##VIDEO ID:M2gcAxKJg8g## okay good evening everyone thank you for joining us for our um August 27th regular meeting I'd like to ask you all to please rise for the pled the United States of America to the for it na indivisible andice okay um I'm going to begin with a very brief uh board president's report on Monday we held a meet and greet with our new faculty this is a wonderful way for our board to meet um our new staff and we welcome them and wish them all the best in our district I think they're going to be very happy here um and to our Administration and teachers and students and staff I'm sorry that summer is just about over but we are excited to welcome you all back and I just want to wish everyone um all the best for a wonderful and productive school year and that concludes my board president report and we will move on to our superintendent report Miss welin okay thank you very much this evening I'm very excited to have some students back in our audience and have this opportunity to recognize their achievements this achievement took place at the very very end of last school year and we were not able to get it into our last June Board of educ a meeting so I thank you for being patient but we are very happy to honor you this evening tonight we have 10 students from the township of ocean Intermediate School who participated in the Panasonic Foundation student Echo citizens citizenship program these 10 students formed three teams under the direction of Mrs Megan Edson their environmental science teacher uh sorry engineering teacher and they each group presented a different project so I'm going to bring up all 10 students or the ones that are here and then we'll talk a little bit about what they did so I'd like to introduce and if Mrs Source would come up from the intermediate school and Mrs Edson as well to greet the students I'd like to introduce Arisha Islam please come on up Natalie demitria Ian SMI Ramis Cruz Roman Cade Slater I don't think Davin Lee could be here this evening Knight Howell also I think was not able to make it ion KH Alex Otero please come on up and also Henry Hanks I don't think was able to be here okay okay so we'll start out with our two uh first two students right here Arisha and Natalie I'm told that you created a hydroponic system is that correct wonderful okay and then our next group Ian Ramis Kaden Davin you guys use recycle t-shirts to make blankets for animal shelters it's very impressive and our last group who I think only Alex is here but together with your group you guys developed an anti-idling campaign and you presented that campaign to myself Mr Amato and came up with a whole plan to discourage parents to sit with their cars idling while they waited in line to pick up their students right yeah this is wonderful all of you are well on your way to being active activists in the environmental realm we're so so proud of you we' like can we give them a round of applause we also like to get a few pictures so if all of you get come over in front of this we call it the step and repeat here um and Mrs source and Mrs Edson please join in we'll get a group shot they oh all right she's ping parents feel free to come on up and take a picture as well okay and then Mrs Source why don't you hand out those certificates for those students that are here that's okay of his choice so wait fabulous congratulations thank you so much for being here you're welcome to join us for the remainder of the meeting but I understand that it is one of the last few beautiful summer nights and if you would like to step out this would be a good time to do so thank you congratulations again congratulations you know how to empty a room it cut the okay and that does conclude my report for this evening wonderful thank you so much very proud of our students um with that I'm going to move on to the school business administrator's report Mr Hastings thank you madam president I have nothing further from the workshop okay thank you so much um okay public comment the following are a series of motions to be read by the committee chairpersons all motions have been discussed at a recent Public Work session some motions have been approved at a public work session and the minutes for the approved items are posted on the district website at this point in the meeting we will now conduct the first of two public comment sessions the first session will be open for public comments on agenda items only and the second session will be at the end of the meeting and can be on any topic would anyone from the public like to comment on any agenda item at this time anyone in the room Miss Hayes Alex Hayes Ur I'm not going to go over all my nine questions from before except there is one that I wanted to go over um because there were not surprisingly um zero questions from um the board during the workshop on 716 717 and 718 um I think it's in the Public's interest to find out what the pre-litigation demand is the easement agreement settlement agreement and release you know I've been coming to these um Schoolboard meetings now for I don't know six years I've never seen those types of documents in um our agendas so since we can't have questions answered it sounds like they next door folks um Rising Treetops were threatening to sue over something and there's some kind of an easement agreement so um you I'm only speculating ating since I have no idea what it's about and nobody asked any questions and it's not really descriptive all right thanks thank you Miss Hayes Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue no Madame President there are no commenters in the queue okay thank you so much all right with that we will move on to our action items Mr DOL Madame President um action item 5.1 approval of minutes from the August 13 24 uh executive session can we please have a second second okay it's all the me it's executive plus um the meeting yeah it's from the whole day okay item 5.1 Mr fton yes skilman yes M MCG yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs tallerico obain thank you Mr Weinstein yes uh Mrs paramas yes motion carries thank you Mr Dalton we will now move on to Personnel Miss McGovern I'd like to move to approve items 6.1 through 6.9 may I have a second second this is item 6.1 excuse me through 6.9 Mr Dalton yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes T Rico yes Mr Weinstein yesus yes motion to carry thank you m McGovern financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein um thank you madam president I'd like to uh move for um approval of uh from 7.1 to 7.18 second is all items 71 to 718 Mr doton yes M skilman uh yes to all abstain from Ocean lacrosse thank you m govern yes Mr Schneider yes Mrs Tarico yes Mr Weinstein yes Mrs parus yes motions carried thank you Mr Weinstein instruction education and Student Activities Mrs Gilman yes Madam president move to approve items 8.1 through 8.7 second good .1 through 8.7 Mr doton yes Mrs Gilman yes Mr McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes M Tarico yes Mr Weinstein yes parus yes motions carry thank you Mrs Gilman and policy Mrs Gilman okay thank you uh this is the approval of 9.1 our uh second reading for policies and regulations some which have been abolished some changed any questions comments you need a second first second thank now is there any questions or comments Mr Hastings for item 9.1 Mr goldton yes Mr Gilman yes Mrs McGovern yes Mr Schneider yes Mr Tarico yes Mr Weinstein yes M Paramus yes motion carries all right at this time I'd like to ask the board if there's any old business Mr Weinstein um thank you madam president um I just wanted to bring up uh in January this uh uh this past January we had some discussions around looking into cell phone usage and in the classroom and and um what the ramifications are with that I just want to say that we had our our second meeting um as a committee the other day and uh I just want to applaud the work that the schools are doing and uh what the high school's doing what the Middle School's thinking looking into and how the elementary school's thinking about all this and I just want to just thank everybody for the progress around that and also there's a lot of participants in this committee uh parents people from the town um all that kind of all those different um vectors and I just like the I just really like the conversations we're having and and know everybody's enthusiastic about putting these changes in place so um so I just want to just express my appreciation for all the work that you've done than thank you Mr Weinstein I appreciate you bringing that up um is there any other old business from the board all right is there any new business Miss McGovern I just wanted to um Echo what Miss Paramus and and I know Mr Hastings said upstairs and Miss Wen and thank all of our um staff that's been working really hard over the summer um our you know buses and our custodians and our grounds and our you know and even the staff that came in to help do curriculum and everything else over the summer um the summer always feels so short and it's surprising we're back here at another school year but um I wanted to wish the staff um a great first week next week I know it's always got bumps and bruises but it'll be great and um you know we start big red Pride on Thursday night so um it's the exciting start of the school year and I hope everybody is uh ready because I think the kids are so good here yeah thank you Mr movern is there any other new business no okay we will now move on to public comment on any item is there anyone in the room that has public comment Miss Hayes wow these move meetings go by so quickly when there's no discussion or or questions um I have some comments and questions um at last week's uh Town council meeting I almost said student council meeting Town council meeting they reiterated what the town committee on ebikes uh discuss that they are making the temporary ban of ebikes at p park a permanent thing and I ask questions like you know are we going to talk to the school district about this and how's the education going to go about and they mentioned that they will be talking to the school district about you know pushing out this info that um in the state of New Jersey it's like you have to wear a helmet 17 and under but the town is going to make it um adults have to wear helmets on um ebikes and that there'll be a um like a blanket um ban on ebikes and E Scooters at POA Park so as the not really super proud parent of an ebike teenager um I can't wait to see what the district is going to be educating like sending home not only for the kids but for parents um because I think it's an important message councilman fiser talked about how it's almost like an accident waiting to happen how some of these kids are zooming by and he also mentioned that I believe he said a teenager last week was clocked by ocean PD going 60 m per hour on Dow Avenue on an ebike so um hopefully the district gets just as involved with the town in like this education Outreach um so that's one thing um loving and applauding the cell phone um I'm going to call it a ban because I think it's great that they're hopefully students are having put all their cell phones in a bin I only read the high school manual I haven't read them middle school yet um so I think that that's a plus and hope all parents support that um my question to Mr Hastings there seems to be a lineup of buses out at the high school uh tonight and they kind of look like the older dingier bikes I mean buses so I'm assuming that that maybe has to do with 7.13 and like are we having some sort of an auction or no they just happen to be light lined up there because they look like all of our old bikes right out in front so bikes buses um i' never seen 20 school buses out in front like the way they are so I thought that was interesting um I wonder how much we're going to get for our buses I think that's it no I'm sorry two more things um excited that we're not spending $10,000 on Geese Chasers anymore so thanks to Mr Hastings or whoever made that happen and um it would be really awesome if there could be a free and open wi-fi in this building during game during Council and I mean Schoolboard meetings um you know the parents that were just here taking photos they could have probably instantly posted on Instagram if they had Wi-Fi service um because I I don't so I'm sure nobody else does all right thanks okay thank you so much um Miss Conway is there anyone in the queue no Madame President there are no virtual commenters okay thank you all right I'd like to ask the board for a motion to adjourn motion may I please have a second second meeting is adjourned have a wonderful evening and a great start of the school year thank you all for coming and --------- ##VIDEO ID:3_huE5ikioE## all right welcome everybody to the August 27th Workshop meeting um I will begin with a very brief president report just a reminder to the board that on September 10th we're going to have a start time of 6:15 executive session so um please let me know if you are unable to make that and one other quick thing is that our back to school nights are coming up I will be sending you all an email with all dates with emailing me back and letting you know if you can attend any of those okay that concludes my presence report we will go on to superintendent report great thank you good evening everyone I will have a bigger report downstairs we will be recognizing a few students but I do just want to remind everyone that the staff returns September 3rd next Tuesday right after the Labor Day weekend our students return next Thursday September 5th we're very excited for both of those days um for all the parents and students the schedules are now available for all classes we opened up the portal to the secondary Intermediate School in high school on August 15th and the Elementary classes opened up on yesterday morning so uh everybody now knows their classes and their teachers and you know there's a lot of excitement going around about it pluss information will be available to families this coming Friday and we welcomed our new teachers yesterday morning and thank you to the board members who could join join us um for those of you that were not there we have a nice crop of new teachers coming on board faculty members Preschool teachers special education guidance counselors a few different job categories was a great um group welcome them in Dr Morgan conducted her districtwide orientation and now they move on to their school buildings tomorrow for their for the third day of their orientation so it was a great program all around and we're looking forward to next week welcoming everyone back thank you as well then um we will now move on to the school business administrator report Mr Hastings thank you mad president the um Roofing portion of our projects at Dow and at Wayside are complete there is additional work to be done on trim some painting of roofing panels those will go into September however they'll occur after school hours um the maintenance and the castolan department has been very busy we have new cabinets tree and um countertops in our life skills room High School a new flooring has been installed at onea in the bathrooms outside the gym and the high school media center in their bathrooms uh and we continue to work on our preschool playgrounds we have a addition to the playground at D that's been completed and we have an addition to the preschool PR playground at Wayside that we expect to be completed next week and then they will move on to wanasa and we'll do a significant size playground on the east side of the building but we're waiting for scheduling information on that okay terrific a lot thank you thanks Mr Hastings all right with that we will move on to our action items Mr Dalton item six presentation of minutes from executive session of August 13th anybody have any question questions on that all right Personnel we will move downstairs financial management and Resource Services Mr Weinstein uh thank you madam president um so for discussion is 8.1 to 8.13 um jef did you want to point down anything um yes the um 8.6 is a renewal of our solar credits so um are utility companies are required to comply with the clean energy act one way that they do that is by buying credits from people who have solar power so this is a renewal of uh of our agreement with u with this company to purchase our credits for the coming year also wanted to mention 8.7 which is the renewal of the Food Service Company uh this was on uh maybe two months ago three months ago however when it was reviewed by the food Nutrition department out of the state they wanted us to add that last sentence about the total cost of contract so that we put it on and have it re I believe the rest of the items are are self-explanatory we have disposal of vehicles and some buses most of those are due to age mileage some' been used for parts and then also have rust and and deterioration of the so once we approve the disposal of those items we'll go to gov deals and also talk to the fire department and the first date about request that they had made as well for a practice drill okay is there any questions missman I have a question about one of the bills but that's in the regular session should I wait for that can I ask ask okay see if I know the there's a line item for uh attorney David Rubin for $5,000 for services regarding an Ethics complaint by a former board member yes and we vote on that uh will you vote on the entire bills list or the entire bills list right you can abstain if you like from a particular bill that covers the deductible that we have for the for the board members but there's really no reason for us to obain right I mean no good see it's Insurance matter and it's a deductible that's associated with that okay thank you okay is there any other questions on finance no okay we move on to instruction education and Student Activities Mrs Gilman yes discussion items 9.1 through 9.6 and I know Miss won sent a little note about the curriculum updates yeah so we have our curriculum and you know that we had curriculum posted last meeting which will be on for approval um downstairs in the regular but here were some additional documents that were added to the agenda as well um these will also be voted on downstairs in regular but as you know the edj department of Ed has updated the New Jersey student learning standards for uh English language arts and English language arts is an interdisciplinary content area that we Infuse across the curriculum so although we really did not update any social studies units or content we did have alignment to the old e Ela standards and we had to update those social studies documents so that they were now aligned to the new Ela standards so they were minor changes but there was some alignment changes there with this group of uh curricular documents that were added okay we also have our tuition students here we're re approving a three-year datadriven instructional coaching model project that we've been partnering with Ruckers University graduate school of education so we're just continuing that partnership and that's on this evening to ask for that approval um we have our professional development here we also have a doctoral research study by one of our employees uh Valerie Source assistant principal at Tois also a momth university doctoral student is conducting her research This research is with all adults uh subjects however they are our our graduates and and it's on here for approval for us to um share some contact information with our of our graduates with her so she can continue her research and uh the final item 96 is every year each school is required to conduct a school self assessment for determining grades for the under the antibullying law and so um our schools did do that at the end of last school year they met with their school safety School climate teams which includes staff administrators and parents and they raped their efforts towards hi prevention and um programming around teaching students about the anti-bullying law so you have the attachments there of each School the points just as a reminder is out of a total of 78 points sometimes you see that a school gave themselves a 71 one or 72 and you question that score but again it's out of a 78 so that's what you have there on that agenda um just a question as well when they were doing the self assessment that the areas where they gave themselves a little lower grade seem to be PD oriented that you know more they wanted more instruction or you know about hi training and I wonder if the our administrators will be keeping that in mind maybe for future PB certainly and I think again there are administrators around the table that are grading themselves it's a self assessment and they're probably being um you know critical of their practices that they can always do better in that area and uh you know with also with Dr Morgan she conducts trainings um and meets together with her anti-bullying Specialists and they can work on other ways to promote or disuade the AC of bullying in our schools thank you anyone else T my question is about maybe two years ago only 46% of the parents were getting U the hip determination Ms do we know what the percentage is now I believe it to be 100% haven't heard of a letter that didn't go home but I'm not sure where I was not aware of 46% either so it was okay I to my knowledge everyone is receiving them anyone else any questions all right we will move on to policy Gilman I okay so this is the second reading of our revised policies uh as listed we did discuss them previous ly hopefully you had a chance to look at them again and we'll be voting on them in the regular session why not all right so it's not just me just fren is there any questions in regards to policies and regulations no all right all right um is there any old business that the board would like to discuss any new bus Workshop no all right at this time we will ask for any public comment on any item and I'll start here in the room is there any public comment no okay um Miss Conway can you hear me yes I can Madame President uh there is a commenter in the downstairs Auditorium okay we will take that commenter hi Alex Hayes uh in ochre can you hear me you can okay thanks I didn't want to move upstairs um I have a couple of comments and or questions um loving that we are continuing our recers uh agreement with the the tiered um systems of learning and just to quote the actual like contract um it talks about improving early reading performance in K through three and I know we have struggled with that as a district as a whole given recent assessment numbers so and I know we're very heavy on datadriven instruction and looking at the data so my question to miss Welden would be um are we actually uh tracking very particular students that have gone through some of the classes specific to the Ruckers um you know and to see how those specific kids are doing because not everybody is obviously K through three getting the benefit of the Ruckers program so I'm just wondering how we're tracking you know how well assumedly the Ruckers um thing is doing um the PHD study with Miss Source sounds awesome I cannot wait to hear um a little bit more of the data she calls on what motivates black and Latino students you know to be a part uh a little more of our advanced placement tests than they ever had been uh since we opened the Open Enrollment uh and it'll be interesting to see their thoughts on whether or not they did succeed so that will be great um uh the two paying students um that are coming into the high school among the something like 10 paying students that are coming perhaps um the answer to this would be identifying those two students Miss Welden so maybe you can't answer exactly but I'm wondering if those two paying students at the high school in particular um are going to be joining our awesome Spartan schools because I know part of the development of the Spartan schools is to try to get you know people from other districts to pay and to come to Ocean and that's part of the draw um so if you cannot comment at a later time on those particular students in case that identifies them um I guess my question would be how many out of District paying kids are going to participating in the Spartan schools because that would be awesome to know um ocean United uh Mr uh Hastings assuming that's true we have to pay them $3,000 for a broken goalie net if that's how I'm reading it correctly my kids belong to Ocean United so I say this while I give many a dime to Ocean United but we give them access unfettered to our district uh um fields for pennies on the dollar and now we have to pay them $3,000 for a goalie net that mindboggling to me um two other things um speaking of attorney fees uh $9,000 in special education attorney fees I'm curious you know what that's about how many cases um that is concerning that $9,000 and then finally um didn't hear anybody ask any questions about the pre-litigation demand and the easement from rising Treetops that's in the agenda um so I hope in the regular session we talk more about it it does not say it was for executive session so um curious if uh the superintendent or the Mr Hastings can talk about what the threatening to sue what the easement is what the demand is and what you all are presumably going to agree to tonight with Rising Treetops thanks thank you Mrs Hayes um is there anyone else Mrs Conway no Madam president there are no further commenters all right thank you so much um may I please have a motion to motion second all right we'll see you downstairs thank you