran out of questions you're you're welcome thank you D bye can I get uh the gentleman first thank you your voice 514 be Drive ebike is a very generic term have throttles and some that you only move when you pedal them I suggest you make the ones that you pedal and required to Pedal are exempt because like I have an ebike but unless you P it it doesn't move many e bikes have throttles motorcycles there's a big big difference please take that into consideration how fast can your bike go 20 miles hour okay next I'm P 12 thank you thank youy good rich I have a question about the ebikes now uh are there laws about ebikes driving on streets I'm not really familiar with I see what the problem is but I don't know what you're really allowed to do uh locally are they legal I mean I don't know I guess they are it's hard to believe that people can you know ride around on these things on major roads so generally speaking they're just classified as uh as bicycles that have assistance and they have to follow the same traffic rules that a bicyclist would follow you can be in the bike lanes you've got to you know go with the flow of traffic um what we're trying to really prevent is these things being souped up going 60 M an hour with two kids on the back and no helmets oh I I totally agree with you because I would think are there any uh benchmarks for when they're considered motorized vehicles as soon as it goes over 30 is 35 miles hour then it's considered a motorized vehicle oh okay so they're they're actually not allowed so here's what my prediction is um as a kid who had a moped back in the day mopeds were super dangerous and that's why you don't see them on the road anymore eventually this probably will become a state issue and then you will have to eventually go get a driver's license and you might have to go get a license plate and you'll have to buy insurance and it's probably not so far in the future but that is going to be a state issue and not a Township issue right so you can't really stop it it has to be at the state level yeah we can stop a kid going 60 miles an hour down Road right right you know but yes I know this happens time and time again because the moped issue was I remember that too and this isn't that different it's no and unfortunately it's going to take kids getting potentially hurt that's going to make the changes and I hate to say it but that's what happened with mopeds right okay thank you thank you I have a few unrelated questions that I found on my scribble um just FYI when I did look at the agenda earlier today I did see 60 Pages as well I did not see 125 until about 20 minutes ago so um when I was at the my office earlier today 60 pages okay um and if you don't mind I'll just kind of rattle off some questions um dog park ribbon cutting do we know when that has been rescheduled for not yet they're waiting for the signage from the county once the county gets the signage and gets a couple of the cactuses out of there they said we we'll do the ribbon cutting we're waiting for them do they have a garbage poop bags and water I believe that there is the garbage out there we're waiting on the fountain to be delivered so they can install it okay okay um I noticed on the agenda Outback um was on the agenda so are they still coming yes to West Park yes at least that's what we're told okay you does anybody know what's coming next to Target what used to be the kids City CU I don't I've looked at the construction anything well you're not on planning you hear anything yet Smoothie King is coming to the Route 66 Circle just want I saw the signs today so okay that was a college thing can't believe there're still in existence um uh ebikes one other comment to that since you know my son is on one right now um or driving one to football practice for the high school I told him that at the last meeting I attended last month that you all put a temporary ban on P so he is forbidden from already going into POA Park um so will there be signage will there be education and kind of collaboration with the school district will there also be education um not only for for the kids but for the parents because you can legally buy an ebike on Amazon that goes 40 m hour but like Mr fiser said um by the state of New Jersey that is considered a moped and you're supposed to have you know license that deputy mayor uh sign so yes here's the question uh to answer that yes there'll be signage all over the park we're going to have a uh public relations campaign to let everybody know what the rules are so that there's going to be you know a nice easy transition into this it's not going to be like you know hey but yes the whole town is going to need to know about this it'll be signage on all the entrances to the park and um yeah we have to let these kids know that this is uh this is how it's going to be that's awesome okay it's not just kids I mean there it's not just kids it's anybody but yeah you know like I said there's there's nothing worse than than having a safety issue absolutely um I saw on the agenda a public health nuisance you had to um charge a a resident for a problem at their house are you at Liberty to discuss what the public Health nuisance was in wanasa grass cutting grass cutting so grass that's too long is considered a public health nuisance not a like aesthetic nuisance it's a public health nuisance okay okay that's news to me um I think that's my fifth so here's my sixth um I know Mr Mayor you said 163 is worse than this building 163 Monmouth I completely agree with you I have said on numerous occasions that build is a dump and they should get rid of it it is not up to code and spending any more money on that Schoolboard meeting or Schoolboard building is ridiculous however I do have an email from Administration from this building saying that you guys are interested in discussing it so my question is almost more to um the attorney present um you have the president of the planning board for this town who sits on the Ocean Township school board and he's also I believe on the construction and Facilities Committee of the school board but I'm just being on the school board and being the president of the planning board um are you at Liberty do you know if he's um must recuse himself because he is on the president of the planning board for here in any discussions involving 163 Monmouth and the township I don't know School Board school oh sorry that's the school board headquarters that's an interesting question he's on he's the he's the chair of the planning board and then what is he with regard to the school board and he's he's on the school board and he is on the constructions and facili he's the chairman of the planning board I honestly I have to look into it okay may I follow up with the email so you and I don't forget yeah you follow up with Mr Brown okay I think that's that's it look at all this Evite discussion we had that nobody would have known about this is awesome thank you thank you do I have a motion to adjourn so moved second second all in favor