so good evening everyone thank you for joining us for our uh July 16th Workshop meeting I apologize for being a little late this evening I'm going to go right into um the board president report which I have a small one um August 13th Workshop meeting which is next month I have asked Miss welon to provide us a synopsis of the Strategic plan and a template of her superintendent goals for the up coming year that meeting will most likely begin at 6:15 which will be held in executive session can you move your um can you move your computer sorry I'm sorry I say it again it will be August 13 at 6:15 and that will be held during executive session in addition on our September 10th meeting we will have um a mini retreat at 5:30 where we will discuss planning construction specifically the options that we have regarding facilities and just a little side note that the discussion will piggyback item 11.1 on tonight's agenda just so you know that so we'll talk about that a little bit more later on this evening um I was also looking to do a board dinner as well but I think we're going to wait till we get to Atlantic City to do that so hopefully we'll be able to accomplish that there are you going to Atlantic City I think I am um that concludes my board presence report uh Miss welen superintendence report thank you all right good evening everyone it's good to be back feels like uh feels like it's been some time since we were all together since that evening we have graduated two classes our Township of ocean Intermediate School eighth graders successfully completed their uh Elementary experience and Intermediate School experience and are ready to move on to the high school and our high school graduation followed and it was a it was a great evening and we wish all of our graduates well as they go off into whatever comes next for them um also this week earlier this no I'm sorry last week we uh all of our summer programs started we have our extended school year program going on at wanasa Elementary School uh we've had a great time already we've had some visitors thanks to SEPTA we had some mini ponies there with the students and uh it was a it was a great day for all there and we also have had our Summer Bridge programs at the high school our Algebra 1 program our uh portfolio class has started and at Intermediate School we have our uh Spartans On The Rise and at Wayside School all our all full Elementary all three schools are here for a program but the program is housing that Wayside um and that also started so we are alive and well over here in all the different schools many different summer learning experiences happening and it's wonderful to have all the students back with us um okay we also started uh a cell phone social media task force and we had our first meeting in early July it was a collection of different uh School Personnel two board members and and uh some PTA representatives from each school and we went over a number of different things to discuss how the school can um how the parents can help the school do the things we want to do with uh removing distractions and keeping students more focused on their learning and engaging with the adults and the peers that they come in contact with in school and also how the school can help parents who want to take a pledge to perhaps not get their their children's cell phones until a certain age or keep their student their children off of social media until a certain age so it was really the start of a conversation about how both home and school can help each other do what we want to do here um it was a very good healthy conversation we also had Sharon meski who's the director of the Department of Human Services for the township join us and she brings her expertise to the conversation so the next steps are for the subcommittees to meet the principles are are forming their subcommittees now and they will be holding their meetings at their level because the needs at the high school are different than the needs at the elementary level so we wanted them to be able to have more robust conversations about their needs um and then we'll come back together as a full committee to discuss that in addition uh thank you to Sharon meski and the Department of Human Services they have donated and you'll see that later on the agenda a number of books the anxious generation and all board members were given a copy this evening um and that will be part of the conversation as well as we go through that work with that task force and then my last um I'm sorry no that was my last item the donation the donation of the book yes we won't get tested on it will no but we will come have conversation around it yes so yes Mr Weinstein I just want to say I thought the conversation was really um well done and I I I like the different perspectives that are that there and I also felt like um everybody on the call felt like this was an important matter to address which was uh which was good to which was good to hear so I felt like there was a lot of good perspective from parents teachers principles that really kind of helped everybody see how everybody's thinking I think we also had a parent who's also a policeman right it was a good a good collection of a lot of a lot of people so very nice well done thank you great thank you Mr Weinstein okay um um with that we will go on to a school visit administrator's report Mr Hastings thank you Mr pus um as a reminder New Jersey school boards Association has announced the date of their conference it is October 21st through the 24th that's a Monday through a Thursday uh offering workshops each day uh on a variety of topics and I would remind the board that it's also a conference where you can take your governance classes they're required to take one governance uh class a year and they offer them there in person for training if that's what you uh would choose to do um the roofing projects that both Wayside and DOW are well underway uh the Wayside roof is about 50% complete over at Ocean to Elementary we're at about 25% that roof start a little bit later in terms of the crew and the assignment of Staff of of the vendor crew there um we're expecting a mid August completion uh on wood that we don't get a ton of rain between now and then but they are building in a couple extra days to the projects completed so again we do expect a completion in mid to late August uh and uh we have spoken to the architect and met with the vendor on the uh lighting project at the high school field uh the electrical room is being prepped uh as we speak in terms of uh clean up and getting ready for a new electrical box that will go in there to control the lights uh the architect has worked with us and and with the uh lighting manufacturer to confirm pole locations uh so that we can get uh the appropriate light on the field uh the other key to those pole locations is that we're maintaining the existing lights uh while they're working on the new lights so that we don't lose time or Dave down time with the Lighting systems um and the um next major uh stage will be the bases that are being poured so those will be transported I believe from Ohio out to uh to us uh in the next couple weeks and they'll start installing those and those will be the bases that the polls go into great thank you so much okay next we will move on to public comment regarding agenda items all motions are posted on the district website at this point in the meeting we will now conduct the first of two public comment sessions the first session will be open for public comments on agenda items only and the second session will be at the end of the meeting and can be on any topic would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time and I do see some new faces in the room um just a reminder that this is public comment only uh questions may be emailed to our superintendant who will get back to you um within the week um and also public comment is limited to five minutes is there anyone in the room that would like to make a public comment Miss ha sign my name Alex Hayes Dow Avenue Oakhurst um superintendent won thank you for mentioning the anxious generation book um on the agenda it's talks about how parents can get copies so in looking at it on Amazon it talks about how it's a um number one bestseller it looks fantastic um the full title is is probably what every parent should read up on the anxious generation how the great rewiring of childhood is causing an epidemic of mental illness so how can parents get a copy of this book since it does say that in the agenda that the books 150 copies are for parents family and the schools that's one question um or comment I guess uh since I know you can't answer me or won't um the board has um an a weapons policy to be updated tonight um last year we considered when I was on the board a um a gel water gun to be considered a firearm and we changed our policy to make that you know kind kind of the uh I think a lot of kids were using that in the senior assassin um so I'm just wondering if those types of um guns are also going to be part of this new weapons policy that we're going over tonight and if we can maybe get clarification on that um one comment I missed one meeting in five years and I'm extremely disappointed to see that we approve $650,000 for stadium lights when we have far more other academic concerns in this District that was disappointing to see and my final comment I guess before I go to the one of the end um I did print up all of the three different scenarios for the $11,000 study that we contracted Solutions architect to do in 2022 that was presented in a 2023 meeting about what to do with this building and this property um and the six s and I think $16 million and what to lease what to knock down whatever um so I'm very anxious to see what you guys are suddenly talking about uh in 11.1 since it really hasn't been discussed in months uh 163 Monmouth Road so I'm looking forward to that oh here's the feasibility study if anyone wants to see it all right thanks thank you Miss Hayes is there anyone else in the room like to make a comment okay Miss Conway is there any anyone in the queue good evening Madam president there are no commenters okay thank you so much and with that we will move on to action items Mr McCarthy I know you're out there somewhere maybe I'm here can you hear me yes we can thank you move to approve items 7.1 and 7.2 second Mr Hastings thank you uh this is to approve 7.1 7.2 the minutes Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes M McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr T Rico Rick Hughes Mr Weinstein yes Mr paramas yes ran carries thank you Personnel M mcover I move to approve items 8.1 to 8.12 may have a second second items 8.1 through 8.12 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes M McCarthy yes Mr McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Tarico yes Mr Weinstein yes pamas yes thank you financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein um thank you madam president um I'd like to move for um um a motion to move for approval to 91 to 9.4 and then we'll discuss 9.5 for 94 second is there any questions on 9.1 through 9.4 yes I have a question Mr McCarthy uh can I just get clar it's more of a point of inquiry can I just get clarification um 9.1 is approving the budget for the school year 9.2 is is the tax calendar is that is that the correct understanding of it yes Mr McCarthy 9.1 is the budget with the additional Levy and 9.2 is the amended tax uh schedule for Township uh based on that increase okay thank you anyone else this was all discussed last meeting I'm just poting inir uh I wasn't here I believe it was last two meetings yeah thank you yes okay anyone else okay we should go ahead and move so have motion for 9.1 through 9.4 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Stam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy no to 9.1 and 9.2 yes to 9.3 and 9.4 thank you Mr McGovern yes Mr Schneider Not to 9.1 9.2 and 9.3 and yes and 9.4 thank you m t Rico uh re Hughes I wasn't here last meeting Mr Weinstein yes M parus yes all Adam scry okay is there anything we want to anybody have anything they want to discuss on 95 is there anything Jeff that you want to point out and go over um so we have uh 95 and 96 are cancelling our accounting issues we're canceling stale checks six months or older uh we have receivable on the books for a homeless tuition that uh we're not going to be able to collect so at this point in the year as we begin to move into our audit uh phase uh we start to move these things off the books uh we have a couple of different motions uh or items on here that talk about the initial allocations for Essa for idea and for Perkins uh the Essa funding uh is about $6,000 [Music] um more overall and what we had last year at this point in in time our Ida Grant is is about $10,000 less and our Perkins funds are up about $2,400 um and then we have um again nursing services that are being approved and out of District placements but those will be action items at the next meeting can you just remind me what Perkins is um for career Pathways okay make sure any other questions on the discussion items Miss Stam for the receivables that we're writing off is what is the standard of do we have a debt collector trying to contact these people before we write them off how does that work is there a policy of trying to make sure that this doesn't happen I feel like $24,000 is a lot that right so so two things the first item is for stale checks so anything over six months is typically voided although sometimes we we wait a little longer depending on what those items represent uh on the um other item uh we do not get into factoring or or collections by outside agencies for these various items this is typically in in this particular case disagreements about residency on homelessness um and uh you know we would discuss between our homeless liaison and and the other District's homeless leaon uh the particulars of a of a case uh we could also go to the county and ask for for input from them in terms of uh resolving any disputes uh so there is a process that's followed that we go through before we write these things off thank you Mr Weinstein well because there's no attachment are most of these like $200 things or $100 things or how how much in these attachment yes there's an attachment on the first item account no the um cancellation accounts receivables yeah there's attachment that's the homeless issue so that's really oh I'm not anyone else any more questions on the discussion items okay we will now move on to instruction education Student Activities Mrs Gilman thank you Madame President move to approve items 10.1 through 10.4 including our membership in njsiaa curriculum writing internships and PG Forest second second are there any questions there's no I have a question Madam president yes Mr McCarthy uh there's no there's no cost associated with njsa know we're approving the contract but I don't uh each year membership I mean I'm not sure if we right each year njsia sends out an update on its uh Charter on its rules uh and requires districts to accept those and acknowledge those through a resolution uh accepting membership to the group did you get that Mr McCarthy yes so is that a I know I know that we're approving this but is there a cost associated with being a member of the group do we if we don't know that answer that's fine I can look that up for you I don't know off the top of my head okay all right guess we could move those items this is items 10.1 through 10.4 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs Tarico yes Mr Weinstein um yes to all except on 10.3 I'm going to recuse myself from the employee internship one thank you uh Mrs pus yes items Carrie hey thank you very much if I may just um interject for a moment before we move on to the next part of the agenda I do want to just bring everyone's attention to Mrs Emily Keys who's here in the audience who we approved earlier in personnel as our new supervisor of special education I'm not sure that she'll stay through the end of the meeting but I did just want to take this opportunity to introduce her to the Board of Education glad to have you come aboard no speech no speech this no no no let's not put too much pressure fight song or anything like her you know she knows she's got invest in red and bring the Smart Energy she knows know okay we're gonna go on to planning and construction Miss McGovern yes um I'm happy to see that we're having a discussion of proposals for use of property which we're all I guess excited to learn about all right I'm gonna hand that over to you Mr Hastings yeah we can do it together okay um I'll start with the yeah the vision here behind this and then Mr Hastings will get into some of the details but um we have discussed in the past not recently what to do with this property and we had some new conversations come up when we were uh approached for rental agreements with Summer camps and we talked about the possibility of Summer Camps um maybe they would find the back part of this property desirable maybe we would look for it seemed pretty clear at the time that the board was not interested in selling the property but perhaps interested in seeing if we could monetize it in some way and the board had asked myself Mr Hastings to continue to explore those opportunities and we did continue to speak with people who have spoken to us about renting for camps and thing and things of that nature did not it did not yield much so we have been discussing um how else can we get the word out that we may you know that someone else might be interested in in making use of this property or to explore what our options are here maybe maybe there are not as many options as we think um but we're never going to going to know that for sure unless we seek input from people who may be interested in leasing the property so um Mr Hastings really has come up with this idea which I think is a good one and and that's why it's on the agenda this evening to present to you yes so as the superintendent stated there's been a lot of talk about what to do with the property uh there's been some ideas floated uh some uh received more positively than others but the question Still Remains uh if the board is electing to maintain or keep the property uh who or what can we uh do to to get folks interested and to get proposals submitted to us so that we can uh review those and get ideas about what uh developers what investors what entrepreneurs have in mind uh in terms of how to utilize this property and then to allow the board to then review those proposals and and make a judgment one way or the other on on the individual proposals so we spoke to the board attorney about options and and how best to solicit those proposals we talked about an RFP or request for proposals as a possible tool as a general term not necessarily that specific tool and the um uh board attorney Mr Taylor and his folks uh looked at that and suggested that an RFP may not be the exact tool to use but that we could put together a proposal to put out to advertise in the paper and to solicit uh from interested parties proposals for the development for the leasing of the land of the property uh and again to get us some ideas about what they may be wanted to pass for use of that property what type of development would be needed depending on what the particular project is U and and how we can move this forward so um if the board moves to approve this resolution we'll engage the attorney to sort of move that uh further down the road to come up with a document that we can then advertise and solicit proposals and hopefully uh by the end of perhaps in August but definitely in September have a selection of proposals for the board to review and and to continue to uh move this forward so let's have a little bit of a discussion on that Mr Weinstein so so you're gonna you're basically going to say basically it's going to be keep the building and tell and and people come up with ideas on how they would help what they would do to help us monetize this other are is not being used right so as was mentioned earlier the architect came up with three different subdivisions of the property yeah um with with uh whether it be real estate or or housing uh we're looking at that yes to say we took half if we took a third you know we'll put out some parameters see what people come back with and make a decision from there yeah I just just one thing in doing that is part of that could we also um give them the opportunity to also say what they would do to help enhance this building like maybe part of it is that they're G to yeah I think we would we would accept proposals that included taking over this building as well and maybe then we would have to relocate to schools offices things like that we would we would take those proposals and then we would discuss if that's something we want no what I meant was what I meant was that people who would be using the outside property would be using the outside property and one of the stipulations we would want to see is see if they would invest in this building for our use well so I think I think in discussion in this discussion this evening we're we're looking for ideas and we're going to build into this uh request for proposal parameters and that can perhaps be one of the parameters or or an option right to say you know what could you do uh to help improve this building for the board uh in addition to development of of the rest of the pro so are we suggesting we want to make that a requirement because I I'm suggesting that we say probably that would be highly desirable if they could come up with something because for us you know if we're thinking that we may keep this building right if we were going to monetize the outside and keep this building then what we can do is if we're getting into a longer term agreement with somebody we can incrementally ask them how they're going to contribute to the Improvement of this building doesn't have to be a one-time thing there's a lot of things that have to be done here so it could be an incremental thing I mean it would all depend on what the economics are I guess for whoever is going to be proposing this I mean if anyone yeah if if anyone and that and that's my only caution here is that we leave it open we can always say no to anything we get but we may get some other ideas without putting sure too many parameters on it we may get something we have not considered as a group y right and I'm thinking out loud here I would hate to not get proposals because of that situation no I think You' phras like we welcome the opportunity also you to consider how you would invest in us we're not we're not making a requirement right anyone else have any comments questions Miss Gilman wondering if we've approached uh Rising trees next door to see if they might need additional space did we ever approach them as well I know that their acreage goes back but the camp seems but they could they could submit yeah they could propose that they would lease our land right it's a good suggestion Mr tarica I don't know if you can do this or not but can you give us an idea of not so much who approached you but what their ideas were we didn't get any we didn't get any ideas yet that's the point of this we're asking permission of the board to allow us to work with the attorney to develop a request that goes out to the public that then would generate ideas coming in and then as a board we would review if if anything comes in we would review those but we have we don't have any ideas I misunderstood I thought that someone or few people have come to you and that's where this came from I think go ahead I think we're trying to move it from a anecdotal you know hey a camp asked to use this building what if they use that property or or you know other groups that want to have swimming or or some other wreck activity uh moving it from sort of that anecdotal conversational status to a more formal actionable uh area so that would be the next step for us to move this what um what time frame are you looking for this to happen Well we'd like to get proposals back in September so we can start moving forward and then I think after talking to uh at that point we would say okay we got nothing no this is not we we we we either have to come up with a different way to try to monetize this property or decide that it cannot be monetized or or we'll have a influx of ideas and then we'll have a lot to discuss about what we're comfortable with yeah Mr Schneider is there a reason why we're like making it September because I feel like this is very short turnaround for people to come up with these Grand ideas I like the open concept because I think it'll allow an open um for for business and business developers come back and maybe come up with some ideas I might work for the town but um with the board but I didn't know if that if there's a way to extend it to the end of the year Mr as um I mean a typical RFP or bid process bid be a minimum of 10 days it's about this length be 10 to 20 days depending on the process you're using but those are for finite like activities this is something that is like a grandiose like here's this property you may or may not use the building you may or may not invest in the building so I don't it might it might require a little bit more time than and I would hate to say we got nothing back and that's that kind of closes that well I think if we were to get nothing back we would then at that point in time decide if we got nothing back because we didn't put out enough time and maybe it was August and that wasn't a good time to do it versus you know there's no interest at all just because of other issues gotcha but that doesn't mean we can't go back out after and repost for another additional period of time Mr Dalton yeah I'm hearing what uh my my colleague over here is saying Mr Schneider um you know having run through RFP processes normally those types of processes folks know that something is coming and so that short time frame works really well because an architect um an outside service that works with school districts would be looking for that I guess my question here would be is do we need a longer period of time or is there a different way to advertise it so that folks who don't have it on their radar would then have it on their radar you know an architect is go an architect works with all these different contractors word gets out that a school is being built if you're building a school or you're putting a roof on um or if you're going out for a a program review and you want an outside company to come in and help you do a program review there that's usually a very finite thing this is a little more open so I do wonder if it needs to be a little bit longer and how is it if it's just the standard way of advertising I don't know if we are going to get enough I'm wondering does it need to be something that's more public I don't know I think that's what we're I think that's the purpose of this motion is to get the the approval to do this work to not necessarily do it it's not going to be an RFP is whatever it's called RP as a sort of a common concept but not but doing it differently yeah Mr M and I would say to the opposite of that like are you thinking I mean you're not thinking that you want somebody by September 10th to have plans and Architectural things of what they're going to build back there concept right Concepts that's what I'm saying so I think that if you're having the time of just someone saying yes I'm interested I would like to maybe build you know who knows what or I would like to you know make it fields for my summer camp or whatever I want to do then they would be able to say that and we be able to say okay we have somebody that wants to build fields we have somebody that wants to put up a a four-story building for an office building we want somebody to put up this and then we can kind of talk about what we think would be the vision of what we would want to have back there of what somebody would build so I would think that then the concept piece of it of just even thinking it through or whatever would probably be okay to be September of just saying I'm interested in doing something but you know and I need to do this kind of stuff but I have no idea you know how much space yet and we need to talk through more but then we would actually know that there's people interested in just doing that yeah Mr Weinstein I just I just love the I just like that we're doing this so and um I kind of got the I didn't think that there was going to be this hard and fast like here's the plans G to do so yeah I know I just think it's a I think it's a great step forward I think we need to know yes if this is a viable option for us or not so that we can start to make decisions for us and this building into the future great so obviously Mr Weinstein thinks it's a great idea how many how many are in favor of it with a show apologize to derail I just have a couple questions oh Mr McCarthy you have questions I'm sorry sorry about that um go ahead yeah have we gotten an estimate from or an I I mean nothing to hold anybody to but if we got an idea of a a time frame that this is the amount of time this is going to take the Taylor Law Group to create just from a cost perspective for doing this yeah we had a preliminary discussion with um Mr Taylor's group um the attorney I spoke with wanted to just touch Spas with another attorney it's not a it's not a out of the ballpark kind of request so um you know before we move forward we can obviously limit hours or limit costs to to keep those down but this should not be a a expensive or an overly uh time consuming process for them to help us develop those specifications so they gave us no indication of time no uh we canly ask them and and get more information I just I just before I prove it I I do want want to know a cost that would be a good thing to know um but but I would otherwise support this idea I do I do agree with um you know if we're saying on one hand that we're that we're not going to follow strict RFP process then I would agree with what was said by Mr doton and Mr Schneider that we should you know expand this right so I don't want to be restricted to a strict 10day requirement process I think that there should be some advertising for this and then push it Forward uh to put out a request for a um concept of proposal as opposed to just a strict proposal um so so I would just that would be a desire of mine to approve something like this um and then I think I'll save the other comments for I mean while we're on planning Construction And discussing this topic I guess what I would ask is you know there's all this discussion about what the town is doing with their potential move munici in the mun with their municipal buildings have we made any I know that initially when I sat in these discussions that we had brought up to them the opportunity of them using our property on Mammoth Road is that is that progressing at all Amy or is that they've said no that they're not interested in that I don't I have never been in on a conversation where M Thro has been discussed don't remember that either but well we did we did have we did there for a discussion where we proposed that Mammoth Road was available for them for use um maybe I'm maybe I'm co-mingling the discussion of um no I mean only thing I remember then you know one thing I would like to say is like I hope that maybe we can talk to the town if they're planning on M moving their municipal buildings we have a property that we're looking to lease that is mostly unused and Open Fields you know I think that maybe we consider reapo them about that I think we could probably do that right that could probably be a part of this almost is a part of this yeah that's what I'm saying yeah I would like to make sure that we you know reach out to the to the town as well and just make it clear to them that this is a a space available and you're already considering moving your municipal buildings or you you know there's that is up for discussion they've opened that up to the public so maybe this is an opportunity okay I think these are these are connected but really two separate things at this point just what's on the agenda right now was based off of previous board conversations where it was clear the board did not want to sell this property but was interested in learning more on how to monetize it and so we're trying to explore how to monetize it um if the board would like us to continue to you know meet with the township leadership and go in that direction in instead or do both at the same time we can do that but this this I don't want to confuse what this agenda item is this is based on the sentiment of monetize seeing if it is feasible to monetize this property so we probably should be talking about that first and then going to the second right I mentioned I would support that what I'm saying though is it would be we should utilize our resources and and see an opportunity in what the town is doing provide them an outlet and see how they respond great no point or or if it's in the sense that they're they're they're a recipient of the RFP they could respond back that they have interests so it kind of fits but um doesn't have to be to separate ises correct except they would not ex just to clarify I believe the the the other part of this are any conversations that we have not really been able to move forward with because we do not know if we have any you know any money to move forward we have to figure out if we can monetize this or have income from this property in some way those other discussions were about shared services those were not about them Leasing Property from us or paying us for our property that would I'm not claiming I'm not claiming that those conversations were about that no no I know but there was another comment on the floor that I wanted to just clarify too I didn't hear that I apologize the only conversations we had is when we met with them a while ago to talk about their plans for a new building and if we would be interested in maybe being a tenant in their building a long time ago right and he's and we were and that they they're still far away from thinking that through right that was the only conversations we had and we can't but partially hold on Mr mcar sorry there was conversation but really what it came down to is I think they were looking for us to use this property as income s income and this board did not want to sell so that really stopped those conversations unless we find another Revenue source and if we don't you know unless unless and I don't know that I would recommend we go out for a referendum to move this building that would not be my recommendation so I I think first we we figure out if we can monetize this property for our own benefit school district and stay here and operate here within our own land or within our own campuses or then that opens up the opportunity to perhaps continue conversations with the town but without a revenue Source we really then are deciding to stay put and make improvements as needed with our existing facilities but we have to make one decision before we can open ourselves up to other options Mr Schneider well I had two two points uh and one maybe one question and one two questions actually but um do we have a hurdle rate so we talk about monetizing it is it something that we need 250 20 50,000 a year a million dollars a year like do we know what our hurdle rate would we would require in terms of make monetizing this investment to make it worthwhile not yet no first we have to see what we can no we don't we don't know I would say that we're looking minimum amount we looking for what would be it depends I don't know that we should even say some of this with that like we don't want to taint yeah but I think internally we should discuss what would make what all what would be a minimum requirement that we one in terms of uh making sure that our needs are met financially so if somebody comes back with the day camp for the summer and they say 250 that may sound great on paper but is that where we want well that that's when we would then consider that proposal and determine that it's not some a direct it's not what we want or need that's the September the stam I was just saying the point of what we're agreeing to is just to give them the allowance to go out to see if we can get ideas of what to do with the progam right all these specific ideas are after we get the ideas to talk about which I agree that's a great idea but that's not what we're yeah trying to it and there's this idea that we we want to monetize but we well right now we're just trying to figure out how the board feels about going allowing Miss Welden Mr Hastings to go out for an RFP to see what what we could some of the ideas that we could get for monetizing this property and and if the board wants to put parameters on that work we you know I'm not saying do that a in a public setting I'm saying internally we understand what we're trying to measure again so when we get these offers we know whether it's whether it's good not not why time on it so there's work we could do internally from a financial standpoint to be prepared for those offers come okay um is there any any other questions Mr McCarthy no ma'am I gave a thumbs up sorry okay so uh show a hands does the board feel like they would like to go out for RFP how many would like that or to design a proposal to requests to advertise for people to come tell us Mr McCarthy is this an official vote right now no no no official vote just to get a feel for whether pending in understanding of what it's going to cost you know just a preliminary expectation from Taylor okay I would suggest maybe we do vote on it so we can move forward and start this process unless the board has a specific question I mean we know the rate that Taylor charges per hour I can't see more than 10 hours is an easy math exercise okay uh and that so that's about what like $3,000 1,700 okay oh I thought it was like $300 an hour okay 1,700 sorry m t want to know are we going to be able to see what's going in the proposal before it goes out for the RFP or not like what is listed in the RFP I think we can share that that's this this is to allow us to move forward and spend a little bit of money to work with them to get the skeleton to get the outline if you will of a document that we can then advertise what we put into that document we can certainly share and and take U you know Sugg so can we make a motion for a vote on this yes would you like to come up um so can I just one more question before I do that because you're saying you would think it would probably be around $1,700 I know Mr McCarthy would like to know an amount can we approximately approximately so can we say do you want can I make the motion that it would be you can do it not to exceed not to exceed $2,000 whatever number you are comfortable with is every okay with since he's saying 1,700 I'm just saying probably say 3,000 yeah I would say 3,000 some breath a little bit of room okay I'm just I'm just trying to make sure we have a number here for people that you know some people really want a number which I am good with you know having a number so then why don't we say $400 which is 20 hours right okay that way we're not into okay so I'm gonna say 30 3500 is what I'm GNA say with that go to an even number okay um I guess it's an odd number actually okay so I I'd like to make a motion that Mr Hastings can contact UM the Taylor Law Group for up to $3500 of work to get a proposal together to monetize this property may I have a second second Mr Dalton yes Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr mcav yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs Taro yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs Paramus yes motion carries okay thank you everyone we will now move on to policy Mrs Gilman yes Madam president uh attached to the uh first readings of revised or abolished policies and regulations um hopefully you've had a chance to read them I know that uh Mr Hastings has some comments especially regarding the abolished policy for uh virtual meetings I know that uh Strauss esmee is waiting for guidance from the state but all of the uh parameters that were in place for covid have now been abolished regarding remote or hybrid meetings Mr um yes thank you for setting me up for that um so so uh the policy 141 which is board member number and term um that's being adjusted based on some uh guidance from Strauss estim but that really applies to send receive districts which is not us uh so our uh uh policy there will stay basically the same there's a little bit of difference but not much we we're talking about terms and numbers of board members in that particular policy the remote public board meeting during a declared emergency uh the guidance from Strauss is that the um emergency regulations expired that allowed for full remote board meetings by board members um and uh they are looking for guidance from the uh Division of Community Affairs on how you would do that moving forward uh during a declared emergency uh but because that regulation is expired uh they are asking and Advising that we abolish this policy because it's directly linked to that um the curriculum content policy uh as with some of the other things we've adopted in recent months uh in the past Strauss has listed specific items uh they're now just talking about uh referring to learning standards not a list of items so that when there's changes to those standards they don't have to change them each time um in the physical exam policies noted and regulations uh the uh Trust of it is that Strauss has recommend that going forward we follow the Department of Health guidance uh on those issues uh on attendance uh the state has uh uh allowed for an excused absence for students when they're attending a one Civic event during the school year uh it's it's formalizing that service animals again uh formalizing changes in the law regarding access for service animals um adjusting training for staff uh in terms of student suicide prevention um again new statute related to emergency of Crisis situations um and this particularly addresses how drills are conducted and how it impacts students with disabilities uh the uh firearms and weapons policy is being uh changed to align with the language of the statute um and then volunteer coaches and co-curriculars uh again is U moving from a voluntary U physical review to again uh guidance from the Department of Health and having it mandated that volunteers follow the same guidance as as our permanent staff are there any questions is it the first reading is the first reading yes yes I have a question M McCarthy for for 0141 I just am I the only maybe I just need to explain to me I apologize but I'm just I've I've read that like 20 times and I'm having a very difficult time understanding the particulars of that policy I don't know if we could bring it up I know that's a lot to ask I'm sorry M col question was just that he's could I think if you just say what you did you hear Mr Hastings say that most of this is about District for districts who have a send and receive relationship and not much of it is for us applies to us okay and I apologize but I I did hear that yes so we didn't make any changes to the language above I understand that right the bolded language up top there were no changes made to that correct that's new right the bolded language would be new in the summary we did but but I don't they didn't change the intent they did I think they've just sort of massaged the information that was already there so when I read the policy that we currently have and I read the policy that they're recommending I didn't see much difference between our 141 and and their 141 again it it talks let me scope my question down to the part that's confusing me the most and maybe I can get an answer on this um the second annual the second annual election if uh can you stop scrolling Miss Conway I'm sorry the second annual election next to seeding the occurrence of the vacancy and any vacancy for the remainder of the term shall be filled at the annual election or second annual election next succeeding the occurrence of the vacancy as the case may be that's the part that I'm having a hard time rubbing my wrapping my head around that sentence is awful John John red pen I'm gonna tell you that this has not changed because if I if I go back to what has happened in this District When Miss Sylvia Sylvia stepped down to become part of the State Board of Ed it was that after the third week in July it was too late to file a petition so we had to nominate somebody to come on to the board and then she had to run the person that did that had to run in January so you reading that out loud is exactly what happened with Miss syvia so I so it's exactly the same as it's always been does that make sense doeses that help or not help I I respect that but that doesn't give me any calm and approving this policy in the future because I don't understand it and I'm sorry for that just because it's always been that way and I'm not Wren in it but I just no I get it somebody's got to explain to me what that means because I can't I've got an English teacher in the room right now who's laughing and saying the sentence is awful so I know I'm not crazy Mr going to explain it to you right now go okay so if a board member resigns from their position uh the board then will appoint someone to fill that position for the remainder of that year right right as you're aware there's a deadline for following filing a petition to run in the next election right so if the person who fills the seat and is nominated by the board to fill that seat uh fills it prior to that deadline for filing uh a petition to run for the next year they will only serve for less than a year they'll serve for three months four months whatever it happens to be based on when the person resigns if a person resigns after so let's say a person resigns in August and the deadline for the petition is July 31st that person technically will serve through the next election into the following election which they're calling the second year okay second election yeah that's so so to to understand this what you're saying is that if an individual were to bre bypass one of these deadlines they would then have the opportunity to serve a term through the the immediate upcoming election through to the second annual election and then they would be up for re-election okay but not necessarily A full term because if somebody they finish the year they would be a year and a half and then they would have to then it might be a onee ter there might be a onee spot they would have to finish the term of the person who left no no just until the next election just until the next right but then and then if they got on then they would kind of take the place of that person's seat not if you came in in your first we're a three year we're a threeyear seat so if you came in on August if if the person resigned on August 1st of the first year right if Gerard resigns on August first okay whoever we fill Gerard with is going to be here through January and then the entire next year and then they have to run in the following November not the November right not this November next November and then and then that person's a onee so you would have three threeyear spots and one one year spot yeah got it got it got it got it okay hence the jimy we could write it a little simpler yes thank you do you Mr because I resp no but I really do I really do understand thank you all right is there any other questions regarding policy from the board all right uh we will move on to public relations which we have none and this time at this time I will ask for any old business from the board Miss mcover I just want to thank um Mr Bosman um on his reti congratula on his retirement and thank him for um staying probably a year longer than he wanted to because he does love this district and um I hope that now there's less emails that go from one Bosman to the other once the email is terminated but congratulations to the Bosman family even though it's not till December thank you Mr McGovern any other old business from the board Mr McCarthy anything I I don't have anything for old business new business um T oh thank you this is just a short public service announcement is that time of year again if your child takes medication in school you'll be receiving a form for your physician to fill out and return to the school nurse even if your child no longer takes this medication your physician still needs to note this and send it back this is important because it's not stated on the letter that was sent home also not stated if this form is not returned students have been denied participation in sports Andor academic competition events so please get this form back to your nurses thank you okay Mr Weinstein um thank you um I've been meaning to bring this topic up for a while but um um I'm not sure if I don't believe we have a policy or a discipline concept around when um kids use um uh deep fake AI generative um information and images and um I think we should probably get ourselves on board to figure out what our discipline is what our tolerance is and how to get that out um because it seems to be really kind of picking up a lot of speed uh starting I was reading about it more in April and stuff that it's really picking up speed so before school starts it' be nice to have some conversations around what that what that means you know specifically around harassment and buing and things like that so we do have just just so you know we don't do not have a policy but we do have practices at the school to address those things so we can certainly talk about what those are um I think it it depends on the nature of the um infraction and the intent if it is harassment of some nature then it also would have to tie into that policy and that practice um so we do have some practices around that there are a number of schools Who come out with policy yeah we don't have a policy so that's something the board wants to discuss they certainly can a deep fake AI we're using people's images on people's bodies and we're doing stuff like that scary yeah it's terrible yeah is there any other so can we can you look into that or did you wanna would that be okay do you everybody everybody us looking into that looking into it in what way you like me bring you a policy well I'd like to know how we're gonna like I don't want us to be here when I when it comes out because also these things when they come out we'll also get very viral publicly about how it's going so I'd like us to to understand what our you know what our tolerance is for this what what happens to kids when they when they do this stuff you know it's uh one thing that has been uh very prevalent on cases like this is that a lot of the times the um females are discriminated against um also because the policies are not as strict um and upheld for for females as they are as they should be so there's a lot of there's now enough history going on around this about that we should kind of look into I think I'd hate to I'd hate for us to not have this thought about before it all Happ like I said the schools are definitely thinking about that in terms of their code of conducts and how to address incidents of this nature but we had not discussed bringing a policy forward and if that's something yeah we want to move towards before I ask the board um did you have something in regards to yeah on the top it's it's a AI as a whole topic is a very big topic right now right and you know some schools are jumping into having a policy on AI um some are taking a more yeah let's learn something before we develop a policy because if we develop a policy we may pigeon hole ourselves what I am hearing my colleague here say is that you know what and Miss Welden maybe you feel differently what fits within 5600 right in in discipline um code of conduct that maybe an alteration to that would be what we're looking for or mention of it within our code of conduct already to be specific about infractions that utilize technology or artificial intelligence you know you come up with that list of infractions that utilize artificial intelligence inappropriate pictures you know that type of social media and that could be with in the existing code of conduct policy so that it then follows through with the multi-step plan of first infraction second infraction future infractions um or severity because it's number of infractions for end Endor severity I mean that's just a thought I I had sorry go ahead well I'm I'm not saying what the methodology should be um and also I don't I want to separate AI for cheating on tests and things like that yeah vers you know harassment sexual harassment bullying those kind of things like the one is one is one thing the other is another thing right I want I really want to address these atomic bomb a nuclear thing that can happen to an individual when that stuff comes down because you hear a lot of instances where it really ruins kids yeah it ruins families and that is the stuff that I'm worried about I'm not worried about somebody cheating on anent right that's something that you could figure out through all the other mechanics that are in place I'm more worried about the um imagery and fake Ai and and I hear what you're saying I think though if as an educational system not just ocean but all systems if we don't start talking about Ai and the responsibilities around AI then we're missing the root cause of how some of that happens I I think that they they're not connected but they are connected and so I just think we need to have both trains moving along yeah the presentations that we did not get to last year with just the calendar of meetings and schedules was how the is using AI for Learning and the positive impacts of that right we can certainly look to bring that forward this year and maybe add a component of discussion around the discipline piece um I would tend to agree that that we absolutely are are focused on it and thinking about it and I'm happy to have more conversation here at this level but I am I believe that the the infraction may already have a place you know if someone is harassing another student and they're just using now a new vehicle available to them just like with social media and cell phones and different things um that there there are some punishments and code of conduct re uh restorative practices in place around that so I think that should just be part of the conversation as well Mr Schneider I know you had your hand up in regards to the question is before you vote on I think what Mr dalon had mentioned was that there's a AI policy that governs maybe everything that's that's enhances student learning on a positive side but also maybe takes a look at some of the the risks associated with some of the the downside of of AI technology maybe that's a look as a whole from AI I would could use it in the classroom that could help students out because I know it does on on healthc care side it helps helps many many professionals out but also the risks that that you bring up as well so is the board okay with uh maybe having this presentation that Miss Welden mentioned and then having a little conversation um around AI after that okay with the board to start off yeah I'm probably not I mean I maybe my maybe my words aren't getting across here right at the AI think is one topic right this is actually a different concept about bullying and harassment that becomes part of people of kids using it as part of gamification and using it as part of just graphic designs that you can start start there could be this um gray area between what was bullying and what was artwork and what was gamification right there's a lot stuff that makes it very blurry right so it's not I really wanted I'm the AI thing is a great thing to kind of talk about but this is more about taking those kind of technologies that are readily available today and kids going and using it to and either knowingly or unknowingly hurting other individuals okay so that's what I'm most concerned about and I think that there's a there and one of the things that happens has been court cases and police think that that have blurred the lines somebody say it's artwork somebody says that they were playing with art and somebody says they was making a game or they were doing certain things to it there's a whole category around this which is is very it's bad for us to just take the Simplicity and just say hey this is AI and let's deal we don't do that that's my point with with situations like that that have come up if a student is harassing another student intentionally or not knowing the harassment intimidation and bullying policy and the anti-bullying law is followed and carried out so there there are consequ I'm not trying to provide a counterargument I'm trying to let bring you some some peace of mind that we are not just saying oh well that might have been artwork and so it's okay because it was AI we are not doing that if someone does something inappropriate with AI they are already being disciplined for that infraction not AI discipline but the infraction of what they did they I they harassed another child they created a false likeness of a person and spread something you know those types of things there those are we already are addressing those that's to give you some peace of mind I'm happy to open up the conversation larger to whatever it is the board is asking but but we are addressing it I want you to know that okay great Mr McCarthy has a comment am I right yes yeah I I um Jeff I I think it's very forward thinking that you're bringing this up I want to make that clear I think that we should um I would like to ask and with the board's support that we do have conversation of all things AI that could interact with our code of conduct I I would like to have that discussion because I think that more Jeff I think the big point that you're making here is that governing or legislative bodies or or bodies in charge of any policy anywhere are failing to get ahead of these problems I really do believe that I agree with you I'm ashamed that none of the Millennials on the board came up with this idea you're making us look bad right um so that was a joke you guys can't see me really so you but you can laugh appreciate the smile Jeff but yes I I would like to ask that the board's you know Kelly in your many presentations if the board approves if you can fit that in I would like to know how our district is combating it and how we can support that that is something I would like to gear us towards okay how does the rest of the board feel is that something that we would like to see as a board well we board as a whole if we're doing the presentation on AI and we can as as Miss Walden stated if we can put that this within it that conversation then I mean I is that okay I mean if we only are interested in the code of conduct piece I can just shift gears and work on something along those lines Miss Gilman and look for a draft policy if that's if that's what you're looking for saying the code of conduct butting incorporating the AI Mis or malfunctions that can possibly occur into our code of conduct so maybe expanding not making something new I don't think we have to start from scratch because as you said we already have in place for uh punishments and restorative consequences for someone who does that using AI but it sounds like this is something that we do need to address T Rico I just have one question does any of this get red flagged by it if a student is doing what Mr Weinstein is talking about especially I mean obviously on the Google Chromebooks we we do because it's on it's on their own homes but I mean we do have a monitoring system on our devices so it would depend on the content I mean has that ever come up before I'm just wondering because the AI stuff is so new I mean they talk a lot about the mental health as well and that's primarily what we're flagging on that but if someone seems to be doing harm to someone else or someone indicates they might be in harm it that's where we're getting notified primarily so there's got to be a threat is that what you're saying not just a serious threat just even any sort of um indication that a student could be feeling like they're at harm or there's a potential that someone may do harm or um they're in vulner they're vulnerable if if there's something that is transpiring online that shows a child may be vulnerable it's alerting us um I mean I think it's a good idea what Mr Weinstein is talking about I think there's different layers to it in different areas such as mental health such as the H bullying so forth okay but Mr YC I don't I don't think this is the it organization I think because people have their own tools they have their own you know they have their own licenses for these things they'll have their own pictures of friends and people they know so it's more social media it's more social media it's also more you know grouping of people sending a group text to people and that becomes viral and I read about one um one thing one one case that happened in Iowa I think it was a somebody did something and it was like for fun and it went to two friends and one of the friends like went crazy and posted it to like 50 people next thing you know this this girl's life was kind of shambles and so you know and that type of thing can happen without AI photoshopping photoshopping like photosho well because it's so because the generative AI part makes it very realistic it's hard to really decipher who what head one on what body and what person was doing what it's like it was like almost it was almost like they were saying it's like almost impossible deide for that unless you went back to the source so the board is then okay with having this conversation at a future t a f future meeting that's okay sure and maybe having a little um presentation of some sort if if necessary Mr Dalton I would just add that um the acceptable use of computer networks and then there's acceptable use of private um devices as well there's some really great statements in here um from the federal government about about um using any misuse of any images um especially that would be harmful to miners any pictures images graphic image file or any material or visual depiction there's wording already in acceptable use policy that just might be helpful in the conversation because it's alluding to everything have to look you have to you have to look at some of the things that have happened how muddy that is people to prove stuff and yes and what the what the and what the school district has as its ability to discipline and do St very which which which connects to all of the conversation we're having about devices and I was just you know we were just referencing this month's issue of school leader schools actually have an article on the cell phones um so it's it's something that is on the rise as you're saying um and I hear everything you're saying and I agree with everything you're saying but I also think there other root issues that allow those things to happen that we we have to be careful about I just wanted to be known that when it happen it gets bad and that to me is like we have to have that in Code of Conduct you have to have that in acceptable use you have to have you you were reading from okay we will have we will have more on this um at a future meeting is there any other new business can I just can I just clarify something because the chat's blowing up and I just want to clarify that the Mr Bosman that is retiring in as the senior Mr basman the director of okay thank you for that clarification all right is there any other new business from the board Mr McCarthy has his arm up Mr McCarthy yeah I didn't want to derail 11.1 anymore but I I just want to get like a a pulse check here on does the board see any feasibility in US potentially investigating uses of this property that would require us to go to referendum and and and keeping things inhouse right which which has been somewhat in a very limited basis discussed prior previously you know in terms of is that an option you know could we potentially do that um and and to clarify that further meaning you know not using this this land as an administrative building any but but building our own facilities that we believe would generate revenue for the the for the town uh for the district is there any appetite for that to be considered simultaneously to be considered maybe pending the outcome of 11.1 does does any of that exist uh outside of me I'm happy to expand further if any of that doesn't make sense I mean if if I can respond to that I I think we should see what happens with 11.1 and then take the next next step if needed or necessary um that's kind of how I feel about it I think a referendum is a far reach and I I uh think we would have a bit of a struggle trying to get something like that to pass right now um that's just kind of like the way I feel I don't know if there's any other board member that would like to has an opinion on it um Mrs Gilman I know that uh you're looking into the future John but I think that we should take this one step at a time and see first uh what kind of proposals that we get once this document becomes public and uh if we're not satisfied with what comes in then we go to the next step but I think again 11.1 was simply to give our administrators the permission to move a baby step and make a document that can be blasted out in any and every way through PR through newspapers through uh whatever means and let's see what comes back first before we jump into a referendum which I agree with Miss paramas this is not the time to do m m McGovern did you have a comment I was just goingon to say that I would think that when we have the discussions when everything comes back that that would probably be part of the discussion I mean I I don't know exactly what your your talking about as far as you know what you would propose um but I think in my opinion all options are on the table is that good Mr McCarthy yeah the only the only comment I will make is that uh okay no I have what I need thank you I appreciate that okay thank you any other new business okay at this time um we will take public comment on any item first I'm going to ask is there anyone in the room that has any public comment again a reminder that it's just public comment questions will be answered via email and there is a five five minute limit hello I'm Jim Bay from David Street and just a reminder that in November there's a uh general election the township of o I has one person open on the um November election that's to replace Margie donlin currently held by get Kaplan so if any of you have any Associates or yourselves would like to run for an election in November uh keep in mind that one slot is a consideration and a reminder is I believe approximately August 20th is when the nominating petitions need to be submitted to the Township Clerk so if you're eles or any Associates were interested in running uh you need to get the several hundred petitions together in the time frame with consideration of August uh third week in August to be able to run for the November election so if any of you know anyone I know your husband ran last year thank him very much for his consideration and uh go for it thank you Mr B for your comments anyone else in the room um Alex Hayes again I have a couple of things um let me just say uh semi in in in regards to talking about what we can do to monetize uh this property we just you all just agreed to basically like two cents a day um give up our um turf field and all of our fields for like the next six months so the fact that nobody is increasing facili usage fees around here but yet you want to go elsewhere for um other ideas which I do applaud I think that's great but um I mean it's remarkable to me that um other towns charge about $ thousand dollars for people to use their turf field and we are letting somebody a group that's awesome I belong to that group use it for six months for $150 and that's just one of the five things you guys just said yes to um okay um I have a couple of other questions um a couple of parents on social media have mentioned the statistic that 18% of eth graders at Tois have left the district um and there have been comments that it was not for theems but that it was for you know like private schools so I'm just wondering if there's any truth to that um at the township uh council meeting last week the township um put a temporary ban on ebikes at POA Park they haven't really socialized this yet um and superintendent wden thanks for getting back to me on you know what the district is doing and I applaud it I think it needs to be really strict um with ebikes and how some students are just whizzing by on our properties on our um streets and on school property like grass and stuff but there will be some kids that obviously take ebags to schools so I'm wondering if at some point there could be some kind of announcement or socializing by the school district itself on what the ebike policies are um getting into the uh what to do with this property um I I loathe little more than over um development in this town but I am 100% for as you all know selling getting rid of this building this property if that will bring us millions of dollars to our district um superintendent Welden mentioned you know about do we need to have a a referendum to move this building absolutely not I can't even believe we would thought think about any kind of referendum involving building anything new um moving this building moving the contents of this building we have Tois at what 80% or 75% and the high school at 80 um these are just a whole bunch of things I wrote down on here you have a Wetlands D approval process for the back so um you know that has to be some kind of consideration with whatever proposals you guys get um I fully support looking for ideas of what folks can do with this building and property um I do hope that we that you all understand that it's going to open some kind of Pandora's box with developers and real estate um because if you're going to consider renting this property you need to be prepared for possibly selling this property and tearing down this building and a year ago nobody wanted that but if you open this up to an RFP or whatever you want to call it there will be a real estate developer that's going to say here for five million I'll take this for 10 million I'll take this whatever it is and if you publicize that you're doing all this and you say no to millions of dollars when this district is in um some Financial Straits I think you're going to be um asking for a lot of controversy um because you're basically selling what saying well we're getting ready do something with this building but sell it nope nope nope never going to do that so I I do think that you need to have some kind of preparation um to consider true selling or true real estate offer coming down the pipe um as you all know that three prong Solutions architect plan had up to 18 lots for this property so you can't tell me that sending some kind of RFP out is not going to get somebody to say hey for x million dollars I'd love to put 18 homes here um I don't love that idea but I don't love the financial situation that we're in um I think that might be it um okay I think that's it thank you Mrs Hayes I might I might come no never mind all right thanks thank you Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue no Madame President there are no commenters okay um I'd like to make a motion to adjourn the meeting May I please have John got it okay meetings a Jour see you all in a couple weeks