all right good evening everyone thank you all for joining us this evening at this time I'd like to ask you all to please rise for the flag salute i al to United States of Amer to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for okay I have no board president report this evening so we are going to move on to our student Representatives um Miss Clark and Miss Diaz welcome Hi how are you good how are you good um so this winter we had very good success with our Sports boys and girls bowling track and girls basketball we all Champions this Thursday coming up we have our spring pep rally and yearly Spartan Olympics which I know the students are all very excited for it's been like a good energy in the school we had hallway decorating by grade today and we have all our spring Sports in full swing also this past month we had the showings of the middle school and high school productions of Mean Girls which were I can say are very were very successful over the course of the weekend we had I think two soldout shows multilingual night at w Massa Elementary School was also very successful it allow different kinds of cultures to collaborate collaborate with both their kids and parents being able to to communicate in the community and Innovation night at the middle at the Intermediate School is also very successful allowing great K through a to see what the what ocean has to bring through their choir their business school program their Tech program stuff stuff like that and then Esports won their state tournament which is very exciting since it is their first year as as like a team so it's very exciting to see them being representa as well that's it great thank you both so much for your reports I know there's some amazing things going on in both the schools thank you so much um and with that we're going to move on to our superintendent report Miss welen okay great thank you so much and thank you for that great report of all the different things happening around the schools I'd like to just add to that that Wayside School is having their spring concert I believe tomorrow play I see her shaking her head back there so that's another great activity event School event um and a reminder to all families that uh we are closed beginning this Friday for our spring recess and all next week we return on April 8th I don't know if you've heard but there will be a solar eclipse that day and so we are busy here in school preparing for that day there'll be more coming soon I will send out a communication to all but we're going to use this as an opportunity for a teachable moment a lot of science lessons about the solar eclipse and also um a number of safety lessons uh to make sure that we're all being safe and not looking directly at the Sun during the eclipse but this is a historical event and we certainly are going to celebrate that with our students when we return from Spring recess also after spring recess we have two Spartan Partners in learning events for our parents uh one is on April 10th and that is onl and njla prep and the other one on April 15th is on njsla science preparation so I encourage parents to take a look at that and all of that information is on our website and we've send out reminder web backpacks as well these are great opportunities for you to connect with our academic supervisors and learn about the different things happening in the schools um and now I would like to move to the section of my report my favorite section where I get to recognize and honor students and staff for great achievements over the last few months I'd like to ask the principles to come forward and also we have our director of Athletics and activities here tonight Mr Todd so miss kazuba Mr Amato please join us up front we're going to be recognizing a number of students for different reasons and I know some people couldn't be here with us this evening but they are home online listening so um I will be announcing everybody whether they're here in person or not okay our first event our first achievement is the all jazz band and we are honoring advisor Mr Kyle titmas and honory student Oliver Van Nostrand the Oliver audition for The allshore Jazz Band and earned the highest score out of all auditioners the allshore jazz band is open to any high school jazz band member in Mammoth and Ocean County for bass there are only two students admitted the concert the allshore band concert was held on February 3 3rd congrat ulations to Oliver and to his advisor Mr Kyle tits okay next we are recognizing students for their Central Jersey music educators Association region based so we have a few students selected for the region band and one student um particular winning an award the student winning the award is David fura 8th grade and if I don't believe he is here either okay he also won the Richard B Frankle founders award the Richard B Frankle founders award is given to one student in the allshore intermediate band each year the award is named for the instrumental music teacher Mr Richard Frankle who was one of the founders of allshore intermediate band the award is given to an outstanding member of the band who is someone who has demonstrated consistency in striving for excellence as a musician and a member of The Ensemble I'd like to congratulate his adviser Mrs Alyssa Ginder who I know is here this evening and once again David Ginder you can come on up we're going to recognize a few more students okay next up we're going to recognize students for being selected in the region band Samantha pagnoni and Aiden CA if you could please come forward if you're here thank you read a little bit about the region band the region band is an auditioned band Ensemble consisting of students from hunon middle sex Mercer and Mammoth Somerset and Union counties hundreds of student musici musicians audition but only the top scorers are accepted into this Ensemble students who audition must prepare multiple scales from memory and Advance solo and then will site read music on the spot during their audition once accepted students practice and perform advanced music with region band culminating in a concert in March did it already take place it did The Ensemble is incredibly ult to get into so we are very proud of our ocean musicians who were accepted again miss Ginder is their adviser congratulations to all take a picture here and paren if you want to come up front and take pictures as well you may great congratulations again next we're going to recognize next we're going to recognize our Garden State Esports winter Championship Street Fighter state champions our ocean Esports won its first State title in Street Fighter making them the Garden State Esports Champions they received first place beating High-Tech high for the win our Esports competitor are first their advisor Joseph MAF who could not be here this evening Harper Lambert who I believe is here maybe no okay Javier sardo and Osiris Hunley okay well unfortunately they couldn't be here this evening but we congratulate them nonetheless great job great job okay now I'd like to recognize our indoor tracks Central Jersey group two Champions first I'd like to bring up Coach Alex Lynch come on up assist coach Mark here very good and I'd like to recognize assistant coach Dana Lee who could not be here this evening student our student winners I'd like to recognize Eve seagull for shop hook okay come on up Frank mccam won the 400 meters also M County champion in the 400 meters congratulations to both of you all of you coach as well if you'd like to take some pictures here in front of the and parents please feel free to come on up and take some pictures how fast do you do 400 that's a good answer that's a good answer fast enough to win I thought I thought I was waiting for that good question more just do it congratulations great job all very very proud of you okay and finally I'd like to recognize our bowling team for winning Central Jersey group two Champions and Shore conference a Central Division Champions with a record of 45 and0 I'd like to bring up their coach Denise despo please come forward and our state champion Bowers Caitlyn Burke es marel de Cruz vquez anir jacn Rodriguez Guzman Julia Highland Juliana Le and CIA Terry biged bing baby yeah quite a legacy quite a legacy congratulations to the bowling team if you'd like to take a photo please come come on over here 45 and jeez continues she's yeah our our men's bowling same thing very impressive records yeah we have to do two rows go ahead we might have to do two rows that's awesome water so I know I'm with you that's the best news ever girls what was the oh God how many losses in the four years um well we I know for this Senor cow they came with me um in their sophomore years and they were 133 and one this is my count 133 and one congratulations L you have made us all very fast great job amazing to all of our honores tonight the coaches and advisers that help them get there the principles and administrators and teachers along the way you have made all of us very proud and this is most certainly part of your Spartan Legacy so thank you so so much congratulations now if you have a lot of homework and you'd like to go home you're welcome to stay but this would be a good time to get out of here that's congratulations to you all where's he where's he going in that PO you don't know okay good for you congratulations yeah I would hope so with a 49 I would hope so Flash Gordon okay and with that we're going to move on to our school business administrator report I have nothing to add to our earlier report thank you okay thank you very much Mr Hastings this time we're going to move on to public comments the following are a series of motions to be read by the committee chairpersons all motions have been discussed at a recent public work session some motions have been approved at a public work session and the minutes for the approved items are posted on the district website at this point in the meeting we will now conduct the first of two public comments sessions the first session will be open for public comments on agenda items only the second session will be at the end of the meeting and can be on any topic would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time anyone in the room no Miss Conway is there no Madam president there are no uh commenters in the virtual queue actually yes uh Alex Hayes hold on one second thank you please go ahead hi thanks sorry I wrote it in the chat earlier in my might not have seen it um Alex Hayes from Oakhurst um I thought I wrote a message to Mr Hastings yesterday but apparently it was sent or it was not sent so I apologize I would have given you a heads up um looking at the facilities uh rental uh um requests just wondering what team ARS is I tried to Google it and I had no idea what that was um maybe our facilities descriptions can give a little bit of a better um understanding the public of who's renting the facilities and that's team a ntz sounded like a bodybuilding camp but who knows um also saw the class of 1955 is coming to do a administration building tour hope there's photos and that that goes online because that will probably be an awesome PR picture however I sure hope that they are not in need of any of the access to floor three if any of those seniors you know need any handicap accessibility because as you're aware floor 3 is not handicapped accessible um I was wondering um in the Equal Opportunity equal employment opportunity I'm sorry I can't even read what what I wrote here equal employment opportunities policy um it mentions that the board will Target underutilized groups in every category of employment so I hope that is seriously taken into consideration with each new hire um it also States under the agenda under the policies that you're approving tonight that the equal access of student organizations policy 5842 has been revised by Strauss smme and Strauss smme seriously recommends that districts discuss this policy with the board attorney to determine how best to address the issues that are brought up in recent US Supreme Court decisions so it's no surprise that there is no attorney there president tonight but hopefully you all have discussed with um board attorney Lester Taylor this policy that Strauss smme is recommending you seek legal counsel on um I think the letter to the Senate education committee was exceptionally well written and I commend you all for actively and proactively doing something like that um I hope you're also doing it for the assembly education committee as well uh I know my five minutes isn't up yet so I have a couple more things the solar eclipse I've seen on social media a lot of districts you know turning it into a uh learning and teaching moment like superintendent Welden mentioned so I sure hope we are um going to be either giving out solar glasses um I know you mentioned safety will be brought up um but at a minimum if we can give out uh you know a full detailed list of where parents can find solar glasses I believe the mammoth County library system is either selling them or giving them out um and also I see that there's a new football coach um I didn't have a chance to see where he's from so maybe that will be discussed a little bit later um but being that he has a pending criminal history clearance um still out there so that must mean he's coming to our district from somewhere else um so if I'm presuming that correctly and the fact that I do know that some inter interal candidates did try out for the head coach position um you know it's always nice to see our internal folks being promoted and I hope Mr King is a Fabulous Coach regardless I think that's about it so got a lot of reading to do tonight so I'll log off for now thanks thank you Miss Hayes is there anyone else in the que Miss Conway no Madame President there are no further commenters okay thank you very much at this time we will move on to our action items Mr McCarthy move to approve item 5.1 do I have a second second this is approval of 5.1 Mr Dalton Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes M McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Tarico yes Weinstein yes Paras yes motion carries thank you Personnel Miss McGovern um I'd like to approve items 6.1 through 6.8 may I please have a second so all items 6.1 to 6.8 Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes and I'd like to uh offer congratulations to former student Chad King on his selection of a football Spartan coach and also miss Emily derone who was also a Spartan as well and for the resignations uh I'll be very sorry to see Mr Ma and Tara leave and I wish them both very well thank you Mr McCarthy yes Mr McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes taro um Rick Hughes Mr Weinstein yes Paras yes all items Carri thank you m McGovern financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein um thank you madam president um I'd like to move for approval item 7.1 to 74 second is all items 71 to 714 Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs tallerico yes Mr Weinstein yes and Miss paramas yes all items Karen thank you very much instruction education and Student Activities Miss Gilman yes Madam president I'd like to move to approve 8.1 to 8.9 are there any comments or questions second thank you all items 81 to 89 Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes M Taro yes Weinstein um Yes except with 8.7 I'm going to recuse myself with one of the individuals from MTH University thank you and Mrs Paras yes all items carry thank you very much Mrs Gilman negotiations Mrs McGovern I don't have an update toight okay thank you policy Mr McCarthy oh miss Gilman I apologize Madam president so approval of policies and regulations move to approve the third and final reading of revised and abolish policies and or regulations as follows second second this for items 10.1 Mrs Dam yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mr McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes m t Rico yes Weinstein yes Mrs paramas yes Adams Carri thank you very much uh public relations Mr Weinstein uh yes I like can move for approval um 11.1 11.2 second all items 111 and 112 Mrs Dan yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McCarthy yes Mrs McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs Rico yes Weinstein yes Mrs paramas yes was Carri thank you Mr Weinstein at this point of the meeting I'd like to ask the board if there's any old business anyone Mr Weinstein M Telico have any old business you mean Schneider I'm sorry Mr Schneider no thank you no nope okay any new business from the board Miss Stam um I just wanted to give a shout out um two weekends ago the wanasa PTA supported um an event with the deal Lake ocean commit uh committee and I thought it was a wonderful event it was great to see the kids out in their wanasa gear out you know cleaning up the community working together being outside so I just wanted to give a shout out for that thank you thank you for sharing that Miss car yes Miss Gilman we heard our student representative talk about me girls and I just wanted to say that one of my high school friends retired to Ocean Township from the Midwest from Missouri and he went to see the production of Mean Girls and wrote to me that he thought it was an incredibly professional production he was so impressed that it was a High School production and wrote this long message to me I said you know I'm going to take your comments to the board and uh I saw the production on the Thursday it was amazing and I heard that the junior high uh version of Mean Girls was also very good so congratulations to both schools on an excellent spring production wonderful thank you for sharing that as well um is there any new business from Mr Schneider or Mrs tallerico none for me okay all right thank you didn't want to leave you guys out um okay at this time we will take public comment on any item is there anyone one in the room no um is there anyone in the queue Miss Conway no Madam president there are no commenters okay thank you at this time I'd like to ask the board for a motion to adjourn may I please have a second we are Jour thank you so much for coming out this evening have a good night --------- you welcome to our Workshop uh meeting everyone um I have no board presence report so I'm going to move on to the superintendent's report I will save my report for the regular meeting tonight right thank you School business administrator report Mr Hastings uh just a brief one we were in touch with the county business administrator this week to review our intive budget submission uh she she's provided some information back to us and that exchange will take place over the next tomorrow hopefully we'll finish that up and get final approval from them to move forward and as a reminder our public meeting will be April 30th okay thank you very much um with that we will move on to uh action items Mr McCarthy I am presenting item 6.1 for discussion any discussion on that all right uh Personnel we already did and we will vote on downstairs financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein um yes so for discussion 8.1 to 8.5 take a quickly because usually have a discussion around anybody have a thing about that yes the class of 1955 to visit this I think it's wonderful that our graduates and our alumni want to come back and see the school tour of the old grammar school that's amazing also just note we received $10,000 Grant from Sustainable New Jersey for the Intermediate School that'll be used to refresh the outdoor area there with fencing uh new sheds some new tables for the kids to uh work at um and then some gravel and additional supplies also be purchased great for that program and I think Mrs Diane Brown and applied for that Grant and was uh you know the successful recipient that's great um Mr Hastings you mean when you say fencing are you replacing the current fencing that's there or adding replacing replacing okay thank you Mr wi so just remind me about the school purchase the school bus purchase that you're making with the video cameras and stuff uh so 8.3 yeah referring to so back in December we were contacted by uh this company they had purchased a uh 29 passenger new bus under the U escg Co-op agreement that they have the school they purchased it for was backing out of that purchase so they asked us if we were interested in it we said yes it took them a while to get the commitment from the other school they weren't taking delivery of the bus we have from frow in are purchasing in February started to look at the spend rates and and what money was available that could be reallocated for other purposes uh in addition we had put in stabilization aid for a significant number of bus Replacements which we did not get uh so we V it wise to take this opportunity to get this additional vehicle for next year so what's the line item that that this that this budget that this goes against in the budget is it a capital be a capital right okay this in this the budget that we're approving no this will come out of this year's budget okay and did we budget for this or no so uh we were hoping to get stabilization paid this year to help fund the purchase of new buses okay we did not get the funding level that we had hoped for U the other part of this process is at a certain point of the year we typically freeze the budget Because by the time you get to February March and you start ordering things and they come in and they get distributed you're already at sort of the end of the school year um one of the technicalities is that this year's budgets for this year's expenses so you can't really take uh something this year to buy for next year so we don't allow that sort of purchasing so we then freeze the budget and February we froze the budget this year in terms of allowing the schools to purchase additional items um that is ongoing they were given advaned notice so they could put in for things they thought they needed things like graduation expenses those sorts of things field trips uh expenses they know that are coming up in the spring uh were put in under estimates to tie up those funds uh so that the money was there for them to uh to take those trips and and make those orders uh and then that allowed us to then look at the budget and say all right what programs were budgeted for this year that maybe we didn't Implement what things did we think we were going to order that we didn't and then take those funds and reallocate them to projects that we thought maybe we weren't going to be able to do this year so okay so then that that's this so we looked at this and said all right we have this bus as an opportunity we do have the funds available so let's uh move forward on this okay great perfect thank you any other questions under Finance the donation from WS yes how is that going to used I mean it's very nice tasty Tuesday um so U tasty Tuesday is for our preschool children uh it's an opportunity to buy things to expose them to new snacks new foods uh things that maybe they haven't encountered or experienced yet um it's part of the um National Association for the education of young children um and U Wagman's agreed to help provide uh products for us to distribute to the kids so the teachers will shop for it and then they'll um bring the teachers will will get together and decide what item should be purchased I'm sure one or two people go over but not all of them come back and have a tasty Tuesday is that nice thank you w yeah it's very nice it's a really cute week mrin how much W contribute to the school district in aggregate do you know um 000 I that number for you oh you know I'm just curious it is an Ocean Township is probably anyone else have questions for finance no okay move on to instruction Gman yes uh 9.1 out of school suspension .2 all of these 9.1 through 9.8 up for discussion I can add some information so we approved our school calendar last month so we build off of that and we build out the traditionally we work on the 12mth employee calendar and the 10 10-month employee calendar based off of the student calendar that we approved last month so that's what you see there our 9.2 and 9.3 um we do have some new courses uh prevocational courses at township ocean Intermediate School that are up for approval discussion and then approval and then our you know every month early field placements internships and professional development and field trips for our students and staff I just want to say I love the Adaptive life skills class I thought that's amazing I think it's something that a lot of schools need and it's things that people talk about like we learn X but we really need to be learning y um my only question with that does that include taxes on how to do your own taxes there anything that people really I know people really struggle with that and they never learn it and then they have to learn with the hard way and that I think would be a great addition to that class or something that we could think about including in a course somewhere with the kids we do have financial literacy courses at our high school which do teach those types of skills this is a little bit different at the Intermediate School um life skills types classes a little different than financial literacy we have a financial literacy requirement that all students take at our high school but I think that new class is wonderful thank you and the Proke as well excellent that's a great idea anyone else any questions for instruction right um policy yes 11.1 uh the second reading of the revised and abolished policies that I discussed at our last meeting uh just a change in wording for the protected uh groups and we are following Strauss as and I'll just add to this too I think it might have been Mr Dalton who asked me but just to follow up with Mr Todd about the um concussion policy and regulation everything in there we're already doing and we do we even go a little bit further in terms of uh student safety and training for our coaches so we're covered there that was a question that's that I believe it was Mr D ask me I just wanted to follow up on that last time all right and then we will go to public relations Mr W all two items for discussion 111 and 112 12 121 um one question um I I know I've seen this agreement before is it basically the same agreement as it was in the past yes without alterations yes just a longer agreement we uh in speaking with the police department they they asked if we would be willing to go into more than just a onee agreement oh longer sorry longer longer term sorry when he said it was the same agreement he said no this one's longer like interesting longer term um agreement because we've had we've established this we have five sleo last three officers one at each School we're very happy with the relationship that we have with otpd and they had planned for this program for out a few years and they were you know we were agreeable to a longer term what was the ter one one year every year we would update this I I've read through this but I just want to confirm this isn't going to interfere with the existing uh policies for our security guards there's no intention to change this to have that inter else well just context they wanted the longer year they wanted the longer term just so they could plan better can recruit better and all that kind of stuff and then the second one is uh you know we the legislative committee met I don't know if you want to I'm gonna in new business give a full update of what the legislative committee did and I think it'll touch on this before anybody has to um vote on it in our next session new business in a few minutes this yeah okay that's the president very good so so based off of that meeting which you'll fill everyone in I did take uh the liberty of drafting something for your review and then that's why it's on that's great all right with that we will go into Old business does anyone have any old business all right new business so uh we had a uh very productive meeting with uh Senator goal our Assembly women assemblywomen Donal and Peter Paul um so I'm just going to go through the minutes from that meeting sort of uh the topics in an agenda format a very impartial non opinionated uh format and then I'll open up to any questions and provide my own opinions about that discussion aside the Pres um so we open the meeting uh initially we had uh the Assembly women on and then they had to depart for their first uh legislative uh assembly that I think was occurring at calar year if it was ex actually the first day so they had to Department then Senator gopal joined us he was able to kind of take the Reigns of the meeting um we brought up a few very pertinent issues to him that the board wanted to make sure that they were all aware of one was continuity of programs um so specifically we had asked that if certain programs are going to be provided to the school and funding is going to be provided for certain positions that we'd like to see some sort of a phase out of those positions as opposed to just um kind of stepping off a ledge and ending those positions immediately and then putting that requirement on the district um we were provided some some uh contextual information regarding that and uh you know basically they said that that was heard um so they understood where we were coming from with that um then we we went into the elephant in the room which was loss of funding right and uh immediately started to bring that up to them um you know it was it was brought up that that the S2 formula although it is admittedly flawed you know there are districts that do not desire a change in that formula specifically districts that are present in Bergen County uh and Camden County counties that are that are greatly benefiting from the the existing formula which of course we all know that um Senator gopal took a moment to point out that that Senator Dean o scanlin was very instrumental or very vocal about a need to change this formula even though his own uh district is actually benefiting from the funding from the existing formula and he's kind of crossing the aisle and saying this needs to change even though my districts are benefiting from it it's there other districts in my area that are suffering um he did say that he's getting very vocal about the need uh he meeting Senator gopal is getting very vocal about the need to start to change the S2 funding formula but he is combating that issue of certain districts that don't want to change that in Trenton um he Center goal did bring up to us the fact that of the the towns in his district you know we are towards the lower end in a loss of funding um the committee made very clear to him that we have a responsibility to look out for the students in our district and so that is not an acceptable response for us uh that we expect that we are prioritized based on the way that our town stepped out to support him this past year and his and the members of his um his his election team um and we brought up to him the issues that we find with the S2 funding formula which specifically in you you know I've been asked this question by parents in town I've been asked this question by members of the toea so that they can speak to it in an articulate manner uh when they're addressing it with our legislative members but support for districts that are older uh which is our district and that's something that uh Mr wste pointed out very eloquently that we are an early adopter of the education system in this state and we are being punished for that because of the fact that we started so early we have buildings that we developed so quickly and so early and that we've expanded upon and those build are depreciating assets that we are not receiving funding for in the current Formula we brought up the fact that special special education is not appropriately funded in the current formula and we brought up the fact that the current projection of which you'll probably see in Mrs won's letter the current projections for first year elll students across the state but also specifically in our district is going to be a bit of a Title Wave coming that we need to prepare for and is going to require a massive amount of funding to be able to support um Senator goal was extremely appreciative of that last bullet because he it did bring something to his attention I think that he was not necessarily as aware of uh he had said that he was going to start to um kind of make that a priority and something to look at he gave us an individual from his office that we could provide a bunch of information to share data with so that he's armed on C on uh in Trenton when he's discussing this in legislative session um and then he provided the opportunity for us to create a letter of testimony to be read in Trenton when they are discussing the as2 funding fla so that is why Mrs won has drafted this first edition of this uh to make clear what the issues are that we're dealing with here in Ocean Township and what we need address in Trenton so that we can fix these problems you know so I am hopeful that all of us are going to support this uh that there's not going to be any issues but if you have anything that you think is missing from that that you provide that information to us uh although we did review it pretty exhaustively um and then at the end of the meeting we did discuss the the guidance or lack thereof from the Department of Education regarding confidentiality of students with uh who have certain gender identities uh and the senator made clear to us that the state is trying to provide an outlet for the discussion with parents of books that are going to be in our libraries at our schools um and that the Department of Education is going to start to provide forums I believe he refer to them as sort of town halls uh where parents can start to get involved and talk to the Department of Education about the types of books they would like included or not included and sort of provide a voice for them to be heard um so that that requirement can kind of be pulled away from the district and put on the Department of Education with that that's about all that I have open this up to any discussion or questions but before I do I'd like to give uh Mrs Gilman and Mr Wy an opportunity to touch on anything I missed I think you did a very good job John we have a limited time because goal was on his way here donin Peter Paul they were already in their Senate hearings so we had to talk fast and hard and I think we did that I think we made a good case for why we shouldn't be forgotten sure we did not lose $10 million but we're here we've done everything by the rules and I think your letter makes that perfectly clear Miss wel and we have followed their directives and we've initiated these new programs and to yank the funds you know when having success with these programs uh is not right so and he said okay please send such and such to this contact person as you mentioned and hopefully be able to plead our case and get whatever grants and funding that we get to supplement our losss yeah I think the thing that we were also trying to do is um uh we were trying to focus in on just a couple of things so that you don't try to boil the ocean and U and also kind of just bringing back to hey get us a couple of Grants something that relates to helping us in one or two years and uh and so hopefully you know with there's some grandm money that they can find or get us get more test so we were talking we weren we wen't trying to keep the at some point trying to keep the conversation Focus 24 right us let see what happen hopefully something will happen think Brian I did and then we did do something did we talk about that we talked about the problem with the stabilization I was just gonna say that just my memory we talked about the fact that we only received $16,000 in stab stabilization a senator gopal pointed out that there was a a cap um to which to the amount that we could receive based on I believe Jeff please corre if I'm wrong but it was based on how much we requested no how much you lost how much you lost which for us was 50,000 50,000 was available 50,000 was available and we only received 16,000 so that was you know was brought to his attention and uh he was he was not um I'm now throwing some opinion in here making some I think that kind of caught him off guard and I think that he's going to be examining that a little bit closer because I don't believe that that made sense to him um so hopefully we can get some more clarification on that uh and I I just want to commend my my fellow members of that committee I think that you two both did a fantastic job of uh holding our our representation in Trenton accountable so much so that I felt like I didn't need to do it as much and I appreciate that greatly because it was needed cool did you have a questions um just I just want to make sure with the last part because that was my question from last meeting was so he wasn't of the understanding that it was just that one year and that's where my question was why are we just looking at the one year and not total of the $2.5 million or so that we lost so that he said that he was going to be looking into that and get more understanding I don't know that he said that exactly just that it was based on this year and how much you lost and when we indicated that it was I mean we applied for stabilization last year and did receive funds last year so if I think that's how they take into account the whole he was I think he was listening anything also um the uh the um backdrop to this was that there were some um districts inside our c that lost a lot of money they gonna have to do a lot with teachers and things like that so um yeah so he was trying to give us that we were you know I think we were acknowledging the issue but at the end of the day we weren't elected by those uh districts we elected this distri so so we kind of agreed to be empathetic but not not but more sympath more we wanted more sympathy for our our our district you know so so it was it was good good uh Mr Schneider do you have a comment or question no I just I thought the letter was very well written I do appreciate that going through my uh governance one training I did look at the uh New Jersey school boards Association policies and and um and they had specifically aligned with what we're kind of saying is that we want to make sure that we have full funding of of the mandated uh programs that are out there so I didn't know like we talk about like Mis positions I didn't know where we thought the Gap the Gap may be in terms of what the f adequacy budget and the funding formula would would allow us versus what the actual reality of the of those expenses would be if that would to actually have numbers that would show where where we're actually missing that might help our argument there's the question I'm I'm sorry Brian I'm not following that question so could you explain to me in a different way so that I can speak to it I've been on this point for a yeah I've been on this point for a while in terms of math like we have we have an we have a budget and and that budget has an adequacy uh associated with it in terms of funding there's there's additional multipliers we get for for uh multilanguage Learners and special education so when you when you add that up and then you compare it versus our actual expenses that we have to uh incur for those mandated programs if there's a if there's an actual dollar amount Gap would that be more useful in trying to have a more pointed conversation with uh the legislators yeah I I don't I don't think so I think we're I think we're I think that that is a macro thing that is not just about us but about everybody I think the things that we were trying to do was just kind of point about some very straightforward things that we did not want to lose that we wanted to continue and Investments that we wanted to make sure we weren't getting behind on so the thing that you're talking about is more of let's look at all the things that we got going on here and try to make a case of where the Delta is and that's that probably doesn't get us to where we need to go and I don't and by the way I don't think I don't think I don't think anybody would have an appetite for kind of looking at it that from that perspective either my my opinion by the way my opinion Gilman I can understand what you're saying Brian and I did try to touch on that area a bit with the senator when I told him about how our multi-link language learner program has really expanded and Miss Welden uh made use of some good statistics to show how it's really increased percentage wise and I even discussed with him the use of translators and how successful they've been but we don't have enough of them and he jumped right on that and said well maybe I can help with that and I thought okay well you know that's one area so yeah to try to separate MLL and special ed and then the regular is probably not the best thing to do but I thought okay if we're going to just focus on four things I know that our multilanguage learner program has really EXP exploded and and we could use some help there and he was more than willing to try to help in that area I think Mr Schneider your point the question lends itself to the larger part of our discussion not so specific to us but the larger part where we're hoping the Senate and and the department of Ed take a take all of that into consideration when they work on the next funding formula that's true absolutely thank you m which is in in progress right now I mean not it's not in progress it is a goal of Senator goal's and a few other members of the of the Senate and the assembly that that formula is re-evaluated and changed and his guidance in that in our meeting was that it has to change it it will change the question is you know when when and what does yeah how and what does that look like when it does um and hopefully it benefits you know our district as well all the others that it's benefiting right now yeah it's funding Equity yeah any other questions thank you very much for that very thorough report and I thank you both to being there and your input really really well done um is there any other new business uh yes I'd like to bring up a a sad situation that some of you may know Sylvia Sylvia uh she was former board member she's she's also on our New Jersey State uh Board of Education and her husband Michael Chi was uh New York firefighter who went into the thick of it at 911 and recently passed away his uh wake is going to be held tomorrow and I'm sure there are going to be as she mentioned in the article the asber Park Press there were firemen at her home in the hospital to support the family not stop and so miss Paramus uh knows someone that is pretty active in the what was the name of that organization tunnel tun for Towers tunnel for Towers tow towers and um I was going to ask any board member please don't feel that you have to but if you'd like to make a donation and this isn't going to be immediate um in the name of Michael chy I was thinking that might be AAL gesture for the family thank you thank you for bringing that up um is there any other new business no okay at this time I'd like to ask if there's any public comment on any item Miss Conway Madame President there are no virtual commenters no okay thank you so much so I will ask the board uh for a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn may I please have a second second very good we see you downstairs