okay we will call the meeting to order if we can have a roll call here here here here here here here okay we can stand for a salute to the flag pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay the notice requirements of the open public meeting law for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the notice having been sent to the Asbury Park Press in the coaster and filed in the office of the Township Clerk on July 21st 2023 there is an emergency exit through the courtroom doors and two exits at the rear of the room there will be no new I'm sorry there will be no smoking and um just want to skip the board policy just for one minute uh all meetings will be video and audio taped and shown on the township of oceans Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon FiOS and channel 77 on cable vision all cell phones must be turned off or if you need to make a call please make your call um outside of the meeting room and for um before we begin the reorganization portion of the meeting uh currently our caucus begins at 6:45 uh p.m. for meetings going forward and the actual meeting start time uh at 700 p.m. and is there a consensus with the board um with the new times that we are starting um that no new cases will start after 9:00 p.m. and um no new testimony will be given after 9:30 p.m. um is there any discussion about that is there anyone who is in disagreement okay so just to reiterate um with the new caucus time of 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. start time no new cases will be started um after 9:00 p.m. and no new testimony will be given after 9:30 p.m. and um I'll offer that if there is a second just for the record and all those in favor I any opposed okay I will turn it over to Mr Steinberg for the reorganization I think the first thing we need to do is we're going to swear in three board members Mr Bia Mr caram Monica and Mr delomo if you'll Raise Your Right hands of office support United States and theit perform all the duties of position of alterate M AB so congratulations you been each appointed oh my goodness Mr Delo is still 2028 and for a two-year term as congratulations welcome back to the board thanks all right so we have that done the next thing we need a nomination for chairman um somebody needs to nominate someone for chairman for this coming fisical year July 1 to June 30th 2025 has to nominate I nominate Mrs yep same here we need a second second second are there any other nominations hearing none please call the rooll quickly before somebody hops in there yes yes yes yes sorry supposed to be on yes yes she can okay she can vote for herself she wants sure why not yes thank you so congratulations thank you welcome back for another year um you can take over now we go to the vice chairman okay are there nominations for vice chairperson nominate Mr Fuller and I believe that he will accept and Claire we can are there any other nomin oh I'm sorry any other nominations for vice chairperson okay Claire yes yes yes yes yes yes yes congratulations Mr Fuller In Absentia okay the next item is to approve the meeting dates for the upcoming year that were um or that are published and I'll offer to approve them I'll second yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay would like to appoint um the board of adjustment attorney and I would like to nominate Mark steinbook second any other nominations oh any other nominations sorry Claire yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you forward to another year working with the board thank you next is to appoint the board of adjustment planner and I would like to appoint Mr Ben um sorry Jim sorry swi second any oh any other nominations okay clear yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you thank you okay next I would like to appoint the board of adjustment engineer Ben matl probably my first CME Associates CME Associates I'll second okay and um any other nominations okay yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you very much thank you and uh last but certainly not least we have the board of adjust what the board of adjustment secretary and nominate Claire CLA second any other nominations okay yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you clar okay we have minutes for adoption oh I'm sorry gentlemen I will ver raise your right hand and repeat after that whatever swear Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith and aliance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and in this state under the authority of the people and that all testimony I shall provide during all hearings throughout my ter shall be under oath therefore will be under a legal obligation to speak the truth at all times I do further solemnly swear that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform all duties of the of planner according to the best of my abilities so help me God wow the two of you were I was about to say two of you know each other very well most Unison okay um minutes for adoption special meeting from February 29th 2024 and I will offer for approval I'm assuming I was here I'll second that's okay oh yes yes yes okay we have the following resolutions for memorialization and Mr Steinberg can they be read and approved altogether um I believe they were all last week everybody I was not here last month I know I can't can't you can't vot I wasn't here last meeting so we who was here at the last meeting yeah we just we got three people thre you only need one person to memorialize a resolution so if you would so one person can move it one of the three the other one can second it and just call those three names okay um Ryan Grove and Amanda sneki 238 Overbrook Avenue oakst 07755 block 22 lot 30 3 Amber and Austin Pap 1604 North wanasa Drive Ocean 07712 Block 118 lot 13 Daniel Novak five derby lane Ocean 07712 Block 37.4 lot six Wayne Marcy 1902 South Wana Massa Drive Ocean 07712 Block 132 lot 7 EFM 138 Mammoth LLC 138 Mammoth Road Ocean 07712 Block 25.15 Lot 36 motion for resolution memorialization I'll second yes yes yes okay uh the first case Samantha Martinez 500 bound Road Ocean 07712 Block 39.4 lot 7.1 Zone R2 um will be held at the um August 15th agenda with new notice is that correct Mr Steinberg yes okay the first one with new notice 15 that makes and the second case um did notice for 7:00 so we can actually hear them before um 7:30 which is Peter Lauria no it's the opposite opposite sorry they notice for 7:30 notice for 7:30 okay we have to go out of order okay oh and I'm sorry there's one other case that did ask um to be adjourned to August 15th and that is Abraham and Margaret moseri 491 South edgmere Drive West Allen Hurst 07 711 Zone r five and again that will be August 15 that will be carried without any further public notice without any further public 7 o' that to 7 o'clock yes there planner to okay um and so our first case is Jared okay Jared gopen 71 Dwight Drive Ocean so it's five cases T Ocean 07712 Block 40 lot 107 Zone R3 applicant seeks approval to construct a twostory side Edition second floor Edition and covered front porch within the front yard setback minimum front yard setback is 45 ft required 25.2 exists 25.2 to the second floor Edition 25.3 to the twostory side Edition and covered front porch proposed and Jared gopen is yes my my name is Nicholas graviano professional Planner on behalf of the applicant um from The Firm of gravan on Gillis Architects and planners with a business address of 101 Crawford's Corner Road in Hell New Jersey the applicant here yes the applicant is here okay you can come to the front okay oh you can have a seat I'm sorry and uh if you can raise raise your right hand and do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth yes okay if you can just state your name and your address again for the record Jared gopen 71 Dwight Drive Ocean New Jersey 07712 and Mr graviano you've testified before this board before yes chairwoman I have yes okay and no change to your credentials DCI is still taking my money my license is valid yes okay I will um before we begin turn it over to our professionals to give us um in overview maybe since he does have a professional here maybe it's better to have him as their professional make the case and then we can comment on it afterwards okay that's fine certainly um thank you board I hope you have a successful year ahead uh the the applicant is here this evening requesting uh C Varian for uh front yard setback relief uh whereas uh the existing front yard setback does not meet the required front yard setback to the dis District that is an existing condition uh the applicant's twostory additions on the right side which is the south side of the house follows that same front yard setb we're creating a similar uh condition just briefly the application on the north side of the house uh there's an existing one story of the structure at that location the applicant is adding a sec uh Second Story addition to that end uh on the South Side the applicant is adding a two-story addition uh currently the home is three bedrooms after the proposed addition the home will be five bedrooms here are the existing floor plans A2 A3 um here's the here are the existing facades on A3 these are plans submitted with the application no alterations um on the North side the applicant will be adding the one story addition then on the South Side will be uh a twostory Edition uh in terms of the foundation the two-story addition will be uh on a crawl spase it'll tie into the existing basement there currently are no bedrooms in the basement and there are no bedrooms proposed in the basement the basement will continue to be used as uh exercise rooms playrooms things of that nature in terms of the proposed first floor plan uh the applicant is adding a new uh family room on the south side of the house on the second floor uh the applicant adding a bathroom as well as two new bedrooms moving on to the facade uh the applicant is uh proposing um a symmetrical type design uh in the farmhouse style um in reference to Mr Hagen's comment in his review letter the entire house will be resided to a similar uh color the applicant is intending to U reuse the existing brick on the front facade new roof a whole new roof whole new roof yes yeah we're we're adding we're adding a second story on the one side we're adding a full new addition on the other side then we're going to tie in the roof in the middle the existing roof the existing roof yes same we going to replace the the shingles all new shingles so that's all everything all siding uniform all siding and and and shingles will be uniform that's what we the red ones in the middle and the black ones on the end there there's the rear of the house facing the golf course uh the proposed side elevation we have you know four Windows to create a nice facade to the neighbors on on either side uh with respect to this application relief certainly could be granted under the C2 criteria whereas it relates to specific piece of property here you have an existing dwelling uh with a deficient front yard setback uh the applicant is meeting all other required yard setbacks and coverage limits uh this proposed certainly advances purpose of zoning of the municipal land use law specifically purpose a promotion of the general health safety morals and Welfare purpose G to provide sufficient space and appropriate location for a variety of residential uses to meet the needs of New Jersey citizens and then lastly it certainly advances purpose ey a desirable visual environment and through creative development techniques and good Civic design and Arrangement uh there's no substantial impairment to the Zone planner zoning ordinance with the granting of this front yard setback relief okay and Mr gopen um can you just tell us yes I said that correctly just tell us about your request and need or the desire for it we have a growing family we have a family of two right now hoping to be four or five in the future and we just want to have a house that can house everyone okay well there there's two kids yeah and the board should be aware that the vast majority if not all of the houses in this neighborhood are set back very similar to what these setbacks are so it's not out of character and a lot of them expanded yes okay years and Mr matl any concerns uh my report uh just indicated two things um the the addition is creating new impervious surface so I recommended uh that some sort of management measure a dryw or something like that be installed to uh mitigate the increase in in runoff and it looks like there's uh maybe it's a blown survey grade or something like that but the uh the grade on the front walkway outside of the uh front porch shows it to be higher than the finished floor elevation which doesn't really add up because there it looks like there's a couple steps up to the front door so I think that just needs to be corrected okay the the applicant certainly is willing uh as a part of resolution compliance to provide the the drainage system as well as to fix the error that CME is noted okay any um questions from the board uh the app has retained an engineer for this purpose and will work with the board's professional on the ultimate design is there any specific yeah it's probably a drywell system uh something that collects the roof run off and just pipes it right underground so it can infiltrate into the ground they they submitted a grading plan which is uh fine uh it's acceptable uh it just needs to have that storm water system shown any other questions from board members what will the impervious coverage be with the addition 31% the applicant is is presently at uh 31.4% with the proposal where 80% is permitted so it's far below the coverage standards it's not 80 it's not 80 what's is it R2 or R3 R3 R3 it's probably 65% okay any other questions okay questions from the public yes sir if you can please um come to the microphone or um if you're not mobile we can bring it to you you doing and if when you get to the microphone if you can state your name and your address yeah my name is Robert last name is Feliz my wife Judy mlen and I live next door uh 489 and um I I have really a question when this uh project is completed will all of the requirements all will will the property be in conformance with all of the co uh zoning requirements that currently exist um they indicate to us that they are in full compliance now except the front yard setback when this addition is finished they'll be in full compliance with the re yard the side yard the lot coverage everything will still be within the ordinance requirements property is except the front yard setback which is existing I understand bring the house further back right and then given the shape of the property and its location relative to the lake um moving it back doesn't probably doesn't make any sense because there's not a lot of room on the right hand side of the house on the south side of the house so uh the south side of the house there's a proposal to do an extension it's a couple of feet that doesn't concern me as much as the height of the building on the south side of the house because they're going to raise my understanding is what's your address sir I'm sorry what is your address I'm right next door 480 489 South Edge Mir Drive yeah you're on the wrong it's the wrong application 71 Dwight Drive yeah this is Dwight drive1 I'll save my comment for the next one that that application I believe has been carried till next month you mean that's done already no the applicant's professional I believe his planner or her plan whatever it is has become ill so they they can't they couldn't appear not and we just got noticed late this afternoon it's my pleasure to meet all of you see you again okay see you again I thought he could own a house live somewhere else when he started to talk about late yeah that's when I knew some was up and any other questions from the public one question 71 just for the home owner you are aware how close you are to the little leag field just and just want to tell them it's on for next month sir sir excuse me Mr felis Mr Feliz this is on for next month August 15 that's okay right I don't want to think he's going to not get not this case at this point is rescheduled for next next month for next month August 15th at 700 p.m. you're not going to get another letter or anything else I I'll consider this is notice right but if you want to call the office earlier in the day in case the gentleman is still ill or nobody's going to replace him uh and they want to carry it again they'll be able to tell you okay so you don't have to come down okay good okay any other question um close to the baseball field this seems like a permanent move for you you you're not offended by the sounds of children playing baseball are you I've got two little boys I'm very excited to be that close to the baseball field okay any questions from the public okay any comments from the public okay motion motion to close the public hearing and all in favor I any opposed okay um and someone offer for positive resolution I'll offer for positive resolution second okay Mr CH Mr D Jero the quiet guy resolu the the will be subject to yeah uh Ben's letter of July something June June June 7 Jun June 3D it'll be subject to the terms of his letter I have that yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you Bo thank you best of luck um Peter Lauria 20 Barber Lane Ur 07755 blck 26.1 lot 7 Zone R4 applicant seeks approval to install a 12 by 16t prefab detach garage storage shed within the front yard setback on Calvin Terrace accessory building over 150 square ft must maintain required setbacks of the principal building 30 ft front yard setbacks and 30 ft rear yard setbacks back required 11.5 ft front yard setback on Calvin Terrace and 12 ft rear yard setback proposed okay Mr Lori you can have a seat oh yes if we can mark in all packets tonight CLA thank you okay Mr lauia if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do okay and if you can just state your name and address for the record pet laia 20 barbar Lane Ur New Jersey 07755 okay and I will turn it over to Mr Higgins and Mr mattl sure it's a corner lot Calvin Terrace is one of the streets and barber Lane's the other Street and what they're proposing to do is put a 12T by 16t called a garage but it's really I don't think it's big enough to be a garage and basically a shed in the front yard on Cal Calvin Terrace set back it's going to be set back 11.5 ft from the right away line and 20 feet from the street and then it also has a rear yard setback uh issue where 30 feet is also required for the rear yard and set back 12 ft from the rear yard when I looked at the area I I didn't see any positive reasons and just the applicant understands there's proofs legal proofs that have to be made you have to show there are positive planning reasons for the gramming of the variants that don't relate to what your personal desire is it relates to what the what the law is what the ordinance requirements are and are there any planning benefits that result from the graning of that variance and I just don't see any at this point maybe the applican can provide some I don't know but and the other thing is it looks like if it were put back behind the fence that it would be a much better location we still probably require a variance a little bit in the front required front yard but the house is actually 25 well the the garage existing garage is 25 feet from the front setback on Calin Terrace so I think you know proofs have to be made according to the law whether or not you know so the board could Grant the variants at this point I don't know if they can be made okay Mr matl I I don't have any real engineering concerns but the uh potentially any some type of buffer planting uh would be recommend Ed uh again because it's in in the front yard okay and Mr Lori if you can tell us about um your request and you can address perhaps Mr Higgins uh comment yeah sure um uh you know I don't I don't know about the the the legal aspect of it I know the the uh code as it is today would place the the shed in the middle of the backyard right next to the pool it's just uh um you know not necessarily an opinion but it's just an awkward place to put a shed in the middle of the backyard where uh we did consider placing it on the other side of the fence as you had mentioned it's still going to need the variance for the rear yard setback um again the the the way the the code is written would would still place it awkwardly in you know adjacent to the pool in in the middle of the backyard um we were looking at you know doing that would require disassembly of um of a fence um and again still needing a variance to to put it there I would I would consider that if if that's what it what it takes uh we were looking at putting it in the front yard because that just makes better sense it was stylized as a garage even though it's a storage shed because it would aesthetically look like it belonged where it's being placed um yeah if it were put behind the fence it would meet the front yard setback requirement because the fence is 35 ft from the front yard it's coin inent with the main body of the house which is setback 35 ft I I agree if it's beats both setbacks the rear and the front it would be in a very awkward location I would say it could be much closer to the rear property line than than the 30 ft maybe 10 ft and what what's next door three where's the house yeah we yeah I'm not sure where the house is on L three there's um a driveway and then and then garage yeah I I remember now I did look at it I just you joged my memory there's a driveway in a garage there so it wouldn't have any substantial negative impact on the adjacent property and there are some shrubs in between as well so I don't know if that counts as the buffer plant in between my recommendation would actually that that it be 5T from the property line because if you have 10 feet that's dead space that winds up being utilized for storage or other stuff if it's 5 ft it's wide enough to maintain the building and it's not so wide as it to become a major storage area okay so I I would think if it was put behind the fence and and a conforming front yard set back and 5et from the property line I think that would be the best possibility okay Mr Lau um agreement any other testimony about your application let me check with my designer I mean I guess that would make that would get it approved if we that's up to the board that's up to the board I wouldn't have we obviously take into account our no this is the variance for that yeah it would be a variance for the rear yard setback but not the front yard set back right okay the the rear yard is the left hand side of the property yes so you're looking at the plan yes so that's on an angle yeah so would the shed be on an angle it's up to that put on an angle it would be five if you're saying five feet it would be 5 feet at the narrowest point okay so you would Square it I would Square it to the fence okay yeah yeah okay that's what I was asking yeah okay so that sounds like a yes I would be okay with that recommendation okay and um any other testimony we I have nothing else okay what do you need it for what do you need it for it's for store what about the other shed the other shed is for um uh just um like lawn equipment and pool pool supplies and such okay any questions from the board is uh Calvin Terrace a cuac is that a dead end Street it is not no it's not okay know the materials that you're going to use it's a pre-fabricated they're going to come with a truck and just plop it in place what color is it going to be is going to match the house it is it's the design is is designed to mimic the the look of the house so tan uh vinyl siding green trim a regular shingle roof going to match as best as possible as best as as whatever materials they have correct any other questions could the existing shed be made bigger to accommodate your additional storage needs well again that's sort of a pre-built wood frame shed so it wouldn't be I couldn't adjust it I would have to disassemble it and we rebuild it that's not practical you also need a variance if he gets bigger than what 100 sare feet 150 square feet then he needs to set it back the same way so he need a variance either way either way so yeah I guess the variance changed from when that was put in 15 years ago how big is it that's an 8 by 12 down 100 136 square feet that meets the requirement 5T off each side you meet all that yeah and the size right okay any other questions from the board okay questions from the public comments from the public okay motion to close the public hearing all in favor I any opposed okay and I guess a new revised the the application would be granted for the shed uh with a rear yard setback of 5 feet and a front yard set back of 25 ft no 35t 35 it says 25t yeah there but there's the fence is here that's 355 so be 35 would it have to be 5T from the fence no oh okay your fence is set back 35t you could even make it a part of the fence yeah and and eliminate that part of the fence right I get so it's still the 30 the 30 ft setback is maintained it's just I'm getting the variant for the 5 ft rear setback 30 35 well it's going to be setback coincident with the fence it's going to comply with the front yard set back which is I think that's how it has to be I I'm not sure the fence is parallel to your property line it looks like it narrowed a little bit so just be mindful that this will have to be 35 ft from the property AR property line regard well no I requirement is 30 ft right if the fence happens to be 35 so if I go along the fence I'm in compliance you're probably okay but I would meas yeah we granting him 30t or 35 granting 30 30t gotta you have meet the required front yard setback which is 30t but we want it behind the fence what or Co it makes sense that it would be behind the fence which would be beyond the 30 ft 30 ft but beyond the fence with a 5 yard rear yard set back correct or it could be made def or or in place of the fence and have the fence but against it and it's still in compliance sounds good okay all right got all that Mr Steinberg behind your coincidence what was the was looking for it was originally um then we don't need any buffering no no no buffering necessary and the rear yard is already 11 and a half buffered so it's 11 and a half driveway in the 16 plus 5 okay1 so we're good Mr Steinberg I will offer is there a second second okay all in favor oh I'm sorry you have to do doesn't work yes yes yes what yes 21 yes yes 32 32 and best of luck you're right is there anything else I need to resubmit not resubmit right what he's GNA have to do is is um I assume he has to do it again when he gets his building permit or whatever you need to get well he needs to get resolution compliance which is means going to have to show the the fence in a location that conforms to the conditions of the res I'm sorry the shed uh to the conditions of the resolution which would be with the pl yeah resubmit the plot plan showing the fence or the shed in a different location I don't do they accept a sorry an uncertified plot plan for that yeah okay okay so resubmit the noncertified just that got it thank you so much have a evening okay thank you're welcome next case Solomon and Sarah um chabar did I say that correctly 221 Elmwood Road Oakhurst 07755 lock 2531 lot 11 Zone R4 applicant seeks approval to alter the detached garage to a CO kitchen and storage accessory building over 150 sare ft must maintain the required 10 ft 10 um foot side yard setback and 30 foot rear yard setback of the principal building 5T side and 16 ft rear exist 4.92 ft side 7 um side 7 16.14 ft rear proposed and we have Attorney Jennifer S good evening uh Madam chair members of the board this is a relatively simple application we have an existing garage structure that's non-conforming we're not proposing to relocate it in any way however we are proposing to do some interior changes to it by changing the use from a garage to a kosher kitchen uh the zoning officers determined that we need to get new variances as it relates to the location of the building even though the building is not changing um couple of uh items uh before I start moving things into evidence um in addition when we got when we originally submitted the application we used a proposed plot plan from when the basketball court was constructed uh we then at uh Jim's recommendation had the asilt survey done to confirm that everyone was everything was constructed upon getting the asilt survey it was discovered that the basketball court was about a foot maybe a little bit less off from where it was supposed to be on the um North Side so again this has existed there there has been no issues they got their permits and got it signed off on it was just upon the esil survey they discovered that we're about um 93 ft off on the court and uh 1.75 on the net and uh we're just asking that we could get that legalized as part of this as well now so if and when the clients ever sell the house it doesn't become an issue for them so really um I have the architect here who can Testify the plans I'd like to move the asilt survey in as A1 and that's dated 5724 and that's by narian Associates uh as A2 is the uh architectural plan just showing the existing conditions of the garage and what it looks like on the outside and what it will continue to look like and then A3 in response to a request from Jim as to the number of bedrooms uh we are submitting uh the original plans for the addition to the house by Frank J Tomo architect they were signed 5116 um and as you're going to hear from my client while it shows five bedrooms there are really only four bedrooms in the house today okay and CLA will also Mark our package would you give me those numbers again for the so would you like me to would you like me to email them to you okay just the the oh it's right on the survey um and it's in my notice actually it's the net is 8.25 the court is 9.07 or 10 is required and it's up against a buffer of trees so I would like to start by just just by calling uh my client Sarah chahar who's a little nervous so I'm going to ask questions as opposed to just let her go like I do with the Prof professionals okay you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth yes okay okay that's why I called her up yes that's exactly why I called her up Mr Dilo just to go through that exactly yes well I I've been here a few times um but before I do that Sarah you and your husband own the home correct yes um um and do you live here y around yes okay and you live here y around yes okay and you're of the Jewish faith and you do observe some levels of Orthodoxy but there are different levels of Orthodoxy is that correct that's correct okay and on a on a scale of 1 to 10 you might be at a five but some of your family members right so we're on a scale from 1 to 10 we're probably uh three I would say all right you don't have to admit that you could have gone with a five no one's here no one knows kitchen's getting smaller by the minute no just kidding but my family members are a 10 I would say more like a 12 so your extended family who come for holidays and they won't eat food that's prepared from your everyday Kitchen yes they want a kitchen they want food prepared from a kitchen that is 100% kosher exactly they don't want yeah they don't want a kosher um a Taco Bell kitchen they want a koser koser kitchen okay and in addition um based on the Jewish faith if you're cooking meat you have to wait a certain amount of time before you can bring dairy in you like to bake you like to do things so this will also when not preparing Kosher foods for your family will give you the opportunity to work with dairy if you're preparing meat for dinner that night correct okay and you're not proposing any other changes other than um creating the kitchen and the bathroom with no shower just a toilet and that would be because if you're out there and cooking you just might not want to run into the house especially if it's raining correct we did uh talk about the idea of doing an addition to the house and you indicated that that was not economically feasible it's not okay it's not it's something you might like to do but we can't do that right now exactly I would love to do that but this is within our means and I can't do anything else right now okay and this is really no different than if it were a pool house so to speak only you don't have a pool correct and it's not open to it but essentially now speaking of that um the well it's not in an ordinance the bur the burrow the township has always held that you can't have plumbing and HVAC in an accessory structure because then it becomes a residence now even though you only have a toilet and not a shower would you be willing to deed restrict the kitchen that no one can ever sleep there yeah yeah no one will ever sleep there but you'd agree if they were to Grant this to impose a deed restriction that it can't be used for sleeping purposes no it will not okay and then lastly you got all your permits for the basketball Court you thought you were doing everything correctly yes and it wasn't only until we got the asil survey you realized that they got a little foot or so off exactly we had no idea and you have trees along the entire Road the entire line and your neighbors friendly with your neighbors no issue friendly with my neighbor is yes I can certainly the architect walked you through the plans I don't know if it's necessary but I'm happy to Mr Higgins and um Mr Matt mattle any concerns yeah I don't have a big problem with the application I think you know the one the one concern I had is that it's outdoors and if it's inclement weather going to and from the house to the kitchen could pose a problem but that's that's their problem to deal with and there there is the toilet in there and I know some people you know have raised concern about that and I just I think you need some test as to why you need the toilet in there because it is a plumbing fixture and and I it's a very small bathroom so I you know I don't think we it's it's going to be a major issue but well and Jim with the deed restriction on it with the Restriction I mean would that address your concern yeah what I think so yeah okay and there's a small storage area that really is too small for a bedroom so even if somebody were to try and circumvent the deed restriction I just don't think it would work there's there's no shower no there's no shower and just to go one step further we we actually did talk when when Jim raised the issue of the inclement weather we actually did talk about maybe trying somehow to connect it to the house and unfortunately that would have required a lot more construction and I think and and you can confirm the reason for the bathroom is exactly that if you're out cooking in inclement weather you don't have to run back and forth to and from the house you can actually go to the bathroom while you're cooking while I'm doing it correct yeah and when I raised the question about that we didn't have an an adequate plan and what so they submitted an architectural I do one more question how they would get out of the house and go into the uh the new kitchen and then lastly you indicated that while the plans originally from Frank DEA showed five bedrooms the bedroom on the first floor doesn't exist correct it's part of that living room it's part of a living room so we have a total of four bedrooms and we have adequate parking so even without the garage there's no parking issue I'm sorry Mr D you sink correct yeah that's correct yeah does it exist already no no so you have to bring it out sanitary water yep is that was noted in my report actually uh whether the utilities were going to be extended from the existing house or they be new from the street no they're going to come from the house okay so they'll be on the same service everything they'll be on the permit that's all I have Madam chair any questions from the board oh think so okay um questions from the public if you can please come to the microphone sure if you can state your name and your address my name is Moren Balman b as in bravo Au M an and I live at 237 Pine Crest Road Oaker with my son and my husband okay and this is regarding 221 Elmwood correct if I stand at the back of my house look at my back kitchen window sit on my deck I see their house directly because it's an open area behind me there used to be just a lot now there's a basketball court there but that does not obstruct my view of their house okay so if you can ask your question I have several questions as a matter of fact um one question was just answered about the basketball court if there was a permit taken out then why does it um go over where it should have but I guess it was a mistake Maybe by who built it seems like it was it was about it was less than a foot so yes it was so does the Town come back after the basketball court is built to make sure it conforms to the plans that were submitted well miss bman if I could just address so it it's not closer to your property it's actually 13.12 feet from your property well that's besides the point the point is this is all not existing I mean not conforming because it's pre-existing so now you want to go further and get the okay because of that and I just have some questions because I didn't know when they put the basketball court I don't I did not receive notice of that um I probably did when they did the addition I think they've been there almost 20 years I don't know when they did the addition I know it was rented out for a couple of years or a year at least and then they moved in you don't get notice if there's no variance so when they pulled the permit for the basketball court because it there would be no variance so you wouldn't get notice so again this was just an error on behalf of the contractor certainly you know the board could do nothing at this point and then we could deal with it if as and when the house is sold I just in the interest of full disclosure I wanted to address it because it's on the survey okay my other question is um you're changing the use you've been there a number of years where have you been cooking in my home so what has changed that you now need your garage to be turned into a kosher kitchen if you've been able to cook in your house all these years my family does not is not allowed to come to my home because we're not at their same uh kosher requirements um you said you you use it for bake you bake as well is that a commercial business no so how much time do you use your kitchen for baking than you do compared to cooking regular meals oh I cook more than I obviously I cook more than I bake so that 1 hour that you have to wait wouldn't come into not 1 hour I thought you said 1 hour between using no I didn't how many hours is it between the milk and the Meat six six hours six hours so for all how long you been living in the house 19 years 19 years so for 19 years you've never um entertained your family there because your your kitchen is is incapable of being kosher no you don't have to say something and again perhaps the funds weren't there to do this up until this point and now this is the ability to address us and my siblings are younger and they just got married and they now became that religious that status that we're not I have a question also about the toilet that I know that was not in the garage when you originally bought the house it's not there now ma'am we're here seeking approval for so you want to put in a toilet as well this seems to be more than a kosher kitchen it seems like it's going to be either used for living purposes I don't care what they say but I I have serious concerns I can see it first of all um if there's going to be a bathroom in there first of all you're cooking your house is right there you could run in and out to go to the bathroom I'm sorry I I I have an issue about that do you have questions though at this point yeah my question is why would a bathroom be needed in there if you're going to use it for cooking they told you why in their opinion it's necessary that's all I can tell you there there was testimony about about that that the board heard well I hope the board considers that it's not reasonable testimony um do we get to so the out the way that the garage looks right now is not going to be changed no right now what's in there nothing Storage storage so you only do your cooking Inside Yes okay that I hope the board considers that for 19 years it's been sufficient they did put an addition on these are considerations that should have been done at that time as opposed to now and just the fact that all this is being discovered now doesn't mean it's it's has to be okay and I do have a concern because um Miss before we do that any other questions my question is I I want to find out definitely that it's not commercial purposes they testify that it is not if you should find out that it is I can come and complain oh absolutely okay thank you any other question questions from the public yes if you can please come to the microphone and state your name and your address Wayne Lan 233 Pine Crest Road okay uh this is a simple question uh the structure has been uh non-compliant across a number of parameters was that as as a result of variances changing since the original structure because front side basketball you know there's been a number of issues of which I can I can answer that if you'd like so the lot size is non-conforming it's at 9979 where 10,000's required that's a pre-existing condition MH the front yard setback to the porch is non-conforming at 29.97 uh it may have pre-existed the ordinance or variance was obtained I'm not sure but we're not changing that and the garage is at 4.9 2 ft or 10 ft is required and it's always been there in that location I can tell you I bought my first house in that neighborhood on Elmwood in N 2000 and that garage was there then so so the garage was there probably pre-existing the ordinance so no changes are being made to any of that with respect to having a kitchen thereby being closer to someone else's property or so forth are there any particular issues with respect to safety the the building department would control that but but the short answer is no and I can tell you that because uh kitchens are often found in pool houses which are allowed to be 10 ft off the property line in almost every town I wouldn't call this necessarily a kitchen inside of a pool house I would call this something about seems to be as being presented something of a more extensive type of kitchen to cook for a large family versus perhaps cooking a hot dog I'm just saying again I don't know what cooking goes on in a poolhouse I just know that there are allowed to be cooking facilities in a pool housee and often in municipalities they're allowed to be closer that's all I'm saying once if the board approves this they have to submit plans to building and construction Department all the utilities appliances connections and they would approve this under the current code requirement it would go to Plumbing it would go to Electric it would go to fire uh all of those subcodes would review it thank you okay any other in 19 years house was there we built the second floor so all the nonconform restri were there prior to you moving yes the house was built that's how it was built and then you moved into the house correct okay any other questions from the public I can I ask a question what types of appliances are you planning on putting in the kitchen I mean how big of a stove are you putting in small for burner yes there's not nothing major you're not putting an exhaust hood for cooking pizzas and millions of all this different type of food right no okay so you're not using it for commercial purposes I am not yeah you're cooking for 15 people 12 in that neighborhood okay thank you questions from the public any other questions from the public comments from the public restricting it okay what was the deed restriction the deed restriction would be the same that you require on pool houses when they have plumbing and HVAC and that would be that it could not be used for sleeping purposes or living purposes not living sleeping or as a residence and you couldn't use it for commercial and without restricted from any use for any type of commercial well it would have to be that's not legal you're not granting an approval for it that would be a use variance to have a commercial use here right you can't do it even if you want to correct okay and I'm sorry was there miss Bowman did you have a question or comment I just had a question was there any just come to the microphone was there any consideration given to well let me ask you this the back of the house since I'm familiar with the house I've lived in my house almost 30 years and the prior owners were very good friends so I've been in and out of the house um any thought given to extending your kitchen the back of your house or is that where you put the basketball court no that so I I'd ask the board where's your kitchen in relation to the kitchen the basketball court is on the left and my kitchen is all the way to the right okay so was any thought given to maybe extending the kitchen as opposed to using a garage for the kitchen did and I don't know if you heard the testimon if you want her to say it again publicly to the board that she couldn't afford to do that then yes she can afford to do the full addition to the home right now well full I'm not talking a full addition I'm just talking about extending a kitchen that's an addition to the home and that wasn't done when you did the um second floor of your house you didn't do anything we did the second floor you did do not you changed the floor plan downstairs though we opened up one wall yes um how about food cooking I mean is there I know we can cook well hours of the the night in our own houses but this is going to be outside um is there restrictions on how late at night they can use cook this this is not going to be outside this is going to be in an enclosed structure the same as if it was in the first floor of a residence which is not within the house that's what I'm saying so I I will see it clearly from my house I think to answer your question I don't believe that there are restrictions the only restriction would be as to General noise ordinance General lighting ordinances and how about odor like for you know cooking odors would would would the hva system that or whatever they've submitted be sufficient to account for that appr and will they do that because we're finding out that things were done on their property that apparently were not followed up on by the town which led to them now to have to be Madam chair if I could just correct something what Miss Bowman is referencing is the fact that a zoning discrepancy over less than a foot wasn't discovered by a construction code inspector as opposed to life health and safety issues regulated Under the UCC the code that these subcode officials are there to protect and they work for the state they don't work for the township they're employed by the township but they're licensed by the state so again the types of issues that she raising are regulated by the build by the code these are not zoning issues these are building code issues so the fact that someone missed 8 in on the location of a basketball court is very different than making sure that the electric and the plumbing and the exhaust fans are correct in a building before Co is issued well I don't have any concerns about the basketball court because I can't see it um but I do have concerns about odors coming from the from the but K the answer is stated is that they must meet all required codes and somebody will follow up to make sure that they do I can't tell you that yes or no and if you find a problem you have to come down and complain to the building we don't we're not that into the building okay who do I find out from who do I contact to find out as if that was all complied with because I don't want to find out after the fact when I smell something at 2 o'cl in the morning the construction official in town in town okay I'll do that thank you any other comments from the public the kit okay motion to to close the public hearing I'll motion to close all in favor I any oppose okay and uh do we have a positive resolution I'll move for positive resolution I'll second with the deed restriction with the deed restrict sorry about that yeah I forget about that the deed restriction would be that the nobody canot be used as a living unit for sleeping a commercial commercial kitchen is not permitted period you don't need a deed restriction it exists this is a residential neighborhood they cannot have a business a commercial kitchen in there if they do then they're in violation of zoning ordinances they decided we don't even need the Deep restriction on that one so we just want to make sure that if anybody were to come and buy this they would realize that that unit can be converted into a little apartment that's what the de restriction do on the basketball and that's just a correction and we should have it so right thank you Mr should that be done as a second motion Mark or would that be done as part of this resolution the the approval will be if you're going to approve it be for the kitchen as proposed um as well as together as well as the the uh setback requirements for the uh basketball court and the net okay um did I hear a second it was Mr carica that's a third Mr ashkanazi yes yes yes she's yes yes yes yes thank you very much and you're welcome for the early night for having to adjourn uh the one on South Edgemere okay thank you thank you all so much Mr Steinberg do you want to address uh possible recusals in moving forward Doo yeah so oh I'm sorry do I need to read it first yeah we do one you're here but not this minute okay we have two applications on for Billboards and I understand there's a couple recusals to recuse myself for personal reasons that's one you're allowed to any anybody else I need to recuse myself from the applications one of the two applications okay which one the8 1418 okay so let's let's go back to numbers here 14 which one I'm sorry 1418 attorney for the applicant the oh I'm sorry okay 148 is the second one okay so we got two so that got pushed yeah okay on your first I just some housekeeping before we start on um 1700 Highway 35 which is the first application we have one two three four five six eligible vote do you want to proceed wait give you the next one on the next one you got five eligible voters do you want to proceed one we do the the first one and we'll determine uh whether we want to vote this evening will do are there alternates that can yeah participate sure I just wanted to make sure no we have other board members that not here that's what he means we have other board members that are regular members no that's that's fine and they would be we would have them become eligible by listening to the tape okay here's what I'm thinking Mr Steinberg uh we have have a third application that is scheduled I believe in August uh perhaps we can put in our testimony on the first case and see where we go from there okay so at this point testimony only on 1700 at this point okay okay but but but uh's gonna stay but you're on the first one yeah okay so that and if you if you're going to recuse yourself you can leave but one second I'm ask can we take a five minute break because I want to go over this other thing with Miss uh yes 850 gmco to see if we it's it's on the it's on a minor subdivision and we may be able to slip that in and then you can start your case is that okay that's fine that's fine I just want you to know anytime you bring these in July and August we have trouble it's uh I'm surprised you have that I okay thank you we will reconvene and CLA if we can just have a roll call just forer yes yes yes here okay so the next case is I aat Services LLC 1700 Highway 35 Oakhurst 07755 block 34 Lot 12 uh Zone C2 the applicant is proposing to construct a 40 ft High two-sided multi Message Board billboard the overall dimensions of the billboard will be 40 ft wide and 17 ft High 14 ft for the message face and 3 ft for the lower apron and walkway the billboard will be located on the southern side of the site and we have uh Brian CH chaski did I pronounce that correct that's correct Madam thank you so members of the board uh just for the record Brian chasi clear jacobe alfer and Jacobs on behalf of the applicant IAT Services what you have before you this evening is a request for a multi message a digital type billboard this billboard has been licensed by the New Jersey Department of Transportation which has jurisdiction over the roadway and we are before you this evening because your ordinance specifically prohibits new Billboards we did an Oprah request for the ordinance uh there is no legislative history on that uh it was part of a comprehensive zoning ordinance that was adopted in 1992 that ordinance at section I believe it's 5517 indicates there shall there be no new Billboards there is nothing that occurred between 92 and 2024 to indicate whether there were any new Billboards but that ordinance seemed to specify that those Billboards that were existing pre-existing non-conforming uses could continue and if they had to be rebuilt they had be standard but no new Billboards are permitted we submitted various applications this is one of three but the the multi message billboard and based upon the Supreme Court and New Jersey Supreme Court cases this type of messaging is uh protected by the First Amendment and in that regard uh being protected speech there are special reasons for these types of messaging so what we've done is we submitted the application back I believe in November and as part of that application we've provided a site plan by l2a uh Land Design subsequent to the application being filed we've provided the traffic report by nayia engineering and a lighting uh study prepared by watchfire we also provided our Affidavit of service of April 25th 2024 this has been listed I believe a couple months before and has been adjourned to this date so we have received reports from your engineer uh February 6th from your planner Mr Higgins February 9th and I believe May 17th uh we have three Witnesses with respect to this application one is Bill vote who is the site engineer who will testify not only to the site plan location he will also discuss operations and how a digital billboard will work we also have a video of how the lighting is managed on the billboard and we did bring a TV in order that we can utilize that so Mr vote will address the site and also the operation of the billboard we also have Brian and tandola from neglia engineering here's our traffic consultant with respect to how do manages Billboards reasons for height and safety purposes and our Final witness would be Ramy Nassar who is our uh professional planner at this point time to save time I would suggest that we Mark the site plan package which consists I believe of two sheets uh as A1 and then we could Mark other three sheets thank you and CLA can we also then we could uh Mark other exhibits as we go through them so unless there are any questions of me I'd like to have Mr votes warn to continue okay and if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do okay and if you can have you testified before for this board before I don't think I've ever been before uh can you just briefly tell us but I can give you my background sure uh good evening uh William R vote Jr uh it's v as and Victor o g like girl T like Tom um I am uh a licensed professional engineer in the state of New Jersey as well as New York I have a bachelor's in science and civil engineering from Sunni Buffalo and I'm one of the owners and principles of l2a Land Design and we're located at 66 Grand Avenue in Englewood New Jersey okay we'll accept and just some follow-up questions if I may Mr vote uh you've testified and prepared drawings with respect to a number of billboard applications correct I I have and could you provide the board perhaps with uh an estimate of how many times that was done um I'm probably in the neighborhood of uh 40 plus all right Mr vote why don't you tell us about the site and walk us through your site plan and describe the area sure so I have uh on the right hand side that's exhibit A1 that is the set of site plans that were submitted as part of the application uh it's there are three drawings it's c-01 through c-03 and it has a date of 113 2023 um I'll also Mark uh A2 as a Google Earth aial of the subject site that's to the left hand side so the property is located at 1,700 uh New Jersey State Highway Route 35 it's um Lot 12 block 34 it's found on your tax map 16 and it's in the C2 Highway commercial Zone if I switch over to A2 uh again Google Earth image of the subject property uh I highlighted the property it's basically a square or close to a square um image is probably within the last two plus years they're usually around two years behind on Google imagery um I have uh North is to the right hand side of the page South is to the left um the subject site has Frontage along Route 35 uh it's a four laned Highway with a center uh median has shoulders on both sides it's it's a 100 foot wide rideway width so the travel way from Curb to curb is approximately 80 feet wide the subject property is is currently used as a auto repair facility it has access uh through a Ingress and egress driveway off of the uh Southbound side of Route 35 um the subject parcel has parking uh in the front uh that's front to going along Route 35 the building uh for the repair facility is centered I'd say pretty equally on the sides um and then there is um asphalt U driveway and parking that surrounds the both sides of the building building as well as the rear of the building uh that portion of the building or or that portion of the asphalt driveway is is fenced in so it's it's gated and and locked that's used by the uh facility the proposed the proposed billboard is going to is going to be located along the southern side of the property uh We've located it uh in a landscaped area that's where the monopole foundation is going to come down and uh get anchored into the ground so it has no impact on any parking spaces or circulation um so what I'm going to do is I'm going to I'm going to flip to I have exhibit a three Bill let me stop you there is that a colorized version of the side PL that's correct uh besides besides the coloring is there any change to the plant no it's the same uh sheet c-02 the site plan with the same date 113 2023 and all we did uh was just add a little bit of color just uh for the purpose of testimony why don't you walk us through that uh sure so again uh Route 35 uh I'm going to slide so same orientation North is to the right of the page South is to the left um the the proposed billboard is being like I said before located within uh the grass landscaped Island on the southernmost portion of the side of the property we're proposing a 14 ft tall by 48t wide uh mult mul IM message that's an LED digital billboard for the subject property it has a 3T uh canopy below that 14t Dimension so the the total height of the structure is 17 ft okay but three of those three of those 17 feet make up the apron and that apron is where the uh Advertiser has to have their uh company name and the sign ID that's required by the the do permit that they received that is not part of the sign or the message or the imagery that's just a requirement um by the by the permit that they receive we located the sign uh 25 ft back from the front property line along Route 35 the um to the side the billboard is set back 7.51 feet that's to the southernmost um side Lot line the rear setback uh we have the back of the sign set at 60.7 FT uh from the rear property line and uh the remaining 1251 ft is to the north uh side yard we also separated the sign uh from the existing building at a horizontal distance of 15.86 fet the sign has a slight V to it uh so that the face of the sign is oriented more with the traveling uh public along Route 35 north and southbound that's the intent of the sign is to display the message to the traveling public so you'll typically see signs uh throughout the state and the country where you'll have a v-shaped um setup where we're trying to get the boards as aligned with the traveling public as possible that's the the height of the sign from ground to top is 17t no I didn't I didn't get that for yet oh that's the impression I had I was going to ask him to go through the height of each section sure um for that I was going to switch back to A1 I have a uh elevation shown on c-03 so again I'm on eight so Phill that's that's a little washed out from here but why don't why don't we start from the ground up I believe your earlier testimony was that the location of this side on this property does not impact the oper a of the existing business correct that's correct doesn't affect the building no it does not and it doesn't affect any parking areas or Ingress or ESS to the site for the operation of the current Auto Collision business that's correct all right then we have an area the base that is on the ground what is the footprint of that sure so the the v-shaped sign structure is supported by a single monopole Foundation it's 4T in diameter and that gets embedded they basically or out a hole in the ground and then they Slide the or vibrate the um 4ft diameter steel pole into the ground it's typically it's for this for this height of sign it typically would be around 24t 20 20 to 24 foot deep is typically what they do the area the area above ground this 4ot diameter pole does that continue all the way up to the base of the side so the monopole supports the V shaped structure at the top so from the ground level to the very top of the sign is 45 ft above the ground from the ground level to the bottom of the sign so that would be to the bottom of that 3ft apron um I'm at 28 ft okay and then you have you have the 3ft apron and then 14t for the height of the actual message said 28t yes that'll be 28t from the the ground to the bottom of the side to the bottom correct to the apron okay all right so just just so we're all clear we have the monopole support to the bottom of this ey is 28 ft correct you have the apron that you testify is required but it's not part of the messaging which is 3 feet and then 14t for the sign for a total height of 75 ft 4 45 45 75 that's correct could be a different town we were in could be uh for 45 ft and then the area of the sign itself the face what is that sure so the 14 by 48 that's that equates to 672 square foot so that I I multiplying the 14t height by the 48t uh width and the 672 Square ft is on each side you have one side of 672 the other side of 67 that's correct I I believe our DOT permit is for a sign that's uh larger than that it's 16x 60 um I believe the permit is ised for so we are smaller than what the state is permitting us now the height of this sign is 45 ft why how is it determined to be 45 ft in height uh sure so we'd like to keep the uh the height of the sign um out of view of uh and above the existing uh building that's on the property the existing building um is approximately 12T below below the bottom of the sign so we'd like to keep a separation um vertically between the bottom of the sign and the and the roof of the building we also want to keep the sign away from and preventing any uh blockage of any other signs that might be on properties adjacent properties there are if you drive up and down Route 35 in both directions there are several uh pylon signs of some significant height uh I would say they're in the neighborhood of 20 foot tall uh up and down the corridor so we we'd like to not uh we'd like to have the sign the proposed billboard um at a height that doesn't impact any other signage along the along the frontage of the corridor now this is a sign we call a multi msage sign or an LED sign could you describe that for the bo sure so um the multi message sign um it what happens is that that message will will change copy every 8 seconds so the way they the way they the terminology that they use it's a it's a 64 second flip so you get eight messages in 64 seconds okay that's a the 8sec flip that's a requirement a minimum requirement by the do permit application it has to be uh no less than 8 seconds and the message changes instantaneously um in less than a second that's also a requirement um so the LED board is made up of uh many diodes so there's a red green and blue diode that makes up several panels that uh fill up both faces of the sign so those LED light fixtures are um what gives the sign its luminance so you can see it so in the daytime hours when it's competing with the Sun the sign is at full 100% output so it's it's competing with the sun if it was if it was dimmed down it would be washed out by the light from the from the Sun in the evening hours uh there are photo cells on the billboard it's also programmed uh to uh stipulate where it is in the country what the time zone is and what the uh Dust to Dawn hours are so it's it's already programmed to dim at a certain time based on the time zone and where it's located but it also has a backup photo sensor that if there's inclement weather during the day and there's Dark Skies it will also dim so in the nighttime hours the sign acts very similar or almost identical to your smartphone or your dashboard on your vehicle in the evening time your your phone goes into a night mode where the screen dims same with your car dashboard it dims the reason is that is that your eyes do not need an abundance of light to see the message it's actually counterintuitive to have too much light in a dark setting so during the nighttime hours the sign automatically dims to only 3% of its output so it's 100% during the day and then in the evening hours it goes down to 3% the intent of the message is not to illuminate now when I use that term illumination that's light trespass that's that's light shining down like we have in this room to illuminate a surface that's not the intent of this sign what the sign is giving is luminance it's giving off uh a light level so you can see the message that is the only intent of the sign so when we did uh and submitted the study by watchfire that shows the light let me let me stop you this before we go through the watch fire study could we Mark that as A4 please M the watch bar yes so that's the study bill if you have other boards I guess we can go through them I I have I have just three of that report I have three boards that that make up that report it's just the graphics is he testifying to the report or just he didn't prepare the report right another company did that's correct they prepare the lighting but Mr Vault will discuss the lighting levels and the like in but the board can't ask questions of the prepare of the study though that is correct but they could ask Mr vote because this study was utilized by him for his testimony it out okay okay I know he has some boards that he can talk about no it's okay uh do you want me to mark them all is A4 it's just three pages it's Pages three why don't we do that why don't we Mark those pages of the study and tell us what you utilize them for yes it's we have to full report yes so why don't you just tell us what pages they are so we don't have to store them that's fine I can also send these to you digitally yeah why don't we do that too or or a paper copy I can I can I can send you a paper copy it's was just for the purposes this this was to illustrate portions of the report so why don't we Mark the report as A4 we'll see how your testimony go we need you want me to mark these A4 no just tell you're going to tell us what they are what page of the report it is okay yeah just send us digital copies we can has a report has a report but he he's going to he's highlight four three pages so we'll send it to it digital Le so we'll have it all separated necess just explain to me sure qualifications of Watch Fire preparing this report uh sure so watchfire they are the manufacturers of the technology and the sign the digital sign that's going to be installed at this location and I also have after to to illustrate this report because I I know it's it's not the easiest thing to read and and and visualize we do have a video that that also plays into this report this is double sided correct you have a v-shaped board there's a message on both sides so bill before we get to the video why don't why don't you walk us through you're highlighting certain pages this is the manufacture of the sign and you utilize that to determine well why don't you tell us what you utilize sure so the report that they submitted the the the purpose of this re report is to show what the ambient light level is when only the billboard lighting is a is is the only sole light in the area it takes out all other ambient lighting so there's no street lights there's no lights on your house there's no car lights this is assuming that the only object that has luminance is the digital sign they run the analysis in the evening again when the sign dims down to the 3% output okay and what they're showing is what the light trespass is directly out from the center of the sign so you're at a 3% output it's dimmed down like your phone in the nighttime it's the only thing illuminated okay and then they're running an analysis to see what is the light influence or spillage out certain distances from this structure okay so on the left hand side that's the southbound um that's the leftand read or the Northbound uh traveling Northbound on the right hand this is the this is the southbound direction or the right hand read okay so you basically have a a parabola that runs uh out from the from the billboard at the Z degree straight perpendicular with the Center and face of the sign you will have the highest light level as you peel away from the center you go to 20° 30° 40° and so on up to 60° that light will start to diminish because you're out from the center so what this diagram is showing you is the different degrees so you have 0° 20° 40° 60° in both both directions and then it has rings that show you the distances out from the center of that sign so the first ring is 100 foot the second ring is 200 300 400 500 the table that's shown also in the report that's on page three gives you a chart that talks about the viewing distance so 100 through 500 it it lists all of the angles and it gives you what the foot candle the the light level is directly out from the board okay so you've probably heard testimony for you know if I was before you for a commercial application and we had lighting within the parking lot we would be talking in terms of foot candles on the ground you know of uh I would have a minimum of two two foot candles for lighting in the park parking lot uh maybe in the evening we'd have half a foot candle for security you know if it's not a 24/7 operation so same premise uh so what we're showing is that at the Z degree Mark at 100 foot I'm at 75 foot candles as I go out 200 foot I drop down significantly to 0.15 and 5003 as you look at the chart and you go out to the 20° 40° and 60° you can see that those numbers diminish again you're peeling away from the center of that board the light levels drop that gets replicated on both sides that that's what the drawing on the left hand side is showing you as well so just just so that I have a better understanding viewing distance I understand foot candle I understand the horizontal viewing angle explain that it goes from 0 to 70% what is that supposed to signify so that's that's that's the viewing angle of the sign so this the billboard the way it's manufactured um you can get a billboard that has a 140 Dee viewing angle so it goes out 70° on both sides so you get the 140° this particular particular company from watchfire also makes a light mitigation billboard where that angle gets narrowed down to just 30 Dees on both sides so what that does is if you're if you have a view of this sign and you're within anywhere between that 140° you will see the message on the sign they have technology and a and a a light mation board that will reduce the viewing angle to 30 degrees on both sides so I am taking off basically half more than half of the viewing angle on both sides so it would take out any view of the sign so you get outside of that 30° the sign turn turns black you you don't see a message you will see the structure in the daytime but you will not see the message on the sign that's 30 degrees from either side of Center that's correct and you could go as high as 70 I could guess that's the standard is 70 really Beyond 60° there's not much you're going to see but they run the analys at 70 degrees they go beyond the proposing one that would have a uh light litigation feature which would be the 30 degrees on either side that's correct so we wanted to show you the the the worst case scenario um of of what the standard is and then the video will show you what we're proposing which would be the 30 degrees I think the video will help illustrate what you just discussed with us I think so okay you that now there there's two okay there's two so yeah we can we can show them we have the TV we do have TV that set up I don't know how we walk that I think you got to send us the we'll send you a stick with send us a stick with the digital yeah we we just did that in a case they think it makes it easier provided a video and then when we went to appeal doti did he look at it I don't know bless I don't know where playse that's not the size of the billboard right it's a little bigger than that a little yeah we're we're anyone who wants to see it should come up of course yeah we're gonna have to situate it so everybody can see it will right there work can everyone see it am I so so this is the so this is the first this this is the first video that's on if you if you Google was fire and you go onto their website and you go to digital Billboards this video is on their site it's also on a a YouTube video as well let's this would be A5 going to be supplied to us in a stick and let's identify somehow if your billboard site requires light mitigation watch Fire's new light blocking technology can be your solution to meet local zoning Reg our Innovative Luber design precisely controls the viewing angle of your billboard directing light toward intended viewers compared to the traditional 140° our design narrows it to nearly 60° without affecting image quality for your audience this technology from watch precisely controls where your billboard is visible and lets you be compliant with any regulations your local area may have to learn more please visit our website at watchfires signs.com or give us a call at 800 63724 that's that's bill before we go to the next purpose of that was was to indicate that it is adjustable to mitigate the spill of the light that's correct can can we label A5 watch fire video of light mitigation or something like that let's okay there you got that one that'll be A5 they're going to supply you with a stick okay and then the second video so this also comes from watchfire they flew a drone uh over a sign that's erected it is not in New Jersey you'll tell clearly from the video it's it's out west okay it's completely different landscape it's not AI generated this is an actual billboard it has one side side is the light mitigation technology the other side is a static billboard okay so that's that's a vinyl copy it's stagnant it does not change copy unless physically someone goes up there and changes it so so we can call A6 I would I would call it drone I label it watch fire drone video of billboard and other location sounds good to me right that clear the same sticker you to supply to sticks yes same stick unless you want to one would be A5 or label them both label the stick A5 and A6 so two sticks one stick that's a matter one sck one stick two titles have a fun right we have to replicate okay you you can play that one stick do you so there's no there's no uh music to this one or or or all right disappointing so what's happening is they're going to move this drone around this board and when you hit the 30° angle you're going to see the sign of spere so that that's what you will see day and nor and night uh viewing this board that is the static side so it it it has no element of of blockage um that just has up light and then you're coming back around you're crossing over the 30° Mark and you're going to start seeing that sign again can I can I ask a question while it's fresh on my mind sure is I'm driving down Route 35 50 miles an hour how long am I going to be able to see that sign as long as you're within that uh that's how long that's I know if you're within the 30 degree cone yes but what time is that is it 3 seconds is it 10 seconds is it going to be distracting for me as a driver that that's the question yes Mr okay okay okay I'm getting ahead I'm getting aheer then okay no problem no problem good point how much can you see and are you okay sure um so I I hope that better explains the technology that we're proposing for this location um I I've done several of these signs with this technology it's worked out very well uh in other municipalities uh I have I have a I have a couple in uh parcion that are um installed and they're working very well I think the the town was very pleased with uh that light mitigation technology there are other manufacturers that have similar technology they use slightly different uh ways to block that light the the way watchfire does is basically what they do they they inset the diodes into the face of the board so you have have you you probably heard this term a houseside shield basically because the light is inset it's shielded on the right and the left side so it doesn't allow that light to go beyond that 30° there are other boards that have other Technologies where there's a um there's there's basically a uh a a plastic flap that's along the side of each of those diodes that blocks the light very similar it's I would compare that to if uh if you ever at a horse race and they have the harnesses on the horse and it blocks their eyesight from from the side it's very similar technology but all these uh LED boards they all have these louvers that are on the top to prevent light from spilling upwards into the sky so if you are flying over top of a digital billboard of electronic message you're not going to see light spillage from that sign as you would a static sign where the light is projected up onto the face you you would have spillage up and over the top of it so from above they're completely Night Dark Skies um and then the same goes for the bottom they have they have louvers and the inset to prevent light from shining down onto the ground but again the point of my earlier testimony is that the purpose and intent of the lighting on this board is not to illuminate anything on the ground it's to just provide a sufficient amount of light to read the message can can you explain what the difference is between the the chart that you have there with the foot candles um and what you just explain how there's no light spillage onto the ground because the the like the typical lighting um um that the board sees uh we look at foot candles of light that's projected onto the ground such as in a parking lot sure so the light so the watch the A4 exhibit the watch they're they're showing you the highest intensity of the light again when it's the only light source and the light is most intense at the direct Center of that board at the Z degre remark so that's what they're measuring they're they're they're staying horizontal with that with that vertical face and they're measuring out 100 foot 200 foot 300 all the way out to 500 in this chart and they're giving you foot candles that are horizontal to the board at well they're horizontal to the vertical face so again at the 0 degree angle which is the worst 100 foot you're at 75 foot candles at 200 foot you're at 0.19 at 300 foot you're at 08 at 400 feet you're at 05 and at 500 feet you're at 03 so those those foot candles are basically from the the viewer's perspective as opposed to um what is being illuminated on on the ground there's essentially little to no illumination on the ground because again the sign is 45 ft to the top you know you're 7 foot lower to the center so you're 30 38t to the center of the board so I still have 38 ft down to the ground so again any ambient light that's on the street cars that is going to more than wash out any of this minor spillage of light that may make it to the ground level bill just just to follow up and based upon the questions I'm hearing the sign is 14 by 48 we have a rectangle and above that rectangle we have louvers and below that rectangle we have ters also correct so the purpose is not to illuminate it's to Target the message out correct and then when we look at what watchfire did is they say at these angles and at the highest intensity these are the foot candles when there is no other lighting to consider that's that's correct all right thank you so again if you're in the viewing angle the point of the sign is to read the message so I'm not not saying you're not going to see the message that's the intent we're putting a sign up for people to see it what we're doing is we're trying to limit where you can see it from what angle and what I'm also telling you is that it's not impacting any light on the ground level how far out do the baffles stick on the the bottom I would I I I don't know off the top of my head I know that I know the ones on the top you're probably about an inch and a half it's not much I mean they're they're if I brought a you're going to see It'll project light on the ground up until I mean it'll Block in two inches of light if it horizontally down but on an angle if going to on it was the only light Source yes you'd be able to take some reading at the ground level yes I would I would agree with that so okay what the thing's 40 let's just say the middle of it is 30 something feet in the air correct correct what's the foot candle of light 30t away directly in front of the board sure sure so it would be um 30 ft so typically right in front I I don't have that number displayed on here but I I could I could get that number for you uh it's you're it's probably in the one and a half to two yeah you're you're probably in that range you might be a little higher at 30 foot you're pretty close to the board at 30t on an angle 30 foot down you're three foot that's right at the end of the set it's right at the end of the set back yeah how I'm go ahead sorry go ahead many questions you're going to ask your question is going to be way more intelligent than mine where's the closest residence how far away is the closest res yeah let me just go back to the let me just go back to the aerial I'm going back to A2 closest residence I okay I have I have residents along uh Belmore Street uh that's so that's directly to the e to the West uh sorry to the east apologize to the east Northbound is is to the right so to the east that's Belmore so I I would say uh I have right right at the nose of the sign which you're not going to see the message you're just going to see a structure you would have this first house at the corner of talage and Belmore uh that house in particular because I was looking at it today today there's actually no windows on that side of the house facing uh the westbound Direction that's that's a solid wall there but as you go down Belmore uh you will have other residents that are here so if you look if you look at the display if I came in with a 140 foot viewing angle everyone basically on Belmore besides that that first house would have a a viewing angle of that sign what we're going to do is we're going to cut it down to 30t so it basically cuts out all of the residents along Belmore I would be curious to see what the foot candles are directly below the sign 20 30 feet we could get that for you we've done it before on other on other applications so the other question who decides what radius of view is going to be seen I know you said this it's got the technology to shade it from 70° to 60° to 50° to 40° who decides that well it's um so there's the outdoor advertising agency uh there's a there's an agency set up that basically all of the outdoor advertisers follow there's it's basically there if you want to make it for uh simple terms it's like a residential site Improvement standard for Billboards okay so they they've uh you know they've been around for decades you know they've uh the the uh billboard companies consult with this agency to make sure that they're falling within parameters that have been tested over time there have been light studies that this Outdoor advertising agency has uh performed uh to understand what that light uh diminishing for uh at the in the evening hour should be so that that's pretty much an industry standard that you go down to the 3% that's not a government agency though it's more like the it than that's correct that's correct there's there's no there's no I think his question was are you proposing this sign to be no more than 60 yeah yes we we are and the reason we're doing that is to take out the viewing of some of the residents you're 60° either way correct oh 30° either way it's 30 deges it's 30 Dees 60 de total yes is there any post insallation study done once it signs up so we don't meets that requirement um I haven't done one personally but I I can find out and and let you know absolutely we had the other LED billboard approved oce a number of years ago the actual the computer is not on the billboard the computer is remote at a location and in this case in the case the one that was approved it was actually out in I think Seattle sounds controlled there so this would be controlled at a remote location somewhere and it could be changed correct so there would have to be very strict controls but it's my understanding that the physical structure of this billboard would have the lighting set in so that it would dir3 yeah you can't change it once it's once it's once it's the 60 Dees I'd have to physically take that screen down and put a new one up okay that's I believe that's what your testimony is that's what we're that's what you're proposed you're giving us yeah it's it's it's it's the new design that's it I'd have to come back and lens and come with a different pixels designed it's also pre-programmed to adjust with lighting intensities correct based upon location time of year Etc there is also a photo sensor that would adjust it based upon current weather conditions that's correct and then in addition it could be adjusted remotely that's correct so it's monitored 247 it's from a it's from a hub it could be local it could be across the country there are several of them a lot of them are on the west coast uh it's 24/7 uh monitoring what you'll see when you pass another digital billboard you'll see an arm that sticks out and there's a camera on it that points at the screen for two reasons it makes sure that the there there's no uh malfunction of the screen so they get notified right away and it also allows the person who's advertising paying for this this time that their message is actually up there so that's a way for them to prove uh the company to prove to you as or you as a customer that your ad is actually up there for x amount of time does that camera arm stick up more than the 45 ft height no it's typically mounted at the at the bottom of the sign I me typically bill is there anything else you wanted to add to your testimony anything we missed um no that I mean that that's that's really the general how does it communicate back right so the sign itself is there yeah how does it communicate back to whereever it's going to talk to to program it get daytime stuff like that sure so it has a electrical feed to the sign just for power it has a meter on the pole it'll it also has a um it also has a u a a UL box that's mounted to the pole it's locked uh there's also a small box that's next to it that has a uh on and off emergency on and off lever all of the messaging to and communication to design it's all Wireless so it all you know if you have bios in the area they'll use fos to communicate with it uh it's all Wireless there's no there's no hard connection other than the electrical service to that board so they'll take you back off an existing wireless provider done that's correct but there'll be a meter there'll be electric meter mounted on the pole itself and they'll typically there's two electrical panels as well so it stands to reason if you can view the sign from a 30 degree angle either way that the light the 30 degrees would also apply up and down as well well the the beauty of the diodes is that I can we can direct them where we want them so they're directed straight forward not to the side not to the top not to the bottom they're straight forward and then then you can view it from from a 30° angle it's got to be all around right sure I mean the diode is is around correct so what basically what they're doing is they're they're they're insetting it in the wall of the board so that that light you're saying the light that comes that does come down to the ground there's other light around it and it drowns it out that's that's correct and again that that's not the intent of these signs is to illuminate on the ground like it's I I would just put lights on the board shining down like you would have in your parking lot if I wanted to do that that's not the intent it wouldn't serve to Aid reading the sign if I put some kind of other light source on the on the uh on the structure do you know how tall the adjacent buildings are one to the right and the one to the left I mean the one on the property is identified right it says it's like 18 ft High yeah I I would say directly to uh the north the buildings might be slightly taller than our building maybe it's even around 20 feet and then to the South and to the South the uh the shopping center um sing I mean it's definitely taller than than ours I you know I I don't have an exact height but I I put it somewhere around plus or minus 30 ft it's it's it's probably at the most 20 it's a one story structure most 20 even with the parit yeah okay any other questions from board members yeah so for the so just again for the sign communicating back I'm assuming it's monitoring certain safety things like power fluctuation stuff like that correct you know overload or whatever so is so let's say you're using Verizon Verizon goes down for whatever reason is there a backup system in there to communicate back yes there is how's that what's that backup system um they they run I I can get the the technical uh for you but they do have redundant systems if there is some type of loss of communication the sign will just turn black it'll basically just turn off okay shut the power down it'll just it'll just shut it off uh if it if the sign flickers for any reason um it would again it would be shut down uh they also have the ability to just make it a static image it could just remain there as whatever that copy is uh but those are typically the two defaults okay that happen yeah if I can see something about the redundance sure I'm sure we can provide that for you madam chair if I can just have one followup question because I forgot to ask this in addition the LED Message Board allows for public service and Public Safety announcements correct that's correct so Township of ocean wants a message that message could be put up there if there is like a silver alert or uh amber or Amber Alert that's something that could be put on the side how does that how does that work how how does sure how does the operator know what to do and how how is it done sure they typically on the Billboards that I have a representative rep representative um they a lot uh advertising time to the municipality so uh they will uh you know it's it's free of typically I'm not getting into economics but it's it's typically given to the municipality to be used for uh certain advertisements um you know it doesn't it can't be a paid advertisement if the if the town wants to go sell it to somebody else it's just for functions let's say you have a you know a uh a community event uh in the township um let's say there's uh you had a road closure uh that happened um there's contact information that the uh billboard entity would give to your uh uh business administrator and they would have direct contact with a person 247 to get that message displayed on the on the board so they they typically allot one of the eight flips for the town and that would be also with the police department for emergency alerts the silver am that's correct and then obviously if there's any um Federal message that comes out if there's a missing child a missing uh adult that gets precedence it gets jumped right to the line uh right to the front uh that's that's controlled at the database with the Federal authorities I have nothing for okay any other questions from board members okay um we are at 9177 I want to uh ask the public for questions only for this witness um or expert I should say um so if there are any questions specifically for the engineer about testimony tonight obviously um oh I'm sorry uh Mr mat lag Mr Higgins did you have questions sorry before we go to the public the only question I had is and and I'm assuming your planner will get into this is the setbacks of the sign from the property lines how that compares to the zoning that that type of thing I didn't hear any of that we talked about the height but we didn't talk about the setbacks or anything where it's located on the site he did provide the set back location I I did in in the very beginning I did I didn't get into the you know bulk standards but I I did yeah I do have a couple questions um and this some of this might kind of go along with with what uh Jim said some of the bulk standards but um is the the billboard to be part of any type of lease area or is it um just a second principle use on on this lot uh they they typically enter into a lease agreement with the property owner I I can represent there is a lease agreement with the property owner this would also be considered a seconduse on um and then what where is the next closest billboard uh I I think you had it in your letter you're on the uh opposite side of the road about 350 ft is it is it shown on that areial there I don't remember exactly where it is it's uh to the north it could be right here okay I believe is it is right before uh no off they can't make it so that that sign really doesn't pertain to our sign it's on the opposite side of the road so it it doesn't come into play at all right it doesn't it it's as if it's not there yeah there there there's a minimum 500 foot requirement in the ordinance between billboard signs and then so this one is is 300 50 ft um away uh so that would require a variance yeah and along that that line uh you mentioned the fact that there is a state permit that's been approved and I would hope somebody discusses the specifics of that approval and what the requirements are and so on how that relates to this application and to the ordinance because without just just the blanket statement that the state has issued a a permit doesn't mean that permit is valid until there's zoning approvals from the from the municipality that's my understandings but I want to have the board to have a little bit more understanding of that that's correct Mr yeah okay great okay great a couple other things um is there any need for additional parking on site to to access the billboard for maintenance no there there's with the digital type Billboards there's very little maintenance again unless there's unless there's an issue with the panel um there's really no need for anyone to go out there it's monitored 247 like I said it has that camera on it what about during construction how will that disrupt the existing site these go up in about six days I can get that structure up they drill that hole and set the and set the first pile on in a day and as I understand it the billboard itself would come on a a truck completely assembled and be hoisted up with a crane of some sort that's correct yes they'll they bring all the pieces up at one time right when they have the building permit and they install it within a week it's up so if there's not enough room I've had on other applications if there's not enough room onite site to store the equipment they will talk to an adjacent property owner to work out some type of monetary uh lease short-term lease to to allow them probably require another zoning approval it might but they typically they typically bring uh the equipment in the day of and install it typically comes up from uh the southern states you there's no need for any like debris netting or anything like that that's typically more of a uh a static billboard I I I haven't installed them on either one ever what about uh like ice or snow build up on the face of the billboard itself is that just does it fall onto the apron there's to be honest with you it's it's it's all galvanized surfaces it's all very smooth there's there's not going to be much of any buildup anywhere on this site it's mostly vertical surfaces but there's nothing really underneath the billboard that would stop any of that just it's just framework it's just open framework okay just following up on that question going back to one of our earlier applications different Community the apron that is that solid or is that open the No it's it's a solid apron it's typically it has a back painted black uh background uh and it's just to adverti sorry not advertis it has to display the name of the billboard entity and its do number so you'll see you pass a sign you'll see I'll use one A different one you'll see outfront and it'll have a number on it and that's because if there is ever an issue with it and the dot drives all of these roadways they can identify who the owner is what the number is and they can call it in they an issue a violation it's not taken care of immediately so they're they're very strictly regulated by the dot so the apron is just it's a continuation of the surface but not for ad it's completely separate it has nothing to do with the digital dodes right I understand that it's it's just a backdrop it doesn't project out it doesn't recess back it's it's up the same yeah it's probably slightly slightly behind the screen all right thank you so the only thing that projects out is those fins those the walkway you know if if I didn't tell you they were there you probably wouldn't even know they were there yeah is there a wall oh there is a wall Qui okay and so the board knows too the the ordinance requires the maximum size to be 12 foot by 50 foot but that is just of the advertising area not not including the apron so the the addition of the apron doesn't really change anything from the the ordinance perspective except this 14 yeah th this size is 14 by 48 and the maximum is 12 by 50 so 12 x 50 is 600 square F feet this one is 672 sare F feet yeah so 14 by 48 that that's a that's a standard billboard copy size 16x 60 14x 48 10 6 36 is is pretty much the uh the three standard sizes okay um any Landscaping improvements around the base I I don't but um we're we're open for uh any suggestions if if the uh if the the board or for professionals uh I I've done that before you know screen the screen the base with uh you know native plantings you know Evergreen type I I could certainly offer that I I think that's probably it a good um a good idea uh you know you could submit a landscaping plan uh that that we can look at sure you said the the location is in a current open Green Space is that just grass right now it's just grass it's just grass right now on that satellite or aerial it looks like there is some some trees to the south of the site that that tree up in the front is long gone it doesn't exist there's there's some scrub trees behind it um we we'll probably just trim them um I'm not I'm not intending to remove any trees okay um to be honest with you they're they're mostly most likely invasive species back there uh but we'll we'll we'll trim them and go through the proper channels for uh for doing that okay and I know it it shows on the plan typically in uh in my experience uh jcpnl requires a minimum 15 ft uh clearance around all their electric lines and you're you're proposing um 26.8 7 ft to the overhead wires uh is there any type of approval required from jcpnl uh not typically but they'll they'll go through the uh onboarding uh with jcpnl for new service they'll they'll come out uh typically what what it is and and not to correct you it's the minimum is 10 foot and then they look at what type of power is up on those poles and then it goes in increments of inches so the worst one I've done I was I had to be about 13 ft it had some had some high wires on there um but it's it's it starts at 10 at the minimum and then it it goes up by inches based on the kilovolt that's uh on the on the overhead I don't have any other questions okay okay Ju Just to follow up on Ben's comment on a landscaping that's a one of the condition to use requirements so that would have to be done my question is is you were proposing tonight same applicant another billboard on Highway 35 I understand there's a third one coming in that's also on Highway 35 can we get provided with the distances from each one to this site and in between each one so we know how close each one is located yes I can do that for you we'll we'll certainly provide that it's interesting because do looks at just one side of the road so I think the distance between digitals is500 Square ft unless they charge it's 3,000 3,000 3,000 on the same this is only on the same side so it's 3,000 and it's 300 for static thorness is 500 between yeah the distance between multiple message signs according to DL has to be 3,000 feet on the same side of the highway correct but I think it's also important that we know what the distan is between this sign and as you get to the Future ones and other billboards because that will impact the ability of of other Billboards to convert to digital in the future of course yeah and and we'll get into that we get into the planning issue we would want some sort of exhibit which can be used in all three cases yeah of the highway what's there and what's proposed I guess should I do that at the end or the beginning whatever it's your case but I I think that's the board's going to have to make we're coming back sure yeah but I I think that's it the board can get a picture of the highway of what you're proposing in each Place sure and what exists yeah it's 1,700 1418 and 922 are the three applications okay no other questions from board members or professionals okay are there questions from the public for um Mr vote specifically the way the way this works for the public you understand it it's just like you can stand up it's okay you can talk but basically what happens is the applicant presents each witness and each witness usually has a specific expertise area which they testify so during the course we've all asked questions it's open to the public now to ask questions of this witness as to what he testified to when he's concluded they're going to present another witness and we go through that and then to their final Witnesses at the end of the whole case you have the opportunity to come up and address the board any way you want so this is just questions for Mr vot okay but there would be questions to this witness you mind um actually if you want you can use that microphone just to make it easier I sit down you can sit that's fine and if you can just state your name and your address my name is Diane sermon I live at 192 oir Road um so you've mentioned the other electronic billboard that's in town Mr vot uh there I believe we discussed the existing static uh that's on the uh that's north of the site on the opposite side okay someone mentioned the other electronic one then I'll deal with that another time um you you did not testify to this but I understand that a lot of these have air conditioners will this one have an air conditioner no air conditioner okay um and I I just would like you to sort of clarify this when you talked about the Drone video you said that when you pass 30° the sign disappears The Message ah well you said the sign disappears I just wanted to be very clear that and I apologize the sign was there no you're going to see the structure big and abstruct you're I apologize I was not trying to be misleading okay and um I I'm just having a hard time wrapping my head around 48 feet by 14 so I I did a little counting of the blocks and I'm feeling like this room is somewhere in the 40 to 50 40 to 50 foot length we did the same thing okay so we're talking about a surface that's as long as this room and twice as high as the doors am I sort of On Target there just say okay yes that's accurate okay okay let me just look at my list I think that's all I have for you because I have lots of questions for other people no I think that's it thank you okay thank you okay other questions for Mr vote specifically from the public okay I am not seeing any okay thank you thank you and um based upon um policy uh I believe you have two others traffic and planner correct but I um for the sake of also H giving the public time to ask questions um I'm going to ask that we just hear Mr or heard obviously Mr vote tonight and that the other two witnesses um August 15th return August yeah I believe August 15th we have uh the other case scheduled for uh we'll come back August 15 we'll have everyone here there were certain questions that were asked by the board regarding lighting redundancy and also certain exhibits that we will have to provide which we will do so I would request that we just carry this case and I have so many addresses now 35 1418 route35 to the August 15th meeting with no new notice correct no new notice and they will be carried till 700 p.m. okay you noce probably say 7:30 but we're we're going to start at 7 okay and where would this be on the agenda this comes first as a continued case there a couple others that are well if so we do have a 45 minute time limit that's why we put it at the end get we put on the end tonight because we figured You' get extra time so we'll look at why don't we just look at the agenda I mean do you know how many cases you'll have on in August we always we always have five it almost Mak always have five we always have five or six or seven or eight yeah it's a full board every time why don't I coordinate with Mr Steinberg once we have the agenda that's the timing okay so we will um continue with this case for 148 is carried with no further notice notice till August 15th thank you all thank you a motion to adjourn motion tojn all in favor