okay we will call the special meeting to order and Claire may we have a roll call please here here lman herei here hereo here here man here here okay and if we can stand for the salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay the notice requirements of the open public meeting law for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the notice having been sent to the Asbury Park Press in the coaster and filed in the office of the Township Clerk on July 21st 2023 there is an emergency exit through the courtroom doors and two exits at the rear of the room there will be no smoking no new cases will be started after 10:00 p.m. and no new testimony taken after 10:30 p.m. in addition the applicant will be limited to 45 minutes of testimony all meetings will be video and audio taped and shown on the township of ocean Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon F FiOS and channel 77 on cable vision all cell phones must be turned off or if you need to make a call please make your call outside of the room we have one case that will be carried to April 16th a special meeting 44 Mammoth Road start time will be 7:00 p.m. and no additional notice is needed and and Madam chair just to be clear on that your here on the memo Investments application this evening which is 44 mam Street that's going to be heard on April 16th at 700 p.m. you will not receive any further notice you need to be in this room at 7 p.m. that evening if you want to participate in the application okay we have two resolutions for Memorial Madam chair there was also the other uh matters being adjourned the the hman yes um an additional case is carry to March 21st in this room the regular start time and that is Marjorie Hui block 22 lot 31 232 Overbrook Avenue Oaker Zone R4 and again I'll just do this just for the S of the record uh so again if you're on that application 232 over Brook Avenue that's being adjourned to March 21st 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in this room you will not receive any further notice if you want to be heard that application need to be here at that time thank you okay and we have two uh resolutions for memorialization Allan San block 24 Lot 1 300 Mammoth Road in West deel Philip and seal your seller block 26.8 lot 15.0 15.9 302 Crimson Circle in Ocean and I will offer is there a second a second I don't think I can second I wasn't here yeah if you weren't here you can it's only those who were here for the meeting I'll second thank you I wasn't here Litman yes yes yes yes yes yes our first case Ryan Grove and Amanda seeki block 22 lot 33 238 Overbrook Avenue Zone R4 this applicant seek you can come up this applicant seeks approval to modify the layout of the detached garage apartment to as well as add an AC condens an outdoor shower to the exterior of the building accessory structures must maintain require 30 ft front yard setback and 10 ft side and rear 0ft rear to AC condenser pad and 6 feet rear to outdoor shower proposed both proposed AC and outdoor shower are within the flood plane and if you can raise your right hand well Madam chair if if I may before we before we Square them in um we were advised prior to the meeting and I believe you were both advised by our engineer that he does not have enough information tonight based upon what was submitted to proceed with the application tonight he needs more information he needs I guess he's he's discussed with you what you need so I don't want to waste your time tonight because if you try to proceed tonight it's you're going to get denied because the board doesn't have the information that it needs to decide the application so thank um if we can I believe we said the April 18th meeting is what we're going to carry you to we should give you enough time to get the information you need get it to Bennett let him review it he'll get to him as soon as possible he'll let you know if it's sufficient or not and that gives you enough time before April 18th and we're not going to make you Reen notice okay okay all right so just I just don't want to waste your time I appreciate it thank you um so so if that's okay Madam chair then we'll Carri this application and to the public if you're here on that application which is this is the what's your address uh 238 over Brook Avenue block 22 L 33 application that's going to be carried to the April 18th meeting at 7:30 without further notice you will not receive any further notice if you want to be heard you need to be here that evening at 7:30 p.m. in this room okay okay all right thank you very much we'll see you in April what exact information did you need just point yeah so we need a a topographic survey um that shows what the elevations are of your first floor uh of the garage that you're rting okay awesome thank you very much thank you everyone okay thank second case Michael soyu block 14013 lot 3 One Park Place ocean zone R4 applicant proposes to construct a covered front porch within the front yard setbacks minimum front yard setback 30 ft required 24 uh5 ft Park View Avenue 29 ft bimbler Boulevard proposed and the attorney is Richard Tilton Esquire and I apologize um um I live on bimbler do I have to recuse myself I don't know ex are you on the 200 foot list it's on Park Place right right which is I would the the the property owner list was really short and I would have remembered your name being on it okay cuz sometimes my husband gets it and forgets to give it I would have said oh it's my lucky D your name's not on it I'm postive okay okay I just didn't want my husband to get it and didn't pass it along do you have the 200 foot list just triple yeah let's just triple check I apologize it just it it's better for you to better for you to raise it than it did not dawn on me okay you're free okay okay sorry I just saw it and it just um okay back to business now so Mr uh Tilton yes Madam chair M Richard Tilton Allen Hurst New Jersey I'm here on behalf of the applicant Mr swallo um as you know the the property is in the colonial Terrace section of town it's on bimbler I dare say everyone has driven past this house when you come through like off of wikip PCO onto bimbler it's the house that sits up on the hill it has three frontages uh the house is AR known as one Park Place that faces deal Lake it has Frontage on the West Side by um bimbler Boulevard and to the north side uh Park View the front yard setback for the de facto um on Park Place it complies but because the uh bimbler Boulevard and Park View are technically also front yards for the property there's a problem with um with the setbacks for those all right Mr let me just Mark in the exhibits that I so exhibit A1 is going to be the application itself exhibit A2 would be the boundary and partial topographic survey uh exhibit A3 are the architectural plans and those are all the exhibits I have on the applicant's behalf I then have the following board exhibits exhibit B1 as one would be the zoning officer report exhibit B2 would be the board plannner report and exhibit B3 would be the board Engineers report and I just want to make sure that you do have all three of those board exhibits yes we do okay um I also have if uh it's needed I just pass out a this would be a A4 it's just a it's just a photograph of the front of the house I made copies just if you want thank you there's actually a lot of geese there the day that I went to visit they wer they were not cooperating um you have exas for us oh yes of course I so it's two photos at the front of the house yes this is the um facing the front of the house and to to the right is Park View up to the far left is bimbler and standing in front of it would be Park Place the property front you can see there's a small enclosed porch and the applicant proposes to add to remove that and have a a covered porch placed essentially running along the front of the house to make it look a little grander a little more appropriate um Mr nerut is here to my left was he sworn in yes okay okay you do it I'm sorry um do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do okay and Madam chair I know Mr negot has been before the board before I yes okay uh n is in Nancy e m is in Mark e r g u t ver name Mark M RC okay and Mr nut you prepared the plans uh that are before the board is that correct I did yes and if you would just maybe give them the benefit it's probably the elevations as to what exists and what's proposed so what I'm uh referring to here is drawing A2 which is part of exhibit A3 um this is the these are the front elevation front and side elevations of the project um this is the proposed uh view of the porch as uh Rich mentioned that there is a small vestibule on the front of the structure right now that is currently uh doesn't really serve as a porch it's more of just an air lock or an area to to uh shelter the door that is being removed uh the balance of the house is saying as is uh this is solely just a porch Edition and open porch Edition um we tried our best to integrate it into the house so that it looked like it had always been there um it is a fairly uh straightforward porch of approximately 7 fo8 depth and approximately 33 foot 8 wide um it does not extend all the way to the edges of the building we knew that we had some issues with the front yard setbacks um on the sides if you will um but also structurally or I should say architecturally it Blends in a little better um by not going all the way to the edge of the building um other than that it's a fairly standard porch um wood frame structure uh it is as we mentioned open it has a 36in high standard vinyl railing as seen in the image um has four 10-in diameter or Square columns I should say to support it uh a hip roof with uh asphalt composite shingles and all the materials will match uh match all the the standard of the house and neighboring properties and that's our application this is a pretty straightforward application and I'll just swear in our professionals our professional heing testimony they're about to give would be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth self and God I do thank you both well I'll start basically the set it's a very difficult site because it's narrow it's triangular in shape with three frontages and the Varian is are just to the sides of the porch not to the front of the porch uh and they're both within the uh the sides of the house so it's not like this porch sticks out beyond the sides of the house and the master plan actually recommends relaxing the front yard setback standards for enclosed for covered porches so that the properties are more usable so I I don't have any problem at all with this application Mr matl uh I don't have any engineering issues with it okay questions from board members questions or comments from the public okay motion to close the public hearing a motion second in favor of closing the public hearing I I any opposed okay and St an offer I'll move for positive resolution I'll second yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you very much you thank you okay the next case Brendan Donahue block one block 104 Lot 21 1308 Franklin Parkway ocean zone R4 applicant seeks approval to construct a one-story rear Edition second floor Edition covered front and side porches and a patio minimum front yard setback 30 feet required 19.3 feet to covered front porch proposed and Mr Donahue if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do okay and I will ask Mr Higgin and Mr matlack for their reports let me just s them let me just swear them both in you both swear that any testimon you're going to give the season will be the truth thank you and uh my report's fairly short so I'll just read it in the applic proposes to construct a 12T X 16t one-story Edition which is a kitchen to the rear of the building a small Second Story Edition which is a bathroom to the center of the building and a 6ft deep 27 ft 4 in wide covered front porch uh variances for minimum front setback the ordinance requires a 30ft front setback the existing front yard setback is 25.3 ft and proposed 6ft deep front porch will reduce the set pack to 19.3 ft I don't have a significant concern again the master plan Rec recognizes a need and desirability for front porches and states and I just summarize that the front yard setback should be relaxed uh up to 10 feet and here is just a little bit more than 10 ft of what's required but it's I think it's insignificant in terms of the difference um and then so I think what's the addition is consistent with the intented the master plan um and I don't think there are any other variances that are necessary from the other additions there is an existing shed shown on the property it's 4.4 ft from the sideline where 5 ft's required uh it's not clear if it's a pre-existing condition or if it was installed without proper approvals but if it's not relocated if it's not relocated to a former conforming location of variants will be required it should be addressed and uh the proposed architectural plans do not show existing floor plans the proposed proposed plan has three bedrooms there's only one on-site parking space the the state standards require a minimum of two parking spaces for a three-bedroom residence and that the existing residence has two bedrooms which requires one space a dominous exception from the residential site Improvement standards and basically that's similar to a waiver for your ordinance but this is the state residential site Improvement standards which supersede the Zoning for the municipality um that a what's called a Dom Minimus exception would be required from that so that should be addressed by the applicant also Mr matl uh my only comment was that there there was a a grading plan that was submitted uh it was missing some grades at the corners of the the proposed additions so just a minor modification to the plan to show that and uh that's my only comment okay and Madam chair if I may can I just Mark in the exhibits yes all right so exhibit A1 will be the application itself the exhibit a two will be the survey topographic uh the survey Topo utility plan exhibit A3 will be the architectural plans and then I have the following board exhibits exhibit B1 will be the zoning officer report exhibit B2 will be the board planers report and exhibit B3 will be the board Engineers report okay and Mr Donahue if you can tell us about your application and if you can make sure to address the shed um the missing grades sure you do need to swear then Oh I thought I did um do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do okay uh yeah so um just as they were saying I'd like to uh add a front porch um the home already isn't going to meet like any of your setbacks at 30 feet so we're already you know a couple feet forward um so I'm hoping to you know have that six foot high it 20 foot uh porch um Edition um so that way you know kind of just improves the look and Aesthetics at a home you know uh improve the value of the home uh improve the neighborhoods value and you know curb appeal not to mention just you know it's a nice welcome place for for family and friends to come and gather nice place to sit out on even in the evenings in the summer so just something we hope to be able to accomplish okay and the shed is that something that you are I can uh so the shed was built um you I got a permit from you guys and I had a um 1 1800 sheds or something like that come in and actually do I'm not kidding uh and um the the guy that they sent uh we marked out I mean I was out there and we I marked it at five foot for him and I like told him here and here and it looks like he missed one of them okay uh we can have it moved if we need to uh otherwise can it be put in the same variants I would suggest what the board has done in the past with situations like this that you allow the shed to exists where it is but if it's ever replaced it has to be replaced in a conforming location okay sure talking about6 feet right okay not very far and the the grades that there were missing grades on the survey I can get that updated okay just how many bedrooms are in the house now um three you have three so same number of bedrooms yeah okay so that's not changing so so the issue of parking I don't think is is an issue because the the application is not changing the number of bedrooms okay it's an existing condition okay any other testimony uh Noone okay questions from the board questions or comments from the public okay motion to close the public hearing make a motion to close the public hearing a second all in favor of closing the public hearing I any opposed okay and uh do we have an offer for positive resolution I'll offer I'll second you got it yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay thank you best of luck next case Perry nison block 14017 lot 11 713 Asbury Avenue ocean zone T1 this property is a corner lot fronting on both Asbury Avenue and Overbrook Avenue the applicant proposes to install a 6 feet solid fence within both of the front yard setbacks maximum fence height within the required 30 ft front yard setbacks 4 ft permitted 6 ft proposed maximum solid fence height within required 30 ft front yard setbacks 3 feet permitted 6 feet proposed and Mr nison if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth yes okay and yes if I can just Mark in the following exhibits uh exhibit a one will be the application exhibit a two will be the plot plan then I have the following Bo exhibits exhibit B1 is the zoning officer report exhibit B2 will be the board planner report and exhibit B3 will be the board Engineers report and our Square in our professionals do our professional Square t what they're going to give on this application this evening will be the truth the whole truth about the trth s from God yes I thank you both okay Mr Higgins and then Mr Matlin okay I don't have a significant problem with the application Asbury Avenue is a very busy street and right across the street from this site there's a rather intensive commercial building that's just under construction I think it's still under construction I do have several comments though for one thing the fence extends this SES a corner lot and it's on Asbury Avenue and on Brookside Avenue and the fence extends 6 feet all the way to the front property line on Brookside Avenue parallel to Asbury Avenue my suggestion was that either the first 10 ft of that fence from Brookside be lowered to be 3 ft which would be permitted the next 20 ft which is the distance of the front yard set back from Brookside should be 4 feet and then step it up to six feet for the rest to provide that protection for the rear of the lot and the uh Brooks side or over I think you're saying wrong what I think you're saying the wrong street over over what is it I don't where I got over Brook okay I don't know where I got Brookside from it is over Brook okay it's a brook but okay so that's that's the first thing the second thing I think it would be nice if the color of the fence actually match the color of the house of course yeah and then the third thing is that normally when the board approves these types of fence variances there's some Landscaping proposed between the fence and the street line to to just to break the fence up a little bit overall I really don't have a big problem with the application okay um my only comments were that uh it it's evident that the house was recently constructed um just a clarification that all the proper permits were obtained and uh a detail of the propos proposed fence should be provided or at least discussed okay sub yeah no problem okay Mr Nan if you can just tell us about your request if you can address the um proposed feat the color of the fencing Landscaping tell us about your application say that again why do you want the fence what what why do you it's for safety for my kids they don't run out they play soccer in the backyard they kick the ball out into the highway and they running after it so want just put one just straight little line fence right across so it blocks that from them kicking the ball through through and out into the highway so that's a busy highway there all right and are you willing to do all those conditions that Mr heggins pointed out and Mr and Mr yes a big deal all right any questions is the fence going to be solid all the way up or is there going to be any any lattice or anything on the top of it I think going be solid solid okay solid just a little bit more that makes it makes sense given how busy Asbury Avenue is but I just wanted to get something on we're not going all the way to asbar we're going to stay like 15t I know you are yeah yeah just straight line and that's it yeah okay any questions from the board no questions or comments from the public okay motion to set up also with some bushes trees all the way all the way up the line so you really won't maybe don't see the fence once the things grow up so that'll be nice yeah very green nice you're going to put bushes on the ex on the street side of the fence yeah what you're saying the fence correct okay okay motion to close the public hearing a motion second all in favor of closing the public hearing I I any opposed happens now okay there a positive resolution I'll move for positive resolution second with the conditions with the condition with the conditions conditions yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay best of luck thank you just so you know because you ask the question what happens now is at the March meeting which is on March 16th March 21st March 21st there'll be a resolution memorializing this should I come back on March 15 you don't have to be here but on March 21st they'll adopt a resolution and then you can get your permit at that point and you have to doesn't he have to publish resol there'll be Ru there'll be things within the resolution that you have to follow Claire can help you out that's just look at Claire I'll give her the submitt to you okay cool so now what happens you are free to leave go home you are free relax you are approved and free okay thank you you are welcome is like a court R can I go free next case will great evening you guys you too William uh bonjourney block 138 lot 52.1 900 roseld Avenue ocean zone R4 applicant proposes to construct a one-story rear Edition second floor Edition covered front porch reconstruction of enclosed porch to living space and rear deck the scope of work will reconfigure the architectural front of the dwelling to now face Brookside Avenue and Mr did I pronounce that bour one of the very few that get it right okay um if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do okay and do you have a professional here with you architect Mr Salita Mr I'm sorry laita laita yes okay and have you testified before this board previously not before this board but other boards can you just briefly tell us about your credentials okay Salvatore laer leader registered architect New York and New Jersey for over 30 years um graduate of City College of New York um been doing residential um Renovations for over 30 40 years throughout mmed County Ocean County okay we will accept and if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do okay I will Mr lexin yes so I have the following exhibits Madam chair exhibit A1 will be the application exhibit A2 will be the description of the property from J land surveying uh it's a survey exhibit A3 are the architectural plans those are all the exhibits I have from the applicant I then have the following exhibits on behalf of the board we have the resolution from 2021 uh the zoning officers report is B2 B3 will be the board planner report and exhibit B4 will be the board Engineers report and I'll square quickly our professionals do you both square that you'll get this evening will be the TR to so thank you okay we'll hear from m Mr Higgins and Mr matle first okay um this this is a very small lot and just there's variances for front yard setback um this this application was before the board several years ago some of you may remember it uh basically rather than go through all the details of the variance I just summarize and say that they're switching things around and making it a much better and much safer situation than what exists and than what was previously approved so I really don't have a problem with the gring of the variance okay Mr matlet my only comment is that uh the uh project disturbs more than 200 square feet and with that that triggers the need for a grading plan which was not provided um but that could be a condition of any approval that a grading plan be submitted it's a relatively simple uh addition so I don't see that as is being in okay and Mr uh bonjourney do you um if you can tell us about your application and um is supplying a grading plan and issue uh no it's not I I spoke to somebody and they said they could do it uh just last week so it wouldn't take long they estimate I have it in two weeks okay can you tell us about your application and if Mr lafita has any testimony to give also first I just recently uh bought and uh we love the area we wanted to make a beautiful house safe house beautiful front porch we wanted to enjoy it hopefully it be my last move and uh we wanted to make it so we could fit into it it is a little bit of a small house so uh you know I do need some room and uh that's about it really okay and Mr lafita can you tell us about the it's a it's a straightforward uh Second Story Edition uh basically we're U uh completely uh removing all the walls including one bedroom on the first floor uh there's an existing master bedroom over the garage this was a a renovation that was done uh probably 10 15 years ago uh we're trying to match the old house with what was uh recently done on that previous uh renovation there's a master bedroom up there now and there's also an existing uh one-bedroom large uh Dormer room above the uh the first floor so we're really going uh to remove one bedroom on the first floor and adding uh two on the second floor so it's a it's it's a two two two for two swap if if you if you will including the master bedroom um the front porch is going to be rotated around to the uh Brookside Avenue side we're closing off the existing uh front the stoop porch SL entry on the Rosel Avenue side and uh we're trying to bump out the what is now considered the rear side of the house because the front porch constitutes that as the front versus the West Side being the sidey yard uh so we'd like to bump that out uh 10 ft by 17 ft for a a kitchen Edition one story kitchen Edition um it's a photograph of of the existing house with the addition all right so we got to mark that in as exhibit A4 okay and uh so so what you're trying what you're showing us now are color photographs of this is the existing house as it as it currently uh um is from Brookside from the Brookside side this is where it proposing to put the uh front porch trying to match the uh roof line of U the Dutchmen over the garage and this is what's considered the enclosed front porch now on the Rosel Avenue side which has been there for since when the house was built it's it's really a a Four Season room it's got the 1950s radiators in it as well so we'd like to close that off remove the porch and stoop and just make that part of the uh the living space right can you unclip those and just give it to Claire we don't need the I didn't make copies for everybody I'm sorry there you go and and well mark them both in as A4 graphs so that's pretty much it in in a nutshell just U trying to make this a nice uh two-story house to match what's already there as a twostory okay any questions from the board my question is when you're done it's all going to look the same absolutely meaning not going to have two different finishes and things like that we're going to match the certainty a standard thing we talk about but it looks like that's not what happened the last time the board approves um I wasn't here when that was voted on I'm looking at it right now and you I was absent that night but uh it's in a resolution that everything is supposed to match so it will match absolutely we'll make sure it matches right any other does the board understand the reason why they need the rear yard setback variants that they're moving the front from Rosel over to Brookside this is Brookside the stop yeah got that so by doing that the rear yard moves from the East to the Southside so the building isn't changing that much but because that's a sidey yard now it's going to to become a rear yard and it technically needs a VAR okay any questions on the board okay questions or comments from the public okay motion to close the public hearing motion to close second um all in favor I any opposed okay and do we have a positive resolution yeah thank you second resolution okay just right over each other yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay best of luck thank you very much thank you everyone thank you man have a good night next case Michael Sardar block 9.01 lot 7 248 Howard Avenue elberon Zone R4 applicat applicant seeks approval to construct a two-story addition to the front and rear to the dwelling as well as construct SEC construct second floor editions and a covered front porch minimum front yard setback 30 ft required 22.7 ft Howard Avenue and 27.4 ft Wilson Drive to covered front porch and 29.6 ft Howard Avenue and 13.7 ft Wilson Drive to second floor Edition proposed and the attorney is Mr Robert Farber Madam chairman I can't believe I'm number seven on the I love ocean the pressure's on you now good good good evening chairman ladies and gentlemen of the board I represent Michael sorer Fe simple owner of block 9.01 lot 723 he wishes to do make some substantial Visions to his house including a front TCH uh squiring out a certain area one of the unusual situations tonight is I have not that I have Michael David Feldman who has testified before and I'll have him qualified in a moment but there were some neighbors who came here the chambers and uh I talk to them outside about their concerns and I think everything's okay but they'll have a chance to speak and explain everything um but uh I suspect you'll want to hear from your experts and then I'll begin thank you yes so Madam chair the the exhibits that I have are exhibit A1 is the application itself exhibit A2 is the topographic survey exhibit A3 is revised plot and grading plan exhibit A4 will be the architectural plans and I know Mr farber's indicated that he has additional exhibits so why don't we justar them now right there are two renderings um um that one will be the rendering without the so-called bump out and I guess A6 will be the rendering with the so okay so A5 rendering uh with bump without without the bump out and A6 is with on and and Mr Farber which one are you looking for approval which one would you prefer I'm looking for a six approval the one with the bu okay and let me just swear and our professionals do our professionals swear they and next meeting I'll do it at the beginning of the meeting but but but do you swear that do you swear that any testimony you're going to give this evening will be the truth the whole the truth and nothing but the truth s the God I do I thank you both there are it's a corner lot there are front yard setback uh variances required on Howard Avenue 27 foot front setback is to the proposed two story addition and a 22.7 foot front setb to the proposed front Port the uh Second Story Edition is basically a vertical extension of the first story uh same type of situation on Wilson Drive it's a 13.7 foot front set back to the for the Second Story ex Edition again it's a vertical extension and a 27.4 front yard setback to the proposed covered front porch the ordinance requires 30 ft it's the R4 Zone uh I really don't have a big problem with the variances for the most part the the new ones deal with the front porch and then not to be redundant but again the master plan does recommend relaxing the front yard setback standard for front porches um okay and then I do discuss the the bump out and I think we just need need some testimony as to whether or not aesthetically that's a better alternative than not having the bump out and I think the architect can discussed that in his testimony uh there is an existing shed that's non-conforming and again I make the same recommendation that the pre-existing condition can continue but if the shed is replaced that it be put in a conforming location and then the only other thing is that the existing garage has a significant rear yard setback nonconformity uh I don't think there's any way to reason to be relocate but my suggestion would be if the board approves the application that it remain a garage because otherwise with the five bedrooms you don't have enough parking on the site the again the residential site Improvement standards require let me get a drink here they require uh three parking spaces for five bedrooms this is a two-car garage so that's two spaces and then it allows the driveway to count as a space if the driveway is 20 ft wide this driveway is only 18 ft wide but it'll still function as a parking space so again the board could Grant a dominous waiver from the residential site Improvement standards and there will be three parking spaces but the garage should remain a garage and shouldn't be used for anything else and Mr Higgins the walkup attic did you still have a well the ordinance now permits that oh okay so at the time when this was reviewed it didn't permit it gotcha okay Mr matl uh a grading plan was provided and I don't have any issues with it uh my only comment was that there was a minor type of on the architectural plans first floor versus second floor that should be corrected and that's it okay okay um Madame chairman uh before I ask you to swear in or before I ask that David Felman be sworn in there are the neighbors across the street um Sarah and Chris chamber and I did go over and and generally speaking they have some concerns and I will incorporate them when I elicit testimony from Mr Feld just so you can follow along and I'd ask that David Feldman who has appeared before the sport at least a dozen times with me and probably many dozen times more with other people be accepted as an architect licensed by the state of New Jersey as an expert in architecture okay if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do okay and we will continue to accept your credentials David can you describe for the board and everybody what is proposed in this app yeah and I'm going to move this a little so that the uh neighbors can see what you're put you're welcome to stand up if you can't see okay if you could just describe for everybody what's going on so what what we're doing is we're expanding um an existing twostory home um on the ground floor we're adding approximately 335 Square ft so it's pretty minimal of the 335 Square ft about 100 75 Square ft of that is living space and approximately 165 Square ft is going to be the exterior porch um the first floor is pretty much going to function in the manner that it functions currently um which is just living space um we enlarged the kitchen area slightly uh there's a powder room a family room living room room uh dining area and then what we did was we created this element which I'll go into a little bit more detail about in a little bit um where the staircase uh would go up to the second floor uh the second floor got expanded um to five bedrooms uh two and a half baths currently I believe there's three bedrooms that currently exist um their family is growing and they needed addition bedroom so they uh they asked if there was a way that we could expand that um as previously mentioned by your board professionals um we are going on the uh on the east side or Wilson Drive we are going straight up above the existing first floor um which is not increasing the uh existing non-conform um the rest of the second floor other than the addition to the uh the South where the kitchen is getting bumped out um lines up over the existing except for in the front area here where we're coming out 12 feet towards Howard um and approximately 17 uhet 4 in uh parallel to Howard which again is going to create the staircase and the entrance coming in um just going through uh the site itself the lot area uh where 10,000 is required 11,588 is existing uh there's no change to that and uh conforms uh the buildable area total uh buildable lot area is 8691 squ ft and there's no change to that the lot width um 9 F feet is required we have 29.6 ft to the dwelling um we are now proposing uh 27 ft to the corner of the stairwell and we're proposing 22.7 to the uh I'm sorry yeah 22.7 to the uh porch um on Wilson 13.7 is currently existing and we are maintaining that 13 7 ft uh in addition uh there is a um variance required to the porch from Wilson Street again being that it's two front yards 30 FTS required and we are proposing 27.4 ft um everything else the rear yard uh the side yard uh are all conforming um as previously mentioned the accessory structures of the garage and the shed are into the uh side yard setbacks and we don't uh Envision any changes being made to uh to those two uh structures Mr Feldman if I may because uh some concern about this the attic there's no liable space per se it's primarily storage can you just describe for the record that's being done so so the attic space is really just you is intended for storage juice only um you know there there's no livable space up there uh the reason for the Dormers is the client likes a lot of light and again for an aesthetic exterior perspective you'll see in the rendering um the Dormers that were uh put into play so we do accept the condition of approval that the walk that the Waba can only be used for storage we will not only accept that we'll accept the issues about the shed and the garage is to remain exactly as it is now okay a two-car garage there is to be no pool housee application whatever's there now is what what's to stay and how is the attic accessed is it is it is it a pull down or no it's a there'll be a is there a door at the beginning of the attic yes sorry so there'll be a door here which stairs going up and that underneath the staircase will then be the closet for that bedroom I'm sorry for the Clos underneath the staircase underneath the staircase okay so the attic the attic doesn't have any closet space or anything that correct that's correct and it's not it's not going to be finished correct okay that's correct that also be a condition it will be an unfinished attic okay and not not living space um as far the elevations it's kind of ironic why don't you show what's proposed because then why don't I take this one so I'll hold it I'll just hold it what's that why are us they so this is what we drew originally and this is A6 with a a a so this was what was originally drawn up and presented to the client um as you can see there's no bump out or Window Seat which we are now currently proposing uh to the right nor is there a bump out accentuating the staircase and entry on the left so when we proposed that we kind of felt that it was a a really flat facade and didn't have very much architectural character so was A6 so what we then did was Architects we went to A6 okay which now has entered into the equation the window seat and the staircase um and the staircase is really what's coming into question with regards to the 30 foot setback and what's even more ironic is when I came walking in tonight the attorney was out in the hallway talking with the clients well the chambers were the I'm sorry I'm sorry the neighbors and we pulled out both renderings and their first inclination was well this is a box and we don't like boxes and I said well that's why we designed the alternative which is what we're trying to uh get so as just to emphasize the neighbors prefer to bump out cu it's less buff and while we're talking about the chambers who were making testify and identify uh but they were concerned about lighting issues with the front porch cuz sometimes there's bright lights they have a beautiful sun room they don't want to be annoyed at night there you go and uh one of the things is that um and Mr F please correct they recessed lights underneath here that will shine down that's correct there's not going to be any for lack of a proper architectural term disco lights or anything bright around the top that's going to shine outward that is correct the plan is just down so onto the porch surface and it will minimize any overage of lighting so it will not affect me that is correct and you know we could submit specs on that lighting to your Township engineer for his review and approval as well and as a condition we will agree that the lights have to shine down and nothing be on all righty um other than that I think that's the extent of now um there been uh Chris Mr Miss Chris and Sarah Chambers are at 247 Howard and they were all they're avens they love birds and they're concerned about birds flying into windows I.E poor Falco or whatever the name of the owl in New York this week that was all over the times but there's really nothing from a planning we can do other than you know my client can speak and put stickers or some kind of thing that will distract Birds that's not really within your realm but um I believe I'm done with uh Mr Feldman if the board has any questions okay I do have a question the the fencing that's there are there any changes to that or that's an existing fence vinyl and aluminum are there any changes to that or am I missing going to stay exactly the same my client just walked in and he told me the fencing is going to stay exactly okay any questions from board members is the entire house being resided yeah it's going to be stuck on do you have a picture of the existing house I do not I could probably Google Earth it don't because you can't Market Google or photograph on your phone into evidence want give us your phone this rendering where would where would where would we be standing if we were looking at the house from here uh you'd be standing Howard the northwest corner of Howard and Wilson looking from the corner so so this is Wilson uh to the right Howard is in the front of the home so he'd be standing at the corner of Wilson and Howard so the driveway would be back here back there so on the right side of the picture there's a tree would that tree actually be in the Street if we were looking at the real configuration of the roads this tree yeah um guess the question is does that tree actually exist I don't think that tree sir there's no tree there there's no I feel like correct me I feel like if as we're looking at this there's actually a road on the right side of the the of the house right yes correct yeah so there's not that much green no I I if if you look at you know in proportion that's so so this space here is about 17 ft or so um you know if you look it from here to where the green Edge is here it's probably a little less if not the same so it it's pretty close Mr fer if you have any questions about the exact configuration right now I'm more than happy to present Mr seder to Mr sarter to testify and answer those questions and if you you wish I'll I'll be happy to do that when we're done with Mr Felman and the audience ask any does he have pictures of what it looks like now versus what it would I do I try to find it looks nothing like that we can't take pH I know we can't take I know I mean he wants to see there I want to make sure what I've seen correct we can't allow photographs off of phone to be marked into evidence so so we I understand the board wants to idea of the applicant had somehow presented photographs yeah that's my point I'm not asking for somebody to show me a picture on my phone no no I understand that he's just saying yeah I hear so so basically if you look at the existing house now from the front it's kind of more like an a is that correct yes and the bottoms of the a is that are we bringing the bottom out as well or are we just going straight up from where the the existing Bottom Bottoms the so the house is like this correct right are we bringing out further or are you just bringing going straight up we're going straight up and that doesn't affect the pool equipment anything on correct okay that's straight up on the Wilson side and then back by the garage there's that small little bump out that's indicated on the got it is the pitch of the house changing direction the roof I know I just need them to show it because I can't sorry so so this side we're going straight up with yeah and then we're adding a 9x 58 extension on the south side of the property between the house at the current garage and then on the other side is where we're creating the the stairwell which is also a little extension but the house isn't getting wider than what it c yeah it's not getting wider but but going straight up certainly it intensifies the the the look and the It's A change is the pitch changing directions yes yeah currently the existing house that's what I thought okay has a peak Tower and now we're turning it towards oh okay okay and this the side of the house is closer the exist condition is it's closer than it ought to be right to the property line there existing east side towards Wilson Y is currently non-conform right Y and so going up is um exacerbates that okay but they're bumping it out also that doesn't help in my mind any other questions yeah the um go back to the PCT the renderings the pictures anyone in particular or both e either one doesn't really matter either a question I have so the stairwell I assume that's all open on the left side there yeah so and you're that's going to be storage on the top I I really don't see a need for the the Dormer on the top if it's going to be truly storage I that to me that doesn't add any aesthetic value to the house yeah other than somebody converting that to a room later I mean I I understand what you're saying but again there there's you know the the aesthetic value that that I saw in the Dormer as well as bringing some natural light in to the attic area as well so but but but to the the board point it it invites someone to put a bedroom in there I very rarely see an attic with Windows like that I natural light I I'm if you're going to store something I I've spent 20 years in it the cleaning bit you're going to bleach it out with light the stairwell going up to the third I mean what's going to be above the second floor and the stairwell is that this all going to be open this is yeah this is just high volume that staircase doesn't go up to the third floor yeah I'm I'm oppos to the Dormer any other questions or comments from board members are there other homes on the street that look like this do you know my client can testify to that if you wish would your I mean I don't know how the board feels is the board in in agreement with Mr Mr leneski leneski in agreement with Mr leneski that perhaps that top Dormer doesn't make much sense being that it's got windows and could become a bedroom despite the condition one of the problems with the condition like that is there's no way to enforce it I mean it's there on your resolution and the only way anyone's going to know whether it turned into a bedroom or not as if a neighbor says I think there's something going on up there and someone's living up there um but you're not in the house does anyone else want it removed I'm okay with leaving it I could certainly see there's two and there's stairs going up to it it's not like a pull down but I think that it it's it's normal stairs going to a door that that lead into the room I thought there wasn't a door there is there's a door I mean it's a walk door on the second floor that you open to then go what's the height if you're if you're standing in there what's the height I'm sorry if you're standing in the space what's the height what is the height of is there is this a stand up area yeah so so in the center we depicted these dotted lines here so in the center is where the 8ot uh Mark is which is roughly about six and half a B I don't and then it starts to SL down five all the way down so it's it's 8 feet or it's in the middle in the center 8T for six feet and then tapers down so the ceiling is pitched down corre with the RO yeah it's a Gable it's a gable roof so in the center where the Gable is you obviously have so so this line here that's indicated on the plan which is about 6 and 1/2 ft or so is the 8T height in the center now coming across this aable to the back of the home there really maybe about a foot or so that's only 8T and then it slopes down to relatively quickly so there's not a whole lot of space up there that's at 8 foot except like I said down the center and where the Dormers are great how high is the wall where it slopes down what's the the height of the wall at the here yeah we set those at 5 ft okay so a question to The Experts if the Dormers weren't there there would be no egress so legally you could not have a bedroom there correct I don't know the building code so building code a building code question yeah I mean legally they're because of what they're agreeing to they're not allowed to have a bedroom there I know but I'm just saying if you could get it with the windows it gives you ER again to to maybe ease the board's concern this was a conversation we had with with the neighbors across the street who said that they would police this if the attic ever if the ever if the if ever when a Time came and the attic was converted without permits or illegally what's the square footage of that with the window also wouldn't provide egress if you're up two stories square footage at the I can't get out if I had a guess I'd say it's not going to be if I may just address something just before there's any more testimony elicit I spoke to the client he likes the look with that but at its widest point it's 6 feet I don't see even getting a bed in there um I don't see it ever working is that however he really does like the look of the Dormer and if the Dormer is a problem in its current form and we came back with a smaller lower Dormer with with that exess concerns are you folks just dead set against any Dormer cuz it's just a design that he likes I think for me personally I the the fact that the attic has been set at 8ot clear with with the angles coming down to 5 ft has pulled your roof Eve up essentially your your roof Springs from the top of the second floor whereas if you weren't trying to provide a clear attic you could spring from the first floor and no the roof would still spring from the ceiling of the second floor maybe halfway through I guess I'm just saying no it would because if we if we lower that roof down to to what you're suggesting yep you then create the slopes within the rooms on the second floor sure but with Dormers you could get the clear height that you're looking for so I think you've made a decision as a designer to raise the entire house to that spring point of the top of the second floor because you're trying to get a a nice height within the attic and it it actually exacerbates that setback like John Mr Fuller was saying here I think it could have been a lighter touch with the roof springing from a lower point if you Wy then you going to lose that head height on the second floor bedrooms is what I'm saying yes you would so then the second floor bedrooms start to be devalued potentially in in a sense I mean we are conforming to the Ordnance height of the structure overall height um so I'm not sure where it Springs from from as long as we we conform to the ordinance with regards to the height of the structure um you know I'm looking at pictures around here and they you know they all spring from the second floor ceiling the roofs and not and not drop from a conceptual standpoint a house to have a roof that Springs from the second floor is perfectly reasonable but you're asking to do that where you're already in a setback so to Mr Fuller's Point you're extending that point of the house that's in the setback a full story where you could potentially if you weren't trying to gain height within the attic spring from a lower point so question if the Dormers were removed it would just be the slope yes if if this Dormer for example was removed it would this roof would just continue all the way down but still the same height yes is that Dormer it part of the um building that's that requires the setback variant um no that that's conforming to the 30 foot setback off off the street yeah in in both directions I believe I I mean we didn't calculate that cuz I didn't know if that was you know but I believe that that Dormer um so what your professional is asking is the face of this Dormer does that meet your 30 foot setback and the answer is yes to Howard because this face of the existing house is currently at 296 so this Dormer being set back would be roughly 32 maybe 33 ft now off of Wilson um it's a different situation so I think it was calculated to the porch that we were so so from Wilson to here it was calculated that it's 27.4 okay I'm assuming again from Wilson to where the Stormer is if you look at you know where the where the Dormer Falls with regards to where the porch is that as well exceeds the 2 point uh 2.6 ft needed in order for that Dormer to be 30 ft off of Wilson as well so to answer your question yes I just may ask David this is the area right in the corner where the variance is required am I correct doesn't really go over here it's just this corner right here right it's it's this corner to Wilson that's 27 ft it's the whole bump out yeah it's just the bump out it's and the can any of this is all but Mr Farber is so so the concern over that attic space for Mr leneski is is whether it could become a bedroom or not we understand that you're agreeing it's not going to become a bedroom but the reality is if it did become a bedroom it's going to affect your parking count and everything like that so that's why that's why it's a concern um and I think I think I'm not sure how the whole board feels but some of the board members obviously are some are concerned with the way the attic is currently presented that it basically is inviting someone to renovate it into a bedroom and I think that's what the concern is despite what the conditions of the approval are and I could also um you know if it if it helps the Board and and I'm not suggesting either way because it doesn't really resolve the issue but would you agree to record the resolution as a condition of approval which says clearly in it that it can't be used as an as an addict for a future homeowner to be on notice absolutely okay and I don't know if that resolves the resolves the issue but at least that's a further protection against it being utilized but I I I I think Mr lines's concern still is there regardless of whether it's a deed restriction or not yeah I just want to clarify something too um it's a currently proposed as a five-bedroom house correct yes okay so the RSI is the um maximum number of parking spaces that are required are three yeah for a house that is five bedrooms or more so if there were 10 bedrooms it would still only require three parking spaces the the other thing is we just spoke with the client he's also willing to only put a pull down staircase up to the attic as opposed to a walk upet of stairs be in favor that I think that would be good I'm sorry I I didn't hear what you said pull down pull down C is going to remove the set of stairs that go all the way up a walk up set of stairs in lie of uh removing the Dormers and putting in just a pull down staircase Mr leneski does that well you'd really have to hate your children if you made that into okay any other any other questions put them up there and just close any other questions from board members can I ask our professionals if they know of any other houses on the street that are of this style I have not seen it's irrelevant it's irr yeah really is there's no there are no architectural standards for controlling the the appearance of a house in the township so if the board were to try and impose something like that on the applicant I and then I Mark May disagree with me I don't know but if they were trying to impose that kind of an issue I think it would have a problem if it went to court yeah I'm going to disagree only only for this they are asking for variances yeah they are asking for variances so and one of the and one of the criteria for presumably getting a C2 uh variance relief would be the Aesthetics and if the Aesthetics are going to be out of Conformity with the entire neighborhood I think the board could take that into some consideration I I don't disagree with that I don't disagree with that so so to that effect but I don't know the answer about the neighborhood of whether that if it was an undersized lot then it would be you couldn't do anything I I get it of character with the neighborhood but since it's an oversized lot you're you're you're exacerbating an existing issue it's not it's not staying in the character of what's there um I Mr FL I imagine that if the chambers are probably going to be very easy to tell you whether or not there's anything in the neighborhood we just move on so so you may find out very quickly okay any other questions from board members questions from the public or comments from the public if you can go to the microphone Mr Chambers Mr Chambers I'm going to swear you in and ask your name and address just for the record okay all right when you get up to the mic this it's that all be on the record esting all right Mr Chambers do you swear any testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth that be God I do and just state your name for the record Chris Chambers and what's your address Mr Chambers 247 Howard Avenue Howard Avenue thank you go ahead can you hear me all right y the first thing I want to do under is to say to my neighbor I did not promise to police the third FL sorry I misunderstood uh I want to bring up several things um to your question while go um and one of the features you mentioned David as neighbors we live directly across the street on Howard Avenue we're you know 50 60 ft away from your your new front porch Mike um we actually do prefer this bump out look by the way because we like that relief uh this relates to your question a while ago in with regards to other houses like this in the neighborhood this is better there there there are two other what we call stule covered cubes what I'm talking about we don't really care for this is quite beautiful David thank you for that um so yeah we we like the look I hope it goes forward but there are several concerns that we do have several have been mentioned certainly the I realize the new Apex is 34 change feet high it's a taller house than we see across from our right now 9 ft we were concerned when we renovated back in 17 we believed that there were that was the max house he and the third story could not be used for any room bedroom Etc and I just want to confirm that with the lawyer this evening I heard this confirmed to me already so that's that's good to know my second concern has to do with lighting I talked with the lawyer and the architect uh uh out front before this meeting and uh one thing we've noticed in uh a lot of the renovations especially of this design in our neighborhood is that uh there's there are lights all over the place uh there there are lights shining outward light shining down in fact it looks somewhat like the uh new Terminal A the New York airport in many cases with the intensity of lighting and and we we don't appreciate that so what David mentioned is the lights are going to be recessed which is good because it's not it's not just an issue of intensity number of Lums in that light but how many lights there are and are they directed outward inward or is there any shade uh on them so I just ask any lights are hanging on any front porches in our neighborhood put a shade so so the neighbor isn't you know insulted by this 24-hour a day light shining towards their house so that's been obviated as my understanding so that's that's good to hear that the third point which uh hasn't been brought up to this group yet has to do with these U the windows that you see out in the front side of the house you see you see six here and around the back corner there's four more that's a total of 10 Windows each roughly 5x5 ft so 25 Square ft so in total that's 250 square ft of picture window now for us my wife and I we're naturalists we have some great native plant species in our yard we feed birds etc those windows are death traps for birds birds may fly right into them and and that's the of the bird so what I'm would suggest is either some kind of I'm not sure there a natural on this board but some kind of bird um um death preventive mechanism decals stickers what have you but one would be to have these picture windows to have in the glass with M like the other windows to match the other windows the birds will see that not fly into these large picture windows so that that was one one concern that we had I think I think that's it that's it okay is is there a naturalist on the board well they they make frit glass they make dotted fritted glass that prevents Birds that's a bird deterrent in Towers that's good that's how they do it they either put lines in it or put dots in it but it looks natural well no it's a pattern that you can see from the outside it's yeah but it's they Mak it her name Jason me but yeah I mean it's a it's a readily available product the glass was manufactured with it's sand blasted to create the fritz and it's a pattern and I think it would be good it could look pretty elegant it can look very intentional um if the if it's not which actually your point and the design in terms of that's a stairwell so I don't imagine you're going to be standing on the stair looking out the window where the fritted glass would become an issue if it were kind of like a a bedroom or somewhere where you'd have a window seat where you're gazing out the window often that's a different story um but I I don't think it would really interrupt the views out and it would certainly help the the the bird issue so it's it's a interesting point to bring up and there are ways to remedy that yeah okay it' be a good new pattern for our neighborhood let me say that okay thank you Mr Chambers thank you I my my main concern and um is that everybody is comfortable with the pull down and the understanding that there may be a condition that is part of this application that a notice will be published strike that uh filed with the county clerk a condition that the third floor cannot be used as a bedroom assuming that our does the board see any difficulty with the application with the existing Dormer proposed I think everyone was okay with that is the I just wanted to clarify y okay as far as the windows I don't think we don't have a historical preservation ordinance or anything that control windows selection but my client will certainly be mindful and maybe hang some draperies or do something that even if it's a sticker or something in the windows to try and avoid that but um that's just something he will do because he wants to be a good neighbor just as uh and do the chambers well he may not be happy a bird start flying into his window no he won't like uh they like uh Sarah Chambers said to me before if he finds here's two or three good thumps and sees dead birds is kids aren't going to like it either wait I just want to revisit this you don't need a historical preservation um anything why can't we ask you and to change the windows as suggested I don't think that's a that's a uh well look I I don't I'm not going to argue I think we we can if if people want to I'm not saying we will but I certainly think we can I mean that's part of the area where the bump out is I isn't that part of the area that triggers that is the bump out yeah yeah so I like your attempt to say we can I kudos to you but I certainly think we can I mean there are variances so I I don't think it again I don't think it's out of line if I mean I I would I could argue theoretically that a negative of the application is that there's that there are open glass windows that are going to attract birds that are going to fly in and therefore that is a negative to the birds but that's why I'm a lawyer so I try too that's why I am too that's why I bring it up some kind of glass design that distracts Birds I not there are glass designs that attract them there are that's why they put them in high I had a neighbor who seriously had they put them in high and that's why we have an architect here to to know this Jason Mr CH are you familiar with some kind of glass design we could use yes as I said they make an applied product or a fritted glass where it's part of the glass itself it's not applied that can be I've built numerous highrises and they've they they specifically put this type of glass in highrises on purpose so that there other recommendations also like something inside or something applied sticker wise that remedies you can you can apply stickers to the inside or you can have the glass etched like there are things that can be done there are things that one of you can look it up just Google it bird deterr in glass imagine he used sticker on on the I think it would devalue the the house and the windows I can't think you'd want or a drap is it a drap it's a film it's a film or sticker or something nice I mean I don't I don't know that the drape would work I'm not sure they B very nice designs I just spoke to my client and uh it's not readily Le from a distance so I'll show up nice and Clos come here please I want you to see this if you look at the windows here folks you can see there's like two over four if you will there's a design oh I see and they're willing uh to find something similar to put there so they're not straight glass a ver that may help alleviate the problem yeah it does and uh you can put that in I mean I hear this in aliner all the time not here a deal but fine if you want to put that in is so what are you going to so Mr Farber I'm sorry so specifically what would this be uh David what do you call these elements in a window Mullens M can someone spell that for me m u l l i o NS all right so Mullin will be in installed M will be stall installed wow in the uh stairway windows so they're not they're not straight wind not straight not a picture window anymore a casement or yeah okay great thank you it will be that or stickers but there will be some glass b control that is put in all right what I'm going to do is uh how about we do the the mull or some other form of uh prevention subject to the review of Bennett uh so so I'll put it on you I'm sure c will figure it out but is everyone okay with that put on Jason he'll verify put it on Jason Bennett can talk to Jason and see if it works if he need someone I think that's fair send you set drawings I'm looking at right now any other um testimony Mr uh Barber if the board would like but it is now been almost 40 minutes I client did testify what the block looks like but based upon on what the homeowners across the street said I don't believe that's necessary okay okay theard wants it I unless you guys want to hear it does anyone need to hear it yeah I'll move to close the hearing okay second second all in favor of closing the public hearing hi com okay is there a motion for a positive resolution with the conditions that I'm sure Mr lexine has duly noted I have them yes okay I'll offer I'll second okay yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay thank you thank you very much next case Melissa star Park block 25 L 109 245 Delaware Avenue oakr Zone R4 the applicant proposes to construct a one story addition and deck to the rear of the dwelling minimum minimum side yard setback 10 ft required surrendering you got to leave 1.7 ft proposed minimum both yards both side yards combined set back 25 ft required 19 ft proposed no do you have them if if you have them by if you have them in small I'm sorry if you have them in well no give them the CLA how many copies you have just two just the one that's fine I could get you some more no no we're good that's much better to have them that way rather than the way the C okay thank you so much I'm sorry madam chair okay maximum coverage building 27% of buildable lot area or 810 Square ft permitted 37.3% or 1,119 Square ft proposed and uh Miss Stark if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth yes I do okay and do you have an expert hereit okay architect and your name is uh James Connor with MSA architects and have you testified before this board not before this board no okay can you tell us about your credentials please yes I'm a New Jersey state licensed architect I went to Drexel University um I've been working in the field in MTH County for uh since 2001 um and uh you know I've uh done a lot of homes in the especially in this town working with MSA so okay we'll accept Mr Connor and I just want to make sure is it co n r o r oh R okay if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do okay turn it over to Mr Higgins and then Mr mattl I'm gonna oh sorry if I just can yes so exhibit a one will be the application exhibit a two will be the survey exhibit a three will be the grading plan exhibit A4 will be the architectural plans and then I have the following board exhibits exhibit B1 will be the zoning officer report exhibit B2 will be the board planers report and exhibit B3 will be the board Engineers report that I'll bear the experts our experts V testimony you'll give this evening will be the truth talking about the truth God I do thank you both again I I'll summarize what you have here is a it's the R4 Zone it requires 10,000 squ foot Lots this is a four 4,000 foot lot 40t wide 100t deep with a small one-story residence on it the applicants propos in to extend the residence to the rear with just another one-story addition to try and make the house more livable I mean it's a classic hardship situation the required sidey yard setback is 10 fet what exists is 2.7 ft and because the house is not exactly parallel to the side Lot line by extending the house straight back the side setback goes down to 1. 7 ft um I don't have a big problem with that it probably could be off set a little bit to you know maintain the 2.7t setback but I think we need the architect to discuss that and why it's being done um basically the variances are all created because of the existing conditions of the site the undersized nature and the location of the building um there is a garage or a shed that's set back at the rear of the site that doesn't conform and again the same I would make the same recommendation that it would be allowed to continue but if it's ever replaced it has to be put in a conforming location so Mr Mr the garage also is sorry go ahead the garage also has a setback requirement uh it's it should be uh 10 ft and it's 1.6 ft so M am I correct based upon what you just said that what they're doing isn't triggering any new variances it's triggering new variances but just minor okay because because the house is not parallel to the side Lot line so if you extend the side of the house directly back it it'll get closer to the side Lot L thank you Mr Matlock uh the applicant provided a plan with grades but but it looks like not proposed grades so just a grading plan that shows spot elevations at the corners of the proposed addition should be provided and this is a a minor inconsistency with with regard to the garage looks like their garage finish floor elevation is 39.8 but the driveway in front of it is 37.8 there's no no nothing proposed with the garage so this is just kind of a something to just clean up the uh existing grades um and that's all I have okay Miss star can you tell us about your application please yes so we have a little tiny house um I got this house for my mom after my dad passed away um so she lives there by herself um I think it's about 600 square ft and where we're proposing to make this room is where there's an existing deck we have the shed was already there everything was already there this is the first renovation we're um requesting to do um and it's really just to my mom's getting older she's almost 70 I don't live in New Jersey um I live in New York and I just want to be able to come spend more time with her as she's getting older and there's more room in the house when I come now because it's so small I kind of set up shop in the living room um so it would just be nice to have a little more space um you know to be there more often and um so where the existing deck is we we're proposing this room um and uh sort of like a sun room but just I can put the suitcase you know in there and that kind of thing um so it just adds a it makes the house a little more livable for more than one person okay and Connor yes you can uh elaborate please um and first to address the um inconsistencies on the grading plan we've had them corrected and we'd like to submit them into further Evidence um noting that the garage slab elevation is at 37.94 uh not as previously recorded at uh 39.8 as well we've also included those spot elevations that were requested so if I can pass so what's the date on the revised the date of the revised is um 21424 okay thank you revised grading plan I'm going to Mark then as exhibit 85 pass yeah so the man who really needs it oh not to take anything away from the board thank you since we're also uh passing things out there was um a an error in the calculations done originally where it was originally the maximum building coverage and the maximum impervious coverage was based on the total lot area and not the buildable lot area so we've also made those corrections as well this is going to be A6 and and what what are you passing out uh just a revised um a REV cover sheet from uh page one three so this is a revised first first page of your architectural plan yes by revised cover sheet and what's the date is uh 2924 2924 all right so it's Revis cover sheet of A3 okay I'll make sure they get these first so as Mr is saying um the home is existing nonconforming um it is a rather small um home one of the original Bungalows from the section that's still remaining um and what we basically taking on is in in addition effort to keep the cost as as economical as possible um going straight out was the best for tying into the existing Foundation um and also um by going straight out with the kitchen area we're allowed to we're any it allows us to um enlarge the kitchen a little bit again with possible mobility issues coming into play later in life having a little bit more space to turn and you know God forbid there's a walker or some consistency later a little bit more room in the kitchen for a person of advanced age of work um also allowing uh uh Miss Stark to work in the kitchen with her mother you know spending that quality time together um again we just are adding um taking on another 15 ft of residence to the home uh which also is a an enlarged living room again allowing for more circulation space around the furniture um while also providing a much need closet for Miss star to visit her mother um when she was down from the city uh and also we are adding a 6' two and and a half um wood deck out out of the back um just to be able to utilize the backyard a little bit better without requiring stairs or steps to get down so her mother can go outside without having that risk of falling she likes to read on the on the deck um and in doing so we tried to keep the character of the existing home uh as you can see uh from the front elevation isn't a very modest um home um we didn't want to affect too much of the existing architecture so we just extended the roof line straight out back and uh put in these uh these fixed doors that will not open just to give a little bit more light into that room again so it's more of a sun room type Edition rather than um rather than a full solid addition uh on the one side we did because of the archness to the property line uh we're going to have um some fire reading that we have to adhere to um so that's why there was limited open there's no openings in the proposed addition on that side so we can achieve that required fire reading as to not you know become a danger to the neighbors is is the 1.7 ft adequate for maintenance of the house um I believe so I mean it really only that one corner that becomes 1.7 and we we already have 2.7 um I know it's 2.7 so so yeah I mean I believe it would it's an additional foot that that's yeah that's the only real concern I have I I do believe it would be still maintainable um you know you can still get a rake in to get the leaves out from um from uh collecting there but I mean other than that I don't we're proposing low maintenance exterior so painting is not going to be an issue we're going to use vinyl siding um power washing We can spray from a distance so we can get in there um so yeah I believe maintenance is definitely achievable and then and again just the the uh elevation facing the rear just providing some large window or large doors that will open out to the back deck just to enjoy nature a little bit and uh that is really the uh the whole sum of our application the old one so okay yeah any questions one thing for the board's consideration is and I didn't cover that when I was summarizing my report but the existing building is 882 Square ft the ordinance requires a a one-story building in this Zone to be a minimum of 1300 Square fet they're expanding it they're not getting to the 1300 but they're getting closer so they're making that one non-conforming condition quite a bit better okay can can you repeat what what what's required, 1300 1300 and for one story and they have what 880 82 now we going to 1,119 1,119 proposed okay great thank you the addition is going to match the rest of the house yes it's going to match and finish um The Roof is going to match everything's going to blend in as seiously as possible any other questions one one quick question the neighbors as you're looking to the house to the right um how does their house match up with your existing house you mean how close is it well no like how far back here's here's my question the air conditioning unit you current currently have is right behind the house so you're going to move back the house and the air conditioning unit will also go with it so is that moving actually further away from your neighbor's house technically at that point the the air conditioner yeah that the condenser are we moving that we are okay I'm sorry you just yes it would be technically it would be moving further away from yeah it does move further back good so there's a fence on that side there's a fence on that side who whose fence is it it's the ne it's the neighbor's it's the neighbor's yeah any other questions questions or comments from the public motion to close the public hearing no motion second all in favor of closing I I any opposed okay and positive resolution for positive resolution I will second with the conditions oh yes with the um I believe about conditions it was about the the same thing with the shed um that right the shed's removed it's got to be conforming but we're going to leave it where it is right now um I know that then they have to that was really the only condition right the garage is nonconforming too but I don't see how you can move it foring location on this right right right I think the shed was proposed to be removed it's really old I think we were just going to take it down anyways it's been there I well should we make that a condition then you're going to remove the shed we are removing the shed as part of this yeah okay so remove shed okay that okay yes yes yes yes yes yes yes okay best of luck thank you so much and a motion to adjourn secondary all in favor I I