okay we will call the meeting to order um Claire would may we have a roll caller hereo here asazi hereo lki pelli here chairwoman here okay we'll stand for the salute to the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay the notice requirements of the open public meeting law for this meeting have been satisfied a copy of the notice having been sent to the Asbury Park Press and the coaster and filed in the office of the Township Clerk on July 21st 2023 there is an emergency exit through the courtroom doors and two exits at the rear of the room there will be no smoking no new cases will be started after 10:00 p.m. and no new testimony taken after 10:30 p.m. in addition the applicant will be limited to 45 minutes of testimony all meetings will be video and audio taped and shown on the township of oceans Community cable channel channel 22 on Verizon FiOS and channel 77 on cable vision all cell phones must be turned off or if you need to make a call please make your call outside of the room we have the following minutes for approval December 15 2022 and Claire if you can I I will offer for approval if you can call who was present sorry only people that voted can vote on the minutes so each minutes are going to have to be done separately oh okay well um while Claire's doing that trying to find it you want me to make the announcement yes please all right so we have a couple applications that are not going to be heard tonight uh the first one I'll work backwards the two billboard applications uh 1700 New Jersey State Highway Route 35 and 1418 uh New Jersey State Highway Route 35 neither of them are going to be heard tonight uh they're going to be potentially carried to May 16th that's what we believe the dates going today you are going to receive new notice we've yet to get confirmation from the applicant that they're available that evening so there will be new there will be new notice sent to everyone within 200 ft and in the paper but we're anticipating 16 for that hearing date um the second one so now we'll go through the rest of the list memo Investments at 44 Momo road block 7 lot 51 that's being carried to the April 16th 2024 meeting without further notice so if you want to be heard on that application you need to be in this room at 700 p.m. on April 16 again there will not be any further notice should that is that 7 p.m. or is that 7 it's at 7 p.m. okay uh and then we have on April 18th 2024 again with no further notice we have the applications of Solomon and Sarah chabar of 20 221 Elmwood Road and Ryan Gro and Amanda cheski I'm probably butchering the names and I apologize at 238 Overbrook Avenue both of those two applications are going to be carried to the April 18th 2024 meeting there will be no further notice if want to be heard on those applications please be here at 7:30 p.m. on April 18th in this room okay there is also we have the synagogue of oakers community center at one Bower Avenue that is going to be scheduled most are we definite on that definite on May 7th 2024 at 700 p.m. again there will be new notice on that one so everyone within 200 ft are going to receive notice on that application but we're just let everybody know that's when it's going to be 7 uh May 7 2024 at 7 p.m. and then finally uh the case of margerie ham Hami again I apologize for the pronation last name at 232 Overbrook Avenue that case is being carried to the May 16 2024 meeting without further notice so if you want to be heard on that application we need to be in this room on May 16 2024 at 7:30 p.m. you will not receive any further notice on that one Madam chair okay so we will skip the December 15th 2022 minutes Janu minutes for approval January 19th 2023 and I will move the only ones we can do are February 15 2024 okay do I need to announce the other ones that we will not approve okay I guess you just don't know who is here okay so so that that makes sense so yes oh yes just take okay you just need one vote right when is it when is the next meeting I do have the do you just want to do you just want to do us at the next meeting I mean I have them minutes it's G to take you a while to go through every single one no they all hear who's present oh go go go for so December 22nd 15 2022 yes yes yes ashkanazi yes yes yes 26 yes yes February 16 2023 chairwoman deal yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yeser yeso yes may yes yes yes yes February 15 2024 chomal yes hasazi yes yes okay M chair if I just may I just want to make sure everyone in the room now the only case we are hearing this evening is the S Oakwood Avenue application if you're not here for seven Oak Avenue you don't need to stay unless you want to you're not hearing anything else okay look at all those people yeah that that's why I'm just trying to figure out are you here for seven no no what do you hear which application are you here for go ahead you been talk uh number one a garage sale going on my wife wanted to know about that what is happening number two West Lincoln uh Avenue between uh whale Pond and mmed it should be no parking on that street all right so none of that is on tonight and I don't know about I don't know about a gage I think probably you want to go to council this is a zoning board meeting it's not the governing body the council meeting the council meeting I don't know when the next one is [Applause] so we're in the wrong place you're in the wrong place it's an understandable mistake a lot of people do it the right place just on the wrong night yeah right place but the wrong night the council meeting will be here I do believe it's next Thursday next Thursday at what time what time they start I think okay so so in this room at 7.m next Thursday all right have a good night we just didn't want you to have to sit here and I take okay we have resolutions for memorialization um I'm um move to approve the 801 Darlene Avenue Ocean Block 138 Lot 89 in the R1 Zone um denial 257 Dixon Avenue block 9 lot 46 in the R4 Zone and I will uh move for approval of the resolution and who else is eligible or who's not eligible I should say okay so someone else can make the second on that motion a second the you need the roll yes the r I'm not eligible oh you're not no you went for that one for the denial isn't that what we're doing and the 257 Dixon Avenue Dixon those were I have those both yesi yes yes just a just a point of clarity I thought um 801 Darlene Avenue and 257 Dixon Avenue were both February 9th or no 15th February 15th February 15 were they both did you come in late I wasn't here that day at all so this was the app everyone remembers the one is the pool that we Deni right the other one was the house with also a pool with the staircase going on to Wilson ab and we had them eliminate the theer case so if you don't remember that application I wasn't here then you definitely were not here because you you would remember both yeah was that February or January February feary 15 you would remember them if you were here I don't think you were was not here but I thought I was here at the February meeting so that's why I'm February 15th you were not here where I'll offered to approve the resolutions so it's only the three members are eligible to vote so you call only call those threei yes yes yes okay the um following resolutions for memorialization one Park Place Ocean Block 140 13 lot 3 in the R4 Zone 1308 Franklin Parkway Ocean Block 104 Lot 21 in the R4 Zone 713 Asbury Avenue Ocean Block 14017 lot 11 in the T1 Zone 900 Rosal Avenue Ocean Block 138 lot 52.0 one in the R4 Zone 248 Howard Avenue elberon block 9.01 lot 7 in the R4 Zone 245 Delaware Avenue Oaker block 25 lot 109 in the R4 Zone and I will offer to approve the resolutions one second yes yes yes yes yes okay our uh only case tonight 7 Oakwood Avenue block 12.07 lot 5 Kenneth to applicant is requesting approval for an addition to the existing two-story dwelling improvements to driveway removal of the front porch relocate air conditioner to the roof minimum side yard set back 10 ft required 2 ft exist 2 feet proposed minimum rear yard setback 30 ft required 29 ft exist 29 ft proposed and Mr toell did I say that correctly you can please come up and if I can just Mark in the exhibit yes um EX one will be the application itself exhibit 82 will be theing exhibit 83 will be the property owner drawing plans and exhibit A4 will be the property owner revised second for plan and then we have the following board exhibits exhibit B1 as in board one will be the zoning officer Revis report exibit D2 will be the board plann report and exibit D3 will be the board Engineers report if you can raise your right hand do you affirm to tell the truth the whole truth I do okay and if you can state your name and address for the record towel 7 Oakwood Avenue Oak New Jersey okay 07755 okay why not on the only case okay and we will hear from our experts first I'll make it very quick basically for the most part he's just taking one story building and going straight up on the existing setbacks squaring it off on several Corners the building Square rather than a regular in shape I don't have a big problem with it I don't think it's anything that's that's terribly bad I think it makes sense what he wants to do okay Mr matl I don't have any engineering concerns okay M wow we're going home early Mr toell if you can just for the record just tell us about your request yeah so the house right now is a one floor Ranch two-bedroom those great houses in all Cur that you really don't want to see go away but the family everyone's big and tall and can't fit so my wife and I and family decided we want to add a second level um and we're asking for the variance because just if we had to go 10 ft in there's really no room to add a staircase and get enough bedrooms where the money makes sense to spend so that's the hardship just more you're removing the garage which is a significantly non-conforming structure yeah that that was like two feet off the line yeah yeah that's a benefit okay any other testimony just quality of life that's it we love it outa we need we need more space so okay any questions from board members questions or comments from the public okay uh I'll offer to close public hearing second all in favor I any opposed okay and someone want to offer I'll [Applause] second yes yes yes yes yes okay thank you so much best of luck thank you thank you thank you for your and uh nothing else okay what is the DAT next in you can leave right yeah not allow March uh April 21st April 16 April 16th ail 18 18 or 16th April 18th is the next official meeting with a special meeting on the 16 resu thank you I will try not to okay motion to adjourn all in favor okay